A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Dominion of the Earth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dominion of the Earth. Show all posts

October 15, 2024

Who Does The Earth Belong To? God, Man, or Satan? And Why It Matters!

image ©craiyon.com

The questions I pose in this post's title may seem inconsequential to many, but I assure you they are at the heart of the spiritual battle in which we find ourselves. I don't think it's too hard to figure out that this earth is under extreme pressure. Organically speaking, the earth's elements are deteriorating and the Bible actually tells us that they are crying out for us to take back our dominion [and rule and maintain the earth as we were assigned]. Relationally speaking, man's mandate to love the Lord God with all our hearts, minds, souls, [and spirits], and to love each other as we love ourselves, has been a woeful failure. The state of our nation and the world is a testament to our shortcomings. 

And if I could point to one thing [among many] that has led to this demise of our original position on earth, it would be this .... I don't think we fully understand God's plan for mankind, or Satan's plan to foil it. It's as if we've been blinded to the actual events that began in Heaven and have played out on the earth since the account revealed to us in Genesis, chapters one through three. The universe, itself, has a consciousness of the origin of "the rebellion" and its consequences throughout the millenia, but man, himself, became more and more self-centered and therefore, has been unable to see the full agenda of God's Enemy, Satan, the author of Heaven's Rebellion. It's as if, once removed from the Garden, mankind lost his supernatural worldview and now his perception is skewed and limited to only what is available to the human mind.

As this article on logos.com reminds us, we still have the basic concept of who Satan is and what he's all about ... The Bible tells us that because of his prideful nature he challenged God's Supremacy and Authority, hoping to usurp God's Heavenly throne and rule Heaven and all Creation for himself. As my previous post reveals, the Garden of Eden was the gate [portal] that gave man access to the presence of God and his relationship with Him. But the success of Satan's offered temptation to Adam and Eve cost them [and him] that access point, and the gate to Eden was closed. Satan's judgment was "to be expelled from Eden to a new domain: earth and the underworld". And ever since, there has been a battle between man and Satan for ownership of earth.

So, if asked "where does Satan live?", I would say he doesn't have a set, permanent residence. In fact, when God asks him in Job 1:7, "Where have you come from?", Satan answers, "From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it". It is important that we, as God's representatives on earth, understand that only He can be present everywhere at the same time [omnipresent]. Satan can only be in one place at a time. That's why he is best seen as a wanderer, prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).

So, although we need to be alert to his ways and the territories he may inhabit, it is of utmost importance that we comprehend that Satan wants full and absolute dominion over the earth. He wants it for his permanent home and he resents that even when man sinned against Him, God still allowed man to retain his dominion over the earth, by sending His Son, Jesus, as the way to forgiveness and the re-establishment of our dominion. Therefore, Satan has been determined to come up with a plan that will [for all time] destroy man's authority and jurisdiction over the earth. Satan knew that if God's plan to send mankind a Redeemer is allowed to play out [as foretold in Genesis 3:15], his deed to the earth would become null and void.

And just so I make it clear as to who the Earth belongs to, let's consider a couple of verses that are essential to a true Biblical worldview. Deuteronomy 10:14 says, Behold, to the LORD your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth with all that is in it. Makes it pretty clear, doesn't it? God is the rightful Owner of everything -- first, second, and third heaven, along with the planet earth and everything in it. But wait! What about Psalm 115:16, which says, The heavens are the LORD's heavens, but the earth He has given to the children of man. Doesn't that sound contradictory? Does the earth belong to God, or does it belong to man? As Genesis 1:26-28 tells us, God created the earth and then created man in His likeness, giving us authority to steward the planet on His behalf. In other words, we were given the responsibility to look after the earth, to manage it and take care of it for God, and to keep God's order in the land.  

This is why you will see recurring posts on my blog that point to warnings about recognizing the attack plans of the Evil One to rob us of our authority and rulership of this domain called Earth. Satan is jealous that we are allowed to call Earth our [temporary] home -- even though our ancestors also rebelled against Him -- and he hates us, knowing that God has set His redemptive plan in place to return us to our original abode [from which he has been permanently expelled]. And that is why Satan has become our Enemy, and through his cunning and crafty ways, has always been committed to tempting men to rebel against God. And sadly, to some, he is [as Jesus refers to him, "the ruler of this world". Just like Adam and Eve, men throughout the ages have let their willful disobedience blind them to Satan's schemes to alter our identity, which is made in the image of God. If Satan can successfully pull off his game plan, then we will no longer share our hereditary traits that identify us as part of God's family, and the highest Fallen Angel can finally claim Earth as belonging to him.

Because let's face it, the people in Jared and Noah's day didn't understand the Seed War that Satan designed [through the Fallen Angels] to corrupt the bloodline so that the Redeemer could not be born. And neither do enough of us see Satan's modern attack plan through his GRIN network (Genome manipulation; Robotics, Intelligence (Artificial), and Nanotechnology). Nothing has really changed! Satan will continue to seek ways to tempt, deceive, exploit, and corrupt man's relationship with God in the hopes that he can, at last, remove us from God's protective hand. We know that God will never relinquish us if we remain a true and steadfast believer. But we must pay attention to Satan's schemes so that we are not tempted to remove ourselves by no longer remaining in God's image.

That's what Satan's latest warfare strategy is all about ... transhumanism. By its own definition, transhumanism is "a philosophical and intellectual movement that advocates the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available new and future technologies that can greatly enhance longevity, cognition, and well-being". [Emphasis is my own]. In other words, if we are willing, we can improve on God's design of what it means to be a human. The ultimate goal behind this movement is to convince mankind that we don't need God to live eternally, gain wisdom, or enjoy good health, feel secure, or prosper. Satan's agents in this world want us to believe that technology is our new Savior; technology has become the new tree of life and the new tree of knowledge -- don't worry about whether it is knowledge of good and evil; it is just "the way" to our future; a future where God is unnecessary.

So, can you see why it matters who we think the earth belongs to? If you think God has lost ownership and authority, and his plans for this planet and the future of mankind are archaic and obsolete, and mankind would be better served by joining forces with the Usurper, then you have the free will to make that choice. As for me, I pray that men will come to the knowledge of Christ and recognize that we are in the predicament we're in because we have fallen short of our mandate to steward the earth as the God of all Creation has commanded us. Because of our fallen nature, the earth has been under God's curse (Genesis 3:17). And nothing the Enemy of God can offer us will ever replace God's righteous rule. All of the technology that is supposed to enhance and advance our condition on earth is no match for God's promise that Heaven and earth will pass away (Matthew 24:35), but we will live eternally with Him, where we will live in the new Heaven and earth, and we will rule and reign with Christ in His Kingdom (Revelation 22:1-5). 

The time is now to see and understand what has been, what is now, and what will be on the earth! Do you know who you are, and whose you are? Do you understand the part you are to play? Do not ask, "Why does God allow Satan to rule on the earth?" God doesn't allow Satan's authority over men! Men choose [through their free will] to follow Satan's false rule in their lives! The true King of the Universe is coming soon! The earth and everything in it is coming under His judgment and we, who have faith in Him as the Creator and our Savior/Redeemer, await Him as the Righteous One who brings renewal and restoration. Hallelujah!

Psalm 23:6     Surely [only] goodness and mercy [steadfast love] shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall [return to] dwell in the House of the Lord forever. AMP



October 6, 2024

Wonder Why the Earth Is Under Attack? It's Waiting For Us To Be Holy!

 I can't begin to explain what is being revealed to my spirit, or what my soul is experiencing. My mind is reeling as I see a clearer picture of the state of the world, and my emotions are reflecting the truth I'm seeing. The devastation from Hurricane Helene seems beyond comprehension, and the toll of human suffering seems unlimited. And I know we aren't even seeing the whole picture, nor the truth of what is contributing to the misery and trauma.

All we're seeing is what the enemies of God wish us to see; the images and the words and the reasons that will keep us in ignorance and in bondage to the corrupted systems of willful disobedience to the Creator. And before you stop reading and dismiss my post as the rant of a religious fanatic, please allow me to pull back the veil and show you how simple it is to understand what is really going on.

First of all, if you decide to trust the scientists, you believe that the destruction in the mountains of North Carolina is a result of global warming, or "Climate change", as they are now choosing to call it. They want us to believe that Helene's rapid intensification and massive destructive force are all human-caused. What's funny is that they are correct, in a spiritual manner of speaking. But, it is not as they would have us believe, the result of humans who love their gas-driven cars or farmers who raise farting cows. There's a much more ancient and damaging spiritual dynamic going on.

If we, as Christians, could only understand that what happens in the natural [and visible] realm is the fruit of what happens in the spiritual realm, we might be able to see how we [mankind] have contributed to the deterioration of the earth, and grasp our part in the resulting destruction. The prophets of old shared [first with Israel], and then with all men who came to faith in YHWH, what the Lord told them to reveal, in order that we could avoid such devastation and chaos. 

They spoke it, as He instructed them, and then it was written down so that it might educate those of us destined to be on the earth in the future. It's all right there in our Bible! Written for our edification and enlightenment; instruction from our God on how to live in harmony with Him and the earth over which we've been given dominion! But do we read it and take heed? The condition of the physical planet would seem to tell us the answer is No! So, let me share the clear warnings that God Almighty has given us:

Hosea 4:1-3 ... Hear the Word of the Lord, you children of Israel, for the LORD has a [legal] case with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no faithfulness [no steadfast love, no dependability] or loyalty or kindness or knowledge of God [from personal experience with Him] in the land. 

There is [false] swearing of oaths, deception [broken faith], murder, stealing and adultery; they employ violence, so that one [act of] bloodshed follows closely on another.

Therefore the land [continually] mourns, and everyone who lives in it languishes [in tragic suffering], together with the animals of the open country and the birds of the heavens; even the fish of the sea disappear.  

Isaiah 24:3-6 ... The earth shall be utterly empty and utterly plundered; for the Lord has spoken this word. The earth mourns and withers; the world languishes and withers; the highest people of the earth languish. The earth lies defiled under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are scorched, and few men are left.

We need to see the big picture! The earth and all that we need to sustain us was created by the Lord, and God saw that it was good! Then God followed through with His pre-ordained plan to create man in His image and establish us as guardians or regents of His domain called Earth. We were designed specifically to administer His government over this planet in His stead. Unfortunately, man was tempted by God's Enemy to willfully abdicate his authority and he handed over the government of Earth to Satan and his rebellious followers. Man not only surrendered his own blessings from the Lord, but subjected the created earth to the bondage of wickedness and evil.

We need to understand that our authority on Earth is authorized by the King of Heaven. All authority in heaven and on the earth was given to Jesus, and He transferred it to those who believe in Him in order to protect and righteously rule this domain we've been given charge over. We have authority over all the power of the enemy in this realm. But does the earth look like we've taken our responsibility seriously? Does the earth reflect its original properties and the glory of the Master's hand?

What's been declared to my spirit is that God's original mandate for earth -- that we have dominion over it -- has not changed. The devil has no ordained authority in this realm except what we give to him or we perceive by the actions of evil men! The devil has no worldly power on the earth; but he can tempt those who do have the power to become his willing partners. That betrayal and treasonous decision by evil men also affects other men and the nature of the creation. 

That's why Paul's message in Romans 8:19-21 is so important for us to understand: For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.   

It was not only mankind that God subjected to His righteous judgment when Adam and Eve gave up the blessing of our authority and dominion of the earth. Everything created on the earth has felt the pain and loss of our forefather's sin against God. And it is time that we recognize that the reality of mankind's current existence, the environment and elements of the earth, and the atmosphere, itself, around this planet -- everything -- is the result of evil men who used their free will choices to willingly walk in rebellion and disobedience to God. They chose to follow Satan for the prizes offered: power and wealth. And they are willing to sacrifice all of God's creation for their own selfish purposes and worldly enrichment.

And, yes, the consequences are evident in the physical earth. But they have also resulted because of the spiritual war over this earth and its inhabitants. It has become so abundantly clear to me that we Christians don't really know who we are. We aren't trained up to know our power and authority or how to destroy the works of the enemy of God. Too many of us know and use the Name of Jesus as a magical mantra, praying and hoping Jesus will do the hard lifting in this battle because we are either afraid or don't truly believe the Word about our dominion. Talking and singing and praying about Jesus isn't enough! We must actively stand in the confident knowledge that we are truly a new creation! 

That's what it means when the Word says "creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God". The earth is waiting for us to step into our identity as a new creation who walks in the power and authority of our holiness and righteousness; a new creation that truly knows the Lord and His will and follows His commands. The land knows our purpose and knows that when we step into that identity, that they will be restored and our spiritual renewal will result in a renewal of the earth! That's why it is groaning and mourning! 

It is time for the true sons of God to stop participating and compromising with the sinful world and come out of hiding inside the Church walls! The earth groans and mourns, waiting for us to rescue it from the darkness that has been manifested by the evil deeds of men -- the darkness and bondage that comes in the form of violent hurricanes, floods, mudslides, fires, drought, earthquakes, tornadoes, and other devastating attacks upon the land. 

God has shown us that man's evil ways bring His judgment upon the land. But He has also given us His promises of renewal, restoration and reconciliation. It breaks my heart that the good people of North Carolina are the latest victims of man's failure to maintain the goodness of God's blessings that were ours in the Garden of Eden. Lord, give us the wisdom, and the courage, and the hunger to make things right again. Give us a chance to repent and renew the land as we meet the expectations of the creation. And let us stand up to Evil and all its accomplices as we free Your creation from its bondage and bring the earth into its rightful place in Your Kingdom. Amen!  

Hebrews 6:7-8    For ground that drinks the rain which often falls on it and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is also tilled, receives a blessing from God; but if it yields thorns and thistles, it is worthless and close to being cursed, and it ends up being burned.

September 21, 2024

The Posthuman Revolution & Our Spiritual Battle For the Dominion of Earth!

I would say that it's been 15 years since God invited my spirit to embark on what would become an extraordinary adventure with Him; a greater understanding of Him and my purpose here on the earth. It wasn't an earth-shattering event like Paul experienced on the road to Damascus, but rather a process that began with a hunger for His Word that led to a gradual trust between the two of us. I began to receive affirmations and convictions that what was being revealed in the Bible was true and genuine for me, too; and God received verification that He could have confidence that my faith was certain and reliable, and that I could be trusted to carry out my assignments and follow His commands. I began to hear and see Him, just as Jesus did.

It has been a wild ride ever since, to say the least. I have been shown glimpses of the magnitude and immensity of God and His plan, as well as the significance and consequences of the part we play in it all. I say "glimpses" because, by no means, am I vain enough to think that I am anyone special or remarkable. I have not been given unparalleled access to the Father's mind nor a blueprint to His heavenly agenda for His creation. But what I have been given is a heart over-flowing with gratitude, a spirit eager for answers to my questions, and a passionate willingness to be in service to His Kingdom.

In return, what He has shown me through the Holy Spirit and my relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ, is a history of our world engulfed in a spiritual battle for dominion. And I'll take it a step further, and say that I believe our planet has not been the only one involved in the battle to usurp God's power and authority. I know that probably puts me in the "crazy camp" of traditional Christians, but I'm just not willing to confine God's sovereign government to Earth alone. But that's a discussion for another day. Since I find myself situated on this rocky sphere orbiting the sun, it is the subject of my thesis in today's post.

I stated that God has shown me the history of the spiritual battle for the dominion of Earth. Now, I don't mean that I've seen the battle plans laid out in a complete and comprehensive format. But as I've been obedient to go where the Holy Spirit has guided me, and been willing to explore the merits of new revelations I've received [and vetted according to the Spirit], these are the aforementioned "glimpses" that have allowed me to grow in my understanding and to see the spiritual picture become wider in scope. 

From the first chapter in Genesis, the Bible [which is our manual for knowing the fullness of God] has unveiled the conflict between Jehovah, the Most High God, and His enemies, who seek to dethrone Him and take possession of the territories belonging to His sovereign government [i.e., His dominion]. That includes the stars, planets, universe, and men's hearts, minds, souls and spirits. We all grew up knowing the Scripture that tells us God said, "Let us make man in our image", and then He goes on to tell man to rule over the earth and subdue it. The Most High God created us and then transferred His dominion to rule earth to us [His sovereignty, control, supremacy, power and authority]. And we all know what happened in the Garden... God's cunning Enemy (and ours) convinced humans that we didn't have to be content with being "like" God, but could actually "become" a god ourselves. Ever since that fateful decision to believe him, Satan has used mankind to try and achieve his own nefarious plans to take possession of all of God's dominion [everything God created, including man].

Before I present the heart of my hypothesis for this post, I want to briefly touch on two points that the Holy Spirit has made very clear. The first is about something I have frequently written about: the purpose[s] Jesus was sent to this earth; namely to begin the arduous assignment to take back God's dominion on the earth that our forefather Adam relinquished. As Jesus declared in John 12:31-32, Satan is "the ruler of this world". Paul actually stated that Satan is "the god of this world" in 2 Corinthians 4:4. In the John passage, Jesus also alludes to the truth that He will also bring salvation to those who believe in Him, saying "I will draw all people (Jews and Gentiles) to Myself". BUT He makes His purpose for coming to Earth very clear in Luke 4:43: "I must preach the good news [Gospel] of the kingdom of God [God's dominion] to the other cities also; because I was sent for this purpose". Yes, Jesus made a way for us to be reconciled back to the Father, therefore making Salvation a very important facet of His purpose, but His primary mission was to re-establish God's dominion on the earth, which was a strategic strike in the spiritual battle for the dominion over all God has created. 

The second point centers around one of Satan's strategies in this spiritual battle for dominion, namely "the Seed War". When Satan is cast out of Heaven for his rebellion against the Most High God, he convinces 1/3 of Heaven's angels to accompany him and become his army of "darkness". Having served in the Throne Room of God, he is aware that God has made man in His own image and intends for man to rule the earth. Because of his pride and envy, Satan devises a plan to illegally seize man's dominion and set up his own kingdom on earth. So, in Genesis 3, we see that Satan is in the Garden of Eden, deceiving Eve [who convinces Adam to join her in disobedience] and Satan lawfully became the rightful owner of the world due to their free will choice. But God already had His redemptive plan in place. Upon announcing their punishment, our Good Father also promised them a Savior, when He told Satan: "I will put enmity [open hostility] between you and the woman, and between your seed [offspring] and her Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, and you shall [only] bruise His heel."    

So, Satan's counter punch in this strategic war was to send his evil angels to have sex with earthly women, producing a hybrid race called the Nephilim in Genesis 6.  You see, Satan knew the war would be between his offspring [seed] and God's offspring [His Seed and Son, Jesus Christ]. Satan believed that if he could corrupt the seed line of God's offspring on the earth [man, made in God's image], then Jesus [who was the perfect image of God] could not be born and it would seal Satan's rulership and dominion of the earth. 

And here's the heart of the premise of today's blog: When that evil plan was shattered and Death's hold on mankind was destroyed, Satan did not give up on his plan to retain his dominion on earth. For the last 2000 plus years, he has continued to wage a spiritual war to defile man and eradicate any of the image of God that remains in us. And it is very important for us to recognize that this war has escalated in our lifetime. In the recent past, men, like Josef Mengele, were influenced by Satan's evil desires and conducted genetic experiments on innocent victims as a way to unlock the secrets of God's creation of man -- all with the purpose of corrupting God's design and creating another race of hybrids. Mankind did not yet have the technology or means to gain access to God's genetic code. 

But that hasn't stopped Satan in his plan to destroy God's image in man. The technology to create a new form of man-and-machine hybrid is on the horizon. The rise of Artificial Intelligence has given us cause to be concerned. It has taken on the appearance of a new kind of "god worship". Consider this article on theconversation.com, which states that "Generative AI can create or produce new content with several characteristics that are often associated with divine beings, like deities or prophets, such as: a level of intelligence that appears limitless; it is capable of great feats of creativity; it is removed from normal human sensations like physical pain, hunger, or sexual desire; it can offer guidance in daily lives; and probably the most seductive, it is immortal. How many people do you think will gladly sign up to receive a chip that repeats the promise made in the Garden of Eden: you, too, can become like God?

Also, we must not dismiss that by merging with AI, we could become a form of artificial life with a hybrid consciousness that would be in competition with the Holy Spirit. It should not be difficult to comprehend that we would no longer be human in the sense that we would no longer be in the image of God, nor belong to Him as sons and daughters. Can you see that this is all part of Satan's plan to keep his dominion of the earth? If he can change our DNA and genetic makeup, thereby destroying our connection to God, who will be left to fight for the Kingdom of God on earth? Not to mention, who will have access to eternal life in Heaven? Of course, Satan's emissaries are already trying to convince the godless that they can have eternal life and immortality through AI. 

There is so much more I could say about this subject, but I just want to submit to you that we must not fail to take proper notice of the wicked and iniquitous plans being arranged by our scientists, technology titans, medical experts, politicians and world leaders to lead us down a road from which there is no return. In summary, I would like to share a couple of quotes that I pray will garner your attention. The first comes from author Timothy Alberino, in his book, Birthright:  "Over the last several decades, the development of emerging technologies has been advancing at breakneck speed along the upsurge of an exponential growth curve... Among these technologies, there are four whose imminent convergence is predicted to catalyze what analysts are calling the "posthuman revolution." Styled with the acronym GRIN [a fitting appellation, as we will see], the intercourse of genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology will facilitate enhancements to the full spectrum of human biology, body, mind, and soul and give birth to a posthuman being -- humanity 2.0."

The second quote comes from Dr. Leon Kass, the former chairman of President George W. Bush's Council on Bioethics... "For anyone who cares about preserving our humanity, the time has come for paying attention. Human nature itself lies on the operating table, ready for alteration, for eugenic and psychic "enhancement", for wholesale redesign. In leading laboratories, academic and industrial, new creators are confidently amassing their powers and quietly honing their skills, while on the street their evangelists are zealously prophesying a posthuman future."

So, my question to you is this: we know they are exercising their powers from Satan to recreate humans and seal their creator's eternal dominion over the earth. Are we physically and spiritually prepared to battle for our original design by the Most High God? And do we recognize that the battle between Jesus and Satan, between Good and Evil, for this planet and the world happens right here on earth? Are we capable of standing our ground and using our power and authority to defeat this abomination? Are you hearing any of these warnings coming from your pulpit? Do you think Christians in our country are ready for this spiritual war -- or are they abiding in a place of comfort called "Religion", unaware of what is being fomented all around them? It is time for a great awakening, alright! It is time to put on our spiritual armor and be ready for what is so clearly coming, and I'm afraid too many of the faithful are going to be blindsided. Lord, shine Your Light on this diabolical and satanic agenda and make ready Your Remnant! Our future lies in eternity with You in Heaven. Do not let humankind be deceived again!

2 Corinthians 2:14    But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him.