A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

September 9, 2019

Should We Be Charging For Ministry?

     This post is the result of lots of soul searching and seeking an answer in the Spirit. The question of charging for ministry and equipping the saints has long been a topic of discussion between me and my husband. And I believe it is worthy of discussion here.
     It is also the result of listening to a short podcast by a well-known woman who is seen as an apostolic/prophetic voice in today's Body of Christ. I want to say that I greatly admire her spiritual discernment and wisdom, and was most interested in hearing her presentation on the destructive influence of the spirits of Jezebel and her daughter Athalaia. She disclosed her battles with these demonic spirits and that, through spiritual revelation, she had found the key in Scripture to defeating them. But she closed her presentation with an invitation to find out what that key was by enrolling in her online course for a fee of $79.
     Now, I want to say that this is not a unique situation. Many gifted teachers and ministers take advantage of technology to reach millions of people seeking the Lord; people they would otherwise never be able to reach with the Gospel. And it is a revolutionary way to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. But I personally [and seriously] struggle with charging for this [literally] life-saving knowledge.
     Is it unfair of me to ask this question: If you know the key to defeating Jezebel and her daughter, why would you not freely share that information so that other Believers could be delivered from their bondage? How do you justify withholding that counsel for a sum of money? Please, I am not judging or blaming the ministers of God for making a living. We all have to live in this world and it takes money to meet our worldly needs. And I know that Scripture says, "the laborer is worthy of his hire" (Luke 10:7); or another way to put it is, "the laborer deserves his wages" or "you are my harvester, and you deserve to be cared for." But does that mean we should be charging for what the Lord has called us to, or the revelation He has freely provided?
     I realize this is a touchy subject, and it is certainly one that Mark and I have wrestled with over time. The foundation of our Inner Healing Ministry has always been Matthew 10:8, which says, "You must continually bring healing to lepers and to those who are sick, and make it your habit to break off the demonic presence from people, and raise the dead back to life. Freely you have received the power of the kingdom, so freely release it to others." I remember the first time someone tried to slip me some money after a Healing session, and it literally felt like it burned my hand! I could not conceive taking money for something that Jesus had done [albeit through our obedience and participation]. It just didn't feel right.
     In fact, Matthew 10:9 says [in the Passion Translation], "Don’t heap up silver and gold in your money belts." This Aramaic interpretation is about more than just not taking money, but is about not seeking the accumulation of money by using God’s anointing that He has graciously imparted to you.
     Again, I also understand that people doing the work of the Lord have to make a living. And if the Lord's work is their heart's desire, then how is the financial provision to be made?  I believe there is a difference between offering a service to people that requires materials, a staff, and the rental of a place to conduct the work for the Body of Christ -- these are expenses that must be paid -- and dispensing Biblical instruction to people that costs nothing more than your time with the Lord to receive the revelation. Am I being overly judgmental, or is my thinking wrong on this matter? How did the Early Church Fathers handle this situation? 
     I look to Paul's writings for revelation. Scripture tells us that he continued his vocation of tent-making whenever his ministry allowed. I believe that means that Paul supported himself, instead of charging for his ministry. That seems to be his message in 1 Corinthians 9:16-18, too: "For you see, even though I proclaim the good news, I can’t take the credit for my labors, for I am compelled to fulfill my duty by completing this work. It would be agony to me if I did not constantly preach the gospel! 17 If it were my own idea to preach as a way to make a living, I would expect to be paid. Since it’s not my idea but God’s, who commissioned me, I am entrusted with the stewardship of the gospel whether or not I’m paid. 18 So then, where is my reward? It is found in continually depositing the good news into people’s hearts, without obligation, free of charge, and not insisting on my rights to be financially supported."
     So can you see my dilemma and why this is such a sensitive subject? If the Lord has called us to do the work of the Kingdom, and it is by His gift of anointing that we have been spiritually educated to spread and share what He has revealed, can we in good conscious profit from it? And if your answer is "No", then how are we to support our needs while carrying out our assignments?
     I will share with you a particular situation that my husband and I recently encountered. We were approached by a minister and greatly-respected teacher of the Kingdom of God to assist in managing his growing web-based teaching sessions. We would facilitate the online courses for all those who enrolled in the classes, and he encouraged us to join him in this ministry saying that we could easily earn a sizable amount of money. But that opportunity came at too high a price. It would mean that we would have to give up our own ministry that God had called us to. It didn't take but a few minutes to walk away from that temptation. We knew that God had sanctified us and our property for His purpose and we were on mission for Him. We still see [and approve of] the incredible work this minister is doing for the Lord, and we know it benefits so many Christians, us included. But it is just not the way we want to serve the Lord.
     So, I come back to the question of how do lay ministers who want to freely give what they have received, support the call on their lives? I will tell you that it can be a struggle to balance your desire to pursue your calling and still pay the bills. And if your spirit is not comfortable with charging for ministering to the Body of Christ, then I offer this from Scripture: "Do you not know that those who are employed in the temple service get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in the sacrificial offerings? 14 In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:13-14). 
     In other words, by being obedient to fulfilling the call and purpose on your life to minister to the Body of Christ, I think that it is acceptable [in my mind at least] to receive what we call "love offerings"; financial support freely given from the heart of those who have benefited from your teaching, or those who wish to sow into God's harvest. But I also feel it is an individual decision, whether to give and whether to receive. And there are those instances in which I see books being sold and that money being poured back into the ministry to help dispense teaching materials to the Believers in the field of harvest. There will just be those times when money is exchanged. And it is definitely clear that there are no black and white rules, and each person must go to the Lord to determine his/her path in this debatable arena of ministry. 
     So, the bottom line is this: we are blessed in this season to have an abundance of exceptional teachers and ministers of the Gospel. Each must decide for themselves how they will make a living and what place profiting from God's calling on their lives will hold. Ultimately, it is between you and the Lord. I just bless all who answer the call and pray that their decisions honor God's purpose and will.

1 Corinthians 9:10     Doesn’t He also give us this principle so that we won’t withhold support from his workers? It was written so that we would understand that the one spiritually “plowing” and spiritually “treading out the grain” also labors with the expectation of enjoying the harvest.

September 6, 2019

What's Keeping God From Using You In His Kingdom?

     I was intrigued by an article I saw on the Charisma Magazine website, entitled "There Are Some Types of Christians God Can't Use", written by J. Lee Grady. Since I know that God loves the Body of Christ, I wanted to see what qualities these Christians are exhibiting; and to make sure that I correct any characteristics I might share with them. Here is the insight I received from this thoughtful article...
     One of the most powerful verses in Scripture [for me] is Matthew 7:21, which quotes Jesus: Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. And Jesus was the perfect example of what that looks like. We must be intentional in interacting with God -- hearing His voice above our own; always seeking His purpose and desire in any situation; and then taking action to accomplish His will.
     We know, from John 3:1-5, that to enter the Kingdom of God [or Heaven] we must be Saved [born again]. But, it sounds to me [according to Matthew 7:21] like Salvation alone is not enough to be used by the Father. And we all want to be used by God, don't we? Don't you want to hear Him say, "You have done well, and proven yourself to be my loyal and trustworthy servant. Because you have been a faithful steward to manage a small sum, now I will put you in charge of much, much more. You will experience the delight of your master, who will say to you, 'Come celebrate with me!' "? So, let's consider what might keep us from being useful to God.
     The first thing the author mentioned was Driver's seat Christians. These are Believers who, without question, are Saved, but find it difficult to yield control of their lives to Christ. We call Jesus our Lord, yet do we understand what that word means? He is our Master, our Ruler, and He has full authority over all things on the earth. Yet, there may be times when we find ourselves unable to surrender to His leadership and mastery of our lives. We want what we want, and often find ourselves justifying our actions according to our own desires, rather than the will of the Father -- which is expressly un-Biblical! If you are someone who finds it difficult to submit to the Lord's authority, then He will be unable to trust you in administering His kingdom here on earth. 
     Then there are the Christians we call Armchair Critics.  I find it interesting as I seek God's kingdom before anything else, that those who can't see it, or refuse to see it, are the ones speaking the loudest against my pursuit of it.  Because I know what it feels like to be unjustly criticized, I fervently try to judge another's walk with Christ by the fruit they bear. Their walk may not look or sound like mine, but if there is observable fruit for the Kingdom, then I know it is honoring God. The Holy Spirit does not counsel me to judge or accuse out of anger or pride or a religious spirit. If I want Him to use me, then I will concentrate on His assignment for me, knowing that He is perfectly capable of giving differing assignments to other Christians.
     We all know Christians who are Glass half-empty pessimists, right? They are always engrossed in the headlines, focused on what the news is forecasting, and aligning it all with End Times prophecies. Or when the blessings of the Lord come, they are always waiting for the other shoe to drop. But, I have to ask ... who is God more likely to use in service to His kingdom here on earth? The one who doesn't quite trust Him to secure their good fortune, or the Believer who knows the consequences of following the Lord and is willing to go forth anyway? Who will bear the most fruit for the Kingdom? The Bible tells us that the presence of fruit in your life is evidence that you are a disciple of Christ. He will recognize us by our fruit ... and those whose focus is on a half empty glass will be unable to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and bear a fruitful harvest.
     Perhaps the thing that grieves me the most in the Body of Christ is the Carnally minded Christian. These are the folks who have chosen to compromise with the world and lower [or alter] their standards of moral character and lifestyle. They intentionally blur the lines between what the Bible calls sin and what the world calls acceptable behavior. But God's Word does not change! And His charge to live sanctified lives has not been abolished. The Biblical meaning of Sanctification is still His standard -- to be declared holy and set apart; to be purified and seen as morally acceptable in His eyes. God cannot and will not use us in service to His kingdom if we are approving of the world's sins. We may receive rewards from the world for our compromise, but our works will be unfruitful for the Kingdom.
     There was one description in the article of Christian's that God won't use that I wish to comment on and clarify. The author singled out Church dropouts, and stated that "God does not use people who have turned away from the church." I believe it is important to qualify that statement. I agree with the subsequent statement that it is popular among some to bash the Church out of a bitterness and out of woundedness by the Church. I stand in agreement that God will not be able to use anyone who hangs on to unforgiveness. But there are those of us who have decided to be the Ekklesia, rather than the Church, and we love the Body of Christ. We do not bash "the Church", but rather find that [in its present state] it no longer feeds our spirits and desires to be obedient Kingdom citizens. So we have returned to the spiritual roots of the Early Church and walk together [as an Ekklesia] in a Kingdom model and a Kingdom mindset of service and worship of our Lord. And believe me, I see much fruit in this Godly community!
     Then there are the Christians the author calls Timid Cowards.  God will not be able to use Believers who suffer from a fear to be bold. As the author states, "All those who surrender to the call of God must bravely open their mouths, defend the faith, risk their reputation and suffer rejection—and possible persecution". That can be a huge barrier for a Christian who is afraid of the consequences of such bold action. But Christ calls us to boldness, without fear of the ramifications. Each of the Disciples were willing to suffer martyrdom to expand God's kingdom on earth. We are called by our Lord, Himself, to do nothing less. Just consider the fruit of those obedient lives!
     The last classification is called Lazy Spectators. It's easy in this fast-paced world to get distracted by technology, the demands on our lives, and our busy calendars. Sometimes it seems that we can only give a half-hearted response to the call on our life. But a life that can be used by God makes Him and His righteous Kingdom their priority. It's not easy to be all-in for the Lord. There is much that we give up when we make that commitment. But the rewards are so worth it! When you see that the fruit of your efforts lead to a transformed life in your neighbor, then it makes the sacrifices worthwhile.
     Take it from me. There will be sacrifices made when you answer God's call. God cannot use you if the desire of your heart is for the wealth of this world. So you need to be satisfied and content with just what you need, and what the Lord provides. As you become more obedient in your calling, your time will not be your own. You will find that bearing fruit results in more opportunities to bear fruit -- if that makes sense. But you can't say No to God! You will come to realize that you have a very short time to make a difference in the earth and people's lives. You will want to rest, but find that there is little time to rest. There is always more to do for the Kingdom. You will find that the care of your home suffers, and all the outward appearances of your life no longer matter. You have said, "Yes, Lord! Use me!" and He will take you at your word.
     But I can also tell you this ... once you have surrendered your will to the will of the God of the Universe, and answered His call on your life, there is no way you're going to want to turn back. You will find that the wealth of this world does not compare to the riches in your work for the Kingdom. You will enter into a new Remnant Community of people; people whose commitment and dedication to expanding the Kingdom on earth will unite your spirits and your purposes in this life. You will not get caught up in the distractions of politics, religion, or popular culture -- your mind has been renewed to a higher purpose and you are focused on what God is showing you. 
     But let me also make it clear that there is so much joy in doing the Lord's work. Yes, you will be tired from your efforts, but you will also experience a lightness and elation that transcends your physical senses. You will rejoice in the victories won for the Kingdom; and you will find immeasurable joy in expressing your gratitude for being used by God. There's nothing like experiencing the power of the Lord in His grace on your life. Just say, "YES!"

Matthew 7:16    You can spot them by their actions, for the fruits of their character will be obvious. You won’t find sweet grapes hanging on a thorn bush, and you’ll never pick good fruit from a tumbleweed.

September 3, 2019

Can Wall Street Become A House of Prayer?

     I was really interested when I got an email suggesting that I check into a website promoting a Wall Street Prayer Alliance. At first that seemed like an oxymoron. After all, to average Americans like me, Wall Street isn't exactly thought of as a bastion of moral credibility. To most of us who reside outside of the realms of high finance and investment-for-wealth structures, Wall Street has sort of a tainted reputation... unprecedented greed, immunity from regulation, and exemption from prosecution come to mind.
     And with all the talk of "another recession", the trade war with China, and the dooms-day economic forecasts that the mainstream media are predicting, I thought, "If there is any institution that needs prayer, it is Wall Street. Maybe this is worth checking out."
     Of course, we all remember the economic crisis of 2008, right? According to my limited understanding, banks made risky home loans to buyers with questionable credit. The Big Banks then began trading and selling mortgage-backed securities to try to offset these toxic assets. When investors found out that investment bank Bear Stearns owned too many of these adverse assets, they began selling off their shares, which caused a panic among the major financial institutions on Wall Street, resulting in a Congressional bailout after global stock markets nearly collapsed. And in the course of this financial disaster, Wall Street was forced to get into bed with the Federal Reserve, which even to this financially uneducated citizen, is enough to cause skepticism.
     But, as He so often does, God loves working with a remnant who are called to represent Him. So, I decided to check out this Prayer Alliance, and was greatly encouraged. This story is a reminder that no matter how dark something looks, if we seek the Father, He is more than willing to show up.
     So, what exactly is the Wall Street Prayer Alliance, and why should we, as Believers, take note of it? According to their website, after the 2008 financial crisis, and following a pattern of prayer and repentance, the Lord moved in the heart of a few believers working in the financial sector to establish prayer on Wall Street. Their purpose was to facilitate and meet the spiritual needs of folks involved with Wall Street. Their current intent is to pray for revival by influencing the Economic Sphere of nations starting with Wall Street. They want to encourage and mobilize the Remnant in the sphere of Finance to be good stewards of God's resources. Furthermore, they want to nurture intentional disciple-makers in the marketplace by raising kingdom-minded entrepreneurs to affect communities holistically, birthed in prayer. One of their mottos is Loving and Fearing God first helps loving and serving people better.
     It sure sounds like the Ekklesia that Jesus said He would build in Matthew 16, doesn't it? If you will remember, Jesus used that very specific word (instead of Church) to declare that He was going to build a coalition of a summoned people, assembling together to [not only] receive God's heavenly kingdom government on the earth, but to act upon it; to become agents of change and transformation. And that's exactly the mission of the Wall Street Prayer Alliance: To make an impact in the Economic sphere first and foremost through prayer, by inviting the presence of God into those areas. They want to make an impact by taking action, and instituting change by spreading the Good News. They want to become a strategic Center to foster prayer, evangelism, and entrepreneurship as an extension of the HOP (House of Prayer) movement.
     They plan to collaborate with existing kingdom-minded folks and ministries to mobilize a 5-Fold Ministry which would promote the following Biblical principles:  Repentance: Bringing awareness of repentance and awakening to Wall Street and the Church; Revival: Restoring the Body back to God’s ways, and away from man-made and ritualistic religion; Reconciliation: Reconcile the areas of setbacks and compromise that the Ekklesia experienced with other spheres of influence in existing communities; Rebuilding: Reinstating the basics of Biblical Economy and Kingdom to build thriving communities again like Ezra and Nehemiah; and Release: Empower the remnant for the work of the ministry and liberation of the world through the Good News [of the Gospel of the Kingdom].
     While Revival is a term that is familiar in our nation's spiritual history, the goal of Wall Street Prayer Alliance is not to imitate a revival of the past but to see His glory for this time and generation, as God purposes. And they are not afraid to challenge the Body of Christ and the Church to rise up in their calling, as evidenced by this statement on their website: Wall Street Prayer identifies, connects, empowers and mobilizes individuals who desire to see God’s work revived in their generation, and to  become the change-agents in all spheres of society. It is done by individuals and groups applying Kingdom of God principles into all spheres of life, one person at a time, and to societies at large. The purpose of Wall Street Prayer Alliance is to empower a movement of the remnant across all denominations to bring awareness, awakening and revival, and thus influence the current spheres or mountains of society. The conversions within the status-quo church today produces status-quo converts or half-hearted Christians. As the saying goes, the apple does not fall far from the tree.
     They go on to say, The Christianity [that is] prevalent today is confined to living out a religion in private. [The Wall Street Prayer Alliance wants to see] believers who are empowered to live a kingdom life, publicly impacting others without overexerting on others. The remnant is about coming out of status-quo church to be a counter-culture in the present generation, to be one nation under the King of kings. The purpose of the kingdom movement is to reorganize individually and collectively to preserve the original blueprint of the kingdom of God in the creativity and power of the Holy Spirit. 
     They believe that in the last days, the Kingdom of God shall be established at the forefront of all the spheres that define our generation’s worldview. There shall arise a remnant from the Ekklesia that shall fully be consecrated to the Lord and infiltrate these spheres. As a result people from these spheres shall recognize the kingdom of God and flow towards it. This is the vision of the kingdom of God that He is initiating, and the Wall Street Prayer Alliance partners with, according to Micah chapter 4. 
     So, I ask you -- did you ever think you would hear such spiritual concepts and Biblical truth coming from the heart of Wall Street? Where the temple of Mammon resides in New York City? God never ceases to amaze me! These people are truly living out 2 Chronicles 7:14; humbling themselves and seeking the face of God in the midst of gross corruption and avarice.  And He hears them!
     God longs to revive this nation for His glory! He wants us to return to Him, so He can give us a fresh start! And when I see such a faithful Ekklesia rising up in the most unlikely of places, it gives me great hope. Let's pray that from the heart of our nation's financial district, there will be a spirit and fire of revival that sweeps this land. Let us join them in prayer, contending for our nation and each other.
     I know of so many people who are struggling in today's economy, so Father, we break all assignments from the Enemy that are coming against our finances, in the Name of Jesus. We break all curses of poverty, lack, debt, and financial failure, in the Name of Jesus. Lord, teach each of us, and our nation's leaders, how to profit, and lead us in the way we should go. Thank you, Father, for the Wall Street Prayer Alliance. May their prayer efforts usher in a great harvest for Your Kingdom! Amen!

Please visit the Wall Street Prayer Alliance website for more information.

Psalm 85:6       Will You not revive us and bring us to life again, that Your people may rejoice in You?

August 31, 2019

Fulfillment of the Law, Inner Healing, and The Kingdom of God

     We are all familiar with the Beatitudes of Matthew, Chapter Five. We have heard countless sermons quote these familiar verses. But I will tell you that I never heard a message that linked them to the Kingdom of God, even though Jesus begins by associating them with the Kingdom.
     He says, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for their's is the kingdom of God". When my spirit first recognized this connection, all of the Beatitudes took on new meaning! And while it is not the purpose of this post to examine Matthew 5:1-12, I invite you to read the post I wrote, I Finally Understand the Beatitudes!  Suffice it to say that this amazing Scripture illuminates the blessings of belonging to the Kingdom of God and the spiritual implications of Jesus's rule in our lives. These twelve verses highlight what our spiritual attitudes, goals, and character traits should be as Christians.
     And interestingly, each of the twelve verses simulate the progression of what it looks like when we take this journey with Jesus towards our complete and whole sanctification. First, we are poor in spirit, without a relationship with our Creator; then we mourn for our fallen state; we become meek and teachable; then hunger and thirst after righteousness; becoming merciful and pure in heart; seeking the peace of Heaven; which goes against the world's nature and we are persecuted for our righteousness; ending with us receiving great rewards in heaven for our allegiance to our Lord. That's what it's like to be transformed from a lost soul into a Kingdom citizen!
     But it's what Jesus has to say about fulfilling the Law that I want to examine today. How many times have we read His teachings on Murder, Lust, Divorce, Oaths, Revenge, and Love in the Book of Matthew? We've all seen the simple moral lessons on each of these important topics, and Jesus makes it clear that they are important commandments to follow. He even warns that entering the Kingdom of Heaven depends on us understanding them. But I want to take you a little deeper, if I may.
     Remember, Jesus wants us to understand that He has not come to abolish the law or the prophets, but rather to fulfill them. And have you noticed that He begins each of the five topics He covers with this statement: "You have heard it said [to those of old]"... quoting from the Old Testament and the Law.  But He follows it up with, "But I say to you"... bringing a new perspective to the Law, now that the Kingdom of God has arrived with Him.
     I want you to see and understand two things: 1) He is showing us what a renewed mind, one that perceives things from a Kingdom perspective looks like; and 2) He is showing what the root cause is of these spiritual sins. Let me show you how that works. Let's start with the topic of Murder. Jesus says, "You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder'... But I say, whoever is angry with his brother ... whoever insults his brother ... whoever calls his brother a fool will all be held to judgement. So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Come to terms quickly with your accuser while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison."
     He is showing us how to renew our minds and not give in to sinful actions. He gives us a heavenly solution to a sinful problem. There is no murder or anger in Heaven. But even more importantly, He is showing us that the root cause of murder is the spirit of anger! If you give in to the spirit of anger, and do not change your perspective to a kingdom one, that anger can lead to bitterness, then to resentment, on to hatred, and eventually can wind up at murder!
     Now let's look at Adultery. Jesus says, "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart."  Here, we see that the root cause of adultery is lust. If we give in to a lustful spirit, it can lead to fantasizing, perhaps pornography, and even eventually, adultery. But Jesus gives us a solution. Change the way we've looked at, and bind it as it is bound in Heaven. Put a stop to anything in your life that enables or encourages you to go down that road.
     Divorce is a difficult one. Jesus doesn't have much to say about it:  “It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’  But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery." Jesus quotes the Law and then re-defines it according to the Father's spiritual rules. It's as if He's saying, "You've heard me say that lust is the spiritual root of adultery, and lust is what leads to sexual immorality. So, that is the only grounds on which you can serve a bill of divorce to your wife. No longer can you just decide you want to end the marriage. Any grounds other than the one I have established is not recognized, and is a sin. Divorce does not exist in Heaven. It should not exist here on earth.
     Oaths are another area that He is adamant about.  "Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all....". Here, Jesus is reformatting the Law again. Taking an oath was okay under the Law, as long as it was not false. But in a renewed Kingdom mindset, one doesn't want to take an oath at all. We recognize who we are, and our word as sons and daughters of the King carry all the weight we need. Oaths can lead to destruction, such as the oaths taken by Freemasons against their bodies and the health of their family members. I have seen those oaths destroy families and lives. The consequences of seemingly meaningless pledges and vows have unleashed havoc on innocent lives for generations. Follow Jesus's advice: Let your "yes" mean "yes", and your "no" mean "no".  
     Revenge or retaliation is another topic Jesus addresses:  “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."  There is no revenge in Heaven, except for that exacted by YHWH. Remember: Vengeance is His alone! So a Kingdom mindset turns the other cheek to keep the Enemy from inciting evil; always giving more than what was taken. A Kingdom mindset does not let a root sin of anger develop into bitterness, followed by hatred, which could end up with murder,
     Finally, Jesus ends up with the most surprising advice:  "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’  But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven."  That is so counter-intuitive to the human mind. But a spiritually renewed mind can recognize that that is exactly what Jesus did! True love is a sacrificial love, and it is perfect love.
     So I hope you were able to see the elements of Inner Healing, and see the root causes of spiritual issues in Jesus's teaching. And I hope you were able to peel another layer of revelation off Scripture today. Jesus did not come to abolish the Law, but to bring it to the fullness of its purpose: to help us transform this earth into Heaven. Our Lord has so much to reveal to us about the mind of the Father, and is trying to teach us to renew our minds to see from the Father's Heavenly perspective. These verses offer so much more than "Don't Murder, don't cheat on your spouse, don't get divorced, don't seek revenge, and just love everyone". Jesus is trying to teach us how to live a Kingdom lifestyle and not yield spiritual territory to our Enemy. May we grow each day toward that perfect life and discern His righteousness in all its ways!

Luke 6:40      A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.


August 28, 2019

The Joy Of Seeing Satan Topple And Our Names Written In Heaven

     As I was working on a presentation of the importance of spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom [and the authority that comes with entering the Kingdom], my path through Scripture ended at one of my favorite passages.
     It is Luke 10:1-21, and begins with the 70 [or 72, depending on the version of your Bible] disciples being sent out to do "kingdom work". Remember, there were more than just the Twelve Disciples who followed Jesus and received His teachings and witnessed His demonstrations of the power of God. These 70 were sent out ahead of Jesus to every town He was about to enter. He gives them a crash course on how to walk in the authority He is lending them in order to see the Kingdom of God appear on the earth. [No one has yet received the Holy Spirit, so Jesus lends them His power and authority to teach them how to become laborers in God's harvest of souls].
     When they return, the Bible says they were ecstatic with joy, telling Him,  “Lord, even the demons obeyed us when we commanded them in Your Name!” And here's the part of this passage that makes my spirit shout in victory ... Jesus responds by saying, While you were ministering, I watched Satan topple until he fell suddenly from heaven like lightning to the ground. Now you understand that I have imparted to you all My authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will be able to harm you as you walk in this authority."
     Here's what the Holy Spirit is sharing with me: After Satan and his rebellious hordes were kicked out of the third heaven [where God dwells on His throne], they are conducting their spiritual war with God's heavenly army from the second heaven. [They are also attacking the children of God here on earth]. But every time a Believer follows Jesus's command in Luke 10:9 to "heal the sick, and tell them all, ‘God’s kingdom realm has arrived and is now within your reach!’", it causes Satan to topple from his throne of darkness. A victory over a physical, emotional, or spiritual sickness has been won! That's the spiritual mechanics that were taking place then, and the same thing happens today! We have His authority to trample on every demon and overcome every satanic power. Nothing can defeat us.  Satan loses a battle, and Jesus watches it and rejoices!
     But here's another interesting consequence of our obedience: in Luke 10:21, Jesus says,  "However, your real source of joy isn’t merely that these spirits submit to your authority, but that your names are written in the journals of heaven and that you belong to God’s kingdom. This is the true source of your authority.”
     I am aware that there is more than one book in Heaven in which the stories of our lives are written, but I was curious as to how many there are and what they are. I would like to reference a 2012 blog post on the HorizonWatcher website for this important information. We know that God is omnipotent and knows all, but we are also told in the Bible that there are books that keep track of what is going on down here on Earth. 
     To begin, there is the Book of the Living. The Book of the Living records the destinies of all humans on Earth. Psalm 139:16 tells us "You saw who You created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days You planned for me were already recorded in Your book." The Book of the Living also contains the details of each infant before it was formed in the womb. I imagine this includes height, color of eyes, boy or girl. And Revelation 3:12 says that when we return home to the Heavenly Kingdom, God will write upon us our new name. Perhaps that name is also included among the details listed in the Book of the Living.
     The Book of Life contains the names of those who repent of their sins and trust God for their salvation. When Christ became the High Priest in the heavenly temple and was positioned as the mediator between God and man, this heavenly book was named the Lamb's Book of Life after Christ, who was called the Lamb of God. To enter the eternal kingdom of heaven, a person's name must be in this book. And we know that Jesus told us in order to enter the kingdom, we must be "Born Again", or Saved. The controversy comes with whether one believes a name can be removed from the Book of Life. In response to persecution by proud and arrogant leaders [perhaps both secular and religious], the psalmist in Psalms 69:28 cries out for justice: "Leave them out of your list of the living! Blot them out of your book of life! Never name them as your own!" We know that Jesus proclaims, "no one has the power to snatch believers from My hands", but the question remains: Can they remove themselves by unrighteous and evil acts? For that answer, we will have to wait for Eternity to come.
     Did you know there is a Book of Tears? In the time of Christ, it was a Roman custom to have small tear bottles used to collect the tears of men and women at a funeral. Tears were collected and placed in these small bottles, sealed, and placed in tombs as a sign of respect for the deceased.  Psalm 56:8 says, "You have taken account of my wanderings; [You have] put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not recorded in Your book?" This is such a lovely reminder that God watches over our every step and is mindful of each tear we shed.
     Now let's consider the Book of Remembrance. For a person's name to be recorded in the Book of Remembrance, that person must be a giver [tithe], must fear God, and must be a witness of His name. In the Book of Acts, Chapter 10, verse 4, we see an example of how one man was remembered by God. Cornelius was giving charity for the needy. He feared God and was in prayer at the time of an angelic visitation. His prayers and giving record came up before God and the Lord honored this man with a special family blessing as a result of his faithfulness! If you have ever wondered how God keeps up with your tithes, offerings, and charity to the poor, they are recorded in this Book of Remembrance in heaven. "Cornelius clearly saw in a vision an angel of God who had come to him and said, “Cornelius!”  Cornelius was frightened and stared intently at him and said, “What is it, lord (sir)?” And the angel said to him, “Your prayers and gifts of charity have ascended as a memorial offering before God [an offering made in remembrance of His past blessings]."
     Finally, there is the Book of Rewards. This book is probably the least recognized by religious Christians, yet it will be the most important when they stand before the Lord. There are records in heaven of our deeds and works that are done [for God and His Kingdom] while we live on Earth. And perhaps even more sobering is the fact that there are records of the words we have spoken. We will be judged whether we are worthy to receive rewards, based on our actions and motives and hearts. For those who do good deeds, but their motives and heart conditions are self-serving, they will have to be content with the rewards they received while on earth. 
     Taking all this into account, I love reading Jesus's praise for the Father after the 70 Disciples have returned. He has seen Satan topple and his rule over a person's life defeated. He rejoices with the Disciples that their names are being recorded in Heaven. But the Bible says in Luke 10:21 that He is "overflowing with the Holy Spirit’s anointing of joy, exclaiming, “Father, thank You, for You are Lord Supreme over heaven and earth! You have hidden the great revelation of this authority from those who are proud, those wise in their own eyes, and You have shared it with these who humbled themselves. Yes, Father. This is what pleases Your heart and the very way You’ve chosen to extend Your kingdom: to give to those who become like trusting children."
     As we step into our Kingdom identities, may we all see Satan topple; may our service be worthy to have our names be written in the Books in Heaven; and may we always remain humble like a trusting child. We, too, thank You, Father, for You have given Your authority to those who Seek, first, the Kingdom of God and Your Righteousness. We thank you for this powerful revelation and Your favor in receiving it. We take our responsibilities seriously.

Revelation 20:12    "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. "

August 25, 2019

What The Prophets Had To Say About The Kingdom Of God

     Recently, my husband and I spoke before a group of people about the Gospel of the Kingdom. It was such a spiritual high to see people recognizing (some for the first time) the importance of understanding Jesus's primary message, and to see the implications of entering the Kingdom of God for this generation.
     It amazes me how the Enemy has been able to successfully hide this truth in these latter days of the Church Age. Of course, I understand why -- when Jesus came over 2000 years ago, He declared that Satan's kingdom was coming to an end. In John 4:31, the Lord said, From this moment on, everything in this world is about to change, for the ruler of this dark world will be overthrown.
     The Good News that Jesus was re-establishing the Kingdom of God on earth was a sentence of judgment on the fallen world and meant that Satan's kingdom of darkness would soon be toppled. What's more, mankind [from whom Satan received his dominion of the earth through deception] would be redeemed, and death would be conquered by Jesus, Himself. Man would again be given dominion over the earth; to occupy it and hold it until Christ returned for His final judgment of Evil.
     So, Satan had much to lose if men, who came to salvation through faith in the Risen Christ, ever learned of their restored power and authority and took back their dominion of the earth. So, it should not be a surprise that, slowly over the last two millennia, this truth of the Kingdom of God and our role as citizens of Heaven on earth, has been concealed and shrouded by false doctrines and flawed teachings within the Church. Satan has done a good job of infiltrating our seminaries and leading Church leadership down a path that has succeeded in birthing a powerless Body of Christ.
     But equally amazing to me is that the truth was there all the time ... all we had to do was be diligent in reading and studying the Word. But again, the mantra in far too many 21st Century churches is that the Old Testament has been surpassed by a New Covenant and is no longer relevant. But Jesus says in Luke 16:16, The law of Moses and the revelation of the prophets have prepared you for the arrival of the kingdom realm announced by John. And now, when this wonderful news of God’s kingdom realm is preached, people’s hearts burn with extreme passion to press in and receive it.
     The prophets of the Old Testament revealed that there was a new kingdom coming; they prepared men to be on the lookout for it. And it came with Jesus. And Jesus said that when men hear the good news of this kingdom preached, they will burn with extreme passion to enter into it. 
     We need not doubt the words of the prophets in the Old Testament. They heard directly from God as men called to deliver God's promises of judgment and restoration. They were called to both warn of disaster coming from violation of the covenant with God, and to announce the blessings of a future messianic kingdom [preserving a descendant of David to sit on its throne]. And Jesus confirms this truth when He says, Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
     I don't know about you, but I find great hope in those words, and it makes the prophecies in the Old Testament so dear to my heart. Jesus says He came to fulfill them! He came to bring to perfection all that was written! So, let's rejoice in these hope-filled prophetic words of long ago:

Jeremiah 23:3-4.  YHWH will return to Zion to deliver His sinful [and wayward] people and equip them to extend His saving reign to the furthest points of the earth. Jeremiah expresses this prophecy with an image of God placing shepherds (a symbol of kingship) over His people in the context of bringing them (in a new exodus) out from the nations to which they have been driven ... Then I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their fold, and they shall be fruitful and multiply. I will set shepherds over them who will care for them, and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall any be missing, declares the Lord. 

Daniel 2:44. Daniel shares this vision of permanent restoration and sovereignty in a different way ... And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever …  

Daniel 7:13-14.  The image of an exalted and majestic king is firmly established; one that is approved and authorized by the Father ... I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.

Zechariah 14:9. There will be an end-time kingdom that will dominate the earth and only one Lord and King ... And the Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day the Lord will be one and His name one. 

Psalm 89:3-4, 29.  YHWH is faithful to fulfill His promises to His chosen ones ... I have sworn to David my servant: ‘I will establish your offspring forever, and build your throne for all generations ... I will establish his offspring forever and his throne as the days of the heavens.

Habakkuk 2:14.  Adam’s dominion mandate will be fulfilled and restored through the dramatic saving work of God. Death is conquered at the Cross, and the Kingdom of God once more reigns on the earth  ...  In that day the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
     As you can see, the Old Testament's prophets provided the context within which Jesus could declare that the "Kingdom of Heaven was at hand [had arrived]". Jesus said that He came to the lost sheep of Israel. They knew that YHWH was king, and had always been king of the earth. What they didn't know, or recognize, was that God, Himself, had broken into the world, through the appearance of His Son, in order to reclaim dominion and rule of the earth. What we have not known -- until those with "eyes to see" and "ears to hear" have re-discovered it -- is that through our faith in Jesus, we are to assume the roles of ambassadors, royal citizens, and sons and daughters of the King. We are to continue what Jesus started, putting the Enemy on alert that his time is ending; his kingdom no longer holds power over this earth, and we are rising up in a wave of believers walking in new identities!
     I, for one, am grateful to the prophets of old for overcoming scorn, derision, captivity, and death to bring us the profound blessings of their written words. What crowns and inheritance they will reap on that glorious day when they stand before the Lord! May we honor their faithfulness with our own strength and courage, by declaring and preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God to the whole world as a testimony to the nations. For Jesus says, "then the end will come". And all the obedient faithful proclaim, "Come, Lord Jesus!"

Thanks to Ligonier Ministries for referencing the Old Testament prophecies.
Hosea 12:10    I spoke to the prophets; it was I who multiplied visions, and through the prophets gave parables.

August 21, 2019

Romans 13 And The Kingdom of God

     There is no denying that our nation has been in turmoil over the past few decades in regards to deciding how we want to be governed. The Presidential cycles are becoming more and more hostile; and citizens are aligning themselves along polar-opposite political lines, leading to aggressive and combative attitudes and actions -- not exactly following the commandment in Ephesians 4:32 to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
     But we can hardly say that the world's governments follow the dictates of the Heavenly government can we? And how many people -- even Christians -- understand that how God governs in His Heavenly domain is to be the role model here on earth? I suppose secular people, who have no relationship with their Creator, can be forgiven for not asking those questions and seeking the answers. But, if you call yourself a follower of Christ, it is incumbent upon you to read His Word, taking the whole counsel of it and study what He had to say about how mankind was to be governed; and then pursue an understanding of how His Disciples interpreted government. If not, your opinion is not Christ-oriented.
    All that being said, I would submit to you that most Christians look to Romans 13:1-7 to try to define how we are to regard government. So, let's consider that passage: Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.
     Before we dive into an expository on this passage, I believe [as always] that it is important to look at what is spoken within context of the bigger picture. It can be a mistake [in understanding] if we let these seven verses alone determine our doctrine on what God thinks about earthly governments. So, let's look at who the Book of Romans was written to, and see if that gives us a clue where to start, because all 16 chapters would have been written as one long letter, without the chapter divisions that modern Bibles include.
     Romans, Chapter One, verse 7 says [in the Amplified version], [I am writing] to all who are beloved of God in Rome, called to be saints (God’s people) and set apart for a sanctified life, [that is, set apart for God and His purpose. So Paul is writing to "God's people", not the general secular population of Rome. Furthermore, the Bible records this letter [to this particular group of people in Rome] right after the last two verses of the preceding chapter. Acts 28:30-31 says Paul lived in Rome two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.
     Can you comprehend that when Paul writes in Romans 13:1, Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God, that "every person" refers to every Believer [his audience as stated in Romans 1] and he is reminding them to submit to the kingdom of God's government? 
     There is no reason to doubt that Paul understood that Jesus came proclaiming that the Kingdom of God had arrived [and along with it, its government]; Paul wrote about the kingdom 17 times in the 13 books of the Bible that bear his signature. Since he was writing to Christians and understood that Jesus came to establish God's governing principles on the earth, the "governing authorities" he referred to should be understood to be godly men entrusted to execute Heaven's government on earth. When you understand Romans 13 from the kingdom perspective, then you know who these authorities are, and who they represent. Then the statement "there is no authority except from God" makes perfect sense, and "those who exist have been instituted by God", should tell us that God is establishing an earthly kingdom that resembles His heavenly kingdom [through chosen Believers that will legislate according to His purpose]. And what was God's purpose for man as stated in Genesis 1:26-28? To rule the earth in His stead!
     That makes verse 2 even clearer: Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. Whose judgment? God's! And the next three verses make more sense from the kingdom perspective as well. The rulers who are appointed by God to administrate His kingdom government on earth are not to be feared if you are walking in the ways of a citizen of the kingdom. Only those Believers who stray from the righteous path should be concerned about the authorities of the kingdom. I invite you to think from a renewed mind [one that thinks from God's perspective and not the carnal mind] -- Romans 1:7 establishes that this letter is written to Christians, right? If you read this passage from the commonly accepted viewpoint, you must ask yourself this question: why would God give "worldly" authorities power over righteous Christians? Does it make sense that He would tell us to be subject to them above Him? 
     And I know that verses 6 and 7 might cause confusion because they tell us to pay our taxes to the ministers of God. This has long been interpreted from a secular government frame of reference because we all pay taxes to our nation's government. But when we stop to realize that Jesus came to re-institute God's kingdom and its government here on earth, He was fully aware that He was bringing a new kingdom that would have to exist here in the world; think "in" the world, but not "of" the world. That means God's righteous ministers of His kingdom's government would need to be supported to do God's work here on earth. Since we are in this world, that requires support by earthly means ... taxes and revenue; but all for God's purpose [establishing righteousness among His people], and showing respect and honor to whom it is owed.
     A very dear friend sent me a link to a website called EmbassyofHeaven.com which gives a very good and concise summary of Romans 13: "The best way to understand Romans 13:1-7 is to read it as a blueprint for Christian government. Paul was not telling us to obey Caesar or the Roman State. He was giving us a definition of lawful [kingdom] government. Punish the evil and reward the good ... Jesus did not come to earth to put us under governments of men. He came to bring us a government to replace the governments of wicked men."  
     We must look at the big picture! Paul was beheaded for promoting a rival government to Rome's government. In Romans 12, Paul tells us "do not be conformed to this world." If, in Romans 13, he says to be "subject to the governing authorities", and is referring to the governing authorities of Rome, wouldn't that be hypocritical? No, Paul is presenting a very important argument in favor of the Kingdom of God. It is critical that we recognize our Father in Heaven's government is here NOW -- and that we share the Good News, encouraging every nation, tongue, and people to stop seeking the kingdoms of this world. Let us rejoice that we, in this time and age, are seeing this truth, and let us step into our purpose and destiny as the sons and daughters of the King. Partake of the government Jesus promised His disciples [and all who follow Him]...

Luke 22:24-30   The disciples bickered over which one of them would be considered the greatest in the kingdom. 25 Jesus interrupted their argument, saying, “The kings and men of authority in this world rule oppressively over their subjects, claiming that they do it for the good of the people. They are obsessed with how others see them. 26 But this is not your calling. You will lead by a different model. The greatest one among you will live as one called to serve others without honor. The greatest honor and authority is reserved for the one who has a servant heart. 27 The leaders who are served are the most important in your eyes, but in the kingdom, it is the servants who lead. Am I not here with you as one who serves you?
28 “Because you have stood with Me through all My trials and ordeals, 29 I give you your destiny: I am promising you the kingdom realm that the Father has promised Me. 30 We will celebrate in this kingdom and you will feast with Me at My table. And each of you will be given a throne, twelve thrones in all, and you will be made rulers on thrones to judge the tribes of Israel.”


August 18, 2019

Learning From History: God's Law, Solomon, and The Antichrist

      No matter whether a Christian or not, people can see the rising tide of evil and lawlessness in the world. That has many people wondering if the Antichrist is about to make his world debut. I want to be clear ... I am not advocating that we all begin trying to decipher the Book of Revelation and become fixated on the End Times. But, as Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God here on earth, it is our duty and responsibility to stay awake and aware of the possible signs that indicate that Satan's own ambassador is on the scene.
     However, not everyone is looking at this situation from the same perspective. There are those who are enmeshed and readily accept the conveniences of technology and artificial intelligence in our everyday life -- after all, it is nearly impossible to escape it. Alexis and Siri offer helpful suggestions, and nanotech is becoming a pervasive element in our lives. Have you considered the ramifications of the following nanotechnology: that nanoparticles in pharmaceutical products improve their absorption within the body and make them easier to deliver [insert]; that most sunscreens today are made from nanoparticles that effectively absorb light (see this post on how AI can bend light in our bodies); or that thanks to nanotechnology, a huge variety of chemical sensors can be programmed to detect a particular chemical at amazingly low levels? This capability is ideal for surveillance and security systems at labs, industrial sites, and airports ... and more. Think it might be useful for the "Beast System"?
     Then there are Christians who are either so convinced that nothing will harm them because Jesus is going to whisk them away before "the bad stuff happens", so they're just going to remain "of the world" with all it has to offer -- or the Christians who are so certain that we are on the doorstep of the Apocalypse that they don't ever accomplish anything for the Kingdom. And neither are much good at "occupying" until our Lord returns.
     So, now I would like to get to the point of this article. I do not wake up each morning wondering if this is the day that the Antichrist will show up, but I am alert to the indicators in our world that point to increasing lawlessness and a disregard for God's laws. You see, I am a follower of Christ who knows that my God is a God of order and He expects us to be obedient to His statutes and commandments. My God is the same God who is revealed in the Bible -- the whole Bible. So as I read the accounts of the ancient kings and kingdoms, and how God instructed them, I know that those same laws/commands/statutes/rules apply to modern kings and kingdoms. Our God is immutable; never-changing. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And I know that just as some of the greatest kings of history fell away in disobedience to God and fell from positions of power, the same thing can happen today. Furthermore, it is incumbent upon me as an Ambassador of Heaven's government to be watchful for men and systems and structures and networks that could ensnare and entrap mankind into serving the Antichrist.
     And that is why the reign of Solomon is so interesting. The Bible tells us that because Solomon [upon attaining the throne of Israel] asked God for wisdom and knowledge to rule and judge God's people -- rather than riches, wealth, honor, a long life, or great victories over his enemies -- God "strengthened his kingdom, was with Solomon, and elevated his stature" (2 Chronicles 1:1-10).
     But as has happened to kings, both past and present, it started off better than it ended. As the son of King David, a man after God's own heart, Solomon was given this piece of advice before David's death: "Keep the charge of the Lord your God: to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His judgments, and His testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn. . . for you are a wise man."
     For awhile, Solomon was successful, quelling a civil war and the treachery of his half-brother Adonijah, General Joab, and Abiathar the Priest. Israel's success and prosperity, as a nation, were due to his reforms and innovations such as the improvement of defense measures; the expansion of the royal court; the financial windfall from more sophisticated taxation; labor conscriptions of Canaanites and Israelites; tributes and gifts from foreign countries [who were under the influence of Israel and its king]; and a land and sea trading system that utilized a powerful navy and army to protect assets and trade routes. According to the Hebrew scriptures, “The king made silver and gold as common in Jerusalem as stones, and he made cedars as abundant as the sycamores, which are in the lowland”.
     But as happens so often, men [and kings] are deceived by the temptations of this world and their own pride. Solomon forgot the wise advice offered by his father, King David, and forgot the statutes God commanded as set forth by Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy. According to Deuteronomy 17:16, God demanded that a king of Israel was not to increase his number of horses or make the people return to Egypt to increase his horses.Yet, King Solomon formed alliances [in the name of peace] with other nearby powerful nations such as Egypt, Moab, Tyre, and Arabia -- enemies of Israel! But in 1 Kings 4:26, we find that "Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots and twelve thousand horsemen"; a direct violation of Deuteronomy 17:16.
     But that's not the only reason Solomon fell out of favor with God. In Deuteronomy 17:17, God establishes another of His statutes: "Neither shall he [the king] multiply wives to himself, so that his heart is turned away; neither shall he greatly multiply silver and gold for himself". Yet 1 Kings 11:3 says, Solomon "had seven hundred wives who were princesses and three hundred concubines, and his wives turned his heart away". And 1 Kings 10:22 says Solomon had a fleet of ships, and every three years they brought in gold, silver, ivory, apes and peacocks. In addition verse 14 says "Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold". King Solomon reigned for 40 years, so that's approximately $64.3 billion in tribute alone. I find it interesting that the number 666 is mentioned only twice in the Bible, once here in reference to Solomon's gold trade, and once in Revelation 13:18, identifying the Antichrist.
     Solomon also married foreign women, which God said not to do. According to his wisdom, what better way to secure peace than by marrying the daughters of foreign kings? But it was a direct affront to God's commands. He achieved peace at a very expensive cost. And again, we see Solomon rebelling against God's command in Deuteronomy 7:5, But this is how you shall deal with them [foreign nations]: you shall tear down their altars and smash to pieces their sacred pillars, and cut down their Asherim (symbols of the goddess Asherah), and burn their carved or sculpted images in the fire.
     Yet, what did Solomon do? Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. So Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and did not wholly follow the Lord, as David his father had done. Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Molech the abomination of the Ammonites, on the mountain east of Jerusalem. Would it surprise you to know that Milcom and Molech are gods dedicated to child sacrifice? They reign today in our practice of abortion. The god Chemosh was influential in child molestation; he rules today in the child porn and sex trafficking industries. I guess Solomon knew what he was talking about when he said "there is nothing new under the sun". 
     I ask you to consider the concepts I have brought before you today. When the time of the Antichrist comes upon the earth and its peoples, it will be a time when lawlessness is legalized. Just as in Solomon's days, or Hitler's, or Stalin's, the "kings" of the world are influenced by the antichrist spirit to legalize child sacrifice, genocide of whole populations, abortion, drugs, same-sex marriage, and all things immoral and abominable to the God we serve. 
     While it is important to note that the Antichrist is certain to come in the End Times [and that we are not necessarily exempt from his persecution], it is even more important to remember that the spirit of the Antichrist is always with us. Maybe, instead of trying to figure out who he will be, we should be concentrating on what he will be doing and what systems and programs he will putting in place to control and manipulate the whole world. The Bible doesn't give us an exact idea of who "the Beast" is -- it could be a man, a system, a network, or a structure.  The one thing we do know is that the Bible tells us he/it will deceive the world by the signs [wonders, miracles] that he/it is given by Satan. Could we be seeing those signs emerging in our advancing technology and artificial intelligence, which are certainly being heralded as "wonders" and "miracles" of this age? Is it outside the realm of possibility that, with the rapid advancement of AI and medical technology, a human computer hybrid could be developed and demand to be worshiped? And just as in King Solomon's age, we are seeing alliances among former enemy nations [Russia, China, and Iran] and disparate religions [think Chrislam] -- all united under one system called "globalism".
     I do not claim to be able to identify the Antichrist. Nor do I want to be a sensationalist. But it is foolish to put our heads in the sand and ignore the lawlessness and ungodly practices that are apparent everywhere around us. And, because I see things from this perspective, I can recognize the spirit of Antichrist and warn others to reject it. It is my prayer that more of us will rise up in the strength of the Lord as the children of Israel did -- to discern our times like the sons of Issachar and respond to this time, in this age that we have been born into, through the power of the Holy Spirit. We need not be afraid, but be like the children of Zebulon, going forth into spiritual warfare with all the weapons of our Lord. He will not forsake us, nor leave us; and the victory is ours!

 1 Chronicles 12:32-33            Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do ... Zebulun, equipped for battle with all the weapons of war, to help David with singleness of purpose.