A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label World Events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Events. Show all posts

September 28, 2015

Pieces Are Being Moved On The Cosmic Chess Board

     Having trouble making sense of the players in the Middle East and how it all might align with End Times prophecy?  Don't worry ... I am, too.  To be honest, I have never felt that I needed to position everything I was seeing with the puzzling timeline offered by Scripture.  It's not that I think I will be raptured and it will be of no consequence to me -- (I happen to think that we Christians will be needed on earth, for a time, to offer words of hope, encouragement, and endurance during the battles leading up to God's wrath against the wicked) --- it's just that I have always figured that God will clearly reveal those times and His instructions for His people, when it is necessary.
     That being said, it's hard to ignore some of the major world events we are seeing before our eyes.  And it's really hard to look at them through Western eyes.  We, in America, tend to forget that the Bible's inspired writers and prophets were Middle Eastern, and we try to translate and understand their epistles and letters through the lens of today's Western experience.  So, I'm not here to say that I have any unique insight into what's happening around the globe; and I probably have more questions than answers.  But I thought we should at least look at what's in the news and be aware of how events can impact us in the present, as well as their End Times implications.
      For me, right now, it's all about Russia and what is really going on between the world's superpowers in the Middle East.  It's all over the news that Russia has deployed a small, but consequential military force into Syria, which may have the potential of changing the dynamic in that war-torn country.  It has been four years since the start of the Syrian civil war, with U.S.-backed rebel forces fighting against Syrian President Bashar Assad and his faithful Syrian army.  The sectarian war has created a breakdown in authority, providing the opportunity for ISIS to get a foothold and begin building their caliphate.  Russia has said that they want to assist Syria in fighting ISIS, and that is their primary objective in coming to Syria's aid.
     But, as always, when global powers begin making military moves, there is more to the story.  From what I can gather, there is a history of a Russia/Syrian alliance, back to the 1970s when Assad's father, Hafez al-Assad, aligned with Moscow.  In fact, Syria is among the last proxies, or representatives, of the Russian political influence in the Middle East.  Interestingly enough, that puts Russia on the same side as Iran, who also provides military aid and guidance to Assad through their proxy, Hezbollah.  Apparently, Vladimir Putin was getting a little concerned that Iran was having too much influence in Syria, hence the show of military force.
     There are also those who surmise that Russia's escalating presence in the Middle East might forecast a threat to Western interests; or on the other hand, provide valuable intelligence and military aid in fighting Islamic jihad.  Either way, Russia gives themselves a way to bargain for Western and European concessions in regards to Ukraine and economic sanctions.
     But what I find even more interesting than the Russia/Assad vs. US/Syrian rebels chess match, is that Russia appears to be partnering with China in forming a coalition to take the fight to ISIS in the Middle East.  One news source reported, "according to a senior officer in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) that is stationed inside the Syrian coastal city of Latakia, Chinese military personnel and aerial assets are scheduled to arrive in the coming weeks (6 weeks) to the port-city of Tartous."
     Add to this news the suggestion that Turkey was waiting in the wings to take advantage of Syria's civil war, (before Russia and China showed up), and you have the makings of the major players in both the Ezekiel 38 war and "the army of the Kings of the East" mentioned in Revelation, Chapters 9 and 16.
     Can I make all the puzzle pieces fit nicely to form a clear picture of End Times events?  No.  But there is enough going on that my spiritual radar is up.  And it just seems as if the world is careening towards, if not an apocalyptic alignment of a one-world government, economic, and religious system, then at least an Armageddon-style conflict that will result in the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies of an emerging New World Order and Anti-Christ kingdom.
     Of course no one, least of all me, has any proof that any of this will happen, or that it is Biblical.  But, as we are called to watch and stay awake, I think it is incumbent upon us to pay attention to these events that are quickening our spirits.  So, listen carefully to the words of Vladimir Putin, as he appears before the UN General Assembly today.  See if you can hear the prophetic words of Scripture in his speech.  And then remember --- all these world powers are jockeying for position; for winner-take-all in the sweepstakes that is the Middle East.  But we know that there are really only two players in the game ... the devil and God.  We are living out a cosmic chess match that has already been won in the spiritual realm.  All that remains is for our KING to be crowned!

Luke 21:36    "But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man."


September 8, 2015

This Month of September

    We all have a worldview.  That is to say, we all have a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world.  Whether you are tuned into current events or not, you have some kind of opinion on what is going on in the world.  There are people who have adopted a "normalcy bias" and choose to think everything will be alright; although they can't avoid the obvious tension in the air over our erratic economy, or the concern over the fate of our country in world affairs -- but they choose to think that everything will go humming along just like it has their entire life.
     Then there are those who may be seriously worried about the drums of war that are sounding from across the globe.  Everyone from Russia to China to Iran to ISIS has threatened to "take us down", both economically and militarily.  These folks have a keen sense that we are on the edge of a dramatic course of events, and their senses are highly alert.
     Finally, there are those of us who have a Christian or Biblical worldview, which refers to the framework of ideas and beliefs through which a Believer interprets the world and interacts with it.  While there may be varying world views among Christians, most of us would say the Bible is the center and source of our philosophy on what we see happening in the world.   I have made it pretty clear that my opinions on all things in my life and the world are based on my Biblical worldview.
     All that being said, how many of you have heard the warnings of "something big" happening in this month of September?  The alarm bells have been sounding for a year or more ... many Biblical scholars, and theologians have all pointed to September 2015 as having great significance for mankind.  But more recently, secular commentators have been forewarning of an economic collapse during this month; and how could we ignore them with the volatility of the stock market?  They have also commented on the possible ramifications of our nation signing the Iran Nuclear Deal.  And who can ignore all the uproar and confusion over exactly who or what Jade Helm is, and what is supposed to happen this month?  There is certainly enough from a nonreligious worldview to keep us on edge.  Is time running out for the survival of man on earth?
     But what about this question from the perspective of the Biblical worldview?  To understand the central point of this post, you need to understand that I believe God is an orderly God, and He accomplishes His purpose and plan for mankind according to a holy calendar established by Him.  He created the solar and lunar systems, and established the day and months.  A careful study of the Bible will reveal the times that He ordained to be set apart unto Him.  So, what has all this to do with this September, and what does it specifically have to do with God?
     First of all, according to God's prophetic calendar, He has ordained specific "holy days" (which we have changed to "holidays") to be Feast Days honoring Him.  According to the Bible, these appointed times were to be observed by all, as evidenced in Leviticus 23:21:  [They shall be a statute forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations.]  The biblical Holy days reveal God's Plan of Salvation for the faithful believer.  They depict significant events, past, present, and future; and each holy Feast Day is a picture of Jesus and His redemptive work on behalf of man. The Spring Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits not only show us Jesus as the sacrificial lamb (Passover); as the Bread of Life, without sin (Feast of Unleavened Bread); and the First Fruit of the harvest of souls (Feast of First Fruits) --- but He died on Passover, was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and was resurrected on the Feast of First Fruits!  To carry on His Plan of Salvation, God sent the Holy Spirit to write His commandments on the heart of Believers on the day of the Feast of Pentecost, which commemorated the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai nearly 1500 years before.
     While that may seem quite astounding and coincidental to those who do not have a Biblical worldview, I am hoping that they see how even more breathtaking the Fall Feasts are.  If Jesus's First Coming occurred on the Spring Feasts, it shouldn't be difficult to surmise that our orderly God would give us a picture of Jesus's Second Coming, which will occur on some future Fall Feast.  And that is what makes this September so intriguing for us Believers.
      The Bible tells us that the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) celebrates the return of the King (as Messiah) and the Rapture of the Church of Believers.  It is known as the "Day of the Lord".  The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is a day of repentance and recognition that Jesus sacrificed His life for ours.  It most likely also represents a future Day of Judgment for all mankind.  Finally, the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) shows us that Yeshua is our Tabernacle (our sanctuary) as we celebrate our deliverance from this sinful world.  It is also a "feast of ingathering" of the fall harvest, which is symbolic of Yeshua's gathering the faithful to Himself in the Millennial Kingdom.  So you can see, that the Fall Feasts are a time of rehearsal for His Second Coming, and a time of great expectation.  So in light of all the focus on this September, the question becomes, "Will He come on this year's Fall Feasts?"
      We are told by Jesus, Himself that we are not to know the day or hour ... but we are also told that we should be aware of the times and seasons (the Feast Days) because we know that the Day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night (1 Thessalonians, Chapter 5).  But, as Christians, do we read and consider the rest of that passage ... that we are told we are not in darkness, so that we shouldn't be surprised; that we should not sleep, but watch and be sober?  God has shown us His plan through the pictures that His Feast Days demonstrate.  So can you see that on some future Feast of Trumpets in the Fall that Christ will set the final stages of God's Plan of Redemption in motion?
     So would all the interest and speculation about "something big" this month have anything to do with the Fall Feasts?  Is there anything that points us to the possibility that the Feasts of 2015 are any more significant than any other Fall Feasts over the last 2000 years?  If you have been paying attention to the world, there has certainly been enough hubbub over the occurrence of the red Blood Moons, by both secularists and Believers.  To summarize as concisely as I can, a "blood moon" event is pretty spectacular in itself; it's when all of the sunsets and sunrises in the world will be experienced at once, refracted onto the surface of the moon, resulting in the red, or blood, color of the moon.
     What has caught the world's attention is the fact that these "blood moon"events have been set to occur FOUR TIMES since April 2014 and September 2015... each occurring on a Lord's Feast Day!  The first was April 15, 2014 (Passover) and October 8, 2014 (Tabernacles); and then April 4, 2015 (Passover), and the last to occur in a few weeks on September 28, 2015. (Tabernacles).
     I think you would agree with me that the chance of four Red Blood Moons occurring in succession is a pretty big deal.  But here is an absolutely astounding piece of information... there have been tetrads throughout history, yet every time the Blood Moons have fallen on a Feast Day of the Lord, as proclaimed in the Torah/Bible, something prophetical has happened to the nation of Israel.  (You can read some of the interesting incidents on the blog post I wrote about the Blood Moons.) Considering that the next tetrad of Blood Moons is not scheduled until 2032, we should be asking, "Is there anything going on in the world that points to possible events concerning Israel this year?"
     And when you combine this extraordinary year and the precipice upon which the world teeters, can you see the significance of the "signs in the sky", along with the cacophony of warnings about everything from world war, a collapsing world economy, the mystery of who or what Jade Helm is, and the overall instability of all our cultural and spiritual foundations?  Don't you think we might ought to consider taking a closer look at what God is trying to reveal to us through these upcoming Fall Feasts?
     My husband and I will be joining with our much beloved and devoted group of "Home Church" believers this month to celebrate the Fall Feasts, and to earnestly contemplate the blessings of having God show us His planned redemption for those who have faith in His Son.  We are spread out across more than 100 miles, so we will individually celebrate the upcoming Feasts, but have chosen to come together at the end of September to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, and to praise the Lord for showing us what the final stages of His plan will look like.  We will not be caught unawares, as by a thief in the night!  We are aware of the times and the season; we are not in darkness; and we are awake, sober, and eagerly awaiting the Day of the Lord!  Will it happen in September 2015?  No one knows, except the Father; but unlike most of the world, we are not asleep and we are taking careful notice of world events.  Our celebrations begin in less than one week, at sundown on Sunday, September 13th, for the Feast of Trumpets.  Tune in tomorrow, and I will share more of the significance of this day and how we plan on specifically celebrating this possible "Day of the Lord".  I hope you consider joining us in your own family celebrations.

Habakkuk 2:3    "For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay."

September 4, 2015

The Good Samaritan: "Go and Do Likewise"

    No one can deny that this nation is facing a profusion of problems.  Our culture and politicians are immoral; our economy is floundering; we face an uncertain future; and there are enough conspiracy theories to keep us on edge for the next decade.  While others may be fixated on these troublesome events, my soul is torn asunder by the images of the Middle Eastern and African refugees trying to get to Europe for asylum.
     Who is not moved by the body of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach after he drowned trying to get to Greece with his family?  And the images coming out of Budapest, Hungary are simply too difficult to contemplate; the misery, and the fear, and the determination are on every face of the thousands fighting to board trains they hope will take them to safety in Europe.
     There are photos of fathers throwing their bodies over their wives and babies as they lie on railroad tracks, trying to avoid being sent to "camps" where they are detained, and identifying numbers are written on their arms in permanent ink.  You can see young men being pulled through the open windows of crowded trains as the refugees storm the railroad cars for a chance to make it one more mile toward their destination.  And then there's the children ... so many crying children who are hungry, afraid, and at the mercy of a world that doesn't quite know what to do with them.
     They have already traveled hundreds of miles.  Some of them have crossed northern Africa, through the lawless land of Libya; a country without a government, where they have been fair game for kidnappers, rapists, and murderers.  Others have been driven from their homes in Iraq and Syria by the barbaric acts of ISIS.  If they manage to survive those uncivilized and endless, dangerous miles, they make it to the Mediterranean Sea for the next leg of their journey to Europe.  But so many don't know how to swim, and there are no life jackets, so when a boat capsizes, death is swift.  The body of young Aylan on that Turkish beach is just a reminder of the countless number of victims that we will never know about.
     Some of the refugees have been lucky enough to have fought tooth and nail to escape the chaos of their home countries to make it all the way to Budapest, Hungary -- so close to Germany, who according to the news sources I've read, have agreed to take in 800,000 refugees this year.  According to a report on The Daily Mail, Hungary allowed several thousand to board trains bound for Austria and Germany, but then the station was closed to anyone without an EU passport or a valid visa. The desperation of all these hundreds of thousands of people is palpable.  They have all risked death to make these journeys because they have nothing to lose.  So what is the world to do?
     Before we answer that question, world leaders must take a good portion of responsibility for this humanitarian crisis.  The major world powers were all involved with the series of protests and uprisings in the Middle East called the Arab Spring.  It all began with unrest in Tunisia in late 2010, and then spread to Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Morocco and Jordan.  The Arab Spring brought down regimes in some of these Arab countries, sparked mass violence in others, while some governments (like Jordan) managed to delay the trouble with a mix of repression, promise of reform and state handouts.  I think we all see that the rapid rise of ISIS filled the vacuum that was left by all the chaos and civil wars in these countries.
     Without a doubt, we have surely "sowed the wind, and are reaping the whirlwind".  And there is no easy answer to this inhumane calamity.  I understand the reasoning behind the resistance to open borders in Europe.  Christian Broadcasting Network reports that more than 300,000 Africans and Asians have crossed Europe's border this year, double last year's pace.  And people are asking the genuine question, "Will these insurmountable numbers of refugees amount to a replacement of Europe's population?"  Is it legitimate to ask, "How many French people are going to be left in France? How many English people are going to be left in England?"
     There will be those who say that if you want some kind of limits on the immigration of refugees into Europe, then you are a racist.  But isn't it reasonable to be concerned that a country's system of government, public welfare, and community standards might collapse if the swell of refugees is allowed to overwhelm it?  After all, that is what we are concerned with at our own southern border.
     At the same time, I don't see how anyone can deny that these desperate refugees need help.  They are families driven from their homes by religious fanatics, violence, and war.  But, with the overwhelming numbers, will the world be able to monitor that some of "the bad guys" aren't slipping in with them?  Don't the Europeans have a right to protect their own country and families from the destruction and social breakdown that created these refugees in the first place?
       I must tell you that I prayed to God before writing this post.  I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the Father's mind and heart on this issue.  What is it that He wants us to understand about this situation and how we are to approach it?  I will admit that I am just as torn as when I began to pray.  Ttrying to discern the "right answer" is most difficult. And the Bible has been misused on controversial issues such as this by those wishing to push their own agenda.  I did not want to fall into that camp.  Plus, I don't really know if my discernment is on the mark or not.  I can only share what the Bible is telling me, and in my own admittedly limited understanding.  I do not have an answer for myself.  So I can only point out the positions that the Bible takes and then ask you to pray in order to make your own decision.
     We are all familiar with Jesus's command to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength; and to love your neighbor as yourself."  The question becomes, "Who is my neighbor?"  Are we to accept all alien sojourners into all countries?  Are they to receive the same and full benefits as the natives of these countries?  Are they to assimilate and follow the laws of their new adopted countries?  The Hebrew word for "Sojourn" means temporary stay. Yet, we know that the refugees pouring out of the Middle East and Africa will most likely never return to their native lands.   
     It becomes pretty clear in the relevant Old Testament passages that foreign residents were to comply with Israelite laws, such as Sabbath observance (Deut. 16:9-15).  Furthermore, the law God laid down for Israel allowed legal distinctions to be drawn between native Jews and resident aliens. For instance, Deuteronomy 15 commands the remission of the debts of fellow Israelites every seven years, but “[o]f a foreigner you may exact” his debts (v. 3).  Does that apply to our modern-day situation?
     We must also remember that borders and boundaries are very important to God.  Throughout the Old Testament, He makes it clear that He "fixed the borders of the people according to the number of the sons of God."  God has had a hand in establishing nations and their borders.  And remember, that numerous times the Israelites were warned against letting the aliens’ pagan practices corrupt their God-given moral standards.  Shouldn't that be taken into consideration with this humanitarian crisis?
     Sadly, we must also realize that God often used foreigners as instruments of His justice, with invasion as a curse -- which is what happened with the invasion of Israel by Assyria, and the conquest by Nebuchadnezzar and the subsequent Babylonian captivity.  Is that some of what we could be seeing across Europe and our own nation?
     In short, the Old Testament teaches fair treatment of resident foreigners, with certain requirements of the aliens related to religious and civil legal standards. It also instructs that aliens were to assimilate to the Hebrew culture. Boundaries are meaningful, as well, and the foreign presence of refugees among the Hebrews was sometimes a curse.  In the end, there are no real details regarding immigration procedures, standards, or other policies that nations should apply.
     So, how should I, as one Christian person feel about the tragedy I am witnessing?  I am overwhelmed with a sense of wanting to show these refugees mercy.  Do I have it wrong, or is it the government's job to dispense justice, and mine to give mercy?  Isn't that what the Parable of the Good Samaritan is all about?  We can quote Scripture and talk about love of God and our fellow man, but until we get involved, isn't it all false rhetoric?  And are you able to look upon the pictures I am showing you and see beyond the ethnicity of the person?  Can you see a fellow human being that needs mercy?  If we have the means to lend monetary help, shouldn't we?  I strongly believe that any money I have been blessed with belongs to God, and He provides enough for my needs and the needs for others.  I cannot turn away.  Yet the need is massive, and the solution just doesn't seem available.  And then I wonder if there is meant to be any solution.  Is this just the result of the world's evil amassing into one engulfing world-wide catastrophe?
     The only thing I know to do is offer intercessory prayer.  I can't say if this is the beginning of the Tribulation, but it sure feels like it.  I can only imagine that all of this human suffering is only going to get worse.  Father God, rain down your mercy on these people and show us how to represent You in the midst of this human misery.  We know that Your Light shines, even in these darkest of days.  Shine on these people, Father, and restore Your Peace on the earth!

     It has been difficult to find any honorable and trustworthy organization to which I can donate; one that I know will reach those who need it.  The only one that seems to be targeting this crisis is Doctors Without Borders.  Should you know of another relief organization, please send me your recommendations. 

1 John 3:17   "But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?"


June 29, 2015

Who Is Next?

     We have all been so consumed with the recent Supreme Court decisions that there's been rarely a ripple in our consciences about the deepening financial crisis in the world.  In case you haven't noticed, the banks in Greece have shut their doors for the week, after there was a run on them over the weekend.
     Perhaps we have become impervious to the doom-and-gloom of financial news.  After all, since 2008 our own economy has been on the decline --- no matter how much the White House and various news organizations would like us to believe otherwise.  And it's been a couple of years since I wrote on this blog about Greeks scavenging for food in dumpsters, and the panic that many felt about their future.  The threat of bank closures has always hung in the air; and now it is reality.
     From my limited understanding, the crisis centers around the European Central Bank (ECB) announcing that it will end liquidity funding (fancy name for a bailout) that was being used to prevent a Greek banking collapse.  Greece's European partners want it to agree to an austerity plan that is unpopular with Greece's leader and its people.  In fact, Greece’s prime minister Alexis Tsipras suddenly terminated negotiations with the European lending institutions, surprising everyone, and called for a referendum of the Greek people on July 5.
      According to a CNBC report, Greeks are expected to vote on whether to accept the bailout measures offered by international creditors, which come with strings attached; they can accept prolonged austerity measures, or reject them and potentially leave the euro zone. This has the European markets on edge, and the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers met without Greece present, to take steps for the protection of the eurozone.
     Of course, this is a risky gamble if the people of Greece vote to exit the eurozone.  What happens next?  Well, for one thing, Russia and Vladimir Putin are waiting in the wings to help Greece solve its financial crisis.  Reports on Russia Today, quote President Putin as saying that Greece has not asked for a bailout of its €316 billion debt, but Moscow could help out by buying Greek state assets in privatization sales, or in other investment projects such as Turkish Stream, the working name of the proposed natural gas pipeline from the Russian Federation to Turkey across the Black Sea. In 2015 the Greek government plans to privatize €1.5 billion worth of assets, and Russia appears ready to take advantage of that strategy.
     You will also find it of interest that Gazprom, Russia's largest oil producer, and holder of the world’s largest natural gas reserves, tried unsuccessfully to buy a controlling stake in Greece’s Public Gas Corporation [DEPA] for €900 million in 2013, when Antonis Samaras was prime minister.  But it's a new day in Greece, with a new prime minister.  Could this play be back on the table? Just think how that would upset the world's apple cart -- Russia would have a foothold in Europe, not to mention a position in the world's strategy for control of gas and oil reserves -- and the future of the world's economy could drastically change.
     But Greece isn't the only country in the world facing financial difficulties, and their situation is sure to affect the stability of the entire globe.  According to Breitbart News, China’s stock markets have been in free fall since June 12, falling almost 20 percent in a couple of weeks.  The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) made a major move, cutting interest rates sharply, to a record low, which in effect, props up the stock market, but it will have little effect on China's economic growth.
     Then there is Puerto Rico’s governor Alejandro García Padilla, who has announced that the island territory will be unable to pay off its $72 billion in debts. As Breitbart's John Xenakis wrote, "Many people have invested in Puerto Rico bonds because they pay 10 percent interest (yields) and because under federal law they’re “triple-tax free,” meaning that you can earn 10 percent interest every year and not have to pay federal, state or municipal tax on the interest you collect. It’s a sweet deal, provided that Puerto Rico doesn’t go bankrupt, because if it does, then you lose most or all of your initial investment.  But the unemployment rate in Puerto Rico is 13.7 percent. Only 700,000 of the 3.5 million people, or 20 percent, work in the private sector. The other 80 percent either are on welfare, or they receive unemployment or other aid, or they work for the government."  (There is a lesson here for us, if we are smart enough to pay attention).
     Mr. Xenakis presents this very important scenario ... Today we have major financial crises in China, in Europe and in Puerto Rico. In each case, officials have made some preparations. But can the global financial system handle all three simultaneously?  Economic gurus have been pointing out that our own Wall Street stocks are in bubble territory, and dangerously close to bursting.  Will the current world economic crisis be the catalyst that causes a panic similar to our 1929 crash?  No one knows for sure.
     So, while America seems determined to ignore the global financial crisis, the reality is that the world sits on the precipice of financial disaster as the world banks struggle to solve staggering debts.  The prediction is that the Dow will react negatively to the latest news from Greece, and it will remain to be seen how the rest of the world reacts.  Could this be the beginning of a political and economic crisis that the Bible predicts?  One in which this end-times prophecy in Revelation is fulfilled? ... “ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour [a brief period] as kings with the beast.”  The Bible tells us that conditions will be so desperate and dramatic that these 10 rulers will give their authority to a powerful figure who, as head of a new global superpower, will bring order out of chaos.
    We cannot know when this event will take place, but if you are a Believer, you can be assured that it will happen.  We should all be watching what happens with the Greek situation, and it is undeniable that these are interesting days in which we live....

Proverbs 22:7   "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender."


May 1, 2015

Unholy Alliance?

     Have you asked yourself why the Pope is so eager to combine his considerable influence with the United Nation's efforts to sell the concept of climate change to the world?  Does it make you a little nervous to hear that the Secretary-General of the UN, Ban Ki-Moon, spoke at the Vatican Climate Conference? (Sorry, but those words just don't go together.)  When asked about those in the Catholic community who have reservations about the Pope's position on climate change, Ban replied, "I don’t think faith leaders should be scientists.  I’m not a scientist. What I want is their moral authority. Business leaders and all civil society are on board [with the mission to combat climate change]. Now we want faith leaders. Then we can make it happen."  My first thought is, Make what happen?
     First of all, what is Pope Francis's position on climate change?  From what I can glean from other sources, he has preached about the need to protect the earth and all of creation as part of a broad message on the environment.  He has also made statements on environmental degradation and the effects of human-caused climate change on the poor.  And let's face it, it's pretty smart of the UN to use the authority of the Pope to convince the 1,200,000,000 (that's 1.2 billion) Catholics in the world that their fears about global warming coincide with Church doctrine to help the poor, be good stewards of the earth, etc.  See how easily the climate change doctrine could become an actual article of the Catholic faith?
     Now, I must admit that my views on climate change are rather simplistic ... there is most likely a greenhouse effect on the earth that carbon dioxide contributes to, and results in a measure of warming.  But I also submit to the idea that perhaps this is how God designed this planet; He is Sovereign and All-Knowing and I have a pretty good idea the ups and downs of climate change through the centuries are no surprise to Him.  Furthermore, I believe that the NWO Elites saw a "cause" in which they could appeal to the fears and altruistic tendencies of the common man in return for great political and economic gain.  They took an idea with a grain of truth to it and expanded it into a billion dollar enterprise that affords them a great opportunity to control the masses.
     But here is the deal ... Is it really the business of the Pope to stray from the field of faith and morals and wander into the playground that is science; especially when so many of the theories and "scientific data" have been refuted?
     Now consider the words of Connie Hedegaard, Europe's Climate Commissioner:  "Regardless of whether or not scientists are wrong on global warming, the European Union is pursuing the correct energy policies even if they lead to higher prices.  Let’s say that science, some decades from now, said ‘we were wrong, it was not about climate’, would it not in any case have been good to do many of the things you have to do in order to combat climate change?"  So, do you see that it is really all about energy policies?  See if you can follow the crumbs ....
     The Pope declares that climate change affects the poverty-stricken of the world, right?  But one of the greatest friends of poor people around the world – an estimated 1.3 billion people who lack running water and electricity — is carbon based fuels.  The Vatican and the Pope should be arguing that fossil fuels are the ‘moral choice’ for the developing world for people who don’t have these amenities.  Instead, he is aligning himself with the NWO and Environmentalists to promote energy policies that aren't really in the best interest of the poor.
     I also find it interesting that this Pope is much different than his predecessor.  Pope Benedict suggested that fears over man-made emissions melting the ice caps and causing a wave of unprecedented disasters were nothing more than scare-mongering.  He said that while some concerns may be valid it was vital that the international community based its policies on science rather than the dogma of the environmentalist movement.  Could that be why we saw his abrupt and somewhat surprising resignation?
     I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel that Pope Francis is entering an unholy alliance.  Climate change policies will not help the poor of the world, or developing nations.  There is a hidden agenda and I can't quite see what the final outcome will be.  Is the Pope being used?  Or is he a willing accomplice?  Whichever it is, I am uneasy about a highly influential religious leader combining forces with the UN, which represents "a system" whose soul purpose seems to be to control the lives of all mankind.  Wait a minute ... haven't I heard that somewhere else?

Daniel 4:30   "And the king answered and said, “Is not this great Babylon, which I have built by my mighty power as a royal residence and for the glory of my majesty?"

April 14, 2015

Is It Déja Vu? The Threat To Hungarian Jews

     For the last few months everyone's focus has been on the Middle East.  Between the marauding barbarism of ISIS and the escalating threat of a nuclear Iran, the world's attention has been centered on the region east of the Mediterranean Sea.  Only the ongoing crisis between Ukraine and Russia has  momentarily distracted us.
     But there is a simmering and ominous hostility growing in Eastern Europe that we must not dismiss.  It is coming from Hungary, a country that we don't hear much about, but which deserves our scrutiny due to news surrounding its political environment.
     There is an increasing popularity among Hungary's youngest voters for a political party called The Movement For A Better Hungary, or Jobbik, as it is more commonly known.  So, why should the world be concerned about Jobbik?  According to Wikipedia, Jobbik is a Hungarian radical nationalist political party. The party describes itself as "a principled, conservative and radically patriotic Christian party", whose "fundamental purpose" was the protection of "Hungarian values and interests." Jobbik describes itself as rejecting "global capitalism", European integration and Zionism.
     Patriotism and Nationalism, by themselves, do not constitute a threat; indeed they can result in a pride that translates into changes for the betterment of any country.  But when they are combined with  strict biases against religions and the full participation of every citizen in the nation, then alarm bells should be going off.
     For their part, Jobbik has rapidly ascended to the second most popular political party in Hungary.  They reject globalized capitalism, and the influence of foreign investors in Hungary.  Jobbik specifically opposes Israeli and Jewish investment in Hungary, even to the point of protesting the World Jewish Congress's choice to locate their annual meeting in Budapest in 2013.
     Then there is the issue of what they call "public order."  The Jobbik Party wants to greatly strengthen the National Police, and they once had strong ties to the Magyar Gárda militia, the paramilitary wing of the Party.  This militia was founded through an "oath of loyalty to Hungary" by its members in August 2007, but was dissolved by the Budapest Tribunal in 2009.
     Their radical nationalistic ideology was well represented in the Party's 2009 election slogan "Hungary belongs to the Hungarians".  But I discern cause for alarm when the editor of a police union newsletter (who was also a recent Jobbik Party candidate for the European Union parliament) prints the following:  "Given our current situation, anti-Semitism is not just our right, but it is the duty of every Hungarian homeland lover, and we must prepare for armed battle against the Jews."
     In November 2012, the party's deputy parliamentary leader, Márton Gyöngyösi, posted a video speech on the Jobbik website in which he stated: "I think such a conflict makes it timely to tally up people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian Parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a national security risk to Hungary."
     In 2014, the deputy chairman of one of Jobbik's County organizations, referred to the Holocaust as "holoscam".   And just this week, the Jobbik Party has won its first ever individual constituency seat in parliament.  Considering that 550,000 Hungarian Jews were killed during the Holocaust, how would you feel if you were one of the 100,000 Jews currently living in Hungary?  Even though you constitute the largest Jewish community in Eastern Europe, would you feel safe?
     Or would you feel that you were experiencing déja vu?  Does anyone else see shades of the nationalist German movement that resulted in Nazism?  Like the Nazi Party, the Jobbik Party opposes capitalism, and appears to resent the success and participation of Jewish businesses.  And the suggestion by the Jobbik Party that Jews and those of Jewish ancestry be "tallied" is too close to the Nazi sentiment which called for a united Greater Germany that would deny citizenship to Jews or those of Jewish descent.  Will they soon institute the wearing of a yellow Star of David to identify all Hungarian Jews?  Plus. who can deny the similarity of the Jobbik paramilitary wing to the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police whose job it was to investigate treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks against the German state?
     For now, the World Jewish Congress is expressing its concerns about the rise of the Jobbik Party in Hungaray, while trying to keep the lines of communication open.  But the resemblance to the rise of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party cannot be ignored.  It has only been 75 years since the world chose to turn a blind eye to the popularity of a charismatic leader who proclaimed the need for nationalistic pride and for the eradication of the Jews.   Surely, this time we will not be so slow to condemn the powerful surge of politics that will lead to another Holocaust!  Now is the time to keep the wolf from the door!

Malachi 3:6    "For I, the Lord, do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed."

April 2, 2015

How Do You Understand World Events?

     We all feel it.  There are going to be some big events in the near future that affect the lives of every human on earth.  Will they be cataclysmic or just the first in a buildup to the Final Days?  None of us can say for sure.  We all have our eyes on the news items that are in the "spotlight" ... Iran and the nukes; Russia and Ukraine; the bubbling Middle East civil wars; the coming storm that is ISIS.  All are good candidates for being "the one" to start the ball rolling.
    But there are other underlying influences that may have escaped our notice; events and circumstances that could well contribute to our demise.  Whether you believe in Biblical prophecy or not, one cannot deny that this world is in decline.  Consider the rapid population growth that has occurred in the last 50 years.  One cannot ignore that our food and water supply has been threatened by this population explosion: from 1.6 billion in 1900, to 7 billion in 2012, to a projected 9.5 billion by 2050.  Shanghai, alone, has a population of 18 million!  I can understand Globalists like Bill Gates concerned about our ability to feed all these people -- I just don't agree with how he would like to control these numbers.
     We also cannot ignore the subtle workings of the New World Order through the United Nations, and such confederations of nations as the European Union, the Asian Union, or the North American Union.  It is far too easy for authority to be vested in a single entity, with power to control our lives through global laws, surveillance, data mining through technology, national identity cards, or media manipulation.
     And speaking of surveillance, almost everything is controlled electronically now -- from our banking transactions, to our communications.  And we need to be protected from global terrorism, right?  That automatically leads to more surveillance, intrusion in our lives, and increased government control over us.
     Our declining morality is so entrenched that we barely recognize the slide; and it's all happened in my lifetime!  How did we get from the Norman Rockwell vision of America to transhumanism, transgenderism, same-sex marriage, rampant pornography, abortion, child sex slaves, human trafficking, entitlement, identity theft, and the lapse of moral attributes in our leaders?
     We also cannot ignore the role that the worldwide apostate Church has played.  The Church should be our Fortress in the storm, but instead, it has become a false and political church,  It has forsaken the Truth of the Bible to bow down to the Culture and World Government; abandoning the message of the Gospels to embrace the theology of multiple faiths.  For years, the transformation was subtle and understated -- until the time and the culture was right to attack and splinter the old paradigms.  It is now a confused and impotent standard-bearer for the Great Commission.
     There are other signs that this world is coming to a moment of climax and decision.  We cannot dismiss the prominence of Israel in the Middle East, or the rising drums of war in the region; both of which draw our attention to ancient Biblical prophecies.  And the wild weather that has been unprecedented also points to warnings of the Last Days.
     These events, taken by themselves, are easy to overlook as just steps in the march of time.  But when considered together, we would be wise to look beyond our limited gaze and discern the possible eternal significance.  We need to see and understand world events as they pertain to God's plan.  They may seem scary in view of our human perception, but, as Believers, we should not fear what they foreshadow.  In the meantime, keep your spirits focused on the throne room of God, and strengthen your faith.  Our Deliverer is close!

John 14:27    "Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]"

March 11, 2015

History and Idolatry: Where Will It End?

     Officials at the United Nation's are calling it a "war crime" ... the world's archeologists and historians are mourning the loss of world heritage sites.  And it's all because ISIS is set on a path of destruction.  The furor is over the recent demolition of ancient historical sites in the Middle East.
     It began last summer when the radical terrorists destroyed the tomb of the prophet Jonah in the ancient city of Nineveh, near Mosul.  It has continued with the latest attacks in the Assyrian city of Nimrud in northern Iraq, destroying the 3,000 year-old winged statues placed at the gates of the Palace of Ashurnasirpal.  (If you know your Biblical history, this city was named for Nimrod, the king who rebelled against God and was responsible for the building of the tower of Babel).
     Over this last weekend, ISIS began the destruction of the 2,000-year-old city of Hatra, where a temple to the Shamash sun god still stands more than 1,750 years after the Sassanian empire razed the Mesopotamian city.   ISIS were also seen carrying away ancient artifacts.  And in the last few days, they have set their sites on Khorsabad, the ancient capital of Assyria built by King Sargon II shortly after he came to power in 721 B.C., and abandoned after his death in 705 B.C.  It features a 24-meter thick wall with a stone foundation and seven gates.  Shortly after the unexpected death of Sargon in battle, the capital was shifted a short distance south to Nineveh.  The sculptured stone slabs that once lined the palace walls are now displayed in museums in Baghdad, Paris, London and Chicago.
     So what is the significance of these ancient cities to the religious fighters, ISIS?  The official reasoning for all the destruction of these ancient sites is the militant group's plan to rid its territory of symbols they say promote idolatry.  In early 2015, they announced their intention to destroy many ancient artifacts, because they are graven images or are otherwise un-islamic, and they have destroyed thousands of books and manuscripts in Mosul's libraries.
     In February 2015, ISIL destroyed Akkadian monuments in the Mosul Museum, and then came the attack on Nimrud, as they bulldozed its archeological site on the basis that they were blasphemous -- which one attacker filmed declaring, "These ruins that are behind me, they are idols and statues that people in the past used to worship instead of Allah. The Prophet Muhammed took down idols with his bare hands when he went into Mecca. We were ordered by our prophet to take down idols and destroy them, and the companions of the prophet did this after this time, when they conquered countries.”
     The first thing that comes to mind is the similar contempt that Christianity has for idolatry.  YHWH commanded the Israelites to worship only Him, and when they failed (as they did so many times when they turned to idol worship), it was God's wrath that was poured out on men and nations. And this where I see the difference.  Throughout the history of Christianity, it was God who destroyed the idols.  Here are just a few examples:
Ezekiel 30:13:  This is what the Sovereign LORD says: "'I will destroy the idols and put an end to the images in Memphis. No longer will there be a prince in Egypt, and I will spread fear throughout the land.
Micah 5:13:  [And in that day, says the Lord]:  I will destroy your idols and your sacred stones from among you; you will no longer bow down to the work of your hands.
Zephaniah 2:11: The Lord will be awesome to them, for He will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth;
      What one must recognize is that man builds the idols, but it is the power of God who destroys them.  Just as when the prophet Elijah defeats the prophets of Baal, it is the power of God that gives him the victory.  What I am seeing in Iraq, is ISIS determined to promote a fiercely purist interpretation of Sunni Islam, in defiance of Iraq's majority Shi'ite Muslims.  Is it really about honoring their god, or is it about rejecting the religious shrines of their sectarian rival, and the holy sites shared by Christians and Jews in the area? It appears as if they want to wipe any trace of other religious influences from Iraq in their goal of establishing the Islamic Caliphate.  What better way than to destroy ancient artifacts that bear witness to the diversity of faiths throughout history?
     But here's my question ... if they are trying to establish a fundamentalist identity and erase the historical proof of other religions, what is to stop them from distributing their destruction to other "shrines" in Israel, Europe, and the West?  Haven't they declared that the Caliphate will dominate the world?  Will they be the ones to try and institute a One World Religion?  It's obvious that is what they desire.
     I also find it ironic that our Bible predicts the destruction of Babylon and her idolatrous ways at the end of days.  The connections between radical Islam; the destruction of ancient idols and shrines in Nineveh, Nimrud, Hatra, and Khoursabad; and the mention of Babylon, which was begun by Nimrod cannot be denied.  Is this just the beginning of God's judgment upon the earth for the centuries of idolatrous worship of foreign gods?  Will ISIS clear the way for the Anti-Christ to reveal himself, by using their religion to establish himself --- and then when they have served their usefulness, he destroys them, and declares himself God?
     I don't know what it all means, but it sure seems as if it's all connected.  History is being destroyed before our very eyes, and I have to wonder, when and where will it end?  I feel God's hand in it, and the only thing I know for sure is, that whatever happens, He will be glorified.  All the shrines and false idols and false religions will not hinder Him!

Isaiah 45:20   "Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, you survivors of the nations! They have no knowledge who carry about their wooden idols, and keep on praying to a god that cannot save."


March 10, 2015

Where Are We Headed?

     I don't know if you can identify, but there are days that it just seems too much ... too much to cope with; too much to look at; and too much to bear.  I never would have imagined that I would see such public displays of barbarity-- crucifixions, beheadings, mass murders -- as I have seen coming from religious fanatics in the Middle East.  Nor could I have imagined people losing their businesses because of their religious faith in this country; or the very image of who we are as a country turned upside down.  Everything from our ability to make a living, to feeling free to express our faith, to our right to speak out against injustices is now at stake.
     I read ridiculous stories of women losing their gym memberships because of violating a "no judgment policy" for complaining of having to share a restroom with a transgender man.  Then there are all the really serious stories of the breakdown in ethics, morality, and human dignity -- and it is happening in all spheres of our existence; from our governing bodies, to our schools, to our personal lives.  It's as if there are no longer any rules; anything goes, as long as you don't get caught! And tolerance is the byword of the culture -- unless you disagree with their agenda.
     Open up any newspaper, magazine, or website and you are inundated with nightmarish stories.  We, as a society, are so hungry for good, wholesome news, that any act of kindness or compassion becomes a viral success on the internet -- millions of hits by people who need to know that the human race is still capable of showing charity to another human being.
     Have you tried having a serious conversation about the state of the world with anyone lately?  I get remarks like, "Oh, I just don't know what the big deal is ... why should we care about that?"  Sometimes I even get the statement, "Nothing has really changed in the world ... it's been like this for centuries; everything will turn out alright."  Don't you just want to shout, "No, it's not the same ... and if we don't stop where the world is headed, everything WON'T be alright!!!"
     I just wish I could make people realize that there are pivot points in the history of mankind.  Things happen that either propel societies and civilizations to new and greater heights of creativity that benefit man; and which include empathy and mercy towards each other --- OR events occur that stifle and suppress the innovation and resourcefulness of men, which in turn seems to result in plunging humankind to the very depths of indifference and cruelty.  Which era do you think we are in today?
     There will be people who will tell us that we are making too much of things ... that we are evolving as a society and culture; we are more inclusive and less intolerant; and we are entering a new cycle of vision and enterprise in "the computer age".
     Unfortunately, I see far too much negative impact from our so-called "evolution"; much more than any positive effect.  It's true that in the recent past, the Industrial Revolution brought mind-blowing conveniences to mankind; inventions that relieved hard, menial work and raised the quality of living for millions world-wide.  But the natural evolution of that period in history has led to the Technology Revolution, and I honestly fear what we are evolving towards.
     A company in Sweden has micro-chipped its employees for the sake of convenience (so they say); and Ray Kurzweil, the famous futurist and Director of Engineering at Google predicts that 2045 is the magic year in which we will be uploading our entire minds to computers.  That says nothing of plans to place computers/robots in the role of your doctor and pharmacist; your lawyer; store clerks; soldiers (that terrifies me!); and babysitters.  This stuff is no longer part of science fiction stories or conspiracy theories ... major developers like Foster-Miller, who has designed the MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic) system for use in Iraq; and Google who has plans to introduce automated cars, both point towards a future where computers replace people.  As of 2013, it was estimated that 1.2 million industrial robots were working worldwide — that's one robot for every 5,000 people, according to Marshall Brain, founder of How Stuff Works and author of Robotic Nation.
     But, it's not just technology that is streaming us towards a future that lacks the human imprint.  Even our interactions, the structure of our families, and our faith all point to a decrease in the human element.  Interpersonal feedback -- whether between two friends, or between citizen and government -- is no longer done face to face.  It's all done through a text or email.  What's more, the culture is driving us towards a new definition of "family"; one that is often-times created in a laboratory, because it can't be done naturally by humans.  And then there is our faith.  It has been mythologized, stripped of its historic authenticity, and reduced to an "as-needed" basis -- our lives are all about self-worship.  The commandments to "love your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength; and your neighbor as yourself" just don't apply to our self-centered world.
     So, how much longer can this ol' world continue on the path we are on today?  Do you think that the barbarity of ISIS will just go away?  Do you think that Technology will advance the human state?  Do you think that we will just wake up one morning, and the world will have returned to a desire for moral absolutes and personal freedom to live our lives as we choose?
     Think about it ... it's all about control, don't you think? Mankind has mandated climate control, population control, and gun control.  The sense of "true freedom" is slipping through our fingers.  And not only that, we are losing the sense of what it means to be an individual, a unique creation, and to be respected for our differences.  Maybe the history of mankind has always been this volatile and tenuous.  But this is what the deterioration of man's humanity feels like to me ... in my lifetime.  I know that God is ultimately in control, and believe me, that is what sustains me.  I remain focused on Him, and my strength is renewed daily in the knowledge of Him.  He is my comfort on the days when it is all too much.
Proverbs 14:12     "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."

March 6, 2015

The Devil Unleashed ... Again!

     Who is really behind the decision to re-release Adolph Hitler's spurious publication, Mein Kampf? And who would possibly think that it is a good idea to re-introduce a book to a new generation that is on the brink of world war; a book that was the genesis for an ideology that resulted in over 6,000,000 deaths in concentration camps across Europe?
     Here are the purported facts, as written in an article at The New York Post ... The copyright for the 1924 Nazi tome is now held by the state of Bavaria in Germany, but will expire at the end of 2015.  In January of 2016, Germany’s Institute for Contemporary History will publish a new, heavily annotated version of the Führer’s “My Struggle” autobiography.   
     The Institute's Deputy Director was quoted as saying, "I understand some immediately feel uncomfortable when a book that played such a dramatic role is made available again to the public ... On the other hand, I think that this is also a useful way of communicating historical education and enlightenment — a publication with the appropriate comments, exactly to prevent these traumatic events from ever happening again."
     Here's my visceral reaction: Uncomfortable doesn't even come close to describing how I feel about this book being released to the public.  And to say that it might be "useful to communicate historical education and enlightenment" is simply beyond belief!  I could understand wanting to communicate the diabolical actions of the Nazi regime and "enlighten" the world some 70 years later as to the crimes and wickedness that emanated from Germany under Hitler's dictatorship.  If that is truly your goal, wouldn't it best be served by releasing the millions of photos of Holocaust victims, or publishing a book by the remaining survivors of the inhuman atrocities perpetuated on Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and "Undesirables"?  Is reprinting "the Bible of National Socialism" really the best way to convey Hitler's demonic influence over the nation of Germany?  And who will be making the comments, and from what perspective will they be "appropriate"?
     I'm sure I don't need to remind you that Neo-Nazism is on the rise, not only in Germany, but across Europe.  Furthermore, the concept of Nationalism is once again gaining popularity -- the very instrument Hitler used to gain power.  In fact, the modern devotees of Hitler's neo-Nazi, racist ideology have embraced Mein Kampf  for some time now.  So why give them a greater opportunity to revive the heinous movement?
      I tend to agree with Levi Salomon, a spokesman for the Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism, who said, "I am absolutely against the publication of ‘Mein Kampf,’ even with annotations. Can you annotate the devil? Can you annotate a person like Hitler?  This book is outside of human logic."
     For those who would say that we need to remember the evil in order to reject it and spurn it, I would say this:  Yes, we should never forget it, because to do so dishonors the victims.  But there is a fine line between remembering in order to strengthen those who survived the horrors; and to remind us of how important it is to never let this happen again.  But, there is something that is potentially alarming about this new publication.  The original book was 700 pages long; the reprint will be 2,000 pages long, containing criticisms and analysis.  This does not sound like a condemnation to me.  Whenever you open the door for "academics" to theorize and comment, you take the chance that Mein Kampf can be spun and re-invented to represent a "softer" side of National Socialism and anti-Semitism.  That is not to mention that it will be, effectively, a guidebook to the theories that led to the Holocaust.
     Remember, that before the Holocaust, the modern world had no picture of what such evil looked like.  In fact, when Mein Kampf  was first published, the Western nations dismissed it and ignored it.  That was a mistake.  But to promote it now -- and that is what I think will be the ultimate result -- is also a mistake.  There are too many factions around the world that are embracing the Nazi's ideological theories, and I fear that this book could be useful towards furthering their goals.
     Make no mistake!  It has always been Satan's plan to destroy God's chosen people; he tried to pollute the DNA of the Israelites to keep Jesus from being born; he tried to eliminate the Jewish race through the designs of Hitler, his emissary, during the Holocaust -- and he came so close that perhaps a second release of Mein Kampf  can finish the job.
     Hitler's political theories of "Masters" and "Slaves", "False Religions", and his resultant goal of annihilating the Jewish race should not, and cannot, be unleashed upon the world.  Can the nations not see that if we open that Pandora's Box again, that we will not be able to close it?  Surely sanity will reign and the devil will not be unleashed once again upon the world!

Ecclesiastes 12:14    "For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."


February 25, 2015

In Defiance of the Culture

     It is becoming increasingly difficult to write about any advancement in the state of human affairs.  Every report, or announcement, or news item sounds as if mankind, those ruling over them, and the very planet itself have become disconnected from reality.  You have stories of giant sinkholes appearing around the globe; strange "booming sounds" being heard across the country; economic meltdowns forecast in Ukraine, Greece, Europe, and right here at home.
     Christians are being tortured, burned and crucified in the Middle East -- the very birthplace of our faith.  The fate of 90 more are in the balance after being abducted by ISIS fighters in northern Syria.  Historic Middle Eastern books, numbering over 8,000, have been burned in Mosul, Iraq in barbaric acts that have seen shrines, tombs, books, and ancient manuscripts destroyed in the effort to establish an Islamic caliphate.
     The very freedom of ideas is at stake as we await the ruling on net neutrality.  And the very existence of the world is at risk as nations are rightfully concerned about the terms of the Iran nuclear talks.  Will Iran be limited in their pursuit of nuclear capabilities?  At the same time, what does it mean that Russia’s state-owned defense conglomerate Rostec has offered to sell advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Iran?
     The freedom of speech and religion are under attack when a 70-year-old women can be threatened with the loss of her business, home, and personal assets for refusing to compromise her faith and sell flowers for a same-sex wedding.  At the same time Oklahoma law allows for religious statues as long as they are paid for with private donations.  So that's why The Satanic Temple intends to plant the goat god, Baphomet, on the lawn of the Oklahoma state Capitol, alongside a monument of the Ten Commandments.  This statue of Baphomet portrays him as a horned, winged, sexually ambiguous, goat-like deity, with a goat's body and cloven hooves; with a smooth and muscular chest, thin shapely lips and rectangular pupils.  A flame protrudes from the top of his head, and from his lap a staff with two snakes wrapped around it: a caduceus. When the piece is completed, Baphomet will be seated on a throne underneath an inverted pentagram. On either side of him, two children — a boy and a girl — will gaze up adoringly.  So I guess it depends on which religion you promote, whether you are free to express it, right?
     Let's not forget "designer babies", and babies born with three or more parents.  Nothing is impossible or forbidden!  And this is just scratching the surface!  What has happened to logic and order and morality?  What has happened to standards of decency and the recognition that "moral relevancy" is out of control -- that mankind is incapable of judging the right and wrong of his own selfish and depraved desires?
     I'm not saying that there is no good left in the world.  There will always be those who shine God's light into this dark world; and those who rise above humanity's baser tendencies.  God will see to that.  But I fear that rarely has history seen such a confluence of man's authority on this earth in such rapid decline -- whether it pertains to such spheres as societies, governments, political systems, militaries, religions, educational systems, scientific advancements, technological developments, medical imperatives, or how he perceives himself in relation to his Creator ... it all speaks to man's inability to look beyond his own narrow existence.  We have become products of our own self-centeredness, and our high opinions of ourselves.
    But the good news is that there is a noticeable shift and a rising up of people who are willing to become "counter culturalists" as author Joe Battaglia calls them.  There is a courage and a sense of power and strength in standing for one's holy convictions.  We are tired of the intellectual dishonesty, the unbridled pride of men, the overwhelming presence of unbelief ... and we are more than willing to speak in absolutes; categorical, unconditional, and incontrovertible truths.  We are not willing to compromise our words or morals to please the majority or a vocal minority.  I know that it is an unpopular stance in this day of "tolerance" and "equality".  And we can expect to be ostracized, excluded, shouted down, and eventually persecuted.  But there's one thing the Enemy can count on: we will be unmoved in our purpose and our intention.  We were created for this time, and no amount of deception will discourage us.

Matthew 24:45    "Who then is the faithful, thoughtful, and wise servant, whom his master has put in charge of his household to give to the others the food and supplies at the proper time?"



January 15, 2015

Is This Our New Normal?

     Are you like me, and finding it hard to remember what it was like to have days free of worry or concern over the affairs of the world?  When was the last time you remember a day without a headline screaming about a terrorist attack, or the imminent collapse of the economy?  The problem is, those topics used to seem like some obscure or vague threat.  We could pretend that these scenarios were just a vision of some whacked-out conspiracy nut.  Besides, there was plenty of good news to keep our minds focused on a rosy future ... like reports that the jobless rates were falling, the end to our foreign wars, and even our surge in energy independence.
     The space of time between reports of terror attacks, or downturns in the economy, were long enough that we could convince ourselves that they were just blips on the radar.  All the talk of End Times events were just the rants of religious fanatics, right?
     Of course, September 11, 2001 was the moment that we were all shaken out of our comfortable existences.  We began to look outside ourselves and see that the world truly was interconnected ... and beginning to spiral out of control. And I do not find it coincidental that 2001 was the year that PLW and I took a u-turn in the direction of our lives, and decided to trust God to lead us down His path, rather than the one the world prescribed.
     Although I found learning to trust Him to be a frightening period, it was never-the-less, a time of spiritual growth and a moderate, but increasing, period of prosperity.  I guess it was 2008 when I realized that I was in for another period of adjustment and spiritual growth.  I realized that there were forces outside our control that would effect our future --- not only how we lived and existed in the world, but that our spiritual life would also be tested.  I'm sure many of you have experienced the same journey.  Yet, the periods of smooth sailing were still there, and we could hope that the serious troubles were yet years away.
     But it seems, with the advent of 2015, that we have crossed over into the Twilight Zone.  It's like we have passed into some new dimension, from which there is no return.  And the Enemy is renewing his attacks on old fears and attempting to keep us from turning to God.  Even my most skeptical friends --- you know the ones; those who smirked every time I expressed my opinion that this country was still in the crosshairs of the terrorists --- are now admitting that we are vulnerable, in the wake of the Paris attacks.  The hint of "lone wolf" attacks are now being replaced with reports of worldwide "sleeper cells".  We can no longer ignore the warning signs.
     And speaking of vulnerable ... how quickly has our economy become susceptible to collapse?  In just a few short weeks, the price of a barrel of oil has thrown the world's economy into a tailspin, and the booming Texas and North Dakota oil/gas exploration is experiencing a terrifying slide.  In the last few years, this industry sector has single-handedly kept Wall Street afloat.  The downward price of oil was good for the consumer, but the panic over diminishing company profits was felt at the New Year's opening bell on Wall Street.
     Yes, I'm afraid we must face up to it; this is our new normal.  And, yes, it appears to project a dismal and declining future.  If you measure it by the world's standards, I would have to agree with you.  BUT, it is also an opportunity to develop a new normal, a new pattern of living.
     We cannot make the negatives disappear.  I'm afraid they are here to stay.  Our Lord told us we would experience them all -- the wars, the diseases, the famines, the persecution, the earthquakes, men being offended, false prophets, lawlessness, and love grown cold -- and in the Revelation to the Apostle John, we see that they will increase in number and speed and intensity.  I'm pretty sure we're in what He called "the beginning of sorrows."
     But our new normal can transcend these troubles and perils.  We can turn from these disturbing trends and center our lives on seeking the face of God.  I know that sounds trite, and simplistic.  But when we immerse our minds and our hearts on drawing nearer to Him, we are insulated from the events of the world.  All the comforts and so-called security of this world will fade away, but if our life is centered on serving God and others, then our minds cannot be tempted by the lies of the devil.
     Our new normal may look nothing like the contented past we enjoyed, or the future we planned; but it can be richer, and more productive, and even more peaceful when we are not seeking the rewards of this life, but instead focusing on running a good race for the next.  We're in a race now, to make it to the finish line, and I want nothing of the old normal to hold me back.  I will gladly embrace the new if it means conquering my fears and reaching for eternity.

Isaiah 43:19    "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

January 8, 2015

The Canary in the Coal Mine

     The history of Europe has been long and storied.  It includes classic antiquity and the influence of ancient Greece and ancient Rome.  During the Middle Ages, the Eastern Roman Empire spawned the Byzantine Empire, while the Western portion of Roman lands would emerge as their own kingdoms in the form of nations such as France, Germany, and the British Isles. 
     As history progressed through the Viking Age and what historians call the High Middle Ages, you can see the emergence of nations like Poland, Hungary, and Croatia; along with the rise and fall of the Mongol and Ottoman Empires.  The Renaissance saw unprecedented growth in science, theology, religious wars, and political revolutions.  One can see the changing landscape of national boundaries through the era of "World Wars" in the 20th century, as well as the rise, fall, and resurrection of the economic/political system called communism.  (You can see a fascinating recreation of 6013 years of changing European boundaries in this 3-minute video).  Currently Europe is attempting to remain united under a faltering compact called the European Union.  But there are cracks in the cement of this coalition.  
Supporters of the newspaper staff who were murdered in Paris.
Sign reads "I am Charlie".
     Two primary fractures are apparent in the form of anti-semitism and radical Islam.  Just yesterday, the world witnessed the outrageous murder of a French newspaper's staff because they dared to ridicule a religion, which claims to be one of peace.  For the editor, Stephane Charbonnier (of the satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo), who had been threatened before about cartoons critical of the faith, it was a question of free speech.  Even though his name was among those on an al-Queda "hit list", he remained adamant to the end, declaring "I prefer to die standing than to live on my knees."
     France is not the only European nation to find itself engulfed in a battle for a free civilization.  The growing Muslim populations in European countries have led to a rising conflict between cultures and vocal protests against the increasingly radicalized Islamic citizens in Sweden, Denmark, Greece, and now Germany.  Ultra-Nationalism is becoming a greater influence, which has resulted in the rise of nazism and the ugly threat of anti-semitism.
     Only 70 years since the most horrific murder of 6,000,000 Jews in the Holocaust, the world once again is seeing the evidence of prejudice and persecution of Jews in Europe.  But this time, the hatred of Jews is not only coming from ultra-nationalist factions in the political arena, but from the growing Muslim population in Europe.  That's what makes this new antisemitism even more dangerous, if that were possible.  
     Since the year 2000, there has been a steady increase of physical assaults against Jews including beatings, stabbings and other violence.  Pro-Palestinian rallies across Europe have resulted in shouts of "Death to the Jews" and "Gas the Jews", as well as graffiti expressing similar threats.  People have been killed at the Jewish Museum in Brussels, Belgium; and Jewish businesses and synagogues in Paris, Italy, and Germany have been destroyed.  The truth is that Jews are not feeling safe in Europe, and while these circumstances may eerily resemble the climate of Europe before Hitler's "Final Solution"; in reality, it is much worse.  The Jews find themselves a target of the confluence of political rhetoric, socialist ideology, and religious fanaticism.  And it is all fueled by the immediacy and emotional impact of social media. 
     But, if you are a Bible-believing follower of Jesus Christ, you should not be surprised or caught unawares of this firestorm.  We see the world's rising hatred against God's chosen people, and we know why.  We see the increasing forces of evil coming against civilized man, and we know why.  We see the wars, and rumors of wars; we see the battle over the holy city of Jerusalem; we see the earthquake swarms (11 in Texas in the last 24 hours!), weather anomalies, martyred Christians, diseases and plagues .... and we know why.
      And in the midst of it all, we see what Jesus called "the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity".  But what are we to do?  It's simple.  We endure and we preach the Gospel.  The rest is up to God; and believe me, He will take care of it.  He says He will.  Until then, we have been given the warnings and we should not be unprepared for what is coming. 
      You know, I find myself not so much fearing those final days of spiritual trouble, as much as I feel apprehensive about the "worldly" issues -- the uncertainties of income, the wondering when the economic collapse is coming, or how to deal with rising prices and lack of resources.  I know the ways of this world are temporary and meaningless; and I want nothing more than to be out of this worldly system.  At the same time, I strive to count it all joy, and willingly suffer as Christ did.  I know my spiritual strength and that God abides in me; I know my eternal life is secure.  
     But I worry about friends and family, and how this coming storm will effect them.  Most of all, I am concerned for my Jewish friend, Ophir, who lives in the heart of Jerusalem.  She is a believer in Jesus as the Messiah, and is a single mother with four small children, all under the age of nine.  The oldest, beautiful Liya, has Down's syndrome, and her youngest son is only 18 months old.  I pray for their safety and that it will not be wintertime when they are forced to flee Jerusalem.
     So, I see clearly what is on the horizon.  It cannot be avoided as we look at the headlines coming out of Europe.  It is ugly, and it is a warning of the tribulation to come.  But, as it is written in Scripture: ... "When you see these signs, all taken together, coming to pass, you may know of a surety that He is near, at the very doors."  As disturbing as the signs are, they are both a warning of the evil to come, and a beacon of hope for our deliverance from this wicked world.  Maranatha!  

Revelation 22:20    "He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"