A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

September 2, 2014

The Harvest Suffers

     At first it was just a suspicion; now it appears conspicuous and incontrovertible.  After many innocent discussions with friends and family across the country, their remarks all seemed to point in the same direction:  "My tomatoes just didn't want to ripen this year; it took forever ... the flowers in my flower box just didn't produce blooms like they have in the past ... my corn didn't pollinate, and my peppers were fewer and smaller ... overall, my harvests have declined over the past few years."
     After the last two seasons of gardening, the remarks are no longer random; there is a steady lament over the diminished return from our growing seasons.  It doesn't matter where you live; it's happening everywhere. And, running the risk of being called ridiculous, I think I know why.
     It appears to me that the consequences of chemtrails can no longer be denied or disputed.  Geoengineering, in the name of "climate change", is readily admitted by top universities such as Oxford in the U.K.  In fact, on the Oxford website, they acknowledge one technique:  releasing light-colored sulphur particles or other aerosols into the atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays back into space.
     And just how do we think that these particles and aerosols are released into the atmosphere?  If there is anyone who still cannot fathom the concept of chemtrails, this should alleviate any doubts.  And what happens to these "particles" after being released?  They are not just absorbed into the atmosphere; they fall to the earth and infiltrate our soil.
     Independent testing, such as those done on the air quality in Phoenix, Arizona, have discovered dangerous quantities of barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers.  Many of these are anywhere from 200 to over 5,000 times the toxic health limits set by federal standards!
     You can go back several years and find research done on the harmful effects of this metal poisoning.  An article appearing on the Global Research website in 2010, stated "Barium is known to adversely affect the heart. Aluminum has a history of damaging brain function. Independent researchers and labs continue to show off-the-scale levels of these poisons. A few “anonymous” officials have acknowledged this on-going aerosol spraying... Numerous tests have been done to verify that these poisons are off the scale in their toxicity. They are documented in our water, in our soil, and in our air." 
      Is it any wonder that our respiratory allergy symptoms are year-long, and not just during "high pollen" seasons?   Doesn't it make sense that our soil would be deficient to produce a healthy, thriving and nourishing food supply?  And who can deny the possibility that major droughts throughout the country are not caused by such geoengineering?
     But how do we protect our ground from being saturated with such poisonous chemicals?  I ran across a 2008 article that suggested the following:  "When you see the tell-tale signs of the chemtrail "grid", wet the ground just enough to keep the moisture level up.  Using the thinnest sheets of plastic possible, cover your plants, creating a greehouse affect.  The plastic allows the sun to still penetrate, and the condensation that occurs from moistening the ground and plants beforehand, keeps the plants in fine shape."
     Ultimately, I'm just not sure there is anyway to keep us or our food supply adequately protected.  And now, when we are blessed enough to receive a good, steady downpour of rain, I find myself wondering what else is in that moisture; falling to earth and saturating the ground?
     But it's no use to bring up my suspicious musings to those who cannot see the evidence before their eyes.  I will just let them continue to add their fertilizers and speculate why their green thumb is disappearing, and their tomatoes and roses are dying on the vine.  We all need to realize that controlling and affecting the food supply is just another step towards population control, the maleficent design of mankind.  Right now, it is the harvest of souls that we need to be growing and cultivating. The time to reap is near at hand ...

John 15:5    "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, then you will produce much fruit. Without Me, you can’t do anything."

September 1, 2014

A "Churchill" Moment?

     I happened to catch just a few moments of British Prime Minister David Cameron's press conference on Friday.  At first I couldn't believe my ears ... a world leader who actually perceives the very real threat of Evil that exists because of the Islamic State (ISIL), and is not afraid to propose a comprehensive plan to stop it.
     Noting that the barbaric murder of American journalist James Foley appears to have been committed by a British jihadist terrorist, Cameron took the lead in addressing what other leaders in the world are reticent to admit.  He was announcing that he had raised his nation’s threat assessment to its second-highest level, in the wake of reports that 500 British jihadists had fought with the Islamic State army, and now were on the verge of returning home.
     These threat assessments and levels have become almost common fare since the September 11th attacks, and we tend to hear the issuance of them with a somewhat cynical ear.  The rationale for their announcement is never straightforward nor transparent; we're always left wondering if it serves some political benefit.  Not so, with PM Cameron.
     “The root cause of this threat to our security is clear,” he said. “It is a poisonous ideology of Islamic extremism.”  Boy, he couldn't have been any more candid, if he tried.  Furthermore, he warned of the danger of a policy of continued concessions:  the problem of ISIS “cannot be solved simply by dealing with perceived grievances over Western foreign policy” and it cannot be “appeased.”
     It's no wonder that of all the former Prime Ministers, Winston Churchill is Cameron's favorite.  While Churchill's history is long, often contradictory and controversial, and even flawed, he was the leader Britain needed in her critical hour.  His courage, his persistence, and his dedication to the purpose of saving his homeland against the aggressive and evil Nazi regime proved that he was the right man for the right cause at the right time. He didn't hold anything back, nor make false promises. He knew the road to victory would be long, dark and bloody.
     While history has yet to record what impact Cameron's speech may have on the future of the Western world, he did his part in stating the obvious:  “We are in the midst of a generational struggle against a poisonous and extremist ideology that I believe we will be fighting for years, and even decades.”  Does he stand alone in his bold pronouncements?  We, here in the U.S. apparently "have no strategy" yet, and the rest of Europe seems impervious to the impending peril of a robust, confident and violent Caliphate.
     In light of Saudi King Abdullah's statement this weekend, other world leaders would serve their countries best by following Cameron's example.  King Abdullah warned, "If we ignore them (ISIL), I am sure they will reach Europe in a month and America in another month ... It is no secret to you, what they have done and what they have yet to do. I ask you to transmit this message to your leaders: 'Fight terrorism with force, reason and (necessary) speed'."
     Cameron made it clear that he intends to do just that: "We’ve already taken a whole range of measures to keep our people safe. We are stopping suspects from travelling by seizing passports. We’re barring foreign nationals from re-entering the UK. We’re depriving people of citizenship and we are legislating so we can prosecute people for all terrorist activity, even where that activity takes place overseas... We’ve taken down 28,000 pieces of extremist material off the internet this year alone, including 46 ISIL related videos. We have made clear that those who carry ISIL flags or seek to recruit to ISIL will be arrested and the material seized."  Are you listening in the halls of Congress and at the White House?
     Cameron also talked about shying away from sweeping new government powers that would hinder the freedom of British citizens, while strengthening the laws they do have.  I must admit that I have an aversion to anything that smacks of our own Patriot Act, and we will have to see if he is true to his word.  But I did like his remarks in which he stood up for, and championed, the British way of life: "Britain is an open, tolerant and free nation.  But we cannot stand by and allow our openness to be confused with a tolerance of extremism, or one that encourages different cultures to live separate lives and allows people to behave in ways that run completely counter to our values. Adhering to British values is not an option or a choice; it is a duty for those who live in these islands. And in the end it is only by standing up for these values that we will defeat the extremism, protect our way of life, and keep all our people safe."  A Leader of a country who extols its exceptionalism ... now that's a breath of fresh air!
     In the end, I don't really know if Prime Minister Cameron will follow through on the promises of his spirited rhetoric.  And I am no political scientist; I can only hope that he is what he appears to be --- and history demands he be --- a man with the moral obligation to stop Evil.  But I do think that Cameron at least recognizes the very real threat that faces not only his country, but Europe, the West, and ultimately, the whole world.  Once again, as in 1940, a British Prime Minister must take the reins and lead his nation against a formidable force hell-bent on dominating the world.  Will Cameron be this generation's Churchill?  He needs to be.
     The words of Churchill in his first speech as Prime Minister would serve Cameron just as well today:  "You ask what is our policy. I will say, it is to wage war with all our might, with all the strength that God can give us, to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime.  You ask what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terror. Victory however long and hard the road may be. For without victory there is no survival."  May God hold back His righteous judgment just a little longer.

Psalm 94:16     "Who will stand up for me against the wicked? Who will help me against evildoers?"

August 31, 2014

Hebrews 13:8-9

Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is [always] the same, yesterday, today, [yes] and forever (to the ages).  Do not be carried about by different and varied and alien teachings;

     As I have ventured into deeper discussions of the Bible and what it has to tell us in these times, I have been amazed at the extremes of belief systems of those who choose to comment on the posts.  These belief systems have ranged from fundamental traditional religion, in which some of my thoughts have been labeled heretical; to those who have developed a radical theology derived from other sources and men, and who see my opinions as misguided, misinformed, and naive.
     But I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  That has been the history of the Church since nearly the beginning, and the Bible gives us multiple warnings to guard the Faith.  1 Timothy 4:1 says, "But the [Holy] Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach,".  
     The Bible also tells us that the time will come when men will not endure the sound teaching of God's Word, and will fall prey to false ideas and theories, developed to please their own ideas of truth.  Paul talks, in 2 Corinthians, of "super apostles", so to speak, who will infiltrate the church and disguise themselves as apostles of Christ.  But he warns that they are really disciples of Satan, who himself, can appear as an angel of light.  We see that today, in those Churches who espouse Replacement Theology and other anti-Semitic doctrines. 
     The prophet Isaiah warns of those who will call good "evil" and evil "good".  Who, more than Church Leaders and devout Christians, should heed that warning?  What is your, or your Church's, position on homosexuality, abortion, Israel?  
     The Bible teaches us that in the End Times there will be a One World Religious system fostered by the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet.  This Prophet will be empowered by Satan, and will offer a religion that will seek to pervert and transform Christianity; deceiving many Believers.  Revelation 13:11-12 tells us that this Beast has "two horns like a lamb and speaks like a dragon."  He will emerge like "a lamb", with seemingly faultless Christian qualities; but what he tells the Church will be controlled and directed by Satan.   His message will be tempting to those who do not truly know and understand the Word of God.  And how many Christians does that describe in today's world?
     Finally, while Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever ... so is His message, the Word.  What he told the 7 churches in the Book of Revelations applies to us today, and makes two things perfectly clear:  He is PRESENT and He is acutely AWARE of how the Church (both Leaders and practicing Christians) are performing their mission.  He accuses them of losing their love for Him, each other, and lost sinners;  He accuses them of Idolatry and Immorality;  He accuses them of having a "good reputation" of abiding in Him, while there is no evidence; and lastly, He accuses them of being sick and lost, and not even knowing it.  
     How could this happen?   How could the Church (both Early and Modern) stray so far from the path He marked for us?  It is one thing for earnest Believers to disagree, in love and respect, on the finer points of a scriptural passage; or even to thoughtfully discuss the historical ramifications and language differences that can lead to different understandings --- as long as the Holy Spirit is central to your discernment.  It is when we wander into man-made philosophies and views, and don't ask for wisdom and knowledge from God, that we are "carried about by different and varied and alien teachings".  Then our beliefs can become distorted, and influenced, and false.  Let us be careful to heed all these warnings, remain true to the Word, and treat each other with love and respect. 

     In the spirit of remaining true to the Word, I personally worship God on the Sabbath (from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) and keep it Holy as He instructed, giving thanks for my Salvation and His promises of Eternal Life.  However, I also respect my faithful Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world who still worship Him on Sunday.  I choose to post a Scripture reading on this day to reach the most people, and I do it in the spirit of harmony.  Any day that I choose to Honor, Exalt, and Glorify Jehovah is a good day!

August 30, 2014

What White Privilege?

     When you have the top-rated hosts of Fox News debating White Privilege, and one of them actually believes it exists, then I guess it's time to give my humble opinion.  So, just what is this so-called social issue of "White Privilege"?  Well, it depends on who you ask ... If you accept Wikipedia's definition, it is "a term for societal privileges, existing in predominantly white societies, that benefit white people beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people in the same social, political, or economic circumstances."
     OK, let's break this definition down.  According to the Government census figures, non-Hispanic Whites constitute 63% of the population.  First of all, I don't get that term, "non-Hispanic White"; is there such a thing as "Hispanic White"?  Would that be referring to bi-racial Hispanics? Anyway, I guess we're supposed to consider non-Hispanic Whites as "completely" White, right?  It's all so confusing!
     So, if that figure is correct, then 63% would make White people greater in number than other races.  Now what is meant by "societal privileges"?  With a little digging, I stumbled upon some information that showed me the root of this unproven social issue.  It seems that the idea owes some of its conceptualization to a 1988 essay on privilege by Peggy McIntosh.  It doesn't surprise me that I had no idea who she was, because she is an American feminist and anti-racism activist, the associate director of the Wellesley Centers for Women, and a speaker and the founder and co-director of the National S.E.E.D. Project on Inclusive Curriculum; it's all about diversity and multi-cultural and socio-economic equitability.
     So, in 1988, just what did Ms. McIntosh view as "privileges"?  There are many, according to her:
Ability: being able-bodied and without mental disability.
Class: can refer to both economic status and social class; both determining opportunities and participation in politics, education and vocation.
Education:  this privilege opens doors to higher paying careers, and can confer unearned credibility on an individual.
Gender and Gender Identity:  Ms. McIntosh maintains that certain sexes can be over-represented in leadership roles and supersede authority; while the old cultural expectations of gender should no longer apply -- we need to expand our acceptance and inclusion of different gender identities.
Passing:  This is the ability to appear to belong to another group and claim the advantages of a more privileged group.  (Isn't this a rather outdated concept in our new, inclusive societal model?)
Religious:  This privilege purports to have one’s own religious practices and observances recognized as the norm.
Sexuality:  In 1988, she could claim that Heterosexual privilege included the assumption that everyone is heterosexual; not anymore.
Racial:  Whoever has the power, money and influence is recognized as "privileged".
     Now, here we are in 2014, just a mere 26 years later, and Ms. McIntosh's theories are being taken to a new level.  In the light of the ongoing situation in Ferguson, Missouri, many in the media want to blame "White Privilege" as the root of what they perceive as blatant racism.
     They will tell you that if one person's black skin puts them at a disadvantage, then another's white skin gives them a decided advantage.  It was interesting to see two, obviously successful, white Media personalities debate the racial issue.  While Bill O'Reilly suggested that "the state of families, the culture and personal responsibility” are the real issues at hand, Megan Kelly concluded that statistics show that "black children are four times as likely to live in poor neighborhoods as white children, and in the St. Louis area there is documented white flight … the whites take off, these become black neighborhoods. The schools, they get forgotten, and the black population feels forgotten."
     First of all, let me tell you that I spent my formative years in the St. Louis area; near East St. Louis to be exact.  Yes, Whites had begun moving out of the neighborhoods as they became more successful and moved up the social ladder.  And, yes, Blacks moved into those neighborhoods -- good, modest, and clean neighborhoods.  At first, there was pride in their new homes, as they celebrated their own move up the social ladder.  But then came the push for LBJ's Great Society, a carefully planned and executed set of social reforms that we were told would lead to the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.
     Instead, it introduced the concept that the American people "owed" the poverty-stricken and racially suppressed races something for the injuries they had suffered.  The effect was a loss of pride and the temptation to accept government hand-outs, instead of providing a hand up and the means to improve one's lot in life.  Several generations later, we see the results:  the family unit has been destroyed, and millions are enslaved to the welfare system and see themselves as victims.
     So, is this a result of "White Privilege"?  As far as I can tell, Affirmative Action takes away the excuse that "Whiteness" gives undue opportunities.  And what about the fact that Asians and non-English speaking immigrants have been able to overcome our unfamiliar language and culture to succeed at unbelievable rates and at incredible levels?  There goes that excuse that "Whiteness" ensures the highest level of success.
     And now "academics" like Ms. McIntosh and her followers want to somehow claim that "Whiteness" is an adjective that attaches itself to all the other "Privileges".  But I don't get it, because when you take a look at her list, I'm not feeling very privileged.  We're made to feel guilty if we're White, so our social class doesn't appear to give us any benefits.  And try being a White student applying for a college scholarship.  Good luck there!  Next, if I'm straight and identify myself as strictly female, then I'm showing showing my gender bias and am prejudiced against gay people.  Then there's my Faith; Christians aren't exactly in the "privileged" category, in case you haven't noticed.
     Nope, overall, I would say that if "Privilege" means to exempt (someone) from a liability or obligation to which others are subject, then being White has not afforded me the opportunity of Government-sponsored irresponsibility.  I believe every person born in this country has the freedom to become whatever he/she wants.  It is up to the individual to work hard and earn it.  Do some have it easier than others?  Of course, they do; but I don't resent my rich, white friends because "they have it better than me".  I've know from the time I was a child that I would have to work hard for anything I accomplished, and I never expected it to be given to me.  I'm not sure what drives Academics and the Media to buy into this nonsense, but it serves no purpose except to further divide us.  But maybe that's the plan ....

Ephesians 6:4-5    "Each person should test their own work and be happy with doing a good job and not compare themselves with others. Each person will have to carry their own load." [Common English Bible]

August 29, 2014

Onward, Christian Soldier: The Time To Take Up Spiritual Arms Is NOW!

DISCLAIMER:  I am not an expert on Spiritual Warfare, and in fact, am just beginning a serious study of the power and authority we have been given in the name of Jesus.  As I gaze upon the world today, I am becoming increasingly aware that this is a weapon we need to be employing.  This post is a "Beginner Course", so to speak, and the following is my developing hypothesis, in the hopes that you will solemnly and thoughtfully consider this matter.

     This post may not be of interest to many; nor might the necessity of it be understood by a majority of readers.  But all one has to do is look at a sampling of the headlines over the last couple of days, and I can assure you that it is a subject that needs to be discussed.
     I'm going to start by asking the question, What do all these news stories have in common?  Russian Troops Invade Ukraine; ISIS Strips 250 Soldiers, Leads Them To Mass Execution In the Desert; Babysitter Stabs Father For Refusing To Have Sex With Her; Stranger Fleeces Church With Sob Story... I could go on and on; the newspapers and internet news sites are full of them.
     So, what is the answer?  Very simply, it is that mankind is in a spiritual war with God's Enemy.  But the understanding of this concept precludes that one comprehends and accepts that not only does God exist, but that Satan is real; and that he employs a multitude of devices and forces, in his position as "god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4).  It is important that 1) we recognize it is our duty to fight against this Enemy; 2) the four important areas of his influence; and 3) we have a power stronger than his.
     Part of Satan's delusion is that both the Unsaved and Christian can be presented with his power and influence through movies like The Exorcist, Amityville Horror, and The Shining; or through music by Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, both of whom claim to be "possessed" by demons.  Yet most of today's Christians are not engaged in battling these spiritual entities because they've never been taught that they are to be engaged in such a battle, nor how to go about it.  "Onward, Christian Soldier" is nearly a lost conviction.  (Please don't think I am confusing Spiritual warfare with the Crusades.  Those were human military campaigns, sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church, for a variety of religious, economic, and political reasons -- and I call into question the part that Satan played in their execution).
     A couple of weeks ago, I alluded to a private gathering I attended, in which the author of Psalm 91: God's Umbrella of Protection, Peggy Joyce Ruth, spoke.  I am very fortunate to be part of a body of Believers who are listening to the call of the Holy Spirit to come out of the apostate Church.  Mrs. Ruth introduced us to the concept that, as Christians, we have a job to do as part of this End Times generation.  We have been given authority over Satan; we were created to rule over the enemy -- not the other way around.
     So, all this sounds like good "church-y" theology, right?  And you are thinking, what does this have to do with the headlines of the day, or the lyrics to Katy Perry's song, "Dark Horse"?  Well, they are all manifestations of who we are battling, according to our go-to Scripture on Spiritual Warfare, Ephesians 6:12:  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

     It is imperative that you understand the true meanings of these four forces of Satan.  The Greek meaning of the word for PRINCIPALITIES describes things in a series, such as leaders, rulers, and judges; it signifies rank and organization.  This informs us that the Satanic kingdom is highly organized, and Satan is at the head of this kingdom; and there is a rank of ruling spirits under him that are subject to him and assigned over areas such as nations and cities.  (When you consider some of the decisions of the world's rulers and look at their actions, it is not hard to imagine that they are "under the influence".)
     Remember the reason the angel was delayed with bringing God's message to Daniel?  It was because he was engaged in battle with "the prince of the kingdom of Persia".  We must grasp the reality that Satan, as the Enemy of God, can have a powerful effect on the leaders of nations, states and cities.  It is necessary that we realize that our spiritual warfare not only includes our individual lives, but communities, our nation, and the world!  This is not just some Biblical folklore, folks!  Kings, and Presidents, and Shahs, and Imams can all be at the head of Satanic Principalities.  And they derive their POWER from their spiritual leader, Satan.  That's the second force that we battle.
     The Greek meaning of the word, Power, implies "authority", and tells us that the demons Satan has placed over various areas and territories have been given the authority to carry out whatever orders they've been assigned... Satan's orders that result in deception, control, and destruction.
       But, as we take our positions for battle, we need to understand that we have even greater authority; the authority of the name of Jesus.  Our authority lies in the power of That Name, and demonic entities are forced to yield to the authority of the name of Jesus.
     Both PLW and I can personally attest to the power that the utterance of that name has against a demonic force.  Sadly, the Church has this same power and authority, (through the Name), that was given to it initially, by Jesus, Himself; yet, we've lost the knowledge that it is at our disposal.  We don't have to pray and wait for God to come to our rescue.  Through our Salvation and our baptism in the Holy Spirit, God has provided us with the necessary weapons to engage in spiritual warfare and actually become a formidable and mighty, militant Church!
     The third force to be reckoned with in our spiritual battle is the RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD.  When Adam fell through sin, Satan was given dominion over the world, but he is nonetheless a defeated foe of our Lord.  The Devil is really just a trespasser in this world, and he has no legal rights over us Christians.  Our debt has been paid by the blood of Christ, and we belong to Him.
     So, if he's doomed to defeat, why does Satan still seek to rule this world, and why has he gained such success through his "rulers"?  It is simple:  the Church has not recognized or risen up in the power and authority given it.  It's time that we use our spiritual weapons and strength, and take the offensive to the Enemy!  But the Church and Believers have to recognize that this battle cannot be won politically or socially ... we cannot change things by getting out the vote, or accepting new social paradigms.  In fact, a secular activist group (The American Humanist Association) recently revealed that 24 members of Congress have privately admitted they don't believe in God.  So, do you really want to go to Spiritual War with these guys on the front line?
     Finally, the fourth force that we embattle is SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES.  Obviously, the key here, is "wickedness".  In the Greek, that word means "depravity; malice; plots".  That can encompass all kinds of spiritual battles against pornography, the occult, "Black masses", or even a babysitter who has allowed a spirit of sexual addiction to rule her impulses.
     The point is that we have very real spiritual enemies.  They are the enemies of both God and man.  And while we Christians have the promise of victory in heaven, we still can be afflicted and tormented here on earth.  The key to our victory in this realm is to use our authority as it has been given us.
     All the mayhem and chaos we see in the world is not going to go away "if we just try to get along", or if we compromise with the Enemy.  The disorder and turmoil is a result of the battle between spiritual forces in the heavenly realms and upon this earth.  It's time that we get into the fight!  We have been given the authority (through the power of Jesus) to bind the power of the Devil, and to set free those he has made captive.   And we need to be exercising that authority NOW! 

This is an exhaustive and many-layered subject for Christian study; far too sweeping for a single post.  But it is a discipline that needs to be encouraged and strengthened as we face the last onslaught of the Enemy.  For a more in-depth study of how to wage Spiritual Warfare, I highly recommend the celebrated book, Pigs In The Parlor: The Practical Guide To Deliverance.  It is a book filled with practical information for the modern Christian Soldier.  And I offer you this Warfare Prayer to fortify you and further embolden you.

2 Corinthians 10:3-4    "For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons.  For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds,"  

August 28, 2014

Our Food and Our Health

     I don't know about you, but I need a break from headline news ... it's not that I want to stick my head in the sand; it's just that I need to devote a little "head time" to my own needs.  And I guess I've arrived at this moment as I'm approaching my annual Labor Day assessment of our self-sustaining lifestyle.
     Both PLW and I are striving to become more self-sufficient and "organic" in how we live.  We just filled the freezer with fresh, hormone-free beef, and picked up our bi-weekly supply of raw milk.  And we are blessed to be part of a growing network of friends who are embracing this lifestyle, as well.  Although we don't mind being called "preppers", it's become as much about being as healthy as we can, and making our own decisions about what we put in our bodies.
      As counterintuitive as it might seem, there is an undercurrent in our state and federal governments that would deny us private citizens the right to grow our own gardens; or trade at farmers markets; or share our free-range chicken eggs -- all a part of our American heritage.  If it was good enough for my grandparents, then I'm pretty sure it is healthier for me.  Who wouldn't make this choice instead of the over-processed, hormone-laced, antibiotic-injected, and nutrient-deficient food presented at our local supermarkets?
     Although we are rather new to this lifestyle, we are eagerly learning what works best for us in our climate and growing seasons.  Our next big move will be to square-box gardening, in the hopes that we can conquer our ever-present nemesis, the weeds.  Any suggestions from those of you who have perfected this method will be gratefully appreciated.  We're hoping that the use of wicking beds will also help us fight this unrelenting drought.  And PLW is even going to introduce a worm motel!  Oh, the joys of unconventional gardening!
     But, seriously, this lifestyle is coming more and more under scrutiny in our over-regulated culture.  It is not only a matter of small farmers, who choose to sell directly to the consumer, and are battling Big Agriculture; but we private citizens are under the microscope for daring to raise our own cattle and butcher them without the all-important USDA stamp of approval.  Making your own cheese, or fermenting cabbage to make sauerkraut are all suspect, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  This is becoming such a problem, that there is even a "food rights" movement!
     Do we really want some bureaucrat in D.C. to have authority over the food we eat?  Because they won't stop at regulating dairies and butcher shops.  There have even been isolated cases of investigations into school bake sales, church-sponsored potlucks, and neighborhood lemonade stands.  Is it really about "food safety", as the authorities would tell us?  Or is it more about control and the suppression of individual rights?  Because by trying to make foods "safe", the nutrients have been stripped, and I have long felt that artificial foods have contributed to the mutation of our cell structure, leading to cancer and disease.
     Certainly, they're not going to try to convince us that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are safe or healthy ... are they?  Because I'll take my chances with raw milk or grass-fed beef, before I'll choose food that has been subjected to fertilizers, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup, and aspartame.
     I hate it that everything is becoming a struggle between private citizens and an encroaching government.  It's not enough that our health care is no longer between us and our doctors; now, they want to take away our choice of the very foods we eat!  But I figure that if I can eat more organically, (minus the additives that will slowly erode my health and send me to a government-controlled doctor), that I will, very simply, be healthier.  And there's an additional benefit:  I am, in my own small way, asserting my individual rights and control over my own body.  Bon appétit!

1 Corinthians 6:19   "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,"    

August 27, 2014

Will Our Technology Destroy Us?

     There is no doubt that we live in an advanced technological world.  Everyone is "wired", and our "progress" finds us all becoming slaves to machinery and equipment supposedly developed to improve our lives.  I recently read an interesting article on Truthstream Media, in which the author, Daniel Taylor, pointed out that both C.S. Lewis, the lay theologian and Christian apologist, and George Orwell, the noted author and skeptical Christian, both came to the same conclusion:  that sooner or later, the human race would pay for its obsession with power and self-glorification.
     They both lived just prior to the explosion of the "computer age", yet their words are incredibly prophetic:
•  “Dreams of the far future destiny of man were dragging up, from its shallow and unquiet grave, the old dream of man as god…” – C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength, 1945.
•  “All superfluous life is to be wiped out, all natural forces tamed, the common people are to be used as slaves and vivisection subjects by the ruling caste of scientists, who even see their way to conferring immortal life upon themselves. Man, in short, is to storm the heavens and overthrow the gods, or even to become a god himself ... we are within sight of the time when such dreams will be realizable.” -- George Orwell, The Scientists Take Over, 1945.
      Both men have accurately portrayed the lust for ever-more interactive relationships between man and machine.  And I think they correctly foresaw that it was all about power and making man "little g" gods.  But this is nothing new ... it is the same rebellion and self-glorification that occurred at the Tower of Babel and throughout all the ages.  But the difference now is that scientists are not so much interested in "storming heaven" to overthrow God; they are hell-bent on developing ways that simply don't acknowledge He even exists.  It's all about making God irrelevant, and finding new ways of controlling us.
     That's what the transhumanist movement is all about... incorporating technology with the human body to effectively live forever; to control human memory, human sensitivity and vulnerability; and to limit human intelligence.  The end result will be what British historian E.P. Thompson called "Exterminism".  In his own words, Thompson explained it this way:  "Exterminism designates those characteristics of a society which thrust it in the direction whose outcome must be the extermination of millions...".
     Now, I can guarantee you that all those who are addicted to their technology systems will call me old-fashioned and out-of-step.  They are lining up to receive the next innovation that will enslave them.  But when scientists are proclaiming victory by replacing human organs with artificial ones; wanting to inject nanobots into my blood stream; and proposing that I store my brain in "the Cloud", then I don't think it's too preposterous to consider that computerized robots may one day declare us a threat or unnecessary!
     And believe me, they are selling the lie in every commercial, every movie, in our music, and every form of entertainment.  We are being sold the concept of "radical human evolution, aided by technology."  Some scientists and futurists go so far as conceiving a new species when all this revolutionary technology is applied to the human race.
     In his article, Taylor writes, "Technologies for the improvement of human performance are at the center of transhumanist thought. Most of these technologies begin with military applications, and only after a period of use by the military or black operations are they unveiled to the general public. In 2008 the JASON group, the Pentagon’s top scientific advisers, warned that the U.S. military could face enemies with technologically enhanced abilities. These capabilities include brain-machine interfaces and pharmaceutical drugs that enhance cognitive abilities."
     Is this the kind of world you want to live in?  Me neither, but the following quote is enough to have me praying, "Come Lord, Jesus!"  Taylor expresses this ominous opinion: "Some scientists are predicting that getting chip implants will become mandatory due to overwhelming societal pressure. Cybernetics scientist Dr Mark Gasson told the Sydney Morning Herald that, 'It’s not possible to interact in society today in any meaningful way, without having a mobile phone. I think human implants will go along a similar route. It will be such a disadvantage not to have the implant that it will essentially not be optional.' "
     In the end, each of us may be confronted by the power-hungry and spiritually-bereft who are determined to rob us of our innate "God-ness".   For those of us who have the Spirit of God within us, nothing can separate us from the hand of our Lord.  But I fear for those who will embrace such Godless "progress"....
John 10:29     "My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them from my Father’s hand."

August 26, 2014

Teach Them To Fish ....

     I am what you would call a pessimistic optimist.  I am no Pollyanna who sees the world through rose-colored glasses.  I know that my life on this earth is going to get worse before it gets better.  On the other hand, I absolutely know that the darkness in this world will never extinguish the Light.  And I relish the stories of people who refuse to give in to the defeatist and hopeless messages that inundate our social commentary.
     With all the negativity in the news, it's time we take a look at two men who are making a difference.  I saw a segment this last weekend on CBS Sunday Morning about Salemtown Skateboards, and want to share their story with you.
Will Anderson, Owner
     You might think that in the midst of one of the worst economic downturns in American history, you would be crazy to think of starting a new business; especially in a low-income neighborhood called Salemtown, outside Nashville, TN.  But Will Anderson and Jacob Henley took their mixed bag of personal histories that include drug addiction; a Masters Degree in Divinity; and a lifelong love of skateboards, and became determined that they could make a difference.
     As their website says, Salemtown Board Company is a "story began with a dream to change our city, even just a little bit, through making beautiful skateboards. All of our boards are cut, shaped, finished and painted 100% by hand. They’re functional works of art that are built to be ridden hard just like the original sidewalk surfers. But they also help us create jobs for some of our high school- aged friends here in our neighborhood in Nashville, TN. That's why we do what we do."
     Henley makes it very clear that although he loves designing and making one-of-a-kind skateboards, his top priority is to mentor and inspire young people in Salemtown, a neighborhood where 70% of the kids grow up in homes without fathers.  During the dark years of his life, Henley frequented the inner-city projects and saw the depravity and brokenness that is a result of no fathers in the home, and no positive role models.  But it's obvious that Henley has seen the Light, and is a true believer in "loving thy neighbor" -- so much so, that when he decided to make a difference, he set up shop in the heart of Salemtown and, together with Anderson, his partner, they are reclaiming lives.
     Anderson will tell you that Salemtown Board Co. is selling "July in every month; the beach in any state; summer year-round; and the joy that I get from making and riding these boards."  But he will also tell you, "Until just about a year ago, the highest source of income was the government ... welfare."  He and Henley are trying to change that by teaching neighborhood kids about discipline and dedication to a craft.  At the shop, each of the boards is cut, sanded, painted and finished completely by hand and is branded with the signature Salemtown "S."
Kendrius Smith
     Anderson laments that it is easy for the average American to donate money or food, or give away school supplies to the downtrodden ... "but it's a lot harder to teach" -- in other words, what these kids need are people to get involved on a personal level; to shape lives.  As cliché as it might sound, Salemtown Board Co. is the embodiment of teaching these kids to fish, rather than giving them a fish.  I find it not only inspiring, but encouraging, to find this Biblical axiom going head to head with the entitlement/welfare system.
     That's exactly what Anderson and Henley are doing through their small company.  They only have a handful of employees, but young men like Kendrius Smith, and his fellow employee Brandon Smith, are not only getting the opportunity to work and earn a good salary (above minimum wage), but they are "learning to work"; which Anderson says, when added to "pride in doing good work" will help propel them to greater opportunities and achievements.
     In fact, through the mentorship offered by Anderson and Henley, Kendrius has discovered an interest in sports therapy.  As the company grows, the increase in profits will allow the owners to help Kendrius save up for college.
     Anderson and Henley don't think they can change the world with a skateboard company ... but they think their employees just might be able to accomplish that goal.  "If they're able to grow up to be men who can love their families and their communities, and we produce two of those ... then, that's worth it."
     And just think what this world could be if such hopelessness was replaced with encouragement ... one person at a time.  And notice the words that Anderson used in describing his hopes for Kendrius and Brandon ... "men who can love".  It's really that simple ... Love God and love your fellow man ... and just watch the Light triumph over the darkness!

1 Thessalonians 5:11   "Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, just as you are in fact doing."

August 25, 2014

Is It All Smoke and Mirrors?

     There are so many things going on in this world that are all striving for our attention ... massive earthquakes; the ongoing war between Hamas and Israel; the uncertainty of an ebola outbreak; the illegal immigration debacle at our southern border; civil unrest in our heartland; and the growing persecution of Christians and the rise of IS (Islamic State) --- just to name the top contenders!
     I had determined that today I would write about the beheading of journalist James Foley and what this means for all Americans.  I bolstered my courage to watch the video; not really wanting to allow that image of evil to enter my mind, but feeling that, somehow, I owed it to this fellow American.  Perhaps I thought that by watching his death, it honored his life.  Plus, how could I possibly ignore this horrendous event, or take no notice of it, as if it never happened?  It is time we Americans face the fact that Evil is coming ever closer to our comfortable, secure lives.
     I said a silent prayer, asking God for some small semblance of courage as I witnessed Mr. Foley's extraordinary courage.  I braced myself and clicked on the button to start the video.  As the cowardly jihadist grabbed the back of Foley's head and placed his knife at the victim's throat, I braced myself.  And I was soon asking myself, what did I just see?  Certainly not the complete act of a head being cut off; yet at the end of the video, I'm pretty sure it is Foley's severed head lying on the back of a supposedly lifeless body.
     Before I go any further, let me say that I am not aligning myself with the myriad of conspiracy theorists or false flag proponents.  I am simply saying that yes, I believe James Foley was killed and most likely beheaded, but I do not believe that video is an accurate portrayal of this evil act.  So where does that lead me?  To be honest, I'm not really sure... anymore than I am sure of anything that I am being shown in this world.  
     More and more, I am becoming convinced that what is presented to us as facts may be a complex web of deception; designed to push us toward a preset and calculated response.  Can we believe anything based on outward appearances, or is it just a pretense; the invention of an imaginary situation to yield a desired result?  We all know that technology is so advanced that videotape of a purported event can be forged, doctored, or manipulated to look like anything the imagination can create.
     By now, you might be thinking I am a really skeptical and suspicious person; that I am seeing the bogeyman behind every incident or event.  It's not the bogeyman, my friends, for he is an imaginary evil spirit used to frighten children.  No, I'm beginning to think that the real deal, the Devil, is working his deception in, and around, and upon the earthly realm and its leaders, in efforts to instigate undesirable and violent actions that will move his agenda forward.
     I am not denying that actual warfare is going on in Gaza; or that the ebola virus is present and killing people; or that a young black male's death in Ferguson, Missouri has resulted in rioting and violent protests; or even that Christians (and journalists) are being beheaded.  I believe all this chaos is happening.  I'm just not sure that we are being told the truth about the origin, the cause, or the motive behind the event.
     Yes, I know that all evil doings come from Satan.  And I know that he schemes to keep us from a personal relationship with the God of the Universe.  But I also believe to the depths of my soul that he can manipulate the message we receive from these chaotic and lawless events by using men to control our perception and our response.
     I find myself no longer able to believe everything I see at face value.  I sense the Enemy's presence in every narrative and every image that is presented to us.  The more shocked and unsettled we become, the more receptive we are to his lying whispers.  His strategy is really very simple ... keep us from the peace that comes from trusting the Lord, and we take our eyes off our refuge in the coming storm.  Bombard our minds with visions of grisly death and social pandemonium, and we begin doubting God's ability to protect us.  And ultimately, if he can crack open the door of fear, he is home free and we will accept any counterfeit solution to guarantee our safety.
     In the final analysis, our focus should not be on whether these recent events are 100% bona fide or not.  The real take-away we should perceive are the attempts to achieve the pre-determined consequences planned by the Devil and those whom he influences.  In reality, we need to make absolutely sure that we know and discern the real Truth ... God's Truth.  When we resolve to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and under His sheltering shadow, we will not be moved by the turmoil or the lawlessness.
     Remember:  We are not designed for destruction nor deception.  Let the evil ones demonstrate their scheming tricks and strategies to those who would be fooled.  Let us keep our eyes, our minds, and our hearts on the One who is faithful to keep His promises... smoke and mirrors are not necessary to convince me of His Truth.

1 John 5:19   "We know [positively] that we are of God, and the whole world [around us] is under the power of the evil one."

August 24, 2014

Hebrews 12:14

Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness 
without which no one will see the Lord.

     This Scripture speaks to me on a very personal level today.  For the past two days my husband and I had the joy of helping our niece move into her college dorm.  As her aunt and uncle, we had the luxury of stepping back and observing all the freshmen as they experienced this first major step towards a new stage in their lives.  Some showed exaggerated confidence; but most exhibited a mixture of apprehension, uncertainty and excitement.  And I thought of all the young people across the country undergoing this same event, and of their parents who were letting go; many for the first time.
     What were all the moms and dads thinking, as they dealt with their own emotions?  I know what I would wish for each of these young adults .... and it is the words of Hebrews 12:14.  Whether it be the first year of college, where one is on their own in the world for the first time; or us "seasoned" veterans who interact with the world in a myriad of ways, we should all pursue peace with everyone we come in contact with.  That "peace" is the harmonious contentment that comes from seeing others through the lens of the Gospel. 
     I watched my niece and her two new roommates; young women who were meeting for the first time.  They were the embodiment of what it will mean to find that peace.  They are from different backgrounds, different races, and different parenting styles.  Yet, they will need to learn to regard each other with respect and appreciation for their differences.  Shouldn't we all be "striving" for that same peace?  
     Additionally, I would tell my niece and her fellow freshmen to pursue the holiness that this Scripture encourages.  Do not conform to this world and all the temptations that will be presented to you.  You will be told that this is your time to experiment with new ideas, new morals, and new adventures; a time to stretch your parents' boundaries and set your own limits.  I am not naive enough to think that she will not test those boundaries; we all have done so, because we are not perfect.  But she is much further in her walk with the Lord than I was at that age.  So, I would remind her that God has called her, and her unique faith sets her apart from those who do not know Him.  She can be "of" this world, but not "in" the world ... an apt reminder for us all.
     And lastly, I love this Scripture because it tells us that we can live our lives in peace and holiness (separated unto God), thereby having a powerful influence upon others; showing them the image of God in the midst of their daily existence.  
     I love this University that our niece is attending.  As we drove up to the dorm, with three family cars loaded to the hilt with the makings of her home for the next nine months, we were greeted by a volunteer group of college students from a local church.  I have never seen such organization or such calmness coming out of what is normally chaos on "move-in" day.  Each family was greeted with smiles and offers to help carry the loads to each student's room, along with an invitation to join them on campus for ice cream later that night.  It took all the stress, work, and tension out of the situation and allowed both parents and students to enjoy the process of getting to know one another.
     Isn't that what this Scripture is telling us?  Serving others, with their best interests in mind, not only establishes a sense of peace and fellowship, but sets you apart from the selfish concerns of the rest of the world.  You show others what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, and most importantly, you have the opportunity to influence others, and show them what He has done in your life.  
     So my prayer for my niece is that she will enjoy her college years, and have fun as she explores who she is.  She is about to begin her race of faith, and knowing her heart, I am certain she will finish strong.  I pray that she will reach her full potential in what Christ intends for her, and I feel quite sure that she will bear much fruit for His kingdom, as she influences others through her example.  May we all do the same ...