A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

September 9, 2020

Ekklesia, Covid, and The Separation of Church & State

I know the title of this post sounds like incompatible pieces to a mismatched jigsaw puzzle. But let me see if I can tie it all together. Today, I asked the Lord what He wanted me to write about and He brought these disparate and distinct topics to mind. I mean, what do Covid and the separation of church and state have to do with each other? Nothing that I could see until He showed me that His Ekklesia is to relate to both.

Here's how it all fits together... Let me begin with Covid. Our nation has been in the grips of Covid-19 since mid-March. This pandemic has literally stopped us in our tracks. All of us have been affected by it and it has dramatically changed the nature of this country. I don't believe we will ever be the same country as we were at the dawn of 2020. And while many may mourn this notion, I actually join with those who discern that God is using what Satan meant for evil to accomplish a Godly reset ... if we will cooperate with Him. 

You see, many Christians were forced to be separated from their Church buildings and Church families by the lockdowns imposed by state and federal governments. For some, who were willing to see and hear from the Lord, they were shown not only the emptiness of their buildings, but the emptiness and shallowness of the message about God inside those buildings. They discovered they were actually hungry for something they had not tasted -- the fullness of the Word of God and true interaction with the Holy Spirit. Being forced to isolate, they learned the value of true intimacy with the Lord and their spirits were awakened to what a true relationship with their Savior looked and felt like. 

Not content to wait for the doors of the Church building to open up again, and dissatisfied with online sermons that did not ignite their hearts and spirits, small groups and home churches have begun forming in a new dynamic; they are discovering and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit to stimulate change and progress in their walk with Christ. They are learning the power of intimate prayer with each other, and the profound and personal connection of taking communion as a bonded body of believers. Returning to the old paradigm and model of "Church" might not seem so attractive.

And so I see that Covid-19, meant for evil by the devil, has become a transformative agent for personal revival. And this is the kind of revival that I think the Lord has had in mind -- one believer at a time until the fullness of His remnant to discharge the purpose of the Ekklesia within the Body of Christ becomes a reality. As I have long espoused, Jesus never said He would build His "Church", but an Ekklesia, and it would rest on the foundation of His teachings and authority and power. We, as committed Believers are to be agents of His kingdom government to transform earth to resemble the kingdom of Heaven.

And like Jesus, we are to continually encourage people to change their way of thinking [Repent!] because the Kingdom of God has arrived -- there is a new kingdom come; with a new way of ruling; and He intends for us to be His legislative body; called to defeat the gates [ruling power] of the one who has ruled with the power of Death. Furthermore, He is giving us the key of authority to open or close [loose or bind] God's heavenly principles on the earth, thereby offering Jesus as the gate [or doorway] into the kingdom of God. Jesus perfectly models for us God's design to establish His people, in His place, under His rule. 

And this is where the Ekklesia intersects with the concept of "Separation of Church and State". This nation has been deceived for too long on the idea that we were founded with the belief that Faith and Government are to be separated in our lives. How many of us have grown up with the wrong ideology that religion and politics don't mix? Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, this concept of "separation" has been wrongly applied to the First Amendment, whose purpose in the "establishment" and "free exercise" clauses concerning religion were meant to ensure both that the government does not show preference to a certain religion and that the government does not take away an individual’s ability to exercise religion. 

But here's where Ekklesia busts down that counterfeit wall of separation! Our faith is supposed to interface with government. As ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, we are to influence the laws of this nation to reflect the moral laws God has instituted in Heaven. Because we have acted as "the Church" instead of "the Ekklesia", we have allowed a man-made government model to supersede God's intended heavenly model on earth, and to suppress our role as righteous legislators of God's law. We have stood silent and subdued while prayer to God was removed from our schools; while abortion became the law of the land; and God's definition of marriage was subverted and corrupted. We have allowed human trafficking to become a $150 billion a year business -- with $99 billion from commercial sexual exploitation -- without demanding that our lawmakers stop this evil industry. We have believed the lie that our faith has no place in man's government, and that we are to follow the laws of that government without interference.

It's time we walk in our identity! We were created to represent God in all facets of our life. Our politics should reflect the righteousness and principles of a Biblical worldview. And  our government should reflect God's nature, His will, His purpose for mankind, and His Heavenly Kingdom model. And Christians should be heavily involved in all of that! The Ekklesia needs to walk in its moral authority; we need to be praying fervently for God to heal our land and change the hearts of all who are standing at the gates of hell. 

Covid-19 is a diversion, and so is all the violence stemming from social injustice and the upcoming election. We have been essentially neutered from involvement in our worldly government. Satan has been effective in using them to get us to act out of our humanity. Let's stand up and show him who we really are! We are citizens of Heaven who rule from spiritual authority given to us explicitly by our Father in Heaven. And we are here to defeat the schemes and strategies of our spiritual enemies and establish our Father's government on earth, as it is in Heaven. We are throwing off the false identity of being the Church and putting on our kingly and priestly robes and ruling earth as Heaven is ruled. We praise you Father for all you are doing in the midst of the chaos. We trust You as you strengthen and fortify us to be the Ekklesia! Amen!

2 Timothy 2:15   Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.  

September 6, 2020

Are You Ready To Become Like Deborah?

I am writing this blog for all women, who like me, do not want to sit on the sidelines while our country and this world goes down the tubes. It doesn't matter whether you are a Republican or a Democrat or Libertarian; whether you are a Christian or not; whether you are political or not. I am writing for all the women whose instincts tell them something is wrong....terribly wrong....and are ready to throw off the shackles of fear and claim their personal power; to overcome the paralysis of panic and dread, and take command of their lives and their circumstances.

I used to be comfortable and contented in my life. My husband and I had built a nice little home on a few acres in the country. Our small business was successful, and I thought everything was going to be smooth sailing from then on out. But you know that old saying, "If you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans?" Well, God obviously knew a whole lot more than me what was coming down the pike!

It seemed like overnight, all sense of security in my country, my government and my future went up in smoke. My husband and I both knew something was really wrong. This country was headed down the wrong track, and the conductor was taking us there as fast as he could!

We have felt heavenly promptings to re-evaluate everything in our lives....to prepare for economic hard times and radical changes in our society. And [to be honest] it has scared the crap out of me! But instead of giving in to the suffocating fear, I have made a choice to face it. I will not give up that easily in all I believe in!

Everything you just read is what I wrote on December 5, 2011 -- my first blog post. Little did I know that everything I felt and sensed nine years ago would be compounded exponentially until we find ourselves in 2020, at this turning point in our lives. And so, I find myself writing again to encourage women (and men) to overcome the "paralysis of panic and dread"; the loss of "security in our country, our government and our future"; and "the economic hard times and radical changes in our society". 

I will tell you that two things have changed for me in that last paragraph since 2011 .... first, I am no longer scared. The Lord has strengthened and fortified my spirit to face what is coming. And second, I not only will not give up easily, I absolutely will not surrender to evil forces. I can see clearly how my beloved nation has become disobedient, rebellious, and idolatrous. I see how we substituted God's moral laws for "that which has seemed right in our own eyes". That abandonment of God's righteous ways has led to corruption from within and opened doors for oppression from without. I see our spiritual temperature growing colder and if we do not humbly submit ourselves to the authority of God as a nation, we are subject to the same bondage and captivity that His favored nations of Israel and Judah suffered.

But don't get discouraged! God has shown us throughout His history in the Bible that He raises up the most unlikely heroes to carry out His will. One such story is that of the prophetess and judge Deborah. She lived in a time of chaos in Israel after the Lord sold them into the hand of Jabin, king of Canaan. Armed bands preyed on Israelite peasants. Travelers and caravans, the lifeblood of her region, were too frightened to take the main roads. Much like today, this was a time that called for strong leadership. Deborah answered the call of the Lord on her life and led an army against Israel's oppressor; and under her leadership, Canaan's army under Sisera was defeated.

I believe that just as in that chaotic time in the Bible, we as women in the 21st Century can hear from the Lord and affect transformation and change in our circumstances. Now is the time for us to step forward in courage to lead our families in obedience and wisdom. I often tell mothers of young children that they must become like Sarah Connor from the movie series The Terminator. If you will recall, Sarah finds herself in the unlikely situation of becoming a hero responsible for saving the world from a diabolical plot to destroy humanity. Like Sarah, women today must develop strength and resiliency in order to prepare our children for a future that could look drastically different than any of us have ever expected. But unlike the movie character Sarah Connor, and like the Biblical character, Deborah, we have the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord to lead us into our victory. 

I want to encourage you to become like Deborah... to support the people of God; to encourage them to know and understand their power and authority in the Kingdom, and then to act on it. Your belief and strong faith in God will earn the trust and respect of people in your sphere of influence and you will be able to motivate them to walk in their purpose. Be direct in your application of God's Word, and do not back down from efforts to modify or revise the power of the Word. Ask the Lord what His agenda is for this time, and then teach others His plan ... not yours, nor theirs, and not ungodly leaders. Be confident and never hesitate to carry out the assignment or responsibility He has given you. And of course, give all praise and glory to God, for any victory we have over this demonic threat against our country is His. 

In this hour of peril in our nation, there is not one person who is not effected. It is time you know what your core values are and what spiritual gifts you possess, and then to put them into action according to the will of God in your life. Jehovah Nissi knew who would be obedient to follow His lead into battle for the nation of Israel. He knew whom He could trust to walk in integrity, honesty, compassion, and dependability. And He knew who would be fearless as they went into that critical battle. 

I believe we face such a crisis today. And I also believe God is calling a multitude of Deborahs to rise and step into those leadership roles. We do not come in a competitive stance against men, but we work with them as Deborah did with Barak, a military commander of Israel. Like Deborah, we can become women who are shining examples of faith in our God when things look bleak. Faith is sorely needed today and service to God can be the last thing on people's minds as they struggle to put food on the table and keep a roof over their family's heads. But Deborah believed the Lord and urged her countrymen to serve the Lord who went before them in victory. 

I choose to steadfastly and persistently trust in the Lord to lead us to that victory, no matter what it might look like. Yet, I am not unaware that this nation deserves God's righteous judgment. And if it is judgment that comes, then Deborahs will be needed all the more. Let us ask the Lord for an anointing of the Deborah spirit in our lives as we go forth declaring His sovereignty over Evil, and the power of Heaven to assist us -- just as from heaven the stars fought; they fought in their courses against Sisera, the commander of the Canaanite army" (Judges 5:20). And when we have fought this battle and won, let our nation have rest, just as the nation of Israel experienced. 

I finished that long-ago blog post with this appeal ... As American women, we have overcome much in our history, and it is not in our DNA to lay down and quit. So no matter what stage you are at in coming to terms with our country's decline, together we can help each other be prepared for what is coming. Together we can become an army of Deborahs and lift our nation above the hopeless and pessimistic forecast that is staring us in the face. Let us join together and walk as women of the Lord who can be trusted to carry out His plans to transform this nation; to battle together to see the rebirth of this nation in His Light and His Glory!

Judges 5:31   So let all Your enemies perish, O Lord; But let those who love Him be like the rising of the sun in its might.

September 3, 2020

And Now For "The GOOD NEWS"...


I know I have probably said this before, but I can often identify with Jeremiah, the man who would become the messenger of some of God's most disturbing warnings for the people of Judah. Please don't misunderstand -- I do not equate myself with the strength or compassion or importance of Jeremiah and his prophecies; rather, I know what it feels like to appear as one who only has bad news to deliver.

I could easily "soft-sell" what I am discerning, but I never want to discount the truth of what God's Word says we will face, nor misrepresent the reality of what I see in my spirit or what God reveals to those who are on the wall and awake. I earnestly try to be, as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 2:17, one who is "not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as a woman of sincerity, as commissioned by God, and in the sight of God, [to] speak in Christ". And I am very mindful of Ezekiel's warning to the watchmen that if they see "the sword" coming and warn the people of impending danger and they do not heed his words, then their blood will be on their own hands. But if the watchmen see the danger and do not sound the trumpet, then the blood of the people is on his or her hands. And there has certainly been a lot of things to warn about in 2020.

We have witnessed human beings coming into agreement with the devil to accomplish his goals of division, chaos, and destruction on the earth. We have seen the Enemy build spiritual structures that entrap people in his false systems of ideas, philosophies, and movements in order to gain promised power, money, fame, and change. He does this by sending his spirits to infiltrate educational institutions, governments, social movements, churches, and the media. These structures become strongholds that the devil owns and through which he can manipulate the masses for the purposes of his kingdom of darkness. BUT HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS ... These power structures collapse when we live our lives connected to God; when we obey Him and walk in our power and authority!

Have you noticed how often we are hearing about "a global reset" in our national dialogue? It seems it's become the media's new mantra across the entire spectrum of political ideologies. And that's because the powerful banking and business leaders, government officials, and social activists around the planet are seeking to reset and transform all aspects of our societies and economies. They have become willing accomplices with Satan's dark forces to propagate massive deception. Promote the deception hard enough and long enough and a spiritual stronghold becomes a habitual pattern of thought in the lives of individuals, communities, and nations. Spiritual strongholds can even dominate churches! Among the culture of the United States and Western mindset, in general, Satan has been able to build a stronghold that convinces people (whether Believers or not) that the supernatural does not exist in this Age. (Unfortunately, Satan's followers believe in this truth all too well!) Therefore, there is a denial of the influence of demonic spirits in the lives of many Christian peoples and nations. When disbelieving Christians don't accept the reality of spiritual strongholds and demonic forces, Satan's kingdom of darkness is free to continue operating in the world.

BUT HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS ... Just as Joshua and the Israelites took back territory from the Canaanites in the land the Lord had given them, Jesus came to give us His power and authority to take back territory from Satan's kingdom on earth. We are here on this earth to get in the fight and invade and conquer Satan's territory to take it back in the individual's life, in the life of communities, and in the life of our nation -- and we are to occupy that territory until He returns! 

How do we do that? First, we can be obedient to the Great Commission the Lord gave us in Matthew 28 and Mark 16: to heal both physically and spiritually; to lead people to the knowledge of salvation through faith in Jesus; to deliver them from the torment and oppression of the Evil One; to disciple nations by teaching them to enter into and expand the Kingdom of God on earth -- to proclaim and observe [follow] all that He commanded His followers; yes, to do even greater things than He did (John 14:12). 

Secondly, I cannot emphasize enough the power of intercessory prayer in engaging with the Holy Spirit. Both the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit are spiritual weapons used by God to thwart the goals of Satan and his demonic forces who are seeking to gain control over individuals, societies, and nations. Prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit can bring down strongholds. And Lord knows we need to defeat the strongholds of Abortion, Sex Trafficking, Socialism/Communism, and yes, even stagnant Religion! By the fervent prayers of individuals and prayer warriors joining their voices in unity, we can transform the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light so that individuals and nations can receive the knowledge of all they were meant to be. As obedient followers of Christ, we can break the bondage of demonic strongholds over individuals, cities, and nations. 

Jesus says that the primary purpose of His ministry was to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. It should be the predominant purpose of our personal and corporate ministries, as well. But in pursuing these ministries, we should expect to encounter Satanic strongholds of habitual thought patterns, as well as demonic strategies to inhibit our progress. After all, as we advance the Gospel of the Kingdom, it is a direct threat to the survival of Satan's kingdom of darkness. Our goal is not to engage with the demons, but rather to share the Good News of Jesus, His Kingdom on earth, and our restored dominion over the earth as men and women created in the image of God. But when we do encounter an offensive strategy from the Enemy, by promoting the concept and understanding of the Kingdom of God, we will serve to save, heal, deliver, teach and transform lives -- engaging in a very real spiritual war that delivers people out of the power of demons and darkness. 

Earlier, I mentioned the "global reset". I believe God is doing His own "reset" by identifying those who have spiritual eyes to see the battle strategy of the Enemy; placing His obedient remnant in positions of spiritual power; and strengthening the prayer muscles of His intercessors. He is delegating His authority in this critical time in our history. Jesus showed us [as a man] that we can speak for God and we have His permission to take the spiritually legal steps to make Earth look like Heaven. He's just waiting for us to step into the battle.

SO, HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS I WANT YOU TO REST ON ... We are here at this moment in history because we have been sent by God and commissioned to represent Him! We are to be the carnal representation of the One who sent us! Jesus has commissioned us, authorized us to act on His behalf, and empowered us with His Holy Spirit to accomplish our assignment. Yes, Jesus has already won the battle, but He has commissioned us to enforce the victory! Until we realize that we have an active role to play in establishing the Kingdom of God here on earth, then we will continue to lose territory to Satan in our souls, our cities, our states and ultimately, our nation. The battle is raging now -- we see it on the nightly news. Are you ready to walk in Heavenly realms and transfer the power of Heaven to Earth? We have unlimited potential to tear down Satan's strongholds. Let us join together to take Jesus's victory to the Enemy!

2 Corinthians 2:14-15     God always makes His grace visible in Christ, who includes us as partners of His endless triumph. Through our yielded lives He spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere we go. We have become the unmistakable aroma of the victory of the Anointed One to God—a perfume of life to those being saved and the odor of death to those who are perishing.


August 31, 2020

Look How Far We've Come

     Almost exactly four years ago, I wrote a post titled "The Political, Theological and Spiritual Aspects of Globalism". As I revisited this post, I was shocked at how far we have moved in that direction, and how the Enemy has been able to further foment chaos and destruction in our social fabric. So, "Globalism" may not be the buzz word of the day, but hopefully, you can read the post and see what has been accomplished in four short years ... that the term "Social Justice" has been replaced with "Systemic Racism" as the engine to push us over the cliff. This post from four years ago seems mild in its revelation compared to where we are today. But I wanted to show you just how far and how fast we have come. May we glean knowledge to discern what is coming in our future and to face it with the strength of the Lord.

September 30, 2016
     That word globalism ... It is a word bandied about in this political season, and depending on who is using it, it can mean a common-sense word for the necessary global exchanges in an increasingly interconnected world -- like trade, legal immigration, and the cooperation and sharing of ideas across borders.  Think of it as kind of a benign worldwide partnership, if you will, with no borders to hinder relationships.  But, in the hands of malevolent minds, it turns into an ideology and near-religion; focused on a one-world government.
     What concerns me is the effort to equate globalism with Christianity.  Those who promote the secular belief in globalism will tell you that just like the Church, their ideology is global; and just like the Kingdom of God, there are no borders.  But here's the question that they can't -- or won't -- answer:  Exactly how does the Kingdom of God fit into this collective ideology?  Who decides the value systems of that global cooperative?
     Because, as I have discussed before, the Kingdom of God is the government of God; how He rules His people, as King, through His people.  It is the realm in which He rules, and it is His rules that we are governed by.  Are the globalists prepared to accept that condition?  I think not.  And that's because a world in which globalism rules will be a world in which the righteousness, justice, and peace of Jesus has no place.  Globalism spawns a world of evil and injustice; rather than peace, there is conflict; and rather than joy, there will be misery. 

     There is one thing we better get clear on ... it doesn't matter whether it is a politician, the United Nations, or the Pope touting globalist ideology; it will mean that there will be no truth, or mercy, or knowledge of God in the land.  The social justice message [justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within the world] is one meant to soothe our guilty souls over the injustice perpetrated by godless men.  Globalists will promise it, but they cannot deliver.
     To begin with, the very idea of no borders or boundaries is antithetical to our knowledge about God and His character.  The Bible is full of examples of God setting boundaries, beginning with the boundary He set for Adam and Eve to abstain from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Later, throughout the Old Testament, God establishes boundaries and borders for the nations, with the Bible stating in Job 12:23, He makes nations great, and destroys them; he extends the boundaries of nations and disperses them.
     And now that very knowledge of how God established the nations is threatened by this humanistic religion focused on globalism.  The Globalists claim that the world can come together in a spirit of human cooperation and understanding; that there is a global "truth" that can bind us together as one.  But true wisdom and understanding always begin with the knowledge of God.  When the people of the world forsake the knowledge of God, soon truth and mercy are both gone. Truth must be rooted in something more than our personal opinion, and mercy means going beyond our own self-interest.
     If the world adopts this globalist attitude and policies, the knowledge of God will be left behind.  And when truth and mercy are lost, there is no longer any restraint against our human nature.  We already see that idea promoted in our advertising campaigns ... No rules, just right; Just do it; Break all the rules; Peel off your inhibitions and find your own road ... The message is the same: You make your own rules. You answer to no one. You are the one that matters. Your universe revolves around you. You should only restrain yourself if you want to.

     But here is what we need to deeply understand:  When man will not, or cannot restrain himself, bloodshed and destruction follow.  And that is at the heart of the anti-Christ spirit at work in the globalist ideology.  An article by Fay Voshell at The American Thinker website stated it perfectly:  "Like the Christian vision of the universal Kingdom of God, the religion of secular globalism claims universality, but [it] is an earthly minded substitute for the Church universal. The Christian vision sees the Church universal as God's kingdom ruling the earth. The religion of globalism sees an earthly, utopian world order in which all men pay allegiance to elite priests who rule over a World City without national borders."  Isn't that ultimately what Nimrod was trying to accomplish at the Tower of Babel?  
     Ms. Voshell goes on to point out that the idea of "globalism" is really nothing new.  This idea of a "new world vision" is the same one that has given birth to all empires.  "Whether the vision of Hellenization dreamed of by Alexander the Great; whether the vision of eternal Rome ruled by demi-god Caesars; whether the vision of a Thousand Year Reich ruled by a noble race; whether the vision of a global communist international brotherhood in which the common man was to reign -- the actualization of the imperial, earthly vision of man is always the same. Human beings are regarded as units to be ruled by powerful others. Human beings are enslaved."
     It is all the same message, from the same Anti-Christ spirit, meant to strip us of our individual uniqueness; take away our belief in something greater than ourselves; and ultimately replace the Judeo/Christian concept of the human being with a de-gendered, robotic and compliant unit -- a nonperson who is merely a number in the  soulless world collective.
     It really all comes down to this ... the political and social concept of globalism is a useful tool for God's Enemy to introduce an anti-Christ religion that believes in nothing [and everything] -- all at the same time.  But that is no real faith at all.  When we are all reduced to a unit, or some other kind of nonentity, we have nothing to be loyal to, or faithful to.  We do not see the value in a human being, let alone see ourselves as spiritual beings made in the image of our Creator.  And then we have nothing to believe in, and we are easily enslaved to a new world order in which the Enemy determines our value.  It is a world governed without God's moral system and righteousness, without His Truth, without His Justice, and without His Love and Mercy.  The catchwords of universalism, secularism, and globalism are meant to appeal to our human desire for world peace and equality among all men.  But, in reality, they are designed to strip us of our unique individualism and our identity as a distinct and unequaled Child of God.  We don't need a new world order ... we all need to identify as citizens of the Kingdom of God.  And when that day comes, it will be YHWH's system of government and His authority that will rule and reign on this earth!  

     Can you see that the Enemy has switched direction? No longer is he trying to "appeal to our human desire for world peace and equality among all men". No! "Change by Force"  and "Systemic Racism" are now the new mantras the devil is using to advance his anti-Christ agenda. He is no longer operating by the subtle means of four years ago, but his true nature of murder and violence are fully on display. It is time for all Christians to put on their spiritual armor and be prepared to take a stand against the devil's schemes. We are in a spiritual battle for the soul of our nation, and this battle is coming to each one of us. We must be strong in the Lord and His Mighty Power! We cannot minimize or run from this spiritual war. We either get in the fight or we will be defeated in this world. We are, in fact, behind enemy lines, and we must become engaged in pulling down spiritual strongholds with radical, forceful [even violent] and passionate prayer. Do not be afraid! You are called to be a spiritual warrior for Christ! Stand up and be counted among the Army of God! Fight and never give up!

Daniel 2:44   "And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever..."


August 28, 2020

"Share What You Have Learned" -- Part Two


I often find that when I write of something that offends either those comfortable in their "normalcy bias" or the "Establishment" that runs the world governments and systems, that my blog seems to be suddenly hidden from view. I don't expect any different treatment from the conclusion of this two-part series. But, as always, I remain obedient to what the Lord asks me to do, and He is telling me to continue sharing what He has revealed. So here goes...

It is important that we understand that God created us [mankind] to represent Him here on earth. We are to walk in His righteousness and His power and authority, to see to it that His will "be done [here] on earth, as it is in Heaven". We are supposed to regain the dominion that was given to us in Genesis, chapter one. 

And I honestly believe that the United States was intended to represent a country in covenant with God -- NOT to replace the Biblical Israel, who will one day resume their purpose to lead the nations of the world to YHWH --BUT to be planted as a grafting in the New World, from the root of Abraham's faith. But remember the Parable of the Wheat and Tares? Satan sows his seed in the midst of the good seed spread by God, and weeds begin to grow, unseen and undetected, until they have pervaded and permeated like leaven through dough. The chaos and drastic changes in our country in the last few months are the result of those weeds that are now threatening to overtake the plans and purpose of our nation.

I suppose secret societies have existed from the time that man discerned God's holiness, so that in the desire to keep his evil ways hidden from the wrath of God, these societies or organizations became characterized by their concealment of their intentions, their practices, and their information. Read Ephesians 5:3-12. This describes the sons of disobedience in secret societies: sexual immorality; idol worshipers; empty words [oaths and rituals]; unfruitful works of darkness. We are told to expose them, "for it is shameful even to speak of the things they do in secret". 

As Mark and I have been led by the Lord to study the effects of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and those in the upper echelon of the New World Order, we have discovered that they are not simply wealthy and powerful men who are the recipients of various conspiracy theories. They all share in one aspect ... they are opposed to the influence of God [on the earth] in society or governments. They are ruled by an anti-Christ spirit, and as Christians, we know that every spirit that does not confess or acknowledge Jesus is not from God. They are able to leverage their wealth and power to influence world affairs and move the great plan of this anti-Christ spirit towards the ruler they serve, Lucifer.

This spirit is what is behind the abominable oaths and rituals that make a mockery of God's laws and commandments. This spirit is what instructs evil men to abolish the worship of the Most High God in order to control people. This spirit is what influences men to instigate wars for their own profit. This spirit is what tempts men to abuse children in wicked rituals of sex and blood at gatherings such as Bohemian Grove. Think about it ... the white-washed definition of the word Bohemian is "a person with unconventional social habits". (Read Ephesians 5:3-12 again for a more explicit understanding). And of course, we all know that "groves" were the locations of idol worship to pagan sexual gods. The fact that the powerful men of international government and commerce gather together in secret at an event called "Bohemian Grove" should at least set off warning bells.

HERE IS SUCH A WARNING: What I'm about to share with you is shocking! J. Michael Thomas Hays, author of Rise of the New World Order, wrote this: "The most effective way to channel dark forces is by combining Sodomy with Pedophilia and human blood-drinking sacrifices. The reason for this is to supremely blaspheme the Most High Creator God in the absolute most extreme and worst way possible. By doing this, the malevolent "Demons" grant them favors because it pleases them to provoke God". This is the epitome of the anti-Christ spirit! Immediately, what comes to mind is Jesus saying this: "whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." This makes it a little more difficult to dismiss and ignore all the news stories about Jeffrey Epstein, Pizza-gate, "spirit cooking", etc. as fanciful conspiracy theories, doesn't it?

We have to be willing to "look behind the curtain" and see that organizations like Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and the New World Order have joined forces with social ideologies such as Marxism and Communism, both part of Satan's anti-Christ agenda! These socioeconomic philosophies seek to dethrone God as they subject the masses to their totalitarian and authoritarian rule. Classes of people disappear, just as does the political and economic system of capitalism, in which our country's trade and and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than dictated and dominated by an oligarchy.

Take a step back and look at how successful the anti-Christ spirit has been in gradually and almost imperceptibly spreading the tares of Satan into our society and government. I say "almost" because there are those who have rightly discerned that removing God from our classrooms and the town square; the restructuring of the definition of "family" and "gender"; and the infiltration of radical marxist and communists into our colleges and government, [which has led to the demonization of private ownership and the right to defend oneself], have all eroded the foundation of our nation. Those "weeds" have been allowed to take root in God's "land of opportunity", growing at an inexorably steady pace. It is time to pull those weeds up by the roots so that we might once again become a sanctified field of harvest for the Lord!

In summary, we have never been a perfect country. Satan sowed his tares from the very beginning. But, as Jesus promised in His parable, there will be a harvest, and at that time, the weeds will be gathered first, bundled and burned, and the wheat will be gathered into His barn. So, we must not lose heart or faith. We must take up the challenge of Martin Luther King, Jr. who, in 1962, spoke these prophetic words: "We are challenged to dedicate and devote our lives to the cause of Christ as the communists do to communism. We cannot accept their creed, but we must admire their dream and their readiness to sacrifice themselves to the very utmost and even to lay down their lives for a cause they believe in, a cause that they believe will make the world a better place. One watches that zeal, and one has to say, 'Why is that Christians don't have this zeal? Why is it that we don't have this zeal for Christ? Why is it that we don't have this sense of purpose, this sense of dedication to Christ's Kingdom?' " 

My friends, now is the time to reap our passion for the cause of Christ and His Kingdom! The United States has become the battleground between the forces of good and evil. It is ripe for harvest. If the Lord came today, would He find that the weeds have choked out the yield of His good seed? Personally, I believe that the seeds of the Kingdom have been planted deep in the hearts of His faithful followers, and although we have allowed them to lie dormant for too long, we can rely on the Living Water from Heaven to revive the crop. There has been a drought of zeal in the land as we Christians have rested in our contentment and false security. But we now ask the Lord to fortify us as we drink from His cup of restoration. We confess that we have been asleep, but now we are fully awake and we yearn to establish Your Kingdom, Lord Jesus, with a righteous fire in our bellies and spirits! And so, I leave you with the words of Jesus in John 4:35... Do you not say, "There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest?" Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. So, let us follow the Lord and do the will of the Father who sent Him that we might accomplish His work. 

Ezekiel 37:3-5     And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, you know.” Then He said to me, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.  Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.


August 25, 2020

"Share What You Have Learned" - Part One

     This past weekend, Mark and I gave a 6-hour teaching to a group of about 60 Christians, titled Freemasonry, The New World Order, and the Anti-Christ spirit". It was the result of a five-year search for God's Truth concerning Satan's attacks on our nation and the world. In addition, through our Inner Healing Ministry, we have also discerned how these often hidden and unidentified spiritual structures have affected the lives of so many people. The Lord had been prompting us to "share what you have learned" for some time, so we set about preparing this extensive presentation to a group of interested Christians.

     The first thing we made clear was that our presentation would challenge each one of them, whether they were new on their journey or a seasoned veteran. As we have continued our research through the years and tried to present it to our fellow Believers, we have discovered that we Christians tend to live in a Christian "bubble" so to speak; a mindset that mirrors that of our secular neighbors -- a sort of "religious normalcy bias". Our faith has been rooted in this theological idea that Jesus is our Savior in everything, and nothing bad can happen to us. And, secondly, we are Americans and nothing as bad as what happened in the Bible is going to happen to us, simply because it hasn't happened yet. I'm sure the Israelites and their status as God's favored nation lulled them into the same false security, too.

     So, the first thing we needed to establish was some Biblical concepts for why we are standing on the wall warning them of things that could be coming. The chaos that ensued in the ancient nation of Israel, and that we are seeing on the streets of our country today, is the result of generational iniquity that has continued in family [and national] bloodlines. Iniquity happens when sin is not confessed and repented and progresses to outright rebellion, which then becomes so twisted and perverted that behavioral patterns and mindsets take hold in our DNA and genes so that wicked behaviors are passed down in our bloodlines. Baal and Molech worship, asherah poles, and groves and high places are examples of the iniquity that ran in the bloodlines of the ancient Israelite kings, who then introduced it to the inhabitants of the tribes of Israel. 


     In our history and culture, the brotherhood of Freemasonry has been at the foundation of our national government since its inception. The dome of our national capitol building in Washington, D.C. is painted with a scene called "The Apotheosis of George Washington". The word apotheosis means "the elevation of someone to divine status; deification". Now, since the time I was old enough to read, I have loved the story of the founding of our nation. I was a serious student of American history and the Revolutionary War. I have always believed that freedom and independence flow through the veins of everyone who calls themselves "American". I have been proud to call myself an American and a patriot [and still am]. Don't get me wrong, I still believe that, culturally, this is a Christian nation. BUT, when I discovered that this painting by Constantino Brumidi pictured George Washington as the god of America sitting in the heavens, attended to by the Roman goddesses Columbia [also known as Liberty or Freedom] and Minerva, along with the gods Mercury and Vulcan, my spirit knew this vision of America was not what God had in mind for our nation.

     By the way, Washington was the Worshipful Master of the Freemason Grand Lodge of Maryland. Furthermore, a banner waves over Washington's head with the national motto "E Pluribus Unum"; out of many, one. And our money is printed with the slogan, "Novus Ordo Seclorum"; New order of the Ages. So, was America founded on one of Freemasonry's hidden agendas, a One World Government? Is that why Washington is quoted as saying, "The United States was, and is, the great Masonic experiment?" Was it a coincidence that the artist of the Apotheosis was a 33rd degree Mason, a protégé of Guiseppi Mazzini, also a 33rd degree Mason and the Italian founder of the Mafia, another secret organization? Or that Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Morse [inventor of the telegraph system], and Robert Fulton [inventor of the first steamboat and steam warship] are all 33rd degree Masons and pictured in the painting with Minerva, the goddess of "crafts" and wisdom? And why does the Great Seal of the United States eerily resemble the seal of the Connecticut Freemasons?

     And if you need a refresher on exactly why I am singling out the Freemason aspect of our Founding Fathers, let me refer you to a 3-part series I wrote on the subject, beginning here. For the purpose of this blog post, I need you to understand that I do not judge the hearts of men who decide to join this secretive organization. That is for the Lord to determine. But I can clearly discern that the oaths, curses and rituals they perform mock the Lord, as well as break the commandments He has given us not to do them. Any secret organization that takes oaths to false gods such as Abaddon, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, On and Osiris, Horus, Thor and Odin, Allah and Lucifer and whose members have been in our government since the beginning and thrive in our current Congress, should make us get on our knees and pray, and then stand up and fight in our God-given power and authority.

     Any secret organization that curses its members for revealing its hidden agenda by releasing the spirit of Python to squeeze the spiritual life out of them; or curses against their bodies, including their throat, vocal cords, nasal passages, heart, chest, or lungs, and engenders a spirit of fear or suicide, is diabolical and wicked. Any secret society that has rituals that include falling into a coffin, drinking from a human skull, taking off the wedding ring and putting on the lodge ring, and combining blood and sex rituals is evil and not of the Lord. 

     I do not dispute that good Christian men are Freemasons. But they are blinded to its nefarious spiritual roots the minute they put that blindfold [called a hoodwink] on at their initiation ceremony. They are introduced to the Business and Charity image of the Lodge and convinced that the words spoken and the rituals enacted are innocent and harmless. They are anything but that to our Lord! I believe that many of the members are incognizant of exactly who and what they are connecting themselves to, and what spirits they are giving legal rights to. 

     Since the Garden of Eden, Satan has been crafty and cunning in all his ways, and he has been able to weave false theology, the occult, and witchcraft into secret societies and organizations that seek to rule the world with him. What I have touched on today is just a small picture of how insidious are his ways. He has been able to weave his web into the fabric of our nation without the masses even being aware of it. In the next post, we will step back and get a broader picture of how this web intersects with the higher levels of Satan's entourage who are even now planning on taking over the world. As Christians, we stand in the way, with the potential to defeat them -- IF we will stand and fight and occupy until the Lord returns. Join me next time as we take a step back and see the Enemy's ultimate plan.

Ephesians 5:11-12      Do not participate in the worthless and unproductive deeds of darkness, but instead expose them [by exemplifying personal integrity, moral courage, and godly character]; for it is disgraceful even to mention the things that such people practice in secret.


August 21, 2020

Culture Wars: Straight Out Of Satan's Playbook... Again!


     You've heard me say multiple times that Satan uses the same tactics over and over through the centuries. Why? Because they keep working! Mankind never seems to learn the lessons. Because of God's mercy and grace, if there is a remnant that recognizes the Enemy's strategy and repents and truly seeks righteousness, there will be a revival or movement that sets mankind back on course. But I'm beginning to wonder if we've run out of reset opportunities as I watch the world careening toward escalating chaos.

     The violence in the streets is getting worse. The hearts of men are growing colder. When you can beat a man and kick him in the head, knocking him unconscious, and then brag about it on social media, and the major news outlets refuse to report it, then I fear we have crossed into a new and deeper sphere of wickedness and lawlessness. 

     The mainstream media likes to dumb things down to keep secret the hidden agendas of those who seek to control the world by manipulation and unscrupulous control/influence. So they use terms like "culture wars" and "systemic racism" and "social justice warrior". They try to identify and define the changing morals in the world by using these coined phrases, but it's just a repeat of Satan's plan to dominate mankind and the world.

     According to Dictionary.com. the term "culture war" refers to "a cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices. It commonly refers to topics on which there is general societal disagreement and polarization in societal values is seen." In Biblical terms, that means there is a conflict between God's values and Satan's; a conflict between morality and immorality; and a conflict between righteousness and lawlessness. Those in the media and politics would have us believe that one side is being unjustly treated, therefore they have a right to use anything within their means to get what they want and equality. The end justifies the means, as long as you play the social injustice card. In other words, violence is permitted to atone for real [or perceived] ill-treatment, regardless of personal responsibility.

     But my purpose is not to debate whether injustice has been carried out against any social group, or whether violence should be stopped at any cost. I want us to realize that division within a nation has been a popular [and successful] tool of the Enemy. Currently there are conflicts and clashes between Black Americans and White Americans; between Republicans and Democrats; between Fascists and Marxists; between Believers and non-Believers. But these conflicts are nothing new. From the very beginning of time, a "culture war" was created in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve chose to follow Satan's temptation and believed his lie that God's value system and culture was contrary to their best interests. That clash between values can be seen throughout history.

     You have the clash between Cain and Abel; between the Fallen Angels and mankind in Genesis 6; between the nation of Israel and the pagan nations; between Jesus and the Pharisees/Sadducees; between the Jews and Gentiles; between Christians and Muslims in the Crusades; between Jews and Arabs today... the list can go on and on. All serve Satan's purpose to cause division and chaos in the world. We can even see the culture war that destroyed the ancient nation of Israel -- resulting in both the northern kingdom (Israel) and the southern (Judah) eventually being taken into captivity because they abandoned the values of God and disobeyed His commandments. 

     The kingdom of Israel fell into apostasy and worshiped false gods and adopted the rituals and belief systems of Baal. Heavier taxes on the people and the abandonment of  Jerusalem as the home of the House of the Lord, in favor of two golden calves to submit sacrifices to [one placed in Bethel and one in Dan], led to the eventual capture by the Assyrians and the disbursement of the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom across the globe. The southern kingdom and the people of Judah "did evil in the sight of the Lord. They provoked Him to jealousy more than all that their fathers had done, with their sins which they had committed. For they also built for themselves high places [to worship idols] and sacred pillars and Asherim poles [for the goddess Asherah]. These were on every high hill and under every luxuriant tree. There were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They committed all the repulsive acts of the nations which the Lord dispossessed before the Israelites" (1 Kings 14:22-24).  

     Can we say that our nation has sinned any less? Abortion, same-sex marriage, human trafficking, child porn, greed, corruption, idolatry with false gods -- all are against God's values and His commandments and the culture of Heaven. Are we any less deserving to be taken into captivity? 

     The Enemy is bolder than I've ever seen him. Is it because he has been so successful in tempting hearts away from God? Or has man willingly chosen to disobey God's commands to serve his ultimate god ... himself? And I know we, the remnant, see clearly the machinations of the Evil One, and some of us may be getting weary. But we cannot take a break from these "culture wars"; we cannot let our guard down. We are engaged in a very real war; one that will decide the destinies of many people on earth. We cannot relinquish the field of battle to the Enemy. 

     We must remain stalwart and unwavering in our purpose -- to bring the Kingdom of God to bear against the kingdom of darkness. The culture war in our nation right now is increasing and becoming more violent and resistant to the Lord and to our presence. But we do not fight alone! The King of kings and the Lord of lords is fighting with us! He has told us to occupy territory until He returns. We must stand our ground and fight back alongside the Heavenly Host. The war is being hotly contested from both sides and we cannot give an inch. And we can't escape this war, even if we want to -- we are here for a reason in this season of the history of the world. We must remember that God is sovereign over the kings and the kingdoms of the earth. The Enemy will be defeated! The victory is already the Lord's! But until He comes with His army of angels, we represent the Light in this present darkness. Let's hold the line!

 1 Chronicles 29:11   Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is Yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head above all.



August 18, 2020

How Social Media Undermines God and Our True Identities


     I don't know how you feel about Social Media, but for me, I can sum it up with the condensed version of Genesis 50:20... "What Satan meant for evil, God can use for His good". I may sound unsophisticated but, for all intents and purposes, I think the developers of Social Media platforms have been deceived by the devil and ultimately serve his agenda. Yet, I will allow that I have the opportunity to use those digital creations to write this blog to you. And I thank the Lord for that!

    So, let me explain what I'm seeing in this digital/technological age and why I'm concerned that it is effecting not only our relationships with each other, but with our connection to our Creator. First of all, Social Media allows people to hide behind an invisible wall of respectability and often gives them a fake sense of courage and invincibility. People will express their opinions on everything from politics to religion to devil worship; writing from a safe distance where they feel confident to forego civility and respect and good manners, in favor of being right and projecting a position of moral superiority. 

     But nothing replaces that personal face-to-face conversation to achieve real truth and integrity. I don't think I've ever seen such ugliness, anger and vitriol. But the devil has convinced those with wounded and hard hearts that no one can see them so they can say what they want without any fear. And then when you try to engage with them, they are suddenly offended that you dare to disagree or question them. Somehow, we've lost that personal interaction and the experience of really knowing each other.

     And all I can think of is how much God is concerned about how Social Media is influencing the way we communicate with each other and how we practice our faith. Before the Covid nightmare began, more and more people chose to stay in the comfort of their home and watch sermons and Church services online and at their leisure. There was no human interaction with like-minded Believers; you tuned into God whenever it was convenient. After all, the internet is full of archived podcasts, sermons, and videos. And since March, when our nation entered a new reality of masks and isolation, it has become difficult to even make those alternative forms of faith available. So, now people just go to their favorite Religious app and get their God moment there. 

     So, I have a question ... if we are moving farther away from real human contact to having "virtual friends" that we may never look in the eye, shake their hand, or experience a hug from --- how "real" can those relationships be? And if there is no authentic relationship between humans on the same planet, how much farther will we move from a genuine experiential relationship with God? And, in the end, how does it affect us in relating to each other as the children of God?

     Here are some of what I think are very real concerns... Through Social Media the Anti-Christ spirit (which is any spirit that denies or does not confess Jesus in their life) attempts to divide and conquer us through our perceptions of who people are by the way they communicate online. It is very easy for the devil to manipulate people in his subtle and crafty ways to see people only as labels. 

     Take the issues of wearing masks or taking a vaccine. If you are a Christian, your spirit should be sensitive to these two tools to manipulate the masses and move them closer to a Mark of the Beast scenario. But if you're a humanist, or just the average Joe who gets his identity on Facebook or Twitter, then you can be manipulated in any number of ways. The Enemy whispers messages of Personal or Economic freedom and people post messages in support of those ideals. They will look something like this: Covid-19 is limiting our freedom (and so is the government), so by working together to get enough people vaccinated, we, as a society can preserve those freedoms. Or, it can sound something like this: People are out of work and financially hurting. We just all need to get vaccinated and we can go back to work. There are other reasons to get vaccinated: they will try to instill guilt; if you don't get vaccinated, you are endangering others. And they can take it one step further: those who refuse to agree with mandatory vaccinations of the population are putting the health of their community at risk. Then you become the enemy, responsible for the deaths of others. Get the picture?

     And whether you comment or disagree, it is very easy to get labeled as Selfish, Traitorous, Uncaring, or downright Evil -- all without ever actually meeting a person! That is not God's design for the human race! We are made in His image and He is all about relationship and wants us to love each other as He loves us. We are worth something to Him because His Son chose to die for us. In fact, that is one of His commandments ... Love one another as I have loved you. But, sadly, I see how Social Media is destroying that message.

     But don't count Satan out just yet! He still has some tricks up his sleeve. I ran across an article entitled 25 Reasons Why Twitter is Spiritual. Are you ready for some of them? Here goes: Twitter prompts us to focus on the present moment and in doing so we realize all we need is right here, right now. Twitter prods us to find the divine energy of joy in our daily lives and to share it with others. Twitter draws out our playfulness and celebrates, in a variety of ways, the holiness of savoring pleasure and the lightness of being. (Can you believe that one?) Twitter shows us why we need to cherish all parts of creation from ants to wolves to the Grand Canyon. Twitter elicits our wonder as we see the world moving toward us with a deluge of epiphanies. And here's my favorite: Twitter allows us to probe on a daily basis the significance of what we are feeling and thinking: it makes meaning makers of us all. In other words, it's all about us!

     I'm sorry, but using words like "divine energy of joy", "holiness and lightness" and "epiphanies" does not make this Social Media platform spiritual. Being spiritual is connecting to the Spirit of God; the Holy Spirit. It's having a personal relationship with all of whom God is... not concentrating on making ourselves the happiest we can be in our Godless lives. 

     In summary, I don't see Social Media going away anytime soon, and I only see it as further perverting God's intentions for His children. I celebrate the ways in which I can represent Him through this blog, but I know that Enemy is very aware that me, and others like me, who do not advance his agenda to separate us from each other and the Most High God. I will do my part to represent my Lord and King for as long as I can, and as long as you're willing to read what I'm inspired to write. Use me, Lord, for Your Good, and lead us not into the temptations of Social Media, but deliver us from its evil ways. Amen!

Galatians 1:10    For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.





August 15, 2020

"And Because Lawlessness Will Be Increased..."


     I'm going to go right to the heart of the matter ... it is time for all who are Warriors for Christ to get in the game. I dare to say that there is not a citizen of this nation that is not aware that we are on the precipice of a dangerous season in our history. And there has been a phrase that has been circulating among the secular citizenry as well as the faithful ... "As goes Texas, so goes the nation. And as the nation goes, so goes the world." I happen to subscribe to the truth of that statement -- both politically and spiritually.

     I know that Texas is a bastion of faith and prayer. I know that there is a spiritual movement across this wide and great state that is in relentless battle with the Enemy for the soul and spirit of this republic. And I see the first aggressive act on the part of the Enemy to gain ground for his infiltration. 

     Over the last couple of weeks, BLM and Antifa tried unsuccessfully to instigate the same kinds of rioting and destruction in Austin that they implemented in Portland and Seattle. They bussed people into our state capital, after one of their protestors approached a car in an intersection with a pointed rifle and was shot by the driver and killed. While still under investigation, initial reports are declaring the shooting justified. And I say "unsuccessfully instigating destruction", because the word went out across prayer networks to stand together in opposition to this kind of chaos. As Antifa plotted to take over the city by blocking the interstate and shutting down businesses, Spiritual Leaders came alongside the Austin Police Department and prayed with them for deliverance from mayhem, and the police were able to peacefully stop anything that resembled what we've all been seeing splashed across our TV screens for the last 70 days or so.

     Yet, did you see that success story of lawful intervention reported on any of the news networks or news outlets on the internet? No! The spirit of Anti-Christ does not want that message shared across the nation! It only wants to spread images of upheaval, anarchy, and lawlessness. Yet, the faithful in Texas have been praising God for this victory and trusting Him that He will help Texas to be a stronghold for Him in these lawless days.  

     So, I'm sad to say that the headline today in the state of Texas is this: Texas Governor Greg Abbott Slammed the Austin City Council for its Decision to Strip $150 Million From the Capital City's Police Department. Governor Abbott said in a written statement, "Austin's decision puts the brave men and women of the Austin Police Department and their families at greater risk, and paves the way for lawlessness"

     My spirit was instantly on alert! You see, I know the significance of lawlessness. The Bible makes it very clear, and Jesus had a lot to say about it. At its root, lawlessness [in the Bible] is rebellion against God, whether viewed as the condition of your life, or as specific acts that demonstrate a determined refusal to acknowledge God. And for those of you who are interested in eschatology and how the End Times are to play out, the Lord gives a pretty easy-to-follow road map to lawlessness in Matthew 24.

     When the Disciples want to know what the signs of His Coming and the end of the age will be, He tells them not to listen to all the men who come claiming to be Him; and not to get too caught up in the wars and rumors of wars-- those have to happen as kings and nations fight among themselves. He said famines and earthquakes are to be expected, but all of that will be like the false contractions that a mother feels as her child prepares to be born -- warning signs of an impending event; in the case of lawlessness, a period of tribulation that will be coming upon the earth.

     And when that tribulation starts we should expect to be persecuted and hated for our identity in Christ, even among our fellow Christians. Jesus doesn't state it, but there will be great fear among men on the earth. Even the faithful will stumble in their faith, and betray one another and hate one another. And among all people there will be many false prophets and leaders. And this false leadership will cause lawlessness to increase and the love of many will grow cold. The essence and nature of God is love, so that tells me that many will abandon any connection to Him in their mind, soul, or spirit. The fire of the heart connection to God will be extinguished and their heart will be cold and hostile to Him.

     Paul tells us in Romans 1:28-29 that "since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive, until they were filled (permeated, saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice and mean-spiritedness." This is the very picture of what we are seeing on the nightly news in Portland, Seattle, and now Chicago! We are seeing lawlessness exhibited as stores are looted and burned; Louis Vuitton purses are justified as "reparations". It's nothing more than unrighteousness and greed. Lawlessness is depicted in the innocent people who have been killed in the name of "peaceful protests". Let's call it what it is: murder and evil. Lawlessness is portrayed in the destruction of honest and law-abiding businesses in the wake of the chaos. That's a picture of malice and mean-spiritedness. 

     But we can take heart, even in the midst of the bad news! Jesus tells us all this will happen. Then He gives us Hope! "But the one who endures to the end will be saved". He's not talking about saved in the sense of a Salvation experience. He's talking about a future deliverance of Believers; a deliverance from the wrath of God that will be executed upon the ungodly at the close of this age, and from eternal death and doom. That's why Jesus's very next sentence is "And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come"... the end of this age of lawlessness. 

     So, although I am a realist, and I believe what the Bible says will happen (and because I see it before my own eyes), I am also full of hope that Jesus is hearing our prayers here in Texas. And along with the Holy Spirit, He is interceding for us [in prayer] according to the will of God. And I know it is not God's will for Texas to give in to lawlessness! Jesus and Holy Spirit not only stand beside us in our battle, but they stand in the gap for us when we feel weak, until we are again strengthened by their Might to take our place on the wall again. 

     And I pray for our Governor that he will be fortified by the Lord because I also believe that Texas will be a battleground between God's Heavenly Host and Satan's demonic hordes. If the survival of the nation and the world truly depend on Texas, we must be led by a man who relies on the Lord. And I am hoping that Governor Abbot's statement about lawlessness and that, "In the meantime, the Texas Department of Safety will stand in the gap to protect our city" portends a Biblical understanding of the importance of Texas's response in these wicked days. Please join us here in Texas as we fight for the Lord and for our nation. Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven!

Psalm 18:48-49   He rescues me from my enemies; He lifts me up high and keeps me out of reach, far from the grasp of my violent foe. This is why I thank God with high praises! I will sing my song to the Highest God, so all among the nations will hear me.


August 12, 2020

Satan's Same Old Playbook


     If you have followed me for any length of time, then you will know that I am not your conventional Christian. I'm not satisfied with blindly accepting the customary position of the Church when it comes to doctrine or ideology. I do not consider myself a conformist or traditionalist, IF it's for the sake of standing approved by men. I want to see beyond man's interpretation, which has been amended so many times that I often wonder if it represents God's perspective at all. 

     I want to understand God's heart and His truth in His inspired Word, both historically and spiritually. So, sometimes what I write about may appear far-reaching and radical; and maybe even heretical to some. But please know that when presenting it, I have spent an exceptional amount of time studying my Bible, praying, and asking for discernment. This may be one of those posts. But I hope you will read it with a heart open to new revelation and a mind eager to do your own searching. So, hear we go....

     Since I am a student of the entire Bible and not just the New Testament, I understand that Jesus is on every page of the Good Book; and that from Genesis to Revelation, we have been given God's plan for His creation, relationship, and redemption of mankind. And I will tell you that you can't just read the Bible once and see "the big picture". I have read it multiple times, and I think that's how God wants it, because if He tried to download every part of His plan to me in one sitting, my mind and spirit would be overloaded and explode. So each time I have read it, I receive a new principle of His magnificence and my "picture" expands a little more. 

     And in these multiple journeys through the Bible, I am able to see not only God's plans emerge, but how the Enemy has tried to counter God at every turn. I begin to see patterns in the devil's strategy. And the one thing I know for sure is that he is not on par with our Sovereign God when it comes to creativeness. He runs the same playbook over and over. And I'd like to compare what I'm seeing in the present with some of his earliest schemes.

     Sex and power have always been two of the devil's greatest seductive tools. From the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, we see his strategy of approaching Eve, offering her the idea that she and Adam could be "like God", knowing everything of both Good and Evil. And then in Genesis 6:1-4, we see Satan sending his Fallen Angels to have sex with earthly women, in the hopes of defeating God's plan to send the Messiah through a pure line of men. If Satan could corrupt the gene pool of mankind, then Jesus would never be born. But God brings the Flood and starts over with Noah, a man who was blameless in his evil generation and walked faithfully with Him. But once again, the devil is able to work his plan through the great-grandson of Noah. 

     The Bible refers to this descendant of Noah as Nimrod, which may not have been the actual name of this man. "Nimrod" means "The Rebel", and the name might have just epitomized someone who was rebellious against the Creator and the One True God. And sadly, we know that rebellion began soon after the Flood as civilizations emerged and expanded. This Nimrod soon established a kingdom of his own. And read what the ancient Jewish priest, scholar and historian Flavius Josephus wrote about him: "Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the [great] grandson of Ham, the son of Noah -- a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through His means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny -- seeing no other way of turning men from their fear of God, but to bring them into constant dependence upon his own power. He also said he would be avenged on God, if He should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! And that he would avenge on God for destroying their forefathers!" (Ant. 1:iv:2) 

     Simply put, this Nimrod character was committed to violent rebellion against God, and bringing tyranny against mankind. And he was able to influence the Kings of the Earth to stand with him, and convince the rulers to counsel together against YHWH and His Anointed One. This is plainly stated in Psalm 2 ... "Let us break apart their [divine] bands of restraint, and cast away their cords [of control] from us." 

     All we have to do is look around us to see that Satan has once again influenced mankind to partner with him in his evil work. We see a repetition of how he was able to seduce man in the Garden; today men give in to his seductive whisper that they don't need to obey God in order to have the desires of their heart. They use the knowledge of evil to try to overcome good and overthrow God's government here on earth. We see it in the machinations of the Illuminati and the New World Order as they manipulate protest groups like BLM and Antifa. These groups march to the orders of powerful men who think they can "become like God".

     We see a repetition of sex [as in Genesis 6] as a tool to manipulate and control mankind through the evil practice of sex trafficking. The State Department speculates that nearly 25 million people are enslaved in human trafficking worldwide [per the 2020 Trafficking In Persons Report]. We can no longer hide from the facts or turn a blind eye to this wickedness. It is being played out on the nightly news around the world, and there are many speculations as to the powerful men and women that are involved.

     Which brings me to the repetition of Satan's use of the spirit of Nimrod. That Anti-Christ spirit has convinced men that they can rebel against the rule of God; that they can displace Him, dethrone Him, and seize His power ... that they can control the world through their own power and they can become their own gods. For example, we see that in the efforts to destroy man, who is made in the image of God, and replace him with computer brains and bionic body parts, all while manipulating our divine DNA so we become a hybrid species (think Genesis 6:1-4 again). Nimrod was a "mighty hunter of men", and do not be deceived because his spirit is still at work in the world.

     So, can you see the same old playbook being played? Rebellion/Disobedience, Sex, and Power are all the tools that Satan needs to tempt vulnerable men and women. It's all laid out for us in the first 10 or 11 chapters of the Bible and then repeated over and over throughout the remaining 65 Books. But I didn't show you this to discourage you -- I am writing to reveal the first layer of the "big picture" that God has shown me. And I am writing to motivate you to stand with me and fight against those who would pervert our Almighty God's plan for us. Know that those of us who worship and serve Him with an awe-inspired fear and submissive wonder will be blessed; we will be fortunate, prosperous and favored by God as we take refuge in Him. The Bible tells us so in Psalm 2! We just need to open our spiritual eyes and see what is being revealed to those who fervently press into Him. Take heart! Facing the monster is a whole lot less scary than avoiding the truth in fear. Our God fights with us!

 Psalm 2:4, 9    "He who sits enthroned in the heavens, laughs at their rebellion; The Sovereign Lord scoffs at them, and in supreme contempt He mocks them ... You [the Lord] shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall shatter them in pieces like earthenware."