I will tell you, with Ebola and ISIS foremost on people's minds these days, it is not often that you get to have an unexpected conversation about the miserable state of the world and wind up feeling positive and energized. But that is exactly what happened to my husband and I yesterday.
It seems that Peace-Loving Warrior just doesn't recover from physical injuries like he used to when he was younger. Granted, it's not easy to be doing repair work on a steep tin roof when the overcast sky suddenly decides to turn sunny; especially when you're barefoot (which affords better traction on the slippery surface). That roof can go from zero to 100 degrees in a matter of seconds... hence, his jump from one elevation to another, and his unfortunate landing on one of the seams of the tin roof. The result has been ongoing pain in the ball of his foot. And that led us to a visit to a local Podiatrist, and a most interesting morning.
After some idle chitchat, the conversation turned to the realization that we all shared certain concerns for the country, our communities, and our families. But how many conversations have you had with a virtual stranger that began with "The fact that this country exists is due to a series of miracles; God had a purpose for this nation"? The good doctor then went on to expound upon his theory ... he truly believes that this nation came into being to propel the spread of the Bible around the globe.
With a series of questions, he began to explain his premise. "Who is primarily responsible for the explosion of technology in this age?" Although computer scientists from Belgium and England are credited with inventing the World Wide Web, it was Americans (like Robert E. Kahn) who invented the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol, the fundamental communication protocols at the heart of the Internet, and who were the real internet pioneers. Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook soon followed, and the United States has virtually exported the internet to the world.
His next question was, "So, isn't it now possible for someone like Billy Graham to preach a sermon that can be translated, via the internet, into any language in the world, and be heard by millions at the same time?" We had to agree. It could certainly be hypothesized that America had served a purpose in spreading the Gospel. But the intelligent Foot Doctor was quick to point out that this did not mean that America was exempt from God's judgment. He then pointed out that sinful nations such as Egypt and the Babylonian Empire had been used by God to serve His purposes, and we should not look upon our "favored status" over the last 200 years as a sign that God will be pleased with us in these Last Days.
Our conversation then progressed to a more personal, introspective nature. So, what is to be our response to what we see coming upon this nation and the world? We all agreed it is to be prepared as best as we can, not counting on being "raptured" out of the unpleasantness that we are sure to experience. If God did not spare His Chosen People, the Jews, during their seasons of disobedience, then what makes us arrogant American Christians think that we will escape His judgment? It could be quick and immediate ... events like Ebola, or ISIS attacks in the Homeland, could certainly become agents of His "terrible, swift sword", couldn't they?
So, all the beans and rice, and prepper supplies we've accumulated; all the new skills and new knowledge we've acquired... what has it been for? Has it really been to save us, or will they become tools with which we can reach one more person for His Kingdom? Personally, I have an opinion about every written note in my Bible; every notebook filled with lesson plans for the Books of Revelation, Daniel and Romans that I've shared in the past 3-4 years; copies of my book, and my notes on the Lord's Feasts --- I think that no matter what happens to me, they will be left behind, hopefully to be found by someone who needs to hear the message about what Jesus has done for them. In fact, PLW has been painstakingly copying his newfound and extensive knowledge into a journaling Bible that will be sure to bless anyone who finds it.
At the end of our visit -- which would have gone on for much longer, if the nurse hadn't stuck her head in to remind the doctor that he had other patients to see -- we felt as if this meeting was ordained. We left the outpatient clinic feeling renewed and confident that we are serving a purpose; both for our God and our fellow man. In these days, months and years of anticipated pessimism, we must not lose sight of a Plan that is greater than any single one of us. Let chaos reign all around us; we know why we are here and whose path we are to follow. Thank you, God, for your blessings and encouragement today!
Psalm 118:23 This is the LORD'S doing; It is marvelous in our eyes.
Do you as a Christian believe according to the doctor's comment that we will all remain in this world to suffer the judgment and wrath that God will pour out on humanity before the Second coming? God did spare the Jews during their time of disobedience, they suffered at the hands of their enemies because they were disobedient. The angels could not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah until the righteous were removed. Romans 11: 25For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery-- so that you will not be wise in your own estimation-- that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; 26and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, "THE DELIVERER WILL COME FROM ZION, HE WILL REMOVE UNGODLINESS FROM JACOB." 27"THIS IS MY COVENANT WITH THEM, WHEN I TAKE AWAY THEIR SINS."… However, the bible does state they (the Jews) will be saved. Do you not believe that we will be changed in a twinkling of an eye and forever be with the Lord? Do you not believe our hope is in the Lord. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. We have the scriptures to claim the promises of God to us - His beloved children. Psalm 91 - these beautiful words protect us from the evil calamities presently surrounding us. We need to stand up and believe who we truly are! But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe that we Christians will be subject to God's Wrath that comes against the Wicked of the Earth. However, I do not think we will escape scott-free or pre-Tribulation ... I think we will be here for the first three and a half years of the Tribulations and may be persecuted or martyred by the Anti-Christ. It will be our witness that will win new souls for the Lord, right up to the minute He inflicts His wrath.
DeleteI trust in the Word of God, which states we will be raptured before the seven years of tribulation. That is not to say we will not suffer persecution or hard times before that. Being prepared for troubles ahead is a good thing--the hope of meeting my Savior in a twinkling of the eye is even better.
ReplyDeleteRead especially Ebola: How to fake an epidemic
Many people are beginning to question the Ebola situation. We suspect that the real issue is the forced vaccine with a latent virus in it. Mark of the Beast? Maybe. It could include a rice-sized implant. And the torment suffered for five months by those who take the mark would be explained.
Why three and a half years? Where does that come from?
ReplyDeleteDaniel's prophecy (Chapter 9) of the 70th week, and 42 months and 1260 days.
DeleteI think as believers the important thing is to be ready. The Lord has commanded the faithful to be ready in and out of season. To be watchful for the signs of the times.The parable of the virgins comes to mind. Talking pre, post tribulation is not very useful to anything or anyone. Think about it for a moment. If one is acceptable to the Lord through his grace and in a twinkling of an eye the believer is clothed in glory and is received by the Lord, great. But what happens if the rapture doesn't happen and one is still saved by the Lord's mercy and grace? Is there a difference between the two points? No. We are commanded to be ready for the groom period.
ReplyDeleteI think all this armchair theorizing misses the point totally.
I agree with your comment, anon. The parable of the ten virgins was about being prepared. If you note in the story, ALL of the virgins fell asleep as the Lord tarried, but only those that were prepared went into the feast.