A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Spiritual Warfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual Warfare. Show all posts

September 21, 2024

The Posthuman Revolution & Our Spiritual Battle For the Dominion of Earth!

I would say that it's been 15 years since God invited my spirit to embark on what would become an extraordinary adventure with Him; a greater understanding of Him and my purpose here on the earth. It wasn't an earth-shattering event like Paul experienced on the road to Damascus, but rather a process that began with a hunger for His Word that led to a gradual trust between the two of us. I began to receive affirmations and convictions that what was being revealed in the Bible was true and genuine for me, too; and God received verification that He could have confidence that my faith was certain and reliable, and that I could be trusted to carry out my assignments and follow His commands. I began to hear and see Him, just as Jesus did.

It has been a wild ride ever since, to say the least. I have been shown glimpses of the magnitude and immensity of God and His plan, as well as the significance and consequences of the part we play in it all. I say "glimpses" because, by no means, am I vain enough to think that I am anyone special or remarkable. I have not been given unparalleled access to the Father's mind nor a blueprint to His heavenly agenda for His creation. But what I have been given is a heart over-flowing with gratitude, a spirit eager for answers to my questions, and a passionate willingness to be in service to His Kingdom.

In return, what He has shown me through the Holy Spirit and my relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ, is a history of our world engulfed in a spiritual battle for dominion. And I'll take it a step further, and say that I believe our planet has not been the only one involved in the battle to usurp God's power and authority. I know that probably puts me in the "crazy camp" of traditional Christians, but I'm just not willing to confine God's sovereign government to Earth alone. But that's a discussion for another day. Since I find myself situated on this rocky sphere orbiting the sun, it is the subject of my thesis in today's post.

I stated that God has shown me the history of the spiritual battle for the dominion of Earth. Now, I don't mean that I've seen the battle plans laid out in a complete and comprehensive format. But as I've been obedient to go where the Holy Spirit has guided me, and been willing to explore the merits of new revelations I've received [and vetted according to the Spirit], these are the aforementioned "glimpses" that have allowed me to grow in my understanding and to see the spiritual picture become wider in scope. 

From the first chapter in Genesis, the Bible [which is our manual for knowing the fullness of God] has unveiled the conflict between Jehovah, the Most High God, and His enemies, who seek to dethrone Him and take possession of the territories belonging to His sovereign government [i.e., His dominion]. That includes the stars, planets, universe, and men's hearts, minds, souls and spirits. We all grew up knowing the Scripture that tells us God said, "Let us make man in our image", and then He goes on to tell man to rule over the earth and subdue it. The Most High God created us and then transferred His dominion to rule earth to us [His sovereignty, control, supremacy, power and authority]. And we all know what happened in the Garden... God's cunning Enemy (and ours) convinced humans that we didn't have to be content with being "like" God, but could actually "become" a god ourselves. Ever since that fateful decision to believe him, Satan has used mankind to try and achieve his own nefarious plans to take possession of all of God's dominion [everything God created, including man].

Before I present the heart of my hypothesis for this post, I want to briefly touch on two points that the Holy Spirit has made very clear. The first is about something I have frequently written about: the purpose[s] Jesus was sent to this earth; namely to begin the arduous assignment to take back God's dominion on the earth that our forefather Adam relinquished. As Jesus declared in John 12:31-32, Satan is "the ruler of this world". Paul actually stated that Satan is "the god of this world" in 2 Corinthians 4:4. In the John passage, Jesus also alludes to the truth that He will also bring salvation to those who believe in Him, saying "I will draw all people (Jews and Gentiles) to Myself". BUT He makes His purpose for coming to Earth very clear in Luke 4:43: "I must preach the good news [Gospel] of the kingdom of God [God's dominion] to the other cities also; because I was sent for this purpose". Yes, Jesus made a way for us to be reconciled back to the Father, therefore making Salvation a very important facet of His purpose, but His primary mission was to re-establish God's dominion on the earth, which was a strategic strike in the spiritual battle for the dominion over all God has created. 

The second point centers around one of Satan's strategies in this spiritual battle for dominion, namely "the Seed War". When Satan is cast out of Heaven for his rebellion against the Most High God, he convinces 1/3 of Heaven's angels to accompany him and become his army of "darkness". Having served in the Throne Room of God, he is aware that God has made man in His own image and intends for man to rule the earth. Because of his pride and envy, Satan devises a plan to illegally seize man's dominion and set up his own kingdom on earth. So, in Genesis 3, we see that Satan is in the Garden of Eden, deceiving Eve [who convinces Adam to join her in disobedience] and Satan lawfully became the rightful owner of the world due to their free will choice. But God already had His redemptive plan in place. Upon announcing their punishment, our Good Father also promised them a Savior, when He told Satan: "I will put enmity [open hostility] between you and the woman, and between your seed [offspring] and her Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, and you shall [only] bruise His heel."    

So, Satan's counter punch in this strategic war was to send his evil angels to have sex with earthly women, producing a hybrid race called the Nephilim in Genesis 6.  You see, Satan knew the war would be between his offspring [seed] and God's offspring [His Seed and Son, Jesus Christ]. Satan believed that if he could corrupt the seed line of God's offspring on the earth [man, made in God's image], then Jesus [who was the perfect image of God] could not be born and it would seal Satan's rulership and dominion of the earth. 

And here's the heart of the premise of today's blog: When that evil plan was shattered and Death's hold on mankind was destroyed, Satan did not give up on his plan to retain his dominion on earth. For the last 2000 plus years, he has continued to wage a spiritual war to defile man and eradicate any of the image of God that remains in us. And it is very important for us to recognize that this war has escalated in our lifetime. In the recent past, men, like Josef Mengele, were influenced by Satan's evil desires and conducted genetic experiments on innocent victims as a way to unlock the secrets of God's creation of man -- all with the purpose of corrupting God's design and creating another race of hybrids. Mankind did not yet have the technology or means to gain access to God's genetic code. 

But that hasn't stopped Satan in his plan to destroy God's image in man. The technology to create a new form of man-and-machine hybrid is on the horizon. The rise of Artificial Intelligence has given us cause to be concerned. It has taken on the appearance of a new kind of "god worship". Consider this article on theconversation.com, which states that "Generative AI can create or produce new content with several characteristics that are often associated with divine beings, like deities or prophets, such as: a level of intelligence that appears limitless; it is capable of great feats of creativity; it is removed from normal human sensations like physical pain, hunger, or sexual desire; it can offer guidance in daily lives; and probably the most seductive, it is immortal. How many people do you think will gladly sign up to receive a chip that repeats the promise made in the Garden of Eden: you, too, can become like God?

Also, we must not dismiss that by merging with AI, we could become a form of artificial life with a hybrid consciousness that would be in competition with the Holy Spirit. It should not be difficult to comprehend that we would no longer be human in the sense that we would no longer be in the image of God, nor belong to Him as sons and daughters. Can you see that this is all part of Satan's plan to keep his dominion of the earth? If he can change our DNA and genetic makeup, thereby destroying our connection to God, who will be left to fight for the Kingdom of God on earth? Not to mention, who will have access to eternal life in Heaven? Of course, Satan's emissaries are already trying to convince the godless that they can have eternal life and immortality through AI. 

There is so much more I could say about this subject, but I just want to submit to you that we must not fail to take proper notice of the wicked and iniquitous plans being arranged by our scientists, technology titans, medical experts, politicians and world leaders to lead us down a road from which there is no return. In summary, I would like to share a couple of quotes that I pray will garner your attention. The first comes from author Timothy Alberino, in his book, Birthright:  "Over the last several decades, the development of emerging technologies has been advancing at breakneck speed along the upsurge of an exponential growth curve... Among these technologies, there are four whose imminent convergence is predicted to catalyze what analysts are calling the "posthuman revolution." Styled with the acronym GRIN [a fitting appellation, as we will see], the intercourse of genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology will facilitate enhancements to the full spectrum of human biology, body, mind, and soul and give birth to a posthuman being -- humanity 2.0."

The second quote comes from Dr. Leon Kass, the former chairman of President George W. Bush's Council on Bioethics... "For anyone who cares about preserving our humanity, the time has come for paying attention. Human nature itself lies on the operating table, ready for alteration, for eugenic and psychic "enhancement", for wholesale redesign. In leading laboratories, academic and industrial, new creators are confidently amassing their powers and quietly honing their skills, while on the street their evangelists are zealously prophesying a posthuman future."

So, my question to you is this: we know they are exercising their powers from Satan to recreate humans and seal their creator's eternal dominion over the earth. Are we physically and spiritually prepared to battle for our original design by the Most High God? And do we recognize that the battle between Jesus and Satan, between Good and Evil, for this planet and the world happens right here on earth? Are we capable of standing our ground and using our power and authority to defeat this abomination? Are you hearing any of these warnings coming from your pulpit? Do you think Christians in our country are ready for this spiritual war -- or are they abiding in a place of comfort called "Religion", unaware of what is being fomented all around them? It is time for a great awakening, alright! It is time to put on our spiritual armor and be ready for what is so clearly coming, and I'm afraid too many of the faithful are going to be blindsided. Lord, shine Your Light on this diabolical and satanic agenda and make ready Your Remnant! Our future lies in eternity with You in Heaven. Do not let humankind be deceived again!

2 Corinthians 2:14    But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him.




May 12, 2024

How Satan Is Using Men, War, Power, and Greed to Enslave Humanity

From the beginning of this Age, the fallen angel, Satan, has sought to control this world. As Christians, we know that from our Bibles. Actually, his plan has been pretty transparent ... his pride was the instigator in his rebellion against God, thinking He could be like the Almighty. We see that desire to cause rebellion and chaos exhibited  in his temptations of Eve and Jesus, and again in his accusations against Job, Joshua [the High Priest], and so many of us. Satan's own selfishness and greed for power led to conflict and hostility between God and His former "guardian cherub". 

This led to Satan's fall and his subsequent position as a powerful ruler in the spiritual realms, with a sizable order of demon followers that help him accomplish his purpose to "steal, kill, and destroy" those that belong to God. And those demon powers influence men on the earth, who have made a choice to align with Satan rather than their Creator. The Bible reveals that this battle between God and Satan has continued to escalate since the devil's fall and will eventually culminate in the final War between Good and Evil at the end of the Age when Jesus returns to defeat Evil, once for all. 

But it has also become evident to me that it has always been Satan's intention to build a Council of War, so to speak, [on earth] to bring about his desire to obliterate man's relationship with God and to establish his own power bases to help carry out his oppressive and tyrannical control of the world. Sometimes he enlists the help of a single man such as Herod, or Antiochus Epiphanes, Hitler, Stalin or Mengele. At other times he recruits organizations such as terrorist groups or corporations to instigate his agenda of destruction.These people and groups might not inherently be considered "evil", but through demonic and spiritual influence they evolve to serve his unholy will.

And one of his favorite weapons is War [and the threat of War] to bring about his totalitarian control of all mankind. Jesus, Himself, told us that we would continually hear of "wars and rumors of wars". When I was in college, God opened my spiritual eyes to see how this works. For the first time, I saw how the international bankers used War to create wealth for themselves and their nations, creating a military/industrial cabal that periodically masterminded conflict in the regions of the world to bring enrichment to the members. And then about 12 years ago, God again revealed the hypocrisy of the United Nations, whose stated objectives are "the maintenance of international peace and security, the promotion of the well-being of the peoples of the world, and international cooperation to these ends". 

Yet I haven't seen too much "international peace and security" happening in the last few decades. It seems the world has been in constant war, with the UN gaining more and more power to usurp the sovereignty of nations and their self-government. You see, each new war that erupts is not isolated. The world now finds itself immersed in "global conflicts", which in turn are used to create a "global crisis" that must be mitigated by... you guessed it, the one organization that is charged with the "well-being of the peoples of the world" ... the United Nations. 

So, what are these "crises" that require the UN's supervision? I'm sure you can identify them -- we currently have food, health, energy, economic, and environmental crises declared on a global scale. And, if you have spiritual eyes to see, it's not hard to discern that this is exactly what Jesus said would be the fallout when nations rise against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms. And then He infers that what follows War is famines and earthquakes, plagues and great signs from heaven; "the whole land shall be a desolation". There we see the crises of food, health, and environmental. The Book of Revelation reveals a rider on a black horse who is holding a pair of scales  in his hand. "Two pounds of wheat for a day's wages, and six pounds of barley for a day's wages". That certainly indicates an economic crisis. And the energy crisis? All the wars in the Middle East over the last few decades have been fought for control of the Earth's oil. But has man forgotten that "the Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof"? Apparently so, because Satan, our Enemy, has tempted men to go to war for power and greed. And then he manipulates organizations like the UN in ways to purportedly promote our "well-being". 

And just how has this august organization proposed to institute our welfare, happiness, and prosperity? Initially, it was through Agenda 21, which was designed as "a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally, and locally by organizations of the United Nations system, governments and major groups, in every area in which humans impact the environment". But that wasn't enough! In 2015, the UN announced Agenda 2030, which was billed as "a new Universal Agenda for humanity; a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity". In addition to addressing the environmental, or "Climate Change" issue, this new Agenda set ambitious goals for those areas already mentioned, such as economics, health, energy -- and a whole host of new issues such as education, agriculture, and gender equality. 

But don't think Satan is through using the UN for his global takeover. In September of 2024, they will hold their "Summit of the Future", with the goal of introducing "Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow". The Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, has indicated new radical and drastic reforms in the structure of the UN. What does that mean for the people of the world? Guterres reports that he is calling for the UN to be the one world global response organization, having all power in global emergencies, with the power to oversee emergency responses. They suggest that the crises could involve the climate, economies, pandemics, a black swan crisis (an unpredictable event with potentially severe consequences), or even something from outer space. 

Sounds to me like anything can be declared a crisis by the Secretary General, and then all power and authority would go to the UN. Did you know that that there is an agency within the UN, called the UN Population Fund, dedicated to figuring out how to drastically cut the population of the planet? And what better way to depopulate the earth than with war? The international bankers get wealthy and the global elite get rid of those who are taking up space and using up their resources. And what better way for Satan to accomplish his goal of stealing, killing, and destroying God's creation than to use ungodly men and organizations to do his bidding? 

But once again, I am left concluding [and encouraging you] that hope is not lost! God always has His remnant! I don't relish writing of these plots and plans to enslave humanity to a global government that climaxes with Satan ruling the world. But now is the time for good men and women to wake up and see what is behind the curtain. Throw off the blindfold and the tactics of our Enemy to hypnotize us with our computer screens. Satan isn't the only one that has influence over humanity. Good men with morals and values; followers of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, are willing to stand with God against Satan's tyranny. But God expects us to do our part! And we have the heavenly host backing us up! Yes, it seems as if the physical world is submerged in war. But we need to understand that our God fights for us, and there is a war going on in the spiritual realms as well, and it's on our behalf. So, we need to put on our full armor of God and get in the fight! Heaven is cheering us on!

[Thanks to usawatchdog for insight to these latest global plans of the UN]. 

2 Corinthians 10:4    The weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.      


March 10, 2024

What Spiritual Warfare On Behalf of the Kingdom of God Looks Like

In case you haven't noticed, we are in the midst of a serious and profound spiritual war. At the very heart of this concept is our understanding that there has been an eternal war between God, the Creator of the Universe and all that is in it, and His Enemy, Satan, whose pride led him to rebel against God and seek ownership of all creation. In case you doubt the reality of spiritual warfare, the evidence of this supernatural conflict can be seen in the evil and lawlessness among mankind; the present war posturing in the physical world; and everything in our midst that is counter to God's will.

Whenever I've brought up the subject of "spiritual warfare", I get one of several reactions. There are some Christians who react out of fear. They have been influenced by movies like The Exorcist or the slew of demonic films that feed our sense of being vulnerable and powerless against monsters and demons from the pit of hell. Then there are those who are at the other extreme; they refuse to recognize that spiritual warfare is real, and also unavoidable. They chalk it up to radical Christians who see a demon behind every bad thing that happens to people. Of course, there are also people [both Christian and nonbelievers] who simply do not believe in the supernatural or existence of spirits in this earthly realm.

The Apostle Paul clearly states some very clear principles regarding spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6:10-12. First, it is assumed that we recognize that we are actually in a spiritual war -- a war waged from the spiritual realms by spiritual beings! Then he points out these realities about our position in this war ... 1) We can find our strength [to fight and win!] in the Lord and His mighty power; 2) The Lord has given us battle armor to protect us as we fight defensively and offensively; 3) The enemy we fight does not look like us -- it is not of human flesh and blood, but of spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, we cannot fight and defend from our human abilities. We must learn to battle with supernatural authority from God.

I think part of our problem is that the world does not believe in or embrace either the Great Commission that our Lord and Savior gave us to thwart the schemes of the devil to claim lives for his dark kingdom, or in our supernatural authority to defeat him. It's easy to see those schemes that kill, steal, and destroy lives ... iniquity in the family bloodline (such as molestation and sexual abuse); addictions; disease; emotional and psychological attacks; anything that creates low self-esteem, among many others. 

Jesus gave us the example of what His blood would eventually buy for us -- the ability to overcome those schemes through our spiritual relationship with Him and the commission He made available to us. [NOTE: our commission from Christ means that we have authority to perform a task or certain duties that He instructs and commands us to do. See Matthew 28:16-20, and Mark 16:14-19, keeping in mind that this passage uses idioms that would have been known to the hearers in that time period]. Sometimes He dealt with a demon and cast it out of a person. Sometimes, He simply declared that they were healed and washed clean. Other times He spit in His hand and made mud out of the dirt and applied it to a man's eyes. All of these examples are part of the Great Commission to His followers and disciples, and are forms of spiritual warfare.  

But the important thing to note is that Jesus took control over Satan's strategy to enslave that person, and set Jesus them free through the power of Heaven. That's what it can look like for us, too, when we enter His Kingdom here on earth and receive His strategies so that we can overcome Satan's. But, too often, we react to Satan's game plan instead of taking control of the situation in the power of the Lord. And our most common reaction is FEAR.

But did you know that Satan actually fears US because he knows we were created to rule over him? Satan knows that Jesus brought the Father's Kingdom government to the earth at His First Coming. And He knows those who have entered that Kingdom domain as citizens, and the spiritual authority they have been given. Therefore, Satan is intimidated by our intimate relationship with the Creator, which is why he tries to get us to accept fear in the battle. But when we refuse to step into that spiritual place of fear, and recognize if for the trap that it is, the devil knows his defeat is imminent.

 He recognizes that we are confident in our authority as Kingdom representatives and in the Lord's power. Satan realizes we are poised for victory! As part of our battle plan, we must always cling to God's promises, surround ourselves with people of strong faith, and be encouragers by sharing our testimonies of how the Lord has led us to triumph over the enemy. Remembering our history of victories in the Lord encourages us, too, and is a great practice to get into!

And it is important to come to the realization that God is never going to put us in a situation or send us into a spiritual battle that is above our level of obedience. He will not subject us to something over our heads, causing us to turn from our commission. He wants to see us win! If we are committed to fighting a battle for the Kingdom of God, in the center of His will and out of righteous obedience, then He will equip us to win. It's when we step outside that safe place of His will, that we receive self-inflicted war wounds. 

So, I just want to reiterate how important it is for the Body of Christ to not only be aware of the spiritual war that is waging all around us, but to get into battle mode -- be obedient to the instructions and will of the Lord; and be ready to fight both offensively and defensively, as He leads you. Be so confident in your victory, and the ability of your armor to protect you, that the Enemy cowers in fear of you, knowing you will not only recognize his strategies, but have the power of the Lord behind you to defeat him ... the power of His blood that bought your salvation; the Lord's righteousness as your breastplate; God's Truth as your belt; the readiness to always spread the Gospel of Peace as your shoes; your faith [and God's faithfulness to you]  as your shield; and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

I want to leave you with the wise words of Pastor Bill Johnson on this subject of spiritual warfare: We were born in a war. There are no time-outs, no vacations, no leaves of absence. The safest place is in the center of God's will, which is in a place of deep intimacy. There He allows only the battles to come our way that we are equipped to win. Not only is this the safest place, it is the most joyful place for each believer. Outside of intimacy, we are likely to miss the greatest event on earth ... the finale and climax of His Kingdom on earth! 

Remember: we were born for a time such as this. All the mayhem and chaos we see in the world is not going to go away, "if we just try to get along". But we need not fear! We have the resources of Heaven that have been made available to us to ensure our victory, on earth and in the spiritual realms. Christ's blood covers us in the present spiritual war, and those to come! 

2 Thessalonians 3:3   But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you [setting you on a firm foundation] and will protect and guard you from the evil one.

December 5, 2023

Are You Spiritually Ready For These Times?

"Brace yourself" could be the watchword for what the world is experiencing these days. And I do mean "the world" -- it seems as if the entire globe is on the verge of imploding. Never has it seemed, at least in my lifetime, that humanity has been closer to the tension and pressure that must surely precede in the days before the Tribulation described in Matthew 24 commences. A warning is coming frequently in dreams and visions and prophetic words to the people of God. Christians at every level of service to the Body of Christ are spreading the alarm they are receiving in their spirits. If you are at all in harmony with your spirit, then you can discern that Evil is increasing on the earth.

Now, not all the prophecies are accurate, nor is God the source of them all. Our Lord warns us that false prophets and false teachers will multiply during the times leading up to His return. Therefore, our spiritual discernment needs to be accurate and in alignment with God's prophetic voice. But, without a doubt, Men's hearts have grown cold. Lawlessness and sin abound. Love for each other is diminishing; our differences fuel the hate this is increasingly evident. The Enemy of the children of God is getting ready to mount his final campaign against us as he plots to defeat Almighty God. 

This pretty much describes our relations with China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and countries around the globe. And if you are unable to see that it illustrates our national crisis, then I'm afraid you're being naive. I know there are counter voices in the Christian culture that promote the religious message that Revival is on the way. And we should most definitely pray and intercede that recognition of God will reawaken in our land, and impassioned worship will sweep the nation -- that we will actually humble ourselves, pray and seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways. Then He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land. Oh, Lord, how I pray that that becomes our reality. I know one thing for sure -- it is imperative that we do these things. But it is also wise to prepare for what Jesus most emphatically prophesies as our future. And I'm afraid "the Church" doesn't want to hear that message.  

And yes, no one knows what the future brings, or just how close we are to what the Bible calls the Tribulation. But I do believe this -- we cannot escape the tribulation and persecution that Jesus told us will be our experience as the time for His return approaches. Jesus tells us that we will not escape being hated for His Name's sake, and that we must stay awake and be prepared for the hour our faith will be tested. 

In fact, there is a Biblical phrase that is equivalent to our modern expression of Brace Yourself, and it is to Gird up your loins. The meaning of this language is to get ready for service; prepare for a challenge or battle; and in the sense of the Tribulation, to strengthen yourself by putting on the armor of God. And here is where my question posed in the title of this blog comes into focus ... Are you spiritually ready for these times? 

I am reminded of the posture of Job as he endures the persecution by the Devil. As trial after trial mounts against him, we see Job, in chapter 38, feeling abandoned by God. Job has ached for a comforting word from God; for an explanation of why this was happening to him. Job just doesn't understand why he has suffered so severely when he's done everything he could to be a good servant to the Lord. Scripture suggests that Job was struggling with understanding why God hadn't come to his defense, and he [Job] was, in effect, wrestling with his understanding and relationship with God. And what is God's response when Job questions what appears to be a lack of obligation on God's part? Now gird up your loins like a man  [dress for action]! I will question you, and you make it known to Me (Job 28:3).

"Gird up your loins" is an expression often found in the Bible that is an urgent call to get ready for immediate action, or it may be a call to prepare for a coming action or event. The phrase is related to the type of clothing worn in ancient times. To keep from impeding the wearer during any vigorous activity, e.g. battle, exercise, strenuous work, etc., the loose ends of garments (tunics, cloaks, mantles, etc.) had to be gathered up and tucked into the girdle. The girdle was a band about six inches wide that had fasteners in front. It was worn around the loins (the midsection of the body between the lower ribs and the hips). Gird up your mind or gird up your heart are variations of this phrase which call for mental or spiritual preparation for a coming challenge. 

In Job 28, we see what I think the Bible refers to as Christians "falling away" or stumbling in their faith when the tribulation and persecution begin. Like Job, they will begin to question God about His faithfulness, and begin to doubt what they have believed. Because they have been taught that they would somehow not be required to suffer as the Bible prophesies, they will become offended by what they perceive as God's lack of protection and His desertion in their time of need. But like, Job, these Christian believers won't appreciate that there will be aspects of these End Times that are known only to God, and are hidden from man. And I believe that God expects us to "man up", so to speak, and prepare spiritually for the battles ahead. 

I worry that far too many Christians will stumble and be unprepared to pay the cost of being a follower of Christ. We must strengthen our faith and prepare to carry our own cross, just as Jesus did. We must be prepared to lose everything, just as Job did! Sadly, the Church has given lip-service to this concept and shied away from confronting believers with the hard truth that suffering and tribulation will be our temporary circumstances before Jesus's return. We have fallen for the messages of false prophets such as Darby and Scofield, who wrote Bibles promoting a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. This doctrine has certainly led people astray, and it was never spoken of by Jesus. Yet, many in the Church choose to believe this false theology, which is only 200 years old, rather than the Word of God spoken by our Lord and Savior 2000 years ago! 

I am being honest when I say that I fear for my fellow Christians. I don't want them to be surprised or in shock when the promised persecution comes. And it will be far worse than anything we have witnessed to date. I want them to be strengthened to endure and persevere during what is coming, and to keep their eyes and hearts and spirits focused on the One who will ultimately deliver us. I want them to be able to reinforce the faith of our fellow Christians who will falter during the satanic oppression, and at the same time, be prepared to share the Good News of [both] Salvation and God's Kingdom on earth with those who have never heard it. I want them to be prepared to declare Jesus Christ even when the sword is at their breast. I want their spirit to rise up in their identity as warriors for the Kingdom, even when their flesh is weak. I want them to be sure of who they are, and just how great is their God, so that even in the midst of persecution like the world has never seen, they will be known for their faith. 

I desire all this for the Body of Christ, and I desire it for myself. I have no great illusions that all Christians will meet this test. But I pray that the Remnant, however large or small it is, is even now preparing itself in all these matters. I pray they see through the dirty veil that the Enemy has placed over the physical eyes of my fellow believers, and that they see clearly [with spiritual eyes] the truth of what Jesus spoke. May God Almighty strengthen us and fortify us to meet the coming tribulation, and may we serve Him with courage and spiritual might, knowing that because we will endure, we will be saved. Thank you, Lord Jesus, that You have given us Your Word of Truth so that we might not be caught unaware; so that we might train and equip ourselves to be ready when the Evil One comes against us at the end of this age. Lord, we gird up our loins, our minds, and our hearts as we make ourselves spiritually ready for whatever is to come! Amen.

#EndTimes #EndTimesProphecy #GirdYourLoins #BeSpirituallyReady #FallingAway #Apostasy #QuestioningGod #JustLikeJob #BraceYourself #Tribulation #ChristianPersecution

1 Peter 1:13      So prepare your minds for action, be completely sober in spirit—steadfast, self-disciplined, spiritually and morally alert -- [gird up your loins], fix your hope completely on the grace [of God] that is coming to you when Jesus Christ is revealed.  


July 26, 2023

Who Would Have Believed It? A Demon Preaches The Gospel!

I had been hearing the buzz around the supposed "horror/thriller" movie called Nefarious for quite awhile, before my husband, Mark, and I decided to find out what the fuss was all about. What no one who had seen it had adequately explained was that it was a very accurate account of how Satan uses demons to both oppress and possess people, whether they are Believers or not. And here's where I'm probably going to catch a lot of criticism... but it is necessary to clarify that last statement, before moving on with this discussion, and I can do it from experience.

Having been called to an Inner Healing/Deliverance Ministry ten years ago, Mark and I have dealt with many Christians who have been tormented by demons. Most of the spiritual battles have involved low level struggles with spirits of anger, self-hate, rejection, abandonment or guilt and shame. Working with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we can show the Beloved how to counter the lies and deception from the Enemy and walk in their God-given identity. But there have also been times when we have had to deal with what I will call "parts" of a Believer, who are fractured identities of the person before they were Saved, and that part of them may be in a real battle with a demon who has taken up habitation within them. The core person, who is Saved, has been sanctified and sealed by the Holy Spirit and the demon cannot occupy or possess them. But when trying to get the injured part free, we have often encountered demons [like in the movie] and they love to spar with us, trying to convince us we don't know what we're doing; or trying to scare us into submitting to their power over the Beloved. But we know who we are, our power and authority, and who we serve, so their antics are unconvincing. But you can imagine the oppression the Believer still feels while the battle rages on inside them between their "parts"; illness, addictions, wrong thoughts, or becoming accident-prone are just some of the ways the devil can persecute them.

But what I really want to talk about today is the remarkable way that the movie Nefarious was able to present the truth of the demonic in our world today. In a very simple way, the writers of the film created a character who, as a convicted serial murderer on death row [possessed by a demon], espoused the battle between good and evil; the war between who he called "my Master" and "the carpenter". It was nothing less than brilliant how the demon spoke through the criminal to show just how Satan is able to use demons to do his will through us. And an equally captivating idea was that the writers used an atheist psychiatrist to be the protagonist to counter the demon's arguments for why he inhabited the criminal's body. 

Right from the start, the demon controls the criminal's body [whose name is Edward] and announces "I am a demon" and introduces himself as Nefarious. And from that moment on in the movie, is some of the most precise and accurate verbal judo I've ever seen written to explain the truth of how demons operate within our society today. The atheist psychiatrist, James, suggests that perhaps Edward is just being delusional, and his claim is both illogical and irrational [which by the way, is often what the church will argue when someone presents themselves as afflicted by a demon[. Nefarious responds to that charge with, "I am the most rational being you will ever meet". Then Nefarious proceeds to present the most explicit [and Biblical!] argument for the reality of demons among us today. NOTE: When, during discussions with my fellow Christians who say they don't believe in demons -- that they don't exist anymore -- my response is always to ask them three questions ... Do you believe the Bible when it says demons existed in the Bible and that Jesus cast them out? Do you think that when Jesus was resurrected and went to Heaven, all the demons said, "Well, He's left, so I guess we'll go ahead and leave, too"? And finally, Do you think that Jesus would leave us here on earth for 2000 years with no way to protect ourselves or no strategies against them?

And that's why the character of the demon is so good in this movie! He presents a logical and true perspective of demonology, and how this belief system is as present today as it was in the Old Testament. He very effectively compares today's belief in abortion with ancient Israel's participation with the false god, Molech. He tells, James, the psychiatrist, "The Creator creates, and we destroy. And we do it all through you. We always have. Did you forget your history, Jimmy? Even in ancient times, the arch-demon Molech was celebrated by tossing infants into flaming bonfires", referencing the use of crematoriums to destroy the remains of aborted babies today.

And here was a particularly damning exchange of dialogue: "Now, there's evil everywhere ... and no one even cares. We achieved our goal. Slowly. With your movies, your TV, and your media. We desensitized you. Redirected your worldview. To the point that you can't recognize evil when it's right in front of your face. More to the point, James, you can't even feel it when you're doing it. As for winners and losers, whoa, whoa, whoa! That gets decided at the time of death. The exact numbers are a closely guarded secret, but there are more of you ending up in my master's house than with the Enemy [with Jesus in Heaven]... a lot more, Jimmy"!

But the importance of the movie for me is in the indictment of our mainstream culture. Hopefully, it will be a wake-up call! This is a movie that takes God seriously, without all the Hollywood soft-sell of His authority and power. Even Nefarious is unable to speak the powerful name of Jesus, instead preferring to call Him, "the carpenter". He knows and admits that Jesus's power is greater than his master, but Satan has been able to find a workaround, and it is through "the permissions" we give him through our daily lives. In fact, Nefarious says Satan's goal is to get us to harm ourselves, something we are only too willing to do, by being disobedient to God's commands, or doubting the reality and power of God. 

Nefarious tells the naive atheist psychiatrist,  "[It's] the entire fallen race. All of us against all of you". James responds: "Well, if that's the case, your side's not doing so well ... we've never been freer. Illiteracy is at an all-time high. We're working to eliminate racism, intolerance, gender inequality. People can love who they want. Be who they want, do want they want. Diversity is no longer a dream. Hate speech is no longer tolerated. And politically, we're reclaiming the moral high ground". With a smirk and whispering with the utmost cynicism, Nefarious answers, "James, I think I love you. Literacy, James? The average high schooler graduates at the sixth grade level. Your basketball players make $30 million a year, and are decrying racism. All the while wearing sneakers made from slave labor. Now, here's something for you. Right now, your world currently has 40 million slaves. More than the Romans had at the height of their empire. And you want to know the best part? Half of those are sex slaves, James. As for hate speech, well, you want to hear some irony? We didn't even come up with that one. You did it all by yourself. [CHUCKLING] Sometimes you amaze even us. Bottom line is, you're done. It's over. That's it. And we did it all right to your face. And now there's evil everywhere. And no one even cares. More to the point ... you can't even feel it when you're doing it".

The beauty of this movie [even within its disturbing and accusatory truth of our culture] is that it lays out very simply and astutely what the Lord has shown Mark and I in the lives of those we minister to. Each and every soul that has crossed our threshold to sit at the table that Jesus has prepared for them, is precious in our sight as a Beloved child of God. And we have seen how Satan and his demons have taken advantage of sins, known and unknown; sins that have been self-inflicted and/or caused by others to do exactly what Nefarious boasts about ... falling prey to the cunning strategies of the master of evil. And it is a privilege of the highest honor to work with Jesus to set these broken-hearted captives free!

This is a movie that, in my opinion, cannot fail to make us enter into self-reflection, throwing off the spirit of contentedness and yes, participation, in the modern-day culture of delusion. It is time -- no, beyond time! -- that we Christians face reality. Demons do exist, and they are celebrating our ignorance as to how they are working to entrap us into disobedience against the Most High God ... just as their master did in the Garden of Eden. And if you need further proof, the spiritual battle that occurred during the making of this movie leaves no doubt that Nefarious was the perfect name for this demon. It defines the activity of the dark side in our world amidst all its activities: wickedness, evil, sin, iniquity, rebellion, depravity, perversion, diabolicalness, lawlessness, and all the illegalities against "the carpenter"... Yeshua HaMashiach, our Redeemer and the Savior of the World. Don't wait! Rent this movie and share it with other Believers who need to come to the truth of the spiritual battle we are in! It's not over! We win! But there are lots of lost souls we need to rescue from the clutches of demons like this.

 1 Timothy 4:1    Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons,

March 7, 2023

How God Prepared This American Woman For Our Nation's Collapse

If you have been reading this blog since I began writing in 2011, you will have seen the scope of my journey. From the outset, I have had my eyes focused on the direction our nation and the world have been careening towards, and my ears and spirit tuned to the direction God has told me to go in the midst of it all. And I will tell you that there haven't been too many people who have understood how me and my husband can reconcile the two. This post is going to be neither super religious nor radical survivalist in nature. My hope is that it will encourage other people how to be "in this world, but not of this world".

But let me share an overview of my odyssey... it began as I came to terms with the plan to "fundamentally transform America" that was revealed in 2008. God had not yet disclosed the specific intention He had for our lives, so by 2012, I was writing to all those who were sensing the pressure and the distress of those uncertain times. I was discerning a distinct difference among my friends who were "awake."  Everyone was pretty much on the "Prepper" page. The very essence of "preparing" meant we were pre-positioning assets for an undefined event (or crisis); whether it be a hurricane, an ice storm, a comet from outer space, a busted sewer line, grid-down situation, economic collapse, civil unrest, martial law, or terrorist event.  We were no longer taking things for granted. We were storing supplies and making contingency plans to get through whatever was coming. 

But I was also aware that there weren't enough beans and rice, guns and ammo, generators, or toilet paper to give people the peace of mind they were seeking in order to overcome every new threat to our freedom; or any new peril to our economy, environment or health anxieties that we were all experiencing. That only comes with trusting Jesus to help us persevere through the crazy, mixed up, evil world we're in. What we were experiencing was Biblical. It was foretold thousands of years ago through the Prophets, and just over two thousand years ago by the very One who will come to judge this wickedness and Evil. Make no mistake, I didn't believe in the axioms that some of my fellow Christians were promoting: "There is no need to prep at all. God will take care of us". I knew full well that He gave us a brain and discernment, and He expected us to use them. He didn't want us to sit idly by and do nothing; we were to prepare -- regarding food, defensive training, and spiritual warfare -- with the ultimate preparation focused on His return. That was in 2012. 

By 2014, I had faced "the monster" after reading One Second After and The End of the World As We Know It. I confidently joined my husband in working out our plan, and preparing to make our plans work. We rid ourselves of any normalcy bias that still existed, and got on with life, determined not to live in fear or anxiety. But as the years of slow, steady decline progressed, we noticed that we [and many of our fellow Americans]
retreated somewhat from our initial level of enthusiasm and drive. The passage of time, with no extreme event, had deprived us of our "edge". The very nature of becoming a Prepper was not to be comfortable ... whether in the physical or spiritual aspect. Our mindset should always be on expanding knowledge to save our lives. 

When I look back over those years, I can see a shift in my thinking and my focus. I still wanted to make sure that my larder was full, and I had plenty of medical supplies on hand. I still wanted to be physically ready to defend myself, less wasteful, and more innovative in taking care of our needs... in other words, I still fit the "Prepper" description. But I was less concerned with worldly strategies, and more preoccupied with heavenly pursuits.  I was thinking more about God, and less about myself. 

And that brought my husband and myself to the place where God revealed His purpose for our lives and showed us how it fit into His redemptive plan. We were given a ministry to help people identify the wounds to their souls that kept them from knowing their true identity and purpose in Christ, whether that be due to their sins or sins that were committed against them -- including molestation, pornography, physical abuse, witchcraft, drug abuse, PTSD, etc. Jesus died to set the captives free, and He wanted to counter the lies they were believing from the Enemy with His truth. We have been blessed to help people receive that freedom by facilitating an encounter with their Savior to break that bondage. BUT we never stopped being awake to the deterioration of the nation, and we were soon called to our spiritual position as Watchmen on the Wall.

Because we can see clearly what the Lord is showing us, we know that Biblically, we are responsible to sound the alarm; to warn people to get prepared physically and spiritually for what is coming upon the earth. And as you can imagine, that doesn't make us very popular with people; neither the secular nor the religious, who can't conceive that Jesus would allow "that" to happen to us. However, to stick our heads in the sand, or to run away from the evidence that is before our eyes, is to deny what the Spirit is showing us. The nations are lining up for war. Lawlessness is growing throughout the land. Our national sovereignty is disappearing. Famine and plagues are threatening to decimate vast populations. Even the elements of nature are warning that upheaval could be imminent; nothing is as it has been. And last but not least, Good has become evil and Evil is now called good. But the Lord will not abandon those in covenant with Him!

Which is why, even as we are commissioned to see Satan's agenda on the earth and warn its inhabitants to get prepared, we are both more than thrilled to rejoice over the revival we all discern is springing up in increasing numbers. I know this presents a dichotomy between my life as a Watchman and my joy in this new revival movement. Many Christians and secular citizens have called me negative and anti-revival, but I am excited about this latest revival because I believe it is a lifeline of hope for Christians [new and old] who might now become spiritually ready [and strong enough] to prepare for the battles ahead. I believe God is on the move in both the realm of revival and spiritual battle preparedness.

That's why it is important that we, who call ourselves followers of Jesus, realize that we must battle this spiritual war on two fronts. First, we battle from a position of spiritual protection, just as Psalm 91 instructs us. In the shadow of, and under the wings of the Most High and Almighty God, we battle from a place of protection and safekeeping; fighting in the confidence of one who trusts the Name of the Lord of Hosts to defend him. This is how the shepherd boy, David went into battle against the giant, Goliath.

But, we also battle from a position of God's power and authority in the physical. If we trust that the battle is His, we can be bold, even in the midst of our fears of what is coming. We can release ourselves to Him to be used for the advancement of His Kingdom here on earth, no matter what it looks like or what is required of us... because we know that it will be accomplished in HIS strength and power. He just needs men and women who are willing to allow Him to work with [and through] them, and agree to be in covenant with Him to see His will done. We need not be afraid of the power of men on the earth; knowing that if God tells us to take that mountain, He will go before us and we will see our victory. We can defeat anything -- corrupt governments, disease and pestilence, evil domains, demonic entities -- if we will just have faith and do not doubt. We can trust, as did King David, that God has trained our hands for war and our fingers for battle. He will stretch out His hand and fortify us because we know His Name.

Sometimes it's hard for me to realize that it's been 12 years since the Lord caught my attention and gave me my marching orders. I have been given the privilege of spiritual discernment to see the events that are lining up for the future. The Enemy's forces are on the battlefield and advancing rapidly. But the Lord is showing the manifestation of His Glory in the hearts and lives of a new generation of Jesus lovers. I know God has been preparing me for this time and what's to come -- both the war and the victory. I will not be blind to the battle we're in, and I will be ready and equipped to fight on all fronts. But I will also embrace, endorse, and encourage the beautiful revival we see happening in our midst. And I will declare that the Glory of the Lord will prevail!

#gloryofthelord #spiritualdiscernment #watchmanonthewall #spiritualpreparedness #endtimes

Psalm 62:5-6    "Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him.  Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken."


February 11, 2023

Waging Spiritual War For Our Children

At the end of my last post, I promised to share my perspective on the spiritual battle we are in for our children. This includes the issues of abortion, gender identification, child trafficking, and the opioid crisis that is killing our children at an alarming rate. Understanding that not everyone in the world is a Believer, it may seem like an over-simplification, but it is imperative that mankind comprehends and accepts that not only does God exist, but that Satan is real; and that he employs a multitude of devices and forces, in his position as "god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4).  It is important that 1) we recognize it is our duty [as Christians] to fight against this Enemy; 2) the four important areas of his influence; and 3) we have a power stronger than his in which we can wage spiritual war.

But what is spiritual war all about and how do we wage it? At a very surface level, spiritual warfare requires that we understand who we are and why we are here. And that is going to take a level of mature faith that not every Christian possesses. How many Christians do you know that even acknowledge we are in a war against God's Enemy? If your faith is lukewarm and "surface only", then I doubt you will understand the deeper implications of what it is going to take to wage war in the spiritual realms. Have you digested the "meat" of Scriptural understanding of spiritual warfare, or are you still on "milk"? Only the mature Christian should expect to be equipped to engage in battle with the Enemy of God.

And being mature means you understand the cost of becoming part of God's Army on earth. When Jesus came the first time, He announced that the Kingdom of God had arrived, and in effect, declared war on Satan's kingdom on earth. As the disciples of Jesus spread the word that eternal salvation was available through faith in Jesus Christ and His defeat of Death on the Cross, the territory in people's lives that Satan claimed as part of his domain [through sin and evil] began to be reclaimed as conquered territory for the Kingdom of God. But Satan is not about to relinquish territory without a fight. He must prevent mankind from knowing who they are created to be, and to keep us from knowing the authority Jesus left His followers to engage in battle for our own lives and the lives of our children. And it will come with a price. It will cost us to serve His Kingdom, but the inheritance we have waiting in Heaven will be worth the time we devote to take back territory for God.

When we become a Believer, we are adopted as children of God. Satan's goal is not only to keep that from happening, but to employ all his forces to hinder our maturity and to cause doubt, unbelief, and confusion; to convince us to join him in killing our own children and supporting his lies about their God-given identities. But we can't even fight for our children if haven't overcome our own battlefields of the mind, flesh, and soul. That's the first line of defense for saving our children -- to understand who we are; who we are fighting; and recognizing the schemes of the Enemy so that we might receive the strategies of our Lord.

So, who are Satan's forces that are coming for our children? The Satanic kingdom is highly organized, and Satan is at the head of this kingdom; and there is a rank of ruling spirits under him that are subject to him and assigned over areas such as nations and cities. They are the entities Paul recognizes in Ephesians 6. The first in the rank of these ruling spirits are Principalities. We must grasp the reality that Satan, as the Enemy of God, can have a powerful effect on the leaders of nations, states and cities.  It is necessary that we realize that our spiritual warfare not only includes our individual lives, but communities, our nation, and the world!  This is not just some Biblical folklore, folks!  Principalities rule over Kings, and Presidents, State legislatures, and heads of world health organizations. They can all be leading at the behest of Satanic Principalities. And they derive their power from their spiritual leader, Satan. 

And Power is another rank of ruling spirits. Power implies "authority", and tells us that the demons Satan has placed over these various positions and territories have been given the power and authority to carry out whatever orders they've been assigned... Satan's orders that result in deception, control, and destruction.  "It's not a baby, it's just a clump of cells".... "My body, my choice".... "Some people are simply born in the wrong body.... "You do  not have to accept the gender you were assigned at birth"....  "One pill won't kill you".... "It won't happen to me". These are just some of the lies that Satan's Powers use in their spiritual warfare. And we must enlist God's warrior angels to fight alongside us as we renounce these lies and declare God's Truth: our children are divinely conceived by the Spirit of the Lord; our bodies are not our own, but are the Temple where God resides; God doesn't make mistakes when He creates us; and pharmaceuticals used to harm our bodies and souls are what the Bible calls sorcery. They will kill us when Satan uses them for his purposes.

Another of Satan's forces we face in our spiritual warfare are the Rulers of the Darkness of this World. But we need to embrace and believe the truth that when Jesus conquered Death [the Enemy's most powerful weapon against mankind], Satan became a defeated foe of our Lord.  The Devil is really just a trespasser in this world, and he has no legal rights over us Christians. Our debt has been paid by the Blood of Christ, and we belong to Him. So, if he's doomed to defeat, why does Satan still seek to rule this world, and why has he gained such success through his "rulers"? It is simple: neither the Church nor Believers have recognized or risen up in the power and authority given them. It's time that we use our spiritual weapons and strength, and take the offensive to the Enemy! But the Church and Believers have to recognize that this battle cannot be won politically or socially. God is bigger than politics and social convention! And if we don't start seeing Satan's agenda and strategies in these areas, then we will continue to find ourselves battling and losing ground. Just look at how fast the indoctrination of our youth into ungodly ideologies have happened in our lifetime! As their parents, we can present our case against our Adversary, the Devil, in the Courts of Heaven and ask God for His righteous judgment. If that is something that interests you, email me and I will send you my Courts of Heaven prayer that you can do in the Spirit.

I also want to mention the force known as Spiritual Wickedness in High Places. Obviously, the key here, is "wickedness".  In the Greek, that word means "depravity; malice; plots".  That can encompass all kinds of spiritual battles against not only abortion and gender identity in the lives of our children, but child pornography, the occult, "Black masses", or even a babysitter, teacher, or parent who has allowed a spirit of sexual perversion to rule their impulses. The point is that we have very real spiritual enemies coming after our children. They are the enemies of both God and man.  And while we Christians have the promise of victory in heaven, we still can be afflicted and tormented here on earth. The key to our victory in this realm is to use our authority as it has been given us. 

We must not bury our heads in the sand and think that the Enemy is not coming after our kids! Obviously we pray in the spirit with all power and authority given to us by Christ, and we commit the care of our own children and this generation to the protection of God. The power of our prayers can storm Heaven's gates as we team up with the Heavenly host to go forth in battle. Prayer is powerful, indeed, but we can do more! We can no longer tolerate ungodly Story Hours or inappropriate books on our public library shelves. We must stand and fight in both the physical and spiritual realms. We must boldly proclaim God's Truth of Revelation 20, that our Enemy has already been defeated and he will be thrown into the lake of fire and tormented forever and ever. We use that Truth to claim victory for our children and dispel the lies and half-truths of Satan and those in league with him. We ask for Divine guidance and to be shown the strategies of the Enemy, so that we might go in the spirit to erect spiritual barriers around our children to protect them from demonic influences, as well as seek holy counsel to tear down strongholds in the spiritual realms that control evil institutions and individuals that seek to do the devil's bidding in capturing our children. 

Finally, I want to leave you with this truth. Satan is absolutely terrified of who our children will become if they should know and follow God's call on their lives. That's why he has worked so hard to keep them from even being born. And if they are blessed to be welcomed into this world, his goal is to keep them separated from God. So, he attacks their self-worth and their unique gender identity. He infiltrates their social media influences, steals their innocence, prevents them from knowing their purpose in life by tempting them to sin [or be sinned against], and constructs false ideologies on the possession of money and worldly goods -- all designed to keep them from forming an intimate relationship with God. So, as parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles -- as a society -- we must affirm and lift up our children. We must become spiritual warriors and defenders of our children. We must battle in the spiritual realm [with our full spiritual armor on], and we must stand guard over their bodies, hearts, minds, and souls. But most of all, we must not underestimate the power we have been given to battle against a defeated foe. Do not believe his lies that it is too late -- do not become discouraged, disheartened, or disillusioned. This is the most important battle of our generation, and we have been equipped in both the physical and the spiritual realms for victory. Let us fight for our children so that they will no longer be victims of Satan's wicked agenda, but become warriors for God. And never forget that our Lord battles with us! 

#spiritualwarfare #warringforourchildren #thebattleforourchildren #warinthespiritualrealms

2 Corinthians 10:3-4    "For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons.  For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds"   

October 22, 2022

Time To Get Serious About Spiritual Warfare!

The topic of this post may seem repetitive... I have often sounded the trumpet about our need to recognize that Spiritual Warfare is real, and it is the Christian's duty and responsibility. And it's time to blow the shofar again! It is my earnest desire that we join forces as God's Ekklesia on earth and be ready to battle in the spirit, preparing the way for Jesus's return. I believe He is mounted and ready to ride, but until He receives that order from His Father, we must stand steadfast and unwavering in our spiritual armor, ready to defend the Faith and the earth as we await His arrival.

It's been over 8 years since I began writing about the importance of Christians engaging in Spiritual Warfare, and while many are more aware of what it is today, not enough are actively engaged in practicing it. How do I know? It's as simple as taking a look at the state of the world. All one has to do is look at a sampling of news headlines over the last few days and weeks ... Luciferian Transhumanism vs God's Creation; NY Governor Claims God Is On the Side of Abortion; Violent Crime Surges Across US After Police Retreat; 12,000 Fentanyl Pills Disguised As Candy Seized at LAX; Every Nation May Soon Be Overwhelmed as Energy Crisis Brings Death and Destruction This Winter; Ex-Satanist Warns of Halloween's 'One-Night Stand' With the Devil... I could go on and on; the number of violent attacks against individuals on our streets and in our cities is truly frightening. One cannot tune in to the TV without seeing another innocent victim of pure Evil.

So, what is the answer to this Evil? Very simply, it is that mankind is in a spiritual war with God's Enemy. But the understanding of this concept precludes that one comprehends and accepts that not only does God exist, but that Satan is real; and that he employs a multitude of devices and forces, in his position as "god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4). It is important that 1) we recognize it is our duty to fight against this Enemy; 2) the four important areas of Satan's influence; and 3) we have a power stronger than his.  

Part of Satan's influence is that both the Unsaved and Christian could be presented with his power and influence through old movies like The Exorcist, Amityville Horror, and The Shining. But, it's been nearly 50 years since those movies shocked the sensibilities of "normal" people, and now one can hardly find a TV show or movie that doesn't exploit death and evil! And evil monsters like Jeffrey Dahmer and other serial killers are celebrated, as their lives are glamorized onscreen.  The number of popular musical artists who claim to be "possessed" by demons is nothing new (Lady Gaga and Katy Perry come to mind). Yet most of today's Christians are not engaged in battling against this evil because it's become so commonplace and/or they've never been taught that they are to be engaged in such a battle, nor know how to go about it.  "Onward, Christian Soldier" is nearly a lost conviction.  (Please don't think I am confusing Spiritual Warfare with the Crusades. Those were human military campaigns, sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church, for a variety of religious, economic, and political reasons -- and I don't have a problem calling into question the part that Satan played in their execution).

But most of the Body of Christ doesn't want anything to do with Spiritual Warfare. They are fearful of the Enemy [if they are even willing to consider that he is real] and simply pray for Jesus to protect them. But I remember the day I understood the concept that, as Christians, we have a job to do as part of this End Times generation. We have been given authority over Satan; we were created to rule over the enemy -- not the other way around. So, that sounds like pretty good "church-y" theology, right? And you might be thinking, what does this have to do with the headlines of the day, or the lyrics to some popular song? Well, they are all representative of who we are battling, according to our go-to Scripture on Spiritual Warfare, Ephesians 6:12:  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

It is imperative that you understand the true meanings of these four forces of Satan.  The Greek meaning of the word for PRINCIPALITIES describes things in a series, such as leaders, rulers, and judges; it signifies rank and organization.  This informs us that the Satanic kingdom is highly organized, and Satan is at the head of this kingdom; and there is a rank of ruling spirits under him that are subject to him and assigned over areas such as nations and cities.  (When you consider some of the decisions of the world's rulers and look at their actions, it is not hard to imagine that they are "under the influence".)

Remember the reason the angel was delayed with bringing God's message to Daniel?  It was because he was engaged in battle with "the prince of the kingdom of Persia".  We must grasp the reality that Satan, as the Enemy of God, can have a powerful effect on the leaders of nations, states and cities.  It is necessary that we realize that our spiritual warfare not only includes our individual lives, but communities, our nation, and the world!  This is not just some Biblical folklore, folks!  Kings, and Presidents, and Shahs, and Imams can all be leading at the behest of Satanic Principalities. And they derive their POWER from their spiritual leader, Satan. That's the second force that we battle.

The Greek meaning of the word, Power, implies "authority", and tells us that the demons Satan has placed over various areas and territories have been given the power and authority to carry out whatever orders they've been assigned... Satan's orders that result in deception, control, and destruction. 

BUT, as we take our positions for battle, we need to understand that we have even greater authority; the authority of the Name of Jesus. Our authority lies in the power of That Name, and demonic entities are forced to yield to the authority of the Name of Jesus. Both my husband and I can personally testify to the power that the utterance of that Name has against a demonic force. Sadly, the Church has this same power and authority, (through the Name), that was given to it initially, by Jesus, Himself; yet, for various reasons, they either have lost the knowledge that it is at their disposal, or simply choose to disbelief it.  

Here is what every Christian needs to know ... We don't have to pray and wait for God to come to our rescue! Through our Salvation and our baptism in the Holy Spirit, God has provided us with the necessary weapons to engage in spiritual warfare and actually become a formidable and mighty Church; a force of our own to be reckoned with! Yet, here we sit, bemoaning the terrible state of our lives and the world! We can no longer afford to be ignorant of the forces coming against us, nor of the power we have to defeat them!

The third force in our spiritual battle is the RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD.  When Adam fell through sin, Satan usurped his dominion over the world, but he is nonetheless a defeated foe of our Lord.  The Devil is really just a trespasser in this world, and he has no legal rights over us Christians. Our debt has been paid by the Blood of Christ, and we belong to Him. 

So, if he's doomed to defeat, why does Satan still seek to rule this world, and why has he gained such success through his "rulers"? It is simple: the Church has not recognized or risen up in the power and authority given it. It's time that we use our spiritual weapons and strength, and take the offensive to the Enemy! But the Church and Believers have to recognize that this battle cannot be won politically or socially ... we cannot change things by getting out the vote, or accepting new social paradigms. Yes, it's important to vote, and we should strive to grow and improve our social standards, but I see the picture so much bigger than those surface issues. God is bigger than politics and social convention! And if we don't start seeing Satan's agenda and strategies in these areas, then we will continue to find ourselves battling and losing ground.

Finally, the fourth force that we battle is SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES. Obviously, the key here, is "wickedness".  In the Greek, that word means "depravity; malice; plots".  That can encompass all kinds of spiritual battles against pornography, the occult, "Black masses", or even a babysitter, teacher, or parent who has allowed a spirit of sexual addiction to rule their impulses. The point is that we have very real spiritual enemies.  They are the enemies of both God and man.  And while we Christians have the promise of victory in heaven, we still can be afflicted and tormented here on earth. The key to our victory in this realm is to use our authority as it has been given us. 

All the mayhem and chaos we see in the world is not going to go away. I see so much more division and evil than when I first began writing on this topic. We can no longer compromise with the Enemy. Our very existence relies on us getting in the fight! The disorder and turmoil is a result of the battle between spiritual forces in the heavenly realms and those upon this earth. We have so much more coming against us now ... demonic forces that want to indoctrinate our children in godless ways; forces that want to integrate our God-given DNA with machines; forces that are destroying our food supply and corrupting our medical system. These are desperate times, and we MUST understand that we have been given the authority (through the power of Jesus's Blood) to bind the inferior power of the Devil, and to set free those he has made captive. Yes, in the end we have Victory in Christ! But there are a lot of people who are going to be sacrificed if we don't step into our own power and authority. We can no longer hesitate. We need to be exercising that authority NOW! 

#spiritualwarfare #christiansbattleinthespirit  #spiritualbattles #godvssatan

2 Corinthians 10:3-4    "For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons.  For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds,"  






September 16, 2022

The Heavenly Realms Are Waging A Spiritual War! Are the Saints Ready to Engage?

Sometimes I honestly wonder if the Body of Christ understands the concept of the spiritual war that we are engaged in. Do we comprehend that Satan has an angelic force of battle-hardened warriors with thousands of years of experience? Do we grasp that he actually knows he's been defeated by the birth and death of Christ, but he also knows he's got nothing left to lose by waging all-out war against the saints until the time of his ultimate defeat? And what gives him that confidence that he can prolong this war across the heavenly realms?

All it takes to appreciate his arrogance is for us to look at the state of the world, and our own country, to know that the devil has no fear that the saints are a match for his evil and wicked purposes. He has struck at the foundations of God's holy principles and met very little resistance. He has been able to attack the sanctity of life; destroy the rule of law in an ordered society; and replace the worship of God, Himself, with idols of money, power and privilege. He's well aware that the saints have been given instructions to fight against him, and have even been given a suit of spiritual armor with which to battle. But how many Christians can tell you what that armor consists of, how to use it to fight, or even attempt to put it on? Until we stand up in our identity and our power, we will have an enemy who will continue to rage against the followers of Christ. 

If you have been following my blog since I began in 2011, then you have seen the direction the Lord has taken me and my various transitions ... from developing my Biblical worldview; to understanding that I am not to be a passive Christian waiting to go to Heaven, but rather am responsible for taking care of my physical and spiritual needs; through my awakening to my power, authority, and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God; to becoming a true disciple of Christ and doing what He did... fighting back against the kingdom of darkness and it's oppression [in both the physical and spiritual realms].

This concept that there is interaction between the spiritual and physical realms is a difficult position for Christians to accept. Most modern Christians don't see the unseen world from the same point of view as the ancient Biblical writers. Early Christians were familiar with the invisible world of the spiritual realm. They interacted with it! The prophets in the Old Testament continually gave witness as intermediaries between the spiritual and physical worlds for people who could not see. God opened the eyes of His prophets so they could see into the spiritual realm and explain what they saw to the people.  

Ezekiel saw wheels moving in unison. Isaiah saw "the Lord, high and exalted seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple." He also saw the angels that surrounded that majestic throne. Elisha was able to assist his servant to see into the spiritual realm during a frightening episode when their city was surrounded by an army of horses and chariots.  Elisha prayed, "Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha (2 Kings 6:17). He actually saw the spiritual war taking place on the earth!

But it wasn't only the Old Testament Prophets and Patriarchs who had knowledge and experience of this interaction. Stephen described what he saw in the spiritual realm, just as he was about to be stoned to death: "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:54-56). Peter was released from prison by a spiritual intervention:  "Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists" (Acts 12:7). There was a spiritual battle going on over both Stephen and Peter in each of these instances, just as there was when Daniel prayed for 21 days during the reign of King Cyrus. As he prayed and fasted, he had a vision in which a messenger angel [assumed to be Gabriel] told him that God had heard his prayers, but he [the angel] had been held up because he was battling with "the prince of the kingdom of Persia" until, Michael, the archangel, had come to his rescue to help him defeat Satan's angelic army.

It must be understood that "the prince of the kingdom of Persia" denotes a high-ranking demonic angel who has been assigned by Satan to battle in the spiritual realm on behalf of Satan's interests in the nation of Persia. Michael is a "great captain" in the Lord's angelic army, assigned to protect the children of Israel. He is a warrior angel, fighting in the spiritual realms on behalf of all who belong to Christ. So, it is imperative, if we are to serve our Lord as He has purposed us to do, then we must recognize and acknowledge that there is an invisible world just as real as this physical one, and it comprises the spiritual realm. It was created just as certainly as this rock we live on. 

These two realms overlap and the fallen angels that aligned with Satan at their fall from Heaven have access to our realm [along with their forces], but we are not powerless to withstand them! We need to understand that we have access to Jesus and the power of God -- the same power that He used in His ministry on earth to deal with those collaborators with the Enemy. And He has given us His permission to call upon those powers (it is His Name that activates them!) to resist the devil and his schemes to oppress us. That is our Authority! And there is a Heavenly army consisting of legions of angels just waiting for us to engage in this war and ask the Lord to activate them!

These forces of the Enemy are in operation now at full speed; they know their time is running out and they aim to weaken the saints as they plan their final assault. We desperately need to understand and see the spiritual war we are involved in! We need to know --- I mean really know, deep in our spirit -- that there is a visible and invisible world that intersect, and we are in the middle of a cosmic conflict that has eternal implications. The souls of every man, woman, and child on this earth depends on us knowing that! And we need to know that the Enemy seeks to blind us, and convince us that this is not real, let alone Scriptural. And he has been winning on that front for quite awhile now. The state of misery that so many in the world are experiencing is proof of that.

So I can imagine that Satan is none too happy that more of us are waking up to the Biblical truth that Spiritual Warfare is part of our commission as the Body of Christ. Our eternal Victory has been won on the Cross for those of us who call Jesus our Savior.  But there are millions of lost souls who are in the cross hairs of the Enemy, and it is our calling to not only share our salvation story, but our purpose to advance the Kingdom of God on earth -- to occupy the territory we have been given until Jesus returns. With that, we can expect skirmishes, battles, and sometimes all-out war with the Adversary. And that means that we need to be more vigilant than ever to put on our full spiritual armor, as Paul advises in Ephesians 6. 

We need to understand that the armor is both defensive and offensive. We need not be afraid or timid, or go searching for the fight. We just need to stand firm in the knowledge that there is power in the Name of Jesus, and we have access to it and the authority to use it. If we could see into the spiritual realms, I believe we would see the battle formations in place; we would see the fierce fighting of the forces of Good and Evil. But we must recognize the part we play in this cosmic war; and it's going to take more than worship and praise, although those are mighty weapons for encouragement. But we've got to move beyond religious displays that are devoid of power [and which have no effect on the devil's armies], and we must engage with boldness ... in our speech, in our actions, and in prayer partnership with our personal angels, the angels assigned to our ministries, and the angels that preside over our nation to bring it back into heavenly alignment. And finally, we know that as the Lord of Hosts, Jesus is Commander of the heavenly armies and He will soon ride in judgment of the earth. Let us not sit idle in our spiritual power, but be suited up in our spiritual armor to become conquerors alongside Him in the heavenly realms. With the recognition that this is our reality, we can expect to see the victories that will allow us to fulfill our purpose on earth. And that is what God and Jesus desire for us! 

#spiritualwarfare #spiritualwar #angelichost #warinthespiritualrealms

1 Thessalonians 5:6   So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.