A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

February 11, 2023

Waging Spiritual War For Our Children

At the end of my last post, I promised to share my perspective on the spiritual battle we are in for our children. This includes the issues of abortion, gender identification, child trafficking, and the opioid crisis that is killing our children at an alarming rate. Understanding that not everyone in the world is a Believer, it may seem like an over-simplification, but it is imperative that mankind comprehends and accepts that not only does God exist, but that Satan is real; and that he employs a multitude of devices and forces, in his position as "god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4).  It is important that 1) we recognize it is our duty [as Christians] to fight against this Enemy; 2) the four important areas of his influence; and 3) we have a power stronger than his in which we can wage spiritual war.

But what is spiritual war all about and how do we wage it? At a very surface level, spiritual warfare requires that we understand who we are and why we are here. And that is going to take a level of mature faith that not every Christian possesses. How many Christians do you know that even acknowledge we are in a war against God's Enemy? If your faith is lukewarm and "surface only", then I doubt you will understand the deeper implications of what it is going to take to wage war in the spiritual realms. Have you digested the "meat" of Scriptural understanding of spiritual warfare, or are you still on "milk"? Only the mature Christian should expect to be equipped to engage in battle with the Enemy of God.

And being mature means you understand the cost of becoming part of God's Army on earth. When Jesus came the first time, He announced that the Kingdom of God had arrived, and in effect, declared war on Satan's kingdom on earth. As the disciples of Jesus spread the word that eternal salvation was available through faith in Jesus Christ and His defeat of Death on the Cross, the territory in people's lives that Satan claimed as part of his domain [through sin and evil] began to be reclaimed as conquered territory for the Kingdom of God. But Satan is not about to relinquish territory without a fight. He must prevent mankind from knowing who they are created to be, and to keep us from knowing the authority Jesus left His followers to engage in battle for our own lives and the lives of our children. And it will come with a price. It will cost us to serve His Kingdom, but the inheritance we have waiting in Heaven will be worth the time we devote to take back territory for God.

When we become a Believer, we are adopted as children of God. Satan's goal is not only to keep that from happening, but to employ all his forces to hinder our maturity and to cause doubt, unbelief, and confusion; to convince us to join him in killing our own children and supporting his lies about their God-given identities. But we can't even fight for our children if haven't overcome our own battlefields of the mind, flesh, and soul. That's the first line of defense for saving our children -- to understand who we are; who we are fighting; and recognizing the schemes of the Enemy so that we might receive the strategies of our Lord.

So, who are Satan's forces that are coming for our children? The Satanic kingdom is highly organized, and Satan is at the head of this kingdom; and there is a rank of ruling spirits under him that are subject to him and assigned over areas such as nations and cities. They are the entities Paul recognizes in Ephesians 6. The first in the rank of these ruling spirits are Principalities. We must grasp the reality that Satan, as the Enemy of God, can have a powerful effect on the leaders of nations, states and cities.  It is necessary that we realize that our spiritual warfare not only includes our individual lives, but communities, our nation, and the world!  This is not just some Biblical folklore, folks!  Principalities rule over Kings, and Presidents, State legislatures, and heads of world health organizations. They can all be leading at the behest of Satanic Principalities. And they derive their power from their spiritual leader, Satan. 

And Power is another rank of ruling spirits. Power implies "authority", and tells us that the demons Satan has placed over these various positions and territories have been given the power and authority to carry out whatever orders they've been assigned... Satan's orders that result in deception, control, and destruction.  "It's not a baby, it's just a clump of cells".... "My body, my choice".... "Some people are simply born in the wrong body.... "You do  not have to accept the gender you were assigned at birth"....  "One pill won't kill you".... "It won't happen to me". These are just some of the lies that Satan's Powers use in their spiritual warfare. And we must enlist God's warrior angels to fight alongside us as we renounce these lies and declare God's Truth: our children are divinely conceived by the Spirit of the Lord; our bodies are not our own, but are the Temple where God resides; God doesn't make mistakes when He creates us; and pharmaceuticals used to harm our bodies and souls are what the Bible calls sorcery. They will kill us when Satan uses them for his purposes.

Another of Satan's forces we face in our spiritual warfare are the Rulers of the Darkness of this World. But we need to embrace and believe the truth that when Jesus conquered Death [the Enemy's most powerful weapon against mankind], Satan became a defeated foe of our Lord.  The Devil is really just a trespasser in this world, and he has no legal rights over us Christians. Our debt has been paid by the Blood of Christ, and we belong to Him. So, if he's doomed to defeat, why does Satan still seek to rule this world, and why has he gained such success through his "rulers"? It is simple: neither the Church nor Believers have recognized or risen up in the power and authority given them. It's time that we use our spiritual weapons and strength, and take the offensive to the Enemy! But the Church and Believers have to recognize that this battle cannot be won politically or socially. God is bigger than politics and social convention! And if we don't start seeing Satan's agenda and strategies in these areas, then we will continue to find ourselves battling and losing ground. Just look at how fast the indoctrination of our youth into ungodly ideologies have happened in our lifetime! As their parents, we can present our case against our Adversary, the Devil, in the Courts of Heaven and ask God for His righteous judgment. If that is something that interests you, email me and I will send you my Courts of Heaven prayer that you can do in the Spirit.

I also want to mention the force known as Spiritual Wickedness in High Places. Obviously, the key here, is "wickedness".  In the Greek, that word means "depravity; malice; plots".  That can encompass all kinds of spiritual battles against not only abortion and gender identity in the lives of our children, but child pornography, the occult, "Black masses", or even a babysitter, teacher, or parent who has allowed a spirit of sexual perversion to rule their impulses. The point is that we have very real spiritual enemies coming after our children. They are the enemies of both God and man.  And while we Christians have the promise of victory in heaven, we still can be afflicted and tormented here on earth. The key to our victory in this realm is to use our authority as it has been given us. 

We must not bury our heads in the sand and think that the Enemy is not coming after our kids! Obviously we pray in the spirit with all power and authority given to us by Christ, and we commit the care of our own children and this generation to the protection of God. The power of our prayers can storm Heaven's gates as we team up with the Heavenly host to go forth in battle. Prayer is powerful, indeed, but we can do more! We can no longer tolerate ungodly Story Hours or inappropriate books on our public library shelves. We must stand and fight in both the physical and spiritual realms. We must boldly proclaim God's Truth of Revelation 20, that our Enemy has already been defeated and he will be thrown into the lake of fire and tormented forever and ever. We use that Truth to claim victory for our children and dispel the lies and half-truths of Satan and those in league with him. We ask for Divine guidance and to be shown the strategies of the Enemy, so that we might go in the spirit to erect spiritual barriers around our children to protect them from demonic influences, as well as seek holy counsel to tear down strongholds in the spiritual realms that control evil institutions and individuals that seek to do the devil's bidding in capturing our children. 

Finally, I want to leave you with this truth. Satan is absolutely terrified of who our children will become if they should know and follow God's call on their lives. That's why he has worked so hard to keep them from even being born. And if they are blessed to be welcomed into this world, his goal is to keep them separated from God. So, he attacks their self-worth and their unique gender identity. He infiltrates their social media influences, steals their innocence, prevents them from knowing their purpose in life by tempting them to sin [or be sinned against], and constructs false ideologies on the possession of money and worldly goods -- all designed to keep them from forming an intimate relationship with God. So, as parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles -- as a society -- we must affirm and lift up our children. We must become spiritual warriors and defenders of our children. We must battle in the spiritual realm [with our full spiritual armor on], and we must stand guard over their bodies, hearts, minds, and souls. But most of all, we must not underestimate the power we have been given to battle against a defeated foe. Do not believe his lies that it is too late -- do not become discouraged, disheartened, or disillusioned. This is the most important battle of our generation, and we have been equipped in both the physical and the spiritual realms for victory. Let us fight for our children so that they will no longer be victims of Satan's wicked agenda, but become warriors for God. And never forget that our Lord battles with us! 

#spiritualwarfare #warringforourchildren #thebattleforourchildren #warinthespiritualrealms

2 Corinthians 10:3-4    "For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons.  For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds"   


  1. Thank you for sharing such powerful wisdom and encouragement to keep fighting with our spiritual authority. Please send me the Courts in heaven prayer Blessings

    1. please send your email address to me at: pkohler1221@yahoo.com, and I will forward you the Courts of Heaven prayer and instructions on how to use it. I believe it is an effective tool in our spiritual warfare tool belt.
