I would say that it's been 15 years since God invited my spirit to embark on what would become an extraordinary adventure with Him; a greater understanding of Him and my purpose here on the earth. It wasn't an earth-shattering event like Paul experienced on the road to Damascus, but rather a process that began with a hunger for His Word that led to a gradual trust between the two of us. I began to receive affirmations and convictions that what was being revealed in the Bible was true and genuine for me, too; and God received verification that He could have confidence that my faith was certain and reliable, and that I could be trusted to carry out my assignments and follow His commands. I began to hear and see Him, just as Jesus did.
It has been a wild ride ever since, to say the least. I have been shown glimpses of the magnitude and immensity of God and His plan, as well as the significance and consequences of the part we play in it all. I say "glimpses" because, by no means, am I vain enough to think that I am anyone special or remarkable. I have not been given unparalleled access to the Father's mind nor a blueprint to His heavenly agenda for His creation. But what I have been given is a heart over-flowing with gratitude, a spirit eager for answers to my questions, and a passionate willingness to be in service to His Kingdom.
In return, what He has shown me through the Holy Spirit and my relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ, is a history of our world engulfed in a spiritual battle for dominion. And I'll take it a step further, and say that I believe our planet has not been the only one involved in the battle to usurp God's power and authority. I know that probably puts me in the "crazy camp" of traditional Christians, but I'm just not willing to confine God's sovereign government to Earth alone. But that's a discussion for another day. Since I find myself situated on this rocky sphere orbiting the sun, it is the subject of my thesis in today's post.
I stated that God has shown me the history of the spiritual battle for the dominion of Earth. Now, I don't mean that I've seen the battle plans laid out in a complete and comprehensive format. But as I've been obedient to go where the Holy Spirit has guided me, and been willing to explore the merits of new revelations I've received [and vetted according to the Spirit], these are the aforementioned "glimpses" that have allowed me to grow in my understanding and to see the spiritual picture become wider in scope.
From the first chapter in Genesis, the Bible [which is our manual for knowing the fullness of God] has unveiled the conflict between Jehovah, the Most High God, and His enemies, who seek to dethrone Him and take possession of the territories belonging to His sovereign government [i.e., His dominion]. That includes the stars, planets, universe, and men's hearts, minds, souls and spirits. We all grew up knowing the Scripture that tells us God said, "Let us make man in our image", and then He goes on to tell man to rule over the earth and subdue it. The Most High God created us and then transferred His dominion to rule earth to us [His sovereignty, control, supremacy, power and authority]. And we all know what happened in the Garden... God's cunning Enemy (and ours) convinced humans that we didn't have to be content with being "like" God, but could actually "become" a god ourselves. Ever since that fateful decision to believe him, Satan has used mankind to try and achieve his own nefarious plans to take possession of all of God's dominion [everything God created, including man].
Before I present the heart of my hypothesis for this post, I want to briefly touch on two points that the Holy Spirit has made very clear. The first is about something I have frequently written about: the purpose[s] Jesus was sent to this earth; namely to begin the arduous assignment to take back God's dominion on the earth that our forefather Adam relinquished. As Jesus declared in John 12:31-32, Satan is "the ruler of this world". Paul actually stated that Satan is "the god of this world" in 2 Corinthians 4:4. In the John passage, Jesus also alludes to the truth that He will also bring salvation to those who believe in Him, saying "I will draw all people (Jews and Gentiles) to Myself". BUT He makes His purpose for coming to Earth very clear in Luke 4:43: "I must preach the good news [Gospel] of the kingdom of God [God's dominion] to the other cities also; because I was sent for this purpose". Yes, Jesus made a way for us to be reconciled back to the Father, therefore making Salvation a very important facet of His purpose, but His primary mission was to re-establish God's dominion on the earth, which was a strategic strike in the spiritual battle for the dominion over all God has created.
The second point centers around one of Satan's strategies in this spiritual battle for dominion, namely "the Seed War". When Satan is cast out of Heaven for his rebellion against the Most High God, he convinces 1/3 of Heaven's angels to accompany him and become his army of "darkness". Having served in the Throne Room of God, he is aware that God has made man in His own image and intends for man to rule the earth. Because of his pride and envy, Satan devises a plan to illegally seize man's dominion and set up his own kingdom on earth. So, in Genesis 3, we see that Satan is in the Garden of Eden, deceiving Eve [who convinces Adam to join her in disobedience] and Satan lawfully became the rightful owner of the world due to their free will choice. But God already had His redemptive plan in place. Upon announcing their punishment, our Good Father also promised them a Savior, when He told Satan: "I will put enmity [open hostility] between you and the woman, and between your seed [offspring] and her Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, and you shall [only] bruise His heel."
So, Satan's counter punch in this strategic war was to send his evil angels to have sex with earthly women, producing a hybrid race called the Nephilim in Genesis 6. You see, Satan knew the war would be between his offspring [seed] and God's offspring [His Seed and Son, Jesus Christ]. Satan believed that if he could corrupt the seed line of God's offspring on the earth [man, made in God's image], then Jesus [who was the perfect image of God] could not be born and it would seal Satan's rulership and dominion of the earth.
And here's the heart of the premise of today's blog: When that evil plan was shattered and Death's hold on mankind was destroyed, Satan did not give up on his plan to retain his dominion on earth. For the last 2000 plus years, he has continued to wage a spiritual war to defile man and eradicate any of the image of God that remains in us. And it is very important for us to recognize that this war has escalated in our lifetime. In the recent past, men, like Josef Mengele, were influenced by Satan's evil desires and conducted genetic experiments on innocent victims as a way to unlock the secrets of God's creation of man -- all with the purpose of corrupting God's design and creating another race of hybrids. Mankind did not yet have the technology or means to gain access to God's genetic code.
But that hasn't stopped Satan in his plan to destroy God's image in man. The technology to create a new form of man-and-machine hybrid is on the horizon. The rise of Artificial Intelligence has given us cause to be concerned. It has taken on the appearance of a new kind of "god worship". Consider this article on theconversation.com, which states that "Generative AI can create or produce new content with several characteristics that are often associated with divine beings, like deities or prophets, such as: a level of intelligence that appears limitless; it is capable of great feats of creativity; it is removed from normal human sensations like physical pain, hunger, or sexual desire; it can offer guidance in daily lives; and probably the most seductive, it is immortal. How many people do you think will gladly sign up to receive a chip that repeats the promise made in the Garden of Eden: you, too, can become like God?
Also, we must not dismiss that by merging with AI, we could become a form of artificial life with a hybrid consciousness that would be in competition with the Holy Spirit. It should not be difficult to comprehend that we would no longer be human in the sense that we would no longer be in the image of God, nor belong to Him as sons and daughters. Can you see that this is all part of Satan's plan to keep his dominion of the earth? If he can change our DNA and genetic makeup, thereby destroying our connection to God, who will be left to fight for the Kingdom of God on earth? Not to mention, who will have access to eternal life in Heaven? Of course, Satan's emissaries are already trying to convince the godless that they can have eternal life and immortality through AI.
There is so much more I could say about this subject, but I just want to submit to you that we must not fail to take proper notice of the wicked and iniquitous plans being arranged by our scientists, technology titans, medical experts, politicians and world leaders to lead us down a road from which there is no return. In summary, I would like to share a couple of quotes that I pray will garner your attention. The first comes from author Timothy Alberino, in his book, Birthright: "Over the last several decades, the development of emerging technologies has been advancing at breakneck speed along the upsurge of an exponential growth curve... Among these technologies, there are four whose imminent convergence is predicted to catalyze what analysts are calling the "posthuman revolution." Styled with the acronym GRIN [a fitting appellation, as we will see], the intercourse of genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology will facilitate enhancements to the full spectrum of human biology, body, mind, and soul and give birth to a posthuman being -- humanity 2.0."
The second quote comes from Dr. Leon Kass, the former chairman of President George W. Bush's Council on Bioethics... "For anyone who cares about preserving our humanity, the time has come for paying attention. Human nature itself lies on the operating table, ready for alteration, for eugenic and psychic "enhancement", for wholesale redesign. In leading laboratories, academic and industrial, new creators are confidently amassing their powers and quietly honing their skills, while on the street their evangelists are zealously prophesying a posthuman future."
So, my question to you is this: we know they are exercising their powers from Satan to recreate humans and seal their creator's eternal dominion over the earth. Are we physically and spiritually prepared to battle for our original design by the Most High God? And do we recognize that the battle between Jesus and Satan, between Good and Evil, for this planet and the world happens right here on earth? Are we capable of standing our ground and using our power and authority to defeat this abomination? Are you hearing any of these warnings coming from your pulpit? Do you think Christians in our country are ready for this spiritual war -- or are they abiding in a place of comfort called "Religion", unaware of what is being fomented all around them? It is time for a great awakening, alright! It is time to put on our spiritual armor and be ready for what is so clearly coming, and I'm afraid too many of the faithful are going to be blindsided. Lord, shine Your Light on this diabolical and satanic agenda and make ready Your Remnant! Our future lies in eternity with You in Heaven. Do not let humankind be deceived again!
2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him.
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