A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Scary Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scary Science. Show all posts

September 16, 2024

Are Aliens and Extra-Terrestrials Biblical?

I'm sure all of you are aware of the interest in UFOs and aliens. Our nation [and the world] have long been fascinated with this subject. In our popular culture, most would probably point to the Roswell incident in 1947 as the first time the possibility of extra-terrestrial and alien visitation to our planet seemed a real possibility. Of course, it was all explained away as "just a weather balloon", but it didn't take long for the rumors to surface and spread that it was actually a "government cover-up." 

But would it surprise you to know that in 1639, John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, wrote in his journal that "James Everell, a sober, discreet man" and two others had been rowing a boat in the Muddy River, which emptied into the Charles River [located in eastern Massachusetts] when they saw what we would term some kind of alien apparition?

An article on history.com reveals that "When it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square, and when it ran, it was contracted into the figure of a swine. The mysterious light ran as swift as an arrow, darting back and forth between them and the village of Charlestown, a distance of approximately two miles. When the strange apparition finally faded away, the three Puritans in the boat were stunned to find themselves one mile upstream [which would have only been possible if they were rowing against the tide]  -- it was as if the light had transported them there. Furthermore, they had no memory of how they got there. Researchers and historians have speculated that they witnessed an extra-terrestrial spacecraft and experienced a possible alien abduction". 

Now to answer the question I posed in the title to this post ... Before we can determine whether these kinds of phenomenon are Biblical, we must first understand the meaning of terms like extra-terrestrial and alien. Once again, I am indebted to the remarkable book Birthright, by Timothy Alberino. Simply put, he defines an Extra-terrestrial as "a being whose provenance [where they come from] is not Planet Earth". An Alien is "a foreign being from an extra-terrestrial world". In that sense, we can consider that angels, whom the Bible tells us are messengers and envoys from Heaven, were in reality, both extra-terrestrials and aliens. Remember, angels came from a place that was not Planet Earth [i.e., Heaven], and they were a foreign being from that extra-terrestrial world. Just think of the visitations by these beings to the inhabitants of earth. Jacob, Abraham, Daniel, Mary and Joseph, the prophets and the Disciples all had encounters with these beings, who we could classify as "Aliens from an extra-terrestrial world". And I guess, you could say Jesus meets that definition, too.

Let's go a little deeper ... From what I could determine through my own research, the term alien appeared around 1300, from the Latin word, alienus, meaning "of or belonging to another, not one's own, foreign, strange"; and around 1400, it came to identify "a foreigner, citizen of a foreign land". It was authors like H.G. Wells, who wrote the science fiction novel War of the Worlds, around 1895, that fed the fantasy of beings beyond our planet. Subsequently, in the 1920s, there arose a public interest in outer space, which reached its height with the popularity of the 1950s/60s science fiction movies like Forbidden Planet, The Thing from Another World, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers. And in terms of entertainment, nothing has quite grabbed the imaginations of modern-day audiences like the History Channel's Ancient Aliens. 

According to the show's own bio, if you will, "Ancient Aliens explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US, each episode in this hit HISTORY series gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding the age old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago"?  

NOTE: the capitalization of "History" is a nod to the show's appearance on the History Channel, but also a contrived effort to persuade watchers that their content is actually historical fact. In reality, it is a cleverly disguised manipulation of facts that pits Science against Religion/Faith. And it's just another attempt by Satan to deceive people into believing a compromised version of the creation, the universe, and God. Notice how the creators of the show begin Season 1 ... the episode is entitled Chariots, Gods and Beyond. They introduce the concept of the show by saying, "According to ancient alien theorists, extra-terrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history". They rely heavily on Swiss author Erich von Daniken's book Chariots of the Gods, which hypothesized that thousands of years ago, space travelers from other planets visited Earth, where they taught humans about technology and influenced ancient religions. Of course, in this age of advanced technology, that will make sense to those who are unfamiliar with the Bible.

So, can you see that all these theories and explanations could apply to the Fallen Angels? They came from a place that was not Planet Earth [Heaven]; and they were a foreign being belonging to another [Satan], originally from the extra-terrestrial realm of Heaven. Secondly, can you see how cleverly the creators of the show Ancient Aliens could present fake "experts and archeologists" to begin persuading the naive and uninformed audience that the Bible really supports their false hypotheses and speculations, rather than the other way around? The actual definition of speculation is "the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence".

After watching an occasional episode, it has frustrated me, to no end, to see how they are duping this generation into doubting the existence of the Christian God, His divinely appointed angels, and His redemptive plan for mankind through His Son, Jesus Christ. The fake "experts" will make statements like, "Throughout ancient cultures there are stories of god-like beings providing instruction to early humans, helping our ancestors to establish the first civilizations and teaching them in various disciplines. Could it be true"? They will throw in a Bible verse or two from Genesis, and then continue with their real motive of deception by say, "And do mysterious figures who appear throughout history provide evidence that these otherworldly teachers have been with us all along"? Instead of taking the opportunity to discuss the Bible and how it promotes their line of reasoning, they use the series to overshadow the Bible's truths with their own false teachings.

It may surprise you to know that I think the connections that "the scientists" of Ancient Aliens make between the Biblical narrative and the conspiracy theories of their own making are about 98% correct -- for as far as they go. But they never validate the Bible as their source, nor complete their allegations to the full extent of truth and fact. For instance, they will present their suppositions that humans were once bred with alien "seed", producing a hybrid being. That is true. We know that the Bible tells us in Genesis 6:4 that "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them...". But rather than explaining the truth that these "sons of God" were actually rebellious angels who followed Satan in his plan to usurp the Throne of God, who developed his own plan to impregnate human women with the alien seed of his followers to create a foreign race of beings that would be enemies of the Most High God, they present their false theory of ancient aliens from outer space and other planets to override the Biblical narrative. 

And again, they don't present the Bible or Jehovah God as their authority, but rather their team of false "experts" to validate their combination of New Age and spiritualism as the truth behind "aliens and extra-terrestrials". Why don't they refer to the Bible and the Book of Jude which says, "For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ"? 

Or what about this verse: "And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day ---"? Why don't they use the Bible as evidence of real Truth? Because their goal is to make the Bible nothing more than mythology. Satan has once again convinced man to believe his [Satan's] corrupt presentation of God's truth, just as he did in the Garden, when he asked Eve, "Did God actually say..."?

Sadly, the state of the human race is such that far too many have fallen for Satan's cunning ability to disguise and misconstrue the truth from God in the Bible that, yes, by their actual and authentic definitions, aliens and extra-terrestrials have interacted with humans on earth. But just as happened in the Garden of Eden, man's willingness to fall for the ruse of God's enemy has resulted in their spiritual blindness and a spiritual war between three classifications of beings: God's angels and offspring, Satan's angels and offspring, and the race of human beings who must decide whose side they will fight on. 

And I would caution you with this ... just as Satan has initiated an incursion of definable aliens into God's plan for His godly creation, we would be foolish to think he won't try again. Christians must stay connected to God and the Holy Spirit. We must be discerning, and as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Technology has made it easier for the ungodly to present false testimony and evidence to encourage the ill-informed to follow Satan's hoaxes and deceptions. Be forwarned! Stay alert!

I have barely scratched the surface of this interesting topic, but one thing is clear. It is up to each of us to know the truth of our existence and our purpose. We must decide to do our own research to discover who our Creator is; that we have a very real Enemy who desires to lead us astray; and that we must decide we want to know the truth -- not some fantastical story that tickles our ears and our imaginations, but the real Truth of the One who created us and why we're here. If humankind does not make that essential effort, then we will find that through our negligence and ignorance, there will be a huge price to pay. Yes, our ultimate victory is sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ, but man's hunger to feed his appetite for the forbidden fruit will undoubtedly cost him much sorrow and pain. 

   Jude 8:  Nevertheless in the same way, these dreamers [who are dreaming that God will not punish them] also defile the body, and reject [legitimate]authority, and revile and mock angelic majesties.         




February 4, 2022

Will Artificial Intelligence and the false god of Technology Replace Jehovah?

No, I'm not trying to be snide or sarcastic. It's a very real question that came to me as I read an article at The Christian Post by Assistant Editor, Leah MarieAnne Klett. In her article, she interviewed theologian and author Wallace Henley. In the article, Henley made this impactful statement: "We are all made for transcendence, God’s overarching glory. As Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, God has put eternity in our hearts. St. Augustine said, ‘The human heart was made by God for God and only God can fill it.’ And if we don't fill it with God, we fill it with whatever else we can find … that's what all idolatry is about. The idolatry of the future is going to be the worship of these machines, which has already started, either tongue-in-cheek, or some people literally [and very seriously] worshiping the works of their hands."  

In other words, we were created as incomparable beings [without equal] by God to spend eternity with Him, and worshiping Him only. Eternity with God is literally part of our DNA. But there are scientific men and forces who want to dethrone the Most High God, the Creator of the Universe, and replace Him with a creation of their own. That is called idolatry and results in the worship of false gods. And Mr. Henley warns of the spiritual crisis that is coming [and in reality, is here] as mankind approaches the ultimate idolatry, worship of the machine. This became quite clear, when he heard a technology specialist make the following disturbing statement: "He said, if there is a machine that can go a billion times faster than the human brain, then the only thing we can call it is God.' "

Please don't consider that statement lightly. In 2014, I wrote about the international Global Future Congress 2045. The focus of the Congress that year was "a discussion of a new evolutionary strategy for humanity aimed at overcoming the 21st century's civilization challenges. The strategy is based on carrying out two revolutions: spiritual and sci-tech. We believe this is the only way to overcome existing crises." As I wrote then, being a very spiritual-minded Christian myself, I wanted to see if these scientific minds could, in any way, mirror my concept of spirituality and God. That question was answered in the very next statement of the Congress's objective: "A vision will be presented for the spiritual transformation of humanity, and new technologies will be demonstrated which are likely to form the basis of the sci-tech revolution. The Congress will also showcase our Avatar science mega-project, aimed at accelerating the creation of technologies enabling a gradual transition from our biological bodies to an increasingly advanced artificial carrier of the human self."

That should be chilling to any Spirit-filled follower of Christ! There are so many implications here, and these statements were made in the summer of 2013! How far down the road have these "scientific minds" come in developing possible ways to "transform humanity"? Frankly, it's eerily mindful of the "follow the science" mantra we've heard the last couple of years throughout the virus crisis. And we're yet to find out the long-term effects of that "science"! Are we going to see a meeting of the minds between the health scientists and the technology scientists, resulting in our spiritual transformation? It is incumbent upon us, as God's magnificent creation to be mindful of the ethics of these experiments and developments. 

We are already seeing Artificial Intelligence assuming many of our human tasks -- everything from vacuuming to assembling cars. And human dependency on machines has become so celebrated that we hardly recognize the dire implications -- just think about the rush for the latest version of iPhone. Wallace Henley brings up an important consideration: Who is going to design the ethics that go into these machines? What is the spiritual nature of that person? Could there be, at some point, the elimination of the directive inside that machine that says, "Thou shalt not kill"? What if the machine decides that we, the human race, is the problem, and to maximize its utility, we need to be removed? 

That may seem extreme, and highly unlikely, but isn't that a possibility as our society and the world continues to move towards the worship of technology over our reverence for God? Doesn't that make technology an idol, and the machines "little g" gods? And if you think we have advanced beyond the nature of the Israelites who followed pagan gods and sacrificed to false gods; or the Greeks and Romans who worshiped their gods of war and fertility and prosperity... what makes you think this generation isn't capable of worshiping the gods of technology?

Just consider what I discovered when researching the likelihood that Technology has become a god. I asked the question, "Is there a god who could be considered the god of Technology" and found a website that posed that very question. Here are some of the answers ... One young woman, who called herself a practitioner of witchcraft, stated the god Ogun's domain was technology; everything from teaching birds how to build nests to teaching humans about computers.  Then there was this interesting opinion: a woman who identified herself as a sorceress and consort of another foreign god, who stated that she ascribed to the belief that society creates new gods to control the forces of new things. "So perhaps Tesla can be considered the god of Technology. Or perhaps Technology itself is an entity deified by our reliance on it". [I'm sure she has no idea how close she is to the truth]. And finally, there was the opinion of a practicing witch and Norse polytheist: "Perhaps Hermes? As the messenger of the Olympian gods, he was tasked with the transmission of messages from god to god. Nothing does that task better than instant messaging and social media". 

Can you see how easy it will be for the masses who do not know our Sovereign Lord to fall into idol worship? As Scripture says, in Psalm 115:4-8, Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see. They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell. They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk; and they do not make a sound in their throat. Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them. The Bible tells us that the ancient people created and treated these idols as real beings. Haven't we done the same with Siri and Alexa? 

This is a very serious subject matter that the Body of Christ needs to address! Yes, we are to concentrate on sharing and spreading the Gospels of Salvation and the Kingdom of God, but this is an invention that we have allowed to develop [and have become dependent upon ourselves] that threatens to rule us -- or at least become a weapon in the hands of the Anti-Christ to control us physically, emotionally, and destroy our spirituality and relationship with God. As part of my final comments in that 2014 blog post, I wrote that a pivotal objective of the Avatar project of the Global Future Congress 2045 was to become "a positive contribution to building the world as it should be". Not, mind you, as our God would will it, but as these Godless men and women would design it. Their goal was then -- and is now -- to bring new earthly innovations to a science lab near you! We must not be naive Christians to the influence that science and technology have on our society, and, as Spirit-filled Christians and ambassadors of God's Kingdom, be naive of the plans to make AI the object of our worship. We must not let our guard down. And we must acknowledge the One True God in all our ways!

Habakkuk 2:18   What profit is the carved image when its maker has formed it? It is only a cast image, and a teacher of lies. For its maker trusts in his own creation [as his god] when he makes speechless idols.

October 22, 2021

The Transhumanist Agenda: A Very Real Threat To Our Eternal Destiny!


I have so many points I'm discerning the Holy Spirit wants to make, that I don't even know where to begin! This is a topic that I'm pretty certain the mainstream Church is not even cognizant of; and those Christians who think the answer lies in politics or the next Great Awakening are not even considering. It will be labeled as conspiracy or radical, and most likely ignored. But my spirit is screaming that we do so at the risk of humanity's demise!

There are so many angles that I need to approach in sharing the revelations I am receiving that I want to make sure I present it in a coherent manner. I guess the best place to start is with Jesus's statement about what the End Times will look like: For the coming of the Son of Man (the Messiah) will be just like the days of Noah. If you don't know what those days represent, then I first suggest you read Genesis 6 in the Bible, and then you can read a blog post I wrote in 2014 that puts it in perspective for today. In 2014 my spirit was just receiving the revelation of a philosophical movement known as transhumanism, and the implications for our lives here on earth and for eternity. 

In February of 2014, I had just become aware of an organization called the International Global Future Congress 2045 and the meeting they had held the summer before. At the time, the website for GF2045 stated that their focus was "a discussion of a new evolutionary strategy for humanity aimed at overcoming the 21st century’s civilization challenges. The strategy is based on carrying out two revolutions: spiritual and sci-tech. We believe this is the only way to overcome existing crises." My spirit was immediately triggered by the words "evolutionary strategy" and wondered how God fit into this scenario. The website was quick to answer that question: "At the congress, a vision will be presented for the spiritual transformation of humanity, and new technologies will be demonstrated which are likely to form the basis of the sci-tech revolution. The congress will also showcase our Avatar science mega-project, aimed at accelerating the creation of technologies enabling a gradual transition from our biological bodies to an increasingly advanced artificial carrier of the human self."

That's a "scientific" way of saying that we would be transitioned from being made in the image of God to an "artificial carrier" of His original design. If there is anything you can point to that Satan would be involved in, it would be artificial, counterfeit, and corrupted. And if your own spirit hasn't started to sound off warning bells, consider this statement: "The main science mega-project of the 2045 Initiative aims to create technologies enabling the transfer of an individual’s personality to a more advanced non-biological carrier, and extending life, including to the point of immortality. We devote particular attention to enabling the fullest possible dialogue between the world’s major spiritual traditions, science and society."  Need anymore convincing that mankind has finally arrived at that point in history that Jesus prophesied?

Just as Satan's dark angels attempted to change the DNA of man from God's design to a perverted version of a fallen angel/human hybrid, [as disclosed in Genesis 6], it seems that Satan has come up with a new plan, and enlisted the help of some of the most brilliant scientific and technological minds of our age. Satan's goal has always been to usurp man's authority on the earth. Having spoiled his own destiny in Heaven through his arrogance and pride, and finding himself exiled to earth, he thought at least he could establish and rule his own kingdom down here without any interference from God. But he didn't count on God creating Adam in His image and giving humans the position of ruling the earth. So he hatched his plot to tempt and ensnare Adam and Eve to rebel against God, thereby wresting their dominion and authority to rule the earth away from them. And he influenced the "Watchers" to leave their heavenly abode and mate with human women, in the hopes of evolving a new species of being that could depose God's divine order of creation.

Fast forward to 2021. An article by Joe Allen at thefederalist.com, points out that there was a conference of transhumanists held last weekend in Madrid, Spain. It wasn't hard to denote its kinship to the Global Future Congress 2045. This article posited that TransVision 2021 promoted the tech theology "that there is no God but the future Computer God. They believe neuroprosthetics will allow communion with this artificial deity. They believe robot companions should be normalized. They believe longevity tech will confer approximate immortality. They believe virtual reality provides a life worth living. Above all, they believe the Singularity is near." And if you are unfamiliar with that term, let me put it in layman's terms ... "The Singularity" is the belief system that humans will transcend their God-given biology to merge with machines. God help us!

The founder of this theory, Ray Kurzweil [former Google engineer], has this to say about the Singularity: it is "a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed. The Singularity will represent the culmination of the merger of our biological thinking and existence with our technology, resulting in a world that is still human but that transcends our biological roots. There will be no distinction, post-singularity, between human and machine nor between physical and virtual reality." Notice that there is no mention of the human spirit. His predictions are summed up with this chilling statement: Human life will be irreversibly transformed.

So, here is what I am fervently praying for the Body of Christ to understand -- you may not see the similarity between the narrative in Genesis 6 and what the Global Future Congress 2045 and TransVision 2021 are promoting, but they are the same agenda! Satan lost his battle to keep man from being Saved by Jesus's act of going to the Cross. And that cost him his hope of complete sovereignty and dominion over the earth. Jesus defied Death, and His resurrection is now our promise that we not only don't have to submit to the rulership of Satan on the earth during this lifetime, but it is the promise of our victory in the next life; a new spiritual life with Jesus; ruling and reigning for all eternity.

But Satan isn't giving up that easy! His ploy to use corrupted DNA [to keep Jesus from being the perfect atonement for our sins] may have failed, but now he's got a plan that could deny us eternal life. If the human race decides to exchange our spiritual and eternal inheritance in Heaven for technological immortality here on earth, then God will no longer recognize us as His son or daughter. Those who lead us down that path despise God and our relationship with the One who created us in His image. [Sounds a lot like the mindset of Satan when he tempted Adam and Eve, doesn't it]? They suggest that we can live forever without God, and in turn "become our own gods" through enhanced cyber intelligence. But the results of that wicked endeavor will be no different from "as it was in the days of Noah".

Just as God sent The Flood to wipe out the evil plans of the dark angels to corrupt the biology of His creation, so will He stop this perverted assault on our biological design in the 21st Century. The Body of Christ is waking up to the covert efforts to transform us into something we were never meant to be. We recognize that Science has not replaced God. But there are still far too many Christians who will allow the spirit of fear to coerce them into a decision that will bear grave consequences for their eternal future. The advancements in Neuroengineering, Brain-Computer interfaces, and Cypernetic immortality are truly terrifying! And I honestly don't know for how much longer we will have the liberty of making a free-will choice. But for me, I will pass on the new bio-technology, and wait for Jesus's return. I choose eternal life in my glorified body. The last thing I want to hear my Lord and Savior say is, "I don't recognize you!"

Isaiah 43:10-11     ".... Before Me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after Me.  I, I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Savior."




September 4, 2021

The New Religion of Artificial Intelligence

You may think I am just being clever with the title of this blog post. But there is an actual church dedicated to “the realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software.” This church is called Way Of The Future. As ludicrous as this sounds, it is real! None other than Tesla founder and technology guru, Elon Musk, warned in 2017 that there are developers of digital super-intelligence that have plans to create a new religion centered on a "divine AI god". 

The man behind the Way Of The Future artificial intelligence church (WOTF), is Anthony Levandowski, the man who engineered the self-driving car. Although his reputation has been under fire amid allegations of pirating industry secrets, Levandowski leads the way among this generation's godless in promoting the divine attributes of Artificial Intelligence. Just consider this statement in a 2017 article on the Wired website: “What is going to be created will effectively be a god ... It’s not a god in the sense that it makes lightning or causes hurricanes. But if there is something a billion times smarter than the smartest human, what else are you going to call it?” Try calling it God, with a capital "G".

But to emphasize that humankind is still falling for the same old lie that deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden -- namely, that we don't need God -- the self-appointed "Dean" of the Way Of The Future Church goes on to say, “Humans are in charge of the planet because we are smarter than other animals and are able to build tools and apply rules. In the future, if something is much, much smarter, there’s going to be a transition as to who is actually in charge. What we want is the peaceful, serene transition of control of the planet from humans to whatever. And to ensure that the ‘whatever’ knows who helped it get along.”

No, Mr. Levandowski, humans were designed to be in charge of the planet by their Creator; to govern the earth as He governs Heaven. The ultimate control of the planet is in the hands of this One True God of the Universe, YHWH. But because there are humans who refuse to acknowledge His sovereignty, they bow down to whatever they create to be their little "g" god; whether it be Science, Politics, Money, or Artificial Intelligence. This philosophy plays into the hands of the devil, who seeks to overthrow the true God's dominion over man and the earth, and become the "whatever" of godless men's souls. Also, this philosophy is nothing new. What has become known as the idea of "Singularity" has been promoted ever since man discovered the capabilities of technology.

My research takes the understanding of the possibility of Singularity back to John von Neumann, one of the WWII German scientists recruited to work on the Manhattan Project, who commented [and warned] on the "accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue." In other words, as fast as AI is advancing, there could be a very real danger of human extinction. This "singularity" where men and machines become one, with the machine being in control, has been predicted by modern technology engineers to occur between 2030 and 2050.

But this idea that AI could become a god is especially heinous and abominable. Consider what was written by John Brandon in a 2017 article on the VentureBeat website: "In the next 25 years, AI will evolve to the point where it will know more on an intellectual level than any human. In the next 50 or 100 years, an AI might know more than the entire population of the planet put together. At that point, there are serious questions to ask about whether this AI — which could design and program additional AI programs all on its own, read data from an almost infinite number of data sources, and control almost every connected device on the planet — will somehow rise in status to become more like a god, something that can write its own bible and draw humans to worship it" [my emphasis].

Think it's not possible? In this same VentureBeat article, an expert named Vince Lynch [who builds custom AI] likened Artificial Intelligence to organized religion. In the Bible used by Christians, for example, Lynch says there are many recurring themes, imagery, and metaphors. “Teaching humans about religious education is similar to the way we teach knowledge to machines: repetition of many examples that are versions of a concept you want the machine to learn,” he says. “There is also commonality between AI and religion in the hierarchical structure of knowledge understanding found in neural networks. The concept of teaching a machine to learn … and then teaching it to teach … (or write AI) isn’t so different from the concept of a holy trinity or a being achieving enlightenment after many lessons learned with varying levels of success and failure.”

The article goes on ... Indeed, Lynch even shared a simple AI model to make his point. If you type in multiple verses from the Christian Bible, you can have the AI write a new verse that seems eerily similar. Here’s one an AI wrote: “And let thy companies deliver thee; but [I] will with mine own arm save them: even unto this land, from the kingdom of heaven.” An AI that is all-powerful in the next 25-50 years could decide to write a similar AI bible for humans to follow, one that matches its own collective intelligence. It might tell you what to do each day, or where to travel, or how to live your life.

Again ... do you doubt that this can actually happen? The generation that is now approaching 30 has been surrounded by technology since birth. It's all they know! They've had a cell phone in their hands from nearly day one! From watching videos as children to receiving their news of the world today, they have been subjected to technology as their primary source of information. As crazy as it sounds, those within the digital and AI services community refer to the Bible as "a large data asset pertaining to God in the Old and New Testaments". It is proposed that AI could build algorithms based on the Christian Bible to then communicate what "God might do or say" ... but what "God" would it be promoting?

Granted, there are experts in the field that doubt AI could ever build compassion or the equivalent of a "spirit" as part of its process or operation -- both of which are essential to real faith. The reality of a machine being able to create a divine nature is certainly grounds for skepticism. But could humanity decide to "worship" it, nonetheless? Don't we already? How many people trust and obey their GPS, or ask Alexa for advice? How many of you have had conversations with your children or grandchildren in which they implicitly declare a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, and impartation of information they have received from their cell phone? Could we go a day, a week, a month or [gasp] forever without our cell phones or computers? 

And when you consider that we now willingly implant technology within our bodies, I discern that we must take Elon Musk's statement that "humans will deepen our ties with technology even further, to the point where we become cyborgs, as a way of upgrading our inherent natural abilities". Where does he think those "inherent abilities" came from? And the audacity of the created to think they can upgrade the Creator's divine design! So while, on one hand, Mr. Musk warns of an AI god; on the other hand, he proclaims that "the future of humanity depends on us merging with machines" -- hence his venture into his new company, Neuralink. [See my post on this related subject here]. 

All of these prognostications and warnings all come back to the same idea -- the interconnectivity of man and technology. Will man's desire to be like YWHW, to know as He knows, to create as He creates, be the downfall of mankind? Will we repeat the same mistakes of judgment that took place in the Garden and at the tower of Babel? Will we abandon our true faith to idolize, follow, and worship the false gods of technology and AI, just as the Israelites abandoned YHWH? If, as obedient followers of Jesus Christ, if we are not careful to safeguard and teach God's Truth to this and future generations, then I'm afraid the answers to the above questions are "Yes". And God will not interfere with our free will. 

I appreciate the warnings of men like Elon Musk and the late Stephen Hawkings, that AI is dangerous to the future of humans. But, ultimately, it is our responsibility as the Ekklesia of Heaven on earth to declare the Truth and speak out against the lies. We have an Enemy that is exploiting and corrupting our God-given intelligence; encouraging mankind to be complicit in his plans to build a superhuman controlling power -- plans that could ultimately lead to the extinction of all who do not pledge their loyalty to YHWH. In this case, I advise us to consider the words of the duplicitous Mr. Musk: "With Artificial Intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like, yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out". 

But for those of us whose minds, hearts, and spirits remain firmly fastened to Christ, I solemnly urge you to be cognizant of where we are headed in this age of technology. It will be up to us to declare the Sovereignty of our true Lord and Master. We will find ourselves battling upstream against the culture, but the destiny of future generations depends on us. While it may seem unlikely that humans could ever get so far off base as to worship a cold and impersonal machine, if we are honest with ourselves, we are further down that road than we care to admit. We must take a stand for God and His Divine Truth! The history of mankind has proven that when we stray from Him, we further the devil's plans and strategies. As the old saying goes, "if we don't stand for something, we will fall for anything". And our "something" is none other than Almighty God, Maker of Heaven and earth, and all things visible and invisible! He is above all; from whom all things came and for whom we exist! We praise and worship Him only!

Psalm 135:18     Those deaf to God can only make a deaf image. Dead men can only create dead idols. And everyone who trusts in these powerless, dead things will be just like what they worship—powerless and dead!




August 10, 2021

Are Christianity and Science Compatible?

As I've delved into the ancient history of civilizations and cultures, there is none that fascinates me more than the founding of this great nation. From the time I was about nine-years-old, I inhaled every history book I could get my hands on. I loved learning about the Pilgrims and their flight from religious persecution to come to the New World where they could freely worship their Christian faith without "state" interference. I often wished I could have lived in colonial times, and in my childhood innocence, I dreamed of what it would have been like to have grown up during the American War for Independence. I loved the stories about early American heroes, pioneers, and adventurers -- Benjamin Franklin, Abigail Adams, Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark. 

I appreciated the freedom our nation offered to worship as we wished, while applauding the inventive and scientific minds of our young nation. I truly thought that faith and science could co-exist in harmony and mutual respect in this land of opportunity. Sadly, I'm also feeling like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz when Toto pulls back the curtain and she realizes everything she's heard about the magical land of Oz is tarnished. Mind you, I still count my blessings that God chose to send my spirit to live in this country. In the history of nations and empires, no other country has come the closest to allowing men and women to have dominion over their lives. Ideally, we would have transferred that idea of "dominion" into God's plan for us to take dominion [authority] for His Kingdom on earth. That's still my goal [and a reality] but I am also seeing how, from the beginning of this Republic we call the United States, the Enemy has been undermining our founding principles and there is an alternative history that has been running commensurate with our idealistic narrative. Let me share that undercurrent, which has been existing in the shadows throughout our history and is now ready to stake its claim on our future.

In a fascinating article titled Christianity, Science, and the Enlightenment, a group of authors contributed this concept: "The 17th Century was the moment when opposition to Christianity's cultural authority came to be located, not so much among scientists, but among intellectuals who championed science as an alternative to Christianity." Here's how those anti-Christian intellectuals saw it ... the Bible could not adequately explain the causes of the world's natural phenomena. Therefore it was claimed that Christian intellectuals were not connected to reality. But Christian authorities did themselves no favor by declaring that many of the "scientists" of the day were heretics. It also didn't help the relationship between Christianity and Science that Church authorities asserted that faith transcended any scientific reality. 

And that brings us to one of our most fascinating Founding Fathers and the beginning of a cultural clash in America between Christianity and Science. As schoolchildren, we have all been taught about Ben Franklin's experiment using a key and a kite during a lightning storm to prove the existence of electricity and its properties. At that time in our nation's religious conscience the events of a storm, with angry clouds and lightning, were often considered to be representative of God's wrath; a judgment against unrighteous living. Franklin didn't see it that way.  He saw the need to protect homes from the devastating consequences of a lightning strike and set about trying to figure out the causes of this natural phenomena, which led to his invention of the lightning rod. In fact, he wrote a letter to the provincial governor of New York, stating, "It has pleased God in His goodness to Mankind, at length to discover [to them] the means of securing their habitations and other buildings from mischief by thunder and lightning". Obviously, Franklin found no conflict between God or Science. But then, just as now, the religious spirit which was alive and well in the colonies, found many inhabitants who objected to the invention of the lightning rod on the grounds that it was subverting God's will!

Franklin's discovery concerning electricity, and his subsequent invention, brought him to the attention of the Royal Society of London, founded in 1660 by King Charles 11. And this is where we begin to see the conflict between Christianity/Religion and Science. The official title of this organization was "The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge", and their primary charge was to study and disseminate scientific understanding of the world. Founded by Freemasons, its Fellows have included some of the most preeminent figures in history, including: King George IV; Sir Isaac Newton; Sir Winston Churchill; the philosopher Voltaire; scientists Benjamin Franklin and Erasmus Darwin (grandfather of Charles); James Watt, Scottish mechanical engineer who invented the steam engine and brought about the Industrial Revolution; Edward Jenner, a physician who developed the smallpox vaccination; Sir Alexander Fleming, bacteriologist who discovered penicillin; and Enrico Fermi, an Italian nuclear physicist who became part of the Manhattan Project, which was responsible for developing the atomic bomb.

By now, I hope you are seeing where history is taking us. The Royal Society of London is closely associated with the period of history called "The Enlightenment". The website, British Literature Wiki, says, "The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, began in Europe in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Its purpose was to challenge ideas based on faith and without scientific merit." One of the most influential men of The Enlightenment [and a President of the Royal Society] was Sir Isaac Newton. Described as a mathematician, astronomer, and physicist, Newton also discovered calculus, the fundamentals of optics, his famous law of gravity, and three basic laws of motion. He was definitely a scientist. But he also identified as a naturalist [the philosophy that everything can be explained by natural laws and forces without reference to the supernatural, aka God]. Sir Isaac was also deeply religious, and wrote this stunning statement: "The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an Intelligent Being ... This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all ... The Supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, and absolutely perfect". Sounds like a devout Christian, right? Newton was also a Freemason, and here is where his world (our ours) of science and religion collide.

According to the website, Answers In Genesis, "Few people know that Newton spent much more time researching and writing on theology than science. Most of his time was consumed with harmonizing biblical history and the chronology of other ancient peoples, as well as attempting to decode biblical prophecy." In the Enlightenment, these "men of reason" were attempting to rescue the "true knowledge" and "pure religion" from what they saw as a corrupted and perverted theology. Like many men of this era, Newton was a complex man. But if you haven't already, I would urge you to read my previous post, How God's Sacred Knowledge Got Corrupted. There you will see that from the beginning of mankind, there has been a struggle between two opposing forces, both claiming that they possessed "true Knowledge" and "true Faith". Both claim Adam as their ancestral father, and both claim they have the "sacred Knowledge" that God deposited in the Tree of Knowledge. 

But we can clearly see how that knowledge has been used for both good and evil. I believe that God created the sciences, which He hoped to share with mankind for their betterment -- in His time and His ordained ways. If man had followed His commandment not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge on his own, but wait on the Lord, then can we presume that man would have always credited God with being the provider of all things good? Don't you think God had determined from the beginning that He would give man what he needed to survive in the world and to progress in understanding and knowledge as He led us in righteous growth and development? Instead, man fell for Satan's lie that he could become his own god, which has led to that sacred knowledge becoming corrupted and exploited. Evil forces have mixed and blended faith and science, and unfortunately there have been times when science has dethroned faith. One only needs to think on the Nazi Holocaust and the evil medical experiments on prisoners, conducted by Dr. Josef Mengele, or the Tuskegee experiments and Agent Orange experiments, to see how supernatural forces can distort and subvert what God meant for good. Understanding in the science of the human body has led to good ... penicillin, for instance; the study of vitamins and minerals in proper nutrition and health; and the study of the human anatomy has taught us how muscles and movement affect our overall health. 

Because of disparate views of if -- and how -- God intervened in the natural world, there soon became a split between Christianity and Science. They began in harmony with both positions seeing the world as "a mirror of God's greatness", and Christian intellectuals actually embraced the new knowledge and sought to celebrate science as proof of the truth of Christianity. But Christianity and Science soon took divergent paths. As scientific investigation advanced, Christian intellectuals credited everything as the result of a Divine hand -- from spider webs to the law of gravity to human emotions. Everything was argued as evidence for the existence of the Christian God. But these Christian thinkers rarely advanced to the upper echelons of state churches, and there soon came a new belief system known as Deism. The definition of Deism will show its profound influence on how Christianity and Science began their moves away from each other. 

Deism is defined as 1) A religious belief holding that God created the universe and established rationally comprehensible moral and natural laws, but does not intervene in human affairs through miracles or supernatural revelation; 2) The doctrine that God is distinct, and separated from the world; and 3) Belief in the existence of a personal God, accompanied with the denial of revelation and of the authority of the Christian church. You can see how this belief system could give men permission to pursue Science apart from the influence of Christianity and faith. Matthew Tindal, a major Deist figure in the 17th and 18th centuries, and a Freemason, stated that "All that was right and moral in Christianity might be reasoned from the laws of nature without recourse to Scripture and the fabulous stories it contained." 

Now, keeping in mind that the Royal Society of London, one of the foremost promoters of intellectual Science in the world (even today), was founded by Freemasons, I refer to my post from yesterday, Gnosticism, Freemasonry, Moral Relativism, and the Modern Church. In that article I made the following statement, which should begin to tie up the loose ends of the compatibility of Christianity and Science ... "The modern era of Freemasonry became popular in the 18th century, and coincided with the birth of modern science which began to separate itself from religion. This new effect of science on Christianity resulted in a theology that began to reject and deny the literal truth of the Bible in favor of one that became infected with allegorical interpretations. [This created a huge schism between literal and interpretative translations of the Bible]." So, here we see that both Christianity and Science became infected with belief systems that were corrupted from God's original plan.

Ben Franklin, both a Deist and a member of the Royal Society of London, most definitely played an important role in advancing the split between Christianity and Science in the early days of our nation. While we have, for the most part, maintained our identity as a Christian nation, we can see the influence of decidedly non-Christian forces in our laws that seek to minimize Christianity in favor of a humanistic and scientific worldview. It has become vastly apparent in these last view years. So, are Christianity and Science compatible? I guess that depends on your view of God, and if He reigns supreme in your heart and mind. Where we are headed as a nation and in the world does not look promising at the moment. But I am one who waits on the Lord and trusts Him to see His will done on earth as it is in Heaven. That does not mean He will swoop in and rescue us from all the tragedies that come when mankind places his authority over the sovereignty of the Most High God. He has shown in His Word that He will not suffer disobedience and rebellion forever. Those who place their scientific authority above His will and purpose will soon come to know the fallacy of their pride. They who believe that our faith is merely filled with "romances void of possibility"; who worship "a hero composed of qualities impossible to define"; and whose Name "is only a vague word", will find that all that they have invented by the power of their own minds will soon be burned up in His Divine wrath. As it stands now, I am afraid Christianity and Science do not have much in common. Let us continue to pray that brilliant minds turn back to the Creator. The survival of millions who put their faith in mankind depends on it. 

For a deeper analysis on this fascinating subject, read the entire article, Christianity, Science, and the Enlightenment. 

 Ecclesiastes 8:17     Then I saw all the work of God, that man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun. However much man may toil in seeking, he will not find it out. Even though a wise man claims to know, he cannot find it out. 



June 7, 2021

Chimera Concern Revisited

If your spirit is on alert, you are probably seeing the word "chimera" tossed around in the media reporting on the latest scientific marvels.  What exactly is a chimera? It is an organism, organ, or part consisting of two or more tissues of different genetic composition, produced as a result of organ transplant, grafting, or genetic engineering. Do I have your attention now? And you may have read a recent headline in the New York Post that said, "Scientists create first human-monkey embryo in controversial experiment". Researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California have conducted a controversial experiment that entails growing human stem cells within a macaque monkey embryo, in effect, trying to create a human-monkey hybrid. In the lab, these embryos are called monkey-human chimeras, and created in a petri dish — in other words, in vitro fertilization (IVF). The embryos were monitored during a 20-day period and have since been destroyed. But exactly why are these experiments being conducted?

Well, the scientific and medical community will tell you, "Ultimately, we conduct these studies to understand and improve human health." In fact, according to the article in the NY Post, lead researcher, Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, went on to say, "These chimeric approaches could be really very useful for advancing biomedical research not just at the very earliest stage of life, but also the latest stage of life." Hmmm, let's see, why would scientists want to engineer research on the very young and the very old? Population control perhaps? 

And that takes me to a blog post that I wrote in 2014 at the height of the Ebola scare. The title of that blog post was The New Chimera: Ebola & Genetically Engineered Vaccines. Is what I'm considering coming into sharper focus yet? Let me recreate some of what I wrote seven years ago and see if you recognize anything familiar .... I wrote the following:  As I sat yesterday afternoon, watching Congress's House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations grill the top federal health professionals on our Ebola crisis, my Biblical worldview helped me to quickly see through the subterfuge.  Doctors and officials from the foremost government agencies all appeared -- the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS); Homeland Security; Texas Health Resources; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and the National Institute of Health (NIH) -- supposedly to answer the cares and concerns of our elected representatives.  Naturally, we would hope that these politicians truly represented the interests of the American people.

If you just listened to the hearing through the lens of "how to better protect Americans", you might think that these bureaucratic organizations are centered on limiting the spread of Ebola.  You would have heard lots of talk about travel restrictions, travel bans, and quarantines.  But if you listened closer, as one who "has ears to hear", you would have picked up on the testimony of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is the head of the National Institute of Health.  

He referred to the NIH's Phase I early-stage human clinical trials of an Ebola vaccine on healthy volunteers at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.  (Does it bother you that the military is always the guinea pig?  But, I digress).  The NIHs own press release revealed that "the investigational vaccine is based on a recombinant type of chimpanzee “cold” virus, called chimp adenovirus type 3 (ChAd3)."  Exactly what does this mean, and how does it relate to "The Days of Noah"? 

First of all, if you have been a reader of my blog, then you know that I have a different slant on Chapter 6, verse 4, of Genesis.  For your enlightenment, here is a quick synopsis: I believe this controversial passage of Scripture happened just as the Bible records, and tells us of Satan's attempt to pollute the human genome into something that no longer resembled "the image of God".  The Scripture reads, "In those days, giants lived on the earth and also afterward, when divine beings and human daughters had sexual relations and gave birth to children (the Nephilim). These were the ancient heroes, men of reknown."  From this verse, it is my discernment that the ancient heroes were what we consider the mythological demigods, such as the Titans and the Olympians; and included such superstars as Zeus, Apollo, Cronus, Atlas and Prometheus.  They were genetically part Fallen Angel, and part human.

 At the same time, all the mythological creatures that we think of as folk tales or legend -- hybrid creatures, known as Chimeras, appeared as mintaurs, satyrs or centaurs, among others -- and are the result of the same kind of genetic manipulation.  We think of them as myths, but every culture contains ancient stories of them, and their images have been seen on countless archeological findings.  This kind of Fallen Angel-technology has been known since the "days of Noah", and the knowledge is once again  being revived. [Think how much further they've come in the last seven years!]

So, how did I make the connection between a disputed Bible verse and that crisis with Ebola? To see the relationship, one must consider Jesus's warning to us before His death and resurrection.  When asked by His disciples when He would return, He answered, "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah...".  In the days of Noah, God saw how wicked man had become and how the inclination of the thoughts of the human heart had become evil. Obviously, Jesus knew this kind of evil behavior would occur again.

At the time [in 2014], I contended that the Ebola event, just as "in the days of Noah", could be an example for such wickedness.  Consider this: As stated, the NIH's investigational vaccine was based on a recombinant chimpanzee virus.  It is my understanding that recombinant DNA is "DNA molecules that are extracted from different sources and chemically joined together; for example DNA comprising an animal gene may be recombined with DNA from a bacterium", producing a new genetic combination -- in this case, Ebola. Fortunately, the world did not see the feared epidemic of Ebola that some scientists prophesied. But now, in 2021 we once again see experimental vaccines at the center of what has turned out to be a pandemic of Covid-19. And we have seen extraordinary numbers of those at "the latest stage of life" die; the very ones that scientist Belmonte claims could benefit from such "advancing biomedical research".

During those Congressional hearings in 2014, it was hard not to perceive the excitement with which Dr. Fauci talked about the Phase I experiment.  "If we don't contain [Ebola}, we may well need a vaccine." Looks like he got his wish in 2020 and 2021. Back in 2014, he was quick to sing the praises of the possible vaccine for Ebola.  "Contracts need to move forward as quickly as possible... We need to expand production and get rapid approval from the FDA ... The ultimate goal is to expand into Africa; if successful after Phase I, we will expand into larger trials in West Africa."

 Of course, then it all sounded like good humanitarian policy, [and probably still does in 2021] until you consider that there are other Biblical prophecies that come into play ... the death of 1/4 of the world's population ... pestilence and plague ... and who is to say that Satan can't work on multiple levels?  And one cannot ignore the Apostle Paul's warning against the evil deeds of men and their use of "sorcery".  It is important to understand that, in the Greek, this word is rendered pharmakeia, (where our word, pharmaceuticals comes from) and Strong's Concordance has established that it means, "the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers."  The word's primary reference was to drugs, and to those who employed them for whatever reason (in this case: for godless purposes). 

At the time, I just couldn't reconcile the contradictory statements by influential health officials.  On one hand, Dr. Frieden, of the CDC, proclaimed that there was no need to worry; that Ebola had very little likelihood of spreading to the general population; and that they were quite capable of controlling it.  On the other hand, Dr. Fauci called for government funding to rapidly advance the production of a vaccine, in preparation for the possibility of "a raging epidemic."  Keep us docile and discourage vigilance ... while planning for mass vaccinations ... and with a drug that introduced non-human genes into our bodies.  As a Christian, that just didn't work for me.... and it still doesn't!

So, in summarizing, I know that there will be those who do not see either of these situations as I do.  I respect our differences of opinion, because I know that vaccines have become a lightning rod issue. I want to state I am not against vaccines. It is a personal decision of each person whether to receive any type of vaccine or not. But I honestly have to ask, Is there a possibility that we actually possess a "God gene", as molecular geneticist Dean Hamer claims?  Indeed, Paul tells the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 15:39) that "Not all flesh is the same: People have one kind of flesh, animals have another...".  So when he says just a few verses later, "flesh and blood cannot [become partakers of eternal salvation and] inherit or share in the kingdom of God;", he is telling us that at some point, if we combine our DNA with a different kind of flesh, God will no longer recognize us as worthy of salvation.  And didn't Satan show us "in the days of Noah", that it is his game plan to pollute or corrupt that perfect DNA to claim us as his own? 

Keep that in mind as I share the remarks of professor Julian Savulescu, director of the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, who disagrees with the Salk Institute’s approach, and recently told the BBC that this monkey-human embryo experiment “opens Pandora’s box to human-nonhuman chimeras.” He went on to say, "These embryos were destroyed at 20 days of development, but it is only a matter of time before human-nonhuman chimeras are successfully developed, perhaps as a source of organs for humans.” If that occurs, we will no longer be able to say that humans are made in the divine image of God. Dr. Anna Smajdor, ethics specialist at the University of East Anglia’s Norwich Medical School, has this opinion to offer: the scientists behind this research state that these chimeric embryos offer new opportunities,” because such experiments cannot be performed on humans, Smajdor told the BBC. “But whether these embryos are human or not is open to question.” Lord, deliver us from this evil!

 1 Thessalonians 3:23    Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May 8, 2021

Science and Technology: Forging A Path For The False Messiah? - Part 2

In the last post, I presented my theory that our culture's fascination with Science and Technology could be a possible path to deceiving the world [and the faithful in Christ] to receiving the False Messiah as the Second Coming of Jesus. That might seem an extraordinary stretch, but let me show you one of the ways that I believe Satan's plan may already have been set in motion.

Medical Science has been working hand-in-hand with Technology for nearly half a century to replicate God's divine creation of the human species. The first human eggs were fertilized in 1965, and the first live birth through the new medical procedure known as In Vitro Fertilization occurred in 1978. It's been 40 years since that baby, Louise Brown, was born and it is estimated that over 8 million babies have been born into the world via IVF. And just think how much science has advanced in those last 43 years!

Then take into account the scientific world's interest in the science of reproductive cloning. In an article at Scientific American, a laboratory at Advanced Cell Technology reported their success at cloning early-stage human embryos. Although they are pursuing cloning for "therapeutic reasons", they also report that other laboratories are experimenting with cloning whole human beings! But this is nothing new! In 1998, South Korean scientists claimed to have successfully cloned a human embryo, and in 2002, Clonaid, part of a religious group that believes humans were created by extraterrestrials, announced the birth of the first cloned human -- although they never provided evidence of the live birth. It is not inconceivable that the idea of cloning humans may have been at the heart of the diabolical genetic experiments performed by Hitler's star medical doctor, Dr. Josef Mengele, at the Auschwitz death camp. 

I present this information from the scientific medical community as a preface to Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh's theory about how the world could be deceived by a False Messiah. In her book, Beguiled: Eden to Armageddon, she sets up her theory by saying, "Understanding our DNA and how we replicate to sustain life makes it easier to understand how cloning occurs... Underground researchers, since even before Hitler, have had a technological understanding on how to clone. Cloning is simply just adding DNA from a cell of an already existing person, either dead or alive, to a woman's egg whose nucleus has been totally removed. The egg is electrified and reinserted, through the same procedures as those of in vitro fertilization, into a woman's womb. where in nine months it will grow into an exact duplicate of the host from which it was taken. This means a mere cell from a living or deceased being can be brought back to life as cloned flesh".

Let that sink in a moment. What would be the best way to deceive even the Elect if you wanted to reveal a False Messiah? Why, reproduce a clone of Jesus Christ, Himself, right? But how could that happen? Jesus has been dead for 2000 years! Where would scientists be able to get his DNA to clone Him? Ever hear of the Shroud of Turin? Ahhhhh .... I can see some of you beginning to think I'm not just presenting some crazy conspiracy theory. Dr. Pugh provides so much research regarding Jesus's burial shroud and its history through the ages. It is a fascinating read and reveals how the scientific community has waded through centuries of doubt to come to the conclusion that the shroud is authentic. In fact, she reports, "every wound portrayed on the shroud exactly matches those detailed in Scripture, which Jesus suffered immediately before and during His crucifixion. The image clearly shows a man, who in some form of an unknown type of cool radiation burst, transparently went through this cloth, leaving a perfect photograph of Himself.... A most unusual finding on the shroud is that its blood has remained a bright red, never fading over time. Such an anomaly is directly due to this blood being enormously filled with bilirubin from induced trauma to the body, making it remain red. Blood flow onto the cloth is consistent with that from a crucified man". 

Although the shroud has been the subject of much speculation through the centuries as to its authenticity, there is so much more revealed in Dr. Pugh's book about the validity of the shroud and the scientific manifestation of pure power and light that left a radiological 3-D image of Jesus on that linen cloth. But I don't want to lose you in the scientific minutiae. It is imperative that I present the possibility of how a False Messiah could present himself as the true Messiah, so that millions will be prepared to uphold his claims. First, its important to understand that the existence of the shroud was recorded by a monk named Leander in 579 AD at a church in Toledo, Spain. Dr. Pugh states it is a historical fact that the shroud was permanently moved to Constantinople. Vatican archives include a comment by Pope Stephen III of Rome [in the 760's AD] about the face and body image of Christ on a cloth that was "divinely transferred". The shroud has been the object of much intrigue among men, and its history reads like a Machiavellian novel. It currently resides in a bullet-proof case in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, in Turin, Italy.

So, let me get to the point. Consider this scenario: Bloodstains from the shroud have been routinely collected and analyzed over many years. In 1978 the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) removed blood residue and found it tested positive for albumin, bilirubin, protein, and hemin . At the rib cage's sixth rib, shroud scientists also discovered blood and a clearer liquid called pericardial fluid had dumped from the man's pleural cavity [aligning with Scripture's account of a spear plunged into Jesus's side]. Along with other medical findings, STURP concluded the shroud is not a hoax or fake. So, based on the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, can you envision the possible scenario: a viable blood  sample could be extracted from the Shroud of Turin in which the DNA of Jesus could be combined with the egg of a virgin and subjected to in vitro fertilization, resulting in a cloned version of Jesus that would be presented to the world as the Second Coming of Christ.

Scripture quotes Revelation 13:11 as saying, I saw another beast coming up out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke like a dragonThis is the only time in the Bible [that I am aware of] where the lamb does not represent Jesus. He looked like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. If scientists can prove that this clone's blood matches perfectly with the blood on the Shroud of Turin, and is identical to the man imprinted on the Shroud, how many people will be deceived into believing "the science"? Furthermore, if prominent religious leaders across the world's religions proclaim their faith in who this man says he is, who would dare to doubt it? Keep in mind that the Vatican is the official owner of the Shroud, so as Dr. Pugh postulates, "No one will be allowed a voice or an ability to take a credible stand against the scientific and religious communities who will be backing the Vatican officials' announcement that this clone is really Jesus".

As evil advances its agenda against the world, millions will be so hungry for the end of wickedness that this clone/icon/image of the returning Christ will be welcomed and worshiped.  As Dr. Pugh states, "It is not hard to imagine that in the near future, discrediting the image of this Jesus as the False Messiah will not be tolerated. And as Scripture tells us, great and deadly opposition will be imposed on anyone not worshiping the Antichrist's image as Messiah or proclaiming him Lord of lords". That's why both the prophet Daniel and the real Messiah, Jesus Christ, tell us that those who are alive and see this false image standing in the temple of God will be encouraged to flee [whether it is a physical Temple of bricks or a man representing himself as the temple of God].  It will truly be an abomination of desolation which YHWH will not tolerate. 

There is so much more I could say about this possibility, and sadly, it is not the only way that Science and Technology could combine forces to deceive the world and even the Elect. Perhaps you have heard of one theory called "Project Blue Beam" which suggests that in principle, the New World Order would make use of the skies as a movie screen for space-based laser-generating satellites to project simultaneous images of Christ to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect. This event would purportedly fulfill the prophecy of Revelation 1:7, which says, Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, including those who pierced Him. All the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him.  It is suggested that this theory deals with the religious aspect of the New World Order and is deception and seduction on a massive scale.

The simple and common practice of subliminal messages is another possibility where technology could be used to suggest to vulnerable minds that a False Messiah is imminent. My husband and I were both watching a popular TV show called "The Good Doctor" one night, and both were aware of a "blip" in the viewing. We looked at each other and said, "Did you see that?" It took more than 30 minutes of rewinding and advancing the program frame-by-frame to catch what was flashed on the screen subliminally. It was an image to send money to St. Jude's Hospital! Think how many people could be reached around the world, in their own languages, with a subliminal image of the False Messiah and the wording, "Be prepared! He will appear next Wednesday!" I know that sounds ludicrous, but that's how easily millions could be deceived into believing that the appearance of a False Messiah is the real deal!

 I know if I presented these various theories to a group of mainstream Christians, I would most likely be laughed at; ridiculed as a crazy, delusional religious nut; or even ostracized and excluded from Christian circles. But I am not writing about these various scenarios to proclaim "this is the way it is going to happen", because none of us know for sure. But what I do know is that Scripture is true when it declares
At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory (Matthew 24:30).  And equal in Truth is the Scripture that says, Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

I do not claim to know how or when the sign of the Son of Man will occur, or how or when the Anti-Christ will appear as the False Messiah to declare himself God. But I know both events will happen because the Spirit of the Lord reveals His Truth through the Word. It is not our job to figure out what all that will look like, but it IS our job to stay awake and be on alert to call out the deception and save souls from falling away. There will be great terror and alarm when those things come upon the earth and as representatives of Christ's Heavenly Kingdom on earth, it is our responsibility to speak wisdom and courage and endurance and faith to people who will need someone to come alongside them and lead the way to victory in Christ. So, do not hide your head in the sand when it comes to seeing the advancements in Science and Technology. Be aware that they can [and are] being used to work with Satanic agents to prepare a Great Deception for all the earth. Be alert to what the prophets of darkness are revealing as their "plans for the future". Look upon everything from the perspective of Heaven. Does it glorify the Creator of this Universe? Or is it instigated for the advancement of man? Look at the fruit. Does it bring us closer to God and does it grow us in His image -- or does it separate us and promote us to become our own god? The time is drawing near for the final clash between the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. Do not be deceived!

1 Thessalonians 5:5-6   For you are all sons of light and sons of day. We do not belong to the night nor to darkness. So then let us not sleep [in spiritual indifference] as the rest [of the world does], but let us keep wide awake [alert and cautious] and let us be sober [self-controlled, calm, and wise].

May 4, 2021

Science and Technology: Forging A Path For the False Messiah? -- Part 1

The title of this blog has been plaguing me for quite a few years -- ever since God began to show me what was behind the curtain of our society's growing interest in artificial intelligence and merging man with machine and other species. I would like to take the time to set up what I think this scenario might look like. And if you are familiar with my blog then you will know that I don't always adhere to the popular explanations that are agreed upon by the masses -- and that includes "following the science", as well as customary interpretations of the Bible. It's not that I do not believe every word of our faith's Holy Book is true. On the contrary, I believe there is so much more Truth in Scripture that is never discerned by the faithful. And I do not know why we have been chosen, but God has seen fit to give me and my husband a hunger to search out these deeper Truths. That hunger is both a blessing and a curse. 

It's a blessing because our spirits know without a doubt when Father reveals an idea or path He wants us to pursue. The unveiling of what had previously been mysterious to us results in such a burst of exultation over the new knowledge He has revealed, that it is uncontainable. But that is where we usually encounter the push-back from the Church and the world. No one, whether Christian or secular, wants to abandon their comfort zones. And if something we present makes them uncomfortable [because it doesn't align with their traditional belief system], well then, it must be false, right? Combine this hunger to pursue more of God's wisdom and plan for the world with our assignment as Watchmen on the Wall, and I'm sure you can see where we receive a lot of unfavorable response. But it will not deter us. And I also believe that if most Christians would be honest with themselves, it frightens them to see what used to be fringe science and technology becoming more mainstream. So, it's easier to refute our message and hang on to their traditions than to see how God may want to move them into position for our End Times battle with Satan and his protégés. 

When God first approached Mark and I through dreams, it was as if we were awakened to a new dimension; like we had stepped through a spiritual portal into a new realm where we were able to see everything we believed through new spiritual eyes. He introduced us, through a series of personal encounters, with people who were able to take us from milk to meat in our walk with Him. We began to hear Him in our spontaneous thoughts and to "accidentally" stumble upon books and podcasts by people who obviously had been given a similar hunger to explore more about the magnificent God we serve. And mind you, everything that came before us was vetted by the Word! Our library of Scripture-inspired books grew; some to be discarded as having an agenda other than to reveal the True God, while others revealed more of the breadth, length, height and depth of God [and His fullness]. Still more were added to the "to read" list. And every once in awhile, God will shine His light on one of those books that has been gathering dust, and we will go in search of it, to find that it is clearly a book to be read in this season. And this blog post is all about one of those books and a startling concept that I believe has found its time to be brought forth.

The book is entitled Beguiled: Eden to Armageddon, and was written by Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh in 2013, with an updated and revised edition released in 2017. I daresay, "Dr. Joye" as she is known, does not fit the stereotype of Biblical researchers, or prophetic voices. But God has a habit of picking unconventional people whom He knows will be obedient to their calling.  And she writes with credible insight of Biblical truths and precepts. So, I'm just going to dive right in to what my spirit discerns is a scientific possibility that we need to be aware of in this season that precedes the Second Coming of Christ.

For years, I have been sounding the alarm on man's fascination with combining science and technology outside God's design of creation. In 2013, I quoted Ray Kurzweil, an American inventor and futurist, who is hellbent on seeing transhumanism realized in our lifetime. This is what he said then: "We can now see inside a living brain and see individual inter-neural connections being formed and firing in real time. We can see your brain create your thoughts and thoughts create your brain. A lot of this research reveals how the mechanism of the neocortex works, which is where we do our thinking. This provides biologically inspired methods that we can emulate in our computers. We’re already doing that. The deep learning technique that I mentioned uses multilayered neural nets that are inspired by how the brain works. Using these biologically inspired models, plus all of the research that’s been done over the decades in artificial intelligence (AI), combined with exponentially expanding hardware, we will achieve human levels within two decades." That was eight years ago, folks, and Kurzweil actually moved up his timeline to 2029, so we are half-way there!

Fast forward to last year, 2020, when Elon Musk, industrial designer/engineer and AI enthusiast, announced on a podcast that his company would be ready to implant a neural link in our brains in less than a year, with "low potential for rejection". Musk also said, "Full AI symbiosis is possible". In case you don't know the definition of symbiosis, it is this: interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both. The radio host's response? "Once we've experienced being a god, who is going to want to go back to being stupid [read that as human]?" Musk seemed to be in agreement, stating, "AI is getting better -- it's a benign scenario now [read as not harmful]. We're already a cyborg to some degree. We interact with our phones and electronic devices, but the data rate is too slow. Right now, we download information at about 100 bits/second (approximately 12.5 bytes). Computers can go 1 million times faster. If you can improve the data rate, you can improve symbiosis between man and machine". (Obviously, that is the goal of his invention). And he says it with such nonchalance!

But I want to return to the idea that man wants to be his own god expressed by that delusional radio host. Hasn't that been the goal of Satan ever since [as Lucifer] his pride convinced him he could usurp the throne of Heaven? And the prophecies of the Bible have been clear that a False Messiah will appear in the End Times. In fact, mankind has been warned for centuries through God's Word that this False Messiah would deceive many "with all power and signs and lying wonders". And Satan has done a great job of intermingling science and religion so that far too many Christians will receive him as the Second Coming of Christ. The acceptance of Evolution by the American National Academy of Sciences and their theory that "the evidence for evolution can be fully compatible with religious faith" has gone a long way to blend the two, and discredit the truth that faith is "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen". Science, on the other hand, always demands evidence. There is no room for the supernatural, and unexplainable power of God in Science. 

 Therefore, because the 20th and 21st Centuries have moved us ever closer to worshiping Science and Technology, it will be easy to fool men and women (even Christians) when the False Messiah appears and his "lying wonders" prove that he is who he claims to be -- the Son of God. How will that be accomplished? I will give you a hint about what will be revealed in Part 2 of this topic... True Believers know the Word of God and they will not easily be deceived because they have not compromised with the world. But the day is coming when this remnant will be ridiculed not only by the world, but by their fellow Christians. The remnant will declare that the False Messiah, who will "stand in the holy place" [the temple], is the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel. But even those who claim to be Christians will believe the lie. How will this creation of Satan be able to fool so many who profess their faith in Jesus? That's where the science and technology of the last 50 years may very well provide the way. Even now, I believe we have reached the point [in man's ability to invent and create] to pull off this deception. If so, we could be closing in on the return of the True Messiah, who will put an end to this wickedness on earth. Tune in for Part 2 on the next blog post.

Mark 13:22    For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will provide signs and wonders in order to deceive, if [such a thing were] possible, even the elect [those God has chosen for Himself].