A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

October 11, 2014

A Personal Look At Ebola

     This week, Thomas Eric Duncan, of Liberia, died in Dallas of Ebola.  While there are many contradictory reports concerning the level of this nation's preparedness for dealing with this deadly disease, it is important to face this monster, as we have done in so many things in recent history.  We must not panic, and we must take as much responsibility as we can for ourselves; get the facts, increase our knowledge of the disease and how to protect ourselves and family, and put a plan in place.
     But I think it is also important to take a good, close look at this disease and know what to expect.  There is no better person to help us do that, than Dr. Kent Brantly, who survived Ebola, after returning to the U.S. from West Africa, where he was treating patients, himself.  The fact that Dr. Brantly is a strong Christian helps me to confront my fears, as I hope it will you.  Here is his story, in his own words, as printed in a recent Time article:
     Ebola is ravaging West Africa like a wildfire out of control.  The morning I woke up with Ebola, I felt a little warm. My temperature was 100.0–higher than normal, but not too concerning. I decided to stay home from work that morning just to play it safe. I had spent the last seven weeks fighting the world’s worst Ebola outbreak in Liberia, where I was working as a physician with Samaritan’s Purse. I thought I just had a cold, but I was not naive enough to think I was immune to the possibility of Ebola.
     By noon, my temperature had increased to 101.4. I took a rapid malaria test; it was negative–not a good sign. I called our team leader, who sent physician colleagues to my home in full protective gear. After two more negative malaria tests, I knew I would be in isolation for at least three more days. Often the blood test for Ebola will remain negative for the first three days of illness, so we had to wait a few days for an accurate result. In the meantime, I grew sicker. My fever hit 104.9. I felt nauseated and began having diarrhea. Eventually the team started an IV in my arm and gave me fluids. We all hoped it could be dengue fever.
      On the fourth day the team leader came to my bedroom window with news. “Kent, buddy, we have your test results. I am really sorry to tell you that it’s positive for Ebola.” I didn’t know what to think. I just asked, “So what’s our plan?”
     In the middle of October 2013, I had moved to Monrovia with my wife Amber and two children. We planned to serve as medical missionaries with Samaritan’s Purse for two years. The first time I heard about the Ebola outbreak was at the end of March, at a picnic for expatriates living in the area. Someone asked if I had heard about the Ebola outbreak in Guinea. I had not, but within a couple of months I was one of only two doctors in Monrovia treating Ebola patients.
     On June 11 our hospital, called ELWA (Eternal Love Winning Africa), received a call from the Ministry of Health. They were bringing two Ebola patients to our isolation unit. In the two hours it took for us to prepare everything, one of the patients died in the ambulance. Over the next month and a half the number of patients grew exponentially. We were overwhelmed.
     On July 20, we opened a larger isolation unit and consolidated our smaller facility with the patients from another nearby hospital. That’s the same day I dropped off Amber and the kids at the airport to return to Texas for a family wedding. I was supposed to meet them a week later. But just three days after their departure, I got sick.
     Even with the bad news, I felt calm. I never shed a tear when I called my wife and said, “Amber, my test is positive. I have Ebola.” Though the rest of my family wept, I felt strangely at peace. God blessed me with that peace that surpasses understanding. Since we had started treating patients with Ebola in Monrovia, we had only had one survivor. I had watched too many people die from this disease. Amber and I were both at the disadvantage of knowing how this illness ends.
     At some point, I was told about an experimental drug. It had worked on monkeys, but had never been tested in humans. I agreed to receive it, but then decided that Nancy Writebol should get it first, since she was sicker. I was not trying to be a hero; I was making a rational decision as a doctor.
     Over the next couple of days, though, my condition worsened. My body began shaking, my heart was racing. Nothing would bring down my temperature, and I had fluid in my lungs. I felt hot, nauseated, weak–everything was a blur. I had friends and colleagues praying outside my house–and all over the world. The doctor decided to give me the drug, and within an hour my body stabilized a bit. It was enough improvement for me to be safely evacuated to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.
     During my own care, I often thought about the patients I had treated. Ebola is a humiliating disease that strips you of your dignity. You are removed from family and put into isolation where you cannot even see the faces of those caring for you due to the protective suits–you can only see their eyes. You have uncontrollable diarrhea and it is embarrassing. You have to rely on others to clean you up. That is why we tried our best to treat patients like our own family. Through our protective gear we spoke to each patient, calling them by name and touching them. We wanted them to know they were valuable, that they were loved, and that we were there to serve them.
     At Emory the doctors were able to see that my potassium level was low and replenish it–something that could not be done in Liberia and could have killed me. I finally cried for the first time when I saw my family members through a window and spoke to them over the intercom. I had not been sure I would ever see them again. When I finally recovered, the nurses excitedly helped me leave the isolation room, and I held my wife in my arms for the first time in a month.
     Even when I was facing death, I remained full of faith. I did not want to be faithful to God all the way up to serving in Liberia for ten months, only to give up at the end because I was sick. Though we cannot return to Liberia right now, it is clear we have been given a new platform for helping the people of Liberia.
     Ebola has changed everything in West Africa. We cannot sit back and say, “Oh, those poor people.” We must think outside the box and find ways to help. People are fearful of isolation units because “that is where you go to die.” They stay home instead and infect their families. Perhaps we need to find a way to provide safe home care that protects the caregivers. The national governments of West Africa are overwhelmed. They are not capable of handling this outbreak with simply a little help from some NGOs. This is a global problem and it requires the action of national governments around the world. We must take action to stop it–-now.

     Dr. Brantly's honesty and faith in the face of death should inspire us all.  This disease robs us of our dignity, but we must not let it strip us of our humanity.  We must be compassionate towards those who are stricken, follow all safety precautions, and above all else, pray for God's deliverance from this pestilence.  

2 Chronicles 20:9   "Should evil come upon us, the sword, or judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand before this house and before You (for Your name is in this house) and cry to You in our distress, and You will hear and deliver us."


October 10, 2014

"The Affleck Syndrome"

     It has certainly been interesting to watch uber-Liberal atheist Bill Maher and his atheist author buddy Sam Harris attempt to talk religion with Hollywood hothead Ben Affleck.  The subject was the Left's reaction to criticism of the violence committed by jihadists in the name of the Islamic religion.
     First of all, I found it amusing that Maher declared that Liberals have a claim on "the freedom of speech; the freedom to practice any religion you want without fear of violence; the freedom to leave a religion; equality for women, minorities, and homosexuals" ---- these are principles he called "Liberal Principles".  (Why is it that Liberals are the only ones who believe in these principles?  Don't all people want freedom and equality?)
     Sam Harris went on to say, "Liberals have failed on the topic of theocracy."  By this, I believe he is referring to a particular doctrine of a particular religion; in this case, Islam.  He goes on: "Liberals will criticize White theocracy and Christianity... they will become agitated about the abortion clinic bombing in 1984; but when you want to talk about treatment of homosexuals, women, and free-thinkers in the Muslim world, then you are called racist."  That automatically introduced the loathsome word (gasp!) ... Islamophobia!  
     That's when Affleck could contain himself no longer.  He almost came flying out of his seat as he tried to equate that kind of logic with disparaging comments about Jews and Blacks.  His argument was that Maher and Harris were conflating Islam with Muslims; they were painting a broad brush of doctrinal belief across all Muslim cultures and peoples.  Who is right?  Or are they both correct?  The problem is you have men -- two who have publicly stated they have no love of religion or faith; and one who shows no evidence that he knows what faith is -- trying to defend a religion that our culture cannot understand or equate.  So that makes them authorities, right? (Wink, Wink).
     From my decidedly (and unapologetically) Christian viewpoint, it looks to me that Mr. Affleck wants to argue this from a position of relativism.  In other words, I think he believes that no one can argue what Islam stands for, because Muslims are free to interpret Islam as they wish.  So those who interpret it violently are just "a few bad apples", so to speak.  And when you try to use "relativism" as an argument, you become less interested in defining the true nature of something, and no one is ever really to blame, are they?
     As Raymond Ibrahim, an award-winning journalist and Middle East and Islam specialist, points out in an article on PJ Media, "The fundamental mistake in the position of [Islam apologists such as Ben Affleck] is that it places Muslims on a higher pedestal of authority than Islam itself (even though Muslims are by definition “one’s who submit” to Islam, which is “submission” to Allah’s laws).  Islam is based on the law, or Sharia — “the way” prescribed by Allah and his prophet.  And Sharia most certainly does call for any number of things — subjugation of women and religious minorities, war on “infidels” and the enslavement of their women and children, bans on free speech and apostasy — that even Affleck would normally condemn."
     We, in the Western culture are simply unable to understand that this is not only a religious problem, but a cultural one.  Yes, not all Muslims are jihadists.  But, we must ask ourselves this:  "Are all Muslims Islamists?"  There are many that do not embrace violent jihad; they wish to work within the system, but if they are a true Islamist, then they still believe in the strict doctrine of Sharia Law, and that is where the danger lies.
     It is the foundation of Sharia Law that the jihadists want to impose on the world.  I will agree that it is wrong to say that "all Muslims" want to execute you if you leave the faith, or stone homosexuals; but to me, the fact that one would say it is a problem!  And how do apologists square the fact that a growing number of Muslims are flocking to ISIS, who loudly proclaim their goal of Sharia Law for the world?  This is the same Sharia Law that advocates stoning homosexuals and adulterers, or executing you if you leave the faith, remember? I would expect Liberals,who espouse a person's freedom of choice, to recognize that characteristic of the Islamic faith.  To which, the standard reply from apologists like Affleck, is that we are racists. In our culture, whenever you want to shut down any argument or logic, you simply invoke the "race card", and you are discredited.  But here's the problem, Ben --- a Muslim is not a race of people, but a follower of the religion of Islam.
     As Rich Lowry, of the National Review Online, wrote, all Bill Maher was trying to say "is that self-consciously tolerant liberals often look the other way when confronted with the intolerance of the Muslim world." But Ben Affleck just can't go there.  It feels too judgmental, and as any modern American Liberal must do, he cannot give any hint of American or Western "exceptionalism".
     So how does he explain away that Christians in Syria and Iraq are given three choices by Muslim Islamic believers -- convert to Islam, become enslaved to the system, or death?  Or does he simply ignore the difference in the way Christians and Islamists pray about their enemies?  There is a huge difference between loving your enemy and praying for those who persecute you, and praying for your god to cut out the tongues of your enemy, freeze their blood and inflict pain and misery on them.
     The sad truth of the controversial debate between these men is that they argued over the unfair criticism of Muslims and Islam, and found nothing good to say about our Christian Faith.  They are blind to the inherent sinful nature of all men, and that we are all in need of a Savior.  They just look down upon us misguided followers of Jesus, and refuse to look up for their redemption.  They're so smart, and compassionate, and they have no need of deliverance; they have all the answers.  Their arguments are just a symptom of the West's egocentricity and social relativism -- we are self-important, and there are no moral absolutes; our values and ways of interpreting the world can vary from society to society and even within different sections of societies.  So, how dare we question another person's actions, especially if they look different and act different than we do?
     The bottom line is this:  These men, who have no faith of their own, are incapable of understanding an extreme faith; and are only capable of projecting their own moral relativism on another culture's actions.  In the end, their opinions don't really matter; they are just an actor and talking heads.  But sadly, we have politicians who are responsible for our national safety who have no more faith, and their moral view is just as cloudy.  God have mercy on us!

Isaiah 5:20   "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"


October 9, 2014

He Is So Good!

     I will tell you, with Ebola and ISIS foremost on people's minds these days, it is not often that you get to have an unexpected conversation about the miserable state of the world and wind up feeling positive and energized.  But that is exactly what happened to my husband and I yesterday.
     It seems that Peace-Loving Warrior just doesn't recover from physical injuries like he used to when he was younger.  Granted, it's not easy to be doing repair work on a steep tin roof when the overcast sky suddenly decides to turn sunny; especially when you're barefoot (which affords better traction on the slippery surface).  That roof can go from zero to 100 degrees in a matter of seconds... hence, his jump from one elevation to another, and his unfortunate landing on one of the seams of the tin roof.  The result has been ongoing pain in the ball of his foot.  And that led us to a visit to a local Podiatrist, and a most interesting morning.
     After some idle chitchat, the conversation turned to the realization that we all shared certain concerns for the country, our communities, and our families.  But how many conversations have you had with a virtual stranger that began with "The fact that this country exists is due to a series of miracles; God had a purpose for this nation"?  The good doctor then went on to expound upon his theory ... he truly believes that this nation came into being to propel the spread of the Bible around the globe.
     With a series of questions, he began to explain his premise.  "Who is primarily responsible for the explosion of technology in this age?"  Although computer scientists from Belgium and England are credited with inventing the World Wide Web, it was Americans (like Robert E. Kahn) who invented the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol, the fundamental communication protocols at the heart of the Internet, and who were the real internet pioneers.  Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook soon followed, and the United States has virtually exported the internet to the world.
     His next question was, "So, isn't it now possible for someone like Billy Graham to preach a sermon that can be translated, via the internet, into any language in the world, and be heard by millions at the same time?"  We had to agree.  It could certainly be hypothesized that America had served a purpose in spreading the Gospel.  But the intelligent Foot Doctor was quick to point out that this did not mean that America was exempt from God's judgment.  He then pointed out that sinful nations such as Egypt and the Babylonian Empire had been used by God to serve His purposes, and we should not look upon our "favored status" over the last 200 years as a sign that God will be pleased with us in these Last Days.
     Our conversation then progressed to a more personal, introspective nature.  So, what is to be our response to what we see coming upon this nation and the world?  We all agreed it is to be prepared as best as we can, not counting on being "raptured" out of the unpleasantness that we are sure to experience.  If God did not spare His Chosen People, the Jews, during their seasons of disobedience, then what makes us arrogant American Christians think that we will escape His judgment?  It could be quick and immediate ... events like Ebola, or ISIS attacks in the Homeland, could certainly become agents of His "terrible, swift sword", couldn't they?
    So, all the beans and rice, and prepper supplies we've accumulated; all the new skills and new knowledge we've acquired... what has it been for?  Has it really been to save us, or will they become tools with which we can reach one more person for His Kingdom?  Personally, I have an opinion about every written note in my Bible; every notebook filled with lesson plans for the Books of Revelation, Daniel and Romans that I've shared in the past 3-4 years; copies of my book, and my notes on the Lord's Feasts --- I think that no matter what happens to me, they will be left behind, hopefully to be found by someone who needs to hear the message about what Jesus has done for them.  In fact, PLW has been painstakingly copying his newfound and extensive knowledge into a journaling Bible that will be sure to bless anyone who finds it.
    At the end of our visit -- which would have gone on for much longer, if the nurse hadn't stuck her head in to remind the doctor that he had other patients to see -- we felt as if this meeting was ordained.  We left the outpatient clinic feeling renewed and confident that we are serving a purpose; both for our God and our fellow man.  In these days, months and years of anticipated pessimism, we must not lose sight of a Plan that is greater than any single one of us.  Let chaos reign all around us; we know why we are here and whose path we are to follow.  Thank you, God, for your blessings and encouragement today!

Psalm 118:23    This is the LORD'S doing; It is marvelous in our eyes.

October 8, 2014

Is It The Military's Duty To Fight Ebola?

     I can tell you that I am struggling to understand the decision to send our military personnel to West Africa to become involved in fighting Ebola.  In an exclusive report on WND.com, some of our most decorated and retired Military Generals are grappling with this decision, too.  Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin and retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely both question the decision by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to put 4,000 boots on the ground.
     Although U.S. officials want us to believe that our troops' exposure to the deadly virus will be "limited", this seems to be a very rushed and anything but comprehensively planned mission.  We are told that "the soldiers would be responsible for command, control, logistics, civil affairs and medical assistance."  Should that really be their role?  Doesn't that sound like duties that should be carried out by the Center for Disease Control?
     In fact, the CDC Foundation website describes the role of the CDC in case of a contagious outbreak as follows:  If a pandemic should occur, CDC would conduct an investigation and provide technical assistance to cities, states or international partners dealing with the outbreak. This assistance would include consultation, lab testing and analysis, patient management and care, tracking of contacts and infection control (including isolation and quarantine). CDC’s primary goals would be to determine the cause of the illness, the source of the infection/virus/toxin, learn how it is transmitted and how readily it is spread, how to break the cycle of transmission and prevent further cases and how patients can best be treated. Not only would scientists be working to identify the cause and cure of the outbreak, but CDC acting with other federal and international agencies would send medical teams and first responders to help those in affected areas. Scientists in the labs of CDC would work to develop a vaccine to combat the virus and then distribute and administer it to public.
     So why aren't they doing their job and going to West Africa, instead of sending our troops to do jobs they aren't qualified for?  As General Boykin points out, "At a time when our military has been at war for 13 years, suicide is at an all-time high, [post-traumatic stress disorder] is out of control and families are being destroyed as a result of 13 years of war, the last thing the president should be doing is sending people into West Africa to fight Ebola ... That's not what the military does."

     In the WND article, Boykin goes on to point out that there will be no inoculation for Ebola prior to troop deployment. Defense Department spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said that the only preparation service members will receive before heading to West Africa will be briefings on the disease.  How would you feel if your son, daughter, husband or wife was assigned this deployment?  Will that information help you sleep at night?
     And as I look at these young people boarding a transport plane in the accompanying photo, I can't help but think, "What are we sending them into?  How will we protect them, and how will we contain this disease should, God forbid, one of them contract it?  Are they just a face without a name to the DC politicians?"
     Then there is this to consider ... the CDC wanted us to believe that our nation's hospitals were briefed and prepared to deal with any potential Ebola patient that showed up on their doorstep.  Yet, it is clear to us all that the so-called medical experts botched it in Dallas.  Are we really expected to believe that  we can send 4,000 soldiers into the heart of the beast and no one will become infected?  And can they guarantee that all these heroes will be better monitored than one man was in Dallas -- so that they do not endanger their loved ones at home, or deploy to other units and spread the disease?
     And like General Boykin, I want to know, "Where is the U.N. or other African nations?"  Why are our troops once again on the front lines?  You don't have to be a conspiracy nut to figure out that this doesn't make sense, and defies logic or common sense.  The administration spokesmen can insist all they want that our troops won't be exposed to the virus; but the fact that they are in West Africa places them in harm's way.
     Then there is information provided in another WND article, written by Joseph Farah.  He reports that "The Defense Department is planning to spend at least $1 billion on the effort. That represents a commitment of $333,333 for every soldier deployed. Just imagine how many more local citizens could be hired for this assignment?"
     Farah's article also mentions the ambiguity of Defense Department spokesman John Kirby, when he said, “But there’s no – there’s no intent right now for them to have direct contact with patients.”  Do you trust the safety of our troops after that ill-defined statement?  And here's what I don't get ... Kirby very clearly states that this "is not a military operation ... The mission is to do some training, to build these units and do some logistics, some transports, the movement of materiel."  So, if it's not a military operation, why are we sending soldiers?
     You know, it seems to me that we actually have some real missions that better suit our soldiers right now ... like stopping the growing threat of Islamic radicals in Syria and Iraq... or how about protecting our own country from a myriad of threats at our southern border?  That's what our troops are trained to do!  They are warriors, trained to fight and win wars ... this is one mission they should not be called to answer.

Psalm 91:9-10   "Because you’ve made the Lord my refuge, the Most High, your place of residence—no evil will happen to you; no disease will come close to your tent."


October 7, 2014

Where Have Our Manners Gone?

     I don't know if you saw the recent reporting of the 80-year-old man who was enjoying a drink at his local Florida Applebees, and approached a fellow 26-year-old patron, asking him to discontinue his loud use of obscenities.  According to the police report, Harry Sander, the octogenarian, politely asked Mikie Sawyer to quit using the "F" word and repeatedly talking about T & A.
      First of all, I can remember a time when people would have been embarrassed to be heard talking that way in front of strangers.  But did Sawyer respect his elder's request and tone it down?  No!  Like the spoiled, narcissistic society we've become, he announced that he didn't have to stop cursing if he didn't want to.  So according to witnesses, Mr. Sander leaned in once again, and informed Mikie that in his native Germany, one didn't speak in polite company like that.
     Well, Sawyer was not only unconcerned about being polite in the company of others, but he made sure to disparage the elderly man's thick accent and his heritage, saying, “I don’t care where you are from, whether it be Russia or Dutch, take your ass to the other side of the bar.”  [Apparently, Mikie not only showed a distinct lack of character, but doesn't know his world geography, either.  Someone needs to tell him "Dutch" is not a country].
     But it is not simply his lack of respect and crudeness that is deplorable, it is what he does next that I find so reprehensible.  The police report records that Sawyer then punched Mr. Sander in the face and pushed him to the ground.  The elderly gentleman doesn't remember much after that moment.  Witnesses corroborated the incident and the mistreatment of Harry Sander, and Mikie was arrested for battery on a person over the age of 65 and disorderly conduct.
     According to Florida law, "A person who is convicted of an aggravated assault or aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older shall be sentenced to a minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years and fined not more than $10,000 and shall also be ordered by the sentencing judge to make restitution to the victim of such offense and to perform up to 500 hours of community service work. Restitution and community service work shall be in addition to any fine or sentence which may be imposed and shall not be in lieu thereof."  We can only hope that justice is served in this case.
    If it was up to me, I would like to invite Mr. Mikie Sawyer to Texas to meet my friend, Maurice Chambers.  I believe that Maurice just turned 78 years old; although as the holder of several state long distance running records, and a still-active Texas rancher and hunter, he would be mistaken for a much younger man.  In fact, I have seen him out-run and out-work men half his age.  He is one tough and rugged Texan!
     But he is also a devout and pious Christian man.  I have seen him tell many a foul-mouthed cowboy and hunter who was visiting his ranch that he would not tolerate profanity; especially in front of ladies.  He even told a legendary rock star (with his own hunting show) that he was not welcome to bow hunt on his property if he continued using the "F" word.  In Maurice's world, there's no compromise when it comes to old-fashioned manners.
     And where has that standard gone in this country?  Where is the respect for others, and the esteem for our elderly?  Have we become such a self-centered, narcissistic nation, that we have no concern for our fellow citizens?  Are our egos so big, that none dare oppose us?  I suspect that we have raised a generation or two of spoiled kids; children who are now adults, and who think the world rotates around them.  They owe consideration to no one but themselves.  And, now we see a decline not only in manners, but in our ability to see others as unique and worthy of courtesy and honor.  As in the case of Mikie, they become ugly and despicable human beings.
     So, the next time Mikie Sawyer decides to disrespect an elderly gentleman, whose only crime is a request for good manners, I hope he meets someone like my friend, Maurice.  If Mikie continues to exhibit his rude nature, I guarantee he will be the one picking himself up off the floor.  It will be in his best interest to have a change of attitude, and to give another thought to becoming well-mannered and better-behaved.  Yep, I'd like to see Maurice teach Mikie a thing or two ... and the first lesson would start with respect.

1 Peter 5:5      Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”

October 6, 2014

The Supreme Court Is In Session: How Will God Judge Us?

     You may not realize it, but today is the day that the Supreme Court begins its next term.  As Americans, we hardly take note when the highest court of the land is in session.  I would daresay that most of us know very little of the history of the Court or its purpose within our governmental system.
     Among other cases, this session of the Court may decide, once and for all, the legality of same-sex marriage, and therefore will deliver important consequences for our nation.  And, as always, I am completely taken by surprise when seemingly random thoughts occur to me, such as, I wonder if there is a Biblical parallel between how God used the Israelite Judges in the Bible, and our own Supreme Court?  Rather than dismiss these thoughts, especially if they are recurring, I usually conclude that they are not by chance, at all, and decide to follow where I am being led; so here we go ....
     Let's start with the role of the Supreme Court.  It was interesting to research different opinions of the Court.  One website,  Scholastic.com, (which advocates Common Core), describes the Supreme Court in these terms:  "The Supreme Court is like a referee on a football field. The Congress, the President, the state police, and other government officials are the players. Some can pass laws, and others can enforce laws. But all exercise power within certain boundaries set by the Constitution. As the "referee" in the our system of government, it's the Supreme Court's job to say when government officials have [exceeded their authority and] stepped out-of-bounds."
     Another site, Answers.com, says, "The Supreme Court, the only court created by the Constitution, has the final say on all legal matters that come to it ... The primary role of the US Supreme Court is interpreting the Constitution."  Both definitions make it clear that, in matters of law, the Supreme Court bases its judgments on "the highest law of all -- the Constitution."
     That's where I think we, as a nation, have gotten off-track.  Shouldn't God's laws be the highest in the land?  Did you know that we have a history, since the founding of this nation, of conflict over a "Godless Constitution"?  Beginning in 1787, with the drafting of the Constitution, there was much debate over the role of God within the Constitution's framework, and the lack of mention of Him in the final draft.  Then in 1863, a group called the National Reform Association attempted to propose an amendment "to rectify the religious defect" in the document.  According to an article by the European Journal of American Studies, "Ministers attacked the Constitution from the pulpit, usually because it lacked reference to God."   Even in our lifetimes, we have seen this controversy around God's role in the administration of our nation, with the rise of the Moral Majority in the 1980s.
     Inevitably, this argument comes back to the "separation of church and state" controversy.  We could debate endlessly on whether that was the original intent of our Founding Fathers or not; and other than their own writings on the subject, I am disinclined to accept any modern interpretation of their intentions.  That being said, we can accept this simple fact, as it has been presented by TheocracyWatch.org:  The word "God" does not appear within the text of the Constitution of the United States. After spending three-and-a-half months debating and negotiating about what should go into the document that would govern the land, the framers drafted a constitution that is [virtually] secular.  The U.S. Constitution is often confused with the Declaration of Independence, and it's important to understand the difference.  The Constitution is a legal document; the Declaration is not.
     So, if we accept that our nation was founded with the idea that a legal document was to be "the highest law of all", does this explain how we've steadily wandered from acknowledgment of God as our Supreme Law-giver and Judge ... and that we ignore the highest law of all as established by God,  and He will judge whether we have obeyed His decrees?
     As a Christian, it is my belief that all nations, leaders and judges have been given their authority by God; and these people[s] can be used by Him to bless us or to discipline us.  Just as in the Old Testament, after the capable leadership of Joshua, the nation of Israel no longer trusted in or obeyed God, and proceeded to "do what was right in its own eyes".   The Book of Judges chronicles the apostasy of Israel and the merciful deliverance of the nation through the Judges He provided.
     Don't get confused by that word "deliverance".  It does not mean that God spared Israel from the consequences of its actions, as their repeated oppression by foreign nations testifies.  But God did show His compassion and His faithfulness through His covenant with Israel, by providing them Judges, who were political leaders that rescued them from their own unfaithfulness, and eventually delivered them from foreign threats or repression.
     So, how does this relate to us, today?  In Judges, Chapter 2, the Bible says the people were "greatly distressed," and even though God "raised up judges who delivered them out of the hand of those who plundered them, they would not listen, but played the harlot with other gods, and bowed down to them."  This clearly shows that God remained faithful and took pity upon a wayward people who "grieved Him continually."  I contend that we qualify for grieving God, and are mirroring the apostasy of ancient Israel, resulting in a downward spiral of disobedience and idolatry that has taken us further away from God, our true Judge.  The question remains: Will He take pity on us in this age?
Deborah, the Prophetess and Judge of Israel
    The Biblical history of the Israelite judges reveals that some accomplished more for God and the people than others.  For all intents and purposes, every generation got the leadership and judges it deserved.  What does that say about us, and what does it portend?  How will the Judges of our Supreme Court rule this session?  Will they be God's instrument of blessing, or will they represent His discipline upon our nation?
     Since our Supreme Court has increasingly compromised Constitutional rulings for political ones; and we know that Biblical principles will not play a role in their decisions; we now have a deeply divided Court.  This will render the same-sex marriage issue not only the most important matter before the Court in determining our way of life, but it will be the defining legacy of this Court.  Since God is not present in the Constitution, and seems to be an absent influence in most of our political leaders, I think it is safe to say we can expect the Justices to do what they think is right "in their own eyes."   Or they could decide to delay a decision on this case, causing further dissension, and a continued disregard for God's opinion on the matter.
     No matter what the Court decides in this controversial case -- or the others before it -- we, as a nation, must come to realize that disobedience invites discipline, and always brings judgment.  Whether we are judged to be a righteous nation, or an apostate one, will be revealed by those God has set to rule over us.  At the moment, our breakdown in responsiveness to our LORD, and our lack of conviction to His principles, has led us to a breakdown in our societal and moral fabric.
     But we must never forget that God is always there for those who cry out to Him.  The Book of Judges reveals the cycles of decline and revival among the ancient nation of Israel.  We need to pray and cry out to God to prepare a Deliverer for this nation.  If that turns out to be the return of Christ, then that's wonderful!  If our Lord is delayed, then let's pray for a righteous leader[s] that will bring renewal to this oppressed land.  It's time to break this cycle and change the direction of this country.  With God's help, we can!

Judges 2:18    "And when the Lord raised them up judges, in their days He was moved to mercy, and heard the groanings of the afflicted, and delivered them from the slaughter of the oppressors."

October 5, 2014

1 Thessalonians 4:16

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven 
with a loud cry of summons, 
with the shout of an archangel, 
and with the blast of the trumpet of God. 
And those who have departed this life in Christ will rise first.

     Last week I gave you a comparison of the Old Testament and New Testament significance of this Holy Day, the Day of Atonement.  While this is new to me, the Holy Spirit is showing a small, but growing group of us Christians why these Feast Days are important to the Lord. 
     Today, in an effort to show God's plan of unity between his natural olive tree and the wild olive shoot,  I would like to share with you the testimony of a group of Jewish Believers, who are celebrating this day in Jerusalem.  It is my hope that you will see a picture not only of our Lord's mercy in forgiving us our trespasses, but a future picture of His return.  
     Asher Intrater is the Director of Revive Israel, a ministry for the Messianic remnant in Israel.  As a Jew, he is able to provide a link between his faith and ours, showing us the unity of the Body of Christ.  Here is his explanation of the Day of Atonement from his unique perspective:

     Yom Kippur is the most holy day of the Jewish calendar.  It was the one time during the year when the high priest could enter the holy of holies, passing through the woven veil to come before the seat of God's presence on earth. He came to offer the blood of atonement, symbolizing the sacrifice of Messiah Yeshua. Yom Kippur has rich layers of prophetic meaning integrating holiness, repentance, atonement, spiritual warfare, the judgment day, resurrection and the second coming of Messiah.
     Every year our vision for celebrating Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) as a united community grows stronger.  This year five local Israeli congregations are participating, and we will join together for a day and a half of prayer and fasting.  Our time will open with a reading from the book of Jonah and its themes of calling for prayer, repentance and mission to the nations.  
     In the morning we will include traditional prayers, and then the team will lead worship during the main assembly. The theme for this day is the blood of Yeshua, atonement and the cross.  The pastors will lead in intercessory prayer.  In the afternoon, we have a public reading of the entire book of Hebrews (in Hebrew). In the past two years, a precious anointing and spontaneous burst of joy accompanied the reading.
     Our closing assembly is dedicated to the end-times prophecies and the "great and terrible day of YHVH" (Joel 1:15, 2:1, 2:11, 2:31, 3:14). The blowing of the shofar at the end of the Day of Atonement is a prophetic proclamation of the Second Coming of Yeshua, the rapture and the resurrection of the dead (Leviticus 25:9, Isaiah 27:13, Matthew 24:31, I Corinthians 15:52, I Thessalonians 4:16).  As the ministry leader, I will give the end-times message leading up to the blowing of the shofar - reflecting our exciting and fearful sense of the approaching end-times, the culmination of the spiritual warfare, the battle of Armageddon, the worldwide outpouring of the Spirit and the establishment of the Messianic kingdom on earth.
     We conclude with the unity of the congregations and participate in the Lord's Supper. There is a large shared meal before the beginning of the fast and light refreshments at the end to break the fast. Seeing the fellowship of different leaders and congregations is itself a miracle, and a sign from the Lord.  Ultimately, the vision of our celebration is one of combining traditional Jewish worship elements with the modern spontaneous Messianic elements. This brings a tremendous sense of awe, covenant, history, prophecy and the presence of the Lord.

     As we Christians come to understand that the roots of our faith are shared with our Jewish Brethren, it is my hope that we will come to grasp the significance of Feast Days like the Day of Atonement, and that we will see our Lord and Savior in the history and the prophecies.  And most of all, it is my prayer that we will also share the sense of awe and the presence of the Lord.  What a glorious God we serve!

October 4, 2014

Now, For The GOOD News ...

     When I began writing this blog nearly three years ago, it was my original intent to give practical advice on what I thought we might be facing; mainly American apathy concerning the loss of our foundational (and personal) liberties, as well as the increasing possibilities of any number of physical, grid-down scenarios.  I wanted to combine hands-on recommendations with spiritual guidance to get us back to our roots.
     I knew I was no expert, but could sense that many people, like me, were beginning to become anxious that we were losing our footing; that if we remained unaware and uninformed, various political, social, and spiritual forces could take us places we were unprepared and unwilling to go.
     There were definite red flags and warning signs, but for most people, it was "business as usual" -- they didn't feel any adverse effects from the threats I saw on the horizon, nor did they even recognize them.  These possible perils were always in the future, or experienced overseas, and no one was touched by imminent danger.  Most of America could still ignore any negative nightly news and simply focus on the latest football scores or celebrity wedding.
     Not so anymore!  The threats are now very real, very personal, and have come home to touch "real people".  There should not be a single person in America who is not shaken by the jihadist murder of Brendan Tevlin in New Jersey, or the beheading of Colleen Hufford in Oklahoma in recent weeks; or by the first cases of Ebola in Dallas and possibly Washington D.C.  The lack of consistent and accurate information should raise the threat consciousness of us all.
     America can no longer ignore that our very way of life is under attack, whether by deliberate design or subtle subterfuge.  We have never faced such brutality as ISIS and their adherents, or such a frightening specter of death as Ebola -- and they have never been so close.  To ignore their existence is to invite calamity.
     But we must also be mindful not to give in to our fears, and must continue to rely on our newfound skills, and to put on our spiritual armor as never before.  It would be easy to fall into despair and panic because of the confusing reports we are getting from so-called "officials".  But if you have spiritual discernment, you know that it is time to rely on your own judgment, with a view towards obtaining Divine direction and understanding.  You have been preparing for this day for some time now, and you know where our true protection lies.  So, it's time to stop looking for our national leaders to shield us and defend us from harm.  As scary as the physical threats are that we face, we have an Enemy far more cunning and dangerous.
     Yesterday, I remarked to my husband that I never would have thought, in my idyllic childhood during the 60s, that I would be facing such Evil during my life.  But God has given me a purpose; and by His choice, we are all living at this particular time.  We have been given a sacred opportunity that no one else in all of history has been afforded.  Whether our Lord appears in our lifetimes or not, we will play an essential part in sharing the Good News of His return, and preparing people for the battle ahead.
     It's not that I am ignoring all the bad news that is being heaped upon us; we must stay alert, and I will continue to help others gain awareness and get prepared.  You can, too!  We can choose to look forward, to fulfilling our roles in these final days.  We won't make headlines, and no one will report on our lives, but we can make the news in Heaven, and that's the kind of good news we can all take delight in!

Romans 10:15       And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

October 3, 2014

".... And Then Shall The End Come."

     Every now and then, I am able to step back and observe my life and the events taking place as through a telescope.  In other words, I am able to gather the information from distant occurrences and bring them into focus; seeing them as a larger and clearer image.
     For instance, I look back over my life and see how all the twists and turns have brought me to this point, and I can see God's hand and direction... how He took me from a small understanding of Him into a full-blown commitment to glorify Him in this sinful world.  It's a big picture of my small time on this earth.
     And for the last few weeks, I have not been able to keep my thoughts from turning to Jesus's prophecy in Matthew 24.  Even if you are not a Believer, we are all living in this world and seeing and experiencing the same events and phenomenons -- wars, disease, food shortages, earthquakes, volcanos, and religious persecution.  You can believe what Jesus says about these happenings -- that they have some significance for our eternal future -- or you may simply view them as a part of living in this human world.
     It is easy, both to dismiss current events as having no lasting effect upon the world (this is nothing new in the history of man); or to ascribe too much to our own knowledge and opinion, claiming to know God's timeline.  I am doing neither.
     Yet, I know that the Lord says He will come like a thief in the night, and we should be alert and informed about the signs of His approach.  For centuries Christians have debated exactly what He was telling us.  Should we just blindly trust that we are Saved and don't need to worry about when He is coming?  That we can't or won't be caught unawares?  If so, why does He give such specific answers in Matthew 24 as to what the signs will be of His coming, and the end of the world?  Why does he caution us numerous times to "keep watch" and "to be clothed and ready, lest we be found naked?"
     These are the questions that have been plaguing me for some time -- as I observe what seem like endless wars in the Middle East, and new ones threatening in Russia/Ukraine; as I detect a growing threat of an Ebola worldwide pandemic; as I see hatred fomenting against our Christian faith across the globe; and as I watch the earth groaning and splitting apart from unprecedented earthquake and volcano swarms.
     Has the history of man seen other such dark periods?  Of course.  Have other generations felt they were facing "The Tribulation"?  Absolutely.  So, why am I and other Christians, today, actually studying this topic in Scripture as never before in recent times?  Individuals, denominations, and churches that have shunned the study of the Book of Revelation in the past are suddenly hungry to understand its hidden meanings.  They are tying this New Testament prophecy to the Old Testament prophecies of Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, and seeing a newfound relevance to our day and age.
     New students of The Tribulation are scurrying to figure out where we might be in the seven-year period of adversity; and to identify the Anti-Christ; or determine when the four horsemen of the Apocalypse will (or have) started their rides.
     Even our entertainment industry is picking up on this reawakening to Biblical prophecies.  "Noah" has come and gone, "Left Behind" is scheduled for a remake, as well as the much-beloved "Ten Commandments"; only this time it has been renamed "Exodus: Gods and Kings", and stars Christian Bale as Moses.  What is behind this renewal and interest in Jesus's prophecies and God's judgment upon man?
     Are we seeing the "Big Picture" and the fact that the "wars and rumors of wars" that Jesus predicted have really been ongoing since the beginning of the 20th Century?  Can we see that approximately 203 million have been killed from wars, genocides, intentional famines, and religious martyrdom; from WW I up to our present day wars and atrocities?
     Are we discerning that the famines, pestilences and earthquakes Jesus predicted are very much present?  Or that we "shall be delivered up, and killed, and hated" for His name's sake?  The increasing number of Christian's who are being arrested and imprisoned in foreign lands, along with the slaughter by ISIS is reminiscent of Nero's purge against the Early Church.  We are even seeing the  beginning of atrocities in our own country.
     I cannot help but see the Scriptural reference to those who will "be offended", and who will "betray and hate each other", as I witness the growing schism in the Church.  Differences in how same-sex marriage, the veracity of the Bible, and even how the existence of heaven and hell are viewed is leading to animosity and bitterness within the Body of Christ.  Now, Christians are not only battling those who discredit our faith, but we are fighting each other!
     In Matthew 24, Jesus goes on to tell us that there will be many false prophets who will represent Him, and we see that in the growing influence of the Emerging Church, Chrislam, and Mega-Church Pastors who sell their own brand of the Gospel Message.  Right before He gives us the crucial sign of His return ("the Abomination of Desolation" in the Temple), Christ tells us that the earth will "abound" in lawlessness; sin will permeate our worlds and "the love of many will grow cold."
     Sadly, I see that in members of my own family.  I have a brother who is a brilliant cancer geneticist who refuses to see God in his research.  Unfortunately, his arrogance and his belief that his intellectual pursuits are superior to my faith will yield no life beyond this one.  His heart is cold and turned from God; his time is running out.  At this point, all I have to offer him is intercessory prayer, and so I continue.
     I write these sentiments today, not because I want to predict where we are on Christ's Tribulation calendar, but because my heart and soul are telling me that the essence of this world is fleeting -- I think I am more aware of all that is going on because I sense there is soon going to be a dividing line; between those who belong to God, and those who do not.   The events of this world will force us to decide on which side of that line we take our stand.  That's why, not even war, or a killer disease, or the threat of martyrdom should dissuade us from living our lives for Christ.  In the end, it is not our jobs, our homes, our reputations, our relationships, or our "things" that matter.  Why are we worried about preserving them?  We are to endure whatever comes against us for one purpose ... to glorify and exalt God.  None of us will escape making these choices.  Now is the time to be watching, to be sharing Christ's saving Grace, and to be clothed in readiness to receive Him.

Luke 21:36  "But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man."

October 2, 2014

Ebola in Texas! And So Many Questions ...

     You can imagine the potential of fear and panic, now that a diagnosed case of Ebola has surfaced in the United States.  And we, here in Texas, are especially concerned.  We have very little information coming from health authorities, other than the patient is isolated in a hospital in Dallas, and is extremely ill.  But what facts we do know are not convincing us that the CDC has it all under control.
     We are repeatedly told via talking head doctors on major news outlets that this pernicious disease is only transmissible via bodily fluids, and that a person is not contagious unless presenting symptoms.  Even if I believed this line of reasoning --- and that's a big IF --- we have much to be anxious about.
     First of all, this patient came to Texas from Liberia, one of the hardest hit countries in West Africa.  According to a very detailed article on the UK's Daily Mail website, "People boarding planes in the outbreak zone are checked for fever, but that does not guarantee that an infected person won't get through."  So, it seems to me that an obvious question would be, "Why aren't we considering quarantining people when they arrive in this country from Liberia?"
     (SIDE NOTE:  Our history on quarantining is neither admirable nor well-executed.  Wikipedia reports that our immigration policy at the turn of the 20th Century included quarantine hospitals near Ellis Island after a pandemic of cholera broke out in 1910.  I also discovered a sad commentary on that period, in which "over 420 individuals — 85% of whom were children under the age of 13 years old — died in Quarantine at the two hospitals."  Family members of those contained were often allowed to proceed through customs, never knowing what happened to their loved ones, or where they were buried.)
     In this day and age, we are able to identify the symptoms of Ebola to include fever, muscle and joint pain, vomiting and bleeding; and we know that it may take as long as 21 days from exposure to an infected person before one starts showing these symptoms.  Again, The Daily Mail reports that "Health officials use two primary guidelines when deciding whether to test a person for the virus - whether that person has traveled to West Africa and whether he or she has been near friends or relatives or other people who have been exposed to the virus."  
     We know that this latest Ebola victim arrived in Dallas on September 20th, and began showing symptoms on the 24th, and subsequently went to a hospital on the 26th for treatment, only to be sent home with antibiotics.  Then on the 28th, two days later, he is diagnosed with Ebola and placed in isolation.  So what happened to these all-important "guidelines"?  I am assuming that 1) the hospital was aware he had arrived in the U.S. from Liberia, and 2) it certainly sounds like his symptoms on the 26th should have aroused some suspicion that Ebola might be suspected.  After all, he had been sick for 2 days already, and it only took 2 more days to demand his placement in an isolation ward!  As the article so clearly states, "It raises the frightening prospect that he was mixing freely with others for a full four days while showing symptoms of the virus -  the time when Ebola is most contagious." [my emphasis].
     Again, if you believe that symptoms must be present to be contagious, this is clearly reason for great concern on the part of anyone who might have come in contact with the patient -- from family members, to hospital personnel, to the public.  But, if you have suspicions that this disease could be airborne, and contagious far earlier than the 21 days to present symptoms, then that opens a much broader window for contagious scenarios -- fellow passengers on the plane from Liberia, and all those who came into contact with the patient post-arrival in the U.S.
     While U.S. health authorities have not been forthcoming in identifying the patient, the Daily Mail article quotes the president of the Liberian Community Association of Dallas-Fort Worth, lending some consideration that the patient is either Liberian himself, or his family has ties to Liberia -- all the more reason to question the initial hospital screening practices.
     From my understanding, the CDC continues to maintain that U.S. hospitals are quite capable of handling Ebola cases.  But is this proclamation due to the facts that this country only has four special isolation facilities, (such as those who treated Dr. Kent Brantley and his missionary colleague, Nancy Writebol in Atlanta), and there is no longer any of the experimental serum ZMapp that saved their lives?  Does it mean that any future cases of Ebola will not receive this specialized care and will have to rely on individual hospital protocol?   It will be important to see if the seriously ill patient in Dallas survives without the specified care that these two patients received.
     And speaking of Dr. Brantley, when testifying before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee, he was quick to label Ebola as "a fire straight from the pits of hell."  So without panicking, what should we, as individuals and families, do to prepare for the possibility of an outbreak?  I do not think it is inappropriate to prepare for the worst, and pray for God's mercy on this nation.  Inexpensive Tyvek suits, gloves, masks, and supplies such as Bleach and Hand Sanitizer are certainly items that should be considered.
     But what we need more than anything else is the truth!  I would like to know what is planned for the returning military personnel who are being sent to help contain the outbreak in Africa?  Can we rely on local, state and federal health authorities to provide accurate reports on new cases, as well as informing those who might have come into contact with infected patients?  We are being asked not to panic or react out of alarm ... but being less secretive and more forthcoming would go a long way towards calming irrational fears.
     Finally, I know that my trust truly belongs with the Lord.  I must rely on Him to protect me from this pestilence and the missteps and misjudgments of man.  He has the power and the authority to heal us.  May He protect this land!

Matthew 9:35    "And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction."