A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label God's Remnant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's Remnant. Show all posts

September 3, 2024

"Their End Will Correspond To Their Deeds"

I am nearing the 14th year of writing this blog, and as I look back over the path I've walked, and the direction the Holy Spirit and the Lord have taken me, I see how the course of events have influenced what I've posted. I began writing when it became clear that "the fundamental transformation of America" wasn't just a political slogan, but an actual spiritual agenda that was embraced by our leaders and supported by other worldly rulers who had an interest in taking advantage of a change in our nation's foundational principles and rule of law.

We are now well into the de-construction of our historically unique plan of government that has stood the test of time for nearly 250 years. And for most of the last 14 years, we Americans have existed in a state of normalcy bias, unable to conceive that we have been essentially [and crucially] destabilized in order to subvert our unity and reinterpret our Democratic and Constitutional Republic. And what has become astounding to me, is the realization that there has been a corresponding agenda within the Church! 

Just as false and duplicitous wolves in sheep's clothing have entered into our halls of government, education, and public discourse, so have they been invited into our buildings of worship. It's just as it was in the days of the prophets of old (Ezra, Zechariah, and Haggai, among others). As the Jews returned to their land after their exile in Babylon, there was continued opposition to the idea of a restored Judah and Temple. In various forms of duplicity and deception, enemy nations approach the leaders of Judah and offer their help; in essence, saying, "Let us help you build; we seek the same ends you do, and can even accept your God as ours". 

But, the Bible tells us that, in time, "the people of the (other) lands weakened (and tried to discourage) the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in the building. They hired counselors against them, to frustrate their purpose...". Those with spiritual eyes to see can observe that this mimics exactly what we are seeing in our own nation today. Enemies of our country have entered our most sacred institutions and are counseling our next generations against the foundation of how this country was built. We took it for granted that they honored and respected our unique status and our ways, when in reality, they wish to transform it and destroy it; establishing a new form of governance. And let's not ignore the willingness of our own corporations and leaders who are willing to prosper off the ignorance of the people.

Now substitute the Church and Christianity for the Nation. Enemies of God and Christians enter into our Church buildings, saying they wish to worship with us, to prophecy to us, and to seek after our God. But in reality, they are involved with witchcraft or false gods; or seeking their own glorification, often deluding themselves as well as those they profess to be teaching and ministering to. True faith is weakened and a stronghold is established that will ultimately destroy the Church. Our headlines have been full of pastors who have dishonored their calling as Shepherds. And they have left disillusioned and abused sheep in their wake.

What I have described is an age-old concept; one that the Greeks personified in their use of the Trojan horse ... it is any trick or strategy that causes a target to allow a foe into a securely protected bastion or space. Sadly, the leaders of our nation and churches have not been so mindful of the danger and difficulties that ensue from such compromise. I pray it's not too late to regain what we've lost! 

Our Founding Fathers faced the same dilemmas we are encountering when they came together to decide how our new nation would be governed. They adopted many of their governing principles from the Roman statesman, Cicero, who was born nearly 1900 years before the founding documents of this nation were written. In the exceptionally profound book entitled, The 5000 Year Leap, author W. Cleon Skousen, a faith-based political theorist, reveals that, "To Cicero, the building of a society on principles of Natural Law was nothing more nor less than recognizing and identifying the rules of "right conduct" with the laws of the Supreme Creator of the universe". 

In his own words, Cicero wrote this: "There will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times, and there will be one Master and Ruler, that is God, over us all, for He is the author of this law, its promulgator, and its enforcing Judge." These ideas and precepts are as sound today as when they were espoused by Cicero nearly two millennia ago; and they are emphasized in our founding documents. 

But here is where we find ourselves in 2024 ... our society is not in agreement that our Creator exists, not that absolute moral authority exists in Him. In fact, Moral Rightness or Truth have become relative -- everyone can claim their own truth. And when God is not your authority of what is right or true, then it is far too easy to declare that any law or laws based on those concepts of law and government [or the Holy Book that proclaims them] can be ignored or changed. It will become far too easy to alter, repeal, overhaul, or abandon them by an immoral or unjust citizenry, faith community, or body of legislators.

So, what shall be our destiny? The Bible proclaims the path to a righteous and prosperous nation. And the Constitution was designed for a moral and religious [faithful] people. Will we reap what we have sown, or will the cries of the truly repentant restore our nation to one that God will recognize and bless? I pray that God's Remnant will stay focused on Jesus, our Authority in Heaven, and declare a revival of morality and virtue in this nation, and it will pierce the hearts of all those in leadership positions. I pray that hearts in both Government and the Church will be turned away from self-aggrandizement and humbled in servitude to meet the needs of all people. And pray that if God determines that judgment is due our land, that it be swift and completely cleanses us of all sin. 

Finally, I pray that we find our strength and our truth in the Word of God. It is still relevant and it is still Light and Life to our souls and spirits. God's Word has stood since the beginning of time, and it will endure throughout all eternity. Lord, let it be re-established in our land, and let righteous men and women stand united in protecting Your Word from those who would exploit it, pervert it, or oppress it! Let Evil cower in the face of our power and authority, given to us by our Redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ! Help us to turn this land from dishonor and defilement of Your Holy Name to the glorification You deserve! Amen!

Proverbs 10:9   Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.



April 25, 2024

Are You Prepared to be Part of God's Remnant in the Last Days?

I do not ask this question lightly, because it is a very serious one. First of all, does the Body of Christ even understand what and who the Bible calls "the Remnant"? If I had to guess, I imagine most of the Church would say it's a small group of Believers who are left to serve God; either when the rest of the world has fallen away or has suffered His judgment. That would be correct, from a rudimentary point of view. But the true Remnant plays a very critical and crucial part in God's End Times plan. 

Make no mistake, the Bible tells us that God has always had an authentic Remnant throughout history; a small minority of people who remain faithful to Him in times of trouble and tribulation. He knows who they are and they have a distinct purpose and calling. They are very valuable in that their faith remains strong, holy, and steadfast; usually in the midst of God's divine judgment due to apostasy, rebellion and disobedience among those who claim they belong to Him.

We are all familiar with those whom God called "His remnant" in the Old Testament. In the days of Isaiah, the prophet, God revealed the wickedness and betrayal of the Kingdom of Judah and its capital, Jerusalem, as they strayed from Him. In fact, God declared in Isaiah 1:3, But Israel does not know [Me as Lord]; My people do not understand. Ah, sinful nation, a people loaded down with wickedness [with sin, with injustice, with wrongdoing], offspring of evildoers, sons who behave corruptly! They have abandoned (rejected) the Lord; they have despised the Holy One of Israel [provoking Him to anger]; They have turned away from Him.  

God goes on to reveal to Isaiah that it does no good to strike Israel [which includes both the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah] or punish them again because they only continue to rebel. There is nothing healthy in the nation's body and He has had enough. But even in the midst of all their idolatry, depravity, degradation, despicable sins, and ultimately, their destruction, God has called a remnant to seek justice, rebuke the ruthless, defend the fatherless, and plead for the rights of the widow in court. A small contingent of survivors will still serve Him in righteousness and goodness, paving a path of redemption for those who will truly seek it. 

Again, in the Old Testament, we see Noah and His family as the remnant who is left after God sent the Flood to destroy evil from the earth. Both Abraham and Moses served as God's remnant, displaying their faith and trust in God that He would choose them to lead a people set apart unto Him alone. Then there is the story of Gideon, whom God gave a remnant of 300 men [out of 30,000] through which He would rescue the Israelites; and give them victory over their enemies, the Midianites. We also read the witness of Elijah, who in the midst of hopelessness, declares that he is the only one left in all of Israel who has not bowed down to Baal. But what is God's answer to him? He has reserved a remnant of 7,000 who "have not bowed their knee to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him". Through these examples [and many more], we can be assured that God will always keep to Himself a remnant to uphold His holy ways and assure the faithful that He is still at work in the world.

But as the world advances in these Last Days, do you still trust God to provide a righteous remnant that will survive the tribulation and persecution that the Enemy will heap upon it? And are you prepared to be a part of that chosen assembly? Because if your answer is "yes", I believe there are some things you need to understand. In these Last Days, the remnant will be sorely tried and tested -- not only by the world, but by God, Himself. You see, the tribulations, [the pressures, the distress, and the oppression] we will be facing, as Jesus says, "are such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will [be again]". So I believe God will be testing those who have hearts [like none other] to be close to Him and be free of the burdens of this world. They will be people who have no fear of witnessing [to those who hate them] of the glory of God!  

I can certainly identify with my fellow Believers who want nothing more than to abide in the Lord, and to be continually in His Presence. I am so tired of this world and long to be in holy communion with the Lord, and away from all the false Believers and pretenders of faith. I find myself wanting to be separate from society, yet possessing a heart that burns to witness and testify of God's purpose for the Kingdom in every member of society that I come in contact with. As you can imagine, that creates a tension in my soul. And one can find themselves quite lonely in the midst of both the secular community and the "Christian" brethren, because no one understands your battle with the world and "the Church", and they do not see what you see. They don't experience the grief and sorrow over wasted lives who have no fruit to show in their lives or for their love of Christ. And they don't contend with your worry about how these people will endure the suffering of their souls [and the testing of their faith] when the hard times come.

Are you prepared to carry your Cross? Because, you know, Jesus said [in Luke 9:23] that if we want to truly be His disciple, we must deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Him. And that means sharing in His persecution, His abandonment by those who professed to believe in Him, His loneliness, and His death. You may even question if you're worthy to be considered or chosen for the Remnant because you know its your heart's desire to be like Jesus; but you also know you fall short. And yet, you still seek to pay the price to abide in Him. You don't want the accolades of men. You seek only to be tested and refined by the Lord to walk in righteousness with Him. 

The question for each of us is this ... Are we satisfied to be a part of what feels comfortable to our souls? Do we long to belong to the masses who proclaim their love and faith in Jesus? Are we content to believe in a Rapture theory that promises we will escape all that Jesus said we would have to endure to follow Him? Or ... are you ready to lay down everything you are, and everything you own, in order to  remain uncompromised in your faith? Do you believe it when the Bible tells us that we will be hated by the world and despised by those who call themselves "the Church"? Are you ready and willing to stand apart from the crowd and be your authentic self? 

The truth is that those of the Body of Christ who will be qualified to be part of God's Remnant are those who follow His every commandment; those who remain true to their calling and don't look for fortune or fame as they walk out their purpose for God's kingdom on earth. They will be like the five wise Virgins who stayed focused on being prepared for the moment of Christ's return. Only those who know the cost and the eternal rewards of following Him will be called to the Remnant. 

And that reminds me of two instances in Scripture when Jesus reveals the characteristics of those who might be considered for the Remnant. In Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus makes it clear that not everyone who calls Him, "Lord, Lord", will enter the kingdom of Heaven. In fact, He says that prophesying in His Name, driving out demons in His Name, and performing miracles in His Name, is not enough. He says, "I will declare to them publicly, 'I never knew you; depart from Me [you are banished from My presence], you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands]". 

Then in Luke 6:46, Jesus says, "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord', and do not practice what I tell you?" Again, it is apparent that Jesus demands and expects His commandments [which are the commandments of the Father] to be acted upon, not just read or recited or heard. The Remnant will be comprised of those loyal followers who are awake, aware, and ready to be all they were designed to be, even in the midst of the most evil times mankind has ever seen or endured. 

And Jesus has given us those commandments to show us the way to persevere in these Last Days. We must not surrender them to the ways of the world. We must desire to be His Remnant and testify of His righteousness; looking different from the world, and standing with our wicks trimmed, ready to light the way for His Second Coming! And then we will experience the joy of our glorious Homecoming and the rewards of our eternal inheritance. Hallelujah! God bless the Remnant!

Revelation 12:17     And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.