A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Values. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Values. Show all posts

April 30, 2013

Australia Prays For America

     How would it make you feel to know that people on the other side of the world are praying for this nation right now?  I ran across a brief news report on ChristianNewsWire.com that instantly caught my attention.  Apparently, the National Day of Prayer and Fasting in Australia is calling for 72 hours of prayer and fasting for the USA to take place from today, April 30th – May 2nd, 2013.  The appeal reads like this:  Now is the time for Australia and New Zealand and the nations of the world to stand with the USA in their hour of need. This prayer event will have profound significance for America and help turn the tide of family breakdown, crippling addictions, increasing immorality and random acts of horrific violence, as we have just witnessed in the Boston bombings.

     Wow!  That is amazing and quite humbling ...... and hopeful!  To think that men and women half a world away will be praying for our deliverance from the sins that are paralyzing us should bring each of us to our knees!  But what is even more moving to me is that Australians seem to recognize what even our own countrymen won't acknowledge.
     The reality is that it was American men who shed their blood that saved Australia from invasion from the Japanese during World War II. The battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942 sank many Japanese ships and troop carriers at great cost to American life. Even though that battle was lost, the war was won as a result. Many nations of the world have much to thank the USA for, because of their past and present sacrifices for freedom.  Wouldn't it be nice if our spiritual and political leaders felt this way about the contributions of our nation?  And wouldn't it change the nature of who we are to realize that it is God we must turn to in order to change our national destiny --- and not the Government, Science, more Laws or Quantative Easing?
     I think the Australians have truly captured the reality of our situation.  It IS our "hour of need".  We don't have much more time before we are no longer the country we were meant to be.  We are losing our liberties, our moral fiber, our rugged individualism and, yes, even our very desire to self-motivate.  The yearning to acquire all these traits is instilled in us by God; and every effort to remove Him from our society and culture has resulted in the need to pray and fast for our very survival.
     And in case you didn't know, April 30th is officially America's National Day of Repentance, and May 2nd is America's National Day of Prayer -- not that you will see it touted in this country by any who have the ability to announce it or proclaim it.  So it is up to each of us to join Australia, New Zealand and other nations of the world to pray for our own salvation.
     We are a nation worthy of prayer; both for all that we have done to help secure the freedoms of men around the world, and for the good for humanity that we can still accomplish.  But we are also a nation in need of repentance; for the atrocities we have committed against God and for the arrogance we have displayed by abandoning His principles and protection, in favor of our own lesser standards.
     So today, I will honor this call for prayer and repentance and ask that all of you join me in supplication; asking the God of all Creation to forgive us our sins, and lead us away from the temptation of Evil, as He once again blesses this land and allows us to shine His light from our shores.

Job 33:30          ".... turn them back from the pit, that the light of life may shine on them."

April 29, 2013

Duck Calls and Jesus!

     I know this is going to sound completely off the wall and undeserving of consideration, but please give me a chance to explain.  When the stresses of this crazy world and the unfolding of evil events seems ready to overwhelm me, I take a break, turn on the TV and enter into 30 minutes of pure, simple, godly entertainment.  Judge me if you must, but how am I able to give my mind a break and nourish my soul?  It's simple, really ..... it's called Duck Dynasty!

     Yep!  The redneck millionaire family from the woods of Louisiana have totally charmed me.  They represent the rags-to-riches American story.  The show's promo calls them the "close-knit family who has made a fortune on duck calls by turning a backyard business into a multi-million dollar sporting empire."  But they are so much more!
     The premise of the show is that we tune in each week to watch the antics of a Louisiana bayou family living the American dream as they operate a thriving duck call and decoy business while staying true to their family values.  But here's the real attraction .... For the Robertsons, those values relate to the grace and salvation found in Jesus Christ.  And that has put them right up against the unholy boardrooms of Hollywood.
     It seems that it is the Robertsons vs. the Editing Room.  “They pretty much cut out most of the spiritual things,” says Phil Robertson, the Patriarch and one-time honky-tonk operator who gave up his heathen lifestyle in the 1970s, “We say them, but they just don’t run them on the show.  Hollywood has run upon the kingdom of God, and there’s a rub there,” said the Duck Commander.  Phil is a tenacious personal evangelist who has baptized hundreds of souls to new life in the Ouachita River. “Well, we have to be as harmless as a dove and as shrewd as a snake in the way we deal with them.”
     Despite the spiritual material cut out of the show, the Matriarch, Miss Kay, says “We’re so blessed for what we can get in there. That’s really unknown in today’s TV on a regular, big TV network like that.”
     And this family is serious about their faith.  By taking advantage of an opportunity to be “salt and light” in the entertainment media, the Robertsons gain a voice and a presence in a culture-shaping industry.  And in so doing, they have learned to compromise; the opportunity to influence a segment of culture in very broad ways as TV personalities outweighs the disappointment they may feel when the producers cut out ‘in Jesus’ name’ at the end of every televised prayer.  In a recent comment before his church, Jase Robertson said, "“It’s a slippery slope when you’re holding Hollywood’s hand and you’re trying to accomplish something; when deep down all you want to do is proclaim that Jesus is Lord.”  Yet, somehow they manage to get their message past the program executives, and let us see who they really are.
      Maybe it's their irreverence for the trappings of this world; or their obvious love of family and the affectionate teasing that can't quite disguise their sincere attachment to each other.  Maybe it's that the grandkids are respectful of their elders.  It's refreshing to see "yes, sir" and "no, ma'am" roll effortlessly off their tongues. And it's nice to see a family that prospered through hard work and isn't afraid to take pride in their efforts.  I love the old-fashioned, down home values and the humor is honest, clean and really funny.
     Camo, guns and simple living are the norm for every show.  There is nowhere the men of the Robertson clan would rather be than in full-blown camo, face paint on, and seeing the sun rise from a duck blind. They're proud to be rednecks!
    What's more, they have no desire to become enmeshed in the empty standards of today's culture.  In fact, PLW's favorite aspect of the show is when Grandpa Phil teaches the grandkids the old ways; he's not afraid to take away the cell phones and video games and give them a taste of hard physical labor.  Other times he shows them the joys of a lazy afternoon in his pirogue; fishing out of the small, flat-bottomed boat typically used by Cajuns of the Louisiana marsh shows his grandkids that they don't need the distractions of modern society.  He instructs them that fresh air and the outdoors are still good for what ails ya.  The grandkids always receive a thinly-disguised lesson on how to live a godly life.
     I love the respect and commitment on display; not only between the Patriarch Phil and his devoted wife, Miss Kay, but between the siblings and their wives.  Every show involves an admonition to the third generation; the grandkids see the value of choosing your spouse wisely.  Then there's Miss Kay's famous cooking.  It is the honey that keeps the family buzzing around her kitchen.  And every single show ends with the extended family gathered around a long table and a mound of home-cooked Southern food, while Phil thanks God for their blessings.
     This show makes me feel good; just like The Waltons and Little House on the Prairie used to ---- except that I always end up clutching my sides in laughter.  And there is nothing like laughter to erase the frown lines brought on by the day's headlines.  So I know there will be those of you who will only see the long beards, scraggly hair and endless displays of camo.  But please don't dismiss the Robertson family so quickly!  I know I resisted it for far too long, and am busy catching up on the previous seasons.  In fact, PLW and I end each day with a 30-minute episode and they always leave us smiling and praising their faith in family and God.  What better way to cope with all the negativity in the world!

Psalm 126:2      Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”


April 19, 2013

How Are We To Cope?

     Multiple deaths and horrific injuries, all in a matter of a few days .... the Boston Marathon bombing and the blast in West, Texas have literally rocked our safe world.  Add to that, the lack of confidence in authorities as they feed us inaccurate information.  Then you have the highest government officials in the land bemoaning our elected officials actually listening to their constituents and voting down unconstitutional laws.  Isn't that what we send them to D.C. for?  It would be very easy to give in to the fear, the worry, and the paranoia.  But it's time to do a gut check!
     I realize that not everyone is at the same stage of spiritual awareness as Peace-Loving Warrior and myself.  We know that there is no political solution for what ails this country.  Politics cannot solve a spiritual problem.  In a way, we've kind of realized that it's wasted energy to go down that road.  We're tired of receiving the telephone calls and the mail asking for our support to help fight for the conservative cause.  I guess you could say we've checked out of the temporal realm and are putting all of our faith and reliance into some "higher" principles, if you will.
     I know how that must sound; as if we've gone off the deep end and aren't willing to do our part to fight for this country.  But that's where you would misunderstand.  We have just come to realize that no political position is going to fix the mess we're in, so we will just stand where we're supposed to.  We truly believe that we are here for a purpose; and while that means to uphold the freedoms and liberties we hold so dear, it also means that we are changing our focus and looking, with purpose, towards a deliverance that no man can give us.
     The speed with which this country and the world are changing is not lost on us.  We feel the efforts to "fundamentally transform" this country into something it was not meant to be, and most Americans would not agree with ---- that is, if they thought for themselves, instead of following the bread crumbs that leads them to totalitarianism.
     If nothing else, the last few days have made the following TRUTHS quite evident, and we will be hanging on to them as we prepare to face whatever comes.
     1)  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.  No matter what the next few days, weeks, months or years may bring, the evil plots of Satan and man can never put an end to the beauty and excellency of the light of our Lord.  Both light and darkness; good and evil, cannot occupy the same location.  One will always displace the other.  So PLW and I have decided to walk in that light and simply try to live a more good and moral life.  As we continue to see the decay of our culture and our freedoms, nothing can stop us from doing what we know is right and virtuous and decent.  Call it "righteous" living.  We are not afraid of that term.  It may not change the world, but it will put us on a higher plane than the darkness all around us.
     2)  There is a Divine Order, even in the midst of the chaos we are seeing.  This is a hard truth to put my hope in, but I know it is legitimate.  NOTHING happens without God's authority and for His ultimate purpose.  It may seem as if Evil is in control, but God has a purpose for allowing these events to take place.  We may not see them in our lifetime, and we need to remember that God allows things to happen for His reasons, whether or not we understand them.  I choose to hang on to the truth that God is good, just, loving, and merciful.  And I will trust Him, because I most certainly cannot trust anything man is telling me.
     3)  There is great Power in the simplest of kindnesses.  Instead of concentrating on all the harmful, wicked things we are seeing in the world, we will try to be better, kinder people; to our family, neighbors and strangers.  I know that sounds Pollyanna-ish, but here's the reality --- can you or I stop the perpetrators of the evil we saw in Boston?  Or the pain and devastation we saw in rural Texas?  No!  But can we offer something as simple as a smile to a stranger; or a hug to someone hurting; or a few minutes of our time to listen to the problems of someone who just needs somebody to care?  What if we each stepped out of our own selfish nature and saw to the needs of just one other person today?  It could change their reality .... and ours.
     I'm not saying that hanging on to these truths is going to eliminate anymore bad things from happening.  Both PLW and I see what's coming and what's headed our way.  And we both know there will be days that we feel overwhelmed by the news and the events of the world.  And on those days we will call on God to shield us; to turn our minds and hearts away from the worries, stress and anxieties.  We will remind ourselves of these truths that we embrace, and gird ourselves to stand where He has placed us.  We have all been created for this time, and there is a purpose for each of our lives.  Our strength and our hope lies in letting God direct our lives for His glory.  Nothing else matters.

Proverbs 18:10    "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe."

March 16, 2013

Just What Is A "Garden-Variety" Slap Across the Face?

     This post will be short and not-so-sweet.  This week, Vice-President Joe Biden once again showed his ignorance and lack of sensitivity.  In his attempt to explain a new Maryland Domestic Violence Initiative, (originated at the Department of Justice) Biden made the following statement:  We’ve learned that certain behaviors on the part of an abuser portend much more danger than other behaviors. For example, if an abuser has attempted to strangle his victim, if he has threatened to shoot her, if he has sexually assaulted her, and there’s a number of other signs, about eight others. These are tell-tale signs to say this isn’t your garden-variety slap across the face which is totally unacceptable in and of itself....
     His comment was made in an attempt to explain an Assessment Program being launched in Maryland.  Here is the official description of this program:  The Maryland Lethality Assessment Program uses the Danger Assessment to screen victims at crime scenes, protective order hearings, and in hospital emergency rooms. If a victim screens in as high-risk for serious injury or homicide, the first responder immediately calls the local 24- hour domestic violence hotline and encourages the victim to talk to the hotline worker. The goal of this project is to prevent domestic violence homicides and serious injuries by encouraging more victims to use shelter, counseling, advocacy, and other domestic violence services. Linking victims with services is critically important, because while these couples may be known to the criminal justice system, the victims have rarely sought help from domestic violence service providers. In the last five years, a total of 17,604 victims were identified as high risk using this tool. Fifty-nine percent spoke to a hotline counselor at the time of screening. Thirty- one percent of this group sought further services from the domestic violence programs, and none of these victims have been killed or seriously injured. At a time when some states are reporting increases in domestic violence murders, Maryland witnessed a 41% drop in intimate partner homicides over three years.
     Apparently the Program is interested only in "high-risk" victims, and perhaps they, like our esteemed Vice-President, view a slap across the face as less portentous of serious injury or homicide.  I would like to refer them to the definition of "slap":  1) a blow with the palm of one's hand or a flat object;  2) reprimand someone forcefully;  3) suddenly and directly, especially with great force.  And to further define this action as "Garden-variety" is repulsive.  There should be nothing usual, ordinary or commonplace about delivering such a blow to the face of a woman.
     If they are truly interested in eliminating domestic abuse, then any action of physical harm against a woman should be unacceptable!  Just because it doesn't result in broken bones, bleeding wounds, or God forbid, death, doesn't been it isn't just as abusive.  To attach "degrees of abuse" to any kind of assessment program does not serve the interests of women.  Shame on the Vice-President and the Department of Justice.

March 13, 2013

We Win Some, We Lose Some

     On Tuesday of this week, New York Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling ruled that the self-proclaimed Health Czar of New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, could not enforce his restriction on the sale of Plus Size sugary drinks.  That resounding applause we heard was coming from all the restaurants, movie theaters, sports venues, convenience stores and other establishments regulated by the health department.
     In a win for the Constitution, Judge Tingling stated that Bloomberg and the NYC Health Department overstepped their bounds and had no legal right to implement the ban.  The New York Post reported the following statement by the Judge:  “The rule would not only violate the separation of powers doctrine, it would eviscerate it.  Such an evisceration has the potential to be more troubling than sugar sweetened drinks.”
     What seemed to particularly irk Judge Tingling was the uneven and seemingly arbitrary enforcement of the ban.  Supermarkets and large chain stores were exempt, while small, mom-and-pop shoppes on the same block would be subject to the ban.  The Judge correctly ruled that the public health debate over sugary drinks and obesity should be in the hands of lawmakers, not city officials.
     So while Bloomberg and his Health Squad plan on appealing the decision, for now they will have to be content with letting the public use their own discretion as to when they've imbibed too much sugar.  Now there's a novel idea!  Score a point for We, The People.

     In another stunning victory for the Constitution, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that Customs and Border Protection officers do not have the right to confiscate or download every laptop or electronic device brought into the U.S. without “reasonable suspicion.”  So these agencies can no longer conduct warrantless searches of your iPhone, iPad or laptop computers.
     What this ruling means is that the Court feels we, as private citizens, have a right to expect that the data on our electronic devices remains private.  The Government must have "reasonable cause" to begin snooping through our private information.
     But before we get too excited that our Fourth Amendment to the Constitution (which ensures the right of the people to be secure in their persons, house, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures...) has been upheld, there seems to be a weak link in the ruling.
     According to Kevin Gosztola of Firedoglake, who wrote an extensive blog on this ruling, The result of the ruling is the judges appear to have concluded there should be a “reasonable suspicion” standard for forensic examination of devices beyond the initial search at the border to protect at least some of a person’s privacy that has not yet been violated. The ruling also found “password-protected files” should not be considered suspicious. But, the standard for establishing “reasonable suspicion” that led the court to reverse a previous ruling seems to be considerably weak.
     Let's just say that while I applaud the 9th Circuit's ruling on this matter, the fact that we still have the Patriot Act and a facility in the side of a mountain in Utah that is storing all our information, I'm not too inclined to think that this slap-down will deter the data mining.  Score this one as a speed bump in the  Private Data grab.

     This final ruling is sadistic and cruel.  U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill has struck down Idaho's law banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.  The original law was based on the beliefs held by physicians and others that the fetus is able to feel pain at that point.  In his 42-page decision, Judge Winmill ruled that Idaho's fetal pain law places an undue burden on a woman's right to have an abortion.  The judge went beyond his abhorrent decision by chastising the Idaho Legislature for their motives behind the fetal pain law, saying that efforts to protect a fetus don't outweigh a women's right to choose.  He is quoted as saying, "The state may not rely on its interest in the potential life of the fetus to place a substantial obstacle to abortion before viability in women's paths."
     How does this man sleep at night?  His ruling came even though the plaintiff against the State was arrested after police found her fetus in a box in January 2011. An autopsy determined it was between five and six months gestation.  The unmarried, unemployed mother of three claimed she couldn't afford the time or money it would take to travel to Salt Lake City to get an abortion, so her sister helped her access abortion-inducing drugs online.  That criminal case was eventually dismissed without prejudice for lack of evidence, but left open the possibility for prosecutors to refile.
     Apparently the judge felt that the lack of abortion doctors in this woman's region of Idaho, plus the ban on fetuses past the 20-week stage, were a gross violation of this woman's right to murder her child.  Because let's call this "piece of tissue" what it really is .... it was a Baby!  The good people of Idaho should tar and feather this federal judge!  This decision goes beyond the gross miscarriage of justice (pardon the use of that sensitive word)!  At 20 weeks, the fetus is well-formed with all ten fingers and toes and is even able to swallow.  Does that judge really think this fetus is incapable of feeling pain?
     I chose to show you a sonogram of a 20-week fetus, rather than the more graphic images of an aborted fetus at 20 weeks.  It would break your heart!  How have we come so far down this road?  And is it just the first step?  If a federal judge can rule that a woman's right to end the life of her child can happen at this stage, and just because she has to travel too far to end her baby's life, then what's to stop judges from overturning any laws that ban abortion?  If a woman should be allowed to abort at 20 weeks, why not 24 or 30?  Obviously, a woman's right to a convenient life is more important than her responsibilities as a life-giver.
     God will not be mocked!  These kinds of decisions offend Him and we will not escape His judgment.  It is my humble opinion that the deterioration of this nation has come about because we have embraced this detestable practice.  Until we quit slaughtering the innocent lives He has created, we will continue to reap the seeds of degeneracy we have sown.  Score this one for the Devil!

Proverbs 24:11-12       "Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.  If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not He who weighs the heart perceive it?  Does not He who guards your life know it?  Will He not repay everyone according to what they have done?"

March 12, 2013

Pay Attention to History!

     Seventy-five years ago today, on March 12, 1938, Nazi Germany officially "took possession of" Austria.  For several years prior, Austrian leaders had played a song-and-dance with the Chancellor of Germany, Adolph Hitler, hoping to avoid annexation and trying to maintain their independence.  But their economic woes rendered a compliant populace, who in response to a call for a public vote, overwhelmingly voted in favor of a union with Germany.  It didn't hurt that the Chief Propagandist of the Third Reich, Josef Goebbels issued false press reports that riots had broken out in Austria and that large parts of the Austrian population were calling for German troops to restore order.  It seems that manipulating the news in order to achieve political goals is not a new tactic.  See how easily martial law can be sold to the public?
      So it was on this date in history that Germany announced the "Anschluss" (Union) with Austria, and German forces crossed the border to a cheering Austrian population.  Although most Austrians will deny it, nearly 200,000 people welcomed Hitler's troops as they marched into Austria.  It didn't take long for Hitler's underlying motive to become apparent.  Some 76,000 people were arrested in the days following the "Anschluss," and a first convoy carrying 151 Nazi opponents set off for the Dachau concentration camp near Munich on April 1 --- less than a month after the peaceful takeover.  And that was just the beginning.
         The result of this malevolent union would be some 65,000 Austrian Jews who would be assassinated under the Third Reich; and 130,000 who would be forced into exile.  There would also be 50,000 Jews deported from Austria to ghettos and extermination camps.  Only 1,747 of them would return to Austria at the end of the war. (Figures from the Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team).
     It is for these very human reasons that I was shocked to read the results of an opinion poll taken by an Austrian newspaper.  TheBlaze.com reports that when Austrian citizens were asked about their opinion of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi annexation during World War II, an astonishing 42% said "life was not all bad under Hitler", while 61% said they would be interested in "a strong-armed leader who did not have to deal with democratic challenges like political opponents and elections."
     This should be alarming to the entire world!  Austria was the beginning of Hitler's dream of an empire, and the cleansing of the Jewish population was maniacal and violent.  The flames of anti-semitism were fanned in Austria and would spread throughout the Third Reich and beyond.  The embers of that old hatred are still burning, and 54% of today's Austrians said they believed neo-Nazi groups would succeed in Austrian elections this September if they were not banned there!
     So, I ask, do they not remember their history? Or like ours, has it been distorted and re-invented through the last few decades so as to render it a believable deception?  The city of Vienna held the largest concentration of Jews during the War years, and there is still a viable population in that city today.  But when the head of Vienna’s Jewish community says he has seen a doubling of the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the last year, then it's time to revisit history and gain some perspective.
Auschwitz extermination camp
     Austria was where the Nazi's began and perfected their plan of extermination for the Jews.  It began simply enough with Jews being barred from becoming real estate agents, traveling salesmen, and accountants.  Soon they were forbidden to enter the stock exchange, and then they weren't allowed to go to their safety deposit vaults without police escort.  Landlords were asked to expel Jewish tenants, and it was established that Jews could not live in flats with windows facing main streets.
     All Jews with property of more than 5000 marks had to declare it, even if it were held abroad, and Jewish children were not allowed to go to state schools or universities.  Aryan servants were not permitted to work in Jewish households; and Jewish doctors could no longer practice, even though 47% of all doctors in Vienna were Jewish.  Jewish scholars also report that 62% of all lawyers and 29% of all University professors were Jewish.
     And that's how it starts.  You marginalize a segment of the population and begin to undermine their contributions.  You spread lies and make them the enemy; you make them responsible for your economic troubles and blame them for your insufficiencies.  Most important of all, you diminish them as human beings and isolate them from society.  Hitler did all this; he saw the relative success of Jewish financiers and bankers while the rest of Germany suffered the financial ills of the country's loss in WWI.  His bigotry became hatred, which made it easy to demonize the Jews.  His nationalistic fervor excluded the Jews as an inferior race, and his promises to restore Germany to its rightful place in the world set the stage for his meteoric rise to power.
     Apparently nothing has changed.  Nearly two-thirds of the Austrian's who were polled would like to see a "strong-armed leader" take control again.  The world would be wise to pay attention to these rumblings.  I would think that the horror of what began 75 years ago today would be enough to stem the tide of such oppressive talk.  It is apparent that anti-Semitism is on the rise; and in the very countries where the atrocities were committed.  Hitler came to power because the people turned to a godlike figure to heal the nation's misery and hardships.  And, as happens throughout history, these men become deluded by their power and influence.  There is no room for compromise or cooperation.  They have the control, and Evil quickly steps in to manage their authority.
      Hitler was just another manifestation of the Evil that seeks to separate man from God.  He was a willing host.  That same Evil is on the search again, stirring up old prejudices and intolerances.  The Jews are once again in his sights, and whether it is the alarming opinion poll in Austria, or the blatant attacks by Hezbollah and Iran, we need to pray that our Almighty God, who is on His throne, will not let the world go down this road towards Holocaust again.
     Seventy-five years ago today, the world took its first step into diabolical darkness.  Pray that our walk this time will be in love and mercy, and we will remain in the Light.

Job 28:28     And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding.’ ”

March 7, 2013

This Is Who We Are!

     Last week I received a couple of emails that have been circulating around Texas the last week, because we take these things seriously.  I have related to you how Texas honored its hero, former Navy Seal Chris Kyle, after his unfortunate death.  But there were some important details about how the proud state of Texas took care of its own that you didn't hear about.  And it's time you did.
     One email was from a member of the USO who attended the funeral service at Cowboys Stadium.  As she approached the site for the service, she saw long lines wrapping around the stadium.  The crowds were larger than expected.  But Jerry Jones, the owner of the Cowboys, offered free parking, sodas and water to all in attendance.  She attended the service with a friend of hers who wore his Army uniform, in honor of Chris's military service.  Officials at the stadium advised everyone in military uniform (and there were hundreds!) to join their brothers-in-arms on the field.  As the military service members made their way down on the field, everyone in attendance stood to honor them. It took over 45 minutes for them to be seated and not once did anyone sit down.  The stadium was silent in honor of our veterans.
     Each branch of the military brought in a wreath and placed it in front of the casket, which even included one wreath from the Polish military. As one of Chris's teammates spoke, he asked all Frogmen (past and present) to stand during the reading of the SEAL creed. There must have been over 200 standing.
     But the most moving of the two emails was from the mother of a fellow Navy Seal, one of Chris Kyle's teammates.  Her email was a little more personal and spoke of the love and honor bestowed on Chris's family and teammates during the funeral service.  And through her email, she wanted people to know about all the blessings that were bestowed on those closest to Chris.  This is how Texas honors its heroes:
     Southwest Airlines flew in any SEAL and their family, from any airport they flew into, free of charge. The employees donated buddy passes and one flight attendant worked for 4 days without much of a break to see that it all happened. Volunteers were at both airports in Dallas to drive them to the hotel.
     The Marriott Hotel reduced their rates to $45 a night and cleared the hotel for only SEALs and family.  The Midlothian, Texas Police Department paid the $45 a night for each room.  The Seal mom guessed there were about 200 people staying at the hotel, one hundred of them SEALs.  And the blessings kept coming....
     Two large buses were chartered (an anonymous donor paid the bill) to transport people to the different events.  Rental cars were also donated.
     The State Police and Secret Service were on duty 24 hours while the Seal families stayed at the hotel.  At the Kyle house, the Texas Department of Public Safety parked a large motor home in front to block the view from reporters, giving the family and friends the privacy they deserved.  It remained there the entire five days for the SEALs to congregate in, and allow for use of the restroom, so as not to disturb the family.  Chris Kyle's wife, Taya, their two small children, and both sets of parents were staying in the home.   Each day the home was full of people from the church as well as other family members that would come to help.
     Nolan Ryan sent his cooking team, a huge grill and lots of steaks, chicken and hamburgers. They set up in the front yard and fed the Seals and 200 families all day long.  The next day a local BBQ restaurant set up a buffet in front of the house, and once again everyone was fed and well taken care of.  The family’s church kept those inside the house well fed.
     According to this SEAL's mother, Jerry Jones, the owner of the Cowboys, and the man everyone loves to hate, was a rock star.  He not only donated the parking and cold drinks to the public who attended the funeral service; he donated the use of Cowboy Stadium to the family.  That's who we are in Texas!  But the blessings didn't stop there .....
     The SEAL mom reports that the next day was the 200-mile procession from Midlothian, Texas to Austin for burial in the State Cemetery.  I'll let her own words describe the emotions:  It was a cold, drizzly, windy day, but the people were out. We had dozens of police motorcycles riders, freedom riders, five chartered buses and lots of cars. You had to have a pass to be in the procession, and still it was huge. Two helicopters circled the procession with snipers sitting out the side door for protection. It was the longest funeral procession ever in the state of Texas. People were everywhere. 
     The entire route was shut down ahead of us, the people were lined up on the side of the road the entire way. Firemen down on one knee; police officers holding their hats over their hearts; children waving flags; veterans saluting as we went by... Every bridge had fire trucks with large flags displayed from their tall ladders....people all along the entire 200 miles standing in the cold weather. It was so heartwarming. 
     Each SEAL put his Trident on the top of Chris' casket one at a time. A lot of them hit it in with one blow. Derek (her son) was the only one to take four taps to put his in, and it was almost like he was caressing it as he did it. Another tearful moment.
     After the service the governor's wife, Anita Perry, invited us to the governor's mansion. She stood at the door and greeted each of us individually and gave each of the SEALs a coin of Texas (she was a sincere, compassionate, and gracious hostess). We were able to tour the ground floor and then went into the garden for beverages and BBQ. 
     So many of the team guys said that after they get out they are moving to Texas. They remarked that they had never felt so much love and hospitality. The charter buses then took the guys to the airport to catch their returning flights. Derek just now called and after a 20-hour flight he is back in his spot, in a dangerous land on the other side of the world, protecting America.

     This SEAL mom just wanted to share the emotional and blessed events of a tragic day.  And I wanted to share the heart and soul of Texas.  This is who we are!  We honor those who sacrifice for us and we go out of our way to give all we can.  I am still grieved that Chris Kyle's service and his heart for his fellow brothers-in-arms has not been acknowledged by the White House.  That is shameful!  But we here in Texas don't need an official pat on the back for one of our own.  The honor we paid Chris Kyle and his fellow SEALS was sincere and heartfelt.  The love that those SEALS felt was not a publicity stunt; it was genuine and honest.  In fact, if not for this mother's email, no one would have known of the generosity of so many.
     You see, Chris Kyle was a true Son of Texas and a Child of God.  His faith allowed him to give of himself through his work on behalf of veterans with PTSD.  He did not do it for his own glory or reputation; it was done out of the goodness of his heart.  And the goodness of Texans surrounded his family and teammates during this emotional and heartbreaking time.  That's just who we are!

1 John 4:7    "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God."

March 1, 2013

All Is Not Lost!

     One can often hear complaints about our younger generation; and many of them warranted.  The values of the so-called "Millennial Generation" seem to be quite different from my generation, "the Baby Boomers".  Recently, I read too very interesting and diametrically opposed articles that compared the two generations, and discovered these interesting opinions.
     According to an article written by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs at Georgetown University, the Millennials see themselves as much more involved and advanced in dealing with global issues than us older citizens.  The technological advances of the last 20 years have focused them on the world, not just the United States, and they see that as benefiting all mankind.  While we, of the older generation, might accuse them of being lazy and glued to a computer screen, they argue that they are just able to use these tools more effectively, while building a community for their issues in a much broader forum than we could ever have accomplished through our local sphere.
     The Millennials are also proud of their levels of tolerance, which they view as far surpassing our generation.  Young Americans today believe that "there are many equally valid paths to human happiness. As a result, Millennials are more accepting of non-traditional life choices."  Unfortunately, from my perspective, they often embrace these values because God has been virtually eliminated from their cultural experience.
     On the other hand, there was an article in Forbes.com that pointed out that the differences could be stated as extrinsic vs. intrinsic.  Baby Boomers seem to be concerned with more personal standards such as self-improvement; connections and affiliations that suit their goals; as well as community with others that share their values (such as Church & Family).  Millennials seem to be focused on "money, fame and image", values that speak to acceptance by a global body.  Narcissist is a label you often hear aimed at the younger generation; resulting in a growing sense of entitlement and disengagement from others, as they concentrate on satisfying their need for recognition and acceptance.  (Facebook and Twitter have made millions feeding into that egotism).  They are accused of it being "all about them"; in effect, they are criticized as the "Me Generation". 
     There has been and always will be a difference in the generations.  That's nothing new.  And I'm absolutely positive that my grandparents generation felt mine was lazy and self-absorbed, too.  But the point of this post is not to slam the young, because I want to bring two quick stories to your attention; stories that will renew your hope in our posterity.  I'm sure you've seen them, or heard about them, but they bear repeating if they warm the heart of just one reader.
     The first is the story of Jhaqueil Reagan, whose regard for the principle of hard work paid off.  It is the story of an 18-year-old willing to walk ten miles in the snow and ice for the hope of a minimum-wage job.  His mother passed away a year ago, and he had struggled to complete his GED.  Now he needed a job.  And he was willing to do whatever it took to try and get a job.  No handout, no sense of entitlement; just taking responsibility for himself. 
      It was during that long cold walk that his fortune changed.  He happened upon a businessman who owned a small restaurant and answered Jhaqueil's question as to how far it was to his destination.  Never asking for a ride or money for a bus ticket, he so impressed that owner with his remarkable work ethic, that he now has a job and a champion.  
     In a Youtube video, Art Bouvier, that owner, tells why he decided to hire Jhaqueil and how the young man's commitment to get a job moved him.  How long has it been since you've seen anyone willing to go to that length to get a job, any job?  Here is a member of the younger generation that is willing to pay his dues and do whatever it takes to gain employment.  This story made my heart sing!
     Then there is the story of Mitchell Marcus, a mentally handicapped student in El Paso who lives for his high school basketball team.  Every game he assists the coach as team manager and biggest fan.  Well, the last game of the season the coach had a surprise for him.  He told Mitchell to suit up with the team, and with a minute-and-a-half left in the game and a 10-point lead, Coach Peter Morales put Mitchell in the game.
     Coach Morales had decided that it was worth a possible loss of the game to give Mitchell "his moment in time."  (Bravo, Coach!)  Hoping to give Mitchell a memory of a lifetime, his teammates fed him the ball, but Mitchell just couldn't quite get the job done.  He missed shot after shot, and accidentally knocked the ball out of bounds on his last possession.  Coach Morales was disappointed for Mitchell, but hoped that just being in the game would make him happy.
     But that's not the end of the story!  With seconds remaining, opposing player Jonathon Montanez stood on the sidelines with the ball and called out to Mitchell.  Then Mitchell, hearing his name, turned towards Montanez, who tossed him the ball.  Mitchell knew exactly what to do.  He turned towards the basket, tossed the ball in the air, and ....... Swish!  The stands erupted!  I dare you to watch the video and not shed a tear.   When asked why he turned the ball over to Mitchell, Montanez said, "I was “raised to treat others how you want to be treated. I just thought Mitchell deserved his chance, deserved his opportunity.”  When you watch this video, you can see and feel the hearts of Coach Morales, Jonathon Montanez, and Mitchell Marcus --- proof that this generation is not all about "me", but is quite capable of showing unconditional love for others.  This story made my soul sing!
     In these anxious times, we need to see and hear and feel these kinds of stories.  It renews our hope, and heaven knows we need that these days!  These young men are the promise of a brighter future; our assurance that the goodness of man will not fade away and that compassion and goodwill towards men still reigns on earth.  Thank you, God, for these glimpses of hopefulness and optimism.  We know they come from You!

Hebrews 10:24-25    And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

February 25, 2013

Tim Tebow: A Missed Opportunity

    As I am sure you have all heard by now, Christian icon and celebrated football star Tim Tebow has cancelled his scheduled appearance at a controversial mega-church in Dallas, Texas.  I say "controversial" because Robert Jeffress, the senior pastor of First Baptist Church, has been painted as a "hate-monger" for some of his out-spoken theological opinions.
     I urge you to research his comments on your own; some of which have been noted on The Huffington Post's blog.  Don't accept their opinion, nor anyone else's, for that matter --- not even mine.  You can find a multitude of his opinions by just googling his name.  But read them all, not just a select few.  Read what he has said; compare them to Scripture, and then make up your own mind.  Are they his opinion only?  Are they Biblical?  Do his remarks stand the test of traditional Christian doctrine?  Or are they the ravings of a bigoted preacher, teaching a false doctrine?  You should decide for yourself.
     But, I don't want to get sidetracked from my objective with this post.  It is not to dissect Pastor Jeffress's theological positions.  I have my own opinion, but I don't think his preaching is even the most important facet of this story.  It is, instead, the actions of Mr. Tebow.
     I have been a fan of Tim's; of his willingness to wear his faith on his sleeve (or at the very least, on his Eye Black during football games).  He has not shied away from the importance of Christ in his life --- at least, not until now.
     I can't know his heart; nor can any of us.  Only he knows the true reasons he cancelled his scheduled appearance.  According to news reports, he cited "personal and professional reasons" and a "need to avoid controversy".  And he took to Twitter to express a more personal apology:  While I was looking forward to sharing a message of hope and Christ's unconditional love with the faithful members of the historic First Baptist Church of Dallas in April, due to new information that has been brought to my attention, I have decided to cancel my upcoming appearance.  I will continue to use the platform God has blessed me with to bring Faith, Hope and Love to all those needing a brighter day.  Thank you for all of your love and support. God Bless!
     So here's the thought that keeps screaming in my head .... If you wanted to share a message of Christ's love, WHAT WAS STOPPING YOU, TIM?  If you disagreed with Pastor Jeffress's theology, wouldn't that have been the perfect opportunity to repudiate it?  And if you were only worried about your pubic image in appearing at the controversial church, wouldn't you have enhanced it by showing Christ's love and proclaiming His message?   Christ should have been at the center of your decision, not your reputation or public perception.
     If I had been advising this young Christian man of faith, I would have reminded him that Faith is active, not passive.  And Faith involves risks, not playing it safe.  "A need to avoid controversy?"  That can never be a part of the Christian's playbook!  
     Yesterday, I heard a wonderful sermon by John Maisel, a decorated Marine from the Vietnam War, as well as a celebrated football star himself at OSU.  John has made it his life's mission to reach as many people as he can for Jesus Christ.  Much of his ministry was behind the Iron Curtain during Communist Russia's reign.  He has written a book titled, Radical Trust, in which he recounts the eagerness with which new Believers in foreign countries embrace the Gospel; and they possess a great enthusiasm and desire to share it with others.  They are vocal about what Jesus means to them.
     We, here in the United States, seem to be comfortable to sit in our churches, safe in our salvation.  We aren't vigorous about our faith, and don't publicly reach out to the lost.  When was the last time you engaged in a conversation with a new acquaintance about God? Somehow, we have become unwilling to risk even embarrassment or public ridicule to proclaim Jesus Christ, while Believers in China, Syria, Iran, Nigeria, and Egypt are risking their lives!  They know that God has one agenda, and that agenda is His Son, Jesus Christ.  And the Son's agenda is, has always been, and will be until He returns, to reach the Lost. 
     As Mr. Maisel so eloquently stated in his sermon, "God has placed each of us where we are with Divine and Strategic importance.  It is no accident that you are where you are.... And anytime God asks us to do something, He plans on getting involved in the process."  
     So I would have advised Tim Tebow to not be afraid.  Yes, Tim, God has given you a great platform to share your faith.  And the eyes of this country (if not the world) would have been upon you, had you chosen to appear in Dallas and speak on behalf of Christ.  You see, it should never have been about you or Pastor Jeffress --- it should have been about Jesus!
       But you decided to play it safe.  Apparently, you didn't have the "radical trust" in Jesus that He would be involved in that occasion.  You forgot to factor Him into the equation.  By choosing the comfortable way out, and avoiding the risk, I believe that you missed a great opportunity to show what it means to have the courage of your faith.  Sadly, I am disappointed.  
1 Corinthians 16:12-14     "Now about our brother Apollos—I urged him to visit you with the other believers, but he was not willing to go right now. He will see you later when he has the opportunity. Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.  And do everything with love."

February 13, 2013

In Honor Of A Hero

     On Monday, family, friends and fellow heroes honored slain Navy Seal Chris Kyle in Cowboy Stadium in Dallas, Texas.  At his funeral, his life was celebrated and recognized by those who loved him best: his wife and children who shared him with his country, and his brothers-in-arms who shared his life of sacrifice for the rest of us.
     Yesterday, along a 200-mile stretch from Midlothian, Texas (where Kyle resided) to the Texas State Cemetery in Austin, thousands of "the rest of us" paid their respects to a man who gave it all; and gave it from his heart.  It was raining in Texas yesterday, but that didn't prevent Americans from showing up to let Chris Kyle's family know that they acknowledge and appreciate the sacrifice he (and they) have made.
     All along I-35, flags were lining the route as military personnel, first responders and the Patriot Guard escorted the procession.  In case you are unaware of who the Patriot Guard is, they are a diverse group of motorcycle riders from across the nation, who volunteer, out of respect, to attend the funerals of fallen American heroes.  They have two objectives:  1) to show respect for the fallen heroes, their families and communities; and 2) to shield the mourning families from interruptions by protesting groups, such as the Westboro Baptist Church.  Yes, they would try to make their disgusting presence known.  But the Kyle family requested the presence of the Patriot Guard and they responded, coming from all over the country.
     But it was the faces of the men, women and children who lined the route in the cold and the rain that told of America's deep admiration for Chris, and men like him.   It's the only way we know how to say "thank you."  We realize that he is, in so many ways, better than us.  He's willing to stand in the gap for us, to face evil men who wish to kill us, our families, and our way of life.  And in doing so, he is willing to lay down his life for us. Then, when by the grace of God, he is able to lay down his arms and come home to his family, he continues to sacrifice for others.  Once again, he steps into the gap to help fellow soldiers who suffer from the ravages of war that prey on their minds and souls.  He sells his own story of incredible exploits and accomplishments, and devotes all the proceeds to fellow soldiers.  These levels of sacrifice are beyond what is demanded or expected from any of us.  Yet, Chris Kyle did them without fuss or fanfare.  He modeled his Christian faith and put his fellow man first.
     Can you say you would do the same?  I cannot, and I dare say, neither can most of America.  And so they line the highway, expressing their gratitude with a show of our flag; the symbol that Chris Kyle fought for, sacrificed for, and loved so well.  Thank you seems too shallow, and Respect  is not a big enough word for what we want to express.  Perhaps we want to say to Chris, "You will never be forgotten, and your death will not be in vain.  As of this writing, Glenn Beck's Mercury One organization has raised over $600,000 from Americans like me, who have pledged to stand in the gap for you, and take care of your family's needs, as well as continue your efforts to help you help soldiers with PTSD.  It's the least we can do."
     After the procession passes, the flags will be stored, and people will return to their lives.  But Chris Kyle will live on in the hearts of those who stood in the driving rain yesterday.  His story will burn in the memory of every child present, and they will know what it means to stand for something and offer their talents and their love of freedom on behalf of others.  Chris Kyle loved his family, his home state of Texas, and America with the full force of his personality.  God has welcomed Chris home, and I pray that his sacrifices will result in unparalleled honor for this man and his God.
Psalm 112:8-10      "Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honor."

February 9, 2013

Me and Sam Adams: A History Lesson

     You have heard it said that our Constitution and our Founding Fathers are irrelevant to the modern age.  But if you've read my blog for any length of time, you know that I am obsessed with this time period in our nation's history.  I am in such awe of how this country came to be, and admire the men and women who stood up to a tyrant king and fought to establish something that had never existed before ... a country based on "the natural rights of man".  I hope to show you today that those sentiments are just as pertinent as they were nearly two and a half centuries ago.
     Perhaps you are familiar with the fact that the Founding Fathers were fond of using the terms, "natural rights", "Laws of Nature" and "unalienable rights", but aren't really sure what they mean.  Let's start with "unalienable". It figures prominently in our Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights ... 
     I would venture to say that most Americans have a distorted idea of what "unalienable" means.  I would further conclude that they think it takes its meaning from the word "alien", signifying that these "unalienable" rights were unfamiliar or foreign to men of that time.  That is a wrong interpretation, and we actually mispronounce the word altogether.  In 1776, when the Declaration was written, this word was not pronounced as un-alien-able; the correct enunciation was un-a-lien-able, as in "a lien", a form of security interest granted over an item of property to secure the payment of a debt.  For instance, the bank holds a lien against your car, until the note is paid off.
     So now you can see the true meaning of this most important phrase in one of our most important founding documents:  the natural rights that have been given to us by God are not subject to a lien by any king or ruler; they are ours to possess outright.
     And just what are those "natural" rights?  We're all familiar with the language of the Declaration, which says "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness".  But my favorite Founding Father, Sam Adams, expands on this idea and gives us a fuller picture of what our rights from God are.   In 1772, he wrote, "Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: first, a right to life; second, to liberty; third, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. These are evident branches of ... the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature. All men have a right to remain in a state of nature as long as they please; and in case of intolerable oppression, civil or religious, to leave the society they belong to, and enter into another.... Now what liberty can there be where property is taken away without consent?" 
     Can you see how far off track we have gotten?  CNN reports that one in six Americans receive some form of government assistance.  They have abandoned "the duty of self-preservation", and in doing so, no longer possess liberty to pursue their lives as they might dream.  In addition, they have become slaves of the State, their Life and their Happiness is at the whim of a benevolent Master.
     It seems as if America is splitting in half ---- those who are content to receive what the government will hand out; and those who are desperate to live their lives as free men, unencumbered by the heavy hand of an oppressive authority.  I am reminded that it was so in 1776 America, as well.  Only one-third of the colonists believed strongly enough in the "radical" notion of these God-given rights to battle the despotic King George III.  The other two-thirds either could not see the value of living their lives unfettered and unchained, or believed wholeheartedly in the Nanny State and the inability of citizens to rule themselves.   They were content to receive whatever was handed out, or placated with money and power from the "system".  Either way, they were at odds with the fire of free will that burned in the hearts of men such as Sam Adams.
     Mr. Adams was something of a firebrand, and was not afraid to confront his fellow countrymen over their subservient nature.  What he had to say to them in 1776 is just as relevant today.  Ponder his words:  "If ye love wealth better than liberty, [and] the tranquility of servitude [better] than the animated contest of freedom -- go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!"
     We are at a time in our nation's history when you must choose your path.  Are you willing to crouch down to those that promise to feed you?  Or are you willing to stand for something more honorable and noble?  Will you depend on the iron fist for your crust of bread, or will you make your own loaf?  Sam Adams was among a unique corps of men who understood that the right to make of themselves what they wished could never be compromised.  It was a truth they understood as "self-evident".  And they were willing to sacrifice their very lives for it.  Are you?

Psalm 119:44-47    "I will always obey your law, for ever and ever.  I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.  I will speak of your statutes before kings and will not be put to shame, for I delight in your commands because I love them."

February 7, 2013

Are We Raising A Nation of Sissies?

     Yesterday I felt compelled to honor Chris Kyle, the former Navy Seal who was murdered last weekend.  As I said at the end of my post, I hope his warrior spirit will be instilled into our nation's sons.  Unfortunately, if our culture continues down its current path, little boys will have no chance to develop those innate instincts.
     I am just flabbergasted at the new "rules" being instigated against our children.  In just the last few weeks, I have run across several stories that would have been unheard of when I was growing up.  Let me just give you a few examples:  Three six-year olds in Maryland were playing cops and robbers on the playground, when they made the universal hand sign for a gun.  They were all assigned suspension for the simple act of pointing their fingers and saying, "Pow."
     According to school officials, Rodney Lynch threatened a student by pretending to shoot him with his "finger gun."  How else are you supposed to play cops and robbers?  Sit down and have a negotiation?  The school counselor said, "I don't believe there was any malicious intent."  How generous of you!  What happened to taking the time and the opportunity to educate children about the difference between pretending and using an actual gun?   Don't you think those six-year-old boys would benefit more from an explanation than a suspension?
     Then I'm sure you've heard of the 5-year-old girl from Pennsylvania who was suspended after telling a friend she was going to shoot her with a pink toy gun that spits out bubbles --- a toy gun she didn't even have with her!  Someone tattled on the little girl who was taken to the principal's office the next day and questioned, without a parent being present.  She was labeled "a terrorist threat", suspended for 10 days and ordered to be evaluated by a psychologist.  The family attorney was able to get her sentence reduced to a 2-day suspension, but she now has a permanent record establishing her as a troubled student.  By the way, the "terrorist" label has been expunged from her record; it now just states she meant to harm another student; again, what a magnanimous gesture by the administration.  All of this over a pink "Hello Kitty" bubble machine that authorities think represents a gun.  I shudder to think how this innocent episode will haunt this little girl for the rest of her life.
     The latest story is that of second-grader Alex Evans, who was playing “rescue the world” at recess when he threw a pretend grenade at a make-believe box full of “evil forces.”  There wasn’t actually anything in his hand, nor was there a real box.
     “I was trying to save people and I just can’t believe I got 'dispended' ,” Alex said.  After demonstrating how the game is played, he said he threw the fake grenade at the box “so nothing can get out and destroy the world.”  PLW's response?  "Do you know how many fake grenades I threw on the playground and in the woods behind my house? Way to go, Alex!" I second that sentiment.  We need more boys willing to fight Evil.
     Instead, Alex was guilty of defying the school's "Absolutes":
1. No Physical Abuse or Fights – real or “play fighting”
2. No weapons (real or play), illegal drugs (including tobacco) or alcohol
3. No serious disrespect toward people or property (includes, but is not limited: profanity, racial slurs, deliberately refusing to follow a staff directive, graffiti, etc.)
     I don't think any of us would argue that no fighting, no weapons, and no drugs are good rules to enforce.  We all grew up with the same rules, and they ensure a safer environment on the playground.  But when you begin to limit the imaginations of children during their play time, then you create social robots.  It is natural for little boys to play "war"; they are wired for it.  PLW and I have a three-year old Godson, Hunter, who breathes, sleeps and dreams of being Achilles.  He has watched the battle scenes in the movies "Troy" and "The 300" more times than you could count, and knows all the sword moves; you'd better not turn your back on him!  His parents are careful to censor the sex and violence - he only gets to watch the tactics of the warriors' swordplay.  (Side note: what does a trained warrior do if he doesn't have a scabbard for his sword?  Why, stick it in his underwear, of course!  You must be ever resourceful and adaptable!)  But my point is that it is natural for him to be drawn to that warrior mentality. It's not something he was taught.  He was mesmerized from the first time he saw the fight scene between Achilles and Hector when he was two.  This is not a passing fancy.  God made him that way.  And he is learning critical thinking; how to thrust and parry and how to defend himself against an imagined enemy.  Denying him this instinctive behavior, would be denying the essence of who Hunter is.
     There are some boys who are made to be engineers; whose brains just naturally want to know how something is designed and put together.  Others, like Chris Kyle and my own PLW (Jeffrey Mark literally means "Peace-loving Warrior" for those new to my blog), are inherently going to pick up a gun and want to know how to use it to defend the defenseless.  That's how their brains work.
     But our society has decided that we need a cultural and biological makeover; that somehow if we eliminate the natural tendencies from our hyper-agressive boys, we will have a kinder, gentler, more equitable citizenry.   I contend that preventing our boys from playing cops and robbers; destroying Evil in "Rescue the World"; pretending to go to battle in the Trojan War;  and yes, even partaking in "violent" football games will render us a nation of compliant, submissive and docile slaves.
     But pardon me if I am confused about something.  Let me get this straight .... we can't allow our children to "play" with an imaginary finger gun or throw an imaginary grenade.  But it's OK for Hollywood and the video game industries to push their violent games of war that go way beyond "playing", and are barely distinguishable from reality?  There's a mixed message here and I can't figure out the end game.  I am sure it has something to do with "re-education."  But as for me, I am encouraged to see that there are still boys like Rodney, Alex and Hunter.  God bless their parents for letting "boys be boys".  Let their imaginations soar!

Psalm 132:12     "If your sons keep my covenant and the statutes I teach them, then their sons will sit on your throne for ever and ever."


February 6, 2013

Chris Kyle: The Best of the Best

     I am still reeling from the shock of Chris Kyle's murder.  No matter what you thought of his outspokenness or brash personality, the man had the creds to back it up.  No one can dispute his title of "the most lethal sniper in American military history," with 160 confirmed kills.  His Wikipedia profile gives you his "official" resume:  He served four tours in the second Iraq war, and was awarded the Bronze and Silver Star medals multiple times. Iraqi insurgents dubbed him the "Devil of Ramadi" and offered an increasing bounty for his head. He was shot twice, and was involved in six IED attacks. He separated from the U.S. Navy with an honorable discharge in 2009 to spend time with his family. He remained in the spotlight, and wrote an autobiography, American Sniper, which became an instant best-seller.  Chris donated all the proceeds of his book to the families of his fallen friends.
     This is the Chris Kyle the MSM will now exploit, along with the manner of his death.  We are in the early days of this tragedy and I'm sure the story and the details will change with time.  He was reportedly shot and killed, along with a friend, Chad Littlefield, as they allegedly tried to help a fellow soldier suffering (again allegedly) from PTSD.  That story now seems to be morphing into one of simple robbery as a motive, or perhaps something even more sinister.  (I will let the conspiracy theorists prove whether there is any truth to these claims).  The intentions of both Chris and Chad, along with the location of the murder threaten to obscure the legacy of this American warrior.  For me, the story is not about the danger of guns in the hands of alleged PTSD-sufferers, or the fact that Chris and Chad had gone to a gun range to provide help for a troubled veteran.
     What you really need to know is that Chris Kyle had a heart as big as his reputation.  According to his brother, Jeff, his personal motto was "It is our duty to serve those who serve us."  He died living up to that credo.  Both Chris and Chad were described as loving fathers, husbands, sons and friends, who believed in God and country; they didn't just believe in those tenets, they acted on them.  They put their fellow man before themselves and were patriots and heroes in every sense of the word.
     I cannot stand by as I hear former Presidential candidate Ron Paul so callously tweet his political bias.  Yes, Chris Kyle "lived by the sword", but that wasn't the reason for his untimely death.  How dare his military career and patriotism be called into question, because Mr. Paul sees an opportunity for one more salvo against America's "unconstitutional foreign wars."  As for it not "making sense" to go to a range to offer assistance to someone suffering from PTSD, anyone who knows the gun culture in Texas and in this nation as a whole, sees nothing amiss.  That's what Chris Kyle did; what he was comfortable with.   That's where he could best reach out to a fellow comrade-in-arms.  Soldiers and civilians alike go to gun ranges for recreation, camaraderie and relaxation.  There are those who like to share a round of golf, or shoot a few hoops.  Shooters go to the gun range.  Period. End of Story.
     Yet, I don't want this to be the end of Chris Kyle's story.  He stood for so much that is good about the American Patriot Warrior.  He loved this country, went to war when the nation called on him, and became the best sniper he could be.  It is a testament to his loyalty and commitment that Kyle never received the Purple Heart, even though he had been wounded.   He refused to allow the paperwork to be submitted because it would have caused automatic separation from his unit for a minimum amount of time. Instead, he did his job without losing his soul, and then came home to dedicate his life to his family and to those who shared his love of country.
     Chris Kyle's story need not become mired in the ugliness of his death.  We can honor him and all the other special operations warriors who are willing to put themselves in unimaginable danger to safeguard our liberties.  They are a different breed of men; called to the sound of battle and willing to put themselves between us and the enemy.  PLW and I have had the honor to meet Marcus Luttrell, another former Navy Seal from Texas, and author of Lone Survivor.  And I can tell you that these men deserve our utmost respect and veneration.  Yet they are humble; never seeking glory or praise.  They have a special bond among themselves, that we in the civilian sector cannot discern and will never share.  We can only admire them from afar.
     But we must never forget that we owe our freedoms to men such as Chris Kyle.  And how do we best honor his memory?  By promoting that love of God and country; that "warrior spirit" in our sons.  As long as there is a Chris Kyle or a Marcus Luttrell who are willing to put themselves through rigorous training and in the line of fire, then we stand a chance of remaining a free nation.  If we allow his achievements and his sacrifice to become lost in the media blitz, then the ranks of our heroes will disappear.  Let's not let his death be used to further an agenda that Chris vociferously challenged.  Instead, let his life symbolize what it means to be an American Patriot and Hero, and let us encourage more Chris Kyles.

If you would like to donate to the Chris Kyle Memorial Fund to help support his family and foundation, click here.

Zechariah 10:5    "Together they will be like warriors in battle trampling their enemy into the mud of the streets. They will fight because the Lord is with them, and they will put the enemy horsemen to shame."