In the wake of the recent tragedies in our country -- North Carolina, New Orleans, and now California -- the two Biblical precepts in today's title come to mind. God speaks of them separately, yet my spirit is perceiving how they will ultimately be connected at the Lord's Return.
To be honest, I am amazed at the lack of knowledge and understanding by the world (including far too many in The Church) of who God is and who we are to be in Him. It is important that all the people on earth know and comprehend the seriousness of what should be a familiar verse, Hosea 4:6: "My people perish for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children".
Lack of what knowledge you might ask? The prophet Hosea speaks to the children of Israel in Chapter 4, but his warning applies to all of God's creation, whether they acknowledge Him, or not. He warns the children of Israel [and therefore us] ... Hear the Word of the LORD; For the LORD brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land: "There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land". And let me remind you that there is no excuse for not knowing God. He makes Himself known in the beauty of a sunrise, in the birth of a child, in the touch of a hand to the hurting, and in the power of the ocean, a bolt of lightning or an earthquake. But the most significant evidence of His existence is the relationship we form with Him in our hearts and spirits -- if we seek Him and let Him in.
Take a moment and consider those two verses again. The Creator of the Universe not only makes it clear that we will perish for our lack of knowledge of Him, but that He will, in reality, reject and destroy us; and our generations will cease to exist. That shouldn't be taken lightly! Furthermore, Romans 14:12 tells us that each of us will give an account of ourselves before God. We will all stand before Him one day and be held accountable for our time here on earth; for all we've done [and not done], and for every word spoken.
But from the beginning of man's creation, we have surrendered to the temptation of thinking we know better than He does; that the mind of the created is greater than that of the Creator. Therefore man doesn't seek the wisdom and knowledge of God, The Creator; nor does he make the effort to know and understand His Word, which provides His moral and social laws that result in righteous and rewarding lives for all who follow Him. Instead, mankind determines that he knows best how to create a socially diverse, equitable, and inclusive society that will benefit everyone -- of course, without any moral guidelines, other than whatever meets our individual needs -- and that becomes our relative truth.
So, how has that worked out over the past few years and months for the citizens of our country? Let me be clear, this is not meant to be a political statement. I call our attention to this perspective out of a sincere concern for the welfare of our fellow Americans -- no matter your skin color, gender preference, age, political affiliation, or social class, we were created to take care of each other and honor the One who created us. That means, as a follower of Jesus, I believe in His Word that says we are to hold each other accountable while on earth for our words and actions. That calls for openness and honesty, especially when operating in positions whose job is to help our neighbors. Instead, I see self-serving men and women making excuses for bad social policies, and all too willing to blame others and not be accountable for their decisions. And it costs unnecessary suffering and injustice.
That's why 2 Corinthians 5:10 should strike fear into anyone who has no knowledge of His Creator and thinks he can make of his life whatever suits him, regardless of how it effects others. This critical verse tells us that "we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad". You see, there will come a day when that lack of knowledge will cost you your life [here and for eternity] -- if you don't know Him. And every self-centered deed or careless action that benefited yourself [while harming others] will be revealed, and instead of a reward for serving God, you will "receive what is due you" by our Holy and Righteous God.
As citizens, we are called to submit to the authority of our leaders, but that is difficult when we have no confidence that they will fulfill their duties and responsibilities to keep watch over us, as those who know they must give an account. But we have responsibilities, too, and we will give an accounting for how well we guarded the rights and blessings bestowed on us [by God] as citizens of this great nation. We must take responsibility for who we voted for and the policies they supported. Were they good for the community and nation? Too many people got pulled along by false promises and hopes of ill-gotten gain on the backs of the less fortunate. We will stand before Jesus regarding our actions, as well.
As Christians, if we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that the thousands of people in North Carolina suffering through a cold winter without adequate housing; or the violent attacks in New Orleans and the streets of our cities; and the tremendous loss of life, homes, and businesses in the beautiful hills of Los Angeles -- it all could have been avoided. But we have not demanded nor voted for righteous leadership in this nation for a long time. How long did we expect God to turn a blind eye to our mismanagement of this blessed land? "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked (Luke 12:48)". The truth is, we have not safeguarded what the Lord has given us; nor demanded the same from our leaders. And we wonder why we seem to be judged? Here's the answer ... "There is no truth, or mercy, or knowledge of God in the land."
Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.