A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Global issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global issues. Show all posts

August 28, 2012

Meanwhile, Back In Europe .....

     I have been guilty of being so focused on the collapse of America, that I have taken my eye off of the European landscape.  As you know, I do not claim to be an expert on economics, but I know enough to recognize that the economies of the world are interconnected, and we show a serious lack of judgment if we ignore the alarm bells going off across the Atlantic.
     Here is what concerns me and how I think it might affect us .... I picture the economic situations in Europe (which centers around Greece) and the United States like two fat kids on a seesaw.  I warned you I'm not an economist!  But let me see if I can explain what I see.

     The Eurozone is very much on the brink of a complete breakdown, very much like our own economy.  Over the past weekend, political leaders and bankers throughout Europe continued their painful discussions to try to come up with a solution about Greece.  Here's the problem: Greece's economy is still going down the tubes.  Its unemployment rate hovers around 25% and the Greek GDP looks like ours did in the Great Depression.  In short they need another bailout from the European Central Bank in order to avoid declaring bankruptcy.  BUT, in order to receive that much-needed shot in the arm, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and European Commission are demanding that the Greek government follow through with the strict requirements for receiving more printed money.  In other words, the rescue plan comes with strings attached.
     This trio of "regulators" wants rigorous Greek reforms, in the shape of privatization of industries, changes in the labor unions, and long-run economic policy revisions -- or the next installment of 33.5 billion euros to assist the Greek economy will not materialize.  The Greek Prime Minister knows his countrymen are not in favor of these strict reforms, so he is asking for more time to implement them, and a relaxation of the terms.  So the question is, who is going to blink first.  The citizens of Germany and France, and their corresponding leaders, are not backing down.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel is holding a hard line, and insisting that Greece be made to meet their obligations.  On his part, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has threatened abandoning the euro and returning to the drachma as Greece's currency.  Obviously, this would cause great chaos in the Eurozone and further destabilize the entire European economy.
     And interestingly enough, our own economic fiasco may be strengthening the euro.  How so?  There is speculation that the possibility that our Federal Reserve might once again employ quantitative easing has driven the U.S dollar lower, and driven the euro up.  Keep in mind that the European market might also be elevating the value of the euro out of the sheer hope that they can muddle through this Greek (and Italian and Spanish) financial crisis and stabilize their own shaky foundation.  In any event, the economies of both Europe and the United States offset each other, resulting in a tenuous balancing act .... hence, the image of global economies teetering on the brink of disaster.
     With both Europe and the United States turning on the printing presses and bailing out governments that are fiscally unsound and running on empty, it is easy to see why noted economist, Jim Rogers says, "The world is drowning in debt."  Rogers goes on to say, "What would make me very excited is if a few people [in the government] went bankrupt."  I'd like to add "governments", plural.  Perhaps there are also those in Europe that could stand to fail.  And is it just me, or does it seem easy to figure out that we should stop spending when we have to create the money to pay our debts? You've heard it before --- the solution to too much debt is not more debt!
     It's like we're part of a nightmarish global pyramid scheme .... and when George Soros and other billionaire investors are dumping all their financial holdings and buying gold, something is going on! But wait --- everything is fine; leaders in both Europe and America keep telling us so, right?  But eventually the bill is going to come due, and everyone will discover that it has all been an illusion.   We've just been one step ahead of the wolf at the door .... and the crack in the middle of the seesaw is deepening and threatening to dump us both.  Get ready for a hard fall!

Isaiah 30:10     "They say to the seers, “See no more visions!” and to the prophets, “Give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions."

August 14, 2012

Is Egypt The Key?

     Many would say we have enough problems at home; what could Egyptian politics possibly have to do with our welfare?  Well, in case you've had a case of the "Rip Van Winkles" lately, let me attempt to explain.  When Mohammed Morsi was elected as Egypt's President recently, there were those who expressed concern that his Islamic leanings were a little on the radical side; they feared an eventual takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood, an increasingly radical organization, whose stated credo is,  "Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."  Their desire for a global Islamic Caliphate is not a stretch of the imagination.
     "Awww, you're over-reacting," said those who believed that Morsi was more moderate than extremist.  "Besides, the Military, who hung on to considerable authority in Egypt, would be a counterbalance to any radical movement by the Brotherhood."  It was hoped that the new President would work with the Military Council towards establishing democracy in the strife-ridden country. Well, over the weekend, any stability that the Military might have brought to the table is gone.
     On Sunday, Morsi ordered the “retirement” of the country’s top military officials, replacing them with his own appointees.   In addition to this thorough house-cleaning, the president also ordered the "retirement" of the commanders of the navy, air defense, and air force.
     All this came on the heels of increased tension with Israel, as, on the same day, Jihad terrorists stole an armored car, killed 16 Egyptian border guards, and crashed through the Israeli border on the northern Sinai.  Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) quickly destroyed the invaders. Up to 20 terrorists were killed.
     This situation represents a challenge to Egypt's new president.  Morsi openly opposes Israel, but realizes he must maintain basic agreements with Israel (like honoring their peace treaty) for his government to have legitimacy internationally.   In addition, the Jihadists pose a threat to Morsi's sovereignty within his own nation.  It doesn't look good that he's unable to control them.  This crisis in the Sinai gave him the perfect opportunity to rid himself of his rivals in the Military and assert his authority.
     But ridding himself of his political rivals wasn't all Morsi accomplished this weekend.  He also cancelled the military-declared Constitutional addendum (which gave the generals wide powers) and amended another; the results being that he has full executive and legislative authority, as well as the power to set all public policies in Egypt and sign international treaties.  The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party applauded his actions, calling the moves “the second wave of the revolution.”   They say there was no secret deal between themselves and Morsi, stating that the Egyptian President's recent decisions were autonomous and reflected the power of his civilian office.
     But is the Muslim Brotherhood jsut playing their hand close to the vest; suggesting that perhaps Morsi just staged his coup against the Military Council before they were able to instigate their own?  What is the truth?  It's hard to know and the question still remains.... will true democracy reign in Egypt, or will there by a hardline Islamic theme to the future of Egyptian government?
     One thing that we do know is that only five out of the 36 ministers appointed by the President and his Prime Minister are affiliated with the Brotherhood or its Freedom and Justice Party.  They are the higher education, youth, housing, information and manpower ministers.  So, doesn't seem like much of a threat, right?
     But consider this .... don't think it's as innocent or non-threatening as it appears, warns American University in Cairo political science professor Manar al-Shorbagy.  “This is their goal; they want to start change through education and youth.”  Sound familiar?  It's the same strategy we've seen in our own country.   And what will they offer the youth of Egypt?  Why, hope and change, I'm sure.  It's the easiest path to moving a country in a different direction; begin by educating your idealistic youth of the superiority of a new and better model of government.  It worked for Hitler, it worked for Stalin, and it worked for Mao ---- until those perfect governments enslaved the people and their hope was snuffed out.  Evil cannot allow freedom to exist.  And so it just puts on another disguise and masquerades as a new ideology.
     I can't help it; I picture the Middle East teetering on the edge of a precipice.  Between the battle for power in Egypt, the revolution in Syria, and the hatred for Israel fomented by Iran, there doesn't appear to be any hope for peace in this region of the world.   It's as if it is all spiraling out of control, and there are so many fronts on which hatred and Evil are growing.  You can feel it .... the West is despised; fundamentalist radicals are growing in popularity and power; and our leadership appears weak, impotent and inadequate..... which only emboldens those who seek to exploit our vulnerability.
     So while what goes on in Egypt alone will not change the future and the fortune of our great nation, it is just one more brick in a wall that is becoming a solid barrier to world peace.  We better pay attention or that wall could easily surround us.   The United States has been a defender of man's Liberty and Freedom since its inception.  And we can't let our guard down now!
2 Peter 3:17-18       "Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!"

August 7, 2012

What Is ICLEI and How Does It Affect Me?

     I hope this post doesn't get too bogged down in rhetoric, so I'm going to try to explain what I know and hopefully, some of you out there can educate me further.  ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) is another alphabet association that gives me the creeps.  First of all, it was established when more than 200 local governments from 43 countries convened at its inaugural conference, the World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future, at the United Nations in New York in September 1990.
     So, anything that combines International and Environmental and the UN, makes me sit up and take notice.  And there's that phrase, "Sustainable Future" that appears throughout Agenda 21, the UN's effort to erase national sovereignty, boundaries, and individual property rights.
     So just what does "Sustainable Future" mean?  Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center, has done a lot in making the public aware of this threat to America.  Adherents to this philosophy insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact; focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction.  Does this sound like something you want our country to be involved in?  But lest you missed the significance of what ICLEI stands for, I will repeat it ..... International Council for LOCAL Environmental Initiatives.
    That's right, Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc.  And what are communities promised for these dues and extra "help"?  Economic prosperity in the form of special deals between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power of Eminent Domain to implement sustainable policy.   Let's all say it together .... Solyndra.
     Other examples of local "Sustainable" policies include Green jobs, Green Building Codes, Smart Growth, Wildlands Projects, historic preservation, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, and growth management ---- all promoted by ICLEI and part of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21 (it's official name).
     How does it apply to the United States?  In 1992, more than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 as official policy during a signing ceremony at the Earth Summit.  President George H.W. Bush signed the document for the US.   In signing, each nation pledged to adopt the goals of Agenda 21.  In 1995, President Bill Clinton, in compliance with Agenda 21, signed Executive Order #12858 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21.   To put it simply, our government signed away our national sovereignty and our individual rights, both as property owners and citizens; and they did it without batting an eye.
     In essence what Clinton's Executive Order did was direct all agencies of the Federal Government to work with your state and local governments to change the way they operate so they will be in compliance with the Agenda 21 guidelines!  So through groups like ICLEI, this decidedly un-American  ideology of "Sustainable Development" is beginning to surface as government policy in every town, county, and state in our nation.
     You can be sure that the supporters of this initiative will have a sweet-sounding definition of "Sustainable Development."  In fact, here is the definition as issued by the UN World Commission on Environment and Development:  “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs”.  Sounds innocuous, right?  But here's the meaning behind those innocent-sounding words:  In order to meet the needs of future generations, it is going to require that vast amounts of land and natural resources be denied the citizens of today --- these environmental lunatics aren't really interested in conserving; they want to deny you the use of your own land and prevent today's society from exploring for oil or any of our other abundant natural resources.  And to their way of thinking, it is going to take a whole new way of organizing society.
     What they are really saying is they want to control every aspect of your life .... from what you eat, how many children you have, what kind of car you drive, how much property you are allowed to own .... because, after all, what you eat, drive, birth and own will affect how much someone in the future will be allowed to enjoy.   Do you see why ICLEI is a great concern of mine?  The question is, what are we going to do about it?  I urge everyone to contact your Mayor or City Council and find out if "Sustainable Development" is part of your local government policy.  You also check ICLEI's website to see just how many nations of the world and cities in America have already signed on to this destructive policy.
      There is a furtive and deceptive effort to take away our God-given liberties.  Officials at the highest level of our government are handing over our freedoms to a One-World Government and a New World Order.   We have been asleep for too long, and they have managed to push their agenda pretty far down the road.  But I pray, with the help of God, that we can reclaim the rights He endowed us with, and protect them for future generations.  This is not just an American problem, but we can lead the way, shine a light on this conspiracy, and show the world how God intended us to live.  Check with your city, county and state governments and stop Agenda 21!

Psalm 70:1-2      "Hasten, O God, to save me; come quickly, Lord, to help me.  May those who want to take my life be put to shame and confusion; may all who desire my ruin be turned back in disgrace."

July 18, 2012

What Christian Faith Looks Like In The Rest Of The World

     In keeping with Monday's post on the "Normalcy Bias", today I want you to broaden your understanding of how our Christian faith is being experienced in other areas of the world.   And if you are not a Christian, I still think you will find this post educational.  You see, the Body of Believers in America have been facing mounting opposition to the public expression of our faith and religious practices.  It's a resistance and hostility that we don't really know how to defend against.  While it has been growing over the last few decades, we have largely sat back and adopted a "turn the other cheek" approach.  And while there are those who contend that we are not a Christian nation, they ignore and malign the very basis of our founding.  But we Christians, in America, have not served our faith well.  We have not safeguarded and shielded it from abuse.  We have taken our religious liberties for granted and can't quite comprehend a day when it might be dangerous to be a Christian.  Maybe we American Christians need to pay a little more attention to what is going on in the rest of the world.
     Take for instance, our fellow Believers in Egypt and Syria.  The Coptic Christians of Egypt were once the dominant religious group in the country, but are now an oppressed minority; denied religious freedom and equal status in Egyptian society.  They have a long history in this ancient land, and it is not  only interesting, but prophetic.  Here is a short synopsis:  The Copts are the indigenous inhabitants of Egypt, before the Arab/Muslim invasion around 641 A.D.  Tradition teaches that the Apostle Mark converted the pagan Egyptians of the 1st century; by approximately the 3rd century, Christianity was the dominant religion; and by the 7th century when Islam burst into Egypt, Christianity was THE religion.
     Muslim persecution of the Copts began with the Islamic invasion.  At first, and because the Copts were the majority people of Egypt, they were merely deemed a subject race, to be heavily taxed and kept in line by their Muslim overlords. (See Jizya.) Over the years, however, their subject status came to be organized under what is seen as Islam’s divine and immutable law, or Sharia.
     So how are modern-day Coptic Christians treated in Egypt?  There are approximately 10 million Copts in Egypt, which is roughly 12% of the population.  This is not an insignificant number.  In fact, in the entire Middle East, Copts make for the largest Christian minority.  In recent history, the "persecution" of Coptic Christians meant that the best jobs went to Muslim citizens.  But today, persecution is more likely to look like it did in past centuries, with the burning of Christian churches; and with Islamic extremists, now holding positions in Parliament, expanding the country's strict Islamic laws.  During the recent uprising in Egypt, many Coptic Christians paid with their lives.  And the Egyptian Christians are very aware of the long-suppressed Muslim Brotherhood, who have now been freed from former President Mubarak’s tight leash on those advocating for Sharia and a Muslim Caliphate, and have recently risen to the forefront of Egypt’s political and religious life.
     Now let's take a look at Syria, which as far as the Christian faith is concerned, is a conundrum, for lack of a better word.  Even under the tyrannical rule of President Bashar al-Assad, (in which over 17,000 people have died since the uprising began in March, 2011),  many Christians believe his regime is the only true guarantor of secularism in Syria and, with it, the acceptance of the Christians as equals to their Muslim neighbors. Further, many Christians firmly believe that what will replace the regime, (if it is toppled), is a fundamentalist Muslim theocracy that will strip Christians and other minorities of their political and civil rights, including their right to practice their religion in peace.  Starting to see a pattern here?  You have Christians caught between political correctness and Sharia law.
     From my humble perspective, there seems to be a false sense of security placed on the Assad government ---- kind of like getting into bed with an Egyptian cobra.  Take, for instance, this account by Hind Aboud Kabawat, a Syrian attorney, who reported the case of a young woman from Damascus, named Caroline, who said she was arrested earlier this year and imprisoned for 25 days in a two-square meter cell. Her crime? Giving children Easter eggs wrapped in paper containing verses from both the Koran and the Bible.  I'm not sure I'd want to put my trust in this 40-year-old regime that has been more than willing to use brutal violence to silence its critics.  Hint:  17,000 deaths and climbing.
     And then there is the plight of Nigeria.  Boko Haram, a radicalized Islamic sect, has left over 700 Christians dead, this year alone.  They warn Christians to either convert to Islam or die.  Sharia Law is their stated objective.  The Christian majority in the south has tried to negotiate with Boko Haram, calling for peace and religious tolerance. But in the north, Boko Haram is encouraging and carrying out more attacks on Christians.   Suicide bombers, tribal (and religious) warfare, and civil war have become the norm.
     And the list of nations goes on and on:  Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Ethiopia.  In the Middle East and Asia, Christian communities face increasing violence and opposition from strict Islamic governments.  Tolerance seems to be a one-way street, and governments that once offered protection to minority religions, and professed freedom from racial, ethnic and religious prejudice, have been hijacked by radical and extremist leaders.   We Christians in the West have thought we were sheltered from such perils.  Which brings me back to that reference to "normalcy bias."  Think it can't happen in America?  Think that we are immune to such oppression and discrimination?  Just look around you.  Could you have imagined not being allowed to hold a bible study in your home?  Or at a local McDonald's?  It happened!  And it's coming to a governing body near you; and it's coming soon.

Romans 8:35      "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?"

July 11, 2012

Prophecy Fulfilled Before Our Very Eyes

     Now, before you decide to skip this post because it sounds "too church-y", give me one paragraph to change your mind.  If it doesn't interest you to take a look at events from a Biblical perspective, then I invite you to investigate these occurrences from a historical viewpoint.  If nothing else, the facts are compelling and the stories are captivating.
     As a student of the Bible, I love both the history and the prophecies of the Good Book.  It is not a book of fables and fairy tales, as some would have you believe.  And there is much to learn about the relationships of nations in our modern world from the chronicles of history reported in the Bible.  In addition, those prophets, that are often scoffed at and dismissed, did a pretty darn good job of predicting how world events would turn out.
     Did you know that experts have combed the pages of the Bible and found approximately 2500 prophecies --- of which nearly 2000 have already come true, or been "fulfilled", in Biblical terms.  Furthermore, these 2000 predictions, or forecasts, can easily be proven in the annals of history.  They are not like fortune-tellers, or mediums, or clairvoyants, whose predictions are sporadically accurate.  The Bible's prophecies have been 100% error-free.  Here are just a few that you might find interesting:

1)  In approximately 700 B.C. the prophet Micah named the tiny village of Bethlehem as the birthplace of Israel's Messiah (Micah 5:2). The fulfillment of this prophecy in the birth of Christ is one of the most widely known and widely celebrated facts in history.  (Probability of chance fulfillment = 1 in 105.)
2)  In the fifth century B.C. a prophet named Zechariah declared that the Messiah would be betrayed for the price of a slave—thirty pieces of silver, according to Jewish law-and also that this money would be used to buy a burial ground for Jerusalem's poor foreigners (Zechariah 11:12-13). Bible writers and secular historians both record thirty pieces of silver as the sum paid to Judas Iscariot for betraying Jesus, and they indicate that the money went to purchase a "potter's field," used—just as predicted—for the burial of poor aliens (Matthew 27:3-10).  (Probability of chance fulfillment = 1 in 1011.)
3)  The prophet Isaiah foretold that a conqueror named Cyrus would destroy seemingly impregnable Babylon and subdue Egypt along with most of the rest of the known world. This same man, said Isaiah, would decide to let the Jewish exiles in his territory go free without any payment of ransom (Isaiah 44:28; 45:1; and 45:13). Isaiah made this prophecy 150 years before Cyrus was born, 180 years before Cyrus performed any of these feats (and he did, eventually, perform them all), and 80 years before the Jews were taken into exile.  (Probability of chance fulfillment = 1 in 1015.)
4)  Jeremiah predicted that despite its fertility and despite the accessibility of its water supply, the land of Edom (today a part of Jordan) would become a barren, uninhabited wasteland (Jeremiah 49:15-20; Ezekiel 25:12-14). His description accurately tells the history of that now bleak region.  (Probability of chance fulfillment = 1 in 105.)
     These are just a few of the nearly 2000 prophecies that have already come true.  So, naturally, that leaves about 500 yet to be fulfilled since the Bible was written.  Think those haven't happened?  Here is perhaps the most prominent prophecy to come true in our lifetimes:  (Amos 9:14-15)  I will bring back my exiled people Israel; they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them,” says the Lord your God.  This prophecy came true on May 14, 1948 when Israel became a modern state.
     So think that you'll never see a prophecy come true in your lifetime?  I submit to you that we are living in the midst of such a fulfillment this very day.  And it is happening in Egypt.  If you listened to the speeches of our Leaders, the "Arab Spring" was supposed to be about democracy coming to the Middle East.
     Instead we saw rioting in the streets, governments toppling and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Now there is a huge conflict between Egypt's new Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi, their Parliament and the military.  The powerful Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), which was running the country after Hosni Mubarak was ousted by a popular uprising last year, had dissolved parliament, after a ruling by Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court.  It now seems that hard-line Islamist President Morsi seeks to ignore the Court's ruling, and is trying to reinstate Parliament.  This struggle between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Military is being played out hour by hour.
     But beyond his own internal struggles, the new President is on record as supporting Sharia law; saying he wants to repeal the ban on female genital mutilation; and he wants to roll-back the laws against sexual harrassment, all of which would be a huge set back in womens' rights in Egypt.  One of Morsi's trusted allies, Cleric Safwat Hijazi, has openly called for Egypt to become a Muslim Super-State with Jerusalem as its capital.  Think the Bible doesn't have anything to say about this?  Think again.  I submit to you the prophet Isaiah in Chapter 19:2-4:  “I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian—brother will fight against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom.  The Egyptians will lose heart, and I will bring their plans to nothing; they will consult the idols and the spirits of the dead, the mediums and the spiritists.  I will hand the Egyptians over to the power of a cruel master, and a fierce king will rule over them,” declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty.
     So, maybe you don't buy into the Bible as the Word of the Living God, or maybe you just can't come to grips with the fact that it is a book by which you can live your life.  But I invite you to explore its history and listen to what it is trying to tell you.  There is Truth at its core, and as this world is careening faster and faster out of control, it is a good anchor to cling to.  I promise; you will find encouragement to endure and to survive the powers that intend to destroy.  And above all else, you will find hope and that is something we will all need in the days to come.

Psalms 25:4-5      "Make me know your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.  Guide me in your truth, and teach me; for you are the God who saves me, my hope is in you all day long."

July 10, 2012

Small Arms Treaty Is Another Attack On Our Sovereignty

     First, we are told that it is all a matter of "fear-mongering"; once again the nutty gun-lovers of America are seeing threats where there are none.  But there is so much behind-the-scenes maneuvering between our government officials and the United Nations, that anyone paying attention knows that this Treaty doesn't pass the smell test.
     So, just what is the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty?  It is better known as the "small arms treaty", and here is the official statement by the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (even that name makes my skin crawl!) ......  The global trade in conventional weapons – from warships and battle tanks to fighter jets and machine guns – remains poorly regulated. No set of internationally agreed standards exist to ensure that arms are only transferred for appropriate use.
     Many governments have voiced concern about the absence of globally agreed rules for all Countries to guide their decisions on arms transfers. That is why they have started negotiating an Arms Trade Treaty. Preparations to address this issue have been underway since 2006 and will culminate in the Conference on an Arms Trade Treaty in July 2012.
     That means they're at our back door, folks!  And if that doesn't make the hair stand up on the back of your neck, this should.  Both Secretar of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama are openly supporting the ratification of this treaty.  Oh, they will tell you that it has nothing to do with individual gun rights of U.S. citizens, but is an attempt by the U.N. and nations around the world to address gun sales by "rogue nations."
     But what they're not telling you is that this treaty DOES apply directly to the United States because it lumps us together with these so-called "rogue nations."  And it's even more sinister than that; the real motive is to use an international body to bypass our Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment to get what they've wanted all along -- a ban on guns in this country.  You see, it is a poorly disguised attempt to implement massive gun control without having to go through the normal legislative process in Congress -- because they know it would never pass.   The real plan is to ignore Congress and use the U.N. to trump U.S. law by signing a treaty that would grant international supervision over the sale and possession of guns in America.  Pretty slick, huh?
     How would the treaty function?  The Arms Trade Treaty would specifically require signatories to identify and trace, in “a timely and reliable manner,” illicit small arms and light weapons. The information would be required to be submitted to the United Nations.  Supporters say the treaty is necessary to prevent rogue countries from being able to purchase guns from arms dealers.  Critics of the treaty have long felt that it would lead to mandatory registration of all firearms and every sale; even those between individuals.   So it seems pretty clear to me --- the treaty would directly impact gun sales in the U.S. and by extension the gun rights of individual citizens.
     And if that doesn't convince you, here is a statement by Retired Lt. General William Boykin:  "There has been a decree by this administration --- by the president and the secretary of state --- saying that our president will sign the United Nations small arms treaty, which is about how we will buy sell and control individual private weapons.  That means the United Nations, an international body, will decide how you and I, as Americans, can buy and sell our weapons; how we control those weapons; who is authorized to have those weapons; and where they are. This is a dangerous trend."
     So once again, it seems to me that our Leaders are willing to throw away our sovereignty for the sake of being part of the "global community."  It doesn't seem to matter to them that the Constitution gives the power to regulate international commerce to Congress alone, or that the Second Amendment guarantees the “fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms”, and the U.S. has no business supporting a treaty that infringes on the Bill of Rights.
     Oh, wait.  I forgot.  We've just been shown by the Supreme Court that the Constitution is insignificant, right?  So what makes us think our Bill of Rights will be honored?
     I would caution you to do your own research and make up your own mind as to whether my conclusions about this little "non-threatening" treaty are correct.  (For an in-depth analysis of this Treaty, read this article.)  But as far as I'm concerned, it is appalling that our Government would even consider giving authority to the U.N. to regulate the domestic manufacture, possession or sale of firearms or ammunition; let alone be party to any sort of international gun registry that would impede upon the privacy rights of law-abiding gun owners.
     But this post comes with a further warning .... apparently some Senators have stated they support the general concept of the treaty, but believe countries such as the U.S. should have “exclusive authority to regulate arms within their own borders."  This statement seems to indicate that the Senators believe firearms registration is acceptable provided it is initiated by individual governments.  Do you know your Senator's position?  I suggest you make your opinion known.  And one final thought .... Still feel your Second Amendment rights are secure?

Luke 11:21-22       "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe.  But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder."

June 15, 2012

My Mind Just Can't Comprehend It All!

    The news of this week has truly been bizarre!  Just reading the headlines makes my head spin!  I read and watch a variety of news sources; mostly alternative news (I just can't stomach mainstream!), survivalist news sites, Christian news sources (world view with Christian insight), and podcasts of experts on everything from finances and the economy, to what world events say about the Second Coming of Christ.  I know..... it sounds like a hodge-podge of questionable material, but I'm no longer content to be spoon-fed whatever those in authority want us to know.  For instance, have you heard about any of these headlines from the last few days?

-- American's Wealth Collapses 40% Over The Last Three Years

-- Cannibalism on the Streets of Miami

-- Islamic Scholar:  We Hope To 'Raise the Banner of the Caliphate Over the Vatican'

-- Holocaust Museum Defaced With Graffiti Written in Hebrew Thanking Hitler for Mass Killings

-- Reports Coming From Family Members of Attack on US Naval Forces In Strait of Hormuz

-- Nuclear Coverup:  Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone

     The picture these news items paint is a far cry from the "everything is good; we're on our way to recovery" intellectual fare spouted by the talking heads at the major networks.  There are a lot of Americans suffering, and we are afraid.  That first headline tells you exactly why.  People are seeing their hard-earned savings disappear in their efforts to just keep their heads above water.
     We feel it in our household.  When you are self-employed, there is no weekly paycheck from which you budget.   Businesses and customers are cutting back, and everyone's bottom line has decreased.  There is no confidence among the American people that we are coming out of this economic slide, and everyone is on edge.
     Then you see the absolutely unbelievable news about cannibalism and you can't believe what you're reading!  Everyone just assumed that the CDC's warning about a "zombie apocalypse" was some kind of farce.  But this is real!  You can even look at a picture of the cannibalized victim if you want!  And the reports are on the increase!  But if it is mentioned at all, it's at the end of the broadcast; as a  bizarre "human interest" story.
     We are called racists and haters when we try to sound the alarm against the spread of Sharia Law and fundamentalist Islam, yet when the Dean of Koranic Studies at the Islamic University of Gaza, explains that the eventual goal of the Islamic Palestinians is to first reclaim their nation, and then go on to re-conquer Spain and take over the Vatican, not a single word is broadcast from our mainstream news sources.  But you can read his interview here.
     And if that's not enough, the Yad Vashem, the main museum in Israel commemorating the six million Jews who were killed by the Nazi regime during the Second World War was defaced by vile graffiti.  A group calling themselves "the global cynical mafia" took credit for the various slogans, all ridiculing the nation state of Israel.  Did you read about it or hear it on the nightly news?  And do you still think there is not a global hatred of Israel?
     The one story that has me really concerned is the story about the USS Enterprise in the Strait of Hormuz.  This story seems to have some legitimacy, yet after several days of stonewalling, the US Navy has now issued a statement that it is false.  Yet sailors on board had reportedly told family members of witnessing an attack by jets, and there were possibly injuries or even a death.  Centcom initially refused to comment, and then after pressure was mounted, finally made a statement denying the event.  But there is enough doubt associated with an article published by Stand Up America, to warrant further investigation.  Where are our journalists and news reporting agencies?
     And then last, but not least, is the crazy story that is just breaking as I type this blog post (June 12th).      Apparently radiation levels near the border of Indiana and Michigan registered several hundred times their normal levels, and witnesses reported hearing explosions and seeing military aircraft flying over the area.  The EPA quickly removed the site from scrutiny, and in spite of photos and eyewitness accounts, the whole episode is being ignored.  It seems so incredible, that at first I was inclined to disregard it.  But after reading the story and some of the comments from people who live in the area, there is enough of a legitimate question, that I'm wondering if any of the media outlets will investigate, much less report on this phenomenon?  It will be interesting to see if, by the time this post is published, there is any confirmation of this event, or an "official" explanation -- or will it just be shoved under the rug as further rantings by the "crazy conspiracy nuts".
     So, I guess my whole purpose for writing this post is to vent.  This is just one of those days where I feel the whole world is topsy turvy and nothing makes sense.  I find it hard to make idle chit-chat with friends of old, who I feel I no longer have anything in common with.  When they ask, "What have you been up to?" I just want to say "Nothing you would understand or even be interested in hearing about."  I don't care to hear their recipe for the latest "cool summer alcoholic beverage" or offer my opinion on how they are wearing their hair, anymore than they want to discuss any of these headlines or hear about my search for the optimal way to carry my concealed weapon.  And that doesn't even come close to the chasm that exists over our preparing for TEOTWAWKI.  How did we drift so far apart?  And the saddest part of it all is that I know in my soul that I will never reach them for the Lord.  I've tried in so many ways, and they just don't want to hear it anymore than they want to hear my warnings for the future.
     So today is one in which I find myself contemplating the "truths" of my life --- what is really of importance in my world --- not the superficial, "feel good" thoughts and events that everyone else wants to focus on, but what I can do (and what I need to know) to make my little portion of the world a better place for me and the people God has put in my life.   I will seek His will for my life, and not worry about meeting society's standards.  I will pay attention to what He puts before me, and ignore what the world wants me to see.  It may be a lonely path, but it will be so much richer with God as my guide. 

Proverbs 4:7      "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding."

May 24, 2012

The Clock Is Ticking.....

     This post was difficult to write; because I know it is going to be difficult for you to read.  But I feel the time for being subtle has passed.  I don't want to sugar-coat my message, and in the process hinder some of you from coming to grips with what you need to do.  In fact, when I let my husband, Peace-Loving Warrior read it, I asked him, "Pretty dark, huh?"  PLW responded, "The truth is dark, now."  So without further delay, I want to share a conversation that I had the other day with some very close friends who, like me and PLW, feel the Spirit is preparing us for something serious ... and we feel it's coming soon.  We are not prophets, or clairvoyants; just Believers first, and citizens of this world second.  We don't know what is coming, but as a consequence of belonging to both groups, we are receiving strong clues as to what it could be.
     Our citizenship in the world tells us that, given the state of the global economy, our future holds lots of financial turmoil.  What is happening in Italy, Spain, France, and Greece will eventually affect us.  Face it, folks, the global financial system is ailing and failing.  We are teetering on the edge of a cliff, and all it will take is the collapse of one piece of the puzzle, and the dominoes start falling.  And I have to tell you, that those much smarter than me are predicting that it is coming quicker than we can imagine.
     Then we discussed another huge concern, which is a failure of our North American power grid.  This is the vital component of our technologically-driven society.  The infrastructure is old, terrorists threaten it, and the costs keep escalating --- take your pick; any one of these scenarios means no more heat in the winter; no phones; no computers (whatever will Generation Y do without their iPhones and ability to text?)
     And then our conversation drifted to the real dilemma.  In 2005, PLW and I were blessed to have bought a small piece of property in the country and finished building a home in 2008, just two months before the October collapse.  And believe me, it is not lost on us, that God had all that planned beforehand.  But our friends have a very different scenario, and a very difficult choice to make.
     Our mutual relationship with God and the Holy Spirit has given us great discernment and we all feel that when things collapse, it is going to deteriorate rapidly.  They instinctively know that life in big cities will be chaos and the chances of living a sustainable life decrease tremendously.  We have encouraged them to consider coming to us because we want them to be safe; knowing that they will be valuable assets in so many areas, and our chances of mutual survival increase by combining our skills and our manpower.  They have done all the right things.... stored food, prepared to defend themselves, diversified their assets, and most importantly, relied on the Lord's guidance.
     But like so many others, they cannot afford to stock two locations, should they be unable to leave the city in time.  And who wants to really leave their home and belongings, not knowing when, or if, they will be able to return?  And if they develop a plan for stocking up extra items in the country, plus being able to bring ample supplies with them, will they time their departure correctly?  Like a majority of Americans, they must keep working at their current jobs for as long as possible.  So all this leaves them in a very unsettled state of mind.  What about other family members?  Parents?  We all feel a responsibility to take care of and provide for all those we love.
     Those of us who already live in the country have a decided advantage over those who live in the suburbs.  And I share this conversation with you, first, because I know it is being repeated across our land.  And secondly, because I happened on an interview with my favorite Survivalist, James Wesley Rawles, on one of my favorite blog sites, the SHTF Plan.  I urge you to read the blog post and listen to the audio of the interview.  You will get the best overview of what we're facing in a short concise presentation.
     Mr. Rawles discusses many facets of the coming trouble, all of which you will find informative and useful.  But it was his opening suggestion that struck me as simple and obvious.  And it was right in line with the conversation we had with our friends.  It is his belief that it is going to take more than one family, by itself,  to survive "the Crunch" as he calls it in his best-selling novels Patriots and Survivors.  He said the most important thing we can do is team up with like-minded folks and arrange to pre-position storage of food and supplies.  He warns suburbanites that it is not as simple as buying solar panels and generators to augment their stored food and water.  He states that the biggest danger for those living in the cities will be human nature.  All those buckets of rice and beans, and yes, even your defense arsenal, will be no match for the dark elements of humankind if you are defending your home by yourself.  He advises us to geographically isolate ourselves from the neighbors that will be pounding on our doors because they're starving.  And that means getting to the country.
     He also warned that you will only have "one trip out of Dodge".  After that, roads may be blocked and the possibilities for going back for more supplies are virtually nil.  That's why your plans for pre-positioning are so important.  And that's why this difficult conversation must occur and even more difficult decisions made.  The time for determining your strategy and taking action is now.  The clock is ticking ......
Luke 21:36      "Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."

May 11, 2012

"We Don't Know Who We Are Anymore"

      That was a compelling statement made by controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders.  And it dovetails with my post, earlier this week, on the French and Greek elections.  But it's real significance is that we, as Americans, should pay attention to what has led him to make such an adamant declaration.  As I said, he is not without legitimate critics.  Due to his high-profile rhetorical war with radical Islam, this leader of the Freedom Party in the Netherlands now has to live in a government safe house fitted with a panic room and guarded round the clock.  But it is not these views that I want to focus on.
     Wilders rose from relative obscurity over the past 10 years to become one of the most influential politicians in Europe.  His rise in the Parliament of the Netherlands comes in the midst of a debt crisis, and where painful recessions, soaring unemployment and rising apathy among youths are fueling strong emotions; something I think most Americans can identify with.  These issues are now at the forefront of a strong movement in Europe, led by anti-immigrant nationalists.
     For more than a generation, European political elites have sought to fuse the region by adopting the euro and a series of treaties that virtually erased national borders across a vast swath of the continent. National sovereignty was a thing of the past.  But in the recent surge of the nationalist far right, and to a lesser extent the far left, European leaders are confronting not only a backlash to a united Europe but also a troubling new hurdle in their efforts to resolve the 2 1/2-year-old debt crisis.
     Now the pendulum is swinging back the other way.  From France to Austria and Greece to Finland, the popularity of nationalists is growing as politicians such as Wilders tap into voter rage over both the crisis and the proposed cure being pushed by mighty Germany: severe rounds of government cutbacks and difficult economic overhauls to restore investor confidence in Europe’s governments.
     What does this mean?  It means that the attempt to build a "collective" out of the nations of Europe is failing.  The member nations of the European Union are mandated to help the countries that have been wasteful and who indulged in excessive entitlement programs.  For example, citizens in Germany and the Netherlands are expected to pay higher taxes and undergo severe austerity cutbacks in order to save the economies of profligate nations such as Greece.  And the people are fed up!
     The open-borders treaties are no longer popular.  Dutch citizens want to maintain their unique characteristics; they want to engage in commerce using guilders, not euros.  And they are not the only nation seeking to retain their individuality and distinctiveness.  Citizens across Europe have seen European integration eat away at living standards, traditions, and national identities.
     Upcoming elections in France are centered around issues such as the withdrawal from the Euro Zone and bucking the German-led austerity drive.  Austria's far-right Freedom Party and Finland's nationalist True Finns party have both seen an upsurge in popularity.
     While Socialism in Europe is coming under attack, a hard swing towards nationalism may not be the answer either.  Read this week's post on the elections in France and Greece, and you can see the dangerous trend toward ultra-nationalism and the flirtations with Neo-Nazism and Communism.
     Time will tell if politicians like Geert Wilders rule the day; and if their policies help or increase the simmering biases among citizens.  Immigration is not a bad thing; our own nation is powerful proof.  We are a nation established by immigrants.  When managed fairly and without prejudice, we welcome the hard-working, the brilliant, the freedom-loving.
     That being said, I believe we are flirting with disaster with our own "open borders" policies.  Americans are not Canadians, who are not Mexicans.  We can live side by side, keeping our sovereignty and our autonomy.
     I can understand why the individual nations of Europe are tired of the "One World Government" model.  They were not made to become one homogenous people;  each nation has something distinctive and unique to offer.   The trend over the last 20 years towards obscuring borders and nationhood in favor of "global citizenship" is not working.
     In our own country, we are being assaulted by Agenda 21.  This United Nations proposition promotes, among other things, virtual elimination of private ownership of land; government control of fisheries and farm harvests; government control of the size of your family.  It is, in essence, a globalist attempt to impose UN environmental regulations aimed at controlling our local cities and towns through the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).
     What we see happening in Europe could easily occur in the US.  The collapse of the dollar would lead to a "global" currency, and Agenda 21 would ensure we lose our sovereignty.  But we must be careful not to swing sharply to the other extreme.  Yes, we are Americans, but we have a long history of welcoming law-abiding immigrants who are willing to assimilate, while bringing the best of their heritage with them.   We must watch Europe; learn from their mistakes and avoid the perils and hazards that have brought them to this precipitous point in time.  We, too, are on the verge of taking some big steps in a different direction..... is this really where we want to go?

2 Peter 3:17    "Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position."        

May 8, 2012

What You Should Know About the Elections In France and Greece

     I'm going to start off by saying I am not a well-versed political analyst.  But I can sense when changes on the world stage might have some serious implications for us here in America.  The sounds and steady hum of discontent coming out of Europe have made me sit up and pay attention.  It has drawn my focus away from our own problems and concerns, and thrown a spotlight on two events, in particular.
     The elections this past weekend in France and Greece make it quite evident that austerity measures imposed to help get their economies back on track were highly unpopular with their citizens.  The issues surrounding these elections are complicated and complex, but I think they could possibly foreshadow what may be coming our way.
     The unpopular austerity measures were largely imposed by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, whereby countries contribute money to a pool through a quota system from which countries with payment imbalances can borrow funds on a temporary basis.  The problem has become that an increasing number of member countries have failing economies, which results in more and more "borrowing" to meet their debt liabilities, resulting in higher taxes and cuts levied on fellow member countries.  In simple terms, certain countries provide the financial resources while others use these resources.  
     Both the EU and the IMF have pressured member nations to apply severe austerity measures, which have targeted development projects, welfare, and other social spending for cuts: Taxes, port and airport fees, train and bus fares are common sources of increased user fees.  These cuts have resulted in protest movements throughout Europe, claiming significant declines in standards of living.  Contributing factors to these protests are an ever-growing "entitlement" mentality among citizens, and immigration (both legal and illegal), which have swelled the welfare rolls.
     To add fuel to the fire, the IMF works closely with the World Bank, which is a lending institution, to maintain an orderly monetary system and exchange rate between members' currencies.  With the spreading unpopularity of "Big Bankers",  "Financial Systems" and Capitalism, in general, you can see that their proposed cutbacks are not met with open arms.  By now, you are probably starting to get an idea that the elections in France and Greece were a ticking time-bomb.
     In Greece, workers and students demonstrated against cuts to pensions, public services and education spending as a result of government austerity measures.   It is not pleasant to cut back and do with less, but it's the perfect example of the age-old problem of spending more than you take in.  And of course, they always want to tax the rich; the 1% that they perceive have more than they need.  Wealth redistribution is a common slogan among the "entitled".  As a result of growing anger and the feelings that the government "owed them something", the Greek election fostered a new political party that could have ramifications world-wide.
     The leader of an extreme-right, anti-immigrant party lashed out at those he described as “traitors” responsible for the country’s financial crisis and said his party was ushering in a “revolution.”  The far-right Golden Dawn party is projected to win 7 percent of the parliamentary vote, as Greeks punished the traditionally dominant parties who backed the despised and harsh austerity measures tied to debt-relief agreements.  You might be asking, "7%?  What's the big deal?"  This party has seen an explosion in growth over the last few years, and it's popularity is on the rise.
Golden Dawn Party logo
     So why should we concern ourselves with what goes on in an election in Greece?  Here's why:  Golden Dawn campaigned hard against illegal immigration, and its supporters have been blamed for a recent spike in inner-city street attacks against mostly Asian immigrants.  The party’s supporters, routinely seen intimidating dark-skinned immigrants in run-down parts of the capital, wear black shirts, and its emblems resemble Nazi insignia. But the party's leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, has rejected the neo-Nazi label widely used for his party, stressing that it is "staunchly nationalist".  Hmmm, didn't a funny, little mustachioed man also adopt a nationalist platform in Germany, about 75 years ago?
     I'll let you decide for yourself.  Flanked by two muscly aides, he later told a news conference: “Those who betray this country – it’s time for them to be afraid. We are coming.”  Referring to immigrants, Golden Dawn’s campaign slogan in television ads was “let’s rid this country of the stench.”
     I don't know about you, but I see traces of our own Neo-Nazi youth, racial tensions, and Occupy sympathizers.  In case you still haven't faced up to the facts, our own economy is teetering on the cliff, and I suspect the same feelings are fomenting under the surface of our "everything is alright" facade.
     Meanwhile, in France, Francois Hollande stole the election away from Nicholas Sarkozy.  Hollande, a Socialist/Communist, reflects a growing attraction to Socialism and a contempt for Capitalism.  Hollande's victory promises a shift in emphasis away from austerity and deregulation, which pleases the French populace.  So what does this shift look like?
     1)  Hollande could reshape the debate in the 17-nation eurozone. Until now, France and Germany — led by Sarkozy and Angela Merkel — have set the agenda on how best to restore troubled state finances and sluggish growth across the continent. The "Merkozy" solution: More cost-cutting to bring down debts and reassure markets. Hollande's solution: government-sponsored stimulus to revive growth.  Sound familiar?
     2)  Hollande wants the very rich to pay 75 percent in income taxes and plans to hike taxes on companies that distribute profits to shareholders instead of investing in their business.  Do I have your attention yet?
     3)  Sarkozy wanted to halve the number of legal immigrants who enter France each year to 100,000 and to tighten border controls. Hollande would give residency to illegal immigrants on a case-by-case basis. The immigration debate has gotten tangled with a debate about Islamic "customs" (code word for Sharia law) in strongly secular France, home to at least 5 million Muslims.
     So NOW do you see that these two elections could have an enormous impact on our own political landscape?  If, as I contend, we are moving ever closer to a One-World Government, then these are huge red flags to me!  I don't think it is coincidence that we are seeing these same sentiments being expressed throughout our political and social dialogue.  But when does the "dialogue" become a "monologue?"  When do we quit having a conversation among ourselves through a legitimate process, and start seeing directives and edicts?
     PLEASE, pay attention to what is happening in local, state and national politics!  Now is the time to educate yourselves about who your candidates are and what they stand for.  And I mean STUDY THEM!  Don't vote based on a catchy political slogan, or an appealing ad.  Do your research!
     Part of me says, "It won't do any good.  We are already sailing off the cliff!"  But there's another part that still believes there is a kernel of liberty and freedom in this country.  Nearly 236 years ago, our forefathers made a decision to take a different path than Europe.  Can we still see the faint traces of their footprints?  Or have we let the weeds and garbage of time obscure the trail they marked out for us?  I guess we will know in a few short months.

Isaiah 8:11    "This is what the LORD says to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people"