A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

January 14, 2025

"My People Perish For Lack of Knowledge"... And We Will Be Held Accountable

In the wake of the recent tragedies in our country -- North Carolina, New Orleans, and now California -- the two Biblical precepts in today's title come to mind. God speaks of them separately, yet my spirit is perceiving how they will ultimately be connected at the Lord's Return. 

To be honest, I am amazed at the lack of knowledge and understanding by the world (including far too many in The Church) of who God is and who we are to be in Him. It is important that all the people on earth know and comprehend the seriousness of what should be a familiar verse, Hosea 4:6:  "My people perish for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children". 

Lack of what knowledge you might ask? The prophet Hosea speaks to the children of Israel in Chapter 4, but his warning applies to all of God's creation, whether they acknowledge Him, or not. He warns the children of Israel [and therefore us] ... Hear the Word of the LORD; For the LORD brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land: "There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land". And let me remind you that there is no excuse for not knowing God. He makes Himself known in the beauty of a sunrise, in the birth of a child, in the touch of a hand to the hurting, and in the power of the ocean, a bolt of lightning or an earthquake. But the most significant evidence of His existence is the relationship we form with Him in our hearts and spirits -- if we seek Him and let Him in.

Take a moment and consider those two verses again. The Creator of the Universe not only makes it clear that we will perish for our lack of knowledge of Him, but that He will, in reality, reject and destroy us; and our generations will cease to exist. That shouldn't be taken lightly! Furthermore, Romans 14:12 tells us that each of us will give an account of ourselves before God. We will all stand before Him one day and be held accountable for our time here on earth; for all we've done [and not done], and for every word spoken. 

But from the beginning of man's creation, we have surrendered to the temptation of thinking we know better than He does; that the mind of the created is greater than that of the Creator. Therefore man doesn't seek the wisdom and knowledge of God, The Creator; nor does he make the effort to know and understand His Word, which provides His moral and social laws that result in righteous and rewarding lives for all who follow Him. Instead, mankind determines that he knows best how to create a socially diverse, equitable, and inclusive society that will benefit everyone -- of course, without any moral guidelines, other than whatever meets our individual needs -- and that becomes our relative truth. 

So, how has that worked out over the past few years and months for the citizens of our country? Let me be clear, this is not meant to be a political statement. I call our attention to this perspective out of a sincere concern for the welfare of our fellow Americans -- no matter your skin color, gender preference, age, political affiliation, or social class, we were created to take care of each other and honor the One who created us. That means, as a follower of Jesus, I believe in His Word that says we are to hold each other accountable while on earth for our words and actions. That calls for openness and honesty, especially when operating in positions whose job is to help our neighbors. Instead, I see self-serving men and women making excuses for bad social policies, and all too willing to blame others and not be accountable for their decisions. And it costs unnecessary suffering and injustice. 

That's why 2 Corinthians 5:10 should strike fear into anyone who has no knowledge of His Creator and thinks he can make of his life whatever suits him, regardless of how it effects others. This critical verse tells us that "we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad".  You see, there will come a day when that lack of knowledge will cost you your life [here and for eternity] -- if you don't know Him. And every self-centered deed or careless action that benefited yourself [while harming others] will be revealed, and instead of a reward for serving God, you will "receive what is due you" by our Holy and Righteous God.           

As citizens, we are called to submit to the authority of our leaders, but that is difficult when we have no confidence that they will fulfill their duties and responsibilities to keep watch over us, as those who know they must give an account. But we have responsibilities, too, and we will give an accounting for how well we guarded the rights and blessings bestowed on us [by God] as citizens of this great nation. We must take responsibility for who we voted for and the policies they supported. Were they good for the community and nation? Too many people got pulled along by false promises and hopes of ill-gotten gain on the backs of the less fortunate. We will stand before Jesus regarding our actions, as well. 

As Christians, if we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that the thousands of people in North Carolina suffering through a cold winter without adequate housing; or the violent attacks in New Orleans and the streets of our cities; and the tremendous loss of life, homes, and businesses in the beautiful hills of Los Angeles -- it all could have been avoided. But we have not demanded nor voted for righteous leadership in this nation for a long time. How long did we expect God to turn a blind eye to our mismanagement of this blessed land? "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked (Luke 12:48)". The truth is, we have not safeguarded what the Lord has given us; nor demanded the same from our leaders. And we wonder why we seem to be judged? Here's the answer ... "There is no truth, or mercy, or knowledge of God in the land."

Romans 1:20      For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. 

January 10, 2025

Take Heart! You Can Count on God's Promises!

As one who has counted on [and received] personal promises from God -- both for myself and my husband -- I am honest enough to admit that Satan still tempts me with moments of doubt and anxiety. As I battle these spirits of deception, I cling to the certainty that His Grace and Mercy will always be sufficient to help me through these struggles, until I can regain my focus on my Savior. You see, I understand that His Grace includes His power in me to help me do what I cannot accomplish on my own.

I know that all of God's promises are reflected in Jesus. My part in believing those promises is to, not only, trust the vision of Jesus that is portrayed in the Bible, but to trust in the power of the One that presents Himself to me daily. Jesus, Himself, trusted in the power of God's promises when He declared, "I am that Bread of Life. (John 6:48); "I am the Light of the World (John 8:12); and "I am the Resurrection and the Life" (John 11:25). The trust that Jesus had in God's power to raise Him from the dead gave Him the confidence to make those bold statements, and to carry out His purpose for the Kingdom. The same confidence is available to us when we trust in our promises from God.  

So, what is the power of the promises that God has given us? What is it that we can place our faith in eternity on? Consider the following promises to you and what they say about God's character:

1. He has promised to supply every need we have. The Bible says: "But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Notice that God promises to meet our needs, which would include food, clothing, shelter, companionship, love, and salvation, all through Jesus. It does not include the superficial "needs", as the world translates that word. All our needs [in order to survive] are met in Jesus. 

2. God has promised that His children will not be overtaken with temptation. Instead, He assures us that a way of escape will be provided. This promise is recorded in 1 Corinthians  10:13, where the Bible tells us that there is no temptation that we endure that is not common to man. When I am attacked by spirits of temptation, it gives me great comfort to know that God will not let me be tempted beyond what I can handle. Jude wrote: "Now unto Him, who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy" (Jude v. 24). Darious, King of the Medes, said to Daniel, "Your God, whom you continually serve, He will deliver you" (Daniel 6:16). And God delivered Daniel is so many ways; least of all from a den of lions. That same magnitude of deliverance is available to us when we believe and trust in God's promises.  

3. God has promised us victory over death. Jesus was the first fruits of God's resurrecting power, and this to assure us of our own resurrection at the end of Days. Peter said: "This Jesus has God raised up, whereby we are all witnesses (Acts 2:32). Paul wrote to the Corinthians: "For I delivered to you, first of all, that which I also received, how Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Later on, he adds: "but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 15:57). The Victory is God's, the Victor is Jesus, and we are the beneficiaries of their defeat over Death.

4. God has promised that all things work together for good to those who love and serve Him faithfully (Romans 8:28). It may be difficult [at times] for us to see and understand how this is accomplished, but God has promised it and He will deliver. How many times have we looked back on an event in our lives that we felt was devastating, or a failure? Has time revealed that God was taking you down a path that resulted in blessings beyond your imagination? We need to cling to this verse, knowing that God will always be faithful to complete the good work He has begun in us. 

5. God has promised that those who believe in Jesus and are baptized for the forgiveness of their sins will be Saved. (Read Mark 16:16 and Acts 2:38). I think we sometimes take these verses too lightly. Believing in Jesus is more than just a statement of faith; it is living our lives so that they are evidence of our belief, trust, and confidence in Him for every aspect of our daily existence. And being baptized is an important step that shows the spiritual realm to whom you belong. It is a testimony to Satan and his servants that you have chosen a side and you are in this battle for the eternal glory of God. When we take this step, we can expect that the forces in the spiritual realms will see us as the enemy, but we have the promise of God that we will be saved from our enemies (Psalm 18:3). 

6. God has promised His people eternal life (John 10:27-28). This is the promise that we won't realize until we have conquered Death. This is the hope for which we long; the hope that Jesus instilled in our hearts when He sent the Holy Spirit to indwell us. This is the promise for which my spirit praises God, and the pledge that Jesus has given me by providing the means of my salvation from God's coming wrath against the wicked. 

7. God has promised that "those who wait on the Lord, will renew their strength. They will mount up on the wings of eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow faint" (Isaiah 40:31). This promise is particularly meaningful to me as I enter into the twilight of my years on earth. In addition, the Lord has let me know that this is the verse He wants me to cling to. I have come to understand that "waiting on the Lord" embodies the idea of the hope I have in finishing strong in this life; that I will accomplish my purpose(s) here on earth, never faltering, and finishing my race. I will finish strong because the Lord lives in me, and it is His power in me that will see me through to the end.

As we can see, all of God's promises DO find their affirmation in Jesus Christ, our Savior. Through Jesus the purposes of God are established -- our needs are met; His Grace will always be enough; we will be able to withstand temptation, we will have victory over Death; God will complete the work He has begun in our life; we will receive salvation and forgiveness of our sins; we will finish our race strong and spend eternity in God's Holy Presence -- and it is all accomplished through our faith in Jesus, and for the immeasurable Glory of our God. So, don't let the darkness of these days overwhelm the Truth of God's Promises. He still reigns in His Power, Authority, and Sovereignty. The powers of this world will not and cannot defeat Him or us! Hallelujah!

2 Corinthians 1:20    For all the promises of God find their "Yes" in Him. That is why it is through Him that we utter our "Amen" to God for His Glory.        

January 6, 2025

How Should A Christian Respond to Lawlessness?

I can certainly understand the sense of fear and hopelessness that might be gripping our nation in the wake of the violent attacks against our Homeland this past week. America has largely escaped the terror that the rest of the world has lived in during our modern era. We have always been able to live our lives in relative peace and freedom; going about our days without the extreme fear and trepidation that harm or death awaits us. But we are now experiencing a heightened sense of foreboding that is both unfamiliar and alarming. The chaos and lawlessness that have risen have the clear signature of God's Enemy imprinted all over them.

But how should a Christian respond and react to the rebellion that is at the heart of this turmoil? Doesn't this lawlessness come down to the rejection of God's standards of righteousness and His absolute Truth? So, shouldn't our response be in defense of [and the exercise of] Christ's Love and Truth? Sounds too simple in the face of the images flashing across our TV and phone screens, doesn't it? Yet, that's exactly what our Lord did in the midst of the lawlessness He faced. And He knew what was coming!

It is time that believing Christians [and I don't use that term lightly], come to a spiritual place of Trust in the Sovereignty of the Lord. This is not the time to rest on your reputation as a Christian. It is the time to really live your Faith! I believe we are living in the Last Days. And if you are a True Christian, then you know the implications of that terminology. The Bible tells us that Good will be called Evil, and Evil called Good. Deception will run rampant and lies will be believed; even "the Elect" could be deceived, which reveals just how strong the deception will be. Constant vigilance must be employed; no one will be immune to Satan's efforts to spiritually deceive the world. 

We must see the evil for what it is -- deliberate rebellion against the Living God and His Truth. The godless are set on fomenting increasing violence and lawlessness due to their ignorance of the heart of the One True God. And that lawlessness is taking many forms. We see it in the wars that are circling the globe; the "lone wolf" attacks on civilians; the rebellion against the knowledge of God; the intentional killing of His creation in the womb; and the calculated efforts to change the divine design of our children's bodies. 

So, again, I ask ... as a Christian, how do we live in the midst of the lawlessness of this generation? We can no longer afford to ignore it or compromise with it. Only Trust, Faith, Love, and Repentance (not necessarily in that order), will provide us with the Hope that we desperately seek. And included in that formula is standing for God's Absolute Truth, especially as we see it being blatantly denied and falsely interpreted. And we can trust in that Truth because we know that God never changes. His moral laws and promises are the same today as they were thousands of years ago when He revealed them through the prophets. And because we trust in His Divine order, we can perceive our current circumstances from an eternal perspective -- the lawlessness we are suffering today will be defeated and we have a future waiting for us in His Heavenly Kingdom. 

If we believe and trust in the Word of God, then we know that our faith will sustain us during this turbulent time. Jesus, Himself, tells us to "Have faith in God... whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours". We don't have to see it to believe it ... we have the Word of God that assures us of what we hope and pray for. One of the first passages of Scripture that I memorized was Proverbs 3:5-6 .... Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Our hearts must remain steadfastly focused on Jesus because the devil is going to try to deceive us; therefore, we can't rely on our human comprehension, but must trust in our spiritual discernment, listening for His voice and following His guidance through the Holy Spirit. That's how we circumnavigate the lawlessness and stay on the paths of righteousness. That is putting our faith in action!

Of course, it is the Love of Christ that is our hope and consolation in the midst of chaos and lawlessness. He tells us He will never leave us nor abandon us, so we must trust in His Word and walk this Truth out in faith. But we are also to love our enemies, forgiving them and exhibiting our belief that Christ died for us all; to save us from the wrath of our Holy God; a wrath and punishment we all deserve. So, while forgiveness seems so hard to offer in the face of the atrocities and sinful acts of those who rebel against God, it also leads to our own repentance for the ways that we have sinned against Him. Let our repentance be a light to the lost, that they might see and respond to the Love of Christ that changes even the most hateful heart.

In summary, lawlessness is here to stay, and as a Bible-believing Christian, I am expecting it to increase in strength and intensity. But I also know that our failing culture urgently needs the hope that every believing Christian possesses in the promises of our Sovereign Lord and Savior. Let us profess that hope to a disbelieving world [in both word and deed], and highlight our persistent trust and faith in His redeeming love for everyone in this decaying world. And may His peace be with you as you journey towards your eternal Home.

John 1:5     The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.    



January 1, 2025

Hold Fast: Our "Blessed Hope" Is On The Way!

My message today is short and direct. It's 2025; we're one quarter of the way into this century, and if you are a follower of Jesus, then you understand why I am addressing those of you who might be experiencing some uneasiness and anxiety as they survey what the future may bring. But I want to encourage everyone to not let the affairs of this world distract you from the prize that is promised, nor the anticipation of what Jesus might do in this coming year.

If you are focused on the events of the world, then it will be easy to become discouraged and fearful. Between strange phenomenons in the natural (including drone swarms, increasing volcanic activity, and a recent rise in viruses); to the escalating Israel and Iran crisis; to Russian and Chinese aggression, one might be thinking this sounds like the beginning of the Biblically prophesied seven years of Tribulation. And you would have an argument that these events seem to forecast [or at least foreshadow] what the Bible has revealed will happen before Christ's return.

But, I want to remind you that our Sovereign God has not given us a spirit of fear. Jesus repeatedly tells us to "Take courage. [Because] I am. Fear not". We serve a mighty God who is pulling back the curtain and revealing the Evil that is permeating our world, so that He can draw a distinctive difference between His Divine Goodness and the wickedness of the Evil One and his followers. God is definitely moving in our world to not only reveal, but fulfill, His promises and purposes. It is in the hopes that all His creation will make a decision to follow Him before His righteous judgment falls upon this planet. So, take heart! We have the opportunity to see Him move in us and through us [and use us] to further His plan of reconciliation for all men who will receive His Son as their Savior and Deliverer! 

So, let us not let the lukewarm spirituality of some of the Modern Churches rob you of your inner calm and spiritual well-being as to who Jesus Christ is. He is the faithful and trustworthy Witness of your true identity -- as priests to His God and Father, and faithful servants in His Kingdom. He is the Firstborn of those who are dead [in their sins], and the Ruler of all the kings of the earth. He is the fulfillment of all our Father in Heaven's promises; He represents the glory and the power and the majesty of our Sovereign God and His dominion [authority] that will last forever and ever. So, hold fast to those words of assurance.

And guard your hearts and spirits against the false teachings and lies that have existed since the Garden. And do not believe the Enemy's whispers that are uttered in seductive language, intended to change the interpretation and understanding of God's Word; His Timing, Seasons, Laws, and Prophecies -- including the Rapture and the seven-year Tribulation. The truth is, we do not know when those events may come, but we can trust the sincere and unconditional promise of the Lord that we will not experience His wrath on that "terrible Day of the Lord". So, do not be led off course by Social Media posts or the many "false prophets" who are becoming more numerous and vociferously outspoken. If it contradicts Scripture, it is a false and counterfeit teaching.

There are many who are proclaiming that 2025 will be a difficult year, and if you have eyes that only see what the world wants you to see, then you may become tempted to believe these prognostications. But we, who earnestly follow Jesus Christ, do not see with the eyes of our flesh. Our spirits are firmly seated with Christ in the heavenly places, and we await what He shows us and tells us. And should we [with spiritual understanding] discern that this year will, indeed, be a time of trouble and a testing of our faith, we will trust Him to see us through it, and we pray that we might be bold in our confession of faith, holding fast to our blessed hope in the eternal life to come.

So, my final words on this first day of 2025 are this: I exhort you to enter into this new year with anticipation that the Lord is near ... with eagerness to see what He will reveal and achieve; with excitement and suspense for His glory to be on display; and with courage and steadfastness to face whatever the Enemy brings in these Last Days. Furthermore, I pray you will cling to the knowledge that He will observe His promise that we will not suffer "the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth". And most of all, I bless you with hope; the hopefulness that comes from the certainty that our inheritance and crowns await us at Jesus's appearing! What a glorious day that will be! And if it comes in 2025, I'm ready!

Revelation 3:11    I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.



December 29, 2024

How To Overcome the Spiritual Effects of the "Post-Christmas Blues"

It happens to the best of us. Whether you are a Believer [or not], there always seems to be repercussions that come from the Christmas season. And they can cover a wide array of emotions and thoughts. If, to you, this season is all about the material, physical, and emotional sensations of this world -- the bright lights, the joy of being with family and friends, the temporary sense of harmony in our midst, and the "stuff" we are going to accumulate -- then we can be assured that when all that "magic" has passed, that our return to the norm will be disappointing.

Even, as a devoted Christian, the aftermath of being wrapped in an atmosphere of adoration for the birth of our Savior comes with the sober realization that the world hasn't changed; we are still stuck in the chaos and discord of this earthly realm. And that letdown can be devastating to those who don't center themselves in the Light of the Lord Jesus.

[NOTE: And this restlessness is above and beyond the question of the truth about the authenticity of the Christmas holiday; about whether Christians should be celebrating it as a religious holiday; and the conflict that arises over its commercialization and worldly value. All that is a separate conversation and not relevant to this discussion].

First, and to be honest, I understand the disappointment and disillusionment. As humans, we've been able to manufacture our own hopes for this season; that the joy and harmony that suddenly manifests will continue into the new year and we can manage to hang onto the heady and exhilarating feelings that "all is right with the world". Then comes the consciousness that the world and man is still fallen, and the recognition that it is up to us to overcome the spiritual malaise [the melancholy, the disquiet, and the depression] that can set in when real life returns.

Personally, the celebration of the Christmas season has become a time of reflection that removes me from so much of the superficiality and shallowness that surrounds the festivities associated with the holiday. Thirteen years ago, on Christmas Eve, my husband and I witnessed the death of the son of beloved friends. This young man was so full of life and promise, even though he lived with a defective heart that was predicted not to last. Even though he had survived years beyond the doctors' prognoses, we all knew it was a matter of time; the signs were there that his heart was failing. But that did nothing to alleviate the overwhelming grief that accompanied his passing. Then God did a miraculous thing. A scheduled YouTube video that the young man had made prior to Christmas Eve [without anyone's knowledge] appeared and gave his life's testimony and his belief in God and angels, and it received over 5 million views in a matter of a couple of days. People from around the world renewed their faith, and others accepted Christ as their Savior for the first time! God used this indescribable tragedy in our lives to shine His Light into a world that was turning dark.

Then, again, on Christmas Day this year, I lost a dear family member; a man who, in my childhood, had represented the handsome prince who stole the heart of my older cousin, a beautiful princess, in my eyes. They epitomized everything a strong, faithful, and loving marriage was meant to be. She has always been my protector and my source of encouragement. But she died a few years ago, and then on this Christmas Day, her husband, who had taken over her role of loving me as she did, went Home to be with her. I wept for my loss, but cheered in jubilation that he was now in the loving arms of His Savior and beloved wife. 

These kinds of events happen the world over during the Christmas season and send millions of people into the depths of despair and hopelessness once presents have all been opened and the trees adorned with colorful balls and twinkling lights are taken down. If you don't understand that Christmas, in and of itself, is not the answer to your happiness, comfort, security, prosperity, and well-being ... and that God sent "the reason for the season" to pay the price we owe Him for our sins, then you don't really know the Father's heart. He never asked for, nor ordained, a day to be set aside to celebrate His son's birthday. I am not saying the Lord is not worthy of such a celebration, and I certainly honor the birth of the Holy Child, sent to redeem us. I'm just saying that God's Holy days are clearly specified in His Word, and perhaps man has made this holiday more about himself.

I also understand that the Christmas letdown has spiritual overtones. Satan loves it when he is able to assign a deceptive interpretation to cover any godly or sacred attribute of this holiday. But we must not let the spiritual forces in this realm overcome our acknowledgement of God's purpose for the Christ child. Did you know that there is a very real spiritual god of Winter? His name is Typhon and his goal is to bring coldness and lack of warmth to your life; to make you feel as if your life is becoming frozen, fractured, shattered, and falling to pieces... many of the emotions and thoughts that follow the Christmas letdown. If that describes you, I encourage you to let Malachi 4:2 speak to your heart, But for you who fear My name [with awe-filled reverence], the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forward and leap [joyfully] like calves released from the stall.

I would also suggest that you do not isolate yourself if you are feeling spiritually oppressed. That's another of Satan's tactics. If we remain secluded in our misery and melancholy, it gives our Enemy ample time and ammunition to get us to focus inward on our thoughts and feelings about the anticlimax of Christmas. Seek out people who you know remain centered on Jesus in their lives. Share your situation and ask how they overcome the weight of the world that has now overshadowed your joy. And, above all else, seek some alone time with Jesus! Let Him lead you to new sources of joy, peace, and harmony. Remember, as a man, He, too, suffered moments of discouragement and feeling like He was facing insurmountable odds. Let Him absolve you of your anxieties and show you that He makes all things possible -- if we are willing to partake of His source of  Light and Life. We must be active in our own pursuit of recovered contentment and joy.

When we allow ourselves to become mired in the wintry wilderness of discontent and disenchantment, we cannot hear Him saying, "Follow Me!", and we then become stuck and bogged down in our misery. But when we seek and listen for His voice, and respond by following His commands, we learn that He will take on those feelings of insecurity, sadness, and despondency, and deliver us into a realm where we can receive His covenant of Grace (which includes the power of the Holy Spirit in us to help us do what we cannot do on our own), with all the blessings and promises that accompany it.

So, be intentional about coming out of your doldrums of dejection and melancholy. Till up the frozen ground of disappointment and plant new fields of hope and trust that the Lord can renew your spirit and restore you to new heights of joy, harmony, and peace on earth, good will towards men. It really can feel like Christmas every day if you will let Him show you the way.

Song of Solomon 2:11-12     See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.  


December 24, 2024

Our Need to Rediscover God's Biblical Truth

For some time now, I have recognized that the path that I have been on to discover Biblical Truth for myself is somewhat distinct from other Christians that I have encountered. I didn't grow up in the Church, and in fact, did not come to my salvation until my early 30s. Perhaps that plays a part in distinguishing my walk with the Lord. And, furthermore, perhaps that is why I have not fallen for the deception that I see infiltrating the organized Church. I'm going to be honest and forthcoming here ... my heart grieves for what I can only describe as "religion that is false"; a system of faith and worship that lacks the underpinnings of absolute trust in Jesus/God, a complete understanding of His plan of redemption for mankind, and an infallible knowledge of His Word and Character.

Instead, as I minister and interact with my fellow Christians, [whom I continue to love and serve with] I see too many people graduating from online religious "universities" with fancy-titled degrees, but yet have no simple recognition of the Scriptures I quote. I see too many people who constantly seek prayer for everything they do, whether out of fear or uncertainty in their walk. I see too many people willing to put their eternal future in the hands of a self-proclaimed "prophet" who teaches and preaches words that tickle their ears. It seems that Christians today are more interested in finding ways to convince God to make their lives more comfortable and happier, than they are in seeking ways to know Him deeper, serve Him more faithfully, and die to themselves, that they might gain true life in Him

I have heard other authors refer to this scenario as "religious humanism", but I'm even suspect of this form of terminology because it still focuses on man, not God! Religious humanism is explained as centering on "human needs, interests, and abilities", within the framework of organized religion or congregational traditions. But that is exactly why I'm concerned about the state of the Church! Just like secular humanism, it's belief system is centered on man, not God! Why aren't our religious institutions instructing their members about God's needs, interests, and abilities?!? Have we forgotten that we are subject to Him, not the other way around? 

How did we get so far off track from what Jesus taught and what the Church in the Book of Acts knew -- That His Holiness, His Sovereignty, His Righteousness, and His Justice, are just as important as His Love, Mercy, and Grace? I am seeing far too many people living out of their souls, rather than connecting to God through their spirits. And I am constantly amazed that far too many Christians are unaware that they are a three-part being; body, soul, and spirit. Because our soul consists of our mind [our thoughts and opinions], our emotions [feelings and responses of our flesh], and our free will [the ability to make decisions based on those thoughts and feelings], we often smother our spirit, who is our true identity, made in the image of God, and our direct link to Him. 

If your soul is smothering your spirit, you cannot hear or receive the voice of our Creator, who through the Holy Spirit is always ready to give us His wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and fear of the Lord. If you can't hear Him, you can't receive those gifts and will most likely fall prey to human or demonic influences, which are far less rewarding than anything God wants to give you. 

I can remember a specific night when, while watching a documentary about a ministry that introduced the mighty love of Christ to people who desperately wanted a relationship with Him, that I was suddenly overcome with the weight and reality of my sinful nature, and I found myself weeping uncontrollably as I asked Jesus to forgive me and accept my repentance for all the ways I had sinned and hurt Him. One minute I was sitting on my couch moved by the testimonies of others, and the next minute, I felt the overwhelming pain of what my sins cost Him. I realized then, that although I had previously asked Him into my heart and been baptized, that that experience now seemed like a superficial human act of compliance to the traditions of the Church. This ... this was a supernatural experience in which I understood, for the first time, just what my life was worth to my Savior -- that He loved me so much that He would suffer so greatly for me, so that I could be redeemed and we could begin a deeper relationship as I entered into a lifetime of service to Him. 

I cannot stress enough how important it is to open your Bible and begin an earnest study of God's Word. It is there that you can begin to meet Him and grow in your understanding and commitment. It is where you will find the depth of His commitment to us; and what He expects back from us in this mutual relationship. It is where you will find His promises that extend far beyond anything the world offers. We often hear of the "mysteries of God", but there are no mysteries when you seek Him in His Word. I have quoted this verse often (it is my husband's favorite) ... Proverbs 25:2 says, It is the Glory of God to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings to search it out. Our Father in Heaven loves it when we search for the clues He leaves us to answer our questions. And it is definitely true that the Holy Spirit will reveal more as you seek more. 

Our God is so much bigger than we've ever been taught. But when all you hear is that God is love and grace and mercy (which He is!), and you don't hear that He is also righteous and just, then you don't really need to be concerned about the consequences of your actions ... He's going to always love you, right? And there is a huge void in the Church regarding those attributes, which has greatly affected our culture and societal morals. It then becomes all about us, and our needs, and our desires. If you aren't conscious that God is Holy and Righteous, above all else, then you aren't going to worry about what He thinks about killing your unborn child. As a society, we are focused on the conditions of our lifestyle, instead of the conditions of our heart and spirit, where Jesus resides. 

As we long as we "do not forsake the gathering together" in our church houses on Sunday, we can convince ourselves that we are good Christians. But the rest of that passage exhorts us to meet for instruction and to encourage each other to no longer sin [after receiving the knowledge of the truth] so that we can avoid divine judgment, should we continue to willfully and deliberately sin. Just meeting together on a Sunday doesn't atone for our continuance in sin. The Church should be equipping us for the spiritual war that is waging all around us in the spiritual realms right now! We desperately need to understand that, just as the saints in the Book of Acts did. We have a spiritual responsibility to go into the world and not only expose the darkness in our midst, but instruct and train and disciple our fellow man to serve the One True God and His Kingdom here on earth! Sadly, America and her churches have failed in this duty. And please don't try to convince me that we are primarily a Christian nation. Does our society and culture bear the fruit of that label?  

I do not write this post to discourage or malign. I write to pour out the frustration and sadness of my heart as I see that we have fallen far short of the honor and praise that is due our Messiah and Savior. I love this nation. It is still the best place on earth to live. But for how long? I sincerely worry that our shallow demonstrations of covenant with our God are deteriorating, and that a false representation of what Jesus modeled for us has no imperishable foundation. Our churches pray for revival, but why would God trust us to defend and fight for how He would want to revive us? We've allowed His marriage covenant to be perverted; His sanctity of life to be rejected; and the bodies of our children to be corrupted, modified, and altered beyond His design. We need the bold and courageous spirit of Jesus's followers in the First Century to be sown into our spiritual lives. We need to rediscover the truth of the Bible and the perfect, immutable, power of His Word to awaken in our land. I know this is not my eternal home, but I pray that we can make it as close to Heaven as we can. 

Psalm 119:160     The sum of Your Word is Truth (the full meaning of all Your precepts), and every one of Your righteous ordinances endures forever.

December 18, 2024

Why the Destruction of Marriage is Satan's Response to God's Plan of Salvation

You may be wondering why I think the institution of marriage could possibly be connected to our salvation. It all lies in our understanding of the ancient covenant of marriage God established in the Bible and how it is the culmination of all the other covenants that He ordained. You see, our God is a god of order, and there is a very specific structure to His plan of redemption. Let me see if I can condense it in an easily understood sequence, so we can see the strategies of the Enemy to deconstruct God's objectives.

First of all, it's important to understand that when YHWH divided mankind in Deuteronomy 32:8 (after the rebellion of the Tower of Babel), He fixed the borders [territories] of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God. But the LORD's portion is His people; Jacob [Israel] is the allotment of His inheritance. Through the ancient Israelites, God established covenants with His chosen people; mutual agreements defining an ongoing relationship between the parties, without end. He did that with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David. Today, the people who follow Jesus Christ as their Savior and Redeemer, share in the New Covenant, and when Jesus returns to redeem His people, we will enter into the Everlasting Covenant.

[NOTE: I highly recommend that you read Volume 1 of Lost in Translation by John Klein & Adam Spears. It shows the clear connection between the covenants God established with His chosen people and how we, as Christians, need to understand the implications of these covenants on the foundation of our faith. What it is not ... it is not an invitation to convert to Judaism or become a part of any "movement" to transform the Christian faith. It simply helps the reader of the Bible to, as the authors explain, "uncover the treasure of foundational truths that have been lost in translation". It also provides context and clarity to some passages that I now realize clouded our understanding of God's purpose in the written Word]. 

Now let me share this information with you that shows why Satan is trying so hard to destroy the foundational covenant of marriage. The Bible recognizes four main types of covenant: Service, Friendship, Inheritance, and Marriage, in that order. These covenants are progressive; each one involves a deeper, more intimate relationship than the one that went before. No "new" covenant replaces an old one; each one incorporates the provisions of the previous one and builds on it. Marriage is the culmination/conclusion of the three previous types of covenant mentioned above. That explains why the marriage relationship is central to everything God ordained. Throughout Scripture, God identifies Himself as the Bridegroom and those who enter into the three forms of covenant (Service, Friendship, and Inheritance) as His Bride. 

It comes down to this: you can't know or understand Scripture unless you know covenant; and you can't understand covenant unless you know and understand the ancient Hebrew marriage ceremony -- and why Satan hates the possibility that we might come to this knowledge in this stage of God's redemptive plan for mankind. So, set aside any predilection of cynicism you might have and see if this doesn't make sense to you; see if you can't identify the process and journey we undergo in our walk with the Lord.

In ancient Hebrew culture, a wedding was part of a "process" involving commitment and covenant. This process is very long and happens over time, and this post is not dedicated to all the minutiae and details, but rather is written to give a short outline, and then show how Satan is determined to keep us from reaching its culmination. To begin, the prospective bridegroom came to his intended bride's house [with his father] and carrying the anticipated bride price. He knocked on the door. If the bride was willing to accept his proposal, the door would be opened -- the first major step toward making a marriage. [However, if she refused the invitation and refused to open the door, the groom turned around and left.] And here's an interesting fact -- at any time the bride could still back out, right up to the very instant of marriage consummation!

So, here, we see a picture of Jesus's invitation to each one of us ... Will you answer My knock at the door and enter into a process that will lead to our ultimate marriage? If we decide to open the door, He comes in, and the restoration process of our life begins. At that point we have salvation. But beyond that, He is asking us if we will enter into the covenant of betrothal with Him. Will we agree to see the process to the end? Remember, in ancient history, the intended bride could stop the whole process at any moment! Many Christians assume that salvation alone is all they need to become "one with Christ", forever united with Him as His Chosen Bride, dressed in white. But it isn't that simple. Salvation is just that ... salvation; the first important step. There is much more to the process!

The next step was for the Groom to go and prepare a home where he could live with his bride which was often an extension of his father's house. The father was the only one empowered to determine when the groom's bridal preparations were sufficient and complete. "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone", comes to mind, doesn't it? As preparations by the groom were being finalized, the bride's family and friends would begin preparing for a feast. The signs that the groom was about to approach would being to spread, and the bride and bridesmaids would buy enough oil to keep their lamps lit for at least two weeks, as they watched for the groom's arrival. When they saw him coming for his bride, their lamps would show the way. 

When the groom arrived, he would be accompanied by a crowd of groomsmen. Their job was to guard him and announce his coming by blowing trumpets. The bridesmaids would then whisk the bride away to the wedding site. They would light it up with their lamps and when all was ready the groom would take his bride's hand and lead her to the celebration. This was a special event for the bridal party alone. The wedding would be held on the next day, with guests and relatives coming from all over. And here's an important point to think about... remember what constitutes salvation, and at what stage that occurs in our journey to become the Bride of Christ. It's when we open the door and accept His invitation to become our Redeemer and we are ready to go forth in the rest of the process. Salvation means you will be invited to the wedding, but you can't be a guest and the Bride at the same time! Salvation leads to entry into the other three covenants (servanthood, friendship and inheritance) until we finally arrive at our destination, the Marriage Covenant.

NOTE: Remember which came first ... God's plan of redemption which includes our acceptance of salvation. We learn what it means to serve the Lord, become a devoted friend, and start earning our inheritance by expanding His kingdom on earth; Jesus pays the price; He returns to Heaven to prepare a place for us; at the Father's determined time, Jesus comes back for His Bride, takes us to the pre-wedding feast, and the invited guests celebrate with us at the Wedding. This glorious plan was already in place before God mirrored it in the Hebrew wedding ceremony -- so they would recognize it when God initiated the start of the plan through His covenants -- and with the hope that we would understand and recognize it, too, as we rediscovered the roots of our faith. 

I hope you can now see why Satan has worked and schemed and strategized to deconstruct and tear apart the sacred covenant of marriage in our society. It is the final culmination of God's redemptive plan for us. The Enemy realizes that he missed the boat by not recognizing God's plan of Salvation, and thereby helped launch centuries of the Word, which has taught us [for those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to receive] the importance of entering into our servanthood, friendship, and inheritance covenants with the Lord. His last chance of destroying our culminating Marriage to the Lamb and Son of God, is fast approaching, and he is taking advantage of the Church's failure to protect this last binding covenant, the Marriage covenant.

We, as faithful Christians, have compromised with the sexual revolution of the 60's; the cultural revolutions of feminism and abortion; the definitions of family and marriage participants; the defamation and disparagement of a Godly marriage; and the acceptance of adultery, premarital sex, and cohabitation as the new normal in America. Satan's cultural ambassadors are desperately trying to render marriage meaningless, worthless, and insignificant. 

But God's Truth is that marriage gives us meaning. It gives us purpose and it matters in the life of a nation. The gradual deconstruction of God's marriage covenant contributes to the destruction of our identity. When the understanding of what it means to become the Bride of Christ no long has any meaning or value, then so many of mankind will lose their way to the Everlasting Covenant. Perhaps that is why there will only be a remnant that reaches that exalted place of relationship with the Ancient of Days. It's time we stand and fight for Marriage ... God's definition of Marriage! Our nation, our families, and our eternal future depend on it!

Hosea 2:19    And I will betroth you to Me forever. I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy.

December 11, 2024

In Today's World, We Need the Faith of Noah, Job, and Daniel!

I love reading the words of the prophets of the Old Testament. I'm hard-pressed to say which speak the loudest to me, but Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel continue to enlighten me with new insights, no matter how many times I read them. Every time I am pointed to their prophetic words, God speaks new Truth into my understanding of His redemptive plan for mankind. I don't think I can identify the gravity, or the weight, of what it must have been like to receive the assignments they were given to declare God's consequences of righteous judgment if the people continued to refuse to repent of their sins. What solitary and isolated lives they must have lived! Yet God knew He could trust they would be obedient to prophesy of His coming judgment and the ensuing destruction, while still proclaiming the hope that comes from repentance. 

It isn't easy to be a prophet; nor is it easy for us to learn how to distinguish false ones from good ones. The Enemy has become so good at disguising his strategy through the false prophets, that it has become increasingly difficult for us to discern the good guys from the bad guys. In 1 Kings, Chapter 18, God made it clear to us that Elijah was His spokesman, and the prophets of Baal were imposters. We can tell by their fruit ... Elijah took a bull for the burnt offering and built an altar to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The prophets of Baal received their bull and built their own altar, and the people of Israel waited to see which god would consume the offering. The prophets of Baal called upon the name of their god all day, with no answer or action. Then Elijah called upon the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: "Answer me, O LORD, answer me, that this people may know that You, O LORD, are God, and that you have turned their hearts back."  The Word says, Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench". That's what I call evidence of good fruit!

Sadly, it's just not as black and white today. The genuine prophets speak from a sanctified mind and heart; set apart by God to reveal His Truth and principals and His moral guidelines. They will call people to repentance and increased biblical knowledge. Genuine prophets can point to the gradual unfolding [through the ages] of God's sovereign plan to redeem His people [known as redemptive history]. But none of that is popular or sought after in today's culture. Our churches are filled with false prophets who appeal to our imaginations, and who offer more attractive guidelines to follow than God's commandments and precepts. We can thank technology for that! Furthermore, false prophets are more popular than the real deal. In fact, genuine prophets are often quite unpopular, despised, and ignored. The people who call themselves Christians, are too often eager to accept a compromise if it makes their lives easier, more fun, and less restricted. That mindset and heart condition embraces moral relativism, i.e., there is no absolute truth, and what is true for you is your truth. God's Truth has no relevance for individual belief systems.

I've been considering this quandary of discerning real prophets from false ones, and these are some thoughts I've formulated ... How is your experiential knowledge informing you who is the genuine prophet? Does your knowledge of prophets [and ability to discern the prophets] come from experience with the One True God, or is it developed from hearing someone prophesy something that makes you feel good, and excuses your sin? Does it align with the Word of God? Or do you have the biblical knowledge to even know whether it does or not? If you don't, then I'm going to say that you are likely to be easily deceived. That's a serious and critical place in which to find yourself. You need to understand that your eternal future is at stake. 

One of the cornerstones of my faith that always gives me hope is the knowledge that throughout the history of the world God has always kept a remnant unto Himself; a small group of people whom He sets aside for His holy purposes. The truth is that many will find their way to eternal destruction, but few will find their way to eternal life. That's the message of Matthew 7:13-14: "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many". In other words inner righteousness is the "narrow gate", which is a more difficult path to follow. But the end destination is eternal life with the Lord.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we are able to discern prophets who are genuine, and who are revealing God's truth to us, whether corporately or individually. It is those righteous people that you want to listen to and follow. Because here is the reality that the Body of Christ is not prepared to hear ... if God determines that our nation, in this time of history, is due judgment because we won't repent for our wrongdoing, it won't matter if even such righteous obedient men as Noah, Job, and Daniel lived among us, He will still bring judgment. As the righteous remnant, it is time for us to follow in their footsteps and be willing to say "this is right" or "that is wrong". Trying to offer mercy and grace without demanding repentance will not see our sentence pardoned. 

From that perspective, let's pay attention to what the Lord says in Ezekiel 14:12-14 ... Son of man, when a land sins against Me by committing unfaithfulness , and I stretch out My hand against it and destroy its source of bread and send famine on it and cut off from it both man and animal, even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job were in that land, by their own righteousness [right standing with God] they could only save [deliver] themselves." So what is it about these three men that we should emulate?

Noah. The first thing I think about Noah is that he totally and completely believed God; he never questioned or doubted that his purpose was to build an ark for the coming destruction of the world. He was unflappable; he didn't care what others thought or said about him. He didn't fall for Satan's deception among the people that God would never destroy the world He created, or demolish the people He loved. Noah didn't sacrifice his faith to avoid the ridicule, and simply took God at His word. Just as the philosophers/prophets in Noah's day declared that it was impossible for the world to be destroyed by water, we suffer the ridicule of scientists, politicians, and yes, even "prophets" that say the world won't be destroyed by fire because God is a loving god. Noah was committed to his commission from God and labored to stand against the moral evil of his time. He was not afraid to condemn the world, and became our model of what it means to be called "an heir of righteousness which is by faith."

Job. When you consider what it is to exhibit faithfulness in the midst of unjust suffering, Job is the perfect example. Like Noah, God called Job "blameless and upright". And in the midst of his intense suffering, Job is still able to proclaim his profound faith in God: "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God". But what should be important to us Christians is the recognition that Job is not of the covenant line! It's interesting that in the oldest book of the Bible, God chooses to make it clear that Job is not an Israelite, but a god-fearing Gentile. He does not come from the divinely chosen covenant line of Abraham through which the Messiah has been promised. That's why it is important for us to know that God's chosen remnant can be made up of whomever He chooses. He calls Job, "My servant, and there is none like him on earth; a blameless and upright man, who fears God and shuns evil". 

But, here is the importance for us, regarding the state of our faith ... Job recognizes that the limitations of human wisdom keep us from knowing the mind of God. Who are we to question who He uses for His redemptive plan for the world? Again, we need to repent for our arrogant presumptions that we can understand His actions and know what He is doing with His human children. Just more reasons to be on guard against false prophets who attempt to do just that!

Daniel. It is Daniel's faith and courage in the midst of bondage that I think I admire most. He knows exactly where he stands in his faith, and is never tempted to succumb to the pagan culture in which he is immersed. He never hesitates to acknowledge the True God of Heaven, even when threatened with persecution and death. Daniel's prayer life remained consistent no matter his circumstances, and so impressed his captors that he was even able to convince King Nebuchadnezzar that his Most High God was real: "How great are His signs, how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion endures from generation to generation". [How many Christians know the Word well enough to know that this proclamation of God's glory was spoken by a pagan king?] And how I wish my faith was so significant that the angel Gabriel would encourage me in my moments of crisis with this affirmation: "You are greatly beloved"! 

So, in summary, what is it about these three remarkable men that speaks to my spirit and recommends their faith in these troublesome times? Perhaps it is because Noah dared to decry the belief system that his culture embraced; that he was able to grasp the sovereignty and infinite unseen world in the face of criticism for not believing the technological philosophy that every rational and justifiable argument can be scientifically proven, thereby disproving belief in an all-powerful, omniscient God. Or perhaps Job's faith encourages me because in the face of confusion, suffering, and insurmountable pain, he continues to declare his steadfast faith. Also Job represents the promise that I am grafted into God's True Vine. There is a certain hope and a place for me in God's Heavenly Kingdom. And finally, Daniel's faith while enduring captivity in Old Testament Babylon gives me the courage I need as we begin to face the reality of a New Testament Babylon. His prayer life, and his trust that his petitions would be heard and answered, strengthen me for the day I may have to make a decision whether I will accept execution and death rather than compromise my faith. 

All three of these remarkable men of faith faced their own distinctive challenges that resulted in exemplary examples of what a righteous and and faithful life looks life. In today's world, the human race is in great need of strategic ministry from genuine prophets who, first of all, know the Word of God, and secondly, can righteously discern God's purpose for it, so that they can exhort, encourage, teach, and lead the rest of us into walking uprightly and righteously with the Lord. He's coming back soon, and He needs a remnant that is equipped and waiting for Him. 

Jeremiah 5:30-31     An appalling and horrible thing [bringing desolation and destruction] has come to pass in the land: The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule on their own authority; and My people love [to have] it so! But what will you do when the end comes?



December 4, 2024

What God is Teaching Me in This Season of His Time

Normally, at this time of year, I would be extolling the miracle of Christ's birth which is the hope of the world. And as I sit down to write this post, I can see the expression of the Christmas season all around me. For a few short weeks, we are all transferred into an atmosphere of joy, where the sights and sounds of the holiday mask the deeper concerns of our lives. And I have to admit that my soul is experiencing emotions of both great hopefulness ... and a sense of impending change. While I much prefer to be filled with hope, optimism, and expectation, the reality of events in my life [and the world] have directed my soul to a more enlightened sense of reality. To be sure, I absolutely enjoy the sentimentalism that accompanies the Christmas holiday ... the memories of childhood encapsulated in images of bubble lights on the tree; lying awake to see if I could hear Santa sneaking in gifts; and being surrounded by feelings of love and joy as family members gathered together for a day of celebration. 

To be clear, that sense of anticipation has never left me. Christmas still produces a feeling of excitement, exhilaration, and expectancy, even as I enter that period of my life that recognizes and faces my mortality. But I now view Christmas beyond a childhood comprehension of Santa Claus, presents, and the magic of the season. I have been aware for some time now [with acute disappointment] that this holiday does not reflect Jesus's birthday [who was most likely born in September]. I am also aware that Christmas is a compilation of man-made traditions [both pagan and religious] as well as a product of pop culture, commercialization, mass marketing, and advertising campaigns. That doesn't mean I don't still experience all the warm feelings of joy and the thrill of this season; I do! It simply means I see it for what it truly is, including the truth that it is a manufactured holiday, borne from man's imagination. 

Before you think I am heartless and blasphemous, I steadfastly and purposefully honor Jesus's birth; I honor Him as my Savior, born in a lowly manger at the time ordained by the Father; and born to rescue me from God's judgment. But it is His Death that my God points me towards in His Word. It all bears witness of God's perfect timing. That being said, I am determined that my opinions about Christmas will not be a cause for judgment against others. Neither are they a hill I'm willing to die on. Rather, there are much more unsettling things I'm dealing with than worrying about the delusion of Christmas. 

To begin with, I have lost three very dear friends in the span of two months from sudden and unexpected deaths caused by aneurysms and compromised immune systems. They were healthy and flourishing one day; gone the next -- no warning signs or pre-existing conditions. I will not speculate on the origins or causes of these deaths, although I can see the agenda of Satan and his surrogates to carry out Lucifer's agenda to kill, steal, and destroy. And, yes, I know that Death is a natural consequence of our sinful state, but it is the unnecessary, unwarranted, and needless deaths that leave me in a state of heightened consciousness of the history, times, and seasons of God's perfect plan for the world and mankind.

It is up to each of us to determine what [and who] we will choose to believe and follow. In the midst of our culture's celebration of Christmas, the Holy Spirit is teaching both my husband and myself that there are much more important things we need to be paying attention to. The Spirit is leading us into higher levels of understanding regarding the deception that Satan and his proxies have fomented about our history, times, and seasons. I do not pretend to know why God is doing this at the present time, but when He continues to highlight certain thoughts and information, we pay attention. And this is where I am in the new revelations He is disclosing ...

In order to put it all into perspective, I have suddenly become cognizant of the stages of my journey with God. I can see my awakening to the attempts of Satan to hide his efforts to corrupt or prevent God's plan for the redemption of mankind. God has been so good to show my husband and myself the truth of His plan, as well as to shine His Light on Satan's attempts to pervert God's agenda. God has pulled back the veil, so to speak, to emphasize where Satan has hidden in plain sight [through Freemasonry, for instance], as well as to show us a new understanding of why Jesus came the first time. To our astonishment, the Church seemed to have lost the fact that Jesus came to re-establish God's sovereign domain of His Kingdom on earth through Saved men. This certainly sounds obvious to me now, but I see the blinders that we [and a lot of Christians] wore; that Salvation was to be the object of our Commission with Christ, instead of God's ultimate goal of "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven".  

I could rehash how our spiritual eyes have been opened to so many of God's important truths that have been lost or disguised due to Satan's deceptions to move man away from God's intentions for us ... and him. But I feel an intense need to come to the latest point the Lord is impressing upon us; that time is of the essence. In other words, He seems to be saying that this time, [or this season of time] is very important and urgent that we understand what is taking place according to His timeline. From Genesis to Revelation, God's Word has made it clear that He has a plan to redeem us from our broken covenant with Him, and ultimately to defeat Satan. Through Jesus's sacrifice on the Cross and His resurrection, Satan's power of Death was defeated, affording us Everlasting Life with our Lord and Savior. 

But, God has now made it clear to us that He wants us to consider two important prophetic passages in the Bible ... Daniel 2:21 and Daniel 7:25. But first, I need to point out that the Bible talks about both God and Satan changing times, seasons and laws. Daniel 2:21 tells us that it is God "who changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise, and [greater] knowledge to those who have understanding!" Then in Daniel 7:25, the Bible speaks about the fourth beast who sets up a kingdom on earth, "which will be different from all other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down, and crush it " ... And the king of this kingdom "will speak words against the Most High God and wear down the saints of the Most High, and he will intend to change the times and the law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time". 

Now, I cannot say with any certainty, that God is moving our focus to what appears to be the time of the Great Tribulation. What I am sensing is that He wants us to understand that we must be alert to Satan's attempts to forestall his defeat. We must remember that God has announced since Genesis 3 that He has a plan to secure Satan's doom; Satan has known from that moment that he would ultimately be defeated. "I will put enmity [open hostility] between you and the woman, and between your seed [offspring] and her Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, and you will [only] bruise His heel"; this makes God's plan pretty clear and irrefutable. Therefore, it makes sense that Satan, knowing his demise is certain, sure, and indisputable would try to thwart God's timeline and do everything he could to deceive us [and gain man's help] in changing our definition and understanding of exactly where we are in history. 

To be honest, I am still working through all the implications of this new emphasis from the Lord. Frankly, He is giving us information regarding time that is blowing our minds -- both how it relates to His plans, as well as the attempts of Satan to change God's timeline, and how God will use that to serve His own purposes. We have been led to documents that allege a discrepancy between historical documents [from both Scriptural and pagan sources] that bring into question the true age of the world and Biblical events. Could Satan have intervened, with the compliance of misguided and deceived men, to undermine the reliability of the Biblical text? Perhaps this is why the Word of God says, Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you ... the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.  

And should we be looking closer at the Risen Christ's words in Acts 1:7, when, in response to the Disciples question of "Lord, are You at this time reestablishing the kingdom and restoring it to Israel, He answers, It is not for you to know the times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority. The timing of the fulfillment of God's plans is definitely something He does not want revealed to Satan, our adversary. And perhaps that is a reason Jesus tells us, But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. God is going to protect Time, which He created, and over which He has complete authority and power, so that no man can interfere with His ordained schedule for the world.   

Maybe I have it all wrong; maybe I haven't heard correctly from the Lord. But there are things I know for sure: Satan may be cunning, but he is not omniscient. He may have an extensive network of demonic partners, who [like him] serve from hearts filled with pride and arrogance, but he cannot and will not hinder God's plan. I do not know God's mind and He has not revealed where we are on that timeline of Satan's defeat and our ultimate victory. But I know that we can trust Him to be Sovereign in His rule of this world; using not only men, but even Satan, himself, to accomplish and achieve His plan. It is only a matter of time ... His time.

Habakkuk 2:3     For the vision is yet for the appointed time. It hurries toward the goal; it will not fail. Even though it delays, wait for it, because it will certainly come; it will not delay



November 29, 2024

Feeling Burdened By the World? God's Kingdom is the Answer!

The Holiday Season has begun, yet this time of joy and good cheer is often overshadowed by a heaviness that many just can't shake. Maybe you can't put your finger on it; there just seems to be an innate awareness of encroaching darkness underneath the outward display of festive merriment. But, as a Christian, if we can truly understand and embrace the truth of our faith, then we would know that we have been delivered into a new and different realm of reality than this broken world. Maybe we need to re-examine exactly what our faith rests on, and be willing to come to a new and greater knowledge of God's Truth ...

The Fundamentals

Let's examine the facts of our faith: To begin, if we truly identify as a Christian, we have been greatly blessed that the Son of God [and the Son of Man] walked in the midst of this sinful world and was willing to take upon Himself the sins of the entire world [across all span of time] and suffer the wrath of God [on that cruel and humiliating cross] in order to appease the righteous anger of God towards each one of us. 

Do you fully understand that through Jesus's substitutionary death, we have received His righteousness before God? That, when God, our Father, looks upon us, He sees His Son? Think about that for a moment ... Instinctively, we know we don't deserve that Grace. Yet, if we are true followers of Christ, we will repent for our sins, begin to live a new life in Him, where there is no condemnation from Heaven, and we can enjoy peace and reconciliation with Almighty God. That is called Salvation. 

And Jesus completed that part of His mission when He came to earth. He died for you and me, and three days later He walked out of the burial tomb the risen Son of God; the living, conqueror of Death, and our triumphant Savior! Salvation is now available to whomever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a free gift and it is incumbent upon you, [it is necessary that you], either receive it or reject it. Simply put, it is a choice between Heaven and Hell; a choice between suffering in eternal agony, or rejoicing in eternal blessedness. 

I know the carnal world doesn't like to hear that they are limited to those two choices. And, yes, there are even some professing Christians that want to keep a foot in both camps. To them, Salvation becomes a burden and a self-gratifying form of faith that disrespects what it cost our Lord to give us that choice. But what profoundly saddens me is that too many cannot see that there was more to Jesus's mission than Salvation.

 He not only gave us an opportunity to choose Him as our way to reconciliation with our Father in Heaven, but as the way to enter our Father's Kingdom, which He brought with Him when He came from Heaven to earth. That's a fundamental truth that must not be ignored ... without Salvation, there is no access to the Kingdom. Salvation is the first and necessary step to entering the Kingdom [see John 3:1-5] -- there is no other way. And we need to enter the Kingdom to carry on Jesus's work. So, if you're feeling burdened by the world, perhaps you need to re-examine your understanding of Jesus's message about the Kingdom and what it means for you.

Why the Kingdom of God is the Answer

For some time now, I have discerned [and lamented] that kingdom is the latest buzz word among Christian ministries. It seems that every few years a new word or phrase is picked up by the Christian network and used as a motivating force to launch new evangelical strategies. In itself, that's not a bad thing, but I just wonder how many truly understand the importance and weight of the Kingdom of God.

When we discuss or promote the idea of the Kingdom, do we rightly represent it as belonging to God who reigns and rules over it? Or have we begun to claim ownership of the "kingdom" through our own "kingdom work" and lifestyles, ministries, and belief systems? To be honest, I became a little concerned when I began to see a proliferation of "kingdom businesses" and "kingdom universities" being promoted. And believe me, I am constantly re-examining myself and my motives! Am I self-serving, or serving God when I talk, or teach, about the Kingdom?

When the Spirit first opened my spiritual eyes to the truth and importance of Jesus's message about the Kingdom, I became conscious of making sure I was pointing to God and His reign, as well as His purpose to break into this sinful and broken world through His Son. I didn't want it to be about me and my efforts. True, we are His representatives, but how we represent and share His Kingdom matters. There is so much more beyond His gift of Salvation, as glorious and transforming as that is! But it is significantly important that we understand [and share] that we are not just saved from death and sin, but saved into a new realm of life [called the Kingdom], which results in a new identity, a new purpose, and a new destiny.

God called His creation of everything on earth "Good". But His Kingdom represents the glory of His sovereign rule over every aspect of our lives. It involves so much more than asking Him into your heart; it is His spiritual reign in our lives, whereby He sits on the throne of our hearts, and we submit to His authoritative and loving rule. By our example, we are to invite the rest of the world to become part of His Kingdom of Light, dispelling the darkness that leads to the burden some of us feel today. 

I love this quote by author Jeremy Treat: "The Bible is the story of God making His good creation a glorious Kingdom ... The Bible is a rescue story, not about God rescuing sinners from a broken creation, but about Him rescuing them for a new creation ... The message of the Kingdom is not an escape from Earth to Heaven, but God's reign coming from Heaven to Earth". Now, contemplate the weight of Scripture's truth when it says thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". The Kingdom message is about the scope and purpose of God's reign over the earth, making it like Heaven. 

Jesus came to bring a way for the men on earth to become a part of God's reign [and His new creation] on the earth through the Kingdom Jesus brought with Him. And the only way to enter that Kingdom was by receiving Salvation through faith in Jesus. By partnering with Jesus, we have a new life, separating ourselves from our sinful attachment to the old created world, in exchange for entrance into a new spiritual realm called the Kingdom of God. Today, this Kingdom has come in part as a spiritual reality for the truly Saved. We no longer claim citizenship in this world, but are renewed by our lives in the Kingdom and the promise of the fulfillment of the Kingdom when Jesus returns. That glorious fulfillment is a future event and the culmination of God's redemptive plan since man's fall in the Garden.  

So, if, as a redeemed Christian, you are feeling burdened by being in this fallen and sinful world, perhaps you should take a closer look at where you've positioned yourself. Which realm are you taking up your residence? Do you see yourself in the world ... or transferred into the Kingdom realm? Whose reign are you submitting yourself to -- the authority of the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) ... or the realm where Jesus reigns as King of the world, and God's authority is sovereign and supreme? Are you allowing yourself to be burdened by the chains with which this world will weigh you down, ... or looking forward to your inheritance and rewards when Heaven comes to earth in the fullness of Jesus Christ, and we take our places at the feast in the Millennial Kingdom?

In summation, we need not look at our present circumstances through our carnal eyes, but look with joy, patience, and expectation towards our future reality in God's fulfilled Kingdom on earth. Remember, at the moment of our Salvation, we were delivered from Satan's domain of darkness and transferred into the different and separate realm of the Kingdom of God. Stay focused on our future inheritance. It only gets better from here! 

2 Peter 1:10-11     So, dear brothers and sisters, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Do these things, and you will never fall away. Then God will give you a grand entrance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.