A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

June 11, 2015

Part 2: The Church, Homosexuality and Our Changing Culture

     Whether we are willing to admit it or not, we are very likely going to see a dramatic change in the fabric of our society this summer if the Supreme Court decides in favor of same-sex marriage.  And between me and you, I think it is a foregone conclusion.  If SCOTUS doesn't flat out declare that traditional marriage, defined as between a man and woman, is no longer the standard for matrimony, it will reach a decision that makes anyone opposing same-sex marriage a violator of federal law under some "equality" qualifier.  So, while it may be presented as an issue of equal rights, it will soon become clear that the foundations of our churches, schools, charities, social institutions and the very foundation of our country will be transformed -- economically, politically, and spiritually.
     The civil aspect of this issue has now eclipsed the moral consideration.  And need I remind you that our increasingly secular society has little regard for absolute morals?  We are being told that all our concern and opposition to un-Biblical mandates will have little or no effect on the nation.  But I would like to remind you of a statement by the Solicitor General of the United States, Donald Verrilli, in which he announced in arguments before the Supreme Court, that religious liberty is directly threatened by the legalization of same-sex marriage.
     When Justice Samuel Alito asked Mr. Verrilli if educational institutions would be effected by their opposition to same-sex marriage, the Solicitor General responded, "It is going to be an issue."  We need to accept that opinion as likely, and we need to understand why.
    A simple appreciation of this answer was expressed by Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Seminary: “The loss of tax-exempt status would put countless churches and religious institutions and schools out of business, simply because the burden of property taxes and loss of charitable support would cripple their ability to sustain their mission.”
     Let's take a broader look at that concept... we are all aware that the coveted 501(c)3 tax-exempt status has kept churches in line whenever they threatened to stand against the culture.  But think about how it will effect not only the church, but the millions of Americans who have come to expect that their charitable contributions to the Church are a safeguard against the formidable burden of personal taxes?  And it is not just the Church that would suffer should they decide to stick to their guns and oppose same-sex marriage.  Think of the faith-based charities around the world who meet the needs of the impoverished, natural disaster victims, and the educational and spiritual needs of untold people?  Will the donations continue if people can't write them off?  As sad as it is to admit, that is a part of the reason that people give to these organizations.
     And if these organizations "go out of business", who will pick up the slack?  If it is the federal government, then guess who will ultimately be paying for it?  The American tax-payer.  And if the government is broke and can't find the funds, then think of the devastation to all those lives who will see no charity and receive no voluntary assistance.
     Now let's take our argument a little further ... If Churches, Charitable Organizations, and Religious Schools and Colleges have their tax-exempt status revoked, they must become for-profit companies, right?  We've discussed how the cost of property taxes and the loss of charitable support will make that nearly impossible.  But do you see how that will effect their hiring practices, too?  As for-profit companies, how long before they have a lawsuit filed against them should they decide that their hiring policy for youth minister or marriage counselor doesn't include gay men or women?  So, does anyone else think that this is government-enforced acceptance of same-sex marriage; in effect, you are not allowed to exist as a business if you don't agree with the cultural agenda.
     So are we looking at the last days of any vestige of religious liberty in this country?  Will the clergy be forced to perform same-sex marriages against their faith?  Will private religious schools or home-schoolers be forced to teach that same-sex marriage is acceptable; or that gender identity is up to the individual?  And if the Supreme Court decides to throw this hot potato to the individual states, how much confusion and contradictions will that cause; and how stable will our society be?  A house divided against itself cannot stand ... I'm just sayin'.  And if, in the future, the federal government decides to pass its own law, do the states' laws become obsolete?
     It remains to be seen how the Faithful will respond if same-sex marriage becomes the law of the land.  How many Churches and Shepherds of God's flocks will capitulate in order to make it easy on themselves?  I guess we will see how committed to God's Word the mega-churches and their star pastors are.  And there is the question of Christian businesses; are they ready to close their doors, rather than be forced to make unholy concessions?
     And finally, will we be allowed to express our religious beliefs in any manner that honors our faith?  Will those who claim we Christians have been so intolerant of their right to love another, be tolerant of our right to practice our faith?  I think we've seen what it has been like before any laws have been put into place. I shudder to think of the bigotry and hate that will be generated with the SCOTUS seal of approval.  Just read some of the scandalous comments at the end of an article on the Forward Progressives website to see what the godless think of those who uphold Scripture.  It will only get worse, once same-sex marriage is the law of the land.
     We must look beyond the loss of 501(c)3 statuses and realize that this latest SCOTUS decision will seal the destruction of this nation that their decision on Abortion started.  It will erase the natural law of reproduction, opening scary alternatives.  It will erase the natural order of a family with influences by both a mother and a father.  It will stifle the ability of churches, religious institutions, and schools to rightfully teach the Word of God.  And it will cripple the economics of feeding the poor; serving the less fortunate; and raising moral, self-sacrificing citizens.
     Secular society used to be consumed with the civil and legal aspects of same-sex marriage -- insurance benefits, taxes, and social security.  But when the Church began to compromise and suggested that civil "marriages" were acceptable, that wasn't enough.  The real agenda was to attack the Word of God and declare it null and void.   The question became, "If your God is a God of love, how can you deny the love that two men have for each other, or two women?"  The answer is simple and intractable ... Because God says "No!"  So the obvious solution by God's enemies is to declare the State above God, and those who refuse to bow to the laws of man will be bullied, harassed and humiliated.  Funny, isn't it, how these same injustices, which were denounced in yesterday's post, become defensible and permissible when it comes to persecuting Christians and their faith.
     I guess, ultimately, we will see just how strong, authentic, and faithful the Body of Christ really is in America. In consideration of that point, my wise husband made this astute observation:  throughout history it has been the small persecuted Church where the Body thrives and God is exalted.  It is in that hostile environment where He is best able to work through His Holy Spirit -- not in the rich, safe, comfortable, compliant, State-sanctioned buildings, full of bench-occupying "Sunday-only" Christians.  That is what has got us to this point in the first place.  So ... if you believe that "the Word of the Lord endures forever", then we better prepare ourselves to endure some pretty harsh criticisms for not bending to the culture; and make a commitment to God that we will stand firm in our faith.

Mark 7:13    "Thus you are nullifying and making void and of no effect [the authority of] the Word of God through your tradition, which you [in turn] hand on. And many things of this kind you are doing."

June 10, 2015

Part 1: The Church, Homosexuality, and Our Changing Culture

     This past weekend I watched a heartbreaking segment on CBS Sunday Morning.  It featured the parents of Tyler Clementi, the eighteen-year-old Rutgers student who took his own life by jumping off the George Washington Bridge after his dorm roommate used a webcam to secretly live-stream Tyler's date with a man.
     The anguish that Jane and Joseph Clementi are feeling five years after Tyler's suicide is still palpable and unmistakeable.  They acknowledge that their son was a victim of cyber-bullying because of his sexual lifestyle, and they have turned their grief into a cause.  They have established the Tyler Clementi Foundation to end online and offline bullying in schools, work places and faith communities.  They have also worked with Congressional representatives to pass the Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act.
     Before I write a word of caution regarding this family's cause on behalf of their son, I want to be clear -- bullying is never acceptable under any condition.  And the fact that Tyler Clementi was gay in no way negates him as a child of God, or his value as a person worthy of love and respect; the crime that was committed against him was heinous and deserving of punishment.  The fact that the ridicule and torment he received from fellow students drove him to take his life is reprehensible under any circumstances.  There is no justifiable reason for one human being to treat another in such a cruel and mean-spirited way.
     But as I watched the segment with Tyler's parents, I became aware of an undertone that sparked concern.  It seemed that the interviewer wanted to make sure the audience was aware of the harm that the Church had also done to Tyler and his family.  It was pointed out that Jane Clementi and the family "regularly attended an Evangelical Christian church.  Only later did the parents realize that the Church's message [about homosexuality] was causing anguish at home."
    What was that message?  I'm sure you've guessed it by now ... that homosexuality was a sin.  But here's the problem with blaming the Church.  If you're going to call yourself a Christian, there is only one manual to go by, and that is the Bible -- which clearly states that homosexuality is a sin.  Does that mean that you can't be gay and a Christian?  Think carefully about that answer.
    Doesn't calling oneself a Christian require that we confess our sins -- no matter what they are; and there are many being committed by all of humanity -- and ask God for forgiveness and turn away from our sinful ways and lifestyles?  That means all of us --- gay, straight, transgender, man, woman, black, white, brown or polka-dot!  It means that we must recognize how our sins look in God's eyes!  It doesn't mean that we should overlook our own sins or the sins of our fellow Christians or non-believers because it makes them feel undervalued or unworthy.  It is the Creator's standards that should be met, not the created's!  
     So, does Jane Clementi have an argument when she says, "When Tyler told me he was gay, what I really wanted was another Christian mom to go and talk to.  No one in my faith community ever talked about having a gay child.  No one had a gay relative ... [apparently] there were no gays in our Church!  Until families come out and can be found, you can't help each other."
     I would suggest to you that the Church has not done a very good job of dealing with this problem.  They have either accepted it as pleasing to God (which is un-Biblical) , or condemned it in a most unloving and hateful manner (as Westboro Baptist Church has done -- also un-Biblical).
     Stop and think about her perspective for a moment.  She's not talking about the liberal churches who are openly defying and disobeying God's Word regarding the acceptance of homosexuality as a non-sin.  She is talking about so-called "evangelical" Churches who purport to be faithful to the Word.  How are they helping the growing number of families who are dealing with the announcement that their children have accepted themselves as gay, or have entered the gay lifestyle?  Is it true that there are only two choices in the Church -- embrace homosexuality as acceptable within the Church; or boldly pronounce it as a Biblical sin?  You could sense the unspoken message that both CBS and the family wanted displayed ... the Church got it wrong and was culpable in how Tyler perceived himself.
     As the Church, we must figure out how to stand boldly for God's Word, confirming all sins (including homosexuality), while maintaining the Apostle John's exhortation: If we say we have no sin [refusing to admit that we are sinners], we delude and lead ourselves astray, and the Truth [which the Gospel presents] is not in us [does not dwell in our hearts]. If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].  
     So while the focus of the Tyler Clementi Foundation (TCF) is to stop cyber-bullying, there are two aspects of their goals that concern me.  The first is the not-so-vague insinuation that the Church's conviction that homosexuality is a sin is a form of bullying, itself.  And this concept is voiced in the description of Jane Clementi's profile on the TCF website: Since losing Tyler, Jane's spiritual journey has continued to carry and transform her in ways she never would have imagined. She left her church home of many years because she felt that while sitting in the pews of a church that condemned LGBT people she was herself a bystander to bullying. Jane leads an inspirational life through her unique experience which she shares with other parents, and speaks passionately about the need to divorce the concept of "sin" from homosexuality.  
     Secondly, there is the TCF call to be an "Upstander", instead of a "Bystander", which when you read between the lines, leaves no room for disagreeing with their position on homosexuality.  If you state that, as a Christian, you think homosexuality is a sin, will you be accused of bullying?  As the website explains, "Progress requires a call to action. The Upstander Pledge is a powerful organizing tool that allows people to feel personally responsible for their actions, while educating the public. We ask tens of thousands of people each year to pledge to be "Upstanders" by intervening or reporting bullying, harassment or humiliation. Being a bystander to cruelty only allows the behavior to harm others."  So, what exactly will be the definition of "harassment" or "humiliation"?
     There are many aspects of the Pledge that I emphatically embrace:  the compassion towards people that are bullied for any reason; refusing to remain silent when you see someone being bullied; offering support and encouragement to those who are bullied; and promoting professional help if the victim shows signs of suicidal thoughts or actions.
     However, in the cultural climate in which we find ourselves, I can see where the radical elements and legal professionals in secular movements could distort some of the Pledge points, and the Church, specifically, could become a target.
     For instance, there is a section titled If I see or hear behavior that perpetuates prejudice occurring... I will tell everyone who is in a position of authority in this group, such as a teacher, coach, caregiver, manager, or religious leader, about what I saw and heard and make sure there is follow-up... I will seek help from trusted friends, colleagues, professionals, and other resources if I don’t know what to do or need support to take action.
     Our court system is beginning to see cases against business owners whose faith mandates that they not support same-sex marriage.  Can you see how there is a desire by TCF and the secular culture to dismiss homosexuality as a sin; and therefore, any church or religious person who maintains their faith will be "outed" as a bully?  Furthermore, it is made very clear that "follow-up" and "action" is expected in order to correct this mistaken idea of homosexuality as a sin.  What does that constitute, and where does it lead?  Fines? Lawsuits? Judgments against individuals, or worse?
     I suspect that CBS was all too anxious to air this story and paint the Church as a partner in the bullying of Tyler Clementi and his family.  After all, we are expecting the Supreme Court decision on Same-Sex Marriage in the coming days or weeks, and as you will see in tomorrow's post, a vote in favor to redefine marriage, and to mainstream homosexuality, will have profound effects on this nation, our churches, and our society... Part 2 tomorrow.

Ephesians 4:29    "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

June 9, 2015

Our Authority to Tread On Serpents: A Personal Battle

     Today, you may think I have really gone off my rocker.  But I must write about a situation that my husband and I are fighting, and it involves a beloved pet and spiritual warfare.  Actually, we have a history with fighting this battle, and in order for you to gain the full significance, I must start at the beginning.
     About ten years ago, my husband, whose name literally means Peace-Loving Warrior (PLW), and I had entered a new phase of our journey with the Lord.  God had moved us to what I call my "desert years"; near a small community, to a farmhouse we would renovate, on 129 acres.  It was the beginning of my long, and often difficult, period of personal change and spiritual development, in which I began to learn to really trust God for everything, especially my provision.  In the process I was growing spiritually, and seeking ever-more knowledge of Him through His Word.
     Simultaneously, PLW was becoming active in studying with me, and we decided to do a Bible study on the Book of Daniel.  Well, I am here to tell you that Satan does not want us coming anywhere near that prophetic and eschatological Book!  We were both deep into the study, seeing and understanding more about the End Times and how Satan's plan was coming into conflict with God's detailed program as laid out in Daniel ... and we were seeing it in our time, as clear as day!  This was new for both of us, and we began to eagerly read all the prophetic books in the Bible and step-by-step, began connecting the dots.
     So, do you think that the Devil is going to sit idly by and let us get stronger and more knowledgeable and fit for battle in this Age?  He struck where he knew it would hurt us the most, in the hopes to tear us away from God and His Word.  You see, to fully know and understand PLW, you must recognize his heart for animals.  He is aware in his spirit that God is concerned about everything that He has created, including animals.  And being created in God's image, we care about the animals He has given us as pets.  We have been given dominion over them, and are to be stewards of their care and welfare.  And anyone who has owned a pet knows that they are an image of God's unconditional love.  And I have always loved seeing the relationship that PLW has had with the dogs God has put in our care.  The adoration in their eyes is returned in the way he looks after them and provides for their needs.  And they are the perfect target when Satan wants to distract us from our spiritual journey.
     At that time, in the heart of the Daniel study, we lost two of our dogs to the surreptitious attack of a six-foot rattlesnake.  PLW had to put down one of the dogs, and it was a dark personal time for him.  I had to keep telling him that I felt in my soul that the Devil sent that snake to disrupt our study; to keep us from understanding the prophecies of Daniel, and to make us blame God for our sorrow -- we couldn't let that happen and we must defeat the Enemy by appealing to God for mercy and healing, and by continuing in His Word.  We slowly emerged from that devastating time, but the scars of that spiritual battle are still with us.
     Now, ten years later, I feel a renewed attack.  We have grown beyond recognizing the times in which we live, and have assumed our places on the front lines of the spiritual battle.  God has shown us that Paul's warning in Ephesians 6 is real; that we are not only contending with physical opponents, but with the powers and demons of Darkness in the spiritual realm.  In layman's terms, there are actual supernatural forces in the spiritual spheres that have been given assignments to mess with us -- all in the effort to disrupt our Kingdom work.
     This time the attack has come against another one of our beloved pets, but not because of any particular study we have done.  I believe this attack has been ordered because we have progressed beyond studying spiritual warfare, to actually practicing spiritual warfare.  And here is what I believe generated this latest attack... a little over a week ago, PLW and I visited a good friend and member of our home church group.  As we were getting ready to leave her home, he noticed a Chinese ornament hanging in her kitchen ... an iconic cobra carved out of wood.
     He immediately recognized it as symbolizing the demonic Kundalini spirit, a power that occultists believe is coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine, supposedly ready to spring up when you get in the proper state of consciousness.  And here it was presented in a symbolic Chinese ornament, with red fringe hanging from its perimeter.  "Who gave this to you?" PLW asked.  And her answer, while shocking, should not be surprising ... "Christian missionary friends of mine who are serving in China."  What a perfect way for Satan to counter any enlightening message that these missionaries might be bringing to China ... get these "souvenirs" from China into Christian homes in America to wreak their havoc.  And that most likely explains the strange "attacks" our friend was having in the middle of the night... sensations that "something" was trying to suffocate or strangle her.
     After removing the ornament from the house and discarding it, PLW gave our friend instructions on how to cleanse herself and her home from the effects of this demonic icon; how to ask forgiveness for allowing it into her home, and how to plead the blood of Jesus over herself and her house.  You might be thinking that this is all ridiculous-sounding and the actions of two fanatical Christians, but we believe in the Bible and its eternal messages to us.  How is this any different from the wooden idols that the Israelites brought into their homes, and which resulted in similar devastation upon their households and nation?  Why should Satan alter his strategy?  It has worked for thousands of years!
     Unfortunately, I also believe that because of our stand against this demonic spirit, the Devil has chosen to attack us, once again, through the innocence of one of our pets.  Within two days of this incident, our dog came down with systemic sepsis throughout her body, and we nearly lost her.  After over two hours of surgery, (in which we were present), no cause could be determined and we still have no assurance that she will ultimately survive this attack.  Our vet is one of the best, and "old-school"; he has seen it all.  He is completely mystified as to what is going on with this dog.  But I think I know.
     Once again, we have crossed a threshold that Satan doesn't want us knowing anything about, and he knows we do not fear him.  So he attacks what is the most vulnerable in our lives ... our defenseless and innocent pets.  But we are fighting him in our dog's defense, too.  Satan does not have dominion over us, and we will not allow him to have supremacy over our animals, either.
     I want to make it clear that we are, by no means, attempting to "exorcise demons" or begin a ministry of deliverance.  But we are learning about, and claiming, our authority over Satan, and exercising our right to take action against situations that are fostered by the Devil's schemes.   We are totally dependent on Jesus to lead us, and it is His power through the Holy Spirit that backs up our authority.  We are above all these evil entities, seated in the heavenly places with Jesus, and Satan will not deter us.  We will continue to point out his demonic influences in this world, and we will continue to practice spiritual warfare and educate our fellow Christians.  The battle lines have been drawn, and it is time to get prepared to fight!

PostScript:  Just hours ago, we and our beloved pet lost our battle.  But once again, I am thanking God for the time we had (especially these last couple of days) and I am grateful for our friendship with CW, a friend and veterinarian, who graciously helped us end our dog's suffering.  It is never easy to let them go, but I am happy that she is no longer hurting and scared, and I can't wait to see her in heaven.  (And yes, I'm one of THOSE people ... I can't imagine Paradise without my animals).  And, finally, Satan may think that he won, but our faith is stronger than ever, and we're more determined than ever to beat him on the spiritual battlefield.

Proverbs 12:10   "The righteous care for the needs of their animals ..."

June 8, 2015

Critical Thinking Made The Difference on D-Day

     Two days ago marked the 71st anniversary of the Allied landing on the beaches of Normandy.  Anyone who has seen the movie Saving Private Ryan, or watched the HBO mini-series and read (my personal favorite) Band of Brothers, by preeminent historian Stephen Ambrose, then you know the tremendous fight that American boys took to the arbiter of Evil, Nazi Germany.
     I happened across an excellent article by Rick Moran, featured on the PJ Media website, in which he points us to an interview that Ambrose gave to C-Span on the 40th anniversary of D-Day, in 1994. (I suggest you click on the link for the full-page transcript -- it is fascinating history!)
     As Moran correctly states, "One theme running through all of [Ambrose's books on WW II] was the sheer ordinariness of the American GI and how, when confronted by the greatest challenges of their lives, outperformed, outfought, and outsmarted the seemingly invincible Nazi war machine."
     Ambrose wrote a book entitled D-Day, June 6, 1944:  The Battle For the Normandy Beaches, in which he described the mentality of the American soldier:  "They wanted to be throwing baseballs, not hand grenades; shooting .22s at rabbits, not M-1s at other men. But when the test came, when freedom had to be fought for or abandoned, they fought. They were soldiers of democracy. They were the men of D-Day. When Hitler declared war on the United States, he bet that the young men brought up in the Hitler Youth would outfight the youngsters brought up in the Boy Scouts ... Hitler was certain that the soft, effeminate children of democracy could never become soldiers."  What an interesting juxtaposition!
     The reason that Hitler lost that bet?  Ambrose said it was because “the Boy Scouts had been taught to figure their way out of their own problems,” instead of blindly following orders, as the Germans were trained.  And that theory was proven correct, because we know that all the carefully laid plans of General Eisenhower and the Allied commanders went out the window, as soon as those landing crafts began arriving on Omaha Beach.
     The first and second waves of troops were virtually slaughtered, and the English Channel was red with the blood of American boys.  Small groups of men took it upon themselves to regroup and rethink the plan of attack, on their own.  If they were going to survive, they had to figure it out and get the job done.  That's called Critical Thinking; and it is what I fear we are losing among our young in this country.
     Critical Thinking by those men and boys secured the beaches on D-Day.  Critical Thinking is what resulted in the unique design of the Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel (LCVP), the flat-bottomed boats that successfully carried the troops onto those bloody beaches.  Critical Thinking was the strength of General Eishenhower and other military strategists in planning such a daring attack to stop  the advancement of the enemies of freedom.  As Stephen Ambrose so clearly explains it:  "[D-Day was the pivot point of the 20th century. It was the day on which the decision was made as to who was going to rule in this world in the second half of the 20th century. Is it going to be Nazism, is it going to be communism, or are the democracies going to prevail? If we would have failed on Omaha Beach and on the other beaches on the 6th of June in 1944, the struggle for Europe would have been a struggle between Hitler and Stalin, and we would have been out of it. If Stalin had won, the Iron Curtain would have been on the English Channel. If Hitler had won, I don't think he would have been able to take Britain, at least not in the immediate future, but he would have gone all the way to the Urals. Hitler's plan was to turn the problem of conquering America over to the next generation, utilizing the resources that he intended to have as a part of the greater German Reich as a result of victory."
     Now over 70 years later, we are part of that next generation, with another one on the horizon.  We must ask ourselves if we still have the critical thinking skills to outperform, outfight, and outsmart the latest personification(s) of Evil.  Has the progressive agenda and its newest version, Common Core, succeeded in removing Critical Thinking from the mental make-up of our youth?  So what can we expect?  Is it going to be the Caliphate and Sharia Law, or One World Government, or will Freedom and Democracy continue, only in some weakened and unrecognizable state?
     By definition, "Critical Thinking" is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.  You can see that being applied 71 years ago in the story of Joe Dawson, who led Company G on Omaha Beach, and up the nearly impenetrable Pointe du Hoc, a 330-foot high vertical cliff.  About 260 men attempted that climb.  Over 200 never saw the results of their heroic efforts. Joe Dawson got to the top of the bluff with 20 men, but he got to the top.
    His spirit lives on in Congressional Medal of Honor winner and Marine Scout Sniper Dakota Meyers.  In 2009 in Afghanistan's Kunar Province, Meyer learned that three Marines and a Navy corpsman, who were members of Meyer's squad and his friends, were missing after being ambushed by a group of insurgents. Under enemy fire, Meyer entered an area known to be inhabited by insurgents and eventually found the four missing servicemen dead and stripped of their weapons, body armor and radios.  With the help of Afghan soldiers, he moved the bodies to a safer area where they could be extracted. During his search, Meyer "personally evacuated 12 friendly wounded and provided cover for another 24 Marines and soldiers to escape likely death at the hands of a numerically superior and determined foe."  That heroic effort undoubtedly took some Critical Thinking.  And I would submit to you that, just like his predecessors on D-Day, Dakota Meyer learned a lot of his thinking skills growing up as a country boy... skills that are not sought after by our cell-phone obsessed youth of today.
     But I recount his story and the memories of what happened 71 years ago in order to remind myself, and you, that we are at a crucial phase in the evolution of our national identity and history.  We are at our own pivot point, just as the nation was on D-Day, 1944.  The world is trying to determine who is going to rule in the 21st Century.  Do we, as Americans, still have the critical thinking skills to pull off a victory that will stop the encroaching Evil?  Hitler thought our youth were effeminate and soft; incapable of conquering the ugliness of war.  As Satan's representative on earth, the Fuhrer underestimated the grit, the courage, and the inestimable fortitude of America's farm boys and, yes, their Boy Scout values.  If we're going to staunch the flow of evil in this century, we're going to need to quit relying on our iPhones and computers to give us all the answers, and begin thinking with the brains God gave us.  We employed that concept on June 6, 1944, and it won the day.

Proverbs 1:2-3   "That people may know skillful and Godly wisdom and instruction, discern and comprehend the words of understanding and insight; Receive instruction in wise dealing and the discipline of wise thoughtfulness, righteousness, justice, and integrity..."

June 7, 2015

Ezra 7:10

For Ezra had prepared and set his heart to seek the Law of the Lord [to inquire for it and of it, to require and yearn for it], and to do and teach in Israel its statutes and its ordinances.

     I love the simplicity and the essence of this single verse in Scripture.  Within this one sentence is so much instruction to us, as modern-day Believers.  I think we will find that we have much in common with the circumstances behind Ezra's commitment to his people.
     First of all, we need to understand who Ezra is ... he is a descendant of Seraiah the high priest, and was living in Babylon during the reign of Artaxerxes, king of Persia.  Around the year 457 BC, the king sent him to Jerusalem to teach the laws of God to any who did not know them... and the number was considerable.
     I know for some people, "the laws of God" are a stumbling block.  To many, this terminology refers to the restrictions placed on the Israelites in terms of foods to eat, how they were to worship, laws governing the administrations of the priests, prophets, and kings, etc.  It can seem overwhelming and stifling to those who consider themselves "New Testament" Christians, and to whom the laws of the Jews have no validity.
     I do not claim to understand all the reasons that God gave these original laws and commandments to Moses, but I think it is fair to say that they needed some pretty strict guidelines to turn them away from all the heathen and pagan practices they had learned while in bondage in Egypt.  God needed a way to keep them focused on Him, rather than on the foreign gods they had been introduced to during their captivity and slavery.  
     And how many times was it the Law that brought them back to God, after they were tempted to follow pagan practices and worshipped false idols?  For me, it all comes down to the many times in Scripture that the Law is summed up in terms of loving God and loving your neighbor; both of which are exemplified in the Ten Commandments.  I think it is best stated by our Lord in Matthew 22:37-40:  “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” 
     Now that I have established what I believe Ezra was concerned with in today's passage, let's get to the significance of this verse for us.  Notice all that Ezra did concerning the Scriptures.  He "prepared and set his heart" ... remember that at this time, the Jews had all but forgotten their ethnicity and their theological identity.  The Hebrew language was nearly lost, as they had adopted the common Aramaic language during their years of captivity in Babylon.  In fact, Jesus spoke Aramaic when He came into the world.
     So God used Ezra to bring back solidarity and identity to His people.  As a priest and a scribe, Ezra was instrumental in battling the opposition of non-Jews (who had settled in and around Jerusalem during the long exile), as well as the carelessness of the Jews in regards to the statutes and commandments of the Lord.  In essence, Ezra's purpose was to help re-establish the nation of Judah for God.  It was God who had prepared his heart to seek the knowledge of His Law and to teach it to the Jews, who were in danger of losing it.
     You see, the people were not familiar with the Word of the Lord; a danger that I believe we are facing today.  We do not "inquire for it, and of it"; nor do we "require it and yearn for it", as Ezra did. That goes way beyond just reading the Bible.  I'm not sure too many Christians "require" or "yearn" for the study of God's Word; let alone follow or do His commandments.  And I feel pretty safe in saying, we do not enthusiastically pursue the teaching of God's Law, even if we do study it with a passionate heart.
     Plus, do you see the similarities between the state of the Jews, who had lost their identity and theology, and the state of our nation?  We, too, have forgotten our heritage and God as the foundation of our people and nation.  We, too, are in dire need of re-learning what we have neglected and how to righteously live our lives.
     So, God put it on Ezra's heart to not only understand His commandments, but to thirst for the Word with diligent study, and then to teach it His people who had nearly lost it.  That's what we need today!  We need to all become like Ezra; to inquire of the Lord through diligent study of His Word, and then to be examples of what it means to follow His commands.  And finally, we need to become on fire to teach the Word.  Because, like the Jews who nearly lost their identity in God, we are in danger of becoming unfamiliar with the full extent of the Truth in His Word.  The survival of our people, nation, and Church depend on rediscovering it, instituting it, and teaching it.

June 6, 2015

Lessons Of Old Still Apply

     Once again, it has dawned on me as I begin to write my post for today, that my original concept for starting this blog has evolved slightly in its trajectory.  Oh, I'm still all about the "salvation" part of Salvation and Survival; that has not changed.  To be specific, it is still my goal to be upfront and bold in proclaiming the need for redemption by all men and women; to point out that we need a Savior from our sinful natures, and He is available to us through the person of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion and resurrection.  I haven't changed my direction in that arena at all.
    But it's the "survival" part of my focus that has seen a metamorphosis.  I'm still all about discussing ways to make ourselves ready or able to do or deal with changes that are coming to our lives.  But I think my view is changing from surviving circumstances that pertain specifically to this time in my nation's history, to surviving a phenomenon that has occurred throughout the history of all nations. Let me see if I can explain...
     First of all, let me tell you that as I am diligently making my way through reading my Bible -- this time with the clear intent of having it unveiled by the Holy Spirit -- I am forever being surprised at how often what happened to the ancient nation of Israel applies to us today.  Talk about learning lessons about surviving!  There is no better example of continuing to exist through difficult circumstances than ancient Israel, nor a more appropriate reminder of keeping our guard up.  Survival is all about maintaining our vigilance and caution, while refusing to leave ourselves vulnerable to attack.  One such lesson was presented to me in the Fourth chapter of the Book of Ezra.
     Let me catch you up on the historic facts ... the nation of Judah is involved with rebuilding the Temple after 70 long years of captivity in Babylon (due to their failure to remain true to the covenant with their God).  The Babylonian Empire had been defeated by the Medo-Persian Empire, and the Persian king Cyrus had issued a decree to let the Jews return to Jerusalem to rebuild Solomon's Temple, which had been destroyed during the Babylonian conquest of Judah.
     The previous chapters of Ezra give us an account of the priests and people who returned to complete the restoration of the Temple, and their spiritual preparation for the task.  Work continues and the Temple foundation is completed.  But throughout the years of the reign of King Cyrus, until the reign of Persian King Darius, there is continued opposition to the idea of a restored Judah and Temple.  In various forms of duplicity and deception, enemy nations approach the leaders of Judah and offer their help; in essence, saying, "Let us help you build; we seek the same ends you do, and can even accept your God as ours."
     For awhile, Zerubbabel, (who had been given the office of governor of the Persian Province of Judah, and who was the grandson of Jehoiachin, one of the last kings of Judah) was able to keep Judah autonomous and independent of foreign influences.  He declined their offers to permeate their cultures into the Jewish heritage, and was successful in completing the work God had ordained for them alone.
     But, the Bible tells us that, in time, "the people of the (other) lands weakened (tried to discourage) the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in the building.  They hired counsellors against them, to frustrate their purpose...".
     This mimics exactly what we are seeing in our own nation today.  Enemies of our country have entered our most sacred institutions and are counseling against the foundation of how this country was built.  We were led to believe that they honored and respected our unique status and our ways, when in reality, they wish to transform it and destroy it; establishing a new form of governance.
     Now substitute the Church and Christianity for the Nation.  Enemies of God and Christians enter into our Church buildings, saying they wish to worship with us; to seek after our God.  But, in reality, they are involved with witchcraft, or false gods, or believe in the ultimate weakening of the true faith, ecumenicalism; and their desire is to establish a stronghold in order to destroy the Church.
     It is an age-old concept; one that the Greeks personified in their use of the Trojan horse... it is any trick or strategy that causes a target to allow a foe into a securely protected bastion or space.  The difference is that Zerubbabel resisted them.  The leaders of our nation and churches have not been so mindful of the danger and difficulties that ensue from such compromise.  Once again I have learned that the Bible is not only an amazing story of salvation, but its lessons on survival are valid for all time.

Proverbs 10:9     Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.

June 5, 2015

Are We Giving Up Spiritual Territory?

     I will admit that I do not have the latest figures, but what I have learned about the large amounts of U.S. land owned by foreign countries and corporations has alarmed me.  Did you know that, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), foreign investors hold an interest in 25.7 million acres of U.S. agricultural land?  And that figure is from December, 2011!  I can imagine that this USDA figure has climbed significantly in the nearly four years since it was released.
     A summary from the 2011 USDA report discloses the following:  Forest land accounted for 54 percent of all foreign held agricultural acreage, cropland for 19 percent, and pasture and other agricultural land for 27 percent. Foreign holdings of U.S. agricultural land were relatively steady from 2000 through 2006; between 2006 and 2007, there was a significant 3.6 million acre increase. Since 2008, there have been moderate increases each year ranging from 1.3 to 1.5 million acres. Between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011, there was an increase of 1,490,781 acres.
     The state of Texas has the largest amount of foreign held U.S. agricultural land with 2,894,563 acres.  Maine has the second largest amount of foreign held agricultural acres with 2,877,965.  Washington has the third largest amount of foreign held agricultural land with 1,671,102 acres, which is 7.6 percent of its privately held agricultural land!  Sixteen percent of Maine’s privately held agricultural land is held by foreign investors; this is approximately 11 percent of the reported foreign held agricultural land in the United States.  Remember, these figures are nearly four years old, and we know that with the state of our economy, millions more acres have likely been sold.  I do not think it is exaggerating to suggest that foreign holdings in this country are increasing at an alarming rate.
     How does it make you feel to know that when the Chinese purchased Smithfield Foods for $4.7 billion, they suddenly owned 460 large farms and became the top employer in dozens of communities all over the United States… or that Zhang Xin, CEO of Soho China , joined forces with the wealthy Safra family (of Banco Safra fame) of Brazil to buy a stake in the General Motors Building in New York City?  The New York Times reported last year that Dalian Wanda Group, another Chinese developer, is planning to build a greenfield luxury hotel in Manhattan.
     Writer Michael Snyder shared the following information in a 2013 article: "The Chinese have made trillions of dollars flooding our shores with super cheap products, and now they are using some of that money to buy land and property all over America.  For example, there is now a proposal to construct a multibillion dollar “China City” that would span approximately 600 acres in a remote area of New York state.  This “China City” (that is actually what it would be called) would be located on Yankee Lake in Sullivan County, New York.  The plans anticipate large numbers of Chinese businesses, plenty of homes for Chinese immigrants, a Chinese high school, a college, a casino and even a theme park.  And the first 600 acres is only for “phase one” of the plan.  Ultimately, the goal is for “China City” to cover more than 2,000 acres.  Those promoting this plan say that it will be a great way for New Yorkers to learn to appreciate Chinese culture.  So should we be concerned that the Chinese want to place a little slice of communist China right in the heart of New York state?"
     Then there are the reports of a recent outcry against California’s exports of water-rich products, like almonds and pistachios, to countries like China, in the midst of the state's historic drought.  Isn't that a poor use of domestic resources?  Is it really moral to enrich a Chinese corporation at the expense of U.S. citizens?  Is this a picture of the New Global Economy?
"The Worship of Mammon" by Evelyn de Morgan
     For me, as a Christian, these questions aren't simply a matter of political and economic consequences.  Yes, we have willingly sold our national heritage and agricultural lands to foreign investors, and I feel a certain sense of betrayal -- all in order to serve Mammon, the Biblical expression of greed and material wealth.  In fact, during the Middle Ages, Mammon was often personified as a deity, and sometimes included in the seven princes of Hell.
     So, perhaps you are beginning to see my concern, and a greater significance to this "giveaway".  This nation, land, and its people were originally appointed by God to glorify Him.  And now with foreign intrusion, we have been exposed to foreign gods, and all the spirits that come with them.  Did not our God tell us how he felt about allowing this encroachment upon His territory?  "If you transgress the covenant of the Lord your God, which he commanded you, and go and serve other gods and bow down to them. Then the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you, and you shall perish quickly from off the good land that he has given to you.”  I don't know about you, but it couldn't be any plainer to me.
     How we've forgotten that He gave this land to us!  And we have no idea how it offends Him to share this territory with foreign gods and their influences.  Now the question becomes how long will it take to "perish" off this good land?  Looks like we're well on the way.

Jeremiah 5:19   And when the people ask, 'Why has the LORD our God done all this to us?' you will tell them, 'As you have forsaken me and served foreign gods in your own land, so now you will serve foreigners in a land not your own.'

June 4, 2015

What Are We Afraid Of?

     There are growing warnings that Christians in America are in jeopardy of facing persecution by our increasingly Godless society.  The culture war is being presented as Christian versus Atheistic Society.  But I am sensing another threat to our Faith, and it is fellow Christians.
     Within the established Church, there appears to be two groups forming.  Let's define Group 1 as those who are seeking a bigger understanding of God's Word; not being content to rest on the teachings of the last five hundred years.  That is not to say that they negate or contradict these teachings; but to this group of Believers, knowing God's heart and relying on the Holy Spirit's illumination of the Word adds to the interpretations of revered and celebrated theologians.  That means trying to discern the origins of God's instructions to those who would believe in His Son as their Savior.
     I would suggest that Group 2 doesn't differ all that much from Group 1, other than the latter are content with the instruction they have received, and they are skeptical of anything or anyone that does not conform to the traditional forms of worship or the accepted doctrines of the modern day Church.  If it has not been taught by their pastor, or an "expert" in theology, then it has no credibility to them and they view it with suspicion and a certain degree of fear, I think.
     For the most part, both groups are respectful of each other, and aren't inclined to criticize each other's belief system.  In fact, I am happy to see that there is actually a Middle Group emerging out of Group 2 that is open-minded and eager to expand their vision and understanding to the point that they are embracing new concepts of God, based on deeper study of the Bible on their own.
     But I am seeing a growing number of editorial opinions that question the authenticity of Group 1's stance; and words such as "unbiblical rubbish" and "heretical cult" are creeping into the conversation.  That is a dangerous precedent!
     What I am seeing is that Group 1 is determined to get to know God and His precepts in the manner of the Church that Jesus commissioned.  Group 2 perceives that the transformation of the Church throughout the last 2000 years, as dictated by man, is the way we should be worshipping God.  While I do not advocate disharmony or division within the Body of Christ, I am becoming more concerned with the angry vocalization coming from Group 2.
      Somehow they feel God's Church is threatened by the study and increased knowledge of Biblical teaching on such subjects as spiritual warfare and intercessory prayer.  I do not understand the objections over these clearly Biblical injunctions!  Of the latter subject, there are at least 35 instances of Scripture that I could quote; among them  "... as you also join in helping us by prayer, so that many people may give thanks to God on our behalf for the gracious gift given to us through the help of many. "(2 Corinthians 1:11) ... "I post watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they should keep praying all day and all night. You who pray to the Lord, don't be silent!"  (Isaiah 62:6) ... "With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and to this end be alert, with all perseverance and requests for all the saints." (Ephesians 6:18).
     What could be so threatening about the Church being a motivator of intercessory prayer?  Critics claim that it will result in "a new breed of trembling worship leaders who lead the way into the prophetic, groaning sounds of Holy Spirit-facilitated worship, which will make it normal to shake and fall to our faces as we cry Holy! The natural, logical sing-a-longs will be no more. We will have a hard time standing as God's Shekinah glory resides in His church. Worship teams will practice less and pray in the Spirit with tears in their eyes."  Ummm ... Why is that heretical?  Furthermore, those in Group 1 never claim that this should be the outcome of intercessory prayer.  They merely seek to follow God's commandments through His prophets more explicitly.
     But perhaps it is the subject of Spiritual Warfare that scares Group 2 more than anything else.  But how can they ignore Paul's warning that we fight not flesh and blood, but against forces and principalities, which are master spirits of the demonic realm and spirit forces of wickedness.  What makes the Church think that Ephesians 6:12 no longer applies to the Church or mankind, in general?  Does that even make sense?  Where have they been taught that God tells us we can ignore that teaching and it no longer applies in the 21st Century?
     Is that they fear their ability to fight such entities?  Is it because they don't know how Jesus instructed His apostles to teach the Church in such matters?  Scriptures such as "He who is in you, is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4)" and "Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7)" did not cease their significance in the First Century!
     The fact that Group 1 exists and is drawing closer to God and our Lord's teachings on such matters is quite encouraging to me.  It shows me that God is preparing His people to stand for Him in the ways that HE has commanded and instructed us.  It shows me that the Holy Spirit is drawing us away from empty methods that will not strengthen us for the spiritual battles to come.  We should be rejoicing as we gain new insight into the Bible and God as our Rock, Fortress, Shield, Stronghold and Deliverer.
     There are always extremists in any camp, but when I hear mainstream Christians denigrating a return to Biblical examples and principles -- by fellow Christians -- as "nauseating" and "heretical", it is cause for concern.  It's time to step out of our comfortable, dogmatic, and rigid theology and rediscover the shock and awe of the Glory of God.  It's a good thing!

Ephesians 6:10     "In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides]."

June 3, 2015

"Rome, Final Days" Is Fitting Epitaph For Our Culture

     If you haven't heard by now, Fox News host Neil Cavuto is being ridiculed across every liberal and progressive website for his blunt comments on the transgenderization (if there is such a word) of Bruce Jenner.  Because it is the "hot" story in the latest news cycle, Cavuto was forced to comment on it, and when he shouted "What the hell is going on?", I can imagine that there were millions of Americans who agreed with him.  When a guest on his show stated, "It's just the era that we're living  in," Cavuto acerbically remarked, "Rome, final days" and signed off.
     So, it is not surprising that he has been called everything from "transphobic" to "vile and hateful" to "disgusting and unprofessional".  But just because his opinion doesn't agree with the minority view of the loud and vocal transgender and Hollywood crowds, doesn't mean his comment doesn't have merit in its own right.
     In a fitting article titled, Top Ten Reasons Ancient Rome Was A Pervert's Paradise, we find out that the Roman Emperors were ... well ... a little preoccupied with aberrant sexual behavior.  Nero, for example, had his favorite boy castrated and attempted to turn him into a woman. Caligula made his horse a senator, converted the palace into a brothel and pimped out his sisters; while Elagabalus spent more time cruising Rome’s red light district dressed in drag than anything else.  And it is this latter Roman Emperor that most closely resembles the transformation of Mr. Jenner and the trajectory of our modern culture.  
     The Reddit website, which is essentially an online bulletin board system where the community generates answers to questions, has an interesting opinion on Elagabalus.  Admittedly, this description must be accepted with a certain cynicism; but if even a small percentage of it is true, I think you will see why it lends some credibility to Mr. Cavuto's perspective.
Emperor Elagabalus
     Elagabalus was born in 203 AD, and died before his 19th birthday, in 222 AD. Ancient historian Cassius Dio wrote numerous books on the history of Rome, and the 80th book of his chronicles was written in about 229 AD, and makes for some interesting reading.  According to Cassius Dio, Elgabalus may have been one of the first transgender world leaders.  Here are just some of the passages:
     "My Lord Emperor, Hail!" he bent his neck so as to assume a ravishing feminine pose, and turning his eyes upon him with a melting gaze, answered without any hesitation: "Call me not Lord, for I am a Lady." -- Dio Cassius 80:16
     These passages suggest Elgabalus had gender dysphoria and desired to have Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) and facial hair removal:  "He carried his lewdness to such a point that he asked the physicians to contrive a woman's vagina in his body by means of an incision, promising them large sums for doing so."-- Dio Cassius 80:16
     "He had planned, indeed, to cut off his genitals altogether, but that desire was prompted solely by his effeminacy". -- Dio Cassius 80:11
     "Once, indeed, he shaved his chin and held a festival to mark the event; but after that he had the hairs plucked out, so as to look more like a woman."-- Dio Cassius 80:14
     Although Elgabalus successively married five women, he remained childless; ultimately marrying a male partner.  The "husband" of this "woman" was Hierocles, a Carian slave ". -- Dio Cassius 80:15.
     Now, those of the transgender persuasion, and those of the liberal and progressive communities who applaud the rights and freedom of Bruce Jenner to become the woman he desires to be, can hail this era as valid, and honest, and liberating all they want.  It still does not erase that such practices, along with slave sex (regardless of gender or age); lewd and graphic public pornography; sex-obsessed and X-rated literature; pederasty (man-boy sexual perversion); and mass infanticide (babies born from all that sex were simply discarded on the dung-heaps -- an extreme form of abortion) all contributed to the downfall of ancient Rome.  
     Whether you think that God played a part in it or not; you cannot deny that this was the picture of Rome in her final days.  And I find it extremely interesting that the Godless of today attempt to "normalize" this behavior and lifestyle by pointing out that it was acceptable in ancient Rome.  They say it is just us "phobic" Christians who are exhibiting an irrational response.  But, "acceptable" to whom?  Those who practiced it?  Does that really give it credibility?  Isn't that like saying those involved in ritual child sacrifices accept this practice among their tight little group, so that makes it normal for society?
     Can they at least admit that "the decline of the Roman Empire" happened; characterized, in part, by the debasement of its emperors and wealthy elite, and their obsessive self-gratification?  The emperors may have called themselves Christian, following in the footsteps of the pseudo-Believer Constantine, but they surrendered to the oldest temptation in Satan's playbook ... sex.  
     So, what does all this have to do with Bruce Jenner and Neil Cavuto's bold sentencing of our culture?  It just proves that the story of the downfall of both men, and nations, is as old as history.  Nothing has really changed, and the outcome (without God) will be the same.  "Rome, Final Days" ... it really says it all.

Romans 1:24       "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves..."

June 2, 2015

Is Your Calling Clear?

     As we see the moral collapse of our nation, and the forward advance of experimentation towards a God-less immortality, there couldn't be a greater difference between Christians and secularists.  And there are many who bemoan this fact.  I, on the other hand, choose to look at our dissimilarities with the prevailing culture as an advantage.
     I don't want there to be any doubt about where I stand on the traditional marriage issue, abortion, sexual perversion, the occult, or any other non-biblical position of our modern culture.  I have no interest in compromising or "accepting" what society has deemed "tolerable".  That does not mean that I do not love my fellow man; it simply means that I will not discredit or dishonor my Savior by condoning or remaining silent on such actions.  You see, for me, it is all about Him!
     Now, I know that we, in the world, tend to make it all about us and we all want to be liked and approved by others.  But it is not my fellow man's approval I want, so much as it is my Creator's.  Why must I accept the votes of the Supreme Court as determining my opinion on same-sex marriage?    And just because the majority of the population views abortion as "a woman's right" to govern her own body, why must I go along with murdering an unborn child and support this abhorrent practice?  Furthermore, what makes this particular cycle of humanity think they have been given the wisdom to rewrite thousands of years of Biblical teachings? Why am I wrong if I choose to question their "newly-enlightened" philosophies, or labeled "out of touch" and "archaic", if I refuse to adopt a more "open-minded" practice of my faith?
     I am really getting tired of accommodating this unbiblical culture!  The message of "The Church" is ineffectual and, dare I say it .... cowardly!  Yes, we are called to love and pray for the lost; but we are also instructed to boldly declare the fate of those who reject the Gospel message.  Why are we trying so hard to save our reputations and our material lives, when the lives of so many will be eternally lost because we don't want to call attention to ourselves?  Why is the Church so comfortable in ministering to themselves inside their four walls, and so afraid of following the apostolic model of dangerous living?
     The Church community is all up in arms over the recent Pew poll that reports 72% of Americans felt that religion was losing "influence" in American life.  It's because "religion" is not what we've been called to share! We have been given an awesome assignment ... to reveal our personal testimonies as to how faith in Jesus Christ has delivered us from an eternity in hell.  Those aren't very pretty words are they?  I'm sure they won't fill big majestic church buildings, such as the one in Houston; nor are they the words that people have been taught represent the Christian faith.  But they are part of the message we are to spread; they are the "perishing part" of that familiar Scripture we use to show the people that God "so loved the world that He sent His only Son, that whosoever should believe on Him, should not perish, but have eternal life."  Yes, God loved the world ... but how have we come to ignore the part that not believing in Jesus (and I mean the full-blown Gospel message... the crucifixion, the burial, and the resurrection!) leads to eternal damnation?!?!
     Why have we limited the full implications of our Lord's teachings?  Why do Christians today believe in Cessationism (that the instructions by Jesus to the disciples to teach, heal, and cast out demons ended with them), and why are they ignorant of the power and authority that Jesus wants us to use to accomplish the same things?  Is it just because they haven't been taught them by a pastor or preacher?  Whose word is greater -- a mortal man's or the Lord's in His Word?  Who can give us greater understanding and revelation -- a mortal man or the Holy Spirit?  Why do we put greater trust in what "the Church" has (or has not) taught us, than in what our Lord has spoken Himself?
     Our understanding of God must come from the Bible -- and not from our denominational doctrine, or a favorite pastor/teacher's leanings; and especially not from what the culture tells us about Him.  I know I have quoted Dietrich Bonhoeffer too many times for some of you, but as I reread his biography by Eric Metaxas, it is speaking more clearly and louder with each passing day.  This was a man who stood in opposition to the prevailing anti-Biblical culture in Nazi Germany.  Unlike many of the German Christians, he refused to accommodate or adjust his faith -- or the Word -- so that he might fit more comfortably into society.  He used those ominous times to point the way, ever more boldly, to the Bible and the Cross.  He never lost sight of his reason for being alive at that time in history, and he took every opportunity to stand apart from those who would compromise.  Like the lives of the apostles before him, he was obedient to God's call on his life.  Let us, too, complete our tasks in glorifying Him!

My calling is quite clear to me.  What God will make of it I do not know ... I must follow the path.  Perhaps it will not be such a long one. (Philippians 1:23).  But it is a fine thing to have realized my calling ... I believe its nobility will become plain to us only in coming times and events.  If only we can hold out.

Do not try to make the Bible relevant.  Its relevance is axiomatic (self-evident; unquestionable) ... Do not defend God's Word, but testify to it ... Trust to the Word.
                                                                                                                --- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

1 Corinthians 1:17   "For Christ (the Messiah) sent me out not to baptize but [to evangelize by] preaching the glad tidings (the Gospel), and that not with verbal eloquence, lest the cross of Christ should be deprived of force and emptied of its power and rendered vain (fruitless, void of value, and of no effect)."