A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Coming Of Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coming Of Jesus. Show all posts

August 24, 2023

The Different Mysteries Hidden in God Until Paul Revealed Them!

For the last several posts, I have dived into the various mysteries of God and of the Kingdom of Heaven. As we discovered, both Jesus and the Apostle Paul referred to these mysteries often, and from different perspectives. Their respective audiences and their purpose for preaching and teaching on these mysteries was all part of God's "mysterious" plans to re-establish His relationship with His creation. I invite you to read Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this discourse to fully understand what I'm presenting today.

I want to stress that these mysteries revealed to Paul [by the Holy Spirit] are best viewed as "sacred secrets", hidden throughout history by God until He determined the time was right to reveal them and set His final plan of redemption in motion. Daniel, Chapter 12, tells us that as the time nears for the earth's final tribulations and turmoil to take place, that the mysteries [kept hidden] will be revealed and Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will [greatly] increase. The Bible will yield its secrets through revelation by the Holy Spirit, and we will walk in the knowledge that ushers in the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God!

So, let's take a look at some of these mysteries/secrets that were revealed to Paul, and in turn, revealed to us through Scripture. Keep in mind, that some of them are clearly visible to us today, while others are in sight [yet not fully realized], and some may be a total surprise for the future. The first mystery that is revealed through Paul's writings is "The Mystery of the Incarnation". 1 Timothy 3:16 tells us, And great, we confess, is the mystery [the hidden truth] of godlinessHe (Jesus Christ) who was revealed in human flesh, Was justified and vindicated in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Taken up in glory. Understand that the mystery here is the godliness (God's sovereign will) associated with Jesus's incarnation as a man. Although Jesus is a man, salvation and righteousness can only be found in Him. What was hidden in the past [of God's plan] has now been revealed ... Jesus came to earth from Heaven to manifest [display] God to mankind. 1 Timothy 3:16 plainly says that Jesus Christ [God] came to a sinful world [in the flesh] in order to save us from our sin, and has now returned to Heaven, glorified in both realms. The saints in the Old Testament did not see this mystery played out, but Paul fully reveals it.

The next mystery we'll consider is "The Mystery of Israel's Blindness". I will admit that until I began my own deep dive study of the Word 20 years ago, I did not understand this mystery -- it had never been satisfactorily taught in my church. But Romans 11:25-26 says it so that we have no doubts: I do not want you, believers, to be unaware of this mystery [God’s previously hidden plan]—so that you will not be wise in your own opinion—that a partial hardening has [temporarily] happened to Israel [to last] until the full number of the Gentiles has come in; and so [at that time] all Israel [that is, all Jews who have a personal faith in Jesus as Messiah] will be saved; just as it is written [in Scripture], The Deliverer (Messiah) will come from ZionHe will remove ungodliness from Jacob.” We know that the Old Testament tells us that Israel was God's chosen people through whom He would bless the world. But they failed and rejected Jesus as their Messiah, so God temporarily blinded them to His Truth, so that He might have mercy on the rest of the world. But Paul reveals that God uses the Gentiles to complete His plan of presenting Jesus to the world as their Savior. Once that full number of Gentiles are saved, then believing Israel will resume their leadership role. This truth has been hidden until recent history, when Israel once again became a recognized nation in the world. We are still in the process of fulfilling God's plan in the fullest sense. Stay tuned!

The third mystery is this, " The Mystery of the Church". Hidden in the past, but revealed through the Holy Spirit to Paul is what Ephesians 3:1-10 tells us. Read all the verses, but at the heart of its content is the revelation in verse 6, that the Gentiles are now joint heirs [with the Jews] and members of the same body, and joint partakers [sharing] in the [same divine] promise in Christ Jesus through [their faith in] the good news [of salvation]. Paul actually says in verse 5 that this "is the mystery of Christ". The wisdom of God's plan, and His design to keep it hidden until He determined it was time, is found in verses 9-10: to make plain [to everyone] the plan of the mystery [regarding the uniting of believing Jews and Gentiles into one body] which [until now] was kept hidden through the ages in [the mind of] God who created all things. So now through the church the multifaceted wisdom of God [in all its countless aspects] might now be made known [revealing the mystery] to the [angelic] rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. Note that God expects the church to declare [and display]  to the "angelic rulers and authorities" that His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven; that means the rulers and authorities of both God's army of angels and Satan's!  

Sadly, too many churches are still blind to the revelation of this mystery. For those churches who preach false Replacement Theology -- the theological conviction that the Christian Church has superseded/replaced Israel as God's chosen vessel to reveal Him to the world -- they are among those who have still not received righteous revelation as to the purpose of the church. Time is running out! Perhaps they should read Revelation 2-3 to see what Jesus reveals happens to those churches!

One of the most important mysteries to be revealed is "The Mystery of the Indwelling Christ". I believe this mystery is very much in the process of being revealed. By that I mean, a good portion of the Western Church does not yet fully understand this secret of their life in Christ. Paul writes in Colossians 1:24-28, about "the mystery which was hidden [from angels and mankind] for ages and generations, but has now been revealed to His saints (God’s people). God [in His eternal plan] chose to make known to them how great for the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in and among you, the hope and guarantee of [realizing the] glory"

In order for us to carry out our purpose on the earth, it is vital that we understand and know that we are now the temple in which God and the Holy Spirit reside. Ephesians 2:22 implicitly states this: In Him [and in fellowship with one another] you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. I believe the "fellowship" in this verse refers both to believing Jews and Gentiles, as well as the church itself. Together we have the power of the Holy Spirit in us to participate in seeing God's plan come to fruition, and indeed, to do our part in seeing this happen.

The next mystery revealed is "The Mystery of the Headship of Christ". In Ephesians 5:22-32, Paul uses the example of marriage to give us an image of Christ's position as head of the church. I have personally seen this passage misused to define the nature of marriage between men and women. Its real purpose is to describe the relationship between Jesus and His believing followers (the church). The word "submission" has been used to indicate a wife's duty to capitulate to, or surrender to, her husband. In reality, Paul is telling us that, together, man and woman's primary mission is to serve the Lord, in all His ways. Therefore, we have a sub-mission, or secondary mission, to honor each other -- the wife honoring her husband as protector and head of the home, respecting his responsibility and accountability to God; just as the Church honors and respects Jesus as the head and protector of the church. Likewise, the husband's secondary mission is to his wife -- to seek the highest good for her, surrounding her with a caring and unselfish love; so that he honors her by nourishing her, protecting her, and cherishing her, just as Christ does the church. Scripture tells us,  For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall be joined [and be faithfully devoted] to is wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery [of two becoming one] is great; but I am speaking with reference to [the relationship of] Christ and the church. Oh, how it saddens me to see how this beautiful passage has been corrupted!

The next mystery is a difficult one for many believers: "The Mystery of the Translation [or Resurrection] of the Church". Because Satan has been able to introduce confusion, doubt and unbelief in the midst of this mystery, many in the Body of Christ have differing doctrinal beliefs on this issue. But if the Body would just study the Word, which has been provided to us for revelation of God's heart and mind, and for the truth regarding these mysteries, they would find answers in 1 Corinthians 15:50-58. Scripture says, flesh and blood cannot inherit nor be part of the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable (mortal) inherit the imperishable (immortal). Listen very carefully, I tell you a mystery [a secret truth decreed by God and previously hidden, but now revealed]; we will not all sleep [in death], but we will all be [completely] changed [wondrously transformed]... For this perishable [part of us] must put on the imperishable [nature], and this mortal [part of us that is capable of dying] must put on immortality [which is freedom from death]. And when this perishable puts on the imperishable, and this mortal puts on immortality, then the Scripture will be fulfilled that says, “Death is swallowed up in victory (vanquished forever). 

Of course, this is referring to what has been called The Rapture. Again, Satan has sown confusion as to the timing, but I think it is more important to receive the knowledge that this mystery reveals, i.e., all true believers will be changed and transformed from mortal bodies of flesh and blood to immortal, imperishable bodies and be transported from earth to Heaven to dwell with the Lord forever. I am personally concentrating on that glorious promise, rather than getting caught up trying to figure out "when". I'm looking forward to that event and being reunited with my loved ones. 

The last mystery I'm going to look at is staring us right in the face ... "The Mystery of Lawlessness". Once again, the Enemy has used this mystery to stir up controversy and doubt by over-emphasizing the "when" of "the Rapture". But 2 Thessalonians 2:1-9 tells us not to be guessing when that celebrated event will take place. Scripture clearly tell us Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first [that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction [the Antichrist, the one who is destined to be destroyed], who opposes and exalts himself [so proudly and so insolently] above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he [actually enters and] takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he himself is God ... For the mystery of lawlessness [rebellion against divine authority and the coming reign of lawlessness] is already at work; [but it is restrained] only until he who now restrains it is taken out of the way.    

It's interesting in this passage that Paul was correcting a false teaching that the Day of the Lord [the End Times Judgment] had already come. And we have that same false teaching still in existence today. There are those who will say the Bible is talking about events in the Old Testament (Antiochus Epiphanes) or the the New Testament event of the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. But Paul makes it clear that two things need to happen before the Rapture and occur ... the apostasy, or "falling away; rebellion" of the Church, and the revealing of the Man of Lawlessness (the Antichrist). I believe that both are already at work in the world, but are being restrained until the number of Gentiles [that God has determined] have come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. We're close, folks, do don't let your guard down, and stay focused on Jesus!

In conclusion, I want to stress that together, these mysteries are what God revealed to the Apostle Paul because it was time to set the final stages of His plan of redemption in motion. And it is important to know and understand them so that we can participate with God to see His plan fulfilled. We need to be able to identify what He is doing in the world today and what to expect Him to do in the Future. With this knowledge, we can go forth in boldness and faith to experience His glorious promises; not out of fear, but in resolution and conviction to see them take place. I thank my God, my Savior, and the Holy Spirit for allowing me to be a recipient of the knowledge of these mysteries, and I pledge [through my faith] to reveal and share them with others, so that we might all live out our time on earth in the expectation of seeing these divine mysteries carried out. All Praise and Glory to God Almighty!

 Deuteronomy 29:29    The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.

June 3, 2023

Has America Committed Suicide? Will God Save Us From Ourselves?

I'm sure you're familiar with the comparisons made between the Fall of the Roman Empire and the current path our once great nation has embarked upon. If you have any interest in the subject, it's not hard to see how they align, and it's important to look at this phenomenon from both a historical perspective as well as a Biblical one. 

First, I want to share the finer points of an excellent article by Evan Andrews at history.com. Titled, 8 Reasons Why Rome Fell, Mr. Andrews gives a succinct theory as to the catalysts that brought about the decline of one of the greatest military, political, and social powers in history.  And it's like reading a modern commentary on the woes of our nation. Here are the reasons he sites and a short comparison with our state of affairs:

1. ROME: Invasions by Barbarian tribes. US: Invasion by refugees from foreign nations. For several decades, the nomadic Germanic people groups known as Goths encroached and eventually overran the Roman Empire's borders, with a Goth king finally sacking the city of Rome, leaving the Empire under constant threat of invasion. Today, we are seeing thousands of people from various nations streaming across our southern border, unhindered and actually encouraged. Eventually the Roman Empire was overthrown and never recovered. What does our future hold?

2. ROME: Economic Troubles and Over-Reliance on Slave Labor. US: Ditto & More. For Rome, constant wars and overspending led to a severe financial crisis. This resulted in oppressive taxation and inflation, creating a widening gap between the wealthy and poor. Additionally, the Empire suffered from a labor deficiency. Commercial and agricultural production was in decline, and the empire began to lose its grip on Europe. Do I need to say more? From the 4th-5th Century to the 21st, it's like looking in the mirror! Our national debt is $31,462,154,854,903! That's $31 trillion in round numbers. Inflation is hovering around 5%, which is higher than the long-term average of 3.28%, and rumored to skyrocket by 2024. No one wants to work anymore, choosing to receive free money from the government's Welfare State. Then there's the fact that we don't make our own goods in this country anymore and our farmers are unable to afford to grow their crops, leading to a reduced food supply. 

3. ROME: The Rise of the Eastern Empire. US: The Rise of the Eastern Empire. For the Roman Empire, it was the Eastern half of the Empire, the Greek-speaking Byzantine provinces, that grew wealthy, as the Western Roman provinces faced their economic crises. The Empire became divided over military and economic issues, which contributed to its downfall. For us, here in the US, the Eastern Empire of China has become our nemesis and thorn in our side. They own a lot of our debt, and we have outsourced most of our domestic production and commerce to them, causing major decline across our economic board.

4. ROME: Overexpansion and Military Overspending. US: Can you say Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, and Military Interventions Across the Globe?  At one time, the Roman Empire stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Euphrates River. That led to a logistical nightmare and inability to fund their military operations, and the eventual destruction of its infrastructure. In our case, former President Dwight Eisenhower warned about the emerging power of the Military-Industrial Complex and its drain upon the nation's resources. Since 2000, we have waged wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and spent untold millions (maybe trillions) on American intervention in Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Uganda, Niger,  Syria, and now Ukraine, with many of these operations ongoing. Enough said about this topic.

5. ROME: Government Corruption and Instability. US: Again, these are the same reasons for our decline. Mr. Andrews cites "ineffective and inconsistent leadership" as a prime factor in the Roman Empire's slide. The political rot in their Senate failed to control the disintegration, and the Empire suffered from a long and tumultuous Civil War. Today, all one has to do is watch the nightly news (if you can find a credible source) to see the same weak and inept governing body [on all levels]. The corruption is so widespread that trust in our leaders is at an all-time low and the split among our countrymen has never been so deep since our own Civil War. Lord, I pray that You will intervene and bring us Godly leaders! Right now the despair among the people is palpable.

6. ROME: The Arrival of the Huns and the Barbarian Tribes. US: The Arrival of South and Central Americans, and Covert Agents.  The Roman Empire suffered from a mass migration across their borders caused by the invasion of Europe by the Huns. The Goths were also allowed to migrate into the Empire, but eventually became dangerous enemies because of their mistreatment. A flimsy peace treaty with the migrants dissolved and the weight of the new occupants helped collapse the Empire. In our case, we have seen the unsustainable influx of humanity crossing our borders, with evidence that they are not all seeking the blessings of this country, but seek to do us harm. We have yet to see the consequences of this human flood, but it's clear that we cannot support such numbers.

7. ROME: Christianity and the Loss of Traditional Values. US: The Loss of Both Christian and Traditional Values.  Many authors of history have pointed the finger at the spread of Christianity as a factor in the decline of the Roman Empire, blaming Popes and other church leaders for infiltrating politics to the detriment of the Empire. Others say any influence in this area by Christianity pales in comparison to the military, economic, and administrative factors. There's no question that the immoral, perverted, and cruel practices of Emperors like Caligula, Nero, and Elagabalus represent anything but traditional values. But the reputation of this nation in the last 50 years won't be looked upon with any degree of moral excellence. We have killed the unborn, sold children into sexual slavery, and allowed violence to go unchecked. And in our instance, it has been the deterioration of the Christian faith [as our foundation] that has led to our loss of traditional and moral values.

8. ROME: Weakening of the Roman Legions. US: Weakening of our own Military.  The once proud Roman legions could no longer field the number of soldiers they needed to maintain their power, so they hired foreign mercenaries, many of whom turned on the Empire out of disloyalty and contributed to its defeat on the battlefield. We are now seeing the undermining of our own military; the woke agenda has infiltrated, and decisions are made at the top by men who have never been on a battlefield, so there is no identification with the soldier in the field. Plus financing has been stripped from the Military budget, and we are threatened with substandard equipment as we watch our enemies grow stronger. 

Now that we see the similarities of what happened to the Roman Empire and where it seems we are headed, can we take another step forward to remember and understand that the "Dark Ages" were ushered in by the collapse of the Roman Empire? Social advancement in the sciences, philosophy, and economic growth seemed to come to a standstill. Additionally, the people lived steeped in fear and superstitions about life and authority. A collapse of a society will do that!  

So, by now, I'm sure you see the alarming trajectory we are on if we continue to follow the path of the Roman Empire. Is there time -- and do we have enough national desire -- to change course? It is to Rome's credit that during the years it flourished, it was precisely due to its strong commitment to strict family values. It was characterized by its lack of divorce during that period in its history. But it was when the Emperors and Senators became lax in encouraging these values -- and the marriage covenant gave way to promiscuity and perversion -- that the decline began to form. 

So where do our societal values put us on the timeline of social decline? If we are honest with ourselves, we are careening towards an unsavory end. We can't condone sexual abuse and exploitation of our children for the perverse sexual gratification of the ungodly, and expect that the God of the Universe is going to let that continue. He will not overlook the mistreatment of our children, whether through abortion or sexual perversion. Let me remind you of Jesus's words in Matthew 18:6: If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in Me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 

So, do we have the fortitude and courage to stop this suicidal track we are on? Read Revelation 18 and see if you don't agree that we fit the description of Babylon in the End Times. For the sake of our future and very existence, it is time to make a decision whether to save ourselves or give in to those who seek our destruction for their own earthly and temporary satisfaction. God will hold us accountable for seeing the decline and doing nothing about turning to Him with repentance and action. He is always willing to deliver us IF we do it His way. I don't know about you, but I don't want to experience another historical Dark Ages, nor do I wish to see the nation of my birth destroyed by its own hand.

Of course, we Christians all know the dream Nebuchadnezzar had of a statue that represents the world's empires. And we know the ancient Roman Empire is no more, but the Bible tells us it will be revitalized, ruled by a conglomeration of kings until the Anti-Christ defeats them all, establishing his own false religion and setting himself upon his version of the throne of God. But the Bible makes it very clear that "a stone [which] was cut out without [human] hands, struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them". It is time to turn from our evil ways and warn every man, woman, and child that the eternal kingdom of God, the Messianic kingdom, is about to extend over all the earth, and those who reject Jesus, the Messiah, the Stone, will be crushed. Lord Jesus, we believers are living stones, ready to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable and pleasing to God through our eternal faith in You! Save us from ourselves, Lord!

Psalm 118:22-23   The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone. This is from the Lord and is His doing; It is marvelous in our eyes.  


June 30, 2020

"Where Can We Go?"


     "Where can we go?" That's the question that Mark and I get from a lot of our Christian friends who are struggling with how to respond to the chaos and breakdown in our country. Our answer is always the same ... "There's nowhere you can move to escape what the Enemy is sowing in the hearts of men."
     These are good Christian men and women who believe in Jesus. But what does that statement really mean? I can say for sure that they're not fence-sitters -- they have clearly chosen to pursue faith in Jesus, and sincerely want to know how to respond in these desperate times. But have they truly been equipped to see beyond this natural realm into the spiritual? Are they mature enough in their faith to endure the fundamental changes that might soon take place in our homeland?
     I will tell you that there are those who are still counting on the Rapture to catapult them off the earth before things "get too bad". And when I tell them that the Bible never promises us that; only that we are not appointed to God's wrath, and His wrath comes right before the "terrible day of the Lord", which is the judgment of the earth. That interpretation is usually met with a period of prolonged silence. And I then explain that as I read the Bible it is clear to me that we will experience the Tribulation, and then I tell them why .... First, Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 that we will recognize the "birth pangs" of the coming Tribulation by the signs (wars and rumors of wars; nations against nations; kingdoms against kingdoms; famines and earthquakes); in other words, general upheaval across the globe. And then, comes the specific warning for us Christians: "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." There is nothing in that passage that hints we will be delivered out of those adversities.
     I then explain that, to my sorrow, I discern that there will be many Christians who "fall away" from their faith; with their love of Jesus [and their faith] growing cold because their expectations of "deliverance from the hard times" has not been met. They will falter and lose their hope and strength in the Lord, and there will need to be at least a remnant on the earth who can speak God's truth into their hearts and help them to endure and be overcomers.
     Secondly, there is still work to be done for the Kingdom during the Tribulation! There are still people being born; people who need to receive Salvation and enter into their Kingdom citizenship to battle alongside us in the Spirit until Jesus returns to wipe out the evil on the earth. God wishes no one to perish and we will still be able to have an impact on people's lives during those harrowing times.
     Then once Christians get over the shock that they might actually have to experience the Tribulation, then we have to have the talk that all their worldly goods will not be able to save them from the great trouble or suffering that is prophesied in the Book of Revelation. You see, this nation has a history and legacy of prosperity. Even our poorest citizens are richer than many in Third World countries. True, our distribution of wealth is unequal, and the span between the rich and poor is getting even wider. So, let's just agree that we in America are pretty comfortable by the world's standards.
     I often hear from Christians who, until now, have clung to the belief that the power of the United States of America would be everlasting; that it is iindestructible. But now that foundation is beginning to crumble, and they want to know how to preserve their wealth; their money, their 401(k)'s; their houses and property if "things go south", and the unimaginable happens .. the ruination of the US economy. They want to know where they can go [on earth] to maintain the lifestyle that they've worked so hard to achieve and protect. I tell them that the world as they know it will no longer exist. And then I tell them it's time to open their Bibles and read. Their answers are in that book which God gave to us to reveal His heart and His plan of redemption. If we come to that point, it's time to flip to the Book of Revelation.
     When Jesus opens the Scrolls in Heaven, it begins an unprecedented chain of events upon the earth, in which Death and Famine and Disease preside, along with earthquakes and devastation of the seas and the first heaven; and the martyrdom of the Saints during the great Tribulation. With each successive seal that is opened, and trumpet that is sounded, the battle between God and Satan for the peoples and the earth increases with intensity. I try to explain to my friends who are comfortable in their faith and their possessions, that when that time comes, they will have no concern for 401(k)s or big houses and fancy cars. It will be a matter of survival in the Lord.
     But all will not be hopeless! Those of us who are enduring for the Lord will see 144,000 of the lost sheep of Israel come to faith in Jesus Christ, their Messiah! They will resume their intended purpose: to lead all nations of the earth to faith in YHWH. Those of us who endure will hear of the testimony of God's two witnesses in Jerusalem for the last 3.5 years of the Tribulation. We will hear of the joyous celebration by God's enemies when the witnesses are killed and their bodies lay in the street for 3.5 days. But the faithful of YHWH will themselves rejoice when "the breath of life from God enters the witnesses, and they will stand up on their feet" and respond to the shout from Heaven to "Come up here!" We will pray for the 7000 souls lost in the subsequent earthquake, but praise the Lord for "the rest [who] are terrified and give glory to the God of Heaven"!
     I know that to some of you I may sound like a Doomsday sayer. I don't sound like some of the prophets of today who are speaking of a great and imminent revival that is set to sweep the globe in the near future. They predict that this unprecedented and unparalleled revival is in answer to our prayers to heal this world, and it will precede the final lawlessness of the Enemy and the Coming of the Lord. I'm sorry, but I don't see any indication anywhere in the Bible of such a tremendous and multitudinous renewal across the globe in the last days. However, I do believe that there will be huge spiritual return to God, as He draws forth His Remnant; Believers who will walk in such supernatural power and authority that they will resist the Enemy's numerous forces and stand on the earth in mighty opposition to the Man of Lawlessness and his Beast System. People will be drawn to their message and souls will be won for the Kingdom. And I praise the Lord for that!
     In the final analysis, there is one thing I know for sure ... God has not given up on America, even though we have slowly, through the last 50-60 years, seem to have given up on Him. I believe that He could decide to pour out His Spirit upon our land, and we still have time to turn this ship around. But we need to be asking different questions. Instead of, "When is the Rapture coming?", we need to be asking ourselves if we are prepared to endure and overcome what might be the darkest hour in our nation's history. Instead of asking, "Where can we go if the US economy collapses?", we need to take a measurement of our faith. Are we secure in Jesus, or do we find our security in our position and possessions? And finally, instead of looking and waiting for the fourth great awakening in America, perhaps we should invite the Spirit to breath new life into us, as individuals, and re-commit ourselves to our Lord's command to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom as a witness to our fellow man. So, where can we go? Anywhere the Lord sends us, and to the ends of the earth, if necessary.

Romans 12:12     Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

April 1, 2020

More Thoughts....


     Way back in 2012, I wrote an article entitled Our Nation's Achilles Heel, and at the time I was focused on how I viewed this world and what I could see going on "behind the curtain", so to speak. At the time, I was concerned about a particular mindset of Americans called "normalcy bias", and I identified it as this: a tendency (or preference) to view the world around us in its usual, customary state. And like I said, in 2012 I was focused on the geo-political state of the world, so someone's normalcy bias might manifest in a mindset that said, "America will always be a Super Power.  No one or nothing is going to take us down"; "I still have a job. Everything's going to be alright"; "I don't need to prepare. If I just believe in God, He will take care of me." "Nothing's really changed in my life; I still do all the things I've always done. What's the big deal?"
     But the condition of our lives today proves that we were walking on shifting sand. Our lives have changed dramatically in the past few weeks. The severity of the threat of COVID-19 is still largely unknown, and people are dealing with the fear of instability and an uncertain future. I can't imagine how those without faith in Jesus are traversing this "new normal". And, in reality, I'm not too sure that many Christians aren't struggling, too.
     However, I see this season in our lives as a blessing and a huge opportunity to "reset" our paradigm of faith. Our mega churches with their "business as usual" agendas are closed to the public. Our normal ways of worshiping and sharing the Gospel have changed. Could we soon see the growth of small Home Churches, and the birth of new ministries that are unhindered by the conventions and norms of 21st Century Christianity?
    To the world, our circumstances might look bleak and depressing, but if we take a closer look in a spiritual sense, we should be able to identify the Lord at work. Perhaps this is a time when He will use the unorthodox and out of the ordinary to reach the world... and will we have hearts softened to receive them?
     After all, He tells us in His Word that "the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to all the nations and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14). We know that Western Christianity has not accomplished that goal and perhaps it's time we gave up our normalcy bias and considered new ways to share the Good News of the Kingdom.
     There are bold, new voices speaking to the Body of Christ; voices that call for us to step outside the box and walk in the Lord's ways. Just as He walked an innovative path in a world dying for evidence that YHWH could still intervene in their circumstances, I believe that Jesus is raising up a generation of fresh and radical visionaries that will unleash a new Kingdom strategy to defeat the Anti-Christ and his agenda. They will walk in unprecedented power and spiritual insight regarding new understandings of our purpose as Christians and Kingdom representatives. We will no longer be stymied by worn out religious traditions that do not attract the world to our message.
     I believe we will see people exhibiting the signs and wonders of our Father in Heaven as He prepares the world stage for the Kingdom message to spread across the globe. Before he died, Pastor Myles Munroe referred to Matthew 24:14 and asked the question, "Have our churches actually postponed the return of the Lord because we haven't been preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom?" Might this pandemic and the changes it is bringing to how we "do Church" be a way that allows God to hit the pause button so we could realign our purpose with His? I'd like to think so.
     And that's why I'm excited about this time we find ourselves experiencing. I have great hope that we will see changes for the better. To those who view our circumstances from a secular viewpoint, it might be a scary time. But I know there is always God's perspective, and within that realm there is hope and opportunity to see what He wants to accomplish and then to look through a Kingdom lens to find the ways to join with Him, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to see His will done on the earth.
     So, please join me in praying that new voices will proclaim the Kingdom agenda for our lives and that the Body of Christ will have ears to hear. And let us live each day as if tomorrow we will see Him descending from Heaven with a cry of command!

John 14:1   Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me.

November 23, 2019

"The Veils" Of Our Existence

     Since I began this blog, I have periodically run this post that I originally wrote in 2012, shortly after I launched this site. The post was based on a theory proposed by the late Don Harkin, former Editor of The Idaho Observer.  Mr. Harkin suggested the existence of a world system of Power-Elites that the masses don't comprehend because these Power-Elites have cleverly developed a virtual pasture so green that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing to notice that they are being led over the cliff. It was Mr. Harkin's conjecture that there were at least 8 veils of understanding that a person needed to penetrate in order to see the real purpose of our existence.
     From that first posting in 2012 to the second posting in 2016, my understanding that each level of these "veils" included spiritual battles had increased exponentially, and I added a "new perspective" to my original perception. I still think each of these stages exists and is valid, and in order to progress to a higher understanding of just how we are to maneuver through this existence called life, we must be able to pierce each successive veil and move to the next level.  It is part of our human journey on this earth... only now, I see this journey with the added benefit of spiritual eyes. So, now that we are approaching 2020, it's time to revisit this interesting speculation, and see if we grasp any new revelations that we can add to Mr. Harkins' original conjecture.  If this is not the first time you've read this post on my blog, I'm also interested to know how many of you have grown in your understanding, as well.
     The First Veil (2012) = Politics. There are over 7 billion+ people on the planet.  Most of them will live and die without seriously thinking about anything other than what it takes to live and breathe for one more day.  That means that 90% of all humanity will live behind this first veil and never pierce it.  That leaves 10% of us who will vote, be active in our societies and have an opinion.  Our opinions are often shaped by government officials, the Mainstream Media, or other "experts" who claim to be voices of authority.  But of those with an opinion, 90% will never really think for themselves and will adopt the opinion of others, while 10% will pierce the second veil and move forward in their thinking.
     My 2016 Perspective:  All this remains true, but now I see that there are spiritual forces behind those involved in the government, Mainstream Media, and "experts", or voices of authority.  Of those of us within the 10% who form their own opinion, how many understand that politics is not the answer -- that our power will not come from our affiliation with whomever wins elections, but from Jesus Christ?  And what small percentage of that 10% realizes that our time on this earth should not be spent supporting man-made power structures, but using our power from Christ to "do the things He has done, only greater"? (John 14:12).
     My 2020 Perspective: In the last four years I have grown from an understanding that I have spiritual power and authority transferred from my Savior, Jesus Christ, to a revelation that I am a citizen of Heaven and an Ambassador for the Kingdom of God and His government here on earth. I am to be a member of Christ's Ecclesia (governing body of Christians who implement God's laws/government in our culture and nation). I now understand that our 21st Century model of a Church building full of Christians has not accomplished what Christ intended when He trained and equipped His disciples to go into the world and heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the spiritually unclean, raise the dead, and spread the Gospel of the Kingdom.

    The Second Veil (2012) = History.  Once we've pierced the first veil, there will be 10% of us who will explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government, which will then lead to the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law.  Ninety percent of this group will live and die without going on to pierce the third veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  T
he Constitution is no longer my route to real freedom.  Man's laws and self-government will only get me so far.  My true freedom lies in letting Jesus heal my spiritual wounds, and recognizing that I don't have to suffer the "fiery darts" of the Enemy.  The history that consumes me now are the experiences of those -- both from the ancient world, and the modern -- who have learned what it means to transcend the tyranny and oppression from the spiritual realm to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.  That is true freedom.
     My 2020 Perspective: The Constitution is being undermined and usurped as Evil begins to come out from behind the veil and boldly reveal itself. Man-made laws that have governed in times past are ignored and I now understand that if we Christians do not stand up and govern as an Ecclesia, then someone else will write our laws. We can see that in the Colorado law that does not require gender specification on a birth certificate. We are in new [and increasingly terrifying] territory when it comes to what history has shown to be traditional forms of law and government. The gloves are coming off.

     The Third Veil (2012) = Resources of the World.  Of the group that pierces this veil, 10% of us will come to realize that the masses are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose old world assets have been manipulated to become the foundation upon which the world's economy is currently indebted.  (Think Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, the Royal Monarchs).  But sadly, 90% of this group will never pierce the fourth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Yes, the masses are controlled by these extremely wealthy and powerful families; and behind them are the spiritual forces of wickedness and evil.  I believe that they have sold their souls for earthly wealth and power that will prove false when the Day of Judgment comes.
     My 2020 Perspective: Those that have held this control are feeling threatened as Jesus's Remnant is awakening to the truth of their power and is fighting back spiritually. Therefore, the Wicked are accelerating their evil through sex trafficking, child sacrifice, and sex rituals, as well as reallocating resources of rare earth minerals to their advantage.
     The Fourth Veil (2012) = The Illuminati, Freemasonry and other secret societies.  There are 10% of us that recognize these societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that transfer mysterious knowledge that is used to keep us ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth.  This has been seen frequently at Super Bowl halftime shows (Beyonce flashing "the Rockefeller" sign; Madonna sporting symbols of the occult) and during the Grammy's (Nikki Minaj's ode to "Roman", the demon whom she says possesses her).  Just check out the Youtube videos for each of these demonstrations!  But once again, 90% of those who have reached this level of understanding will never pierce the fifth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Boy, has my understanding of this grown in the last few years!  The Lord has shown me just how much devastation has been sown on families steeped in these secret societies.  The oaths and curses taken during secret ritual ceremonies have resulted in great oppression among many Christians, who don't even know these secret societies have permeated their families or their Churches!  And the evidence that these societies have infiltrated our entertainment industry is overwhelming.  I am literally seeing the signs and symbols everywhere I look throughout our culture.  Sadly, I believe that our country is steeped in the occult mysticism associated with these groups, and they are influencing every area of our lives.
     My 2020 Perspecrtive:  These last years have seen Mark and I grow in our ministry of Inner Healing and we certainly have seen an increase in the iniquity in family lines that demonstrate the characteristics of demonic oppression. And it is so much more in the open! People are now willing to reveal the torment they are under and are desperate for a solution. So many people are suffering that it is almost becoming mainstream among our society. So, now we are no longer able to ignore the evil permeating our homes and families. What are we going to do about it? Is the Church willing to finally get on board with the knowledge that evil exists, spiritual warfare is real, and we have to fight back?

     The Fifth Veil (2012) = Technological advances by these Secret Societies. I may lose some of you at this point, but I urge you to do your own research and study the Bible in depth.  There are hints of the knowledge behind this fifth veil, but you have to be willing to connect the dots.  There are 10% who make it this far in their understanding who learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that they are able to do things that were considered science fiction just decades ago.  The inventions of Ray Kurzweil and his prediction of "man's singularity with computers" is an example of such advanced technology.  But what's interesting is that this technology is actually ancient, and compares to what Nimrod was trying to accomplish at the Tower of Babel; namely to become like God. Are we getting dangerously close to that concept again?  Nearly 90% will never get beyond this understanding to the sixth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  To say that technology has surpassed science fiction is putting it mildly.  Human-animal hybrids are being created in Great Britain, and a surgeon plans to reanimate human corpses.  Books are being written that tell us immortality is accessible to everyone, outside of any religious worldview.  Inventors and artists openly admit that they are "channeling" spiritual sources of knowledge.  All this is being downloaded from entities in the spiritual realm to control and deceive the human race.  We better understand who we're dealing with.
     My 2020 Perspective: It's just more of the same and at a faster pace. Pedophilia and child pornography rings use technology to spread their evil; people are so intrigued with getting their technology "fix" quicker and easier, that we have gone from cell phones to watches and implants can't be far behind. There is still talk of moving our brains to "the Cloud", and Siri and Alexa know everything we say and do. How long until we're dealing with the real-life scenario portrayed in 1984's Terminator movie?

     The Sixth Veil (2012) = Aliens and Monsters may be real.  It is going to take a huge leap for the 10% who get to this level of understanding.  But if you study your Bible closely, you will see mention of fallen angels mating with earthly women to give birth to Nephalim (Giants) (Genesis 6:4 and 2 Samuel 21:20, for example).  There are many modern-day Biblical scholars who are prepared to say that the minotaurs of old and the UFO and alien sightings of today are evidence of these fallen angels.
     My 2016 Perspective:  My, how far we've come in these last three-and-a-half years!  The growth of the remnant of the Church who understands the truth of Genesis 6 has been astounding!  I know that there are "spiritual monsters" and they are called demons.  I have encountered them in deliverance sessions, and seen them stare out of the eyes of people who had no idea they were being oppressed by them.  Savage and brutal and bizarre attacks upon people are increasing and are evidence that the Enemy is bringing the spiritual battle to our physical world.  Although, yes, these demons are real, we should have no fear because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.
     My 2020 Perspective: I think perhaps the most surprising new revelation I have received in the last nearly four years is the cooperation between evil men and Satan's demonic forces. TV shows like Stranger Things may appear to be a form of conspiracy entertainment, but it is based on real-life government experiments in the so-called Montauk Project, involving space, time, and opening portals into other dimensions -- which, naturally leads to the question of what is coming through those portals and are Christians awake and prepared to do battle in these spiritual realms?

     The Seventh Veil (2012) = Peace of the Lord.  If you have made it this far and can conceive of the concepts behind the sixth veil, then perhaps you can see that what waits for us behind the seventh.  It's hard to imagine, but I can foresee a small group of people whose soul and spirit is so evolved that they can exist on this earth, yet be unafraid of the evil that abounds in this realm.  The only way I can describe it is to have such peace from God that you are unafraid of death.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Actually, my perspective has moved in a new direction on this veil.  It's not such a small group that sees the evil ascending on the earth from the second heaven, or spiritual realm.  These last few years has seen an amazing growth in this knowledge within the Body of Christ.  It's as if the Holy Spirit has done a massive data dump upon Christians!  We not only know and discern this spiritual warfare, but we also have been given the knowledge that we have the Authority of Jesus to fight [in this war] through the Power of the Holy Spirit.  And that's where our Peace comes from... knowing that we can rebuke the devil and he will flee; knowing that the Lord is our banner in this fight and goes before us; and we know that Jesus will not only never leave us nor forsake us, but He who began a good work in us will complete it.  That is called Peace!
     My 2020 Perspective: This knowledge of supernatural peace has only grown! Once again, I am seeing panic among the general public, and even among some of the "religious" Christians, as they once again sense that the noose is tightening around our comfortable way of life. But those of us who pierced the previous six veils have journeyed for awhile now in the peace that only comes from understanding [and accepting] that evil will increase before Jesus comes back to administer His swift justice. In what might be perceived as an unorthodox mindset, we actually receive the certainty of advancing evil as a sign that our Lord is near to returning. We are ready and both physically and spiritually prepared. We are no longer restive in the midst of the anticipation of evil, but are serene and calm in the certainty of our victory.

     That brings us to Harkin's Eighth veil (2012), which can only be the pure energy, authority and life force that is God.  We can only hope to tap into that Power, and I think the closest we can come to that is to seek a personal, intimate relationship with the One True God, the Ruler of the Universe and abide in Him.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Yes, a personal, intimate relationship is necessary to tap into that Power, but it is incumbent upon each of us to know that it is available to us.  We are not to be mindless robots, sitting idly by waiting for God to win this war all by Himself.  We are created in His image, exhorted to imitate Christ, and called to an inheritance in Christ.  He dwells in us!  That energy, authority and life force are not to be squandered, but used to gain ground in defeating the Enemy in our lives!
     My 2020 Perspective: The knowledge that we are to have a personal, intimate relationship with Christ is now seen through an entirely new lens. He is our King, and we serve Him in His kingdom here on earth. He is our model, and we are to hear and see His directives on managing this earth, just as He followed everything the Father showed and told Him. This picture of citizenship in the Kingdom of God on earth still includes love, compassion, mercy, and grace ... but it has expanded to taking back territory from the kingdom of darkness in people's lives. Mankind was given dominion over the earth at our creation, and it is time we step into that mandate and take up our mantle of authority, using the power of Heaven through the Holy Spirit. who resides in us.

     So, as you can see, with each veil of understanding that is pierced, the number of people "who see" gets exponentially smaller.  When I first wrote this blog post over 7 years ago, I saw mainly through "worldly" eyes.  I was focused on "the low information voter", and the gullible citizens who I saw as useful idiots and tools of the state.  I actually thought my vote really mattered and changing the politics of the nation would solve the world's problems.  I didn't see the spiritual component.
     When I reassessed my understanding three-and-a-half years ago, I can honestly say that I believed I was at that Eighth veil, and I was so grateful to my Lord and the Holy Spirit for helping me to see through the murkiness of the veils and how they obscured my vision of God's Truth.  I saw that my existence here on earth was more than just this physical realm, and my victory in this life depended on my readiness to work with Jesus and the Holy Spirit to do battle with the spiritual realm.  I truly knew that I did not battle against flesh and blood, but had the Authority and Power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to free myself of spiritual bondage.
    Now, with an additional three-and-a-half years under my belt, I realize that my comprehension of that eighth veil was rudimentary. Yes, it was important to know the true intent of Jesus's Great Commission for us Believers. And, yes, it is not only our privilege, but our responsibility to work with Him and the Holy Spirit to "set the captives free" from their demonic bondage to Satan's lies. But we aren't to stop there. Once we are free, we are to use that energy, authority, and life force that is "God in us" to continue the purpose that Jesus came for -- to re-establish this earth and its inhabitants under the governmental authority of the Kingdom of God.
     Jesus says in Luke 4:43, I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose. And then He says, in Matthew 24:14, And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. I now clearly see that part of my responsibility as a citizen of the Kingdom of God is to speak into people so that they achieve the entry point into the Kingdom -- which is Salvation. Then I must work with Jesus to get them free from the lies of the Enemy. And then I am to equip and train them to do the same for others, educating them about what it means to be a citizen of Heaven on earth. That is the entire Gospel of the Kingdom! And then the end of Satan's kingdom will come when the Lord returns with His righteous judgment!
    The largest part of "the Church" has stopped at Salvation! Until we can spread the good news of the Kingdom, Christ will not return. And unless you're free from Satan's lies, you cannot comprehend the Kingdom concept and your role as a citizen. Can you see it? First comes Salvation, then Freedom, then your position and responsibility in the Kingdom! 
     I will admit that it's a long road to progress through these veils, and if you are just beginning to awaken to their reality, then I hope you can see that living, breathing and thinking are just the beginning to greater understanding.  And there is nothing to fear... we know that victory is ours in the next life.  Until then, it an honor to stand for our Lord and represent Him as Kingdom citizens to all we come in contact with, and to help others to push through the veils.  As we teach them the meaning of each obstruction, and show them how to move to the next stage, it will be one less obstacle between them and God, and Christ's return.  That is a goal worthy of effort by every Christian.

2 Corinthians 3:16-17   But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

January 14, 2019

"There The Vultures (Eagles) Will Gather"

     As I have stated numerous times [and in the preceding blog post] I believe the Holy Spirit truths of the Bible are Spirit-revealed as we diligently dig into the Word to really know our God. And so, as I'm involved in a Bible study on the Book of Matthew, I found my spirit examining the passage in Chapter 24 that describes the detestable idol erected in the Holy of Holies that brings judgment from God upon mankind.
     Historically known as "the Abomination of Desolation, as spoken of by the prophet Daniel", I could focus on the events of this offensive, unholy, and frankly, beastly, sacrilege in the Temple. But I want to look at the culmination of this desecration, and the curious verses that describe the consequences ... For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather (Matthew 24:27-28).
     If you're like me, you have the obvious understanding of verse 27; that is, it describes the appearance of Jesus at His Second Coming. But what does it have to do with verse 29 and the statement about corpses and vultures? Does the Bible mention this anywhere else, and does it give us more clues as to the "bigger picture" of this future time that Jesus tells us we should understand? In fact other versions of the Bible tell us we should "take notice and ponder and consider and heed; learn about" this Abomination of Desolation and what will follow.
     As a matter of fact, Luke also writes [in Chapter 17] about the "Son of Man's day" in which "the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other".  While Luke doesn't focus on the detestable event in the Temple, he does describe what it will be like "in the days of the Son of Man"... it will be just as it was in the days of Noah, when the flood came; and as it was in the days of Lot, when fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all -- "so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed." 
     Luke then goes on to describe something that I propose has been misunderstood. Luke cautions them to "Remember Lot's wife. Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.  I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left.  There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left.”  These verses are often used in conjunction with 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 which describes the Lord descending from heaven with a shout and command and the faithful will be caught up in the air with Him; i.e., the Rapture. But both Matthew and Luke refer to the corpses and the gathering of vultures, which the Rapture passage in 1 Thessalonians does not mention. So let me explain why I think there is more to discern about "the day of the Son of Man" that has been misunderstood in Matthew and Luke, and why I do not think it refers to "the Rapture". 

     First of all, as I have already stated, the passages in Matthew and Luke are prefaced with accounts of grievous sin ---1)  the desecration of the Temple ("his forces shall pollute the sanctuary, the [spiritual] stronghold [Temple], and shall take away the continual [daily burnt offering]; and they shall set up [in the sanctuary] the abomination that astonishes and makes desolate [probably an altar to a pagan god]" -- Daniel 11:31);  2) the grievous sins in the days of Noah ("The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them" -- Genesis 6:4); and 3) the serious sins in the days of Lot (" just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire" -- Jude 1:7).
     And what were the results of these sins against our holy God? In Noah's day, God said He would destroy man with the earth (the Flood). In Lot's day, it was a righteous punishment of sulfur and fire from heaven. And, in Matthew, what does Jesus tell us will happen when the Abomination of Desolation [that occurred in Daniel] happens in the End Days? He gives lots of instructions about the people who will be living in Jerusalem at that time. And then He speaks of a time of "great tribulation" and a time of "false christs and false prophets [who] will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." Then comes the declaration of the "coming of the Son of Man" and the verse about those corpses and the gathering of vultures. It all sounds like JUDGMENT to me!
     Furthermore, I think it is important that we consider that the reason Jesus mentions the "Son of Man" is that it is His title pertaining to His taking back the dominion of the Earth (remembering that man was given dominion of the earth in Genesis 1:26). And here's a possible understanding of why He follows that sentence with "Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather" ... it is to be found in Matthew 16:27: "For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done." In both Matthew and Luke, the references to His appearance tell us He will be coming in judgment, and the result will be similar to the judgment in the days of Noah and Lot. Hence the bodies and vultures that will gather. These verses are not to be confused with His coming mentioned in 1 Thessalonians, which is addressed to those who "believe that Jesus died and rose again" (1 Thessalonians 4:14). In Matthew and Luke, the Bible is speaking about [and to] wicked and evil people. In 1 Thessalonians, it is a message of hope and encouragement to Believers. That is why there are no corpses and vultures.

     Remember that Matthew and Luke are speaking of how the coming of the Son of Man compare to similar events of wickedness. The confusion and misunderstanding comes from Luke's reference to "One will be taken and the other left" being united with 1 Thessalonians 4:17, "Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord." Matthew and Luke clearly show that they are referring to a time of judgment, while 1 Thessalonians is clearly about the Rapture. The "taking and leaving" in one do not support those who are left in the other.
     And in case you are interested in considering more, take a look at Job, chapters 38 and 39. God challenges Job to consider His Sovereignty and His Judgment. God counsels Job on the character of arrogant and bold sinners. When they have their hearts set on evil, there is no making them fear the wrath of God. They think they are safe in their sins ... and God describes the near lust for battle that comes upon evil men upon the earth as they go out to "meet the weapons". Yet at the end, what is the picture God paints for Job? He describes an eagle mounted high in her nest and stronghold, spying out his prey. "His young ones suck up blood, and where the slain are, there is he". And are you aware that in many versions of the Bible, "vultures" in both Matthew 24:28 and Luke 17:37, is translated as "eagles"? 
     Maybe you are not perplexed by that curious verse in Matthew 24. Maybe the fact that it immediately follows Jesus describing the coming of the Son of Man doesn't seem unusual to you -- it is just another of those unfathomable mysteries of the Bible. But it is just so glaring to me, and in opposition to what I've been taught and understood in the past -- that the Coming of Jesus meant the Rapture -- it just didn't make sense. So, you may not agree with my interpretation of Scripture, or how I related Matthew and Luke's coming of the Son of Man with Judgment, whereas the coming of the Lord in 1 Thessalonians is actually refers to the Rapture. That's OK with me. I just hope that you find it worthwhile to dig deep into the Bible. I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that the Holy Spirit inspires us to dig in; to read and reflect; to connect the dots; and then be willing to accept the truth that our study reveals -- rather than rejecting it because it does not conform to our prior understanding or human wisdom. Let us be motivated and energized by the Spirit to love earnest and enthusiastic study of God's manual for godly living and spiritual warfare. And let us never seek to minimize His glory or His Kingdom by limiting our understanding of Him. Let us forever declare His Kingdom and His Power and His Glory!

1 Corinthians 2:4-5     The message I preached and how I preached it was not an attempt to sway you with persuasive arguments but to prove to you the almighty power of God’s Holy Spirit. For God intended that your faith not be established on man’s wisdom but by trusting in His almighty power.