A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Mountains of Influence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mountains of Influence. Show all posts

January 21, 2022

God, Education, and Our Schools

This is a topic that has long been on my heart, and has been prominent in my thoughts. First, a little background ... I come from a family of teachers. My father and his siblings were all teachers. My cousin and my sister are teachers. My brother-in-law has had a long career in teaching and being a principal. My father served on our local School Board, years after he left the teaching profession, because he believed in the importance of a good education, and in serving the desires of the parents in their children's education.

Having come from that background, I have always been interested in the quality of education, what is being taught, and the level of knowledge being attained by students in our nation. As I've gotten older, I have also become aware of the history of education, and how it can become a weapon of indoctrination in the hands of despotic men. At this point, I want to make it clear that this is not meant to be a political post, but rather my own worldview -- both secular and Biblical -- about how education is an important influence in the culture of a people, and should therefore be safeguarded as a virtuous pursuit. 

We can go all the way back to the Garden of Eden to see how important the pursuit of knowledge is to God. He created a Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and warned our forefather, Adam, to refrain from eating the fruit of that specific tree. The Bible tells us that Satan was already in the Garden and Scripture tells us he was crafty [subtle, and skilled in deceit]. God knew that once Adam ate of that fruit, he would became conscious of a choice between good and evil and would be tempted to disobey this commandment, leading to his ultimate doom. We all know the consequences of Adam and Eve's choice... Knowledge of Evil was released on the earth. And the foundational definition of "knowledge" is this: facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Now we see that experience and education leads to knowledge. So, it stands to reason that the facts and the information we receive are important factors in how we are educated, as well as the substance and purpose of the education we receive. From the beginning of time, education, knowledge, and wisdom have been appreciated and sought after. The Bible recognizes that knowledge [coming from education and training] is important. But sadly, it can be subject to corruption. Paul exhorts Timothy regarding this very possibility: O, Timothy, guard and keep safe the deposit [of godly truth] entrusted to you, turn away from worldly and godless chatter [with its profane, empty words], and the contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge” -- which some have professed and by doing so have erred (missed the mark) and strayed from the faith (1 Timothy 6:20-21).

It's apparent in today's world that having knowledge is simply not enough. There are countless people in the spheres of higher education, the media, science, and social philosophy who bear titles that allude to their possession of knowledge. But do they have Wisdom? Man can gain knowledge through his own efforts. But Wisdom comes from God alone. And when you receive Wisdom from God, you receive knowledge of His Truth, understand His Truth, and know how to apply His Truth. There is no greater example of the difference between having Knowledge alone, and having Knowledge plus Wisdom, than the story of Moses. 

Moses was raised as a son in the royal household of the King of Egypt. Along with his step-brothers, he would have been given a classical Egyptian education; taught reading, writing, mathematics, medicine, geography, history, music, and science. The brothers were all taught the same, yet only Moses received Wisdom from God and went on to lead God's people out of slavery and bondage and into the hope of freedom in a promised land. As simple as it may sound, Wisdom is a necessary component to receiving Godly knowledge in any education system, and it can have profound effects on entire peoples, cultures, and nations.

Which brings me [finally] to a good hard, look at our own education system. I can only imagine what God must think when He contemplates how far Wisdom has been removed from our education system, and what serves as Knowledge in our classrooms. There is not only concern regarding what is being taught, but what has been removed. In researching the classical education of children in colonial America, I discovered that the typical education of the time began at about age eight. Students who went to school were required to learn Latin and Greek grammar and to read the Roman historians Tacitus and Livy, the Greek historians Herodotus and Thucydides, and to translate the Latin poetry of Virgil and Horace. A formal education also stressed the seven liberal arts: grammar, logic, and rhetoric, as well as arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. And, of course, the Bible.

Students were encouraged to debate ancient philosophies, and enjoyed the freedom to question dogmas in the pursuit of truth. For those who had little formal education (such as our first President George Washington), the personal study of classical thinkers was commonplace, as was a classical influence from the pulpits of Cotton Mather and Jonathan Edwards. In other words, intellectual curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge, infused with Wisdom from God and the Bible, was a guiding force in the founding and governing of this nation from the beginning. Benjamin Franklin said, "The Bible is the foundation of all education and development", and "The greatest education is the knowledge of God".

Virtue [showing and enacting high moral standards] was valued in our education system. Today, I fear that virtue has been replaced with what has become known as "virtue signaling", defined as showing support for a socially acceptable moral cause without actually doing anything to advance it; a false show of self-righteous behavior; placing more importance on the appearance of moral correctness, than acting morally. 

Instead of the Biblical character of empathy (the ability to understand and share the feelings of others), our children are now taught identity politics; it's all about me, which is the opposite of empathy. And just 60 years after Martin Luther King, Jr. shared his dream of a just nation, we find that we are still judged by the color of our skin, and not the content of our character. 

We may point out that our educational system began failing when God and prayer were removed from our schools by the Supreme Court in 1962. But the Enemy of God began invasively planting seeds of division long before that. At the turn of the 20th Century, our schools began to be infiltrated by Social Reconstructionists who believed that a
society could be reconstructed through the complete control of education. The objective was to change society to conform to the basic ideals of the political party or government in power or to create a utopian society through education. The result has been an increase in the transference of educational authority from the States to the Federal government. In addition, School Boards have become increasingly accountable to social and political causes and groups, rather than to parents who rightly hold them responsible for the education of their children. 

We have recently seen this growing national conflict between School Boards and parents in Loudoun County, Virginia. And I recently watched a live forum on Education in which educators, parents, and policy experts voiced their concerns over the manipulation and indoctrination of students in specific sociological and political ideology. Both parents and teachers voiced the harassment they have endured when they dared to question School Boards about their children's education. It was disturbing to hear how far our Educational system has veered from the standards and goals of a Godly education.

But perhaps the most alarming, yet hopeful, testimony came from a Loudoun County school teacher. She said she found herself cleaning out a classroom [before being moved to a new location] and she cried out to God, saying she was tired of fighting the system and didn't know how much longer she could continue teaching. She lamented how far we've fallen from presenting our children with a fair, true, equitable education that subscribes to Godly principles, and she repented for having failed the children. She admitted she was afraid to fight back against the School Board, having seen the personal attacks that came with that stance. And she told God she was sorry the American people had allowed Him to be removed from the classroom, but she wasn't sure how she could make a difference.

As she reached for the last book on the bookshelf, she saw that it was the Holy Bible. When she opened the flyleaf, it read, "Gifted to the Loudoun County Senior Class of 1955." And she heard the Lord say, "I did not leave. I survived the Supreme Court ban of 1962. I have not abandoned this school, and I have put you in this place for this time to represent Me in this battle for our schools". That teacher said she is no longer afraid to speak up and has joined with other concerned teachers and parents to take back the schools in Loudon County, Virginia. Indeed, that is the goal of the new governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, and his amazing Lt. Governor, Winsome Sears.

I know that this post will have no great consequence in bringing the Mountain of Education under the influence of the Kingdom of God. But I just wanted to remind us all that we have a rich heritage of the pursuit of Knowledge and Godly Wisdom in this nation. It is well worth resurrecting and inviting the Creator of all knowledge to once again be the guiding Light of teaching and instruction for our generations. The road we have been going down has only served to divide us, which pleases God's enemies. Let us join together to preserve the minds and futures of our children. They are our hope. How they are educated will determine if this nation survives in freedom, or descends into oblivion.

Proverbs 4:13     Take hold of instruction; [actively seek it, grip it firmly and] do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life.


November 20, 2020

To The Ekklesia: We Must Fight To Keep Our Faith From Being Redefined!

Dr. George Barna fills an important role in our Christian culture. In 1984 he founded the Barna Research Group and helped it become a leading marketing research firm focused on the intersection of faith and culture [before selling it in 2009]. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the American Culture and Faith Institute, which recently published the results of their survey in its American Worldview Inventory 2020 (AWVI 2020). Sadly, it is not encouraging news. The following is a report by the Cultural Research Center (CRC) on what this survey revealed.

No surprise, the report stated that "American Christianity is undergoing a post-Christian Reformation -- with the nation's major Christian groups rapidly replacing traditional theological beliefs with the culture's secular values." The CRC took a look at Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Charismatics, mainline Protestants, and Catholics and found that they are all "creating new worldviews that are only loosely tied to the Biblical teachings that have traditionally defined them." Instead of the Church influencing the culture, it is as I have stated many times before, the culture influencing the Church. And to state the obvious ... that's not how it should be! The survey revealed some disturbing trends among these faith groups and here is a simplified view of how it breaks down: 

Evangelicals: More than half (52%) reject absolute moral truth; 61% do not read the Bible on a daily basis; 75% believe that people are basically good. The study found that between one-third and one-half embrace beliefs and behaviors that are counter to Biblical teaching and long-standing Evangelical beliefs. My Note: I think we should take a harder look at that statistic, because they could be people like me, who don't necessarily agree with the man-made doctrines which have been corrupted from the original teachings of the Bible. In other words, what are those long-standing beliefs?

Pentecostals and Charismatics take secularism a step further: Two-thirds (69%) reject absolute moral truth; 54% are unwilling to define human life as sacred, with half claiming that the Bible is ambiguous in its teaching on abortion; and 69% say they prefer socialism to capitalism. A full 45% did not qualify as born-again Christians.  My Note: I would like to understand if we are all in agreement on what "born-again Christian" means. Does that mean those surveyed don't believe that Jesus is God incarnate, and do not accept Him as their Savior? Or that He died, was buried and rose again? I would like a little more information on what their "qualifications" for born-again are.

Mainline Christians were the most secular of the four faith groups: 60% of this group's beliefs directly conflict with Biblical teaching. The CRC found that three key values define this group: truth and morality are relative; life has no inherent value or purpose, so individuals should pursue personal happiness or satisfaction; and traditional religious practices are no longer seen as central or essential to their Christian faith. Only 41% of Mainline Protestants are born-again.

Catholics are increasingly secular and permissive. This group's beliefs align sharply with Mainline Protestants, but differ substantially from Evangelicals and Pentecostal/Charismatics. They are most likely to believe in salvation through works (or living a good life), and least likely (28%) to be born-again. They are more permissive than the other groups, being most likely to accept sexual relations outside of marriage, and seeing lying, speeding, and refusal to repay a loan as morally acceptable behaviors. 

It is time that we American Christians face the reality that "the modern Church" has done a poor job of safeguarding and protecting the legacy of the First Century Church. I can look back over my lifetime and see the moral decay that is rotting the foundation of what was established in the Book of Acts. Instead of our Christian churches educating an unbelieving citizenry about morality, values, meaning and purpose, we let the unbelievers influence and impact our worldview so that it is no longer Biblical. We now look like the world, instead of influencing the world to look like Jesus. 

It makes me cringe when I hear this phenomenon called a "Post-Christian Reformation". That title tells me that the impact of Christians in the culture is in the past, and this "reformation" looks nothing like Martin Luther's, which was motivated by a desire to restore Biblical truth and purity to the Church. Our Churches seem to have shifted from focusing on the redemptive and supernatural work of Jesus Christ to a focus on personal efforts and how to be a "good" Christian, instead of an authentic follower of Christ. And in case you think I am over-stating the seriousness of the Church's failings to impact the world, consider some of these statistics from the survey:

• 48% believe a person who is good enough or does enough good works can earn salvation

• 44% do not believe history is the unfolding narrative of God's reality

• 44% claim the Bible is ambiguous on its teaching about abortion

• 43% maintain that when Jesus was on the earth, He sinned

• 43% do not believe our purpose is to know, love and serve Him who created us

• 42% seek moral guidance from sources other than the Bible

• 42% do not identify or confess their sins on a daily basis

• 40% do not believe that human life is sacred

• 40% believe that lying is morally acceptable if it advances personal interests or protects reputation

• 39% identify the people they always respect as having the same beliefs as they do

• 36% prefer socialism to capitalism

• 36% fail to seek God's will and purpose for their life every day

• 34% reject the idea of legitimate marriage being between one man and one woman

• 34% say that abortion is morally acceptable if it spares a mother from financial or emotional hardship

• 32% do not thank or worship God every day

Shocking, isn't it? So, in conclusion, I want to once again, exhort the Ekklesia to rise up and change the direction of our nation and the Body of Christ. We need to lead the Church away from secularization and stand for Biblical relevancy in our culture. Do not compromise and do not fear the rebuke of those who do not agree with you. It is quite apparent that we are a society who has strayed far from Biblical truth and it will be our destruction if we don't return to the righteous path of our Savior. Let us show the culture how powerful the faithful remnant can be!

2 Timothy 4:3-4     For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.




September 3, 2019

Can Wall Street Become A House of Prayer?

     I was really interested when I got an email suggesting that I check into a website promoting a Wall Street Prayer Alliance. At first that seemed like an oxymoron. After all, to average Americans like me, Wall Street isn't exactly thought of as a bastion of moral credibility. To most of us who reside outside of the realms of high finance and investment-for-wealth structures, Wall Street has sort of a tainted reputation... unprecedented greed, immunity from regulation, and exemption from prosecution come to mind.
     And with all the talk of "another recession", the trade war with China, and the dooms-day economic forecasts that the mainstream media are predicting, I thought, "If there is any institution that needs prayer, it is Wall Street. Maybe this is worth checking out."
     Of course, we all remember the economic crisis of 2008, right? According to my limited understanding, banks made risky home loans to buyers with questionable credit. The Big Banks then began trading and selling mortgage-backed securities to try to offset these toxic assets. When investors found out that investment bank Bear Stearns owned too many of these adverse assets, they began selling off their shares, which caused a panic among the major financial institutions on Wall Street, resulting in a Congressional bailout after global stock markets nearly collapsed. And in the course of this financial disaster, Wall Street was forced to get into bed with the Federal Reserve, which even to this financially uneducated citizen, is enough to cause skepticism.
     But, as He so often does, God loves working with a remnant who are called to represent Him. So, I decided to check out this Prayer Alliance, and was greatly encouraged. This story is a reminder that no matter how dark something looks, if we seek the Father, He is more than willing to show up.
     So, what exactly is the Wall Street Prayer Alliance, and why should we, as Believers, take note of it? According to their website, after the 2008 financial crisis, and following a pattern of prayer and repentance, the Lord moved in the heart of a few believers working in the financial sector to establish prayer on Wall Street. Their purpose was to facilitate and meet the spiritual needs of folks involved with Wall Street. Their current intent is to pray for revival by influencing the Economic Sphere of nations starting with Wall Street. They want to encourage and mobilize the Remnant in the sphere of Finance to be good stewards of God's resources. Furthermore, they want to nurture intentional disciple-makers in the marketplace by raising kingdom-minded entrepreneurs to affect communities holistically, birthed in prayer. One of their mottos is Loving and Fearing God first helps loving and serving people better.
     It sure sounds like the Ekklesia that Jesus said He would build in Matthew 16, doesn't it? If you will remember, Jesus used that very specific word (instead of Church) to declare that He was going to build a coalition of a summoned people, assembling together to [not only] receive God's heavenly kingdom government on the earth, but to act upon it; to become agents of change and transformation. And that's exactly the mission of the Wall Street Prayer Alliance: To make an impact in the Economic sphere first and foremost through prayer, by inviting the presence of God into those areas. They want to make an impact by taking action, and instituting change by spreading the Good News. They want to become a strategic Center to foster prayer, evangelism, and entrepreneurship as an extension of the HOP (House of Prayer) movement.
     They plan to collaborate with existing kingdom-minded folks and ministries to mobilize a 5-Fold Ministry which would promote the following Biblical principles:  Repentance: Bringing awareness of repentance and awakening to Wall Street and the Church; Revival: Restoring the Body back to God’s ways, and away from man-made and ritualistic religion; Reconciliation: Reconcile the areas of setbacks and compromise that the Ekklesia experienced with other spheres of influence in existing communities; Rebuilding: Reinstating the basics of Biblical Economy and Kingdom to build thriving communities again like Ezra and Nehemiah; and Release: Empower the remnant for the work of the ministry and liberation of the world through the Good News [of the Gospel of the Kingdom].
     While Revival is a term that is familiar in our nation's spiritual history, the goal of Wall Street Prayer Alliance is not to imitate a revival of the past but to see His glory for this time and generation, as God purposes. And they are not afraid to challenge the Body of Christ and the Church to rise up in their calling, as evidenced by this statement on their website: Wall Street Prayer identifies, connects, empowers and mobilizes individuals who desire to see God’s work revived in their generation, and to  become the change-agents in all spheres of society. It is done by individuals and groups applying Kingdom of God principles into all spheres of life, one person at a time, and to societies at large. The purpose of Wall Street Prayer Alliance is to empower a movement of the remnant across all denominations to bring awareness, awakening and revival, and thus influence the current spheres or mountains of society. The conversions within the status-quo church today produces status-quo converts or half-hearted Christians. As the saying goes, the apple does not fall far from the tree.
     They go on to say, The Christianity [that is] prevalent today is confined to living out a religion in private. [The Wall Street Prayer Alliance wants to see] believers who are empowered to live a kingdom life, publicly impacting others without overexerting on others. The remnant is about coming out of status-quo church to be a counter-culture in the present generation, to be one nation under the King of kings. The purpose of the kingdom movement is to reorganize individually and collectively to preserve the original blueprint of the kingdom of God in the creativity and power of the Holy Spirit. 
     They believe that in the last days, the Kingdom of God shall be established at the forefront of all the spheres that define our generation’s worldview. There shall arise a remnant from the Ekklesia that shall fully be consecrated to the Lord and infiltrate these spheres. As a result people from these spheres shall recognize the kingdom of God and flow towards it. This is the vision of the kingdom of God that He is initiating, and the Wall Street Prayer Alliance partners with, according to Micah chapter 4. 
     So, I ask you -- did you ever think you would hear such spiritual concepts and Biblical truth coming from the heart of Wall Street? Where the temple of Mammon resides in New York City? God never ceases to amaze me! These people are truly living out 2 Chronicles 7:14; humbling themselves and seeking the face of God in the midst of gross corruption and avarice.  And He hears them!
     God longs to revive this nation for His glory! He wants us to return to Him, so He can give us a fresh start! And when I see such a faithful Ekklesia rising up in the most unlikely of places, it gives me great hope. Let's pray that from the heart of our nation's financial district, there will be a spirit and fire of revival that sweeps this land. Let us join them in prayer, contending for our nation and each other.
     I know of so many people who are struggling in today's economy, so Father, we break all assignments from the Enemy that are coming against our finances, in the Name of Jesus. We break all curses of poverty, lack, debt, and financial failure, in the Name of Jesus. Lord, teach each of us, and our nation's leaders, how to profit, and lead us in the way we should go. Thank you, Father, for the Wall Street Prayer Alliance. May their prayer efforts usher in a great harvest for Your Kingdom! Amen!

Please visit the Wall Street Prayer Alliance website for more information.

Psalm 85:6       Will You not revive us and bring us to life again, that Your people may rejoice in You?