A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Righteousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Righteousness. Show all posts

September 3, 2024

"Their End Will Correspond To Their Deeds"

I am nearing the 14th year of writing this blog, and as I look back over the path I've walked, and the direction the Holy Spirit and the Lord have taken me, I see how the course of events have influenced what I've posted. I began writing when it became clear that "the fundamental transformation of America" wasn't just a political slogan, but an actual spiritual agenda that was embraced by our leaders and supported by other worldly rulers who had an interest in taking advantage of a change in our nation's foundational principles and rule of law.

We are now well into the de-construction of our historically unique plan of government that has stood the test of time for nearly 250 years. And for most of the last 14 years, we Americans have existed in a state of normalcy bias, unable to conceive that we have been essentially [and crucially] destabilized in order to subvert our unity and reinterpret our Democratic and Constitutional Republic. And what has become astounding to me, is the realization that there has been a corresponding agenda within the Church! 

Just as false and duplicitous wolves in sheep's clothing have entered into our halls of government, education, and public discourse, so have they been invited into our buildings of worship. It's just as it was in the days of the prophets of old (Ezra, Zechariah, and Haggai, among others). As the Jews returned to their land after their exile in Babylon, there was continued opposition to the idea of a restored Judah and Temple. In various forms of duplicity and deception, enemy nations approach the leaders of Judah and offer their help; in essence, saying, "Let us help you build; we seek the same ends you do, and can even accept your God as ours". 

But, the Bible tells us that, in time, "the people of the (other) lands weakened (and tried to discourage) the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in the building. They hired counselors against them, to frustrate their purpose...". Those with spiritual eyes to see can observe that this mimics exactly what we are seeing in our own nation today. Enemies of our country have entered our most sacred institutions and are counseling our next generations against the foundation of how this country was built. We took it for granted that they honored and respected our unique status and our ways, when in reality, they wish to transform it and destroy it; establishing a new form of governance. And let's not ignore the willingness of our own corporations and leaders who are willing to prosper off the ignorance of the people.

Now substitute the Church and Christianity for the Nation. Enemies of God and Christians enter into our Church buildings, saying they wish to worship with us, to prophecy to us, and to seek after our God. But in reality, they are involved with witchcraft or false gods; or seeking their own glorification, often deluding themselves as well as those they profess to be teaching and ministering to. True faith is weakened and a stronghold is established that will ultimately destroy the Church. Our headlines have been full of pastors who have dishonored their calling as Shepherds. And they have left disillusioned and abused sheep in their wake.

What I have described is an age-old concept; one that the Greeks personified in their use of the Trojan horse ... it is any trick or strategy that causes a target to allow a foe into a securely protected bastion or space. Sadly, the leaders of our nation and churches have not been so mindful of the danger and difficulties that ensue from such compromise. I pray it's not too late to regain what we've lost! 

Our Founding Fathers faced the same dilemmas we are encountering when they came together to decide how our new nation would be governed. They adopted many of their governing principles from the Roman statesman, Cicero, who was born nearly 1900 years before the founding documents of this nation were written. In the exceptionally profound book entitled, The 5000 Year Leap, author W. Cleon Skousen, a faith-based political theorist, reveals that, "To Cicero, the building of a society on principles of Natural Law was nothing more nor less than recognizing and identifying the rules of "right conduct" with the laws of the Supreme Creator of the universe". 

In his own words, Cicero wrote this: "There will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times, and there will be one Master and Ruler, that is God, over us all, for He is the author of this law, its promulgator, and its enforcing Judge." These ideas and precepts are as sound today as when they were espoused by Cicero nearly two millennia ago; and they are emphasized in our founding documents. 

But here is where we find ourselves in 2024 ... our society is not in agreement that our Creator exists, not that absolute moral authority exists in Him. In fact, Moral Rightness or Truth have become relative -- everyone can claim their own truth. And when God is not your authority of what is right or true, then it is far too easy to declare that any law or laws based on those concepts of law and government [or the Holy Book that proclaims them] can be ignored or changed. It will become far too easy to alter, repeal, overhaul, or abandon them by an immoral or unjust citizenry, faith community, or body of legislators.

So, what shall be our destiny? The Bible proclaims the path to a righteous and prosperous nation. And the Constitution was designed for a moral and religious [faithful] people. Will we reap what we have sown, or will the cries of the truly repentant restore our nation to one that God will recognize and bless? I pray that God's Remnant will stay focused on Jesus, our Authority in Heaven, and declare a revival of morality and virtue in this nation, and it will pierce the hearts of all those in leadership positions. I pray that hearts in both Government and the Church will be turned away from self-aggrandizement and humbled in servitude to meet the needs of all people. And pray that if God determines that judgment is due our land, that it be swift and completely cleanses us of all sin. 

Finally, I pray that we find our strength and our truth in the Word of God. It is still relevant and it is still Light and Life to our souls and spirits. God's Word has stood since the beginning of time, and it will endure throughout all eternity. Lord, let it be re-established in our land, and let righteous men and women stand united in protecting Your Word from those who would exploit it, pervert it, or oppress it! Let Evil cower in the face of our power and authority, given to us by our Redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ! Help us to turn this land from dishonor and defilement of Your Holy Name to the glorification You deserve! Amen!

Proverbs 10:9   Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.



November 20, 2021

Moral Neutrality Is Not An Option In The Midst of Societal Chaos

The title of this post is something that my spirit has become increasingly troubled with in the last couple of years. I sense Christian Americans wrestling with how to respond in the midst of personal and national crises, especially from a moral standpoint. Of course, at a Kingdom level, it should be obvious .. Micah 6:8 asks the following questions, and then gives us God's answer: What can we bring to the Lord? Should we bring him burnt offerings? Should we bow before God Most High with offerings of yearling calves? Should we offer him thousands of rams and ten thousand rivers of olive oil? Should we sacrifice our firstborn children to pay for our sins? No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

Goodness ... righteousness ... virtue ... they are all words that describe Biblical morality; and all are essential qualities in the exercise of faith. In other words, as Christians, moral neutrality in the midst of societal chaos cannot be up for discussion. We must remain committed to godliness and fruitfulness in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, in recent years -- actually, in recent decades -- we have seen our religious communities falter in this commitment, and I am reminded of what the Prophet Isaiah says in Chapter 59, verse 9: Therefore justice is far from us, and righteousness does not overtake us; we hope for light, and behold, darkness, and for brightness, but we walk in gloom. We can't just "hope" for the light of God to permeate our country; we must overtake the darkness with our moral and just decisions. We cannot just sit on the sidelines and wait for God to make things right.

At the foundational level, this conflict is simply a question of Good vs Evil. It is as old as time; ever since the Garden of Eden, God has made His desire known for our obedience to His ideals and principles. Yet, centuries later, men and women, cultures and societies, still struggle to do what is right in the midst of upheaval and lawlessness. But why? Certainly, we can't expect to believe that "good Christians" were confused as to whether Good or Evil was occurring, can we? I refuse to believe that our consciousness has deteriorated so far that we are unable to distinguish the moral choice. But, yet, Christians looked the other way in WW II, as their Jewish neighbors disappeared. Through our silence, abortion laws were passed in 1973 that have resulted in the deaths of over 62 million babies. According to the website, liberatechildren.org, human trafficking has surpassed the illegal sale of arms, and is expected to surpass the sale of drugs in the coming years -- and in 2018, over half (51.6%) of the criminal human trafficking cases in the U.S. involved only children! And on a more individual level, just a few weeks ago, there was a story in the news of a woman raped on a subway in Philadelphia while onlookers reportedly recorded the rape with their cellphones, while no one called 911, or tried to intervene. As is quite obvious, the consequences of taking a neutral stance in any of these events resulted in horrific costs to humanity. 

Why is it so important to acknowledge this phenomena in our societal disintegration? If you will allow me to give you a rather simple analogy, consider this: in the operation of a vehicle, NEUTRAL is a disengaged position of gears in which the engine is disconnected from the driven parts. Let's translate that to our spiritual relationship with our Creator... If we, as God's Heavenly Kingdom representatives on earth, remain neutral in situations or questions of morality, we are [in effect] disengaging ourselves from our positions as His children and co-heirs [of His Kingdom] with Christ. If we are disconnected from God, who is the engine [or power] that drives us to do good works for His sake, then the result is a society that morally disintegrates into chaos and lawlessness. 

I know this is nothing new in the history of man, but it is deeply disturbing to me in the history of my lifetime. I fervently believe in the goodness that is inherent in every human being, but my spirit also knows that Evil is looking for any open door that allows it to influence another human's heart. Have we become so conditioned to questioning our own moral meters, for fear of being criticized as biased, prejudiced, or exclusive? We must have the courage to stand up for Godly principles and moral laws! God is not impartial when it comes to fence-sitters! Remember, Jesus says in Revelation 3, that He would prefer Christians to be either hot or cold; lukewarm is not a state that gains us favor! 

So, I applaud my fellow Christians for having the courage to stand for justice and good and what's right in the eyes of God -- despite the criticism from those who bow down to political, social, or peer pressure. If we call ourselves Christians, then it is incumbent upon each of us to stand against immoral tyranny. For any form of tyranny is not conducive to the moral integrity God demands of a just society. Parents have a right to be involved in their children's education; truly righteous people need to stand against lawless mobs; and our children [and unborn] need to be protected from those who would prey upon their innocence -- all accomplished within the laws of this great land, of course. If the laws are no longer moral or righteous, then it is up to us to change them in a righteous, moral, and legal manner. I am heartened as I see the Body of Christ coming together in recognition that now is our time to consecrate ourselves to God's purposes on this earth; to be imitators of His holiness and righteousness, no matter the cost. 

Remaining neutral is no longer an option. As moral Christians, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us in our actions. Refusal to make a choice, or choosing to sit on the sidelines in the midst of a moral conflict, IS a choice that is not desired by the Lord. When it comes to morality, we MUST be biased in favor of pleasing the Lord. Anything less is moral compromise, and we can no longer afford to be lukewarm. In the words of German Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a man I greatly admire, in his book The Cost of Discipleship, "The price we are having to pay today in the shape of the collapse of the organized church is only the inevitable consequence of our policy of making grace available to all at too low a cost. We gave away the Word and sacraments wholesale; we baptized, confirmed, and absolved a whole nation without condition. Our humanitarian sentiment made us give that which was holy to the scornful and unbelieving ... But the call to follow Jesus in the narrow way was hardly ever heard". Jesus followed a narrow, moral, disciplined, and righteous path in the midst of societal chaos. He never took a neutral position. May we imitate His life in the way we live ours; and may we defeat hate, darkness, in His Mighty Name!

Isaiah 59:21   And as for Me, this is My covenant with them,” says the Lord: "My Spirit that is upon you, and My words that I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, or out of the mouth of your offspring, or out of the mouth of your children's offspring," says the Lord, "from this time forth and forevermore."



January 17, 2021

An Old Testament Lesson For Today

I know it's not popular for many in the American Church of today to refer to Old Testament history as having relevance to our modern circumstances. But we can learn much about our God because the entire Bible is one long presentation of His character. And He is the same God in Genesis that He is in Jeremiah, Matthew, Corinthians, and Revelation. Actually, one of His characteristics is His immutability; the truth that He doesn't change over time and, in fact, cannot and will not change. That is why, in the New Testament, Jesus is so often quoted as saying, "As it is written", or "As you have heard", and liberally recites what the Prophets revealed about YHWH.

And I am always amazed when I am searching out an answer to a question I have in Scripture, I suddenly find myself being led to an Old Testament narrative that just screams relevance for today. This time, it was my husband who was searching for answers. He wanted to know if the Word, which I will remind you is alive and active, had anything to say about the possibility of being unqualified before the Lord for corrupting our DNA. 

This is relevant in the many [and varying] discussions among doctors, scientists, and the public regarding the efficacy of the Covid vaccines. Let me be clear, I am not a medical expert and the point of this blog post IS NOT to argue whether the vaccines are good or bad. That is a personal decision everyone must make for themselves. But what I do want to explore is God's reaction when we, His children and followers, are tempted to stray from His design for the human race. Again, this blog post is written for a discussion among Christians. If you are not a follower of Jesus and do not believe in the One True God, then this discussion has no real relevance to you and we are talking apples and oranges. What I hope to do is encourage my fellow Believers to press into God to see if what I am about to present still has relevance today in light of where we are at in history. 

[NOTE: I want to make it abundantly clear that I am not advocating the same physical punishments that God rendered in this Old Testament account, nor do I dismiss the atoning act of Jesus Christ for the similar sins that still exist. I simply want us to start being serious about how God views our sins, transgressions, and iniquities. They are as much an offense to Him today as they were nearly 3400 years ago]. 

So, let me share with you where my husband landed in Scripture during his search for answers to his question. It's a short chapter in the Book of Numbers; chapter 25 to be exact. To set the scene for Chapter 25, we must understand that the Israelites are now camped at Shittim, a valley in the land of Moab. Joshua and the Israelite army have defeated the two Amorite Nephilim kings, Og and Sihon, which ended Israel's desert wanderings and made way for their entry into the Promised Land. It is from Shittim that Joshua sends two spies to view the land and the walled city of Jericho. As the opening verses of Numbers 25 tells us, Israel is about to embark on a dangerous path.

Israel settled and remained in Shittim, and the people began to play the prostitute with the women of Moab [by being unfaithful to God]. For they invited the Israelites to the sacrifices of their gods, and the Israelites ate [food offered to idols] and bowed down to Moab’s gods. So Israel joined themselves to Baal of Peor [in worship]. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. I know that this might seem to have no connection to what we are facing today in our nation. But I ask you to look past the differences in the nations mentioned and focus on the people's actions and God's reaction to the unfaithfulness of His people. 

I am well aware that there are political operatives who are declaring Christians to be a threat to our nation's security. But I am even more grieved to read of fellow Christians within the family of God who are warning against "Christian nationalists", as if wanting our nation to remain true to Godly principles is somehow displeasing to the same God we all worship. I believe we need to see that we are in danger of following the example of the Israelites who compromised themselves and their faith when they abandoned God's statutes and principles and began worshiping the idols of the culture they lived in.

Baal was the god worshiped at the mountain Peor in the valley of Shittim. The rituals in the worship of this pagan god and idol involved adults gathering around the altar of Baal. Infants would then be burned alive as a sacrificial offering to the deity. Amid horrific screams and the stench of charred human flesh, congregants -- men and women alike -- would engage in bisexual orgies. So Israel joined themselves in worship to Baal of Peor. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel (Numbers 25:3).  

Today, we have allowed our faith to be compromised; we have made concessions in order to "get along" with an unbelieving society and appear as pacifists and peacemakers. Let's face it, we have accepted standards that are lower than God desires. As hard as it is to look at the anger of God in that Old Testament chapter, His judgment against the people He loved was harsh and violent. God ordered that those who yoked themselves to Baal, the god of infanticide and sexual immorality, were to be killed. And while the people were weeping over their rebellion and the penalty of their sins, a man blatantly flaunted his union with the daughter of the Midianite chief. This may not seem worthy of what is to follow, but we must remember that God has always been a jealous God, warning those He calls His own to keep uncorrupted bloodlines and maintain their identity as His people.

The same holds true today. Through the idols of Science and Humanism, man is now promoting and idolizing Transhumanism. A rather moderate definition of Transhumanism calls it a "philosophical movement that advocates for the transformation of the human condition by developing, and making widely available, sophisticated technologies able to greatly modify or enhance human intellect or physiology." I will tell you, it is not just a "philosophy". This is in practice right now in the development of Artificial Intelligence, outsourcing our brains to the cloud, and the creation of hybrid man/machine cyborgs. And in case you haven't done your Biblical research, God hates this! He does not want His creation mixed with anything that has been tainted by Satan... whether it is the Nephilim offspring of fallen angels and human women, or the offspring born from the sacrificial blood orgies of Baal worship.

And there has to be some significance to God approving the zeal of Phineas, the grandson of Aaron, the Levite priest, who pierced both the man of Israel and the Midianite woman through her belly. He could have taken his spear to her head or her heart, but he chose to pierce the part of her that would have borne a child. His actions stopped the plague of death that God had brought upon the Israelites because God announced to Moses that Phineas "has turned back My wrath from the people of Israel, in that he was jealous with My jealousy among them, so that I did not consume the people of Israel in My jealousy." God then proceeded to give Phineas His covenant of peace "because he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the people of Israel". 

Are we jealous for our God in this day? Are we willing to call out the grievous sins of our nation? And this does not mean we take it upon ourselves to mete out God's justice. Remember: "Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord!" We must not call for violence, but rather for atonement. That means we do not let our spirits be persuaded or consumed by the god of this world, which is Satan. God wants a relationship with our human spirit so that He can partner with us to battle against the forces of evil and Satan. That's why He is jealous for us! When our spirit is in partnership with God and His Spirit, He instills His zeal within us and we long to see His will "done on earth as it is in Heaven".

We must guard against our human zeal misplacing God's zeal in us. His zeal displays His righteousness and it is full of hope, as well as power. We must repent -- turn away from what Sin offers and seek after His will for our lives and our nation. And we must atone for our personal and national sins in ways that establish His will for His people. So, in the coming days -- whatever they bring -- let us remain mindful that God's call for us is to remain true to His commandments, no matter the pressure we get from the world. We must not partake in idol worship [whether it be political, religious, or social]. God wants to be in covenant with us, according to His standards. It won't be easy. Satan is moving his players into position rapidly. We must ready our spirits to hear from God. He will guide us in ways that acknowledge His Grace, Mercy, and Power. We are representatives of His superior Kingdom and the world will see Him in us! 

Revelation 3:19    Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I rebuke and discipline [showing them their faults and instructing them]; so be enthusiastic and repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, your sinful behavior—seek God’s will].

November 17, 2020

Are We On The Verge Of Destroying Our Nation's Pride?


Radio host and political commentator Michael Savage is quoted in his book, Trickle Down Tyranny, "Economies can be rebuilt, armies can be repopulated, but once a nation's pride is gone it can almost never be restored." In 2012, an article on the United Church of God's website quoted a Conservative Party member of the British Parliament, who wrote, "The Arab Spring, the threat of Iran as an emerging nuclear power, the continuing violence in Syria and the American reluctance to get involved there, have all signaled the weakness, if not the end, of America’s role as a world policeman." That statement was followed by a warning that this was just one aspect of America's waning national power, and the writer felt it served as a prophecy that was beginning to be fulfilled; a prophecy that "may be on the verge of accelerating with frightening speed if the nation doesn’t take drastic steps to repent and change its self-destructive course."  

What do you think? Do events seem to be accelerating to you? In the Bible, God spoke to the rebellious nation of Israel and said, "I will break your pride in your power." It was a warning for rejecting His statutes and commandments, and breaking His covenant with them.  It would be the penalty if they turned away from Him to follow after leaders who led them to worship pagan idols; and leaders who abandoned God to increase their own wealth and power; or leaders who neglected God's moral laws to serve their own lusts and flesh. And I look at the condition of our nation today, and it is so clear that there is a massive split along ideological, political, spiritual, and social/cultural lines. I'm not sure there has ever been a more clear delineation between good and evil. 

What I am seeing in my country today is no different than what the prophet Isaiah saw during Israel's prosperous reign.  He could just as easily have been speaking to us when he warned, "O My people! Those who guide you lead you astray and confuse the direction of your paths" (Isaiah 3:12). And isn't his admonishment of  “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20) just as appropriate for today?  The corruption, misconduct, and fraud in our election process is not only embarrassing and shameful [and may be criminal], it dishonors the efforts of our Founding Fathers to give us a Constitution that would protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens. The original intent of that distinguished group of patriots was to write a code of laws designed to allow the citizenry to live, work, worship and advance their lives while participating in the governmental process, protected by rights and freedoms that are natural, God-given and safeguarded by law. Oh, how far this generation of leaders have fallen in this election!

Leaders make a difference in the continued survival of their nations, and the Bible records that even the nations favored by God lived or died by the influence and actions of their leaders. The histories of Israel and Judah prove that. And now we witness our elected leaders calling for lists to be made of those who have differing political views. The free discourse of ideas are censored, and the First Amendment is in serious danger of being nullified. I want you to consider how much of this significant safeguard of our freedoms has been threatened in the last year: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

As I look upon the utter chaos that seems to be at the heart of governing leaders today, I want to thunder like Jeremiah, and shout at our misguided and hateful Congress. These are the leaders who have resented anyone who doesn't fall in line with the Anti-Christ agenda to subdue the world for the kingdom of darkness. These are the leaders "who try to make My people forget My name… and cause My people to err by their lies and by their recklessness".  Yes, I know that this nation has made mistakes and our dream of building a country where all men live as equals has fallen short of that lofty goal. But what I'm seeing now is more like a nightmare! 

I believe it is incumbent upon us to revisit the heart of why this country was founded in the first place ... "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." That is an except from the Declaration of Independence and describes why the colonists felt driven to separate themselves from the government of Great Britain.

The problem we are encountering today is that we are divided into two camps who each think that the form of our government has become destructive to their existence; that they have the right to alter or abolish the government which threatens their safety and security. Each side believes there has been a long train of abuses, that they are being subjected to absolute Despotism, and it is their right to throw off this kind of oppression. This historical document also declares that long-established governments should not be changed [or discarded] frivolously. But we have come to the point where these two distinctly different factions are no longer willing to suffer silently or willingly. 

What we are seeing playing out before our eyes is the result of a prideful nation whose leaders strayed from the original covenant with God and sought to bless themselves and this nation through their own power. They abandoned virtuous and moral principles and joined with the citizenry to create laws that fed their own desires and lust for self-fulfillment. And now we see a rapidly accelerating deterioration to violence in the streets and a full-blown rush to a communistic form of government. UNLESS... the million people who descended on Washington D.C. in support of traditional values and a return to our Christian principles in government, in our families, in our society, and in every aspect of this nation's culture storm Heaven with our repentance, our confession of allowing wickedness to cover the land,  and our declarations for a return to the Lord's statutes and laws. 

Then I believe that God will remember His covenant with America, entered into with the Pilgrims, and He will not reject or destroy this nation. Then I believe we will once again find favor with God and He will restore our nation's pride. We will once again be inhabited by a righteous people who refuse to bow down before false gods or sinful leaders. But we must not grow tired in our efforts, nor become slow to respond to the Enemy's increased attacks. We must persevere, no matter how long it takes and how bitter the fight becomes. Then we must "clean up our act" and destroy the altars of abortion, sex trafficking, and wealth and greed. We must invite the Most High God to once again establish His statutes, ordinances, and laws in this great nation, and declare that He is our God and we are His people. Father, please forgive us of our sins and hear our prayers for Godly and righteous leaders!

Proverbs 14:34    Righteousness [moral and spiritual integrity and virtuous character] exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.

November 7, 2020

We Do Not Fight Against Flesh and Blood!

From the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, Satan sought to usurp the dominion God gave to man to rule all the facets of the earth by the same principles He ruled Heaven. And from the moment that Adam and Eve gave into the temptation and deception that they could "be like God", the kingdom of darkness became a reality on the earth. But God had a plan! He never gave up on His creation of mankind and developed a divine strategy to give men the opportunity to choose to restore the earth to its original and righteous foundation. And there has been a battle between God's children of Light and Satan's sons and daughters of darkness ever since. What we are seeing in our country post-election is the very evidence of this truth.

I don't like to get political on this blog because I try to see from a spiritual, heavenly perspective rather than from a purely secular or worldly viewpoint. So here's how I see our current debacle: the pride and arrogance of Lucifer, which led to his thinking he could "be like God", resulted in him seeking power and position to overthrow his Creator. It is this very sin that is often repeated in our political process... pride and arrogance, seeking power and position... spiritual transgression [which is rebellion] manifests in the physical actions of men.

That's why Paul's admonition to us in Ephesians 6 has so much relevance for today: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places." It has been apparent during my lifetime that illegal practices were rampant in our national election process. The advancement of technology has only exacerbated this reality. But that is seeing through physical eyes. When observed through spiritual eyes, we can see that we are not "contending only with physical opponents", but we are battling very real allies of Satan who are influenced by "spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places". And that is why I must speak now.

Just as when Daniel prayed to God to deliver the Jews from their captivity in Babylon, our prayers to deliver America from the evil of Socialism and Communism have been heard. We must trust in that idea and trust in our Lord to respond. He is aware that we are immersed in a very real battle between the spiritual forces of Good and Evil in our nation. And I know it may seem as if our physical opponents are galvanized by spiritual forces that are more organized and powerful, while we feel like we are fighting the battle alone in the midst of disorganization and apathy. I assure you that God has not abandoned us. We must trust in Him and "lean not on our own understanding". His ways are higher than our ways; His strategies more capable and astute than ours. 

What we are seeing is a manifestation of tyranny -- one of Satan's favorite tactics. And there are always men who have no problem becoming his willing accomplices to impose tyrannical measures to limit he freedoms that God gave us. Just like Adam and Eve, they listen to the lies of the devil who convinces them there are no consequences for their rebellious actions -- "Go ahead and eat of that forbidden fruit ... You certainly will not die!" So men pursue power and position, blinded by their own greed to the death and destruction being fomented against their fellow man; and thinking themselves exempt from God's justice. But They openly challenge God's power and authority in this realm, and discount the heart and soul of those who are spiritually bound to the strength of their God above and will not submit to tyranny.

Here is what our Enemy and his cohorts do not understand ... they may have Satan on their side, the one who only knows hate. But we have God Almighty, the God above all gods, who is Love. He is Jehovah Sabaoth, Lord of Heaven's Armies. He is Jehovah Milchamah, the Lord who is Mighty in Battle. He is Jehovah Nissi, the Lord is my Banner [as we go into battle]. And they have forgotten that our God is also Jehovah Shalom, the God of peace who will soon crush Satan under the feet of King Jesus. 

As followers of Jesus and Children of Light, we must stand fast in our knowledge that we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. Whether we face defeat or victory in this physical realm, we know the final victory over the Beast System of Satan is ours. And as Christians, we need to face the possibility that our nation is under judgment and we may face discipline from our Righteous and Just God. Regardless of the outcome of this election, we are to be instruments of our Lord to bring His Gospel of the Kingdom to all the earth; even our enemies. That is a huge responsibility but we are up to the task when we stay focused on Him. He is our Rock, our Fortress and our Deliverer. He is our Stronghold. And these names of the Lord that I have mentioned above are like a strong tower; the righteous run in to them and are safe. Remember, He hears our prayers and He will answer in His timing. Don't give up! Keep praying and stay strong, stay focused, stay awake and abide in Him! 

Psalm 91:1-2     He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand]. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely]!"

October 16, 2020

God, Judges and The Court

This past week, we in America have been treated to what is supposed to be a respectful meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee, conducting oversight and consideration of nominations to the Supreme Court. I'm not going to comment on the obvious political bias exhibited among the Senate members. That is not my purpose for today's blog post. What I want to discuss is the role of Judges, our Courts, and how they correlate with the Book of Judges and God's Court(s) in Heaven.

It goes without saying that God is the Righteous Judge of all the Earth (Genesis 18:25). And as Believers in Jesus Christ, we have the right and privilege to enter into the courts in Heaven through prayer and spiritual warfare. And before I continue, I want to make the comment that our legal system on earth is modeled after the court system in Heaven. Just as we are entitled to have legal representation in our earthly courts, Jesus is our Advocate and Legal Representative in the Courts of Heaven. 

And just as we have different levels and classifications of courts, there are different courts in Heaven, as well. We declare that the Cross of Christ is our justification before God, but there are times that we need to gain access to the justice system of Heaven in order to receive righteous judgment. We are able to operate in that system because of our intimate relationship with Jesus. Let's consider for a moment the different types of courts to which we have access. To begin, there is the Court of Mediation (or Reconciliation). This is in character with "settling out of court" in our earthly justice system. Just like here on earth, this should always be our preference and the first step we take. When we encounter a dispute with anyone, our legal position should be to reconcile.... But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him] -- 2 Corinthians 5:18.

Then there is the Court of Petition.  Bringing our prayers before the Father, and presenting our petitions to Him, is in reality entering the Court of Petition... do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God -- Philippians 4:6. And notice, we should appear in this heavenly court with thankfulness, no matter the circumstances.

Next, we have access to God's Throne of Grace.  God holds Court while sitting on His Throne, which is where we approach Him with our prayers, and in intimacy with Him. And we must approach Him with grace and mercy -- for others, as well as ourselves. God's justice finds its origins in His love; and so should ours... Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need -- Hebrews 4:16.

At the center of God's court system is The Court of Mount Zion.  Throughout the Bible, we read of Mount Zion as God's place of justice and judgment. His Throne of Grace and the Court of Petitions are based here, and the heart of Heaven's court system is found here ... But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel -- Hebrews 12:22-24.

The Court of the Accuser is where Satan appears to lay his case before God for his legal authority to attack us. We should not engage with this court, but rather take our case to the Court of Reconciliation or Court of Petition, where Jesus serves as our Advocate and defense lawyer, if you will. There He can testify that we have come in a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation ... For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down -- Revelation 12:10.

Finally, we have The Court of The Ancient Of Days (Heaven's Supreme Court). This is the highest court in Heaven, and we cannot enter except by admission through dreams and visions. Just like our Supreme Court, it is the last court a case may be heard; there are lower courts where all legal matters should be attempted to be settled first... As I looked, “thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. … The court was seated, and the books were opened -- Daniel 7:9-10. 

NOTE: These are the courts that are readily acknowledged in the Bible, but I have been shown, in my spirit, that there are lesser courts that we have access to in times of specific need. But we must always ask for permission before opening a case or entering that specific court. Our first stop in heaven's court system should always be to achieve reconciliation. I have actually heard the Father reprimand mankind; He said, "Stop clogging up My Courts with needless petitions. So many of your problems can be resolved with forgiveness and applying the grace and love I have given each of you." 

So, now I want to approach the Book of Judges in the Bible in light of the purpose of our Supreme Court and what we witnessed this last week. We can surmise from the Book of Judges that the Lord, who is Creator God, is the Judge and King of all the world; no one else holds that title. [NOTE: I approach this truth from the understanding that Jesus and the Father are One (John 10:30)]. And the plan from Genesis to Revelation is to restore man to his original purpose -- to rule the world as God's righteous representative on earth. We also recognize that God rules through His human leaders; but He is the ultimate Judge and King, and those who serve Him do so at His discretion and are supposed to rule as He would rule -- [on earth as it is in Heaven]. 

If man assumed his original purpose for being created, righteousness would reign upon the earth. But as we have seen throughout history, and most certainly today, that is not reality. Christ embodies perfect human ruling and through His crucifixion and resurrection, He sits upon His Throne in Heaven and rules and judges in perfect righteousness. And one day, He will climb down from that Throne and return to render His judgment against all the Evil in this world that has come against His creation. Until then, the idea was that our courts here on earth would be administered by sons and daughters who would share in His righteous rule and judge accordingly. That was the plan in the Book of Judges and nothing has changed [from God's perspective] in the centuries since.

Sadly, we have not experienced that in our nation. True, there have been judges who sat on the highest court in our land who took their assignment seriously. But in the decades of my life, I have seen the nomination of Supreme Court Justices made in the spirit of partisan politics and immoral agendas. This nation under God is in great need of godly leadership, in both our civic institutions and in our courts. Because we seem to have lost our way [and our purpose], Roe v. Wade is the law of our land. Same sex marriage is the law of our land. Our courts are clogged with grievances involving racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and once-guaranteed constitutional tights. Where is the desire for righteousness and  reconciliation? Why do we not see the power of our intimate prayers and petitions before God? 

The Book of Judges is a history of the rebelliousness of Israel, who demanded a human king, rather than submitting their allegiance to the King of the World. Despite the sinful decisions of Israel throughout their history, the Bible promises redemption through King Jesus who will one day be our righteous Judge. We must pray that in and through [and in spite of] the sinful judges who have seemingly destroyed God's redemptive plan, that God can and will heal our land from the rebellious and destructive decisions that our legal "leadership" have imposed upon us. 

My prayer is that Judge Amy Coney Barrett will prove to be a catalyst for that redemption. But we have been fooled in the past. I ask that you join me in prayer and petition before the righteous and rightful Courts of Heaven to deliver us once again into a nation that represents King Jesus's original design for human rule. Lord Jesus, return our nation to a land You can be proud of; one that will uphold the rule and laws of Heaven! And let it start today! Amen!

1 John 2:1    My little children, I write you these things so that you may not violate God’s law and sin. But if anyone should sin, we have an Advocate (One Who will intercede for us) with the Father—[it is] Jesus Christ [the all] righteous [upright, just, Who conforms to the Father’s will in every purpose, thought, and action].


October 13, 2020

Work Out Your Salvation With Fear and Trembling!


We live in perilous times; not only physically but spiritually. We see the violence in the streets and there is an atmosphere of anxiety and fear regarding our national future. What we are experiencing today as Americans supersedes even the trauma of 9/11. But as Christians, we are to stay firm in following the principles of the Kingdom of God and persevere through whatever is coming. The Bible is clear when it says that in the last days, perilous times will come. We are living in perilous times. This year, in addition to the Covid-19 virus, we are still engaged in never-ending wars; battling the threats of more diseases; experienced a record-breaking hurricane season; the threat of devastating earthquakes along the New Madrid fault line, civil unrest in our cities, and more. This is a dangerous world. 

But as Christians, we are to endure by following the principles set forth by our Savior.  And it is to my fellow Christians that I want to address this post; to those who have answered His call and profess faith in Him as their Savior.  Of course, we must understand that faith comes in degrees as we journey through our salvation process; not everyone is equal in living out their faith, although Jesus will accept each one of us on an equal basis -- all are welcome in His Kingdom. But we each must work out our salvation with fear and trembling, for we must one day answer our Lord for the decisions we have made. And it goes without saying that there is disparity among the faithful in how we are living out our salvation experience.

Take the Presidential election for example. There is a definite and deliberate choice between the two candidates on just the issue of abortion. How will you explain your decision to vote for a pro-abortion candidate which effects the lives of millions of unborn babies? Immediately, Matthew 7:13-14 comes to mind: Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Jesus is talking to everyone -- including self-professed Christians. As I see the world spiraling out of control, I sense our Lord speaking these words as a dire warning to all who would hear.

I fear that so many Christians in America dismiss this passage; thinking that it pertains to the lost. They think that Jesus is saying it is a narrow gate that leads to salvation, and only Christians will enter it.  The lost of the world will take the broad path because it is easier, more attractive and less demanding.  And in the broadest sense, they are correct.  There are only two choices:  right and wrong; good and evil; the way to heaven or the road to hell.  There is no middle ground.  You either choose Jesus or you don't.

But I believe He is telling us so much more in this discourse.  I believe He is talking directly to Christians and admonishing them to take their faith seriously.  Yes, the gate is narrow because accepting Christ as your Savior should not be taken lightly.  You must truly become a new person with a new heart and a new spirit; old desires must be purged and a new life begun. And that means your new life must be reflected in all you do and say. You cannot say that you are a follower of Christ, and support anyone, Presidential candidate or not, who agrees with abortion. That is being double-minded. And the Bible says this about that state of mind: the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. 

I do not believe this refers to losing one's salvation, but instead to a loss of inheritance and rewards when we stand at the Bema Seat Judgment. And I think it is fair to say that it is not easy to be a Christian. But, again, I say there is no middle ground. We must be prepared to be called extremists and religious fanatics. In fact, our very faith itself, will be a target as we are accused of being against "women's rights". But our faith is centered on maturing into the fullness of the image of Christ, and agreeing with abortion in any way or manner, would never be an acceptable choice for our King or a Kingdom citizen.

At the same time, I want to be perfectly clear that our Lord sacrificed Himself to pay for the sins of each one of us -- including those who have partaken in the act of abortion. We must never be deceived by a "religious spirit" that would have us think we have the authority to condemn anyone who made that choice. I believe it is our duty as Christians to help people see the sin in their lives and offer them a way to get right with God and be washed clean of their sins, transgressions, and iniquity. In our Inner Healing Ministry, my husband and I have personally witnessed Jesus offering forgiveness to women (and men) who have made the decision to abort a life. That act has been a stumbling block in their Christian life and a very effective tool for the devil to keep them in bondage. Mind you, Jesus will never accept or approve of their decision, but when, in the spirit, they encounter Jesus and repent for their sin, He forgives them and assures them their child is in His safe-keeping. He absolutely hates the sin, but will always accept the repentant sinner.

But I am also really confused about the whole movement among Christian Millennials, especially women, who call themselves "Christian feminists", who support legal abortion. I don't understand arguments that make abortion a "healthcare issue", or that interpret "freedom in Christ" as the freedom to make choices about their own bodies, which is expressed in the perplexing terminology, "bodily autonomy". One female pastor, who supports the right to abortion, explained it this way ... "because I value life, and I believe Jesus values life—I value the choices that give us the type of life that we need." Do you, as a Christian woman, really need an abortion? Or do you simply want one so it doesn't infringe on your independence and self-determination, which is the definition of autonomy?

This same female pastor quoted 1 Corinthians 6:19, but only partially, and said this: "When people talk about 'Our body is a temple of God, and holy,' I see that as I have the right to choices over my body, and the freedom to make the decisions that are right for me." Oh, how I wish she had read and quoted the entire passage which reads like this: "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." How does your decision to allow God's creation to be willfully killed glorify God in your body? [If you would like to read the entire interview with this pastor, please click here].

That type of thinking is exactly why Christians should work out their salvation with fear and trembling! Our decisions in life should never be made from how it makes us feel. What we "feel" is injustice does not give us ultimate authority in a matter. We should rule our lives in accordance to the moral laws set forth by our Father in Heaven. It is by His Will that we should live our lives... not our own. Unless this pastor is able to rightfully discern Scripture [in its fullness], she will most likely not come to a position of recognizing that she has grieved her Creator by not honoring her body, nor has she glorified His sacrifice. And she most likely will never arrive at repentance or asking for forgiveness for not only her own confusion, but leading her congregation to confusion or disobedience. She will one day stand before her Lord and have to answer for how she has represented Him. I would never question her love of the Lord. I don't know her heart. But Jesus does. Her salvation may not be in question, but her rewards and inheritance in the Kingdom of God certainly will be. 

We must pray for our nation and our fellow Christians. We must pray that the deception that has been eagerly welcomed in our universities and our churches will be exposed for the lies that they are. We were not made for our own gratification, but to glorify and hold sacred the One who created us, and honor all His ways. Each one of us will have to answer to Him, and we have a choice this election -- not only to safeguard our nation, but our eternal destinies. Pray without ceasing that Christians examine their hearts!

2 Timothy 4:3-4    For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.




June 5, 2020

My Thoughts In These Troubled Times: Up Close and From A Distance


     This is a difficult post to write. As I watch the social unrest in the cities of my nation, and I hear the words of empathy and compassion, as well as anger and hate, I am aware that no matter what I say here, there will be those who misunderstand my heart. I am not going to be able to relieve or satisfy the intense emotions being experienced by all sides of this tragic situation.
     Let me start by saying that I do not know of ANYONE who is not deeply disturbed by the death of George Floyd. And let me further say that anyone who finds no fault with the officers involved needs to examine their hearts. But what I am seeing on the streets of our largest cities does not honor this man's life or the loss of it. And let me be clear .... in no way can I ever understand what it is like to walk in the shoes of a black man in America. I cannot understand what it's like to experience decades of racism and bigotry. And it's naive and insensitive to suggest that it has not existed, or its time to move on.
     I have never felt the fear of being stopped by a white policeman during a traffic stop. But I have felt outrage when my bi-racial nephew was accosted by a minority police officer for mistakenly turning the wrong way down a one-way street in a town he was unfamiliar with. My heart has hurt for him as he described being thrown up against a car and hand-cuffed as the officer automatically suspected the worst from his innocent actions.
     At the same time, I have also felt anxiety and fearfulness as my white nephews put on their police uniforms in order to serve the public during riots in Ferguson, MO and again, in these latest cities that are on fire, literally and figuratively. I am just as troubled that they are perceived guilty because of the color of their skin as my black nephew was. All I can do is love these young men based on their hearts, not the color of their skin. And I do not cite these incidents to try to convince you that I understand every side of this human issue, or that I have the answers. I do not and cannot.
     I am all too aware that some will perceive that I have not said enough to express the heinousness of the crime or their feelings on the matter, while others will think I have said too much in favor of those whose opinion they oppose. But I need us to step back and see behind the spiritual veil -- and that is not an attempt to gloss over or diminish the very real issues that are happening in this earthly realm.  I want you to hear me .... my spirit is very sensitive to the truth that what we have seen on the surface this last week or so is not the complete story; nor does it convey the sinister agenda of the devil and his kingdom of darkness.
     As I personally step back from the immediate chaos and lawlessness (by all parties involved), I hear the Spirit telling me through Paul's words, "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." I am seeing this truth profoundly displayed in the earth these past few months. I have discerned the spirit of Deception in most everything associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. I have perceived the duplicity in powerful men and corporations who have much to gain financially from the fear spawned by this manufactured plague. Therefore, I was not surprised when I read about the revelation received by Jeremiah Johnson during a vision in which he encountered a demonic entity.
     In case you are unfamiliar with Jeremiah, he is the founder and director of Maranatha School of Ministry, a full-time two-year five-fold ministry training center that equips and sends out End-Time messengers. Before I share the heart of Jeremiah's vision, I want to make it clear that I am not declaring that recent events indicate we are in the End Times, or that Jesus's imminent arrival on Earth is to be expected any moment. Of course, I believe the Word when it says no one knows the day or the hour, only the Father. But I am inclined to believe that the last 100 years of history has [more than likely] been the "beginning of the birth pains" that Jesus speaks about in Matthew 24, and which He predicted would precede the ever-increasing tribulation we are beginning to see now.
     I believe it is important that the Body of Christ understand that what we are seeing and experiencing is rooted in something much more than racism and racial politics, the upcoming Election, or the actions of the Deep State -- although all are tools of the kingdom of darkness. We must take to heart what Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:10-12. He says, Then many will stop following me and fall away [or stumble, or take offense], and they will betray one another and hate one another.  And many lying prophets will arise, deceiving multitudes and leading them away from the path of truth. There will be such an increase of sin and lawlessness that those whose hearts once burned with passion for God and others will grow cold.
     This is being fulfilled before our very eyes! And this prophecy was confirmed by Jeremiah Johnson's vision, which also aligns with what my spirit [and many in the Body of Christ] have been sensing for some time. You can read about the entire vision at this link, but here is the gist of it.... a demonic entity appeared to him on the evening of May 30th, announcing that "Just as there are forerunners in the Kingdom of God that go before the Son of Man, so I am a forerunning spirit in the kingdom of darkness that has been sent before the coming of the man of lawlessness."
     Jeremiah said that the demonic entity had a visible and deep scar underneath its right eye, but it also had the ability to mutate or rather, change forms. He watched this “being” morph several times right in front of him, yet the gash below its right eye remained. Then the demon spoke: "The scar underneath my right eye has come at the hands of the praying Church, for many of them in this hour have begun to detect our true plans and purposes to disrupt systems, divert attention, and release chaos in the land." The demon revealed that the source of the power and influence coming upon the world in these days is the Media! It revealed that the Media has been the tool to spread, first, the fear of the pandemic, and is now fueling the hate that we see in our cities on fire and escalating racism (on both sides). And ultimately, it is the greed of those with evil hearts that is inciting the spirits of fear and hate.
     We MUST look beyond the [hear me] JUSTIFIED pain and anger of Black Americans, and all of us must seek the keys of the Kingdom to overcome the man of lawlessness's agenda! Granted, the Bible tells us that he will succeed for a time until the Lord of Righteousness, Jehovah Tsidkenu, appears to put an end to his lawless, violent, and evil reign. Yes, we must continue to pray for healing of our land and hearts. But prayer alone will not defeat this evil agenda. We must combine it with fasting, binding and loosing [on earth as it is in Heaven], casting out demons, and putting on our spiritual armor and battling alongside the Host of Heaven who are fighting on our behalf in the Second Heaven.
     The words and actions of mere humans who do not know Jesus Christ will not accomplish the peace and healed hearts that we seek. The Body of Christ must rise up in their Heavenly Kingdom identity as the Ekklesia and take back the government of this earth, stopping the disruption of, and diversion from God's agenda, and end the chaos caused by the agents of Satan's kingdom of darkness.
     The crowds clamor for Justice, and rightly so. But as human beings, we will never come to a consensus and agree on what that justice looks like. Righteous justice certainly does not look like anything that Satan is currently fomenting. God, whose Justice is holy, merciful and truly righteous, is the only one who can turn this around. We need to turn to Him for guidance on how to heal, and ask for His righteous judgment to fall on our land. We must remember that Vengeance is His, and He has a record of all that has happened and everything that has been said and done. He knows the true nature of all hearts and we will have to stand before Jesus as our thoughts and deeds are exposed to His Light. Let us pledge that we will remain His vessels for mercy, love, and righteousness. Pray, fast, release the power and authority of the Kingdom into your spheres of influence, and praise Him for His everlasting love for all who love Him in return. Lord Jesus, let me be on the front lines in this spiritual war against the Anti-Christ spirit that has invaded our land. Let me represent You in this time of lawlessness and chaos!

 1 John 3:10    By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.

February 9, 2020

A Restful Soul and a Light Burden

     I sense that many people, like myself, are in need of rest for their souls. In addition, the burdens of this life on earth, let alone the obedience as a Christian, can weigh heavy on our hearts and spirits. Many times, I have gone to Matthew 11:28-30 to find solace: Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
     I have never despaired of the calling on my life to bring an encounter with Jesus to the life of someone who needs healing from the wounds of this world. But as a friend reminded me the other day, "Even Jesus had to take a break from the demands on Him, and remove Himself for periods of rest". Don't get me wrong, in no way do I think that my work for the broken-hearted compares to what Jesus accomplished. But, as the Lord increases the number of people who find their way to our door, Mark and I do get weary in our flesh, souls, and spirits. 
     We do recognize that we need rest. And I used to find comfort in these verses, thinking that they were telling me that Jesus invites everyone who senses they can't ease their burdens on their own, to come to Him. He offers rest for our souls, which often overshadow and smother our spirits, limiting our ability to receive the gifts of the Spirit: joy, love, patience,  peace, gentleness, kindness and self-control, or discipline. He invites us to learn from Him as He models how to carry out our work for the Kingdom without feeling like we have a millstone around our neck.
     While I believe that interpretation to be valid, I have recently discerned what I think is another layer to this familiar passage.  Previously in Matthew 11, Jesus had spoken that the Kingdom of Heaven had suffered violence and the violent were taking it by force (verse 12). I believe Jesus was implying that the Kingdom of Heaven was being pressed into by men forcing their way in because they had been denied entrance by the religious restrictions and rules of the Pharisees. This resulted in a religious burden for those seeking to get closer to their God. 
     "Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden"... all who feel tired and worn-out from trying to meet all the criteria of being pronounced worthy of entering even the Temple, let alone the Kingdom of God. From the time Moses came down off the mountain with the stone tablets, some 1400+ years before, God's ten commandments for righteous living had multiplied exponentially, being mingled with oral traditions and the rabbi's written commentaries until the burden of meeting the standards of the religious leaders was nearly hopeless.
     "I will give you rest... you can recover your strength from the endless burden of meeting those standards. "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls... Submit to His authority (yoke) and learn from Him how to walk out righteousness; sharing not only His Kingdom's system and structure, but the same rest for their souls that being aligned with the Father's kingdom lent Him. Jesus's heart and the Father's are in communion, yielding a gentle, submissive and obedient spirit; unburdened and rested.
     For my yoke is easy and my burden is light... Again, the submission to His authority (yoke) is easy, and His burden (discipleship) is light. Unlike the religious path of the Pharisees, following Jesus is easy and no burden, at all.  
     The fact that Chapter 12 is full of examples of these "rules" that the Pharisees placed on men -- no harvesting of the grain the Disciples ate on the Sabbath; no healing on the Sabbath of the man with the withered hand; no casting out demons by the Spirit of God -- is evidence to me that the "burden" Jesus referred to as being "heavy" was, indeed, all the religious rules that made it difficult for men to seek the Kingdom of God.
     So, as I contemplate my recent weariness, I must admit that a good portion of it comes from the burden of having shown Christians the glory of God healing the souls and spirits of Believers, only to have it embraced as Truth, then watch that enthusiasm evaporate as they slip back into their religious traditions. 
     I should not be surprised, though. As I read the messages to the churches in Revelation 2-3, Jesus clearly warns that the Body of Christ will not walk the straight and narrow path. Only a remnant will take His yoke upon themselves and learn from Him. But the harvest is great, so we will continue to labor in His fields, presenting the Gospel of the Kingdom and our King's gentle and humble heart. And we will rest when we can and never resist harnessing ourselves to Him and His authority.

Revelation 3:1-3     I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die; for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My God.  So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent...

October 26, 2019

What Does It Mean To "Have Your Mind Renewed"?

This is an excerpt of my book-in-progress on the Kingdom of God. Since I will be out of pocket for a few days at a retreat doing Inner Healing Ministry, I thought I would share just a portion of what the Lord has revealed to Mark and I about how the Kingdom is meant to infiltrate our lives and our Christian walk. Enjoy!

     As professed Christians, and having reached the state of Salvation, it is important to understand that we now have the opportunity to enter into the Kingdom of God, where we can have dual citizenship. Our flesh and soul reside in the physical world, but our spirit has the rights and privileges of a citizen of Heaven, seated [as we are] with Christ in the heavenly realms.
     Building on that truth, I now want to introduce you to a concept that I discovered during a class on the human spirit, taught by Dan Duval, Executive Director of Bride Ministries, and Pastor of Fire Place Church. Just as we recognize a Triune God – God, the Father; Jesus, the Son of God; and Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God – we are created as a triune man. We are created with a body, soul, and spirit.
     NOTE: This may be a new concept for you because I am aware that some denominational doctrines teach that the soul and spirit are the same thing. Hebrews 4:12 makes it clear that they are separate parts of us: For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit…
      We know that our body is made up of flesh; it is our physical body. Our soul is our mind, our [free] will, and our emotions. Our spirit is the part of us that is made in the image of God and is actually trans-dimensional. The Apostle Paul makes this very clear in Ephesians 2:1-3 when he says while we were dead in our sins [as citizens of the earth] we were influenced by “the dark ruler of the earthly realm [Satan] who fills the atmosphere with his authority”. But now, as saved Believers, we no longer belong to Satan, but have been “rescued completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness and been translated into the kingdom realm of God’s beloved Son. That word “translated” means we have been moved [in the spirit] from earth to heaven, and citizenship in Heaven has now been conveyed to us. In fact, that’s where the dual citizenship comes in; we have free access to Heaven while still here on earth.
      So, as citizens of Heaven, we are to no longer act or think as we did as citizens of this world. We are to become transformed, and the most powerful tool we have to make that transformation is our mind. That is the essence of Romans 12:2. But since we still live here on the earth, it should be obvious that there is a tremendous battle for our minds. In order to begin to act like a citizen of the new and different realm of Heaven, we must begin to think differently. We must begin to think like God and Jesus think, and develop the mind of Christ.
      But here is where our mind [as part of our soul] and our human spirit often come into conflict. Along with our body, our soul is the part of us that begins to exist at conception – our brain is formed and with it our mind; out of which comes our ability to think, and feel (our emotions), and to make decisions (our free will). Our spirit is the part of us that has pre-existed with God since the foundations of the world. And Jeremiah 1:5 tells us Jesus knew us before He formed us in the womb [as a spirit being, made in His image]. It is important that we understand that the soul and spirit are different and serve different functions. And because our mind is part of our soul and is intertwined with our physical body, it presents itself as the consciousness with which we engage the world. This is important to understand because our soul is designed to be submitted to our spirit; thinking and hearing and seeing ‘in the spirit’ so that, just like Jesus [who never did anything on His own, but only what He heard or saw from the Father], our mind can be in sync with our spirit and we can grow into the image of Christ. But until we have a conversion experience, our mind and soul may never be aware of our spirit, and never see or hear or interact with our spirit. 
     As Dan Duval teaches, we must remember that when we are saved, our spirit is one with the Holy Spirit (we are stamped with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit). So, we can now understand that much of what the Holy Spirit is doing is happening in and through our spirit. The stronger our spirit is, the more powerfully the Holy Spirit is able to work in and through us. But our carnal mind [in the soul which is in the flesh] must submit to our spirit, which is now seated in the heavenly realm. IF our soul overwhelms our spirit and refuses to submit, then [although Saved] we will not be effective [or bear fruit] for the Kingdom because our mind will be focused on things of this world. 
     Being carnally minded, you can imagine that Satan is going to be only too happy to try to get you to revisit old memories and habits from your days in his dark kingdom. But we must become deliberate in our understanding of how God’s kingdom operates. We must consciously and consistently be in submission to God’s plan to restore the earth to His original design … man ruling earth according to the government of God’s Kingdom in Heaven.
      That means we must mature in our faith in order to renew our minds and let go of this carnal world and experience the spiritual realm. Paul explained this dilemma in Romans 8:5-9, For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit... You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. If you are truly Saved and Redeemed by the Blood of Jesus, then you now represent a different world: His Father’s Kingdom in Heaven, and you must be intentional about renewing your mind – changing the way you think and subsequently, act – all from God’s Heavenly perspective.
      That is why Jesus asked us to pray, Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed [holy] be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. As Bill Johnson writes, in his excellent book, When Heaven Invades Earth, “When we pray for His kingdom to come, we are asking Him to impose the rules, order, and benefits of His world over this one until this world looks like His … [God’s] world collides with [Satan’s] world of darkness and God’s world always wins. Our battle is always going to be a battle of dominion – a conflict of kingdoms”.
      And there will not only be a battle between the two kingdoms for dominion over our minds, but there will be a battle for dominion over the territories of marriage, the sanctity of life, sexual identity, our children, etc. Because our minds are powerful tools in the hands of God, we have to be able to discern if what enters our minds is coming from this world, hell, or from heaven. And if we know it is from heaven, then we must agree with it and act upon it. That will lead to a transformed life and kingdom living! Your mind must be sanctified unto the Lord and surrendered to the Holy Spirit.
      When we begin to think like God and act like Jesus and hear/see with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can collaborate with Them and bring heaven and earth into agreement through our thoughts and actions. All of Heaven’s resources are available to us through our spirit, which in proper alignment with our soul, prompts our minds to think and act righteously. Our human spirit will get a download from God [through the Holy Spirit] and then impart the divine thought or concept to our soul [which includes our mind]. The soul has to come together with the spirit in order to be implanted with the seeds of revelation, breakthrough, and those things that have been written upon our scroll in heaven. If our mind has been renewed to think from heaven’s perspective, rather than this world’s, then we will be able to receive the heavenly concept, plan according to God’s ruling principles, act on what has been revealed, and produce fruit for the Kingdom. Our mind/soul and the spirit must work together to give birth to the designs of God in the earth

 Romans 12:2     Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.