I often get comments or texts from people who are trying to figure out their Biblical worldview, or who might have a question that the Church just hasn't been able to answer for them. And I love it when I receive these queries because it tells me that Proverbs 25:2 is still alive and well in the 21st Century ... It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. I love a "seeker's heart"!
And it is important for us Christians to be prepared to give an answer to people who are trying to find and understand God in the world and cosmos. It's an opportunity to encourage someone to continue in their exploration of the efficacy of God. My husband became one of the most voracious seekers of answers when he was confronted by a friend with this common question: "If you want me to believe that God exists, can you tell me where the dinosaurs are in the Bible?" Now, my husband had no doubt that God created the dinosaurs or that their existence was somewhere noted [or hidden]in the Bible, but he couldn't give a clear or convincing answer to his friend.
That lost opportunity to share the truth and glory of God resulted in the friend abandoning his search for answers that proved God's existence. This, in turn, caused Mark and myself to determine that we would never leave another seeker without an answer that would lead them to the Word and God. Therefore, in the next couple posts, I want to tackle some questions that I have received.
Is there a difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven? I realize that there is a huge controversy over these terms [and others], but I strongly feel that it is a distraction to keep us from seeing the deeper and more important issues that face us in the coming spiritual battles between man and the entities that are coming from the heavenly realms. So, my short answer is this: I see no difference. God's Kingdom is wherever He resides; any place He lives.
And if you are one of those Christians who lives by Proverbs 25:2 and love to "search out a matter", then you will know that Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 that there are three heavens. So are they all the Kingdom of God? In this same passage, we discover that this Third Heaven is where God's throne is; it is the dwelling place of God, called Paradise, where Paul heard inexpressible words which man is not permitted to speak; words too sacred to tell. Psalms 33:13-14 confirms this. This is where the King resides, and Heaven [or Paradise] is His Kingdom and territory.
But He also occupies territory in the Second Heaven, which is deep space and the universe; the realm that is between the realm of Heaven, and the realm of earth. Psalm 8:3 tells us, When I see and consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have established ... we know that this is the realm between Heaven and earth; the constellations and outer space [see Isaiah 13:10]. The Bible doesn't call it "Second Heaven", but it is described as a territory where Satan is "The ruler of the kingdom of the air" (Ephesians 2:2), and where there are "Spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6:12). We know there are no spiritual forces of evil in the Third Heaven, so it seems logical to surmise that this is the realm of the Second Heaven.
And I believe it is safe to assume that spiritual battle between Satan's forces and the Lord's angelic army takes place in this realm of Second Heaven. Daniel 10:13-21 reveals that the angel Gabriel battled the prince of Persia [the demonic spirit that controlled the nation of Persia] in this realm for 21 days, until the Archangel Michael came to help him. So this is contested territory, but the presence of God is still manifested in this heavenly realm.
Then there's the First Heaven, which is God's territory here on earth, including our atmosphere. Deuteronomy 11:11 says, But the land that you are going over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water by the rain from heaven. Psalm 104:12 records, Beside them the birds of the heavens dwell; they sing among the branches. God created it all, and His Spirit resides in everything He creates. And remember, Jesus announced "the Kingdom of Heaven is here [at hand]" when He began His ministry. In other words, God was present and residing in the First Heaven in the form of His Son, making this territory both the Kingdom of God, and by extension the Kingdom of Heaven.
In order to form our Biblical theology and worldview, it is important that we understand that there are multiple heavens, and that anywhere God resides is His Kingdom and His territory. So, whether He is in the Third Heaven, sitting upon His Throne; or in the Spirit with His angels as they contend with Satan's demonic forces in the Second Heaven; or in our hearts and homes and nations here in the First Heaven, it is all part of His Kingdom. Yes, it requires us to connect the dots that the Holy Spirit reveals as we "search out a matter", but it makes no difference whether you refer to His territory as the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven -- as long as you recognize that He is the King and the realms that He occupies are His Kingdom. Let's not let ourselves become sidetracked by trivial verbiage. Jesus has commissioned us to continue His work, and our attention is much needed to carry out our responsibilities in the power and authority He has given us.
Another question in the next post: Are aliens and extraterrestrials Biblical?
Psalm 103:19 The LORD has established His throne in the heavens, and His Kingdom rules over all.