A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

August 26, 2015

The Dual Identities of Margaret Sanger!

     With great interest, I read of a fight in which a group of black Ministers are engaged with the Smithsonian Institute.  The Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery has denied their request to have the bust of Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, removed from the museum’s “Struggle for Justice exhibit.”
     The Ministers are members of STAND, which is a non-profit organization that reaches across racial and cultural lines to bring people together around the foundational principles that made America great.  Part of their mission statement is to promote educational choice, and to strengthen families -- both of which Sanger and the organization she founded are sadly lacking.
     I must say that I agree with the minister's request that the Sanger bust be removed from any exhibit that suggests she believed in equal Justice.  Back in May of 2012, I wrote an exposé revealing many of the vile beliefs that Sanger espoused.  She was a firm believer in eugenics (controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics); sterilization and race purification (which, in effect called for the eradication of blacks and other minorities); and the elimination of "inferior" populations.  Why has no one ever questioned why Planned Parenthood facilities are mostly located in poor, black and minority neighborhoods?  Why has no one been able to see that abortion was the method most often suggested for helping disadvantaged mothers "plan their families"?
    Finally the curtain has been pulled aside, and thanks to the brave work of principled filmmakers, the truth of PP's agenda has now been made public.  But how does the congressionally funded National Portrait Gallery respond when it is pointed out that Sanger's bust does not deserve to be displayed alongside portraits of Dr. Martin Luther King, Frederick Douglass, Thurgood Marshall, or Rosa Parks, to name just a few of the deserving honorees?  "There is no ‘moral test’ for people to be accepted into the National Portrait Gallery ... [Sanger's] association with the eugenics movement shadowed her achievements in sex education and contraception, making her a figure of controversy, one whose complexities and contradictions mirror her times," National Portrait Gallery director Kim Sajet told the pastors in a letter.  "“Sanger is included because, as founder of the American Birth Control League (which would later become Planned Parenthood), she strived to bring medical advice and affordable birth control to disadvantaged women at a time when even providing literature on women’s health infringed on ‘obscenity’ laws,” Sajet wrote. “Sanger wanted to give couples the ability to control the size of their families.”
     No, actually, she wanted to give her organization the ability to control the size of their families -- by encouraging and promoting abortion.  If the goal was to provide women with sex education and the means to make educated decisions on the size of their families, why have there been 55 million babies aborted in this country?  Obviously her organization did a poor job in educating women on birth control, wouldn't you say?  Yet she still deserves to be honored as some kind of women's heroine and advocate?
     Sure looks like it from these additional remarks by Sajet, the Gallery director:  "Removing those people from the Portrait Gallery who have been less than perfect would deprive future generations of valuable lessons concerning personal ambition and achievement on one hand, and human imperfection and fallibility on the other."  You've got to be kidding me!  "Less than perfect"?  Sanger was a monster!  "Personal Ambition and Achievement"?  If you call inspiring Hitler and Dr. Mengele with their plan for extinction of the Jews worthy of commendation, then I guess I would have to say that you have a distorted view of meritorious service to your fellow man!
     Bishop E.W. Jackson, president and founder of Ministers Taking a Stand, told CNS News that the group of pastors would continue their fight to have Sanger removed from the museum and said Sajet’s letter avoided the issues his group had brought up. “If they must recognize her ‘historical significance,’ place her with busts of Pharaoh, Herod, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Goebbels, Pol Pot and Dr. Mengele,” Jackson said. “This would put her in her proper historical context with the infamous and evil figures who committed genocide.”  Well said, Pastor!  And I will be praying for your success to remove the influence of this barbaric and demonically indoctrinated woman from our social conscious.

Genesis 9:5-6           And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man.  Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.

August 15, 2015

Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: It's Unequivocal!

     I doubt that anyone in America is unaware of the multiple videos concerning Planned Parenthood ... six, so far.  They have certainly stirred contentious debates across our nation as we are forced to consider the issues that lurk beyond abortion and "a woman's right to control her body".  Naturally, there are those who will fall sharply on either side of the argument -- they either see nothing wrong with what PP chooses to do with fetal tissue procured with the supposed permission of the "donor"; or they are appalled that the bodily parts of babies are viewed as a "fiscal by-product" of an organization that promotes itself as a champion of "maternal and child health services."
     Admittedly, any argument will result in a "faith versus viable medical research" conflict.  We, who view this "tissue" as a human baby do not approve of the method by which it is obtained.  So, yes, that means abortion is the underlying issue for us, which is an anathema to our faith.  I do not shy away from that position, nor do I apologize for it.
     Then there are those who see the retrieval of fetal tissue used in research and therapy as a benefit for the good of all mankind.   Vox.com actually expressed the disparity between the two sides in an insightful manner: "They don't believe a first-trimester fetus to be a living, feeling human being, and so they see the donation of fetal tissue for medical research to be an obvious, unalloyed good. Their critics oppose abortion — they believe abortion to be murder and fetal tissue research to be a form of desecration. Where you fall on the Planned Parenthood videos really reflects where you fall on the fundamental questions of abortion."  So true!
     And I admit that I have a problem with people who can somehow find some middle ground on this issue.  For instance, I am somewhat confused by the recent statements of Presidential candidate, Ben Carson.  In response to an inquiry regarding his own use of fetal tissue for research, The Washington Post reports the following response:  "You have to look at the intent," Carson said before beginning a campaign swing through New Hampshire. "To willfully ignore evidence that you have for some ideological reason is wrong. If you’re killing babies and taking the tissue, that’s a very different thing than taking a dead specimen and keeping a record of it... Bear this in mind about pathologists; regardless of what their ideology is, when they receive tissue, they prepare the tissue. They label it. They mark how it got there. Regardless of whether it’s from a fetus or someone who’s 150 years old, they bank them in tissue blocks. Other people doing comparative research need to have a basis. When pathologists receive specimen, their job is to prepare the specimen. They have no job opining on where the tissue came from."  
     Is anyone else bothered by that reasoning?  Am I mistaken, or is he willing to excuse the procedure (and overlook the moral aspects of it) because it supplies useful research data?  Maybe it's just me, but it seemed a bit callous to say that it is not their job to worry about where the tissue came from.  How can you say If you’re killing babies and taking the tissue, that’s a very different thing than taking a dead specimen and keeping a record of it --- when the dead specimen is the result of killing a baby!  One thing leads to the other!  You can't get that "dead specimen" unless you kill a baby!
     And there are always the emotional arguments.  The Blaze reports on the ridiculous position presented by Fox News's Geraldo Rivera, who favors such donations because they are necessary to advance medicine. “I want a cure for cancer. I want a cure for heart disease," he selfishly declares. He then goes on to self-righteously demand that our society needs "good abortions", which he defines as the following: "A good abortion is sitting in a clean place, where the woman’s health is protected! As opposed to a back alley! As opposed to a back alley where the woman dies with some butcher cutting her to pieces!"  What about the babies, Geraldo?  Do you care that some butcher is cutting them to pieces in the process?  How convenient to focus on the mother, but ignore the life that she is sacrificing.
     This topic is so divisive and poignant that one cannot compromise on one's position.  There is no middle ground.  And it deeply saddens me that those who are Pro-choice have been so deceived into making this a feminist issue, thereby rupturing one of the most instinctive relationships among the human race -- that of mother and child. Satan has successfully blinded women into rejecting one of their most blessed purposes for existence...giving life.
     So, is there anyway to reach the approximate 1.2 million American women who make that choice every year?  The Center for Medical Progress, the makers of the Planned Parenthood videos, have done their best to show the truth behind this "women's healthcare" issue.  God Bless them for their efforts!  And I would like to close out this blog post by sharing a video that you might just want to share yourself.  I ran across it at The Blaze, and was initially skeptical because I did not want to hear another "production" by Glenn Beck.  But I like this video precisely because it does not feature Beck, except in introducing the work of the producer of the video.  (If you want to skip the usual Beck monologue, start at the 1 minute 40 second mark).
     As the video states, "Every generation has its defining moment."  What we, as a nation, decide to do with the information we have received from the Kermit Gosnell trial and these Planned Parenthood videos will define us.  The greatest genocide the world has ever known is happening NOW ... and on our watch!  We have killed more babies in this national genocide than over 30 of the most horrific genocides in world history ... combined!  Watch the video to find out the one word by which future generations will judge us as monsters.  The act of abortion represents choices that must be made... and those who participate in abortion don't seem to be considering the baby's choice to life!

Deuteronomy 30:19   "This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."

August 1, 2015

As It Was In The Days of Old... Our Evil Will Precede Our Fall!

     Today's post may be hard to read, but I think it is absolutely necessary that we Christians face the sensational evidence of evil that is before our eyes.  I didn't think that the Planned Parenthood horror show could get any worse until I watched the fourth video released by the Center For Medical Progress.  I want to warn you, I was physically ill after watching it, and had to stop it before it finished, because it was just too hard to watch.  I hesitate to tell you to observe it, yet how can we turn away or ignore this evil?  What is our responsibility in making this known, and will it really make any difference?
     I mean, we have the White House declaring that all the videos are fake; there are threats of a veto if Congress tries to defund the slaughterhouse that is Planned Parenthood; and you have the President of PP, Cecile Richards, proclaiming to ABC's George Stephanopoulos that "it is not a fee ... it is not a fee; it's actually just the cost of transmitting this material.  There are no financial benefits...".
     Excuse me, Ms. Richards, but what you refer to as mere "material" is a baby!  And, in this fourth video, you have Dr. Ginde, a doctor in one of the biotech clinics that partners with you, saying quite clearly (as she dissects fetal body parts in a glass dish, "It's a baby."  And at the end of the video, she describes that sometimes during the second trimester abortions, the fetuses are so big, they can pull them out with their hands, so that they are "a little less war-torn".  But perhaps the most disturbing part (and which frankly, rocked my soul), was when the Medical Assistant is heard proclaiming in a triumphant voice, "Another boy!"  

     At this point I have to agree with my husband ... I know we are supposed to pray for these people, but God, forgive me, I want them to go straight to hell!  And I'm sure that other Christians are just as confounded as I am as to how we human beings have come so far in our evil ways.  In fact, during conversations with good friends, we find ourselves asking "Why?", and trying to come up with rational answers to explain why fetal parts are being sold.  Can it be justified for medical research? How can human beings not see the truth behind what they are doing?  And, for God's sake, can it really be true that fetal tissue is being sold to companies as flavor enhancers?
     That claim is so nightmarish that people won't believe it until they read the evidence themselves.  And I understand that reluctance, because it is just too hard to wrap our brains around the fact that we are eating our young... yet that is, in essence what we are doing.  And the Bible records it happening in the Old Testament, and prophecies it for this Age!
     As hard as it may be to fathom that cannibalism is mentioned in the Bible, it is!  Cannibalism is mentioned several times in Scripture; specifically, when referring to the prophecy about the siege of Samaria by the Assyrian army.  Perhaps the most descriptive of these prophecies is in Deuteronomy 28:53-57:  And you shall eat the fruit of your womb, the flesh of your sons and daughters, whom the Lord your God has given you, in the siege and in the distress with which your enemies shall distress you ... The most tender and refined woman among you, who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground because she is so delicate and tender, will begrudge to the husband she embraces, to her son and to her daughter, her afterbirth that comes out from between her feet and her children whom she bears, because lacking everything she will eat them secretly, in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy shall distress you in your towns."  The prophecy had warned the people of Israel that their national disobedience to the commandments of God could reduce them to such a loathsome deed as cannibalism.
     This portion of Scripture alludes to just such a time in Biblical history (2 Kings) when the northern kingdom had entered a season of rapid decline that mirrored its spiritual condition.  The tribes of Israel had turned away from their worship of YHWH to follow an apostate state religion and near complete moral degeneracy.  They had also made some unwise political alliances with Assyria that ultimately brought about their demise and their captivity and exile.  During this period of their history, the capital of Israel, Samaria, was attacked by the Assyrians and a siege ensued, which resulted in the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy.  And lest you think the prophecy was only for the ancient kingdom of Israel, note that the Scripture in Deuteronomy mentions TWO times that the mother will eat her young secretly ... in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy shall distress you...  Can you say for sure that the "distress" only happened in 721 B.C., and doesn't refer to a future time?
     Because now here we are, in the same state of moral and spiritual decline, unwise political alliances, and national disobedience to our once Biblical foundation.  And guess what?  We, too, are cannibalizing our young!  How else can you describe it, when fetal parts are auctioned off to the highest bidder, which may include the maker of your favorite soft drink or that most popular of coffee drinks?  Let's face it, folks --- this 21st century cannibalism is the physical horror which is a manifestation of the spiritual horror of our apostasy.
     But, remember, as I told you in my post, titled Forward March!... we must not curl up in defeat, lamenting that Satan has overrun our position in this world.  We must not give ground on this issue!  Planned Parenthood has been knocked back on their heels with the revelations coming forth from these videos... no matter how loudly they protest.  We must take a page from the Enemy's playbook.  They will try to keep saying the videos are fake, or heavily edited; but saying it won't make it so.  They will try to turn the tide of public opinion against the brave undercover investigators who are exposing their lies and wickedness.  Remember, there are more videos to come, with the promise that each one is worse than the one before.
     So keep playing them and showing them to people.  Each time they say it is a lie, reply that it is the words of the PP doctors and biotech partners themselves that indict them.  Demand that our tax dollars not fund this evil organization!  Make our elected officials accountable!  And most of all, please pray and fight this battle in the spiritual realm!  The souls of those babies are crying out for God's Justice and perhaps for the first time, their voices are being heard through these videos.  Pray for the protection of the Center for Medical Progress and their ongoing efforts to expose this evil.  Together, we can be a formidable army against the spiritual forces of darkness that are being unmasked and forced into the light of public scrutiny.  And, we can rejoice that Jesus, the Light of the World, will not suffer this evil much longer!

Psalm 72:14    "From oppression and violence He redeems their life, and precious is their blood in His sight."


July 30, 2015

It's Called Collusion

Collusion:  conspiracy, connivance, complicity, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming.

     That's what I call it when Planned Parenthood and the Mainstream Media agree to restrict the coverage of damning videos by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).  And that's what I call it when that same Mainstream Media decides to do over-the-top coverage of a tragic big game hunt in Africa, instead.  Let me fill you in on the details....
     According to The Blaze, the Planned Parenthood regional headquarters in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota sent letters to regional media outlets warning them not to air coverage of the controversial videos showing Planned Parenthood officials bargaining for the sale of fetal tissue obtained through abortions.  In part, PP complained that "CMP gained access to Planned Parenthood facilities under false pretenses, and filmed without securing approval from the Planned Parenthood staff being filmed or the patients whose privacy is compromised by this secret videotaping. The material should not be aired."

     So, I guess Planned Parenthood wants us to feel that they and their patients have been violated by the videos that have been released.  I wish they would have given the same consideration to those precious fetuses.
     And I'm sure I don't need to point out that there has been a conspicuous lack of coverage on the major media outlets, too.  Other than Fox News, have you seen any serious coverage on the despicable practices of PP?  Of course, you might have heard how CMP was deceitful in obtaining the video; how the videos were heavily edited; and the general unscrupulousness of the undercover project... but nothing about the convicting statements by the PP doctors and officials that fetal parts are, indeed, a valuable commodity.  The implication of the videos were obvious:  there's money to be made by selling the livers, hearts, and heads of murdered fetuses!  But here's the unspoken message: we (the media) must work together to minimize this story and move on to the next news cycle.  We need to focus the public's attention on something else until this blows over.
     It didn't take them long to find their "something else".  As Breitbart.com reports, it's all over the news ... online news outlets, MSM, and every two-bit publicity source.  And here's the story that has the world worked up into a frenzy:  Cecil, supposedly, one of "Africa's most famous lions" was mistakenly shot during a purchased big game hunt by a dentist from Minnesota.  Now, paying thousands of dollars to hunt and collect trophies is not my thing, but it is legal in Africa.  However, this dentist claims that he was unaware that the lion had been lured out of a protected area until after the hunt.  He says that he relied on the expertise of his paid guides, who allegedly were responsible for the ruse.
     If it is proven that the dentist and/or his guides were unethical in their actions, and broke Zimbabwe's laws, then they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.  But, frankly, I am astonished at the outcry of those who are encouraging death threats against the dentist.  Piers Morgan, writing for Britain's Daily Mail said he would pay for someone to help him track down the dentist, "skin him alive, cut his head from his neck, and take a bunch of photos of us all grinning inanely at his quivering flesh."
     Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel actually cried on camera over the death of the famed lion, and wondered out loud if the dentist needed to kill a lion "to get an erection".  E! Online actually  called for the death of the dentist, in this thinly disguised threat: "if it were possible, we’d revoke his status as an actual human being…", while a fading actress tweeted that she would revoke his citizenship.  Actually, it's interesting what people will tweet about... I guess killing an unsuspecting lion in the wilds of Africa is a greater tragedy than killing an innocent young woman on a pier in San Francisco.  There were certainly no tweets about Kate Steinle's death from this same actress.
     But I think it was PETA's statement (People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals) that has upset me the most.  They stated that if it is proven that the dentist committed a crime, he should be "extradited, charged and, preferably, hanged... To get a thrill at the cost of a life, this man gunned down a beloved lion, Cecil with a high-powered weapon. All wild animals are beloved by their own mates and infants, but to hunters like this overblown, over-privileged little man, who lack empathy, understanding and respect for living creatures, they are merely targets to kill, decapitate and hang up on a wall as a trophy. The photograph of this dentist, smiling over the corpse of another animal, who, like Cecil, wanted only to be left in peace, will disgust every caring soul in the world."
     Well, here is what I would like to say to all these woefully foolish and deceived people:  I might give some credence to your words if only you showed the same outrage against Planned Parenthood.  I would like to restate PETA's charge against the choices made by the dentist and his hunting guides, and issue my own angry response towards those who support PP's activities.  By substituting Planned Parenthood's name in the diatribe, it would read something like this ... "To make money at the cost of a life, PP has encouraged the murder of millions of God's beloved creations, oftentimes in cruel and sadistic manners (think Kermit Gosnell).  All decent people love their mates and babies, but to immoral, unethical and shameless organizations and doctors like yourself, who lack empathy, understanding and respect for living creatures (which include fetuses), they are merely targets to kill, decapitate and make money off of.  The videos of Planned Parenthood, haggling over fetal body parts, who were once part of a living, growing, baby, should disgust every caring soul in the world."
     Do you think it's possible that any of these misled people in the media and Hollywood will recognize the similarity in these two statements?  Sadly, I doubt it.  They will remain silent regarding the atrocities against unborn babies and the profiteering that goes on behind the scenes; at the same time they will become enraged over the dishonorable death of an animal a continent away.  We can expect that the full force of the media and a loud and lengthy social outcry will be exercised against this dentist -- while unborn fetuses will continue to be killed and sold without nary a glance at the wicked practice.  Does anyone else feel like we've crossed over into the Twilight Zone?

Ecclesiastes 12:14:       "For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."


July 23, 2015

Look How Far We've Come!

     As the second video exposing Planned Parenthood's involvement with selling fetal body parts surfaces, we can already see the battle lines being drawn... or not, as the case may be.  While most Americans are horrified by the negotiations revealed in the two videos that have been released, did you happen to notice that most of the mainstream media actually ignored the scandal?
     The undercover video by the Center for Medical Progress was only covered on Fox News, while ABC's This Week, CBS's Face the Nation, CNN's State of the Union and NBC's Meet the Press all ignored the hot story on their Sunday morning political talk shows.  What does that tell you?  More than likely, they received instructions from their political masters to steer clear of this shameful news story.
     As Jeffrey Meyer, of NewsBusters, reported in his article, Brit Hume of Fox News actually hit the nail on the head when he said, "[the video] demonstrates a callousness toward the killing of a human life that is, I think, a product of the abortion culture and where it has taken us. That was true also of Gosnell to an even more revolting extent. And I think that's the problem. It raises a deeper moral question about where all this is taking us.”  (You will recall that Dr. Kermit Gosnell was an abortion physician convicted of murdering three infants who were born alive during attempted abortion procedures.)
     And I think Hume's question is so valid ... where is the abortion culture taking us?  Can you see that in the 42 years, since the Supreme Court decision made Roe v. Wade the law of the land, just how much we have devalued a human life?  Since 1973, when abortion became legal, there has been much effort to remove the stigma that a baby is actually being killed during the procedure.  As long as the abortion took place in the first trimester, the baby could be referred to as "tissue" or "cells".
     Then on the 20th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, President Bill Clinton wrote an Executive Order that removed restrictions on abortions, which allowed "fetal tissue research".  Of course, proponents and scientists cheered loudly as they proclaimed that fetal tissue held the possibility of benefiting patients with Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, Huntington's disease, spinal cord injuries and other conditions. But it also made fetal tissue a marketable commodity for research organizations, and we took another step away from the recognition that this tissue was once a baby.
     Now, here we are another twenty odd years later, and there are advocates for late-term abortions (up to 24 weeks), and we find that fetal body parts are actually being sold to the highest bidder.  We have slid so far down the ethical and decency ladder that I'm not sure we can ever recover moral ground.
     The medical director of the controversial organization Planned Parenthood is seen and heard on the second damning video discussing the use of "a less crunchy technique to get more specimens", and joking about bumping up prices because she "wants a Lamborghini".  The sense that this is a baby we are talking about is completely absent. How have we become so morally vacant?
     Planned Parenthood, of course, will once again say that the video is heavily edited, and that the procurement of fetal tissue is not against the law.  And there will be writers like Time Magazine's Alice Parks, who says in her article Why We Still Need Fetal Tissue Research, "The National Institutes of Health spent $76 million on fetal research in 2014, and fetal tissue has contributed to vaccines for polio, rubella and chicken pox. While recent efforts to transplant fetal tissue to treat conditions like Parkinson’s haven’t been as consistently successful, it’s still critical to scientific progress."  Excuse me ... do they want us to believe that polio, rubella, and chicken pox still require millions of dollars of research to eradicate?  I thought those diseases were controlled long ago.  And I ask you, how is it "progress" to diminish the existence of a baby to sellable body parts?
     Then there is Planned Parenthood’s president Cecile Richards, who defends Planned Parenthood's "donation programs" that are supported by "Women and families [who are] committed to life-saving research ... And [that] should be respected, not attacked."  I'm sorry, but the word "respect" is not one that I can attribute to anyone involved in this decision and this practice.
     But what do we do about the companies and organizations that contribute millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood; and who are complicit in the marketing of fetal tissue and body parts?  There are 41 corporations and organizations that directly contribute to the group.  Would you like to know who they are?  Some will surprise you; others won't.  They are, in alphabetical order: Adobe, American Cancer Society, American Express, AT&T, Avon, Bank of America, Bath & Body Works, Ben & Jerry’s, Clorox, Coca-Cola, Converse, Deutsche Bank, Dockers, Energizer, Expedia, ExxonMobil, Fannie Mae, Ford, Groupon, Intuit, Johnson & Johnson, La Senza, Levi Strauss, Liberty Mutual, Macy’s, March of Dimes, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Nike, Oracle, PepsiCo, Pfizer, Progressive, Starbucks, Susan G. Komen, Tostitos, Unilever, United Way, Verizon, Wells Fargo, and Xerox.
      In light of the revelation that fetal tissue is also used as "flavor enhancers" in products by Pepsi and Starbuck's popular DoubleShot and Frappacino drinks, it makes you wonder what benefits the other corporations are receiving by supporting the evil deeds of Planned Parenthood.
     We may soon know, because the Center for Medical Progress has promised a new video each week as they produce new evidence and confessions from Planned Parenthood operatives.  No matter how much those who champion the organization applaud their efforts to advance medical research, no one should deny the callousness and the disregard for human life that is exhibited in these filmed exposés.
     The Spirit within me is crying out for justice for these innocent babies who have been reduced to "parts for dollars".  I can imagine them pleading before God in His throne room to defend them and exact His justice on their behalf; all 56 million-plus of them who have suffered this degradation.  Our moral decline is on full view before God and the world, and it's only going to get worse as more videos are released.  May our Lord have mercy on this nation!

To read more from the NewsBuster reports on this scandal, please click here and here.

Isaiah 26:21    "For behold, the Lord is coming out from His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity, and the earth will disclose the blood shed on it, and will no more cover its slain."

July 16, 2015

The Price of Evil

     I'm sorry if the photo enclosed in this post offends you, but I see no purpose in hiding the full impact of what this story reveals.  We've been hiding the extent of evil in our land too long!    

      I know that the foremost news on everyone's mind is the proposed "Iran deal", and I will have something to say about that in the coming days.  But today my heart is deeply saddened by the revelations from an undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood.  Breitbart.com has done an outstanding job on their extensive reporting on Planned Parenthood's sale of "intact fetal organs" harvested from abortions.
     Take a moment and grasp the full implications of that statement.  There is actually a market for body parts of babies murdered during partial-birth abortions.  Think that is too strong of a statement? Just watch this video released by the Center for Medical Progress, the undercover organization that broke this story.  In it, you will see and hear Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, discuss the aborted fetal parts which are harvested at their clinics (hearts, lungs, livers, lower extremities).  She also discloses the price range for such tissue, while admitting that both Planned Parenthood and the facilities purchasing the aborted fetal parts don't want to be perceived as selling and buying aborted babies.  Too late for that!
     She then goes on to discuss how the abortion procedures are conducted in order to cause the least damage to what she refers to as "the specimens".  Her exact words are, "So then you're just kind of cognizant where you put your graspers; you try to intentionally go above and below the thorax, so that, you know, we've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I'm not gonna crush that part... I'm gonna basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact."  She then goes on to discuss how dilation effects the delivery of the calvarium (that's the baby's head), and how the goal of the last step of the procedure is to "evacuate an intact calvarium at the end".
     First, let me say, that it is disgusting to watch this monster feed her face and drink wine as she dispassionately describes the harvesting of God's creation for body parts.  Next, perhaps it helps her to sleep at night to refer to the clinical description of a precious baby's head as "the calvarium", but it does nothing to alleviate her evil intent.  She even seems to hint that although the Federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban is law, it can be circumvented because it is subject to interpretation, such as ... "If I say on day one, I do not intend to do this, what ultimately happens doesn't matter."  That's a perfect example of the moral relativism that is bringing about our national downfall.
     Unbelievably, she goes on to answer the question asked by the undercover reporter (posing as a buyer of fetal tissue):  "What did you procure during your procedures yesterday at the clinic?" She reveals that she calmly looked at her case-load and knew from the list that the buyers had presented what they were looking for, so she plans her day accordingly.
     Of course, Planned Parenthood has come out strongly denouncing the video, claiming it has been heavily edited, is taken out of context, is misleading, and blah, blah, blah.  And interestingly enough, PP has their affiliates across the country contract directly for the sale of body parts, so if the affiliate is exposed, they can take the fall for the parent organization.  Maybe it was the wine, but I couldn't believe how forthcoming she was with information; admitting that the ideal scenario would be to "find all the people who are doing this [buying fetal body parts] and present them with a menu." I can just imagine what that menu would look like .... a check-off list of how many hearts, livers, and lungs the procurement partner needs and by what date.  It's like a horror movie!  Only it is the reality of our world today.
     If you have been a faithful reader of this blog from the beginning then you will recall my May, 2012 post on the diabolical doctrines and beliefs of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.  Hailed as a heroine, I marvel at the ignorance of today's ardent feminists who don't have a clue as to her true philosophies.  Her motives had nothing to do with liberating women or women’s rights, she was a eugenicist — someone who believed that through abortion, birth control, and forced sterilization society could “assist the [human] race in the elimination of the unfit.”  Many of her philosophies were at the heart of Hitler's extermination plan for the Jews.
     In a paper titled, Birth Control and Racial Betterment, Sanger made this comment, "We who advocate Birth Control, on the other hand, lay all our emphasis upon stopping not only the reproduction of the unfit but upon stopping all reproduction when there is not economic means of providing proper care for those who are born in health. The eugenist also believes that a woman should bear as many healthy children as possible as a duty to the state. We hold that the world is already over-populated. Eugenists imply or insist that a woman’s first duty is to the state; we contend that her duty to herself is her duty to the state."  Still think she was a champion of women's individual rights?
     Regardless of how loud and angry Planned Parenthood becomes in denying this damning video, it is plain for all to see that they foresee a future in which fetal body parts are harvested to supply a thriving new financial market.  And if you can somehow overcome the shock and distaste of what they're doing, you have to ask yourself, "Who is buying these parts and what are they using them for?"  There are all kinds of scenarios (and hold on to your tin foil hats for these) .... this article will tell you they are being used as "flavor enhancers" in our food!  Is it possible that Transhumanists are in the market for fetal stem cells and organs to advance the branch of their frankenstein science called Rejuvenation?  And, if you are a Christian who views these days as the Biblical End Times, then whose to say that these fetal body parts aren't being using in demonic practices and sacrifices in the world of the occult?
     The bottom line is this:  the very fact that this video exists is proof that partial birth abortion is not only endorsed by Planned Parenthood, but they see it as a marketable ancillary of their hellish organization.  And Dr. Deborah Nucatola talks on camera about the future of this new market as if it is the natural evolution of Planned Parenthood's agenda.  It is sometimes too difficult to look upon the sins of modern mankind.  I cannot think of a better reason for our Lord and Savior to leave His domain in Heaven and come forth to exact His Judgment.  Lord, do not allow one more precious baby to be sacrificed in this wicked generation!

If you would like to read the full complement of Breitbart's exposé on Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger, please click on the links to each. 

Nahum 1:3,6   "The Lord is slow to anger and great in power, and the Lord will by no means clear the guilty ... Who can stand before His indignation? Who can endure the heat of His anger? His wrath is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken into pieces by Him." 

May 15, 2015

The Height Of Hypocrisy In The Heart Of Babylon

     Let's study the meaning of a couple of words, shall we?  First of all ... hypocrisy.  The dictionary defines it as "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense".  Now, let's look at the word spa.  It is defined as "a mineral spring considered to have health-giving properties", or "a commercial establishment offering health and beauty treatments".
     So, I think you will understand why I titled this post as I did when I reveal that a new chemical abortion clinic, calling itself a “posh spa,” launched a daring advertising campaign in the District of Columbia this week.  With brazen billboards that sport headlines such as, “Abortion, yeah we do that,” it is obvious that they wish to portray abortion as a common and trendy practice.
    Not only does this organized campaign offend me -- it disgusts me!  The focus of an abortion clinic is the death of a living fetus; there is nothing healthy, or life-sustaining, or beautiful about it.  Women do not go there to receive treatment to enhance themselves, or improve the quality or appearance of their physical bodies.  They go there for exactly the opposite reason -- to remove a vital and living part of themselves; an unborn person that relies on them to protect and nurture their life.
      And to assert that abortion is popular, stigma-free, and no more problematic than any other procedure is not only misleading, but morally repugnant.  It doesn't change my opinion when informed that clients are welcomed with hot tea and comfy robes in the clinic, which features wood floors, plush upholstery and natural wood tones, so it resembles a high-end salon or spa.  Nor can this clinic sell me on their approach of creating a "brand" of abortion clinic that is “fresh, modern, clean, and caring."  They can call it the Ritz-Carlton for all I care.  They are not selling wellness; they are selling death!
     But it shouldn't surprise us that the abortion issue is adopting the method of other unbiblical positions.  In an effort to de-stigmatize the procedure, this "Spa" approach is attracting a passionate new crop of young activists to the movement.  Women are going door-to-door in conservative neighborhoods to talk about their abortion experiences in the hope of changing minds.  New online projects even solicit personal testimonials, including from women who have no regrets about terminating their pregnancies.  Telling personal stories echoes a strategy successfully employed by the gay rights movement, helping it change public opinion by coaxing people to come out of the closet to their friends, neighbors and colleagues.
     Perhaps feminine poet Katha Pollitt expresses this new generation of abortion apologists best, when she says, “We need to talk about ending a pregnancy as a common, even normal, event in the reproductive lives of women,” Pollitt writes, adding that the decision to abort can be “just as moral as the decision to have a child — indeed, sometimes more moral” because “part of caring for children is knowing when it’s not a good idea to bring them into the world.”
     But what Ms. Pollitt doesn't understand is that there is a Higher Authority over that unborn child than her own.  The Creator God of the Universe -- who created her, as well as her child -- has a legal entitlement to demand that we respect what He has created.  And He has made His opinion well-known.  In Leviticus 20:2-5, He states,  “Say to the Israelites: 'Any Israelite or any foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molek is to be put to death.' "  Got it?  It is an act that the God who created you, has declared is worthy of death.  How many women in this country alone, have fallen on their knees and repented of this decision?
     And just because this luxurious, posh abortion clinic only administers pharmaceutical abortions, does not lessen their responsibilities towards those unborn fetuses.  And I do not buy their argument that if I oppose abortion, "it’s not going to affect [me] if a clinic wraps its patients in cotton robes instead of paper ones.".  Excuse me, but it does affect me, because the Bible says God causes the rain to fall on both the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45).  So all of us in this nation are exposed to suffer the penalty of God's punishment for the nearly 56,000,000 aborted babies since 1973.
     This latest attempt to "soften" the image of abortion clinics does nothing to appease the followers of Christ who honor all life.  No amount of persuasion or false facade can transform this offense against our Maker.  May God have mercy on the innocents who have been slain in this rebellious generation.

Thanks to articles in The Washington Post and Breitbart.com for the details on this clinic.  And to see a 30-second advertising spot on their efforts to de-stigmatize abortion, click here.

Isaiah 44:2   "Thus says the Lord, Who made you and formed you from the womb...."

May 8, 2015

Why Has It Taken This Long?

     I viewed a decision by our nation's prominent religious leaders to openly declare that they are ready to enact "Civil Disobedience" with a bit of consternation.  On the one hand, I applaud their bold move to stand in opposition to the Supreme Court, should that august body decide to make same-sex marriage legal across the land.  On the other hand, I am left wondering why now, and why this issue?
     A veritable Who's Who of religious notoriety and distinction signed a pledge, which states in part, "While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross."
     Everyone from newly announced Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, to Reverend Franklin Graham, Pastor John Hagee, U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, James Dobson, and the founder of Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver, have signed on.  Their stated purpose is to send a strong message to the Supreme Court (or any court in the country) that they will oppose elevating same-sex marriage to a protected legal stance, engaging in "peaceful resistance against unjust laws and unjust rulings."
     They want it known that they fear the legalization of same-sex marriage will transform the face of society and will result in the “beginning of the end of Western Civilization.”  Furthermore, “We have no choice,” Staver is quoted as saying. “We cannot compromise our clear biblical convictions, our religious convictions."  Supposedly, they have stated that they are willing "to resist [the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage] as much as Martin Luther King, Jr. resisted unjust laws in his time."  Now, that's a pretty big commitment.
     So here's my concern ... why hasn't this stand been taken for the issue of abortion?  Why haven't we heard their outcry over late-term abortions, or of the issue of abortion, itself?  Hasn't abortion transformed the face of society, and I think a good argument could be made that it is leading us to the end of Western Civilization.
     I want to believe that their motives are pure ... I really do!  But, as an article on the website News With Views, pointed out, these are all very wealthy and comfortable men who have had the means and the positions to fight for their "convictions" for a very long time.  They have boldly declared WE WILL NOT OBEY ... but are they willing to follow through?  And why has it taken them this long to come to that conclusion?
     Are they willing to go to jail as Dr. King did?  Are they willing to face harassment and persecution and loss of income and status for their cause?  Can they see themselves following in the footsteps of John the Baptist, or Peter or Paul?  Or is it as German Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer noted during his pre-WW II visit that the American Church lacked leadership which had any knowledge of true suffering.  Our nation's prosperity has spawned mega-churches and million dollar corporations, all clothed in 501(c)3 protective raiment.
     Are these men willing to forego their soft and comfortable positions to get down in the trenches of real Biblical battle?  Are they willing to contemplate Jesus's words in Matthew 11:7-8?  Scripture says, "Then as these men went their way, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John: What did you go out in the wilderness (desert) to see? A reed swayed by the wind?  What did you go out to see then? A man clothed in soft garments? Behold, those who wear soft clothing are in the houses of kings."
     Was He intimating that John the Baptist's coarse and rough clothing showed that he was dead to all the pageantry of the world and the pleasures of the senses; that his clothing agreed with the wilderness he lived in?  Could we say that his appearance was consistent with his character and how he viewed his position and how he was to conduct his ministry?  If so, what does that say about how today's religious leaders have conducted their commission to spread the Gospel?  Have they relied too heavily on their connections with political figures, and cast their lot and organizations' funds on campaign contributions in the hopes of influencing the culture through political means?  Or are we going to find that they are simply too comfortable in their soft and plush clothes, and in the company of the kings of our day?
     Forgive me for being so cynical, but to my mind, there have been far too many years, and millions of aborted babies, that deserved such a call for "civil disobedience".  Perhaps if this approach had been considered in the 1970s, we wouldn't even be talking about same-sex marriage.  So, I guess I can accept "better late than never", but my natural skepticism tells me not to get too excited.  Are these wealthy pastors and religious leaders really willing to get dirty in a fight that may ask them to sacrifice all they own and are?  What will be the fruit of their actions?  Are they willing to go as far as  John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, or Martin Luther King?  I guess we will see ....

January 23, 2015

Judgment Is Inevitable!

     I don't care how they attempt to explain it away, but there is no excuse for the House of Representatives dropping a debate this week on a bill that would criminalize virtually all late-term abortions. What is there to debate? The murder of a baby is taking place!
     And all the legislators that campaigned on pro-life issues just bowed to pressure.  What happened to all the promises that a Republican Congress was going to change things in America? But nothing is going to change until we make God the foundation of this country!
      But, back to this legislation on late-term abortions ... Initially, during the legislative process, objections were made over a measure that would limit exemptions for victims of rape or incest to only those who had previously reported those incidents to authorities.  Contentious lawmakers argued that this would put undue pressure on women who might feel shame, or fear retaliation, if they report such assaults.
     Republican Representative Renee Ellmers of North Carolina was one who objected against the bill's reporting requirement.  As reported by the Associated Press, she said, "The issue becomes, we're questioning the woman's word.  We have to be compassionate to women when they're in a crisis situation."  Don't you think that the fetus is in a crisis situation?  What about compassion for the baby?
     Perhaps less passionate observers would give the benefit of the doubt to legislators.  Maybe they just don't know what happens during a late-term abortion.  I'm sorry, but I'm not inclined to give them a pass.  If I can investigate what is involved during this heinous procedure, AND  we are all sending them to D.C. to act on our behalf, then they better do their job!  It doesn't take but a minute to find out the facts about late-term abortions.  In fact, the website OperationRescue.org offers an article that spells it out quite succinctly....  (WARNING:  What you are about to read is extremely upsetting, and quite honestly, is beyond comprehension that anyone could perform this procedure!)
     The procedure was pioneered by late-term abortionist George Tiller.  The Induction abortion takes 3-4 days to complete. On the first day the woman is given an ultrasound to determine the gestational age of her baby. Then, with the aid of the ultrasound to guide the abortionist, a lethal dose of the heart medication Digoxin is injected into the baby’s heart or into the amniotic fluid directly through the woman’s abdomen. (Potassium chloride is infrequently substituted for Digoxin.) Digoxin gives the baby a fatal heart attack. This is an off-label application of the drug, which was originally developed and approved as a treatment for heart disease. In some cases, the injection can be made vaginally instead of through the abdomen.
     Now, the late Dr. Tiller claimed that this caused no pain to the fetus.  Try telling that to anyone who has experienced a massive heart attack.  Fear and pain go hand in hand with this event.  So, taking the issue of pain out of the equation, there still remains this question .... why make a point of killing the baby in the womb? The answer is simple --- TO AVOID A LIVE BIRTH!  This prevents a myriad of problems for the abortionists, including running afoul of state and federal laws protecting the life of the baby after a live birth, even if the birth is the result of an abortion. 
     But the use of Digoxin is just the beginning of the process.  Remember, it takes 3-4 days to complete a late-term abortion.  After the Digoxin injection, the woman’s cervix is packed with laminaria, thin tampon-like sticks made of seaweed that expand the cervix gradually over the next day. The drug Misoprostol is also administered vaginally to “ripen” the cervix for the upcoming delivery of the dead baby.  Misoprostol stimulates uterine contractions which are unpredictable and sometimes violent.  After the first day’s injection and cervical preparation, the patient is sent home or to a local hotel where she will remain unmonitored until her appointment at the clinic the following day.
     On Day 2 of the procedure, the woman is repacked with larger laminaria sticks and given additional Misoprostol to prepare the woman for labor. The Misoprostol may be administered both vaginally or bucally (between the cheek and jaw), depending on whether delivery is expected on Day 3 or 4. If the woman is undergoing a later, 4 day process, she will return on Day 3 for additional laminaria and Misoprostol. Each day until delivery, she is sent back to her hotel where she remains unmonitored, even though active labor had begun or was in progress.
     On the final day of the abortion, the woman is given the drug Oxytocin, which induces or augments contractions and the onset of labor. Women then are placed in a room where they endure the final stage of labor process. When it is determined that the labor has progressed to the point where the baby is about to be delivered, each woman is usually taken into a room with a toilet and told to lean on the nurse and push the baby into the toilet.  (And did you know that there are abortionists that will agree to perform this violent act as late as 35 weeks!?)
     Now, are the members of the House of Representatives going to tell us that they are unaware that this is what takes place during a late-term abortion?  Or that we should be more concerned about a woman's "right to choose", or her shame?  The shame sits squarely on their shoulders for refusing to debate this bill on the House floor!
     Can there be any doubt as to why our nation is in such decline?  The lack of morality within our halls of Congress is disgusting and regrettable.  Are they going to tell me that they can't distinguish between right and wrong, or good and bad behavior?  And I don't want to hear that this is a "religious" argument and has no place in the making of our laws.  Let me give you a couple of quotes by those who were there at the founding of this nation, and clearly saw the importance of faith in governing the nation's citizens:
John Quincy Adams: "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this; it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity."  
Abigail Adams:  A patriot without religion in my estimation is as great a paradox as an honest Man without the fear of God. Is it possible that he whom no moral obligations binds, can have any real Good Will towards Men? Can he be a patriot who, by an openly vicious conduct, is undermining the very bonds of Society? ... The Scriptures tell us "righteousness exalteth a Nation."
James Madison:  We have staked the future of American civilization upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."
     So, I ask you .... does there seem to be ANY bond between the principles of our civil government and the principles of our God?  And if there is no morality among our governing bodies, then how can they serve our best interests?  And it certainly seems that by ignoring this important legislation, we are breaking the Sixth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Murder.
     Abigail Adams got it right.  By continuing to allow late-term abortions, those who have been given governing authority by God (Romans 13) are undermining the very bonds of our Society.  And if "righteousness exalts a nation", we are doomed to destruction.  So, let me close with one more quote from the One who really matters ....  "When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman’s husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."  (Exodus 21:22-25).
     We are not to impose the punishment ourselves ... the punishment is God's right, and He will exact it!  The punishment will be extended not only towards the individuals who conduct the procedures, but to the civil legislators who condone it, and the nation's peoples who do not rise up against it.  And I am inclined to believe we deserve it .....

Isaiah 49:1    "Listen to me, O isles and coastlands, and hearken, you peoples from afar. The Lord has called me from the womb; from the body of my mother He has named my name."


July 29, 2014

Aren't You Glad Your Money Is Supporting This?

     Did you know that nearly half of the abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood's budget is derived from taxpayers?  Or did you know that at least a portion of the additional $75 million per year Obamacare appropriates for “sex counseling” through the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) will also go to Planned Parenthood(PP)?  That's what Breitbart.com reports in an extremely disturbing article, titled "Planned Parenthood:  Girls Experiment With Getting 'Spanked', 'Whipped", or 'Hit' ".
    I have long tried to ring the bell against the foundational principles of Planned Parenthood and its heroes, such as Margaret Sanger.  But the latest revelations are beyond horrific!  The ramifications for our society spell certain doom.  The Breitbart article references a group called Live Action, which is a pro-life group that is exposing Planned Parenthood's dangerous "counseling" practices to young teen women.  Live Action sent in an undercover investigator, posing as a 15-year-old girl asking for information on sexual practices.  I urge you to watch the video, but caution you that it will make your stomach turn.  This particular video shows PP staffers in Oregon advising this young girl "that it’s very common to experiment with different things," including "being tied up" and "whipped" and doing "the baby thing, where they will put on diapers."
     Other videos show PP staffers in Indianapolis "giving advice to an undercover investigator on how to engage in bondage/discipline and sadomasochistic sex (BDSM), in addition to accessing sex shops and pornographic websites."  Breitbart also provides info on the Denver PP office "offering suggestions, in graphic detail, of a spectrum of sadistic sexual behaviors, including 'whipping,' 'tying up,' and 'asphyxiation'. "  And my taxpayer dollars are supporting this filth!?!
      Oh, but I'm not finished yet!  Planned Parenthood's involvement with PREP proclaims that the program is “the first federal funding stream for programs that teach about abstinence and contraception for the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).”  You might think that sounds positive, but read on .... “These programs censor vital information from young people, who have the right to complete, accurate information that will allow them to make informed decisions about their sexual health.”   And I'm assuming that PP and PREP think that young girls need to be informed about sado-masochism, right?
     Is anyone else outraged that Planned Parenthood receives over $500 million annually of taxpayer funds to distribute this kind of toxic and aberrant sexual ideology?  There is absolutely no socially redeeming benefits for disseminating this vile instruction!
     I whole-heartedly agree with Lila Rose, President of Live Action:  "Whether you're liberal or conservative, or even pro-life or pro-abortion, tax-funded 'counseling' sessions directing kids to porn sites and sex shops, and teaching them how to beat and choke each other, are completely unacceptable."  Has Satan completely pervaded our government, our society and our moral sensibilities?  Please, God, protect this generation of young people who are being deceived.  This spiritual battle is Yours to win; we have failed miserably.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-5    "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;"

January 22, 2014

My Answer To A Millennial On The Subject Of Abortion

     It has been 41 years now since the landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion.  Each year, on this date, I am saddened that our nation continues to kill unborn babies.  And then I am disgusted by the selfishness and the arrogance of women who persist in calling it a "women's rights" issue.
     I was a sophomore in college the year that Roe v. Wade became the law of the land.  I saw many of my college friends take advantage of the new law, as it removed all responsibility from the carefree sex life they could now explore.  Little did I realize that my generation would be the beginning of a long and nightmarish road that would lead to 55,772,015 babies being sacrificed on the altar of personal convenience.  Mind you, that statistic belongs to last year's anniversary date.  At a rate of over 1.2 million abortions a year, the actual number as of today is probably closer to 57 million destroyed fetuses.
     One would think that this number would be appalling to all women.  And, I personally, would hope that the young women of today would be more sensitive to this monstrous procedure.  But it appears not.  I am discouraged by a letter to the editor of her college newspaper by Katie Youmans, a co-ed at the University of Missouri.  In the letter, she applauds the generations of women who fought for her right to have an abortion.
     As she honors this 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, she says it has never felt more important to her, and she vows to continue the fight for what she calls "reproductive freedom."  First of all, to me this is kind of an oxymoron.  The very essence of "reproductive" is to be "procreative", or "the production of offspring by a sexual process."  That means something is actually produced; and that would be a baby, Katie!  There is more than one life involved here.  So where does "freedom" come into the picture?  Wouldn't your "freedom" be more appropriately called your "entitlement" or your "impunity", which means exemption from the punishment of having a baby (where have we heard that phrase before?) or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action -- namely, purposefully killing what you've produced?
     Now, I realize, Katie, that you have no respect for those of us who were at the inception of this heinous law, but yet do not find it as liberating as you do.  And you will probably not believe me, but this law was never really about delivering girls from bad decisions.  Even the original complainants have reversed their opinion of abortion and claim they were duped into a false lawsuit, all for the real purpose of disguising population control as a social issue.  And subsequent generations have fallen for the same deception.  You claim that the issue of abortion is "interconnected with the spectrum of social justice issues" that you care about; including "poverty, racism, discrimination against immigrants, and the range of issues and systems of inequality that impact our ability to truly make the decisions that are best for ourselves, our families and our communities."
     Katie, the social conversation about all these issues centers around "rights", and those who believe as you do, will say that you have the legal entitlement to act in a way that suits your personal needs, without interference by the government.  That's the problem with the modern concept of "rights".  You make it all about man's law; but there is a higher law, a moral one.  And in the 41 years since Roe v. Wade, the moral issue around abortion has been overshadowed by selfish desire, and I know you don't want to hear it, but God sees that as sin.
     You even make the bold statement that you're here to stay and will continue the fight.  But, as one clever response to your letter-to-the-editor points out, "the great irony here is that your generation is killing future generations of people that would be like-minded."  You see, Katie, for your "cause" to continue, babies must be born to inflate your ranks.  And just what do you think those babies develop from?  Why, the very tissue you and your fellow abortion supporters would readily scrape from your wombs!
     So, Katie, I pray that the veil will be lifted from your heart, and you will see abortion for what it is ... the intentional murder of innocent lives.  They are every bit a work of the Creator as you or I.  I am  sorry that my generation was the first to embrace this barbaric practice, and I pray that yours will be the last.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17    "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple."