A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

March 10, 2015

Where Are We Headed?

     I don't know if you can identify, but there are days that it just seems too much ... too much to cope with; too much to look at; and too much to bear.  I never would have imagined that I would see such public displays of barbarity-- crucifixions, beheadings, mass murders -- as I have seen coming from religious fanatics in the Middle East.  Nor could I have imagined people losing their businesses because of their religious faith in this country; or the very image of who we are as a country turned upside down.  Everything from our ability to make a living, to feeling free to express our faith, to our right to speak out against injustices is now at stake.
     I read ridiculous stories of women losing their gym memberships because of violating a "no judgment policy" for complaining of having to share a restroom with a transgender man.  Then there are all the really serious stories of the breakdown in ethics, morality, and human dignity -- and it is happening in all spheres of our existence; from our governing bodies, to our schools, to our personal lives.  It's as if there are no longer any rules; anything goes, as long as you don't get caught! And tolerance is the byword of the culture -- unless you disagree with their agenda.
     Open up any newspaper, magazine, or website and you are inundated with nightmarish stories.  We, as a society, are so hungry for good, wholesome news, that any act of kindness or compassion becomes a viral success on the internet -- millions of hits by people who need to know that the human race is still capable of showing charity to another human being.
     Have you tried having a serious conversation about the state of the world with anyone lately?  I get remarks like, "Oh, I just don't know what the big deal is ... why should we care about that?"  Sometimes I even get the statement, "Nothing has really changed in the world ... it's been like this for centuries; everything will turn out alright."  Don't you just want to shout, "No, it's not the same ... and if we don't stop where the world is headed, everything WON'T be alright!!!"
     I just wish I could make people realize that there are pivot points in the history of mankind.  Things happen that either propel societies and civilizations to new and greater heights of creativity that benefit man; and which include empathy and mercy towards each other --- OR events occur that stifle and suppress the innovation and resourcefulness of men, which in turn seems to result in plunging humankind to the very depths of indifference and cruelty.  Which era do you think we are in today?
     There will be people who will tell us that we are making too much of things ... that we are evolving as a society and culture; we are more inclusive and less intolerant; and we are entering a new cycle of vision and enterprise in "the computer age".
     Unfortunately, I see far too much negative impact from our so-called "evolution"; much more than any positive effect.  It's true that in the recent past, the Industrial Revolution brought mind-blowing conveniences to mankind; inventions that relieved hard, menial work and raised the quality of living for millions world-wide.  But the natural evolution of that period in history has led to the Technology Revolution, and I honestly fear what we are evolving towards.
     A company in Sweden has micro-chipped its employees for the sake of convenience (so they say); and Ray Kurzweil, the famous futurist and Director of Engineering at Google predicts that 2045 is the magic year in which we will be uploading our entire minds to computers.  That says nothing of plans to place computers/robots in the role of your doctor and pharmacist; your lawyer; store clerks; soldiers (that terrifies me!); and babysitters.  This stuff is no longer part of science fiction stories or conspiracy theories ... major developers like Foster-Miller, who has designed the MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic) system for use in Iraq; and Google who has plans to introduce automated cars, both point towards a future where computers replace people.  As of 2013, it was estimated that 1.2 million industrial robots were working worldwide — that's one robot for every 5,000 people, according to Marshall Brain, founder of How Stuff Works and author of Robotic Nation.
     But, it's not just technology that is streaming us towards a future that lacks the human imprint.  Even our interactions, the structure of our families, and our faith all point to a decrease in the human element.  Interpersonal feedback -- whether between two friends, or between citizen and government -- is no longer done face to face.  It's all done through a text or email.  What's more, the culture is driving us towards a new definition of "family"; one that is often-times created in a laboratory, because it can't be done naturally by humans.  And then there is our faith.  It has been mythologized, stripped of its historic authenticity, and reduced to an "as-needed" basis -- our lives are all about self-worship.  The commandments to "love your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength; and your neighbor as yourself" just don't apply to our self-centered world.
     So, how much longer can this ol' world continue on the path we are on today?  Do you think that the barbarity of ISIS will just go away?  Do you think that Technology will advance the human state?  Do you think that we will just wake up one morning, and the world will have returned to a desire for moral absolutes and personal freedom to live our lives as we choose?
     Think about it ... it's all about control, don't you think? Mankind has mandated climate control, population control, and gun control.  The sense of "true freedom" is slipping through our fingers.  And not only that, we are losing the sense of what it means to be an individual, a unique creation, and to be respected for our differences.  Maybe the history of mankind has always been this volatile and tenuous.  But this is what the deterioration of man's humanity feels like to me ... in my lifetime.  I know that God is ultimately in control, and believe me, that is what sustains me.  I remain focused on Him, and my strength is renewed daily in the knowledge of Him.  He is my comfort on the days when it is all too much.
Proverbs 14:12     "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."

March 9, 2015

The Modern Era of Christian Martyrs

     If you are interested in the history of the Christian faith, then you are no doubt familiar with Foxe's Book of Martyrs.  Published early in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, (1563) and only five years after the death of the Roman Catholic Queen Mary I, Foxe's Acts and Monuments of these Latter and Perillous Days, Touching Matters of the Church (this was the original title) was an affirmation of the English Reformation in a period of religious conflict between Catholics and the Church of England.
     Although never considered an impartial account of the Protestant Reformation, the book was nevertheless a testimony of Christian martyrdom, and has survived over four centuries to represent the  unmitigated faith of Christians in the face of persecution and death.  The stories of the martyrs begin with the Apostles Peter and Paul; the former who was crucified upside down because he felt he was unworthy to be crucified as His Lord; and the latter who was beheaded on the orders of the Emperor Nero.  We read of the deaths of all the early apostles and disciples (except for John, who nevertheless survived being thrown into a cauldron of burning oil); all were either crucified, stoned, or beheaded.
     The book details the deaths of other Christian martyrs over the next millennia and a half, and it underwent several editions; the latest being the British Academy's funding for a new critical edition in 1984, completed by 2007.  And although the historiography of Foxe's Book of Martyrs is quite valuable, have you ever wondered if such venerated Christian martyrdom is a thing only encountered in the ancient past?  If so, consider this fact:  The ancient nation of Iraq was home to 1.5 million Christians just 10 years ago.  Their number is now under 150,000.
     With that astonishing reality in view, I invite you to read a book by author Tom Doyle, titled Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where Its Not Safe To Believe.  Jim Denison, of ChristianHeadlines.com wrote a meaningful tribute to his friends, Tom and JoAnn Doyle, who are longtime missionaries to the Middle East.  According to the article, Tom's book, Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?, tells the incredible story of Muslims worldwide who are meeting Jesus in miraculous ways, including visions and dreams.  As a result of such miracles, more Muslims have come to Christ in the last 15 years than in the previous 15 centuries.
     But now, Tom has written a new book, titled Killing Christians, in which he tells the other side of the story ... the incredible stories of Christians who are willing to die for their faith in the face of unprecedented persecution in the modern world.  Here are just a few examples of their stories:  A believer smuggles Bibles into Somalia by hiding beneath decaying corpses in coffins.  A Christian in Syria, speaking to an underground church, says of their shared faith, "This will cost us our lives.  We will die for this."  He and his friends have already purchased a plot of ground in which to be buried when they are martyred.
     In Baghdad, a Muslim comes to Christ through the kindness of an American soldier who shared his faith and gave him a Bible.  A Christian in Saudi Arabia struggles to understand why her friend Mina was martyred while she was miraculously spared.  She concludes: "Too often, even Christians forget that our faith is not primarily for this life.  It is for the life to come.  We who are still here are the ones who have been left behind.  Our real life has not even begun, but for martyrs like Mina, it has."
     We Western Christians often fail to recognize that Christianity originated in the Middle East amid such persecution.  As a recent CNN article pointed out, "Christianity was born in Bethlehem, in what's now the West Bank. It took root among people like the Assyrians, who flourished in ancient Mesopotamia. It soon found a home in places like modern-day Turkey, Iraq, modern-day Iran, and Syria."  That persecution is as real today as it was when our faith was first founded; and threatens to extinguish it just the same.
     While martyrdom for Western Christians is not even on our radar, we must accept its reality in the rest of the world, and the very real possibility that we will soon face our own crisis of faith.  Although the growth of the Church has leveled off in the West, it is exploding elsewhere in the world; and all amidst the extraordinary stories of Christian martyrdom at the hands of hate-filled extremists like ISIS and Boko Haram.  Rapes, beheadings, and kidnappings are all being carried out against Believers in the Middle East, and a new generation of martyrs is being documented.
     As author Boyle concludes, "Jesus' message of love and reconciliation thrives in a climate where hostility, danger, and martyrdom are present.  Persecution and the spread of the gospel are as inseparable as identical twins...".  So we don't need to read the historical accounts of martyrs such as those found in The Book of Martyrs.  If we need inspiration to strengthen our faith, we have to go no further than the stories of modern martyrs in the Middle East.  Their blood mingles with the blood of the ancient martyrs, as they cry out, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you judge the people who belong to this world and avenge our blood for what they have done to us?" Let us add our prayers to their cry, and call on the Lord to return for the sake of us all!

1 Peter 4:16    "But don’t be ashamed if you suffer as one who belongs to Christ. Rather, honor God as you bear Christ’s name. Give honor to God."

March 8, 2015

Revelation 4:10

"the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne..."

     This Scripture is taken from a description the Apostle John gives of a vision he had in Heaven.  In the vision he is seeing the very throne room of Heaven, and upon the throne sits the Lord Almighty (Omnipotent), "Who was, and Who is, and Who is to come".  What a wonderful picture of the dual character of both Father and Son!  
     What I love about Scripture is the depth of the Word!  There are several underlying lessons within this short verse.  The immediate understanding of this particular passage is the image of the 24 elders bowing to the throne and casting their crowns before the throne ... or literally at Jesus's feet.  Although scholars have come up with various interpretations as to who these 24 elders are, to me it is clear that they represent the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles.  Together they form the Church of Jesus Christ.
     If you have done a serious study of Romans 11, you will find the Apostle Paul laying out God's concise plan for bringing both the Jewish faith and the Christian faith together to form His unified Body.  This body of elders in the throne room of God are truly the fathers of our faith!  And no one can dispute their right to wear crowns.  
     Before I go any further it is important that we understand the context with which this use of "crowns" is used.  The Greek word translated “crown” is stephanos (the source for the name Stephen the martyr) and means “a badge of royalty, a prize in the public games or a symbol of honor generally.” Used during the ancient Greek games, it referred to a wreath or garland of leaves placed on a victor’s head as a reward for winning an athletic contest. As such, this word is used figuratively in the New Testament of the rewards of heaven God promises those who are faithful.
     In fact, the Apostle Paul uses the allegory of "running the race" and "winning the prize" many times throughout his epistles.  And 1 Corinthians 9:24-25, he echoes this ancient idea of a wreath, or crown, being placed on a victor's head:  Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.  Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.
     None of us can dispute that these 24 elders -- these faithful men of the Lord's Church -- deserve their crowns.  They are the royalty of our faith and their crowns certainly symbolize the honor due them.  But what about us?  Did you know that we, too, will receive crowns?  
     I know it is difficult for some Christians to accept this concept.  They view the seeking of crown's as a Christian seeking rewards for works.  But that is never expressed in the Bible.  Paul is very specific in 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 ... we should want to receive the prize of faithfulness; there is no pride involved in our desire to be faithful.  He explicitly tells us, "Run so you may obtain it[the prize; the crown]!
     In fact, the Bible names the crowns that are ours for running the race and being faithful:
1.  The Imperishable Crown:  As previously shown, in 1 Corinthians 9:25, Paul says:  Every athlete exercises self-control in all things.  They do it (run) to receive a perishable wreath (crown), but we an imperishable.
2.  The Crown of Rejoicing:  (1 Thessalonians 2:19) “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?
3.  The Crown of Righteousness:  (2 Timothy 4:8) “Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
4.  The Crown of Glory:  (1 Peter 5:4) “And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.”
5.  The Crown of Life:  (Revelation 2:10) “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
     It should be apparent in reading these passages that the crowns we receive are not from our works, but come because of our faithfulness to Christ, and through His intercession for us.  It is Christ in us who enables us to run the race and claim the prize.  Therefore, please do not shy away from seeking your crowns!  They are priceless and a worthy inheritance for a life lived in grace, perseverance and faith.
     Finally, the last image we get from Revelation 4:10 is that of the casting crowns before the throne; of effectively casting them at Jesus's feet.  I believe that this image expresses what we will feel when we are standing before Him.  Whatever crowns we have won because of our faithfulness here on earth will seem insignificant in the reality that we are standing before the King!  Just as the elders did, we will bow in humble and adoring worship at his feet, and offer our crowns to Him.  Only He is worthy of all honor and glory!  And regardless of how we lived out our faith on earth, or how many crowns we deserved, those priceless crowns will seem such a small offering; but it will be the best gift we can give Him.  He will bestow the garland of victory upon our heads, but they are His for the keeping ... He is the true Victor in our race, and eternal life with Him is the prize!


March 7, 2015

Cyberbullying: The Evil Behind The Internet

     I have long railed against the impersonal and self-centered aspects of the Internet ... Facebook, Tweeting, InstaGram, and all the other self-aggrandizing forms of self-promotion.  With the ability to avoid face-to-face contact, the internet has led a whole generation of young people into a world where they feel powerful through their words, but without having to accept the responsibility of harming another.
     Well, that's about to change for some college boys who decided to attack the wrong young woman.  They weren't counting on crossing paths with her dad ... her famous dad, who knows a thing or two about squaring off against opponents ......  Here's the story:
     Baseball legend Curt Schilling penned a scathing column Sunday targeting a group of individuals who sent sexually derogatory tweets to his daughter over the weekend.  It started when Schilling tweeted a simple congratulatory message to his 17-year-old daughter Gabby for getting accepted into college.  Moments later, Schilling and Gabby’s Twitter accounts were flooded with vulgar, sexually-explicit messages.  Not one to let these kinds of things go unanswered, Schilling wrote the following answer to his daughter's bullies on his blog:

    If you are a dad this is something you well know already, if you are a dad with a daughter this is likely to get your blood going. If you are a boy, or young man, or husband, and you haven’t experienced children yet, or haven’t had a daughter, it’s next to impossible for you to understand.
     My daughter, my one and only daughter, has worked her a** off playing sports the past 9-10 years. She’s loved it, and I’ve loved being able to both watch, and coach along the way.  Last week we were told she’d been accepted to college and will begin playing softball there next year.  Clearly, an incredibly proud day.
     And [then] tweets with the word rape, bloody underwear and pretty much every other vulgar and defiling word you could likely fathom began to follow. Now let me emphasize again. I was a jock my whole life. I played sports my whole life. Baseball since I was 5 until I retired at 41. I know clubhouses. I lived in a dorm. I get it. Guys will be guys. Guys will say dumb crap, often. But I can’t ever remember, drunk, in a clubhouse, with best friends, with anyone, ever speaking like this to someone…
     My daughter comes to me beyond upset. She didn’t do anything, she never said anything, yet she’s now receiving personal messages with guys saying things to her, well let’s just say I can’t repeat and I’m getting beyond angry thinking about it. Her boyfriend, a wicked good hockey player who has a fighting streak I absolutely love is going out of his mind to be let off his leash but unlike the athletes tweeting this stuff he understands the potential consequences of his actions and knows the time and place will hopefully come when he can make it right on his own terms.
     These boys have yet to understand one of life’s most important lessons. In the real world you get held accountable for the things you say and if you are not careful that can mean some different things...
     This is a generation of kids who have grown up behind the monitor and keyboard. The real world has consequences when you do and say things about others. We’re at a point now where you better be sure who you’re going after.

If I was a deranged protective dad I could have been face to face with any of these people in less than 4 hours. I know every one of their names, their parents, where they go to school, what they do, what team they are on, their positions, stats, all of it. I had to do almost nothing to get ANY of that information because it is all public. 
     What part of talking about a young woman, my daughter or not, makes you even consider the possibility that this is either funny or makes you tough?
     .... The ignorance and pathetic lack of morals or of any integrity is astounding.  These aren’t thugs, tough guys or bad a**es; these aren’t kids who’ve had it rough; they aren’t homeless or orphans; these are pretty much ALL white, affluent, college attending children, and I mean children.
     A mistake is tweeting once and saying “damn, I’m an idiot” and taking it down. These guys? They’re making conscious choices to cyberbully an amazing and beautiful young woman on the internet, that none of them know by the way, because they don’t like her dad or they somehow think saying words you can teach a 5 year old is tough? Cool? Bad a**? Something I am missing? My right hand to God I promise all of you that tweeted this stuff, the friends around you saying “dude that’s hilarious” and “OMG that’s awesome”? Those people? Inside they’re actually thinking “what an a**#$!Q” and “holy crap what a piece of trash”, no matter what they say to your face.
     Ladies? If any of these guys is your boyfriend you’re in for a real rude awakening.   Lastly? Not one of these gutless clowns would even think of saying a word of ANY of this in person. 


     Now, the rest of the story is that both men were identified by name; one lost his job as a ticket seller at Yankee Stadium over the incident.  The other, a college student, was suspended from school and denounced by his fraternity.  Was this enough to teach them, or anyone else of the "internet generation", a lesson?  Probably not.  You see, our kids have grown up in a cyber world, where nothing seems for real, and they think they are anonymous.  Therefore, the consequences of their actions are never realized.  They don't have to face the person on the other side of the computer screen.  As a result, they are in danger of never developing compassion for their fellow humans.  They don't see the tears, or the shame or humiliation.  They aren't aware of the hurt that is generated from their cruel and ugly remarks.
     When a society is no longer able to perceive the condition of being human, or to sympathize with another human being, then you will see more and more cases like this ... a pack of rabid wolves scouring the internet for their next victim to devour.  Kudos to Curt Schilling for reversing the tables, and pulling the masks off these bullies.  I just wish there were more like him to come to the rescue!

Ephesians 4:29    "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

March 6, 2015

The Devil Unleashed ... Again!

     Who is really behind the decision to re-release Adolph Hitler's spurious publication, Mein Kampf? And who would possibly think that it is a good idea to re-introduce a book to a new generation that is on the brink of world war; a book that was the genesis for an ideology that resulted in over 6,000,000 deaths in concentration camps across Europe?
     Here are the purported facts, as written in an article at The New York Post ... The copyright for the 1924 Nazi tome is now held by the state of Bavaria in Germany, but will expire at the end of 2015.  In January of 2016, Germany’s Institute for Contemporary History will publish a new, heavily annotated version of the Führer’s “My Struggle” autobiography.   
     The Institute's Deputy Director was quoted as saying, "I understand some immediately feel uncomfortable when a book that played such a dramatic role is made available again to the public ... On the other hand, I think that this is also a useful way of communicating historical education and enlightenment — a publication with the appropriate comments, exactly to prevent these traumatic events from ever happening again."
     Here's my visceral reaction: Uncomfortable doesn't even come close to describing how I feel about this book being released to the public.  And to say that it might be "useful to communicate historical education and enlightenment" is simply beyond belief!  I could understand wanting to communicate the diabolical actions of the Nazi regime and "enlighten" the world some 70 years later as to the crimes and wickedness that emanated from Germany under Hitler's dictatorship.  If that is truly your goal, wouldn't it best be served by releasing the millions of photos of Holocaust victims, or publishing a book by the remaining survivors of the inhuman atrocities perpetuated on Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and "Undesirables"?  Is reprinting "the Bible of National Socialism" really the best way to convey Hitler's demonic influence over the nation of Germany?  And who will be making the comments, and from what perspective will they be "appropriate"?
     I'm sure I don't need to remind you that Neo-Nazism is on the rise, not only in Germany, but across Europe.  Furthermore, the concept of Nationalism is once again gaining popularity -- the very instrument Hitler used to gain power.  In fact, the modern devotees of Hitler's neo-Nazi, racist ideology have embraced Mein Kampf  for some time now.  So why give them a greater opportunity to revive the heinous movement?
      I tend to agree with Levi Salomon, a spokesman for the Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism, who said, "I am absolutely against the publication of ‘Mein Kampf,’ even with annotations. Can you annotate the devil? Can you annotate a person like Hitler?  This book is outside of human logic."
     For those who would say that we need to remember the evil in order to reject it and spurn it, I would say this:  Yes, we should never forget it, because to do so dishonors the victims.  But there is a fine line between remembering in order to strengthen those who survived the horrors; and to remind us of how important it is to never let this happen again.  But, there is something that is potentially alarming about this new publication.  The original book was 700 pages long; the reprint will be 2,000 pages long, containing criticisms and analysis.  This does not sound like a condemnation to me.  Whenever you open the door for "academics" to theorize and comment, you take the chance that Mein Kampf can be spun and re-invented to represent a "softer" side of National Socialism and anti-Semitism.  That is not to mention that it will be, effectively, a guidebook to the theories that led to the Holocaust.
     Remember, that before the Holocaust, the modern world had no picture of what such evil looked like.  In fact, when Mein Kampf  was first published, the Western nations dismissed it and ignored it.  That was a mistake.  But to promote it now -- and that is what I think will be the ultimate result -- is also a mistake.  There are too many factions around the world that are embracing the Nazi's ideological theories, and I fear that this book could be useful towards furthering their goals.
     Make no mistake!  It has always been Satan's plan to destroy God's chosen people; he tried to pollute the DNA of the Israelites to keep Jesus from being born; he tried to eliminate the Jewish race through the designs of Hitler, his emissary, during the Holocaust -- and he came so close that perhaps a second release of Mein Kampf  can finish the job.
     Hitler's political theories of "Masters" and "Slaves", "False Religions", and his resultant goal of annihilating the Jewish race should not, and cannot, be unleashed upon the world.  Can the nations not see that if we open that Pandora's Box again, that we will not be able to close it?  Surely sanity will reign and the devil will not be unleashed once again upon the world!

Ecclesiastes 12:14    "For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."


March 5, 2015

"Birth Tourism" vs Illegal Immigration: What's The Difference?

     Does anyone else see the irony in the latest actions of the Department of Homeland Security?  Earlier this week DHS made a big show of sweeping raids on organizations that allegedly enable foreign women to pay to obtain U.S. visas under false pretenses; all for the intention of giving birth, so their child automatically receives U.S. citizenship.
     Follow me in my thought processes ... First of all, let's be clear -- it is not technically illegal to come to the U.S. to give birth.  (The ethical or moral entitlement to that right is up for debate).  The problem that DHS has is that the visas were allegedly obtained "under false pretenses", right?  NPR reports that Claude Arnold is the lead investigator for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). He says the agency is looking at three organizations that advertise online to wealthy Chinese women who may want to give birth in the U.S.
     "[The organizations] facilitate their travel," said Arnold. "They make arrangements for lodgings here, their medical care, etc. So that [their clients] can have children born here as United States citizens."  In affidavits filed for search warrants, federal authorities said that the businesses charged women up to $60,000 for coaching, facilitating travel to the U.S., lodging, hospital expenses, even nanny support.  Did you note the careful wording?  These women are being "coached" to lie in order to enter the U.S. to receive citizenship for their children.
     Now consider a report by a Rio Grande Valley TV station in Texas, plus this investigative article on The Blaze ... Border patrol agents along the Texas border have been finding alleged "cheat sheets" being used by apprehended illegal immigrants attempting to stay in the country and avoid deportation.  Supposedly, the "rehearsed answers" are common among a large majority of the illegals and are supplied by the human traffickers who charge from $5,000 to $8,000 to ensure passage into the country.
     Here are a couple of examples of the answers to questions by U.S. authorities:
Why did you abandon your country?
•  Because of poverty and misery.
•  You’re in fear of your government and afraid to live in your country.
•  You’re afraid of extortion from Maras [MS-13 gang].
Do you have family in the United States?  Where does your father live?
•  I don't know him, or even his name.
     The bottom line is that many who cross the border use the “credible fear” claim, saying they are afraid to return home, and knowing that they will obtain a notice to appear in immigration court to appeal to stay in the country.  And you guessed it ... they never show for the court date.
     This is just one more example of a conflated plan to send a message to immigrants that the border is wide open.  In fact, the incredible surge of immigrants over the last two years or so, appears to be from a perception that there was a ‘new’ U.S. ‘law’ that grants a ‘free pass’ or permit (referred to as “permisos”) being issued by the U.S. government to female adult other-than-Mexicans traveling with minors and unaccompanied children.
     And why wouldn't they think that, given this statement by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson:  "Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than adult violators of the law."  This is a direct quote attributed to Secretary Johnson in a story about a new two-year extension of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy published by Diario El Mundo in El Salvador.  (As reported by the website Hot Air in 2014).
     But let me ask you this ... isn't the very perception put forth by the Secretary of the DHS illegal?  How is the "coaching" on how to answer Border Patrol agents any different than the "coaching" that the "birth tourism" moms received?  And weren't the influx of immigrant children lured here under "false pretenses"? Furthermore, the "birth tourism" industry allegedly promises medical care, lodging and other amenities.  What about illegal immigrants receiving drivers licenses, Medicaid, and other free entitlements --- all paid by American taxpayers!
     So, I guess I'm just a little confused ... Why is it such a transgression against U.S. law for the wealthy "Birth tourism moms"; and their actions are labeled "illegal"; yet the DHS turns a blind eye towards thousands of immigrant children who cross the Southern border illegally; and they are granted amnesty?  Does it feel like a shell game to anyone else?

Proverbs 10:9    "Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out."

March 4, 2015

A Leader For This Time, For His People

     There has been a lot of controversy and opposing opinions over the efficacy of Israel's Prime Minister speaking before the combined Houses of Congress.  Regardless of whether you think it was warranted or not, one cannot deny the historic significance.  Benjamin Netanyahu shares with another Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, the record for the number of times to speak before the Legislative bodies of the United States Congress.
     Not only do the two Prime Ministers share the unequaled honor of appearing three times, but they found common ground in the immediacy and purpose of their visits.   In the case of Churchill, he undertook a dangerous transatlantic journey on the HMS Duke of York, within days of the Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor.  He arrived in America on December 22, in time to spend Christmas at the White House. On December 26, Churchill gave an historic address to a joint session of Congress to win support for his concept of the war.  WW II was in full swing, and the Allies desperately needed the U.S.'s participation in order to defeat the Axis Powers of Germany, Italy and Japan.
     Yesterday, Prime Minister Netanyahu came to the Hill to present his case for avoiding WW III.  At the center of the debate is the negotiations between the U.S. and Iran over the latter's development of nuclear weapons.  In his remarks, he said, "I've come here today because, as prime minister of Israel, I feel a profound obligation to speak to you about an issue that could well threaten the survival of my country and the future of my people: Iran's quest for nuclear weapons."  There was no pandering, no fawning, or ingratiating flattery.  He was there to state his purpose, and it was clear what that was ... to call on his ally, the United States, to stand with him and protect his people.
     His people ... there was no doubt that this Leader was there on behalf of his people, not to increase his own power or fame; not to propagandize on behalf of his personal political agenda -- he was there to lay out his opposition to any negotiations with a terrorist state that threatened the existence of his people.  Perhaps his passion lies in the fact that he is the first Prime Minister born in Israel after the establishment of the State.  Perhaps his enthusiasm comes from his military experience.  He served as a member of Israel's special forces unit, leading many commando raids during the Yom Kippur War in 1967, among other missions.  Perhaps his emotion comes from losing his older brother during an Israeli commando operation to rescue hostages at the Entebbe airport in Uganda in 1976.
     But, as he pointed out, Iran's nuclear potential is not only an immediate threat to Israel and her people, but to the entire world -- including the United States.  I found it sad that he had to school our own legislators on the important factors they should be considering before signing any deal with the terrorist state of Iran.  "Just last week, near Hormuz, Iran carried out a military exercise blowing up a mock U.S. aircraft carrier. That's just last week ... while they're having nuclear talks with the United States! But unfortunately, for the last 36 years, Iran's attacks against the United States have been anything but mock. And the targets have been all too real.
     Iran took dozens of Americans hostage in Tehran, murdered hundreds of American soldiers, Marines, in Beirut, and was responsible for killing and maiming thousands of American service men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan.
     Beyond the Middle East, Iran attacks America and its allies through its global terror network. It blew up the Jewish community center and the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. It helped Al Qaida bomb U.S. embassies in Africa. It even attempted to assassinate the Saudi ambassador, right here in Washington, D.C."
     Yet, we continue to negotiate with a nation that shouts "Death to America!" and calls us "The Great Satan".  Why does it take the Prime Minister of Israel to point out "Iran and ISIS are competing for the crown of militant Islam. One calls itself the Islamic Republic. The other calls itself the Islamic State. Both want to impose a militant Islamic empire -- first on the region, and then on the entire world. They just disagree among themselves who will be the ruler of that empire."
    Mr. Netanyahu wanted it understood that "in this deadly Game of Thrones, there is no place for America OR Israel; no peace for Christians, Jews or Muslims who don't share the Islamist medieval creed; no rights for women; no freedom for anyone."
     Is Iran someone we, the American people, want to negotiate with?  We can't even recognize or pronounce ISIS as an authentic threat, and as Netanyahu pointed out, "The difference is that ISIS is armed with butcher knives, captured weapons and YouTube, whereas Iran could soon be armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear bombs. We must always remember -- I'll say it one more time -- the greatest dangers facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons. To defeat ISIS and let Iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle, but lose the war. We can't let that happen!"
     He went on to reiterate the numerous times Iran has refused the U.N. inspectors access to their military nuclear program, and the unimaginable consequences of letting the so-called "Sunset Clause" remain on the negotiating table.  In essence, this means that virtually all the restrictions on Iran's nuclear program will automatically expire in about a decade.  Think about that!  Think ten years is a considerable amount of time to rectify this issue?  On March 19th, it will be 12 years since the U.S. invasion of Iraq.  And has that "issue" been resolved to everyone's satisfaction?  As Netanyahu bluntly explained:  "[Ten years] is the blink of an eye in the life of a nation. It's a blink of an eye in the life of our children. We all have a responsibility to consider what will happen when Iran's nuclear capabilities are virtually unrestricted and all the sanctions will have been lifted. Iran would then be free to build a huge nuclear capacity that could produce many, many nuclear bombs."
     If the American people were smart enough to listen to this address by the Israeli Prime Minister, they would have heard facts that are seemingly impossible to get from our own government.  "Iran's Supreme Leader says that Iran plans to have 190,000 centrifuges, not 6,000 or even the 19,000 that Iran has today, but 10 times that amount -- 190,000 centrifuges enriching uranium. With this massive capacity, Iran could make the fuel for an entire nuclear arsenal -- and this in a matter of weeks, once it makes that decision.  Iran could have the means to deliver that nuclear arsenal to the far-reaching corners of the earth, including to every part of the United States."
     We are told that the power behind our negotiations is economic sanctions.  But who believes that this will in anyway stall Iran's plan to light the fuse on a nuclear tinderbox in that volatile region of the world?  Or that we can stem the tide of their aggression and dominance in the region with threats of trade barriers or financial restrictions?
    But what impressed me the most about this historic speech on the floor of Congress was the pride and forcefulness with which the Prime Minister represented his country.  He made it perfectly clear that Iran not only needed to stop supporting terrorism around the world, and stop its aggression in the Middle East; but it absolutely had to stop threatening to annihilate his country, Israel; the one and only Jewish state.  Most importantly, he clearly stated that "the days when the Jewish people remained passive in the face of genocidal enemies, those days are over!  If Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand!"  
     I cannot help but admire his boldness in this, his nation's hour of crisis.  And I am unapologetic about my Biblical worldview when it comes to the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.  The West has been vocal in their criticism and restraint of Israel when it comes to defending herself.  But, as a believer in the Bible, I know that God will not allow Israel to be destroyed, and He will be her shield, her fortress, and her Deliverer.  The world would do well to keep that in mind.
     And then Benjamin Netanyahu closed his speech by pointing out to the Congress, the American people, and the world that our seat of government displays an image of Moses, the ancient Israelite leader who delivered his people from slavery to the gates of the Promised Land.  He then mentioned the message that Moses conveyed before the people of Israel entered the land of Israel.  It has become a significant theme for the Jewish people and has steeled their resolve for thousands of years.  "I leave you with [the words of Moses] today, (SPEAKING IN HEBREW), "Be strong and resolute, neither fear nor dread them."
     In the end, the real issue is whether our leaders will consider the warnings of the Leader of Israel.  Do any in our leadership still recognize the Biblical and historical significance of Israel?  Will they take the bold stand of hardline negotiations with Iran, or will they seek compromise and concession, thereby endangering Israel's very existence?  The answer to those questions will have significant and long-term effects for both Israel and America.  No matter what our nation's decision may be, one thing is for certain ... Israel will survive; God will make sure of that.

For a full transcript of Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech, click here.

Psalm 25:22   "Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles."


March 3, 2015

The History of American Education: From Classical Learning to Moral Relevancy

     I am often dumbfounded when I stop to consider the difference in my own middle and high school education as compared to what's taught these 35-40 years later.  I can remember studying and memorizing Lincoln's Gettysburg address.  I loved the long and exhaustive studies of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's Idylls of the King -- the epic twelve poems that retold the tales of the legendary King Arthur, his knights, his love for Guinevere and her tragic betrayal of him, and the rise and fall of Arthur's kingdom.
     But the terms of my education were nothing compared to the studies during the generation of our Founding Fathers.   As the website, Memoria Press, recounts ... Thomas Jefferson received early training in Latin, Greek, and French from Reverend William Douglas, a Scottish clergyman.  At the age of fourteen, Jefferson’s father died, and, at the express wish of his father, he continued his education with the Reverend James Maury, who ran a classical academy. After leaving Douglas’ academy, Jefferson attended the College of William and Mary, where his classical education continued along with his study of law.
     When Alexander Hamilton entered King’s College (now Columbia University) in 1773, he was expected to have a mastery of Greek and Latin grammar, be able to read three orations from Cicero and Virgil’s Aeneid in the original Latin, and be able to translate the first ten chapters of the Gospel of John from Greek into Latin.
      When James Madison applied at the College of New Jersey (now Princeton), he was expected to be able to “write Latin prose, translate Virgil, Cicero, and the Greek gospels and [to have] a commensurate knowledge of Latin and Greek grammar.” Even before he entered, however, he had already read Virgil, Horace, Justinian, Nepos, Caesar, Tacitus, Lucretius, Eutropius, Phaedrus, Herodotus, Thucydides, and Plato.
     So, what exactly is a "classical education"?  Historically, it was a course of study that was to develop exemplary citizens equipped with analytical thinking skills, virtuous character, and a passion for learning, all built upon a solid foundation of knowledge.  Sadly, these characteristics are disappearing from our modern educational system; especially as our kids are being threatened with the Common Core curriculum.
     Consider this op-ed in The New York Times by philosopher Justin McBrayer.  He states that he already knew that many of his college-age students did not believe in moral facts.  He says, "Philosophy professors with whom I have spoken suggest that the overwhelming majority of college freshman in their classrooms view moral claims as mere opinions that are not true or are true only relative to a culture"; the culture of Christianity, for instance.  Subsequently, this has led to an abiding belief in moral relativism, which is a philosophy that asserts there is no global, absolute moral law that applies to all people, for all time, and in all places. 
     You should know that Mr. McBrayer is an associate professor of philosophy at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado, where he works in ethics and philosophy of religion.  So this is naturally an ideology that interests him and which he has seen often among his students.  But he wasn't prepared to see its tenets being conveyed in his son's second-grade classroom!  During the schools open house he "found a troubling pair of signs hanging over the bulletin board. They read:

Fact: Something that is true about a subject and can be tested or proven.

Opinion: What someone thinks, feels, or believes.

     So, what's the big deal, you might ask?  To cut to the chase, students are taught that claims are either facts or opinions.  And Professor McBrayer says that's a dangerous road that leads to moral relativism.  There are instances in which a person's opinion (or belief) is also a fact for him; his ideology can't be divided into fact OR opinion; it's both.  He prove's his point in this conversation with his young son:

Father: “I believe that George Washington was the first president. Is that a fact or an opinion?”

Son: “It’s a fact.”

Father: “But I believe it, and you said that what someone believes is an opinion.”

Son: “Yeah, but it’s true.”

Father: “So it’s both a fact and an opinion?”  The blank look on his son's face told the story.

     Do you see where he is going with this?  Can you see how the effort to separate a belief from a fact, could affect morality?  Every thought (or belief) that has some kind of value attached to it, could only be an opinion, never a fact.
     Now consider this Common Core worksheet, in which students were asked to label the following claims as either FACT or OPINION:
                                                •  Copying homework assignments is wrong.
                                                •  Cursing in school is inappropriate behavior.
                                                •  All men are created equal.
                                                •  It is wrong for people under 21 to drink alcohol.
                                                •  Drug dealers belong in prison.
     The answers?  Each one of these was labeled an opinion.  Since none of these could be tested or proven, then they must be subject to opinion only, and there is no truth in any of them.  Do you see the danger in this?  Ultimately, this is teaching our kids that anything that can be labeled good, bad, wrong, or right is not a fact.  Think how this mode of thinking affects our society.  When there is no consistency between what people decide is good or moral -- that it is all subject to one person's opinion versus another -- how do we ever raise children into moral citizens with critical analyzing skills and virtuous character?  If there is no moral standard that can be declared a fact for all, then anything goes, and there is no acceptable code of honor or behavior among a community.  Not only does the quality of living in that community subside, but chaos and confusion are the natural result.
     Just take a moment and consider that our Founding Fathers were fluent in Latin and Greek, could translate Books of the Bible, and were capable of defending themselves in a spirited debate.  Now realize that our public school systems are on the brink of failing our children.  They can hardly spell; their reading skills are poor; they can't divide or subtract without a computer; and they are lacking important critical thinking skills.  You might think that this is a different time, and the education that our Founding Fathers undertook does not relate to these times.  But it was the education they received that reinforced the knowledge, the skills, and the courage they would need to create this great nation. Are we giving our kids the education to carry on their moral values and traditions, and preserve the country?

1 Timothy 4:12   "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity."

March 2, 2015

Purim 2015: Historical Significance?

     Tomorrow will likely be an historic day in the relationship between the United States and its only democratic ally in the Middle East, Israel.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to speak before Congress tomorrow.  It will be historical in light of the obvious rebuff by the White House and the contentious dialogue between the two leaders of state.
     This speech takes place at a time in the reborn nation of Israel's short history when all of its surrounding neighbors have declared their intention to "drive the Jews into the sea", and when even its Western allies seem to have abandoned them in their hour of strategic need.  The United States appears to be courting a "soft" negotiation with Israel's staunch enemy, Iran, over its development of nuclear weapons; a move that surely endangers Israel's security.
     But there is a deeper and far-reaching reason that this visit is historical.  Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit occurs one day before Purim, the Jewish holiday that commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman’s plot “to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.” (Esther 3:13).  In case you don't make the connection ... modern-day Iran is ancient Persia; and should Iran gain nuclear weapons they could certainly accomplish Haman's ancient plan in a single day.
     That is why, before his historic visit, Prime Minister Netanyahu paid a visit to the Western Wall.  I think it is important for all Americans to understand the significance of this holiest site in Judaism.  That's why I went to Aish.com, a leading Jewish website, to be able to explain to you why the Prime Minister of Israel went there.  Here is what you need to know:
     The Western Wall is a surviving remnant of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. The Temple was the center of the spiritual world, the main conduit for the flow of Godliness. When the Temple stood, the world was filled with awe of God and appreciation for the genius of the Torah (which is specifically, the first five books of Moses; Genesis - Deuteronomy -- and sometimes, in general terms the Torah is considered the entire Old Testament).
     Although other parts of the Temple Mount retaining wall remain standing, the Western Wall is especially dear, as it is the spot closest to the Holy of Holies, the central focus of the Temple, and where God's presence dwelt.  The Temple Mount is also where Isaac was bound for sacrifice.  And it is here that his son Jacob dreamed of the ladder ascending to heaven.  As you can see, this site has great historic significance, as well as religious magnitude for both the Jewish and Christian faiths.
     In ancient Israel, men from across the vast breadth of the Land God had given them were commanded to travel to Jerusalem to worship at God's Temple.  Each time the Temple was destroyed throughout the centuries, and through all their captivities and exiles, Jewish prayers from around the world have been directed toward the Temple Mount.  The Western Wall also became known as "The Wailing Wall" because of the centuries of endless tears, shed by Jews yearning to rebuild Jerusalem.
      Finally, in establishing the eternal covenant with Abraham, God promised that the Jewish people will never be destroyed (Genesis 17:7). In this way, the Wall is a symbol of the Jewish people: Just as there have been many efforts to destroy the Wall and yet it remains eternal, so too the Jewish people have outlived their enemies and remain eternal.  Now, can you see why Netanyahu might want to visit this important site before coming to state his nation's purpose before Congress?
     With Iran as a nuclear threat, it is no mere photo op that finds Mr. Netanyahu at the Western Wall. The Wall has been the focal point of those who have fought for Israel in the past -- during the Bar Kochba revolt, Israel's heroes fought like lions for every stone of the Temple. When the Maccabees defeated the Syrian-Greeks, the first thing they did was to purify the Temple and light the holy Menorah.  In the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, when the ceasefire lines were drawn, Jerusalem was divided and Jews were once again banished from the Western Wall, permitted only to gaze across the barbed wire from afar.  In the 1967 Six Day War, Israeli paratroopers entered the Old City through the Lion's Gate. "Har Habayit b'Yadeinu!" – came the triumphant cry – "The Temple Mount is in our hands!" Amidst shofar blasts, grown men wept and danced at the Western Wall.  After 2,000 years, Jerusalem was finally united under Jewish control, with free access for all.  The Western Wall defines the tenacity of the Jewish people to survive against all odds, and it is fitting that Israel's national leader would visit it before appealing to its Western ally to reconsider any concessions they might make to Israel's ancient enemy.
     It is also fitting that at this time in Israel's history, their leader's name is Netanyahu, which is the Hebrew form of the name Nethaniah, which means "YAHWEH has given".  It is also fitting that after his speech to Congress and a meeting with bipartisan leaders, Mr. Netanyahu will fly back to Israel in time to begin the Purim observance and the celebration of his nation's salvation from the ancient Persians.  Just as the ancient Israeli Prime Minister, Mordechai, stopped the anti-semitic actions of the evil Haman, this modern Prime Minister is standing up for the right of the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies.  May God bless his mission tomorrow!

Esther 10:3    "For Mordecai the Jew was next to King Ahasuerus [as Prime Minister] and great among the Jews, and was a favorite with the multitude of his brethren, for he sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace to his whole race."

March 1, 2015

1 Peter 3:18-22 ... Baptism Is Spiritual Warfare!

18 For Christ [the Messiah Himself] died for sins once for all, the Righteous for the unrighteous (the Just for the unjust, the Innocent for the guilty), that He might bring us to God. In His human body He was put to death, but He was made alive in the spirit,
19 In which He went and preached to the spirits in prison,
20 [The souls of those] who long before in the days of Noah had been disobedient, when God’s patience waited during the building of the ark in which a few [people], actually eight in number, were saved through water.
21 And baptism, which is a figure [of their deliverance], does now also save you [from inward questionings and fears], not by the removing of outward body filth [bathing], but by [providing you with] the answer of a good and clear conscience (inward cleanness and peace) before God [because you are demonstrating what you believe to be yours] through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
22 [And He] has now entered into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with [all] angels and authorities and powers made subservient to Him.

     This is a controversial passage in the Bible for a number of reasons; and you will often find the shepherds of Jesus's flock ignoring it because they do not understand the full significance. But we should not be afraid to tackle Scripture, even if it means setting aside the theological traditions of our particular denominations.  Let's let Scripture say what it says.
      By bringing it to your attention, I do not intend to create friction or conflict within the Body of Christ.  Rather, I would like to share a very important point that I have recently come to understand about this vital passage... Baptism is actually a declaration of spiritual warfare!  Let me explain how this particular Scripture teaches us this important concept...
     Whenever one studies the Word of God, we must be careful to discern the whole counsel of God; in other words, consider a passage within the context of the entire chapter or the particular book of the Bible.  In 1 Peter, which is only 5 short chapters, the Apostle is speaking about the role persecution will play in the lives of new Christians, and how we must persevere in our faith.  He makes it clear that our response to persecution is all-important.  In fact, we are to imitate Christ, who suffered for us, and is in turn, our living Hope.  And out of our perseverance we will develop character that is rooted in submission throughout our lives ... submission to the government; submission in business; submission in marriage -- submission in all of life, which includes suffering and persecution.
     Then he tackles an important consideration.  How are we to conduct ourselves in our suffering? In Chapter 3, he gives us these curious verses that give us Christ's example that we are to follow.  But what does the inclusion of spirits in prison, Noah and the ark, the Flood, and Baptism in this passage signal to us?  How does this point to the example Christ gave us in regards to suffering/persecution?  And how do we link Christ's suffering in verse 18, with his glorification in verse 22?  Remember ... our response is very important.  Let me see if I can explain...
     First, we have the declarative statement that Christ died for our sins; for the sins of all -- righteous and unrighteous; just and unjust; innocent and guilty.  The Scripture makes it clear that His human body was killed, but His spirit was alive and he "preached to the spirits in prison."  What does this refer to?  Well, 2 Peter 2:4 spells it out pretty clearly ... "For God did not [even] spare angels that sinned, but cast them into hell, delivering them to be kept there in pits of gloom till the judgment and their doom."  Sounds like "spirits in prison" to me!
     We should also be able to agree that some time between His death and resurrection, Jesus visited the realm of the dead where He delivered a message to spirit beings.  This is referenced in Ephesians 4:8-10 (Therefore it says, “When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men.” In saying, “He ascended,” what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower regions, the earth? He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fulfill all things).  We know that he took the righteous with him to Heaven when he ascended after His resurrection. (He tells the thief on the cross, "Today you will be with me in Paradise"- Luke 23:43). But what about the unrighteous who are mentioned in Luke's account of the rich man in Abraham's bosom (Chapter 16) -- or the fallen angels who did not "keep to their first estate (heaven)" and to whom "He has reserved in custody in eternal chains (bonds) under the thick gloom of utter darkness until the judgment and doom of the great day" (Jude 6)?
     It is very important that we recognize that the "angels that sinned" mentioned in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6 are one and the same; they are fallen angels -- the very ones that Genesis 6:1-4 is talking about.  They are the ones that came to earth and mated with human woman, producing Nephilim (hybrid) offspring.  Subsequently, these are the "spirits in prison" mentioned in 1 Peter 3:19.  And Peter identifies them as such in the very next verse!  They were the "disobedient" ones in the days of Noah (referring to Genesis 6:1-4 again); in the days that God was patient while Noah built the ark.  And then we all know what happened after that, right?  God wiped all the corrupt flesh and the disobedient ones off the face of the earth with the Flood.
     Only Noah and his family survived God's punishment.  As those last words in 1 Peter 3:20 say, "they were saved by water."  The following verse makes it very clear that Baptism is "a figure" of the Flood -- an illustration or a representation of the same effect of the Flood.  Very simply, it is a theological analogy.  And we must understand that Baptism is not an act that yields salvation.  Being baptized does not offer or result in the act of salvation from the justified wrath of God for the commission of sins.  The Scripture tells us in verse 21 what it saves us from -- it saves us from ever doubting or fearing our salvation.  Baptism does not involve the washing of our robes to white (or the cleansing of our souls), but it is actually done as a declaration of what you have gained through your faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ as your Savior.  It is your response to the free gift of salvation, and a proclamation to the spiritual realms , telling them who you belong to; to whom you are obedient.   In fact, the Greek translation of verse 21 says Baptism is "the witness" of a good conscience toward God -- by being baptized, you are witnessing to the spiritual realms that once again God has buried sin (through water) to give rise to another soul that is regenerated.  It is something you do to present yourself as belonging to God; it declares your witness TO the spiritual realm and your pledge BEFORE God.
     To put it in simple terms, verse 19 says that Jesus preached to "the spirits in prison".  What did He preach?  He told them that they were still defeated despite His crucifixion, and they would remain there until the Great Day of Judgment.  When we are baptized, it once again declares to those spirits that they are still defeated ... that Jesus has risen and He is the agent of our Salvation!  Our baptism represents Victory (just as did Jesus's resurrection) over every demonic spirit, whether imprisoned below, or in the spiritual realms.
     And to seal the deal, verse 22 announces His resurrection and that Our Lord has entered Heaven, sits at the right hand of the throne of God, and [all] angels and authorities and powers [are] made subservient to Him!  If you doubted that Baptism is part of our spiritual warfare, please note the language that Peter uses here ... angels, authorities and powers.   This is the same language that Paul uses in his letter to the Ephesians as he instructs them in spiritual warfare ... For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
     It is important as modern Christians, that we make this connection ... this kind of language was common and well-understood in the first century Church.  It has been all but lost in today's culture ... except for Satanists, occultists, witches, and the like who understand that there are rulers, authorities, powers, and spiritual forces of evil!
     Think how much more effective we could be as Christians if we recognized that we are in a spiritual war for men's souls!  Think about what it says to the spiritual forces of evil when you make the heart decision to pledge your allegiance to the risen Lord through the act of Baptism ... you are saying that you are on the Lord's side in the cosmic war of Good and Evil!  Every baptism is a further renunciation of those fallen angels, still in prison, and who sought to corrupt mankind.  In the Early Church, baptism rites included a formal rejection of Satan and his angels, for that very reason! Believers were asked, ""Do you renounce Satan, and all his angels, and all his works, and all his services, and all his pride?" They were then asked, "Do you unite with Christ?" The renunciation of Satan and the union with Christ expressed faith that the newly-baptized person had been transferred from one master (the Prince of this world) to another (Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, and Son of the Living God).  At that time, baptism was clearly part of spiritual warfare ... it still ought to be recognized as such today!