A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

April 8, 2015

Recommendation: Growing Your Food Supply When Times Are Tough

      If you've been paying attention, then you've seen the headlines regarding the worst drought in California in 500 years.  It doesn't take a crystal ball to predict that this will have a severe impact on the food supply in this nation.  Since California produces approximately 3/4 of all vegetables, nuts and fruits grown in the US, you can imagine that many products will be either extremely expensive, or even unavailable.
     We can expect to see a shortage of many food items that we take for granted:  celery, olives, apricots, lettuce, tomatoes, plums, prunes, figs, cantaloupe, strawberries and spinach.  And let's not forget what the California drought will do to the vineyards and the wine industry.  And did you know that California is the largest producer of dairy in our nation, with 1.75 million dairy cows? The lack of water will devastate these industries and most certainly effect the cost of food, as well as the supply, in our own country and the world for years to come.
     But it's not only crops that are feeling the lack of water -- you may have seen the scattered reporting of hundreds of California residents waiting in extremely long lines for hours, just to get a gallon or two of drinking water.  When the situation is that bad, we better sit up and take notice.
     But it is not only California that is feeling the effects of drought.  Parts of Texas and Oklahoma are feeling the drought as if they were reliving the Dust Bowl era during the 1930s.  All of this is taking a toll on the nation's agriculture and economy.  And, I'm sure it won't surprise you to know that we can expect the government to step in and try to regulate water sources on private property and control the consumption of water.  Like the Gold Rush in our past history, there is now a rush to buy up water rights ... which makes the purchase of the following book all that more important.
     The Resilient Gardener:  Food Production and Self-Reliance In Uncertain Times is a must-have for your resource library.  The author, Scientist/gardener Carol Deppe, offers a book beyond your garden-variety cookbook (sorry for the pun!), and offers principles regarding sustainable agriculture, health, nutrition, along with detailed information about growing and using five key crops: potatoes, corn, beans, squash, and eggs.
     I think we all realize that our climate is changing and weird weather patterns appear to be in our future.  I don't need a book that gives me pretty pictures of organic recipes -- I need to know how to grow necessary foods in order to survive in the midst of unfavorable seasons and adverse growing conditions.  Among the corresponding topics, this book teaches you how to:
•  Garden in an era of unpredictable weather and climate change.
•  Grow, store, and cook different varieties of potatoes and save your own potato seed,
•  Make whole-grain, corn-based breads and cakes using the author’s original gluten-free recipes involving no other grains, artificial binders, or dairy products.
•  Keep a home laying flock of ducks or chickens; integrate them with your gardening, and grow most of their feed.
     The marketing for this book describes it's impact this way:  "Resilience here is broadly conceived and encompasses a full range of problems, from personal hard times such as injuries, family crises, financial problems, health problems, and special dietary needs (gluten intolerance, food allergies, carbohydrate sensitivity, and a need for weight control) to serious regional and global disasters and climate change. It is a supremely optimistic as well as realistic book about how resilient gardeners and their vegetable gardens can flourish even in challenging times and help their communities to survive and thrive through everything that comes their way."  Sounds like it is a gardening book written specifically for these times.
     Some of the critics of the book have noted that it is written with a bent towards homesteading, sustainable living, and basic nutrition.  But if times continue to get tougher, this is exactly the book you will want.  Remember, when faced with difficult times, one of the keys to survival will be your resiliency ... your ability to be strong, flexible, hardy, and able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.  The Resilient Gardener helps you grow the crops that will provide the calories you need to stay alive.
     DISCLAIMER:  Don't think that everything she writes will pertain to you, or your climate, or your growing conditions.  The author lives in the Pacific Northwest, and what works for her, may not work for you.  You should buy this book for the tips and techniques, and use it to create a blue print for your own self reliant food system.  It's time to get creative, use your brain, and get out ahead of the curve on your food supply.  Don't wait until you're in panic mode due to the extended drought, unexpected weather conditions in your area, or social upheaval.  Prepare now!

Ezekiel 4:17   "I will do this that they may lack bread and water, and look at one another in dismay, and rot away because of their punishment."

April 7, 2015

The Real Power Behind "David's Sling"

     No matter which side the international community falls regarding the U.S./Iran "deal" on nuclear weapons, all can agree that Israel has a huge stake in the outcome.  It's always interesting to peruse the different media sites to try and determine how the "official spin" is being perceived.
     U.S. media outlets seem hesitant to declare it a victory for the U.S. (or the world), as all signs point to further stalling by Iran and continued development of their nuclear capabilities.  Furthermore, the U.S. seems to be more concerned with protecting Iran's "right" to nuclear expansion, than to the concerns of our ally, Israel, over overt Iranian threats to their homeland.
     Russia Today, (RT), a global multilingual television news network based in Moscow and funded by the Russian government, asserts that the recent testing of Israel's anti-ballistic missile system, called "David's Sling" is in reaction to the latest in the Iran nuclear talks.  This short-range ballistic missile defense system is designed to intercept medium range missiles from nearby Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon, home of the Shi'a Islamist militant group and political party, Hezbollah -- who, have sworn to annihilate Israel, and not surprisingly, hailed the news that Iran is closer to securing a nuclear bomb.
     Keeping in line with that sentiment, The Daily Star, a news outlet in Lebanon, declared that the preliminary success of "David's Sling" would not protect Israel "from the threat posed by Hezbollah’s ever-expanding and varied arsenal of missiles and rockets."  In fact, The Daily Star wrote that an assessment by the Israeli army released within the last week predicts that Israel could be hit by as many as 1,500 rockets a day in the next war, leaving hundreds dead and requiring mass evacuations.  They also predicted that "the success rate of Israel's 'Iron Dome' and 'David’s Sling' in knocking out Hezbollah’s rockets is largely irrelevant."  The substance of the article states that Hezbollah, and Israel's enemies, should have no problem evading "David's Sling."
     Perhaps all those who are willing to discount Israel's latest defense system should do a little historical research.  I'm sure you realize that it is no coincidence that Israel chose to name its anti-ballistic missile system after the choice of weapon of their legendary Shepherd King, David.  Israel's ancient enemy, the Philistines, also mocked the effectiveness of the original David's sling.  But those who oppose Israel in modern times should take heed of the outcome of the battle between the slight, young, boy and the giant named Goliath.  Interestingly enough, RT refers to Israel's latest anti-ballistic missile system as "unique, small, and agile", a description that could as easily be applied to David, as he engaged in his epic battle.
     Just as today, there seemed to be a huge discrepancy in the weapons the enemy combatants chose; and it looked as if David's sling was no match for the 9 foot giant, Goliath, whose protective armor weighed over 150 pounds, and who carried a spear that measured 26 feet!  But as those watching the ancient battle soon concluded, it was a mistake to underestimate David's sling or the power behind it.
     First of all, David's sling was a formidable weapon.  It has been argued by experts in ancient warfare that a good slinger hurled a stone as far and accurately as a good archer.  One Roman writer noted that opponents in leather armor were in far greater danger from sling missiles than arrows. Even if the stone did not penetrate the armor, it was capable of inflicting a fatal internal injury.
     Now consider that David, the shepherd boy, had ample practice slinging his stones at wolves, lions, and bears who attempted to attack his sheep.  He boasts to King Saul that he has killed any threat to his herd by this simple method.  Then consider that David probably wound up his sling with a circular arm motion, slinging around probably at six or seven revolutions per second.   Experts on ballistics have speculated that the stopping power of the rock fired from David's sling was roughly equal to the stopping power of a [.45 caliber] handgun.  It was an incredibly devastating weapon when applied to the center of Goliath's forehead!
     Of course, you realize that the real power behind David and his sling was the God of Israel.  David, representing the nation of Israel, declared that, with his sling, he would be delivered out of the hand of his enemies.  He prophesied that all would see that the battle was the Lord's, and that he, David, was supported by the hosts of heaven.
     If I was going to pick a name for a weapons system to protect Israel, none could be found more appropriate than "David's Sling".  Remember last summer's rocket attacks from the Palestinian militants, Hamas, against Israel?  Do you remember the miraculous interventions and divine miracles attributed to the Iron Dome defense system?  I think we can expect more such miracles for Israel, as God defends her from those who wish to destroy her.
     As I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, I also pray for the salvation of the Jews and that they make the connection between their Shepherd King David and his Holy descendant, their Messiah.  Let them call on His Name in their time of trouble, just as King David called on YHWH in his battles.  Let them recognize the source of their protection, and let the world take note of the power behind "David's Sling" ....

Psalm 27:3    Of David ... Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident.

April 6, 2015

Is It A Good Idea that Tech Moguls Are Funding Longevity Research?

     What do you think of when you read this headline: "Tech Titans' Latest Project: Defy Death"?  Do you have any concerns when you read the following paragraph?  "[The tech titans] who founded Google, Facebook, eBay, Napster and Netscape are using their billions to rewrite the nation’s science agenda and transform biomedical research. Their objective is to use the tools of technology — the chips, software programs, algorithms and big data they used in creating an information revolution — to understand and upgrade what they consider to be the most complicated piece of machinery in existence: the human body."
     These are at the center of an article written by Ariana Eunjung Cha for The Washington Post.  All I could think of was the consequences of Adam and Eve eating the tempting fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden ... God knew the next temptation would be to "take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever", so man was banished from the Garden.  (Genesis 3:22-24).  In fact, God knew that man's ego would impel him to seek eternal life on his own; and in order to keep that from happening, God went so far as to set up mighty angels and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life!  Obviously, God does not want us to enter this realm!
     Yet, because of our pride, here we have the Wealthy and the Elite doing just that!  They are as deluded as Adam and Eve -- thinking that they can somehow equal the efforts of God -- become "like" God, which is the same temptation Satan has used since the Garden.  You would think man would get the picture!
     But savvy entrepreneurs like Peter Thiel (Ebay) and Larry Page (co-founder of Google), along with brilliant computer scientists and molecular biologists, are attempting to "rebuild, regenerate and reprogram patients’ organs, limbs, cells and DNA", which they surmise will "enable people to live longer and better."  These millionaire businessmen are essentially funding attempts to usurp God's tree of life.  They want to figure out ways to reprogram the DNA you were born with, and how to digitize your brain so it can live long after your body has died ... thereby creating a virtual you that can then be downloaded into any organism or created entity.
     This scenario was even promulgated on a recent episode of the TV Show, The Blacklist.  The plot of the episode titled, "The Longevity Initiative", can be summarized as follows: "a private company called the Longevity Initiative, dedicated to unlocking the key to human immortality, is funded by tech billionaire Roger Hobbs. Recently discovered bodies in the back of a produce truck were not mutilated, but experimented on; clearly the Longevity Initiative has entered the human-trial phase."  This is supposedly a made-up story for TV, but can you believe it?!?!  The entertainment industry is even aware of what is going on in the name of advancing the human condition!
     So, while the real-life men of our Technology Revolution have accomplished tremendous things in their lives, and are probably considered among the most intelligent and talented of our generation, I find myself amused and saddened at their lack of understanding about this existence we call "life".  Consider this statement by Larry Ellison, CEO of the software company, Oracle:  "Death has never made any sense to me ... How can a person be there and then just vanish, just not be there?  Death makes me angry ... Premature death even angrier."  As evidenced by this statement, these "geniuses" look at the world as if they control it; as if there is nothing bigger than themselves.
     You may consider statements like these as just the musings of selfish men who have more money than they know what to do with.  But as pointed out in the Washington Post article, two-thirds of scientific and medical research is now funded by private industry; a growing share by billionaires accountable to no one and impatient with the pace of innovation.  What this means is that a large portion of the research into defying death and creating immortal life is unregulated and can potentially open a Pandora's box of research in stem cells, neuroscience, genetically modified organisms and viruses -- all of which, if handled in the wrong way or with a malevolent objective, could create a not-so-Brave, but Scary New World.
     I believe that we should be concerned about these wealthy entrepreneurs and "philanthropists" who combine their own sense of self-preservation with the means to direct and command controversial research into prolonging man's lifespan.  We should especially be troubled when they come from the computer and internet fields, and when they look at the health-care system through their technological eyes and see the “data of billions of people,” collected through blood tests, online profiles, food purchases and fitness trackers.   They are quoted as saying, "When that data can be accessed and mined and utilized for good in an instantaneous manner ... that would be shattering in a positive way for the system as we know it."  But for whose good will this data be used; and by whose standard is it positive?  Are we in essence the guinea pigs for their self-funded and self-serving research?  I think we know the answer to that question.
      And suppose they are right -- that the research they are funding results in cures for diseases that have plagued man.  Will only the wealthy, who have funded the research, receive the cures?  And if they are truly selfless humanitarians, how do they suggest that the planet sustain all these people who will certainly strain our natural resources?  Does anyone else think that they are playing God?
      For me, the bottom line of this curiosity to defy death lies in the following paradox:  these wealthy tech magnates are trying to claim the power of something they don't even believe in -- trying to become like God; someone whom they can't even agree exists!  Their money is their god and they think they can do a better job than the real God of the Universe.  Sadly, they are just the latest in a long line of humans that have been deceived by the father of lies.  Just as Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden for their folly, so, too will modern man be defeated in this latest effort to "out-God"  God, Himself.

Proverbs 14:16    "A wise man suspects danger and cautiously avoids evil, but the fool bears himself insolently and is [presumptuously] confident."


April 5, 2015

John 12:23-25

Jesus replied, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls 
to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. 
But if it dies, it produces many seeds.  
The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man 
who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

     As the Christian Church celebrates Easter in the year 2015, it is appropriate to contemplate this verse today.  It is important that we recognize what Jesus meant when He said "the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified."  He knew, without a doubt, that His Father's plan was being put into motion.  He knew that the Jews were about to reject Him, which would open the door for the Gentile nations to know Him.  And it would be by the eventual Gentile Church that He would be magnified, and His glory would abound.  
     God knew the exact day and the exact hour that He would accomplish the redemption of man through the death of His Son.  And Jesus is accepting of His mission and speaks of its approach with honor and a sense of triumph.  
     His analogy of the kernel of wheat is an obvious picture of His redeeming grace.  God, the Father, has made Him the seed and the root of His people.  But for that seed to multiply, He must die.  The seed must be buried in the ground before it can sprout and produce fruit.  And so it was with our Savior.
     The multitude of saved souls that have sprung from that one seed speaks of His glory and power.  For a couple thousand years the Church has grown and replenished itself with faithful saints who have clung to the root of the faith, Jesus Christ, Himself.  His legacy is one of Glory and Praise.
     But the last sentence of these verses drives us toward a sober thought; especially in these days in which we are living.  We can see that this world is getting more difficult for Christ's followers.  To remain faithful to our King and Savior is not popular, nor is it aligned with our changing societal laws and regulations.  At this moment, Christians are having to make choices between following Christ or their livelihoods.  Right now, we are only looking at fines and public ridicule.  Are we prepared to face the life-threatening situations that our fellow Christians are experiencing in the Middle East and Africa?  
     In this telling Scripture, just prior to His own death, Christ is telling us that this life -- in this world -- is not worth preserving.  In fact, I can't tell you how many of my fellow Christians, who have been "on the wall" the last few years, have told me that they despise this world and are ready to go Home. It sickens our hearts and spirits to see that the world values its idols, and its money, and its selfish desires more than it esteems the Savior of mankind.  We, his faithful followers, long for eternal life with Him, and hate that we are bound by our flesh in this world. 
     As the Church celebrates our Lord's resurrection today, let us keep in mind that we should not only focus on glorifying Him and the Father for their gift of salvation, but that we should ready ourselves to follow in His steps in every way  -- even unto death.  We may be vilified in this world, but we will be raised to a glorious eternal life that overshadows anything we coveted in this shallow life.  
     Just as each kernel of wheat is singularly sown to yield a bountiful harvest, I give thanks for what was sown in my heart, and look forward to being part of the Heavenly Harvest!

April 4, 2015

Is This Another Warning?

      If you will recall, back in July of 2012, I wrote a post titled America and Israel: Destinies Intertwined, in which I highlighted natural and political disasters that have come upon our land after our nation's leaders negotiated deals that harmed Israel.  As that post chronicled, we have suffered major hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and economic woes after pressuring Israel to give up land for a Palestinian state.
     Now, here we are negotiating with Iran; the biggest proponent of state-sponsored terrorism against Israel. Even if you are shy about giving full credence to Wikipedia you cannot ignore their description of Iran:  "Since the declaration of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, the government of Iran has been accused by the USA of funding, providing equipment, weapons, training and giving sanctuary to terrorists."  Our own State Department has called them "an active state sponsor of terrorism"; and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called them "a kind of central banker for terrorism ... through Hezbollah in the Middle East."  And need I remind you that Hezbollah is desperately trying to perfect their missile delivery systems to destroy Israel.
     Now, here we are in the Spring of 2015.  The United States is desperate to claim victory in a battle of the wills with Iran over their nuclear program.  Deadlines have been pushed back, with Iran stalling for more time to gain their objective ... a nuclear bomb to deploy against Israel.  And we seem to be doing everything we can to accommodate them.
     So, it came as no surprise to me that just hours before our nation announced that "we have achieved the framework for that deal", there is a 4.0 magnitude earthquake along a portion of the New Madrid Fault.  Was this a warning sign from God, indicating that He is ready to judge us with the mega-disaster that has been predicted for years now?  Is He telling us not to finalize this deal with Iran; a deal that will certainly put Israel in the crosshairs of a nuclear bomb?
     In case you are unfamiliar with the New Madrid Fault, it is a MAJOR seismic zone and a prolific source of intraplate earthquakes (earthquakes within a tectonic plate) in the southern and midwestern United States, stretching to the southwest from New Madrid, Missouri.
     There have been recorded earthquakes along the New Madrid Fault Line since 1699, when a French missionary reported the ground shaking.  The strongest earthquakes (in the 7.0 - 8.0 magnitude range) were felt in the early 1800s, when the fault created temporary waterfalls on the Mississippi River, created a wave that propagated upstream, and earthquakes were felt as far away as New York City and Boston, where ground motion caused church bells to ring.  A series of aftershocks were felt for several years, up to 1817.  Then in 1843 and 1985, the area experienced earthquakes of 6.0 and 6.6, respectively.
     The biggest earthquake in the modern era was a 5.4 in 1968, and the effects were felt in 23 states.  Only minor rumblings have been felt in the last 47 years .... until Wednesday night, just hours before the proud announcement of an Iran "semi-deal".  Why all the concern over a relatively minor 4.0 earthquake?  Because, for starters, the reports by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) estimates damage and injuries in St. Louis from a 7.6 magnitude New Madrid earthquake to be $2.8 billion, 260 deaths and 1,060 serious injuries.  The 1812 earthquake resulted in about 3.5 million acres damaged or destroyed by landslides, fissures, sandblows, lateral spreads, subsidence, submergence and uplift. And remember that this area of our country is prime agricultural and cattle land, and a major earthquake would certainly affect our food production.
      Then there is the report by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources that says earthquakes in this region shake and damage an area approximately 20 times larger than earthquakes in California and most other active seismic areas.  They also state that the New Madrid Seismic Zone appears to be about 30 years overdue for a magnitude 6.3 quake, and about 75% of the estimated recurrence time for a magnitude 7.6 earthquake has elapsed since the last quake of this size occurred in 1812.
     When you realize that our other national foreign policy decisions which adversely affected Israel corresponded with the 1991 "Perfect Storm"; Hurricane Andrew; the Northridge, CA earthquake; the 1998 Texas floods; the 1999 Super Tornado; and Hurricane Katrina; then you can imagine that a massive New Madrid earthquake will fit the bill as an appropriate judgment against our latest negotiations with Iran.
     The central United States experienced a 4.0 earthquake at the announcement that "a framework" had been negotiated.  Don't you think God is trying to give us a warning not to complete these negotiations with the devil?  I do not believe this is "mere coincidence" and I greatly fear the loss of life and property, and what a major earthquake in this area will do to our economy.  But more than that I fear the retribution that will be rightly ours should this nation enable Iran to carry out its threats against Israel.  Pray that our leaders will have a change of heart and bless Israel, rather than curse her!

Isaiah 14:11-12, concerning Israel:   "Behold, all who are incensed against you shall be put to shame and confounded; those who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish. You shall seek those who contend with you, but you shall not find them; those who war against you shall be as nothing at all."

April 3, 2015

Blessed Is The Sacrificial Lamb!

     Tonight at sundown I will begin celebrating the eight days of Passover; not as a Jew or Hebrew, but as a Christian who wishes to please God by observing His feasts as He commanded.  As I have dug deeper into my Bible these past few years, and as I have studied the history of the Christian Church, I have come to realize that the holiday we call Easter has no Biblical foundation, and that this holy week points to the full significance of the First Coming of our Lord.
     (After reading this post, try comparing the New Age view which embraces the pagan celebration of Easter, with the Biblical view of how Satan has seduced the Church into his pagan program of celebrating Easter.  You will see how easy it has been to deceive the world.)
     Since Easter is at the heart of Christianity, I think it is important for Christians to know the truth about how it came to be the holiest of our religious holidays.  I have come to the conclusion that Scripture is my basis for truth, and not man-made doctrines,  so I have searched the Bible for any mention of a holiday called Easter ... I can find none.  In fact, as a particular Christian website points out, there is clearly no biblical support for Easter; but, the Scriptures actually do have much to say against Easter—both directly and indirectly.  Interestingly, the Babylonian Astarte—and the Assyrian Ishtar—are referred to dozens of times in the Old Testament using the Hebrew word Ashtaroth (Ashtoreth, Asherah), typically translated as groves in the KJV.  Such groves were used in idolatrous ritual celebrations. For example, “And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and forgot the LORD their God, and served Baalim and the Asherahs” (Judges 3:7, New King James Version). This verse could just as well be translated, “and served Baalim and Easter”! So where did this un-Biblical holiday come from?
     In 325 AD, Emperor Constantine, at the Nicean Council, ordered all Churches to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday.  The early Church had celebrated the Resurrection during the Passover, beginning on the 14th day of the Hebrew month called Nisan, which could fall on any day of the week.  But the Churches near Rome had abandoned the practice because they hated the Jews, blaming them for the death of Jesus, so they fixed the date to the first Sunday after the first full moon of Spring, which coincided with the ancient Roman celebration called ‘Easter’, after the pagan goddess of Spring, Eostre.
     But we must understand that professing Christians of the time were not the only ones who celebrated a festival called "Easter."  Before his supposed conversion, Emperor Constantine -- like many pagans -- celebrated various pagan gods.  These pagan religions often centered around moon goddesses and sun gods.  "Ishtar", which is another pagan name for  "Easter", was a day that commemorated the resurrection of one of their gods that they called "Tammuz", who was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god.
     So after Constantine's self-proclaimed conversion, his Empire was divided between Believers and Pagans.  He saw how his newfound faith could be united with his old pagan ways to unite his Empire. He couldn’t force pagans to believe in his new faith, but he could entice them by incorporating some familiar pagan themes, such as the goddess, Eostre, herself.  He could replace the Feasts of the Lord, which were practiced by the Hebrew Believers, with familiar "sunrise" services and worship centered around the Spring Equinox.
     As I said earlier, during the first couple hundred years of the Early Church, believers followed the Jewish traditions of the Lord's Feasts.  But Constantine's Satan-induced hatred of the Jews caused the Jewish influence (in the form of the Feasts) to be erased from the Church.  Here is a direct quote from Constantine himself:   “And truly, in the first place, it seems to everyone a most unworthy thing that we should follow the customs of the Jews in the celebration of this most holy solemnity, who, polluted wretches! having stained their hands with a nefarious crime, are justly blinded in their minds. It is fit, therefore, that rejecting the practice of this people, we should perpetuate to all future ages the celebration of this rite, in a more legitimate order, which we have kept from the first day of our "Lord's" passion even to the present times. Let us then have nothing in common with the most hostile rabble of the Jews.” (Council of Nicea, pg. 52.)
     The consequences of this hostility towards the Jews has meant that nearly 2000 years after its establishment, the Church has lost the truth about God's commandments as to how we are to celebrate His Son's resurrection.  But, thankfully, in this dawning of the Last Days, we have received Divine revelation, and are returning to the roots of our faith; celebrating the First Coming of our Lord, by observing His Feasts according to His calendar; the same calendar He gave to Moses.
     The historical account is both fascinating and spiritually inspiring.   Pesach, or the day of Passover, occurs on the 14th day of the Jewish month of Nisan.  On this particular day, God freed His people from slavery in the Exodus.  God had heard the tormented cries of His people as they suffered the torments of slavery in Egypt, and sent Moses to deliver them. God sent a series of plagues throughout Egypt, judging them for their pagan beliefs.  Nine plagues did not change the heart of Pharoah, but God gave Israel a unique way to protect themselves from the final, deadly plague; and gave Moses a new calendar that they should live by.
     The twelfth chapter of the book of Exodus records that a pure and perfect lamb (one without blemish) should be sacrificed, and its blood applied to the doorposts of the Hebrew homes.  The Angel of Death would "pass over" all those who complied, and by the blood of the sacrificial lamb that covered the doorposts, they would be saved.  The Passover sacrificial lamb was the means by which the Israelites were saved from a sure and deliberate Death.
     Nearly 1400 years after the Exodus, the Roman government crucified Jesus, or Yeshua, on God's commanded Feast of Passover, and He became our sacrificial Passover Lamb.  By His blood, that covers us, we are saved from Death.  For over a thousand years, families had selected Passover lambs on the 10th day of Nisan, and observed them for 4 days before Passover.  On Nisan 10, the day they selected their lambs, Yeshua entered Jerusalem to the shouts of the multitudes, as they cried, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” (Matthew 21:9).  They saw Him as their conquering King of Israel; not as the Sacrificial Lamb.
     On the Morning of Nisan 14, which is Passover Preparation Day, Jews rushed their lambs to Jerusalem.  That same morning, the High Priest Caiaphas rushed to condemn Yeshua.  He was a Sadducee who denied the resurrection, and hated Jesus for teaching it.  He led other Sadducees in the Sanhedrin to convict Yeshua to death.  Yeshua was nailed to the cross at 9 a.m., at the time of the morning sacrifice and prayers at the Temple.
     That afternoon, shortly before Yeshua died, priests blew the shofar, which signaled the opening of the Temple gates when men flooded into the courtyards to slaughter their Passover lambs.  As they hung their lambs on hooks with forearms spread for skinning and cleaning, Yeshua was hung in the same pose on the Cross.  He died at 3 p.m., the time of the evening sacrifice and prayers.
     The blood of slaughtered lambs covered doorposts in ancient Egypt.  That was a picture of the Messiah ... He was a lamb led to slaughter ... He was the Lamb of God ... He was a Lamb without blemish (free of sin) ... He is the slain Lamb on the Throne ... He is the Lamb whose blood overcomes Satan and He died for the sins of the world.
     Incorporated into this Passover week is the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  There is a two-fold significance to this day:  1) It represents the haste with which the Israelites left Egypt; they had no time to wait for bread to rise, so they were instructed to make bread for the Exodus journey without leaven.  2)  Also, leaven represented sin, and God had told them to be careful to remove the leaven from their homes.  Our human bodies are now the home of the Holy Spirit, and we should take great care to remove the leaven (sin) from this home.  Finally, this Feast day points to the fact that Jesus is our Bread of Life, without sin.  He was buried on this day, and provided a way for our sins to be buried with Him.
     We also find the Feast of Firstfruits celebrated during Passover week.  On this feast day, the Israelites were commanded by God to celebrate the first fruits of the Spring Harvest, in thanks for God’s provision.  As we celebrate, we take note that Jesus was the Firstfruit of the Harvest of Souls; the first to rise from the grave.  It was on this day that He was resurrected, and we give thanks for God's provision of eternal life through faith in His Son.
     As you can see, through His commandments to observe His feast days, God gave us an exact picture of His plan to redeem mankind.  The Feast Days of Passover week point us to the First Coming of Christ in a very specific way that a holiday named Easter -- with its pagan roots -- can never do.
     Just as the blood of Passover lambs in ancient Egypt covered the doorposts, the blood of the Messiah, our Passover Lamb, covers our hearts.  The Israelites were delivered from slavery in Egypt on these very days, just as we are delivered from slavery to sin! And Jesus died, was buried, and resurrected on these specific days.  That's why, beginning tonight at sundown, and for the next 8 days, I will be celebrating my freedom from sin's hold on me -- my victory in Yeshua -- and celebrating the hope that is my resurrection.

John 4:22  "You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews."

Prayer, as part of a Passover Seder:  Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth.  Thank you for Yeshua, the Bread of Life, who rose from the earth. And thank you, O Lord, that by His stripes we are healed. Amen. 

April 2, 2015

How Do You Understand World Events?

     We all feel it.  There are going to be some big events in the near future that affect the lives of every human on earth.  Will they be cataclysmic or just the first in a buildup to the Final Days?  None of us can say for sure.  We all have our eyes on the news items that are in the "spotlight" ... Iran and the nukes; Russia and Ukraine; the bubbling Middle East civil wars; the coming storm that is ISIS.  All are good candidates for being "the one" to start the ball rolling.
    But there are other underlying influences that may have escaped our notice; events and circumstances that could well contribute to our demise.  Whether you believe in Biblical prophecy or not, one cannot deny that this world is in decline.  Consider the rapid population growth that has occurred in the last 50 years.  One cannot ignore that our food and water supply has been threatened by this population explosion: from 1.6 billion in 1900, to 7 billion in 2012, to a projected 9.5 billion by 2050.  Shanghai, alone, has a population of 18 million!  I can understand Globalists like Bill Gates concerned about our ability to feed all these people -- I just don't agree with how he would like to control these numbers.
     We also cannot ignore the subtle workings of the New World Order through the United Nations, and such confederations of nations as the European Union, the Asian Union, or the North American Union.  It is far too easy for authority to be vested in a single entity, with power to control our lives through global laws, surveillance, data mining through technology, national identity cards, or media manipulation.
     And speaking of surveillance, almost everything is controlled electronically now -- from our banking transactions, to our communications.  And we need to be protected from global terrorism, right?  That automatically leads to more surveillance, intrusion in our lives, and increased government control over us.
     Our declining morality is so entrenched that we barely recognize the slide; and it's all happened in my lifetime!  How did we get from the Norman Rockwell vision of America to transhumanism, transgenderism, same-sex marriage, rampant pornography, abortion, child sex slaves, human trafficking, entitlement, identity theft, and the lapse of moral attributes in our leaders?
     We also cannot ignore the role that the worldwide apostate Church has played.  The Church should be our Fortress in the storm, but instead, it has become a false and political church,  It has forsaken the Truth of the Bible to bow down to the Culture and World Government; abandoning the message of the Gospels to embrace the theology of multiple faiths.  For years, the transformation was subtle and understated -- until the time and the culture was right to attack and splinter the old paradigms.  It is now a confused and impotent standard-bearer for the Great Commission.
     There are other signs that this world is coming to a moment of climax and decision.  We cannot dismiss the prominence of Israel in the Middle East, or the rising drums of war in the region; both of which draw our attention to ancient Biblical prophecies.  And the wild weather that has been unprecedented also points to warnings of the Last Days.
     These events, taken by themselves, are easy to overlook as just steps in the march of time.  But when considered together, we would be wise to look beyond our limited gaze and discern the possible eternal significance.  We need to see and understand world events as they pertain to God's plan.  They may seem scary in view of our human perception, but, as Believers, we should not fear what they foreshadow.  In the meantime, keep your spirits focused on the throne room of God, and strengthen your faith.  Our Deliverer is close!

John 14:27    "Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]"

April 1, 2015

It's Only The Beginning

     All the uproar over Indiana and their Religious Freedom Bill shows us that the agenda to force religious Americans to accept same-sex marriage is far from over.  I am confused by the claims of those who oppose the Bill that it would "discriminate" against those who live the gay lifestyle.  Of course, there are any number of non-religious companies who would gladly service same-sex marriage ceremonies.  Why do they insist that the religious owners go against their faith?
     How can one claim discrimination against gays, when the very definition of the word means "recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another".  Where is the recognition and understanding for the differences of the religious businesses?
     The backlash against Governor Mike Pence threatens to weaken the Bill in order to make it more "palatable" for those who disapprove of it.  But if we think that the discrimination claim will be limited to only businesses, we are naive.  We can expect further harassment and persecution.
     Think about it.  If business owners are forced to go against their religious beliefs, who is next?  What about churches?  I mean, discrimination is discrimination, right?  Why not file suit against churches and pastors who refuse to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies?  Currently, an argument can be made that churches are in a special class of their own; religious organizations protected by the Constitution and their tax-exempt status.
     But what if that tax-exempt status could be withdrawn on the basis of discrimination against same-sex couples?  Then they become de-facto businesses who are subject to federal and state anti-discrimination laws against gays -- which means they are vulnerable to lawsuits and fines, just like any other business.
     But let's not stop there.  Religious universities will certainly be targeted, both as to their non-profit status, and then for fines if they refuse to provide benefits for same-sex spouses, for example.  Can you see how easy it will be to force religious universities to accept the homosexual agenda by blackmailing them through their financial achilles heel?  By accepting non-profit or tax-exempt statuses, both churches and universities have exposed their weak spots to exploitation by anti-faith groups.
     The next logical step would be to go after private religious elementary and high schools.  The battle has already been half won in the states who have forced public schools to teach about same-sex marriage in those states who have approved it by law.  What makes us think they will stop at public schools?  Why should private schools be allowed to “discriminate” against same-sex couples by exempting children from learning about them? Why should homeschooled children be given state-credentialed status without being indoctrinated in the decency of homosexual behavior, all in the name of non-discrimination?
     By now, you should see the hand-writing on the wall, and the plan should be apparent.  Not until people of faith are forced to accept homosexuality and same-sex marriage as the norm, will the enemies of Biblical faith be satisfied.  Until then, they will continue to attack us through our ability to make a living; through our churches; and through the education of our children.
     Right now, companies like Apple are attempting to smear Indiana and cost them billions in commerce.  In fact, Apple CEO Tim Cook tweeted, "There's something very dangerous happening across the country ... Apple is open to everyone.   We are deeply disappointed in Indiana's new law, and calling on Arkansas to veto a similar bill ... Around the world we strive to treat every customer the same -- regardless of where they come from, how they worship, or who they love."  Of course, he neglects to mention that Apple does business with countries such as Uganda, Nigeria, Qatar, and Saudia Arabia, who execute their citizens for being gay.  But such is the hypocrisy of the Godless and those who ignore God's Word.
     But make no mistake ... the backlash against Indiana's Religious Freedom Bill is a forecast of what we can expect from those who wish to eradicate faith in our culture.  The question is this:  Will you stand your ground and defend your faith; even if it means losing everything?  You better decide now, because they won't stop until you are forced to make that decision.  That is the goal and the game plan -- get ready!

Thanks to Ben Shapiro at Breitbart.com for his excellent observation on this issue.

James 5:11   "Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast."

March 31, 2015

We No Longer Resemble Ourselves!

     In one of my more contemplative moments these past few days, I've wondered how we have come to be in a state of such fruitlessness.  Let me clarify a bit ... by "we", I mean we Americans; since that is the only context in which I feel competent to comment on.  By "fruitlessness", I mean it in the sense of being productive, and active, and involved in the undertaking of a rewarding life.  And perhaps I have figured out a small portion of the problem.
     First, let me say that there is no mistaking that the United States of America has led the way in advancing humanity's standard of living.  In these areas, you could say that we have been "fruitful".  Just think of the areas of technology, science, and medicine.  I'll grant that we deserve accolades for those accomplishments.  But I'm really thinking about the individual life of a single person.  How is it that we have become a society of entitled, lazy, and content people?
     As a Baby Boomer, I represent the generation of children who were born to the GI's coming home from WWII.  We are the offspring of parents and grandparents who knew the pre-War value of hard, physical work to support their families.  We are also the recipients of the post-War explosion of prosperity, and that is the genesis of our current state of fruitlessness.
     After the victory of WWII, Americans enjoyed the benefits of new industries and a new status as one of the world's leading powers.  There followed a burst of innovation and manufacturing brilliance that soon provided every family with unprecedented comfort, ease, and convenience.  It is my deduction that this very period of industriousness would become the source of our downfall.  Let me explain.
     Up until this point in our nation's history, the average woman did her own housecleaning; cared for her own children; and cooked meals from food she grew and canned herself, or at least made from scratch.  The men of the family mowed their own lawns; changed the oil and did repairs to their automobiles themselves; and was active in physical activities with his children.
     With the prosperity that followed the war years, our perspective changed.  People wanted to escape the harsh memories of war and celebrate the country's newfound affluence and security.  So, somehow it made us feel better about ourselves if we could say we had a maid to care for our homes; a nanny or daycare to watch our children (so we could take advantage of the exciting workplace); and we were happy to sacrifice the health benefits of real food for the convenience of processed meals.
     The men in our prosperous society hired out the care taking of their lawns; paid someone else to maintain their vehicles; and shipped their kids off to "summer camps", surrendering that mentorship and guidance to strangers posing as "counselors".
     You can probably tell that I am not a fan of the degeneracy and decadence that comes with prosperity.  As America grew more prosperous, the desires for more "stuff" changed the dynamics of our families.  Women were just as bad as the men -- they wanted the luxuries that could only be theirs by earning more money.  That meant choosing to work outside the home.  The result was that women no longer desired to watch over the affairs of their household, or had the time to provide faithful instruction to their children.
     Men abdicated their roles as the head of the household and father figures to become workaholics in order to maintain the lavish lifestyle that our culture craved.  And our children became latch-key kids; spoiled and coddled from the "hard life" of previous generations.  There are always exceptions to the rules ... there are stories of single moms who worked several jobs while instilling a sense of pride and a desire to accomplish great things in their children.  But those are the anomalies.
    All it has taken is two generations to make the transition from a society of people who knew and understood the value of the possessions they worked for, and who enjoyed fulfilling the traditional roles that had sustained this country for over two centuries.
     We now see the damage done by trading those roles for material wealth.   Our children no longer appreciate the values of their grandparents, and we are a throw-away society who is on the verge of accepting alterations to our bodies that will make us less than human.  The sad thing is I don't believe we can turn this ship around.
     We are establishing new definitions of what constitutes a family; new ideas of gender identification; new reward systems for those who refuse to work for their "entitlements"; and new concepts of how to create immortal life.  In all of our innovation and progress, we have lost our way.  And the path we are following only leads to our destruction.  I don't think I want to see what the next generation will bring.

Proverbs 14:26         "In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge."

March 30, 2015

Say Goodbye To Rural Healthcare

     When the former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons expresses her pessimistic view of how Obamacare will affect rural residents, then we'd better listen.  In an article on World Net Daily, Dr. Lee Hieb is quoted as saying she believes the architects of the Affordable Care Act want our health care system to be as centralized as possible, meaning fewer hospitals and fewer specialists.
     Because the federal government is attempting to curb the expenditures of Medicare and Medicaid, those hospitals that serve a higher percentage of the elderly and poor are finding it more and more difficult to satisfy their bottom lines.  It's only logical that rural hospitals will be the hardest hit.
     According to Dr. Hieb, “Up until now, hospitals have failed and succeeded, they’ve come and gone just like businesses ... Some are better-run than others, but the economic deck was not totally stacked against them. Now, unfortunately, the economic deck is stacked against them in such a way that, universally, smaller hospitals are disenfranchised.”  What's more, Dr. Hieb speculates that this was exactly what Obamacare was "designed" to do!
     “This is going to be like the Reichstag fire,” Hieb proclaimed. "It’s going to be an excuse to say, ‘Look, the free market failed, and now we can go in and institute universal health care, because you see, these people in these rural areas need healthcare, and you’re not getting it to them.’"
     I think I can speak for my own rural community where there is a higher percentage of government-subsidized healthcare versus private insurance payers.  As the government continues to deem certain treatments as "unnecessary", and thereby refusing to reimburse doctors and providers, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that providing adequate healthcare in these communities is getting more difficult, and much less profitable.
     We also have a growing elderly population in the surrounding countryside, which means hospitals are crowded with Medicare patients, and the reimbursements don't come close to covering hospital expenses.  We are already seeing a decline in the number of practicing doctors, and those hospitals and physician's offices that have few private insurance patients are the ones that will eventually have to consider closing their doors.  As hospitals close, and doctors move to cities with higher ratios of private versus government insurance, the few doctors who remain in rural areas will see their workloads increase, leading to stress and burnout.
     What is even more alarming is that there is an additional side effect of fewer doctors and less medical care in rural areas; the so-called "black holes", or areas without coverage for certain specialties.  People who live in the country, far from emergency medical facilities have long known that they are at a higher risk of death than those who live in the city, and have easier access to, and quicker response times from, emergency personnel.  But now, we are faced with the very real possibility of actual shortages of physicians and hospitals.  To date, the facts are that 48 rural hospitals have closed since 2010, and 283 others are in danger of closing, according to the Washington Post.  Most of those closures were in the South, with 10 of them in Texas alone.
     I know I'm showing my age, but I can remember when I was just out of college, and I worked for a Medical Society in Austin, Texas.  I was managing editor of the Medical Society's monthly publication, and I was covering a Board Meeting where the members were discussing and debating the newly proposed HMO system.  One elderly physician spoke up and predicted that "we will all regret the day that we let the government get involved in our practices."  I guess they thought they could control Big Brother from inserting itself between them and their patients; but once that Pandora's box was opened, there was no turning back.  ObamaCare was inevitable; it's been the plan from the beginning, and it is just the natural progression when you open the door to socialized medicine.
     Everyone agrees that the costs of the medical industry and healthcare have skyrocketed.  The results will be larger numbers of hospital and office closures; and those who find a way to keep their doors open will pay more to do so.  But the question that nobody wants to ask is, "How many people will pay with their lives?"

3 John 1:2   "Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul."