A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

November 6, 2014

2014 Midterm Election: Can Our Nation Be Revived?

     While millions of Americans are celebrating the outcome of the 2014 midterm elections, I am looking beyond red states and blue states; beyond Senate majorities; and looking for more relevance than exit polls.  Yes, by all outward appearances, it would seem that the American people have shown their desire for a different future.... there seems to be a mandate to "turn the country around."
     But shouldn't our enthusiasm be to turn the country "towards" something, rather than around?  I don't know; maybe to you, that means the same thing.  But then the obvious question becomes, "To whom, or what, are we turning?" The pundits will tell you that the country has spoken loud and clear that they want to return to "conservative principles".  That usually means pro-life; pro-Constitution; traditional values in areas like marriage, family and faith; and belief in a strong work ethic versus entitlement policies.
     The Republican Party has been declared the winner of Tuesday night's elections.  The talking heads are telling us that it is obvious the American people believed in the "Republican message", and have decided that they trust it more than "the message" of either the Democratic or Independent parties.  But, as you know, I look at everything through my Biblical worldview, and I am not yet ready to declare this election a victory for the American people or my nation.
     Rather than the "Republican message", I'd rather see my fellow countrymen believe in the message that our restoration will come as a result of turning towards God and believing in His promises, rather than to the worldly promises of men. You see, I don't trust any message delivered by man, let alone a "Party" of men.  Instead I compare our experience to what the Bible says about a revived nation, namely:  "Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18).  Or, how about this:  "A land which transgresses [is punished by] having many rulers; but with a man of understanding and knowledge, stability is prolonged." (Proverbs 28:2).
     So, do the men and women who were elected on "a wave" of Republican candidates (I hate the new media slogan created for this election cycle) have understanding and knowledge?  And is their wisdom of the kind that will truly bring about a revival [and stability] to this country; a revival, which in its true meaning, is "to live again, to receive again a life which has almost expired; to rekindle into a flame the vital spark which was nearly extinguished?"  This definition of revival is a quote from famed theologian Charles Spurgeon, and points to the fact that something must still have a degree of life in it, to be revived.  I confess, that I'm not convinced that a change in the balance of power in Washington, D.C. can breathe new life into the nearly extinguished American experiment....  UNLESS it is accompanied  by a turning around, or a turning towards, or a returning to God.
     By necessity, a Revival of good fortune for this nation means that our newly elected leaders, and the people of this country, MUST refuse to compromise with the world's values and, instead, promote systems that honor God -- in our homes, our families, our businesses, our government, and the public square.  If that is not our focus, then this election means nothing more than putting a different color ribbon on the same dirty pig.  Consider this:  exit polls showed that the Economy and Healthcare Costs were the number one and two (respectively) issues that most concerned Americans who voted.  This tells me that most people are concerned about money; about their level of comfort and security in this world.  But if they are looking towards an elected politician to provide refuge from the worries and insufficiencies of this world, then they are only looking for outward and external answers.
     As Charles Spurgeon wrote, "When revival comes to a people ... the sickly soul which before was insensible, weak, and sorrowful, [now] grows earnest [genuine; committed], vigorous, and happy in the Lord."  That's what I hope this election signifies!  It is my sincere hope that both the new Congress and the nation's citizens will move forwards; turn and move towards a spiritual renewal that will not only render us a prosperous nation once again, but renew our spiritual lives and power.  Now those are some election results I could truly rejoice in!

Proverbs 2:21-22      "For the upright will live in the land the pure-hearted will remain there; but the wicked will be cut off from the land, the unfaithful rooted out of it."

November 5, 2014

"Right to Die" Controversy: Don't We All Owe Jesus A Death?

     It's my turn to weigh in on the debatable decision of Brittany Maynard to end her own life this past week after a diagnosis of brain cancer at the beginning of this year.  Her story has occupied our national conscience for the last several weeks, after she announced that she would take the extreme step to end her life on November 1st, with the aid of Oregon's Death With Dignity law.  This law, like those in Washington, Vermont, Montana, and New Mexico, allows terminally ill patients to end their lives with lethal drugs prescribed by a doctor.
     Her decision and this subject matter are not new; in 1990, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, earned the nickname "Dr. Death" when he assisted Janet Adkins, a 45-year-old Alzheimer's patient, to end her life in his Volkswagen van by hooking her up to an IV, and allowing her to administer her own painkiller and the poison that stopped her heart.  He went on to assist with several more medically-administered suicides, challenging the court system and society's morals.  Most of the people were elderly or greatly incapacitated.
     That's why the picture of a vibrant, beautiful, and brilliant 29-year-old who wished to follow this path struck me with so much force.  I took her decision seriously, and did not want to experience a knee-jerk reaction.  I knew she had been given only six months to live, and that the diagnosis of Glioblastoma was a dire one.  In fact, I have a very dear friend who is suffering from this same cancer.  There is no cure, and patients are often left with no hope except for a Divine miracle.
     I also know, according to a spokesman for the advocacy group, Compassion & Choices, that Brittany had "suffered increasingly frequent and longer seizures, severe head and neck pain, and stroke-like symptoms. As symptoms grew more severe, she chose to abbreviate the dying process by taking the aid-in-dying medication she had received months ago."  It was important to Brittany that she live her life to the fullest during the time she had left, and in the end, to die on her own terms.  By the responses of the thousands who commented on one of several internet postings of her death, most people applauded her decision; or at least were able to empathize with her as they related countless stories of their own loved ones' agonizing deaths.
     Let me say, that while I cannot imagine what anguish it was for her to come to that decision, my personal choice would have been different, and here's why.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, I know what His Word says:  This host body that I inhabit is a Temple where the Holy Spirit resides and it is not my own, to do with it as I will.  It was bought and paid for at an extremely heavy price.  There was the physical cost ... Most people in this secular world have no idea what "Scorging" means; that Jesus was flailed by a short whip with lead balls and sheep bones tied into leather thongs.  He suffered deep stripe-like lacerations and an incredible amount of blood loss.  But there was an even greater spiritual cost to his sacrifice.  He carried the pain and suffering of all the sins for all mankind; think of that magnitude -- He endured the cumulative pain and agony that each one of us deserves.
     I know that opinion will be unpopular and will be declared "insensitive" by the masses who are only able to see themselves reflected in Brittany Maynard's choice.  But I see the reflection of Christ when it comes to making that kind of decision.  Brittany stated that she wanted "to die with dignity."  But our Lord chose to forego His own estimable dignity to suffer for me.  Therefore, as my wise husband so often says, "We each owe Him a death."  And, then I have to ask myself, "Do I deserve a better or easier death than His?"
     Don't get me wrong.  I do not wish a long, painful death for anyone; and when it comes to my own, I am praying for God's mercy.  I, just like Brittany and all who suffer at the end of this life, will be wishing for healing.  But I am fully aware that my healing may not happen in this world, and I hope to face that time, should it come, with determination that I will soon experience the joy of His healing hand in the next life.  So, I will neither judge nor condemn Brittany.  I don't know the state of her soul or her relationship with God.  A spokesman for her family said, "She died peacefully in the arms of her loved ones."  It is my prayer that she also died peacefully in the arms of her Savior.  
      By all accounts Brittany was an accomplished and giving young woman.  It is my fear that many young people will hastily follow her example, and that saddens me.  It saddens me that our culture values life so little; or that we have lost the sacred sense that we are made in the image of God, and therefore see ourselves as "little g" gods who only have to consider ourselves when it comes to our lives.  In a sense, this movement towards "death with dignity" mirrors society's approval of abortion.  We can't see beyond the immediate consequences in this world.  We don't view our lives as eternal, or measure the enduring cost of our decisions.  As Brittany Maynard discovered, this life is fleeting, and far too short.  And as I have discovered, this life is precious; not only to me, but to my Creator ... and it is not my own.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20    "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

November 4, 2014

To Vote Or Not to Vote .... What Is Our Christian Duty?

      I think it's fair to say that most Americans are having conflicting emotions about voting in the mid-term elections today.  While we acknowledge that we are blessed to live in a country that still allows us to vote for our elected officials, we are rather disillusioned with the process.  We are tired of the false promises, the broken pledges, the voter fraud, the corruption that seems to be inherent in politics, and the fact that most elected office-holders end up not representing us at all!
     In fact, I have heard more disenchanted talk this election cycle from people who take their civic duty seriously.  For the first time in their adult life, they considered not voting.  "It doesn't make an iota of difference", they say.  "The Republicans and Democrats are exactly the same.  It doesn't matter who wins -- nothing will change; we will get the same government."  I cannot dispute their logic.  So, is it important that we vote today?  Will casting a ballot earn us anything more than an "I voted" sticker?   Will we really have a say about what form of leadership we experience?  Or are higher powers really in control, and pulling the lever is inconsequential?
    It may surprise you to learn that voting has been a part of the American experience since the settlement of Jamestown in 1607 -- and nothing much has changed in those 400+ years.  It has been a long, protracted experiment, with periodic changes, both expanding and contracting the enfranchisement of its citizens.  We are still tampering with the process!  Voting fraud has been common from the outset, with votes being bought and sold; and different states enacting their own voting laws, adding to the disorder and capriciousness of elections.
     One could say it's been a messy business from the beginning, and it seems to be inspiring even less confidence today.  So, should we abandon the thought that it is our "duty" to vote?  If it's not going to change a thing, should we even bother?  If I was looking at the situation through the world's lens, I might be convinced to stay home.  But does God have an opinion?  Is the act of voting somehow important to Him, or is it man's effort to make himself seem relevant to a civilized society?
     In the Old Testament we read of the Israelites' desire for an earthly king.  From that first appointment of King Saul, we learn that God is involved in those who rule the nations.  And it is clearly seen that the people usually get the kings/rulers they deserve.  If a people desire and take steps to live their lives according to Godly principles, then their choice of a leader is reflected in the governing of their nation.  But, far too many times, citizens of a country have strayed from the path God would have them follow, and they appoint a leader that, in essence, becomes a figurehead or icon  for their idolatrous ways.
     Down through the centuries, history has shown us the repercussions of godless leaders.  But we only have to look at the last 100 years to get a picture of men who blatantly displayed their disregard for the God of the Universe ... Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot.   Based on how other leaders have performed their duties as heads of state, we can only imagine what they profess in secrecy.  So, with the evidence showing a preponderance of godless leadership, does God still want us to vote?
     First, we need to understand that He is in control, regardless of the actions of sinful leaders.  And I think we need to consider our duty and responsibility to vote as a means of furthering His will by approving men with good Christian values.  We are commanded to pray for our leaders, and clearly directed to obey legitimately elected authorities, unless they specifically defy or contradict the Lord's commands.  (So please do not quote Romans 13 as proof that we are to follow godless leaders, no matter what).  
     So, can you see why it might be important to exercise your right to vote when laws concerning abortion, the establishment of marriage, or persecution of the faithful might offend God?  We, here in America, still have a voice for our Christian faith; unlike those who are being persecuted elsewhere around the globe.  But how much longer will we enjoy that privilege if we become complacent about voting for God-fearing men and women?  How long before it becomes against the law to preach the Gospel message in the public domain?  We still have the right and the opportunity to promote, protect, and preserve a government (and government leaders) that still recognize God as their Source of Power.
     I think we can all agree that those choices are becoming less viable.  I believe that the government leaders we elect in the next two cycles will have profound influence on whether this nation remains touched by God.  That is why it is incumbent upon each of us to pray and to study the candidates and choose wisely.  The effects of our indifference about voting is apparent in the state of our nation.  When Christians stay home and/or remain silent in the political arena, we get the government we deserve; God hands us over to our desires.  If we stand a chance of getting this country back on track, then Christians need to stand up and be counted!

1 Samuel 12:13   "And now behold the king whom you have chosen, for whom you have asked; behold, the Lord has set a king over you."


November 3, 2014

Parents: Have You Taken A Look At Your Child's Homework Lately???

     Over two years ago, in July of 2012, I began writing of the dangers of the Federal Government in our Education system, and their attempt to nationalize the content of instruction in every public school across the nation.  I warned that Federal programs such as CSCOPE and COMMON CORE were undermining American values and indoctrinating our children.
     I followed up that post with one in February of 2013, pointing out the concerted efforts to teach our public school children that the Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism; Christians were cannibals;  and that students were forced to draw a socialist flag while imagining a new socialist country.  At that time, I became aware that the most insidious deception involved the teachings surrounding Islam.
     The curriculum teaches our kids that "Non-Muslims in conquerored territory are allowed religious freedom (for an additional tax)."  (Try telling that to the hundreds of thousands of people fleeing from the murderous rampage of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.) But our kids will only be taught that "Allah is the Almighty God…Allah alone is the Creator, He alone deserves our devout love and worship.”
    Yes, I've been writing about the duplicitous intent of the Department of Education for over two years now.  There have been some victories for truth, and far too many defeats; and for the most part, I'm afraid that many parents may be unaware of what their children are being taught in the name of "advanced current thinking."
     Now The End Begins website reports that "Children are being forced to say the shahada, and forced to learn the Five Pillars Of Islam."  If you are wondering, "Why should that concern me?" or think there is no problem with your child learning about other cultures, I would ask you to consider this:  NTEB's report also includes this bit of information ...  "When Muslims force Christians to convert, they are forced to say the shahada (the Muslim declaration of faith). The Arabic writing on the black flag of jihad (also known as the al Qaeda flag or ISIS flag) is the shahada. This chant of supremacism and imperialism is being forced on American school kids."  Does that make you sit up and take notice?  It should!
     The article tells other stories ... about a mother helping her 7th grade daughter study her Social Studies homework, which consisted of vocabulary words like Qur’an, Mosque, Alms, Caliph, Jihad, Sunnis, Shiites.  Furthermore, she discovered that her daughter's assignments instructed her to "draw detailed pictures of the 5 pillars of Islam and write a word collage of all that is good with Islam."
     Just imagine if a school's curriculum included lessons that asked students to study words like Jehovah, Tithing, Pentateuch or Communion; or if a student was told to memorize the 10 Commandments or write a short story about all that is good with Christianity.  You would have the ACLU, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and every anti-Christian organization in the country filing suit!
     The good news about this particular parent's experience is that she became active this year in getting appointed to a schoolbook review board at her daughter's school; educated herself on what the Constitution says about favoring a religion; and started uniting parents through social media, in a consolidated effort to make other parents aware.
     She's not the only parent who is outraged over this reeducation of our school children.  You might have seen this story on The Kelly File on Fox News.  Marine and Iraq war veteran Kevin Woods was not happy that his 11th grade daughter was asked to write a paper on the 5 pillars of Islam, Mecca (the holiest place in Islam), and the prophet Mohammad.  He called the school and reportedly told them he disagreed with his daughter being taught these subjects.  His argument was based on our inability to mention God in the classroom, say the Pledge of Allegiance, and pray before a football game.  
     But school officials say they "are not teaching religion; they are teaching world history."  You can imagine after serving our country where Islam is the predominant religion, he just might have a difference of opinion.  And being a Marine, his language was probably pretty colorful.  That got him a no-trespass order from the local police, for being "threatening."  But he's standing by his convictions, and after the school refused to give his daughter an alternative lesson, she will be refusing to submit to the propaganda and will most likely receive an F for the class.
     These stories are not out-of-the-ordinary.  What frustrates me, is this has been going on for at least two years, and is most likely deeply entrenched -- not only in your school system, but in your child's mind!  I cannot stress how this invasive curriculum is undermining our country ... it's not education; it's not world history; and it's certainly not teaching cultural diversity --- it's brainwashing and proselytizing!  And to be honest, it's being done throughout all grade levels.  It's not just your college kids you have to worry about being taught anti-American and anti-Christian doctrines.  Common Core has a curriculum for Kindergarten through 12th grade!  They are trying to change the basic belief systems of our kids!
     As long as Common Core is a continuing threat to mislead our children and change what this country has stood for, I will continue to write about it to wake up as many parents as I can.  This tactic is not new and is actually prophesied by Jesus.  In Matthew 10, He tells us that children will rise up against their parents.  What better way for Evil to infiltrate a nation or a people, than to turn the hearts and minds of the children against all that their parents have taught them?  And think how easy it is to do, when the parents aren't even aware the campaign has begun?
     I beg you, PLEASE take the time to do some research about what your children's curriculum includes.  Question them, look over their assignments and peruse their schoolbooks.  And be like these parents I've mentioned.  Speak up, and speak out!  Do not be silenced or threatened by School officials or School Boards.  There is an evil-intentioned agenda eating away at the center of our national identity, and it is stealthy and persistent.  The infection has begun, and unless we are vigilant and relentless in bringing it to light, it will succeed in poisoning us.  Time is running out!

Psalm 14:12    "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."

November 2, 2014

2 Timothy 2:15

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

     In 2 Timothy, Chapter 2, the Apostle Paul is giving some very important advice to Timothy, his protégé, and one who would become a minister of the Gospel message after Paul.   So, while this Chapter is often stressed as a message for Pastors and Ministers, I believe it applies to all Christians.  After all, aren't we all declared ministers of Christ, a holy priesthood, a spiritual house and body of Believers?  And this verse gives us explicit instructions as to how we are to conduct our ministry; just as it did Timothy in his day.
     First Paul is telling us we must be "diligent" to present ourselves "approved" to God.  Just what does this mean?  Sadly, I think that the Modern Church has lost the significance of this passage.  As I have stated so many times, there is much deception within the Church, today.  First of all, most Christians do not see themselves as a "minister of the Gospel."  That title is reserved for a single person who is a full-time employee at the building they attend every Sunday morning, and who is single-handedly in charge of deciphering a Bible message for the masses each week.  That is not Biblical!
     As Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 4:1-2:  "This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy[or faithful]."  Did you notice what he said?  We are all "servants of Christ".  We are all "Stewards of the mysteries of God, which can only be found by strenuously devoting oneself to discovering the revelations of His Word, in His book.  And we are all to be found "trustworthy and faithful."  This is the exact same message he is giving in 2 Timothy, Chapter 2!
     As ministers and stewards, it is our responsibility to be diligent -- to be conscientious, persistent, and tireless -- in studying God's "mysteries" as presented in the Bible.  We should all be "dividing" the Word of God; which is to separate what is Truth from what has been misinterpreted, and to distribute it to all people.
     When we dedicate ourselves to studying and teaching the Word in Truth (which is what ministering is), then we are able to present ourselves "approved" to God.  I'd like to say two things about that ... first, our concern should be to be approved to God, not approved by man.  Our focus should be on Him.  Secondly, I want to stand before God and hear Him say my work for His Kingdom meets His stamp of approval -- He recognizes that I have made His glorification the center of my work here on earth, and that I have fulfilled His unique purpose for my life.  I have nothing to be ashamed about, and no regrets. 
     When it comes right down to it, as ministers of the Gospels, we Christians are to be workers for the Kingdom.  At the center of that Kingdom is the Gospel Message of Christ, which fills God's Holy Word from the opening verses of Genesis to the final words of Revelation.  Christ, Himself, gave us the awesome (awe-inspiring, magnificent) task of telling the world about Him.  Everything about our Savior is revealed in the Bible; and yet, as 21st Century followers, too many of us pay too little heed to the one book that is filled with Him.  
     My journey through His Word will be never-ending; new depths of joy and wonder are revealed every moment I spend in the Holy Scriptures.  And as Christ's minister and ambassador, I am not ashamed of sharing what I have learned.  May the Church re-discover the Truth about who they are to be!

November 1, 2014

When Does Health Insurance Become Unfeasible?

    I knew it was coming.  Our quarterly health insurance premium is due December 1st, which means that any notice announcing an increase in premium would be arriving by mail at the end of October.  And sure enough, the offending piece of correspondence presented itself yesterday.
     I wasn't surprised.  Major media outlets like Fox News were covering the expected increases all week; touting double digits for most plans.  As predicted, our premiums increased by 21% --- which follows an 18% increase last year!  That means we will be paying about $666.66 per month (those numbers are certainly appropriate, aren't they?) for insurance that we barely use.
     I know that the cost may seem in line with what many Americans' costs are on their company plans.  But, since we are self-employed and don't have the luxury of "company benefits" that share the cost, this is a huge chunk out of our monthly cash flow.
     And here's what's even more frustrating ... I would consider us healthy individuals.  We have no serious health issues and rarely visit doctors, except for my annual mammogram -- no high blood pressure; no high cholesterol; no diabetes -- nothing except for the aches and pains that accompany aging.  But even considering that, we have begun a new regimen of diet and holistic supplements to combat the inflammation that is at the heart of those discomforts.  So, do my increasing health insurance premium provide any benefits for that form of health care?  Of course not, nor would I expect them, too.  I believe that each person should be responsible when it comes to their own health care; I think our "insurance mentality" has led to a near entitlement mindset and a gross misuse of our health care system.
     In fact, I would much prefer to pay out-of-pocket costs to doctors, off my health insurance plan.  Have you ever asked your doctor what he would charge you for a service or procedure, if you just paid him what it is worth?  You would be amazed at how much the "real price" is for services, versus the "insurance price."  A friend of mine recently underwent a major surgery to solve some chronic issues she had suffered since childhood.  The surgery bill was $56,000; however, the insurance company wrote off all but $18,000, and after her deductible, she only owed $1200.  Can anyone explain to me how this system has gotten so out of control?
     But like most people, we pay for health insurance to cover the unforeseen catastrophic event, such as cancer or a major car accident; anything that would require long-term hospital costs.  And we'd like to think that we have options in both cost and coverage among the various individual plans.  But it appears as if the options are diminishing, while the costs are escalating.  It's pretty apparent that individual plans will become so exorbitant as to be impractical, or simply disappear altogether.  Every insurance consultant we've spoken to has advised us to stay off the government plans being offered through the Affordable Care Act for as long as possible.  But I'm not sure how much longer we can afford to pay what is turning out to be an expensive burden.
     To be honest, I can't really figure out what is going on, but my instincts tell me that Big Pharma, Big Insurance, and Big Government are all reaping huge profits, while we, the captive consumer are ensnared in a trap we can't escape.  We are forced to purchase health insurance under penalty of the law; we can no longer afford our "old plans", which are actually morphing into less valuable propositions; and the alternative is substandard care and inferior compensation for dollars spent.
     Sadly, I don't have a solution, nor do I think the powers that be are looking for one.  This is just another example of our infrastructure nosediving into a downward spiral.  According to the mandates of the Affordable Care Act, the states were to have Medical Exchanges in place by 2014, yet for the majority of them, nothing has been done.  In the meantime, the premiums for private insurance plans continue to increase; more companies and corporations will shift the cost of health care to their employees; the standard of health care will go down as panels and boards decide what care you receive; and doctors themselves will find it increasingly difficult to meet new government regulations and still retain control over how they treat their patients.
     I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.  You've either received a notice from your own health insurance company, or you will soon be notified by your employer that changes are coming... and none of it is good news.  I'm afraid the American health care system has fallen irreparably ill, and there is no road to recovery.  Take your vitamins!

3 John 1:2    "Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul."

October 31, 2014

"Signs & Lying Wonders": Satan's V for Victory

     A few weeks back, I listened to a podcast by Paul McGuire, the internationally known prophecy expert and author.  As always, his subject matter fascinated me, but there was one element that I just had to explore on my own.
     The heart of Mr. McGuire's expository was how easily we professed Christians can be lured into a sense of defeatism.  He used the story of Joshua and Caleb conquering the land of Canaan, and the difference in how these two heroes of the faith viewed their circumstances as compared to the other spies sent by Moses.  If you carefully read the Scripture, you will see that the 10 spies reported that "We are grasshoppers in their sight", while admitting they couldn't defeat the giants.  Joshua and Caleb, however, were unafraid; as if to say, "They are grasshoppers in our sight", and they counseled swift action and a sure victory.
     I found the concept of "occupying our land" very important, and I applaud Mr. McGuire's challenge to his audience to be like Joshua and Caleb, and to believe in God's Divine Power to help us conquer our land.  But, it was while discussing how important Victory is, that he gave a little aside as to how Satan has permeated our own generation with his deceptive practices and signs.  And I was blown away by how this piece of information has important spiritual consequences for us!
     Victory is our preferred state, right?  In everything from wars to sports events to social causes -- we want to win!  How many of us equate holding up our fingers in a "V" sign with the symbol for Victory?  It has become a worldwide symbol for triumph and conquest; images of world leaders, religious figures, pop stars, and sports heroes can all be seen displaying the "V" for "Victory" sign.  But do you know its origins, or what its real connotation is?  And do you know who it is signifying as the Conqueror and the Victor?
     Now, before you give me the standard argument that it doesn't matter what it used to mean, and we should only consider its modern implication, please consider this:  what if there is a supernatural component to flashing that sign? What if it unleashes a force in the spiritual realm that we are innocently releasing by our action?  The Bible says, "For at the coming of the Lord there will be great activity on the part of Satan, in the form of all kinds of deceptive miracles, signs, and marvels, as well as of wicked attempts to delude" (2 Thessalonians 2:9).  So, what does the international symbol for "peace" and "Victory" have to do with the devil?  Follow me down the rabbit hole.
     For those in the more mature generations, probably the most recognizable image of the "V for Victory" sign is that of Sir Winston Churchill, Great Britain's WW II Prime Minister.  There are hundreds of photos of him flashing the "V" sign, and it is assumed he is showing his confidence in defeating Nazi Germany and the inevitable Victory of the Allied Forces.  But did you know that he was a 33rd degree Freemason or alleged to be a Druid Priest? (Druids were priests, magicians, or soothsayers in the ancient pagan Celtic religion.)  And if you are too willing to dismiss this information, let me remind you that Albert Pike (a 33rd Degree Sovereign Grand Commander of the Masons, and given credit for developing the rituals of the order), said this in 1889:  "To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: 'the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees,  maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. . .".  (Before I hear from everyone whose kindly grandfather was a Mason, let me reiterate, it is the "initiates in the high degrees" who have access to the Luciferian tenets.)
Miley Cyrus, flashing her "V"
& sporting "devil horns"
     We Baby Boomers remember President Nixon flashing the "V" sign to signify both the hollow victory in Viet Nam and his unabashed departure from DC after impeachment.  The Millennial generation is familiar with their worshipped celebrities who flash the sign continuously, and I contend they don't have a clue as to its origins or significance.  What do they know of "peace" or "victory"?  Let alone that holding up their index and middle fingers, creating a V, sends a far more ominous message.
     Yes, there's the supposedly historical significance during the 15th century, when Medieval Europe's archers would flash the V sign to their adversaries to show they still possessed the fingers they used to shoot their arrows  -- the enemy would often cut off these two fingers, which was a fate worse than death for an experienced archer.
     But, as is so often the case, this seemingly innocent sign has been linked to something much more malevolent.  To some, it is a symbol for the horned God, Pan.  To others it symbolizes Baphomet, the horned Goat God, who the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping, and who has now become the symbol of the Church of Satan.  The ancient deity, Pan, is associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle; and is also prominent in the Wiccan religion.  Half man and half beast (with horns or antlers on his head), he represents "the union of the divine and animal".  According to Wikipedia, he was "worshipped by a pan-European witchcraft-based cult, and was demonized into the form of the devil by the Mediaeval Church."  (Maybe, there's a reason for that?)
     Down through the centuries, the V sign became associated with these demonized versions of Pan and Baphomet and symbolized their horns, and was utilized as a secret sign for both Masonic and Occult circles.  I found references that suggested that when the sign is given with the palm inside, it is recognized as a horribly vulgar and offensive gesture—signifying penetration of both body orifices.   Yet, when the sign is displayed in typical fashion -- with the palm facing outward -- it literally means intercourse by the devil—to be violated sexually by the horned God.
     According to the website, Occult of Personality, the Goat God, Baphomet, is purported to represent the "sum total of the universe (e.g. male and female, good and evil, etc.); pointing to the unification of opposites: male and female, first and last matter, as above so below – Baphomet is the All, in the sense that Pan is the All – bisexual, chimerical, twirling the twin caduceus serpents."  (This site offers to help you on your "journey to self-discovery" and to take you to higher degrees.  And they aren't bashful about sharing information on the occult, mysticism and Freemasonry, if you so desire).
    So, by now, are you seeing some familiar themes and concepts?  Do you see the "V" sign as a suggestion that sex can be used by the Devil and his minions to infiltrate our human existence?  Could the Music Industry be used as a gateway to introduce our vulnerable children to Satan's perverted designs on them?  Just scour the web for images of Miley Cyrus (with her tongue stuck out), Justin Bieber, or even Michael Jackson (who flashed the "V" sign after his court appearance for child molestation).   There's even a statue of Baphomet surrounded by adoring children that the Temple of Satan is trying to get placed in Oklahoma City near a statue of the 10 Commandments!
     Can I prove that flashing this centuries old sign frees satanic activity upon the earth and us humans?  Of course not!  But I can look at its increased use in our culture and the entertainment industry and see the steady sexualization of our children.  I can also see that our society is embracing bisexuality, transgenderism and the co-mingling of human and animal genetics ... and aren't those the exact descriptions of what the ancient pagan (and I contend demonic) deities Pan and Baphomet represent?  Since the Garden of Eden, Satan has been able to tempt mankind through seemingly "innocent" deeds, and Genesis 6:4 shows us that the fallen angels can penetrate our earthly realm for vile sexual purposes.  Satan has been given a good measure of authority over this earth until Christ returns, and he will certainly use everything he can to achieve his agenda.
     So, no matter if you think that flashing the "V" sign is harmless and benign, or if you truly believe in a spiritual war being waged all around us, I would ask you to think twice about signs, signals and symbols that you use in your life.  We are in a battle with Satan and his demonic forces, and far too many of us are falling for his counterfeit message of "peace" and "victory".

2 Corinthians 2:11    "In order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his (Satan's) schemes."

October 30, 2014

NYC Ebola Patient: What's Wrong With This Picture?

     OK, how about a little conspiracy theory to start our day?  We've all heard the news reports about Dr. Craig Spencer, the physician from Doctors Without Borders, who became symptomatic with Ebola after returning to the U.S. --- and holds the distinction of being the first Ebola patient in New York City.  He is currently listed in "serious, but stable" condition.
     Dr. Spencer arrived back in the U.S., after treating Ebola patients in Guinea, West Africa.  He reportedly passed all the screening tests at John F. Kennedy Airport, and then proceeded to enjoy life in New York City.  He visited a local park, ate at The Meatball Shop restaurant, stopped by a coffee shop, found time to take a 3-mile long jog through another park, take a taxi to a bowling alley, and ride 3 different subway trains -- all within a week of returning stateside and coming down with a 103F fever and Ebola.
      Does anyone else think something about this smells fishy?  Naturally, the people of New York are a little unnerved; especially the neighborhoods in which he visited.  But it was one Twitter post that caught my attention ... "He took the subway from Harlem to Brooklyn?!?! YOU LITERALLY HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE ENTIRE CITY SUBWAY SYSTEM TO DO THAT".
    Is it irresponsible of me to wonder why a doctor, who has seen the ravages of Ebola, and knows how rapidly it can spread, would seem to be so nonchalant about taking the necessary steps to make sure he was virus-free before potentially exposing a metropolis like NYC to this deadly disease?  Wouldn't it have been rational for him to take a few days to make sure he showed no symptoms?  After all, there is supposedly a 21-day incubation period.  Dr. Spencer hardly allowed enough time to see if he would begin showing symptoms, before exposing a nice chunk of NYC to the virus.
    Yeah, yeah, he says he wasn't feeling bad, just "fatigued".  But he sure managed to cover a lot of miles and visit a lot of places in three days for someone who was "so tired."  I'm just saying'... If I didn't know better, I would think this looked like an attempt to expose as many people as possible to the disease ... just in case he did come down with it.  Just think about all the potential victims who rode the three different subways; or all the people in the bowling alley, restaurant and coffee shop.  And how many people rode in the same cab he took, or came into contact with him during his hike in the park?  (OK, I'll admit I've got my tin foil hat on!)
     But let me share this little bit of news with you, as well. There's a YouTube video showing a 16-year-old neighbor of Dr. Spencer's being interviewed outside the apartment building in which they both live.  She comments on how nice he is, his dedication to his work with Doctors Without Borders, and she hasn't seen him in a few weeks.  But when (allegedly) shown a picture of Dr. Spencer by one of the reporters, she screws up her face, recoils for an instant, and says, "No, no.  That's not him."
    So what's the truth here?  Is this an Ebola false-flag event, inspired to cause fear?  Or do we have an actor playing Dr. Spencer in order to actually spread the disease?  Is the girl even his neighbor, or is she just another subterfuge to keep us off our guard?  Do any of these unsubstantiated rumors have anything to do with the fact that the U.S. government owns a patent on Ebola?  Doesn't it make just a little bit of sense that the good ol' Hegelian Dialect could be in play here?   You know -- create the problem so that your pre-determined solution can be applied to solving the problem.   An article on Western Journalism lays all out for you:  "Uncle Sam owns the patent on Ebola, but they also own the rights to all variations on Ebola, with the rights to all Ebola research. The official owner of this Ebola patent is: The Government of the US as Represented by the Secretary of the Dept. of Health. Essentially, it is a patent issued by The United States government to The United States government."
     How do you patent something that is supposed to be naturally occurring?  But what if it isn't?  Has it been altered in some way?  And what if the disease mutates so fast, that the entire population becomes exposed and the government has to accelerate the development of a vaccine for the masses? Nice way to make a few bucks, wouldn't you say -- let alone subject the world's population to possible cancer-causing agents?  (Remember that the World's Elite are looking for ways to reduce the earth's population, and that the CDC has admitted to the possibility that 10-30 million polio vaccines may have been contaminated).
     I really must admit that I wish my mind didn't turn towards these crazy scenarios.  I don't want to believe that man could be that devious or that greedy.  But then I realize how evil these times are, and that Satan can tempt man with evil schemes and plans.  I'd like to think that maybe I'm just too skeptical.  But tell me ... what has there been to generate any faith in our current system?  And now there is the whole confusing mess of a nurse who refuses to stay in quarantine!  I am just thankful that the devil's time is short, and my Lord is coming near.  I'm so weary of all this doubt and mistrust!

Psalm 118:8    "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man."


October 29, 2014

Own It! The Impotence of Our Anger

     A recent CNN poll revealed that nearly 70% of Americans are angry at the direction our country is headed in.  Now, the pundits of this world will tell you that it can all be solved next week, simply by pulling the correct lever at the upcoming elections; that the answer to all our problems is political.
    But in order to solve problems, don't you have to be cognizant of them and correctly identify them?  Psychologists and psychiatrists will tell you that "a leading cause of anger is a person's environment."  So are we to deduce that SO many of us are SO angry because of problems that we see in our communities, our states and the national arena?  In other words, is it the state of our external affairs that have us so riled up?
    Let's say it was easy to identify exactly what those problems are; by setting about to solve them, does that resolve our anger?  Will that  make 70% of our population -- that's 221,270,000 Americans -- happier?  Excuse me, while I snicker to myself.  You see, I don't disagree that a large majority of us have reason to be angry at the obvious -- take a look at our collapsing economy, the state of our moral decline, our inability to define the enemy in our ongoing wars, the mis-education in our schools and colleges -- they are all viable causes for stress and fury.
    And it's easy to point the finger of blame at any number of individuals or circumstances.  Our government leaders, our entertainment industry, our political correctness, or our lax educational standards; they all fit the bill.  But ultimately, none of these conditions would exist if we had not lost our way.  If the cause of our anger is our "environment", just who is responsible for managing that which affects us so much?
    Don't we eventually have to turn the microscope on ourselves?  Doesn't the critical examination start with us?  It is my humble belief that our external distress is a direct result of our internal disintegration.  Let's face it ... as a people and a society, we have lost cohesion; we are no longer a united whole.  And what happens when particles of the same substance start breaking down?  The strength of the matter is weakened, and it falls apart.  That is what is happening to America.
     Whether we will admit it or not, our external affairs reflect our internal values, and our heart for God.  History has shown us that when a nation adopts virtuous principles and guidelines, it prospers; peace envelops the land and its citizens flourish.  (Think of how the Bible illustrates what happens to the nation of Israel when they follow God's precepts, versus the destruction and ruination that comes upon them when they are disobedient.)  We once possessed the ingredients for a successful nation: we exalted God in our land, and tempered our lusts.  But just like the ancient Israelites of the Bible, we have wandered from our roots, and are now paying the price of our rebelliousness.  Our leaders have embraced Power-at-any-cost as a worthy goal.  We have lost our reverence for sex as a private and beautiful experience between a man and woman.  We have demeaned the cost of a human life, as we pursue obscure and undeclared wars around the globe.  I can tell you that all this generates a significant degree of anger in me!
     But I think what disturbs me the most is how we have robbed our children of the chance to prosper and flourish.  They are on the verge of losing their birthright because we have relinquished our personal responsibility to guard what we were given (and what is right and virtuous and honorable), in exchange for a Nanny State and the freedom to tolerate absolutely any perversion or vice as "a right".  We must OWN the cause of our own anger!  I know that's painful to hear, but it's the truth!  It's time for some righteous self-judgment ... our corrupt government, our greed and gluttony, our vulgar displays of sexual depravity, and our lack of sympathy and concern for others, is because we've LET these things happen.
     Sure, it's nice to know that 70% of the country is not happy about where we are headed.  Great!  At least we stand a chance!  But until we recognize the part we've played in getting there, we will continue to point fingers and never look into the mirror of our souls.  What is it that will make us happy, and dissolve all this anger?  I don't have all the answers, but I can tell you this ... it is not a change in political parties or anything that is manifested in this world.  We've got to change what's inside us and get back on God's program.  Until we turn to Him as the guiding Source of this nation, we will continue to break down and break apart.  It's time to stop blaming others for our demise, and use our anger to set ourselves right again.  Just think what we could accomplish if a fraction of 221 million "angry Americans" repented of our ways and turned to God!  I'd like to see the results of that poll!!

Jeremiah 5:29    "Shall I not punish them for these things? declares the Lord, and shall I not avenge myself on a nation such as this?"

October 28, 2014

The Frightening Mix of Halloween, Ouija, And The Souls Of The Dead

     With each passing year, it seems that the controversy over celebrating Halloween continues to grow.  With the advent of TV shows like The Walking Dead and the newly released Constantine, as well as "reality shows" like Paranormal State and Ghost Hunters, it's hard to look upon my childhood holiday as the innocent exchange of candy for "trick or treating"; especially when the historical roots of the day are supposed to point to a "hallowed" or "holy" evening of remembering the dead.
     Although purists will argue that this day simply commemorates those who have died, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers, I sense that in this increasingly wicked world, it has discovered its real origins and been co-opted by something far more sinister.
     My Biblical worldview is seeing a dangerous confluence between a rise of interest in the Occult, the existence of the Satanic Temple, and the overt exhibitions by the music industry into supernatural and demonic imagery.  You can try to convince me of the Christian influence of Halloween, but I'm not buying it.  Nowhere does it appear in the Bible as a feast or holy day to be celebrated.  In fact, we are warned not to seek out "anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead."
     That is why it is extremely disturbing to me to see a resurgence in the popularity of a talking game board we are all familiar with ... the Ouija Board.  How many of us have not come in contact with this intriguing game?  In our generation, it was simply a fun party game.  You asked the board a question and then swore that the other participant(s) were moving the planchette as it pointed to various letters, spelling out the answer you were after.  But I can remember my mother forbidding me to play with it, never really explaining why, other than to give me a creepy feeling that "ghosts" might be involved.
     The eerie game board has since slipped in and out of popularity, along with Tarot cards, and séances.  But this Friday, on Halloween night (of course!) there's a new movie premiering called "Ouija".  And you guessed it, a group of kids, curious about contacting the soul of their dearly departed friend, find a Ouija board at her house and summon up dark powers from the demonic world.  Maybe I could dismiss it as just another attempt by the movie moguls to make a buck on the gullible public; except that I don't like the thought of a new generation of kids being seduced into making contact with evil spirits.  I say that, because I personally know that they exist.  Both my husband and myself have experienced their presence, in attempts to dissuade us from growing our faith.  And that faith explicitly tells us that God will turn His face away from us, if we turn to mediums or spiritualists.  Yet it seems to be an ever-increasing and attractive option in our culture.
    Besides my own encounter, I faced a situation a couple of years ago that has left me unnerved.  While attending a weekend reunion of college dorm mates, one of the ladies asked another to do a Tarot card reading for her.  Now, I can remember during my college years being fascinated with wanting to know my future, and Tarot card readings were a trendy event during those years.  But having come to a knowledge of the saving grace of my Lord since that time, I was very uneasy when our group gathered around the kitchen table to watch the reading.  Out of eight women, only me and one other refused to take part.  I actually moved away from the table and prayed silently while the reading occurred.  And to the alarm of everyone there, the Death card was played.  The Reader gave some off-the-cuff answer that it didn't necessarily mean that the Player or her family were in any danger; it could simply mean that the hope of something they were pursuing or wishing to accomplish would come to naught.  But I felt a dread and foreboding ... why were they tempting Satan?  Sadly, this woman, who professed to be a Christian, and was so eager for a reading, has lost two daughters to suicide since that fateful night.
     Coincidence?  Maybe.  But I am far more inclined to believe that she invited a malignant spirit into her life, and opened up her mind to the potential of these evil consequences.  Satan was only too eager to prove his power, and visited Death upon her daughters.
The Witch of Endor
     You may think I am exaggerating the influence of a silly deck of cards, but the Bible tells us stories that warn us to stay away from such interrelations ... King Saul and the Witch of Endor; the Demon-possessed man of Gadarene; the man possessed by Legion, which could imply up to 6,000 demons.  Today we have occultist groups openly celebrating Black Masses, the Satanic Temple distributing "educational" materials in Florida schools, and statues in town squares commemorating Satanic gods welcoming children.  Entertainment Weekly reports that, through Fox TV, "Warner Bros. has made a commitment for a pilot for a new show, titled "Lucifer", based on the same character of DC Comics fame.... Warners will also have five other primetime comic book series on air this season, including Arrow, The Flash, Constantine, Gotham and midseason entry iZombie.  If all goes according to plan, Supergirl and Titans could eventually join the fray."  In case you haven't noticed, they all encompass characters with supernatural, mystical, or god-like personas.
     In fact, I tuned in to the premiere of Constantine, the other night --- I was curious as to what the show was about, seeing that the logo included an ancient-looking Cross as part of its design.  I could only make it through the first 10-15 minutes.  The lead character was confronted by multiple demon-possessed individuals that were all too real and horrifyingly fearsome.  Although he defeated them "in the name of his Maker" (I guess that's as vague as you can get, without having to declare God on TV these days) ... I simply did not want to let the images or impressions of those demonic spirits into my mind.  I know the power and influence they have been given by the Prince of this world, Satan, and the darkness that accompanies them.
     That's why I fear what seems to be an overwhelming desire of movies and TV and music to introduce our kids to these entities.  It makes me wonder if God has fully turned away from us, and is giving us over to what we've asked for -- a world without His influence; a society that grows darker by the minute.  But we can refuse to go along with the culture, and we must test the spirits of this perverse generation.  The only Spirit that I have any interest in communicating with is the Holy Spirit; and I pray that He continues to protect and guide me through these perilous and evil days.

1 Timothy 4:1-2    "But the Holy Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach, through the hypocrisy and pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared [whose souls are branded with the marks of sin]."