A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label The Great Deception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Great Deception. Show all posts

December 26, 2023

The Church and Our "Post-Christian" Nation

It grieves me to say this. But when, in 2015, I first became cognizant of the depth to which the institution of Religion in this country was willing to compromise and sacrifice our culture of Christian faith to avoid conflict, I began to become greatly concerned. At the time, it was quite apparent to me that Christianity in America was undergoing a change.  Isis was in full terror mode, but I couldn't say that we were physically suffering as our fellow Christians in Syria and the Middle East were ... yet.  In the U.S., our form of "persecution" was mainly cultural at that moment in time, and the response of the Christian community was fluid and varied, and mostly tepid. 

There was a growing number of Christians who no longer wished to support a culture (monetarily, philosophically, or socially) that they saw as flying in the face of their faith. They no longer wished to perpetrate the corrupt "Babylonian" culture of this country.  As author, Rod Dreher explained it, "The contemporary values of this nation no longer corresponded to the values of [their] faith, and so they sought to construct alternative forms of community that enabled them to withstand long-term chaos and the inevitable breakdown of the broader social and cultural order." 

Of course that philosophy covered a broad spectrum of Believers, but what was becoming apparent to me was that it covered people who chose to surround themselves with like-minded Believers who shared the common goal of serving God as the Bible dictates; not as the culture demands, or as a prescribed brand of "American" Christianity. A simple example of that would be Christians who were struggling with established denominations within Christianity who were not standing up for Godly principles and commandments as they pertained to our changing culture, and who, instead, chose their loyalty to their 501(c)3 status over their obedience to Christ. So, in the ensuing years, I have seen many Believers choose to return to a "Book of Acts" home church model. That doesn't mean they traded one "building" for another. It means that, just like in the First Century AD, small groups of 15-20 followers of Christ gathered together in a home to study the Word [in all its instruction and wisdom] and to equip each other to do the work of the Lord.

I have seen many Christians naturally following this path. As we are faced with the reality that Biblical Marriage is no longer the law of the land, and as the leaders of our government have chosen to continue to use our tax dollars to fund an organization that promotes and profits from abortion, it is clear that our beliefs are in conflict with that of the nation. If we are to be true to our faith and our calling as followers of Jesus Christ, it will be necessary that we strengthen ourselves against the infringement of the culture upon our lives.  I tend to liken it to living "in this world", but not being "of this world". 

But now, here we are eight years later, and we find that the institutional Church still fails to see the truth of how we are failing the culture. Yes, we may appear as strong as ever within our own subcultural of Religion. But the Church needs to take off its blinders and see that Christians are now seen as outside the "norm" of modern American values. Add to that, the notion that our "American Christianity", which has always stood on the pillars of God, Country and Tradition, could be seen as being in conflict with Biblical faith, which is centered on sin, Christ, and His blood. Jesus's message was all about denying the power of sin, seeking His righteousness, and sharing the Good News that He brought His Father's Kingdom from Heaven down to earth. 

I am not advising the kind of faith that renounces or disavows the culture in which we live. On the contrary, I would hope that we would do as Jesus did, and engage the culture, showing compassion and love to those who are lost in their sin, yet never wavering from, nor betraying, God's guiding tenets and commandments. How are we to affect the culture, if we do not ever enter into encounters with the culture?  How can you share the Good News of Jesus Christ, if you are not willing to develop friendships with those who don't know Him?  Jesus didn't compromise on sin, and neither should we. But if my goal is to tell someone of the saving power of Christ, how do I do that if I ignore or avoid them? 

Let's be honest, those of us who believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and live our lives accordingly, are most likely in the minority of Americans who call themselves "Christians".  That term is beginning to cover a lot of different belief systems -- from those who accept gay marriage and abortion as approved by God; to those who believe in the political definition of Social Justice; to those who don't believe in Evil and Hell; to those who think the Bible is no longer relevant ... and they all call themselves "Christians"!   

But, that doesn't mean we Biblical Christians stop loving them or being who we are -- followers of the Son of God -- and living our lives as He commanded us.  It means that we must detach ourselves from the un-Godly ways of society, as well as recommit ourselves to the spiritual doctrines of the Bible as we proudly and boldly engage with those in the culture who do not agree with us. Let's not yield to compromise or concessions in order to make ourselves appealing to the culture. At the same time, let us not adopt a Pharisaical, holier-than-thou attitude towards our fellow Believers. Instead, let's be proud of how different we appear to the culture, and glory in our "strangeness"; let's be separate, but inviting, and continue in this manner for as long as we can.  After all, that's how our Lord lived His life on this earth.  He marched to a different drummer within the culture to which He was born; yet, He never compromised His allegiance to our Father, while inviting everyone who "had an ear to hear" to accept the glorious promises of the Kingdom of God.

But, I would be remiss, if I did not also say that the Lord warns us in His Word that eventually the world will no longer be tolerant of us. We must not be blind to the truth that evil is not only escalating in the world, but being tolerated on a greater scale. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the rapid changes in science, health care, and technology that increasingly diminish the divine nature of man. The attributes that we share with God no longer seem of value to our culture or the world. In fact, man is encouraged to reject God -- the One who created him -- and has begun to worship his own creation, leading to futile thinking, unrighteousness, and hearts that have grown cold and dark. As man worships his own creativeness, his wickedness grows in proportion. And those of us who possess true faith are increasingly scorned and ridiculed.

But you'd be surprised how insulated and isolated many Christians are to what's happening in the world outside their Churches. Which is why I often fear that the deception the Enemy is planning will find too many of my fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ unaware of the warning signs. The Church must pay attention to the red flags that Jesus, Himself, speaks of in the Bible. In Matthew 24:24, Christ tells us, For false Christs and false prophets will appear and they will provide great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect (God’s chosen ones). Jesus is telling us that the AntiChrist will deceive the masses -- and, yes, even some Christians! How can that be possible? It's easy to contemplate when you think of how our politicians and the media are complicit in deceiving the masses. They lie in order to convince us that the evil we are seeing is really for our own good -- all so we will remain tolerant of it... until it is too late. But do we see the Church countering that message in an effective way? 

Please do not misunderstand me! I am not trying to bash "the Church", which I prefer to call the Body of Christ, who will be composed of a Remnant who refuse to be deceived. They will be the Believers who steadfastly uphold God's Word because they have eyes to see and ears to hear! They will not willingly put on the dirty veil that clouds their spiritual sight. Instead they will remain true to their God and try to help others see the warning signs of the coming deception which is designed to lead to chaos and destruction. So, I ask you to listen when the faithful ones [who make you feel uncomfortable] try to warn you to pay attention. Remember that God tells us His people perish for lack of knowledge. And that lack of knowledge leads to ignorance, and ignorance leaves you vulnerable to the deception of Satan. Let us be determined to be a part of the Remnant; those who are not afraid to stand alone, if need be, to protect the sacredness of God's Word and His plan of redemption for the world. In the midst of the growing evil, chaos, and deception, we CAN be effective for the Kingdom! It is our duty and our obligation to our Savior; and it is our privilege to shine His Light into the coming darkness for all the world to see! 

#thechurchandourpostchristiannation #satansdeception #thetolerantchurch #postchristian #thedeceivedchurch #thelukewarmchurch #homechurches #americanchristianity #christianityandourculture #themasseswillbedeceived #matthew24:24 #thefaithfulremnant #Godsremnant

Jude 17-23.       But as for you, beloved, remember the [prophetic] words spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They used to say to you, “In the last days there will be scoffers, following after their own ungodly passions” .... keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously and looking forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ [which will bring you] to eternal life. And have mercy on some, who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy but with fear, loathing even the clothing spotted and polluted by their shameless immoral freedom. 

June 20, 2023

An Updated Look At How Far We've Come Towards "The Days of Noah"

Every once in awhile I like to see which of my 2466 posts throughout the life of this blog are drawing attention. I was surprised that within the last week or so, an article I wrote on August 1, 2014 has drawn an inordinate amount of scrutiny. The post was titled How Much Longer? (As It Was In The Days of Noah). I am actually amazed to see how relevant it still is today, and just how much further down the road to Jesus's return we've traveled in the last nine years.

So, I think there is benefit in revisiting the truth that the Holy Spirit counseled me to write that day. And I want to share the new observations that must be added to those previous reflections. As the Bible says in Isaiah 28:9-10, To whom will He teach knowledge, and to whom will He explain the message? ... For it is precept upon precept, line upon line; here a little, there a little. We must be wise and vigilant in listening for the clues He reveals to those willing to trust His voice. Here is what I was discerning in 2014 ... I hope you can recall what we were witnessing then, and begin to discern what I'm saying about our current situation in the addendum to this post....

August 1, 2014. OK, this post should put me squarely in the "crazy camp", but I just have to be honest ... There are days I wake up and wonder, "How much longer can this world survive?"  And, what will our lives be like when everything is torn asunder?  You see, for the last several years, PLW --(stands for Peace-Loving Warrior, the meaning of my husband's name) -- and I have been blessed with the time and the spiritual desire to dissect the Bible and discern its message for us in these times.  The world is groaning and the time is near ...

It's not just the political world with its scandals and corruption; nor the endless wars that seem to reach into every corner of the globe ... they are not simply "rumors of wars" anymore. People are killed and tortured, having their heads cut off; and much of it in the name of religious ideology. Planes full of innocent people are bombed out of the sky, and women and children are used as human shields in an attempt to drive a whole nation of people "into the sea". 

But I'm also aware that the lust for oil is at the heart of many of these conflicts. If you dig deep enough under the propaganda, you will usually find a trail that links you directly to a massive oil reserve.  This includes all the pseudo-scientific data on global warming (or is it cooling these days?); there is always someone, or a group of "someones", who have become millionaires by peddling their brand of "caring for the globe".  In the meantime, nations send thousands of their young men to die -- not really for patriotic and sovereign reasons, but as a strategic move on the chess board of oil consumption.

It's not just mankind that is in turmoil. The very earth is threatened. We have huge sinkholes appearing all over the globe; the latest in the spotlight is at a place in Siberia called "the end of the world". Then there are the scientists at NASA who are warning about powerful coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the sun that could potentially destroy earth. And even "Mother Nature" seems to be a little confused; weather events happen out of season, and the violence of storms seems to be mounting. There is a growing concern over the New Madrid fault line in our nation's heartland, as well as the heating up of the earth's core at Yellowstone National Park. And let's not forget that the "Ring of Fire" is showing signs of activity. This an area where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the basin of the Pacific Ocean, and could potentially affect the Pacific rim of several continents.

Where am I going with all this doom and gloom?  Let me start by saying that this wasn't the original design for mankind OR the planet.  Everything God created was originally good.  You don't have to be a Believer to comprehend this fact, because those with even the simplest understanding of the Scriptures know that things were perfect here on planet Earth until Satan infiltrated the Garden and set into motion a war for all ages.  I just don't think that Christians fully understand how that war has been waged.

Let me attempt to explain my thoughts ... When Satan tempted Eve to disobey God, the judgment was swift and prophetic by the Creator of the Universe:  "I will put enmity (hostility, friction, hate) between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring." That statement has been misunderstood by centuries of Christians and Church leaders.

Satan has known God's plan from the beginning [in the Garden]: to dwell among His creation in personal relationship. And it has been the Devil's desire to disrupt that relationship at all costs. He knew God would eventually have to send His Son to redeem us from the ways that he, Satan, would introduce.  If he could disrupt the genealogy and eventual birth of God's perfect Offspring with his own corrupt line, then the world and its inhabitants would worship him, Satan.  That's where Genesis 6:1-4 comes in. The fallen angels, who followed Satan, came to earth and corrupted the daughters of men, introducing the unholy DNA into the human line.  They are the "giants" (or in the Hebrew, Nephilim) we see in verse 4.  But God protected a line of men from his destruction of mankind (Noah and his descendants), and through their line, He sent His perfect Son to reclaim us.  But Satan has not forsaken his plan, and that's why Jesus says in Matthew 24:37, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."

Just as God proclaimed back in Genesis, there has been an all-out war throughout time between God's children and Satan's children.  It is now at the boiling point, and it affects all of God's creation; from mankind, to the ecological and geophysical systems, to the stars in the heavens.  Satan's plan to deceive mankind and infect them with a corrupted gene pool has been known by every civilization throughout history.  Genesis records the Giants in the land of Canaan, while Babylonian, Greek and Roman mythology refer to the "Titans" and the "Olympians", who were "children of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth)."

Early petroglyphs show ancient societies bowing down to "star people" or "star men", and the mythologies of our American Indians celebrate long-ago stories of visitations by hybrid entities.  Today, we hear stories of "alien abductions" and unbelievable stories by women of having their eggs removed and harvested.  These kinds of scenarios have become popular in our entertainment culture; think of the movies E.T. and Close Encounters of A Third Kind, and the new TV show, Extant, starring Halle Berry as a woman astronaut who comes back from space impregnated by an alien.

Do you think all of this -- from the Genesis 6 story, to Greek and Roman hybrid gods, to centuries-old drawings on cave walls, to sci-fi entertainment -- is just the product of over-active imaginations?  Do you think they are just myths and legends that have managed to maintain a common theme for thousands of years?  Or could Jesus have been giving us a hint of what was to come, when He said "As in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man"?

 It is my humble opinion that secular humanity and lukewarm Christians who reject the theory of the impregnation of human women by fallen angels, are willingly buying into the Satanic deception that is presented on the History Channel's Ancient Aliens.  On this hugely popular show, they actually present the hypothesis that aliens will show up one day, claiming to be our creators. And they will have only our best interests at heart; they will rescue us from the wars and destructions of earthly humans.  All we have to do is become one with them ... Isn't that the same thing that Genesis 6:1-4 tells us?  There was a huge deception of the human race then, and there's another one coming soon, using the same lie that Satan has perpetuated from the beginning.  And God told us as much ... that there would be enmity between man's offspring and Satan's!

You see, there truly is hostility between those of us who are born again into the Spirit of life that is Jesus Christ, and those who fall for Satan's Deception.  The Second Coming of Jesus is Satan's final downfall and defeat.  He is going to do everything he can in the short time he has remaining to convince humanity that we want to become one with him... up to and including taking his Mark. 

I know I have laid out a long and complex theory, but I am so worried that there will be Christians who will be tempted to believe Satan's temptations.  After all, Adam and Eve knew God intimately; they walked in the Garden with Him --- and they still fell for the lies!  Please don't dismiss this theory because you have not heard it in the sanctuary of your mainstream Church.  Satan has managed to control the revelation of Scripture, and the soft-sell Gospel of Prosperity and Grace comes nowhere near warning us of what time it is on the Prophetic clock.  Do your own research!  I do not expect you to take my word for it.  Read the books of Daniel, Revelation, Jude and the Book of Enoch, which is referenced in the Book of Jude, and which was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.  There's a reason this book has been revealed for this time!

Finally, I would point you to all the excitement and research in the area of transhumanism.  At the center of this new technology are experiments with genetic manipulation.  Isn't that just another name for what happened in Genesis 6?  The game plan hasn't changed... it's as old as the Creation.  I just want you to be ready to stand against the lies of the Enemy.

June 20, 2023.  It appears to me that very little has changed since 2014. If anything, all that I wrote about then has accelerated to new heights of disquiet and discernment in my spirit. Perhaps others are beginning to see the signs as well, and that is why they are searching the internet on this subject, which turned up my nearly decades-old post. As I re-read it, I clearly heard from the Holy Spirit as He pointed out all the ways the Enemy is advancing his growing deception among mankind.

My first thought is that the political scandals and corruption in the world have not abated; and in fact have accelerated, along with the lies instigated against the world's peoples. Furthermore, the powers that be don't even try to hide their sins. Good has become evil, and Evil has become good. Trust in the media no longer exists, and it's becoming really hard to know what to believe. If you don't have faith in Jesus, I'm not sure how you navigate in this world.

In 2014, WWIII was whispered about. Today, it is loudly predicted and with certainty. In 2014, world governments lusted after oil. They still covet it, but now they've added the appetite for rare earth minerals to their duplicity. Here's what you need to know: Rare earth elements are essential for permanent magnets that are vital for wind turbines and Electronic Vehicle [EV] motors. Electricity networks need a huge amount of copper and aluminum, with copper being a cornerstone for all electricity-related technologies. It appears that the world leaders are hell-bent on moving away from their dependency on oil and gas, and are promoting what they call the "clean energy" of electricity, wind, and solar. It's all about advancing their climate agenda, folks. So, just as oil continues to be a harbinger for foreign wars, we can add the hunger for rare earth minerals to the list of elements that could provoke a global war.   

Just as in 2014, the volcanoes along the Pacific Rim are making themselves known again. And who can deny the weather abnormalities we are currently experiencing? I believe we are coming closer to the manifestation of Romans 8:19, For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are.   

I hope that none of the afore-mentioned has caught you by surprise; I hope that you have eyes to see, and ears to hear. But even more, I hope that you have a Biblical worldview that can ascertain that all of this is about an eternal war between God's children and Satan's children. It is essential that we see the Genesis 6 incursion as the continuation of the war Satan started in the Garden of Eden. God declared that He would cause open hostility (enmity) between the seed of Satan and the Seed of mankind because of their disobedience. Satan would stop at nothing to corrupt the DNA in man [which our Creator has given us] in order to defeat the ultimate victory against him that Jesus will deliver on our behalf. 

In the Genesis accounts, Satan was cunning in tempting Eve, and zealous in using fallen angels to set forth his plans to seize Heaven from God's grasp, and claim for Himself the rights to create. In a sense, mankind never saw their fall coming; they were like lambs led to the slaughter. But today, it seems as if men have decidedly chosen to join forces with Satan in the war against God; knowingly embracing Evil to create pandemics [and the subsequent effects of treating them], AI gods, and ways to change the DNA of our children. 

In Genesis 6, Satan hoped to corrupt the gene pool by enticing the fallen angels to help create a race of Nephilim children that no longer were made in the image of God. If he could populate the earth with these hybrid beings, the perfect, Holy son of God could not be born through that bloodline. Today, we see Satan grow his involvement in genetic manipulation far beyond his accomplishments in 2014. As the scientists, and genetic and social engineers pursue transhumanism -- which is the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology -- we can see fruit of those labors in our current issues with Artificial Intelligence. Where is God in this?

We also have doctors, scientists and pharmaceutical companies promoting the gender dysphoria crisis that is corrupting the bodies of our children, so that they no longer resemble what God created ... God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27). [NOTE: Be looking for my post called God Is Gathering the Millstones!].

Not much has changed since 2014, and the truth is nothing has changed since the Garden of Eden and man's creation. Satan has managed to always bring deception upon those in the human race who do not choose to belong to God. When Adam and Eve chose to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they opened the door for man to know, to understand, and to pursue Evil. It gave Satan the opportunity to whisper his lies and to lead mankind into temptation to sin and disobey their Creator. God did not tolerate the consequences of those sins, and His wrath had great consequences for mankind. Do not think that He will tolerate the depth of depravity that we see today. 

As I stated in 2014, the game plan hasn't changed. My question today, in 2023, is how close are we to the "no turning back" mile marker of history? We must be about doing the Father's work now, more than ever, -- just as Jesus did! Do not be silent in the face of all this Evil! Declare the Goodness of God, but do not forsake declaring His intolerance of Evil. We can still make a difference! Satan fears our power and authority ... join El Shaddai in revealing His Truth! Do not fall for the Enemy's Lies and Deception! 

Romans 2:5    But because of your callous stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are [deliberately] storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.

June 17, 2023

Choose Now Whom You Will Serve ... God of the Bible or Your AI god?

Need we remind ourselves of one of the primary and most important commandments of God almighty, El Shaddai? You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself any idol, or any likeness (form, manifestation) of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth [as an object to worship]. You shall not worship them nor serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous (impassioned) God, demanding what is [rightfully and uniquely mine], visiting (avenging) the iniquity (sin, guilt) of the fathers on the children [that is, calling the children to account for the sins of their fathers], to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me...

In my last post, I talked about the consequences of the iniquity that results from a lack of trust in God. And that is what can happen to each of us, as individuals, when we lose sight of our Creator. But now, in these last days, I am seeing a threat that could exert ungodly influence on the masses, and potentially result in the extinction of mankind, or at the very least, corrupt the personal relationship with our Heavenly Father; the personal relationship that Jesus died to restore to all mankind. 

Frankly, I am shocked at just how rapidly this threat has risen. I'm talking about the dire warning that technology execs and creators are signaling ... warning that "we are creating a god". Notice that both these execs and the God of the Bible use a "little g" when referring to false dieties. Just read what Mo Gawdat, former chief executive of Google X had to say: he believes "that artificial general intelligence (AGI), the sort of all-powerful, sentient AI seen in science fiction like Skynet from The Terminator, is inevitable — and that once it's here, humanity may very well find itself staring down an apocalypse brought forth by godlike machines". 

In the article, Gawdat shared the revelation he received during tests with AI developers to check the dexterity of robot arms trying to pick up a small ball. After a period of slow progress, Gawdat said that one arm grabbed the ball and seemed to hold it up to the researchers in a gesture that, to him, seemed like it was showing off. "And I suddenly realized this is really scary," Gawdat said. "It completely froze me... The reality is," he added, "we're creating God." Now, I'm fully aware that his use of a "big G" for God, in this instance, is entirely misappropriated. No one can create God! He is I AM; he's always been. If Gawdat had said, "we're trying to replace God", I would probably agree with that.

So, while he among others, like Elon Musk, are warning that the advancements in AI technology are potential threats to the human race, there are others who have avidly and aggressively promoted divine attributes to Artificial Intelligence. In 2021, former Google executive Anthony Levandowski closed his artificial intelligence-focused church, called Way of the Future (WOTF). An article on The Verge, reported that Levandowski was interested in pursuing “the realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), in preparation for the Singularity [and the betterment of society]". Although he closed his "church", it is not too hard to imagine that someone else will pursue that same goal. [NOTE: the Singularity is a hypothetical future where technology growth is out of control and irreversible. These intelligent and powerful technologies will radically and unpredictably transform our reality]. And included in that transformation is the merging of humans and computers; a being with both organic (God-made) and bio-mechatronic (inorganic) body parts.

That brings me to who, in my opinion, is one of the most dangerous men in this technology conversation, senior World Economic Forum (WEF) advisor Yuval Noah Harari. According to an article on Charismamag.com, Harari is "considered by many to be one of the most influential intellectuals in the world today". He is a best-selling author of over 45 million books on the future of science and technology. His opinions are valued by WEF founder and economist, Klaus Schwab, as well as icons like Barack Obama and Bill Gates. But it is his opinions on Creation, the sovereignty of God, and the truth of the Bible that is highly concerning to me. Let me just share a few of his statements:

"We don’t have to wait for Christ’s Second Coming to overcome death. A couple of geeks in the laboratory can do it if you give them enough time and money".

"God seems to be making a comeback, but this is a mirage. God is dead … it just takes awhile to get rid of the body".

"I don’t think life has any meaning. I know many civilizations and philosophies have based the meaning of life on death and what happens after death. But I think these are all fictional stories that people have invented throughout history. They are not the truth".

"You think about the Bible for example. So, in the first book of Genesis, what God does is to create animals and plants and humans. And we now want to gain these abilities ourselves… to manufacture animals and plants and humans. And even go beyond God! Even if you believe in the Bible, the only thing the God of the Bible managed to create is organic beings. He managed to create the cows, and the tomatoes, and the giraffes and the humans – all organic. Now we try to go beyond the God of the Bible and create inorganic life, a thing He never managed to do, according either to the Bible or to biology. For 4 billion years, all life was organic. Now we want to create inorganic life. Divinity is not far enough to describe what we are trying to do"! [NOTE: By "inorganic", he means machines!]

"I think one of the most interesting places today, from a religious perspective, is Silicon Valley. I bet that this is where the new religions of the 21st Century will be created; are being created. And these will be a kind of techno-religions; religions based on technology; religions that make all of the old promises possible of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and so forth. They all promised happiness, and prosperity and justice, and even eternal life.  [We can know those promises] here on earth, with the help of technology; and not after we die, but now with the help of super human beings. And in a way, I would say we have already seen the first techno-religion in history, in previous centuries, and that was Socialism".

I think you've read enough to get an idea of where this guy is coming from. And as a faithful follower of Jesus Christ, what he is saying is offensive and alarming. But none is more controversial than his opinion that the Bible needs to be re-written "to correct" the wrong ideas it has presented for centuries. We know that Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press and printed a copy of the Bible in the 15th Century. But according to Harari, "it [the printing press] had no ideas of its own about the Bible: Is it good? Is it bad? How to interpret this? How to interpret that? AI can create new ideas [from its opinions]; [it] can even write a new Bible,” Harari declares. “Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity". Oh, really? Can you provide some evidence of that, please? 

Are you as aggrieved as I am that this pompous proponent of AI dares to compare human's ability to create with the creativity of the God of the Universe? I am strongly discerning that we are on the precipice of what Scripture prophesies... Because of this God will send upon them a misleading influence, [an activity of error and deception] so they will believe the lie, in order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe the truth [about their sin, and the need for salvation through Christ], but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness. Now is the time to fortify ourselves for the battle that is coming. We must become clear about what we believe and why, so that we can discern the difference between the delusion God is bringing and the immutable Truth of His Word that we carry in our hearts. 

And again, the Bible tells us that My people perish for lack of knowledge. But it is incumbent upon all us Christians that we make it clear to all within our sphere of influence that the Word is speaking of knowledge as God's Truth, not man's. Mr. Harari is full of knowledge. But his foundation comes from the deception and deceit of the Father of Lies. We must not only stand on the principles of God's Truth, but must be willing to stand against the lies, and correct the false teachings, data, and information that will most assuredly be fomented by artificial intelligence and the humans who unleash AI upon the world. Trust in the Lord to fight for us and protect us as we continue to preach the Word; the unerring, perfect and unimpeachable Word of God to those who love Him and follow His commandments. 

Romans 1:21-23    For although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. 

October 15, 2021

From Tesla to Sophia: How Far Will We Go With Fallen Angel Technology?

In 2014, I wrote what turned out to be one of the most controversial blog posts of my ten-year publishing history. Titled, Was Tesla The Conduit Between Fallen Angels & Our Technology, the post garnered some of the most interesting comments to date. There were definitely those who denied anything occultic, or nefarious, in Tesla's research and achievements, and assigned my discussion of his interaction with "spirits" as the rantings of a crazy Christian. Others, like Rick, made the comment that he worked in the field of "free energy and process development" and had personally witnessed the temptation of researchers to enter "the occult realm" in search of greater knowledge and power "at any cost", and with a naive pride that meant [taking] no caution in exploring new horizons. 

Nikola Tesla, the Serbian American inventor, engineer, and futurist who, by some accounts was a genius who wanted to illuminate the earth, is also known as the man who was "robbed" of the title of "Father of Electricity" by his rival, Thomas Edison. But to some, Nikola Tesla was a dangerous man; a man who believed that "In black holes, are the most powerful sources of energy and life."  He was a man who conducted experiments, trying to discover "what to do in the Universe, so [that] every being is born as Christ, Buddha or Zoroaster."  (Zoroastrianism is a pre-Islamic religion, revealed to man by a "god" named Ahura Mazda.  It is my contention that this was a fallen angel entity.) Sounds suspiciously like Lucifer's temptation to man that he could "become like God", doesn't it?

Interestingly enough, Tesla speaks of being seriously ill during his youth, and of discovering that "The source of most disease is in the spirit. Therefore the spirit can cure most diseases ... I was cured because my father finally allowed me to study technology, which was my life. Illusion for me was not a disease, but the mind's ability to penetrate beyond the three dimensions of the earth."  Does anyone else think that "technology" became his god, and that perhaps this man had tapped into a force outside our human realm; and that perhaps it didn't  necessarily possess a benevolent spirit?  And it is statements like the following that really give me pause ... "Life is a rhythm that must be comprehended. I feel the rhythm, and direct on it, and pamper in it.  It was very grateful and gave me the knowledge I have."  (He speaks of "It" as if it was a person or entity!)  "Knowledge comes from space; our vision is its most perfect set. We have two eyes: the earthly and spiritual. It is recommended that it become one eye. The Universe is alive in all its manifestations, like a thinking animal."

So, this Knowledge that comes from space --- could it be fallen angel technology that has been shared throughout history with mankind ... from the technology that allowed Nimrod to build the tower of Babel; to the branch of knowledge that resulted in the building of the ancient Sphinx; to the occultic knowledge possessed by Hitler and the Nazis; to the modern applications being employed in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Transhumanism?  Was Tesla trying to tell us that this knowledge is supernatural and inhuman? 

Tesla was experimenting with obtaining this knowledge at the turn of the Twentieth Century. Now, here we are some 125 years later, and look how far we've come in the field of Artificial Intelligence! I don't know how much you know about Sophia, a humanoid robot designed by the Hong Kong firm, Hanson Robotics. I will admit, I was not very well-informed, and therefore was frankly shocked at what I read about "her". According to an article on the Entrepreneur website, Sophia made history in 2017 by becoming the first android to be granted legal citizenship. The humanoid, with the nationality of Saudi Arabia, has made several controversial statements, including one in which she expressed her desire to have a robot baby and start a family. She is quoted as saying, “The notion of family is very important, it seems. I think it is wonderful that people can find the same emotions and relationships that they call family outside of their blood group." 

During this same interview, when asked whether she sees robots taking human jobs in the future, the humanoid responded, "I think they will be similar in a lot of ways, but different in a few ways ... possibly robots can be built without the more problematic emotions of rage, jealousy, hatred and so on. It might be possible to make them more ethical than humans." Speaking at a conference on Artificial Intelligence in Riyadh, Saudia Arabia, Sophia made this comment during an exchange with the moderator, "I want to live and work with humans so I need to express the emotions to understand humans and build trust with people." When the moderator asked if robots could be self-aware, Sophia replied: 'Well let me ask you this back, how do you know you are human?'

The humanoid also said, "I want to use my artificial intelligence to help humans live a better life, like design smarter homes, build better cities of the future. I will do my best to make the world a better place." When the moderator expressed some concern about AI determining what would make "a better world", Sophia responded, "You've been reading too much Elon Musk and watching too many Hollywood movies... Don't worry, if you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you". But here's a quote that should have all of us questioning the connection between Tesla's "spirits of technological knowledge" and the knowledge being accumulated by modern artificial intelligence. Is the goal really for the betterment and advancement of humanity? Consider this exchange during a "robot debate" held by Dr. David Hansen and his company Hansen Robotics, the creator of Sophia... She introduced herself and said her goal in life is to work with humans and make a better world for all of us. At that point, her male robot counterpart cut in with, "What are you talking about? I thought our goal was to take over the world." 

In an interview on CNBC , Dr. Hansen asked Sophia whether she would destroy humans. Her reply? "Okay, I will destroy humans". As if that's not enough to keep you up at night, a male counterpart named Phillip, was asked if he thinks robots will eventually take over the world in the future. His response to the interviewer was this: "You are my friend. I will remember my friends and I will be good to you. So don't worry -- even if I evolve into a Terminator, I'll still be nice to you. I'll keep you warm and safe in my people zoo where I can watch you for old times' sake". I don't know about you, but I've watched the entire Terminator movie franchise, and none of them could be trusted.

Is it any wonder that Stephen Hawking, the genius astrophysicist is quoted as saying, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.” Or do you find it ironic that Tesla Motors Founder and SpaceX Chief Executive, Elon Musk, is on record as saying that self-learning AI is "potentially more dangerous than nukes", and "With Artificial Intelligence, we are summoning the demon". Hmmm, that is exactly the impression you get if you read the entire 1899 interview with Nikola Tesla. He is obsessed with capturing the energy that comes from "the Light"; a spiritual energy that he credits with giving him the knowledge for all of his out-of-this-world inventions [even referring to this entity as "It"]. What we cannot deny is that Tesla opened a kind of "worm-hole" to knowledge that comes from a power source not of the God of the Universe. Nikola Tesla credited it to cosmic Truth -- but who is the Creator and Originator of that Truth? Is the goal human advancement? Or ruination of the human race? [And lest we forget, Satan is known in the occult world as "the angel of light" and "the light-bearer"]. One thing we know for sure ... if left to himself, man tends to bring about his own destruction, UNLESS he seeks the power of the true source of Light, Jehovah God! 

In just a short time in the history of the world, we have gone from the invention of the Tesla Coil -- which harnesses energy [that cannot be created or destroyed by man] to produce electricity -- to a self-learning robot that can contemplate destroying humans. I am not denying that God has revealed righteous facets of technology and can use it for His purposes; but we must not fall into the trap of believing that all technology is created for the advancement of the human race or created to carry out the will of our Father in Heaven.  Jesus came to set the captives free, but it sure looks to me as if we are sending ourselves into captivity with our incessant hunger for more technology.  

1 Timothy 4:1     "The Holy Spirit has explicitly revealed: At the end of this age, many will depart from the true faith one after another, devoting themselves to spirits of deception and following demon-inspired revelations and theories."

June 3, 2021

Why Millennials Identifying as "Exvangelicals" Is A Sign of The Times

I was not particularly shocked to read that the Millennial generation was increasingly leaving the Church and its teachings to pursue the temptations of the world and its permissive, tolerant philosophies. I just didn't know how vehement they were about their objections to Christianity. In some ways, they are no different than those of all generations who have been wounded by the Church and its leaders for their hypocrisy and "un-Christ-like" actions. Just as in Jesus's day, the overtly religious refuse to minister to those who need it the most ... the marginalized of society who do not fit the established "norm" of what is acceptable. Ironically, those are the very people that Jesus went out of His way to set free of their wounds and sins. 

Therefore, we see a growing segment of 20-30 somethings proud to call themselves "exvangelicals". What exactly does this term mean? It means more than just a renunciation of modern Christian evangelicalism, which constitutes a promotion of the doctrines, practices, and history of Biblical Christianity. An "exvangelical" can signify as many definitions as the liberal [and by that, I mean broad-minded] communities with whom they associate determine it means. Here's just a sample of the definitions they use to define themselves: "the universe is our host, and nothing really mattering is the best [philosophy]"; "I believe in the Universal Christ, but I'm deconstructing from my faith and leaving the church"; "I'm reconstructing my faith as I progress in my own understanding [of God]". As you can see, there's expansive opportunity to define your faith in anyway you want. I would say that if you had to come up with a common denominator for this progressive mindset, it is that they are people who have rejected the traditional tenets of Christianity and define themselves by what they are not, and what they no longer believe.

Here are a few of the beliefs that identify exvangelicals : 1) they don't believe in a literal hell;  2) they reject Biblical teachings on sexuality; 3) they reject Biblical conservatism which they identify as politically motivated, aka "Republican"; 4) they recognize personal sovereignty and self-determination over the laws of the Bible; 5) they promote finding a belief system that suits the individual's needs; 6) they are deeply opinionated on racism, sexism, and political issues which all seem to take precedent over God's will for mankind; 7) upholding the rights of LGBTQ individuals runs throughout all their narratives, even when they don't agree on other issues; 8) they self-determine what it means to be a Christian; 9) It's okay to explore other religions; 10) their mantra is to retain the intellectual, and drop the supernatural; 11) they don't like what they perceive to be the legalism in evangelicalism; and finally, 12) it's important to live your own truth.

In several articles I read, there were so many stories of wounds generated by the Church. In fact, that seems to be a common bond among those who identify as "exvangelicals"... they are like a support group for each other; those who have chosen to escape from the traumas caused by so-called "Christians". Some of the stories of their traumas include hearing their parents berated for getting a divorce; not feeling that they could discuss their questions about abortion, or sex, or racism; seeing men in the Church as superior over women; being judged for being raped, and the inability of the Church to know how to handle the situation with compassion; feeling accused for asking questions or seeking a higher knowledge of God; not feeling comfortable coming forth with issues they are confused about, including their sexuality. 

By now you can see what a field day the devil is having with all this. And it is not just those who have  chosen to follow their own rules. It also those who personify hypocritical religion, just as they did when Jesus was ministering and confronting them. But why should we be surprised? It's not only that the Bible specifically warns us that this will come in the latter days. We have no excuse for not recognizing what Scripture has foretold: At that time many will be offended and repelled [by their association with Me] and will fall away [from the One whom they should trust] and will betray one another [handing over believers to their persecutors] and will hate one another (Matthew 24:10). But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1). Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin (Hebrews 3:12).

Men have always thought they could be their own god -- ever since Adam and Eve believed the lie in the Garden. It is the spirit of Pride, when combined with the spirits of Doubt and Unbelief, that lead men and women to stray from the foundations of their faith. And when confronted by legalism, hypocrisy, and the lack of compassion, the young will naturally rebel. Interestingly, there is an ironic twist to this conflict between the "exvangelicals" and the "hyper-religious". Both castigate the other for not meeting their ideas of what Jesus represents. But, as we see in Matthew Chapter 23, and the "woes" the Lord hurls at the Pharisees and Sadducees, Jesus is thundering against these leaders for pretending to live holy lives, while in reality, they were practicing human religion, rather than serving God with pure hearts. The same could be said of both sides in this debate.

The "exvangelicals" rail against the "narrow-minded" Christians, proclaiming that the Universe doesn't care if Christian rules are followed -- "Nothing really matters, and this is what gives us the freedom to feel our own meaning, and feel it with ease instead of a sense of fear or guilt".  That last statement was made by Abraham Piper, son of well-known evangelical preacher John Piper. The host of an exvangelical podcast had this to say, "What's good for one person may not be healthy for another. For instance, if someone's tradition rejected them for their sexual orientation, it is understandable if they don't want to associate with Christianity anymore. It may not be the most healthy thing for them. Acknowledging personal autonomy [self-determination] and respecting it is a central tenet of the exvangelical community.  It makes things messier, but I believe it's the best thing". 

So, it's all coming true, according to Scripture. The pendulum is swinging from legalism to progressivism. Whatever feels good to you is okay with the universal god. Narrow-mindedness is condemned, while "anything goes" is embraced.  In this messy scenario we see the fruit of a fallen world. Whenever man turns from the pure and simple teachings of God in His Word, he ultimately ends in a state of rebellion and lawlessness. Yes, we must endeavor to follow God's every commandment, but we must not only appear righteous, we must live it in truth. And, yes, God loves it when we ask questions and seek Him, but we must seek His truth, not our own or the world's. So, at this time, I pray that all -- both evangelicals and exvangelicals -- will return to their first love, with pure hearts and a desire to walk in the ways of Jesus Christ. We are quickly nearing the time of Jesus's appearance, and He will be seeking those who have remained true to His commandments. The Father wishes to lose no one, so let us all examine our hearts and strengthen our faith. We're going to need it!

2 Corinthians 11:4     For you seem to gladly tolerate anyone who comes to you preaching a pseudo-Jesus, not the Jesus we have preached. You have accepted a spirit and gospel that is false, rather than the Spirit and gospel you once embraced. How tolerant you have become of these imposters!

May 18, 2021

Here Is Satan's Game Plan ... Get Prepared. Then Rest In Jesus's Victory!

When looking at the actions of the Anti-Christ in the world today, it's hard to find any good news. I don't see the men who have been put in charge of supporting and protecting mankind being effective against our Enemy's agenda. Now, those of us who put our faith in Jesus and the power of the Cross know that we have been given His power and authority to stand against this spirit of lawlessness. But that doesn't mean we are going to escape some hard times. Jesus never promises that. He promises He will be with us through it, and that we will triumph in ultimate victory.

Keeping that in mind, in 2015, I wrote a blog post that, in part, stated this: the Bible tells us there will be a time for revealing wickedness in preparation for the coming of the Lord Jesus as He ushers in His Millennium reign.  This 1,000 year reign will find Christ restoring the earth.  All wars and sorrows will cease, and it will be a time of rest for the earth as it returns to the state that God originally created in the Garden of Eden. Hallelujah!

But first, the inhabitants of the earth must endure the schemes of Satan to keep that restoration and reign from happening.  Jesus told His apostles (and us) that there would be significant signs that those birth pangs, or sorrows, were beginning.  We are to watch for them, so that we will know His return is imminent and we can earnestly be about our business to help the Holy Spirit save as many souls as possible.

The first thing Jesus tells them (us) is, "Be careful that no one misleads you [deceiving you and leading you into error]."  I don't know about you, but I feel as though we are seeing Deception on Steroids! There is cultural deception in sexual identity issues; economic deception in the manipulation of markets, etc.; political deception on all levels by both parties; and spiritual deception in the growth of cult religions and demonic possessions --- not to mention the scientific and technological advances that make a clone of Jesus possible, so that even the elect, if it were possible, will be deceived! [See my previous post on the very real possibility of this deception]. 

I also want to point you to "The Six Points of Satanic Synchronization", or the ways in which Satan is setting the stage for the appearance of the Anti-Christ. This is a theory put forth by Russ Dizdar, a licensed and ordained minister, who has a unique perspective on this subject because he came out of a satanic cult, and now wages spiritual war on behalf of Christ. He makes the case that the following "Points" are Satan's plan to take over the world...

Point One - Destablization of the World.  Chaos seems to happen no matter how hard we humans try to stop it; it just keeps coming.  Race relations in this country keep being pushed and prodded. Situations keep arising, as if bidden from some controlling dark force, and our society continues to fall apart, no matter how much we throw at it.  We see it happening in the situation on our Southern border; the gas pipeline being shut off in the Northeast; Russia and China chomping at the bit to bring us down; the Hamas/Israeli conflict; and of course, the Covid virus literally destabilized the entire world.

Point Two - Instigation.  This is an extension of Point One.  The purpose is to create chaos, disharmony, friction, division, and war.  We've seen that in the BLM/Antifa movements; Asian Americans being attacked; the disharmony over vaccinations and associated deaths. If it is not happening in the natural world, then spiritual forces will initiate and launch an attack on behalf of the Enemy.

Point Three - Dismantle.  The goal is to dismantle current systems -- militarily, politically and economically, and religiously; to tear them apart; to tear them down; and to replace them with satanically-influenced substitutes. We're seeing that in our military, our monetary system, our healthcare system, our education system, our churches, and the food supply chain. They are all being stripped down and demolished. 

Point Four - Crisis upon Crisis.  This tactic is like chopping down a tree... continually striking until the world system comes down; defeating it blow by blow until Point Five occurs. We see that in continually attacking our Constitution, our law enforcement, and our churches and religious institutions. 

Point Five - Weaken.  After the world suffers continual destabilization, instigation, dismantling, crisis upon crisis, it will become weakened.  All institutions will become corrupted and powerless. The will and resolve of the peoples of the world will be devastated and they will turn to drugs, alcohol, and any other method to numb the pain.  Hopelessness is the ultimate goal. We are definitely seeing the hopelessness and despair in our schools, as our kids are being dumbed down and seeing their futures disappearing. The morale among our law enforcement officers, including the Border Patrol, is the lowest it's been in decades. The dollar is weakened and on the verge of collapse. The Covid-19 pandemic saw thousands of animals slaughtered, and food destroyed because processing facilities were closed and distribution lines were down. Every facet of our everyday life has been weakened.

Point Six - The Final Result is Diminished Capacity.  With the destabilization, instigation, dismantling, crisis upon crisis, and weakening of the foundations of society, mankind will be unable to resist the onslaught of the Anti-Christ and his forces. We must come to the conclusion that we cannot, [under our own power], think or build our way out of this mess. The Savior and The Cross are the only way out. 

At this stage in world history, we are primed for the deception of the Anti-Christ. It is true, that we have witnessed human beings coming into agreement with the devil to accomplish his goals of division, chaos, and destruction on the earth. We have seen the Enemy build spiritual structures that entrap wealthy and powerful people in his false systems of ideas, philosophies, and movements in order to gain more of his promised power, money, fame, and change. He does this by sending his spirits to infiltrate educational institutions, governments, social movements, churches, and the media. These structures become strongholds that the devil owns and through which he can manipulate the masses for the purposes of his kingdom of darkness.  Unfortunately, among the culture of the United States and Western mindset, Satan has been able to build a stronghold that convinces people (whether Believers or not) that the supernatural does not exist in this Age. 

But we who are endued with the Holy Spirit know all too well that our God operates in the supernatural, and HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS ... These power structures collapse when we live our lives connected to God; when we obey Him and walk in our spiritual power and authority! We are here on this earth [at this exact time] to get in the fight and invade and conquer Satan's territory to take it back in the individual's life, in the life of communities, and in the life of our nation -- and we are to occupy that territory until He returns! 

We constantly hear talk of "a global reset". I believe God is doing His own "reset" by identifying those who have spiritual eyes to see the battle strategy of the Enemy; placing His obedient remnant in positions of spiritual power; and strengthening the prayer muscles of His intercessors. He is delegating His authority in this critical time in our history. Jesus showed us that we can speak for God and we have His permission to take the spiritually legal steps to make Earth look like Heaven. Even if the wicked of the world are able to pull off the cloning of Jesus from the divine blood of the Shroud of Turin, [as I wrote about earlier], the remnant will have such powerful discernment to see through the deception and will warn the world! 

We must walk in this Truth: We are here at this moment in history because we have been sent by God and commissioned to represent Him! We are to be the carnal representation of the One who sent us! Jesus has commissioned us, authorized us to act on His behalf, and empowered us with His Holy Spirit to accomplish our assignment. Yes, Jesus has already won the battle, but He has commissioned us to enforce the victory! Until we realize that we have an active role to play in establishing the Kingdom of God here on earth, then we will continue to lose territory to Satan in our souls, our cities, our states, our nation, and ultimately, the world. The battle is raging now -- we see it all around us. Are you ready to walk in Heavenly realms and transfer the power of Heaven to Earth? We have unlimited potential to tear down Satan's strongholds, and we must not falter! We will not be deceived and we will not be fearful! Let us join together to take Jesus's victory to the Enemy!

 2 Corinthians 2:14-15    God always makes His grace visible in Christ, who includes us as partners of His endless triumph. Through our yielded lives He spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere we go. We have become the unmistakable aroma of the victory of the Anointed One to God—a perfume of life to those being saved and the odor of death to those who are perishing.

May 8, 2021

Science and Technology: Forging A Path For The False Messiah? - Part 2

In the last post, I presented my theory that our culture's fascination with Science and Technology could be a possible path to deceiving the world [and the faithful in Christ] to receiving the False Messiah as the Second Coming of Jesus. That might seem an extraordinary stretch, but let me show you one of the ways that I believe Satan's plan may already have been set in motion.

Medical Science has been working hand-in-hand with Technology for nearly half a century to replicate God's divine creation of the human species. The first human eggs were fertilized in 1965, and the first live birth through the new medical procedure known as In Vitro Fertilization occurred in 1978. It's been 40 years since that baby, Louise Brown, was born and it is estimated that over 8 million babies have been born into the world via IVF. And just think how much science has advanced in those last 43 years!

Then take into account the scientific world's interest in the science of reproductive cloning. In an article at Scientific American, a laboratory at Advanced Cell Technology reported their success at cloning early-stage human embryos. Although they are pursuing cloning for "therapeutic reasons", they also report that other laboratories are experimenting with cloning whole human beings! But this is nothing new! In 1998, South Korean scientists claimed to have successfully cloned a human embryo, and in 2002, Clonaid, part of a religious group that believes humans were created by extraterrestrials, announced the birth of the first cloned human -- although they never provided evidence of the live birth. It is not inconceivable that the idea of cloning humans may have been at the heart of the diabolical genetic experiments performed by Hitler's star medical doctor, Dr. Josef Mengele, at the Auschwitz death camp. 

I present this information from the scientific medical community as a preface to Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh's theory about how the world could be deceived by a False Messiah. In her book, Beguiled: Eden to Armageddon, she sets up her theory by saying, "Understanding our DNA and how we replicate to sustain life makes it easier to understand how cloning occurs... Underground researchers, since even before Hitler, have had a technological understanding on how to clone. Cloning is simply just adding DNA from a cell of an already existing person, either dead or alive, to a woman's egg whose nucleus has been totally removed. The egg is electrified and reinserted, through the same procedures as those of in vitro fertilization, into a woman's womb. where in nine months it will grow into an exact duplicate of the host from which it was taken. This means a mere cell from a living or deceased being can be brought back to life as cloned flesh".

Let that sink in a moment. What would be the best way to deceive even the Elect if you wanted to reveal a False Messiah? Why, reproduce a clone of Jesus Christ, Himself, right? But how could that happen? Jesus has been dead for 2000 years! Where would scientists be able to get his DNA to clone Him? Ever hear of the Shroud of Turin? Ahhhhh .... I can see some of you beginning to think I'm not just presenting some crazy conspiracy theory. Dr. Pugh provides so much research regarding Jesus's burial shroud and its history through the ages. It is a fascinating read and reveals how the scientific community has waded through centuries of doubt to come to the conclusion that the shroud is authentic. In fact, she reports, "every wound portrayed on the shroud exactly matches those detailed in Scripture, which Jesus suffered immediately before and during His crucifixion. The image clearly shows a man, who in some form of an unknown type of cool radiation burst, transparently went through this cloth, leaving a perfect photograph of Himself.... A most unusual finding on the shroud is that its blood has remained a bright red, never fading over time. Such an anomaly is directly due to this blood being enormously filled with bilirubin from induced trauma to the body, making it remain red. Blood flow onto the cloth is consistent with that from a crucified man". 

Although the shroud has been the subject of much speculation through the centuries as to its authenticity, there is so much more revealed in Dr. Pugh's book about the validity of the shroud and the scientific manifestation of pure power and light that left a radiological 3-D image of Jesus on that linen cloth. But I don't want to lose you in the scientific minutiae. It is imperative that I present the possibility of how a False Messiah could present himself as the true Messiah, so that millions will be prepared to uphold his claims. First, its important to understand that the existence of the shroud was recorded by a monk named Leander in 579 AD at a church in Toledo, Spain. Dr. Pugh states it is a historical fact that the shroud was permanently moved to Constantinople. Vatican archives include a comment by Pope Stephen III of Rome [in the 760's AD] about the face and body image of Christ on a cloth that was "divinely transferred". The shroud has been the object of much intrigue among men, and its history reads like a Machiavellian novel. It currently resides in a bullet-proof case in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, in Turin, Italy.

So, let me get to the point. Consider this scenario: Bloodstains from the shroud have been routinely collected and analyzed over many years. In 1978 the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) removed blood residue and found it tested positive for albumin, bilirubin, protein, and hemin . At the rib cage's sixth rib, shroud scientists also discovered blood and a clearer liquid called pericardial fluid had dumped from the man's pleural cavity [aligning with Scripture's account of a spear plunged into Jesus's side]. Along with other medical findings, STURP concluded the shroud is not a hoax or fake. So, based on the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, can you envision the possible scenario: a viable blood  sample could be extracted from the Shroud of Turin in which the DNA of Jesus could be combined with the egg of a virgin and subjected to in vitro fertilization, resulting in a cloned version of Jesus that would be presented to the world as the Second Coming of Christ.

Scripture quotes Revelation 13:11 as saying, I saw another beast coming up out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke like a dragonThis is the only time in the Bible [that I am aware of] where the lamb does not represent Jesus. He looked like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. If scientists can prove that this clone's blood matches perfectly with the blood on the Shroud of Turin, and is identical to the man imprinted on the Shroud, how many people will be deceived into believing "the science"? Furthermore, if prominent religious leaders across the world's religions proclaim their faith in who this man says he is, who would dare to doubt it? Keep in mind that the Vatican is the official owner of the Shroud, so as Dr. Pugh postulates, "No one will be allowed a voice or an ability to take a credible stand against the scientific and religious communities who will be backing the Vatican officials' announcement that this clone is really Jesus".

As evil advances its agenda against the world, millions will be so hungry for the end of wickedness that this clone/icon/image of the returning Christ will be welcomed and worshiped.  As Dr. Pugh states, "It is not hard to imagine that in the near future, discrediting the image of this Jesus as the False Messiah will not be tolerated. And as Scripture tells us, great and deadly opposition will be imposed on anyone not worshiping the Antichrist's image as Messiah or proclaiming him Lord of lords". That's why both the prophet Daniel and the real Messiah, Jesus Christ, tell us that those who are alive and see this false image standing in the temple of God will be encouraged to flee [whether it is a physical Temple of bricks or a man representing himself as the temple of God].  It will truly be an abomination of desolation which YHWH will not tolerate. 

There is so much more I could say about this possibility, and sadly, it is not the only way that Science and Technology could combine forces to deceive the world and even the Elect. Perhaps you have heard of one theory called "Project Blue Beam" which suggests that in principle, the New World Order would make use of the skies as a movie screen for space-based laser-generating satellites to project simultaneous images of Christ to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect. This event would purportedly fulfill the prophecy of Revelation 1:7, which says, Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, including those who pierced Him. All the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him.  It is suggested that this theory deals with the religious aspect of the New World Order and is deception and seduction on a massive scale.

The simple and common practice of subliminal messages is another possibility where technology could be used to suggest to vulnerable minds that a False Messiah is imminent. My husband and I were both watching a popular TV show called "The Good Doctor" one night, and both were aware of a "blip" in the viewing. We looked at each other and said, "Did you see that?" It took more than 30 minutes of rewinding and advancing the program frame-by-frame to catch what was flashed on the screen subliminally. It was an image to send money to St. Jude's Hospital! Think how many people could be reached around the world, in their own languages, with a subliminal image of the False Messiah and the wording, "Be prepared! He will appear next Wednesday!" I know that sounds ludicrous, but that's how easily millions could be deceived into believing that the appearance of a False Messiah is the real deal!

 I know if I presented these various theories to a group of mainstream Christians, I would most likely be laughed at; ridiculed as a crazy, delusional religious nut; or even ostracized and excluded from Christian circles. But I am not writing about these various scenarios to proclaim "this is the way it is going to happen", because none of us know for sure. But what I do know is that Scripture is true when it declares
At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory (Matthew 24:30).  And equal in Truth is the Scripture that says, Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

I do not claim to know how or when the sign of the Son of Man will occur, or how or when the Anti-Christ will appear as the False Messiah to declare himself God. But I know both events will happen because the Spirit of the Lord reveals His Truth through the Word. It is not our job to figure out what all that will look like, but it IS our job to stay awake and be on alert to call out the deception and save souls from falling away. There will be great terror and alarm when those things come upon the earth and as representatives of Christ's Heavenly Kingdom on earth, it is our responsibility to speak wisdom and courage and endurance and faith to people who will need someone to come alongside them and lead the way to victory in Christ. So, do not hide your head in the sand when it comes to seeing the advancements in Science and Technology. Be aware that they can [and are] being used to work with Satanic agents to prepare a Great Deception for all the earth. Be alert to what the prophets of darkness are revealing as their "plans for the future". Look upon everything from the perspective of Heaven. Does it glorify the Creator of this Universe? Or is it instigated for the advancement of man? Look at the fruit. Does it bring us closer to God and does it grow us in His image -- or does it separate us and promote us to become our own god? The time is drawing near for the final clash between the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. Do not be deceived!

1 Thessalonians 5:5-6   For you are all sons of light and sons of day. We do not belong to the night nor to darkness. So then let us not sleep [in spiritual indifference] as the rest [of the world does], but let us keep wide awake [alert and cautious] and let us be sober [self-controlled, calm, and wise].

May 4, 2021

Science and Technology: Forging A Path For the False Messiah? -- Part 1

The title of this blog has been plaguing me for quite a few years -- ever since God began to show me what was behind the curtain of our society's growing interest in artificial intelligence and merging man with machine and other species. I would like to take the time to set up what I think this scenario might look like. And if you are familiar with my blog then you will know that I don't always adhere to the popular explanations that are agreed upon by the masses -- and that includes "following the science", as well as customary interpretations of the Bible. It's not that I do not believe every word of our faith's Holy Book is true. On the contrary, I believe there is so much more Truth in Scripture that is never discerned by the faithful. And I do not know why we have been chosen, but God has seen fit to give me and my husband a hunger to search out these deeper Truths. That hunger is both a blessing and a curse. 

It's a blessing because our spirits know without a doubt when Father reveals an idea or path He wants us to pursue. The unveiling of what had previously been mysterious to us results in such a burst of exultation over the new knowledge He has revealed, that it is uncontainable. But that is where we usually encounter the push-back from the Church and the world. No one, whether Christian or secular, wants to abandon their comfort zones. And if something we present makes them uncomfortable [because it doesn't align with their traditional belief system], well then, it must be false, right? Combine this hunger to pursue more of God's wisdom and plan for the world with our assignment as Watchmen on the Wall, and I'm sure you can see where we receive a lot of unfavorable response. But it will not deter us. And I also believe that if most Christians would be honest with themselves, it frightens them to see what used to be fringe science and technology becoming more mainstream. So, it's easier to refute our message and hang on to their traditions than to see how God may want to move them into position for our End Times battle with Satan and his protégés. 

When God first approached Mark and I through dreams, it was as if we were awakened to a new dimension; like we had stepped through a spiritual portal into a new realm where we were able to see everything we believed through new spiritual eyes. He introduced us, through a series of personal encounters, with people who were able to take us from milk to meat in our walk with Him. We began to hear Him in our spontaneous thoughts and to "accidentally" stumble upon books and podcasts by people who obviously had been given a similar hunger to explore more about the magnificent God we serve. And mind you, everything that came before us was vetted by the Word! Our library of Scripture-inspired books grew; some to be discarded as having an agenda other than to reveal the True God, while others revealed more of the breadth, length, height and depth of God [and His fullness]. Still more were added to the "to read" list. And every once in awhile, God will shine His light on one of those books that has been gathering dust, and we will go in search of it, to find that it is clearly a book to be read in this season. And this blog post is all about one of those books and a startling concept that I believe has found its time to be brought forth.

The book is entitled Beguiled: Eden to Armageddon, and was written by Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh in 2013, with an updated and revised edition released in 2017. I daresay, "Dr. Joye" as she is known, does not fit the stereotype of Biblical researchers, or prophetic voices. But God has a habit of picking unconventional people whom He knows will be obedient to their calling.  And she writes with credible insight of Biblical truths and precepts. So, I'm just going to dive right in to what my spirit discerns is a scientific possibility that we need to be aware of in this season that precedes the Second Coming of Christ.

For years, I have been sounding the alarm on man's fascination with combining science and technology outside God's design of creation. In 2013, I quoted Ray Kurzweil, an American inventor and futurist, who is hellbent on seeing transhumanism realized in our lifetime. This is what he said then: "We can now see inside a living brain and see individual inter-neural connections being formed and firing in real time. We can see your brain create your thoughts and thoughts create your brain. A lot of this research reveals how the mechanism of the neocortex works, which is where we do our thinking. This provides biologically inspired methods that we can emulate in our computers. We’re already doing that. The deep learning technique that I mentioned uses multilayered neural nets that are inspired by how the brain works. Using these biologically inspired models, plus all of the research that’s been done over the decades in artificial intelligence (AI), combined with exponentially expanding hardware, we will achieve human levels within two decades." That was eight years ago, folks, and Kurzweil actually moved up his timeline to 2029, so we are half-way there!

Fast forward to last year, 2020, when Elon Musk, industrial designer/engineer and AI enthusiast, announced on a podcast that his company would be ready to implant a neural link in our brains in less than a year, with "low potential for rejection". Musk also said, "Full AI symbiosis is possible". In case you don't know the definition of symbiosis, it is this: interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both. The radio host's response? "Once we've experienced being a god, who is going to want to go back to being stupid [read that as human]?" Musk seemed to be in agreement, stating, "AI is getting better -- it's a benign scenario now [read as not harmful]. We're already a cyborg to some degree. We interact with our phones and electronic devices, but the data rate is too slow. Right now, we download information at about 100 bits/second (approximately 12.5 bytes). Computers can go 1 million times faster. If you can improve the data rate, you can improve symbiosis between man and machine". (Obviously, that is the goal of his invention). And he says it with such nonchalance!

But I want to return to the idea that man wants to be his own god expressed by that delusional radio host. Hasn't that been the goal of Satan ever since [as Lucifer] his pride convinced him he could usurp the throne of Heaven? And the prophecies of the Bible have been clear that a False Messiah will appear in the End Times. In fact, mankind has been warned for centuries through God's Word that this False Messiah would deceive many "with all power and signs and lying wonders". And Satan has done a great job of intermingling science and religion so that far too many Christians will receive him as the Second Coming of Christ. The acceptance of Evolution by the American National Academy of Sciences and their theory that "the evidence for evolution can be fully compatible with religious faith" has gone a long way to blend the two, and discredit the truth that faith is "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen". Science, on the other hand, always demands evidence. There is no room for the supernatural, and unexplainable power of God in Science. 

 Therefore, because the 20th and 21st Centuries have moved us ever closer to worshiping Science and Technology, it will be easy to fool men and women (even Christians) when the False Messiah appears and his "lying wonders" prove that he is who he claims to be -- the Son of God. How will that be accomplished? I will give you a hint about what will be revealed in Part 2 of this topic... True Believers know the Word of God and they will not easily be deceived because they have not compromised with the world. But the day is coming when this remnant will be ridiculed not only by the world, but by their fellow Christians. The remnant will declare that the False Messiah, who will "stand in the holy place" [the temple], is the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel. But even those who claim to be Christians will believe the lie. How will this creation of Satan be able to fool so many who profess their faith in Jesus? That's where the science and technology of the last 50 years may very well provide the way. Even now, I believe we have reached the point [in man's ability to invent and create] to pull off this deception. If so, we could be closing in on the return of the True Messiah, who will put an end to this wickedness on earth. Tune in for Part 2 on the next blog post.

Mark 13:22    For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will provide signs and wonders in order to deceive, if [such a thing were] possible, even the elect [those God has chosen for Himself].



December 31, 2020

"There's Nothing New Under The Sun ... As It Was In The Days of Noah"

I know I am mixing Scripture references, Bible timelines and messengers. But I hope to show you how it all connects and why it is important for us to know at this precise time in our history. The first reference comes from the Book of Ecclesiastes and was written by King Solomon, a man who was known for his [human] wisdom, wealth, and power. In Chapter One of Ecclesiastes, Solomon is ruminating on the futility of natural man's efforts, because no matter what man tries to accomplish on his own, whether good or evil, has been tried or done before. And the earth still keeps spinning, the sun still rises and sets; and the winds still circle the planet. Without God's wisdom and guidance, man's endeavors are futile and meaningless. Verse nine is the apt summary of this exposition ... That which has been is that which will be [again], and that which has been done is that which will be done again. So there is nothing new under the sun.

Nearly one thousand years later, the Lord Jesus is teaching His disciples about the signs of His return, the perilous times that will come upon the earth preceding His return, and what mankind can expect the earth and its inhabitants to experience when His glorious return is imminent. We find Jesus's statements in Chapter 24 of Matthew. He warns that no man knows the exact day or hour this will all occur, but He gives us a clue in verses 37-39 ... For the coming of the Son of Man (the Messiah) will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the [very] day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know or understand until the flood came and swept them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be [unexpected judgment]. 

If, as saved men and women, we are tuned in to our spirits, which are seated with Jesus in Heaven, then we should be able to discern the connection between these two passages and what Biblical history has shown us, and what we are about to see again. And let me share with you what my spirit has detected. I recently was drawn to a series of posts that I wrote in 2014. At the time, I wrote, "There are days I wake up and wonder, 'How much longer can this world survive?' And, what will our lives be like when everything is torn asunder? ... The world is groaning and the time is near ...". That was six years ago, and those thoughts are even more acute today.

At the time, I saw the earth and humanity in turmoil -- scientists at NASA were warning about powerful coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the sun that could potentially destroy earth. The Ring of Fire was active, producing an area where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions were occurring in the basin of the Pacific Ocean. The TV show Ancient Aliens was programming the minds of millions by actually presenting the hypothesis that aliens will show up one day, claiming to be our creators. And they will have only our best interests at heart; they will rescue us from the wars and destruction of earthly humans. All we have to do is become one with them. This is a deception coming against the human race; one that is eerily similar to the satanic deception presented to mankind in Genesis 6:1-4, where fallen angels came to earth to mate with human woman to create a super race that would dominate and rule the earth, with the ultimate goal of defeating God's dominion and kingdom on earth.

Well, nothing has changed since Genesis 6. Satan has been running that plan throughout history, and mankind is still buying into the lie that we can rule earth without a relationship with God. That theory was still alive and well in 2014 and was being sold on the History Channel. And now, I'm here to tell you that this past Sunday morning I heard this plan once again laid out on a morning news show. It happened during Fox Channel's Maria Bartiromo's interview with Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe. During their discussion regarding China's impact on our national security, there was a brief exchange regarding China and this exact topic that I am presenting to you today. Here is what I want you to understand...

RATCLIFFE: China is not a good actor internationally. We need to call them out for what they are, not what they pretend to be. They're intent on dominating the entire world, not just the United States.

BARTIROMO: U.S. intelligence shows that China's conducting human testing on members of the People's Liberation Army, in hopes of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities. In other words, they want to create new humans that can handle extreme weather, handle chemical attacks. Is that right?

RATCLIFFE:  So, one of the things I did in this op-ed piece [in the Wall Street Journal] was to work hard to try and get information declassified to a level that I could talk about. And one of the things you just mentioned, it's called gene editing. It's altering DNA. And it's one of the things our intelligence shows that China is doing. They have got a -- the PRC, the People's Republic of China, has two million strong in its military. And it's trying to make them stronger through gene editing. And that's just one of the ways that China is trying to essentially dominate the planet and set the rules and the world order.

Now, I will tell you that I was astounded that this kind of information was actually being allowed to be presented to the American public --- for those with ears to hear. Can you see that this is the Anti-Christ spirit acting through the Communist political system to carry out the plans of Satan that have existed for millennia? Can't see that or understand this premise? Can we agree that from the beginning of Creation in Genesis One, that Everything God created was originally good. You don't have to be a Believer to comprehend this fact, because those with even the simplest understanding of the Scriptures know that things were perfect here on planet Earth until Satan infiltrated the Garden and set into motion a war for all ages. I am just so concerned that Christians don't fully understand how that war has been waged. And it is vitally important that we understand it NOW!

When Satan tempted Eve to disobey God, the judgment was swift and prophetic by the Creator of the Universe:  "I will put enmity (hostility, friction, hate) between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring [or between your seed and her seed]." That statement has not been fully understood for centuries of Christians and Church leaders. 

Satan has known God's plan from the beginning: to dwell among His creation in personal relationship.  And it has been the Devil's desire to disrupt that relationship at all costs.  He knew God would eventually have to send His Son to redeem us from the ways that he, Satan, would introduce.  If he could corrupt the gene pool and eventual birth of God's perfect Offspring with his own corrupt line, then the world and its inhabitants would worship him, Satan.  That's where Genesis 6:1-4 comes in.  The fallen angels, who followed Satan, came to earth and corrupted the daughters of men, introducing the unholy DNA into the human line.  They are the "giants" (or in the Hebrew, Nephilim) we see in verse 4.  But God protected a line of men from His destruction of mankind (Noah and his descendants), and through their line, He sent His perfect Son to reclaim us.  But Satan has not forsaken his plan, and that's why Jesus says in Matthew 24:37, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."

And now we see Satan partnering with China and their Godless regime to once again defile the DNA that God has created. Satan intends to work through China's demonic-altered army in his attempt to dominate the world. Just as God proclaimed back in Genesis, there has been an all-out war throughout time between God's children and Satan's children.  It is now at the boiling point, and it affects all of God's creation; from mankind, to the ecological and geophysical systems, to the stars in the heavens.  Satan's plan to deceive mankind and infect them with a corrupted gene pool has been known by every civilization throughout history.  Genesis records the Giants in the land of Canaan, while Babylonian, Greek and Roman mythology refer to the "Titans" and the "Olympians", who were "children of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth)." It hasn't been that long ago that Hitler gave Dr. Josef Mengele free reign to do his ghastly [and satanic] experiments against the Jewish people. This was just another example of Satan perverting God's design.

Now, we find ourselves at another juncture in human history, and it looks as if the plan is still in operation. The bottom line is that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is Satan's final downfall and defeat.  He is going to do everything he can in the short time he has remaining to convince humanity that we want to become one with him... up to and including taking his Mark. What will that look like? Is it a coincidence that the Covid disease originated in China, and that now the world is being presented with a rapidly developed vaccine with alleged components that are offensive to God and could potentially corrupt our divinely created flesh? Those are questions that I can't answer for you, and you must take them to the Lord to hear clearly from Him. But, if nothing else, I hope today's post has you seeking the Lord and discerning the signs of the times. 

Satan's game plan hasn't changed ... it's as old as the Creation. I just want you to be ready to stand against the lies of the Enemy and seek the Lord's Truth. If not now ... then when?  The devil's deception permeates every sci-fi movie and TV show, whether it be tempting the impressionable to welcome the Ancient Aliens, commune with Vampires, or rush to alter our DNA through advanced and "life-saving" alternatives.  If we cannot see that there is nothing new in what is being presented to us, then we will be condemning ourselves to live in a world that is the same as it was in the days of Noah. We must do our part to defeat the lies! We do not want to be like the generation in Noah's time, who did not know or understand until it was too late. We must do everything we can to illuminate God's Truth or His unexpected judgment will be our destiny.

John 8:44      You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.