A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

July 11, 2015

Blessings On A New York Subway

This post is exactly what I think this world needs to hear.  It was written by Aryeh Ben David, an Israeli rabbi, who recently visited New York, and encountered a beggar on the subway.  It was published in The Times of Israel, and is just one of those stories that you know God had a hand in writing.  But let the good rabbi tell you himself ....

     I am taking the Broadway #1 train from Penn Station to Van Cortlandt Park in the late afternoon. Van Cortlandt Park is the last stop on the line.  About three stops from the end, everyone in my car exits. I’m left alone.
     The door opens from another car. Enters a 30-something year old guy, big, and obviously drunk. I’m at the other end of the car.  He calls out, “Hey, you got a match?”  I answer, “I don’t smoke.”
     He says, “I guess then you wouldn’t have any matches.” He stumbles over to me. I’m getting a bit nervous. He’s bigger than me, and I’m a worrying kind of guy.
     He leans over close to me, about 5 inches from my ear, and whispers: “Tzedaka. You know what tzedaka is?” Surprised and amused, I answer “yes.”
     He waits. I pause. Then I take a dollar out of my pocket and give it to him.  He begins to stumble away.  I don’t know what happened to me, but I call after him, “Hey. I gave you something. Now you give me something."
     He looks back at me, not understanding. I say it again, “Give me something.”  I call out, “I gave you tzedaka. You give me a blessing.”
     He looks puzzled.  I say, “I have a kid who just had 2 knee operations. Do you have a blessing?”  He stops. Looks straight at me, thinking what to say. “I guess you don’t believe in Jesus, huh?”  I shake my head.  He says, “I bless you that your kid will be healthy.”
     Then he takes a step to walk away and stops. Puts his hand on the subway pole, turns back to me and says, “And I give you a blessing, that whatever happens to your kid, God will give you the strength to handle whatever it is.”
    Wow. I was overcome with emotion.  I had given him a dollar from my pocket.  He gave me a blessing from his heart.
     The train stopped. We said goodbye to each other. “Goodbye friend, thank you.” “Goodbye friend, have a good day.”  At the moment, I didn’t know what propelled me to ask him for a blessing.  Looking back, I understand it like this:
     Asking for something – a cigarette or money – can be a very degrading and humiliating experience.  He had given me the chance to be a giving person – to give to him. Though I hesitated and didn’t give with a full, open heart or smile, after giving something to him – I actually felt good about myself.
     I wanted to offer him, too, the chance to give something and feel good about himself.  In the end, he gave me so much – a moment of netzach, of eternity – a moment that I will never forget.
     Our souls are wired to give. That’s how the Creator created us. Sometimes the kindest act we can do is to receive – to allow someone else to give to us.

     I dare you not to smile at this inspirational story, and I'm betting that you're feeling a soft glow around your heart, as well.  Although the rabbi doesn't believe in Jesus as his Messiah, or Savior, if I could speak to him for just a moment ... I would tell him that perhaps that beggar was an angel sent by Jesus to show him how little it costs to give the gift of love to another human being.  And for us Christians, it is a sweet story that reminds us of all it cost Jesus to show us His love for us.  I can't think of a better way to start our day!

Galatians 3:14   "So that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith."


July 10, 2015

How Do You Define Security?

     There are days I pray to God to reveal to me the mystery of a particular event in the world; and then there are days I'm not sure I want to know, or am even capable of understanding all the intricate paths it would lead me down.  Today is such a day.  The latest headline blasting from my computer is that the Office of Personnel Management has announced that over 21,000,000 federal employees have had their personal information hacked in the latest security breach.  Add that to the 4.2 million who were hacked just last month.
     Those much smarter than me want to follow the bread crumbs to China.  Coincidentally, if you listen to the conspiracies swirling in the blogosphere, China is also tied to the shutdown of the New York Stock Exchange earlier this week.  (Could the 4-hour halt at the NYSE have been a preventative measure against a cyber attack?)  Of course, government officials will tell you there's nothing to the rumors ... and, by the way, there was no connection to the computer "glitches" over at United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal, either.  Having trouble with cell phone outages?  Just look the other way; it was nothing.
     And, oh yeah, just ignore whatever the conspiracy nuts are telling you about a "space war" among China, Russia and the U.S.  There's no need to look at the possibilities that satellites can be utilized to become EMP weapons.  That's just some science fiction theory.  And there are still those who say it is all a buildup to that unexplainable date of July 15th for the equally perplexing "exercises" called Jade Helm.
    I'm sorry, but I have no explanations and no answers.  The world seems to be caught up in a spiraling vortex of economic catastrophes (think Greece) and threatening cyber-security issues, as we rush headlong towards a nuclear Iran.
     Do I really want God to show me the truth?  Because, to be honest with you, it looks a whole lot like the Book of Revelation is about to play out.  If the world's super powers are really playing chicken with satellite EMPs, then how long before one of them decides to take the big dare and we are plunged into a new reality that none of us want to see?  And how can we possibly feel secure in light of all these reports?
     For those of us who are followers of Christ, we know that there is no security in this world except that which is certain in our salvation.  But if we are looking for freedom from danger; or desiring stability; or hoping for safeguards against a world that is coming ever closer to the revealing of the Anti-Christ, then I'm afraid we need to face the facts.  And they are right in front of us ... it is happening nearly every day.
     We need to realize that what the world counts as security ... our jobs, our bank accounts, our comfortable lives ... could be gone in a flash; literally.  If you are a Christian, then get real with God and ask Him to be your fortress, your stronghold, and your shield.  Ask Him to help you reach others, so that they can shelter in the Lord.  It will be more important than ever that you are prepared to share why you have asked Jesus to be your Savior; why they need to know Him.  Don't sugar-coat it; this won't be the time for the passive Jesus speech.  Everyone needs to receive the full personification of our Lord.
     Yes, He loves you enough to have given His life for you and to have taken the punishment for your sins.  But what is about to come upon the earth will cause Him to leave Heaven and wage war against the wicked.  If your name has not been written in the Book of Life, He will not claim you as His own.  We all need to search our souls and cleanse them from any unrighteousness, and get prepared to get in the fight -- and to lead others to make the right choice.  Today, we are feeling a little less secure because of all the attacks against the world's infrastructure.  Tomorrow, we could feel the full force of the Enemy's attacks against our very existence in this world.  Now is the time to anchor ourselves to the Lord.  No one can snatch us out of His hand.  He is our firm foundation, and we can be secure in our position; both here on earth and in eternity.

Job 11:18    "And you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and take your rest in security."

July 9, 2015

Thank You, Donald!

     I usually don't like to get into the political debate spectrum of writing, but I have to admit it's been kind of fun watching the media circus surrounding Donald Trump.  First of all, you never know what kind of off-the-cuff (and cringe-worthy) remark he is going to make.  When all is said and done, I don't think he ever makes a statement in which he doesn't offend someone.  But, you know, that's kind of refreshing; and I think it is the key to his success in the polls.
     No matter how much the talking heads try to spin it, they can't deny that he's proving popular with the American people.  And why is that, do you think?  Everybody from Rush Limbaugh to MSNBC is trying to dissect and terminate his appeal; and maybe it's as simple as he's not a politician and people are enjoying his frankness and candor, whether they agree with him or not.
     I can only speak for myself, but I think the American people see Donald Trump as a possible champion of the shrinking Middle Class.  True, the other candidates all proclaim the same thing.  But only Donald Trump has the courage to cut through the politically correct nonsense and say what we in the heartland are really thinking ... illegal immigration IS hurting America; Common Core IS bad for our kids; climate change IS a hoax; and our foreign policy DOES seem designed to destroy America.
     When he says that he wants to save his country, I actually believe him.  Now, can we expect that his businesses might profit from his economic policies to put Americans back to work?  He'd be a fool not to benefit, wouldn't he?  And would you really care if he added another million or two to his portfolio, if domestic manufacturing once again dominated the global economy, and the jobless rate in this country took a nosedive?
     Just one day after he was ridiculed for saying "illegal immigrants are destroying the fabric of the country while the middle class is getting decimated", we had the horrific case of the Kathryn Steinle murder in San Francisco, committed by a 7-time illegal felon.  Now the whole country is talking about a situation that the administration, media, and politicians have tried to sweep under the rug.  Maybe Donald Trump's language is a little course; and certainly not every illegal immigrant is a felon, but he has managed to shine the spotlight on the issue, while others have tried to keep us in the dark.
     And I am finally glad to hear someone make a real case against Common Core; someone who isn't afraid to ask, "Do you want Washington, D.C. educating your kids?"  Like many Americans, Trump believes in state and local control ... whether it be taxes, infrastructure, or school curriculum.
     I think Americans applaud his common sense approach to issues.  He may not seem particularly "statesman-like", but maybe we're just a little tired of having everything forced down our throats by the political machine.  Take his stance on the vaccine controversy, for instance.  Rather than having to pick a side, either pro or con, Trump chooses to express his opinion that perhaps we don't need to advocate massive combined inoculations to small children, which he believes could be the cause for a big increase in autism.  He suggests spreading the shots over a long period, and watch the positive result.  He says, "What's the harm in that?  And I believe we will see autism rates go way down."  Doesn't that sound better than mandatory vaccinations?  Don't you think that you might get better cooperation from those on both sides of this issue?  Isn't it time for a little common sense on this topic?
     There will be those who worry about his abilities and experience to militarily defend the homeland.  But, once again, I think his success as a businessman has shown us that he's smart enough to appoint the military experts he needs in order to get the job done.  Just watch one episode of The Celebrity Apprentice, and you know that he surrounds himself with the best of the best.
     So, is Donald Trump a serious candidate?  I'm not too sure it really matters.  Because, as we all know, the candidate out front is just the puppet for the machine that really runs everything.  If he truly shows any staying power, watch for some kind of scandal to take him down.  The machine will not allow a free-thinker to win; especially one who actually believes in the Constitution, the 2nd Amendment, traditional marriage, and the exceptionalism of America.  So, enjoy The Donald while you can.  Trump is showing us that we don't have to settle for the pre-chosen candidate; and, if nothing else, he is a refreshing change from the stereotypical politician.  And pray that God will use him to wake up more Americans to what the country could be and should be.  After all, God has used stranger people to ensure His purpose ...

Proverbs 8:1-5    Does not wisdom call?  Does not understanding raise her voice? On the heights beside the way, at the crossroads she takes her stand; beside the gates in front of the town, at the entrance of the portals she cries aloud: “To you, O men, I call, and my cry is to the children of man. O simple ones, learn prudence; O fools, learn sense.


July 8, 2015

I Am Encouraged!

     You know, it has been so easy to take God for granted as we live, in what I believe, is the most blessed country in all of modern history.  We have lived in a land that has, for the most part, only known prosperity.  And during those hard economic times, we were still flourishing when compared to the rest of the world.  But let's face it ... we felt we didn't have to protect those blessings; they just seemed to flow from the magnanimous hand of God.  Let's face it ... we not only took His grace for granted; we abused His faithfulness and have treated His commandments so shabbily.
     I will admit that the last couple of weeks I have felt little hope that this nation could turn back to God, but I am here to announce that there are signs of hope on the horizon.  Let me just run you through a few scenarios that have popped up on my radar in the last 24 hours ... the first is what I find amazing in a culture that worships celebrity and fame.  Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, an outspoken Christian and Super Bowl champion, recently revealed that he and his girlfriend, pop singer Ciara, have decided to wait until marriage to have sex.  But it is his explanation that makes me shout for joy, and gives me hope that God is still speaking into this generation.
     “She was on tour; she was traveling, and I was looking at her in the mirror, I was sitting in the dressing room, she was getting ready to go…and she was sitting there, and God spoke to me and said, ‘I need you to lead her,’” Wilson recalled. “And I was like, ‘Really, right now?’…And he goes, ‘No, I want you and need you to lead her.’ So I told her right then and there, ‘What would you do if we took all of that extra stuff off the table and just did it Jesus’ way?’…And she was relieved.”  Now here is a young man who not only isn't afraid to go against what our culture promotes, but is man enough to say that he puts his obedience to Jesus ahead of his fleshly desires, and is willing to fulfill the role of leader, as God intended.
     Next is a bit of hope that actually comes from the political scene.  In the midst of the controversy over the Confederate flag, South Caroline State Senator Lee Bright stepped up to the podium and spoke boldly about what he saw after the Supreme Court decision allowing gay marriage.  “Romans Chapter 1 is clear. The Bible is clear,” Bright cautioned. “This nation was founded by Judeo-Christian principles, and they are under assault by men in black robes who were not elected by you.”  He went on to say that the acceptance of gay marriage could mean that America is no longer a nation under God, but a “one nation gone under” — a reference to a 1984 speech from President Ronald Reagan during which Reagan said: ”Without God, there is a coarsening of the society. And without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  Bright continued his speech by declaring, “The devil is taking control of this land and we’re not stopping him."
     Hope was also evident in the sermon, if you will, that Glenn Beck gave at a Texas megachurch:  “We are facing all kinds of trouble in our country and in the world. And we have talked about the soldiers that have protected this nation, but I want to spend a few minutes talking to you about our responsibility now to protect this nation,” Beck said. “We are the front line. We are the last line of defense, and if we fail, liberty will be lost.”  But how do we get there?  Beck said, "It is only through God that we will pull our family, and our nation out of the grasp and the jaws of hell, and bring it back to a Christ-centered nation where we need to be.”
     Who are we as a nation, he asked.  “Who are we? Because most people don’t know. And what keeps us going? Most people, again, don’t know,” Beck continued. “We came here for a reason. We are a covenant nation. We’re the only ones besides the original state of Israel that made the covenant with God.”  Now, I will tell you that the millions of secular Americans won't like Beck saying we are a covenant nation, but it is the truth!  From the moment the Pilgrims landed on these shores, they dedicated this land to God, and the founding of this nation was credited to the "Providence of God" by the very men who fought to establish it.  Now, that sentiment is beginning to ring once again across the land.
     Another state representative, this time from Oklahoma, is continuing his battle to keep a statue of the Ten Commandments on the state capitol grounds.  Although the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that the statue violates the state constitution, Representative Mike Ritze maintains that the monument is a historical necessity that provides context for all citizens regarding the emergence and crafting of American law.  “I like history, and I look at history and what we were teaching our children … we wanted to link them to as much as the original history — different facts that are being erased in our history,” he said. “In no way, shape or form did we want the monument to be a religious symbol. This is historical heritage of our birth as a nation and birth as a state.”
     But, as I have mentioned before on this blog, the Satanic Temple, a New York group, has railed against the Ten Commandments display, and fought Ritze at every turn.  They even announced their own plans to place a satanist monument on capitol grounds in contrast to the Judeo-Christian-themed display. The group’s members have temporarily halted those plans in light of the Supreme Court decision, and will likely place the display in another state, which proves the point that they have an agenda to destroy Christian influence in this nation.
     For now, it looks as if Representative Ritze has lost the battle, but as more people begin standing up for our faith, I think that the devil will find that his battle plan to go against the state is a lost cause.  In fact, two North Carolina pastors have decided to place a Christian flag above the American flag on poles outside of their churches — actions that they hope will inspire Americans to take a stand for their faith.  “As I was changing the rope [on the flags] one day, the Lord just laid on me that He is first and when He told me that, I switched the flags around," said Pastor Walter Wilson. The pastors want to make it clear that they will serve God before Government, and they are openly and enthusiastically encouraging others to publicly display their loyalty to our Sovereign God.
     And finally, I found hope even in the sad story of the woman who posted a letter online to the father of her aborted baby.  What courage that must have taken, knowing that the feminist crowd would berate her, and there were sure to be negative responses from complete strangers.  Although she did not invoke God as part of her decision, the heartache and grief of her loss was expressed in her final words ... " I was convinced that I was right, and I didn’t need your opinion. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you because that life was half of you. I’m sorry that I didn’t confide in you and face my fears. I’m sorry that you didn’t get a chance to say goodbye… or even say hello. I’m sorry that you missed the opportunity to be a father. I’m sorry that you didn’t get a choice. But you never know… I may have saved you the endless thoughts, the deep-ridden regret, the aching emptiness as the due date draws near. I may have saved you the guilt of being free of that responsibility and pressure. I may have saved you the anger and fear. But I may have deprived you of one of the greatest joys in your life just as I have done to myself. And there are no words to explain how cruel and selfish I was in making that decision without you… there are no words to express an apology with the utmost sincerity. Please forgive me."
     If that emotional post makes one woman stop and think before committing an act that she will regret, then there is hope that the tide is turning against abortion, which is so offensive to the God of all creation.
    None of these events have taken the country by storm, and none are being shouted from the rooftops.  But all of them happening in one week gives me a spark of hope that people are awakening out of their doldrums and their easy acceptance of our culture.  I'm hoping those who call themselves Christians will stand up and defend the faith.  I'm hoping that every American will remove the scales from their eyes and see that the path we're on has changed direction ... we are no longer looking up towards that shining city on the hill, but are free-falling down into a pit of confusion and chaos.  So, forgive me for being optimistic -- even if it's short-lived.  Maybe there has always been these bursts of hope, and maybe it's just that I am needing them now more than ever.  I'm just so happy to see a little ray of sunshine in the middle of the darkness.  

2 Corinthians 12:10   "For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

July 7, 2015

"Sanctuary Cities" Vs. Biblical "Cities of Refuge"

     I know the two terms sound alike, and imply similar meanings.  But believe me, nothing could be further from the truth.  Sanctuary cities are a political invention to protect illegal immigrants, while Cities of Refuge are associated with God's true justice.  Here is how they work:
     Sanctuary City is a term given to a city in the United States (or Canada) that follows certain practices that protect illegal immigration. These practices can be by law, or they can just be in effect, by habit (de facto). The term generally applies to cities that do not allow municipal funds or resources to be used to enforce federal immigration laws, usually by not allowing police or municipal employees to inquire about an individual's immigration status. The designation has no legal meaning, and is a useful political tool for those who wish to benefit from increased numbers of illegal immigrants.
     On the other hand, Cities of Refuge have a clear purpose from a Biblical standpoint.  The Mosaic Law stated that anyone who committed a murder was to be put to death (Exodus 21:14). But for unintentional deaths, God set aside these cities to which the murderer could flee for refuge (Exodus 21:13). He would be safe from the avenger—the family member charged with avenging the victim’s death (Numbers 35:19)—until the case could go to trial. The congregation would judge to find if the attacker acted unintentionally. If he did, he would return to the city of refuge and live there safely until the death of the high priest who was in office at the time of the trial, at which point he could return to his property. If the attacker left the city of refuge before the death of the high priest, however, the avenger would have the right to kill him (Numbers 35:24-28).
    The purpose of these Cities of Refuge was to contemplate the death you had caused (unintentionally) and to hopefully repent of your actions.  Plus there is the reality that these Cities of Refuge could be seen from two different perspectives:  1) They served as a detention center until the killer was brought to justice, as well as a sort of prison where the slayer must stay—even against his will—until the death of the High Priest. So while he benefits from the protection the City provides him from the threat of the blood-avenger, the city also serves as a punishment for him; even if he wishes to leave, he may not.  2)  The City of Refuge is not a punishment, but rather a privilege, and serves as a place of protection for unintentional slayers, each of whom is being pursued by an avenger who seeks to kill him. Society is therefore obligated to shelter these individuals.
     I believe that our modern day concept of Sanctuary Cities are a deviation from this latter understanding.  In fact, there was a “New Sanctuary Movement” that emerged in the 1980s as an expression of the church’s ministry of social justice, often protecting Latin American immigrants escaping civil unrest and political persecution. Many were given shelter and protection in churches across America, and although the government had every right to enter and arrest the suspects, it avoided a dreadful public relations situation by not doing so.
     Now that movement has grown so large, and become such a political reality, that it serves to endanger the lives of every American.  As I stated before, the term “sanctuary city” has no legal meaning; it is typically used to describe local governments that ban police from asking about a person’s immigration status.  And now the numbers of illegal immigrants entering across our southern borders have exploded, and every one of them know to get to a Sanctuary City as fast as they can.  If they are arrested or detained, they know that they will either be released on probation; or if deported, they will soon return and repeat their journey to a Sanctuary City where they are free to live a life of crime without fear of being singled out as an illegal immigrant.  It's simple ... just don't get caught, and you are not bound by the laws of America. 
These illegal immigrants don't even have to stay within the boundaries of the Sanctuary City, as they were required to do in the Biblical City of Refuge.  In fact, they are free to roam across the country, unhindered by our federal immigration laws; and those who seek to do harm to others are often repeat offenders, leaving a swath of crime, destruction, and death.  Case in point:  Kathryn Steinle, 32, who was shot dead in San Francisco this last week by Francisco Sanchez, an illegal Mexican immigrant who was a 7-time felon across multiple states, including: Texas, Oregon and Arizona; had multiple aliases with different birth dates; had an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) "detainer," meaning local authorities were flagged to hold him for immigration violations; and who was most recently released following a marijuana arrest four months ago.
     ICE had marked Sanchez as an 'enforcement priority' who should have been handed over immediately when he was arrested four months ago, but was let go in accordance with San Francisco's "sanctuary city" policy.  But even more disturbing and frightening was Sanchez's comments to a local ABC affiliate that "he came to San Francisco because he knew the sanctuary city would not hand him over to immigration officials."  
     The details of the murder are sketchy ... Sanchez's story has changed multiple times, and he even claims he did not know he had shot and killed someone.  But now, the father of this beautiful woman will be haunted forever by one second in time, when he was walking with his daughter and a friend on Pier 14, and the next minute his daughter lay at his feet, asking him to help her.  How many other stories are there like this across our country?  When will we begin to protect American citizens to the degree that we protect illegal immigrants?  
     The concept of "Sanctuary Cities" is no longer beneficial to the sovereignty and safety of this country.  And there is no definition of "social justice" that can defend the runaway crime that is a result of this misguided domestic policy.  Perhaps we should return to the Biblical concept of Cities of Refuge ... where the killers are brought to justice; and must serve their sentence without the freedom to roam and commit further crimes. 
     You know, Donald Trump may be something of a blowhard; but he is right when he says our southern border is out of control, unsafe, and needs protecting.  When criminals feel free to enter this country and commit crimes, knowing it is unlikely that law enforcement can stop them, that is infuriating enough.  But when Americans are not safe to walk down the street because there is a policy that provides protection to these lawbreakers, then the world is insane.  The innocent blood of the victims is crying out to the Lord for His Justice.  May it soon be administered.

For a detailed report on the death of Kathryn Steinle in the Sanctuary City of San Francisco, click here.

Proverbs 24:24    Whoever says to the wicked, “You are in the right,” will be cursed by peoples, abhorred by nations...


July 6, 2015

The Conflict Of A Cosmic War: Does Palmyra Serve A Dual Purpose?

     One cannot ignore the diabolic nature of headlines such as this:   Slaughter in the Roman amphitheatre: Horrific moment ISIS child executioners brutally shoot dead 25 Syrian regime soldiers in front of bloodthirsty crowds at ancient Palmyra ruin.  The news is gruesome.  As both Breitbart.com and the U.K.'s Daily Mail report, ISIS has released a significant new execution video from the historic city of Palmyra, in the Syrian desert.  Child executioners are shown in the video being forced to brutally slaughter a group of more than 25 Syrian soldiers.
     The massacre takes place in the historic amphitheater at Palmyra, an ancient Roman city cited as a UNESCO World Heritage Site that has recently been overrun by ISIS terrorists.  The articles go on to record that the executioners appear to be in their teens, leading some to believe that these children are graduates of the Islamic State's terrorist training camps.  But the cold-blooded manner in which they simultaneously pull the trigger on their victims, while "performing" on the stage of the historic amphitheater in front of a crowd of eager audience members, tells a larger story... one of demonic influences and false gods.
     The history of Palmyra actually is even older than the Roman Empire.  It is mentioned in ancient historic texts as early as 2000 BC, and is mentioned, or referred to, in the religious books of three of the world's prominent religions ... The Christian Bible (Second Book of Chronicles 8:4) records "Tadmor" as a desert city built (or fortified) by King Solomon of Israel, and it is mentioned in the Talmud, as well.  The ancient historian, Flavius Josephus calls the city by the Greek name "Palmyra", attributing the founding of "Tadmor" to Solomon in Book VIII of his Antiquities of the Jews.  Later Islamic traditions attribute the city's founding to Solomon's Jinn (in Arabian and Muslim mythology, a jinn is an intelligent spirit of lower rank than the angels, able to appear in human and animal forms and to possess humans).
     I recite all this ancient history to let you know that I think it is no accident that the city of Palmyra is the latest focus of interest by ISIS for a reason... perhaps for two reasons, as I will venture to explain.  First of all, I have made it clear numerous times that I am not a Bible scholar; just a person who is seeking to understand how big our God is, and to comprehend all the sovereign ways He works in this world He created.
     That being said, Breitbart.com is clear in pointing out that the Islamic State captured the ancient city of Palmyra in May, an area replete with priceless ruins and artifacts now in the line of fire. ISIS jihadists have become notorious for destroying such pre-Islamic artifacts, claiming that their existence constitutes “idolatry” to false ancient gods, and thus they must be destroyed before the eyes of Allah. While the group initially released a video promising that they would not destroy ruins in Palmyra that did not violate this “idolatry” provision, recent photos indicate that many of the ruins have been removed from the area, and the city itself has been filled with land mines. The amphitheater appears intact, perhaps due to its usefulness as an arena in which to dramatically stage executions. 
     The Western world, and the major news outlets, have all expressed their dismay that ancient ruins and artifacts are being destroyed throughout Iraq and Syria by ISIS, and there are international concerns for the fate of these spectacular ancient treasures.  But let me ask you to consider this:  what if these ancient ruins and "spectacular treasures" are really ancient temples to false gods and symbols and idols of false worship?  What if God, in His infinite wisdom and sovereignty, is using ISIS to cleanse the Middle East of some of its oldest demonic temples and strongholds of demonic influence?  Think the modern God of Grace and Prosperity would never allow evil people to be used to further His purpose?  Think again ... and think of Judas Iscariot, and Nebuchadnezzar, and Antiochus Epiphanes, and, yes, even Hitler.  I'm not saying for certain that this is what is going on, but I would never discount God's intent in this cosmic conflict with Satan.  What is ironic, is the possibility that while ISIS thinks they are destroying icons to false gods which offend Allah -- they could actually be destroying false idols that offend YHWH!
     And speaking of The Adversary, what is his play in this cosmic battle for control of the world? For starters, we need to realize that the amphitheater where these latest ISIS executions took place is not the only ancient historical architecture associated with Palmyra.  This city is also the home of the Temple of Bel, a false Babylonian god mentioned in the Bible.  In Jeremiah 51, God says He "will punish Bel, the god of Babylon, and make him vomit up all he has eaten."  And Isaiah 46:1 refers to two Babylonian gods,  saying, "Bel bows down; Nebo stoops; their idols are on beasts and livestock."
The Temple of Bel
     Bel was the Moon-god of Babylon, and a temple dedicated to him still exists in Palmyra.  The prophet Isaiah stated the image of the god, Bel, was stamped on the beasts and cattle by the Babylonians. And you will be interested to know that the symbol of Bel, the Moon-god, is a crescent moon with a star. The symbol of Islam!  So, right here in Palmyra, is the Temple of Bel, which stands out from the other religious buildings of Palmyra for its size and location; its main altar (space reserved to the god) was consecrated in 32 AD.  The immense size and the dominant location of the temple are an evident sign of the prominence of Bel/Baal over the other deities worshipped at Palmyra.  And ISIS and Islam have a direct connection through their iconography.
     Now, so far as I understand, ISIS has promised to spare much of the ancient site of Palmyra and only destroy statues deemed polytheistic.  What is interesting to me is that both the Roman amphitheater and the Temple of Bel appear to still be intact.  Could it be that Satan's countermove in this cosmic war is that the amphitheater stage is being used to display blood sacrifices to the ancient god Bel (or Baal), which establishes and feeds the demonic stronghold that is at the heart of ISIS?  Activists and a monitoring group said ISIS used the majestic Roman theatre in Palmyra to execute nearly two dozen pro-Syrian foreign fighters, along with more than 200 people since their offensive in the area began in mid-May.  These latest executions show that they do not plan on stopping.
     I realize that my proposals are pure conjecture.  I do not claim to know the mind of God or His specific plans to combat Evil.  And I certainly don't try to entertain thoughts of the Devil's schemes.  But my spirit is telling me that this location in Palmyra has great significance to both sides of this eternal and supernatural battle.  All I know is that what I am seeing in this day and age is not too far removed from what occurred in the Bible.  God has used people -- both good and bad -- to further His plans toward the ultimate finale.  And Satan has tried to not only counterfeit each move, but continued his efforts to open pathways to his influence and build demonic strongholds.  Is it possible that ISIS is being used by both sides in this cosmic war?  That they are an instrument of God's judgment against ancient pagan temples of idol worship, AND a tool of Satan to secure not only his demonic foothold in the world, but to persecute God's own people?  It has been a battle since the beginning, and I sense that we are approaching the last campaign.  I'm glad I know who wins!

Proverbs 16:4     "The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble."

July 5, 2015

Acts 5:29 ... Christians and Civil Disobedience

But Peter and the apostles answered,
 “We must obey God rather than men..."

     This verse of Scripture is often used in juxtaposition to Romans 13:1:  Let every person be loyally subject to the governing (civil) authorities. For there is no authority except from God [by His permission, His sanction], and those that exist do so by God’s appointment.  In light of the rapidly changing culture in which we find ourselves, it is important for Christians to know what they believe and why.  Are we to obey the government without question, trusting that God has placed rulers in authority for His purposes?  Or do we follow the standards and principles of the Bible, and resist government that is contrary to the teachings of Jesus?  
     I do not claim to have all the answers, and I can understand why some Believers would struggle with how we are to live out our faith in this post-Christian age.  I can only tell you what I have decided, after struggling with what the Word is telling me, and after asking the Holy Spirit to give me clear discernment.  I will admit that I am human, and I cannot discount that my emotions and human thought have not contributed to my decisions, but I have settled on a course of action.
     If you are a Biblical Christian, and not simply a cultural Christian, then the recent Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage is troubling, to say the least.  The SCOTUS decision means that the governing officials in every state of the union must issue a marriage license to same-sex couples, who will now have the right to be considered married in the eyes of the law.  But whose law?
     If you are a Bible-believing Christian, the answer to that question is important.  Yes, the Apostle Paul tells us in Romans that we are to be "loyally subject" to the civil authorities; that they have been placed there by God.  I believe that to be true.  But, through my deep study in the Word, I have discovered that God often placed rulers in positions of power as judgment against His sinning people.  Other times, they began as God-fearing rulers, but became influenced by a wicked spirit, and God then allowed them to continue in their position of power, while He acted out His plan to discipline them or the nation.  Whether they were restored or not, depended on their willingness to repent and turn back to God.
     In today's increasingly Godless society, we are faced with many laws and dictates that are clearly not following Biblical teachings or principles.  The same-sex ruling has been mandated according to man's law.  It violates God's law.  As a Christian layman, I should have no problem continuing to live in a society that has disobeyed God's plan for marriage ... no problem, that is, unless I am a Christian baker who is asked to bake a wedding cake for a gay marriage; or a Christian pastor who is asked to perform a gay wedding ceremony.  Does man's law allow us to decline based on our desire to be "loyally subject" to God's law? 
     If you are the Christian baker or florist, we have seen that the answer is "no".  Christian businesses have been driven to bankruptcy, due to man's anti-discrimination laws.  It remains to be seen how man's law will deal with Pastors who refuse to conduct a gay wedding.  How will you respond when the time comes that you must choose between man's law and God's law?  Because, I promise you it is coming, and it will affect everyone of faith.  We will have to choose, just as Peter and Paul had to.
    The military leader and the chief priests of the Jewish Temple did not like what the apostles believed or were teaching; it went against the accepted culture of the day.  This Gospel message of Jesus was offensive to the leanings of the current administration, and because Peter and other apostles refused to compromise and go along with the culture, they were jailed.  I cannot know for sure, because Scripture does not reveal this, but I can imagine that Peter, John and the other apostles spoke to each other at great length about how they would proceed in their commission, and went to God in prayer for inspiration and answers.  
     I do not think it improbable to assume by their actions that they received guidance from the Holy Spirit to continue teaching in the manner they had been, being careful not to incite violence.  But the Sanhedrin's demand that they quit preaching and teaching was clearly against God's command that they spread the Good News of Jesus's death, burial and resurrection.  But we must also be cognizant that by disobeying man's law, they were willing to accept the government's punishment for their actions.  In their day that included jail time and being flogged, a particularly loathsome and painful punishment.
     Can you say you are willing to follow the same path?  According to the succeeding verses in Acts 5, they rejoiced that they were being counted worthy [dignified by the indignity] to suffer shame and be exposed to disgrace for [the sake of] His name.  Is that how you would feel?  Would you do everything you could to avoid the discomfort, inconvenience, and possible loss of your livelihood?  Or would you stand steadfast in your faith, accepting of whatever the earthly government threw at you for the sake of receiving praise for a "job well done" by the Heavenly Authority? 
     Christian pastors and leaders have declared that they will not obey the un-Godly laws instituted by the Supreme Court.  They will practice civil disobedience and accept whatever judgment man hands down.  I, too, must follow my conscience and follow God's laws.  We need to pray for those Christians on the front lines -- and for ourselves -- that we will not disappoint God when the time comes to declare our loyalty to Him.  Our failure to boldly declare our faith in the past has led us to this precipice.  We can no longer compromise, make concessions, or accept standards that displease our God.  May we exhibit the strength, courage, and allegiance of the Apostles of old, and fulfill the commission of our generation.

July 4, 2015

Will Future Generations Understand The Meaning of 4th of July?

     That might seem like a superfluous question.  But just take a moment and watch this video of Americans in this generation that don't have a clue!  You might think it is a humorous display of how little Americans know about our history, or why we celebrate the 4th of July, but I find it extremely disturbing.
     The signing of the Declaration of Independence was a very important date in world history, although the 4th wasn't actually the date it was signed.  That occurred on August 2nd.  No, July 4, 1776 was the day the Continental Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence.  July 4th became the date that was included on the Declaration of Independence and the fancy handwritten copy that was signed in August (the copy now displayed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.).  It’s also the date that was printed on the Dunlap Broadsides, the original printed copies of the Declaration that were circulated throughout our new nation.  So when people thought of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 was the date they associated with it.
     But it is more than just a date in the founding of our nation.  It symbolizes, for the first time, that leaders of men recognized that "Nature's God" had given all men certain rights that could not be usurped by tyrannical governments.  Specifically, it says,  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights ... 
     And, yes, I recognize that this seems hypocritical in light of the fact that many of the Southern Founding Fathers were slaveholders.  The writings of the Founding Fathers show that many of them acknowledged that slavery violated the natural rights of the enslaved, but knew that the abolition of this abhorrent practice would need to take a back seat (for the time being) to the larger goal of securing the unity and independence of the United States from Britain.  Sadly, they "kicked the can down the road" to be dealt with by a future generation; although the reality is that the freedom of the nation needed to come before they could address the freedom of the slaves.  That issue would be dealt with in a mere 84 years when the new nation was ripped asunder by the Civil War.
      So, what exactly was meant by "unalienable rights"?  As I wrote in a February 9, 2013 post, I would venture to say that most Americans have a distorted idea of what "unalienable" means.  I would further conclude that they think it takes its meaning from the word "alien", signifying that these "unalienable" rights were unfamiliar or foreign to men of that time.  That is a wrong interpretation, and we actually mispronounce the word altogether.  In 1776, when the Declaration was written, this word was not pronounced as un-alien-able; the correct enunciation was un-a-lien-able, as in "a lien", a form of security interest granted over an item of property to secure the payment of a debt.  For instance, the bank holds a lien against your car, until the note is paid off.
     What the Founding Fathers were actually saying was this:  the natural rights that have been given to us by God are not subject to a lien by any king or ruler; they are ours to possess outright. In other words, our rights are not determined by governments; or granted by them; and cannot be legislated by them.  It was the first time in the history of the world, that a nation of people dared to declare that they recognized God's rulership and authority as being above that of any monarch or crowned head.
     This was an important step in the evolution of a nation and of mankind.  The Founders of our nation were declaring that they were ready to live their lives as free men, unencumbered by the heavy hand of an oppressive authority; that they wanted to live their lives according to the "Laws of Nature", which in the 18th century meant certain fundamental principles or moral standards that were apparent to everyone.  This thought was perhaps best expressed by English philosopher John Locke, in his Second Treatise on Government: "The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but to have only the law of nature for his rule."  These laws of nature were understood to be that which the God of the Universe had instituted when He created man in His image.
     Those same fundamental principles and moral standards are still in place in nature; and the need to declare that these laws are above the laws of men, should still be as important today as it was on July 4th, 1776.  THAT IS WHAT WE SHOULD BE CELEBRATING TODAY!!  Yet, how many Americans have lost sight of the reason this day exists?  How many recognize or understand what was accomplished on this day 239 years ago?  How many realize that what the government has done in the last two weeks violates the very essence of the Declaration of Independence?
     I invite you to take the time to read this historic document.  Read the Declaration of Independence and then tell me if we, as a nation, have honored the spirit in which it was written.  While you're enjoying the day with your kids and family, ask yourselves if we any longer resemble the ideals upon which this country took such a courageous leap.
      When I compare where this country was in 2013 when I wrote that original post, and how far we've slid in a little over two years, I am astounded.  And I imagine that most Americans are too busy to even care or notice.  So, if you are one of those Americans who don't even know why this day is a holiday, then you have a choice ... you can go back to your hamburgers and hot dogs, or like the people at the beach in the video, laugh it off as inconsequential; OR you can do a serious study comparing who we were in 1776 and what we've become, and determine that it is worth fighting for and make the effort to teach your children its importance.  Because believe me, their future -- and maybe even their survival -- depends on understanding the meaning of July 4th and why it is worth celebrating.

1 Peter 2:16     "[Live] as free people, [yet] without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but [live at all times] as servants of God."


July 3, 2015

More Warnings: Implantable Biochips

     I can't help it.  I just instinctively recoil when I hear about another deal made between pharmaceutical corporations and biotechnology companies.  Add in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and I am instantly suspicious.  So was Rob Matheson at TechSwarm, who reported that an implantable, microchip-based device may soon replace the injections and pills now needed to treat chronic diseases.
     According to Matheson, a company called Microchips Biotech partnered with Teva Pharmaceuticals, the world’s largest producer of generic drugs, to develop and commercialize its wirelessly controlled, implantable, microchip-based devices that store and release drugs inside the body over many years.  The microchips consist of hundreds of pinhead-sized reservoirs, each capped with a metal membrane, that store tiny doses of therapeutics or chemicals. An electric current delivered by the device removes the membrane, releasing a single dose. The device can be programmed wirelessly to release individual doses for up to 16 years to treat, for example, diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and osteoporosis. Sounds good, right?
     I will admit that medical technology has seen great advancements in recent years; and who can deny how great it would be to help eradicate and control all the above-mentioned diseases, or how much the industry has done to help our wounded veterans returning from war?  But when I listen to some of the philosophies of the inventors, and who they are willing to get into bed with ... well, frankly, it sends chills up my spine.
     All you have to do is read about the history, and listen to some of the comments made by Microchips Biotech cofounders Michael Cima and Robert Langer.  (The emphasis in italics is mine). Inspiration for the microchips came in the late 1990s, when Langer watched a documentary on mass-producing microchips. “I thought to myself, ‘Wouldn’t this be a great way to make a drug-delivery system?’” Langer says.  He then brought the idea to Cima, a chip-making expert who was taken aback by its novelty. “But being out-of-this-world is not something that needs to stop anybody...” Cima adds. “In fact, that should be the criterion.”  Follow that up with this revelation:  Together with graduate student John Santini PhD, they invented a dime-sized prototype which contained only 34 reservoirs, each controlled by an individual wire connected to an external power source. At the time, they considered a broad range of practical, and somewhat fantastical, applications beyond drug delivery, including disease diagnostics and jewelry that could emit scents. “We were trying to find the killer application. We thought, ‘I have a hammer, what’s the right nail to hit?’” Cima says.
     Now, I know that less critical people would see nothing remarkable about their statements... just a couple of science geeks thinking outside the scope of normal applications.  And maybe my spiritual discernment is super-charged, but when these microchip geniuses note that at about this time their invention captured the imagination and interest of the Gates Foundation, then the story takes on another dimension.
     It was after the results of their first human trials were published in 2012, that Bill Gates took notice.  Their microchips were implanted into seven elderly women, delivering teriparatide to strengthen bones. Results indicated that the chips delivered doses comparable to injections — and did so more consistently — with no adverse side effects.  So, wouldn't you know it -- Bill Gates quickly sees how the microchip technology could be used in his ongoing campaign to control population growth.  Because, don't you know, there is apparently a huge problem in the world of medication-prescription adherence -- and it is a surprisingly costly issue in the United States. A 2012 report published in the Annals of Internal Medicine estimated that Americans who don’t stick to prescriptions rack up $100 billion to $289 billion annually in unnecessary health care costs from additional hospital visits and other issues. Failure to follow prescriptions, the study also found, causes around 125,000 deaths annually and up to 10 percent of all hospitalizations... not to mention an exponential growth in the number of babies born to women who don't follow any form of birth control.
     Do you see how that line of thinking would appeal to Bill Gates, who perceives a huge problem in the world's population explosion?  (Remember his oft-quoted statement at the Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED) Conference ... "if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower [global population] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.")  Imagine if you could implant women in third world countries with contraceptive-delivery microchips that controlled conception for 16 years.  Think you might be able to lower global population numbers?  Infertility would be a convenient "fix" for the world's overpopulation issue.
     Of course, I know I am only looking at this from a potentially harmful aspect.  But like I said at the beginning ... I can't help it.  The mad scientists and technology engineers of the world have openly declared that they want to create "the singularity":  the imminent creation by technology of entities with greater than human intelligence.  By merging our human bodies with computer microchips, we are taking one more step in that direction.  And, ultimately, that means we lose control of the human experience; and perhaps, even of human life.
     It's not hard to see that technology invented by Microchips Biotech could be used to control population growth; or decide who receives life-saving drugs; or even who is determined to be worthy of life, itself.  Can you see that individual choice will be eliminated?  Once that microchip is implanted, its wireless technology component will allow someone else to dispense -- or not -- your medicine.  Personally, I know in my spirit, that I am made in the image of God, and He gave me a brain to make my own choices about how I will treat this body; this temple of the Holy Spirit.  I do not want this flesh to be corrupted; to turn over the control of it to a piece of computer equipment that is under the jurisdiction of godless men.  I want to leave this world as I came into it ... fearfully and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139:13-14   "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

July 2, 2015

Amen, Brother!

    Rod Dreher, a writer for The American Conservative, recently wrote an article that caught my eye, titled "A Chrisitanity Without the Cross".  It was based on an essay by Francis J. Beckwith, who is Professor of Philosophy & Church-State Studies at Baylor University, where he also serves as Associate Director of the Graduate Program in Philosophy and Co-Director of the Program in Philosophical Studies of Religion.  So I dare say the man is qualified to speak to us on the state of our faith in the 21st Century.  
     I would like to share with you an excerpt from Beckwith's article called, "The Problem with God's 'Wonderful Plan for You'."  I believe it correctly predicts the lack of true understanding that most Evangelical Christians have about what it means to "take up our cross and follow Jesus daily."  I also think that his essay will show you why -- in the wake of recent Supreme Court rulings, and the ones that are sure to follow regarding religious freedom -- the Church and Christians may be at great spiritual risk.  He points out that the typical "Gospel of Grace" message that we are accustomed to hearing preached is not what we need ... But rather than listen to my opinion of his brilliant essay, please read the following for yourself:

     I have come to believe that the first spiritual law coined by Bill Bright (of Campus Crusade fame) – “God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life” – presents a misleading depiction of what it means to follow Jesus.
     For some reason, this trite and superficial way of evangelizing has been the staple of American Christianity since the 1950s. It was, I believe, largely successful, because in the era in which it arose, the moral and cultural sensibilities of the Christian faith, though certainly not explicitly embraced by everyone or even lived with total integrity by those who claimed to embrace them, were considered uncontroversially true, and they were the appropriate standards by which one’s conduct could be fairly judged. Thus, there was no need to bring up the Cross, since there didn’t seem to be a hill to die on.
     But the decades long near-absence of the truth of the Cross and the Gospel of suffering and transformation – that following Jesus is as much about getting heaven into you as you getting into heaven – resulted in generations of American Christians who spend half their Sunday services singing “hymns” to a Jesus that sounds more like their boyfriend than their Lord.
     For this reason, as the hostility to Christian faith continues to mount in the United States – especially on issues that will require government coercion in matters of religious conscience – many of our fellow Believers, unwilling to entertain the possibility that they must suffer as Christ suffered, will continue to acquiesce to the spirit of the age and construct a Jesus that conforms to that spirit. This Lord will wind up agreeing – or at least, not disputing – any of the pieties of the secular intelligentsia.
     The economic, social, and familial pressures will seem so unbearable – so inconsistent with that “wonderful plan for your life” – they will quickly and enthusiastically distance themselves from those brethren who choose to pick up the Cross and not check the “like” button. Whatever it is that hangs in the balance – professional honor, academic respectability, securing a lucrative business contract, or thirty pieces of silver – it will surely be described as the place to which “the Lord is leading us.”
     Although they will claim to be devout “Evangelicals” or “Catholics,” [or Lutheran, or Baptists, or fill-in-the blank] they will nevertheless embody the beliefs that H. Richard Niebuhr once attributed to, what was at the time, the most dominant [and false] religious force in America, Liberal Protestantism: “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross.”

     And that false theology will lead so many down a path of corrupted faith.  In other words, Christianity without the Cross does not represent the message of Christ.  I fear that, very soon, the faith of prosperous, comfortable American Christians is going to be put to the test.  And will they "take up their cross" and "follow Jesus"?  By that I mean can they recognize that God's plan for them might not be so "wonderful"; that it might actually involve loss and ruin, or resemble the suffering, tribulation, and death that Jesus endured?  Or will they accommodate and compromise their faith to fit the world's standards, and try to hang on to some form of that "wonderful" life they felt they were promised?  
     It will be interesting to see what kind of faith we Christians are made of.  I feel pretty sure that in the light of where our culture is headed, we are going to see in the days, weeks, and years ahead, a lot of people tested.  There will be Christians who will fall; heresy and apostasy will abound.  When the Cross is not part of your faith, you are simply following the Prosperity Gospel that centers on you.  True faith will require your endurance and perseverance, in the manner of our Lord.  We must partake of His suffering.  Are you ready to take up your Cross?

Luke 14:27      "Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple."