A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Harvest of the Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvest of the Lord. Show all posts

October 7, 2023

How The Existence Of God's Kingdom on Earth Impacts The Harvest

Several years ago, I joined a group of women for a Bible Study taught by Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, California. I believe that Pastor Johnson walks in an anointing from God to preach to the Body of Christ that God's Kingdom in Heaven has invaded this earth, and how that should decisively affect our Christian walk. The Bible Study was called "God Is Good: He's Better Than You Think".  That study accentuated some deep questions that I was already asking myself regarding my ambassadorship for the Kingdom of God. For instance: How does the announcement [and existence] of God's Kingdom have a direct impact on the size of the harvest of people who respond to it?

Note that this question is actually multi-faceted. We must not only consider what the direct impact is upon the harvest of souls, but how it effects the size of the harvest.  First of all, it is important to recognize that there is a direct correlation between the announcement of God's Kingdom and the Gospel of the Kingdom. It should go without saying that both are announcing the "Good News" that God's Kingdom (the actual realm where He resides) has now made itself known here on earth. This announcement would soon make the Kingdom a reality; becoming apparent by the evidence shown in Jesus's life.  And Jesus would inaugurate the Kingdom message when He began His ministry, preaching "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand".

The good news of this Gospel Message about God's Kingdom coming to earth is that mankind now had a way to be acceptable before God. Prior to Jesus's appearance, man had lived in a state of hopelessness due to how God viewed sin. The Bible makes His holy opinion easy to understand: The soul who sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:20). But with the arrival of Jesus, mankind now had a Savior who would provide a way out of experiencing eternal death, which was the consequence for our sins against a Holy God.

All the prophets had foretold of this Savior that would take away the sins of the world and restore man's relationship with God as it had been in the Garden of Eden. Remember: God's Kingdom is where God resides; the realm in which He rules. Between the time man fell into sin in the Garden and the time of this announcement, that kingdom realm had existed only in Heaven. Now, here comes John the Baptist foretelling that this Kingdom is near, rapidly followed by Jesus's appearance and the beginning of His ministry to announce that God's Kingdom was now here! So it's not too difficult to see the immense impact that this announcement would have on God's harvest of souls.

No longer would man be subject to Laws that were incapable of delivering us from Death. But man would now be able to stand before God in righteousness through believing in the sacrifice He would make of Himself [as His Son, Jesus Christ] on our behalf. By following Jesus's example of living according to the Father's will, the impact on the harvest would become nothing short of miraculous and astounding. Those who would accept and respond to His announcement and ministry would begin to change the world. The realm of Satan here on the earth would come into direct conflict with the people who walked in their authority as members of God's Kingdom on earth. The number of citizens of Satan's kingdom would diminish, as the number of citizens of God's Kingdom rose. 

That was the plan! But if we are going to resemble Christ's image [and His work] here on earth, then we have to announce more than the deliverance from eternal Death; although, that in itself is worthy of our acclamation and enthusiastic approval. You see, that deliverance isn't realized until the end of our life. So, while that good news of our salvation from Death is responsible for a magnificent number coming into the harvest, I believe we gain staggering numbers when we reveal ALL of the good news that the announcement of the Kingdom generates.

Think about it: a person recognizes their need of a Savior and accepts Jesus into their heart, repenting for their sins and asking forgiveness. Is that news worthy of sharing? Absolutely! But if the newly saved Christian takes that message to the person who sees the penalty of sin [and their resulting death] as a far-off event, the message may have no immediate relevance. But let's say that we add to that message of salvation. Let's say we share that the reality of the Kingdom of God being present today ALSO gives you access to the power of the Holy Spirit to heal persistent physical/health problems, or to set one free from the bondage of shame, guilt, anger, and unforgiveness, to name just a few of the attacks from the devil. Can you see that we now offer an immediate benefit from our announcement of the Kingdom at hand? Can you perceive that this full Gospel message of the Kingdom might result in a greater number in the harvest -- in other words, the impact on the size of the harvest might be more considerable if we share the complete picture of the Kingdom of God, on earth as it is in heaven. It is more than salvation [as magnificent as that is]; it is freedom; it is power; it is authority to battle in the spiritual realms as God leads us.

Who doesn't have a health issue they are dealing with in these perishable bodies? It doesn't matter if it is a simple headache or stage 4 cancer. We want it to go away! And I defy us to find anyone within the Body of Christ who has not suffered at least one attack or violation from the Enemy on their character, their identity, their relationships with others, or the privacy of their body. We may know Jesus as our Savior and rely on our ultimate deliverance from Death, but who wouldn't want to be liberated from the oppressive thoughts and emotions that we carry around with us because of these assaults on our spirits and flesh?  What would happen if Christians could praise Jesus for how He healed them from sexual molestation; loss of self-respect and self-esteem; bullying; abusive parents; or promiscuity and drug/alcohol abuse? Do you think more people would identify with those victories --  or a victory over their future death?

 I'm not saying that the good news of our salvation from eternal death is not an important message to share... it's the ultimate reward! But there is more to Jesus's victory and what that victory looks like in the here-and-now. I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit has revealed to my heart the need of my Savior. I look forward to my glorious resurrection and dwelling forever with the Lord when the new Heaven and new Earth appear. But I am equally grateful that He has set me free NOW to praise Him for delivering me from the bad choices I have made in my life; from the attempts of the devil to kill, steal, and destroy this Kingdom life in the present; and for giving me the opportunity to share this restored life, made in His image. 

It is my responsibility [and my joy] as the recipient of Jesus's authority and the power of the Holy Spirit to invite others to partake of God's goodness to those who believe in Him. When we share all that we have received from Heaven's invasion of earth, then we can expect to see an impact of righteousness and growing numbers of ambassadors. And, Lord knows, we need more Heaven on earth today! The growing trend towards lawlessness, in all its aspects, needs a response from Heaven's citizens on earth. And it must happen in more than words; let your faith become action! Walk in your power and authority to heal, defeat demons, and set the captives free. Let us increase the harvest a hundred-fold!  Let the "Good News of the Kingdom" be realized across the face of this planet, and let all the people shout "Hallelujah!" as our voices join in worship, praise and rejoicing as the we participate in bringing in God's harvest.  

Matthew 9:38     "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest".


March 14, 2022

Sow and Reap A Bountiful Harvest For The Lord!


If you know me well, then you know that I often quote Matthew 9:37 ... The harvest is [indeed] plentiful, but the workers are few. And verse 38 is what my soul and spirit cry out for ... So pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” Do we fully understand the implications of these important verses? I ask because I discern that it is vitally important [in these days] that we be diligent workers in the Lord's vineyard for an abundant harvest.

The Bible has a lot to say about harvests, and John 15 makes it very clear that Jesus is the true Vine and the Father is the Vinedresser. What does that mean for us as followers of Christ? First, we need to understand the principles of growing vines and the duties of the vinedresser. Here's what I've discovered about the responsibilities of this important role: the vinedresser takes hold of the vine and entwines it on a trellis to keep the air flowing underneath the vine so it can bear healthy fruit. This technique improves the flavor and color of the crop. He also removes individual leaves to increase the amount of sunlight on the grapes. The vinedresser must determine which leaves to remove and the right number of them. His goal is to produce a healthy and bountiful harvest. 

But there's even more work to be done -- sometimes it's necessary to prune the branches of the vine in order that it bear more fruit. We know that Jesus says if we abide in Him, we will bear much fruit. But He also cautions us that if we discontinue being fruitful, we will be pruned [lovingly disciplined] so that we may bear even more fruit for His Kingdom. What does that mean, exactly? There is no clear-cut Scripture that describes what bearing fruit looks like, but it is my opinion that we bear fruit for Jesus and the Kingdom of God when we look like Him; when we live a righteous life; when we put the needs of others before ourselves; when we point people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and our role as citizen ambassadors of Heaven on earth. There is evidence of fruitful lives when the love and strength of Jesus shines forth from us. 

You see, we are made to have a harvest of righteousness! That includes both sowing and reaping! And the righteous seed is sown from a heart that puts God first. When we make God [and His purpose for our lives] the top priority, we will find that we are given everything we need in all things at all times -- both for the good works we will produce [for the Kingdom], and the seed we will produce to sow into another's works. Righteous seed  that is sown, begets more seed to sow. When you are generous in sowing, you will reap a bountiful harvest!

And all this talk of sowing, reaping, and harvesting leads to the most urgent need of mankind on earth ... to be set free from the bondage of the kingdom of darkness so that they can step into their true identity in the Kingdom of God. And that Kingdom is present on the earth today. It has not been fully realized yet; that will happen when Jesus returns and rids the world of evil. But the Kingdom is here, NOW! And when Jesus began His ministry, He announced that He was bringing His Father's Kingdom with Him, and had restored and returned our God-given dominion over the earth. Furthermore, He is sharing His power and authority to defeat wickedness, sorrow, and the lies of Satan [in our lives] so that we might do the same for others. 

It is my greatest honor to partner with Jesus in continuing the work He did to diminish the kingdom of darkness on the earth, and to grow the Kingdom of God. When we are able to help one person have a spiritual encounter with Jesus, and the false and dirty veil [that Satan has kept secure] is removed from their spiritual eyes, they see the truth of who they really are to Jesus and what He has planned for them to sow and reap. And I promise you all of Heaven rejoices! The power of Jesus [in me] supplies all that is needed to set up that encounter for the person, and there is a harvest of joy, peace, and renewal that is reaped in the life of a beloved child of God. It truly is a matter of "Once I was lost, but now I am found; was blind, but now I see"!

It is so clear that Satan has been sowing his discord, torment, lies, and afflictions into the world for over 2000 years. He has reaped a harvest of misery, suffering, false identity, and trauma -- in the lives of Believers and nonbelievers alike! The evil that is growing in the world seeks to overcome all who stand in its way. But God is seeking a spiritual harvest in the hearts of men! But our hearts must be cleansed and plowed for the Lord. Our hearts must be tended, weeded and pruned of inferior growth. They must be fertilized and watered with the Word. And from our sanctified hearts, we are able to sow the knowledge of the Lord into the lives of people who desperately need Him. With hearts that mimic His, Jesus is able to work through us to sow encouragement, hope, and the promise of Eternity; reaping a harvest that will ultimately change the world into Heaven on Earth. Until that triumphant day, I want to continue to sow righteousness in my life; producing fruit for the Kingdom and yielding a harvest of immeasurable souls for the glory of the Lord! 

Hosea 10:12    Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that He may come and rain righteousness upon you.

August 28, 2020

"Share What You Have Learned" -- Part Two


I often find that when I write of something that offends either those comfortable in their "normalcy bias" or the "Establishment" that runs the world governments and systems, that my blog seems to be suddenly hidden from view. I don't expect any different treatment from the conclusion of this two-part series. But, as always, I remain obedient to what the Lord asks me to do, and He is telling me to continue sharing what He has revealed. So here goes...

It is important that we understand that God created us [mankind] to represent Him here on earth. We are to walk in His righteousness and His power and authority, to see to it that His will "be done [here] on earth, as it is in Heaven". We are supposed to regain the dominion that was given to us in Genesis, chapter one. 

And I honestly believe that the United States was intended to represent a country in covenant with God -- NOT to replace the Biblical Israel, who will one day resume their purpose to lead the nations of the world to YHWH --BUT to be planted as a grafting in the New World, from the root of Abraham's faith. But remember the Parable of the Wheat and Tares? Satan sows his seed in the midst of the good seed spread by God, and weeds begin to grow, unseen and undetected, until they have pervaded and permeated like leaven through dough. The chaos and drastic changes in our country in the last few months are the result of those weeds that are now threatening to overtake the plans and purpose of our nation.

I suppose secret societies have existed from the time that man discerned God's holiness, so that in the desire to keep his evil ways hidden from the wrath of God, these societies or organizations became characterized by their concealment of their intentions, their practices, and their information. Read Ephesians 5:3-12. This describes the sons of disobedience in secret societies: sexual immorality; idol worshipers; empty words [oaths and rituals]; unfruitful works of darkness. We are told to expose them, "for it is shameful even to speak of the things they do in secret". 

As Mark and I have been led by the Lord to study the effects of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and those in the upper echelon of the New World Order, we have discovered that they are not simply wealthy and powerful men who are the recipients of various conspiracy theories. They all share in one aspect ... they are opposed to the influence of God [on the earth] in society or governments. They are ruled by an anti-Christ spirit, and as Christians, we know that every spirit that does not confess or acknowledge Jesus is not from God. They are able to leverage their wealth and power to influence world affairs and move the great plan of this anti-Christ spirit towards the ruler they serve, Lucifer.

This spirit is what is behind the abominable oaths and rituals that make a mockery of God's laws and commandments. This spirit is what instructs evil men to abolish the worship of the Most High God in order to control people. This spirit is what influences men to instigate wars for their own profit. This spirit is what tempts men to abuse children in wicked rituals of sex and blood at gatherings such as Bohemian Grove. Think about it ... the white-washed definition of the word Bohemian is "a person with unconventional social habits". (Read Ephesians 5:3-12 again for a more explicit understanding). And of course, we all know that "groves" were the locations of idol worship to pagan sexual gods. The fact that the powerful men of international government and commerce gather together in secret at an event called "Bohemian Grove" should at least set off warning bells.

HERE IS SUCH A WARNING: What I'm about to share with you is shocking! J. Michael Thomas Hays, author of Rise of the New World Order, wrote this: "The most effective way to channel dark forces is by combining Sodomy with Pedophilia and human blood-drinking sacrifices. The reason for this is to supremely blaspheme the Most High Creator God in the absolute most extreme and worst way possible. By doing this, the malevolent "Demons" grant them favors because it pleases them to provoke God". This is the epitome of the anti-Christ spirit! Immediately, what comes to mind is Jesus saying this: "whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." This makes it a little more difficult to dismiss and ignore all the news stories about Jeffrey Epstein, Pizza-gate, "spirit cooking", etc. as fanciful conspiracy theories, doesn't it?

We have to be willing to "look behind the curtain" and see that organizations like Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and the New World Order have joined forces with social ideologies such as Marxism and Communism, both part of Satan's anti-Christ agenda! These socioeconomic philosophies seek to dethrone God as they subject the masses to their totalitarian and authoritarian rule. Classes of people disappear, just as does the political and economic system of capitalism, in which our country's trade and and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than dictated and dominated by an oligarchy.

Take a step back and look at how successful the anti-Christ spirit has been in gradually and almost imperceptibly spreading the tares of Satan into our society and government. I say "almost" because there are those who have rightly discerned that removing God from our classrooms and the town square; the restructuring of the definition of "family" and "gender"; and the infiltration of radical marxist and communists into our colleges and government, [which has led to the demonization of private ownership and the right to defend oneself], have all eroded the foundation of our nation. Those "weeds" have been allowed to take root in God's "land of opportunity", growing at an inexorably steady pace. It is time to pull those weeds up by the roots so that we might once again become a sanctified field of harvest for the Lord!

In summary, we have never been a perfect country. Satan sowed his tares from the very beginning. But, as Jesus promised in His parable, there will be a harvest, and at that time, the weeds will be gathered first, bundled and burned, and the wheat will be gathered into His barn. So, we must not lose heart or faith. We must take up the challenge of Martin Luther King, Jr. who, in 1962, spoke these prophetic words: "We are challenged to dedicate and devote our lives to the cause of Christ as the communists do to communism. We cannot accept their creed, but we must admire their dream and their readiness to sacrifice themselves to the very utmost and even to lay down their lives for a cause they believe in, a cause that they believe will make the world a better place. One watches that zeal, and one has to say, 'Why is that Christians don't have this zeal? Why is it that we don't have this zeal for Christ? Why is it that we don't have this sense of purpose, this sense of dedication to Christ's Kingdom?' " 

My friends, now is the time to reap our passion for the cause of Christ and His Kingdom! The United States has become the battleground between the forces of good and evil. It is ripe for harvest. If the Lord came today, would He find that the weeds have choked out the yield of His good seed? Personally, I believe that the seeds of the Kingdom have been planted deep in the hearts of His faithful followers, and although we have allowed them to lie dormant for too long, we can rely on the Living Water from Heaven to revive the crop. There has been a drought of zeal in the land as we Christians have rested in our contentment and false security. But we now ask the Lord to fortify us as we drink from His cup of restoration. We confess that we have been asleep, but now we are fully awake and we yearn to establish Your Kingdom, Lord Jesus, with a righteous fire in our bellies and spirits! And so, I leave you with the words of Jesus in John 4:35... Do you not say, "There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest?" Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. So, let us follow the Lord and do the will of the Father who sent Him that we might accomplish His work. 

Ezekiel 37:3-5     And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, you know.” Then He said to me, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.  Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.


October 14, 2019

The Gift Of Freedom Revisited

I recently stumbled across this post I wrote nearly five years ago and was astounded to discern that the truth of it is still as relevant today. I am still just as inspired as I was then, and I am still as committed to shouting this news from the rooftops! So, whether this is the first time you have read this, or like me, you are revisiting it, I hope it speaks loud and clear to your spirit. Enjoy and then join me!

     How do I write about what I experienced over the weekend?  How do I impart the words of knowledge and freedom that I received, with both gratification and glory to God for His revelation, and without offending His Church and the Body of Christ?  That's a very difficult tightrope to walk.
     But, I guess the message I am getting from the Holy Spirit is this:  "Just tell the truth."  So here goes... You know that God seems to be leading me and my husband on a path towards accepting our position on the battlefield of Spiritual Warfare.  So, this past weekend, we had the privilege to attend a 2-day conference taught by Dr. Charles Kraft, a professor at Fuller Theological Seminary for 40 years.  The title of the conference was "Defeating Dark Angels", but the central topic of the meeting was based less on the sensational-sounding aspects of that title, and more on the Scripture-affirming concept of inner healing to help deliver defeated Christians as they battle their demons.
     There is no way in a single post that I can elucidate all the insight and understanding that my spirit was given during the intense instruction.  So I will try to give you the points that opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart to the truth of who I am meant to be as a follower of Jesus.
     Let me start by saying that Dr. Kraft is unlike what the secular world -- and for the most part, the Church -- views as a "Deliverance Minister."  He is a soft-spoken, gentle man, who never raises his voice.  He does not employ any of the histrionics of the so-called "healers" or "exorcists" that characterize the modern perception of evangelists who cast out demons -- there is no melodrama, theatrics, or artificial showmanship; no Benny Hinn, here.  There is no writhing on the floor, no yelling, and no dramatic vomiting. As he reiterated many times throughout the conference, "If the healing is not loving, it's not from Jesus."
     To begin with, he makes it very clear that there are two levels of demons we encounter in our spiritual warfare.  The "ground level" troops are the fallen angels that we call demons or evil spirits; those who envy us our bodies, and who look for someone to inhabit.  The "cosmic level" demons are those we encounter in Ephesians 6:12-- the principalities, powers and rulers that command the ground troops. They have different personalities, are destructive to the peace that Jesus has promised His followers, and they differ in power and wickedness.  All that sounds like we're waging a losing battle, doesn't it?  Sadly, many Christians are living their lives in defeat, rather than through the victory that is ours in Christ.
     Interestingly, Dr. Kraft wrote that although most Christians recognize that much of the New Testament was written by the Apostle Paul to the new Christian Churches, they fail to acknowledge that 80% of Paul's Epistles tell us of Jesus's Power, and about 20% talk about the Love of Jesus.  The average Christian knows about Love, Faith, and Redemption, but they are weak on Spiritual Warfare and the Power and Authority of Jesus that He transferred to us.
     As a missionary in Nigeria, Dr. Kraft asked the people he had come to serve in Jesus's Name, "What is your biggest problem?"  Their answer?  "Evil spirits."  I think it should be clear that we are all made in the image of God (as spirit beings), so why would we be any different?  Oh, yeah... the prosperity, the level of comfort, and our ability to hide from our demons through the means of entertainment, technology, addictions, and a myriad of other distractions.  So, in the end, we continue to ignore the attacks and continue in our bondage, while focusing on loving Jesus.  We base our Christian Worldview on the 20% of Paul's writings that talk about Love, and turn a blind eye to the 80% that tell us He has given us Power in His Name to be free of all the oppression, pain, and spiritual domination.
     The first step towards this freedom is to make two major changes in this worldview towards accepting our role in Spiritual Warfare:  1) Believe there are demons, and 2) Be able to effectively use our conferred Power and Authority (in His Name) to deal with these dark angels (demons) and to "set the captives free".  It was an eye-opener to me, when Dr. Kraft pointed out that there are three things that are most important to Christians:  Salvation, Freedom, and Habits.  We've got the first one down; we understand the origin and process of Salvation pretty well.  And we've gotten real good at the last one; our habits are entrenched in our Sunday attendance and all the ceremonies and traditions of our denominations.  As Dr. Kraft expressed so well, "Our churches are full of people wonderfully saved, but they're not free."
     We seem to have lost sight of the fact that Jesus obviously took Satan and his demons seriously.  And, even more importantly, He expects us to take demons seriously and to use His power to get rid of them.  That is very evident in the Scripture that instructs us on His Great Commission:  Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20).
     I have pointed out this Scripture in the past, but now I have an even greater understanding of it.  Jesus passed on to His disciples all of His power.  He set aside His God Power, and never once used it on earth.  He only acted as a human being, using the power of the Holy Spirit.  He intends for us to do the same!  We modern-day disciples of Christ are no different than the famous Disciples of the Gospels.  We are to see ourselves as Jesus sees us.  He tells them to go and make disciples of all the nations (and disciples is who we are); to baptize; and to "teach them to observe (or do) everything that I have commanded you."   Down through the centuries, each succeeding generation of disciples concentrated on evangelizing and baptizing, but failed to teach how to defeat demons using the power of the Holy Spirit.
     But the one thing I want you to get from this abbreviated summary of the conference is this:  There is no deliverance from our demons without inner healing first.  As a visual person, it helped me a lot to picture Dr. Kraft's illustration on what that looks like... "Where you have garbage, you have rats.  If you just get rid of the rats, and don't get rid of the garbage, the rats will come back.  But if you get rid of the garbage first, [the cycle] of the rats gets weakened, and it is usually easy to kick them out.  The rats, if they are there, are always the secondary problem, not the primary one."
     So his model of "Deliverance" is to accomplish the inner healing of the Christian first, then see if there are any demons present.  In other words, the "garbage" could be a number of things resulting in unresolved pain and hurt in one's life.  It could be broken relationships, areas of unconfessed sin, involvement in the occult, or sexual or physical abuse in your past --- anything else that gives the Enemy a "legal right" to influence you, either from the outside or the inside.
      When we deal with the "garbage" and get healed from that -- through getting in touch with how Jesus sees us; this Jesus whom we know as our loving Savior who created us, chose and planned us from before God made the world -- then the demons lose their hold on us, and we can often kick them out of our lives without a fight.
     But now comes the part that is difficult for me.  How do I express my frustration with the Church for their inability to see this dynamic?  How do I make my fellow Christians and members of the Body of Christ understand that if Jesus instructed us to be taught on how to use His Power and Authority through the Holy Spirit to defeat Satan and his demons -- yet we don't recognize that authority, or refuse to consider it -- then I humbly see that as irresponsible on our part, as His disciples.  This Power and Authority is available to all who follow Jesus, and is meant to be a means to offer Freedom to those held captive by Satan.  I will agree that certain people of faith seem to have a "knack" or "gifting", if you will, to "take the ball and run" with the power and authority.  But as Dr. Kraft so wisely counseled us, "Obedience precedes gifting."  If we will only be obedient to Jesus's command of John 14:12, (We will do the works He did, and do even greater things), I believe we will find that our ability to engage in His Power and Authority, through the Holy Spirit, will come in greater measure.
     We should not be afraid of our Commission, and we should not shirk our responsibility to follow our Savior's commands.  As 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]."  THAT, my fellow Christians is living in true Freedom!  And THAT is why Jesus performed the will of His Father on the Cross... to give us the ability to use the same Authority from our Father, and the Power of the Holy Spirit to not only live a free life ourselves, but to help set other captive Christians free.
     You see, "Deliverance" doesn't have to be a violent, theatrical show of God's Power and Authority.  It can be just like Jesus showed us ... loving; practiced by any Christian; and it leads to healing, not just deliverance.
     But ultimately, the choice to practice His Power and Authority is still ours.  I agree with Dr. Kraft... God will not violate our Free Will.  He will not force the use of His authority upon us, nor will He change our free will.  But He can change the circumstances that result from our free will when, in the Name of Jesus, we take authority over demon spirits and break their power in Jesus's Name and through the Holy Spirit.
     The final thought I want to leave you with is this ... Deliverance is not a science; it is a journey of faith.  Jesus has given us tools to empower ourselves in our spiritual warfare, and they do just that... empower us; but they don't fix us.  We are in a spiritual war, and no war is won in a single battle.  Throughout our journey through life, we will engage in many battles, and growing into a mature faith is our goal.  But God has a goal, too.  He always wraps His Power in His Love, with the goal of setting people free.  My prayer is that His people will learn to use that Power and Authority to heal themselves and others from the attacks of the Enemy, and to free those whom Satan has in captivity from "the sins that entangle us."  It's time for all Christians to begin that journey of healing towards true Freedom.

     I wouldn't change a word about this five-year-old post. Every word still stands on its own. But the Lord has added new revelation in context of the Kingdom of God. Inner Healing is an important component of the Kingdom culture on earth. Without freedom, a Christian is subject to the lies of the Ruler of this dark world and unable to walk in his or her full power and authority as an ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven. We have been appointed to take back territory [physically, geographically, and spiritually] for our King, and if we are shackled by wounds or pain, then lives remain in enemy hands. So, I am grateful to be able to re-share my initial enthusiasm for the ministry of Inner Healing, and to declare that my passion has not waned. God bless Dr. Kraft for the countless lives he has influenced while working with Jesus to "set the captives free". May we all answer the call on our lives to "Go!"

Psalm 32:8    "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you [who are willing to learn] with My eye upon you." 

August 28, 2019

The Joy Of Seeing Satan Topple And Our Names Written In Heaven

     As I was working on a presentation of the importance of spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom [and the authority that comes with entering the Kingdom], my path through Scripture ended at one of my favorite passages.
     It is Luke 10:1-21, and begins with the 70 [or 72, depending on the version of your Bible] disciples being sent out to do "kingdom work". Remember, there were more than just the Twelve Disciples who followed Jesus and received His teachings and witnessed His demonstrations of the power of God. These 70 were sent out ahead of Jesus to every town He was about to enter. He gives them a crash course on how to walk in the authority He is lending them in order to see the Kingdom of God appear on the earth. [No one has yet received the Holy Spirit, so Jesus lends them His power and authority to teach them how to become laborers in God's harvest of souls].
     When they return, the Bible says they were ecstatic with joy, telling Him,  “Lord, even the demons obeyed us when we commanded them in Your Name!” And here's the part of this passage that makes my spirit shout in victory ... Jesus responds by saying, While you were ministering, I watched Satan topple until he fell suddenly from heaven like lightning to the ground. Now you understand that I have imparted to you all My authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will be able to harm you as you walk in this authority."
     Here's what the Holy Spirit is sharing with me: After Satan and his rebellious hordes were kicked out of the third heaven [where God dwells on His throne], they are conducting their spiritual war with God's heavenly army from the second heaven. [They are also attacking the children of God here on earth]. But every time a Believer follows Jesus's command in Luke 10:9 to "heal the sick, and tell them all, ‘God’s kingdom realm has arrived and is now within your reach!’", it causes Satan to topple from his throne of darkness. A victory over a physical, emotional, or spiritual sickness has been won! That's the spiritual mechanics that were taking place then, and the same thing happens today! We have His authority to trample on every demon and overcome every satanic power. Nothing can defeat us.  Satan loses a battle, and Jesus watches it and rejoices!
     But here's another interesting consequence of our obedience: in Luke 10:21, Jesus says,  "However, your real source of joy isn’t merely that these spirits submit to your authority, but that your names are written in the journals of heaven and that you belong to God’s kingdom. This is the true source of your authority.”
     I am aware that there is more than one book in Heaven in which the stories of our lives are written, but I was curious as to how many there are and what they are. I would like to reference a 2012 blog post on the HorizonWatcher website for this important information. We know that God is omnipotent and knows all, but we are also told in the Bible that there are books that keep track of what is going on down here on Earth. 
     To begin, there is the Book of the Living. The Book of the Living records the destinies of all humans on Earth. Psalm 139:16 tells us "You saw who You created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days You planned for me were already recorded in Your book." The Book of the Living also contains the details of each infant before it was formed in the womb. I imagine this includes height, color of eyes, boy or girl. And Revelation 3:12 says that when we return home to the Heavenly Kingdom, God will write upon us our new name. Perhaps that name is also included among the details listed in the Book of the Living.
     The Book of Life contains the names of those who repent of their sins and trust God for their salvation. When Christ became the High Priest in the heavenly temple and was positioned as the mediator between God and man, this heavenly book was named the Lamb's Book of Life after Christ, who was called the Lamb of God. To enter the eternal kingdom of heaven, a person's name must be in this book. And we know that Jesus told us in order to enter the kingdom, we must be "Born Again", or Saved. The controversy comes with whether one believes a name can be removed from the Book of Life. In response to persecution by proud and arrogant leaders [perhaps both secular and religious], the psalmist in Psalms 69:28 cries out for justice: "Leave them out of your list of the living! Blot them out of your book of life! Never name them as your own!" We know that Jesus proclaims, "no one has the power to snatch believers from My hands", but the question remains: Can they remove themselves by unrighteous and evil acts? For that answer, we will have to wait for Eternity to come.
     Did you know there is a Book of Tears? In the time of Christ, it was a Roman custom to have small tear bottles used to collect the tears of men and women at a funeral. Tears were collected and placed in these small bottles, sealed, and placed in tombs as a sign of respect for the deceased.  Psalm 56:8 says, "You have taken account of my wanderings; [You have] put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not recorded in Your book?" This is such a lovely reminder that God watches over our every step and is mindful of each tear we shed.
     Now let's consider the Book of Remembrance. For a person's name to be recorded in the Book of Remembrance, that person must be a giver [tithe], must fear God, and must be a witness of His name. In the Book of Acts, Chapter 10, verse 4, we see an example of how one man was remembered by God. Cornelius was giving charity for the needy. He feared God and was in prayer at the time of an angelic visitation. His prayers and giving record came up before God and the Lord honored this man with a special family blessing as a result of his faithfulness! If you have ever wondered how God keeps up with your tithes, offerings, and charity to the poor, they are recorded in this Book of Remembrance in heaven. "Cornelius clearly saw in a vision an angel of God who had come to him and said, “Cornelius!”  Cornelius was frightened and stared intently at him and said, “What is it, lord (sir)?” And the angel said to him, “Your prayers and gifts of charity have ascended as a memorial offering before God [an offering made in remembrance of His past blessings]."
     Finally, there is the Book of Rewards. This book is probably the least recognized by religious Christians, yet it will be the most important when they stand before the Lord. There are records in heaven of our deeds and works that are done [for God and His Kingdom] while we live on Earth. And perhaps even more sobering is the fact that there are records of the words we have spoken. We will be judged whether we are worthy to receive rewards, based on our actions and motives and hearts. For those who do good deeds, but their motives and heart conditions are self-serving, they will have to be content with the rewards they received while on earth. 
     Taking all this into account, I love reading Jesus's praise for the Father after the 70 Disciples have returned. He has seen Satan topple and his rule over a person's life defeated. He rejoices with the Disciples that their names are being recorded in Heaven. But the Bible says in Luke 10:21 that He is "overflowing with the Holy Spirit’s anointing of joy, exclaiming, “Father, thank You, for You are Lord Supreme over heaven and earth! You have hidden the great revelation of this authority from those who are proud, those wise in their own eyes, and You have shared it with these who humbled themselves. Yes, Father. This is what pleases Your heart and the very way You’ve chosen to extend Your kingdom: to give to those who become like trusting children."
     As we step into our Kingdom identities, may we all see Satan topple; may our service be worthy to have our names be written in the Books in Heaven; and may we always remain humble like a trusting child. We, too, thank You, Father, for You have given Your authority to those who Seek, first, the Kingdom of God and Your Righteousness. We thank you for this powerful revelation and Your favor in receiving it. We take our responsibilities seriously.

Revelation 20:12    "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. "