A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Military. Show all posts

April 10, 2014

They Deserved More


     I am sitting here watching the Memorial ceremony to the three Fort Hood soldiers killed and the 16 who were wounded last week.  The President is delivering his speech and I am underwhelmed to say the least.  I have heard him speak with more passion when talking about his golf game than he displayed when giving his "love speech".  I'm sorry to say that it lacked emotion, warmth, and conviction.
     Yes, the families of those lost will love them for eternity and their memories will never be forgotten.  It was a speech that might have been appropriate for a chaplain to deliver.  But is that what the members of the Army needed to hear from their Commander-in-Chief?  In fact the Chaplain's speech was more forceful and encouraging; gave those who memorialized the fallen with a purpose to move forward.
     The President opened his speech by saying, "In our lives, our joys, and in our sorrows, we have learned that there is a time for every matter under heaven.  We laugh and we weep; we celebrate and we mourn. We serve in war and we pray for peace.  But Scripture also teaches that alongside the temporal, one thing is eternal.  Love bears all things; believes all things; hopes all things; endures all things.  Love never ends ... It is love, tested by tragedy, that brings us together again."
     That's a nice sentiment.  But where is his comfort to the families that their loved ones' lives meant something?  Where is his pride in his Army?  Where is his solemn pledge that such a senseless tragedy need never happen again, because as the Commander-in-Chief, he will make sure that our warriors are able to protect themselves?  Instead, he tells them that we draw strength from them, the families, because we see that eternal truth, "love never ends."  He acknowledges that they gave their sons to America, in service, and they will always honor them.  So, too, he says, will the nation that they served.  How about him, their Commander-in-Chief?  Does he honor them and their service?  He finishes by saying that they will never stand alone, "because this Army, and this nation stands with you, for all the days to come."  Again, I ask ... but do you, Mr. President?
     He finished by addressing "the men and women of Fort Hood.  Part of what makes this so painful, is that we've been here before.  Soldiers were struck down here at home, where they are supposed to be safe.  We still do not exactly know why, but we do know this.... we must honor their lives, not in word or talk, but in deed, and in truth.  We must honor these men with a renewed commitment to keep our troops safe -- not just in battle, but on the home front, as well..... We can never eliminate every risk, but as a nation, we can do more to counsel those with mental illness; to keep firearms out of the hands of those experiencing such deep difficulties."  Really?!?  How about, we make a renewed commitment to not leave them like sitting ducks for anyone who wants to cause them harm?
     He continued with the "mental illness" excuse for this tragedy, instead of declaring what I'm sure everyone of the 3,000 people in attendance were at least thinking.  "If only we could defend ourselves...".  And as if to drive home his refusal to address this possible solution, he finished his speech with, "As Commander-in-Chief, I am determined that we will continue to step up our efforts to reach our veterans who are hurting; to deliver to them the care that they need; and to make sure that we never stigmatize those who have the courage to seek help.  He ended his speech by repeating his "love endures all things" theme, which left me cold and hurting for the families.
    They deserved so much more.  Their loved ones deserved more.  Our military deserves more.  They are entitled to be able to protect themselves.  They put their lives on the line for us each day they put on the uniform.  We ask them to put themselves between us and the enemy, and they accept that they may make the ultimate sacrifice.  But they should not be left defenseless within a confined area that leaves them vulnerable, exposed and unprotected from attack.  That defies reason!
     It is hard to sit here and watch the families suffer as Roll Call is carried out, and there is no answer from Sgt. First Class Daniel M. Ferguson, Staff Sgt. Carlos A. Lazaney-Rodriguez or Sgt. Timothy W. Owens.  It is hard to see the anguished faces of their children, and the sobs of their fiances, wives and mothers.  It is harder still to think that their deaths will see no change in the ability of their fellow soldiers to protect themselves, or that those who command them refuse to consider the obvious solution.  How many more times will we view such memorial ceremonies?  How many more families will suffer such a tragedy?  We owe them a debt that can never be paid.  It's time to stop the madness and allow those who protect us to protect themselves.  God Bless them and their families.

Psalm 18:39  "For you equipped me with strength for the battle; you made those who rise against me sink under me."

April 3, 2014

They Deserve Better!

     It's hard to describe my feelings about yesterday's shootings at Fort Hood.  Once again this Army Post will come under heavy scrutiny, and families will be suffering.  So many questions to be answered ... was PTSD a contributing factor?  Is it terrorism?  Isn't it time to change the Army's "gun free" policy, which leaves our service members defenseless in incidents such as this?  How many innocent victims have to die before the Military Brass see the absurdity of such a stance?
     I actually heard the Commander of Fort Hood, Lt. General Mark Milley, say that he would not consider letting Army personnel carry weapons on Post because, as in this instance, they had excellent military police and law enforcement that responded within 10-15 minutes.  I don't have any stars on my chest, but even I know that a lot of lives can be lost in 10-15 minutes, and even one well-trained soldier at the scene can take out an active shooter in seconds.
     To my mind, we have once again shown the world (and anyone wishing to harm our military) that we are vulnerable; we appear weak; and we aren't even capable of protecting our soldiers on their home turf.  When does this madness stop?
     Then we have to face the issue of the psychological profile of the shooter.  He was an active-duty soldier who was being treated for "behavioral problems, anxiety and depression."  He was undergoing testing for PTSD, and although not officially diagnosed to date, one has to wonder if multiple deployments and wars that have lasted over a decade played a part in this incident and will contribute to more tragedies such as this.
     And then there is the Commander-in-Chief's response.  He issued a statement which said, ""We're heartbroken something like this might have happened again.  We're following it closely. ... I want to just assure all of us we are going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened."  These comments were part of a brief statement he made while on the way to a fund-raising event for the 2014 election cycle, in which some tickets were going for $32,400 apiece.  After all, we must keep out priorities straight, right?  I just find it curious which shooting tragedies are on his radar (such as Sandy Hook) and warrant countless press conferences, and which ones receive the least attention with just an issued statement (any shooting which involves the military).
     The nation is reeling from this latest domestic attack upon our service men and women, and as the days go by, I hope we will receive answers to the gut-wrenching questions.  But for those of us who care deeply about the soldiers that put their lives on the line for us, it is difficult to think that they are so susceptible to attack without any means to protect themselves.  They deserve better than this and the top of the military chain of command should be ashamed and embarrassed that our brave Soldiers, Sailors, Marines,  and Airmen are still defenseless sitting ducks!  The nation is waking up to the fact that we must consider armed teachers to protect our children; why not allow armed soldiers to protect themselves?  Enough of this foolish insanity!  May God protect and bless those who protect us; and may He heal and comfort all those who have been affected by this tragic event.

Psalm 34:18      "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."

March 10, 2014

Is Religious Liberty Dying In Our Military?

     Nearly a year ago, Coast Guard Rear Admiral William Lee spoke from the heart at a National Day of Prayer breakfast.  At the time, Todd Starnes of  Fox News, reported on the Admiral's passionate speech regarding his religious faith.  “As one general so aptly put it – they expect us to check our religion in at the door – don’t bring that here,” Rear Admiral Lee told the gathering. “Leaders like myself are feeling the constraints of rules and regulations and guidance issued by lawyers that put us in a tighter and tighter box regarding our constitutional right to express our religious faith.”
     Lee told the cheering crowd that he would defy any of those constraints.  “The problem that men and women like me face in uniform who are in senior leadership positions is that the higher you are – the more vulnerable you are to being taken down,” he said. “You get in the crosshairs of those people who lay in wait outside the gate – waiting to take us to task for expressing our faith.”
      Yet Admiral Lee was bold in pronouncing that he would not back down from giving those under his command a word of hope.  “The lawyers tell me that if I do that – I’m crossing the line,” he said. “I’m so glad I’ve crossed that line so many times.”  I  urge you to watch the video of this brave's man stand for his faith, and his warning that there is a religious storm fast approaching the armed forces.
     Mind you, that was nearly a year ago.  At the end of 2013, the Family Research Council released a year-end report by retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin, who is the Executive Vice President of the Council.  In full disclosure, the FRC is a faith-based organization whose vision is a culture in which human life is valued, families flourish and religious liberty thrives.  Their mission is to advance faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview.  To that end, General Boykin brings a unique perspective to how the military and faith are associated.
     His paper for the FRC was entitled A Clear and Present Danger:  The Threat to Religious Liberty in the Military.  You can read his full report here.  He begins by recounting how important faith has been in the history of our nation's military.   He then relates that it is "with great unease that we at the Family Research Council (FRC) have noted a growing hostility to religion within the armed services in the last decade."  He cites that the pressure has especially been acute in the U.S. Air Force.  He then proceeds to give a detailed list of abuses against the Christian Faith; and they cover the entire spectrum of the military.  I will list just a few:
2004 - Casey Weinstein:  A USAF Academy cadet, and the son of an Academy graduate turned lawyer, Casey complained about flyers that were distributed for Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ.  The distribution of the flyers stopped, and his father, Michael Weinstein founded the Military Religious Freedom Foundation [MRFF], which has since championed the many court battles against freedom of religion in the military.
2005 - Michael Weinstein ramps up his persecution against the Air Force:  In this year alone, Weinstein becomes a vocal critic of the USAF and accuses it of promoting "religious intolerance that is objectively manifesting itself in prejudice and discrimination and is obliterating the First Amendment, civil rights and the US Constitution."  In an effort to become more "tolerant", the Air Force institutes a course entitled, "Respecting the Spiritual Values of All People" (RSVP).  But it's not enough for Weinstein.  He accuses the Air Force leadership of cultivating a religious climate in which the leadership "encourages the evangelicals and tolerates bias."  Weinstein sues the USAF alleging "severe, systemic and pervasive" religious discrimination in that service.
2006 - Weinstein's lawsuit is dismissed, but.... : The original complainants in the suit were graduates of the Academy and the judge ruled they had no legal standing.  Weinstein then asked for -- and received -- a Department of Defense (DOD) Inspector General investigation of seven officers who appeared in a video for Christian Embassy ministry.  While the Inspector General ruled that the video was "inappropriate", Weinstein wanted punishment of the officers; he wanted court martials.  His hate for evangelical Christianity knows no bounds.
2009 - Weinstein finds an Anti-Christian ally in the Air Force:  With the advent of the Obama Administration, Weinstein finds that Air Force Chief of Staff Norton A. Schwartz shares his view of the lack of religious freedom in the military, and the two begin a mutual admiration society.  Suddenly, Weinstein thinks the military leadership is on target.
2010 - Conservative religious leaders are spurned at National Day of Prayer events:  Both Tony Perkins, President of FRC (and a former Marine) and Pastor Franklin Graham are disinvited to speak at the National Day of Prayer breakfast, allegedly due to their respective positions against the effort to repeal the ban on open homosexuality in the military, and their view of Islam and its treatment of women.
2011 - A banner year for discrimination against Christianity:  Where do I begin?  Just consider these outright biases against those of faith in the military:  Christian prayer is banned at some military funerals; A 20-year-old ethics training course was pulled from the Air Force curriculum because of its use of Christian reading materials; Chief of Staff Schwartz calls for neutrality regarding religion and encourages those who feel they have encountered violation of  this policy to contact an attorney; Walter Reed Medical Center bans Bibles and religious material (this policy was eventually rescinded after a publicity firestorm raged in the House of Representatives); Weinstein and his MRFF organization files suit against Travis AFB for displaying a nativity scene and menorah.  As you can see, efforts to quell Christian religious expression are intensifying.
2012 -  Attacks against Christianity spreads to other branches of the Military:  The year opened with the Air Force removing "God" from the logo of the Rapid Capabilities Office.  Then we saw that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) launched a campaign to bar Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin (USA-ret.), a founding member of the Army's Delta Force and former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, (as well as Executive VP of Family Research Council) from speaking at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.  General Boykin withdrew from the event, citing forces that were "overpowering".  This was followed by the Pennsylvania Army Reserve training document which labels Evangelical Christians and Catholics "extremists", and a West Point study that compared pro-life groups to the KKK and Neo-Nazi groups.
2013 - The attacks against Christianity in the Military are too numerous to mention them all:  Suffice it to say that Michael Weinstein gets real cozy with Air Force brass and the limitations against Christians become blatant.  Christian evangelism is now against regulations.  An Air Force officer is asked to remove a Bible from his desk, because it might make someone "uncomfortable".  Those who do not agree with the homosexual agenda in the military are singled out for retribution, including a soldier who served Chick-Fil-A sandwiches at his own promotion party; an Army assistant chaplain who was threatened with reduction and rank for posting her faith-based opinion on homosexuality on her Facebook page; and a 19-year veteran of the Air Force, Senior Master Sergeant Phillip Monk, was relieved of his duties after he disagreed with his openly gay commander, Maj. Elisa Valenzuela, when she wanted to severely punish an instructor who had expressed religious objections to homosexuality.  Lawsuits flew back and forth while the Air Force continued to uphold the Major, while downplaying Sgt. Monk's claims of discrimination.  And finally, we have a briefing in the Fall of 2013 at Fort Hood, Texas during which they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party threatened the country. Additionally, they were informed that soldiers who donated to such organizations could be subject to discipline under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  Apparently it is those of us who identify with these groups that are "tearing the country apart."
     I have only touched on the highlights of this report by Lt. General Boykin, and I urge you to click on the link above to read his full and complete analysis of the state (or lack thereof) of Religious Liberty in our Military.   This is a man who has proudly worn the uniform of the U.S. Military, and achieved great things for this country during his stellar service.  But he is sounding an alarm that we can no longer ignore.  When you remove our God from our military, then you open the door to deviations and departures from moral and ethical principles.  Look how much the Enemy has been able to accomplish in just 10 short years!  If we do not stop this blatant discrimination, we may soon find that Christianity and Christians are no longer a part of our military.
     Finally, I would like you to consider these words with which General Boykin ended his paper:  James Madison once described religious freedom as the "lustre of our country." The examples presented above should give us great concern that we have entered a period in which members of the armed services are being subjected to speech codes and restrictions on the free exercise of religion. We recognize that there must be a healthy respect for the beliefs of members of all faiths and those who are not Christian believers. Concurrently, we affirm that religious expression is a right foundational to our Constitution, which those being penalized have sworn with their lives to uphold.
     Pray for our military.  Pray that the forces and the attacks by those who wish to silence the Christian influence will fall on deaf ears.  And pray that our leaders will once again promote the free practice of all faiths in this land, and re-discover our most sacred founding principle.

Joshua 24:15    "And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve .... But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

February 26, 2014

Our Shrinking Army: Is This Good For America?

     The New York Times is reporting that Pentagon officials are touting a new proposed budget as a way to simultaneously accomplish two goals: 1) address the economic reality of our government being able to continue to fund the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and 2) allowing the President to make good on his pledge to end these two expensive and exhausting land wars.
     This would, they argue, take the U.S. off the war footing that has cost this country so much; both in budgetary aspects and human sacrifice.  These officials are careful to point out that a smaller budget will leave us with a military capable of defeating any adversary, but too small for protracted foreign occupations.  But there is a shocking fact that you also need to be aware of .... this new budget will shrink the United States Army to its smallest force since before the World War II buildup and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets!
     Do they really think that is a good idea with the threats (both real and implied) that we are receiving from Iran, North Korea and China?  Yes, they say, we Americans need to realize that our servicemen and women will be at greater risk if they are called upon to carry out multiple military actions. Oh, and by the way, any chances of winning any of these engagements will be less and take longer; and don't forget that the number of casualties will be higher.  But don't worry, it will be a more agile, more capable, and more modern Army.  More about that concept later.
     Think about it!  This smaller Pentagon budget will not only affect our national security, but everything and everyone; from eliminating the entire fleet of Air Force A-10 attack aircraft to reductions in National Guard personnel to limiting the number of Navy ships built.  But, not to worry ... officials said that despite these budget reductions, the military would have the money to remain the most capable in the world and that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's proposals have the endorsement of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
     I'm going to be brutally honest here.  I'm not too sure that the Joint Chiefs of Staff haven't gotten too comfortable in their political roles lately.  I'm just not confident that they truly look out for the best interests of our military; their careers in DC seem to take precedent. And are they truly independent of the Executive Branch?  Those who dare to question seem to have their careers shortened prematurely.
     While I am certainly not qualified to make any judgments or suggestions regarding these matters, I am aware enough of the state of the world to realize that downsizing our military in these turbulent times leaves us open to the aggression of our enemies; and there are several groups and nation/states who are only too proud to call themselves our adversaries.
     But maybe there's more to this story than is on the surface.  Remember the assurance that our Army will become more agile, more capable and more modern?  Do you recall hearing the recent statement by Army General Robert Cone, who revealed that the Army is considering reducing the size of a Brigade Combat Team from 4,000 soldiers to 3,000, with robots and drones making up for the lost firepower?
     An article in Popular Science had an interesting spin on this little news item:  While not explicitly stated, a major motivation behind replacing humans with robots is that humans are expensive. Training, feeding, and supplying them while at war is pricey, and after the soldiers leave the service, there's a lifetime of medical care to cover. In 2012, benefits for serving and retired members of the military comprised one-quarter of the Pentagon's budget request.
     So, do you think this is at the heart of the Pentagon's budget reduction?  Is the training, feeding and supplying of the human part of the Army not worth 1/4 of their budget?  Is the ulterior motive to fund the mechanization of the Army?  I realize that the military/industrial complex has become dangerously bloated and constantly needs to be fed.  And I get it ... Manpower is too expensive, and robots can be designed to be more agile and capable -- and they are definitely more modern.  But, again, I have to ask ... Is this good for America?

2 Corinthians 10:4     For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.


January 24, 2014

Wounded Warriors: What Does Their Future Hold?

     Over the MLK holiday, PLW and I had the good fortune to host a Wounded Warrior and his family on our little place in the country.  We have befriended so many of these guys through our work with the Fisher House organization, and it was our honor to offer this couple and their children a day of relaxation away from the city and their everyday lives.
     I want to respect their privacy, so I will refer to them in this post as Scott and his wife, Lauren.  As the guys went off to explore the neighboring ranch and do "guy things", Lauren and I settled on the couch and began a discussion about their hopes for the future.  Scott is due for another round of surgeries to try to help his healing from the IED explosion that cost him the loss of his right leg below the knee, and the acute damage to the calf muscle of his left leg.  It is actually the left leg that refuses to heal, and more tissue from his groin will be grafted into his leg in hopes that this time, it will "take".
     Scott is one of the older Wounded Warriors we have met, and therefore seems to have adjusted to his situation a little bit better than some of the younger soldiers.  It helps that he has Lauren, a tougher-than-nails wife who doesn't allow him to feel sorry for himself.  But as I listen to her outline their hopes for the future, I cannot shake my feelings of uncertainty for them.  For the first time in our two-year friendship, I sense that this military family is picturing their service from a new perspective.
     In the past, Scott has clung to the concept of commitment, duty and camaraderie that constitutes being part of the military "family".  He has been dedicated to his rehabilitation; and rejoiced each time he received a new specialized prosthetic leg that enabled him to run, swim, or bike.   He was always upbeat and focused; with the goal of rejoining his unit in mind.  As Lauren would consistently tell me every time we tried to thank them for their sacrifice, "You don't owe us any thanks, This is our job!"
     We could sense some minor irritation of having to deal with the bureaucracy of the Veterans Administration and the Federal government, but overall, they felt that they were being taken care of and their future was bright in the military.  But during this visit, I heard a different story.  They are beginning to feel as though the Medical Boards and VA are not as detailed in providing the benefits they have been promised, and have heard stories from other wounded warriors about being encouraged to just separate or medically retire from the military without receiving full disability benefits.  Because Scott and Lauren are older, they have the advantage of knowing it is better to persevere and get every "t" crossed and "i" dotted, if you want to receive 100% disability benefits.  Once you have left the military, it is next to impossible to try to come back to the VA for additional benefits.
     (If you want to get a good taste of just how complicated and frustrating this process can be, read this Q&A from a military wife.  And this was six years ago!  Think how many more IED-related injuries our soldiers have incurred since then, and you can imagine the backlog of cases before Medical Boards.)
     During my discussion with Lauren, there was the implication that this kind of treatment would discourage future enlistments in our all-volunteer Army, and the recognition that our military is being decimated from within.  This should be discouraging news to both the military and civilian population of this country!
     We then switched topics to housing benefits and the assistance they were receiving in this area. It seems there is a program whereby Banks are working with the VA/Military by offering foreclosed homes to wounded warriors and their families.  It is my understanding that the vets are allowed to look at available homes online, but not allowed to inspect them.  They apply for a home, and if they are chosen, the home is theirs in return for simply paying the property taxes for three years.  If at the end of the three years, they are not in arrears on the taxes, the title for the home is signed over to them.  But Lauren had just received a phone call from a good friend, who had fallen in love with a home on line, applied for it, was awarded the home, and within three months of moving in, pipes burst in the laundry room, and she is without water.  The homes come with a one-year warranty, but when her friend called to report the damaged pipes, she was told that the reporting agency was in Chicago (she was in Florida), and it would probably be better for her to just cover the costs herself.  In other words, "Welcome to the bureaucratic chaos that is the Federal government!"  From the sounds of it, this program is a crap shoot/shot in the dark/spin of the roulette wheel all wrapped up in one!
     So with all these developments, it came as no surprise to hear Lauren say that as soon as Scott recovers from the next surgery and they can get all their paperwork straightened out, he will most likely leave the military.  But when asked what he would like to do as a profession, there is a long pause, and I can tell that they have no idea.  The military is all he's known for many years.  It is my impression that when he, and a lot of the wounded warriors, first incurred their injuries they were convinced they would be fitted with prosthetic limbs, rehabilitated, and could return to active duty.  But as it became apparent that these injuries required multiple surgeries and the rehabilitation was slow and costly, the numbers of wounded began to bog down the system; and there are now thousands of young men and women stuck in the machine.
     So where does that leave them?  I can tell you that I have personally seen too many young men that are in far worse shape than Scott.  I truly believe that there is not any job he could not do.  But with unemployment at its current high rate, how will this economy support all the wounded veterans leaving the military?  And I can tell you that their disability benefits (even if they are able to receive 100%) will not keep up with inflation.  Even if we had a healthy economy, I fear that there is not enough money to properly care for them or rehabilitate them.  And, sadly, I don't think there will be the heart in the halls of Congress to provide programs to teach them new skills.  And where will the jobs come from anyway?  It breaks my heart to think of this generation of noble warriors living the rest of their lives with such devastating injuries, plus coping with unemployment.
     For now, it seems that we are continuing wars on multiple fronts, with ambiguous exit strategies and no clear impetus to defeat the enemy.  In the meantime, our soldiers and their spouses and families are paying a tremendous price.  God Bless them!  But where are the moral sensibilities of our Leaders?

Psalms 34:17-20     "When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken."

January 17, 2014

Gates Memoir Should Make Us Tremble

     There has been a lot of media interest in Secretary of Defense Robert Gates's depiction of his years of service, titled Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War.  And rightfully so.  Anytime you hear that the President of the United States, who is Commander-in-Chief of our military forces, is uncomfortable around military leaders, and there is a feeling he is "suspicious of their motives”, then it casts at least a tiny doubt as to the state of our national security.
     As the Commander-in-Chief; the person who exercises supreme operational command and control of our nation's military, neither the term "uncomfortable" nor "suspicious" should in anyway be applied.  Those two observations alone, should give every American pause as to the commitment and confidence the CIC has in our troops.
     I will confess that I have not read the book, although I plan to.  For the time being, I am contemplating how I feel after watching a handful of recorded interviews with the Former Secretary of Defense, and reading an emotional excerpt from the book.  My overall impression is that, during the years of his tenure, Politics played a more important role than the welfare of our military, and "dysfunction" all too often described the actions of policymakers.
     Don't get me wrong; I'm not writing this post to lay the blame at the feet of one man or one administration; there is enough criticism to go around.  I am just frustrated and disgusted at the seemingly egotistical posturing that has resulted in so many lost lives during two long, and still unsettled wars.  According to Gates, he not only had to wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan -- but in Washington, D.C., too!  Here is a telling exposition from the book:  "Such difficulties within the executive branch were nothing compared with the pain of dealing with Congress. Congress is best viewed from a distance—the farther the better—because up close, it is truly ugly. I saw most of Congress as uncivil, incompetent at fulfilling their basic constitutional responsibilities (such as timely appropriations), micromanagerial, parochial, hypocritical, egotistical, thin-skinned and prone to put self (and re-election) before country.
     I was more or less continuously outraged by the parochial self-interest of all but a very few members of Congress. Any defense facility or contract in their district or state, no matter how superfluous or wasteful, was sacrosanct. I was constantly amazed and infuriated at the hypocrisy of those who most stridently attacked the Defense Department as inefficient and wasteful but fought tooth and nail to prevent any reduction in defense activities in their home state or district."

     Perhaps we are too many generations away from Presidents (and members of Congress) who actually know what it is to serve in a war.  They haven't tasted the fear and the pain of death; nor do they know the selfless sacrifice and commitment of those who serve.  They (POTUS and Congress) only know how to serve their own self-interests.  So when technology advances to the point that all it takes is a button being pushed in DC to destroy a target half a world away, then perhaps war has become too much like a video game, and we lose perspective of the actual flesh and blood who pay for those decisions.  Gates says it best:  "My years at the Pentagon left me even more skeptical of systems analysis, computer models, game theories or doctrines that suggest that war is anything other than tragic, inefficient and uncertain."
     And the tragedy comes from the fact that the shattered lives of soldiers and families, alike, are lost upon those who are elected to direct their service.  I have personally seen the effects of these decisions; double, triple and quadruple amputees; from men (who look like boys) that have barely begun shaving, yet have paid a price that will haunt them for the rest of their lives.  As the proud daughter of a WWII veteran, I thought I would never say this, but I honestly could not recommend that any child I love be encouraged to enlist in this military.  Yet, I will support that heroic decision, and I know they will continue to answer the call because they believe in something bigger than themselves.  Too bad the ones we elect to be at the helm don't feel the same way.
     This book has been described as an "act of betrayal"towards the White House, but until I read the entire 600 pages myself, I am inclined to feel it is the troops that have suffered the greater breach of faith.

Asked by a young Afghanistan veteran, "Sir, what keeps you awake at night? Gates answered, "You do."  Robert Gates has chosen to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery, in Section 60, beside the service members who died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Isaiah 6:8    And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

December 21, 2013

Our Veterans Have Sacrificed Enough

     I was deeply troubled when I heard that the new Budget Bill brokered by Representatives Paul Ryan and Patty Murray delivers another blow to our wounded veterans.  On Wednesday, the Senate voted 64-36 to pass this controversial budget deal.  The bill would cut retirement benefits for military retirees by $6 billion over 10 years.  As if that is not unforgivable enough, a sentence reading “This would not affect servicemembers who retired because of disability or injury” has been removed from a summary now posted on the House Budget Committee website.
     I find it absolutely unconscionable that, first of all, our military veterans would be asked to sacrifice their retirement pensions after all they've sacrificed for this country.  Secondly, it is indefensible that Congress would not exempt those who have been disabled or wounded during their service.
     The Washington Free Beacon reports that the Ryan-Murray deal affects Chapter 71, Section 1401 of the United States Code, which deals with the pay of military retirees.  As the code is currently written, servicemembers can be eligible for early Chapter 61 retirement if it is determined that, due to a physical disability, that individual is no longer able to perform the duties of their office, grade, or rank. The individual must hold a disability rating of 30 percent or more according to Department of Defense standards, and the disability must be the proximate result of performing their duties during a time of war or national emergency.
     A summary of the original budget agreement, obtained by the Free Beacon, explicitly stated that disabled veterans would be exempt.  However, Section 403 of the budget agreement amends section 1401a(b) of Title 10, U.S. Code, adding adjustments equal to inflation minus 1 percent, thereby lowering the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) of disabled retirees.  The Free Beacon goes on to report that wounded servicemembers are entitled to Veterans Administration Disability Benefits, which remain unchanged by the budget deal. However, the change to Chapter 61 retirement could account for about 55 percent of a wounded service member’s disability pay, according to a Senate aide.  For example, a 28-year-old staff sergeant (an E-5 rank) who is forced to retire after 10 years would see approximately $50,000 in lost compensation over the next 40 years.
     And you want to know how Representative Ryan justifies the changes?  He says they are appropriate because servicemen and women who retire in their 40s after serving for two decades are still young enough to maintain a job.  But that doesn't address the wounded veteran who may not be able to obtain further employment.
     But there's another unethical element to this whole affair.  This bill would cut the benefits of military retirees, while not imposing equal cuts to federal civilian workers.  As Senator Jeff Sessions stated, “It is unthinkable that this provision would be included in a deal that spares current civilian workers from the same treatment.”  This is just an example of the Military-Industrial complex at its worst!  Those who have sacrificed the most will be the ones who pay the most to allow for increased government spending.  And this amendment to the bill did not have to be!
     Senator Sessions proposed an amendment that would eliminate an estimated $4.2 billion in annual spending by reining in an IRS credit that illegal immigrants have claimed.  In essence, Sessions’ office claimed that a vote to block his amendment was a vote to "cut military pensions instead of cutting welfare for illegal immigrants."
     To summarize this whole mess, Will Allison, spokesman for the House Budget Committee, made this statement:  "The COLA provision does not include additional exemptions [for wounded or disabled  veterans], but to clarify: The Bipartisan Budget Act does not affect any benefits provided to veterans in compensation for disabilities suffered as a result of their service.  There are no changes made to disability-compensation benefits and no changes that would impact their VA-provided medical care.”
     "The federal government has no greater obligation than to keep the American people safe,” Allison told the Free Beacon. “And it must take care of the men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line. To meet our obligations to our service men and women, we must make sure their long-term benefits are on a sound, financial footing."  All their benefits, except for retirement, of course.
     Disabled retirees, who were previously thought to be exempt from the changes to military retiree pay, could now lose up to $124,000 over a 20-year period.  Does that sound like the government is meeting their obligations?  Shame on Congress!

Romans 12:10   "Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor."

November 27, 2013

Military Leaders Stand Up For America

     I wondered how long it would take; how long before the truly principled leaders in our military could no longer stand by and watch the Constitution be shredded and defiled.  I've always believed that they honored the oath they took to "defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; to bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and to obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice."
     And now, in light of the drastic changes we have seen in foreign policy, the economy, and the military, WND.com is reporting that two retired U.S. generals are creating a citizens’ commission to scrutinize our federal government's actions on national security and economic issues.
     Army General Paul E. Vallely and Air Force Brigadier General Charles Jones have created a vehicle called “America’s Provisional Leadership Council”, through which they hope to provide an alternate core of leadership; to provide the American people with a choice other the Progressives in either major party.  In essence, the Council hopes to encourage new Independent Constitutional Leadership.
     And these two retired Generals are no lightweights.  Vallely, who today is chairman of the organization Stand Up America, served as the deputy commanding general of Pacific Command. Jones, who is vice-chairman of "The Americans Project" of Stand Up America, held numerous Air Force command positions including a tactical fighter wing, a strategic airlift wing and a special operations group.  "The Americans Project" is at the core of the Leadership Council, and Jones describes it as "a movement, not a new party necessarily. We want candidates to run as Americans first before being a Democrat, Republican or Independent.”
     Furthermore, Vallely says "The Americans Project" will serve as a “citizens’ commission” of prominent Americans to provide advice to legislative and executive branches of government.  And taking it a step further, he recognizes the importance of massive grassroots protests and social networking, which he envisions can be undertaken through his organization.  He cites the “forced resignation” of President Richard Nixon as an example of the power of peaceful citizen involvement.
     In an eight-point paper outlining their strategies and goals, Vallely and Jones call for adherence to the Constitution with strict congressional oversight of all executive actions.  For instance ... In an apparent reference to the cutback in overall U.S. military readiness, they call for a strong national defense but stipulate that “in no way” would the U.S. military ever be used against U.S. citizens, a reference to a growing concern among many Americans.
     In regards to our historic $17 trillion government debt, concerns over continued unemployment and excessive tax rates on businesses and citizens, they have a solution.  Vallely and Jones call for abolishing the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service system, the intended result of which would be that “all political plundering of the peoples’ wealth via taxation will be stopped.”  And by abolishing the Federal Reserve, all U.S. government financial and economic functions would be turned back to the U.S. Treasury.  The IRS would be immediately abolished and replaced by a sales tax on specified items for partial financing of the U.S. government.
     But they didn't stop there.  The retired generals condemned the illegal alien “invasion,” which they said would be stopped with a secured border double fence, calling for penalties on employers who hire illegal aliens.
     They also called for the elimination and consolidation of a number of federal agencies, some of which, like the Department of Homeland Security, they say, have exceeded their authority.  There is much more that is outlined in their policy objectives, and it is obvious that these men have done their homework and their passion for the country they long defended, knows no bounds.
     Retired General Vallely said the U.S. faces a battle that is unknown to generations of Americans, and that the fate of the nation is “now in our hands” to enforce the Constitution and “severely limit the federal government and its out-of-control spending.”  He went on to say, “We are in a war for America ... This means raising your voice now to your neighbors, family, co-workers and friends. Be the captains of your souls. I pray for another George Washington to appear within the year and lead us.”
     I applaud these Generals for standing on principle and speaking out; for taking action to restore us to our Constitutional heritage.  But I don't know if even General Washington's considerable prowess, good fortune, and strength of purpose would be enough to overcome our obstacles.  
     I have a feeling that there is much more to this story and those of recent purgings within the military ranks.  I pray that the objectives of these men (and others who will undoubtedly join them), will be met, and I pray for their safety.  I, too, long for a change in direction.  It is yet to be seen if these efforts are too late, or if they align with God's will for our nation.  For now, I will enjoy the moment of hope they offer.

For a comprehensive summary of General Vallely's positions, please click here.  

Hebrews 13:18    "Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things." 

November 13, 2013

Operation Underground Railroad

The acronym for Operation Underground Railroad also serves as their motto .... O.U.R. Children.  Just what is this worthy organization and why do you need to know about it?  We all know that the original Underground Railroad was a network that existed in nineteenth century America to liberate African slaves. It consisted of secret routes, safe houses, and undercover operatives who would infiltrate the plantation, often pretending to be slaves themselves, then stealthily conduct the captives out of bondage. We often congratulate ourselves for having eradicated nineteenth century slavery. But it has not been eradicated.  It is uglier than ever.  Its victims today include nearly two million precious children in the world.  They are sex slaves!
     And just as it happened a century and a half ago, brave men have made it their mission to rescue these children who are abducted and sentenced to a life of bondage.  Only this time, using cutting-edge computer technology and human intelligence, they are undercover teams of former CIA and Special Ops personnel who go into the darkest corners of the world to help local law enforcement liberate enslaved children and dismantle the criminal networks.
     All you have to do is go to their website (operationundergroundrailraod.org) to read the passion with which these men dedicate their lives to saving children.  Let them tell you in their own words:  These poor children are abused daily, thousands of them being imported every year into developed countries like the United States and Canada. These children range from toddlers to teenagers. People have been talking about this problem for some time. But these children don't need more talk. They need action. They need to be extracted from the hell they are living in. We know how to extract them. This is what we do. We rescue them and place them into safe havens where they can be rehabilitated. Then we go after the bad guys and break their organizations. Help us do this. Help us help the children.
     They have gathered the world's experts in extraction operations and in anti-child trafficking efforts. They are former CIA, FBI, Navy SEALs, and Green Berets. They make up what is called the Underground Jump Team. While the United States government is leading the world in such operations, it is largely hindered by bureaucracy and jurisdictional limitations. If there is no U.S. statute being violated, then no U.S. action can be taken. Because most of these suffering children fall outside of U.S. jurisdiction and often find themselves kidnapped and abused in regions where the resources to save them are scarce, it is time for private citizens and organizations to rise up and help. It is our duty as a free and blessed people. As the operatives, themselves, ask, "If not us, who?"
      They have partnered with private software and data mining companies who have developed cutting edge tools to locate and detain international child trafficking organizations. Over the last decade these tools have led to the rescue of thousands of children and to the apprehension of thousands of pedophile captors. (Note: These tools do not violate privacy rights, as they only mine data that has been publically disseminated by those seeking to sell children.) Sadly, these tools have only been utilized in developed countries, leaving those infected nations with the most enslaved children to fend for themselves. It is the goal of the Underground Jump Team to end this. Partnering with government jurisdictions throughout the world, they will provide these tools free of charge, and will work side by side with our foreign partners until the children on the other end of that dark Internet line are liberated.
     Here is just one of the success stories from Costa Rica:  After Underground Jump Team members learned that children were being sold for sex to Americans in Jaco Beach, Costa Rica, they deployed there. They spent several weeks pounding the pavement in an undercover capacity, and eventually managed to infiltrate the organizations providing the illicit sex. Working with local authorities, two American individuals were arrested as a result of this mission.
     The child sex business and pornography have become a multi-million dollar business and money is made at the expense of victims who are children ranging in age from toddlers to teenagers. People have been talking about this problem for some time. But these children don't need more talk. They need action. They need to be extracted from the hell they are living in, and these brave men are determined to be their rescuers.  I urge you to go to their website and read the entire story and help them stop the child sex slave trade.

Visit www.operationundergroundrailroad.org and donate to this worthy cause.

Matthew 18:10    "Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven."


November 11, 2013

Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum

     This is an old Latin saying, meaning "If you want peace, prepare for war."  It has been modernized to imply "Peace through strength", but either way, it is an appropriate thought for today.
     I don't think I've actually viewed Veteran's Day quite as I do today.  I've always had a sentimental, patriotic notion of this day.  I've loved the flag-waving and the fact that our nation officially stops and recognizes the sacrifices that our veterans have made on our behalf and for the cause of freedom.
     I now realize that, in today's world, that is probably naive and a misperception.  Because how many people actually give pause during this day and contemplate ... I mean, really consider ... what a veteran experiences during his service?  Why he steps away from this self-absorbed culture and stands between us and the evils of war?
     As I read more and more about the negative pressure coming against our vets, I wonder how much longer we can expect our young men to continue to volunteer to face death in our stead.  I know there will always be those who are warriors at heart; who bleed red, white, and blue, and will step up to defend Good against Evil, no matter what the price.  I am in awe of these men.
     So I have to tell you that it really pisses me off to read the increasing reports of changes in the military that only seem to demoralize and divide our servicemen and women.  There are actually training manuals that advocate diversity training for the military because white males have an “unfair advantage” compared to other races; or that Christians should be lumped in with jihadists as "extreme radicals".  You have to ask yourself, "What is the real purpose behind these alienating policies?  Is it to create a more unified, cohesive fighting force?  Or is to divide and tear apart the greatest fighting force from within?
     Through our work with the Fisher Foundation, PLW and I have seen the personal effects of our latest efforts to maintain peace through war, and it has cost this nation dearly.  For the last 12 years, our young men and women have paid a tremendous price for standing in the gap.  They are tired; underpaid and overburdened.  Yet their dedication and loyalty to our country never seems to waver.  Don't they deserve better from us and from their leaders?
     This world is changing fast and there will be more Benghazi's; and yes, more devastating events like September 11th.  If we are to survive as a nation, we must build up our military, not tear it down.  Our veterans deserve the very best that we have to offer them; and that includes equipment, training, support and leadership.  The old Latin adage is as accurate today as it was centuries ago.  Peace doesn't just happen.  Capitulating to your enemy only gives them more power over you.  We must always be ready to defend against those who wish to impose their power on us.  If you want peace, prepare for war.  Thank you, Veterans, for being ready and willing to make those vital preparations.  I am one grateful American.

Ezekiel 38:7    “Be ready and keep ready, you and all your hosts that are assembled about you, and be a guard for them."

October 30, 2013

It'sTime To Serve Again!

     I have been watching this organization for awhile, and am glad to report to you that they give me great encouragement. The name of the organization is Concerned Veterans For America, and they are exactly what their title suggests .... veterans (and their families) who see that the freedom and liberty they have fought for overseas, now needs to be defended here at home.
     Their official mission statement is as follows:  The goal of Concerned Veterans For America is to translate the experience, concerns, and hopes of our fellow veterans and their families into a common vision of liberty and freedom. We will provide a new and unique perspective on the issues that threaten to cripple not only our economic and national security, but the spirit of opportunity and liberty that we fought to defend and all Americans cherish. Our task will be to bring that fresh perspective to the American people and our leaders. We will lead.
     Who are they?   Let them tell you for themselves:  We are veterans. We are the family members of those who proudly wore the uniform. We come from every branch of uniformed service, with service histories stretching from World War II to the War on Terror. We come from all walks of life and live in every community across the United States.

     There is a strong belief that the freedoms we have defended – that our friends and loved ones suffered and died for – are threatened by the irresponsibility, broken promises, and misguided priorities in Washington. We contend that veterans, service-members, and their families are, and will continue to be, disproportionately affected by the current economic crises. We must rally to continue fighting as active citizens, just as we fought as soldiers.
     Throughout our years of service, through many deployments around the world, we have seen firsthand what happens when freedom and free markets are interfered with and fail.  After our service, we have watched our elected leaders fail to rise to the tests they face. We are committed to the historical promise of our nation, which is that all Americans have an equal opportunity to pursue prosperity. We affirm this commitment by working to return to the tradition of limited, effective government and disciplined administration through which this nation has weathered many past storms, so that those men and women who have given the most in service to the nation will not be denied their chance to enjoy that prosperity . We believe that it is our duty to stand as active citizens in defense of the freedoms that create that opportunity for prosperity, and to lead our fellow veterans in this new mission.

      Now that you've got a pretty good picture of who this organization is, and what they stand for, let me tell you why I think it is important that they exist.  For the past few years, I have been waiting for the veterans who have come home to realize how the country has changed since they've been away.  For those of us who have witnessed "the fundamental transformation" of our great nation, it has been difficult to realize that our military has largely been isolated from the policy decisions in Washington and the reshaping of our culture.
     Now that many of them have come home to a radically different America, they are once again rising to the occasion and accepting the same mission they had while in uniform --- defending freedom.  They recognize that our crippling national debt is denying many Americans the opportunity to prosper.  In fact, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, has argued that debt is the biggest threat to U.S. national security.  When budget cuts and Sequester affect the military's efforts to adequately defend the country, that's something the veterans can identify with, first-hand.
     But it is more than national defense that concerns them.  Today’s veterans return home to a struggling economy and fewer job opportunities. Unemployment rates for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are significantly higher than for the general population.  Veterans did not join the military to get rich, nor do they demand riches upon their return home.  But the fiscal irresponsibility of our leaders in Washington has not earned the respect of our veterans.  They expect our elected representatives to show the same dedication and selflessness that those who defended this country in uniform have shown.
     The organization states that there are 15 million veterans in this country (from WW ll vets to those who have fought in the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan).  That's a pretty huge voting bloc; it includes 50 million if you count family members.  Veterans have much to bring to the table:  discipline, commitment, sustained effort, and a willingness to fight for something larger than themselves.  Think about it .... wouldn't unselfishness be a nice trait to have in our national debate?
     Finally, what gives me so much hope is that our veterans are being encouraged to take action; to stand up and be counted!  They are being called to a different mission:  active citizenship.  Their motto is "Defend and Reform", and I have no doubt that they will execute this mission as they have throughout our history; with honor, courage, commitment and leadership skills that will affirm America's freedom and strength.

To learn more about this outstanding organization and their mission, visit their website: www.concernedveteransforamerica.org.  

Galatians 5:13    "For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another."

October 19, 2013

The Salute Seen Around The World

     While yesterday's post pointed out the scurrilous attempts by Army powers to create bias against certain Christian organizations, today's post will focus on the inspirational element of the Army .... the character of the troops themselves.
     As you know, my heart swells with pride every time I get the opportunity to visit with Army veterans at Fort Sam Houston.  Their commitment to their "job", and their faithfulness to their duty is above reproach.  So now I bring you another story that you may already be aware of, but it certainly bears repeating if one more person can hear it for the first time.
     The scene is as follows:  Josh Hargis, a U.S. Army Ranger, is on a mission in Afghanistan to capture a high value target.  A woman wearing a suicide vest sets off a string of 13 IEDs, killing several members of Josh's unit, and leaving Josh with extensive wounds.  After hanging on for over two hours until he could be rescued, Josh is air-flighted to Germany where he lies in a hospital bed after enduring hours of surgery.  The multitude of bandages and tubes give evidence to the seriousness of his wounds.
     As is customary, a Purple Heart ceremony was held at the hospital, where Josh's commanding officer pinned his military decoration to the blanket that covered him.  The ceremony took place with an unconscious Josh in his hospital bed, surrounded by other Rangers, nurses and hospital staff.  At least, they thought he was unconscious.  And in a letter to Ranger Hargis's wife, Taylor, his commanding officer related exactly what happened:
      “During the presentation the [Ranger Regimental] Commander publishes the official orders verbally, and leaned over Josh to thank him for his sacrifice. Josh, whom everybody in the room (over 50 people) assumed to be unconscious, began to move his right arm under the blanket in a diligent effort to salute the commander as is customary during these ceremonies,” the letter read. ”Despite his wounds, wrappings, tubes and pain, Josh fought the doctor who was trying to restrain his right arm and rendered the most beautiful salute any person in that room had ever seen.”
     In this emotional moment, “grown men began to weep and we were speechless at a gesture that speak volumes about Josh’s courage and character,” the letter continued. “The picture, which we believe belongs on every news channel and every news paper is attached. I have it hanging above my desk now and will remember it as the single greatest event I have witnessed in my 10 years in the Army.”
     What you don't know about this young man is even more impressive.  A broken femur during a high school skiing trip, nearly kept him out of the Army.  After being declined for service three or four times, Josh still wouldn't give up.  He petitioned the Surgeon General by letter, and was finally accepted.  At Fort Benning, he realized his dream of becoming an Army Ranger.
     So I am doing my small part in making sure that Josh's courage, determination and respect for his country are shown around the world.  This small blog may not be seen by huge numbers, but it is blessed with readers from Russia, India, China, Pakistan, Canada, Republic of Georgia, and many more.  I want people across this globe to understand that America is not defined by our foreign or domestic policies; we are much more than the face of our politicians.  We are a nation of individuals like Josh, who take pride in what this country stands for.  Josh, and his wife, are examples of the lengths to which we will go to preserve our God-given rights to live in freedom.  (Josh's sister, Angela, is also in the Army, serving right here at Fort Sam Houston).  I don't know if Josh Hargis is a Believer or not, but I'm pretty sure that God is not finished with this young man.  His bravery and spirit are truly an inspiration to us all.

Philippians 4:13      "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

October 17, 2013

The Army & Christian Values

     Todd Starnes of Fox News online has consistently reported on the state of American faith in our culture.  This time, he reveals that the Army has listed one of the most outspoken, yet well-respected,  Christian ministries as a hate group.  During a briefing at Camp Shelby in Mississippi, U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were informed that the American Family Association would be listed alongside such domestic hate groups as the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, Black Panthers, and the Nation of Islam.
    Whether it was deliberate or not, the instructor tried to link the AFA with controversial Westboro Baptist Church preacher Fred Phelps, citing that both groups hate gays.  Nothing could be further from the truth in the case of the AFA.  The American Family Association has been on the front lines of the American culture war since 1977, and has long been considered one of the largest and most effective pro-family organizations in the country.  "Pro-family" means they support traditional family values, and the concept of Biblical marriage.  "Pro-family" means they believe in the preservation of traditional marriage; i.e. one man-one woman.
     Let me share their action statement:  The American Family Association acts to:
(1) restrain evil by exposing the works of darkness;
(2) promote virtue by upholding in culture that which is right, true and good according to Scripture;
(3) convince individuals of sin and challenge them to seek Christ’s grace and forgiveness;
(4) motivate people to take a stand on cultural and moral issues at the local, state and national levels; and
(5) encourage Christians to bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ as they live their lives before the world.
     Does this sound like HATE?  I will admit that they believe in standing up and being vocal about defending Godly principles.  But they have never promoted hostile or violent action towards those they disagree with.  And that is what the difference of opinion is .... a disagreement!   Therefore this stance by the U.S. Army has many concerned that Christians and their beliefs are under blatant attack in the military.
     This particular instructor warned that association with such groups as AFA and the Family Research Council could result in punishment.  That left one soldier worried that by listening to American Family Radio all day, could he be faced with a Uniformed Code of Military Justice charge?  While the official brass assured Mr. Starnes that this was an isolated incident, you might recall the Army briefings a few months back that classified evangelical Christians and Catholics as examples of religious extremism. Apparently Christians and evangelical organizations aren't "consistent with Army Values".  So what does that mean?
     Perhaps you will recall the words of our Commander-in-Chief after Muslim extremists attacked our diplomatic outpost in Libya last year:  "Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths.  We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others."  Let's see .... I guess the AFA doesn't deserve the same deference and respect as those who want to harm us, right?
     But I guess that it should come as no surprise that Christian organizations are being falsely accused when you consider that military installations, as well as law enforcement agencies, are using a list compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  The SPLC has long been suspected of being left-leaning and has been criticized by conservatives for "smearing religious and far-right groups and ignoring far-left hate groups."  They certainly wear their ideological biases on their sleeve.
     So once again, Todd Starnes has exposed this seemingly anti-Christian intolerance within our military.  But why?  What is the end game?  Could it be, as Mr. Starnes presupposes, that there is an effort to separate the military from the American people?  By pointedly planting seeds of doubt about Christians and some of our nation’s most prominent Christian ministries, it is my hope that the military's smear campaign will only serve to embolden Christians within the ranks.  The time is coming when a person's membership in the kingdom of God will triumph over all other associations.  Hallelujah!

Matthew 5:11    "Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account."

October 10, 2013

The Blessings Are All Mine

     If you have been reading my blog for awhile, then you know that our military is close to my heart, and that I love serving our wounded warriors through a ministry called Angel Chefs.  We go for a 4-5 day stay at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, and provide 3 home-cooked meals a day for the residents of the 4 Fisher Houses on Post.
Me, my mother-in-law serving our soldiers
     Each time I make the trip I come home physically exhausted from 13 hours on my feet, as our little group of 7-8 women chop, sauté, scramble eggs, fry bacon, bake cakes, cook casseroles, make salads and then serve 80 plates of food each meal, every meal, for the entirety of our stay.  Our mornings begin at 6 when we provide breakfasts for some soldiers as they head off to formation; for children headed off to school and whose lives have been disrupted by a sudden move to be close to their wounded parent; or for their wives who are tasked with keeping things together while their loved one is recuperating from the devastating injuries of war.
     And each time, I am blessed to make the most amazing connections with courageous men and women who have been on the front lines, or family members that are now called on for support as their soldier fights to come back from life-changing wounds.  This time was no exception.
      I met brothers Greg and Johnny Hall when I asked if I could join them at their table one day during lunch.  It was my time to take a break from the serving line and grab a bite to eat and get to know some of the people we were serving.  The first thing I noticed about the brothers was their bond.  Greg, the older brother, was Johnny's non-military medical assistant.  He had left his life in the civilian sector to come take care of his brother as he navigated the complexities of the medical system within the vast military complex.  There was no resentment; only devotion and it was inspiring to behold.
Johnny, and his wife, Rachel
     This last June, Johnny had developed blood poisoning from a mysterious source, which resulted in 105-degree fever for five days, and an eventual stroke, coma, loss of brain function, and blindness in his right eye.  But to look at him, you knew that multiple miracles had taken place.  There were no outside signs of the hell he had been through.  In fact, doctors had first told the family that he would not make it, but yet here he was, a mere 3 1/2 months later, talking and smiling and engaging all at the table with his infectious smile.  When I asked Greg how his brother was able to recover so quickly, he simply said, "It was a God thing."  And that opened the door for one of the most positive discussions I've encountered during my many visits to the Fisher Houses.
     We discussed the power of prayer and the existence of angels, and Johnny proudly showed me his magnificent tattoo of the Archangel Michael which graced the entire deltoid/bicep region of his left arm.  In fact, Johnny had several prominent tattoos.  With the damage to the frontal lobe of his brain, he was very talkative and eager to share all of his thoughts.  He confided that while he liked all of his tattoos because they each had special meaning to him, if he could start over he would not get any tattoos at all.  I asked him why, and he replied, "Because God doesn't want me marking up my body."  This boy knew his Scripture! (Leviticus 19:28)
     The brothers continued to tell us how blessed and thankful they were; and then Johnny revealed the biggest reason he was happy to still be alive .... his wife, Rachel, who is also in the Army, is due to deliver their first baby, a daughter, within the next couple of weeks.  Johnny kept repeating that if his family had listened to the doctors and given up hope, he would not be here to meet his new daughter, whose name will be Adalyn.
     It was nice to hear God's name mentioned this trip.  In fact, He seemed to be present more this time, which was a nice change from the absence I have felt in the past.  A visit with an Army chaplain let us know that there seems to be increased interest in Bible studies on Post, and a uniformed officer offered one of the most direct and inspirational blessings before we served one lunch-time meal.  Then there was Terri, a grandmother who was distraught that her injured grandson seemed to be so angry over his burn injuries.  She told us that he had no idea how many people had been praying for his recovery, and that the progress he was making was evidence that God listened.  As tears welled in her eyes, she said, "I'm not crying because I'm sad; I'm crying because I am so thankful!"  
     And there was so much to be thankful for this trip!  My service at the Fisher Houses though Angel Chefs have resulted in relationships that are permanent and ongoing.  Right before I left, our group was surprised with a visit from one of our favorite Fisher House alumni.  I got to spend a short time with Dan and his wife, Ginnette and their beautiful daughters Kaylee and Gracie.  Dan captured our hearts on my first visit to Fort Sam, and we have followed his progress as he went from wheelchair to prosthetic limb to running in races.  He and his family have graduated from Fisher House to their own home, and he is eager to come visit us and join PLW in a hog hunt.  His heartfelt hug told me that Dan is doing just fine.
Ryan and Alana Matayka
     But perhaps the most poignant evidence that God is alive and well within our military family is the story of Sgt. Ed Matayka.  If you remember the post from my first visit, then you will remember Ed.  He had suffered severe injuries from an IED, which resulted in the amputation of both legs.  But Ed is a fighter and was determined that he would return to a normal life.  His amazing sense of humor brightened our days on that first trip, but we hadn't been able to reconnect on any subsequent visits.  This time, when Ed heard the Angel Chefs were at the Fisher Houses, he came by one day at lunch to proudly show off pictures of his twin son and daughter!  He was one proud Papa!  And of course, we loved celebrating the blessings of his children with him!
     But these stories of Johnny, Dan and Ed are just a symbol of the fighting spirit of our military.  Not all the stories have such happy endings as these three.  There is grievous suffering and sadness at the horrific physical price our service men and women pay for the decisions made by our leadership.  (More on that in tomorrow's post).  But for today, I choose to honor their resiliency, their strength and their courage.  They give new meaning to the words "hope" and "fighting spirit".  May God bless them all and allow me to continue to give back in my own small way.

Psalm 16:8    "I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken."

October 9, 2013

I'm Giving Back


     Excuse me for bowing out on today's post.  I am at Fort Sam Houston serving our Wounded Warriors with the ministry group in which I am involved, Angel Chefs.  If you remember past blogs, we are a faith-based group of women who have adopted the residents of the Fischer Houses.  So I have been on Post the past couple of days, cooking three meals a day for our injured veterans and their families.
     I will report back to you tomorrow of my experiences and the new veterans who have touched my heart.  There are always new stories to tell and new ways God makes His presence known.  And I assure you I am blessed much more by being in their presence than the home-cooked meals we provide can ever comfort them.
     Tune in tomorrow, meet some heroes, and learn why my life is changed every time I give back to them for their sacrifice.

1 Corinthians 13:7    "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."   

September 6, 2013

He Should Be Ashamed!

     Senator John McCain's arrogance seems never-ending.  It seem pretty obvious to me that he is thumbing his nose at us... or at least at the men, women and families of the military.  I'm sure you've seen the picture of him playing online poker during the 3.5 hour Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting.  In my eyes, this was a pretty important gathering of our political elite on whether or not to formally authorize the use of U.S. forces in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons on Syrian refugees.  Yet, Senator McCain couldn't give it his undivided attention.  Amusing himself seemed more important.
     After the photo went viral, McCain seemed to laugh it off, with a tweet which said, "Scandal! Caught playing iPhone game at 3+ hour Senate hearing - worst of all I lost!"  So, maybe I'm just a little too cynical, but the world sits on the verge of WW III, and 3 hours is too long for him to dedicate to a decision that could potentially affect the future of this country ... let alone thousands of American lives? In case he hasn't noticed, the enemies of America have been very vocal about threatening our homeland should we make a decision to strike Syria.
     Perhaps Mr. McCain has already made up his mind, and doesn't need to hear any further testimony.  But I think he owes something to the military personnel and families who will be called upon to react to the decision that he and his colleagues ultimately make.  I think he owes it to them to at least give his full attention to the matter at hand; and not to be coy and frivolous with his words when he is caught being negligent.
Gold Star Mom, Debbie Lee
     Maybe as an average citizen, my words don't bear much weight.  But Gold Star mother Debbie Lee has every right to weigh in with her opinion.  Not only is Debbie the mother of the first U.S. Navy Seal to be killed in Iraq, but she is one of Senator McCain's constituents.  In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Ms. Lee said,  “It infuriates me! We are facing the possibility of sending our sons and daughters to a war, conflict, military action or whatever politically correct term you use – an action that could change the world as we know it – and McCain couldn’t care less."
     Lee continued, “McCain is so bored that he needs to play poker on his iPhone and then when caught jokes about it. How disgraceful!  Is that what the business of government has come to for so many who fill the halls of Congress? Is everything a gamble, with the best bet being the biggest bet? Has McCain already doubled down on war, since he knows the hand that is to be dealt?”
     She concluded, “I’m sorry the lives of our brave warriors who are fighting for our freedoms bore you. I’m sorry my country, the country my son died for, bores you. I’m sorry that the risk of war bores you. Senator, it is time for you to resign your position as my Senator.”
     I know I'm repeating myself, but Debbie Lee has every right to speak out as she did.  I have seen her speak in person, and believe me, she is passionate about standing up for men and women in uniform.  She has suffered the heartbreak of losing a son in war.  And to witness the haughtiness with which our elected leaders decide the fate of our children's lives must be an indescribable pain.  Her son followed the orders of such men as John McCain and performed his duty heroically.  Navy officers said that Marc died after single-handedly fighting off enemy fighters as his team rescued a wounded soldier. He fired 100 rounds of ammunition before being killed.
     Don't you think the memory of Marc Lee, and the futures of many more like him, deserve John McCain's serious contemplation and undivided attention?  His action and his response are a disgrace to the uniform that he, himself, once wore.

Isaiah 49:15    "Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you."