A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Op Ed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Op Ed. Show all posts

April 16, 2014

A Good Old-Fashioned Schoolin' in the Constitution

     I will be away from my computer for the next few days, but will post some passing thoughts, as I view our changing world.  I know I should probably just announce a brief "break", but it's hard not to stay in contact with all of you.  So, please excuse the shorter dialogue and I'll be back in full swing at the end of the week.

     Just some continuing thoughts on the fight for Liberty in Nevada.  I listened to an interview yesterday between Cliven Bundy and a well-known conservative talking head ... I'll just go ahead and reveal who it was -- Glenn Beck.  I was astounded at Beck's lack of knowledge about what was behind Mr. Bundy's protest.
    First of all, he took calls from several ranchers and neighbors of Mr. Bundy before interviewing Cliven himself.  They were well-spoken and able to express the mindset of all those who stood in support of the Bundy family.  They gave eye-witness accounts of the events and tried to convince Beck that at no time did the crowd of supporters get out of hand, and that they had handled themselves lawfully and appropriately.  It soon became clear that Glenn wasn't comfortable with that assessment, nor does he really understand the Western mind.  I do.
     You see, my husband has spent nearly 19 years painting the iconic modern American cowboy.  We have spent many weeks in hot, dusty cattle pens in Arizona and Nevada with these men and women.  As I saw those brave cowboys on their horses approach the BLM and federal agents, tears were in my eyes, because I know they are men of honor, integrity and rock-solid values.  I'm sure that some of them were people who have touched our lives.
     Then I felt Beck demeaned the Nevada rancher by explaining to the audience, prior to hearing Cliven, himself, speak, that we must understand that he is an "old man".  As if somehow, his explanation of what he stood for may not be quite persuasive or eloquent.   But it was obvious to me that Beck doesn't understand a thing about what drives these people to live the hard, noble lives they do.
     Glenn was so worried about what other news outlets were doing; claiming that they were fomenting "conspiracy" and violence by sending their reporters in.  He felt their coverage showed that the Bundy cause was uncooperative with the Feds, and he questioned Cliven about that.  First of all, we all know the "other" news agency is Alex Jones, and InfoWars.  I'm getting a little tired of the ongoing feud between these two -- mostly on Beck's part.  From my perspective, at least Alex had reporters on the scene covering what was happening.  What kept Glenn from sending his own?  How can you throw stones, if you aren't there evaluating the situation yourself?  But that's just my two cents worth on the pettiness.
     Back to the interview with Mr. Bundy.  Glenn tried over and over again to get Cliven to admit that he was wrong in not paying his grazing fees, and to perhaps admit that the conflict with the BLM was at least partially justified on the part of the government.  But "old" Cliven then began to school Glenn on the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment.  It quickly became clear that Cliven knew his stuff and the law, and that Glenn has formed his own uninformed position on this matter.  He had made up his mind what happened and why, and he was hoping to prove his point by getting Bundy to admit to a false argument.  But Mr. Bundy stood his ground and made Glenn look like a fool.
     Maybe I'm a little prejudiced about this interview, but I also know that having 26 cows on some piece of property in the West that you lease to cattlemen for their herds does not make you "a rancher", as Glenn likes to call himself.  I would also like to suggest that he perhaps get out of his comfortable chair in his corporate offices and go meet with these people personally and analyze the situation for himself, instead of casting aspersions from his ivory tower.  OK, I've vented my anger over his insulting interview, and now I feel better.

2 Timothy 2:14    "Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers."

February 8, 2014

The Bible vs Social Media

     A not-so-surprising statistic was released earlier this week, which revealed that 10 years after its inception, Facebook has 757 million daily users; 143 million of those reside in the U.S. and Canada.  Extrapolating those figures, that means that an astounding 54% of Americans and Canadians check in on Facebook every day!
     I have to tell you that I have tried to see the merit of this most popular of social media sites.  I get it that it allows you to stay in contact with loved ones that are far away; there is an emotional value in that.  And I have used Facebook to promote the accomplishments and artistry of PLW's career.  But I also have to admit that I am bored and tired of every mundane comment by the millions of people who think that their every thought or action is eagerly anticipated by the world.  Do we really need to know every time you have a headache, or what you ate for breakfast?  Narcissism (excessive self-love and preoccupation with self) is definitely a by-product of these self-oriented sites.  This is something that our culture could use less of!  And sadly, I'm afraid that for many, it is simply a cry to be heard; to be noticed in this increasingly isolated world.
     Now, let's take a look at how many people use their Bibles on a daily basis.  In 2013, a survey was done on behalf of the American Bible Society, and it was called the annual "State of the Bible."  While 56% of respondents claimed that the holy book has “too little influence in society today”, and 53% reported that reading the Bible brings one closer to God, this study revealed that only 26% of Americans read their Bibles four or more times each week.
       So what effect do you think that might have on a society and culture?  When receiving the "News Feed" is more important than being fed by the Good News?  When self-love trumps love for our Lord and others?  To begin with, and from a purely scientific standpoint, the Daily Mail reports that researchers believe that the speed, volume and ease with which information is shared through social networking sites may be making it more difficult for us to think analytically.  These same researchers state that there is a danger that the rise of information-sharing websites such as Twitter and Facebook will make us rely more and more on the opinion of others.  This could erode our ability to think critically and make us lazy because we assume that there will always be someone else who knows the answer.  That naturally leads to the possibility that we will be easily led to bad or dangerous advice because we don't take the time to think for ourselves.  Why let someone else's brain (whether your friend on Facebook or Google's "brain") do the work for you, while yours atrophies from lack of use?
     The "State of the Bible" survey found that Americans overwhelmingly (77%) believe morals and values are declining in the U.S.  They even go so far as to cite the cause for the decline as a lack of Bible reading.  And as in previous years, the survey found that the Bible remains a highly valued, influential force in America.  While most homes (88%) have a Bible, that has little to do with actual readership and usage of the book.  Furthermore, beliefs about the Bible and its role in society are becoming increasingly polarized—particularly when the data is examined by age group.  More than half (57%) of those ages 18-28 reported reading the Bible less than three times a year or never -- the exact age group that uses social networking sites the most.  (If they are truly seeking value and significance in their lives, this Book will provide it for all eternity -- not just for a moment on the social network!)
     So what can we conclude about these various statistics and findings?  Are we just lazy?  Do we simply want the instant gratification of self-worth from the number of "likes" on our Facebook post?  It is certainly disheartening to think that time spent with God in His Word does not merit more of our time than the latest vanity post or tweet.  Especially when we declare that morals are declining and we have the solution at our fingertips!  We are surely a nation that deserves God's disregard!

Psalm 119:37   "Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways."

January 30, 2014

The State of our Disunion

Thank you to the Cato Institute for providing me with some issues to consider when reflecting on the State of the Union Address.  In full disclosure, the Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank, whose mission it is "to originate, disseminate, and increase understanding of public policies based on the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace."    

     I didn't really want to comment on the President's State of the Union address Tuesday night, but if I just ignore it, then does that somehow give more credence to the distorted discussion of our national condition?
     For official purposes, the State of the Union Address allows the President of the United States to report on the condition of the nation, and it also allows him to outline his legislative agenda (for which he supposedly needs the cooperation of Congress).  I'm sure if you listened to a chorus of commentators, you heard each of them telling you exactly what the President meant and whether his speech was a success or failure.  But who can you believe?  I, for one, don't give much  credibility to either national party; they are so politicized and obsessed with hanging on to their power or their money or their insider status.  In the end, I'm pretty sure that 99.9% of those present in the Chambers that night weren't there on behalf of their constituents, nor have any idea of how their actions impact the American people.
     In fact, if I wanted to dissect the SOTU address, I am sad to say it would provide little inspiration or pride in the state of my country.  For instance, we were told that America's graduation rate among students was the highest it had been in three decades.  But actual achievement among our students has remained stagnant, in spite of massive increases in the Education budget.  Plus, the implementation of this Administration's Common Core Standards will only continue to decimate the academic performance of American students.  After all, Head Start gave us so much success, didn't it?
     We were told that our deficits have been cut in half.  Yes, they have declined, but due to policies like "The Sequester", which the President opposed.  So, while this contentious policy has met with some success at lowering our deficit, it is only temporary.  By 2016, the numbers will rise again and by 2023, it is estimated that the deficit will be $1 trillion.  And how convenient that the $17 trillion debt wasn't even mentioned.  What they don't tell us, won't hurt us, right?
     We were told that Washington D.C. recognizes that we, the American people, want them "to focus on our lives, our hopes, and our aspirations."  That doesn't mean we want them to create more laws, more regulations, or more taxes that infiltrate our lives.
     What we really want is a smaller government that will stay out of our lives, our hopes and our aspirations.  What we want is growth in our economy... real growth ... and we don't want our entrepreneurs, investors, and small business owners penalized.  And we certainly don't want Washington to promote class warfare or redistribution of wealth.
     I was a little unnerved by the statement that POTUS would get the job done for the American people, "with or without Congress."  We want the separation of powers that the Constitution instituted, not a policy of issuing Executive Orders without the consideration of Congress.  Exactly how does that translate to government of the people; let alone by us or for us? 
     You can talk about Trade Agreements that will benefit American businesses, but we'd like a little more information, please, about how they will impact us.  And until those treaties are signed ... well, talk is cheap.  Then there was the suggestion that Congress (which means the government) could help the economy by building more fueling stations centered around natural gas.  That's already being done by the big transportation companies who are building their own natural gas fueling plants --- the market created that demand; not the government!  And the market does a much better job at creating success!
     One seemingly bright spot in the speech was the fact that the U.S. has reduced its carbon emission rate more than any other nation in the world.  True, we have reduced our pollution, but before we hold this up as a praise-worthy achievement, maybe we should take a look at the reasons why:  1) the economic slowdown that began in 2008, (and is still impacting us), and 2) fracking (that hated word) that has created tremendous amounts of clean energy in natural gas.  The power pundits in D.C. won't admit to Reason #1, and the EPA nuts abhor Reason #2.
     Then we knew we were going to hear it ... the supposed success of the Affordable Care Act, and the laudable numbers of signees.  And the number sounded great --- 9 million.  But only 3 million of those were able to sign up for private insurance; and two-thirds of them were dropped from insurance plans they were happy with, only to be forced into the exchanges where oftentimes they are getting an inferior product, but paying more.  The other 6 million have been shoved into Medicaid.  And guess who ultimately pays for that?  It's not hard to see the cracks in that logic.
     Then there was the inevitable topic of gun violence and how Americans were standing up each day to stop it.  Yes, we are ... with guns!  Our Second Amendment right has given us the means to provide a defense against violence.  Why not concentrate on stopping the violence instead of the means of defense?  A good place to start would be the drug wars south of our border.
     And we can't have a SOTU address without commenting on the wars in which our troops are engaged.  Wait a minute, I heard Afghanistan mentioned, but not Iraq.  Could it be that our policy there is coming unraveled and the enemy is once again on the offensive?  And if you are going to end the war in Afghanistan, why not bring all the troops home?  What does leaving 10,000 soldiers there accomplish, other than put every one of their lives in danger?
     That brings us to the topic of drones and surveillance, both held forth as important tactics in our war strategy.  But why do they both now seem limitless on the domestic front?  It leaves me wondering where is that 2007 Presidential candidate who promised "no more secret meetings", and "more openness" from government?  In fact, where is the promised "transparency"?  Certainly not in the plans for his Office of Management and Budget to gut legislation that would provide transparency so that the American people can oversee the spending of the government.
     So while the President fulfilled his Constitutional duty, as specified in Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, it was interesting to note that he used the word "We" over 120 times in his speech.  One has to question who he means by the use of that word.... "We" the American people, or "We" the government?  That, in itself, would go a long way in my determination of whether the speech was a success or not.

 Psalm 146:3    "Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation."

January 18, 2014

Has Our Idea of Heroes Changed?

     This might seem like a lightweight subject for a post, but it is a serious question that reveals the state of our culture.  By definition, a hero (or heroine) is someone who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.  But when you look at who is often considered a hero in today's society, they are anything but noble.
     The latest over-indulged reality TV star, or any number of overpaid, thug, gangsta athletes are often looked upon as role models among impressionable kids.  We find our children mesmerized by every syllable and image of the latest music or movie idol; as if their very existence is reason for celebration and worthy of imitation.
     When did we start paying tribute to the flawed, instead of the valiant?  What happened to men and women who truly exemplify the best of the human experience?  I contend that they still exist; it is our view of them that has changed.
     In my childhood, one who had achieved the status of hero or heroine usually was seen in the light of their moral, ethical, or virtuous attributes.  Somehow, their lives had brought them to a juncture in which they were faced with a decision; a decision that resulted in them doing something so unselfish, so decent, or so courageous, that the average person was left in awe of their actions.  They were the best that we could hope to be.  We admired them and wanted to be like them!
     Who didn't respect the bravery of Audie Murphy, America's most decorated combat soldier of World War II?  Or the exploits of Amelia Earhart or Charles Lindbergh, explorers and pioneers in the aviation field?  Anne Frank; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Jackie Robinson or John Glenn -- they all overcame obstacles and showed their abilities to transcend the limits imposed on them by mankind.
     I contend that in elevating these people to "hero status", we were able to contemplate the hand of God in their lives.  When, as a nation, we esteemed God, we esteemed the people who exemplified His characteristics.  But when this nation began listening to the whispers of the Enemy, and sought to remove God's influence in our lives, it became necessary to view our heroes differently.   We had to redefine what a hero was in order to match our new national conscience.
     When God's authority is no longer visible in the public arena, our culture no longer displays righteousness, goodness, decency; nor admires it!  Our fall into depravity can be seen in the likes of Lady Gaga, Lindsay Lohan, Kim Kardashian, cheating and lying politicians, and Corporate fraudsters.  Take for instance star athletes.  Stan Musial was one of my heroes as a young child growing up in St. Louis, but the list of  crimes committed by today's physically gifted would appall that kind and humble man:  sexual assault, bribery, murder, kidnapping, drug trafficking, money laundering and fraud!
     When a society no longer delights in the attributes of God, they cannot venerate those characteristics in others.  That society must applaud others that look like themselves; otherwise if the righteous are held in high regard, it only serves to shine a bright light on their own depravity.
     But I have hope.  There are still good heroes; men and women who are esteemed for the right reasons ... Tim Tebow refuses to bow to societal conventions; Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl who stood up to the Taliban; the brave men and women of our military continue to sacrifice for others; and there are the everyday heroes in each of our lives -- those people who do the right and decent thing, without fanfare, and without regard for recognition.
     "Hero" is a subjective term; based on our personal feelings, emotions and philosophies.  But you can  tell who the authority is in a person's life by their heroes.  To borrow from a quote by theologian John Piper ... “All heroes are shadows of Christ”.  What does that say about your heroes?

Isaiah 33:15-16      "He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands, lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from looking on evil, he will dwell on the heights;" 

January 15, 2014

The Shameful Abuse By Unelected Bureaucrats

     By now, I'm sure you've seen the photograph that Senator Mike Lee posted on his Facebook page.  It shows the mountain of rules and regulations that were instituted by the multitude of unelected bureaucrats that call Washington, D.C. their home.
     Accompanying the photo was this brief description by Senator Lee: “Behold my display of the 2013 Federal Register. It contains over 80,000 pages of new rules, regulations, and notices all written and passed by unelected bureaucrats. The small stack of papers on top of the display are the laws passed by elected members of Congress and signed into law by the president.” 
     I decided to take a look at just what comprised this absurd number of regulations.  I found a link that provided an index for the 2013 Federal Register; a description and a count for the number of articles for each government agency in the 2013 Index.  These articles, in turn, listed the rules, proposed rules, notices, and regulations pertaining to each agency.
     For instance, the Agriculture Department had 1083 articles recorded; the Commerce Department, 2541; the Defense Department, 1006; the Energy Department, 2164; and the Health and Human Services Department, 3971.  One can click on any of these bloated agencies and see all the rules and regulations associated with them.  When you actually start digging into these proposals, you find that many of them are requests for public comments; or a change to a noncompliance regulation; or a rule for additional information gathering on the "Dairy Tariff-Rate Import Quota Licensing Program" of the Foreign Agriculture Service.
     Is it any wonder that the American people are screaming for less government?  How much of the taxpayer's hard-earned money is squandered paying some inflated bureaucrat to create a new regulation for a trumped up bureau or agency?  As if you need a picture of the absolute insanity of this situation, consider this:  our U.S. Constitution, which outlines all the laws and regulations to run this country, only consists of 6 large parchment pages.  The Bible, which regulates our moral and spiritual lives, according to God, is usually around 1200 pages.
     Even more ludicrous, is the pathetic number of pages at the top of the photo that represent the actual work that our elected officials accomplished for us in 2013.  Does anyone else think these images are upside down?  When an elected government accomplishes nothing for the people, while "hired paper pushers" bury us in redundant and excessive regulations, then our system is mired in a nonproductive cesspool of self-serving sycophants.
     Except for a very few men, it appears as if our seat of government is a modern-day rendition of Rome/Babylon.  No one is minding the store for the American people.  I know it is rather repetitive and a cliché, but it is time that we clean out the rat's nest.  I heard some statistic the other day, that there are more millionaires in Congress than at any other time in our nation's history.  They have clearly lined their pockets at our expense.  So besides claiming the distinction of being the most unproductive and the most unpopular Congress in our history, they are now also the richest.
     There is something wrong with our political system when the common man cannot afford to be elected; when it takes a rich man to run for office, and he becomes richer upon taking office.  But as Senator Lee has so pointedly shown us in his Facebook image, whether elected or not, Washington D.C. is not doing the people's business.  How long can we continue to survive as a nation with this kind of waste and abuse?
Luke 16:15    "And he said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God."

January 1, 2014

Do You See What I See?


     Yesterday, I had the TV on in the background as I perused the various news sites on the web, and just happened to glance up as the newscaster announced that the first New Year's celebration was now taking place.  Apparently it was midnight in Dubai, and fireworks began exploding in this city which has become known as the business and cultural hub of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf region.
     In keeping with its reputation for wealth, self-indulgence and opulence, Dubai sought to set a new Guinness World Record for the most lavish fireworks display.  The display was set to cover a distance of over 61 miles wide and more than a mile-and-a-half high, using over 500,000 fireworks.  Lasting around six minutes, it was certainly impressive, and I found myself mesmerized by the extravagant exhibition.
     I tried to remember what I knew about the central element of the spectacle; the Burj Dubai, the Khalifa Tower.  I knew it was the tallest man-made structure in the world, reaching 2,722 feet into the air.  After some research, I found it interesting to note that the building has returned the location of Earth's tallest freestanding structure to the Middle East, where the Great Pyramid of Giza had claimed this achievement for almost 4,000 years before being surpassed in 1311 by Lincoln Cathedral in England.
     Somehow, man has always equated "building tall" with wealth and power, and been consumed with building structures where no man has been before.  The reason for the construction of Khalifa Tower is no different.  Sheikh Mohammed, the Prime Minister of the Arab Emirates and constitutional monarch of Dubai wanted to put the city of Dubai on the map with "something really sensational".  He succeeded.  At first the Emirate created a chain of islands in the shape of a palm tree, known as The World.. They were even planning on creating the universe in the water.  Dubai seemed to defy the limitations that God placed upon the Middle East, building a ski slope where the weather often goes over 100 degrees, not to mention building the tallest building in the world. The hotels, the restaurants, the fountains and the parks are beyond remarkable, and speak to the wealth and western influences of its burgeoning tourist economy.
     But it didn't take long for my mind to recognize that there was something oddly familiar about the scene I was watching; something about the ostentatious display of mega-fireworks felt ominous and a little alarming.  And then I knew.  It reminded me of the old images I had seen of the Tower of Babel.
     Just like the ancient citizens of Babylon, who wanted to build a tower to the heavens in an attempt to reach God and showcase their own power, the inhabitants of Dubai seem to think their achievements are limitless.  Pride and arrogance have blinded them to the iniquities that come with their vulgarity.  As Brooke Lauren, an independent web reporter noted, "Underneath the country's glitzy façade, there was a dark underside. Prostitution, human trafficking, smuggling, and money laundering went on behind the scenes. The workers that were brought in from other countries to build the impressive skyscrapers and islands were underpaid, faced dangerous working conditions, and were sometimes forced to work involuntarily. Dubai was still a Middle Eastern country, complete with prison terms for rape victims and debtors."
     In the last few years, the shine has diminished from Dubai's lustrous inception.  Real estate prices have plummeted, luxury cars and homes are being sold at fire sale prices, and there is a new law on the books that would punish anybody who hurt the country's reputation or economy with a fine of a million dirham (equivalent to more than a quarter of a million dollars).  Must have something to do with the rumors that the famous "World" islands are sinking, and cockroaches are streaming out of the hotel faucets.
      So just like the Tower of Babel, the shakers and do-ers in Dubai seemed to think that they could accomplish anything they imagined; that nothing was off limits.  Perhaps they even thought they were bigger than God.  Funny how that works, huh?

Genesis 11:4   "And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves...."

December 31, 2013

2013, In The Year Of Our Lord

     As you know, seeing the world and my life through the lens of my faith is just who I am.  My Biblical worldview often casts a different shadow upon events that color my interpretation.  Now, I know that there are those who will say, "Same stuff, different year," but there is a quickening in my soul that tells me we are experiencing anything but "the ordinary".  With that in mind, I wanted to share what I think were some significant events in 2013:

Weather Events of Biblical Proportions:  On the afternoon of May 20th, a massive tornado struck the town of Moore, Oklahoma.  It stayed on the ground for 17 miles, was nearly a mile-and-a-half wide, and registered as an EF5, the highest rating on the Enhanced Fujita scale.  Tornados of this magnitude are strong enough to blow away big houses and collapse tall buildings; their winds are estimated at more than 200 mph.  There were 24 souls killed and more than 324 injured. There were 1,150 homes destroyed, and an estimated $2 billion in damages. It was the deadliest U.S. tornado since the Joplin, Missouri, tornado that killed 158 people in 2011.
     In early November, an extremely powerful typhoon hit Southeast Asia, devastating the Philippines.  Typhoon Haiyan, as it would become known, killed at least 6,155 people in the Philippines alone, and is the strongest storm recorded at landfall; unofficially the strongest typhoon ever recorded in terms of wind speed.  The Hong Kong Observatory put the storm's maximum ten-minute sustained winds at 275 km/h (170 mph) prior to landfall in the island country.  According to UN officials, about 11 million people have been affected and many have been left homeless.  The lack of food, water, shelter and medication led to a humanitarian crisis, violence and looting, not to mention population displacement.
     Those were the major news events that we heard about here in the States.  But globally, there were was much more going on.  A large number of floods in 2013 devastated the world; including those in Northern India where the worst monsoon season in India in over 50 years resulted in more than 6,500 deaths.  Over 100,000 people were displaced from their homes, and the estimated cost of the damage was between $3–5 billion.  Central Europe, including the countries of Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, and Serbia were all struck by major floods, as were Eastern Australia and Argentina.
     Then there was the 10,000-ton meteor that streaked across the sky in Russia, scattering debris and creating a shock wave that knocked out electricity/cell service, shattered over 1 million square feet of windows, and left 1600 people injured.
Isaiah 45:7    "I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the Lord, who does all these things."

Man's Inhumanity To Man:  On an early Spring morning, two homemade pressure cooker bombs exploded within minutes of each other, and the Boston Marathon became the latest image of terrorism within our homeland.  The loss of life and the horrendous injuries will always serve to remind us how quickly our lives can be changed.  But there is much more to this story than the obvious.  Questions remain as to the motives and the true identities of the alleged perpetrators, and their involvement with US government agencies.  It is a sad commentary on the state of our nation when suspicions about the veracity of the "official narrative" are never satisfied, not to mention the clear and incontrovertible violation of the Fourth Amendment during the manhunt and lockdown of Boston.
     The summer of 2013 brought the most terrifying news to come out of the bitter Syrian civil war... a chemical weapons attack killed nearly 1,500 people near Damascus.  Within hours of the attack, dozens of disturbing videos emerged on social media of children and adults gasping for air. Other footage showed dozens of bodies, many of small children, lined up in mosques and hospitals.  Saber rattling between the US and Russia followed, with the world nearly losing sight that this ongoing civil war has cost 100,000 deaths and displaced nearly 6,000,000 Syrians.
     In September, militant Muslims attacked the heart of east Africa's economy and staged a terrorist attack at a Kenyan mall for 4 days that left 61 civilians and 6 security guards dead. The attackers specifically targeted non-Muslims, and were later revealed to be part of the al-Queda-linked Somali al-Shabab group.
     Among the most tragic stories was that of three women in Ohio who were kidnapped, held for 10 years and subjected to repeated rapes and beatings.  The darkness of their captivity was finally overshadowed with the joy of their freedom, and the nation celebrated with them.
Romans 12:19    "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."

The Corruption of Government:  The IRS scandal is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.  But who can you believe?  It was obvious that certain IRS agents illegally denied tax-exempt status to specific conservative political groups based on their ideology.  There was a show of outrage by the President, and some grandstanding during congressional hearings, but does any sound-minded citizen believe this was done by lone wolves?
     It took an article by a British reporter to reveal the U.S. National Security Agency's secret order to collect millions of phone records of Verizon customers. A subsequent story unveiled a U.S. spy program called PRISM that mined personal data by tapping major Internet companies like Google and Microsoft — without permission or warrants. Countries all over the world went nuts over privacy concerns, and the US's reputation as a trusted ally took a nosedive.  The leaker of such explosive secrets?  A former contractor for the NSA, named Edward Snowden, who had swiped more than 200,000 documents about surveillance programs and wanted the world to know about them.  Equally hailed a hero and reviled as a traitor, no one can deny that Snowden's revelations shook the world and turned the matter of national security upside down.
     Then there was the 16-day shutdown of the Federal Government.  The game-playing and name-calling showed the ugly underbelly of our representative form of government.  Over 800,000 federal workers were given paid vacations, under the illusion of being "furloughed"; while landmarks, bloated government agencies, and national parks and museums were closed to punish the people.  The most outrageous display of vengeance was perpetrated against our WWII veterans at their own memorial.
     And I can't end this section of my post without at least mentioning the ongoing circus that is the Affordable Care Act.  The outrage of the American people has been evident and it will be interesting to see where this travesty leads in the coming year.  There is no doubt that this signature piece of legislation for the Obama administration has fallen far short of its lofty predictions.  With the impact of these news stories, we can only imagine what 2014 will bring.
2 Peter 2:19    "They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved."

I want to end this review of 2013 with words of encouragement and promise.  We can always find the stories of tragedy, and death, and corruption; they are always at the forefront because the Enemy wants us to take our eyes off our reason for hope.  But you can also find the stories that lift our spirits and reveal the presence of God amidst man's fallen state.  They can be the inspirational stories that make global headlines, such as that of Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl that dared to defy the Taliban in her fight for educational rights for girls.  Although she did not win the Nobel Peace Prize, her efforts displayed the perseverance of the human spirit.
     They can also be the stories like the one where the stranger walked into a coffee shop in Canada and bought coffee for the next 500 customers, sparking a pay-it-forward crusade that everyone could get behind.
     Who could forget the thousands of volunteers who gathered to transform the city of San Francisco into Gotham City in order to fulfill the wish of Miles Scott, a five-year-old leukemia patient who dreamed of being “Batkid” for a day.  Diagnosed three years ago, all Miles asked from the Make-A-Wish Foundation was the ability to rescue damsels and be a hero for a day.
     There are thousands upon thousands of stories like these, and although none of them may make it into the limelight, we should never let the preponderance of man's sins cloud our vision for a brighter future. God has provided us with the awesome opportunity to be in relationship with Him.  And it is through our efforts to get to know Him in a deeper sense, and to work out His will and purpose in our lives.  It is through listening to the still small voice that we create these testimonies of our ability to overcome and defeat the dark intentions of evil men.  Let us rejoice in the Good News that will always conquer the bad; and I pray that in the coming year, you will bask in God's loving Light and become a beacon to the Lost.

Matthew 5:16    "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

October 29, 2013

This Is What Journalism Is Meant To Be!

     I never thought I would say it, but I have to give proper accolades to the CBS News program, 60 Minutes.  This show is usually just another mouthpiece for whatever the "powers to be" want disseminated.  But Sunday evening, reporter Lara Logan delivered the first of what I hope will be a torrent of information on the Benghazi debacle.
     Ms. Logan is a South African television and radio journalist, and war correspondent. She is the chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News, and an occasional correspondent for 60 Minutes.  And she is fast becoming known for her character and unwillingness to back down from a story.  In other words, she has journalistic integrity; something that, in my opinion, is missing from a large segment of journalists.
     In late January 2007, Logan filed a report of fighting along Haifa Street in Baghdad, but the CBS Evening News did not run the report; deeming it "a bit strong". To reverse the decision, Logan enlisted public support; requesting them to watch the story and pass the link to as many of their friends and acquaintances as possible, saying "It should be seen". Logan later used the Haifa Street material for a 60 Minutes' report on Baghdad during the surge.  She is also known for speaking out on the prevalence of sexual assault in Egypt, and the sexual violence women reporters are reluctant to report in case it prevents them from doing their jobs.  She, herself, was the victim of sexual assault while covering the Egyptian Revolution.  Now she has turned her attention to Benghazi.
     On Sunday night, her segment of the news program delivered a powerful blow to the ridiculous Administration rendition of the Benghazi events on the night of September 11th, 2012; the version of the story that was propagated by the White House Press Secretary, the U.S. National Security Advisor, the Secretary of State, and even the President himself at a U.N. appearance.  In one fifteen-minute presentation, Lara Logan shattered the pretense that a video incited a rabble of random protestors into a murderous mob that killed our Ambassador and three others.  She helped the truth to finally emerge.
     We heard from a British military defense contractor, who realized from the start of his assignment that the Libyan security forces were inadequate and would not stand and fight to defend the Americans.  He was on the ground that night, and actually talked by phone to one of the personnel in Ambassador Stevens' compound --- during the attack!  He raced to the compound to find it ablaze, and then snuck in to the hospital to try to find the Ambassador.  He saw him lying dead in a room.
    Green Beret Commander, Lt. Col. Andy Wood, recounted his numerous dispatches to the State Department and Department of Defense, warning them an attack was imminent.  They had the information from Al Qaeda internet warnings that the Red Cross, the British Consulate and the American compound would be attacked.  This information was passed on up the line to the highest offices of our government.  When the terrorist organization made good on the first two of their targets, it was only a matter of time before they came for the third; the Americans.  Warnings that security was inadequate came from all those involved-- the British military contractor, Lt. Col. Woods and even the Ambassador himself.  The message was clear:  they were being targeted.  All such warnings were ignored.
     Lt. Col Wood went on to say that there is no doubt this was a well-coordinated and staged attack.  The accuracy with which the mortar rounds that killed Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were launched was equivalent to "getting a basketball through the hoop, over your shoulder."  When asked what it took to pull off such an attack, he was clear:  "Coordination, planning, training, experience of personnel and practicing those things; they knew what they were doing.  That was a well-executed attack." Kind of dispels the whole lame "Video" scenario spewed by the White House, doesn't it?
     Ms. Logan also interviewed Greg Hicks.  You might remember him from his emotional testimony before Congress on the events surrounding Benghazi.  While the testimony was riveting and very informative, it has resulted in no further investigation, to my knowledge.  That's why I was encouraged by his appearance in Ms. Logan's piece.  If Congress won't do it's job, then perhaps the Media will come to its senses and do what it is supposed to do... give the American people the truth.
     As the brave Deputy Chief of Mission in Tripoli, Libya, Mr. Hicks tried desperately to get military aid to those under attack in Benghazi.  He was actually on the phone with Ambassador Stevens, during the attack, when the line was cut.  "The sound of his voice is indelibly imprinted on my mind.  He sounded frightened."  He didn't flinch when she asked him what his thoughts were about being told no help was coming.  His reply was chilling and direct.  "For the people that go out, and onto the edge to represent our country... we believe that if we get into trouble, they're coming to get us; that our back is covered.  To hear that it's not, is a terrible, terrible experience."
     So now that Lara Logan and CBS News has shined the spotlight on the Benghazi prevarication that is coming from the Administration, perhaps other responsible members of the media will follow suit and the whole truth will emerge.  And we can hope that those who made the decision to lie to the American people will be exposed and held responsible, and the families of those who died while in service to our country will finally receive the truth about the failure to render aid to their loved ones.  This is the first trickle of such truth; may it turn into a flood.  Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Ty Woods deserve nothing less for their sacrifice.

Proverbs 12:22     "Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight."

October 18, 2013

Rome or Babylon ... Call Us What You Will

     As PLW and I finished our morning Bible study, we both let out a long sigh and I could tell something was weighing heavy on his mind.  "You know how the Book of Revelation quotes the mighty kings of the earth lamenting the fall of Babylon in one hour?"  I nodded my assent.  "Well, the way our elected officials have behaved themselves in the last couple of weeks, I'd like to think that God  will narrow His view of Babylon to include just Washington, D.C., and spare the rest of the country."  He paused and then said, "But, I'm afraid we will all be judged by their actions."
     I know what he means.  When we are governed by men who think it makes "common sense" to raise a debt ceiling that is already at nearly $17 trillion, it is quite apparent to those of us in the hinterland that unadulterated madness is the norm in D.C.  I see nothing but greed and corruption; lies and gamesmanship.  For the men and women ensconced in their ivory towers, the world revolves around their tight little circle of power and influence.  Representative government no longer exists, and those few who still hold to those high principles are vilified and discredited.
     Would it surprise you to know that the so-called "deal" generated by the power brokers has left us tax-payers in an even more compromised position, as if that is even fathomable? According to The Daily Caller, there’s no actual debt ceiling right now.  That's right!  The fiscal deal passed by Congress on Wednesday evening to re-open the government and get around the $16.4 trillion limit on borrowing doesn’t actually increase the debt limit. It just temporarily suspends enforcement of it.
     That means Americans have no idea how much debt their government is going to rack up between now and February 7, when the limits are supposed to go back into place and will have to be raised.  Not only have they kicked the can down the road, but there's no can in sight! David Williams, the president of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, told The Daily Caller, “A real dollar figure is a constant reminder to taxpayers and Congress that the country is broke. This was done to hide the real debt from taxpayers.”
     In other words, Congress has managed to put a clever smokescreen in place.  By voting to simply suspend the debt right now, they don't have to release the new numbers to the American people of just how fast the debt is climbing.  They can hide their vote in a cleverly disguised ruse to fool the American people into thinking they are working on their behalf, when in reality they have just removed any limit on the debt!  So now the next question is this:  just what are they planning on doing in the intervening months between now and February?  Rather than patting themselves on the backs for appearing to have saved the country and its economy from collapsing, they should all be revealed and criticized for what they really are... betrayers of the trust bestowed upon them by the American people.
     Obviously, it was blind trust, as the only ones they are truly interested in looking after is themselves. While the proposed deal will provide funding for a temporary time period, when all these ridiculous "negotiations" will have to be resumed after the first of the year, D.C. managed to put themselves above the rest of the country.  On the issue of District of Columbia funding, the bill gives the District the right to spend all of its local funds for the rest of fiscal year 2014, making it immune from any possible shutdown later in the fiscal year.  Not really a surprise, is it?
     In the meantime, Washington continues to ignore all the warning signs of impending doom.  There are rumors of plans to triple legal immigration to over 33 million in the next decade; the forced compliance of the Affordable Care Act looks like total chaos; China is definitely not impressed with our "debt deal", downgrading us on par with Brazil, Israel and Panama; not to mention our nearly non-existent border security and growing concerns over "dry run" terrorist activities.
     I wish I could have disagreed with PLW over his identification of Babylon.  But all the signs are there and the events are beginning to correlate.  Is Washington, D.C. totally lost?  All the power and might of the Evil that is D.C. is being brought to bear upon the few righteous men within the system.  Can they prevail long enough to bring about any real change?  Only if God decides to delay His judgment that is duly appointed.  Pray for them, and pray for this country.  It is our only hope.

UPDATE:  And I applaud Dianne Reidy, the veteran Congressional stenographer, who listened to the Holy Spirit's promptings and took to the microphone on the floor of the House of Representatives to chastise the politicians for their waywardness.  She shouted, "He will not be mocked" and "You can't serve two Masters" as she was led from the Chamber and subjected to the inevitable psychiatric evaluation.  After being awakened in the middle of the night for the last 2 1/2 weeks, Mrs. Reidy stated that the Holy Spirit was "preparing me (through my reluctance and doubt) to deliver a message in the House Chamber.  That is what I did."  How many of us can identify with such encouragement from Heaven?  I'm sure she will be represented as some crazy Christian and marginalized.  But maybe ... just maybe ... God is preparing His people for great works on His behalf.

Revelation 18:9-10    "And the kings of the earth, who committed sexual immorality and lived in luxury with her, will weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning.  They will stand far off, in fear of her torment, and say,
                            “Alas! Alas! You great city,
                              you mighty city, Babylon!
               For in a single hour your judgment has come.”

October 1, 2013

Are You Paying Attention?

     During my two-week hiatus, our travels took us in the vicinity of the devastating floods in Colorado.  In fact, it took quite some maneuvering to out-run the flooding that was occurring throughout most of Eastern Colorado, all along the South Platte River.  We finally crossed over at the small town of Julesburg, along the Colorado/Nebraska state line.
     The river had crested the night before, and we were able to safely cross the next morning.  But evidence of the high-rising waters was everywhere and the low-lying lands were nearly 10 feet under water.  I can only imagine what it must have been like at the source of all this downstream water; the news reports told of the destruction in the Denver/Boulder area.
     The topographical damage was obvious.  But what also caught my attention was the local news we heard from our car radio.  Towns in the path of the flooding were declaring "no flush" policies, and announcing that public toilets had been set up in various locations for the local citizens.  If you were lucky enough to have electrical or water services, authorities were recommending that all water be boiled before use.  Soup kitchens, emergency food supplies, blankets, clothing, and a place to sleep were available for those who found themselves without shelter or a way to cook.  Promises of a return to normalcy were being predicted as months or even a year away.
     That really got me to thinking.  Here we are facing a government shutdown, which could potentially mean no social security checks, no government pensions, no food stamps, and reduced federal funding for almost every aspect of societal living.  And even if it lasts for only a few days, you know that people will be complaining and panicking.  What would happen to our society if something as devastating as the Colorado floods (or worse!) happens for an extended time, with no end in sight?  Will people be able to cope and adjust?  Are they prepared mentally, physically and spiritually to such a drastic change in their living conditions?
     I have no way of knowing if any of the people effected in Colorado had contingency plans for such an event.  I heard occasional stories of those who were prepared to adapt to their new reality.  They would do just fine on their own, thank you!  But I wonder if this catastrophic experience caused Americans in other parts of the country to assess their personal readiness and state of preparedness.  Did it cause them to stop and think how they would manage to survive if faced with an event that changed their lives so drastically?  If they didn't have a moment in which they assessed their own state of preparedness, then I suggest that they will be perfect little fans of the Federal Emergency Management system.  Which leads me to my next observation.
      After safely crossing the flooded Colorado landscape, we continued on our scenic drive towards the mountains of the West.  This trip we stayed off the big interstate highways, preferring the two-lane "backroads" and seeing the small towns that make up the heartland of America.  To our surprise, we passed more than one military Humvee in Nebraska with .50 calibre machine guns mounted in  the turrets.  They all seemed to be headed towards the devastation in Colorado.  What was their purpose?  To help in the clean-up? To discourage looting?
     I've seen Hummers with such weapons on trains or transport trucks headed to war in a foreign land.  But driving around on the streets of America?!  What could possibly be the grounds for this action?  Just give me one rational reason!  And did anyone else who saw this anomaly question it as unusual or odd?  But Texas isn't immune ... I'm sure you have run across the news report of the Dallas Police Department taking possession of their own $600,000 military vehicle that was built "to withstand arms fire, mine blasts, IEDs, and other emerging threats."  Does anyone else find this alarming?
     I am not smart enough to suggest what any of this means.  As my blog subtitle suggests, I am just offering you a woman's perspective of the times we live in.  And asking this post's title question .... Are you paying attention?

Isaiah 41:10    "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

September 30, 2013

I'm Baaack! And With A Challenge!

     After being absent nearly two weeks, it feels really good to be connected to everyone again!  It was really interesting to observe the temperature of my fellow citizens as we traveled across the country.  I certainly felt a degree of tension in regards to our future; both as individuals and as a sovereign nation.
     Nerves and checkbooks are stretched tight; personal and home defense seem to be at the top of the list of most everyone we met; and there was just a general sense that folks are "hunkering down".  They are becoming really concerned about the consequences of the healthcare legislation, and increasingly disillusioned with politicians who play..... well ..... politics.  They are hungry for leaders!
     In fact, I think we are looking for leaders in every aspect of our society.  We need leaders who will stand up for the common man.  We're tired of so-called public servants who have become leeches on the system.  We need legislators who remember what their job is --- to represent the people; true servants who put the desires of their constituents above their own personal gain.  And these representatives of the people need to remove the restraints and regulations that keep us from enjoying the freedoms we were endowed with.
     And that leads me to the Business Sector.  We need men and women leaders who aren't afraid to take risks; who will put their unique and God-given imaginations to use, and work with our elected representatives to create a business-friendly economic model.  We need investors, inventors and entrepreneurs who are willing to put this nation and its people above self-promotion and wealth.  If that could be accomplished, then fame and fortune would naturally follow.
     We need leaders in our families.  Parents who know the worth of teaching their children the time-honored (and Biblical) principles of hard work, respect, self-discipline and honesty.  Too many times during this trip, I heard people bemoaning the lack of motivation and initiative among the young in their families and communities.  Are parents just too busy to train and guide their young on the path toward success?  And are parents no longer the role models they used to be?  The future leaders of America are watching and learning from our example.  What kind of standards are we setting?
     And finally, we need leaders in the Pulpit.  At the founding of our country, the Pastors in the pulpits represented the conscience of America.  These men were bold in their pronouncements.  They weren't afraid to declare what God demanded of us; as both individuals and as a nation.  They weren't afraid to tell their communities when they were in danger of falling from God's grace; nor were they shy in condemning society's sins.  They kept the focus of all aspects of this country on God's will.  Were we in step with His precepts?  Or were we wandering from His path to follow man's own glory?  Finally, they were confident in declaring that while freedom of religion was to be embraced across this great land, it was the Christian faith that was the foundation of America's existence.  Every man was allowed to worship his God in peace and acceptance; freedom and faith were inherent qualities of every American.  No man would be persecuted because of religion.
     So, here's my challenge:  while we are all looking for that outstanding leader to rescue us from America's destructive slide, what's stopping each of us from becoming that leader?  The people I have met and talked to during these last couple of weeks are all well-thought, industrious and committed.  And I sense a change in our nation's dynamics.  We are realizing that we have abandoned our duties as citizens; members of the working class; perhaps as parents; and sadly, as Christians.
     I'm not naive enough to think that there is a simple political solution, or that a groundswell of grassroots support will change things overnight.  But I also know that our God in Heaven is above all of this man-made strife.  It's time to stop giving away our power and authority to others, and reclaim our rightful position as free men and women.  Jehovah, the God of the Universe, gave us the greatest gift mankind has ever known: the freedom to become all He created us to be.  Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, He gave us leaders that embraced His will.  It looked bleak for them, too.  But they never gave up; neither on themselves or Him.  Are we up to that same challenge?

Isaiah 9:16   "For those who guide this people have been leading them astray, and those who are guided by them are swallowed up." 

September 16, 2013

Letter From A Dying Veteran

     This is a letter written by Bill Schoonover, a 79-year-old Army veteran from Washington State.  He has not been shy about writing letters to his Congressmen in the past, but this letter is different.  Mr. Schoonover is dying of cancer, and that makes this letter to his Senator and Representatives all the more  poignant.  I will let this proud Veteran speak for himself.  It was written April of 2013.

Dear Senator:

    I have tried to live by the rules my entire life. My father was a Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army, who died of combat related stresses shortly after his retirement. It was he who instilled in me those virtues he felt important – honesty, duty, patriotism and obeying the laws of God and of our various governments. I have served my country, paid my taxes, worked hard, volunteered and donated my fair share of money, time and artifacts.
     Today, as I approach my 79th birthday, I am heart-broken when I look at my country and my government. I shall only point out a very few things abysmally wrong which you can multiply by a thousand fold. I have calculated that all the money I have paid in income taxes my entire life cannot even keep the Senate barbershop open for one year! Only Heaven and a few tight-lipped actuarial types know what the Senate dining room costs the taxpayers. So please, enjoy your haircuts and meals on us.
..... In the middle of the night, you voted in the Affordable Health Care Act, a.k.a. “Obama Care,” a bill which no more than a handful of senators or representatives read more than several paragraphs, crammed it down our throats, and then promptly exempted yourselves from it, substituting your own taxpayer-subsidized golden health care insurance.
     You understand very well the only two rules you need to know – (1) How to get elected, and (2) How to get re-elected. And you do this with the aid of an eagerly willing and partisan press, speeches permeated with a certain economy of truth, and by buying the votes of the greedy, the ill-informed and under-educated citizens (and non-citizens, too, many of whom do vote ) who are looking for a handout rather than a job. Your so-called “safety net” has become a hammock for the lazy. And, what is it now, about 49 or 50 million on food stamps – pretty much all Democrat voters – and the program is absolutely rife with fraud with absolutely no congressional oversight?
     While we middle class people continue to struggle, our government becomes less and less transparent, more and more bureaucratic, and ever so much more dictatorial, using Czars and Secretaries to tell us (just to mention a very few) what kind of light bulbs we must purchase, how much soda or hamburgers we can eat, what cars we can drive, gasoline to use, and what health care we must buy. Countless thousands of pages of regulations strangle our businesses costing the consumer more and more every day.
     As I face my final year, or so, with cancer, my president and my government tell me “You’ll just have to take a pill,” while you, Senator, your colleagues, the president, and other exulted government officials and their families will get the best possible health care on our tax dollars until you are called home by your Creator; while also enjoying a retirement beyond my wildest dreams, which of course, you voted for yourselves and we pay for.
    ..... My final thoughts are that it must take a person who has either lost his or her soul, or conscience, or both, to seek re-election and continue to destroy this country I deeply love and put it so far in debt that we will never pay it off while your lot improves by the minute, because of your power. For you, Senator, will never stand up to the rascals in your House who constantly deceive the American people. And that, my dear Senator, is how power has corrupted you and the entire Congress. The only answer to clean up this cesspool is term limits. This, of course, will kill the goose that lays your golden eggs. And woe be to him (or her) who would dare to bring it up.


Bill Schoonover

     I think you will agree that not only has Mr. Schoonover expressed the thoughts and feelings of millions of Americans, but he has earned the right to express them, as a proud Army Veteran.  God, Bless you, Bill Schoonover.  You continue to serve your country with your bold and honest voice, and I salute you, Sir.

You can read the letter in its entirety, by clicking here.

August 26, 2013

Abhor What Is Evil; Hold Fast To What Is Good

     These words come from a section of Scripture in Romans, Chapter 12.  And I suppose you don't have to be a Believer to embrace them, but it sure helps to know that there is a Sovereign God who not only controls the world, but prescribes how we are to react to it.
     I have to admit that after the news of the last couple of weeks, I would be depressed if I thought mankind was all I had to cling to.  There were enough stories about senseless hate and killings, and war against innocent civilians, and government oppression/misconduct/hypocrisy to make me want to pull the covers over my head.  And yes, I will declare that I loathe all things that are evil.  I will not make excuses for immoral, despicable and horrendous actions on the part of my fellow man.  We always have the ability to make a different choice.  No matter what circumstances have brought you to your personal appointment with Evil, you are not a robot.... yet (see tomorrow's post).  YOU make the final decision of whether to follow through.  You can always walk away.
     While I cannot change another's actions, I can determine how I will react to it.  But I have to admit, I am human.  I'm filled with anger and righteous indignation when confronted with the images of Evil.  And there certainly seems to be more evil in the world than good these days.  It can definitely be an effort to not let it consume me.
     Sometimes it seems hard to imagine that we will ever experience the "good life" again.  Remember as children, when our summers were filled with community activities like wiffle ball games in the neighborhood vacant lot, or croquet tournaments in your grandparents' back yard?  When the entire block gathered together for barbecues and the kids couldn't wait for night-time to gather fireflies in glass jars?  Will our kids or grandkids ever have the chance to experience such carefree days?  Have we lost our sense of community?
     Yes, times have changed and technology has not always been our friend.  It has created a generation of kids who are losing the art of what it means to communicate true thoughts, feelings and emotions.  That involves looking into another's eyes, hearing the inflection of their voice, and seeing how they carry their body ... none of which is conveyed in a text message.  So, as our ability to connect as humans seems to be on the decline, just how do we hold fast to what is Good?
     I think it has to be in the small things.  And it takes some effort to look for it. It is in the celebration of life events, such as the impending birth of my first great-niece.  It's in the step from childhood to adulthood as I console my sister and encourage her daughter following the emotional drop-off at the college dorm.  As my sister drives away, with tears in her eyes, I remind her that this is a passage of life that she shared with me when she and my dad dropped me off all those long years ago.  Now she knows what our parents felt as we left the nest.  And I tell my niece that I identify with her fears and doubts as she saw her mother drive off.  But I tell her that I found college to be a wonderful time in my life; a time when I discovered that I wanted to be a person who made a difference, and I know she will find her own way, too.  I find the good in her hopeful enthusiasm and in her thanks for my pep talk, and most of all, in her heartfelt expression of love.
      I hold fast to the good that I find in the small stories; those that don't claim the big headlines.  The good is in the story of the Marine who hung back during a 5K race to stay with a 9-year-old boy who had become lost from his group.  The good is found in the story of a man who had been without oxygen for 45 minutes, and was declared dead.  His son prayed over him announcing that he would not die that day; and he showed signs of life, recovering fully with no brain damage.  The good is in miracles like that.  The good can be found when a redneck family from Louisiana takes the culture by storm with their unabashed profession of faith and family.  As long as there is one person who will stand up bravely and boldly and not buckle to this depraved society, then we have some good left to hold fast to.  As long as there is a seed of goodness to plant, no one can stop us from watering it, nurturing it and cultivating it.  Just like there is a choice involved in Evil, we have a part to play in keeping Goodness alive.  And as long as mankind seeks God, there will always be Light in the midst of the Dark.

Psalm 27:13     "I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!"

August 14, 2013

More Of This!

     It has been 10 years since Richard Reid, the so-called "Shoe Bomber", was tried and sentenced to 110 years without parole.  As you will recall, Reid's goal was to set off explosives (which he had packed into his shoes) while American Airlines Flight 63 was over the Atlantic Ocean, on its flight from Paris to Miami.
     The purpose of this post is not to revisit this heinous crime, but to call to mind a time, not so long ago, when our judicial system stood solidly behind America and supported our founding tenets.  It was when our Judges were proud of who we are as Americans.  And so I would like to recall the words of U.S. District Court Judge William Young, who presided over the case.
     When Mr. Reid announced to the court that he was an enemy of the United States and was part of Al-Qaeda, along with the declaration that "I am at war with your country", this was Judge Young's response: 

“This is the sentence that is provided for by our statutes,” Judge Young stated. "It is a fair and just sentence. It is a righteous sentence.
     Now, let me explain this to you. We are not afraid of you or any of your terrorist co-conspirators, Mr. Reid. We are Americans,” the Judge commented. “We have been through the fire before. There is too much war talk here and I say that to everyone with the utmost respect. Here in this court, we deal with individuals as individuals and care for individuals as individuals. As human beings, we reach out for justice.
     You are not an enemy combatant,” Judge Young looked Reid in the eyes and spoke. “You are a terrorist. You are not a soldier in any war. You are a terrorist. To give you that reference, to call you a soldier, gives you far too much stature.
     Whether the officers of government do it, or your attorney does it, or if you think you are a soldier, you are not-----, you are a terrorist. And we do not negotiate with terrorists. We do not meet with terrorists. We do not sign documents with terrorists. We hunt them down one by one and bring them to justice.
     So war talk is way out of line in this court. You are a big fellow. But you are not that big. You're no warrior.  I've known warriors. You are a terrorist. A species of criminal that is guilty of multiple attempted murders. In a very real sense, State Trooper Santiago had it right when you first were taken off that plane and into custody and you wondered where the press and the TV crews were, and he said:
'You're no big deal.'  
     “It seems to me, you hate the one thing that to us is most precious,” the Judge spoke. “You hate our freedom. Our individual freedom. Our individual freedom to live as we choose, to come and go as we choose, to believe or not believe as we individually choose.
     Here, in this society, the very wind carries freedom. It carries it everywhere from sea to shining sea. It is because we prize individual freedom so much that you are here in this beautiful courtroom, so that everyone can see, truly see, that justice is administered fairly, individually, and discretely. It is for freedom's sake that your lawyers are striving so vigorously on your behalf, have filed appeals, will go on in their representation of you before other judges.
     We Americans are all about freedom. Because we all know that the way we treat you, Mr. Reid, is the measure of our own liberties. Make no mistake though. It is yet true that we will bear any burden; pay any price, to preserve our freedoms. Look around this courtroom. Mark it well. The world is not going to long remember what you or I say here. The day after tomorrow, it will be forgotten, but this, however, will long endure.
     Here in this courtroom and courtrooms all across America , the American people will gather to see that justice, individual justice, justice, not war, individual justice, is in fact being done….
     See that flag, Mr. Reid? That's the flag of the United States of America . That flag will fly there long after this is all forgotten. That flag stands for freedom. And it always will.”

     So, I ask you .... do you feel that our Judicial System still reflects these stirring words from Judge Young?  Do we still hand down righteous sentences?  (Does anyone even know what that term means anymore?)  When was the last time someone was labeled a terrorist ?  Or do we diminish the act of a jihadist as merely workplace violence?  Only 10 years ago, this Federal Judge felt he could honestly say that we don't meet with terrorists; don't sign documents with them; and don't negotiate with them.  But could he still say that as the glaring light of scrutiny shines on our activities in Benghazi?
     And would he feel confident to declare that America still prizes individual freedom, when private business owners are being sued for their personal belief system in refusing to bake wedding cakes for same-sex marriages?  It's not as though the same-sex couple can't get a wedding cake for their ceremony; they just want to force another citizen to forego their personal freedom of choice in the matter.  Sorry, Judge Young, but your statement that Americans value "individual freedom to live as we choose, to come and go as we choose, to believe or not believe as we individually choose" doesn't quite have the punch that it used to.  I'm afraid that Americans no longer prize the individual justice that you espoused.  Today, it's becoming all about the collective.
     And for all his conviction that "war talk" was way out of line, war would commence within a couple of months of this trial, and we are still mired down on multiple fronts.  As I contemplate the cost in dollars, lives, and limbs, Oh, how I wish his words would have been true!
     Finally, Judge Young handed down the sentence according to "our statutes", which he believed guided this nation in its pursuit of justice.  Today our laws don't seem to matter much anymore.  The Constitution is being shredded before our eyes, and laws on the books are ignored when inconvenient to some new political goal; or they are unfairly administered according to some political agenda or bias.
     (Sigh)  Ten years is not that long ago, and look how far we've traveled.  I shudder to think where we will be in another ten.  God, we need more of Your righteousness to avoid Your judgment!

Isaiah 32:16-18     Then justice will dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness abide in the fruitful field. And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever. My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.

August 9, 2013

If You Want To Fail In America ... Do These 5 Things

     Ever read a column or article that just makes so much sense, you can't understand why the rest of the world hasn't figured this out?  Well, that's what I thought after reading John Hawkins' commentary on Townhall.com.  Mr. Hawkins sets forth the idea that Success in America isn't all that hard to achieve.  All you need to do is take a look at the clues that "the Successful" exhibit, and use some common sense.  Of course if you do that, who needs all the pointy-headed elitists who feel it is their place in society to tell us why we CAN'T achieve success without them.
     At the basis of his argument is the foundational aspect of Success through hard work.  You can get a lot of things in this life and culture today through handouts .... but Success isn't one of them.  So if you aren't willing to apply a little sweat and tears to get ahead, then you should probably expect to fail.  And if that is your goal, here are 5 sure-fire ways to make sure you never succeed:
1)  Expect a politician to fix your problems:  First of all, politicians can't identify with your problems.  Their problems are not like your problems.  You are trying to figure out how to put food on the table, pay for college tuition, make the mortgage payment.  A politician is focused on maintaining his power base in that Babylon-on-the-Potomac, Washington D.C.  And in case you haven't noticed, "fixing things" happens at a snail's pace in D.C. -- if it happens at all!  So if you're waiting around for some elected official to fix your "problem" so you can enjoy success, you might think about another route to prosperity.  If you want to fail, hitch your plans for success to a politician's "promises".
2)  Demand that the world change to suit you:  In case you haven't realized this yet, the world is not all about you!  The rest of society isn't putting all their efforts into helping you climb the ladder of success.  If you want to see your circumstances change, you can't sit around waiting for the world to meet your needs!  Mr. Hawkins gives the perfect example:  Republicans won the Civil War in 1865. Republican Dwight Eisenhower forcibly integrated the schools in 1957. Percentage wise, more Republicans than Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and today, almost 150 years after the end of the Civil War, you still have liberals like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton crying "Selma, Alabama" and "Emmett Till" every time Dominos shows up five minutes late with a pizza.  Change does happen, but if you need it to happen in order to be successful, then your road to success might never occur.  If you want to fail, all you have to do is keep waiting for change.
3)  Rely on the government to take care of you:  Don't get me wrong, there is a place for food stamps and free lunches when you're down on your luck.  It becomes a problem when you would rather continue to stay down there, than create your own luck on the way to a successful life.  And success doesn't have to be big fancy cars, yachts and a mansion.  Success has more to do with personal pride in earning what you have, no matter how simple or opulent.  The sky should be the limit!  If you are willing to work hard, you deserve all you can achieve.  But if you want to fail, just become addicted to the free ride; you'll never get enough of it.  And just like the junkie, you'll see your Desire for Success be replaced with a spirit-killing dependence.
4)  Focus on pulling everyone else down rather than raising yourself up:  You know the old saying ... "Misery loves company", and nothing is truer than a collective attitude of misery.  When you start identifying with those who are satisfied to settle for less; rather than adopting the mindset of one who has climbed above the rest, then you are setting yourself up for failure.  If you resent someone's successful lifestyle, and covet their success, doesn't it make more sense to emulate their path than to shackle yourself to the destructive patterns of those who are failures?  As Mr. Hawkins so eloquently states:  Winners adapt while losers complain and people who spend their lives obsessing over what's fair and unfair usually turn out to be miserable, while people who have good lives don't give up until they find a way to achieve. 
5)  Think of yourself as a victim:  When has feeling sorry for yourself ever achieved your goal?  If you look hard enough, you can always find someone to blame for your failure:  "The Man"; the rich guy; the guy of another race, gender, or sexual preference.  But the truth is that YOU are to blame!  Quit waiting around for someone to rescue you, and save yourself!  Because if you looked hard enough, you'd find someone EXACTLY like you who has made it; who has achieved the success that you think you deserve.  If you want to fail, just keep on pointing the finger at someone else instead of looking in the mirror and seeing someone who is holding themselves down.  Get over yourself and start thinking of yourself as a Winner.
     These are all tried-and-true lessons; nothing new here.  But I do feel that Success in America is becoming more trivialized in our national dialogue, and "fairness" and "equality" touted as the new mantra.  However, I will always champion individual success as the spirit of our country's psyche, and the heartfelt ambition of every American.  If only these 5 principles were denounced in every classroom across the land, we might be able to encourage a new generation of "do-ers", instead of perpetuating mediocrity.

Proverbs 13:4     "The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied."