A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

June 30, 2020

"Where Can We Go?"


     "Where can we go?" That's the question that Mark and I get from a lot of our Christian friends who are struggling with how to respond to the chaos and breakdown in our country. Our answer is always the same ... "There's nowhere you can move to escape what the Enemy is sowing in the hearts of men."
     These are good Christian men and women who believe in Jesus. But what does that statement really mean? I can say for sure that they're not fence-sitters -- they have clearly chosen to pursue faith in Jesus, and sincerely want to know how to respond in these desperate times. But have they truly been equipped to see beyond this natural realm into the spiritual? Are they mature enough in their faith to endure the fundamental changes that might soon take place in our homeland?
     I will tell you that there are those who are still counting on the Rapture to catapult them off the earth before things "get too bad". And when I tell them that the Bible never promises us that; only that we are not appointed to God's wrath, and His wrath comes right before the "terrible day of the Lord", which is the judgment of the earth. That interpretation is usually met with a period of prolonged silence. And I then explain that as I read the Bible it is clear to me that we will experience the Tribulation, and then I tell them why .... First, Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 that we will recognize the "birth pangs" of the coming Tribulation by the signs (wars and rumors of wars; nations against nations; kingdoms against kingdoms; famines and earthquakes); in other words, general upheaval across the globe. And then, comes the specific warning for us Christians: "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." There is nothing in that passage that hints we will be delivered out of those adversities.
     I then explain that, to my sorrow, I discern that there will be many Christians who "fall away" from their faith; with their love of Jesus [and their faith] growing cold because their expectations of "deliverance from the hard times" has not been met. They will falter and lose their hope and strength in the Lord, and there will need to be at least a remnant on the earth who can speak God's truth into their hearts and help them to endure and be overcomers.
     Secondly, there is still work to be done for the Kingdom during the Tribulation! There are still people being born; people who need to receive Salvation and enter into their Kingdom citizenship to battle alongside us in the Spirit until Jesus returns to wipe out the evil on the earth. God wishes no one to perish and we will still be able to have an impact on people's lives during those harrowing times.
     Then once Christians get over the shock that they might actually have to experience the Tribulation, then we have to have the talk that all their worldly goods will not be able to save them from the great trouble or suffering that is prophesied in the Book of Revelation. You see, this nation has a history and legacy of prosperity. Even our poorest citizens are richer than many in Third World countries. True, our distribution of wealth is unequal, and the span between the rich and poor is getting even wider. So, let's just agree that we in America are pretty comfortable by the world's standards.
     I often hear from Christians who, until now, have clung to the belief that the power of the United States of America would be everlasting; that it is iindestructible. But now that foundation is beginning to crumble, and they want to know how to preserve their wealth; their money, their 401(k)'s; their houses and property if "things go south", and the unimaginable happens .. the ruination of the US economy. They want to know where they can go [on earth] to maintain the lifestyle that they've worked so hard to achieve and protect. I tell them that the world as they know it will no longer exist. And then I tell them it's time to open their Bibles and read. Their answers are in that book which God gave to us to reveal His heart and His plan of redemption. If we come to that point, it's time to flip to the Book of Revelation.
     When Jesus opens the Scrolls in Heaven, it begins an unprecedented chain of events upon the earth, in which Death and Famine and Disease preside, along with earthquakes and devastation of the seas and the first heaven; and the martyrdom of the Saints during the great Tribulation. With each successive seal that is opened, and trumpet that is sounded, the battle between God and Satan for the peoples and the earth increases with intensity. I try to explain to my friends who are comfortable in their faith and their possessions, that when that time comes, they will have no concern for 401(k)s or big houses and fancy cars. It will be a matter of survival in the Lord.
     But all will not be hopeless! Those of us who are enduring for the Lord will see 144,000 of the lost sheep of Israel come to faith in Jesus Christ, their Messiah! They will resume their intended purpose: to lead all nations of the earth to faith in YHWH. Those of us who endure will hear of the testimony of God's two witnesses in Jerusalem for the last 3.5 years of the Tribulation. We will hear of the joyous celebration by God's enemies when the witnesses are killed and their bodies lay in the street for 3.5 days. But the faithful of YHWH will themselves rejoice when "the breath of life from God enters the witnesses, and they will stand up on their feet" and respond to the shout from Heaven to "Come up here!" We will pray for the 7000 souls lost in the subsequent earthquake, but praise the Lord for "the rest [who] are terrified and give glory to the God of Heaven"!
     I know that to some of you I may sound like a Doomsday sayer. I don't sound like some of the prophets of today who are speaking of a great and imminent revival that is set to sweep the globe in the near future. They predict that this unprecedented and unparalleled revival is in answer to our prayers to heal this world, and it will precede the final lawlessness of the Enemy and the Coming of the Lord. I'm sorry, but I don't see any indication anywhere in the Bible of such a tremendous and multitudinous renewal across the globe in the last days. However, I do believe that there will be huge spiritual return to God, as He draws forth His Remnant; Believers who will walk in such supernatural power and authority that they will resist the Enemy's numerous forces and stand on the earth in mighty opposition to the Man of Lawlessness and his Beast System. People will be drawn to their message and souls will be won for the Kingdom. And I praise the Lord for that!
     In the final analysis, there is one thing I know for sure ... God has not given up on America, even though we have slowly, through the last 50-60 years, seem to have given up on Him. I believe that He could decide to pour out His Spirit upon our land, and we still have time to turn this ship around. But we need to be asking different questions. Instead of, "When is the Rapture coming?", we need to be asking ourselves if we are prepared to endure and overcome what might be the darkest hour in our nation's history. Instead of asking, "Where can we go if the US economy collapses?", we need to take a measurement of our faith. Are we secure in Jesus, or do we find our security in our position and possessions? And finally, instead of looking and waiting for the fourth great awakening in America, perhaps we should invite the Spirit to breath new life into us, as individuals, and re-commit ourselves to our Lord's command to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom as a witness to our fellow man. So, where can we go? Anywhere the Lord sends us, and to the ends of the earth, if necessary.

Romans 12:12     Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

June 27, 2020

"There Is Wrath In His Anger, But Life In His Promise"

      The title for this blog post is a portion of the Septuagint translation of Psalm 30:5. The rest of the verse reads, "weeping shall tarry for the evening, but joy shall be in the morning". I sense that we are in the midst of great weeping in this nation [and the world], and it may be difficult for some to even imagine that joy could exist in the morning. After all, people's lives have been turned upside down by sickness, unemployment, separation from family and friends, and fear of an unknown future. The truth is, none of us know how long this night of mourning is going to last.
     I think a lot of people in the world can identify with David when he wrote this Psalm. I believe he perfectly describes our national psyche [before this chaos dawned] when he writes in verses 6-7, "I remember boasting, “I’ve got it made! Nothing can stop me now! I’m God’s favored one; He’s made me steady as a mountain!” But then suddenly, You hid your face from me. I was panic-stricken and became depressed." Can any of you identify?
     We, in this nation, have lived a blessed life -- yes, there have been grave injustices in our history, and we still are far from perfect! We have a lot of work to do to overcome our sins, transgression, and iniquity. But so far, this is still a land of opportunity! I agree that the Beast System is desperately trying to establish itself, and the Christians who are awake can see the handwriting on the wall. But we must also admit that we have been complacent and content in our prosperity, and comfortable in a form of faith that didn't require much of us. Too many of us thought that just calling ourselves "a Christian" was enough to get us through this life until we could go to Heaven. Any difficulties would surely be short-lived because, after all, we live in America and God loves us, right? Like David, we thought we had it made and God would keep our path steady and sure. But now, it may seem as if He's hidden His face from you, too. Suddenly, this easy, grace-filled American life doesn't seem so stable. It's as if our anchor has come unmoored.
     And all this makes me mindful of the history of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Once a unified nation; the apple of God's eye, and His chosen [favored] people, Israel suffered much because of their sins and rebellion. After the death of King Solomon, the nation split into two kingdoms, Israel [as the northern kingdom] and Judah [the southern kingdom]. The kingdom of Israel eventually was taken captive by the conquering nation of Assyria and its people scattered across the world. The kingdom of Judah found itself caught in the midst of continuing wars between Egyptian, Assyrian, and Babylonian empires, followed by subjugation to Persian, Greek and Roman conquerors. Although the kingdom of Judah no longer exists, God's promise to Abraham that through him, "all the families of the earth will be blessed" has found its fulfillment in Yeshua, Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
     But we cannot ignore the fact that Israel and Judah's rebellion against God was not overlooked by Him. Our God is a Holy and Righteous God; He will not tolerate continued rebellion. He shows us that over and over in the Bible, as His righteous anger falls on those who stubbornly persist in disobedience and following their own ways -- even if they are the apple of His eye. We can see by Judah's history of repeated cycles of rebellion, idolatry, and restoration, that YHWH is patient in allowing us to recognize our rebellion and to right it. But we can also discern that He is a just God, and He will not turn a blind eye to repeated offenses in which repentance is absent.
     Both the nation of Israel and Judah paid a price for their repeated rebellion. As a 2009 article titled The Experience of Israel and Judah: A Lesson For Today informs us, "Israel [the Northern kingdom] was at the height of her power under this king. The period was one of great wealth, luxury, arrogance, carnal security, oppression of the poor, moral decay, and formal worship. The moral declension and spiritual degradation of the people were appalling."  Furthermore, Judah followed in Israel's footsteps, and the article tells us they often lapsed into rebellion and idolatry; "they mocked God’s messengers, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets until the wrath of the Lord was aroused against His people and there was no remedy" (2 Chronicles 36:16).
     Sound familiar? Not every citizen of America meets those qualifiers, but we cannot ignore the social, moral and spiritual failings of this nation. We cannot say, "But I live a good life... I love God and worship Him in righteousness... surely God will not turn His back on me... we are a Christian nation!" But does the fruit of this nation bear witness to those claims? How do you think God looks upon us as a nation that consumes and exports pornography and child sex trafficking? How deep is the stain on our land of the blood of 60 million murdered babies by the abortion industry? How, in a land that is so rich and prosperous, are the poor getting poorer? How does He look upon our greed and idol worship of money, property, technology, fame, and worldly power, while rejecting the foundational principles of the Bible in our homes, businesses, and government?
     How can we expect to escape judgment, when God, in His Sovereignty, let Israel and Judah, reap the errors of their ways? What has been the excuse of the Church as we find ourselves sliding down an ever steeper hill of moral decay? It's not enough to say we were in Church every Sunday! It's not enough to say we prayed for our nation! We were to stand up and challenge each and every move of the Enemy of God as he advanced his plan to eradicate the authority and supremacy of God Almighty in the United States of America. We were supposed to rise up in our identities as true sons and daughters of our mighty God, and bear semblance to His mercy and righteousness and justice!
     Yet, here we find ourselves in a civil and moral battle with our fellow countrymen. There are plenty of prophets in the Body of Christ warning us of these things and the way we should go. Are our hearts truly prepared to take those steps? Can we wake up from our slumbering spirits and join forces in the spiritual realm to fight alongside the heavenly host to conquer the invading Anti-Christ spirit and his hordes? I can't imagine how terribly weary the angelic warriors are, waiting for us to get in the fight!
     I want to finish by saying that I know I've painted a pretty miserable picture of the state of our Union, but I'm afraid when you look at the fruit we've produced, it's starting to spoil. We don't come off looking too much different than ancient Israel and Judah. I know God is not pleased with us and we deserve His anger. But I also know that He is a God of promises, and He does not break them. Yes, we must repent -- not only ask for forgiveness of our grievous sins, but change the way we think about what our purpose and responsibilities are to His Kingdom while we are here on earth. And then we must put on that spiritual armor that we've left rusting in the corner, and get in the fight! We can bring down the strongholds of the Enemy, and we can cast down all the evil imaginations that are being used to go against the knowledge of God. If we truly trust in the Lord, then let us sink our spiritual roots deep into the soil of this nation, and nothing the Enemy brings against us can uproot us. He promises to never leave nor forsake us, and He promises to heal our land if we seek Him and turn from our wicked ways. There is hope in the Lord's promises. Do not give up now and there will be joy in the morning!

Isaiah 40:31    But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.

June 24, 2020

This Is Nothing New Under The Sun ... It Has Been Already In The Ages Before Us

     Knowing that I cannot trust the media for truth in these daunting days, I have been even more diligent in searching God's Word for answers to the growing rebellion and discord in our nation. I know that what we are seeing played out on our computer and TV screens is the subversion of the worldly government by agents within that very system they claim to serve; men and women who serve their fleshly desires for money, position, and power while selling jealousy, envy, division and hatred to the masses.
     If we truly want to know the source of our disunity and division, we must look beyond the convenient identifiers of Republican vs Democrat; Black vs White; Patriot vs Traitor; Young vs Old. The truth is that this country has been attacked by an insidious Enemy who has been working under the guise of social and political revolution since the founding of this country. Call it by any of its secular names ... Freemasonry, the New World Order, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Progressivism ... they all serve the same Master: the Anti-Christ who seeks to establish the Beast System, an end-of-the-world kingdom that controls the globe and serves his selfish desire for power.
     But Christians should be able to see that this same Enemy has been active in the world since the Garden, and again at the Tower of Babel, when men believed the lies of Nimrod, the king of Shinar, who among his many names was known as "One Who Speaks of Dark Things". So God came down and confused man's common language because His purpose for mankind was to live for HIS NAME, scattering over the earth proclaiming HIM! But what we see playing out before us is people whose love of self, power, and greed have supplanted any love for the One who created them to serve HIM.
     I am not denying that grievances are real; that sins have been committed throughout our history. But  destabilization and violence; the perpetuation of intolerance and biogotry (by everyone involved); the struggle for political and social power through civil unrest; a passive government and pulpit -- all of it plays right into the Enemy's hands.
     But, just as Solomon spoke in the Book of Ecclesiastes, "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun... It has been already in the ages before us." The rebellion we see in the streets of America is, in reality, a rebellion against God, and is as old as time. And the Bible clearly warns us that we must be alert for such strategies ... But [in those days] false prophets arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will subtly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways, and because of them the way of truth will be maligned. And in their greed they will exploit you with false arguments and twisted doctrine. (2 Peter 2:1-3). We could easily apply that passage to our college campuses and the twisted set of beliefs often proposed as education -- or the deceptive discourse that our politicians peddle as they try to convince us they are serving us, their constituents. 
     We must recognize that the Beast System has been given the opportunity to establish itself because we have not stood in our identity for which we were created -- as Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Every man, woman, and child is here on the planet to represent their Creator; to refute the lies of the one who seeks to poison their hearts and minds with false identities. Whether it is the rioters in the streets or the government officials who struggle for solutions, people and events have spiraled into a state of confused and violent turmoil.
     But what can we expect when we, the representatives of God's Kingdom, have allowed the citizens of this world's kingdom of darkness to censor God's presence? Prayer has been removed from our classrooms, and college campuses are nearly devoid of any mention of Him. The Ten Commandments have been removed from parks and courthouses. Churches have become businesses in the marketplace, tied to a secular government by their 501(c)3 charters. Christian views are heavily redacted on social media platforms. And to self-identify as a Christian is often met with fingers pointing to our hypocrisy and false righteousness.
     And, sadly, the Church has relegated its authority to secular government. I'm sure you've heard the oft-quoted excuse of Romans 13:1 ... Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist have been put in place by God. That verse has been so misunderstood, and the Enemy has been so successful in convincing Believers that we are subject to all government because it all has been put in place by God. But I submit to you a different  perception of the verse ... No one has authority [in government] except those who have been granted authority by His permission and sanction! Any other authority gained [without His sanction] does not come from Him! And if they have His sanction, then we are to be subject to that authority, which comes from Heaven.
     How will we know? By their fruit! If you are seeking the Kingdom of God, then you will recognize those who come in its authority. Governments who pass abortion laws allowing babies to be killed in the womb are not sanctioned by God. Governments who institute Welfare laws that enslave generations to their hand-outs instead of encouraging and establishing paths out of poverty are not sanctioned by Him. Governments who build and feed a nexus of military-industrial conflicts to maintain global power are not sanctioned by Him. And men who enter the halls of Government for personal greed and power are not sanctioned by Him. As Ambassadors and representatives of the government of the Kingdom of Heaven, our answer should be the same as Peter and the Apostles in Acts 5:29, "We must obey God rather than men [for we have no other choice]."
     Now we see statues commemorating our national history being defaced and destroyed -- as if that wipes out the sins of America. When we decimate [destroy or remove] our history -- flawed, or not --, how will future generations recognize when they are close to repeating it? And I am perplexed at the lack of knowledge and understanding of our history that I see in this Millennial generation! True, the Civil War was a blight upon our country's history, but we cannot ignore that it righted a wrong in our nation's moral conscience, and it is a reminder of just how fragile our foundation is. That fragility is still quite evident.
     So, as children of the Light, we must become more vocal than the children of darkness. We must speak the bigger truths of the spiritual strongholds of Power, Greed, and Deception that are behind the scenes of the protests and division. Our pulpits need to be thundering the message that Satan deflects responsibility on to others, thereby creating victims that serve his purposes. Jesus puts the responsibility right back on us... if my fellow man hates me, I am to love him. If he persecutes me, I am to pray for him. We may not be able to control everything that the Enemy throws at us, but we are responsible for how we react to it.
     So, how are we going to react to what we see in the streets of America and on Capitol Hill? We pray fervently, and we wage war in the Spiritual realms! Let the world compare our fruit with the fruit of those causing destruction. Let us take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Do not get discouraged and don't be dismayed! We must stay strong in the Lord, no matter what comes. We may be the only image of Christ that those in darkness will ever see. The false prophets and teachers will reap what they've sown, but let us act out of unselfish concern for the lost. God is not silent and He is not absent. And the Lord expects us to endure until He comes. Let us not waver.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9     We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;

June 21, 2020

God Will Bring Order Out Of Chaos

          Our God is a god of order. He brings His discipline and authoritative direction in the midst of confusion and upheaval. The perfect picture of this is Genesis 1:1-2, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Let's dissect these familiar verses, and see if we can get a picture that mirrors what we see coming upon this modern version of the earth.
     "Without form" is the Hebrew word tohu, and "void" is the Hebrew word bohu, giving us a picture of an earth that was a desolate wasteland; an empty ruin. "Darkness was over the land and the face of the deep" .... "darkness" is the Hebrew word chosek, defined as misery, destruction, death, sorrow, wickedness; and "deep" is the Hebrew word t'hom, meaning an abyss (as a surging mass of water").
     "And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters". Here, the word "hovering" indicates movement, as in a shaking, or a tempest [violent storm]. So, we have a picture of an earth that is existing in chaos and turmoil. The environment is one of destruction, death, and wickedness, which results in misery and sorrow. And the culmination of all this disorder is that the Spirit of God begins to shake one of the foundations of the earth: the waters.
     Obviously this is not the same earth about which the Bible says "and God saw that it was good" in verse 10. But I'm not hear to debate the question of whether something happened to a prior earth in Genesis 1:1-2, or that God re-created a new earth beginning in Genesis 1:9 that He was then able to declare "good" in verse 10. My point in dissecting the first two verses in the Bible is to show that God is able to identify when His creation is a wasteland shrouded in chaos and confusion; misery and destruction. And He is not above violently shaking it to bring it back into an orderly state that pleases Him.
     In fact, the Bible is full of references by both Old and New prophets and writers who describe just such discipline from God ... and they aren't referring to what happened in the past in Genesis 1:1-2. They are talking about a future event. The prophet Haggai says, "For thus says the Lord of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land (2:6)". Isaiah prophesies, "Therefore I will make the heavens tremble, and the earth will be shaken out of its place, at the wrath of the Lord of hosts in the day of His fierce anger (13:13)". Jesus, Himself, tells us in Luke 21:25-26, "And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves,  people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken." Even the Apostle Peter declares, "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will vanish with a [mighty and thunderous] roar, and the [material] elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and the works that are on it will be burned up."
     So, we must not be like those people "in the days of Noah" who were unaware until the Flood came and swept them all away. God has promised that He will never destroy the world with a flood again, but He is not blind to what is happening upon the earth in these days. There is much deception and lies as men are being used by agents of Satan to cause disorder, chaos, and destruction. There is much misery and sorrow among the fellowship of men, and lawlessness is abiding in hearts that are devoid of the love of Christ.
     The very fact that there are numerous reports of Satanic marches in the major cities of our nation today, on this day of the summer solstice, is evidence that our Enemy is emboldened to openly display his opposition and antagonism towards our God Most High. Our Enemy believes he is closer than ever to gaining complete dominion over the earth and destroying the followers of Christ. We can see wave after wave of evil, fostered by multiple factions within the kingdom of darkness. It has the appearance of that violent storm or tempest which moved over the earth in Genesis 1:2.
     But we must not yield to his wickedness and scare tactics. Our Lord has already defeated him and we must rise up in an even greater tsunami of praise, worship, and spiritual warfare that will crush the devil's waves of evil. Pray fervently that the curtain will be pulled back on every contingent of Satan's conglomerate of evil-doers. Call down warrior angels to expose the duplicity of politicians [both Democrat and Republican; black and white] who are financially/politically benefiting from the very world systems they claim to be against. Ask our Lord to confuse the Enemy's schemes and cause confusion in his camps, just as He did in Joshua 10.
     The demonic realm rejoices over displays such as a Luciferian March for a One World Government, and the rituals and curses that accompany it. But Satan and his hordes also celebrate the chaos and destruction they have been able to convince the men and women of earth to commit on behalf of what they see as a "righteous cause". Pray that the veil that separates dark and Light will be torn by our Lord Jesus, as He reveals what's really been going on behind the scenes. Pray that the Church will rise up to be the voice and representative of Heaven, declaring that this dark kingdom of the world is coming to an end, and the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior is going to reign for ever and ever. Pray that everything that is counterfeit is exposed for the lie that it is, and that the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirits of Wisdom and Knowledge and Understanding; of Counsel and Might, and the Fear of the Lord will sweep this land, making way for the "true" One World Government ... the Government of God's Kingdom on earth.
     So, it's time we discern that God will bring order out of this chaos. He's done it before and His Word says He will do it again. Please pray that mankind rejects the lies and temptations of the Evil One before we've gone too far. The Man of Lawlessness is ready to take the stage, but God, in His Sovereignty, will determine His appearance. Father, we pray for Your protection from the shaking that we deserve! Destroy the plans of everyone whose heart is aligned with the Enemy, and may Your Holy Spirit guide us towards restoration and reconciliation. You are our Hope and Strength and Refuge!

Jeremiah 10:10     But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure His indignation.

June 18, 2020

"Why Doesn't God Fix All This?"

     We are now several months into a "new normal" centered around the existence of Covid-19, and several weeks into civil unrest as our nation struggles with how to reinvent law and order in a civilized society. At this point in time, there are new threats of a second phase of the pandemic, and our cities and streets look anything but civilized. Voices are raised in dispute and conflicting ideologies and philosophies. It's clear that change needs to happen; we can no longer turn a blind eye to injustice -- there are too many instances of bad apples spoiling the entire crop, and reform is necessary. But at the same time, violence and lawlessness will not achieve reconciliation nor reformation. It never does. So, the pressure [and panic] is beginning to build in the souls and spirits of Christians across the land, and Mark and I are hearing a lament starting to rise from the ranks ... Why doesn't God just come down and fix this? We've been praying 2 Chronicles 7:14 and He's been silent!
     This is where we always have to have the conversation about the difference between God is in control and God is in control of everything. And this is where the Church needs to do a better job of defining what God's Sovereignty really looks like. So, it's time for me to brush off a post I wrote in September 2016, and update it for the year 2020.
     At first, you may think those two statements express the same idea, but the truth about this theological doctrine is, in reality, more complex. But, let's start with this idea ... I think we can agree that, as followers of Christ, we believe that God is Sovereign and Supreme in all aspects of the Universe that He created.  But what exactly does that mean? It is my understanding that God's Sovereignty means He has the ability to exercise His will in unlimited power and ways. But does that mean He always acts or carries out His will? 
     It is also my opinion that God’s Supremacy is unrestricted, but I also believe that the Sovereignty of God means He can set parameters as He desires. In other words, ultimately God can be in complete control of all things [if He so chooses], though He may choose to let certain events happen according to limits He has established -- again, a matter of His Sovereignty.  So, I believe that God is totally independent and does as He pleases, without having to answer to us.  In fact, Psalm 115:3 says, "Our God is in the heavens. He does whatever He pleases". (As one of my favorite theologians and deliverance ministers, Dr. Charles Kraft, says, "God doesn't [have to] answer Why questions from us").  Then, it is apparent that the next question is, "What might some of those limits be that He has established for Himself?"
     First of all, here is a very important aspect of God's Nature that we need to grasp -- God cannot do anything that goes against His own character.  He can't lie; He can't be tempted by evil; He keeps every promise He makes; He can't contradict Himself; and He won't revoke what He has given or promised us... and that includes our free will -- [In other words, He doesn't pick and choose when He will offer free will. It is an absolute for everyone!] That speaks to His character trait of Immutability -- He does not change.  So that inherently means that if He has given us free will, He will not take it back, nor infringe upon it... no matter how badly He wants to change our actions or the decisions we make. He will remain Sovereign, as He extends free will to us.
     The Bible is full of Scripture and examples of man using his free will to go against the will of God... Adam and Eve chose to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; the nation of Israel (God's favored people) chose to rebel and follow after false gods. King Ahab chose to abandon his worship of YHWH to follow after his wife, Queen Jezebel, and bow down to her pagan gods, Ba'al and Asherah, purging Israel of the prophets sent by God. Do you think any of these outcomes is what God desired, or what best served His purpose? Could God, in His Sovereignty, have made Eve reject the serpent's temptation? Or closed the hearts and minds of the Israelites to the snare of the foreign gods? Of course, He could have! But He, in His Sovereignty, chose NOT to! And don't ask WHY?!? Remember, He doesn't owe us an explanation. But if we study His character and His Word long enough we can get some clues.
     So, fast forward to this nation and its history ... Do you think God wanted to see this nation adopt the evil practice of slavery, or exhibit racism towards our fellow man? Do you think He likes seeing our prisons filling up, poor policing practices that result in ever more deaths, increasing disrespect for the "good guys" in law enforcement, or the chaos and anarchy that offer no real solutions? Could He step in and "fix it", as so many of my fellow Christians are imploring Him to do? Yes, but that would violate one of the most precious gifts He has given us... our free will to choose good over evil.
     And if He makes our choices for us, then we are nothing more than robots who have made no choice of our own to please God -- He has made every choice for us, and how does that either please or glorify Him, or represent His Magnificence? Ephesians 1:5-6 explains it better than I can: He destined us to be adopted as His children through the covenant Jesus the Anointed inaugurated in His sacrificial life. This was His pleasure and His will for us. Ultimately God is the one worthy of praise [glory] for showing us His grace; He is merciful and marvelous, freely giving us these gifts in His Beloved.
     By allowing us to make that choice for ourselves, we find worth in our own life, as well as magnifying His. You see, God always acts in the freedom of His own Sovereignty, and He wants us to act righteously in the freedom He has given us. God doesn't want to be in control of everything!  He wants a partner, not a puppet!  He made us in His image and He wants us to act like it!  He sent His Son into this evil world, and transferred His power to Jesus to establish God's Kingdom on earth. Then Jesus transferred His power to us, and here we are 2,000 years later, with scarcely an idea that we possess that power, let alone know how to use it.  It is not God's will that our nation be in the shape it is in, nor that we suffer in our lives from all the slings and arrows of the Enemy -- who, make no mistake, is roaming our land like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
     And I want to make something clear ... God is not a victim of the circumstances we find ourselves in. No, we've done a pretty good job of making ourselves the victims of our own pride, prejudices, and power. He will not be mocked or blamed. He will never be coerced into doing something out of our anger or attempts to find fault with Him. And believe me, there are plenty of people angry at Him for what they see on their nightly news, and are crying out for Him to FIX THIS!
     But I would point you to two Scriptures that should have everyone looking in the mirror ... Proverbs 22:8 says, Those who sow injustice reap disaster, and their methods of oppression will fail. And Job 4:8 says, As I have seen, those who plow wickedness, and those who sow trouble and harm [will] harvest it. I think that just about sums up both sides of the battle lines that have been drawn.
     As Christians, we must realize that God created this world for His good pleasure in seeing His creation emulate Him. And it pleases Him when we choose justice and righteousness. But there was a wrong choice made in the Garden that introduced Evil into our world, and we now find ourselves battling an emboldened foe who is capitalizing on how mankind has chosen to use his free will. Do not blame God and lay at His feet what the Enemy has sown into hearts. Mankind has chosen its own destiny! We have been given the choice whether to obey God, or not. We have been allowed to decide if we will love our fellow man, or choose to continue to hate.
     Right now, on the streets of America, and across the globe, we are reaping the consequences of 2000 years of choices made by man's free will. Not everyone is guilty of the bad choices made, but we must come to terms with the truth that we have a spiritual Enemy who is instigating and stirring up violent sentiments and courses of action against the people of God, because He knows his time is short. The idea of fairness or Christian righteousness does not deter him; he is not afraid of us. He knows the Scriptures that say he will align with, and dominate and control, those who are in rebellion to God. So, his goal is to grow the number of the rebellious for his kingdom of darkness.
     But we speak to the devil from Genesis 50:20, saying, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present outcome, that many people would be kept alive [as they are this day]." Yes, the devil is deceiving those attempting to achieve chaos at all costs. Yes, God could come down here and fix it; snap His fingers and hearts would automatically be changed. But He has limited Himself in order to allow people to examine their own hearts and choose Him over the devil.
     Man was created to glorify God by intentionally choosing Him. Our goal in this time of wickedness and chaos is to take what the devil is sowing in hearts and counter it with the loving heart of Christ. It's a race to the finish line -- the Lord desires to keep names out of the Book of the Dead, and add names to the Book of Life before the Day of Reckoning. But it all centers around the choices that man makes -- whether to use that precious gift of free will to glorify the One who created us -- or to exalt ourselves and our own desires. Why doesn't God fix all this? Because the decision is ours whether to "let our light shine before men in such a way that they may see our good deeds and moral excellence, and [recognize and honor and] glorify our Father who is in heaven" -- or not.

Joshua 24:15    If it is unacceptable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve ... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

June 15, 2020

Humility, Forgiveness, and Unveiling Deception

     I apologize for the length of this post. But so much is being revealed and heaped upon our nation right now, and I would not do justice to the revelation by dividing it into two parts. So I hope you are able to see what I am trying to accomplish here. There are so many layers to what we see unfolding in our country today. I  have tried to show the different facets of the Lord's heart, as well as all the tactics of the Enemy to kill the destiny of this nation. And there are layers upon layers in both the natural and spiritual realms that pertain to these two agendas. We must begin to see the truth about the intentions of both Jesus and the devil!
     Where to begin? We know that Forgiveness is one of the largest factors in defeating Satan's agenda. Jesus includes it in the Lord's Prayer. Scripture tells us that we cannot expect to be forgiven if we don't forgive our fellow man. But we must also be willing to ask for forgiveness [in humility] in order to set our brother or sister free from Satan's lies that cause division and strife.
     Here is what we see happening in the natural realm: If we call ourselves Americans, there is a truth we need to understand. We are 155 years removed from the end of slavery in this country, but we are still paying the price of the seeds of evil planted four centuries ago when the first slaves arrived on our shores in 1619. Whether our families owned slaves or not, we are suffering from the generational iniquity in our DNA as citizens of the United States of America. We cannot exempt ourselves from that identity.
     And if we call ourselves Christians, we cannot ignore our Lord's command to humble ourselves and be a servant to all (John 13), and most importantly [in this hour] to reconcile with our brother if he has something against us (Matthew 5:23-24). So, we are called to not only forgive, but to ask for forgiveness from a humble spirit; reconciling with our brother who has been hurt by past and present injustices, even if we were not participants. And that word reconcile means to transform; to change thoroughly. It will go a long way in cleansing our land of all unrighteousness, as well as building bridges towards unity and loving each other the way our Creator loves us; all of us.
     My friend Molly understands this concept of humility and repentance. She and her husband are to become the proud Godparents to twin girls who will be born to her best friend, Evette's daughter. Molly and Evette are of different races, but the moment I met them, I only saw two beautiful spirits who love the Lord, and who just happen to be clothed in different skin colors for their time on this earth. The Lord has told Molly to humble herself before Gladys, the mother-to-be, and to wash her feet, just as Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. Molly believes the foot-washing is about the mutual service of friendship, a mutual sharing of gifts that in no way implies any sort of domination. The message is not so much that the master has become the slave, but that all are on the SAME LEVEL. In the foot-washing, Jesus challenges His disciples to do the same for each other, and to see that all are EQUAL FRIENDS in the Kingdom. No one is above or below another person.
     Molly then asks the question ... How different would our churches be if we modeled Christ in a ministry of humble service on Sundays -- or at critical moments when forgiveness is demanded? I ask, "What is more critical than what is happening in our nation this very moment in time?"
     She goes on to say, "I, as a white American, cannot begin to understand the tangible spiritual oppression that was made manifest by my race over the African American community in this nation. I can't pretend that I understand what it would be like to have walked this road of oppression generation after generation. But what I can do is take a stand to help make a difference now. I can stand in the gap and repent for the crimes committed against African Americans by the hands of generations of white men. I can humbly ask for forgiveness for those who have gone before me and got it all wrong. I can do my part to make way for the generations coming after me.
     We can't rewrite history. We can't hold onto the trauma of the past because if we do it will inevitably kill this nation. My prayer [in doing the prophetic act of foot-washing] is that it will represent a washing away of the old and allowing all the trauma to be cleansed by the Living Water of Jesus Christ... That it will represent a NEW birthing and a NEW walk in this nation... That it will erase the generations of iniquity and curses that have been placed on the African American population by the white men in America... That as Gladys carries these two beautiful gifts from the Lord, that they represent the womb of change. That as Aamani and Anaya enter this world they will experience a changed world -- a reconciled world -- never trying to rewrite the past, but as they grow and mature in the Lord, seeing the beautiful picture of redemption that only God can do in this land."
     And Molly plans on speaking directly to the spirits of these unborn baby girls, saying, "I now speak to Aamani and Anaya, and I say you carry change within your wombs that many will not understand. You carry keys to unlock the mysteries to continue to heal this land. You carry wisdom beyond your years and you carry hope divinely dispersed through you from the throne room of God. You both are being born during an unprecedented time in our nation's history and I would be lying if I said it doesn't scare me [to see] the trials and tribulations your generation will endure for the Kingdom of God. But you both are being born for such a time as this, and as your Godparents, Travis and I pray for wisdom beyond our comprehension as we come in alignment with His plans and purposes for you both. May he and I yield to the Father's blueprint for your lives and not our assumptions or selfish desires for what we think you should be. It is a blessing and honor and a privilege to be part of your stories written in Heaven before the foundations of the world. I pray now that God begins to breathe on the penned words of your lives in Heaven so that we can wage effective war on your destinies. God bless you both, and to God be the glory. Amen".

     This is the heart we must have if we are to begin true reconciliation in this nation. We must have a servant's heart and a humble heart; being willing to sacrifice our pride to recognize the pain in another human being. And we have to be willing to let the Lord heal each of us where we are, no matter what our race. Repentance and forgiveness must come first. But there also needs to be recognition of the spirits of Anti-Christ and Deception that are working against any kind of reconciliation. The kingdom of darkness benefits greatly if these two evil spirits are able to thwart the efforts of Christians and good people to heal and eradicate racism.
     There is a very insightful documentary on Netflix called 13th. It explores "the intersection of race, justice, and mass incarceration in the United States." It is titled after the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, adopted in 1865, which abolished slavery throughout the United States and ended involuntary servitude except as punishment for conviction of a crime. The film purports that this clause of the amendment has been used to advance an agenda against Black Americans by a White government system that sought to unjustly incarcerate mass numbers to keep the Black population from succeeding as equal citizens.
     And believe me there is ample evidence of the injustice done! Everything from DW Griffith's monumental film "Birth of A Nation" which stereotyped the African American as someone evil and to be feared, and justified the existence of the KKK ... to showing the horrors of lynchings that occurred in the South ... to how the War on Drugs was used to disproportionately criminalize Black Americans... to the private prison corporations that make millions of dollars off of incarcerated Black men. The film pulls back the curtain to let us see just how evil men can be towards each other. BUT, it doesn't pull the curtain back far enough!
     This film tears at our hearts -- and rightly so! It focuses our hearts and minds on the injustice and the pain that our fellow humans have endured. And if you are not a Black American and haven't experienced this, you need to see it! But we also need to go beyond the gut-wrenching emotion and pull the curtain all the way back. Because if they can keep us focused on the emotion, we won't go further in pursuing the whole truth.
    While the film exposes the injustice against the Black American population, when you have spiritual eyes to see, it becomes apparent that there has been a deep deception and a more demonic agenda. Here's some of what I saw when I separated the emotions of my soul from my spirit ... DW Griffith, who made the racist film "The Birth of a Nation" was a Freemason. So he pushed the KKK message and agenda in his film. By the way, the Ku Klux Clan was a Freemason organization. And as depicted in "The Birth of a Nation", burning the cross and lynchings (think Judas) are anti-Christ rituals. It is important that we understand that at its core, Freemasonry is anti-Christ in the rituals and oaths that they take to false Egyptian, Nordic, Hindu, and Islamic deities -- yes, even to Lucifer! And Freemasonry is a lower level branch of the New World Order (NWO), a conglomeration of powerful men who will be in league with the Beast system of Revelation 17. I know that's a lot to wrap your mind around, but study the Bible and then begin to look behind the subterfuge of powerful men and institutions in this nation and the world. Ask the Holy Spirit for revelation!
    All that being said, the film shows that God sent Martin Luther King as an agent of change [and I believe to thwart the plans of the NWO to subjugate and manipulate the Black population in order to keep the roots of division and discord alive in this nation]. But King was assassinated and LBJ (a Freemason) became the hero of those who believed his War on Poverty benefited Blacks in America, when in reality it just married them to the Welfare State and we began to see the Black family unit disintegrate. He was followed by Freemason President Nixon, who began a long line of Presidents whose platforms consisted of "law and order" policies and crackdowns on illegal drugs, which further marginalized the Black race. President Reagan was not a Freemason, but his War on Drugs criminalized the easy targets -- the Black addicts and drug pushers -- when his administration should have prosecuted the corrupt CIA which introduced and flooded the poor communities with crack cocaine. This became another form of slavery for Black Americans as they became victims of the anti-Christ spirit to enslave them to addiction and the false promise of wealth and power through drugs. Additionally, there is evidence that several directors of the CIA have been known Freemasons.
     All these nefarious activities gave rise to movements like the Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa-- all groups who seek to right the injustice done toward Black America but who fail to see what's "behind the curtain". Black politicians spoke loudly in the 13th documentary about injustice and prejudice and discrimination, which are all real on the surface. But each of these politicians are members of secret societies and the NWO (Freemasons and Eliezer Society, among others). They are double-minded in their efforts, and work in partnership with a media that is run by members who owe their allegiance to the NWO. They speak loudly against the corrupt Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), which is a company that owns and operates private prisons and detention centers and operates others on a concession basis. But Thurgood Marshall, Jr. (son of Thurgood Marshall, Sr., the first Black Supreme Court Justice) is a Board member of CCA and a 33rd degree Mason, just as his father was! These are Black men making money off incarcerating fellow Black men, and under the auspices of a secret society that promises wealth, position and power! It's hypocrisy at its most damaging!
     This is what breaks my heart! It is the spirit of Deception working with the NWO and the anti-Christ spirit to crush the spirits of men, while pitting one race against the other! So, I asked my wise husband, "How do we, as both Black and White average citizens of this country, fight back against the NWO system dominated by an evil satanic principality? It feels as if we have no power in this world!" We all need to have the heart of Molly, and on a one-to-one basis, repent and ask for forgiveness, but I don't know if we have enough time to reach everyone in the time we have left, or if our hearts will be received. The deception is so pervasive!
     Mark said, "That's why, when I asked the Lord for the Truth, He asked me, 'Do you really want to know (and see) it?' " Mark then said the Lord showed him it was an overwhelming presence coming upon the earth, and the Lord said it was a curse! Instantly, the verse in Luke 21:25-26 came to mind... And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. This brought everything into focus as I completed a word study on "sea" and "wave". In context, the Biblical meaning of "sea" is the wild and restless conditions of nations; the false thinking and twisted logic. "Wave" means the arguments that come from the false thinking and twisted logic (the sea) and attack our belief in what's true.
     You can see this unfolding before our very eyes! Our nation is in a wild and restless condition, and there is so much perverted and twisted thinking by all parties involved. Average citizens don't know what to think or how to act. The anti-Christ spirit has corrupted the minds of the NWO, who is finding success in causing arguments (waves) between Black and White, Law Enforcement and Communities, Conservative and Liberal ideologies,  Politicians and Citizens. This deceptive, destructive, and evil spirit has infiltrated the ranks of every group mentioned and each plays a part in instigating the injustice we have seen over the last few weeks. Even those involved with this film -- which make no mistake, reveals a level of the lies and deception -- are part of the deception because they are not revealing the whole truth and have sold their souls to the very system they are exposing. But we have the mind of Christ and we must remain the humble servant, even as we battle in the spirit against the anti-Christ spirit!
     Only the Lord can permanently calm the seas and the waves. We are in the middle of a storm at sea, for sure, and all we see around us are waves crashing against the foundation of our nation and lives. We must see the big picture and understand what is happening behind the veil, but it is also  imperative that we humble ourselves in our intimate relations with our fellow human beings. I pray that our hearts remain tender and we clothe ourselves in humility, just as we strengthen our spirits to face what is coming upon the earth. We must never forget that we represent Heaven and the kings of the earth will soon forfeit their power and influence when the Son of Man comes in His great power and glory!

Isaiah 40:28-31    Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might He increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.


June 12, 2020

The Mind of Christ Will Lead You To Truth!

     There are times when I run across a voice that expresses a concept so eloquently and effectively, that I can do no better than to let them speak for themselves. Such is the case with Mack Major, a Christian author, who recently posted the following on his Facebook page. Mr. Major is part of a Christian media group called Eden Decoded which speaks against the demonic-inspired sexualization of America by the media. This particular Facebook post addresses the recent events that have dominated our country over the last few weeks. And in full disclosure, Mr. Mack is a black man, so it is not only interesting to get his perspective, but we can learn and gain further insight from him.
     Regardless of your political affiliation, race, gender, or however you define yourself, please read the entire article. This is not an attempt to vilify any race of people. It is not meant as a political statement. It transcends what the world is showing us to encourage you to dig deeper into the spiritual deception. And it emphasizes that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but the spiritual darkness fomented by the Anti-Christ spirit. I hope you find his viewpoint as informative as I did...  [Posted on June 9, 2020].

      If you've been following my page for any length of time, you know that I deal with two main issues above all others: how the spirit world works, and issues that mainly effect black Americans. It's only logical being that I'm both a Christian and a black American. 
     Over the past week since the death of George Floyd I have used my page to try and get folks to think. Especially black Christians. Christians above all others are called to be wise and astute. Our brains have to function at a higher level than others. 
     We cannot allow ourselves to be sucked down into the depths of stupidity, idiotic thought patterns or unproductive ways of thinking similar to the world. We have to be above the fray, so to speak, and impervious to deception.
     There were many things that didn't sit well with me with the George Floyd death and the subsequent reactions that took place. I immediately smelled something was not right with the timing, the video footage that was shown and looped across social media, and the immediate calls to anger and protest. 
     We were supposed to believe the events that followed happened organically; but somehow it all felt too coordinated. And it was.
     This has been corroborated by various independent phone footage taken during the riots and protests, that show people planting piles of bricks days before the protests/riots started happening.
     Footage also showed people dressed as law enforcement destroying cop cars, telling people to spray paint 'Black Lives Matter' onto walls, randomly attacking peaceful protesters while ignoring the violent ones causing the chaos. A lot of disturbing stuff is starting to come forward letting us know these events were not only planned, but also coordinated at the highest levels. 
     The real issue we face today isn't cops vs black people. It's not black vs white. The real issue is America vs Satan. To be more specific, its American CHRISTIANS vs MASONS. 
     As a believer you MUST understand how principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and how spiritual wickedness in high places operate. They don't just operate randomly. They operate through human vessels. "We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. " Ephesians 6:12 - Contemporary English Version.
                        Ba'al, Cannanite god             Look familiar?                            
     In our world today, Satan's foot soldiers, his feet on the ground so to speak, are the various branches of different masonic orders that all interlink and interconnect in various levels of government and industry. That doesn't mean all of government is evil. 
     The Bible tells us that government has been ordained by God. But like most other things including the Christian church, government has also been infiltrated by satan's agents; and they're working overtime to sow chaos and destruction in order to enthrone the Evil One over the world via the form of some anti-Christ figure. This was all exposed at length in the Book of Revelation and Book of Daniel in the Bible.
     Either you're going to believe the Bible when it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood, or not. But if you claim the fight is spiritual, why are you resorting to getting into your flesh whenever something happens in the physical realm? OPEN YOUR EYES! The masons have been around for centuries. Their stated goal going back to old Europe was to overthrow monarchies and displace kings who were loyal to Christendom, in order to establish governments under the auspices of Lucifer. And for the clueless: Lucifer is Satan. 
     They were successful at doing this with the French Revolution, where the ruling class and nobility of France were hunted down, rounded up and publicly executed by mobs of citizens that were whipped into a frenzy by masons hidden among them. 
     Remember the Occupy Wall Street movement? It had similar elements to it as the French Revolution where the rich were demonized, because its the same satanic group behind it. None of this mess is organic; it's all highly organized. All one has to do is research a bit to see.
     Many of the founding fathers who signed the Constitution were masons. Not all though. Majority of the non-masons were also against slavery, and lobbied to have slavery outlawed in the Constitution from the beginning. It is factually untrue that America was racist from its beginning. Only certain people were; and they were mostly masons. The irony is that most of you reading this currently support them with your votes, even though it nets you absolutely nothing for doing so.
     It was the masonic faction in America that were your slave-holders, and who caused the Civil War. Did you know there use to be an anti-mason political party in America? Google it. They had a short run as a party, and their whole platform was to make sure masons were exposed and kept out of positions of power in government. They eventually got rolled into the Republican Party. Many of its most prominent members became known later as the Radical Republicans. They're the ones who successfully pushed Reconstruction through Congress after the Civil War, ensuring that black people had access to voting power that lead to a temporary renaissance in the south.
     Since blacks at the time only voted Republican, the Democrats and masons formed the KKK to force black people to stop voting. I don't have time to go in depth into all this in a FB post. But you can find plenty of info online and elsewhere on the subject of masons; including in some of my ebooks.
     One of the elements of society where masons have successfully infiltrated are federal, state and local law enforcement. Don't believe me? Ever hear of the Fraternal Order of Police? They're considered a lodge; which are what local masonic groups are known as. And their members include cops across the country. So when you see rogue cops 'randomly' killing black people, you must look deeper than your emotions and your allegiance to your flesh. Time to put on your thinking caps and start using those spiritual eyes. Ask yourselves: Are they affiliated with the FOP? How many other excessive force or disciplinary cases have they been involved in prior to this incident? 
     The overwhelming majority of police officers are law abiding, honest and hardworking cops who show up, risk their lives and safety to do their jobs. And its often a thankless job. But there is an element within their ranks, albeit small yet highly organized who are actively sowing discord with black communities around the country by stupid senseless acts of violence designed to inflame black passions and cause chaos, strife and destruction. And they are masons.
     Why does the media only highlight police killing black people? Did you know that twice as many unarmed hispanics and sometimes even more unarmed whites are killed by police officers too? Yet the media NEVER highlights those stories? Google Tony Timpa if you don't believe me. He was killed almost identically as Floyd; yet no big media coverage. Because he was white. 
     The media is also in on this agenda to destabilize America via anarchy and distrust in law enforcement. Masons are in the media too! In fact, they've successfully infiltrated every element of society today. This is what Trump keeps referring to as the DEEP STATE. 
     The deep state is really masons operating through different elements of government and society to push their agenda - which is to destabilize America through chaos and discord in order to usher in their NWO. And the NWO is when Satan temporarily takes over EVERYTHING. It will be the worst time of chaos on Earth if allowed to happen. That's the end game. And that's what this is really all about.
     I personally believe George Floyd's death was supposed to be a catalyst to jump off nationwide chaos to bring this about. I believe they had plans to use Ahmaud Arbery's case before him; but since it happened right before COVID lockdown hit, it didn't get the attention they hoped it would to cause enough protests, riots and destruction.
     How many of you knew that George Floyd was a Mason? So was his father; so are his brothers. Also, many of the cities where these riots broke out are run by black Democrats. And most of them are masons too: Prince Hall masons: the black version of the white masonic order. 
     A lot of the black mayors and DA's, etc, are Eastern Stars: the female affiliation of the Prince Hall masons. Many of them are also BGLO's: Black Greek Letter Organization members, which I talked about at length in my ebook Hedonism. These are your black Greek fraternities and sororities that are directly interlinked with the masons. 
     It's no wonder that almost all of your so-called black leaders have sworn memberships in these organizations. Including Farrakhan. And its little wonder why so much of this police violence against black citizens take place in cities run by these masonic-connected affiliates. 
     We are being played. Well, not we, but many of YOU are. I stay in the loop because I'm a constant student. I don't assume that I already know everything, and it keeps me humble enough to learn. Which enables me to share to enlighten others. 
     Don't just blindly trust the narrative being shown. Know that there are agents among us. And they are sworn by oath to do the bidding of the organizations they serve before doing what's necessarily right by the people. And those organizations ultimately serve Satan.   
     I'm sure by now that your head is spinning. This is information that the average American is unaware of, and the average Christian has no idea of. But having spent a lot of time researching Freemasonry and its iniquity in generational lines, I know that Mr. Mack has hit a nerve. Did you know that the highest levels of North American Masons take oaths to Allah and Lucifer? That they are sworn to secrecy about their initiation rites and heap curses upon their families should they ever break the secret oaths? 
     Yet many will despise what Mack Major has revealed because their beloved father or grandfather was a Mason, and a deacon in the Church, so it is unimaginable that they could ever be a part of such an organization. But with Lucifer as their Lodge's spiritual guide, these men [and women] are offered wealth, power, and position -- the very temptations that Satan offered Jesus if He would simply bow down and worship and serve him. 
     Some people start out innocently enough, just looking for "brotherhood" and an opportunity to network to improve their business standing. But as they climb the ladder of degrees in the lodge, the evil intentions are revealed and the lust for power is often too much to ignore. So, I invite you to do your own research on this organization and how it has infested every vestige of our culture -- from entertainment to politics to business to, yes, even the Church. As hard as it is to wrap your head around Mr. Major's theory, I implore you to pray on it and ask the Lord if he speaks truth. Then you will know the way to pray... and our prayers need to be more powerful than the evil that is roaming the earth in these days.  
     And I want to take it one step further .... as Americans, we are appalled at the scenes of our historic monuments being defaced and torn down. But let me ask you to consider this... the Confederate generals and George Washington were Masons. Could it be that God is making a statement with the lightning hitting the Washington Monument and cleaning our land from its Masonic roots? Could it be that what Satan meant for evil [through the actions of men tearing down the statues], God is using for His good? Just a thought. There is so much happening in the spirit these days that we must be vigilant!

Psalm 26:4-5      I do not sit with men of falsehood, nor do I consort with hypocrites [who defraud with hidden motives]. I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked.