A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

September 7, 2016

A Personal Testimony: Jesus IS Our Deliverer!

     I decided today that I wanted to share with you a most encouraging email that I received.  Oftentimes, I receive requests asking for more information on spiritual deliverance and how healing the deep spiritual wounds in one's life is possible.  Most of the time people are open to letting me share the method that the Lord has shown me to set them on their path to being set free from satanic oppression.  Every once in awhile I will hear from someone who desperately needs to be freed, yet they cannot let go of their church doctrine and see the deeper truths in Scripture.  I get accused of seeing demons in every corner -- that's a favorite accusation of those who cling to what the Church has taught them [or in most cases, not taught them], and have trouble accepting any other viewpoint outside their experience.  But I don't let the naysayers discourage me; those with ears to hear, will hear.
     And then there are the people who have amazing testimonies; those who have been willing to let Jesus and the Holy Spirit heal those wounds.  They have come out of the darkness of their lives, into the Light that is Jesus.  Their lives are truly transformed.  And rather than hearing me give my opinion of the necessity of spiritual warfare [one more time], I thought you'd like to hear from someone who can affirm the power and authority we have in Christ.  Allow me to share some of her "before" and "after" testimony.  
     First, let me tell you that the very first email I received had one single word in the subject line ... "Help?"  And this is a little of what that first desperate cry for help sounded like ... 
     This letter has been long in coming.  It’s been in my mind for months now, but it’s taken this long to actually write it.  Part of the warfare, I’m sure.  I know that Satan does not want me to write it.  He does not want me to ask for help.  He does not want me to learn how to actively fight him.  I have been much too easy for him to manipulate and oppress...
     I have never written a letter like this to someone out in the internet, but this urge has not gone away in several months, so I am going to just go for it.  Thank you for listening.  Right now I literally have no one to listen to me, or to help. I am feeling more vulnerable and under attack than I have ever felt in my life.  It feels like it is incoming from every single direction possible.  A good description of me right at this moment would be a little girl, curled up in a ball, trying to withstand the blows and hoping they will end soon.  I honestly don’t know what has happened to me.  I am a fighter.  But the fight is taking its toll on me and I just feel like a sitting duck.  It is so bad that I don’t even know what to do or where to start.  I am tired, broken and feel like I’m hanging on by a thread.  The one thing I hang on to is my certain knowledge that my Redeemer lives.  But, I can’t get to Him. I pray and I ask and yet I still feel like I’m on the other side of soundproof glass and I can’t make contact.  I know He’s there.  I know He has the power to heal me.  I know He can demolish my foes with a single word.  And yet, I can’t get there, no matter what I do.
     I am usually an eternal optimist.  I always hang on to hope, and I believe that God uses all things for my good.  I know all that in my head, but it is not translating out into my life.  It’s getting harder and harder to hang on to the hope.  There is something blocking me from the healing power of God.  I have had so much ministry through the years.  Deliverance, healing, breaking strongholds, so much, but there is still something there that is not right.  I need help!  ...  I feel so confused….and helpless…Please, Belle….what can I do?  How do I get started?  How do I fight?  My usually happy, upbeat spirit feels crushed….I can’t stop crying….I can’t stop the pummeling…and now I am going to take a huge leap of faith, and push “send”.

     This is the email I received from her a couple of months after we did multiple sessions... and all either by phone or FaceTime!  I was concerned about how I could help her since we lived so far apart, and my wise husband said, "Don't you think God is big enough to work with her through the internet?  After all, the Enemy does!" ... Such a wise man!

     Well, what can I say???  It really does just keep getting better!  Words don't even come close!  I don't even feel like the same person....I am handling life, but more than just handling it....I am so full of joy!!  The depression is completely gone!  I haven't had a single sad moment since our very first session!  I am honestly a totally changed person!!  I am NOT exaggerating!!  I finally have that peace I have been looking for ALL of my life!!!  Things that would have normally knocked me down, are not.  The wall is down...I will never forget as long as I live the picture of Yeshua literally tearing that wall down, brick by brick, and releasing me.  I am so excited and happy!
     There are so many things I could share....so much happening...so much the Lord is showing me!  Every single day there is some new revelation about so many things.  I am getting so much understanding on so many things.  And I am learning how to do life in a completely different way.  It's almost like I'm outside of certain situations and have an understanding of what is actually happening that I've never had before.  For example, when there's a problem with a person, I'm not focused on what is happening physically, but instead, I'm aware of what is happening in the spiritual realm.  So, things that would have "pushed my buttons" before, I now can tell what the real issue is.  Does that make sense? I'm more aware of the spiritual component, which makes me handle things so much more differently.  I am just so much more loving and understanding.  Where before I would have been offended, or hurt, or reacted, I am finding that I go pretty much immediately to God, ask Him what is REALLY going on, and how I should handle it...what I should say, etc.  It's sure made for much more peaceful times.

     And this is the latest email I received, just a couple of days ago, and nearly 2 years from the first time she contacted me:     

     Just a quick note back to tell you thank you….and  STAY THE COURSE!!!  And BE ENCOURAGED!!!  You and your husband are doing such a great and needed work!!! I pray that there will be a hundred more of you!!!  I was led to you almost 2 ½ years ago and because of that one small, God-led click of a link, my whole world is changed!!!  Everything is different when seen through the eyes of healing, spiritual warfare and deliverance!!  Everything!!  Nothing is the same!!      After having Satan “mop the floor” with me, and my family, I am truly learning to stop taking it and fight back.
     What the Lord has really been impressing on me lately is how I am to be part of these Last Days battles and the need for training and practice….and the significance that it has in the heavenlies, since I have been redeemed from an  “organization” that we are fighting against!! Just being free from it all is a true blow to enemy forces!! What was meant for evil, God has used for good!!  Everywhere I turn I find “Masonic”, “Illuminati”, “Hiram Abiff”, etc.   Interesting, isn’t it, that six months ago I didn’t even KNOW how deep and satanic those Masonic ties were….and now, everywhere I look, there it is and it is a huge part of the enemy’s plans for this world!!!  I’m still so new and have so much to learn….but I see everything through a different set of eyes than I ever did before….and it all makes so much sense to me now!!  How privileged we are to be alive today!!  That doesn’t mean I’m looking forward to what’s coming…but, it does mean I’m excited to see what God is going to do!!!
     Anyway, just wanted you to know what a blessing you are to me…and so many others!!!  … If I could help even one person to step out into the great unknown and receive healing and deliverance, I would be thrilled!

     Can you see the difference between the first email and the subsequent ones?  I remember telling her when we began talking that if she would allow Jesus and the Holy Spirit into her memories, and let them heal the wounds that have been inflicted upon her throughout her life, that she would have a powerful testimony of what Jesus meant when He said, "I came to set the captives free".  And now she is glorifying Him to anyone who will listen!
     I just wanted to give you a break from hearing my voice and let you hear from someone who is speaking through experience and Truth.  Her testimony is more credible than mine ... she has lived it and is now shouting God's Truth:  Jesus Is our Rock, our Fortress, and our Deliverer!

Psalm 34:4    "I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears."


September 5, 2016

The World's Seduction to Evil and Wicked Disception; What Is Our Responsibility?

     One of my favorite authors, who also happens to be a Christian minister and host of his own weekly podcast, Daniel Duval, has written a fascinating book titled Higher Dimensions: Parallel Dimensions & The Spirit Realm.  In the book, he considers all the ramifications of the different dimensions in which God exists and how He interacts with us.  And in case you're wondering where that concept exists in the Bible, we see it portrayed in the creation of the earth and the heavens.  You have the physical planet and the three dimensions of heaven (the firmament or sky that surrounds the earth; the 2nd heaven, commonly known as the spiritual realm; and the 3rd heaven, where the throne room of God exists).
     Scripture also references the breadth, length, height, and depth of God's love (Ephesians 3:18), which are all different dimensions of the manifestation of God.  And that's just naming a few of the dimensions; there are higher ones that we have never known existed!  But I want to move beyond this academic understanding of the physical properties of these named dimensions, and show you how it is a very real and relevant concern for us in these Last Days.
     In 2 Thessalonians, Chapter Two, the Apostle Paul gives a very sobering forecast.  He warns of a day when a Man of Lawlessness will be revealed; and he calls him the son of destruction [the Antichrist, the one destined to be destroyed].  The coming of this Lawless One will be "attended by great power and with all sorts of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels -- [all of them] lying wonders."  And, sadly, too many of the human race will be seduced by these wicked deceptions because they refuse to welcome and love God's Truth and be saved.
     We are all familiar with this Scripture and this warning.  But have you ever wondered exactly what that will look like?  Is there anything in the Bible that we can compare it to?  If so, will it look the same today?  First, let's consider what Scripture says about this time when the Man of Lawlessness is in power.  It seems to correspond to the terror that will reign on the earth when the Sixth Seal in the Book of Revelation is broken. (The other Seals are as follows:  First Seal (the conqueror); Second Seal (war); Third Seal (famine); Fourth Seal (death); and Fifth Seal (martyrs).
     Furthermore, when the Sixth Seal is broken, "the stars of the sky" will fall to the earth.  As discussed in my previous post, "stars" mean angelic beings in the Bible.  I don't know about you, but my spirit is discerning that the Lawless One and his cohorts are preparing to make their presence known.  First of all, we need to understand that the only thing holding them back now is the hand of the Restrainer.  There has been much discussion down through the centuries regarding the identity of who this mysterious restrainer is, and I will pursue this particular line of reasoning on Sunday's post.
      But for now, if you will allow me, we will move forward towards the specific point I want to make in this post.  Let's assume that the translation in the Greek New Testament is correct, and 2 Thessalonians 2:7 reads like this:  For the mystery of the aforementioned lawlessness is now operating.  Only He [the Holy Spirit] who is holding [the lawlessness] down, [will do so] until He goes out from the midst [of humanity].  So when the Holy Spirit is removed from humanity, it sounds as if we can expect many stars, or fallen angel entities to come back to earth.  I say, "come back to earth", because they've been here before.  We've seen their appearance before in Genesis 6:1-4, when fallen angels came to earth to mate with human women in an effort to pollute the genetic pool so that the only perfect human being in the history of the world, Jesus of Nazareth, could be born.  This is the very first mention of genetic engineering for evil purposes, and it is in the Bible!    

     The offspring of this unholy mating were evil hybrids known as the Nephilim.  But Genesis 6 is not the only place we find references to such profane hybrids.  They appear in the first book of the Bible, and again in the last book.  In Revelation, Chapter 9, it is very clear (especially in the Amplified version), that an angelic being falls from heaven and opens the bottomless pit to let out a horde of locusts.  These locusts are very distinctly described as hybrids ... with shapes like horses, faces like men, hair like women, teeth like lions, with wings, and with stingers like scorpions.  The entire description of these creatures is anatomical; they are part horse, part human, part lion, and part scorpion.
     And just like in Genesis, when these evil hybrid creatures die, their spirits are then enslaved to do the work of satan and further his agenda.  But here's what we need to understand, and the real issue I want to present ... although the particular hybrids of Genesis and Revelation were created for those specific times, satan's agenda for them has never been limited to just those two times in the history of mankind.  Hybrids clearly existed in the Old Testament, and as Dan Duval suggests, "With thousands of years to refine their technologies, what do you think satan and his minions are up to today"?
     He contends that they are tinkering with all kinds of possibilities in order to create their own army in advance of what comes out of the pit in Revelation 9.  Furthermore, he thinks that much of the work being done towards that end is happening in those other dimensions I referenced earlier; in the "heavenly places".  After all, hybrids will be released from the pit, which is another dimension, right?  And here's something we need to realize and understand:  humans are actually obliging these hybrids and contributing to their creation. Don't believe me?  Read this article, which reveals that 150 human-animal hybrid embryos were grown in laboratories in the United Kingdom.
     Also, I am becoming more and more skeptical of genome projects, and genetic engineering for "the cause of medicine and mankind".  And it becoming clearer that all these "possibilities" are going to be our concern as God's people on earth.  I'm afraid we are going to be confronted by all kinds of evil that we've imagined only happens in the movies and in science fiction.  And it is our duty as Christians to continue to advance the victory of Christ and the Kingdom of God in spite of all this evil.
     I know that's a scary prospect.  But I want to give you a word of encouragement.  The only reason any of this should scare you, is if your view of God is too small.  Read that statement again ... if you're still scared, then it's time to change your perspective and your view of God.  You need to know how powerful He really is, and that He has a plan to conquer this evil.  And here's the really cool part ... He has chosen us -- you and me -- to be a part of His army to defeat His enemies!
     And with this word of encouragement, I have a sobering warning.  Even if you don't think you're up to the task, it doesn't matter.  I truly believe in the deepest part of my soul and spirit, that you're not going to have a choice.  So it's time to embrace your true identity -- that you are in Christ, and He in you. We know that our God is sovereign; He is all-powerful and all-knowing; He is present everywhere.  And you know what?  That is His Divine nature, and 2 Peter 1:4 tells us we are partakers [share in; have the qualities and attributes] of that Divine nature.
     That means that I want to leave you with this final thought ... this scary and wicked agenda of our Enemy is going to be our problem, whether we like it or not.  And it is our solemn responsibility to not only defend God's Kingdom, but to advance it, by partnering with Him.  It is time to grasp that reality and become who we were made to be.  We are co-heirs with Christ; given His power and authority by our Father; with the expectation that we are to join the fight!  Yes, He is capable of handling it all by Himself, but for some reason, He delights in working with us.  And that part about being a co-heir, or joint heir, with Christ ... it means that we can expect to suffer as He did, but we will also share in His glory, as well as His inheritance.  The world may be seduced by empty promises and wicked deceptions, but, as for me, I pray that I will fulfill my responsibilities as a loyal child of God.

Daniel 11:32    "He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant, but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action."

September 4, 2016

1 Kings 22:19-22

Micaiah said, “Therefore, hear the word of the Lord. I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and all the host (army) of heaven standing by Him on His right hand and on His left. The Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab to go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead?’ And one said this, while another said that. Then a spirit came forward and stood before the Lord and said, ‘I will entice him.’ The Lord said to him, ‘How?’ And he said, ‘I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ Then the Lord said, ‘You are to entice him and also succeed. Go and do so.’

     During our home church's Bible study on the Book of Acts, we have enjoyed a discussion on the "host of heaven", and exactly what that means.  It's important that we come to an understanding of that term since it appears throughout the Bible.  Also, God is often referred to as "the God of hosts".  So just who or what is "the host"?  
     It is easy to get confused by this term... depending on the context with which it is used in Scripture it can point to either the sun, moon, and stars; or to angelic beings.  The important thing to understand is that they are all creations of God.  And there is a connection between the two groups ... through the influence of satan, and throughout the history of mankind, human beings have turned from worshipping the Most High God to worshipping gods (fallen angels) represented by the heavenly bodies and constellations.  These "small g" gods are very real, and we see them referenced throughout ancient history ... Ra was the ancient sun god of Egypt; ancient Arabia worshipped a moon god; Rompha was the star god, or god of Saturn, referred to by Stephen.  
     And we need to clearly understand that these were created angelic beings who were led astray by satan to believe, that as gods, their own power was equal to that of "The Most High".  Take a fresh look at Psalm 82, and you will see this dynamic.  God calls a meeting of His divine council.  The Bible very plainly states, "God has taken His place in the divine council, in the midst of the gods he holds judgment".  He is doing the same thing here in 1 Kings ... the gods (heavenly host) are before Him, and He is working with them to bring forth His judgment upon Ahab.
     First, a little backstory:  The kings of Israel (Ahab) and Judah (Jehoshaphat) decide to join forces in their battle against Syria at Ramoth-gilead.  But King Jehoshaphat wished to appeal to the prophets of YHWH to make sure it was the will of God.  So King Ahab called forth his 400 loyal prophets, who pronounced that their king would be favored with victory. (A little note on Ahab... Remember, the Bible says, “And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord more than all who were before him”.  He was the most evil king of all the kings of Israel).  So naturally, the prophets told him only what he wanted to hear.  
     King Jehoshaphat must have recognized the bias, and asked if there was not one more prophet they could hear from.  Ahab reluctantly mentions the prophet Micaiah, whom he hates, because the prophet spoke the Lord's truth, which was often against Ahab.  The verses I selected for today's post are the prophecy of Micaiah.  So, what is the significance of this prophecy in terms of the host of heaven?
     Micaiah clearly states the he has been given a vision -- or perhaps he actually was given a glimpse into the heavenly court -- and he has seen the Lord sitting on His throne, with the heavenly host arrayed before Him; some on the right, and some on the left.  It is important that we note that the right hand of God is the favored spot.  In the ancient world, the kings always put the favored ones at their right hand;  Jesus is seated at the right hand of the  Father, and we are all with Him.  The "right hand of God" was that which overcame Israel's enemies, as exemplified in Exodus 15:6, Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power; your right hand, O Lord, shatters the enemy.
     Since Micaiah sees the heavenly host on both sides of the Lord, this may indicate that God spoke to the combined host of heaven, both faithful and fallen angelic beings.  God then asks this assembled group, Who will entice Ahab to go up and fall at Ramoth Gilead? God wanted to bring judgment against Ahab, so He asked this group of the host of heaven for a volunteer to lead Ahab into battle.
     And God gets an answer to His question ...  I will entice him.  Apparently, one of the fallen angels volunteered to go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all 400 of Ahab's compromising prophets. Since Ahab wanted to be deceived, God would give him what He wanted, using a willing fallen angel who worked through willing unfaithful prophets.
     Can you see how satan works?  To entice; to attract or tempt with an offer of pleasure or advantage?  And can you also see that God knows exactly how our enemy works, and is willing to exploit that sin for His own glory?  "What is meant for evil, God uses for [His] good" is an apt description of what we see happening here.  In fact, God gives explicit instructions:  You are to entice him and also succeed. Go and do so.
     I realize that this idea that there are other gods besides YHWH (albeit, "small g" gods), may be a foreign concept to you.  But it is my opinion that the Western Church, down through the centuries, has been misguided about what "The One True God", or "The Most High God" means.  God never says there are no other gods; after all, He created them!  He only says they are "false" gods.  Take a look at Deuteronomy, Chapter 32.  In verses 7-9, God tells us that, as The Most High God, He divided mankind up into different territories with borders (most likely at the Tower of Babel), and these fixed number of people were according to the number of the sons of God.  
     The first mention of the sons of God is in Genesis 6:1-4, and it refers to the [fallen] angels who came to earth to mate with earthly women.  I do not subscribe to the concept that these are human beings -- either here, in Genesis, or in Deuteronomy.  So what God is telling us in Deuteronomy is that "He fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God [or His created angelic beings]".  But He then says, "But the Lord's portion is His people; that Jacob [or Israel] is His allotted heritage".  In other words, He's saying, "you angelic beings [that I have created] have been given different nations as your inheritance, but I'm taking Israel; she's mine". 
     Now, look just a few verses later, at 32:16-17.  But what did God's favored nation do?  The Bible says, they stirred Him to jealousy with strange gods; they sacrificed to demons that were no gods, to gods they had never known; to new gods that had come recently, whom your fathers never dreaded.  By now it should be clear that other "gods" exist!  But the Bible is all about the relationship of the The Most High God; the one with a capital G, and His relationship with the people He claimed as His own.  All the other gods were created by Him, and meant to be subject to Him.  But one, who fancied himself greatest among the "little g" gods coveted the title and power, and grew to think that he could be equal to the One who created him... and he convinced one-third of the other gods to follow him.  
     The idea of other gods and a heavenly host that consists of holy, as well as evil, angelic beings may be a new concept to you.  And  your head may be spinning about now.  But please do not dismiss it.  Read it within the context of the verses I have shown you, and I think you will find your view of God expanding; and you will start to see the evil in the world, and the bondage in our lives from a whole new perspective.   And in Psalm 82, you will see the God of all creation dressing down those He created for not tending to the peoples they were given jurisdiction over, as He hands down His judgment.  And what is the final statement in this amazing Psalm?  Arise, O God, judge the earth; for You shall inherit all the nations!  YHWH may have claimed Israel for Himself, but in the end, He, and He alone, will come into possession of all the peoples of the earth!  Amen to that!

September 2, 2016

The Exercise of God's Sovereignty & How It Works With Our Power and Authority

     The concept, as laid out in this post title, has been rattling around in my brain for awhile. And now I hope the Holy Spirit will help me elucidate the complexities of this topic.  To be sure, this is a very difficult idea to understand ... As followers of Christ, we believe that God is Sovereign and Supreme in all aspects of the Universe that He created.  But what exactly does that mean?
     Can we agree that His Sovereignty means He has the ability to exercise His will in unlimited power and ways?  But does that mean He always carries out His will?  It is my opinion that God’s Supremacy is unrestricted, but I also believe that the Sovereignty of God has its parameters.  In other words, ultimately God is in complete control of all things, though He may choose to let certain events happen according to limits He has established -- again, a matter of His Sovereignty.  So, I believe that God is totally independent and does as He pleases, without having to answer to us.  (As one of my favorite theologians and deliverance ministers, Dr. Charles Kraft, says, "God doesn't answer Why questions").  Then, it is apparent that the next question is, "What might some of those limits be?"
    First of all, God cannot do anything that goes against His own character.  He can't lie; He can't be tempted by evil; He keeps every promise He makes; He can't contradict Himself; and He won't revoke what He has given or promised us... and that includes our free will. That speaks to His character trait of Immutability -- He does not change.  So that inherently means that if He has given us free will, He will not take it back, nor infringe upon it.
    The Bible is full of Scripture and examples of man using his free will to go against the will of God... Adam and Eve chose to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; the nation of Israel (God's favored people) chose to rebel and follow after false gods.  Do you think either of these outcomes is what God desired, or what best served His purpose?  It is just as Joshua exhorted, "And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve...".  We have been given the choice to obey God, or not.  Could God, in His Sovereignty, have made Eve reject the serpent's temptation?  Or closed the hearts and minds of the Israelites to the snare of the foreign gods?  Of course, He could have! But He, in His Sovereignty, He chose NOT to!
     So, how does this connect to our Dominion, or our Power and Authority; and does this change our opinion that God is in control of everything?  Let me reiterate one idea regarding God's Sovereignty ... He has the ability to control everything, if He wants.  But does He?  Let's look at the case of spiritual and demonic attacks upon Believers.  It is a well-entrenched idea within today's Body of Christ that prayer is a vital part of a Christian's life... and I totally agree!  But I fear that it is sometimes looked upon as the primary tool in our arsenal against the evil forces of this world.  As Christians, we want to be obedient to Christ, and prayer puts our hearts in the proper "frame of mind" to desire that obedience.  We cannot pursue a relationship with our Lord without communing with Him; that's the truth.  And we are exhorted to pray without ceasing; to keep those lines of communication open.
     But somehow the Enemy has convinced us that prayer is all we can do when we are confronted with his spiritual attacks.  And when those prayers aren't answered, then he whispers that it was God's will that we suffer and be brought to our knees in order to gain a closer relationship with Him.  I am not disputing that God allows discipline in our lives to correct our errant ways,and bring us back into obedience, but I cannot subscribe to the theory that it is always the case that we "just have to keep praying and hoping God will answer our prayers" ... that somehow we didn't pray hard enough, or our faith wasn't strong enough for God to answer our petitions.
     What if He is desiring that we call upon the Power and Authority that has been bestowed upon us by our Lord and Savior?  What if He is wanting us to demonstrate to the forces of wickedness that they no longer have dominion over the earth; that the Kingdom of God now exists on earth and we are the stewards of that Kingdom?  Or, that the dominion and power that was usurped from Adam and Eve has been re-bestowed, so to speak, upon us by the coming of Christ into the world, so that the Kingdom of Heaven is now present ... on earth as it is in heaven!  How sad, to me, that we don't recognize that and continue to languish in bondage, when we have been given the power and authority, in the name of Jesus, to be set free!
     Let me ask you this:  When you are continuously oppressed by demonic attacks, and you pray night and day, with no results, how do you explain that?  God just isn't hearing me; I must pray harder?  Or, maybe you tell yourself that for some reason God is wanting this to happen, because He controls everything; otherwise the attacks would stop.  But when we pray for release and rescue, asking God to take it away, aren't we are basically asking Him to do something that He told us to do?  Didn't He say, And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give"?  But what were we freely given?  The power and authority to do these things!  And with that authority comes the responsibility to use it -- not sit idly by, waiting for God to do the work He has told us to do!
     And let me suggest this thought ... Can you find any instance in the Bible when Jesus prayed out a demon?  No!  He always cast them out!  And did He ever ask His Father to do the casting out for Him?  No!  He used the Power and Authority given to Him by His Father [and now transferred to us as co-heirs] to cast the demons out Himself.
     Now, I know some of you are thinking about the verse where Jesus tells His disciples that the reason they couldn't cast out some demons is because those particular demons required prayer and fasting.  I believe that He wasn't saying they should've prayed and fasted instead of casting out the demons, but that their faith levels weren't high enough to cast it out, and that they needed to spend more time in prayer and fasting before they could drive this particularly strong demon out:  "Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief...".
     So, to bring this full circle -- in the short time my husband and I have been involved with healing spiritual wounds and conducting our Deliverance Ministry, nearly every person who comes to us has tried desperately to pray away the oppression they are under.  If God is in control of everything, and He honors the prayers of His children, why wasn't the oppression lifted?  Could it be that He wants us to follow Christ's example?  Just as Jesus called upon His Father's power to cast out demons and set the captives free, we who are Believers now have that same power available to us.  We just need to use it!  Jesus promised, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you" (Acts 1:8).  If you are saved, then you have the power of Heaven on your side!  I wish I knew when and why we lost that Truth; but it sure goes a long way towards explaining why so many Christians suffer demonic oppression in a helpless state ... My people perish for lack of knowledge never made more sense!

Mark 16:17      "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils..."


August 31, 2016

"Be As Wise As Serpents, and Innocent As Doves"

     In our Home Church's study of the Book of Acts this past weekend, we made note of the ways that satan attempted to disrupt the growth and influence of the newly-formed First Century Church.  He tried to discourage the Apostles from delivering their supernaturally-charged message of "Jesus as Messiah" by inciting the civil and religious ire of the powerful Sanhedrin.  When Peter, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, shows them he is unafraid of their threats, the devil then whispers the sin of Pride into the hearts of Ananais and Sapphira and they lie to the Holy Spirit about their false generosity to meet the needs of the multitude assembled in Jerusalem.  God thwarts that plan by striking them dead on the spot.
     The next move in the cosmic chess match was to try to instigate division among different groups within the new Church, but Stephen, a man of remarkable faith, steps up and leads the congregation to reconciliation.  In retaliation, satan whispers lies and false accusations against Stephen, which results in a trial before the Sanhedrin and a death sentence for blasphemy -- ironically the same sentence brought against Jesus, whom Stephen proclaimed.  Again, the Adversary thinks he's poured cold water on the fire of Christianity, but God defeats his move by raising up the first martyr who is willing to die for his witness of Christ.  And all of this has happened in just the first seven chapters!
     But Jesus had warned the Apostles that this would be their lot; in fact, anyone who is willing to witness to the world of eternal salvation through Jesus, the Son of God, can expect that there will be a hard road before them.  In Matthew, chapter ten, after commissioning His twelve disciples and instructing them to continue the work He was doing, he then warns them that He is "sending them out as sheep in the midst of wolves", and then comes that turn of phrase that I wish to explore further ... "So, be as wise as serpents, and innocent as doves".  Just what did He mean by that?   
     The first half of that admonition is easy enough to discern.  Sheep are vulnerable in the midst of wolves, and are targets for attack.  As Matthew Henry explains it, "Wicked men are like wolves, in whose nature it is to devour and destroy."  This is the very definition of the goal of satan.  So, then what are we to make of the advice, first, to be "wise as serpents"?  
      I have seen some explanations from sources that I admire; John Piper and David Guzik both adhere to opinions that witnesses for Jesus should follow the example of serpents, or snakes, and "get out of the way; go under rock", or that "serpents are attacked by everyone, and must use creativity and wisdom to survive; so, avoid unnecessary trouble".  While both viewpoints accurately describe the action of snakes, I would like to offer another possible interpretation; one from a spiritual warfare point of view.
     Do you think it is plausible that Jesus could have meant for them to be wise from this standpoint ... to be wise and to have sharp and perceptive discernment and understanding of people and situations, and to be alert and aware so that you can maintain sound judgment in dealing with different  circumstances. 
     I suggest that both Mr. Piper and Mr. Guzik might put forth the argument that a snake's most common form of self-protection is avoidance.  Therefore, when confronted with persecution, we should seek practical and artful ways to avoid trouble with the Enemy, and seek a path of escape.  And I agree that this might sometimes be the best option and approach we should take.  
     But remember, it is the objective of wolves to "devour and destroy", and this is the task that satan desires to accomplish through any manner possible.  And what is Jesus's admonition in the face of satan's attacks?  Be wise as a serpent.  So, as we attempt to fulfill our commission from Jesus, we must discern how we are going to counter these attacks, and listen to the counsel of the Holy Spirit.  I contend that currently, the Church's only modus operandi is to follow a plan of "avoid and escape".  But is that the only approach that Jesus means for us in His advice to be wise as serpents?  Are we always supposed to run and hide?  What if He really meant something else?  
     What if being as wise as a serpent means to know and understand the Enemy's tactics?  It seems to me that by being aware of how our enemy thinks and acts, that we could be more effective in defeating him.  I'm not saying that we should go looking for the fight at all!  But I am suggesting that avoiding the fight at all costs  -- with no understanding that we have the power and authority of Jesus behind us -- we are giving up valuable ground to the forces of wickedness and evil.  Sometimes understanding our enemy -- instead of avoiding him -- might give us the opportunity to better protect ourselves.  Instead of defenseless sheep facing an onslaught of wolves, we can mount a supernatural defense, being wise as to how our enemy operates.
     Now for the second half of Jesus's instruction,  Be as innocent as doves.  John Piper says this means, as you go forth spreading the Gospel Message, "don’t give them any legitimate reason to accuse you of injustice or immorality. Keep your reputation as clean as you can."  David Guzik prefers the version which says to be harmless as doves, and implies that "remaining harmless would keep them from giving in to the temptation of retaliation."  He also quotes theologian Charles Spurgeon, who said the Christian "must be of a guileless [innocent, genuine] mind (without deception), that he do no harm."  
     I agree with all these learned men, and I would like to suggest one caveat to their discerning viewpoints.  In the realm of spiritual warfare, we really fight on two fronts, don't we?  One front is the spiritual realm, in which we battle the powers and forces of spiritual wickedness and evil.  The other is the physical world in which we counter the attacks of satan and his demons with the powerful message of Jesus's love and sacrifice.  So while we should be wise in knowing the enemy's tactics and how to defeat them in the spiritual realm, we also need to be wise about how we present His message to those who are lost in this world.  Remember the context in which Jesus is speaking: He is sending His representatives out into the world to spread the Good News.  That is a powerful counter-attack to satan's plans to "devour and destroy".
     We cannot approach the world as if we are going to war against them.  We must be a safe haven for them to hear the Word; we must not use His Message to cause harm; and we must be blameless in our approach and our testimony.  There should be a sense of peace about our delivery; after all doves are a symbol of peace.  And what better way to counter the devil's destructive attacks in a person's life than to battle back with a message that brings peace to a man's soul and spirit?  Being innocent as doves is a significant and powerful part of our spiritual warfare arsenal.
     Now that I've explained another way to look at this passage, I'm sure there are readers wondering, "So, what exactly, does being wise as a serpent look like?  What should we be knowing in order to understand the Enemy? I'd like to suggest just a few things that come to my mind:
1)  Studying exactly how God feels about oaths and curses, and what effects they have upon our lives.
2)  Studying secret societies like the Freemasons, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones and knowing the oaths and curses they take and what they mean to these groups.  And, as a believer, if these associations are connected to your family, you need to know that they can be renounced in the Name of Jesus, and you can be freed of their destructive consequences in your life, and the lives of your family members.
3)  Understanding what "legal authority" means from a spiritual perspective, and what it allows Satan to do.
4)  Understanding what a "stronghold" is and how satan uses them to oppress us; unforgiveness being one of the strongest and most oppressive.
5)  Researching and understanding that there is a very real satanic calendar; days on which sacrifices and evil practices are carried out.  These dates are not contrived on my part -- they have been followed for thousands of years; ancient, pagan rites passed down through the centuries and honored by modern followers of satan.  Don't believe me?  Check out the list here.  Christians don't even know they exist, so the enemies of mankind are allowed to carry out their diabolical rites without one prayer against them!
     What I am not saying is this:  that we should make this knowledge our priority, or that it should have equal standing with knowing and understanding God.  But I do not believe that He wants us to simply be sitting idly by, waiting for Him to come to our rescue.  He wants us in the battle and participating with Him, and that means getting out of our comfort zones, and our comfortable seats in the pew, and becoming more than robots.
     These are just a few of the ways that we can be "wise as serpents" -- by studying and understanding what the serpents do and how they operate!  In Luke 10:19, Jesus says, I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy" ... but, up until very recently, I had no idea what that meant or how to go about it.  I suspect it is the same for many Christians.
     The Church and the Body of Christ have done a good job about understanding and being "innocent/harmless" as a dove.  But I can't help thinking there is some significance to our Lord telling us to be "wise as a serpent" first ... and then to be "innocent as a dove".  If we are restricted in our witness and the bearing of fruit, due to the deep spiritual wounds that go unhealed, just how effective will we be in representing the power of Jesus's love?  If we at least consider getting free of our bondage to sin first, then I believe the sharing of our testimony and the Gospel of Jesus will be so sweet on our lips that it will be irresistible!
     To summarize ... Shouldn't we first understand how our Enemy operates, then listen to the Holy Spirit as to whether it is most prudent to avoid this confrontation, or to call upon our power and authority in Christ to confront it and defeat it?  And finally, I want to leave you with this interesting analogy from my pure Texas husband ... God wants us to use the brains He gave us; we'd better start understanding the schemes and tactics of the devil [and how to deal with them through the Lord], or when the evil that is prophesied to come upon the world occurs, it is going to look like Opening Day of dove season in South Texas! What a sobering thought....

2 Timothy 1:7    "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."


August 29, 2016

Why Understanding Eschatology in World Religions Matters

    As you know, I have been focusing on the subject of spiritual warfare of late.  It is because I believe that the turmoil and chaos we see in people's personal lives and throughout the world is the result of an earthly king who opposes God and His people, and the “prince” who stands behind that realm, prompting men to carry out his will. Of course, this belief system is supported by my faith and profoundly frames my Biblical worldview.
     So, when I look at topics like the racial violence in our cities, terrorist attacks in Europe, and the latest issue of Dabiq, the propaganda magazine of the Islamic State, I see beyond the surface images and discern a deeper truth regarding their significance to men.  Each one points to an underlying element of satan's character and conduct -- to wreak havoc and spoil and ruin in his never-ending quest to destroy mankind, which is God's creation and the one who usurped his position in Heaven.
     I'm pretty sure that you are aware of the first instances I cited, but that third one ... Dabiq, the propaganda instrument; what part does it play in satan's plan?  First of all, thanks to Joel C. Rosenberg, prolific author and communications strategist, we have a unique perspective on the importance of this strategic tool and the significance of its name.  Dabiq, a small town in northern Syria, lies around 6 miles from the Turkish border, and it features in Islamic apocalyptic prophecies as the site of an End Times showdown between Muslims and their enemies.  By naming their propaganda tool after this site, ISIS is showing the world that they intend to bring about this confrontation.  In essence, the magazine Dabiq is foreshadowing Islamic eschatology.
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah
     For those of you who need a solid definition of just what comprises eschatology, here it is:  eschatology is the part of religious theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind; it is the belief of what will happen in the final events in the history of the world.  Each of the three major religions has their own form of eschatology (and none of them are universally accepted by all adherents of each faith).  In Judaism, this time period is known as "the End of Days", and centers around the belief that the God of Israel will redeem His people from captivity (which began in the Babylonian exile) and return the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.  God will restore the Temple in Jerusalem and the House of David, out of which will come a King, a Jewish Messiah, who will defeat the Gentile nations, lead the Jewish people and the world, and He will usher in an age of justice and peace.  All nations will recognize that the God of Israel is the only true God, after which He will resurrect the dead and create a new heaven and a new earth.
     In Christianity, our End Times eschatological theology can vary among different denominations.  So, I will present it as I understand it from my study of Scripture ... Jesus returns at the end of "the Tribulation" to rescue Israel, defeat the Antichrist, judge the nations and the wicked in Israel, and rule over the Messianic Kingdom.  The Church will be snatched away at some point prior to God's judgment being poured out on the wicked of the earth.  [Whether that is pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation is anyone's guess.  I prefer to see it as pre-wrath since 1 Thessalonians 5:9 says that God did not appoint us to suffer wrath.  That being said, Scripture tells us "no one knows the day or hour"].  After Armageddon, Satan is bound and believers enter the Millennium.  Following the thousand year reign of Christ there is a final battle with satan, the destruction of the cosmos, and recreation of a new heaven and earth.
     The eschatology of Islam looks like this ... Jesus (Isa) will return to over-throw the Romans in "Dabiq or Al-A'maq" in Syria, or at the Lud gate in Jerusalem, according to another account.  Jesus will "kill all pigs and break all crosses", confirming Islam as the only true religion.  After 40 years Jesus will die and be buried next to Muhammad in Medina (Islam teaches that Jesus didn't die in A.D. 33 but has been in a state of "suspended animation" since).  That is the purpose of Jesus's Second Coming according to Islam.
     In Judaism Jesus returns as the Messiah to defeat the hostile Gentile nations and restore the kingdom of Israel.  The Jews will return from exile to their Holy Land (already occurring) and they will rule in a spiritual age of harmony.  His return in Christianity is similar; Jesus will come to rescue Israel, defeat the Antichrist, judge the nations and the wicked in Israel, and rule over the messianic kingdom.
     So, while all three major world religions share in a belief of a final judgment, the establishment of a new earth, tribulation before the establishment of this new earth, and the belief in the eternal reign of a Messianic figure -- there is a major difference that must be noted.  The Bible never calls on Jews and/or Christians to annihilate their enemies to bring about the Kingdom of their Messiah.  But Apocalyptic Islam calls for just that -- there must be a conquest of their enemies before the Kingdom of their Messiah can be established.  Some analysts have said ISIS could be trying to hasten this battle by goading the U.S. into putting boots on the ground in Syria.  According to the Islamic view the soldiers of Allah will win this battle, ushering in a period marked by the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel and the dominance of Muslims globally.
     Do you see why it is important to note and understand the eschatology of these World Religions?  We can no longer ignore a major religion that consists of 1.6 Billion followers and approximately 23% of the global population (and growing).  And we cannot ignore the message shouted from the pages of Dabiq:  ISIS leaders make it clear they want to bring about the End of Days; they vow to “break the cross” — that is, to slaughter Christians in the Middle East, in the West, and around the world, and to annihilate Christianity from the Earth; and they list six reasons they hate us .... 1) we are "disbelievers" in their god;   2)  they hate us because our secular, liberal societies permit the very things that their god has prohibited;  3)  they even hate our atheists because they deny our Lord;  4)  they hate us for the crimes and transgressions they believe we have waged against their religion;  5)  they hate us for what they see as crimes against Muslims; and 6) they hate us for invading their lands, and they vow to fight us and drive us out.
     For perhaps the first time in the short history of our nation, eschatology is at the heart of our enemy's motivations, their strategies, and their tactics.  Many Muslims across the globe see the unfolding events in Syria and Iraq as proof that the prophetic traditions of their religion are coming to pass and will soon lead to the return of the Muslim Jesus and the Mahdi ... the "guided one", the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will rule for five, seven, nine, or nineteen years before the Day of Judgment and will rid the world of evil.
     And just in case you are wondering what all this has to do with spiritual warfare... it should be apparent by now.  The powers of darkness which have been given territorial rule by the prince of this world are running their programs.  The Enemy of mankind senses that his time is short ... he, too, knows the eschatology of each of the major religions and he is playing his hand for all its worth right now.  So, we'd better know the game plan, too.  And all the earth better know that there is only One True God who will rule the world.  When that trumpet blows, it will be the Jewish Messiah, our Lord and Savior, who descends from heaven.  And every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!  Amen!

Isaiah 60:1-2    "Arise, shine, for your Light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you."

August 28, 2016

Acts 13

     As they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said,
 "Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work I have called them to."

     This particular passage in the Bible has struck close to home.  It was pointed out to me by my very wise husband, who said, “Have you ever thought that we spend too much time ministering to people, rather than to God?”  If you are like me, your first thought was, But God asks us to attend to the needs of others; to love them and to share the message about the sacrifice for all mankind that His Son accomplished on the Cross.  Isn’t that what ministering is, and aren’t we called to do that in the Name of our Lord?
     Of course, the answer to this last question is, yes.  Leading and guiding and meeting the needs of others in love is necessary and part of ministering to people, which is God’s work.  But it is hard to ignore in our selected verse that the Apostles were ministering to the Lord, not to the people.  So why were they doing that, and what does it mean for us?
     It is a rather subtle, yet difficult concept to consider, so I hope I’m able to express my thoughts in a coherent manner.  The primary point I want to make is that there is a difference between ministering to people and ministering to God.  When we minister to people, it involves the efforts of our flesh – we may be ministering to the needs of fellow Christians, laboring to save sinners, or administering the affairs of our church.  We may be saying all the right things and be acting according to Scripture; doing all the right activities.  But there’s a crucial question that must be answered … are our efforts done with a mind toward meeting the needs of others, which is through our flesh? Or are we acting in the Spirit, and truly serving the Lord in our hearts?  Do you see the difference?
     Jeff Goins, with Adventures in Missions wrote, “To ‘minister to the Lord’ is to worship Him alone in all that you do. [It is putting Him first].  So, in essence, any ministry that is directed towards others without first being directed towards God is idolatry."  That's a pretty sobering statement!
     To truly understand what it means to "minister to God", we need to consider the role of the priests under the Old Covenant.  In the Old Testament, only the priests ministered "to God." The Israelites would bring the animals to the temple, and the priests would help them administer the sacrifice in a way that was pleasing to God.  The priest would enter the "Holy of Holies", where God would meet him and accept the blood as a pleasing sacrifice for the atonement of sins.
      In the New Testament, at the Cross, Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice for all of humanity. He was both the sacrifice [bringing His own blood] and the priest who presented the offering to God the Father, who accepted it and was eternally pleased. When we acknowledge Him as our Savior, we become heirs with Him and part of the "royal priesthood".  We are covered by the blood of his ultimate sacrifice, and we are able to enter the "holy of holies" personally, and present ourselves to God the Father.
     So Ministering to the Lord means that before we do any of our activities of ministering to others, we should present ourselves before Him, offering whatever our service might be to Him, first.  This is the first job of any servant of God; to put Him first, doing what pleases Him and honors Him as our primary objective.  That can include worshipping Him, praising Him, prayer, listening to Him ... or writing for Him.  When we put Him first before we act in our ministry to others, we can expect to hear from Him.  And, here, it is important to realize that this is where the difference between works of the flesh (ministering to others) and spiritual work (ministering to the Lord) is revealed.  Ministering to men often finds us exerting our own energy, running around, spending time to discuss and debate, negotiating, proposing, approving, and authorizing.  Ministering to the Lord requires waiting quietly and listening for what He will say to us.
      Because the Apostles ministered to the Lord [and fasted] they heard from the Holy Spirit, God's voice, and received the calling on the lives of Barnabas and Saul.  That can only happen when we minister in the spirit.  Ministering in the flesh serves ourselves and others.  Ministering in the Spirit serves God.
     I mentioned at the beginning of this post that this concept struck close to home.  I have to be honest in revealing that it is my utmost desire that this blog serve Him first.  But I often examine my motives to make sure that is the case.  I sometimes have to ask, "Lord, am I really ministering to You or to the work of this blog?  Lord, is my ministry to this audience or to You?"  Because it must be to Him first!  If it is, then I trust that He will speak to you through my writing.  I can tell you that I am aware when I am not ministering to Him which results in a struggle with my writing -- I'm sure you can tell it, too.
     So, I pray that I can follow the example of the Apostles and let go of the fleshly side of this work for the Lord.  I want to let go of all consciousness of who is reading it or how many, and I want it to be a spiritual work; a work that allows me to enter within the presence of my Lord, offering my efforts to Him as a pleasing act of worship and honor.  I want to write each post just to please Him!  And so... I wait ... and I listen.  

August 26, 2016

How Jesus Is Leading Me To His Truth

     I feel compelled to make a personal statement that I hope will provide encouragement and direction to those of you, who like me, find themselves as the square peg in the Church's designated round hole.  When I self-identified as "a misfit" [in regard to how I fit into the structure and theology of today's institutionalized religion], I got a few comments from those who recognized themselves, as well.  But I have a pretty good idea that if you are among the 1,000+ readers who actually read yesterday's post, then there are likely more of you who sympathize with Anonymous, who said, "... it is becoming more and more clear I have no "place" in my church. I am discouraged from seeking answers beyond the "base or pat " answers that the leadership has determined is the ''right" answer. This is so frustrating. I find that church for me has to be in a blog like yours or in an online forum where people like me are gathering in droves to find some semblance of the truth. What does this say about the condition of the church? I feel guilty about rejecting the church but what if there is nothing there to minister to me?"
     Oh, how I empathize with that frustration!  I sincerely believe that Jesus is calling our spirits out of hibernation.  For too long, we have been satisfied with what we've been spoon-fed as the "theologically correct" concepts of Creation, Salvation, Grace, and Church.  By no means, do I suggest that Pastors have deliberately misled us or contrived to dumb us down.  No, satan has done that!  And I want to make it clear that, in no way, do I advocate rejecting the Church.  It is still Jesus's Church!  Instead, it is my hope that I (we) can enlighten the Church and stimulate it to return to its designated and divine purpose; the purpose that Jesus commissioned it for -- not the lukewarm representative of His power and glory many church buildings have become.  Until, then I believe He has called those with willing hearts and spirits to step outside the current institution and join Him in forming a revitalized remnant.
     It wouldn't have taken the devil long to figure out that God's power existed in the First Century Church.  It was the supernatural power on display among those who were taught by Jesus, and then, in turn, taught others of the power and authority available to all who believed on His Name.  From the beginning, satan sought to interfere with that power, and to blind believers to the extensive influence they could have [in and on the world] by continuously seeking knowledge from Jesus and God.  So our Adversary influenced men's hearts to infiltrate the newly formed Church, introducing opposing doctrines and stifling our desire to seek higher levels of understanding about our God and His character, principles, and precepts.  Now, a couple of thousand years later, we find ourselves as part of a Body that no longer resembles that "on fire" congregation of Christ-followers.  Instead, we have accepted a limited view of who we are to be, where and how we are to serve, and how far we are allowed to go in our search for answers. And it is literally killing our souls!
     So, I am writing this post in response to the brave and honest request by Anonymous, who asked that I share the books, sources, teachers, and texts that Jesus has put in my path to lead me on my own search for His Truth.  A word of caution --- this may not be the same path He is leading you on!  And that's okay, as long as you are serious in discerning that it is His voice you are hearing.  And Scripture is the basis by which I test ANY new knowledge of God.  
     Also, my journey has taken me down many roads, and I have run many conceptual rabbits down many trails, whereby I either accepted or rejected new information.  I have read the ancient writings of early Church writers such as Josephus, Origen and Tertullian.  I have read the extra-Biblical texts of Enoch and the Book of Jasher, which have either been referenced, quoted, or alluded to in the Bible.  (If they were important enough that God inspired the Biblical writers to mention them, then they must have some importance to us, right?)
Early Christian writings
     I put great store in the research of modern Hebrew scholars like Michael Heiser.  I have attended seminars by modern Biblical writers/researchers Rob Skiba and Doug Hamp; and read the books of L.A. Marzulli, Tom Horn, Daniel Duval, and Chris Putnam; and listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts by godly men like Russ Dizdar, Chuck Missler, and Justen Faull -- all men who have devoted their lives to coming to the full knowledge of God; at least as much as God wants to reveal to us.  I will tell you that I don't always agree with all their theories or premises, but I will vouch for their attention to Biblical detail and their genuine heart for God.  I can also tell you that the Greek translation of the New Testament by Kenneth Wuest, the preeminent Christian Greek scholar of the 20th Century, is not far from my fingertips, as is the Hebrew/Greek Concordance.   All these are references that I use in conjunction with, but not in primacy over the Bible!  Everything always has to align with what the Holy Spirit reveals in the Word!
     Now, if you are interested, let me show you how God pushed me "out of the nest", so to speak, and how one thing led to another .... When I began to realize that even the trusted leaders of my long-time Church were beginning to introduce outside sources to our study of the Lord, there was a deep desire in my soul to know what they believed about the Bible and Jesus.  I discovered that these authors had ideas such as "the Bible is not the inerrant Word of God"; "Jesus did not know He was the Son of God until He was hanging on the Cross"; and "the old paradigm of thinking the Bible is a manual for living life has been replaced by a new paradigm that states the Bible is merely a guide full of allegories and symbolic lessons".   I must tell you that my spirit felt violated!  And it was as if I had been looking through a murky veil of truth.  All of a sudden I knew that I had been lulled into accepting "Church doctrine" and teachings that might not even be what God intended me to know about Him!  I was determined to do my own research and in the only source God had given me ... THE BIBLE!  And I was beginning at the beginning.
     It didn't take me long to find a concept that needed further exploration .... Genesis 3 and the Fall of Man had me looking deeper into all I could find out about the serpent.  Was he really just a snake, or was he, as the Hebrew word for "serpent" [nachash] suggested, "an upright, bright, shining one"?  Suddenly, the image of the snake in the Garden of Eden, that the Church had always perpetuated, took on a bigger, broader meaning and I got the fuller image of Lucifer, the brightest angel in heaven, who fell to earth in disgrace.  That led to more thoughts and questions that had never been discussed in Church -- If Lucifer took a third of the angels with him and became satan, then how does that play into Genesis 6, which says "the sons of God" (referenced as angels elsewhere in the Bible) saw that "the daughters of men" were desirable and children were produced.  These children were called Nephilim in the Hebrew, which indicated they were hybrid offspring of fallen angels and earthly women, who were birthed as giants.  Well, I never heard that explanation in any Church!!!  In fact, I had never heard Genesis 6:1-4 ever spoken of or expounded upon on in the 25 years I experienced in the Church.
     That led to more questions, about the conflict between "the seed" of Eve and "the seed" of the serpent and all that suggests.  I then became aware that the attempt to explain away the possibility of fallen angel hybrids by inserting the Sethite view, just didn't make sense.  (Click here for my post on how I believe the Church has gotten this wrong).  All of a sudden, I could see how satan tried for centuries to pollute the gene pool of mankind with the wicked DNA of fallen angels so that Jesus's line would become impure, and He could not be born.  It explained so many other things in the Bible that didn't make sense ... For instance, why Daniel, when explaining the feet and toes of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, said, "Whereas you saw iron mixed with clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."
     In my research, I discovered that "clay" signified people.  But what was miry clay?  Miry clay is clay made from dust; Dust symbolizes Death in Job 7:21, Job 10:9, Psalm 22:15, and many other places throughout the Bible.  And who is the "they" referenced, who mingle themselves with the seed of men  .. obviously, something (or someone) other than the seed of men (human).  That takes me right back to Genesis 6!  And, Daniel is stating a prophecy about the future!  Does that mean he is predicting what happened in Genesis 6 will happen again?  Will there be a mingling of mankind's DNA with something alien to the human species?  Suddenly, all the modern scientific interest in transhumanism comes into view and has great Biblical significance!  (Click here for my post tying all this together).
     I could spend hours showing you every dot that God began to connect for me.  Just this one concept of looking deeper at the serpent led me to the Nephilim and all their implications throughout the Bible ... in Genesis 14:5-7, reference is made to Chedorlaomer, and the tribes of Rephaim, Zuzim, Emim -- all giants; in Genesis 23, the town of Kiryat Arba (where Abraham buries Sarah) means "town of four giants"; in Amos 2, God reveals that the Amorite tribe consists of giants; and we now have a broader picture of just who Goliath was, and why it was significant that David killed him.  What's more, as I further researched the tribes that God ordered the Israelites to destroy in the land of Canaan, they were all revealed to have impure bloodlines.  Now I understood why God ordered them all killed and for the Israelites to not marry foreign peoples... the bloodline must remain pure for Jesus to come into the world!
     While I have railed about all the negative impact of technology and how satan has used it to deceive us, I've never forgotten that what was meant for evil, God uses for good.  The internet is a very useful tool to start you on your path (always remembering to discern if it is pointing you to God's truth, or man's opinion).  The ability to research the Jewish language and the writings of Jewish historians in regards to the Torah was immeasurable in researching all the above.
     Needless to say, over the past five or six years, I have spent countless hours in my Bible and reading reference books, commentaries, and looking up the original Hebrew meanings and context of Bible passages.  It has been important to study the historical commentaries of Matthew Henry, compare them to the modern exegesis of David Guzik, and then contrast them with what the Holy Spirit reveals to me in the Word.  And it has been a blessing beyond measure!  All those questions that I never dared to ask in my Church -- either, because I feared they would be frowned upon as heretical; or they could not be answered from a lack of interest or knowledge -- I have felt the freedom to pursue on my own.  I cannot encourage you enough to start your own journey.  It is as easy as opening your Bible, getting a Strong's Concordance and beginning to look up words that you have taken for granted.  Look up the meaning of all those obscure, unpronounceable names in the Old Testament and I promise you the Holy Spirit will remove your own cloudy veil and open your eyes to new and profound revelations!  And, as always, I am open to discussion and questions... I am not an expert, nor a scholar; but I am a disciple of Christ and eager to share my awakening to the immense knowledge that our Lord is just waiting to give you!  The Bible is a treasure trove of information about the God who created us.  I want to thank Anonymous for daring to ask about how my journey began.  Now it's your turn.  All you have to do is open the Word, begin reading, and the Holy Spirit will reveal the Glory of our Great God!

2 Timothy 2:7   "Think over the things I am saying [grasp their application], for the Lord will grant you insight and understanding in everything."

August 24, 2016

A Time To Reflect; A Time to Revive and Restore

     It slipped right past me.  I'm not much for celebrating milestones, and Lord knows, I don't need or seek accolades for myself.  But today I have occasion to be greatly humbled.  Since I began this blog nearly five years ago, over 1 million people have taken the time to consider what I have to say.  That totally blows me away!  Considering that I am not at the same place that I started -- in my thoughts, my goals, or my faith -- I find it astounding that so many have taken this journey with me.
     Perhaps you began where I did.  In December of 2011, I was three years into realizing that profound changes were coming upon my country.  At the same time that my conscience was telling me that our society and culture and national experience were deteriorating, my spirit was telling me that I would not find the answers or solutions I needed in this world.  I was hearing "PREPARE" in the recesses of my mind and my soul, and after seeking the Lord on the matter, my spirit validated the message.  So I began a two-fold approach to dealing with whatever was coming our way.  I joined the ranks of people known as "preppers", and learned new sustainable skills and tried to become as independent of the "system" as I could.  But I had a second component; one that ultimately taught me the true path I needed to be on.  I added the Bible as the primary element of my readiness plan, and soon realized that I needed to prepare for more than what this world was going to throw at me.  Yes, there were enemies, foreign and domestic, that I needed to be aware of; but there were spiritual enemies, as well -- and these adversaries would, in the end, influence everything and everyone I might need to face in the future.  But I also learned that I could face this uncertain and frightening future because there was a greater purpose to my life than my personal safety and security.
     I was to speak out loudly and forcibly about what my Lord wished to do with those who believed in Him.  There is work to be done in preparation for His return, and it involves each and every one of us getting ourselves in fighting shape for the battle to come.  That doesn't mean that we abandon His message of love and tolerance and salvation and caring for others.  That message has been well covered by the Church.  But it is absolutely necessary that we go beyond those themes and minister to the spiritual needs of His people; ready them for the troubles and sorrows and suffering that He warned would come before His return.  That assignment has woefully been ignored by the Church.
     So, now you find people like me, whom the Church sees as misfits, mavericks, or nonconformists trying desperately to share what the Holy Spirit is urging us to communicate.  You can believe that our spirits are truly being pricked by the Spirit ... or not ... but if we are right -- can you afford to turn a deaf ear or a blind eye?  Our Lord, Himself, said, "Do you have eyes, and not see, and do you have ears, and not hear?"  I'm just saying'...
     So, now I find myself not only reflecting on where I started, but where I need to go!  So I want to give a quick synopsis of my understanding of this world and begin to develop the next phase of this journey upon which God is taking me (us).  I feel it's time to stop and get our ducks in a row; revive the mission of all Believers and restore the apostolic characteristics of our commission.  So, here's the way I see it...
     From the beginning of the Bible, it is established that spirits play an important part in this world.  God is Spirit, and we are made in His image.  In fact, we are embodied spirits; spirit beings housed in human bodies.  There are disembodied spirits called demons, who are Satan's agents and representatives on earth.  They are spirits seeking human bodies to use to control the world, spread sin and establish the Kingdom of Darkness. They use human bodies to perform the work assigned to them, and to carry out Satan's instructions. Their sole purpose is to carry out Satan's will, which puts them in total opposition to the Believers in Christ.  They follow Satan's instructions by trying to destroy mankind through every imaginable natural or supernatural device. All violence, anger, hate, horror, war, death, and destructive influences against man can be attributed to demonic influence, and it all comes from Satan.
     At this point, I need to reiterate something I believe very strongly ... Christians cannot be possessed by a demon, but they can be oppressed.  When a person receives Christ as their Savior, the human spirit is regenerated and the Holy Spirit lives there, so nothing else can take possession of our spirit.  Christians can, however, have demons that attack their minds, their emotions, their free will, and their bodies -- that is called demonic oppression. So, how does that work, exactly?
     It is my opinion that just because a person experiences salvation (which I also believe is the starting point of our journey towards eternal life), it doesn't mean that he is no longer without sin.  There is only one man who has walked the earth that was without sin.  But, as our Master has told us, we can confess our sin, repent of it, and ask forgiveness, and we greatly reduce the effects of innate sin upon our lives.  But here's the thing ... sin is what Satan thrives on!  And our particular sins -- or those perpetrated against us! -- are what makes us vulnerable to the assignments the devil gives his demons when they attack us.
     I want to make it clear that not all our sin is demon-driven.  Our free will can open us up to the temptations that satan offers.  Pride, Self-interest and Unbelief are just a few of the sins with which he can manipulate us.  But once he knows we are vulnerable in that area, he can assign a spirit to us and keep us in perpetual conflict between our faith and our sin.  Discernment is required to determine the root cause of all our sin.  Is it our own free will, demonic, the result of someone else's sin carried out against us ... or a combination?
      Deliverance Ministry can help you determine the root cause and allow a Christian to connect his spirit with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, in order for the cleansing and healing to be accomplished.  BUT, I want to stress that sin must be confessed and repented of, and forgiveness is essential!  Yes, Jesus wants to set you free, but He wants us to approach Him with an honest, truthful, and sincere spirit.  It is essential that we take responsibility for our sins, and forgive others, as we desire to be forgiven.  
     So, how is it that so many Christians today seem to be miserable in their state of salvation?  Why do we see so many Christians experiencing physical illnesses characterized by multiple and conflicting diagnoses; weird personality disorders that never leave; odd nightmares; repetitive bad dreams;  depression; chronic addictions (food, drugs, porn, medications, gambling, sex, etc.); uncontrolled periods of rage; lust and cursing; chronic dysfunctional families; arrogance and pride; phobias and illogical stress conditions; spiritual apathy; chronic broken relationships; and frequent unemployment, and perhaps the biggest problem of all ...  SO MUCH FEAR? 
     This is not what Jesus died for!  He sacrificed Himself so that we would not die in our sin(s).  Yet, far too many Christians live under the oppressions I listed above.  No wonder the secular world has no interest in our message!  They don't see us authentically living what we preach!  They aren't being drawn to us, even though the Bible says when we walk with God, "through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere".  The sad truth is that the Church offers neither fragrance nor fascination to the world.  In fact, our aroma is either non-existence or unpleasant.
     So Who is the fragrance that spreads through us and the Church?  Who dwells in us, seals us, works truth in us, testifies about Jesus, and helps us to produce "fruit"?  It is the Holy Spirit, and I oftentimes wonder if He hasn't left the Church building.  Have we traded the Holy Ghost for theology; exchanged His power for powerless academic teaching; reduced His Authority in favor of attracting "the world" with more tolerant standards?
     As I am studying the Book of Acts and the New Testament Church, I am seeing the presence and the influence of the Holy Spirit everywhere!  I see Him supernaturally changing the hearts of the Twelve Apostles and 3,000 new believers.  I see Him supernaturally effecting the preaching of Peter and Stephen.  I see Him influencing Philip, the Evangelist, and the hearts of Simon, the Sorcerer, and the Ethiopian eunuch... and all in the first eight chapters!  Ultimately, I see the POWER and AUTHORITY of Him on display for all to see ... and nowhere more powerfully than in the life of Paul!  He is evident in all His Might for the Church to witness.
     But in today's Church, we talk about Him, then leave little or no time for Him to perform His Mighty Miracles in our services because of fear, confusion and the threat of doctrines of demons.  We are afraid of Holy Spirit manifestations like those that happened in the First Century Church, because when you invite the Holy Spirit to be present, there will be inevitable opposition from the Prince of this world, and the simple truth is that the Church does not know how to be Holy Spirit warriors.  When we become "seeker friendly" congregations, and life-coaches and counsellors, instead of spiritual, armor-clad soldiers for Christ, we are left with scared and confused Christians who are ineffective against Satan's army.
     But here is why we should not be fearful of engaging in spiritual warfare ... the spirits or demons that Satan assigns to us fear the Holy Spirit more than anyone else in the universe!  Why?  Because He has as His weapons the Blood of Jesus, the Name of Jesus, the Cross of Christ, and the Word of God!  And because He indwells us, we, too, have access to those spiritual weapons!  
     And the knowledge of this Truth is where I'm at in this point of my journey with the Holy Spirit.  I am optimistic that the Holy Spirit is waking up the remnant within the Body of Christ, and the testimonies of those set free from demonic influence will embolden the Church to return to its roots.  It is the success of Believers delivered from oppression and bondage that will convince authentic Christians that spiritual warfare is a reality and a necessity.  I am praying that Spiritual Warriors, in league with the Holy Spirit, will have an extraordinary and undeniable impact upon both Christians and Secularists; and will defeat the forces of evil that have gone unchallenged for far too long.
     I also am trusting in the Holy Spirit to infuse Christians with their purpose; to be genuine examples of the power and authority of Jesus, as given to us by our Father; and to realize that we have been commissioned by God.  We each have been given a definite task and specific assignments to advance the Kingdom of God.  What are yours?  Preaching the Gospel Message is part of our commission, but we are also Ambassadors for Christ, and we are not powerless servants.  We are to exhibit the power in our relationship with Jesus ... the same power that raised Him from the dead and commanded a legion of demons to come out of a man.
     We will need His power in the future.  And it is ours for the asking.  The question is, when the real pressure from this world comes to bear, will we stand firm and steadfast?  Are we prepared, both in our human form, and in our spirit, to declare ourselves competent for the task at hand?  We can be ... if we recognize that our power comes from God; that He is sufficient to go before us in battle, and we can be confident that our victory will come through Christ!
    Yes, it's okay to reflect where we've been in our Christian walk.  But it is imperative that we revive and restore our faith to become authentic Christians; reveling in the power of the Holy Spirit to embolden the Church so that it has the impact it was meant to have upon a sinful world.  It's not too late ... but time is running out.  I don't know how much further we have to go in our journey, but I am determined to serve the Kingdom in His Power and Truth.  Join me!

1 Corinthians 2:4  "And my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom [using clever rhetoric], but [they were delivered] in demonstration of the [Holy] Spirit [operating through me] and of [His] power [stirring the minds of the listeners and persuading them]..."