A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Satan's Dominion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satan's Dominion. Show all posts

January 6, 2021

Kingdoms In Collision: Putting Our National Crisis In Perspective


I would hope that all Americans understand the gravity of our national state of affairs. And I'm not strictly talking from a political or social position. Yes, the values of America seem to be separating along opposing philosophies and tenets, and are in stark contrast with each other. But we must look beyond political ideology, race and social issues, and even our disputes over different economic systems. 

The tearing apart of our country is a pre-planned, well-designed plot that is several millenia old. We are focused on today, January 6th, 2021 and also January 20th, to define the future of the United States of America. And most certainly, as far as it pertains to our individual lives, and our chances of retaining the original blueprint of the thirteen colonies and the republic, these dates are crucial. 

But Americans of faith must recognize that this is a clash of kingdoms... the kingdom of God on earth versus the kingdom of Satan. Please understand that the Kingdom of God in Heaven is everlasting! There is nothing that God's enemy, Lucifer, can do to overthrow the eternal dominion of God, the Creator of the Universe. But ever since man began establishing human kingdoms in the world, there have been battles for world dominion, and kingdoms have risen and fallen. Earthly kings and emperors vie for world control and are only too willing to partner with earth's god of darkness/evil to receive his power. 

Lucifer, whose arrogance cost him his place in Heaven, now operates as Satan in the earth, and promises world power to those who will vow their allegiance to him in exchange for their own portion of wealth and domination. Throughout history, those kingdoms and kings have traded their souls to get a piece of this promised power. Those kingdoms and kings have come and gone... the Pharaohs of Egypt, Kings Shalmaneser V and Sargon II of Assyria; King Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon; King Cyrus of Persia; Alexander the Great of Greece; Julius Caesar of Rome; Genghis Khan of Mongolia; Josef Stalin of Russia; Adolph Hitler of Germany; Mao Zedeng and Deng Xiaoping of China; and many more in between. Satan has been building a willing coalition throughout history to help him wrest final control over the earth. And the Bible tells us that one day soon he will unleash a religious-political dictator upon the earth in opposition to all that God has planned for the return of His Son, Jesus Christ.

This leader will become the earth's superpower and will demand allegiance from the earth's peoples and nations. This superpower will seek to change God's moral and sovereign laws and set up his own counterfeit system of commandments and statutes. But it is God's faithful people who refuse to give him allegiance and are willing to suffer persecution unto death rather than submit or surrender to Evil. They will not abandon God's Truth for human traditions and values. They will not abandon the authority of God's Word for the idea that human experience and rational thinking provide the only source of knowledge and a moral code to live by. They will not abandon the freedom that God offers for the bondage that Satan demands. They fundamentally know in their soul and spirit that all power on earth and in Heaven belongs to God, the Creator.

So, as in many other times throughout history, we find ourselves on a collision course between God's kingdom and the kingdoms of the earth, controlled by Satan. But this time there is a difference. As citizens of both the Kingdom of God on earth and the United States of America, we have the unique experience of living in true freedom .... our nation is historically exceptional in having secured the rights of individuals as primary over the collective rights of its citizens; and our freedom in Christ has freed us from the bondage and penalty of sin, as well as the freedom to become all we've been created to be and do for our Savior and His Kingdom.

And now we find ourselves at a crucial crossroads. Do we have the faith and the fortitude to serve our God, the rightful ruler of all the earth's kingdoms? Is there strength and power in our prayers to stand with Him against those who would seek to place an illegal counterfeit in the seat of power in our nation? Are we willing to approach God in His Divine Sanctuary and surrender everything to Him to see His purpose for this nation survive? 

There is a drumbeat that every American of faith answers to. It is the drumbeat of freedom that echoes the heartbeat of God and inspires us to reach for our calling and destiny. We freely repent of the grievous and rebellious sins of this nation, believing in the grace of our God to redeem us and transform us once again into a nation that reflects Him and His original concept of man partnering with God to reflect His dominion over the earth. These next days and weeks will reveal if we are to receive His mercy or His final judgment upon our beloved country. 

Please join me in praying, Father, we give thanks to You for allowing us to live in this great land! We praise You for giving us the opportunity to enjoy the freedoms that the rest of the world longs for. And, Father, we ask Your forgiveness for squandering those freedoms and for not protecting Your ways and Your commandments. And now, in our day of trouble, we seek you, Lord! The pillars You established in our land are cracking and our nation totters. We pray, O Lord, keep our pillars steady and secure!

We declare Your Greatness and Your Sovereignty in the matters of our nation! Your ways are holy, O God! Forget not, Your remnant, who cry out for Your Might and Your Compassion to be stirred up for us. Break down the walls of our enemies and restore us to be "one nation under God" once again! Look down from Heaven and see the millions who call upon Your Name in repentance and in hope. Let the nations exclaim, "America is their God and look how He avenges the faithful!"

Revive us and show us Your favor; withdraw Your righteous wrath which we deserve. Speak peace and Your steadfast love into our land. Watch us glorify Your Name in the midst of our struggles. Turn back to us, Father, and give us Your strength to stand for the covenant established with You long ago. We are called by Your Name, and we commit our lives, our faith, and our future to You. Search our hearts and see our dedication to You and Your kingdom. See that we hold fast to You and know Your Name -- answer us, Lord; be with us; rescue and save us. We ask all this in the Mighty and Precious Name of our Deliverer, Yeshua ha Mashiach! AMEN!

Psalm 97:10    O you who love the LORD; hate evil! He preserves the lives of His saints; He delivers them from the hand of the wicked. 

December 31, 2020

"There's Nothing New Under The Sun ... As It Was In The Days of Noah"

I know I am mixing Scripture references, Bible timelines and messengers. But I hope to show you how it all connects and why it is important for us to know at this precise time in our history. The first reference comes from the Book of Ecclesiastes and was written by King Solomon, a man who was known for his [human] wisdom, wealth, and power. In Chapter One of Ecclesiastes, Solomon is ruminating on the futility of natural man's efforts, because no matter what man tries to accomplish on his own, whether good or evil, has been tried or done before. And the earth still keeps spinning, the sun still rises and sets; and the winds still circle the planet. Without God's wisdom and guidance, man's endeavors are futile and meaningless. Verse nine is the apt summary of this exposition ... That which has been is that which will be [again], and that which has been done is that which will be done again. So there is nothing new under the sun.

Nearly one thousand years later, the Lord Jesus is teaching His disciples about the signs of His return, the perilous times that will come upon the earth preceding His return, and what mankind can expect the earth and its inhabitants to experience when His glorious return is imminent. We find Jesus's statements in Chapter 24 of Matthew. He warns that no man knows the exact day or hour this will all occur, but He gives us a clue in verses 37-39 ... For the coming of the Son of Man (the Messiah) will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the [very] day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know or understand until the flood came and swept them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be [unexpected judgment]. 

If, as saved men and women, we are tuned in to our spirits, which are seated with Jesus in Heaven, then we should be able to discern the connection between these two passages and what Biblical history has shown us, and what we are about to see again. And let me share with you what my spirit has detected. I recently was drawn to a series of posts that I wrote in 2014. At the time, I wrote, "There are days I wake up and wonder, 'How much longer can this world survive?' And, what will our lives be like when everything is torn asunder? ... The world is groaning and the time is near ...". That was six years ago, and those thoughts are even more acute today.

At the time, I saw the earth and humanity in turmoil -- scientists at NASA were warning about powerful coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the sun that could potentially destroy earth. The Ring of Fire was active, producing an area where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions were occurring in the basin of the Pacific Ocean. The TV show Ancient Aliens was programming the minds of millions by actually presenting the hypothesis that aliens will show up one day, claiming to be our creators. And they will have only our best interests at heart; they will rescue us from the wars and destruction of earthly humans. All we have to do is become one with them. This is a deception coming against the human race; one that is eerily similar to the satanic deception presented to mankind in Genesis 6:1-4, where fallen angels came to earth to mate with human woman to create a super race that would dominate and rule the earth, with the ultimate goal of defeating God's dominion and kingdom on earth.

Well, nothing has changed since Genesis 6. Satan has been running that plan throughout history, and mankind is still buying into the lie that we can rule earth without a relationship with God. That theory was still alive and well in 2014 and was being sold on the History Channel. And now, I'm here to tell you that this past Sunday morning I heard this plan once again laid out on a morning news show. It happened during Fox Channel's Maria Bartiromo's interview with Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe. During their discussion regarding China's impact on our national security, there was a brief exchange regarding China and this exact topic that I am presenting to you today. Here is what I want you to understand...

RATCLIFFE: China is not a good actor internationally. We need to call them out for what they are, not what they pretend to be. They're intent on dominating the entire world, not just the United States.

BARTIROMO: U.S. intelligence shows that China's conducting human testing on members of the People's Liberation Army, in hopes of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities. In other words, they want to create new humans that can handle extreme weather, handle chemical attacks. Is that right?

RATCLIFFE:  So, one of the things I did in this op-ed piece [in the Wall Street Journal] was to work hard to try and get information declassified to a level that I could talk about. And one of the things you just mentioned, it's called gene editing. It's altering DNA. And it's one of the things our intelligence shows that China is doing. They have got a -- the PRC, the People's Republic of China, has two million strong in its military. And it's trying to make them stronger through gene editing. And that's just one of the ways that China is trying to essentially dominate the planet and set the rules and the world order.

Now, I will tell you that I was astounded that this kind of information was actually being allowed to be presented to the American public --- for those with ears to hear. Can you see that this is the Anti-Christ spirit acting through the Communist political system to carry out the plans of Satan that have existed for millennia? Can't see that or understand this premise? Can we agree that from the beginning of Creation in Genesis One, that Everything God created was originally good. You don't have to be a Believer to comprehend this fact, because those with even the simplest understanding of the Scriptures know that things were perfect here on planet Earth until Satan infiltrated the Garden and set into motion a war for all ages. I am just so concerned that Christians don't fully understand how that war has been waged. And it is vitally important that we understand it NOW!

When Satan tempted Eve to disobey God, the judgment was swift and prophetic by the Creator of the Universe:  "I will put enmity (hostility, friction, hate) between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring [or between your seed and her seed]." That statement has not been fully understood for centuries of Christians and Church leaders. 

Satan has known God's plan from the beginning: to dwell among His creation in personal relationship.  And it has been the Devil's desire to disrupt that relationship at all costs.  He knew God would eventually have to send His Son to redeem us from the ways that he, Satan, would introduce.  If he could corrupt the gene pool and eventual birth of God's perfect Offspring with his own corrupt line, then the world and its inhabitants would worship him, Satan.  That's where Genesis 6:1-4 comes in.  The fallen angels, who followed Satan, came to earth and corrupted the daughters of men, introducing the unholy DNA into the human line.  They are the "giants" (or in the Hebrew, Nephilim) we see in verse 4.  But God protected a line of men from His destruction of mankind (Noah and his descendants), and through their line, He sent His perfect Son to reclaim us.  But Satan has not forsaken his plan, and that's why Jesus says in Matthew 24:37, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."

And now we see Satan partnering with China and their Godless regime to once again defile the DNA that God has created. Satan intends to work through China's demonic-altered army in his attempt to dominate the world. Just as God proclaimed back in Genesis, there has been an all-out war throughout time between God's children and Satan's children.  It is now at the boiling point, and it affects all of God's creation; from mankind, to the ecological and geophysical systems, to the stars in the heavens.  Satan's plan to deceive mankind and infect them with a corrupted gene pool has been known by every civilization throughout history.  Genesis records the Giants in the land of Canaan, while Babylonian, Greek and Roman mythology refer to the "Titans" and the "Olympians", who were "children of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth)." It hasn't been that long ago that Hitler gave Dr. Josef Mengele free reign to do his ghastly [and satanic] experiments against the Jewish people. This was just another example of Satan perverting God's design.

Now, we find ourselves at another juncture in human history, and it looks as if the plan is still in operation. The bottom line is that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is Satan's final downfall and defeat.  He is going to do everything he can in the short time he has remaining to convince humanity that we want to become one with him... up to and including taking his Mark. What will that look like? Is it a coincidence that the Covid disease originated in China, and that now the world is being presented with a rapidly developed vaccine with alleged components that are offensive to God and could potentially corrupt our divinely created flesh? Those are questions that I can't answer for you, and you must take them to the Lord to hear clearly from Him. But, if nothing else, I hope today's post has you seeking the Lord and discerning the signs of the times. 

Satan's game plan hasn't changed ... it's as old as the Creation. I just want you to be ready to stand against the lies of the Enemy and seek the Lord's Truth. If not now ... then when?  The devil's deception permeates every sci-fi movie and TV show, whether it be tempting the impressionable to welcome the Ancient Aliens, commune with Vampires, or rush to alter our DNA through advanced and "life-saving" alternatives.  If we cannot see that there is nothing new in what is being presented to us, then we will be condemning ourselves to live in a world that is the same as it was in the days of Noah. We must do our part to defeat the lies! We do not want to be like the generation in Noah's time, who did not know or understand until it was too late. We must do everything we can to illuminate God's Truth or His unexpected judgment will be our destiny.

John 8:44      You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.


October 29, 2020

Halloween: Partnering With Satan


Each year at this time I write about the pagan ties and rituals associated with the culturally-accepted holiday of Halloween. And each year, as the Lord reveals more of the evil that takes place on the kingdom of darkness's sacred and holy night, the more I see Halloween commercially promoted. Not just for kids anymore, adults have increasingly adopted this night for their own celebrations. And the amount of money spent on decorations for the house and yard has steadily increased to make it one of the most successful holidays for retailers. Even the professed Christian retailer Hobby Lobby isn't above cashing in on its success.

If you have been reading my blogs for awhile, then you know the different historical persepectives I've brought you regarding Halloween. If not, then you can catch up by reading here and here and here. And for those who want the short version (because it is important to know the ancient history and connections), then here is a summary: The Encyclopedia of Religion describes Halloween as this ... "Halloween is the name for the eve of Samhain [pronounced sow-en], a celebration marking the beginning of winter as well as the first day of the New Year within the ancient Celtic culture of the British Isles. The time of Samhain consisted of the eve of the feast and the day itself (October 31st and November 1st). On this occasion, it was believed that a gathering of supernatural forces occurred as during no other period of the year. The eve and day of Samhain were characterized as a time when the barriers between the human and supernatural worlds were broken. Otherworldly entities, such as the souls of the dead, were able to visit earthly inhabitants, and humans could take the opportunity to penetrate the domains of the gods and supernatural creatures. Fiery tributes and sacrifices of animals, crops, and possibly human beings were made to appease supernatural powers who controlled the fertility of the land ... Samhain acknowledged the entire spectrum of nonhuman forces that roamed the earth during the period" (pp. 176-177, 1987).

Furthermore, The Encyclopedia Brittanica says that on this holiday "huge bonfires were set on hilltops to frighten away evil spirits ... The souls of the dead were supposed to revisit their homes on this day, and the autumnal festival acquired sinister significance, with ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black cats, fairies, and demons of all kinds said to be roaming about. It was the time to placate the supernatural powers controlling the processes of nature. In addition, Halloween was thought to be the most favorable time for divinations concerning marriage, luck, health, and death. It was the only day on which the help of the devil was invoked for such purposes" (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, Micropaedia, Vol. 4, p. 862, "Halloween"). 

By now, I hope that you are able to let go of any deception that this holiday is nothing more than "innocent fun". And the Church trying to "Christianize" the holiday by calling it "All Saint's Day", in the guise of celebrating dead Christian martyrs, is just another case of false pretense. 

Since the Lord has opened my spiritual eyes to the increasing evil in the world and the ways that the devil has infiltrated our culture through witchcraft and the occult [in all spheres of our existence], I have been introduced to deeper and yes, disturbing, revelations about what Halloween represents. I've been able to see how the "spirit" of Halloween, so to speak, has transferred from ancient ceremonies of the Celts and Druids to modern rituals of witches and Satanists. So, as I go to a new level in my exposé on Halloween, it is especially important that Christians understand the trauma and evil that is inflicted on this night, and just how important it is that we counter it with the Light of the Lord.

To that end, I'm going to share the testimony of a woman named Beth, who used to be a witch and was a victim of this satanic ritual abuse on Halloween, and how God delivered her from that situation and healed her. Her testimony will reveal the underlying demonic foundation of Halloween and why it is such a dangerous and contemptible holiday. Here is what she had to say....

"Halloween is all about witchcraft. It is a sacred and holy night in which witches and Satanists pay tribute to the dead. It is a night of celebration; a passage into a different spiritual world. It's a night when the veil between the different world's [realms] is the thinnest and when one has access into other realms. It is the thinnest because of the amount of witchcraft that happens on that night; because of the majik, spells, and incantations that are taking place to diminish the demonic veil."

I found it interesting that she said, "Most witches don't know that what they're doing is evil. It's just a way to get something they want done. Not so, for Satanists and Luciferians -- they actually worship Satan. But it's all witchcraft ... it's all about your intent and purpose ; doing rituals and majik as you partner with the demons in you to push out into the atmosphere to affect change in people, the atmosphere, animals, and things."

She went on, "Halloween is when you have thousands upon thousands of groups of people coming together and doing witchcraft on this one night. So, people [especially Christians] need to understand that when you "trick or treat", or have a Halloween party and dress up in costumes, you are celebrating Halloween and you've made an agreement with the ancient rites! You are in agreement with a Satanic ritual holiday!"

Beth said it is important that Christians understand that "witchcraft is Satanism. Even those who align themselves with neo-paganism or earth spiritualism do not know or believe what they are doing is Satanism. There are even Satanists that are so deceived, they think Lucifer is the bearer of Light and good, and that God is bad. When they are harming people and animals in their rituals, they actually think they are doing good". At this point in her testimony, Scripture came immediately to mind: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20). 

At this point her testimony became difficult to hear, but it is important that we not shy away from the truth that she is sharing... "People will actually sacrifice a baby or animal to the god Molech and tell themselves it's good. It took me years to understand that I was a victim of satanic ritual abuse on Halloween. At the age of three, I was strapped to a table and sexually abused and filled with demons; used as a sexual idol to be worshiped. The satanic rituals performed on Halloween are sexual and sacrificial. Some children are not as lucky as I was to escape the rituals; they are actually murdered as a sacrifice."

I know this is hard to read and perhaps, even harder to accept. But this is why I continually warn against aligning yourself with this evil holiday. Beth was fortunate. By His Grace, God came into the abuse during one of the rituals, because she asked Him to, and she says He took her spirit away so she wouldn't be corrupted. Eventually, she would ask Jesus into her heart where she would find freedom, redemption and healing from her pain and her own personal hell. 

But she is adamant about continuing to warn of the dangers of Halloween. "Hundreds of thousands of others are just like me, and have been subjected to torment on Halloween night. And many more will also be tortured and murdered on Halloween as every year passes. The only difference between myself and most other victims is, I chose to allow God to bring me healing and remember it. I could not have done it without Jesus. It would be impossible. He has shown me a love like I have never known before in my entire life. He has shown me that His love is something that is pure and untainted, and that I am indeed special and valuable to God. There may be evil in this world, but nothing is bigger than the power of the Almighty. The devil may have infiltrated churches, or taken over an entire night to align people unwittingly with darkness, but that can never change the truth of who God is. He is the King, and in the end He will wear the Victor’s Crown." 

So, I know I sound like a broken record, but I believe that a lot of what we are seeing happening in the world today is because Christians don't really believe in spiritual warfare. I think we just expect God to identify evil and deal with it. We're either afraid to engage with the dark side, or we're just too complacent in our security in Christ. But as long as we refuse to face the truth that Satan is looking for every advantage he can get to infiltrate people, animals, the earth and the atmosphere, we are allowing him and his demonic forces free rein to torment and kill. And by our silence and rationalization that "it doesn't mean that to me" or "this is the day the Lord has made, so I'm just going to call it good," we allow evil to continue to reign. You know, we might be able to convince ourselves that our allegiance belongs to the Lord, but we're still in agreement with darkness if we continue to participate in Halloween or refuse to renounce it. If you still need convincing, consider this quote by Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan, "I'm glad Christians let their children worship the Devil at least one night out of the year".

As the Ekklesia, let us redeem the day by coming together [as thousands upon thousands] with our own celebration of the power and might of the Most High God! While that veil between realms is thin, let us bombard the next realm with prayers that sustain and empower the angelic forces of Heaven as they battle the intents and purposes of the witches and Satanists! And then let us use our power and authority to close that access into this realm, sealing it with the blood of Jesus! Let us pray that the minds and hearts of all people be awakened to the ancient darkness that has come down through the centuries to enslave people through witchcraft. Let us pray for the protection of every innocent child who is targeted for this Halloween night. Pray that plans for their torment or sacrifice are thwarted; that every animal or thing upon the earth be defended from wickedness. Let us be instruments of God to bring His Light into this dark night. And please, Lord, expand the time we have between now and Saturday night so that all these things be done in Your Holy and Precious Name! Amen!

Click here for more of Beth's testimony. Be sure and check out her blog, theothersideofdarkness.com. 

1 Corinthians 10:21   You cannot drink [both] the Lord’s cup and the cup of demons. You cannot share in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons [thereby becoming partners with them].


October 1, 2020

How I Am Praying For Our Nation

All of us who believe in the power of prayer can have a tremendous impact on the spiritual war being waged against America. It has become very clear that our country is under demonic opposition and attack.  The deterioration of our society is ample evidence of the Enemy's influence through the assignments given to Satan's provocateurs and generals.  However, if you have read my previous posts on Warfare in the Spiritual Realms, then you know that I have also come to know the importance of Prayer and the Word of God as powerful weapons in our battle to destroy Satan's strongholds.

I offer no formula or precise way to pray; just my sincere thoughts as to how we might join together to defeat The Enemy and those in agreement with his lies. So, what I offer are some tactics that I hope you would consider in your own prayer time with the Father. Meditate on these ideas in your spirit and then pray as you are led. Here are some strategies to take into consideration:

• We can humbly, yet boldly, approach God's throne as part of the privilege we have as His child. His Word tells us in Hebrews 4:16, that we can "approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor and power] with confidence and without fear, so that our nation may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in this desperate time of our great need. Not since the Civil War of 1860, has our nation been so polarized, and it is going to take God's intervention to keep us from repeating that destruction.

• We can bow down at YHWH's throne, and ask that He consider our request as He did the requests of Moses when he pleaded on behalf of the rebellious Israelites. Over and over again, when they turned their backs on Him, He forgave them and restored them to His favor.  We must confess that we have turned away from Him and opened spiritual doors for Evil to transform this nation in ways that dishonor Him. It is imperative that we repent of the sins of this nation, ask for forgiveness, and humbly request that God send His warring angels on our behalf. We cannot turn this nation around without His help!

• We can specifically ask that we be made into a strong, bold, spiritual army.  We can speak His Word into the spiritual realms: "We are human, but we don't wage war as humans do. We use the mighty weapons of the Lord, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing the Lord!  We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ". (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). 

• In the name of Jesus, we can renounce the spirit of Anti-Christ and the demonic spirits of anger, hatred, racism, tyranny, anarchy, and murder that have overwhelmed our country in recent days. We can renounce, in the mighty name of Jesus, the demonic spirits of division and discord that feed upon our sins, and pray that the Heavenly Host would be put on assignment to place every spirit of disharmony and disunity under the authority of Jesus. We can invite Lord Jesus to take the throne of the realm of this nation, and rule over this territory with His rod of iron. In His mighty Name, we can bind all of Satan's gatekeepers and place each and every portal access point belonging to him and his followers under the authority and jurisdiction of the Kingdom of God.

• We can place the blood of Jesus upon every portal access point and open door of evil and seal them with the Holy Spirit. We can take the sword of the Spirit and the Word of God, which are the strongest weapons we have, and cut this nation free from Satan's realm and his promised inheritance. We can appeal to the Father's righteous justice, and declare that as a man sows, so shall he reap. Therefore, we can pray that Satan and his prince of America would now reap a hundred-fold return for all of the evil sown against us individually, and as a nation.

• We can, in the name of Jesus, take authority over every demon that has been operating under the authority of Satan and the rulers of Marxism, Communism, and Socialism that have been assigned to the United States, and we can declare that they are discovered, apprehended, bound, pierced through, and thrust out of our country for judgment. We can declare that these demonic spirits will be sent to wherever the Lord Jesus sends them. And we can place the Cross between them and this nation, so that they may never return.

• We can proclaim Psalm 18:2-3: "The Lord God is our Rock, and our Fortress, and our Deliverer. He is our strength, and our God in whom we trust.  He is our Shield, and the power and strength behind our salvation, and He is our tower of refuge.  We will praise the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised, and we will be saved from our enemies".  And we can declare Ephesians 3:20-21:  "Now, to Him, whose Power is at work in us; who is able to carry out His purpose (in our lives and in the world), and to do it more abundantly than we could ever dare to ask or think; to Him be the Glory in His Ekklesia, in Jesus, our Savior, and to all the generations to come". We can declare, "So be it!"

• And not least of all, we can put on the armor of God; the complete armor He provides us in these days of battle ... we can put on the belt of Truth, which is His Truth -- not the truth of the world, not our own truth, not the truth of the media or the political parties, nor the truth of the Enemy. It is the truth of His character and His promises; it is the truth that is the foundation of our life. Next, we can put on the breastplate of righteousness, which protects our hearts, where His laws have been written.  It is a free-will choice that we make to put that breastplate on and to determine to walk in the footsteps of Christ.  And in the midst of heated battle, that breastplate is also a symbol to those in the spiritual realm -- they recognize which side we belong to, and Whom we obey.  We can also strap on the sandals of the peace of the Gospel; the Good News that Jesus has returned the dominion of the earth to His followers, and we are Kingdom ambassadors. We can shout, "He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus"! We can also embrace the peace that comes from knowing Jesus is forever with us; He will never leave us nor forsake us. We can then pick up the shield of Faith, which is our trust and confidence in Jesus Christ as our Savior.  It is also the faithfulness of our Father, in protecting us from the fiery darts of the Enemy. We can praise Him for the countless times we have been protected and shielded without even knowing it. And lastly, we can wield the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, who is Jesus, our Savior, and the Lord and Master of our soul. When we speak the Word of God out loud in this physical realm, it is a mighty weapon to defeat any spirit that might come against us. When our spirits speak the Word into the spirit realm, it may not be heard in this world, but it destroys strongholds in the spiritual world.

So, these are some of the tactics that we can employ in the momentous days to come. There has been a battle in the spiritual realm over ownership of this earth since the Garden. And it is our time in history to join that battle as part of the Lord's earthly army. We fight alongside the angelic army in the Second Heaven, and our prayers have consequences in both this heaven and the next. We must stand up and be counted as we join our voices in forceful and urgent prayer! We must drown out the voices of those who call for division, destruction, and ruination of our country. 

As you contemplate these battle plans, I want to share what might seem like a trivial comment, but it is the farewell message of the Ambassador from the Philippines, General Romulo, as he returned to his home after 17 years in diplomatic service in the United States: "Never forget, Americans, that yours is a spiritual country. Yes, I know you're a practical people. Like others, I've marveled at your factories, your skyscrapers, and your arsenals. But underlying everything else is the fact that America began as a God-loving, God-fearing, God-worshiping people, knowing that there is a spark of the Divine in each one of us. It is this respect for the dignity of the human spirit which keeps America invincible. May you always endure and, as I say again in parting, thank you, America, and farewell. May God keep you always, and may you always keep God." 

That statement was made 58 years ago. Does his description of our country still apply? Did we keep God? Are we still a nation that loves and fears God; are we still a nation that worships the Most High God? Or have we allowed the Anti-Christ spirit to invade our land and sow the seeds of Marxism and rebellion? Do we still respect the dignity of the human spirit, and believe there is a spark of the Divine in each one of us, or have we abolished that notion through our worship of abortion? If so, then perhaps we are no longer the invincible nation we once were. Perhaps we better declare that our failures have made us vulnerable to the lies of the Enemy and that our youth are drinking from the cup of our disobedience and rebellion. Are we, the Ekklesia, joined with the true followers of Christ, enough in number to forestall the discipline and judgment that we are due? Can we avoid captivity and enslavement to unjust forces, and can we hold on to our freedoms? 

Our Father in Heaven is not insensitive to our needs. I believe He hears our cries. But I know that His Word says there comes a time when the powers of darkness begin to take over the governments of the world, and the voices of the righteous [in Jesus] will be suppressed. I don't claim to know where we are on that timeline, but my spirit senses the birth pangs of that reality. This nation's Declaration of Independence says that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of our rights to pursue Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. In this election cycle, we can see the unrest and rebellion against our foundational principles of government and a desire to institute a "new" government. And it is not hard to see that it is not a God-loving, God-fearing, or God-worshiping style of governing system. 

So, are we at a point of no return? Nothing is impossible when we side with God! Please join me in praying that He is not through with America; that we can still be His instrument of righteousness and justice in the world. Take these strategies of prayer that I have presented and add to them as the Holy Spirit guides you. Trust in the Lord to deliver us; and if we are to go into captivity, trust Him to use you to put His Light upon a stand, so that all may see it and come to it. Be the one who lifts that Light on high, and announces that the darkness can never extinguish it!

Matthew 6:13     And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. Amen!

September 28, 2020

Warfare In The Spiritual Realms - Part 2

In the previous post I presented my theological position on spiritual warfare in "the heavenly places", and today I wish to take a more in-depth look at what our responsibilities are as followers of Christ and members of the Ekklesia. 

So, I will begin by stating that I operate in this life by a Biblical worldview; in other words, the truth of who the Bible says I am, and whom I serve, is the foundation of how I live and what I say and do. That includes my understanding of the topic today. In the light of spiritual warfare, I also want to re-establish that the Bible speaks of the First Heaven as the realm where we exist; the earth, sky, atmosphere, etc. The Third Heaven is the place where God and Jesus dwell and where they sit on their thrones. It is their domain/Kingdom and the seat of their government. Since there is a First and Third Heaven, we must assume that there is a Second Heaven. Although not specifically mentioned in Scripture, there are many indirect references to it as the place where Satan and his demons exist and exert their influence over cities, nations, the Church, and anything or anyone who restricts the kingdom of darkness. One such reference is Ephesians 2:1-2, which says, And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince (Satan) of the power of the air (the realm of Second Heaven), the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—

Since Scripture makes it clear that Satan has been expelled from Heaven for his disobedience and mutiny against God, it is apparent that Paul is talking about his influence in the Second Heaven when the apostle says in Ephesians 6:12, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. Paul is making it clear that we aren't battling with flesh and blood human beings on the earth, but rather with "spiritual forces of wickedness" in "heavenly" places. Those "places" include both the First Heaven and Second Heaven. Since we find no Scripture that says Satan lives on the earth, how are we to understand how Satan can afflict us in both of these "heavenly places? We must move beyond our Western mindset [which is based on Greek (rational) thinking], and begin to comprehend the mindset of the Bible. 

We begin by grasping that there are hierarchies of demons that follow Satan. It will help if you can understand that demons are "disembodied spirits of the deceased Nephilim", who were the offspring of Fallen Angels mating with human women [noted in Genesis 6:1-4]. Since these ungodly offspring are derived from immortal heavenly beings, they cannot be destroyed completely. Neither can they return to Heaven, as is the case with our spirits. Therefore, these spirits are cursed with remaining on earth to wreak havoc in the lives of humans, causing torment and oppression. These are the "ground level" demons on earth that operate in anger, bitterness, guilt, shame, hatred, rejection, etc. -- and keep the sons and daughters of God from living in freedom.

But as Ephesians 6:12 shows us, there are higher levels of demons; namely, rulers, powers, world forces, and spiritual forces. Included in these designations are fallen angelic powers such as the "Prince of Persia" and the "Prince of Greece". They fought against the angel who was responding to the prayers of the prophet Daniel in Daniel 10:20. The archangel Michael, who is the "Prince of Israel", fought alongside this angel [sent to Daniel] so that this heavenly being could let Daniel know that his prayers had been heard, and that he came bearing a vision of what the future held for God's chosen people. This passage describes the battles that rage in the Second Heaven between the angelic forces of Heaven and those who owe their allegiance to Satan. Just like with Daniel, many times the earthbound demons receive instruction from higher-level, "cosmic" demons and work with them to attack and obstruct our assignments to take back the dominion of the earth that God originally gave us in Genesis 1:26-31.

That is a very short and abbreviated explanation that attempts to explain the spiritual layout of the Heavens, who occupies them, and the opposing forces loyal to God and Satan. So how are we to operate in this dynamic? What are our duties and responsibilities, and how far do they extend? What exactly has our Lord commissioned us to do, and what power and authority have we been given to wage spiritual war?

Sadly, "the Church" in 21st Century America has very knowledge, and let's face it ... tolerance ... for this discussion. Once the Lord revealed [to me] these higher truths of the spiritual dimensions and the activities that go on there to obstruct the Body of Christ from knowing their true identity, I have only met opposition from within the religious structure of the Church. And that only serves to allow Satan and his followers to continue their war against the Kingdom of God on earth. It is important that we take off our "religious glasses" and see the Kingdom and our position in God's army come into focus. That first requires that we know the power and authority that Jesus has given us.

If you are familiar with Luke 10:19, then you know that Jesus says, Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. It is important -- no, I believe vitally important -- that we understand that Jesus is referring to power and authority we have in the world; in the realm of the First Heaven. The reason I believe this is because He repeatedly instructs His Disciples and us [as subsequent followers], to "cast out demons" as part of exercising our power and authority in the commission He has given us. Note this exhortation from our Lord in Matthew 10:1, And when He had called unto Him His twelve disciples, He gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. When Jesus walked the earth as a human, He cast demons out of afflicted human beings on the earth, and healed human disease and sickness, and instructed His followers to do the same. These are the demons that are earthbound and "ground level", NOT the higher level rank and file demons that exist in the Second Heaven.

Furthermore, what is known as "The Great Commission" in Matthew and Mark, supports this argument. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus says, All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you;. This assignment is obviously to be carried out on the earth, NOT in the Second Heaven. They are to make disciples of nations, baptizing people, and teaching people on earth to do what He commanded them, which was to cast out demons and heal the sick and raise the dead; all earthly activities. 

Mark 16:17-18 also supports this thesis: And these signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Again, these are all evidence of the power and authority the followers of Jesus have been given to minister on the earth. NOTE: Do your own research on what Jesus meant when He talked about picking up serpents and drinking poison. His listeners would have understood these idioms that He used.

This understanding of our power and authority in the First Heaven [to defeat the schemes of Satan] must necessarily lead us to ask the question, "Do we have power and authority to wage war in the Second Heaven"? Remember, this is where the demons of high administrative rank and great authority reside; and they are in full obedience to Satan who resides in this realm. This is my understanding, and as always, I advise you to do your own research and seek the counsel of the Lord and Holy Spirit. But I have discerned through study and experience that the way we battle in this realm is through mighty and fervent prayer. Satan has assigned high level demons (principalities, powers, rulers, etc.) to conduct warfare against cities, governments, nations, organizations, and yes, even individuals who stand in his way of dominating the earth. James 5:16 clearly emphasizes this principle: Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. Jesus also proclaims this truth in Mark 9:29 : And He said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” I believe Jesus distinguishes the higher ranking of that demon by calling the attention of His Disciples to the fact that "this kind" requires more than just casting out because it is a higher level demon.

Unless we are specifically commanded by the Lord, we do not engage in Second Heaven warfare. That is the domain where God's mighty angelic army battles the high-ranking demonic army of Satan. We were given dominion (authority and power) "over the earth" in our Genesis 1:26 mandate, not the Second Heaven. And that is all the more reason that we endeavor to comply with "everything Jesus commands us to do" in Matthew 28 -- cast out demons, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers (the spiritually and physically unclean); raise the dead, and spread the Good News of the Kingdom... that God's heavenly government has once again been re-established on the earth where there are to be no demonic torment, no sickness nor disease, and no death -- if we step into our identity and power and authority!  As the followers of Christ, we are called to "do the things that He has done, and even greater" (John 14:12). That involves keen discernment and proper training and instruction. The Disciples spent three years at the foot of the Master to learn their assignments. Don't you think we should spend considerable time learning from those who are successful in this sphere and whose obedience is pleasing to God? 

We, the Body of Christ, must rise up in our commission; battle in the First Heaven; doing what Jesus did; and fervently praying into the Second Heaven war so that God can put our cries into action on His behalf. He has invested SO much into us, His creation, and He desires that we work with Him to bring about the final defeat of Satan and his hordes. Do not be afraid! Increase your knowledge and training! Be wise and courageous! Stay in your lane! Fulfill what is written in your pages in the Book of Life! And most importantly, remember that the victory has already been won, and WE WILL PREVAIL!

Romans 8:31     What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us?   



September 18, 2020

A Word From The Lord: Be Strong and Confident and Courageous!


Those words were actually spoken to Joshua by the Lord before he was commanded to cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land given to the Israelites .... Be strong and confident and courageous! Joshua receives the promise that God will not fail or abandon him. And remember, Joshua had spied out the land, so he knew what was waiting for him. And I believe there is a lesson for all of us who know the magnitude of what is facing us as a nation and as individuals. As Americans in the 21st Century, we see the potential for chaos, lawlessness, and anarchy that lies before us; and we have never been here before. As Christians, we discern the spiritual battles and judgment that are looming over us; and again, we have never been here before. Our physical and spiritual lives have been pretty undemanding and painless until now ... and the rapid changes have left us stunned.

And I want to primarily speak to my fellow Believers today, although what I have to say applies to secular friends, too. I know that many of you struggle with the idea of "prepping" or "training" for a future event that would require us to store up supplies or to defend ourselves. We modern Christians have adopted a belief system that tells us that we are to rely on the Lord for all our needs. While this precept is true in many aspects, it does not represent the fullness of our relationship with God. Yes, God does promise us protection and deliverance, but it may not always look like how we want it to. 

Joshua was a wise military leader for the nation of Israel; wise enough to know that the battle was the Lord's and it was his job to trust the battle plan he was given, using the provisions he had been given, the training he had received, and the men who would follow his orders. He didn't always know how the Lord planned on defeating His enemies; only that he would be obedient in using all the resources at his disposal. We must act in the same faith and wisdom! 

If you are awake at all as a Christian, then you intuitively know that a significant battle with the kingdom of darkness is at our doorstep. And I am discerning that many Christians are struggling with their own concepts of how they want that battle to play out. They desperately want to rely on the old paradigms and traditions of the Church that tell us that 1) we will either be raptured out of here before the battle begins, or 2) as long as we live a righteous life, Christians won't suffer anything consequential -- God will protect us and provide all we need. But God and Jesus have never promised that! In fact, in Isaiah 43:1-3, God tells us that even when the battle is His, He will sometimes lead us through fire or the waters. There is no promise that those closest to Him will escape trials or testing! 

For those who want to dismiss the Old Testament and cling to the New Testament covenant and promise of the Cross, I would remind you that the purpose of Jesus's death and resurrection was to offer us Eternal Life through faith in Him. It delivered us from Eternal Death, but did not promise us we would not suffer from the ensuing battles between the Kingdom of God and Satan's evil kingdom. REMEMBER: Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:45 that God "makes His sun rise on those who are evil and on those who are good, and makes the rain fall on the righteous [those who are morally upright] and the unrighteous [the unrepentant, those who oppose Him]." There are no promises that we will escape Satan's wickedness or God's judgment upon the nations, even if we are a righteous individual. As an individual citizen of a nation that has sinned mightily against God, I understand that I may be subjected to the righteous judgment upon this nation. I rest in the knowledge and the promise that when that judgment comes, I know He will separate the good from the evil, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.

So, I want to make the point that the battle is in both the physical and the spiritual. Yes, we are to pray continually and fervently as the Ekklesia; acting as the representatives of God's heavenly form of government, bringing it to the earth. We must put on our spiritual armor and go to war in the second heaven against spiritual forces of wickedness. There we will battle [in our spirits] against the army of Satan who seeks to infiltrate this physical realm with his demons and powers of darkness to keep us from regaining our Genesis 1:26 dominion over the earth. And besides these supernatural, spiritual agents of the devil, we also must battle with physical opponents. We are seeing that in our halls of Congress and on the streets of our cities!

Again, God does not say that we will not suffer in this physical battle. Just as He tells Joshua to inform his commanders to "prepare your provisions", we need to discern that it is our responsibility to increase any needed food and medical supplies for a potential crisis. And just as Joshua receives instructions from the Lord that his men "shall go across [the river] before their brothers (the other tribes) armed for battle, all your brave warriors, and they shall help them [conquer and take possession of the land]", so must we be prepared to battle in the physical. 

But we must not become obsessed or unbalanced in either the physical or the spiritual. We must pray for wisdom and be willing to evaluate and re-evaluate every situation in which we find ourselves.  We must  use our spiritual gifts and talents, and our physical provisions and training to determine the circumstances and forces we are facing. Then praying in the spirit, we must seek God's battle plan; we must be prepared to act according to His will, whether He intervenes or sends us to the front lines. 

We must come to the understanding that God loves to work through His people; He wants us intimately involved in both the physical and spiritual aspects of this world. That's what Moses and Joshua walked in. It is what the Disciples and the Early Church walked in. That, too, is how we are to walk out our faith. So, I have some serious questions for you in this hour of our history, both as Americans and Christians: Are you waiting for God to orchestrate a miracle that will insulate or shield you from any scary scenario in the future? Or are you willing to be an ordinary instrument of the Lord to do extraordinary things for His Kingdom? Are you focused [in distress] on the problems we face, or are you focused on the Lord of the battle?

I remind you that as Joshua prepared to do battle for the Lord, the Bible says that the inhabitants of the land were terror stricken (Joshua 2); their hearts melted in despair and fear. We must fight against this mindset because it only leads to doubt and unbelief. We must believe that God's will is for us to be protected and succeed in our battles, and that His Grace [which is His power in us to do what we cannot do on our own] always accompanies us to help us carry out our calling and purpose, no matter the circumstances.  

So whether our future holds defeat or victory over the physical and spiritual forces aligning against us, we must be prepared and trained for war; with our provisions in place and our armor on. We must rest in the knowledge of how precious we are to the Lord; the tremendous price He paid for us is our inheritance. When the waters and the fires of testing come, we will not be overwhelmed. We will endure and persevere. The Lord will not fail us or abandon us. And above all else, we must be encouraged by the knowledge that as we pass through these trials, we come ever closer to seeing God's plan fulfilled. And I can think of nothing more valuable in this life than knowing I played my part and accomplished my assignment. Let us overcome old paradigms of how this is going to play out, and let us walk in strength and confidence and courage!

Psalm 66:10-12    But you, God, have tested us—you’ve refined us like silver, trapped us in a net, laid burdens on our backs, let other people run right over our heads—we’ve been through fire and water. But you brought us out to freedom!

September 15, 2020

The Light Of Truth In The Midst Of The Dark!

These are the kinds of posts I don't particularly like to write, but I'm discerning that there are many who need to hear what I have to say. And my words are directed at everyone -- it doesn't matter where you are in your life's journey, because you can no longer ignore the monster at your door. And I speak to Believers and non-Believers; to the young and the old; to the Church and the public square. And I especially speak to all those that I have tried to forewarn with alerts and warnings, and with advice, and tried to counsel to prepare, both physically and spiritually. If you ignored me, I am hearing from you now, and you've almost waited too long to get in the game.

I want to add a disclaimer to that last statement ... it's never too late to accept Jesus into your life as your Savior; He's just waiting for you to ask. And believe me, you are going to need Him and all He has to offer you to successfully traverse what is coming our way. I do not deny that the fervent and zealous prayers of faithful intercessors can join with the Holy Spirit and Jesus to fend off the devastation that appears to be descending upon us. I vehemently pray that we can avoid the destruction of our nation and the disruption of our lives that seem to be barreling towards us. But I'm going to be honest, this nation is ripe to receive righteous judgment, and we must all appeal to the mercy of our Father in Heaven if we hope to stall the flames of national unrest that are being fanned.

I understand the anxiety and panic that I see in your faces and hear in your voices. I know the sleepless nights you are experiencing. But it is time to realize that there are agents of the Enemy whose sole goal is to destroy the comfortable lives we have built for ourselves. I know all the times that you rolled your eyes whenever Mark and I suggested that you might want to buy some extra food to stock up on, or learn how to garden, or secure your water supply. I know you didn't think it necessary to learn how to protect and defend yourself, and thought we were crazy when we expressed concern about the infiltration of our education system by Marxists, and the effect it would have on future generations.

And yes, I know these are worldly issues, and if we belong to Jesus then we've been taught that we have nothing to worry about; all we have to do is rely on Him. And how many have been taught that we won't have to suffer any of the consequences of "tribulation" because we are going to be taken out of the world before it ever gets too bad? But that's not really what Jesus, Himself, taught us. And it is not what history has shown us concerning the fate of the Body of Christ.

Jesus warned that persecution would come because of His Name. The Disciples and First Century believers certainly experienced that! The Disciples knew that following in Jesus's footsteps would paint a target on their backs, and they definitely did not live their lives in relaxation and comfort. And they didn't expect to escape hard times and evil. Why would we? Besides, Satan has had nearly 2000 years to develop his spiritual structures to forestall our success in advancing Jesus's purpose for coming to the earth. Why would we ever think he would leave this nation [founded as a Christian culture] alone and unassaulted? It is naive, to say the least, to think that we can circumvent the devil's plans to overthrow Jesus's kingdom on earth and defeat His followers.

I do not relish being so blunt and candid. I wish I could sugar-coat it and assure you that we come out of this period of anarchy and chaos; that we will be restored to a previous perception of unity and cohesiveness. But it's time that we all take a good hard look at who the Enemy is using to instigate the violence and unrest our nation is suffering, and it's time to take our stand for what is righteous and good. Black Lives Matter (BLM) is more than a sentiment and a social philosophy. It is a well-funded organization, whose founders identify as "trained Marxists". They have aligned themselves with Antifa, a militant political protest movement who also self-identifies with Marxist ideology. 

Why is it important to understand their Marxist characteristics? To identify with Karl Marx is to form a spiritual alliance with Satan, himself. Sound extreme? Not when you do your homework and understand who Karl Marx was. I urge you to read an insightful piece of writing by Richard Wurmbrand, titled Marx: Prophet of Darkness; Communism's Hidden Forces Revealed. He wrote it in 1986 and it greatly enhanced the study and knowledge I already had about the Socialist revolutionary. And it is especially chilling when Marx is described in this way: "It is hard to think of many who have has as much influence in the modern world". 

I want you to understand who this man is that is so revered by BLM and Antifa forces in our nation, and why his influence in these "movements" is so destructive. It is important to understand because Karl Marx hated God and worshiped Satan. In 1986 when Wurmbrand wrote his thesis, Marxism governed one-third of the world. But I would venture to say that it's impact has grown, and is even more promoted in our universities and practiced around the world than ever before. But here's where they are so deceived... Marx is represented as being a humanist; a man whose sole goal was to help the impoverished masses. And he saw capitalism and religion as the obstacles to achieving his "collective utopia" where all men would live happily ever after in an everlasting, universal brotherhood.

But all one has to do is read some of Karl Marx's poems to know that he doesn't wish to serve a "universal brotherhood of light", but answers to an Anti-Christ spirit. Consider these lines of some of his poems, for instance ... So a god has snatched from me my all. In the curse and rack of destiny. All his worlds are gone beyond recall. Nothing but revenge is left to me! I shall build my throne high overhead; cold, tremendous shall its summit be. For its bulwark -- superstitious dread. For its marshall -- blackest agony.

Here's another poem : The hellish vapours rise and fill the brain, til I go mad and my heart is utterly changed. See this sword? The prince of darkness sold it to me. For me he beats the time and gives the signs. Ever more boldly I play the dance of death. In his poem, titled "The Pale Maiden" Marx writes: Thus heaven I've forfeited, I know it full well. My soul, once true to God, is chosen for hell. This is the spirit of the man! But in his twisted mind, he equated his Socialist philosophy and the tenets of Communism with the perfect "state" of Heaven. He promoted perfect Communism as economic liberation, freedom, peace and justice... the same concepts as Marxist agitators in BLM and Antifa espouse. But they don't practice them! Instead of economic liberation, they instigate burning and looting of businesses; instead of freedom and peace, they incite violence and walled off "zones"; instead of justice, they terrorize, assault, and kill innocent people. And they are not going to just disappear after the election!

It is time that we face the monster that Karl Marx and his Prince of Darkness have unleashed upon this country. As Christians and followers of Christ, it is time we put on the Belt of Truth and Breastplate of Righteousness, take up our Shields of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit and battle this unholy alliance. With our Helmet of Salvation firmly in place, we set our feet, which are shod in the Gospel of the Kingdom on the road to Peace in our Savior. We don't need Socialism or Communism to give us their version of "perfection". We must counter the injustice, the violence, and the hatred with our message of the Kingdom of God, where we will experience righteousness, peace, love, joy and the right to possess our own mansion and garden. 

But we cannot continue to sit idly by and hope that Jesus will come do it for us! The Anti-Christ spirit is operating uncontested on the streets of America and we are not occupying the ground Jesus left us. Faith in Him is a verb! We must stand and fight as the Ekklesia on earth and as warriors in the spiritual realm. We don't yet know if our God in Heaven will decide we deserve His wrath and judgment, or whether He will believe that we have humbled ourselves and repented in truth so that He agrees to heal our land -- it all remains to be seen. But I will not surrender my identity as an Ambassador of Heaven living in the United States of America. I still believe that the goodness of this land and people can overcome the evil that has cracked our foundation. I join with the righteous remnant who seek the Father's heart for this nation, and I still believe in miracles and the Might of Heaven to come alongside us to rescue us from Satan's plot to destroy us. Let us stand firm in this battle for our national destiny, and let us not cower in the face of the demonic monsters sent against us. Let them know who we belong to and why we are here!

2 Corinthians 6:4-10     ... but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger; by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love; by truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left; through honor and dishonor, through slander and praise. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet well known [by God]; as dying, and behold, we live; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything.

September 9, 2020

Ekklesia, Covid, and The Separation of Church & State

I know the title of this post sounds like incompatible pieces to a mismatched jigsaw puzzle. But let me see if I can tie it all together. Today, I asked the Lord what He wanted me to write about and He brought these disparate and distinct topics to mind. I mean, what do Covid and the separation of church and state have to do with each other? Nothing that I could see until He showed me that His Ekklesia is to relate to both.

Here's how it all fits together... Let me begin with Covid. Our nation has been in the grips of Covid-19 since mid-March. This pandemic has literally stopped us in our tracks. All of us have been affected by it and it has dramatically changed the nature of this country. I don't believe we will ever be the same country as we were at the dawn of 2020. And while many may mourn this notion, I actually join with those who discern that God is using what Satan meant for evil to accomplish a Godly reset ... if we will cooperate with Him. 

You see, many Christians were forced to be separated from their Church buildings and Church families by the lockdowns imposed by state and federal governments. For some, who were willing to see and hear from the Lord, they were shown not only the emptiness of their buildings, but the emptiness and shallowness of the message about God inside those buildings. They discovered they were actually hungry for something they had not tasted -- the fullness of the Word of God and true interaction with the Holy Spirit. Being forced to isolate, they learned the value of true intimacy with the Lord and their spirits were awakened to what a true relationship with their Savior looked and felt like. 

Not content to wait for the doors of the Church building to open up again, and dissatisfied with online sermons that did not ignite their hearts and spirits, small groups and home churches have begun forming in a new dynamic; they are discovering and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit to stimulate change and progress in their walk with Christ. They are learning the power of intimate prayer with each other, and the profound and personal connection of taking communion as a bonded body of believers. Returning to the old paradigm and model of "Church" might not seem so attractive.

And so I see that Covid-19, meant for evil by the devil, has become a transformative agent for personal revival. And this is the kind of revival that I think the Lord has had in mind -- one believer at a time until the fullness of His remnant to discharge the purpose of the Ekklesia within the Body of Christ becomes a reality. As I have long espoused, Jesus never said He would build His "Church", but an Ekklesia, and it would rest on the foundation of His teachings and authority and power. We, as committed Believers are to be agents of His kingdom government to transform earth to resemble the kingdom of Heaven.

And like Jesus, we are to continually encourage people to change their way of thinking [Repent!] because the Kingdom of God has arrived -- there is a new kingdom come; with a new way of ruling; and He intends for us to be His legislative body; called to defeat the gates [ruling power] of the one who has ruled with the power of Death. Furthermore, He is giving us the key of authority to open or close [loose or bind] God's heavenly principles on the earth, thereby offering Jesus as the gate [or doorway] into the kingdom of God. Jesus perfectly models for us God's design to establish His people, in His place, under His rule. 

And this is where the Ekklesia intersects with the concept of "Separation of Church and State". This nation has been deceived for too long on the idea that we were founded with the belief that Faith and Government are to be separated in our lives. How many of us have grown up with the wrong ideology that religion and politics don't mix? Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, this concept of "separation" has been wrongly applied to the First Amendment, whose purpose in the "establishment" and "free exercise" clauses concerning religion were meant to ensure both that the government does not show preference to a certain religion and that the government does not take away an individual’s ability to exercise religion. 

But here's where Ekklesia busts down that counterfeit wall of separation! Our faith is supposed to interface with government. As ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, we are to influence the laws of this nation to reflect the moral laws God has instituted in Heaven. Because we have acted as "the Church" instead of "the Ekklesia", we have allowed a man-made government model to supersede God's intended heavenly model on earth, and to suppress our role as righteous legislators of God's law. We have stood silent and subdued while prayer to God was removed from our schools; while abortion became the law of the land; and God's definition of marriage was subverted and corrupted. We have allowed human trafficking to become a $150 billion a year business -- with $99 billion from commercial sexual exploitation -- without demanding that our lawmakers stop this evil industry. We have believed the lie that our faith has no place in man's government, and that we are to follow the laws of that government without interference.

It's time we walk in our identity! We were created to represent God in all facets of our life. Our politics should reflect the righteousness and principles of a Biblical worldview. And  our government should reflect God's nature, His will, His purpose for mankind, and His Heavenly Kingdom model. And Christians should be heavily involved in all of that! The Ekklesia needs to walk in its moral authority; we need to be praying fervently for God to heal our land and change the hearts of all who are standing at the gates of hell. 

Covid-19 is a diversion, and so is all the violence stemming from social injustice and the upcoming election. We have been essentially neutered from involvement in our worldly government. Satan has been effective in using them to get us to act out of our humanity. Let's stand up and show him who we really are! We are citizens of Heaven who rule from spiritual authority given to us explicitly by our Father in Heaven. And we are here to defeat the schemes and strategies of our spiritual enemies and establish our Father's government on earth, as it is in Heaven. We are throwing off the false identity of being the Church and putting on our kingly and priestly robes and ruling earth as Heaven is ruled. We praise you Father for all you are doing in the midst of the chaos. We trust You as you strengthen and fortify us to be the Ekklesia! Amen!

2 Timothy 2:15   Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.  

August 21, 2020

Culture Wars: Straight Out Of Satan's Playbook... Again!


     You've heard me say multiple times that Satan uses the same tactics over and over through the centuries. Why? Because they keep working! Mankind never seems to learn the lessons. Because of God's mercy and grace, if there is a remnant that recognizes the Enemy's strategy and repents and truly seeks righteousness, there will be a revival or movement that sets mankind back on course. But I'm beginning to wonder if we've run out of reset opportunities as I watch the world careening toward escalating chaos.

     The violence in the streets is getting worse. The hearts of men are growing colder. When you can beat a man and kick him in the head, knocking him unconscious, and then brag about it on social media, and the major news outlets refuse to report it, then I fear we have crossed into a new and deeper sphere of wickedness and lawlessness. 

     The mainstream media likes to dumb things down to keep secret the hidden agendas of those who seek to control the world by manipulation and unscrupulous control/influence. So they use terms like "culture wars" and "systemic racism" and "social justice warrior". They try to identify and define the changing morals in the world by using these coined phrases, but it's just a repeat of Satan's plan to dominate mankind and the world.

     According to Dictionary.com. the term "culture war" refers to "a cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices. It commonly refers to topics on which there is general societal disagreement and polarization in societal values is seen." In Biblical terms, that means there is a conflict between God's values and Satan's; a conflict between morality and immorality; and a conflict between righteousness and lawlessness. Those in the media and politics would have us believe that one side is being unjustly treated, therefore they have a right to use anything within their means to get what they want and equality. The end justifies the means, as long as you play the social injustice card. In other words, violence is permitted to atone for real [or perceived] ill-treatment, regardless of personal responsibility.

     But my purpose is not to debate whether injustice has been carried out against any social group, or whether violence should be stopped at any cost. I want us to realize that division within a nation has been a popular [and successful] tool of the Enemy. Currently there are conflicts and clashes between Black Americans and White Americans; between Republicans and Democrats; between Fascists and Marxists; between Believers and non-Believers. But these conflicts are nothing new. From the very beginning of time, a "culture war" was created in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve chose to follow Satan's temptation and believed his lie that God's value system and culture was contrary to their best interests. That clash between values can be seen throughout history.

     You have the clash between Cain and Abel; between the Fallen Angels and mankind in Genesis 6; between the nation of Israel and the pagan nations; between Jesus and the Pharisees/Sadducees; between the Jews and Gentiles; between Christians and Muslims in the Crusades; between Jews and Arabs today... the list can go on and on. All serve Satan's purpose to cause division and chaos in the world. We can even see the culture war that destroyed the ancient nation of Israel -- resulting in both the northern kingdom (Israel) and the southern (Judah) eventually being taken into captivity because they abandoned the values of God and disobeyed His commandments. 

     The kingdom of Israel fell into apostasy and worshiped false gods and adopted the rituals and belief systems of Baal. Heavier taxes on the people and the abandonment of  Jerusalem as the home of the House of the Lord, in favor of two golden calves to submit sacrifices to [one placed in Bethel and one in Dan], led to the eventual capture by the Assyrians and the disbursement of the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom across the globe. The southern kingdom and the people of Judah "did evil in the sight of the Lord. They provoked Him to jealousy more than all that their fathers had done, with their sins which they had committed. For they also built for themselves high places [to worship idols] and sacred pillars and Asherim poles [for the goddess Asherah]. These were on every high hill and under every luxuriant tree. There were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They committed all the repulsive acts of the nations which the Lord dispossessed before the Israelites" (1 Kings 14:22-24).  

     Can we say that our nation has sinned any less? Abortion, same-sex marriage, human trafficking, child porn, greed, corruption, idolatry with false gods -- all are against God's values and His commandments and the culture of Heaven. Are we any less deserving to be taken into captivity? 

     The Enemy is bolder than I've ever seen him. Is it because he has been so successful in tempting hearts away from God? Or has man willingly chosen to disobey God's commands to serve his ultimate god ... himself? And I know we, the remnant, see clearly the machinations of the Evil One, and some of us may be getting weary. But we cannot take a break from these "culture wars"; we cannot let our guard down. We are engaged in a very real war; one that will decide the destinies of many people on earth. We cannot relinquish the field of battle to the Enemy. 

     We must remain stalwart and unwavering in our purpose -- to bring the Kingdom of God to bear against the kingdom of darkness. The culture war in our nation right now is increasing and becoming more violent and resistant to the Lord and to our presence. But we do not fight alone! The King of kings and the Lord of lords is fighting with us! He has told us to occupy territory until He returns. We must stand our ground and fight back alongside the Heavenly Host. The war is being hotly contested from both sides and we cannot give an inch. And we can't escape this war, even if we want to -- we are here for a reason in this season of the history of the world. We must remember that God is sovereign over the kings and the kingdoms of the earth. The Enemy will be defeated! The victory is already the Lord's! But until He comes with His army of angels, we represent the Light in this present darkness. Let's hold the line!

 1 Chronicles 29:11   Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is Yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head above all.



June 12, 2020

The Mind of Christ Will Lead You To Truth!

     There are times when I run across a voice that expresses a concept so eloquently and effectively, that I can do no better than to let them speak for themselves. Such is the case with Mack Major, a Christian author, who recently posted the following on his Facebook page. Mr. Major is part of a Christian media group called Eden Decoded which speaks against the demonic-inspired sexualization of America by the media. This particular Facebook post addresses the recent events that have dominated our country over the last few weeks. And in full disclosure, Mr. Mack is a black man, so it is not only interesting to get his perspective, but we can learn and gain further insight from him.
     Regardless of your political affiliation, race, gender, or however you define yourself, please read the entire article. This is not an attempt to vilify any race of people. It is not meant as a political statement. It transcends what the world is showing us to encourage you to dig deeper into the spiritual deception. And it emphasizes that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but the spiritual darkness fomented by the Anti-Christ spirit. I hope you find his viewpoint as informative as I did...  [Posted on June 9, 2020].

      If you've been following my page for any length of time, you know that I deal with two main issues above all others: how the spirit world works, and issues that mainly effect black Americans. It's only logical being that I'm both a Christian and a black American. 
     Over the past week since the death of George Floyd I have used my page to try and get folks to think. Especially black Christians. Christians above all others are called to be wise and astute. Our brains have to function at a higher level than others. 
     We cannot allow ourselves to be sucked down into the depths of stupidity, idiotic thought patterns or unproductive ways of thinking similar to the world. We have to be above the fray, so to speak, and impervious to deception.
     There were many things that didn't sit well with me with the George Floyd death and the subsequent reactions that took place. I immediately smelled something was not right with the timing, the video footage that was shown and looped across social media, and the immediate calls to anger and protest. 
     We were supposed to believe the events that followed happened organically; but somehow it all felt too coordinated. And it was.
     This has been corroborated by various independent phone footage taken during the riots and protests, that show people planting piles of bricks days before the protests/riots started happening.
     Footage also showed people dressed as law enforcement destroying cop cars, telling people to spray paint 'Black Lives Matter' onto walls, randomly attacking peaceful protesters while ignoring the violent ones causing the chaos. A lot of disturbing stuff is starting to come forward letting us know these events were not only planned, but also coordinated at the highest levels. 
     The real issue we face today isn't cops vs black people. It's not black vs white. The real issue is America vs Satan. To be more specific, its American CHRISTIANS vs MASONS. 
     As a believer you MUST understand how principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and how spiritual wickedness in high places operate. They don't just operate randomly. They operate through human vessels. "We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. " Ephesians 6:12 - Contemporary English Version.
                        Ba'al, Cannanite god             Look familiar?                            
     In our world today, Satan's foot soldiers, his feet on the ground so to speak, are the various branches of different masonic orders that all interlink and interconnect in various levels of government and industry. That doesn't mean all of government is evil. 
     The Bible tells us that government has been ordained by God. But like most other things including the Christian church, government has also been infiltrated by satan's agents; and they're working overtime to sow chaos and destruction in order to enthrone the Evil One over the world via the form of some anti-Christ figure. This was all exposed at length in the Book of Revelation and Book of Daniel in the Bible.
     Either you're going to believe the Bible when it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood, or not. But if you claim the fight is spiritual, why are you resorting to getting into your flesh whenever something happens in the physical realm? OPEN YOUR EYES! The masons have been around for centuries. Their stated goal going back to old Europe was to overthrow monarchies and displace kings who were loyal to Christendom, in order to establish governments under the auspices of Lucifer. And for the clueless: Lucifer is Satan. 
     They were successful at doing this with the French Revolution, where the ruling class and nobility of France were hunted down, rounded up and publicly executed by mobs of citizens that were whipped into a frenzy by masons hidden among them. 
     Remember the Occupy Wall Street movement? It had similar elements to it as the French Revolution where the rich were demonized, because its the same satanic group behind it. None of this mess is organic; it's all highly organized. All one has to do is research a bit to see.
     Many of the founding fathers who signed the Constitution were masons. Not all though. Majority of the non-masons were also against slavery, and lobbied to have slavery outlawed in the Constitution from the beginning. It is factually untrue that America was racist from its beginning. Only certain people were; and they were mostly masons. The irony is that most of you reading this currently support them with your votes, even though it nets you absolutely nothing for doing so.
     It was the masonic faction in America that were your slave-holders, and who caused the Civil War. Did you know there use to be an anti-mason political party in America? Google it. They had a short run as a party, and their whole platform was to make sure masons were exposed and kept out of positions of power in government. They eventually got rolled into the Republican Party. Many of its most prominent members became known later as the Radical Republicans. They're the ones who successfully pushed Reconstruction through Congress after the Civil War, ensuring that black people had access to voting power that lead to a temporary renaissance in the south.
     Since blacks at the time only voted Republican, the Democrats and masons formed the KKK to force black people to stop voting. I don't have time to go in depth into all this in a FB post. But you can find plenty of info online and elsewhere on the subject of masons; including in some of my ebooks.
     One of the elements of society where masons have successfully infiltrated are federal, state and local law enforcement. Don't believe me? Ever hear of the Fraternal Order of Police? They're considered a lodge; which are what local masonic groups are known as. And their members include cops across the country. So when you see rogue cops 'randomly' killing black people, you must look deeper than your emotions and your allegiance to your flesh. Time to put on your thinking caps and start using those spiritual eyes. Ask yourselves: Are they affiliated with the FOP? How many other excessive force or disciplinary cases have they been involved in prior to this incident? 
     The overwhelming majority of police officers are law abiding, honest and hardworking cops who show up, risk their lives and safety to do their jobs. And its often a thankless job. But there is an element within their ranks, albeit small yet highly organized who are actively sowing discord with black communities around the country by stupid senseless acts of violence designed to inflame black passions and cause chaos, strife and destruction. And they are masons.
     Why does the media only highlight police killing black people? Did you know that twice as many unarmed hispanics and sometimes even more unarmed whites are killed by police officers too? Yet the media NEVER highlights those stories? Google Tony Timpa if you don't believe me. He was killed almost identically as Floyd; yet no big media coverage. Because he was white. 
     The media is also in on this agenda to destabilize America via anarchy and distrust in law enforcement. Masons are in the media too! In fact, they've successfully infiltrated every element of society today. This is what Trump keeps referring to as the DEEP STATE. 
     The deep state is really masons operating through different elements of government and society to push their agenda - which is to destabilize America through chaos and discord in order to usher in their NWO. And the NWO is when Satan temporarily takes over EVERYTHING. It will be the worst time of chaos on Earth if allowed to happen. That's the end game. And that's what this is really all about.
     I personally believe George Floyd's death was supposed to be a catalyst to jump off nationwide chaos to bring this about. I believe they had plans to use Ahmaud Arbery's case before him; but since it happened right before COVID lockdown hit, it didn't get the attention they hoped it would to cause enough protests, riots and destruction.
     How many of you knew that George Floyd was a Mason? So was his father; so are his brothers. Also, many of the cities where these riots broke out are run by black Democrats. And most of them are masons too: Prince Hall masons: the black version of the white masonic order. 
     A lot of the black mayors and DA's, etc, are Eastern Stars: the female affiliation of the Prince Hall masons. Many of them are also BGLO's: Black Greek Letter Organization members, which I talked about at length in my ebook Hedonism. These are your black Greek fraternities and sororities that are directly interlinked with the masons. 
     It's no wonder that almost all of your so-called black leaders have sworn memberships in these organizations. Including Farrakhan. And its little wonder why so much of this police violence against black citizens take place in cities run by these masonic-connected affiliates. 
     We are being played. Well, not we, but many of YOU are. I stay in the loop because I'm a constant student. I don't assume that I already know everything, and it keeps me humble enough to learn. Which enables me to share to enlighten others. 
     Don't just blindly trust the narrative being shown. Know that there are agents among us. And they are sworn by oath to do the bidding of the organizations they serve before doing what's necessarily right by the people. And those organizations ultimately serve Satan.   
     I'm sure by now that your head is spinning. This is information that the average American is unaware of, and the average Christian has no idea of. But having spent a lot of time researching Freemasonry and its iniquity in generational lines, I know that Mr. Mack has hit a nerve. Did you know that the highest levels of North American Masons take oaths to Allah and Lucifer? That they are sworn to secrecy about their initiation rites and heap curses upon their families should they ever break the secret oaths? 
     Yet many will despise what Mack Major has revealed because their beloved father or grandfather was a Mason, and a deacon in the Church, so it is unimaginable that they could ever be a part of such an organization. But with Lucifer as their Lodge's spiritual guide, these men [and women] are offered wealth, power, and position -- the very temptations that Satan offered Jesus if He would simply bow down and worship and serve him. 
     Some people start out innocently enough, just looking for "brotherhood" and an opportunity to network to improve their business standing. But as they climb the ladder of degrees in the lodge, the evil intentions are revealed and the lust for power is often too much to ignore. So, I invite you to do your own research on this organization and how it has infested every vestige of our culture -- from entertainment to politics to business to, yes, even the Church. As hard as it is to wrap your head around Mr. Major's theory, I implore you to pray on it and ask the Lord if he speaks truth. Then you will know the way to pray... and our prayers need to be more powerful than the evil that is roaming the earth in these days.  
     And I want to take it one step further .... as Americans, we are appalled at the scenes of our historic monuments being defaced and torn down. But let me ask you to consider this... the Confederate generals and George Washington were Masons. Could it be that God is making a statement with the lightning hitting the Washington Monument and cleaning our land from its Masonic roots? Could it be that what Satan meant for evil [through the actions of men tearing down the statues], God is using for His good? Just a thought. There is so much happening in the spirit these days that we must be vigilant!

Psalm 26:4-5      I do not sit with men of falsehood, nor do I consort with hypocrites [who defraud with hidden motives]. I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked.