A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts

December 25, 2013

The Hope Of The World

     This morning, many Americans of faith are awaking across our land to celebrate the birth of our Lord.  Others are crowding around beautifully decorated Christmas trees with family and friends, exchanging gifts, eating too much, and enjoying all the festivities that go with a secular holiday.
     As you have gathered from the last four Sunday posts, I am viewing this Christmas season through a much different lens.  So today, I am seeing a larger picture than the familiar image of an American holiday.  While the events of a certain bearded family and a successful cable channel have thrown a spotlight on the image of Christianity in this country and its ability to transform and influence our culture, let me give you a bigger concept to reflect upon.
     Breitbart.com reports that while Christianity is under attack in the West, the religion is rapidly building strongholds in lands as foreign to Christian churches as Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.  To bolster that claim is the assertion that Christianity in the UK is diminishing at a 50% faster pace than believed; and in the United States, the fastest growing religion is Wicca.
    Also alarming are the reports that our faith is under severe attack in the very place of its birth -- the Middle East -- as we hear of assaults against Christians across Egypt, Syria, Iraq and other parts of the region.  While there are those that would love to claim that Christianity is on the decline; nothing could be further from the truth -- especially among non-Europeans in what is often labeled the Global South.  Here the Gospel message is oftentimes just beginning, and the future of the religion lies with reaching the furthest corners of the world from its cradle.
     In fact, the Good News is that the so-called decline of modern Christianity is more of a relocation than a decline, with Christianity consuming a broader percentage of the globe every decade.  According to a June 2013 report by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, the countries with the largest increase in Christian populations are currently Nepal, China, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. The list also includes some of Africa's poorest nations: Benin, Burika Faso, South Sudan, and Mali. No European countries made the list.
     But isn't this what Christ called us to do?  To "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation?"  And didn't He command us to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations?"  At last, this goal looks as if it could be accomplished!  Christianity has spread from its birthplace in the Middle East, across Europe, and after prevailing in the West for several centuries, it is now expanding exponentially to every corner of the world.
     Naturally, this expansion is resulting in growing conflict among the native religions and the burgeoning Christian faith.  Just read my post of December 5th, and you can read about the persecution among Hindus who have turned from their indigenous religion and found the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  The same oppression can be said of new Christians in Sri Lanka, China and North Korea!
     What is so amazing about this phenomenon is that the spread of Christianity among these non-European countries has become so dangerous, that conversion is literally a life-and-death situation.  Which makes following Jesus an extremely courageous step; and yet millions are willing to lose their lives to gain eternity.  Can those who call themselves Christians in the West say the same?
     So while Christians in this country are still comfortable in their worship, and many take the observance of Christ's birth for granted, there are millions of new Believers across Asia and Africa for whom this day has much broader meaning.  Their faith is recent and exciting, and every day is a celebration of the source of Living Water in their lives.
     But we must pray for our new Brothers and Sisters in Christ; this expansion and growth of Christianity comes at a high price.  In Matthew 24:9, our Lord told us, "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers."  The rapes, instances of torture, kidnappings, and the slaughter of Christians across the Middle East, Africa and Asia attest to the veracity of this prophecy.  Still, they are coming in droves to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
     So, let this day be about more than a date on the calendar; let us look beyond both the temporal and the outwardly religious manifestations of this holiday.  Let us contemplate the state of our faith beyond our narrow borders and celebrate that Jesus Christ is still the enduring and only hope of the entire world.  And let us rejoice that God's purpose of spreading the gospel throughout the world is about to be fulfilled.  May all the world know the hope to which He has called us, and the riches of His glorious inheritance!

I would like to acknowledge that today is the second anniversary of our friend Ben Breedlove receiving his inheritance.  We loved Ben as a child of our own, and his story is a great inspiration for all of us.  Ben was a true disciple of Jesus, and with his death, was able to spread the Good News throughout the world.  We love you, Ben, and miss you so much!

2 Corinthians 2:14     "But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere."


December 5, 2013

A Personal Story of Persecution

     It is one of the remarkable blessings of writing this blog --- I hear from a fellow Christian half-way around the world!  This time it came in the form of an email asking for prayer and a word of encouragement in the face of persecution by radical Muslims.  As always, I am humbled that God is using this blog to connect His faithful among the world.  I will let this faithful minister tell you his story in his own words:

Dear Belle in Christ,
     Greetings to you in the most precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ from India!
     We are very glad to share with you that God has given us a burden and vision in our lives to reach specifically to The MUSLIMS by The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have dedicated our lives into His hands to be used according to His will and plan in our lives. 
      Our Lord Jesus is using us to fulfill His plan and will, in and through our lives. Already several Muslim men and women surrendered their lives to Jesus and they are following His teachings. They are witnessing about Jesus and their testimonies to their relatives and neighbors. God is adding more men & women to our worship services almost every week for His own glory.
     Militant Muslims are often torturing physically, and trying to kill us and the believers from Muslim background for their new faith in Jesus. Even though we are facing heavy persecutions and threats by the Militant Muslims, our Lord Jesus is using our lives for the extension of His Kingdom and He has protected us for His own glory. Militant Muslims are constantly trying to murder us. Our lives are in danger at this moment.
      We are in great need of your kind prayers in our own lives and for the persecuted believers. Humbly, we request you kindly pray for God’s protection from the hands of  Militant Muslims. Please also pray that we might be always faithful to His call in our lives and grow in Him.
     This man asked that I not share his name or the name of his ministry, for fear of reprisal, so I will refer to him as Ravi.  In subsequent emails he has revealed more personal details about God's call on his life.  Ravi learned about Jesus by reading The New Testament after receiving a free copy from a Christian organization. His wife, Priya, had learned about Jesus through a Bible correspondence course before their marriage.
     Priya is a registered nurse and she used to work at a hospital.  Ravi says, "One day, God's Spirit asked her to pray for a Muslim lady patient who was admitted at the hospital.  She obeyed His whispers into her heart and prayed for the Muslim lady for the first time in her life. Later on, God had asked her to resign from her work at the hospital and go to the Muslim villages and minister to them through health care ministries. She obeyed His call in her life and she resigned from her work at the hospital. At present, she is reaching the Muslim women and children through the very informal way of health care ministries. God is using her for His own glory and we were able to establish a few house Churches through our health care ministries by His grace."
     But Ravi's story is no less inspirational.  While reading His Word, Ravi felt Jesus calling him to do His ministry, although there was no one to explain the Gospel to him, because he had no contact with Christian people in his area.  However, he felt that God had given him a vision about reaching out to Muslims with The Gospel of Christ.  A ministry was born and Ravi states, "I have surrendered my life into His hands to work among the Muslims according to His will and guidance in my life."  
     But that comes at a very high price!  As people of Hindu and Muslim faith come to know the Lord, their very lives are in danger.  Ravi shared some links with me that will give you a terrifying picture of what it means to be a Christian in this part of the world.  Please go to this link and read their story:  http://www.persecution.org/2012/04/13/islamic-extremists-beat-mock-christians-in-india/.  This is just one of many!
     Then there is the latest email I received, in which he related that he said he was "very sad to inform you that one of our believer's daughter has been raped because of her parents strong decision to follow Christ. The radical Muslims have given threats and asked her parents to return to Islam. But, they didn't listen. Then, forcefully, their daughter was raped and they brought shame on the family. But, still her parents are regularly following Christ and witnessing to their neighbors and relatives. Praise The Lord!"
     As a Christian, I cannot imagine being faced with these kinds of trials.  But, as fellow Christians, I ask you to pray for God's protection and encouragement for these brave souls.  We do not need to know their real names or their precise location ... God knows who they are, and He knows the sacrifice they are willing to make on behalf of His kingdom!  
     Are we prepared to do the same?  Do we have the courage and the conviction of our faith as do our brothers and sisters in India?  If you have ever doubted that the persecution is real or growing, here is your proof.  And if you ever needed a prompting to be about God's business and win souls for Christ, then here is your example to follow.  America is fallow ground and ripe for the planting of God's Word.  We have much work before us!

Philippians 2:17    "Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all."


November 26, 2013

We Ignore At Our Own Peril

     My heart was heavy yesterday as I read one of the lead stories on the Front Page Mag website.  It was titled "Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria Ignored."  The article was written by Raymond Ibrahim, who was born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents who were born and raised in the Middle East.  His family history has provided him with unique advantages, from equal fluency in English and Arabic, to an equal understanding of the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets.
     Therefore, when Mr. Ibrahim reports on a situation in the Middle East, he has a unique perspective and is able to give us insight that our Western media is unable (or unwilling) to impart.  He reports that the massacre took place in Sadad, an ancient Syriac Orthodox Christian habitation; so old as to be mentioned in the Old Testament.  In both Numbers 34:8 and Ezekiel 47:15, it is called Zedad in the original Hebrew language (translated to Sedada in Latin).  It is situated at the northeastern boundary of the biblical land of Canaan, the land promised to the Israelites.
    Now it has been largely destroyed by the forces of evil.  Syria's Christians had fled from the onslaught of the U.S.-supported jihadi “rebels” to the remote desert and Sadad, in hopes of finding refuge and sanctuary from the jihad.  But according to sources in Syria, in late October, the U.S-supported “opposition” invaded and occupied Sadad for over a week, till ousted by the nation’s military.  Among other atrocities, 45 Christians—including women and children—were killed, several tortured to death; Sadat’s 14 churches, some ancient, were ransacked and destroyed; the bodies of six people from one family, ranging from ages 16 to 90, were found at the bottom of a well (an increasingly common fate for “subhuman” Christians).
     Here are the words of Orthodox Christian Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh:  "What happened in Sadad is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two and a half years … 45 innocent civilians were martyred for no reason, and among them several women and children, many thrown into mass graves. Other civilians were threatened and terrorized.  Thirty were wounded and 10 are still missing. For one week, 1,500 families were held as hostages and human shields. Among them children, the elderly, the young, men and women….  All the houses of Sadad were robbed and property looted. The churches are damaged and desecrated, deprived of old books and precious furniture…  What happened in Sadad is the largest massacre of Christians in Syria and the second in the Middle East, after the one in the Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Iraq, in 2010 (al-Qaeda linked jihadis stormed the church during service killing some 60 Christian worshippers)."
     But this statement by the Archbishop is apparently only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the persecution that the nation’s Christian minority has suffered—including beheadings, church bombings, kidnappings, rapes, and dislocation of hundreds of thousands of Christians—since the war broke out.  You see, the "Free Syrian Army" which our diplomats are so fond of touting as democratic-minded freedom fighters, are in reality a conglomeration of Christian-hating jihadi fighters from around the globe.
     A month before Sadad, another ancient Christian region, Ma‘loula, one of the world’s very few regions that still spoke Aramaic, the language of Jesus, was besieged by the jihadis, its churches bombarded and plundered, its inhabitants forced to convert to Islam or die.  The last words of one man who refused were: “I am a Christian, and if you want to kill me for this, I do not object to it.”
     But it was Archbishop Alnemeh's concluding remarks that seared my heart:  “We have shouted aid to the world but no one has listened to us. Where is the Christian conscience? Where is human consciousness? Where are my brothers? I think of all those who are suffering today in mourning and discomfort: We ask everyone to pray for us.” Are we so indifferent here in the Western culture that we can turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the suffering, the persecution and the fate of our fellow Christians?  It seems quite clear to me that there is a concerted effort by those who hate our faith to systematically eradicate it from the lands of its birth.  Christians in Syria, Egypt, Northern Africa, Iran and Iraq are all being targeted for conversion or death. Watch the associated videos with the article, if you can stomach the repeated shouts of "Allahu Akbar"; (which remember, John McCain says merely means "Thank God").
     I fear that our indifference, our ignorance and our arrogance will soon find us facing the same threats  that our Middle Eastern brothers are encountering.  This is not just a regional war, folks.  The force of evil behind jihad knows what hour it is, and that his time is running short.  Those of us of the Christian faith need to be prepared for intense spiritual warfare and, yes, persecution.  The goal of the Enemy is to remove all evidence of a Christian presence.  We will not be spared, nor can we expect any more aid than that which we have offered others.  In other words, if we continue to ignore these atrocities, we do it at our own peril.  The truly sad reality is that many don't see it coming at all.

Matthew 24:12    "And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold."

November 5, 2013

I've Had Enough!

     As I scanned various headlines over the last few days, I noticed a couple of articles on the different ways we do "church" in this nation.  Let me start off by saying, that I know I will be criticized for being "fundamentalist" and "too conservative" and "exclusive".  But I regard the worship and understanding of who God is as significant and consequential; and I feel it should be conducted with respect and reverance, and awe.  And what I am seeing not only disturbs me, but to be honest, saddens me.
     For example, it appears that a small number of mainline churches, concerned with dwindling attendance and looking to break away from tradition, are using beer as a selling point.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Apparently, they feel that this form of worship gives them "the love, the support, and the non-judgmental eyes" they felt was missing from other more traditional church services.
     In fact, they will tell you that combining beer with an ancient Greek phrase, Kyrie, has resulted in forming significant relationships around Jesus.  So just what is Kyrie?  It is an expression that found its way into ancient Christian liturgy.  The phrase is the origin of the Jesus Prayer, ("Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner"), which has been a part of Eastern Orthodox Churches for centuries, and is becoming increasingly popular amongst Western Christians. The biblical roots of this prayer first appear in 1 Chronicles 16:34 ... give thanks to the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endures for ever ...
     I get it that the decline of the church in this country demands that we examine what we're doing wrong; why the Gospel message is not being heard --- or taught, for that matter ---.   The slogan of this church is Kyrie:  For the Wicked and the Thirsty; Church in a Pub.  And adherents to this type of non-institutional, thinking-outside-the-box worship service will tell you that fellowship over beer, with an emphasis on the essence of the Kyrie prayer suits them just fine.  After all, the prayer is simultaneously a petition and a prayer of thanksgiving; an acknowledgment of what God has done, what God is doing, and what God will continue to do.  But is it?  
     The other article that caught my eye was one that touted an obvious and purposeful departure from traditional preaching.  Nadia Bolz-Weber, who in her body and her theology, represents a new, muscular form of liberal Christianity.  It is a theology that merges the passion and life-changing fervor of evangelicalism with the commitment to inclusiveness and social justice of mainline Protestantism. She’s a tatted-up, foul-mouthed champion to people sick of being belittled as not Christian enough for the right or too Jesus-y for the left.  She proclaims that her church (House for All Sinners and Saints), is a Denver, Colorado-based church that’s part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America denomination in which tradition and innovation collide, and where “scripture is honored enough to be faithfully questioned and struggled with.”
     Stretching the bounds of tradition (nothing wrong with that, per se), Nadia is all tatted up and frequently uses profanity to drive home her theology, which she describes as “progressive yet deeply rooted in theological imagination.”  Now my radar is up.  In her biography, she openly touts "emerging churches" over denominational ones, and promotes her preaching style as "not centered on the pastor."  Apparently it's not centered on God Almighty, either.  When you try to find out what the foundation of their belief system is, their website lists the following:

•  The Gospel matters, liturgy is recontextualized, and we are free to reclaim the word "Christian"
•  We no longer have to culturally commute or bracket out parts of ourselves to be in Christian community
•  We are co-creators of liturgy, rather than just passive participants. Aesthetics and theology both matter
•  The community is both intellectually and spiritually stimulating
•  We provide a connection or a bridge to the traditions of the church
    In describing how she conducts the service at her church, Pastor Bolz-Weber says, "We follow the ancient liturgy of the church (chanting the Kyrie (there it is again!), readings from scripture, chanting the Psalm, sermon, prayers of the people, Eucharist, benediction, etc.) We also sing the old hymns of the church."  And she portrays her congregation as "a quarter of us identify as Lutherans; the rest are post-Evangelicals, Methodists, agnostics, Reformed, Episcopalian, and the ever-popular "nothing". Actually, it's pretty easy to look around on any given Sunday and think, "I'm unclear what all these people have in common."
    My point, exactly! What I see in these two deviations from tradition are self-centered individuals with neither reverence, awe, nor fear of God.  It seems that these "churches" encourage their attendees to have a big view of themselves, and a small view of God.  They seem more concerned about making themselves feel good, than pleasing the God of the Universe.
     Don't get me wrong, I'm all for examining the failure of the modern Church in America.  The Lord knows that it has failed the Great Commission given to it by Jesus.  But does anyone see any mention of God in either of these new forms of worship?  I'm sorry, but chanting a repetitive verse (which is what this Kyrie looks to be) DOES NOT adequately "acknowledge what God has done, what God is doing, and what God will continue to do."  Where is the mention that He requires repentance for His mercy?  Where is the indication of His righteous judgment against those who do not follow His commandments?  Yes, He sent His Son, who offers Grace.  But read ALL the New Testament, and you will find that He plays a very important role at the End ... He will come to Judge, whether or not that fits with His makeover that these churches would like to conduct.
     The Church in America is straying ever further from God.  This is surely evidence that people only want their ears "tickled"; they want their needs met, rather than seeking to know the Biblical God and what He desires.  What is perhaps the saddest fact of all, I don't think they really want to know Him.  They only want to satisfy themselves.
     Yes, He is a loving, merciful God; but He is also an Immutable God.  He does not change.  He is the same "traditional" God that these churches are fighting so hard to separate themselves from.   Learn who that God is, and you will find that you don't need new ways to relate to Him.

2 Timothy 4:3    "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."



October 3, 2013

Don't Turn a Blind Eye!

     I don't know how any believing Christian could ignore the headlines:  Islamic Jihadists Murder Sleeping Students in Nigeria .... Jihad Displaces More Than 60,000 in Philippines .... Afghanistan:  Execute Converts to Christianity .... Egypt:  Churches, Schools Razed To Erase Any Christian Presence.  If these news stories don't send a chill down your spine, then your normalcy bias is running in over-drive.
     Yet, even mentioning that Christians are being persecuted and killed by Islamic Jihadist Muslims is either ignored -- or worse -- censured in our national dialogue.  We are told that we are exaggerating, or we are racist, or we are simply deceived.  There are those that would have you believe that this is not actually happening, or at the very least, they are isolated incidents.  Then there are others who tell us that it is happening, but "over there".  This is America!  There are no jihadists in our country!
     But I would venture that the Kenyan mall atrocity should awaken every citizen across the globe to the possibility that they could become targets.  Especially Christians!  That's why I want to point out this fact:  While the above headlines cite jihadist Muslims as the perpetrators of this persecution, they are not alone.  Last month a large mob of Hindus destroyed a Christian church in northern India and then beat the pastor and his congregation.  Four previous pastors were driven away because of this kind of ongoing violence by Hindus against Indian Christians.  But Asia and the Middle East are not the only places.
      Protestant church leaders in Bolivia are bucking a new law that they claim imposes religious beliefs contrary to their own and denies them the right to be a church.  Law 351 stipulates a standardized administrative structure for all religious organizations that would force churches to betray their true ecclesiastical traditions.  Protestant leaders claim that the new law gives the Bolivian government regulatory power over the internal affairs of their denominations to the point of defining what is and isn't a church.  I'm sure you can see that this could become a stepping stone to the government controlling actual church teachings and doctrine.
     Meanwhile, at the Pakistan Consulate in New York City, protesters carried banners stating: "Pakistan is a Living Hell for Hindus, Sikhs and Christians".  Kidnappings and forced conversions are becoming a hallmark in this radicalized Islamic state.  Religious minorities have no voting rights, and Christians in Pakistan face a new period of uncertainty amid news of increased violence against believers and the adoption of what human rights groups call "a move towards a Taliban-style government" in a key region.
     I point all this out to you to make you aware that persecution against Christians has long been the goal of many radical groups.  The increasing number of headlines touting such violence should give you serious pause.  And what nation is seen as being primarily Christian?  If you think that the kind of violence that the rest of the world has been experiencing of late will not infiltrate our shores, then you probably think the Boston Marathon bombing was a random act by two misguided brothers, right?
     Pay attention!  The increased frequency of news reports, along with the increased number of victims should tell you something.  We are living in dangerous times, and my Biblical worldview has informed me of what is on the horizon.  Our Lord warned us that because the world hated Him, it would hate us, also.  So now is the time to prepare ourselves and fortify our spirits.  Know what you believe and in whom you put your faith.  Christians around the world are being tested and our time is soon coming.  Prepare so that you might stand!

2 Timothy 3:12-13    "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."

September 3, 2013

Pray for Syria

     The focus of the world is on Syria.  One particular organization is bringing the plight of Syrian Christians to light.  Open Doors empowers persecuted Christians by supplying Bibles and Christian literature, training Christian leaders, facilitating social/economic projects and uniting believers in the West in prayer for Christians, who are the most persecuted religious group in the world and are oppressed in at least 60 countries.  (I fear that we in America think we are immune to this persecution.  But when it visits our shores, I'm afraid it will be swift and devastating).  Specific to Syria, Open Doors is reporting that Christian women are especially vulnerable to sexual abuse, while Christian men are facing pressure from both sides to join the battle.
     More than two years have passed since the beginning of the civil war between President Bashar al-Assad's government forces and the Free Syrian Army.  According to Nicholas Heras,  a Syrian political commentator, the fight is increasingly taking the shape of a "jihad" against the Syrian government, as opposition forces are ever more "Islamized."  Meanwhile Syria’s Christians are called victims of "systematic militarization."
     An Open Doors contact in Syria reports the alarming conditions in the city of Aleppo, "The situation isn't improving. People talk a lot about the war and expect more war is coming." He says that Christians "are not in a good mood. We pray for a solution, but it seems it is going to be very bad. People are afraid. Especially now that the head of the Church isn’t here; there is still no news about our kidnapped bishop. People want to leave, but there is no way out. People are afraid of being kidnapped when they think of leaving the city by car or bus."
     It is in this light that I wanted to bring you a prayer by a Syrian Pastor, who is a partner with Open Doors in Syrian relief work.  It is a moving and heart-breaking prayer. It gives insight into the suffering of the people who have decided to stay in war-torn Syria.

I weep for my country! I am so sad and speechless…
They advise me to leave my country … to emigrate. I respond saying:
I’m staying … for the church of Jesus … that the message of Jesus may remain a light guiding those who are lost and afraid.
I’m staying … because the harvest is plentiful … and the suffering is huge … a deep wound, a sense of despair.
I’m staying … to follow in the footsteps of my Master who went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil.
I’m staying … because I’m busy in the ministry of saving souls (or, can someone like me run?. … Lord give me strength).

And here is what this righteous Pastor asks us to pray for:

That the cup of war be taken away from our country of Syria.
• That the Lord may crush the conspiracy of the evil ones … and their war plans … and consider their threats.
• That He may send the power of His Holy Spirit on His church that it may reach out to the suffering souls … who — harassed and helpless — are like sheep without a shepherd.
• That the Lord may give us to speak with great boldness and that many wonders and signs be performed. And souls return to Christ, and there be singing and praises.
• That the Lord may send more help that the house of the Lord may have food to satisfy the needs of the internally displaced … hundreds of whom are without any shelter.
• That the Lord may send more support for the wounded and the sick who need surgery, medication and healing.
• That the Lord may send those who can help us build a center for children affected by the war, that we may be able to take care of those who have lost their supporters, and enable them to get back on their feet.
• That the Lord may send those who can help our children who are now disabled, and have special needs.
O Lord, hear and answer my prayers.

     If you are a Holy Spirit-filled Christian, then you will recognize the commitment this godly man has to fulfilling his life's purpose, which has been laid out before him.  Could we .... or maybe the better question is .... Will we .... respond the same way when persecution is upon us?  Will we be focused on following in "our Master's footsteps"?  Will we be a guiding light to those who are lost and those who are afraid?  Because I can tell you that I think the harvest in America has the potential to be greater than anywhere else on earth.  There are so many people in this nation who are in need of the saving grace of our Good Shepherd.  So let's commit to not only praying for this Syrian pastor, a fellow believer in Yeshua, but to pray that we, too, may be busy in our own ministries of saving souls.  Time is running out!

1 Peter 4:17    "For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?"  

June 21, 2013

Nothing New Under The Sun

     For those of you who share my Biblical worldview, you will know why I am writing this post on this particular day.  For those who are new to this perspective, or outright reject it, then simply regard this as a history lesson.  In order to fully explore my premise, I must give you a bit of historical background.  You may wonder where I'm headed with all this, but stick it out, and I think you will connect the dots.
     I was shocked when PLW pointed me to an article on the BBC News Magazine site, titled "The Greeks Who Worship The Ancient Gods."  I urge you to read the entire article, and I hope to be able to inform you of the deeper significance of what will be happening in Greece today.
     In case you weren't aware, today, June 21st, is what is known as the Summer Solstice.  You may think that only means that it is the longest day of the year; when the tilt of the Earth's semi-axis is in the southern hemisphere and our planet is most inclined toward the sun.  But to followers of ancient religions, it is one of the most important days on their calendar.  And it just so happens that there is a segment of the population in Greece who worship the country's pre-Christian gods.
     June 21st begins the Promethia Festival, which celebrates the ancient Greek hero Prometheus.  It is also the most important annual festival for followers of The Return of the Hellenes - a movement trying to bring back the religion, values, philosophy and way of life of ancient Greece, more than 16 centuries after it was replaced by Christianity. Those with a knowledge of the Bible will recall the Hellenists, who battled both the Jews and the Christians in the arena of faith.
     For the Israelites, returning from exile in Babylon, they faced the threat of losing their identity in a new Greek empire and culture as promoted by the Hellenists.  This led to the rise of the hyper-conservative Pharisees and their added, unnecessary laws.  One of the ways Hellenism influenced Christianity was through Gnosticism.  The Gnostic Greek philosophers taught that the earth was created not by the Most High God, but by an underling, several levels below, who imbued the physical nature of his creation with imperfection. The physical was seen as evil. Only the spirit was good. These beliefs manifested in several ways. If the physical is evil, then Jesus cannot be fully man and fully God; He either only appears to be physical, or He cannot be the Son of God. Similarly, if the physical is evil, there is no resurrection from the dead. Instead, "salvation" is reuniting in spirit with the High God.  You can see how this line of thinking negates the full revelation of Jesus.
     What is being celebrated this very day in Greece is an attempted revival of this ancient belief system.  To give you the full ramifications of this movement would take too long and probably be information overload.  So I will try to show you why this seemingly innocent festival has a much deeper and dire meaning.  That's why we need to look more fully at the historical implications presented in the Bible.  Then I hope to show you how those facts play into what is happening in Greece today.
     If you know your Bible, you are familiar with the story of Nimrod, the ruler of Babel (ancient Babylon) as presented in Genesis 11.  Unless you have taken the time to research different interpretations of the Bible and ancient texts, you may be unaware that Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah.  (I could really blow your mind by revealing the genetic makeup of Nimrod, but for the sake of our subject today, let's just agree that he was an evil person who rebelled against God).  Josephus, the Jewish scholar, tells us that Nimrod rebelled against God because he hated God for judging mankind in Noah’s Flood.  He set himself above the plans and purposes of God.
     You most likely know the story of the Tower of Babel -- which was an attempt by Nimrod to bring all the people together under one banner, speaking the same language, and to convince them that if they could build a tower high enough, they could reach the heavens, overthrow God, and become gods themselves.
     Well, we know how that worked for them, right?  God squashed their plan, confused their language and scattered them over the earth.  Now all these different groups spoke different languages and could not understand each other, lessening the chances that they could reunite as one rebellious nation.  But perhaps what you don't know is that Babel indicates the god they worshipped; none other than Baal (also known as Bel). You might know Baal as an evil entity, but you most likely do not know that he was believed to be the son of El, the chief god.  Starting to see Satan's plan to introduce a false concept of father/son worship?  And Nimrod as the mighty king, was a true Baal worshipper, and an instrument of Satan.  He is also considered to be the prototype of a rebellious people, his name being interpreted as "he who made all the people rebellious against God".
     After his death, Nimrod and his wife were confirmed by their priests as gods and his attributes were set forth under different pseudonyms.  He has been worshipped throughout the centuries, and because the scattered inhabitants of Babel spoke different languages, he became known by these different names throughout different cultures and down through the ages.  The ancient Greek and Roman gods, with names like Zeus/Jupiter, Hermes/Mercury, Hades/Pluto, Hercules, Apollo, Pegasus and Helios (the Sun God ... how appropriate for today!) were all manifestations of the "mighty hunter" Nimrod.
     Indeed, the "Spirit of Nimrod" has been displayed in rulers like Oden of the Vikings, the Pharaohs of Egypt, the Kings of Assyria, Babylon, and Persia, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler and Mao Tse Tung, to name a few --- they have all followed Nimrod’s path to power and bowed at his altar.  The Nimrod Spirit comes upon those who want to rule over other men, establishing tyrannical government and putting themselves above God and His purposes.  The Nimrod Spirit deceives the followers of the Tyrant through a false religion such as paganism, or a false philosophy such as communism, which legitimizes the power of the Tyrant.  For those who are not deceived, the Hunter rules through fear and terror.
    Whew!  That was a lot of information!  But it brings us right back to my original point concerning the Summer Solstice.  This group in Greece -- this group that wants to bring back the religions of ancient Greece bear a great resemblance to their ancient ancestors.  Over the course of the three-day event, there are public prayers, two marriages, and a naming ceremony, where followers choose an ancient name - like Calisto, Hermes or Orpheus - and "cleanse" themselves of their modern Christian ones.
     They make statements like "It's going back to the roots. It makes me feel the continuation through the millennia."  They offer sacrifices of flowers and fruit in simulation of the animal sacrifices made in ancient Greece.  They focus their worship on the 12 main gods of ancient Greece and consider their country under Christian occupation.  "When Christianity came in, it claimed it was unique - that there was one God, and all the other gods were false gods, and therefore had to be banished."
     They dress up in togas with wreaths in their hair and by all outward appearances are a benign group.  But it is their willingness to embrace ancient religions that makes them so susceptible to the ancient deception.  In fact, this group states that their movement "is simply an acknowledgement of the gods, in the hope that the gods will help you."  So if they are simply paying homage to their history and cultural rituals -- why would I find that disturbing?
     True, they are very likely unaware of what they are doing, but by bowing to the altars of Apollo, Zeus, etc., they are unwittingly bowing to the Satan-inspired spirit of Nimrod.  Ignorance of who you are worshipping plays right into Satan's hand.  These people have no idea of the fire they are playing with.  These gods are not just fables and fairy tales.  The worship of these entities is rooted in pagan worship of evil idols, which always leads right back to Satan's plan of deception.
     But people are so hungry to connect; to identify with any group that promises renewal and rewards and a sense of "belonging".  It can start out being hopeful.  Just look at how Hitler was able to deceive the German people.  So, yes, you might think that this group celebrating the Summer Solstice is harmless, but I really think that if you open your mind, you can see this same scenario repeated from the beginning of time.  It starts out innocently, and then ..... "In the beginning, they were making jokes, then they were ignoring us, now they are interested," says tax manager Persis Argyros, who has been involved since the start of the movement. "We became too big to ignore."  And that is what worries me!

Deuteronomy 12:30-31    "Take care that you be not ensnared to follow them, after they have been destroyed before you, and that you do not inquire about their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods?—that I also may do the same.’  You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way, for every abominable thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods .... "

April 25, 2013

Army Takes More Steps To Remove God From Military

     You might have seen the report by FoxNews reporter Todd Starnes, that the U.S. Army is directing troops to remove a Bible inscription that a vendor etched into the serial numbers of weapon scopes.  According to the report, the scopes were made by Trijicon and referenced New Testament passages in John 8:12 and Second Corinthians 4:6. The verses appeared at the end of the scope serial numbers as “JN8:12” and “2COR4:6.”
     Soldiers have received written directives to remove the Biblical references utilizing a Dremel type tool, and then following up with black paint to make sure that no remnant of the verses are visible.
     Army spokesmen have attempted to rationalize the directive by saying that the inscriptions were added without the Army's approval; therefore they did not meet some unspecified "requirement" of the contract which was generated.  However, a representative of Trijicon stated that the Biblical references have always been on the scopes and were not illegal.  And it should not be surprising that this issue is suspected of being raised by an individual who is "not a Christian."  Of course it was!
     So, along with many soldiers, I am asking what this has to do with their mission?  How can a Bible verse possibly interfere with a soldier's ability to kill the enemy?  Once again it appears as if someone was "offended".  But why is it always Christianity that offends someone?  What is it that the military could possibly be scared of when it comes to faith?
     Well, consider this .... a recent Christian Post article reported the following about a slide presentation being shown to military personnel:   A U.S. Army Reserve Equal Opportunity training brief describes 'Evangelical Christianity' and 'Catholicism' as examples of 'religious extremism,' according to the Archdiocese for the Military Services and the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, who shared a copy of the documents with The Christian Post. 
slide from Army Equal Opportunity training brief
     "The number of hate groups, extremists and anti‐govt organizations in the U.S. has continued to grow over the past three years, according to reports by the Southern Poverty Law Center. They increased to 1,018 in 2011, up from 1,002 in 2010 and 602 in 2000," reads the first page of the slide presentation labeled “Extremism & Extremist Organizations.”

     Listed alongside “extremist” groups and organizations like the Klu Klux Klan and al-Qaida, the U.S. Army slideshow has “Evangelical Christianity” as the first bullet, followed by the Muslim Brotherhood, Ultra-Orthodox Judaism and farther down on the slide, Catholicism.
     And if this is not enough to sufficiently offend you, then consider this addendum to the above slide.  It reads as follows .....  Extremism is a complex phenomenon; it is defined as beliefs, attitudes, feelings, actions, or strategies of a character far removed from the “ordinary.” Because “ordinary” is subjective, no religious group would label itself extreme or its doctrine “extremism.” However, religious extremism is not limited to any single religion, ethnic group, or region of the world; every religion has some followers that believe that their beliefs, customs and traditions are the only “right way” and that all others are practicing their faith the “wrong way,” seeing and believing that their faith/religion is superior to all others.
     So here's my question --- why is Christianity considered "Extreme" and radical Islam is not?   As far as I can tell, the fact that I believe Jesus is "the only way" does not hurt anyone.  But the very definition of "jihad" is "a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty."  If we are to believe that the "ordinary" expression of Islam is peaceful, what could be more removed from peace than a holy war?  I just would like someone to explain to me why Christians are the only ones who seem to be so easily accepted as "extreme"!
     And what is the ultimate goal for the military in demeaning the Christian faith among their ranks?  And how will the removal of any references to Jesus fundamentally change the souls of those who fight for liberty and the security of this nation?  One thing is for certain ... We live in a fallen world; therefore there will always be wars.   And where war exists, there will be a need for a military.  I shudder at the thought of a military without Jesus at its heart.  In the midst of war, there is much darkness;  and no where is His light more needed.  Let's pray that the forces of evil can be turned back.

2 Corinthians 4:6    "For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ."


April 2, 2013

After The Finale ....

     Now that the final episode of the History Channel's stunningly successful The Bible has aired, what will be its legacy?  What is your lasting impression of the miniseries?  I was, at the same time, thrilled that this epic undertaking appeared to be sincere in the message it desired to impart, while apprehensive that it might be a distorted "Hollywood-ized" version of the Gospel.
     I have to admit that I began watching it with a very critical eye; intent on comparing it with "the real Bible" and holding it to a standard of historical and Scriptural accuracy.  I longed for more details in some parts of the presentation; for instance I felt they missed opportunities in not exploring the story of Jacob's son Joseph, who is sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers.  Joseph’s story presents amazing insight into how God sovereignly works to overcome evil and bring about His plan. After all his ordeals, Joseph is able to see God’s hand at work.  That might have been a valuable lesson to impart to the millions of people watching The Bible, wouldn't you say?
     Another of the Bible's poignant moments that was overlooked was the Golden Calf incident. While Moses spends 40 days up on the mountain receiving God's laws, the Hebrew people melted down the golden objects they had carried from Egypt into a golden idol and worshipped it; merging the pagan practices they were familiar with [in Egypt] and the worship of the God they were just beginning to be re-acquainted with after centuries of slavery.  When Moses discovered their grievous sin, the result was three thousand men were killed that day. The next day, Moses went up and confessed the people's sins before God, asking for His forgiveness. God declared that the guilty ones would yet pay with their own deaths and be blotted out of His book.  That's a pretty important God principle!
     Instead, I watched with my critical eye and was unhappy that the story of Samson was not only so prominent, but the depiction of his wife's death was inaccurate.  And it did not escape me that the producer's of the miniseries confused Persian leaders Darius and Cyrus in the story of Daniel and the Lion's den.   Of course the romantic view of Jesus's birth was not lost on me, nor the convenience of having the Wise Men and the shepherds all arrive at the same moment at the manger scene.  The narrative about John the Baptist's death was conspicuous for the absence of Salome's heinous request of her uncle/stepfather.  I could recount several other "forced" narratives and conversations between characters that do not find their reflection in Scripture.
     But by the third episode, I began to have a different impression of the series.  I could barely keep up with the dialogue and action between the characters because I began to be interrupted by a continuous series of cell phone texts from my brother, whom I have been trying to reach for Christ.  The words I have spoken to him, and the letter I had recently written, (expressing my desire that he ask Jesus to become his Lord and Savior because I wanted him to enjoy eternal life) had resulted in some honest conversation and a spark of interest .... but now all the talking was coming from my brother's end!  He was interested in knowing more about the history of the Israelites and their relationship with God; about Daniel's faithfulness and about Jesus's call upon the lives of the disciples.
     His questions were deep and soul-searching and there was an intense curiosity about this man Jesus and a growing acceptance that He was, at the same time, the Son of God.  His questions gave me the opportunity to present the Gospel in response to his hunger for knowledge --- instead of me pushing onto him my desire that he know and understand my faith.  Does that make sense?
     By the time the last episode aired on Easter evening, he shared with me that he had watched The Passion of the Christ the previous week and had cried.  He also revealed that he now understood that Jesus died for the sins of all mankind; his included.  My fingers were typing messages as fast as I could get the words out, reaffirming his emotions and understanding.  He wants to know more and we have made plans to get together for dinner so he can ask more questions.  The miniseries and our cell phones have done their part; now it's the Holy Spirit's turn.  We live a couple of hours apart, but I would walk in my bare feet to reach him at this point!
     So while I understand that The Bible is far from perfect in its facts and history; for the most part it is theologically sound.  And I have heard some discussion and doubts about the religious doctrine of the show's producers, Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, along with considerable questioning of their social views (gay marriage to be exact).  I will not make excuses for their possible shortcomings.  At this point, I don't really care.  As PLW so astutely pointed out to me, God can use anything to glorify Himself and push forward His agenda .... whether it be the dreams of an evil dictator such as Nebuchadnezzar, or a less-than-perfect five-part miniseries on the book of His Holy Scripture.
     The thought dawned on me that I needed to be careful or I could become like the Pharisees and view every word and image of the series from a legalistic standpoint.  Perhaps God could actually use this flawed vessel of a TV show as a means to reach the millions of unsaved who watched it, such as my brother, and spark a yearning inside them that longed to know more of Him.  If The Bible could do that, then God can use it for His glory, and that is far more important than if Ananias was actually the one who baptized Paul, or if the baptism was done in the method of traditional Baptists.
     As a Believer who views the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, I am willing to overlook The Bible's creative license in its unapologetic pursuit of spreading Jesus's message of eternal life through faith in Him.  I can only hope that God can use the combined flaws of the miniseries and this Sinner to reach the soul of my brother, and so many like him.  To God Be the Glory!

Romans 10:11    As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”

March 27, 2013

Christianity and The Culture

     The last couple of days the U.S. Supreme Court has been hearing oral arguments on the constitutionality of gay marriage.  Along with the issue of abortion, gay marriage will be the defining conflict of our culture.  As a Christian, it is not hard for me to know where I stand on them.  The issue of abortion is clear-cut.  I believe in the sanctity of life from the moment of conception.  And my God has made it clear in His Word how He feels about the sacrifice of children.  Period. End of discussion.
     While I also believe that His Word is explicit and straightforward on the subject of marriage, there are those who attempt to use the emotion of love to justify a relationship that God has not sanctioned.  Genesis 2:24 very clearly defines how God designed his plan for marriage: Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.  That is the ideal relationship; the only one God defines, and that definition has been upheld and sufficient for thousands of years.
     I will not deny that homosexuality has existed throughout history as well; nor that legitimate and committed homosexual relationships can and do prevail.  But the fact that our current culture wants to legally sanction those relationships as "marriage" does not mean they should be so.
     As a Bible-believing Christian, I put God's principles above man's desires or laws.  And I thought I could make the belief in God a litmus test, if you will, for which side of the debate one might fall.  But many who place themselves under the "Christian" banner are now distorting God's Word in order to adapt to this culture.  And this greatly disturbs me.
     One such Pastor of the modern Church is Rob Bell.  He is a disciple of Marcus Borg, the primary leader of the Emerging Church movement.  PLW and I ran up against what we felt were the heretical teachings of this movement about two years ago, and it caused us to leave a church we had attended for 20 years.  In case you are unfamiliar with the Emerging Church, they believe that much of the Bible is outdated and belongs to the "old paradigm" of traditional belief.  They want to adapt the meaning of Scripture to fit an "emerging culture" of tolerance and inclusiveness.  Of course, that produces a sliding scale of acceptance for sins that were once denounced by the Church.  Let me give you a couple of statements from Mr. Borg:

 “I would argue that the truth of Easter does not depend on whether there was an empty tomb, or whether anything happened to the body (corpse) of Jesus…. I do not see the Christian tradition as exclusively true, or the Bible as the unique and infallible revelation of God… It makes no historical sense to say “Jesus was killed for the sins of the world.”
     I am one of those Christians who does not believe in the virgin birth, nor in the Star of Bethlehem, nor in the journeys of the Wisemen, nor in the shepherds as facts of history….” Marcus Borg; 1992 Jesus Seminar.

“I let go of the notion that the Bible is a divine product.  It is a human cultural product, the product of two ancient communities, biblical Israel and early Christianity.  As such it contained their understanding and affirmations, not statements coming directly or somewhat directly from God… I realized that whatever “divine revelation” and the “inspiration of the Bible” meant (if they mean anything), they did not mean that the Bible was a divine product with divine authority."  Marcus Borg, The God We Never Knew

     Get the picture?  That's why it was extremely upsetting to see his pupil, Rob Bell, publicly proclaim that "I believe God [is] pulling us ahead into greater and greater affirmation and acceptance of our gay brothers and sisters and pastors and friends and neighbors and coworkers .... I am for fidelity. I am for love, whether it's a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, a man and a man. I think the ship has sailed and I think that the church needs to just … this is the world that we are living in and we need to affirm people wherever they are."  
     The problem with that statement is it has no semblance of what the God of the Bible called His Church to do.  God never said the Church should conform to the world.  As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are to "teach them to observe all things that I have commanded you." The world is to turn towards Christ.  It breaks my heart to hear a pastor proclaim that Christ's Church is to embrace the world.
      Bell sees the internet as a positive tool in helping Christians to suddenly become exposed to thousands of different viewpoints, so that "you can call your own [beliefs] into question and then experience a refining fire dimension and realize that 'wow, I've been living with a bunch of views and perspectives that don't actually work and don't actually bring life."  Couple this line of thinking along with his latest book, titled Love Wins, in which he challenges the traditional teachings of a literal, eternal hell and belief in Jesus Christ as a prerequisite for heaven, and you can see the destructive paths down which leaders like him can take our impressionable youth.
     So now we have so-called "Christian" leaders who are asking Believers to just get in line with the culture.  We are told, "Celebrate diversity; Allah and Jehovah are just two sides of the same God; and the Church has become too narrow in its views and too exclusive."  The truth is that the Church is being corrupted from within, and the Bible is being reduced to a collection of man-made stories with fairy-tale morals.  You can see how Bell could preach that "The old ways of things don't work anymore."
     The bottom line is this:  Christians need to know what they believe.  You should never have to compromise or "adapt" to the culture.  Jesus very clearly said,  “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." (Matthew 7:13-15).
     It is our Culture that is leading us down the "broad" path towards acceptance of Biblical sin.  And that road of destruction has led right to the doors of the Supreme Court.  Will the nine Justices rule in favor of a national mandate for same-sex marriage? Will they endorse a law that conforms to a defiant and rebellious culture?  If so, we Christians who follow the commandments of Jesus, as stated in His Holy Scripture, will have a spiritual struggle ahead of us.  How do we protect the next generation from losing its moral bearings?   How will we challenge the world to live up to the standards of the Lord?
     For me, I will turn to that hero of the Bible, Daniel, who while in captivity in Babylon, never submitted to the pagan rituals or beliefs of the culture in which he lived.  He stayed true to the commandments and precepts of his Lord, and refused to compromise or make concessions.  I fear that we will all soon be tested as Daniel was.  May we be found as faithful and dedicated.

Matthew 7:21-23      Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

March 2, 2013

See How God Works In Syrian Civil War

     It is far too easy to become mired in the problems of our own country, and forget that half a world away, people are being massacred and forced to flee their homes.  Here, in America, we are focused on Sequestration, gun control, higher taxes and an out-of-control spending problem.  But, in the war-torn country of Syria, people are fighting for their lives.
     CBN.com (The Christian Broadcasting Network) has done a superb job of covering the continuing civil war in Syria.  They have brought us, not only the political news of the war, but the human perspective.  I admit, that the dynamics of this civil war are confusing to me.  On the one hand, you have the tyrannical dictatorship of Bashir Assad, who has committed atrocities against the people akin to Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gadafi.  On the other hand, you have the "rebel forces" who are valiantly fighting the regime, but whose ranks are filled with a conglomeration of Al-Queda jihadists and terrorist insurgents from across the Middle East.  Is it possible to have two "bad guys" in this scenario?
     The real tragedy of this civil war are the hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens who have been killed or forced to flee their homes.  According to CBN, "former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan's cease-fire plan for Syria has been shattered, not only by the massacres [carried out by the Assad regime], but by anti-government attacks from the armed opposition [rebels, terrorists and insurgents]. Blue-helmeted U.N. observers travel from town to town, listening to the accounts of atrocities after they occur."  [Emphasis is mine.]  Once again the U.N. proves it is unable and inadequate!   Exactly what do the U.N. observers hope to accomplish?  Asking all parties "to play nice" hasn't protected innocent civilians from the atrocities of this war.
     One disturbing CBN article reported that "Syria's 2,000-year-old Christian community is being devastated by the country's civil war."  Journalists, in talking to refugees that are flooding across the Syrian border into Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan, have reported that Muslim rebel forces are especially targeting Christian families and communities; sometimes shooting them in the head, just for being Christian.  According to the article, "Syria's population of 2 million Christians is the second largest in the Middle East after Egypt, and now whole villages are disappearing when Islamist rebels arrive."  Where is the international outcry over this inhumanity to man?  According to one patriarch of a Syrian family, "there is a great silent exodus taking place."  Interestingly enough, most Christians remain in Syria while others, Alawites and Sunni Muslims, are leaving.
     It is estimated that there have been over 600,000 refugees who have fled the civil war in Syria.  Many times it is the Christian churches in Jordan and Lebanon who are ministering to the needs of the tens of thousands who are not of the Christian faith.  And it is the tender mercy of Christ's followers that is making an impact on these traumatized refugees.
     As CBN reports, many of these Syrian refugees are experiencing Christian love for the very first time.  "They say you treat us like a human and not like others," one pastor said, even as he is careful to hide his identity.  It is always dangerous for a Christian to attempt to minister to Muslims in the Middle East.  Yet they do it out of love and compassion.  The pastor continued, "[We] take this opportunity to show the light in the darkness because the people who go outside Syria, they are hopeless.  Before they didn't have the chance to listen about the Gospel or about Jesus. But right now we have the chance to show them the love and mercy and our prayer for what we do for them."
     Many of these people flee their homes with only the clothes on their backs.  So you can imagine that when a church offers them a hot meal, clean clothes, and a place to sleep, that they are overwhelmingly grateful.  And if the pastors and churches get the opportunity to share the word of God, then they take it.  "We are caring about their souls as we care about their bodies," the pastor said.
    CBN interviewed one family who had received help from a Christian organization after they fled to Jordan.  The head of the family is a Sunni Muslim who served as a medic for the Free Syria Army, or rebel movement. He said his efforts led Assad's government agents to torture and imprison him.  "They were seeking information about my friends and their movements. I refused to tell them anything," he said. "It was terrible. They beat me so badly, I couldn't lie down for one week."
     "Hamza" said his captors let him go after he paid them money. He and his family later fled to Jordan and now live in an apartment.  Hamza is unemployed; a Syrian friend pays the rent. But Hamza said it is food deliveries and regular visits from caring Christians that have made a lasting impact on his family.  "Going to the church we are respected, we maintain our pride and dignity. Most of the other organizations are not providing help," he said. "The biggest difference between the church and the other organizations is the love and feeling the Christians have for us."
     And that is how Christ transforms lives!  As you can imagine, life as a refugee can be a life in turmoil.  The refugee camps are often chaotic and disorganized.  But as one woman told a CBN reporter, "It was the Bible people that came to us and gave us food and clothes and loved us and played with our children. It was the Bible people who were there for us."
     I guess I wanted to bring you these stories and this picture of the Syrian civil war, because I don't want us to lose focus on how God continues to be present throughout world events.  As I stated before, I confess that I don't get a clear picture of any "good guy" in this conflict.  And I'm a little confused as to why our new Secretary of State, John Kerry, has said the Obama administration will give the Syrian opposition an additional $60 million in aid.  Shouldn't we be a little more certain as to who and where that money will go?  If Al-Queda has its tentacles in the midst of the Syrian opposition, is this really a good idea?  But, as usual, I digress.  This post is about God showing up in spite of our best efforts to spoil His plan.  And He is becoming more evident to the devastated Syrian refugees.
     In the midst of the tribulations of these wartime refugees, "The Bible People" are having an influence in their lives.  By sharing the love of Christ, and meeting their material needs, they are able to show them that hope exists.  Through Jesus, they are shining light into the lives of Syrians fleeing the darkness of war and death.  Pray for their safety and continued blessings on them and the people they serve.

Psalm 22:24     "For He has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; He has not hidden His face from him but has listened to his cry for help."

February 25, 2013

Tim Tebow: A Missed Opportunity

    As I am sure you have all heard by now, Christian icon and celebrated football star Tim Tebow has cancelled his scheduled appearance at a controversial mega-church in Dallas, Texas.  I say "controversial" because Robert Jeffress, the senior pastor of First Baptist Church, has been painted as a "hate-monger" for some of his out-spoken theological opinions.
     I urge you to research his comments on your own; some of which have been noted on The Huffington Post's blog.  Don't accept their opinion, nor anyone else's, for that matter --- not even mine.  You can find a multitude of his opinions by just googling his name.  But read them all, not just a select few.  Read what he has said; compare them to Scripture, and then make up your own mind.  Are they his opinion only?  Are they Biblical?  Do his remarks stand the test of traditional Christian doctrine?  Or are they the ravings of a bigoted preacher, teaching a false doctrine?  You should decide for yourself.
     But, I don't want to get sidetracked from my objective with this post.  It is not to dissect Pastor Jeffress's theological positions.  I have my own opinion, but I don't think his preaching is even the most important facet of this story.  It is, instead, the actions of Mr. Tebow.
     I have been a fan of Tim's; of his willingness to wear his faith on his sleeve (or at the very least, on his Eye Black during football games).  He has not shied away from the importance of Christ in his life --- at least, not until now.
     I can't know his heart; nor can any of us.  Only he knows the true reasons he cancelled his scheduled appearance.  According to news reports, he cited "personal and professional reasons" and a "need to avoid controversy".  And he took to Twitter to express a more personal apology:  While I was looking forward to sharing a message of hope and Christ's unconditional love with the faithful members of the historic First Baptist Church of Dallas in April, due to new information that has been brought to my attention, I have decided to cancel my upcoming appearance.  I will continue to use the platform God has blessed me with to bring Faith, Hope and Love to all those needing a brighter day.  Thank you for all of your love and support. God Bless!
     So here's the thought that keeps screaming in my head .... If you wanted to share a message of Christ's love, WHAT WAS STOPPING YOU, TIM?  If you disagreed with Pastor Jeffress's theology, wouldn't that have been the perfect opportunity to repudiate it?  And if you were only worried about your pubic image in appearing at the controversial church, wouldn't you have enhanced it by showing Christ's love and proclaiming His message?   Christ should have been at the center of your decision, not your reputation or public perception.
     If I had been advising this young Christian man of faith, I would have reminded him that Faith is active, not passive.  And Faith involves risks, not playing it safe.  "A need to avoid controversy?"  That can never be a part of the Christian's playbook!  
     Yesterday, I heard a wonderful sermon by John Maisel, a decorated Marine from the Vietnam War, as well as a celebrated football star himself at OSU.  John has made it his life's mission to reach as many people as he can for Jesus Christ.  Much of his ministry was behind the Iron Curtain during Communist Russia's reign.  He has written a book titled, Radical Trust, in which he recounts the eagerness with which new Believers in foreign countries embrace the Gospel; and they possess a great enthusiasm and desire to share it with others.  They are vocal about what Jesus means to them.
     We, here in the United States, seem to be comfortable to sit in our churches, safe in our salvation.  We aren't vigorous about our faith, and don't publicly reach out to the lost.  When was the last time you engaged in a conversation with a new acquaintance about God? Somehow, we have become unwilling to risk even embarrassment or public ridicule to proclaim Jesus Christ, while Believers in China, Syria, Iran, Nigeria, and Egypt are risking their lives!  They know that God has one agenda, and that agenda is His Son, Jesus Christ.  And the Son's agenda is, has always been, and will be until He returns, to reach the Lost. 
     As Mr. Maisel so eloquently stated in his sermon, "God has placed each of us where we are with Divine and Strategic importance.  It is no accident that you are where you are.... And anytime God asks us to do something, He plans on getting involved in the process."  
     So I would have advised Tim Tebow to not be afraid.  Yes, Tim, God has given you a great platform to share your faith.  And the eyes of this country (if not the world) would have been upon you, had you chosen to appear in Dallas and speak on behalf of Christ.  You see, it should never have been about you or Pastor Jeffress --- it should have been about Jesus!
       But you decided to play it safe.  Apparently, you didn't have the "radical trust" in Jesus that He would be involved in that occasion.  You forgot to factor Him into the equation.  By choosing the comfortable way out, and avoiding the risk, I believe that you missed a great opportunity to show what it means to have the courage of your faith.  Sadly, I am disappointed.  
1 Corinthians 16:12-14     "Now about our brother Apollos—I urged him to visit you with the other believers, but he was not willing to go right now. He will see you later when he has the opportunity. Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.  And do everything with love."

February 20, 2013

The Tribulation: A Sensitive Subject

     Oh, boy, I don't know if I should even go here, but this has been weighing on my soul for some time now, so I am just going to trust my heart.  If you are a Christian, then this post will have relevance for you.  If you are not, you might still want to pay attention to what I think will affect every human being on the planet.  It couldn't hurt to consider these few words.
     As I begin, I want to be sure that you understand I am not trying to make a statement or judgment about anyone's faith or their theological doctrine.  I respect everyone's right to make up their own mind.  God is the real author of this blog, and my thoughts originate from Him.  So as I write each day, I try to discern what the Holy Spirit is revealing to me.  Maybe this is a discussion we need to have.  So here goes.....
     In both the comments on this blog and in personal conversations, I am hearing a wide range of reactions from Christians as to what the future might hold.  On one end, there are those who are on the verge of despair because of the wickedness and evil they see approaching.  On the other end, are those Believers whose default response is "I'm not really worried or concerned, because I know I'm saved.  And besides, we Christians will be raptured out of here before the bad stuff happens."  Of course, across that broad spectrum are many others who are struggling to understand just what the ramifications will be for Christians.
     Before I go any further, I'm going to give you my disclaimer.  I do not profess to have the answers.  I don't have a direct line to God or proclaim to know His timeline.  Far from it!  I firmly believe that "about that day or hour no one knows", so I am just like you, trying to determine what my proper response is to the threats on the horizon.  I'm just one woman thinking out loud, if you will, and having a discussion with those who will listen.
     First of all, I believe that the time in the Bible, known as The Great Tribulation, is real.  I'm one of those Christians who believes that the Bible reveals to us what is meant to be taken as literal, and what is meant to illustrate a spiritual lesson.  It takes prayer and discernment to try to know the difference and it is no easy task.  Unfortunately, throughout time, different "translations" of the Bible have brought us to this time in history when many Christians are confused as to how we are to interpret Scripture.
     The Darby and Scofield Bibles, written in the 1800-1900 time period liberally changed Scripture and are responsible for many of the Modern Church's doctrine.  (Please do your own research on John Darby, Cyrus Scofield, and such topics as dispensationalism and premillennialism.  The doctrine of the Church has undergone many transitions and it is our responsibility to seek the Truth).  I have also been astounded at the progress of the current Emerging Church in convincing Christians that their "paradigm" needs to shift once again.  God's standards never change, so why should the meaning of the Bible?  OK, back to the premise of this post.
     I'm concerned from two different perspectives.  I so want to encourage those on the despairing end of the spectrum (whom I will call the Anguished), while I want to warn those on the unmindful end (whom I will call the Secure).  Please do not take offense at these descriptions; they are not meant as insults.
     I have mentioned in the past that I led a group of seekers in a year-and-a-half of studying the Book of Revelation.  And you might think that, after that amount of time, I could tell you every single thing about how the End of the Age is going to come about.  And you would be wrong!  But that study was such a blessing, and I did learn a lot about different theories of God's plan for the world.  I studied various commentaries and theologians, and ultimately came back to the Bible and its revelation to me.  I want to urge you to study this often-dismissed final Book of the Bible yourself.  The time spent in communing with God will be a blessing in itself.  Through my own study, I learned what I want to pass on to all you of the "Anguished" Group.  Please hear me clearly!  First, I learned in more detail about just what tribulations and trials we will encounter.  That was important.  I can watch for them and help others to understand what is happening.  I want to reiterate that we can't predict a timeline, and that isn't even the point of the Scripture.
     What was more valuable was the underlying message that the Book wants us to hear; it is a Book of encouragement and support for Christians during a time when Evil will reign on the earth.  It tells us loud and clear.... it will be bad, but endure!  And it is actually a Book of such hope because it is revealed to the Apostle John, so that we might know that Jesus is coming back to settle the score and Evil will be defeated!  It is written to encourage and strengthen our faith; to help us persevere and persist through those times you know are coming.  So take heart!  Don't live your life waiting for the worst to happen.  But shore yourself up, and be prepared when the trials come, so that you will be able to stand for Christ and to endure.
     Now, I'd like to address those of the Secure Group; those who are confident that their salvation is certain and therefore think they will sail through any coming trials and "suffer not".  From a purely historical viewpoint, that seems like wishful thinking to me.  Christians throughout the centuries have suffered for their faith.  Why would any Christians, during the Tribulation, be exempt?  Indeed, Christ himself said "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."  We modern Christians often have a "softened" interpretation of what "taking up your cross means"; namely shouldering some burden or heavy load in our life.  But to a person in the first-century, the cross meant one thing and one thing only: death by the most painful and humiliating means human beings could develop.  Therefore, “Take up your cross and follow Me” means being willing to die in order to follow Jesus.
     But thanks to the popular theology originated by Darby and Scofield in their annotated versions of the Bible, many of today's Christians, in the Secure Group, think that we will escape the persecution that centuries of Christians have endured for the sake of their faith in Jesus Christ.  They believe in the "rapture" of the church before the Tribulation as presented in The Left Behind series.  Therefore I fear this group will be unprepared for the coming difficulties and will find these times grim and dark.  I do not want them to succumb to hopelessness or readily accept a tempting "way out" offered by the Enemy.
     I offer these thoughts because I think it is important for each of us to know what we believe and to prepare ourselves for coming trials and persecutions.  Whether we are the generation that sees the End Times or not isn't as important as making sure that fellow Christians embrace the hope and anticipation that comes through our faith in Christ.  Equally crucial is the necessity of strengthening and encouraging fellow Believers to endure and persist in our faith.  We need to know what we believe so that we do not fail our fellow Christians in their hour of need.
     The desire of my heart in writing this post is that all people, rather than concentrating on predictions and timelines, will instead turn to fortifying their faith.  Throughout the centuries, Satan has attempted to alter the Word of God through the different interpretations by man.  Seek the heart of God and discern His message for the Ages.  The one thing I can tell you is that our future will neither be hopeless nor a walk in the park.  But we can know that He is forever Sovereign and in control!

Revelation 1:3    "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."