A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label God's Holiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's Holiness. Show all posts

June 27, 2020

"There Is Wrath In His Anger, But Life In His Promise"

      The title for this blog post is a portion of the Septuagint translation of Psalm 30:5. The rest of the verse reads, "weeping shall tarry for the evening, but joy shall be in the morning". I sense that we are in the midst of great weeping in this nation [and the world], and it may be difficult for some to even imagine that joy could exist in the morning. After all, people's lives have been turned upside down by sickness, unemployment, separation from family and friends, and fear of an unknown future. The truth is, none of us know how long this night of mourning is going to last.
     I think a lot of people in the world can identify with David when he wrote this Psalm. I believe he perfectly describes our national psyche [before this chaos dawned] when he writes in verses 6-7, "I remember boasting, “I’ve got it made! Nothing can stop me now! I’m God’s favored one; He’s made me steady as a mountain!” But then suddenly, You hid your face from me. I was panic-stricken and became depressed." Can any of you identify?
     We, in this nation, have lived a blessed life -- yes, there have been grave injustices in our history, and we still are far from perfect! We have a lot of work to do to overcome our sins, transgression, and iniquity. But so far, this is still a land of opportunity! I agree that the Beast System is desperately trying to establish itself, and the Christians who are awake can see the handwriting on the wall. But we must also admit that we have been complacent and content in our prosperity, and comfortable in a form of faith that didn't require much of us. Too many of us thought that just calling ourselves "a Christian" was enough to get us through this life until we could go to Heaven. Any difficulties would surely be short-lived because, after all, we live in America and God loves us, right? Like David, we thought we had it made and God would keep our path steady and sure. But now, it may seem as if He's hidden His face from you, too. Suddenly, this easy, grace-filled American life doesn't seem so stable. It's as if our anchor has come unmoored.
     And all this makes me mindful of the history of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Once a unified nation; the apple of God's eye, and His chosen [favored] people, Israel suffered much because of their sins and rebellion. After the death of King Solomon, the nation split into two kingdoms, Israel [as the northern kingdom] and Judah [the southern kingdom]. The kingdom of Israel eventually was taken captive by the conquering nation of Assyria and its people scattered across the world. The kingdom of Judah found itself caught in the midst of continuing wars between Egyptian, Assyrian, and Babylonian empires, followed by subjugation to Persian, Greek and Roman conquerors. Although the kingdom of Judah no longer exists, God's promise to Abraham that through him, "all the families of the earth will be blessed" has found its fulfillment in Yeshua, Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
     But we cannot ignore the fact that Israel and Judah's rebellion against God was not overlooked by Him. Our God is a Holy and Righteous God; He will not tolerate continued rebellion. He shows us that over and over in the Bible, as His righteous anger falls on those who stubbornly persist in disobedience and following their own ways -- even if they are the apple of His eye. We can see by Judah's history of repeated cycles of rebellion, idolatry, and restoration, that YHWH is patient in allowing us to recognize our rebellion and to right it. But we can also discern that He is a just God, and He will not turn a blind eye to repeated offenses in which repentance is absent.
     Both the nation of Israel and Judah paid a price for their repeated rebellion. As a 2009 article titled The Experience of Israel and Judah: A Lesson For Today informs us, "Israel [the Northern kingdom] was at the height of her power under this king. The period was one of great wealth, luxury, arrogance, carnal security, oppression of the poor, moral decay, and formal worship. The moral declension and spiritual degradation of the people were appalling."  Furthermore, Judah followed in Israel's footsteps, and the article tells us they often lapsed into rebellion and idolatry; "they mocked God’s messengers, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets until the wrath of the Lord was aroused against His people and there was no remedy" (2 Chronicles 36:16).
     Sound familiar? Not every citizen of America meets those qualifiers, but we cannot ignore the social, moral and spiritual failings of this nation. We cannot say, "But I live a good life... I love God and worship Him in righteousness... surely God will not turn His back on me... we are a Christian nation!" But does the fruit of this nation bear witness to those claims? How do you think God looks upon us as a nation that consumes and exports pornography and child sex trafficking? How deep is the stain on our land of the blood of 60 million murdered babies by the abortion industry? How, in a land that is so rich and prosperous, are the poor getting poorer? How does He look upon our greed and idol worship of money, property, technology, fame, and worldly power, while rejecting the foundational principles of the Bible in our homes, businesses, and government?
     How can we expect to escape judgment, when God, in His Sovereignty, let Israel and Judah, reap the errors of their ways? What has been the excuse of the Church as we find ourselves sliding down an ever steeper hill of moral decay? It's not enough to say we were in Church every Sunday! It's not enough to say we prayed for our nation! We were to stand up and challenge each and every move of the Enemy of God as he advanced his plan to eradicate the authority and supremacy of God Almighty in the United States of America. We were supposed to rise up in our identities as true sons and daughters of our mighty God, and bear semblance to His mercy and righteousness and justice!
     Yet, here we find ourselves in a civil and moral battle with our fellow countrymen. There are plenty of prophets in the Body of Christ warning us of these things and the way we should go. Are our hearts truly prepared to take those steps? Can we wake up from our slumbering spirits and join forces in the spiritual realm to fight alongside the heavenly host to conquer the invading Anti-Christ spirit and his hordes? I can't imagine how terribly weary the angelic warriors are, waiting for us to get in the fight!
     I want to finish by saying that I know I've painted a pretty miserable picture of the state of our Union, but I'm afraid when you look at the fruit we've produced, it's starting to spoil. We don't come off looking too much different than ancient Israel and Judah. I know God is not pleased with us and we deserve His anger. But I also know that He is a God of promises, and He does not break them. Yes, we must repent -- not only ask for forgiveness of our grievous sins, but change the way we think about what our purpose and responsibilities are to His Kingdom while we are here on earth. And then we must put on that spiritual armor that we've left rusting in the corner, and get in the fight! We can bring down the strongholds of the Enemy, and we can cast down all the evil imaginations that are being used to go against the knowledge of God. If we truly trust in the Lord, then let us sink our spiritual roots deep into the soil of this nation, and nothing the Enemy brings against us can uproot us. He promises to never leave nor forsake us, and He promises to heal our land if we seek Him and turn from our wicked ways. There is hope in the Lord's promises. Do not give up now and there will be joy in the morning!

Isaiah 40:31    But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.

April 10, 2020

Here's Your Chance To Do Spiritual Warfare!

     I received this prophetic word from Jerusalem yesterday that I feel is extremely important for the Body of Christ. And I want you to know that I am very careful to discern whether such prophecies are coming from the Holy Spirit's counsel or the counsel of men and false prophets. Therefore, I believe that this word is a powerful weapon to defeat the strategy of the Evil One and bring down the mountain of Covid-19 and all that the Enemy is bringing against the world. Mark and I were obedient in joining other Believers across the world and we felt the power of it go out like an arrow into the spiritual realms!
     This prophetic word is to happen during this Passover season, and even though the exact timing may have passed (it was to be enacted at the beginning of Passover on Wednesday night), we know YHWH can compress and alter time to fit His plan. Trust Him to join your shouts with others around the world! Be blessed as you rejoice in the victory of the Lord! Here is the prophetic email.... 
Shalom Beloved!

It is in deep fear of the Lord that I send you this message. Very early this morning the Lord awakened me in my bed and began to pour His Holy Spirit through me. I became consumed in the language of prayer, but it was not intercession or petition. Decrees of prophetic spiritual warfare poured through me and out of me like a mighty river. I was in a spiritual conversation with the Lord that was so far beyond me, and yet a very real experience that totally consumed my total being in a strength and peace founded upon deep certainty.  I arose from my bed in the midst of the flood, and alone in the house, I began to walk in the midst of a fire, which I can only call the zeal of the Lord. For over an hour and a half, there was a powerful, passionate, and constant flow of my prayer language that originated in the deepest depths of my spirit. Following this time of prophetic exchange, I had a time of worship and adoration and then quiet came. After a while, I was compelled to sit and write what I had been told through the Holy Spirit.  With the fear of the Lord, and in a heart of humility, I share it with you now. I don’t want you to think anything of me other than that I am a servant of the Lord. YHVH will speak to whoever is listening. He has found me available and willing. It is now my responsibility to share with you what I was given. As always, test this rhema word against the Scripture and ask the Lord to confirm it as His voice.  After you read the message, I will share with you the outworking of His requests, which He has provided. Here is the word from the Lord:

“Awaken you sons of Issachar, My righteous remnant! Know the season and arise to its calling. The enemy is not at hand, as if it is still coming to your gates.  The enemy is HERE. How will you respond?  The voice of the enemy has been loud and intimidating. It has mocked your authority in Me, and sought to silence you through fear from its evil decrees and prognostications. It has legislated evil and punished those who would not comply. But in this hour, this enemy has its head up in a level of arrogance that I will no longer tolerate.

Behold, My Enemy has said, ‘I shall be sovereign over all the earth, and no one can thwart me. In my hand is the power of life and death. I declare what is my truth and no one can refute it. My servants, who do my bidding, are untouchable by the righteous. Their places are secure in me and in my power, for I have accepted their sacrifices of allegiance. The blood that has been poured out to give dominion to my own cannot be challenged, for in this hour the world is mine. It has fallen into my hands by the choice of human will.’

But behold, I say to you, Beloved, this is not so! For My power and authority remain, and will not be thwarted nor supplanted by the boasting or claims of the Evil One. I have not surrendered My human creation nor the physical world. Only, My ire increases with every act and word of his arrogant decrees. In this hour I am calling forth My armies upon the earth and in the heavens. My righteous children are hearing My call and they are uniting even now.  A great sorting has come upon the earth, and it has begun within My own house. WHO will stand with MY WORD? Who will recognize the sound of My voice over the sound of the Enemy and of the flesh?  I have called forth My army to arise and to engage against this great wickedness that continually seeks to pervert My way, will, and word.  I will prove, WHO IS SOVEREIGN! I will demonstrate WHOSE WORD IS THE LAW! I will certify, who is My own … My elect … My righteous ones.

A great mountain stands before you, yet it is not just a mountain of pestilence formulated in the minds of hell’s servants. It is a well-organized system with many tendrils and arms. Its members are well-coordinated and covenanted through the spilled and ingested blood of the innocent. The torment and the terror, suffered by My littles ones, brought about by those in blood covenant with the Great Deceiver, is about to be exposed. The price of this horror shall be demanded from those, who have committed this great wickedness. Those, who have profited by the spilling of innocent blood will pay the price that I demand of them. Those, who have enabled the shedding of innocent blood, by turning away their eyes and hiding behind social permissions will soon see the horrors of their error. I have heard the supplications of the righteous, even as I have heard the cries of the terrorized, tortured, and slain. Their blood has been exposed to Me, and I will not ignore it. I have waited to bring forth the weight of My judgments; allowing time for the balance scale to come down heavier on the side of sufficient repentance. In these last weeks, I have seen the scale moving in a righteous direction, but not quite enough yet. Therefore, I have called forth the sounding of My voice across this nation, and across this world, to add the necessary weight to bring forth My hand of judgment against the organized powers of wickedness.  If My voice is heard and heeded, I shall arise and act for My name’s sake, and for the sake of the righteous.

This mountain that stands before you can crumble as surely as the walls of Jericho once fell with a blast and a unified shout of My children in obedience.  For the wicked to be turned toward righteousness there must be a great downfall of this mountain … even a great humiliation of the Evil One and of his wicked operatives. For the unconvinced and uncommitted to choose Me and My truth, there must be a bold demonstration of My power upon the earth.  If you call it forth now, I will bring it. If you send forth the sound of war into the spiritual realm, followed with a shout of victory arising from the authority of My realm, I will manifest My armies upon the earth.

Are you ready for the temporary upheaval that this will bring?  Will you recognize the sorting and hold your footing of faith, as My armies make war? Will you stand forth to speak without fear and without compromise? Will you declare My reality, My law, and My love of redemption to those, who will be terrified and adrift in the turmoil? What would it benefit, if I tilled a fresh field, and you were too busy or preoccupied to plant it? What would benefit, if I gave you good, pure, seed, and you mingled it with adulterated seed upon the field?  What would benefit, if I brought forth a ripe and abundant harvest, but you chose to let it wait until you felt it was convenient or proper for you to gather it in?  Before I bring this mountain down before you, you must answer those questions. If I do My part, and you neglect to do yours, your state will be worse than before I acted.

Humble your hearts before Me. Count the cost. Set your faces as flint in advance of the victory, and move according to My instructions. I want to extend mercy and relief. I want your enemies to be scattered and crushed. If we are in agreement, then arise and undertake for the sake of My Kingdom and for the sake of your world. Arise to the battle for the sake of the little ones, who cannot fight for themselves.  Glorify My name through your victory, but do not glorify your own name, lest you fall into the temptation of pride that will open yet another door to destruction. Allow Me to clear the air of the threats against you. My servants will make a way for you so that your prayers and decrees can break through the barriers … so that they will be able to strip away the satanic protection that has been laid over the ones, who plot and enact evil upon the earth. Shout with one voice!  Worship Me with one heart.  Serve Me with one purpose. A fire has been kindled and is ready to be sent down to the earth from My Holy furnace. Call it forth and stand in complete faith in the middle of the burn. You shall come forth without harm. You shall emerge without the scent of smoke upon you. When you look for those, who have brought evil upon you, they will not be found. Arise and shout out the call for spiritual war. Blow the shofars and call forth the battle. I will bring the victory. Now is the hour to act.”

The Strategy
Now, for sharing the strategy that was entrusted to my husband and I a few days ago. After some time in prayer, the Lord impressed upon us that we are in a time of spiritual war and that in a time of war the shofar must be sounded.  When seeking the timing of this blowing of the shofar, the Lord indicated that it must be just before and as Passover begins. As a Jewess, I have never heard of blowing a shofar on, or around, that holy day. Within hours, confirmation came that in a time of war a shofar can be blown during Passover. So, with Passover beginning on Wednesday evening this week, we were given the timing as being this Wednesday … just barely prior to the beginning of Passover. We were told to blow shofars at 12:00 noon, US eastern time … just as Passover is beginning in Jerusalem, Israel (Passover in Jerusalem begins at 12:03 PM US eastern time … 7:03 PM Jerusalem time).  The Lord then showed us that my husband should stand on the rooftop of the hospital where he works, and blow from that high place, while I and others, who also have shofars, gather in the hospital parking lot below. As my husband blows the sound from above, we all will blow from the ground.

I thought that this was the whole of the strategy, but it was not. After the blowing of the shofars, the Lord has asked us to raise a shout, like the children of Israel did at the walls of Jericho to bring them down. In doing so, we will be calling down this mountain of evil that has risen up against the authority of YHVH, and against His people. This morning after the downloading I received from the Holy Spirit, the strategy began to be seen in its fullness. Not only are we to do this, but people all across this country, and even across the world are to join in sounding the shofar wherever they are … at the time that matches 7:00 PM this Wednesday in Jerusalem.  For those, who do not have shofars, they can go to sites on the internet that have the blowing of the shofar recorded (I will give you one below). At that time … whether they are in the home, at work, or wherever … they can go to the site, hit play, and hold up the phone to send forth the sound. The Lord has said He will link every shofar blast in every location sounding it, and send His Passover fire to the spot where it is being blown or broadcast. From there, it will spread.  People can gather (if allowable … and if 6 feet of social distance is maintained) for this event outside hospitals in their area … in areas near seats of government, media, justice, commerce, faith, etc.  Wherever evil has held power and expressed authority, we can take a stand.  For those, who are unfamiliar with prophetic acts, this may sound like total nonsense. However, I can assure you, if this is done in obedience and in faith, the Lord will act. We cannot know fully what the fruit will be, how it will manifest, or exactly when we will see it upon the earth.  However, after receiving the Rhema word that the Lord gave me this morning, I am completely confident that this is not a random, inconsequential thing. There will be a change in the spiritual climate. He is asking us to participate in His Kingdom strategies. We are blessed!!

So, I ask you to take this to prayer. If you receive agreement in the Spirit, ask the Lord how He would have you participate. Let others of faith, know about this, and possibly join with you. If you cannot personally participate, at noon this Wednesday eastern time, pray in support of what the Lord is accomplishing. After three minutes, send forth a shout of glory, praise, and power to His name, and then leave the rest to Him.

For those of you, who do not have a shofar, feel free to go to this site and project it from your phone.

Shofar Blast HERE

Let’s get the word out quickly, mobilize, act, and look expectantly for His response. This is about doing the will of the Lord!

In Him,

     For those of you who may be skeptical as to receiving this prophetic word, I know that God used prophets before the First Coming of Jesus, and He is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I believe He is speaking through His chosen ones before the Second Coming of Christ. It is incumbent upon us to listen to the Holy Spirit to discern if the message is from Him. And while we may have missed the Wednesday timeline, I believe the Lord will honor our obedience if we respond within this Passover season. May you be blessed in your obedience as you join the children of God and the heavenly host in battling in the heavenlies. 

Acts 2:17    In the last days I will pour out My spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy... 



March 29, 2020

Thoughts To Consider....

     There are a couple of thoughts that have been rattling around in my head for the last week or so, and I'd like to share the first of them today... If we have the ability to be honest with ourselves, how many times have we complained that the distractions of the world keep us from deepening our relationship with God? I know that I have written many times that I see how our jobs, our activities, our social life, the internet, etc. are all ways that rob us of our time to spend with the Father. In fact, I would be willing to say that all these can potentially be used by the Enemy to steal the growth and maturity of our faith life.
     So, what's our excuse now? Many of us across the globe are quarantined or sheltering in place. We have lots of time to spend in worship, or prayer, or reading the Word. It should now be obvious to us if we really have a heart to know our Lord.
     And how often have we quoted Psalm 46:10 ... "Be still and know that I am God?" Well, we're being forced to be still. Are we making the effort to know God? Are we being wise with this newfound time we have? Or are we wasting this opportunity to listen for the voice of God? I see this season in our history as such a great opportunity for the Body of Christ to transform itself; to abandon the ways of the world and enter into the destinies written for us on our scrolls in Heaven -- to truly seek the Mind of Christ.
     It will take wisdom to let go of what the world tells us is important. And that might mean the loss of jobs, aspects of our health and wealth, and yes, even letting go of the internet which has become even more of a robber of our time since the spread of COVID-19. Yes, it will take wisdom -- but not the wisdom the world offers. Rather, God's Wisdom; the Spirit of Wisdom which imparts God's thoughts and His Word in our hearts. If we have ears to hear, we can discern now, more than ever, that it is the time to take advantage of God's Word and His Wisdom. 
     Take a moment and read Proverbs 1:20-33, and see if you don't recognize the current state of our nation and the world:

20 Wisdom cries aloud in the street,
in the markets she raises her voice;
21 at the head of the noisy streets she cries out;
at the entrance of the city gates she speaks:
22 “How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?
How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing
and fools hate knowledge?
23 Will you turn away at my reproof?
Behold, I will pour out my spirit to you;
I will make my words known to you.
24 Because I have called and you refused to listen,
have stretched out my hand and no one has heeded,
25 because you have ignored all my counsel
and would have none of my reproof,
26 I also will laugh at your calamity;
I will mock when terror strikes you,
27 when terror strikes you like a storm
and your calamity comes like a whirlwind,
when distress and anguish come upon you.
28 Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer;
they will seek me diligently but will not find me.
29 Because they hated knowledge
and did not choose the fear of the Lord,
30 would have none of my counsel
and despised all my reproof,
31 therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way,
and have their fill of their own devices.
32 For the simple are killed by their turning away,
and the complacency of fools destroys them;
33 but whoever listens to me will dwell secure
and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.”

     There is so much in this proverb that I see mirrored in our world ... the Spirit of God's Wisdom has tried crying out to us in the marketplace, but we've been too focused on our jobs and accumulating wealth. She cries out in the streets, but we are too interested in being offended and condemning others. The city gates are our seats of government, and we know she hasn't been heard there!
      And God asks how long will we be content with an absence of Godly wisdom and delight in mocking Him and glorifying our own simple wisdom? And He clearly warns ... because He has called to us and no one listened; and we ignored His counsel and did not heed His offer when He stretched out His hand, He will laugh at our calamity -- even when it escalates to a whirlwind and distress and anguish come upon us. Many are feeling that today!
      It's not as if there have not been prior warnings and danger signs. So much of our moral fabric and connection to God has disintegrated in my lifetime alone. And I believe it is because we dis-invited Him from our schools, our halls of justice, our centers of government, our marriages, and our public square. What did we expect? That we could hate His knowledge, reject the fear of the Lord, and refuse His counsel, and there would be no aftereffects?
      He tells us in this powerful proverb that we will "eat the fruit of our way and have our fill of our own devices". Our rebellion and rejection, coupled with our complacency has the potential to destroy us. BUT, remember ... Jesus has redeemed us ... IF we will turn from our ways and listen to God's Spirit of Wisdom.
      There is still time for the people on the earth to repent for the iniquity that we have plowed, which reaped so much injustice. We have stuffed ourselves on the fruit of our lies because we trusted in our own ways. Those are not my words, friends, but were spoken by the prophet Hosea 2700 years ago. Yet, they are just as true today.
      So, please, I pray that mankind will heed the Spirit of Wisdom who is speaking to us today, telling us that we are now in the midst of a season where it is actually possible to hear the voice of God calling to us. Our marketplaces and businesses have been shuttered and our noisy streets are quieted. The gates of our government are in perpetual turmoil, but we can become unified and rise above their scoffing and scorn. We can respond to the sound of our Father in Heaven, calling us to choose His ways. We can come out of our complacency and smug self-pride and believe in the promise that we can once again dwell securely, without fear of further disaster.
      Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time to break down and a time to build up; a time to get and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to cast away. We've all got a lot of time on our hands right now. It seems that things are breaking down all around us. But you were born for this time. What will you choose to build up, keep, cast away? This is a time for great reflection on the rest of your life.

Hosea 10:12    Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that He may come and rain righteousness upon you.   

November 23, 2019

"The Veils" Of Our Existence

     Since I began this blog, I have periodically run this post that I originally wrote in 2012, shortly after I launched this site. The post was based on a theory proposed by the late Don Harkin, former Editor of The Idaho Observer.  Mr. Harkin suggested the existence of a world system of Power-Elites that the masses don't comprehend because these Power-Elites have cleverly developed a virtual pasture so green that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing to notice that they are being led over the cliff. It was Mr. Harkin's conjecture that there were at least 8 veils of understanding that a person needed to penetrate in order to see the real purpose of our existence.
     From that first posting in 2012 to the second posting in 2016, my understanding that each level of these "veils" included spiritual battles had increased exponentially, and I added a "new perspective" to my original perception. I still think each of these stages exists and is valid, and in order to progress to a higher understanding of just how we are to maneuver through this existence called life, we must be able to pierce each successive veil and move to the next level.  It is part of our human journey on this earth... only now, I see this journey with the added benefit of spiritual eyes. So, now that we are approaching 2020, it's time to revisit this interesting speculation, and see if we grasp any new revelations that we can add to Mr. Harkins' original conjecture.  If this is not the first time you've read this post on my blog, I'm also interested to know how many of you have grown in your understanding, as well.
     The First Veil (2012) = Politics. There are over 7 billion+ people on the planet.  Most of them will live and die without seriously thinking about anything other than what it takes to live and breathe for one more day.  That means that 90% of all humanity will live behind this first veil and never pierce it.  That leaves 10% of us who will vote, be active in our societies and have an opinion.  Our opinions are often shaped by government officials, the Mainstream Media, or other "experts" who claim to be voices of authority.  But of those with an opinion, 90% will never really think for themselves and will adopt the opinion of others, while 10% will pierce the second veil and move forward in their thinking.
     My 2016 Perspective:  All this remains true, but now I see that there are spiritual forces behind those involved in the government, Mainstream Media, and "experts", or voices of authority.  Of those of us within the 10% who form their own opinion, how many understand that politics is not the answer -- that our power will not come from our affiliation with whomever wins elections, but from Jesus Christ?  And what small percentage of that 10% realizes that our time on this earth should not be spent supporting man-made power structures, but using our power from Christ to "do the things He has done, only greater"? (John 14:12).
     My 2020 Perspective: In the last four years I have grown from an understanding that I have spiritual power and authority transferred from my Savior, Jesus Christ, to a revelation that I am a citizen of Heaven and an Ambassador for the Kingdom of God and His government here on earth. I am to be a member of Christ's Ecclesia (governing body of Christians who implement God's laws/government in our culture and nation). I now understand that our 21st Century model of a Church building full of Christians has not accomplished what Christ intended when He trained and equipped His disciples to go into the world and heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the spiritually unclean, raise the dead, and spread the Gospel of the Kingdom.

    The Second Veil (2012) = History.  Once we've pierced the first veil, there will be 10% of us who will explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government, which will then lead to the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law.  Ninety percent of this group will live and die without going on to pierce the third veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  T
he Constitution is no longer my route to real freedom.  Man's laws and self-government will only get me so far.  My true freedom lies in letting Jesus heal my spiritual wounds, and recognizing that I don't have to suffer the "fiery darts" of the Enemy.  The history that consumes me now are the experiences of those -- both from the ancient world, and the modern -- who have learned what it means to transcend the tyranny and oppression from the spiritual realm to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.  That is true freedom.
     My 2020 Perspective: The Constitution is being undermined and usurped as Evil begins to come out from behind the veil and boldly reveal itself. Man-made laws that have governed in times past are ignored and I now understand that if we Christians do not stand up and govern as an Ecclesia, then someone else will write our laws. We can see that in the Colorado law that does not require gender specification on a birth certificate. We are in new [and increasingly terrifying] territory when it comes to what history has shown to be traditional forms of law and government. The gloves are coming off.

     The Third Veil (2012) = Resources of the World.  Of the group that pierces this veil, 10% of us will come to realize that the masses are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose old world assets have been manipulated to become the foundation upon which the world's economy is currently indebted.  (Think Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, the Royal Monarchs).  But sadly, 90% of this group will never pierce the fourth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Yes, the masses are controlled by these extremely wealthy and powerful families; and behind them are the spiritual forces of wickedness and evil.  I believe that they have sold their souls for earthly wealth and power that will prove false when the Day of Judgment comes.
     My 2020 Perspective: Those that have held this control are feeling threatened as Jesus's Remnant is awakening to the truth of their power and is fighting back spiritually. Therefore, the Wicked are accelerating their evil through sex trafficking, child sacrifice, and sex rituals, as well as reallocating resources of rare earth minerals to their advantage.
     The Fourth Veil (2012) = The Illuminati, Freemasonry and other secret societies.  There are 10% of us that recognize these societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that transfer mysterious knowledge that is used to keep us ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth.  This has been seen frequently at Super Bowl halftime shows (Beyonce flashing "the Rockefeller" sign; Madonna sporting symbols of the occult) and during the Grammy's (Nikki Minaj's ode to "Roman", the demon whom she says possesses her).  Just check out the Youtube videos for each of these demonstrations!  But once again, 90% of those who have reached this level of understanding will never pierce the fifth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Boy, has my understanding of this grown in the last few years!  The Lord has shown me just how much devastation has been sown on families steeped in these secret societies.  The oaths and curses taken during secret ritual ceremonies have resulted in great oppression among many Christians, who don't even know these secret societies have permeated their families or their Churches!  And the evidence that these societies have infiltrated our entertainment industry is overwhelming.  I am literally seeing the signs and symbols everywhere I look throughout our culture.  Sadly, I believe that our country is steeped in the occult mysticism associated with these groups, and they are influencing every area of our lives.
     My 2020 Perspecrtive:  These last years have seen Mark and I grow in our ministry of Inner Healing and we certainly have seen an increase in the iniquity in family lines that demonstrate the characteristics of demonic oppression. And it is so much more in the open! People are now willing to reveal the torment they are under and are desperate for a solution. So many people are suffering that it is almost becoming mainstream among our society. So, now we are no longer able to ignore the evil permeating our homes and families. What are we going to do about it? Is the Church willing to finally get on board with the knowledge that evil exists, spiritual warfare is real, and we have to fight back?

     The Fifth Veil (2012) = Technological advances by these Secret Societies. I may lose some of you at this point, but I urge you to do your own research and study the Bible in depth.  There are hints of the knowledge behind this fifth veil, but you have to be willing to connect the dots.  There are 10% who make it this far in their understanding who learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that they are able to do things that were considered science fiction just decades ago.  The inventions of Ray Kurzweil and his prediction of "man's singularity with computers" is an example of such advanced technology.  But what's interesting is that this technology is actually ancient, and compares to what Nimrod was trying to accomplish at the Tower of Babel; namely to become like God. Are we getting dangerously close to that concept again?  Nearly 90% will never get beyond this understanding to the sixth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  To say that technology has surpassed science fiction is putting it mildly.  Human-animal hybrids are being created in Great Britain, and a surgeon plans to reanimate human corpses.  Books are being written that tell us immortality is accessible to everyone, outside of any religious worldview.  Inventors and artists openly admit that they are "channeling" spiritual sources of knowledge.  All this is being downloaded from entities in the spiritual realm to control and deceive the human race.  We better understand who we're dealing with.
     My 2020 Perspective: It's just more of the same and at a faster pace. Pedophilia and child pornography rings use technology to spread their evil; people are so intrigued with getting their technology "fix" quicker and easier, that we have gone from cell phones to watches and implants can't be far behind. There is still talk of moving our brains to "the Cloud", and Siri and Alexa know everything we say and do. How long until we're dealing with the real-life scenario portrayed in 1984's Terminator movie?

     The Sixth Veil (2012) = Aliens and Monsters may be real.  It is going to take a huge leap for the 10% who get to this level of understanding.  But if you study your Bible closely, you will see mention of fallen angels mating with earthly women to give birth to Nephalim (Giants) (Genesis 6:4 and 2 Samuel 21:20, for example).  There are many modern-day Biblical scholars who are prepared to say that the minotaurs of old and the UFO and alien sightings of today are evidence of these fallen angels.
     My 2016 Perspective:  My, how far we've come in these last three-and-a-half years!  The growth of the remnant of the Church who understands the truth of Genesis 6 has been astounding!  I know that there are "spiritual monsters" and they are called demons.  I have encountered them in deliverance sessions, and seen them stare out of the eyes of people who had no idea they were being oppressed by them.  Savage and brutal and bizarre attacks upon people are increasing and are evidence that the Enemy is bringing the spiritual battle to our physical world.  Although, yes, these demons are real, we should have no fear because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.
     My 2020 Perspective: I think perhaps the most surprising new revelation I have received in the last nearly four years is the cooperation between evil men and Satan's demonic forces. TV shows like Stranger Things may appear to be a form of conspiracy entertainment, but it is based on real-life government experiments in the so-called Montauk Project, involving space, time, and opening portals into other dimensions -- which, naturally leads to the question of what is coming through those portals and are Christians awake and prepared to do battle in these spiritual realms?

     The Seventh Veil (2012) = Peace of the Lord.  If you have made it this far and can conceive of the concepts behind the sixth veil, then perhaps you can see that what waits for us behind the seventh.  It's hard to imagine, but I can foresee a small group of people whose soul and spirit is so evolved that they can exist on this earth, yet be unafraid of the evil that abounds in this realm.  The only way I can describe it is to have such peace from God that you are unafraid of death.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Actually, my perspective has moved in a new direction on this veil.  It's not such a small group that sees the evil ascending on the earth from the second heaven, or spiritual realm.  These last few years has seen an amazing growth in this knowledge within the Body of Christ.  It's as if the Holy Spirit has done a massive data dump upon Christians!  We not only know and discern this spiritual warfare, but we also have been given the knowledge that we have the Authority of Jesus to fight [in this war] through the Power of the Holy Spirit.  And that's where our Peace comes from... knowing that we can rebuke the devil and he will flee; knowing that the Lord is our banner in this fight and goes before us; and we know that Jesus will not only never leave us nor forsake us, but He who began a good work in us will complete it.  That is called Peace!
     My 2020 Perspective: This knowledge of supernatural peace has only grown! Once again, I am seeing panic among the general public, and even among some of the "religious" Christians, as they once again sense that the noose is tightening around our comfortable way of life. But those of us who pierced the previous six veils have journeyed for awhile now in the peace that only comes from understanding [and accepting] that evil will increase before Jesus comes back to administer His swift justice. In what might be perceived as an unorthodox mindset, we actually receive the certainty of advancing evil as a sign that our Lord is near to returning. We are ready and both physically and spiritually prepared. We are no longer restive in the midst of the anticipation of evil, but are serene and calm in the certainty of our victory.

     That brings us to Harkin's Eighth veil (2012), which can only be the pure energy, authority and life force that is God.  We can only hope to tap into that Power, and I think the closest we can come to that is to seek a personal, intimate relationship with the One True God, the Ruler of the Universe and abide in Him.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Yes, a personal, intimate relationship is necessary to tap into that Power, but it is incumbent upon each of us to know that it is available to us.  We are not to be mindless robots, sitting idly by waiting for God to win this war all by Himself.  We are created in His image, exhorted to imitate Christ, and called to an inheritance in Christ.  He dwells in us!  That energy, authority and life force are not to be squandered, but used to gain ground in defeating the Enemy in our lives!
     My 2020 Perspective: The knowledge that we are to have a personal, intimate relationship with Christ is now seen through an entirely new lens. He is our King, and we serve Him in His kingdom here on earth. He is our model, and we are to hear and see His directives on managing this earth, just as He followed everything the Father showed and told Him. This picture of citizenship in the Kingdom of God on earth still includes love, compassion, mercy, and grace ... but it has expanded to taking back territory from the kingdom of darkness in people's lives. Mankind was given dominion over the earth at our creation, and it is time we step into that mandate and take up our mantle of authority, using the power of Heaven through the Holy Spirit. who resides in us.

     So, as you can see, with each veil of understanding that is pierced, the number of people "who see" gets exponentially smaller.  When I first wrote this blog post over 7 years ago, I saw mainly through "worldly" eyes.  I was focused on "the low information voter", and the gullible citizens who I saw as useful idiots and tools of the state.  I actually thought my vote really mattered and changing the politics of the nation would solve the world's problems.  I didn't see the spiritual component.
     When I reassessed my understanding three-and-a-half years ago, I can honestly say that I believed I was at that Eighth veil, and I was so grateful to my Lord and the Holy Spirit for helping me to see through the murkiness of the veils and how they obscured my vision of God's Truth.  I saw that my existence here on earth was more than just this physical realm, and my victory in this life depended on my readiness to work with Jesus and the Holy Spirit to do battle with the spiritual realm.  I truly knew that I did not battle against flesh and blood, but had the Authority and Power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to free myself of spiritual bondage.
    Now, with an additional three-and-a-half years under my belt, I realize that my comprehension of that eighth veil was rudimentary. Yes, it was important to know the true intent of Jesus's Great Commission for us Believers. And, yes, it is not only our privilege, but our responsibility to work with Him and the Holy Spirit to "set the captives free" from their demonic bondage to Satan's lies. But we aren't to stop there. Once we are free, we are to use that energy, authority, and life force that is "God in us" to continue the purpose that Jesus came for -- to re-establish this earth and its inhabitants under the governmental authority of the Kingdom of God.
     Jesus says in Luke 4:43, I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose. And then He says, in Matthew 24:14, And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. I now clearly see that part of my responsibility as a citizen of the Kingdom of God is to speak into people so that they achieve the entry point into the Kingdom -- which is Salvation. Then I must work with Jesus to get them free from the lies of the Enemy. And then I am to equip and train them to do the same for others, educating them about what it means to be a citizen of Heaven on earth. That is the entire Gospel of the Kingdom! And then the end of Satan's kingdom will come when the Lord returns with His righteous judgment!
    The largest part of "the Church" has stopped at Salvation! Until we can spread the good news of the Kingdom, Christ will not return. And unless you're free from Satan's lies, you cannot comprehend the Kingdom concept and your role as a citizen. Can you see it? First comes Salvation, then Freedom, then your position and responsibility in the Kingdom! 
     I will admit that it's a long road to progress through these veils, and if you are just beginning to awaken to their reality, then I hope you can see that living, breathing and thinking are just the beginning to greater understanding.  And there is nothing to fear... we know that victory is ours in the next life.  Until then, it an honor to stand for our Lord and represent Him as Kingdom citizens to all we come in contact with, and to help others to push through the veils.  As we teach them the meaning of each obstruction, and show them how to move to the next stage, it will be one less obstacle between them and God, and Christ's return.  That is a goal worthy of effort by every Christian.

2 Corinthians 3:16-17   But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

July 17, 2019

How Do We View God's Justice and Righteousness In The 21st Century?

     The concept of Justice and Righteousness can be a confusing issue among both Christians and non-Christians alike. For starters, among the various translations, the two terms "justice" and "righteousness" are often interchangeable. So, at times God's justice is His righteousness, as in the ESV version of Psalm 106:3, which says, "Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!". The structure of the sentence seems to indicate that the two clauses are similar in meaning. Yet the King James translation of that same verse indicates two separate and independent clauses: "Blessed are they that keep judgment, and he that doeth righteousness at all times."
     Again, we see a confusion of terms in Deuteronomy 32:4, which says, "The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he." Yet that same verse, in the King James version reads, "He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he." Is God's justice to be understood as His righteousness, or is it His judgment? No wonder we, in the 21st Century, have a hard time understanding the true nature and character of our God!
     In a very real sense, I believe we have lost our awareness and our perception -- our consciousness -- of what a Just God looks like. We have decided that we like the picture of a loving and kind God better than that of a God who judges and condemns people to destruction. In fact, many have decided to drive a wedge between the Old and New Testaments, saying that Jesus brought Grace and Mercy and Compassion, and there is no room for Old Testament justice as judgment in the New Covenant.
     But, because we know that the God of the Old Testament is the same as the God of the New, and that one of His characteristics is that He never changes (James 1:17), nor can Scripture be undone, annulled, or broken (John 10:35); we can confidently declare that His justice is both righteousness and judgment, as He determines.
     One of the hardest accusations against God to answer is why would He command the complete destruction of Canaanite peoples down to every last man, woman, and child? We are asked, "If your God is such a loving God, where is the justice and compassion in that?" What we need to be able to explain is that Israel had a unique calling as God's chosen covenant people. Their assignment was to prepare the way for a pure and just Messiah. That's why God was so careful in establishing purity laws; they pointed the way to the holiness demanded by God to bring the Messiah into the world.
     Jesus Christ must be born through an uncorrupted and pure bloodline. The inhabitants of the Canaanite nations that the Israelites were commanded to destroy were the descendants of fallen angels mating with human women; obviously an unholy bloodline. There could be no intermingling of DNA. God intended for His chosen people to remain pure so Jesus could be born into humanity; while Satan was determined to pollute the gene pool so that our Lord's birth would be denied.
     Furthermore, our just and righteous God instituted sacrificial laws to point the way to the Atonement that Jesus would bring. And the total destruction of the Canaanite societies was both a physical and spiritual war that pointed to God's just judgment against sins such as child sacrifice and cult prostitution. Old Testament scholar Tremper Longman summarizes these points of God's justice and righteousness like this: We must point out that the Bible does not understand the destruction of the men, women, and children of these cities as a slaughter of innocents. Not even the children are considered innocent. They are all part of an inherently wicked culture that, if allowed to live, would morally and theologically pollute the people of Israel.  I would add, spiritually and physically to that list, as well.
     That's a pretty simple example of God's justice and righteousness in the Old Testament. But how are we to look at it in the New Testament, and from a modern perspective? At the Cross, Jesus exemplified and experienced the full measure of God's wrath against sin. And because of His sacrifice, we can be forgiven of our sin, and stand in God's favor by faith alone.
     But the war is not over! God's enemies will not be completely defeated until Jesus returns to establish everlasting justice on the earth. Until then, we are still called to do battle for God; only now it is a spiritual battle against "the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." We are not called to fight and destroy flesh and blood humans today, but to tear down and destroy strongholds and principalities in the spiritual realms!
     But have we stripped our God of His nature of Justice, which includes His administration of a heavenly government on the earth? Do we now interpret everything in the human sphere through Grace or Hyper-Grace instead of a righteous and just governmental lens? I'm not sure that the majority of Christians believe in Justice today. Could it be that we have reduced God to the characteristics that make us feel comfortable; creating a God that fits our image of what He should be -- loving, kind, gentle, merciful, gracious, compassionate, warm, sensitive ... and oh, yes, let's not forget tolerant. 
     Have we forgotten that at the beginning of His ministry, He proclaimed that the Kingdom of Heaven had arrived? Have we ignored the fact that a kingdom is under the legal jurisdiction of its King? Have we read the back of The Book which tells us that He comes to rule and reign; and to divide and conquer; that He is Lord, King and Judge? All that speaks of justice in terms that we don't like to apply to Him ... vengeance is His, and He will repay. 
     It is important to acknowledge that YHWH has not changed. He is the same God in 2019 that He was at the creation of this world. Even in the midst of his righteous judgment, He can be seen as merciful and loving. Through the destruction of the Canaanites, God mercifully protected the Israelites from idolatry and maintained His plan for Jesus to be born pure and holy. God was merciful and righteous in His justice to provide a way for a Canaanite woman (the prostitute Rahab) to repent and join the geneology of Jesus. A righteous and holy God would not be true to Himself if He tolerated sin. He must uphold His holiness. But we can be assured that wrath is not His heart. Because He will not tolerate sin, it shows His righteous mercy for those He loves. David Matthews, Executive Director of desiringGod.org writes, "Severity in God always serves His heart of mercy — to make known the riches of His glory to His people, who are the vessels of His mercy." 
     So, let us endeavor to remember that Jesus reclaimed the earth for the Kingdom of God. Nothing has changed with that profound reality.  We need both His justice in the form of His righteousness and love; but when necessary, we need His judgment, too. It all serves to mold us into the very image of Him, and to see the completion of the restoration of His kingdom on earth.

Proverbs 28:5    Evil men do not understand justice, but they who long for and seek the Lord understand it fully.   

April 19, 2019

Are God's Love and Holiness Compatible?

     I ask this question because it has been on my heart as I discern the influence of the Enemy trying to divide the Body of Christ on this issue. I am beginning to see two distinct camps of Christians, and perhaps we need to dig deep and know, not only what Scripture says about Love and Holiness, but know what we believe about these characteristics of God.
     I want to begin by saying that this is my opinion as I see it at this moment in my sanctification process. I am still growing in all that God is revealing, and I know that I do not have the definitive answer to all the questions that will surely arise from this blog post. Nor do I profess to be the ultimate authority. I simply wish to present some thoughts that I hope make each of you seek the Father's heart on the matter. And, if you find yourself in one camp or the other, perhaps this discussion will lead to more understanding among our fellow Christians.
     I think it goes without saying that we all know how important love is to God. In the 21st Century Church, love is highly prized. I bet most Christians can recite the most popular Scriptures on love ... For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life ... God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him ... Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love ... We love because He first loved us ... You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I could go on and on. The Bible has much to say on God's love and how important it is to Him.
     But the Word also has a lot to say on God's Holiness: There is none holy like the Lord ... Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory! ... Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord ... But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy” ... Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy ... You yourselves, like living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
     So, are God's Love and His Holiness mutually exclusive? Is one more important than the other? If they are both characteristics of His nature, how do they intersect? Again, I ask these questions because I fear that we Christians can become out of balance if we lean too far to either side. By that, I mean that if we love others, yet ignore God's call to holiness, it can lead to a compromised culture where immorality, perversion, and rebellion to God's moral laws are tolerated. We see this in the number of fatherless children, confusion over sexual identity, the willingness to ignore unrighteousness for the sake of extending mercy to another, and corruption at all levels of society. On the other hand, if we, as Christians, attempt holiness without love and mercy, we can become legalistic and religious -- intolerant of meeting the physical and spiritual needs of those who need to know Jesus the most. It is incumbent upon us, if we are going to represent Christ [growing into His image] that we embrace both Love and Holiness in their proper proportion. But what does that look like?  I'd like to present some thoughts for your consideration.
     First let's consider what God's "Love" is. Love is part of God's essential nature as expressed in Psalm 86:15: But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. Love is the attitude of God expressed not only toward His Son, and to believers in Jesus, but towards the race of human beings He created. Jesus expresses this concept in John 17:26, "I made known to them Your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which You have loved me may be in them, and I in them." And it is God's will that His children's attitude towards each other be one of Love.  "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." Furthermore, as Christians, God is the primary object of our love and it is to be expressed in total obedience to His commandments. "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
     So, now let's consider God's "Holiness".  This concept of Holiness is a little harder to describe because there is so much depth to it. And, I believe that "holiness" has a bad reputation; even becoming culturally irrelevant in this Age of Grace. So, let's agree that God is Holy in the sense that He is morally and spiritually separated from sin, therefore being the only absolute "Holy One", as expressed in His purity, His majesty, and His glory. To take it a step further, the glory of God is the goodness, the fullness, the splendor, and the awareness of His presence manifested in us. So, when Peter tells us in 1 Peter 1:15, But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, there is an implication that we are to cleanse ourselves from all defilement, living a holy manner of life, and experiencing fellowship with God in His Holiness. 
     But we also can't ignore our citizenship in the Kingdom of God during this discussion. Loving God, which should be our top priority, means keeping His commandments. Yes, He tells us to love others as we love ourselves, but first we are to love the Father with everything we have! And that means obeying His commands to heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the spiritually unclean, raise the dead, and spread the Gospel that Jesus came to preach -- the Gospel of the Kingdom. And we are to do all this with love in our heart. In fact, I don't believe you could do these commands without love. It is the love of the Father in us that moves us to act, but it is His Holiness in us that gives us the power and authority to overcome and defeat every enemy of God. 
     I believe Jesus draws us to Himself through His love, mercy, and kindness towards us. He wants us to display that same love to others. But He doesn't leave us there. He begins a work in us to transform us into His image, which is holy. His love in us provides a way for us to approach the throne of God, but it is His holiness that gives us access to God's glory -- His presence in us that will propel us to rule and reign with Him in the Kingdom. 
     If Holiness is the likeness of God, and we are called to holiness, then we are called to live a life that is set apart from this world; to live in accord with our King and His Kingdom. That means not compromising the standards of God -- any of them! Yet, a new study by the Barna Group reports that half of American pastors worry about preaching on hot-button social issues—like abortion and LGBTQ issues—worried they might offend someone.  These pastors revealed that they felt pressured from both inside the church and the culture of our society to simply "love others as you love yourself". But that does not take into account the whole counsel of God!
     We live in the Kingdom realm of our King Jesus, whether all Christians recognize that or not. As Kingdom citizens we have to decide if we are going to obey God or please people. It can be a tough line to walk. As Bible-believing followers of Christ we are to love everyone, even our enemies. Yet, we are always to walk in obedience to the Word, and sometimes love does not always appear in a warm, fuzzy manner. Sometimes love is speaking the truth without fear. And as strange as it may seem, a holy love can divide.  Because when we stop speaking and teaching God's truth because we're afraid it will offend, then we are pleasing man instead of God. We need to embrace that Grace and Truth, Love and Holiness are all sides of God's Nature. We must be careful to have a Biblical concept of God, and not one based on our own mind, will, and emotions.
     We can neither elevate Love at the expense of Holiness, nor deny that His love is present in His Holiness. Author Bert Farias explains it much better than I do: "Just as water flows through a pipe, the love of God flows through His holiness. Moreover, it is God's love that keeps Him from overlooking His holiness. After all, it was His holiness which made the atonement necessary. His holiness demanded the cost of God's own Son, for He cannot excuse, acquit or clear the guilty (Ex 34:7). And what His holiness demanded, His love provided on the cross of Calvary."
     While I am still working out the codependency between Love and Holiness, I have come to this conclusion ... They are not in opposition to each other. Love is not separated from Holiness; a better way to say this might be that Love is curbed or reined in by Holiness. Love that is not defined by God's Holiness will lead to compromise and a perversion of God's Word along with a loss of the Power and Presence that God's Holiness manifests. And Holiness that fails to be motivated by Love does not represent a true image of the Father. If the Body of Christ is going to be involved with establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, then we must walk in both Love and Holiness; finding a balance as we seek to both walk in [and demonstrate] the Light of the Lord.

Psalm 5:7    But I, through the abundance of Your steadfast love, will enter Your house. I will bow down toward Your holy temple in the fear of You.


February 16, 2019

Who God Is In His Judgment, Holiness, and Love

      His Judgment - For awhile now, I've been hearing a misguided cliché spoken by people in the Church. It goes something like this: "We don't need to worry about God's judgment against America. If God were really going to judge us, He would have to apologize to Jesus." What?!?
     The skewed reasoning behind this ludicrous statement relies on a false understanding of the gospel -- that Jesus bore our sins on the Cross, and therefore our judgment is nailed there, too. God will not judge us because, after all [they say], doesn't the Bible tell us that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus? This misunderstanding is a prime example of one of the Body of Christ's most egregious shortcomings, which is not taking into account the whole counsel of God.
     And on this matter of God's judgment, I hate to say it, but .... in the current Church culture there is almost an ignorance of what the Word reveals on the subject. The failure to study and understand God's judgment -- and dare I say it, His wrath -- has led to a lack of holy fear in a lot of Christians. Many think that we don't need to worry about God's judgment or wrath because that doesn't happen until the End Times. They think that until then, we are covered by the blood of Jesus, forgiven of our sins, and righteousness has been imputed to us by our faith. No need to worry, right?
     Well, when you take a look at what is becoming the norm and acceptable in our nation -- in our culture and our laws, and yes, even in our churches -- I believe you will see we are being judged even now. How so? Consider Romans 1:18, which says For God in heaven unveils his holy anger breaking forth against every form of sin, both toward ungodliness that lives in hearts and evil actions. For the wickedness of humanity deliberately smothers the truth and keeps people from acknowledging the truth about God (TPT).

     When I consider what has happened in this nation since I came of age in the early 70s, it is astounding. I have seen the acceptance of casual sex through an immoral sexual revolution; the institution of full-term abortion in the laws of our land; the acceptance and promotion of same-sex relations and marriages; gender manipulation and elimination; and much more. And it is not just unbelievers who have taken part in these actions, but those who profess to love God! But what does God's Word tell us in Romans 1:18? What God sees as the"wickedness of humanity" will result in his holy anger because people refuse to acknowledge the truth about God -- that He is a righteous God who cannot tolerate unrepentance and continued sin. That chapter in Romans goes on to say that because people exchange the truth about God for a lie, He gives them up to their sins. Isn't that what we're seeing today in our society? That is judgment in itself, and should give anyone pause. 
     But it is verse 32 that I see so clearly in our nation today -- from the home to the boardroom; from the halls of Congress to our Church buildings ... Although they are fully aware of God’s laws and proper order, and knowing that those who do all of these things deserve to die, yet they still go headlong into darkness, encouraging others to do the same and applauding them when they do! 
     His Holiness -  If you mention "holiness" in today's society, it's almost an irrelevant term -- looked upon as outdated and insignificant. But I believe that the moral confusion we see in our culture is a result of a lack of understanding about holiness. In regards to each of us, holiness is being dedicated and committed to living a pure life; consecrated to God in our word, thoughts, actions. In other words, we do not conform to the world's standards, but rather to God's.
     As holiness relates to God, one of the best definitions I've ever heard is the following: "Holy refers to life burning with an intense purity that transforms everything it touches into itself". Only God is perfect in goodness and righteousness, therefore He is worthy to be exalted and worshiped. But where is the acknowledgment and reverence for His holy nature? To be holy means that all we are and all we have belongs to God, not ourselves, and is set apart for His purposes.
     Yet, I sense a frightening silence about God's Holiness in the Church -- the meaning of it and our responsibility to it; the necessity of it in our decaying moral structure; and yes, even the endorsement of it from the pulpit. It's as if somehow, the Church is afraid to offend the world with an idea that we should be holy like our God. The lack [or ignorance] of holiness in the masses leads to a distorted and limited view of the true God. When we do not uphold God's standards of holiness, we are short-changing His expression of love. And that brings me to the final attribute...
     The True Love of God - God's love is not a permissive love. He has set Divine standards for the purposes of our lives, and He does not capitulate based on man's fleshly desires. His is not a sentimental love based on our emotions, but rather a Holy love designed to bring us into righteous relationship with Him.
     For example, we can consider homosexuality, and the ordaining of gay clergy in some Church denominations. This practice has been adopted, all in the name of love. Should we continue to love our homosexual friends and family members? Absolutely! But that does not mean that we change God's Word to match the way we feel.
     No man was more loving than Jesus Christ. Yet His love for all men did not prevent Him from disapproving of lifestyles and motives. Sometimes His love even made people angry. But it was a love that could not deny His Father's Holiness, and it was His desire that this holy love transform people into the image of God.
     In fact, Jesus mixed God's love with His truth and His holiness to give us a clear Biblical blueprint by which to live our lives. But we want to ignore certain verses, or even alter their meaning to make it more palatable to our lifestyles.  Some have even gone so far as to disregard and nullify any attempt to shine a light on God's judgment [or wrath], His holiness, or the truth that hell actually exists! The result is that God's love is watered down and corrupted to simply an emotional feeling.
     I fear that the Body of Christ is not doing justice to the full nature of God. When we want to make Him in our image, we diminish the power of the Gospel to effect the world. He IS a God of Judgment, and yes, even wrath. At the end of this Age, we who have been faithful will not be subject to that wrath, but it doesn't mean that the world won't experience it. He IS a Holy God; one who is perfect and separate from man's corrupted state, with sacrosanct values that are not to be interfered with. And He IS a loving God who isn't afraid to use discipline when it is necessary to correct disobedience and establish His truth. It's time we, as the Church of Jesus Christ, take a good hard look in the mirror at how we are manifesting His glory. We are all praying for an awakening in the souls of men, but the stirring must start with us.

Proverbs 11:31    If the righteous are barely saved, what’s in store for all the wicked?