A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts

May 11, 2016

What's On My Mind Today ....

     I told my husband this morning that it is getting more and more difficult to breathe new life into tired old topics.  I am not inspired, in the least, by our political prospects.  And, to be honest, I don't know what to think of our impending Presidential choices.  Party platforms don't amount to a hill of beans, and it's hard to tell what the Puppet Master has in mind.  Frankly, it's become quite boring and wearisome.
     The immigrant issue (both national and global) continues to be polarizing -- Can we get an honest assessment?  I know there is no easy answer, and our nation has prospered because we have benefitted from past generations of immigrants.  And I welcome those from foreign lands who want to better themselves by becoming part of America.  But, really ... Don't we have to be concerned that we might be importing terrorists to our shores?  Is anybody minding the store?
     And our educational system -- from kindergarten through our universities -- is becoming more and more about propaganda and distorting history than it is about teaching our kids how to think for themselves and stand on their own two feet.  An education used to be considered a privilege, in the sense that it was a rare opportunity to better yourself and gain valuable knowledge that would benefit your community.  You worked hard for that privilege and acknowledged the sacrifices made by your family to give you that opportunity.  As we move further towards Socialism, education is now considered "a right", and you are owed it, at no expense of your own.  I guess I'm just old-fashioned, but I worked to pay for my college education, and at the end of that hard-fought four years, I felt I had "earned" something.  I never took it for granted, and maybe that's the difference.
     Then there is my outright bewilderment and concern over the "rights" of transgenders to use the public restroom of their choice.  Add to that the U. S. Department of Justice's ridiculous argument that North Carolina's House Bill 2 (which is a law aimed to protect the general public from sexual predators in bathrooms) is in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. How have we come this far, so fast, in the culture wars, that the government can force us to share a restroom with someone we can't sexually identify with?  And does anyone else foresee the possibility that forcing little girls, teenage girls, and grown women to share a restroom with anyone who claims to "identify" as a female will result in a pedophile's playground?  What has happened to common sense and decency?
     And lest you think that I am exaggerating about where all this could lead, let me tell you a quick story about Richard Hernandez, a male-to-female transgender woman who prefers the pronoun “it”, and says it believes it was born not only the wrong sex, but also the wrong species, and has been undergoing human-to-dragon transition procedures to fix the problem.  You read that correctly ... “Eva Tiamat Baphomet Medusa,” has already had a whole slew of transformative work done: Tooth extraction, eye coloring, horn implants, ear removal (!), nose modification and a procedure to give it a forked tongue.  And that's not all ... it has also gotten tattoos and scarification on its face and chest to make it look like it has scales instead of human skin.  Don't believe me?  Just click here to see how far down the road towards perverseness this world is willing to go.  (All you have to do is consider the names it has given itself to see who is behind this transformation).
     All we need now is for the San Andreas or New Madrid Fault to rupture, or the volcanoes under Yellowstone Park to activate, and we can complete this picture of confusion and chaos.  How do folks who don't have the hope of Jesus deal with all this?  I guess they just don't see beyond the immediate objective or cause that affects them personally.  Whether it be immigration rights, LGBT rights, women's rights, minority rights, or where the next handout is coming from, for more and more of my fellow citizens, it comes down to "what's in it for me?"
     I must admit that I am glad I am part of the Baby Boomer generation.  I have seen the best of America and enjoyed the benefits of some of the greatest inventions in the world.  But I am old enough, and have seen enough, to discern that the future is taking us to places I don't want to go.  I will tell you that I am deeply concerned about my nieces and nephews, who will have to navigate a society in which their freedoms will be curtailed and their faith will be persecuted.  Fortunately, my godly husband and I still have some time to offer to them our knowledge and our experiences and the blessings of our relationship with the Lord. I want them to know the real history of their country, and that their individual freedoms are a treasured legacy of those who fought and died for them.  I want them to always think for themselves, and never submit to "the collective".  I want them to know there are absolutes when it comes to morality and justice; and mercy, honesty, and integrity are worthy character traits.  And most of all, I want them to know that faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior is the most important thing to assure a peaceful and prosperous life.
     I know this post has been a random hodgepodge of thoughts, but that's simply where I am today.  It has been a day of quiet contemplation and rumination on what I see before me.  While it may seem as if my thoughts have trended towards the negative side, never doubt that I know what my eternal future holds.  My spirit keeps focused on that, but my flesh cannot ignore the turmoil in this world.  I will remain steadfast in my outlook, committed to my purpose, and joyful at being in the presence of my loved ones.  After all, I'm one more day closer to Paradise!

John 16:33    "I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

March 18, 2016

Do Not Think Your Life Is Insignificant!

     As I look back over the years of my life, they are coming into clearer focus.  It's as if I can see my life on a linear timeline, and there are events that stand out; events that taken by themselves, look to be not worth much consideration and seem disconnected.  But as I find myself increasingly in opposition to the world's standards, or in situations where my faith and theology are at odds with my fellow Christians, then I am beginning to see a pattern...
     There were all the times that I felt, as a child, that I just didn't quite belong to "the crowd".  I know that many of you have shared that same feeling and experience.  We moved a lot when I was in elementary school, and it's never been fun to be the "new kid".
     There were small moments along that timeline that seemed bright and shiny; like the time I won an essay contest in 3rd grade for writing about John Glenn's orbit around the earth.  My paper was written on those big sheets of lined paper and hung for all the parents to see on Parents' Night.  I was too young to take the hint that this was a gift God had given me.
     But more often than not, during those awkward elementary and junior high days, the timeline looked a little more dreary.  After a move from Utah to Illinois, I ran for Student Council five times during the 5th grade ... and lost each time!  At least no one could say I was a quitter, right?  I just held my head high and moved on.
     And the move from a small country school to a metropolitan junior high was perhaps my least favorite time of adolescence.  I was at that awkward stage of development; 12-years-old, tall and gangly, and thrust in the midst of an 8th-grade class who had grown up together.  To say that I was the outsider is to put it mildly.  At the beginning of that school year, I woke up with a stomach ache each morning, dreading to go to school and feeling so isolated.  But by the end of that year, I had somehow found my own way and counted everyone from the school bully, to the "popular" kids, to the loners like me as my friends.  I guess I simply made up my mind that I would not give in to defeat.
     The timeline during my high school years is highlighted by one particular event.  Once again, i was not among the popular clique at school, but yet as I look back, I was not excluded from their circle of friends.  I see myself during that time as associated with all the kids I went to school with, yet separate from them; kind of set apart and distant.  I will never forget one girl, who was way more experienced than I was in every aspect of life.  She told me that I was a "late bloomer"; that I would come into my own in college and find my way later in life.  So, even though I picture myself as kind of on the sidelines during those years, I found an old newspaper clipping in my mother's cedar chest after she passed away.  There was a photo of me, the undistinguished high school student in my conservative skirt and blouse, standing with a sign protesting some perceived wrong at the school.  If you knew me during those years, that doesn't really fit the profile. But a seed of boldness had taken root.
     As we move along the timeline towards my college years, you will see me moving into roles of leadership.  I was voted by my fellow dorm mates to be an Advisor to incoming freshmen; then as a Resident Assistant in charge of an entire wing of girls, reporting to the head of Women's housing at the University of Texas.  I was paid my room and board as compensation and it was a job that I loved; mentoring young women and creating a cohesive atmosphere of mutual respect, while learning to relate to other girls of different races, social classes, and interests.  It was the beginning of a very satisfying part of my college career, and I loved the responsibility and the challenges.
     Little did I know that I would soon face one of the biggest challenges of my young life up to that point.  It wasn't long before I got a taste of what it felt like to run up against "the establishment" of any organization or group.  The faculty and university leadership had their way of doing things and you followed their rules, without question, or you could suddenly find yourself on the outside of the "good ol boys" network; or in this case the "good ol' girls" of the Women's Housing Authority.
     It all started with a simple University election for Student Body President.  The Housing Authority faculty member that was my boss made it quite clear that she expected everyone under her authority to vote for a particular candidate.  Well, that wasn't the way free elections worked, was it?  When I pushed back a little, I was quickly demoted in my position, called in and reprimanded, and told I needed to quit causing trouble if I expected to keep my job, which was essential for me to afford the cost of my next semester.  I was moved to a less prestigious area of the dorm, and put under different "management".
     Needless to say, it dampened my thoughts of this "perfect job", but I determined to turn my attention to my "girls" and the incoming Fall semester dorm residents.  I was required to be at the school three or four weeks prior to the start of school for meetings, seminars, etc.  During that pre-school term, my best friend, who was a former Resident Assistant herself and a recent UT graduate, was in town visiting.  She slept on my dorm room floor for one night, and the next morning I was called in to the Housing Director's office and threatened with once more breaking the rules and "causing trouble".  I had a choice... I could promise to quit being a trouble-maker or I would have to quit my job.
     Now, you must remember that I was 20 years old, and admittedly not at the height of my maturation process, but I thought I saw the handwriting on the wall.... there was a black mark by my name that I would never be able to erase, and harassment was likely going to follow me the duration of my position with the Housing Authority.  So I gave my resignation that very moment.  (The smile on the Director's face told me that's what she was really after).  In my idealistic state of mind, I was no longer going to be their punching bag.
     But that spur-of-the-moment and rash decision cost me a lot.  Without that job, I could no longer afford to go to school that semester.  So I withdrew from the University, right before beginning my senior year, and had to figure out what my next step was.  Making that call home was not very pleasant.  My father was not happy, to say the least, and told me that I had thrown away my entire college education.  I promised him that I was going to get a job, save up the money, and return to school in a year.  He didn't believe that I would (or could) carry through with that promise, and that hurt.  I had lost his confidence and respect and I was literally out on the street with no idea or plan for what came next.
     That was a time when I prayed to God to get me through this and help me to survive this lonely and desperate situation.  I will admit that I instinctively turned to Him, while not really knowing if He would hear me or respond.  But within two weeks, I was sharing an apartment with that best friend and another girl, and I found a job within 2 miles of our apartment.  None of us had a car, so I walked to work each day.  I'm afraid to admit that we hitch-hiked to get our groceries ... absolute proof that God was watching over me!  We struggled financially, but had enough to pay our rent, buy a few groceries, and splurge on Christmas gifts for each other.  That Christmas I got knee socks, dental floss, and new barrettes from my roommates, and the memories of us decorating our Charlie Brown Christmas tree still make me smile.  I have to tell you it was one of my most favorite and meaningful Christmases of my life.
     In the meantime, my father and I reconnected, and I will always remember him calling me and telling me, "You may not always agree with your kids, but you never stop loving them."  That healed a painful wound.  But I made good on my promise to him.  I worked that September to May, enrolled in summer school and the next Fall semester, and graduated in December.  It had been a long, emotional, trying, and scary time of my life.  But I had persevered, followed through, and never gave up.
     There's a reason that I have related these events in my life, which are trivial in actuality.  But as I look back on them, I am convinced of one thing ....  I think God either brought me to them, or allowed me to experience them through my own folly and foolishness, as a test of my dedication, steadfastness and determination to complete what I thought was a righteous cause.  Perhaps that is just a rationalization and a product of my imaginative mind, but as I look at each of these points along my life's timeline, I think it was all part of His plan to ready me for the purpose He has designed me for.
     In each of these seemingly insignificant and not exactly earth-shattering instances, I faced personal adversity; knew what it felt like to be ostracized and alone in the battle; yet I never curled up in a ball and quit.  Would I do that for Him?  Perhaps He needed to know my character before He carried out His purpose for my life.  Because nothing has really changed.  In the 29 years since my true conversion and the beginning of my salvation process, He has brought me to different adverse situations and I have had to call on that same spirit of tireless tenacity to stand on my faith.  There have been times where He led me to a wilderness for 7 years, where I learned to trust Him for everything... His provision, His faithfulness, His protection, and His mercy.  The Enemy endlessly whispered his lies that I had reason to worry about each of those areas of relationship with my Lord.  Then He took me through a difficult time with my Church of 20 years and I had to decide whether I would stand on the Word or join the church in compromising with the world.  Once again I had to choose the lonely route.
      And now He has entrusted my husband and me with a ministry that we didn't seek, but we know with all our spiritual discernment that it is where He wants us to be.  And as with anything outside the normal boundaries of the church establishment, it is not easily accepted.  But I honestly think that my life's timeline is showing me that I have been tested and fire-proofed, so to speak, to deal with this latest adversity as well.  And it is an important one.... because at the heart of it are people and their eternal salvation.  It is about saving souls for God's Kingdom and I cannot quit, nor will I give in to the Enemy's tactics.  Because, you see, God has known all along this journey I would take.  He has known my character and what I'm made of.  But He had to show me what I'm made of; had to give me a history of standing with Him by my side, so that as these times become increasingly difficult, and the Enemy's attacks become more severe, I will know in my spirit and soul that I can weather the storm.  I will know that He will not forsake me nor leave me; just as He was with me throughout all the other events of my life.  And most importantly, I will be able to do the work He has purposed for me with complete trust and confidence in Him through my unflinching faith.
     I started writing this blog with the intention of encouraging each of you.  I want you to look at your own timelines.  My story is not unique nor especially praiseworthy.  Each of us have experienced mile markers along the way that have made us who we are.  Look at yours, and ask, "What was God showing me?  How has this shaped me, and how can it be used to bear fruit in the Kingdom of God"?  Because I promise you, our lives are not random and neither are they accidental.  There are "Divine Appointments" all along the way.  The question is, will you see them for what they are and fulfill the purpose for which you were made?  Nothing is inconsequential or insignificant.  Be the person God has made you to be!

1 Peter 1:6-7     " In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

February 8, 2016

It's A New Season ...

     I hope you will understand what I'm about to say.  When I began writing this blog over four years ago, I never dreamed that it would be as fulfilling and as rewarding as it has been.  I felt a calling to write each day to people like me -- people just like you -- who were awakening to a new reality in our country and a new realization that we better get closer to God and know exactly what His Word was telling us.  It was time to awake from our slumber, and to awake our family and friends to what was going on in the world, in the Church, and in the spiritual realm.  In short, God was calling us to establish His kingdom in the true sense of those words, and it meant we had to rethink our positions, our purpose, and our faith.  It has been a full-time job, and at times an all-consuming task.
     And don't worry, I am not discontinuing Salvation and Survival, but I am going to begin cutting back to writing three or four times a week, rather than all seven days.  I know that this will mean I will lose the attention of some of you, but it has never been about the number of readers for me.  In fact, I believe that the Holy Spirit has worked in the lives of those who have found their way to this blog; that He led you to this site.  It has always been about listening to the Holy Spirit for me, too, and now I'm hearing that I am spreading myself too thin.
    You see, in my heart I have been driven by the desire to "seek first the Kingdom of God", and I felt that writing this blog was serving my Lord by being a clearinghouse of His ideas, and a place where others who were being drawn out of the world to be God's true remnant could come and feel a kinship with us.  I still feel that is true.  But God has shown me that I am to serve His Kingdom in other ways, too.  For instance, our Home Church group has grown spiritually and closer to God as the months and years have passed.  Yet, I feel that my contribution to this group is less than it could and should be.
     And, you all know that God has shown my husband and myself the need to study and understand spiritual healing, and that ministry has literally exploded in the last several months; the Lord has brought people to us in person and through this blog who need to experience the Power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit as They heal the deep spiritual wounds of their lives.  Yet, I often feel there is not enough time to devote to this important calling.
     Then there is my own personal time with the Lord.  My Bible study is not what it has been, nor what I would like it to be.  And I sometimes feel as if there is not enough hours in the day to give to Him what He deserves.  All of these areas of serving the Lord and His Kingdom have been my deepest desire, but I have begun to feel that I have not been at my best in any of them.
     Finally, and certainly not the least, I cannot ignore the fact that I feel I have let my husband down … not only in the area of my assistance with his business, but in our personal time together.  I have noticed that I have become obsessed with having blogs written for every single day of the week, and the time demand has sometimes limited the relaxed manner in which we used to enjoy our blessed way of life -- the lifestyle that the Lord had originally led us to, and in which He has so generously and consistently provided for us.  And I know in my spirit that this is not what the Lord wants…. and this is definitely not what I want.  Next to my salvation, my husband is the greatest blessing this side of Heaven and he would never ask me to sacrifice any part of serving the Lord.  In fact, he has been my biggest cheerleader.  Now, I need to spend more time being with him, as well as more time simply enjoying our life together.  I have come to understand the importance of my covenantal relationship with God, but I have made a covenant with my husband, too, and not only does God want me to honor that, as well, but my heart longs to do just that.  
      The Bible says For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  I have become quite aware that I was spending a lot of time pursuing the righteousness part of life, but I have begun to miss the part about peace and joy.  I firmly believe that when I have everything in balance again, that my soul, spirit and life will once again be in harmony with God's plan for my life.
     So, you will hear from me a little less often, but I promise you that God has not whispered that it's time to leave this assignment.  I am just as dedicated to expressing His voice, through my words, as ever before.  It is as simple as this: My work for the Lord has grown, and now I must run my race just a little different than before.  I hope … no, I know … you will understand.

1 Timothy 1:12       "I thank Him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because He judged me faithful, appointing me to His service;"

December 31, 2015

2015: A Very Spiritual Year

     As I reviewed my posts over the last year and took a look back over the top news stories, it became quite clear that in 2015, spiritual matters were front and center.  Whether it was Winter Storm Juno that began the year with a tidal wave of snow and crippling blizzards, or the way we are ending 2015 with a raging storm named Goliath, one has to wonder if these mega-weather events are part of the geo-engineering phenomena or judgments from God. (I find the choice of names curious -- a goddess of war and fertility; and a nephilim giant, a descendant of the union between fallen angels and human women.  Nothing in this world is done by accident, so I am left wondering the significance of these selected names).
     The major news headlines definitely speak of the ongoing battle between the spiritual realm and the world in which we live.  Just let your soul feel what comes to light as I recall these events:  the rise of ISIS ... Charlie Hebdo ... the Charleston, NC church shooting ... Paris concert hall shooting ... San Bernardino ... the European refugee crisis ... the Iran nuclear deal ... the racial tension and division in Ferguson, Chicago, and Cleveland ... the Planned Parenthood scandal ... gay marriage and transgenderism ...
     Do you see it?  These are a random selection of the top news stories of 2015, yet I assert that each of them is the result of direct influence from what the Apostle Paul refers to as "[the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, [and] the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere."  It is becoming apparent to me, at least, that these forces are causing an increase in man's natural sin state and contributing to a reprobate mind that has led to all the bloodshed, violence, racial hatred, moral decay and unprincipled deception that we see all around us.
     It is apparent as we see a connection forming between Science and Sin in the development of transhumanism; in the expansion of forced vaccinations; and in the evolution of CERN, who appears to be trying to recreate a "Tower of Babel" scenario and unlock the gate to Heaven.
     And I certainly think we are seeing the implications of the Beast System talked about in the Bible. From the overwhelming amount of data collection, to chip implantation, to companies being run out of business because of their faith, to climate and gun control agendas, to Agenda 21 and 2030, to Global Government in the form of Strong Cities and Sanctuary Cities -- they all lead to oppression and the dehumanization of mankind. And it will all be orchestrated through the Deception, Division, Diversion, and Discouragement of Satan and his servants.
     And caught in the cross-hairs will be the followers of Christ.  This year has seen an unprecedented increase in persecutions against Christians; from Niger in Western Africa to the Christian communities in Iraq and Syria, they are being martyred for their faith -- and willingly sacrificing their lives to torture, rape, crucifixions, and beheadings, rather than deny their allegiance to Jesus.  To think that we Christians in the West will be spared (or deserve to be!) is not Biblical.  This is the year that has shown us that we better know where we stand with God.
     Which brings me to the topic of the Church.  We have seen the Body of Christ struggle this year with fulfilling its commission.  And I have to ask if it is remaining true to the commandments of God.  Each Christian must answer for himself if his Church represents the Biblical principals laid down by God and if they have answered His mandate, which is to let the Holy Spirit guide the Church into affecting everything around it -- from their city, to their country, to their continent, to the rest of the world.  Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that most churches in this nation, at least, rarely affect anyone or anything outside their church building, if that.  And that is why I have seen a growing remnant of God's people being called out of the confinement of those four walls to listen to and follow the "dunamis" power of the Holy Spirit, which comes by the authority of Christ and strengthens us and gives us the ability to continue His work in the world.
     Which brings me to my final conclusion regarding this year.  As I perused each of my 359 posts for the year, I noticed a decidedly common thread amongst them.  This past year I felt my faith more intensely than ever before.  The worry and anxiety over world events and comparisons with Biblical prophecies sent me into intense periods of testing.  But with this reflection and introspection, I came out on the other side, with my faith strengthened and with a more dynamic relationship with the Holy Spirit.  I have personally witnessed His power this year and how He works with Jesus to heal us and free us of our bondage to the Enemy.  That has resulted in a bolder and more daring faith; one that has released me from the "comfort zone" of my Western Christian experience.  And I am discerning that this is where I will need to be in order to persevere and grow in 2016.
     I'm pretty sure that many of you have taken this same journey as I during the last year.  And it is exciting to be expanding my boundaries and territory for the Kingdom of God.  Whatever the next year brings, I am grateful for the news, both good and bad, from this past 12 months.  We have learned much about ourselves and the power of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  It will keep us steadfast in our faith as we go forward together; strengthening and encouraging each other for whatever this world throws at us.  So long, 2015 -- we are revived and ready for 2016!

 Romans 15:4    "For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."

August 29, 2015

This Is A Time Of Personal Testing

     I am sure that many of you can identify with me during these times of crisis.  We are all probably feeling some sense of anxiety or apprehension; we are feeling under pressure, or perhaps even panicky.  The ups and downs of the stock market are showing us that our economic futures are on shaky ground.  By now we have all seen evil played out in real time as the broadcast of the murders in Virginia goes viral.   All kinds of rumors of civil unrest, racial tension, homeland terrorism, and world war abound.  Nothing feels secure and we are all feeling vulnerable.
    Yes, I can identify with those emotions.  In a way, they never leave me because the worldly security of our household is affected by all of these events.  So yes, I too, have my moments of doubt and panic.  There is the reality of the number that is in our checkbook... it can only be stretched so far.  And the nature of our self-employed business is that it can disappear at any moment.  I find myself trying to look into the future, plotting and planning how I am going to make all this work; trying to devise a strategy to sustain us until things settle back down again and our life resumes a more reliable (and monetarily certain) pace.
Ever feel like you're alone in the desert?
     But my spirit knows the truth -- there is no security in this world.  And what the world calls security is false (money, peace of mind, stability in our lives, etc.)  So my spirit is grieving because I know, as a Christian, that this behavior is testing God.  Instead I should be trusting Him.  Because, you see, my spirit knows that He made a covenant with my husband and myself over 20 years ago.  He would be faithful to provide for all our needs, if we would be faithful to put our trust in Him; if we would have confidence that He was who He said He was, and would do what He said He would -- if we would simply exercise our faith.  And just as is so often quoted from the Bible, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen.
    In other words, God has been unceasingly faithful to us, and has kept His covenant with us.  But by taking my eyes and heart off Him, I have lost my focus.  And when I look for solutions in this world, my mind is no longer protected from the lies that Satan whispers.  Can you identify?
    And so, for what seems like an endless cycle, I tighten my spiritual armor, re-adjusting those parts that have slipped out of place.  I adapt my line of vision -- away from the dark corners where my Enemy is taunting me, and towards the brilliant Light that conquers the darkness.  Soon I am able to see more clearly.  I adjust my thoughts, reaffirm that I belong to God, and get back on the path that leads me to His will for my life.
     I don't know about you, but there are moments when I have nearly supernatural clarity of the inter-dimensional aspects of this world and the heavenly realms.  When I am blessed with that coherent spirit, I am able to see that all the material substance of my life here on earth is secondary to the existence of my spirit seated with Jesus in Heaven.  All these worries and concerns over health, finances, family struggles, taxes, even war -- they are only momentary and worthless compared to the riches that will be my inheritance in Heaven.  And that reward or legacy is eternity with Jesus.
     In those lucid moments when my spirit recognizes that Truth, I am able to let go of all that holds me prisoner and earthbound.  And I am free!  Oh, how I wish this flesh was not so corrupt -- that I could hold on to those moments of deliverance from this world and its troubles.  But even though that vision is fleeting, I am determined to hang on to it as part of my spiritual arsenal of weapons to defeat the lies of Satan.  My earthly reality is what it is; but I also know how God views His covenants with those who have answered His call.  He is faithful even when we are unfaithful.  I regret and repent of the sorrow I have caused Him whenever I test Him and respond to temptation.  And I am grateful that He continues to give me those glimpses of my glorious future, and I will praise Him out loud and sing of His glory!  I will hang on to His promises; continue to battle the darkness; while waiting on Him and renewing my strength.  If you share in these struggles with me, I pray that you are able to join me in overcoming this world and looking forward to our victory in Jesus!

Psalm 27: 1, 14:    The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? ...  Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

May 2, 2015

I Grow Weary ... But My Spirit Is Strong!

     Like many of you, I look around and there is not much to lift my spirits.  I hardly recognize my country, or the world, for that matter.  I often feel as if I am the only sane person left.  I'm on the outside, looking in at the insane asylum!
     Where I once felt a part of a community of people with common social values and responsibilities, I now find myself marginalized, along with those who reason as I do.  I haven't changed ... the world has!  So how am I (we) to cope?  What are our options?  Do we give in to the cultural war against moral conservatism?  Or do we continue to stand for our beliefs, strengthening those concepts against the rising tide of public opposition and antagonism?
     Let's face it.  It appears as if we are on the losing side in the world's march towards libertine tendencies.  Everything from our politics, to the way we are educating our children, to how we entertain ourselves  -- the world is promoting sex without moral principles and responsibilities, while roundly rejecting accepted religious opinions.  What can I -- one person who expresses herself daily to a small readership -- possibly do to counter the trend towards normalizing immorality?  I don't really think that I am going to be able to change the steamroller that is crushing the foundations of righteous conduct, do I?
     And I will admit that there are days that I feel the weight of trying to fight "the system" and the culture.  I want to retreat and shelter in the shadow of my God and ask Him to just cover me and my loved ones until this all rights itself, or until His Son comes to dispense His Judgment on the wicked ... either one will be fine; I am just tired of being confronted with all the negative headlines and seeing no way out.
     Yet I know that I could never do that.  I am not the only person in the history of the world who was demoralized by what they saw happening around them.  All ancient civilizations have ended up at this point; they lost their moral compass and fractured internally, leaving them vulnerable to dangerous and lethal influences.  It's just my time and my turn.
     So, back to the fundamental question ... what is our strategy to keep from being defeated?  I think we have to come to terms with the fact that we are facing an uphill battle.  Popular sentiment is against us; the courts are certainly against us; and our Churches are not providing much leadership or guidance.  It is up to each and every one of us to strengthen ourselves through the promises that we have been given by our Savior.  We must realize that this life is temporary and our future in this world is compromised at best.
     And if you count yourself as a follower of Jesus, as I do, then why are we surprised, and what do we actually hope to accomplish?  In my mind, it is futile to think we can change things.  Our Holy Book, the Bible, tells us how this is going to play out, and that we are not the winners -- at least as far as this life defines winning.  But Victory is still ours!  And, as the Apostle Paul said, [we are to] "press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward."  You see, it really is "onward and upward" ... and we must stay in the fight, if for no other reason than to encourage fellow Christians who are fearful; or to point the way to the Savior for the blind, the sick of heart, and the lost.  If I can play a part in snatching one soul out of the clutches of Satan, then whatever the future in this world has in store for me will be time and energy well-spent.  I may be weary, but I'm not defeated!

Isaiah 40:29    "He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]."


March 21, 2015

Spreading The Good News

     Imagine my surprise when I received an email that asked, "How would you like to be on the radio?"  My first reaction was, "Are you sure you've contacted the right person?"  From the beginning of this blog, I have never considered myself as having "a ministry".  I was merely following a prompting I received from the Holy Spirit to reach out to people who, like me, were searching for God's meaning and understanding for the times in which we live.
     During the course of the nearly three-and-a-half years that I have been writing this blog, I have discovered that I was not alone in my search, nor was there a lack of desire to see God in our culture. That covered the "Salvation" part of my mission.  But, I soon discovered that the "Survival" component was just as compelling to people.  After all, even though this is our temporary home, we have to live on this earth during these turbulent times, and we must figure out how to survive -- and thrive -- and whether you believe in God or not, we are all in this together.  
     So, when presented with an opportunity to be a part of the new KNCS Christian Radio ministry, I was uncertain if I fit the profile of their station.  I certainly wasn't an ordained minister, as many of their segment hosts were; nor do I have a popular podcast, as other hosts can boast.  My blog is all about pointing the way to God in a world and culture that have veered off course ... is that what their  audience was looking for?  And I will admit that I struggled with how I would find the time for this additional task, since my days are full with writing daily commentaries, teaching a home Bible Study group, and assisting my husband in his business.  Could I, first of all, make the time; and then, secondly, could I do justice to the radio station's expectations?  Finally, would this endeavor be pleasing to God?
     Ultimately, I decided that I couldn't make it all about me.  That if God wanted to give me another chance to glorify Him, how could I say no?  The time would be there and I would do the best I could.  And I was really impressed with the mission of KNCS.  The purpose of this radio station is "to write, speak, sing and shout about God’s love!  [They] want to tell everyone how He has been working in lives, and [they] want to spread the good news about His wondrous love, and bring hope to every life."  We definitely had the same goals, so perhaps I wouldn't be such a bad fit, after all.
     But I want you to know about KNCS Radio --  a non-profit organization, out of Arvada, Colorado.  They are just beginning, and until they can get more material, their broadcast time is 6 am - 4 pm, Monday through Friday.  But they are finding their way by utilizing their ingenuity and creativity by working with Live365, an Internet radio broadcasting and listening network where users can create their own online radio stations, or choose to listen to thousands of human curated stations created by people from around the globe.  In other words, they have taken big steps in their desire to glorify God and present some truly different and inspiring broadcasts for listeners.  In this day and age, I applaud such commitment and dedication.
     So I urge you to listen in to the broadcasts.  I think you will be impressed with the professionalism and the inspiration you will receive from the various musical artists, pastors, and writers.  I am still finding "my voice", so to speak, as a radio broadcaster, and I promise that you will find more professional performances than mine.  But what I want you to take away from this new endeavor, is not my participation, but the encouragement I received in finding promising new enterprises who are engaged in the mission of spreading the Good News.  May God bless the endeavors of KNCS Radio and may their ministry grow and flourish.

If you would like to tune in to my segment, it airs at approximately 2:30 pm (Mountain Standard Time) on Monday afternoons.  And please check out all the fine programming at KNCS Christian Radio at http://ncsradioministries.net/ncsrmblog/.

2 Timothy 2:15   "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."

February 23, 2015

What Does It Mean?

     This post may have some of you thinking that PLW has fallen off his rocker -- or at least his studio chair.  He always waits an hour or more after we get up in the morning to tell me when he has had a strange dream; as if he is trying to discern whether it is spiritual or just the results of a late night snack before bed.  But a few mornings ago, what he had to tell me was different than any other "incident".
     It's a joke between us that no matter how hard he tries to stay awake and read with me before we turn out the lights, he is a lightweight.  He can't read for longer than a few minutes before he says, "I'm out" and he turns off his bedside light.  That night was no different.  He was reading his latest issue of International Artist, got sleepy, leaned over for his good-night kiss, and called it a night.  I watched him pull the blanket up to his neck, roll over, and he was out in a matter of seconds.  I quickly followed, as it had been a busy and tiring day.  Nothing unusual about our routine ... we both slept solidly until the alarm went off at 6 AM.  Only, it appears that something "out of the ordinary" took place during the night.
     As we began to share our plans for the morning, he told me that he thought something "supernatural" had happened while he slept.  I asked him if it was a dream, and he said, "No.  This was different".  He then proceeded to tell me that he woke up feeling pressure on his chest, as if something or someone was sitting on him.  As he came out of the grogginess of sleep, he discovered that there was a book laying on his chest.  It was not what he had been reading the night before ... remember that was a magazine ... and this particular book had been laying in a stack of books on the floor, beside the bed, and out of his reach.  It was a book he has been reading, off and on, over the past week or so, and between other material.  The title of the book is A Prophecy of the Future of America by Paul McGuire, an internationally recognized prophecy expert, author, and speaker.
      My husband tried to think if he had gotten out of bed to read this book, but knew that he had not moved all night, nor turned on the light; and he has never sleep walked that I know of in the 28 years of our marriage.  (Besides the fact, that he would have woken me up if he had done this on his own).
     As if all this was not strange enough, a bookmark had been moved from where he had placed it, to an earlier chapter that he had long ago read.  The title of the Chapter?  Syria, Russia, China, Iran, Israel, America and World War III!  So what do you think?  Was this a supernatural event?  The finger of God placing this particular book, and marking this particular chapter, for him to be aware of?  Are we supposed to read it again and warn others?  I have to tell you that PLW has received some pretty urgent messages in his dreams that we know have come from God.  But the instructions have always been clear and direct and personal.
     (SIDE NOTE:  Let me be clear in saying that in no way, do I think this event is a prophecy or "vision" from God. I believe that He still speaks to us through dreams and inspired imaginations, but today, we Christians do not have the supernatural abilities that the prophets of old did.  I do not believe there will be an Isaiah or Ezekiel or Daniel that will accurately predict the future.  That being said, I cannot ignore the "hints" and "warnings" that have come our way and obviously been spiritual in nature.)
     So, I decided to take a look at this chapter in the book, and see if I could discern anything you might need to know.  Just giving you the chapter subheads and a brief synopsis of each point would be enough to get your head spinning!  But what if you are supposed to hear this, and we were reticent in presenting it to you?  All I know is that this "event" the other night happened for a reason, and we feel we should be obedient in passing it on.
     So here goes ... the basic premise of this particular chapter is the recognition that the U.S. has involved itself in a Middle Eastern war.  The premise of the author is that throughout history "many great empires and world leaders have attempted to control this geographic region, because whoever controls this vital region controls world power!"  This was certainly evident when Alexander the Great conquered it, the Roman legions ruled over it, and appears to be at the center of history today. Now, let's take a look at some of the subheads within the chapter:
•  America and Regional Thermonuclear and Global Thermonuclear War.  A quote from Paul McGuire, the author:  "With China on the threshold of having the world's most powerful economy and military, along with Russia's extremely powerful military, there have been dangerous warning signs about the potential conflict between America and these nations".  Is there a massive military buildup coming against America?
•  Red Dawn, The Trans-Pacific Partnership, and the Rise of China.  In a 2011 article titled "The Pacific Century", then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, wrote that the U.S. was beginning a shift from involvement with Iraq and Afghanistan to "more involvement in the Asia-Pacific Region" with nations like China, India, Japan and South Korea, because we see a shift in the key engines of the global economy."  What does that mean for America's stature in the world and the future of our role in the world economy?
•  From Russia With Love:  Meteors and the Coming Nuclear Attack on America.  Paul McGuire points out that on February 15, 2013, two Russian nuclear-armed bombers circled the Western Pacific island of Guam, equipped with nuclear-tipped weapons.  U.S. jets were scrambled from an air base on Guam, but it is important to note that this event occurred just hours before President Obama's State of the Union address.  Was this a strategic message being sent from Russia to Washington, D.C.?  Is Russia the super-power mentioned in Ezekiel 38?  And is this why some Bible scholars maintain that America is not mentioned in the Bible?
•  Running the World On Science and Technology the World Does Not Know Exists.  This was the truly alarming section of the chapter.  As early as 1968, a very powerful politician in America (you will have to buy the book to find out who), wrote this concerning society being controlled by science and technology:  "The current transformation also poses profound philosophical issues concerning the very essence of social existence, since it is largely derived from an unprecedented expansion of scientific power over both man's environment and man himself).  That was 47 years ago, folks!  And look where we're at!  Google has been moving us down the path towards implantable chips inside our heads for the most effortless search engine imaginable!
     The rest of the chapter -- and the book -- warn that America must not accommodate itself to the "world spirit of this age".  The breakdown of our culture is evident, and the Body of Christ must take responsibility for allowing it to happen while on our watch.  We have not defended the Bible as the inerrant and inspired Word of God.  Instead, we have allowed science and technology to usurp the position of God; we have allowed false teachings to promulgate in the Church; and even the supernatural has been reduced to man's imagination.
     As I finish this post, I am left with wondering what, if anything, I am to take away from these strange interconnection of events.  Can the placement of the book on PLW's chest be easily explained away?  Is that book and that chapter accidental, or by design?  Is it all just a coincidence that my limited human brain cannot fathom?  All I know is that my spirit is telling me to prepare and ready myself.  I know that I am to listen to the Holy Spirit, and to encourage and inform those who will hear and see.  I know that God wants our attention on Him, and not the world.  We are to seek God in these days, and look heavenward, for our redemption is nigh.

1 Chronicles 29:11    "Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all."


January 2, 2015

Count The Blessings

     At this time, it's customary to take a look back at the preceding year and note the highs and lows.  So what about 2014 do I find remarkable?  To be honest, there's not much nationally or globally to applaud.  We saw the emergence of more technology, a deadly epidemic, and the convergence of religious fanaticism and evil.  We saw the breakdown of society, moral values, and our system of law.  None of it signaled positive news for the good of mankind.
     No, I'd have to say that any "good will toward men" has come on the individual, personal level.  From that perspective, I have witnessed a growing hunger among (a remnant of) faithful people to know God more nearly and dearly.  It's like there is truly an "awakening" that the things of this world are fleeting; that what is important is to seek and know God more deeply -- to truly "get right" with Him.
     In 2014, I saw a lightbulb go on with regards to preparing for a more difficult future; again among a small, dedicated group of people.  More time was dedicated to getting into shape, self-defense training, and thinking how to survive any number of possible threats.  This last year was a time of "facing reality" and "getting in the game".
     In that sense, I find that all of 2014's problems and difficulties were really a blessing in disguise.  Here's why: we in America have lived in a bubble for so long, that we haven't had to face the realities that the majority of the rest of the world comes up against.  Safe and warm, snuggled up next to our latest technology companion, we haven't known the fear, hunger or turmoil of disrupted lives.  We find comfort and security in our money and our things, and perceive ourselves as indestructible.  America has yet to be subjected to an enemy that could invade our land, persecute us for our faith, or take our life at their will.  We have lived comfortable, prosperous, easy and secure lives.
     But in 2014 -- if we were smart -- we were shaken out of our fog of protected privilege by Ebola, beheadings, and the perversion of the rule of law.  You're probably thinking, "That's a good thing???"  Yes!  If it shakes us to our core and wipes the scales from our eyes, in order that we see what is coming upon the world, then it is a blessing, an advantage.  "But", you ask, "Would anyone really choose to remain clueless and oblivious to possible threats against them or their families?"  Sadly, the answer is yes.  Ignorance means you can continue to live a secluded, delusional life of perceived safety and prosperity.  But, if you are one of the fortunate ones who "woke up" in 2014, count your blessings.  Now make the most of it, and don't waste another minute.  Strengthen yourselves physically, morally and spiritually, and you will have a good foundation to weather 2015 and beyond.
     And you may find this strange, but PLW has a unique outlook on some of the sadness that we experienced in 2014.  It seems that we unexpectedly lost really good, kind, loving people this last year; either to a sudden illness, tragic accident, or through unforeseen circumstances.  The world seems an emptier and colder place without them.  But he strongly feels that God may be taking them out early, because they would not be able to withstand the ugliness that is coming.  This is not to say that they are weak; it is His grace that is sparing their gentle souls.  And for that, I can count my loss as their great blessing.
     For the rest of us who must live our lives in this confounding and bewildering world, our blessings will become more precious.  Moving from 2014 into 2015, we must look for them in relationships -- those we build and those we mend.  The blessings will come when we take our eyes off ourselves and gaze upon the sovereignty of a God who rules the universe.  Blessings will be found in efforts to serve God by serving others and making another's burden just a little lighter.  By encouraging each other, teaching each other, ministering to each other's needs, and most of all, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, we can reap the most out of this fallen world.  I wish you many blessings in the coming year; one filled with the Divine favor and protection of our Lord and Savior!

Numbers 6:24-26    "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."

December 22, 2014

The Light In Our Lives

     Yesterday I celebrated twenty-eight years of marriage to a man that I greatly love and respect.  But this post is more than an ode to our anniversary.  It is about taking the time to contemplate all that one life can mean on this planet.  Twenty-eight years ago, I could not have foreseen what God had planned for PLW and me.  In fact, I am sad to report that I didn't give a whole lot of thought to what role I wanted God to play in my journey.
     I couldn't see that He would orchestrate a car accident just a month before my wedding that would send my little Dodge Colt spiraling end over end from the rear impact of a hit-and-run driver.  No one seemed to have seen the accident, even though it happened on a well-lit stretch of Interstate highway on a Saturday night.  No one stopped to help me, and I ran to a nearby hotel, covered in blood, to ask that the night clerk call my fiancé.
     PLW raced to the hospital, arriving at the same time that the ambulance rolled into the emergency entrance.  I was lucky that night.  I only received six stitches on the top of my head, and they were well healed by the time our wedding ceremony took place in front of a fireplace and lit Christmas tree at a friend's home.  We were surrounded by family and friends, and our vows before God were all the sweeter thanks to His intervention in my accident.
     And, yes, I say "intervention", because I truly believe He has involved Himself in this marriage and our lives from the very beginning.  From the moment that I cried out to Him as my car rolled out of control; through His pushing me out of this world's "systems" and supporting my husband's God-given talents (by trusting in Him for our financial security); to the revelation I received 5 years ago to "be the pen, not the blank piece of paper", and use my own talent for writing [that came from Him] ... it has all been to glorify Him.
     I have seen the transformation of my husband from someone who had a solid belief in God from childhood, to an outspoken recruit for God's Kingdom here on earth.  We have both become tireless in our efforts to understand His Word and share the need that mankind has for His saving grace.  He is our priority, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep body and soul together in this world.
     Perhaps because of the transforming paths which we have experienced, we have learned not to take anything for granted; especially our human relationships.  The material things of this world don't interest us; people do.  As we've grown closer to God, it is our human interaction that has become important to us.  He seems to be bringing us into contact with people who are searching for Him; we are drawn to those who yearn to know Him and it is our privilege to share what He has done in our lives... because we know all too well, how quickly this life can be snatched from us.
     For some reason -- and I don't know if it is because this world seems to be growing darker -- but this Christmas season has been engulfed in death.  Everywhere I turn, I am hearing sad stories of the unexpected deaths of loved ones.... someone's mother killed by a drunk driver; another's young niece who fell asleep at the wheel and was killed; the death of a dear friend from a long cancer battle, and the subsequent death of his brother-in-law from a heart attack while on the way to visit him; the impending death of a faithful friend from his battle with brain cancer.  These are real and personal stories to us.
     Then there are the countless stories flashed across the TV screen: children murdered in a Pakistan school; children beheaded in Iraq; threats of nukes, world starvation, and rampant plagues.  The faces may not be familiar, but the shadow of death and darkness remains the same.
     But then I remind myself that it was the same on the eve that our Savior was born.  The world was a dark place two thousand years ago, much like it is today.  It had been over 400 years since the nation of Israel had heard directly from God through His prophets.  And His presence certainly didn't seem to be apparent in His children; nor is it too visible today.
     The nation of Israel was oppressed by the tyranny of Rome.  The modern nation of Israel is undergoing its own oppression, and persecution and repression are felt around the globe.  The priests and leaders who were to represent God to the people had grown corrupt and distorted God's message. The focus was on growing richer, and they had abandoned their responsibility to care for the poor and widows.  They worshipped themselves and their position, more than they revered God.  Is it any different today?  It was dark then, and it is certainly dark now.
     But into that darkness shown a Holy Light, and it still shines into the darkness today!  Through whatever darkness is in your life at this moment; whether it be death, broken relationships, financial troubles, failing health, or the oppression of this world ... remember that Christ brought Light into this dark world.  It is available to all of us, and we can share it with those who need it most this Season.  Take no one for granted; speak His Light into everyone's life; take every opportunity to dispel the darkness.  It is the reason He came, and our reason for existing.

Matthew 4:16    "The people who dwelt enveloped in darkness have seen a great Light, and for those who sat in the land and shadow of death Light has dawned."

December 8, 2014

Our Need To Connect

     I'm not sure what it is, but I am seeing people beginning to take their eyes off their cell phones and iPads, and showing signs that they want interpersonal connections.  I think it is more than just the nostalgia of the holidays; it is something from the deepest part of themselves that wants to make a significant difference in the lives of others.  There is a sense that they are to reach out to others and perhaps make life a little easier to understand; or to cope with; or to prepare for.
     Perhaps there is some inherent, spiritual factor that is at play.  For some, the recent racial tensions make everyone aware that we need to love and understand each other better.   For others, the world is a dangerous place, and they see a need to warn and protect.  And for others still, they are at a new stage in their life and want to ease the anxieties of the unfamiliar and unknown.  For whatever reason, all want to come out of the shadows of anonymity to share a part of themselves.
     For instance, our niece, Kaylee, surprised the family with the announcement that she has started a blog.  It is not some self-aggrandizing effort to promote every frivolous moment of her insular world.  What I mean is, this is not the usual pretentious ramblings of your average college freshman.  She has more to say than comments about the latest fashion fads, celebrity antics, or her friends' Facebook posts.
     She feels the need to share what God is putting on her heart as she begins this new stage of her life.  You can remember what that was like, right?  You're away from home, on your own, for the first time in your life, and facing new challenges and decisions that could have profound effects on how successful you are later in life.  There are moral and spiritual choices, as well as learning how to communicate and compromise with different kinds of people.  You are also beginning to develop your own path in life, and form your own value systems based on the foundational lessons you've acquired from your family ... and Kaylee wants to share that with the world.
     In her own words, she wants "to let it all out and release my thoughts and feelings that get bottled up inside me day to day, as I go about my college experience."  She has decided to write her very first post on the subject of LOVE.  But rather than some giddy adolescent discourse on the subject, Kaylee shares all the kinds of love she has known, and in the process, comes to this conclusion:  "Why am I explaining all these loves? Because in college that is what gets us through. We get sad or stressed or lonely ... and it’s loves and relationships we have that get us through. And in the end, it’s God love that got us to today and gets us to tomorrow."
     I'm sure that there are other college students who will identify with her thoughts, and it is my hope that she will write often and explore all the things she is experiencing with an eye towards how to encourage others and share her heart for God.  In this day when young adults can be immersed in the self-centered world of technology, Kaylee is using it to connect in a most personal and intimate way.  I'm sure many of all ages will be blessed by her reflections.  I am SO proud of her!
     But she's not the only one whom I've witnessed feeling the need to connect to others.  Recently, my husband and I had one of those God-incidences.  Through the common denominator of his artistic talent, he came into contact with a woman (Cecilia) interested in possibly commissioning a portrait.  But they soon realized that the reason their paths crossed was because their views of the world and spiritual matters were in complete harmony.  We agreed to meet for lunch, and were joined by her friend, Christine, who was clearly on the same spiritual path as the rest of us.
     What ensued was a three-hour conversation on everything from Prepper philosophies to firearms training to End Times theology.  Needless to say, we covered a lot of ground.  But it was the passion with which these two women wanted to connect with, and help, others that struck me as so encouraging.  They recognized that there are so many people in our nation that are beginning to exhibit signs of fear and apprehension about the future.  The forewarnings that we have been issuing for the last six years are finally being acknowledged.
     Cecilia and Christine are also wanting to start a blog, and their reasoning is so similar to what prompted me to begin this one.  They wanted to know why I didn't write more about becoming physically prepared in these increasingly difficult times.  I then explained that that was where my heart was when I began writing three years ago this week.  I, too, wanted women to see the importance of storing food; to exercise their Second Amendment rights; and to become skilled in sustainable living.  And I wrote extensively on that for the first year.
     But I think the Holy Spirit moves us in the direction in which we can best serve God at any particular moment.  My time to speak exclusively to those issues was done, and it was time to move on to other topics the Lord wanted me to communicate.  That being said, I encouraged them to pursue a blog along those lines ... I told them it is never too late to educate someone in order to help them endure hard times.  And I believe they will find some way that is unique to who God made them to be; that they will be successful in creating  a new way to speak to, and serve, their fellow man.
     Like I said at the beginning of this post, I am seeing people emerge out of our national stupor; feeling this immense need to connect with others -- and I truly believe it is heaven-sent.  Besides blogs, I see people volunteering to help the less fortunate; taking notice of the needs of the elderly; helping the unemployed to find jobs; and sacrificing their time and energy (not to mention many hours of prayer), to spiritually help someone who seems to be in the clutches of the Enemy.
     Is God's remnant in this country awakening to our responsibilities and fulfilling our purpose?  To some, that may seem as if I am depositing too "spiritual" of a connotation to what is happening.  But I am all to aware of the change I am seeing take place.  It is individual acts of kindness; it is a desire to share our humanness; and it is the desire to attend to the needs of others.  As my niece, Kaylee, so eloquently explained, ... at the end of the day, it’s "God love" we ultimately should strive for, and [we should] live to love him."  There's no better connection than that!

Galatians 6:9     "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."

December 1, 2014

Witnessing Death ... And The Blessed Hope

     I don't even know how I'm supposed to write about this; only that I should.  Please, Dear God --- now, more than ever, guide my pen to reveal Your Truth.

     Saturday afternoon, my husband and I decided to break the monotony of the long Thanksgiving weekend to drive to the nearest town of size to obtain some watercolor paper for his next piece of art, and to buy the couple of plumbing parts he needed to complete a repair project.  It's a 45-minute drive and we thought it would be nice to top off the afternoon with a nice meal, so I invited our neighbors to join us.  Since they were already in town doing their own errands, it looked to be a nice, relaxed opportunity to catch up and share our holiday experiences.
     Our first stop was Hobby Lobby for the art supplies, and I felt like I was in a surreal movie.  The gross commercialization of Christmas was almost nauseating.  I tried to summon up a sense of the holiness of this materialistic holiday, but could find nothing to hold on to.  There was a time when I would have been giddy over the emotions that all the ornaments, and wreaths, and decorations evoked ... but since my realization that this celebration is not even Biblical, I could only stand among the excited throng and feel like I was witnessing something from afar; that I was removed and watching outside myself.  That perception would be repeated later on that night.
     We finished with our errands and continued on to meet our friends at the restaurant.  For some reason, I was keenly aware of the cars and the people around me.  I drew my husband's attention to an old car two lanes over from us.  We had a conversation about whether it was a Model A or a Model T, and he schooled me on the differences in body construction.  I caught a glimpse of the white-haired woman in the passenger seat, and wondered what their story was and how they came to be driving that vintage car.  The light changed and we proceeded on to our dinner engagement.
     It was nice to relax, and enjoy a meal with good friends.  We laughed and took pleasure in their company, and once again I was conscious of being more aware of the people around me ... noticing their smiles, and they way they engaged with each other.  Maybe it's just the sentimentality of the holidays, I thought.
     We parted company, each couple making one last stop at the mega-grocery store to get items our small town did not offer.  By this time, it was dark, and we were anxious to make the 45-minute drive home and settle in for the night.  I remember being kind of drowsy, but we needed to stop at the corner gas station before we made the turn for the back roads toward home.  My gaze was diverted to the entrance to the convenience store, because it was always difficult to see the drive in the dark, and the complex was poorly lit on this stretch of a busy 4-lane state highway.  It only took a minute for the night to shatter into a thousand pieces.
     The next sound I heard was my husband, shouting, "Oh, no ... oh, no ... oh, no!  There's been a head-on crash!"  I hadn't heard anything, nor could I see anything, but he had seen it all. Two black vehicles had collided, with one of them spinning towards the drive we were about to enter.  He said he saw the sparks of the metal from the cars and heard the explosion of the crash, and caught the silhouettes of the black cars.  He had no idea if they were careening towards us or not ... the night hid the trajectory of the vehicles.  He just knew he had to be ready to react quickly.  We were able to pull into the driveway and proceeded to the nearest gas pump to stop and get out of the way.
     I grabbed the phone and immediately began dialing 911, and turned to survey the wreckage.  It was horrific.  My immediate image was of people coming from everywhere to help.  One new model black sedan was stopped on the shoulder of the highway.  It's front end was crunched up like a sardine can, and someone was helping three children out of the backseat and getting them away from the wreckage.
     As I'm walking closer to the scene to describe to the 911 operator what I'm seeing, I hear my husband yelling at me to get back, because cars are careening around the wreckage, running over metal in the roadway, and, in the unlit intersection, unable to see the black car on the side of the road.  Then my attention is drawn to the other car.  It is the Model A car we had seen earlier in the afternoon, and the debris field from its wreckage is spread for hundreds of feet.  But it is the sight of the two motionless bodies that were thrown from the wreckage that I will never forget.  Nor will I forget the compassion and caring of human beings, one for another, as people materialized with blankets and sheets to cover them.  There was a woman in a bright pink shirt who knelt by the white-haired woman I had glimpsed that afternoon through the window of the old car.  She leaned over her, and although there was no movement, she would not leave her side.
     A man was doing the same for her elderly husband, who lay 25 feet from her; he was not moving either.  We moved closer to see if we could help, but it was obvious -- at least to us -- that there was no way they could have survived such an impact.  I just kept repeating to myself, "Be with them, Lord; be with them."
     My mind struggled to take it all in.  How had this horrific accident happened?  An observer stood near us, and told us he had been behind the Model A on the intersecting country lane, and the old gentleman had simply pulled out into the 4-lane highway, right into the path of the oncoming car.  Did he think it was a four-way stop, since there was a flashing light at the intersection?  Both cars were black; did one or both not have their lights on, and were unable to see each other?  We will probably never know, but my eyes scanned the scene and I saw pieces of the old car everywhere and my gaze landed on a book, sprawled open,  just outside the driver's door.  I wanted to pick it up -- to know something of these two people whose lives were over in an instant.  I wanted that book to be a Bible.
     By this time, about 20 minutes had passed, and fire trucks were on the scene, with paramedics alternately performing chest compressions on both victims.  Standard procedure, I suppose.  There seemed to be no response, and we realized that there was no need to be in the way of the professionals who had work to do.  We continued on the backroad towards home; in silence, each trying to process what we had just witnessed.  A few miles down the darkened country road, we came upon the gathering of several old model cars; obviously the companions of the elderly couple in the Model A.  We would learn later that they were traveling as a group to see the Christmas lights in a small town park, some 20 miles away.
     We pulled over, and they had been told of the accident and were grasping for hope.  We told them they didn't need to go back and see the scene, and one woman asked if they were life-flighting them.  We sadly shook our heads and said it didn't look like they had survived.  Then my husband asked the most important question of the night ... "Were they Christians?"  "Absolutely! No question!" came the strong response, and after expressing our condolences, we were able to leave them to cope with their loss, as we began processing the eternal significance of this night.
     I have written much, in the 1094 posts, since the beginning of this blog.  A recurring theme has been the Holy Spirit's inspiration to stress the need to save souls in these unsettling times.  I have also contemplated what it will be like to leave this sinful world behind and enter into the presence of our Lord.  And I think I never understood the impact of those beliefs more than I did Saturday night.
     I witnessed a horrific death of two people who knew the Lord.  And one thing has been made crystal clear:  There is no guarantee that Death will be gentle, or that our salvation makes leaving this world pleasant or easy.  What is certain, is that Death can come in an instant, without warning; and it can be violent and terrifying.  But most importantly, if you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior, that next moment will be a lonely, dreadfully frightening reality.
     We didn't know these people, except for the brief moment that our human paths crossed.  I will never forget how their lives here on earth ended; but I will always hang on to the hope of knowing whose arms they rested in just moments later.  It is important to know if people are Saved!  As I woke in the early morning hours, my mind returning to the events of that night, I recited the 23rd Psalm ... the words searing my soul as the tears finally fell.  We must be relentless in speaking of the need for Salvation; we must be tireless in offering Hope to the world.  When Death comes careening towards you, there may not be time to make that eternal choice.  I don't want a single person to regret their indecision.  This existence is temporary, and if we did not know that that elderly couple were Believers, then what we witnessed would have been all the more tragic.  But this we do know ... we have an everlasting and undying life waiting for us ... through faith in Jesus Christ.  I can let go of the horror of that night, and rejoice in the two souls who just entered into that Blessed Hope.  

Luke 23:43    "And He said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” 

November 27, 2014

The Spirit of Thanksgiving

    You may view this post as too sentimental and emotional.  But, as our nation, and the world, seems to be embroiled in chaos, violence, and instability, I think it is important that we observe this Thanksgiving Day with true and humble hearts.  I really want to ignore everything that takes my eye off the good, desirable, and treasured things in my life. I don't know about you, but I really need a day to concentrate on all that I'm grateful for.  Won't you join me?
     Let's just sit back, and breathe in all that composes our lives -- both the ordinary, and the exceptional.  First, take a good look at each member of your family that is gathered around your Thanksgiving table.  Concentrate on what makes them unique; what do they offer you that no one else can?  Is it their smile?  The way they always listen closely to what you have to say?  Is it that you can always count on them to help you in any situation?  Do they make you laugh?  Do they forgive you when you're not at your best?  Do they give the best hugs ever?  How much would you miss them if they weren't a part of your life?  How do they make you a better person?
     Next, consider your health.  If you're like me, you have more aches and pains this Thanksgiving than you did the last one.  But, I receive each new twinge or pain with an appreciation for what I can still physically do.  I may not be able to exercise as energetically as I did 10 years ago, but I'm still in there swinging, and that muscle soreness means that I haven't ceased to challenge myself.  The soreness is a welcome friend; and proof that I'm still a competitor.
     If you are suffering from a serious health issue, it may be more difficult to express gratitude.  I do not profess to know what it is like to walk in your shoes.  But I would be willing to bet that you have people praying for you.  And picture those prayers before the throne of your Father in Heaven, and Him tenderly clutching them to His breast.
     Each of us are living in a deteriorating body; some more diseased than others.  But each day we are left in this world, is a day to feel God's sun, wind or rain on these host bodies; to experience the loving touch of someone dear; to share a part of yourself with another human being, enriching both your lives.  And as trite as it may sound, failing health is an opportunity for you to get closer to the One who created you.  That is a blessing that far outweighs the affliction.
     On another subject, I have to admit that there are many things that I am displeased with when it comes to our country.  But on this day, I am still thankful that I was born in America -- the benefits have far surpassed the problems.  As a woman, I have more opportunities and freedoms than anywhere else in the world.  My husband and I have had the opportunity to pursue a business and enjoy the fruits of our labor.  There has been no ceiling on what we can accomplish, if it is our desire.  We have food for nourishment, shelter over our heads, and live in relative safety; many in the world are not so fortunate.
     I am thankful that I live in a free country, and I am grateful for the men and women who preserve my liberties.  I am thankful that the Founders of this nation took such great efforts to leave us with a Constitution and a Bill of Rights.  I feel the foundation cracking and swaying, but so far, Thank God, it is still holding.
     All these things I have described are probably common blessings for each of you.  And we share a common awareness of our blessings with the first celebrants of this American holiday.  If you Google the "true history" of Thanksgiving, you will get a wide array of fantastical stories; everything from our childhood narrative of Squanto, to a tragic massacre of native Indians by a land-hungry bunch of European invaders.
     But the truth of what this holiday means can be found in the simple story of Pilgrims fighting to survive through rough and arduous conditions; of struggling to survive illnesses, starvation and an uncertain future.  By sheer determination, they beat the odds and persist, and are able to celebrate the bounty of their harvest.  Being a devout and faithful people, they attribute their success to the guidance and inspiration of their God.  And perhaps, most importantly, they are grateful for the hope that He provides in sustaining and prospering them.
     Shouldn't that be our story today?  I am sincerely grateful for all that God has provided; for His protection, His provision, and the hope He offers that more blessings will follow.  I am thankful that He has given me this platform to speak of His Sovereignty and to allow us to converse together.  And it is my prayer that this day finds you equally blessed.  I wish you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Psalm 100:4      "Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name!"