A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Founding Principles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Founding Principles. Show all posts

January 5, 2013

Daughters of the American Revolution: Fairly Criticized or Falsely Accused?

    Earlier this week, a Fox News contributor reported that the venerable Daughters of the American Revolution have attempted to remove Jesus Christ from their 2011 publication of their Rituals and Ceremonial Missals (Convocations and Prayers listed as a guideline for Chaplains).  My first reaction, was "How dare they!"  Then I remembered that nothing can be taken at face value where the Media is concerned.
     I could not imagine that this patriotic service organization for women who are directly descended from a person involved in the United States' War for Independence would ever consider denying the Christian foundation of this nation.  After all, they work primarily to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism; and removing Jesus from that equation just would not be accurate.  Yet, here is a "conservative" reporter supposedly outing one of the lynchpins of American nationalism. Starnes reports that members told him that the DAR leadership made the changes to be politically correct and to accommodate new members of other religious beliefs.
     For their part, the DAR initially made no comment, and then a State Chaplain released this statement:  "The newly updated Missal and Ritual was written to reflect the desire to be considerate of other belief systems.  The Chaplain General uses scripture from both the Old and New Testaments and prays in the name of God without referencing Christ. Chapter and district chaplains need to follow the example set by the National Society.”
     I decided to do a little research myself and see just what all the fuss was about.  At first glance, the latest publication of the Rituals and Missals available online, lists an impressive directory of Rituals, including the Pledge of Allegiance (in which "under God" is recited), the American's Creed, the Preamble to the Constitution, and a multitude of benedictions and prayers.  Throughout the prayers, the Chaplains call upon "the name of the Lord", and they end prayers "in your Holy Name".  They pray to "Our Heavenly Father", "God Almighty", "Gracious Lord", "Eternal God" and other variations.  At first glance, this seems to be in line with Christian traditions.
     Then I decided to do a little comparison between publications from different years.  I took a look at "George Washington's Prayer For His Country."  This has been included in publications down through the decades and I wanted to see if there had been any considerable changes in the substance of this prayer.  Here is the prayer as stated in the latest 2011 publication:
     Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord and confusion; from pride and arrogancy and from every evil way. Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought out of many kindreds and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those whom in Thy name we entrust the authority of government, that there be peace and justice at home, and that through obedience to Thy law, we may show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth. Amen.
     I then decided to take a look at this same prayer as illustrated in 2001.  It was printed exactly the same, word for word.  But I was still curious to see if our Founding Father's prayer for his country had substantially changed within the last quarter century.  So I took a look at their Centennial 1991 publication:
     Almighty God, we make our earnest prayer that thou wilt keep the United States in thy holy protection; that thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subor­dination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large. And finally, that thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
     Aha!  There it is!  And if you are capable of any kind of critical thinking you can see a change in the meaning of our First President's prayer.  Over the last twenty years, the value of George Washington's prayer has changed from a Biblical overtone of cultivating the hearts of individual citizens in justice, loving mercy, charity and humility towards a collective multitude that lives in peace and harmony at home and among the nations of the earth.  Furthermore, in 1991, the Chaplain would have asked for these blessings through Jesus Christ.  Not so in 2001 and 2011.  An unnamed God was asked to bestow the more secular blessings of hard work, education and freedom from violence and pride, which have become the hallmarks of American arrogancy among the Left.
     I then decided to visit an earlier time in our country's history and read through the 1953 DAR publication.  There was an abundance of invocations that Chaplains had at their disposal.  They overwhelmingly called upon the name of Jesus.  This is just one example:
     Dear Heavenly Father, we come before Thee humbly seeking Thy forgiveness for our many shortcomings. We are not able to comprehend Thy great power and love for Thy children, but we feel that whatsoever we ask of Thee through Jesus our Lord Thou cans't give it to us if it is Thy will. We thank Thee for the many blessings we enjoy daily. We thank Thee for our beloved country which is in such peril at the present time. 0 Father, give to the men and women elected to lead us wisdom and understanding and a willingness to ask Thy help that right and Christianity may prevail, and be an example to the rest of the world. In Jesus' name. Amen.
     And if you desire, you can go all the way back to the 1903 publication of the DAR Rituals, which reads like an evangelical revival and Fourth of July celebration all rolled into one!  But in the end, I come away from this controversy with the sad realization that even the Daughters of the American Revolution have slid down the slippery slope of political correctness.  While they maintain that they are in keeping with the original intent of the organization and honoring freedom of religion, which was one of the most important facets of American independence, I find the statement by the President General of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution to be of a compromising nature:

"The Executive Officers feel that the revised Ritual and Missals can be used by members of any faith, substituting words as they wish, changing the prayers to suit the needs of the meeting in which they are being used. At our Executive meetings, knowing that we are all Christian, we pray in the Name of Jesus. When those are present whose faith is unknown, we pray in God’s name. However, we all recognize that when Christians pray in God’s name we are, indeed, praying in Christ’s name because the Christian faith believes in the Trinity of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We also understand that our Jewish members know God as Jehovah or Yahweh, Muslim members use the name Allah for God and there are those whose spirituality may have a still different higher power or none at all."
     Were there Muslims fighting in the Revolutionary War?  History tells us that one Peter Saleem was a slave from Africa who fought bravely at Bunker Hill.  I am sure there were others, not of the Christian faith, who took part in securing our independence.  But it is a fact that the majority of patriots were of the Christian faith.  While I cannot disagree that the faiths of all Revolutionary patriots should be honored, I find it disgraceful that the name of Jesus Christ has slowly been eliminated from all official ceremonies.   The DAR is adamant that they are not censoring prayers.  On the surface, that is a correct statement.  But they are insincere if they claim Jesus Christ is still a part of stated prayers and devotions.  Chaplains are allowed to insert His name whenever they deem it "appropriate for the occasion and the audience."  My question is this:  Since when is His name ever inappropriate?  And why has His name been removed from the historical prayers and benedictions of the organization?  It is one thing to be inclusive of a patriot's different faith.  It is heresy to exclude the Founding Father's stated faith in Jesus Christ.

1 John 3:23     "And this is His command: to believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as He commanded us."


January 1, 2013

A New Year & A New Slant On Gun Control

     I could not end the year and begin the New Year without recognizing the shattering effect that the violent acts in Aurora, Newtown, and now Rochester, NY, had on our American soul.  The nation mourned as innocent lives were lost to the actions of mentally unstable men who chose to use a gun to murder defenseless victims.

     As we expected, there followed a national (and governmental) debate over gun control.  We've heard all the arguments, both pro and con.  And now it seems that in just a couple of days, Senator Feinstein is set to introduce what amounts to the most iron-fisted and oppressive limitations we have ever seen on our Second Amendment rights.  
     Taxes, registration of gun ownership, and all-out bans on many firearms appear to be just the beginning of the government's campaign against gun-owners.  I don't have to tell you that this means each legal gun owner has some decisions to make.  In that vein, I want to share an email that I received from an anonymous reader.  I think it brings a unique point of view to the discussion.  Here is the email in its entirety:

Dear Belle,
     I thought you might like to hear a different angle on the current gun control debate.  As was expected after the recent string of gun-related deaths, the public rushes out to buy every gun and box of ammo they can find.  The shelves are literally empty!  Frankly, I am growing weary of the paradigm battle that starts with every ammo sell-off.  
     I also know that the media will never look at these "active shooter" events for what they really are.  They like the sport of stoking the fires of the moronic 51% of the country that can't think in a critical capacity.  Conspiracy theories orbit around this new brand of "crazy", and I'm inclined to jump on board any number of the crazy trains, but the truth is, at this late stage, it doesn't really matter.
     The current administration is pushing the outcome.  The 51% who have no skin in the economic game or the Fiscal Cliff, don't really care about your gun rights.  As long as they continue to get more free stuff, then let the Second Amendment disappear.  Then you have patriots like the NRA, who are standing relatively silent and dumbfounded, offering no solutions to this outright attack on our rights.  Consequently, we have seen the fear-buying start, and the sell-off cycle repeats itself.
     When retailers like Dick's Sporting Goods and Cheaper Than Dirt folded and removed their inventory from shelves, the response from Gun Culture 1.0 was swift.  This portion of the citizenry who has grown up around guns made their opinion known: "You'll get no more of my business."  But Gun Culture 2.0 is where the real influence lies.  These are new people to "the gun game"; a high percentage of them being women who recognize the importance of being able to defend themselves.  Both of these groups need to pull together and yield nothing to this latest gun grab.  
     Americans need to understand what is at the heart of this Feinstein Bill:  High capacity rifle magazine bans lead to high capacity pistol magazine bans.  Assault Rifle bans lead to every other gun you own being banned.  Even Michael Bane (the head of the Outdoor Channel's gun show line-up, and  most listened to gun podcast) had to endure a waiting period of sorts.  His weekly podcast, which normally airs on Wednesday was pushed back to Friday, so corporate brains could pick the appropriate footsteps in the minefield of public opinion.  No doubt his intentions are good, but he needs to realize that whatever Gun Culture 1.0 was in the past, it won't cut it in this new dynamic.
     2013 is going to be a brawl that our currently intact Second Amendment rights might not survive.  These latest shooting episodes have rocked the world of preppers, shooters, and anyone who is a self-thinker.  And thus, the fear-buying has begun, because I surmise that the writing on the wall just got a whole lot clearer.  The truth is, we can't deny these are pivotal events, and whistling past the grave-yard isn't going to work this time.  

     The NRA fired a weak salvo, that in my mind, hit nothing.  We better get some leadership, and fast, on this issue.  I see the beginnings of a hemorrhage that the NRA is moving too slowly to address.  I can't help but think that if the money we, as a collective, threw into P-mags just these past couple of weeks had been channeled towards a real message, with real leadership, then Mr. O would have to put a cork in Biden, Feinstein and the Moron 51 crowd.  Here's a thought:  Let's say Feinstein gets her $200 tax and registration on every gun you own.  All those who lay low will become instant felons.  There goes the voting rights of the cornerstone of the country.  Can you see that Obama and the Progressive Left are playing 20 moves ahead, and the patriot with his M-4 is no factor at all?
     So we better realize that we have some decisions to make.  Are you willing to risk a felony to maintain your Second Amendment rights?  Because if you are, you better wake up to the fact that a felony will take away your license or your credentials; and if you need a license to conduct your business, well, there goes your livelihood.  Attaching a felony to even 5% of the gun crowd will devastate the Conservative Right.  You can bet that there will be someone at that voting place making sure, that as a felon, you don't get to cast your vote.  
     Could you decide between becoming a felon and keeping your unregistered M-4?  Stop and run the logical argument in your head; look at where the Supreme Court numbers will be in the next four years.  Will the possibility of a felony on all gun owners change their ability to put food on the table, make a living, change our lifestyles?  You damn right it will!  The gun crowd needs to put this possibility into their hard drive and let it compute.  
     I'm beginning to feel as though we are at Bracken's first chapter in the yellow book.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's time to get off your butts and start entertaining some very ugly possibilities.     (Check out www.enemiesforeignanddomestic.com).  Yes, I will agree that it's time to buy more food, ammo, P-mag-30s, and a Belgian Malaois named Spike.  But all that won't preserve our rights.  The time to stand is now.  If not now, when?

Old School

     This email really hit home for me, and made me see the Big Picture.  There's been a plan to rid this country of the Second Amendment for quite awhile, and we are seeing it play out before our very eyes. We have been complacent, thinking that the anti-gun lobbies were not strong enough to defeat over two hundred years of tradition and the overwhelming number of lawful gun owners.  But threaten our livelihoods, our voting rights, and the fear of a criminal record, and how many citizens would be willing to throw in the towel?  Old School is right.  Each of us have some decisions to make.  And those decisions could profoundly change who we are as a free citizenry and the future of our republic.   Where will you draw the line?

Jeremiah 6:16     "This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’"

November 14, 2012

What Do You Value?

     As I step back from the whirlwind that is our political and social landscape, I am trying to determine what I can say that will make a difference in people's lives.  For those who are in a state of panic, I want to bring a sense of calmness about the state of our country and a realistic approach to our future.  For those who think that the electorate made the right choices, I want to present a creditable alternative to their opinions; have a respectful and considerate dialogue.  And for those who may not see the world from a Biblical viewpoint, I want to broaden their perspective and help them look beyond their comfort zone.  I realize that I have no credentials that makes me think I can accomplish all this, but it's in my heart to try.
     So let's start here .... America is changed.  Period.  The electorate have made their choice and it will take us further from our Founding principles.  There can be no debate about this fact, because it is now in the history books.  I recognize that not all of America voted for this change.  Indeed, I would submit to you that a majority of our citizens did not want this change; but through apathy, fraud and deceit we are nonetheless transformed.  
     For two generations now, our universities have become increasingly fraught with professors who believe that America is a greedy, intolerant, bigoted, warmongering, empire-building, destroyer of Mother Earth.  Does that about cover it all?   They have led our youth to reject the traditional values of this country in favor of moral equivalency.  In other words, one opinion or belief is just as good as another; all things are equal in value and tolerance is the mantra of the day.  That is, unless you happen to uphold the Judeo-Christian point of view.  "They" proclaim that there is no tolerance for this narrow-minded ideology, and it must be either transformed or eliminated altogether.
     So just what are some of these Traditional Values that we see disappearing from our social and political culture?  How about the Right To Life?  Abortion is now a permanent part of our culture, and with the advent of Obamacare, we will see less effort to sustain life among the critically ill, whether they be newborns or elderly.  It will simply cost too much.  The value of Life has been diminished, and America has changed.
     Let's consider the Traditional Values of Marriage and the Family.  I believe in the Biblical principle that marriage is between a man and a woman, is a lifelong commitment, and that the vows I took before God are sacred.  I do not believe it is good for a society to have single parent families, whether by design or neglect.  
     In conjunction with this value, Sex education in our schools has not curbed the rampant spread of sexual diseases or unwanted pregnancies; and it has now grown to include the promotion of homosexuality, bi-sexuality, and transgenderism as acceptable forms of sexual expression.  When sex is no longer considered as special and revered, it results in pornography, deviancy and infidelity.  This further erodes the fabric of our society.  Marriage and the family are no longer respected, and America has changed.
     What about the Traditional Values of Patriotism and Loyalty to Country?  It is no longer fashionable to salute the flag, put your hand over your heart as you sing the Star-Spangled Banner (if it's even heard anymore!), or believe that this is the greatest nation on earth.  I remember a U.S. Government professor I had in college back in the 70's who refused to teach beyond the WWII era, because he spouted a philosophy that America no longer deserved to be the leader of the Free World.  It was his belief that we had become corrupted and gluttons for power; we were no longer a compassionate or giving people.  We had become Evil Capitalism personified.  I think about how many of those vulnerable minds were deceived by his misguided views, and went on to raise children and grandchildren that were the heirs of such false ideologies.  "Love of Country" is now considered outdated, and a One-World view is the correct perspective.  America has changed.
     I wish I could tell you that these values will once again become prevalent; that give us an election cycle or two and we will be back on track.  But once again, my Biblical worldview tells me otherwise.  If you are a Believer, then I am talking to the choir.  You know it.  You see it.  If your faith is not at the forefront of your life, and you are still focused on your job, your mortgage, the political climate, retirement, the kids' college educations, or how to get by for the next four years, then what I'm saying sounds like doomsday and religious nonsense.
     But here's how I see it .... our battle is over.  We have tried and failed to save the Republic.  The measures that will be put in place (and rapidly) will change the face and depth of America.  We are getting what we asked for, as a country.  Whether you personally voted for it or not, it is coming.  We are moving from God's leadership and authority that was established at our Founding, to the leadership that our sins as a nation have wrought. 
      But do not despair!  The battle is now God's!  God does not turn His back on His people without offering a way back.  If we revive our churches and our schools and our government to Godly principles; if we seek a relationship with Him above seeking security through our jobs, titles, material possessions and human bonds .... then He can use what we asked for to His will and purpose.  He will go before us and fight the battle to regain our footing and our fellowship with Him.  He can restore us and  re-establish Himself as our Authority.
     But here's the deal:  We have to do our part and turn the direction of our culture back to Him.  It's the only way.  It is not enough to want it; we must actively pursue it or all will be lost.  My concern is this:  Those of us who believe these values are worth pursuing are going to be replaced by those who belittle and disparage them.  That, combined with the Force that wants them eliminated forever, means we need a miracle.   Only God knows. 

1 Samuel 12:13-15      "Now here is the king you have chosen, the one you asked for; see, the Lord has set a king over you. If you fear the Lord and serve and obey him and do not rebel against his commands, and if both you and the king who reigns over you follow the Lord your God—good! But if you do not obey the Lord, and if you rebel against his commands, his hand will be against you, as it was against your ancestors."


November 9, 2012

Where Do We Go From Here?

     As the days pass, we try to grasp the dynamics of the American people and what values they voted for during this Election.  We're beginning to hear all the different explanations and excuses:  we are changing from a society of workers to a nation of victims; there was widespread voter fraud; people saw no clear-cut choice between the two candidates -- if you actually studied the records of both, they were eerily similar; both have embraced Big Government; therefore people stayed home.  The actual turnout for 2012 was less than that of 2008.
     But the time for dissection and analysis is over.  It is the time to regain our center of balance and plot our way forward.  This is not a time to feel defeated or dejected.  We are at this point, whether we like it or not, and we need to make the best of it.  Make no mistake, I'm not spreading a "lollipops and roses" outlook.  Things are going to get unpleasant, to put it mildly.  This will mean rising costs in everything ..... taxes, food, utilities, housing, commodities.  There will be more regulations on everything .... our businesses, our healthcare, our retirements.  Our Constitutional rights, especially the 2nd Amendment, will come under extreme attack.  The religious freedoms of Christians will be restrained, while we will be forced to accept gay marriage, abortion and Sharia law.
     I am not pointing out these troubling implications from the Election to further depress you.  These are not new issues --- we saw them coming over the last few years.  So now that these issues are more than likely going to be our new reality, we must steel ourselves and create a shield against further encroachments on our beliefs and standards, and ready our spear to defend the last bastion that is our God-given freedoms.  If we won't stand now, then when?
     I heard an excellent commentary today that pointed out this interesting aspect:  what we do during the coming years, and how we regard the changing culture of our country, will determine our success in overcoming this hostile environment in which we find ourselves.  If we have a chance of recapturing the essence of America, then we must figure out a way to navigate the coming "wilderness" and become an advocate for reform.
     Just like Jeremiah warned the Israelites just before they were taken into captivity and marched to Babylon, the re-building of America will be neither short-term, nor easy.  We already see a divided populace; we are far apart on so many issues, with neither side willing to compromise their values.  Indeed, as Christians, we cannot compromise our Biblical principles and beliefs.  So what do we do when finding ourselves facing such a foreign and alien landscape?
     I referenced Jeremiah in a post, way back last December, with this specific Scripture about God's plan to give His people in exile hope and a future.  Reread this quick post.  It is most applicable in our current circumstances and was echoed in the commentary I heard today.
     In a nutshell, here is where I think we go from here .... we continue to do what we know is right; what we have to do to survive exile in our own country.  We strengthen our families.  We reinforce our Christian roots and fortify our Churches with God's Truth, not the world's.  We begin taking our schools and educational systems back.  We stepped away from our duty to safeguard our history and our Judeo-Christian principles, and let the likes of Madelyn Murray O-Hair and godless Communistic influences dictate what our children are taught.  We build up our communities at the grass-roots level; teaching and modeling a strong work ethic and pride in self-sufficiency --- teach our citizens how to achieve, rather than how to receive.  We also need to toughen up and become bolder in representing our conservative values; we can no longer sit on the sidelines.  Get involved in everything from your School Board to your local elections to joining an activist group.  Speak up and speak often.
     As the commentator stated this morning, "It took the Progressives 100 years to accomplish their goals.  They were patient and picked away at our institutions while we stayed silent and let it happen."  Do not get discouraged!  The Tea Party didn't exist just four years ago, and they made dramatic inroads on the political scene.  Let's not lose this momentum.  Let's play it smart and play it for the long-term.
     But I want you to be clear on this concept:  we are in for a long period of repair and reconstruction.  This erosion didn't happen overnight, and our liberties will not be restored quickly .... perhaps not even in my lifetime.  But we can begin to build on the foundation and vision that have been reawakened in the American psyche.  We can instill in the next generation a respect and hunger for what our God planted on this continent over 230 years ago.  And we can show both our misguided countrymen and our enemies that we don't give up.  We believe in fighting for freedom, and recognize that while our God has allowed us to continue along this path, He will toughen us and temper us into a people who will one day reclaim our heritage.   Let's begin today!

Psalm 80:7     "Restore us, God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved."

November 7, 2012

Press On

     I am writing this post as the truth is sinking in ..... the much-hoped for resurrection of America is fading from sight.  As an intelligent Twitterer just wrote, "Between free stuff and freedom, free stuff won."
     As much as this discourages me, I will not give in to fear, apprehension or panic.  While there may be a huge disconnect among a majority of the populace about the true state of our country, I am fully aware of what is at stake.  And I know you are, too.  When you think about it, we have been preparing for this over the last four years.  We have seen it coming, and told ourselves that maybe, just maybe, we still had time to change the course of events.
     Whether it is God's judgment or just poor judgment on the part of voters, the United States of America will clearly be a different nation in the coming months and years.  But there are two things you must understand.  First: The spirit of freedom is not dead.  Those of us who believe in the exceptionalism of America will not suddenly abandon our vision, give up on our goals, or adopt the entitlement mentality.
     We will do tomorrow what we did yesterday ..... continue to advance the ideas of personal liberty; support and defend the Constitution; and keep alive the ideals of our forefathers.  We will work harder at becoming more self-sufficient; expanding our skills and learning to live in a simpler manner.
     I will leave the second-guessing to the political pundits.  I will not waste one moment rehashing the campaign or the election, and I will not be looking to blame someone else.
     I will put my head down and work harder to secure my little corner of the world, while looking forward to educating others about how to protect theirs.  If we are honest with ourselves, we knew before this election, that the die had been cast.  The path we are on is unsustainable, and a different President was only going to buy us a short reprieve before it all unravels.
     So nothing has really changed.  What we have been preparing for is most likely going to happen a little faster.  You have been in training, so now is the time to get in control of your thoughts and your plans; and for lack of a better message .... deal with it!  You know what to do.  Just do it!
     The second thing we need to embrace, and most important, is that God is still in control.  It is time to move beyond the body politic and get in sync with the body of Christ.  No politician, nation, state or society can improve your life like a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Yes, we still have to get up tomorrow and go to work to support our families.  And we are obviously still concerned about the economy, rising taxes and the Middle East.  But there is a greater reality waiting for those who trust in Him to be their guiding light.
     We are at a crossroads, make no mistake about it.  And we are more than likely going to experience our future in a very different America.  But we have not changed!  We are still God-fearing freedom-lovers, with a never-give-up attitude.  I will still continue on the journey God has set before me, and work just as diligently for the things I believe in.  I will read my Bible each day, talk to Him more, preserve our history, not give in to despondency or tyranny, and get ready for some hard times.
     I suggest that you do the same.  Now is not the time to bemoan the situation we find ourselves in.  Now is the time to dig deep, know who you really are, and get prepared.  We are not defeated.  We are standing strong and going about the business of who God made us to be.  We will keep the flame of freedom alive, and we will endure whatever comes our way.  Never forget:  He will neither abandon nor forsake us.  We can do this!

2 Timothy 4:4-5     "They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.  But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry [work or service]."

November 6, 2012

My Prayer For Election Day, 2012

Dear Heavenly Father,

     You know this ongoing conversation you and I have been having about this country over the last few years?  You know --- and I realize --- that we are in deep trouble.  I know this election will determine if we remain the country that I grew up in.  I also know we are a far cry from the nation that you predetermined us to be.  For that, I have repeatedly asked your forgiveness as I witness us continuing to neglect you and reject you.  It has been my hope that you would not turn away from us, but continue to bless us, as long as there were enough of us who have the original vision of America, and who still believe in glorifying your Name.
     I know we don't deserve it.  We've been lazy about preserving the unique rights that you granted us ... Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  I guess we took them for granted, and forgot that they are derived from you, the Sovereign Creator.  We forgot, along the way, that we are special.  No other nation in history has enjoyed the freedoms that you instituted through our Founding Fathers.  They relied on your Divine Providence for protection of this new form of government.  We grew apart from you; arrogant and disobedient, separating ourselves from the principles that sustained us through good times and bad.  The result has been greed, materialism, moral relativism, idolatry, social and moral decay, and a loss of our true identity.

    But, Father, I am just one of many who want to restore our relationship with you and return to the foundational truths of our nation's infancy.  We recognize how far off track we are, and I hope you see how desperately we are trying to get back on course.  We are trying to reclaim the Biblical standards of good citizenry and put you back at the center of our lives, our laws and our government.
     Father, I know that you are already cognizant of who will win the election today.  I am aware that the result will either be your Judgment or Grace.  I pray that you will hear our petitions and pleas for another chance.  We have not earned it ... I am aware of our national sins and they weigh heavy on my heart.  I am aware that we are a divided nation, and that, too, is not who you designed us to be. I am aware that we have fallen from the pinnacle of a once revered and respected nation.  But I am also aware that, with your help, we can renew our covenant with you; revive our ideals and principles; rebuild our relationships with each other and our allies; and restore the American character.
     So, I'm sure you can see me down on my knees, Father.  You know it is my desire to rely on your wisdom and plan.  No matter what the results, I will abide in you, because you are my refuge.  Your will be done.
     And, God, because my words are neither adequate nor remarkable, I would like to borrow a prayer from someone whom I'm sure spoke to you just as fervently in his hour of need.  Allow me to plagiarize a prayer from our beloved Thomas Jefferson:

Almighty God, Who has given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. Bless our land with honorable ministry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people, the multitude brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endow with Thy spirit of wisdom those whom in Thy name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Thy law, we may show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth. In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in Thee to fail; all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Washington D.C. March 4, 1801
1 Kings 8:49-51     "... then from heaven, your dwelling place, hear their prayer and their plea, and uphold their cause.  And forgive your people, who have sinned against you; forgive all the offenses they have committed against you, and cause their captors to show them mercy; for they are your people and your inheritance ..."


October 20, 2012

Pre-Election Thoughts On This Saturday Morning

     I have debated a long time about whether to voice my opinion on the upcoming election and the choice between our two candidates.  But after prayer and considerable angst, I felt that this time in our nation's history, as well as the condition of the world, requires that we take a hard look at the consequences of this election.  
     I  know there are those who ask, "Why vote?  We are so far over the Fiscal Cliff, that a change in the White House cannot save us.  Our death as a World Leader is imminent.  Romney can't change it and Obama will just take us down the inevitable path quicker.  Why suffer a 'death by a thousand cuts'?  Let's just get it over with and start rebuilding."
     While I cannot disagree with this opinion, my faith dictates that I do the right thing.  I thought long and hard about this quandary and how to express my thoughts, when this following article appeared in my email box.  Paul McGuire, who is a radio talk show host, professor and Bible prophecy scholar, has written the following essay, which echoes my opinion and expresses it better than I could.  
     His view is frank, honest and what the American people need to hear.  I hope you will seriously contemplate his words and share them with others who need to hear this excellent commentary.

     It matters who you vote for.  Voting is not a choice for the Christian; it is a mandate from God.  If we are truly in submission to our government in America, then we must vote, because our government requires that we are to be good citizens and good citizens vote.  True Christian love is expressed by the commandment, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as themselves."   True Christians understand that by voting for the candidate, who is most Biblical in their positions, your vote can empower government to help people and that is love in action.  In addition, a Christian who is walking under the Lordship of Christ takes the time to study the issues, examine the candidates and make the right choice.  If you are the kind of Christian who gives your mind over to a secular media, to do your thinking for you, you probably should not vote, because that is not being a good steward.  How can a media or politicians, who do not have the Spirit of God in them, be able to discern what the will of the Lord is?
     Despite what you have been told, moral and social sins in America cost our nation countless billions of dollars a year and destroy people's lives!
     This is the most important election in the history of America, because our very future is at stake.  We are being presented with two very different worldviews, which will take us in two different directions.
     Neither candidate or party is perfect, that will not happen until the Second Coming.  But, one party is leading us down the path towards godless socialism, Third World poverty and a totalitarian government which is destroying the family, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to worship publicly and freedom in general.  This party is destroying what our Founding Fathers gave us in the Declaration of Independence, which is "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."  The Founding Fathers made it very clear that these were inalienable rights granted to every man by their Creator, or God.  The party which seeks to destroy freedom states that all freedoms come from Government and not God.  The majority of the people who support that party, including Christians, act as if Government is God!  They look to Government and God to be our final source.  This party is actively working to destroy America as we know it, and make it part of a United Nations-style global government, where all of our Constitutional rights will be destroyed and replaced by a set of humanistic and New Age rights, that emphatically do not protect our freedoms!
      The reality is that both the first party and second party are controlled by the same invisible elite.  Yet, there are enough significant choices between them, so that it is our duty to vote.  You do not become President of the United States, without selling part of your soul to the devil or this global elite!  But, through the one party, there is an opportunity to protect some of our rights, preserve freedom, especially freedom of religion and rebuild our economy, so that we can fulfill our role as a light to the nations!  If America falls, there will be great darkness upon the earth.  America is not perfect, but to one degree or another, it is still a light upon a hill.

Isaiah 9:6    "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

September 11, 2012

My Perspective: Looking Back on September 11, 2001

     As I listen to a radio broadcast of the sounds of THAT DAY, it takes me back to all the things I felt that morning.  My husband and I were starting a new phase of our life; we were putting our complete trust in the Lord as we started our new business and moved out of a major city to a small piece of land in the country.  We no longer had the security of twice-a-month paychecks, and had taken that leap of faith of relying on God for our provision.
     We had just made a sizable purchase at Lowe's to help us remodel a fixer-upper farmhouse, and were excited about the possibilities of a bright new future.  As we got into our pickup truck and turned on the radio, it was about 8:20 CST.  We heard the announcer say something like, "We don't know what's going on, but it has been reported that a second plane has hit the World Trade Center."  PLW and I looked at each other, and instantly knew that something was very wrong.  Then just a few minutes later, that same announcer said, "We -- we are hearing -- right now that another explosion that -- has taken place. At the Pentagon."

     We immediately knew ---- our nation was under attack.  And the re-broadcast of that morning, now eleven years later, elicits the same intensity of both fear and resolve.  I hear the sounds of the police sirens and the horns of the fire trucks.  I hear the voices of the witnesses and the survivors as they describe the smell of jet fuel; the intense heat inside the building; the impenetrable dust that made it nearly impossible to breath; the shouts for help; the falling debris; and most horrific of all, the sight of human beings who felt they had no other choice but to jump to their death.
     The radio broadcast this morning replays the phone messages left for families as their loved ones inside those burning Towers knew they would never get out alive.  I hear survivors in the Pentagon recount what it was like to be buried under the rubble and see their fellow workers dead and injured. I hear the stories of the brave heroes on Flight 93; people like you and me, who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.  I  hear a moment in history that will forever define my life and the narrative of this country.
     And I remember realizing that from this moment on, my future lay in the hands of God.  All of this was out of my control and I knew my life and my country would never be the same again.  I remember what it was like when we had to decide whether to make that cross-country trip for our new business, just three days after 9-11.  We discussed it with our business associate and made the decision to proceed with our trip; we weren't going to let the terrorists win.
     I remember making our way to a 300 year-old church in Santa Fe on that Friday, a day of National Prayer.  People from all faiths and ethnic groups came together to give thanks to God and ask for strength and understanding.  We resolved to be one Nation under God, and to come together in our sorrow, our pain, and our resilience.  In the midst of our national suffering, we forgot our differences and were proud of who we were ..... Americans.  It felt like a new beginning; as if a new Spirit had come to our land.
     So where are we today, September 11, 2012?  What happened to us?  I can honestly say that we are not where I thought we would be.  I feel we are more divided and more spiritually empty than we were the day before those terrible attacks.  I expected so much more.  I expected that we would bond together and renew our commitment to the principles of America.  We seemed to know who we were that day .... the heirs of a legacy.  We weren't a people who easily admitted defeat in spite of difficulties or opposition.  We got knocked down and came back stronger.
     I thought we would once again embrace the "Goodness of America" that everyone so confidently and ebulliently proclaimed in those following days.  I thought we would return to a kinder, more empathetic, and charitable nation.  The things that made us self-absorbed would evaporate as we once again became the UNITED States of America.
     After all, we turned to God as our source of strength, and as our Unifier, in the aftermath of that terrible tragedy.  Now He has become an idea that is divisive in our national conversation.  And that conversation has become a barely disguised contempt for each other.
     What I see is a rising conflict.  There are those who want us to return to our roots; to the solidarity we welcomed that day.   Then there are those who would denounce that notion of America, and would take us in a direction that my grandparents, just 50 years ago, would not recognize.   There are Americans that still mourn for the loss of that day; and those who say we deserved it.
     It saddens me to realize that my sorrow for what this day represents has compounded.  I mourn the loss of so much on that beautiful Fall day.  We lost the precious lives of nearly 3,000 innocent moms, dads, children, sisters, brothers, wives and husbands.  We lost our invincibility that day.  Since then, we've lost our united identity, and a shared faith in our leaders and our God.   It's eleven years later, and we need healing now, more than ever.

UPDATE:  As I read our President's proclamation this morning, I am disappointed.  There is no mention of God or prayer, which have always sustained this country in times of sorrow and national tragedy.  Instead, apparently what we need to focus on is "community service." It is just one more indication of the slide toward Godlessness that will be our ruin.  God save us from such irreverence!

Matthew 13:15     "For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them."

September 10, 2012

How To Handle The Poor

     By now you know that I am a student and lover of American history.  I love to read what our Founding Fathers had to say about issues that we face today.  I am a firm believer that not much changes throughout the annals of time.  History repeats itself; therefore, it can provide valuable insights and lessons, if we will just humble ourselves to listen to its message.
     That brings me to one of our most colorful historical figures, Benjamin Franklin.  He was a self-made man; his formal education ended at the age of ten, but he taught himself through his insatiable appetite for reading.  He became a printing apprentice to his older brother, James, at the age of 12, but ran away at 17 to begin a life-long pursuit of notable careers.  His biographical account lists accomplishments as varying as leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, musician, inventor, satirist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat.  Indeed, in his later years, he was celebrated throughout Europe as a popular figure and philosopher.  But Franklin was always proud of his working class roots, and it is from some of these writings that I draw my inspiration today.
     Franklin was fond of corresponding with fellow inventors, and in 1753 he wrote a delightful letter to Peter Collinson, a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, an avid gardener, and the middleman for an international exchange of scientific ideas in mid-18th century England.  He and Franklin exchanged letters on varied subjects, including Franklin's experiments with electricity.  But this particular letter focused more on societal conventions; specifically "Support of the Poor."
     It was Franklin's contention that the laws instituted by England were not serving the poor as they should.  He gives a little aside, and a somewhat harsh comparison, between English laborers and those of German descent; noting that the Germans tended to be more industrious and frugal, and less likely to need assistance from the Rich.  He then goes on to say that to relieve the misfortunes of our fellow creatures is our responsibility; it concurs with the desires of God.  But he further defines his philosophy by saying if this charitable relief encourages laziness, and supports a non-productive temperament, then might we not be fighting against the order of God and Nature?  Might not God make Want and Misery a justifiable and necessary consequence of being Idle and Extravagant?
     Franklin then goes on to admonish his friend by saying England should be wary of attempting to improve upon God's natural order of reward and discipline.  It was his thought that when we interfere with this natural consequence, we sometimes do more harm than good.  He went on to explain that those who had plenty would genuinely see the provision made for the poor as too little.  But there would be those among the poor who had never been better provided for, and would see these benefits as "quite good and sufficient."   These poor, being quite content with this provision, would then have nothing to fear.  They could scarcely hope for anything better!  Then, Franklin suggests, good luck in inducing them to work at all, and their maintenance becomes a burden on general society.   He follows up this discourse by proclaiming it is human nature to seek a life of ease; of freedom from care and work.  He tells Mr. Collinson, "But as matters now stand with us, care and work seem absolutely necessary to our well being; [the Poor] should therefore have every encouragement we can invent, with not one motive to hard work being subtracted.  And the support of the Poor should not be by maintaining them in Idleness, but by employing them in some kind of labor suited to their abilities of body, etc."
     Well said, Ben!  And his words have just as much substance today as 259 years ago!  What this wise man was trying to say was this:  Responsibility and Work are necessary to the well being of this nation; and we should use every means at our disposal to encourage those who are able, to help themselves by earning a living.  We should not supply them with a culture or attitude of entitlement that makes it easier to accept a handout than to earn an honest day's wage.
     Unfortunately, we have done exactly that.  Welfare is an institution in this country.  Currently, nearly 46,500,000 Americans receive food stamps; that's nearly one in seven, and that figure is up over 70% since 2007.  According to CNN, "The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been running radio ads for the past four months encouraging those eligible to enroll. The campaign is targeted at the elderly, working poor, the unemployed and Hispanics ....   The Stimulus Act made it easier for childless, jobless adults to qualify for the program and increased the monthly benefit by about 15% through 2013."
     Please don't misunderstand me!  I recognize the value of programs that help those who are truly in need.  Like Franklin, I believe that it is God's will that we share His provision with those who are hungry and destitute.  But I also believe in the old Chinese proverb: "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.  If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime."  I passionately believe that we are not serving our fellow man when we take away his self-respect and sow within him a sense of entitlement and privilege.
     So, we haven't listened to our Founding Fathers, and we don't give much credence to history, do we?  Benjamin Franklin would be astounded at the advances in his printing industry; cumbersome presses and plates have been replaced with computer files and soy-based inks.   And he would be amazed at  how we manufacture electricity today, and how it is transported across the country.  But I think he would be painfully disappointed at how we have failed the Poor.  Instead of giving them a helping hand, and the pride and incentive to work for their basic needs, we have enslaved them to a system that fosters and encourages unproductive lives.  They feel it is their right to be provided for, especially if someone else has more.
     Sadly, this is not the intent of Charity.  Goodwill and Compassion should seek to elevate humanity, not limit the potential, dignity and self-repect of man.

Proverbs 14:23       "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."

September 7, 2012

An Answer For Your College-Aged Kids

     A pastor in our small Southern town shared this story with me .... A Baby Boomer dad felt he was just not reaching his Generation Y son.  Each time the college sophomore came home during a school break or holiday, they had heated discussions on the topic of the day.  They just couldn't seem to find common ground on subjects such as increasing taxes on the rich, social justice and same-sex marriage.
     The college professors seemed to have indoctrinated his son with a foreign ideology.  Not only was the father concerned that American history was being revised; but he just could not support the theories his son was being asked to accept.  He knew the problem was twofold.  First, our universities have been infiltrated with uncompromising and dogmatic academics who slant their teachings to reflect their partisan political views.  Secondly, his son's generation has no real perspective.  By that, he knew that the technology explosion that brought them iPhones, Facebook, and perpetual texting kept them focused on the here and now, and on themselves.  They don't know that this Recession that affects their future is not the first time such an economic event has happened.  They don't know that history repeats itself, and that history is important.  It is important to know the Principles upon which this country was founded, and it is important to seek out the truth about our history.  The advent of computers had allowed his son to gain instant knowledge on any subject.  But knowledge does not always mean one has wisdom.
     So, with Thanksgiving looming just days away, Dad almost dreaded the heated disagreements that he knew were coming.  How could he reach his son?  He needed to find a way to illustrate why the policies and the direction our nation was headed were not working.  Words were just words, and the professors had taught his son how to counter-argue every point he tried to make.  He needed a simple story; almost a parable, like Jesus used to get his deeper meanings across to the disciples.
     Then he found it!  A slim volume with a cautionary tale that demonstrated our history; where we've been and where we're headed if we don't get back on track.  It's called Animal Colony.  The dedication at the front of the book says it all ..... "We dedicated this book to our children and grandchildren. May the American experiment in self-government continue to guarantee each of them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  May they be allowed to prosper to the point that they can share abundantly with others."
     That week when his son arrived home, Dad gave him the small book and asked him to read it.  "I don't want to argue with you anymore, Son.  Do me a favor and read this book and then let's talk.  If we still disagree about the future of America, then I won't try to persuade you anymore."  His son agreed to read it that night.
     In the easy-to-read, fable-like story the son read about a small colony of animals who grew tired of the oppression by their Masters, and decided to break away from the compound and escape to a new land.  They traveled across dangerous waters and suffered through near starvation that first winter.  At first they tried a communal approach to planting seeds and harvesting their food, but soon found out that the same small group always seemed to be doing the labor, while the majority sat back and waited for the harvest to be shared equally.  Since fewer people volunteered to do the planting, the yield was far smaller than was needed for the population.  They then decided that it would be best if everyone became responsible for providing their own food.  And the Animal Colony flourished.
     The goose stated their newfound ideology well, "Equal opportunity for everyone has to be one of our foundations.  We all have the same rights and freedoms, and those have to translate into equal opportunity."  The horse agreed.  "Opportunity, yes, but the outcome has to depend on how hard the individual works."  The dog spoke up.  "The work of some Animals is benefitting others who will not work.  By trying to be fair to everyone, we've destroyed the natural incentive to work and benefit from our own labors.  We should try giving everyone the freedom to succeed or fail on their own."
     With that, they set up the Four Great Truths of the Colony:  First, any Animal who refused to work cannot expect to eat.  Second, Everyone deserves an equal opportunity.  Third, The harvest belongs to those who toil for it.  Fourth, Whatever behavior we reward will increase, and whatever we punish or penalize will decrease.
     By now you are getting the picture.  In a delightful, and thinly disguised allegory, the son was reading about the story of the Pilgrims escape to the New World; their failed attempt at socialism to feed their newfound colony; the embracing of a philosophy that all men are created equal and should have the opportunity to succeed or fail by their own efforts; and the adoption of a Constitution that would guarantee those rights to all men.
     The son read through the night.  He read that the Animal Colony prospered because they valued liberty and self-determination.   There were those in the Colony who worked hard and set aside some grain for a rainy day, while others ate everything they had with no thought of saving for hard times.  Then a series of cold winters, followed by droughts brought hardships upon the Colony.  Those that didn't have a surplus of set-aside grain accused those who had been wiser of stealing from the poorer citizens and abusing their power.  "He who is hungry has a right to eat!", declared the pig.  And thus began a policy they called the Great Sharing.
     Well, you can guess where this story is going.  I read the book in one or two sittings and it is quite engaging.  It presents the Progressive movement's ideology in a simple and transparent manner.  It's all there .... the less fortunate animals are victims; they are entitled to basic rights like food and a home; economic injustice is a crime; the harder the goose worked, the more of his harvest was taken for the Sharing; the Sharing never goes away - it just expands; and those animals with once prosperous businesses (like the beavers who built the dams for the Colony's water supply) moved away from the Animal Colony to places with lower Sharing rates.
     So back to our father and son.  How does their story end?  Well, the son stayed up all night reading the book and the next morning at breakfast, he sat down at the kitchen table, quieter than usual.  The father didn't press him; he waited for his son to bring up the subject of the book on his own.  Finally, the son looked up with tears in his eyes, and said, "Dad, I've been wrong.  I get it now.  This book makes it so easy to understand.  I now know what this country is all about, and I can see where we're headed."
     So my question to you is this:  Do you have a son or daughter coming home from college this Thanksgiving?  Could they benefit from this simple cautionary tale?  The symbols and metaphors are in plain sight and hard to ignore.  If nothing else, it will bring your discussions down to basics and specific issues that you can intelligently discuss.  This little book will never be lauded by lofty professors, but it has a clear message that is hard to ignore.  Maybe it will open some eyes and some minds in your family.

Psalm 78:1-3       "My people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth.  I will open my mouth with a parable; I will utter hidden things, things from of old—things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us."    

August 6, 2012

DVD Recommendation: "Behold A Pale Horse"

     Rarely do I come across a presentation of any kind that I recommend as highly as this DVD.  Behold A Pale Horse: America's Last Chance unveils the stealth with which the sovereignty of this country has been eroded, and it does it in a bold, captivating manner.  This movie/documentary is the first of a planned three-part series, and it combines historical perspective, Biblical principles, and an outspoken disclosure of the forces aligning themselves against America; the last stronghold of individual freedom and liberty.
     You will hear the voices of retired military experts, noted economists, political commentators, Privacy experts, best-selling authors, medical experts, grassroots activists and one plain-spoken country western performer named Charlie Daniels ---- all sounding the alarm against the organized and intentional takeover of America.
     What you hear goes beyond the watered down warnings we've received from other news outlets.  These people know what they are talking about, know what is at risk, and know that the wolf is at the door.
     You will learn that what has occurred in our country over the last couple of decades has been a systematic eradication of the American Constitution, and that it has followed the classic pattern of Marxism.  The steps toward Marxism are clearly delineated:  1)  The Leadership nationalizes major sectors of the economy (they accomplished that with the 2008 Bailouts of the auto and banking industries)  2)  Redistribution of Wealth (accomplished through multiple - and as yet unrevealed to the public - segments of Obamacare legislation)  3)  Discredit the Opposition - they can't let the Tea Party gain any traction; only the elites know what is best for the common man  4)  Censor the Pastors -  Keep the pastors from talking about moral and social issues through threats of pulling their 501(c)3 status and the passing of Hate Crimes legislation  5)  UN Small Arms Treaty is just one of the backdoor methods to erode our Second Amendment rights.  We are the last nation on earth who has not surrendered our arms.  Do you really trust our government not to try to take away that right by means of the UN?  And last but not least, 6)  The Leadership establishes a constabulary force, designed to control the people.  Does anyone remember our President stating that he is establishing a "civilian national security force" that reports directly to him during times of national emergency?  Can you honestly look at these hallmarks of Marxism and not see the writing on the wall?
     This DVD goes on to bring expert after expert to educate us about the disastrous effects of "Sustainable Development", the chief goal of the UN and its Agenda 21 program.  Bottom line?  It is a program to restructure the world .... countries and boundaries will be abolished, private property confiscated, and the population of the world will be dramatically limited.  Did you know that it is part of the Agenda 21 plan to restrict the world's population by 85%!?!?  And how will they do that?  It would be easy through war, diseases and famine.  Just read Revelation 6:8 .... it's all there.
     But this DVD doesn't just point a spotlight on all the underhanded schemes of the forces against America.  It also calls on each and every American to return to our heritage.  The movie showcases a credible and heartfelt performance by Mark Collins as General George Washington, who exhorts us to defend the country he gave us.  He tells us to put on "the full armor of God" as we fight this spiritual battle for the the soul of America.
     How did we go from a nation of craftsmen, entrepreneurs, manufacturers and inventors to a country of clerks, cashiers and home health aid workers?  I agree wholeheartedly with Charlie Daniels, who challenges all Patriots .... "Let's ride, boys!.... We need a thousand Paul Reveres."  Spread the word about this DVD! And it won't just be this country that will be saved.  It will be the world!  Because you see, the rest of the world needs America to stand up against this Evil.   Our freedom depends on it.... and so does the world's.  We are the last chance.
     I have given you just a small portion of the valuable information that is within this presentation.  I consider myself pretty informed on what the country is up against, but I have never seen such a scholarly, knowledgeable and significant production.  So I would urge not only Americans, but freedom lovers throughout the world to buy this DVD.  The curtain has been pulled back and you will clearly see what is at hand.  And if Parts 2 and 3 of this series are as good as Part 1, this film series should sweep the land!

Ephesians 6:13     "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."

July 30, 2012

FreePAC 2012: A Breath of Fresh Air

     In case you are unfamiliar with this new political action committee, I want to tell you about one of the most exciting and dynamic assemblies to appear on the US political scene in quite some time.  FreePAC is a national grassroots gathering of Americans interested in restoring freedom from the bottom up: in their neighborhood, in their state, and in their country.
     The gathering was sponsored by FreedomWorks, an organization founded by former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey.  But the man out front of this network of hundreds of thousands of grassroot volunteers is President Matt Kibbe.  Mr. Kibbe is an economist and well-respected national policy expect, and he is recognized as one of the masterminds of Tea Party politics.

     And on Thursday evening of last week, he assembled a group of honest, hard-hitting, liberty-loving leaders of the Tea party movement to speak to over 14,000 Americans in Dallas, Texas.  Now, normally, I'm not a fan of PACs and their partisan shenanigans.  But this group of speakers are newcomers on the scene; not entrenched politicians --- folks like you and me who got tired of seeing our country go down the tubes and are standing up, speaking their minds, and fighting in the trenches to return us to our Founding principles.  And they are fighting as Conservatives and Libertarians; sick and tired of the political machines of both Democrats and Republicans.  They are finding their feet as citizen activists and becoming established as leaders in a growing grassroot movement.  Here are some highlights of the real, honest-to-goodness, from-the-heart speeches that excited me:
Dana Loesch - a former Liberal, Dana began re-evaluating her political views after the September 11th attacks.  She is currently a conservative talk show host and blogger, recently hired by CNN to represent the Tea Party perspective.  Dana took the stage like a caged lion.  Bold in her comments,  she called out the media for their poor journalism in reporting the Colorado and Tucson shootings.  She berated them for immediately concluding that both crimes "must have been committed by a Tea Party member."  She taunted them by proclaiming that the internet has liberated us from mainstream media.  "We own talk radio," she shouted, "and we dominate cable news and the blogosphere.  And we're now ready to capture entertainment and Hollywood!"  One gets the feeling that the "America bashers" on the airwaves have just met their match!
John Fund - John has been on the scene for awhile as a political journalist, columnist and writer for the Wall Street Journal.  But this particular evening, he took the gloves off.  He spoke about something no one in the mainstream media, or on either side of the aisle wants to confront .... election fraud.  He wasn't afraid to point out the tactics that have been used in the past by Acorn and other organizations that President Obama has trained in his role as community organizer.  He warned that there are thousands of lawyers sitting on the sidelines, ready to throw this upcoming election into chaos if the results are close.  He urged everyone to get involved on the grassroots level to monitor each polling place to make sure that this election is as clean as possible.  Because, he warned, the stakes are high and there are powers that want to win at any cost.
Deneen Borelli - a member of Project 21, a network of black conservatives, Deneen was courageous in her speech.  She bravely called out black leaders like Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters and Eric Holder for  misleading the black communities, even confronting Holder on attacking white Americans for being "cowards".  A slight, quiet-spoken woman, Deneen stood stall, head erect and shouted to the audience, "Who's the coward, now?  Where are the records on 'Fast and Furious'?"  She then challenged the audience by asking, "Who is going to stand with me and hold the line for liberty?"  She left the stage to thunderous applause.
Reverend C.L. Bryant - This man is an outspoken Baptist preacher, radio host, and former NAACP Chapter President.  And I believe he was my favorite speaker of the night.  He commanded that auditorium and delivered a speech that gave me chills.  He wasn't afraid to say that the reach and the scope of Big Government is the new plantation, enslaving Americans to entitlements and government handouts.  With a fiery delivery, he pronounced, "My great-grandfather fought in the Spanish American War; my grandfather fought in WWI, and my father fought in WWII.  They didn't give us this country, bought with the blood of their brothers on the battlefield so that we could be divided!  They gave us this country so we could be FREE! ..... IF we will not surrender it!"  He went on to say, "We are Americans and we will not bow down to any earthly king; we derive our power from our Creator!"  I was on my feet shouting at the TV, "Amen, Brother!"
     As I watched the rest of the FreePAC presentation, there were the obligatory speeches by politicians.  But they generally paled in comparison to these grassroots activists, with the exception of Senator Mike Lee of Utah, and Indiana Senate candidate Richard Murdock.
     But as I sat and watched these people, I found myself gaining some hope.   Four years ago, they were normal citizens and then became energized by the deterioration of our country.  I am encouraged by the energy and the commitment and the determination they have.  They are outspoken patriots, and they come from 200 years of American tradition; of citizen activists who are willing to fight for our freedoms.  They love God and they recognize His part in the founding of this country.  They will not sit idly by while this land is destroyed.  They will do their part and they will do it with the pen, and with the microphone, and until their last breath.
     That night I saw America as we truly are; lovers and defenders of freedom.  And to give you an idea of how inspirational our love of liberty is, there were representatives of Tea Partys from Japan, Austria, Australia, Greece and Italy.  They don't even have the Tea Party as part of their history, but what it stands for is a beacon to all men.  Thank you, God, for giving us hope!

Psalm 37:9     "For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land."
 divided by gender, race, or c

July 14, 2012

Saturday Morning Commentary: Since When Is A Home Church Against The Law?

     I'm sure many of you are aware of the story of Michael Salman, of Phoenix, Arizona.  He has been sentenced to 60 days in jail, a $12,180 fine, and three years probation for ostensibly violating 67 building code laws.  What was he doing?  Holding Bible studies in his home.
     Apparently this legal battle has been brewing since 2005, when Salman, an ordained pastor, began holding Bible studies at his 4.6 acre residence.  In 2007, he received a letter from the city informing him that he could no longer hold these studies in his living room, because they violated construction codes.  A few months later, during a Good Friday get-together over hamburgers in his backyard, the Phoenix Fire Department broke up the fellowship, and threatened to call the police if the 20 guests did not leave the premises.

Pastor Salmon and his family
    In 2008, the fire department came again, and Salman ordered them off his property.  There was a standstill, of sorts, until Salman and his wife decided to build a structure in their backyard.  They secured the proper permits and moved their Bible studies to the new location.
     Then in 2009, nearly a dozen police, along with city inspectors raided their home.  Armed with a search warrant, police confined the Salman family to the living room as they combed the property looking for violations.  And found them, they did;  from a failure to post exit signs to a lack of handicap signs, Phoenix officials left no stone unturned, and were able to come up with 67 violations.  Apparently, the city of Phoenix wants to label the new structure a church.  Salman says it is not.
     And so, earlier this week, Mr. Salman began his jail sentence.  In a written statement, he said,  “They’re cracking down on religious activities and religious use. They’re attacking what I, as a Christian, do in the privacy of my home.”  It's enough to give every Christian pause.
     In an attempt to remain fair, I know there are two sides to every story.  Perhaps Mr. Salman and his wife did not adhere to every code; perhaps they pushed the envelope.  But I have to ask, as have so many others .... would the fire department have showed up at his home and asked guests to leave if their backyard barbecue was celebrating the Super Bowl?  What if it was a weekly Tuesday night Poker Club meeting at his home?  Would construction codes have been enforced?
     And where does this stop?  Can we no longer worship in the privacy of our homes without violating some city code?  What if I want to invite 4 or 5 of my neighbors in for a Ladies Bible Study?  Do I have to apply for a permit?  And can any building be designated a church just because you study your Bible there?
     Here's where this could lead --- in Matthew 18:20, Scripture says, "For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them."  In my mind, wherever He is, constitutes the Church.  And according to the dictionary, a church is a building used for public Christian worship.  But who is going to define what is "public"?  Could that mean me and my husband (who number two) could be designated a church, if we are conducting our morning Bible study in our home?
     If Mr. Salman's additional building was on his private property, and he did not advertise it as a church, but simply used it to hold occasional Bible Studies among friends, how can the City (which in this case is acting on behalf of the State) declare it a Church?
     And I am seeing a growing number of "home churches" spring up, where small groups of Believers decide to gather together once a week or once a month to worship together and study their Bible.  Will Mr. Salman's case set a precedence for the rest of us?
      It is very apparent to me, that very soon, all of us will have a choice to make --- just as Mr. Salman did.  We will have to choose whether to freely worship our Creator, or abide by man's laws.  Whenever possible, we should give Caesar his due.  But when Caesar begins telling us where and when and how we are to worship, or tries to limit our religious freedoms, then we must decide where our loyalty lies.  As for me, I will choose God first.  But it is a decision that I pray we do not have to make.  But the fact that a pastor sits in jail today does not bode well for us.

2 Thessalonians 1:4     "Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring."