A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

April 1, 2014

What Does It All Mean?

     Once again, I am astounded at the news stories that support my Biblical world view.  And even if you aren't particularly religious, you would do well to take notice of how quickly significant events are happening, and the serious effects they could have on our lives.
     First of all, we are seeing another rash of earthquakes.  Friday's 5.1 magnitude earthquake in Los Angeles was the second substantial tremor in two weeks.  On March 17th, the city experienced a 4.4 magnitude quake.  Locals are tending to dismiss this one along the Puente Hills fault line as of less importance since it wasn't on the famous San Andreas Fault.  But the U.S. Geological Survey estimates that if "the Big One" hits along the Puente Hills fault, it could kill 3,000 to 18,000 people and cause up to $250 billion in damage.
     Then there was the 4.8 magnitude quake that rocked Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming near the border with Montana.  The quake on Sunday was the most powerful to hit the park since 1985, giving rise to the speculation that the Yellowstone Super Volcano might be getting active.  (My father barely escaped the massive 1959 Hebgen Lake earthquake in southwestern Montana, which measured 7.3 – 7.5 on the Richter scale and caused a mountain to be reduced to rubble; so this naturally caught my attention).
     Now, you might be thinking that this is nothing to get worked up about; a couple of moderate earthquakes is par for the course.  But SHTFPlan.com is reporting that there is more going on under the surface of the earth than you might be aware of.
     For instance, there were more than 100 aftershocks after this recent LA earthquake.  And Oregon has seen an unprecedented amount of activity:  recently, more than 100 earthquakes  occurred in a matter of a few days; landslides, mysterious booms and rumblings underground, and a 20-foot sinkhole that swallowed a woman and her dog.  Over the past month, Oklahoma has experienced more than 130 earthquakes.  But it's not just the U.S. that is feeling the earth shake.  Peru has felt several dozen earthquakes in the last month, including a massive one that measured 6.3.  Chile was hit by more than 300 earthquakes in a seven day stretch; 41 of those earthquakes were stronger than magnitude 4.5.
     It's not just what's happening under the earth's surface that has me concerned.  It is also what is happening in the air.  And perhaps the news item that sends the most shivers down my spine is the report of the ebola virus outbreak in Africa.  I can't help but picture the scenes from the 1995 film Outbreak, starring Dustin Hoffman, in which a fictional Ebola-like virus called Motaba breaks out in Zaire and later in a small town in the United States.  The film was quite graphic in its portrayal of the fever, rash and hemorrhaging side effects, along with the drastic measures taken -- including martial law -- to control the spread of the virus.  (Interestingly enough, a real-life outbreak of the Ebola virus occurred in Zaire only a few months after the film was released).
     Only now, this terrifying hemorrhagic fever is for real, and has spread rapidly from the west coast of Africa in Guinea to neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia.  At least 70 people have died in Guinea in the last few weeks, but the most frightening aspect of this virus is that in just the last week, it has traveled 526 miles to Conakry, Guinea’s capital city of two million people.
     The Ebola virus seems to remain isolated in Africa for the time being, but if one infected individual boards an international flight to Europe, South America, Asia or the USA then all bets are off.  We would likely see a deadly contagion like the modern world has never seen.  World health officials are reporting that if even a single case pops up in the United States or Canada it could cause mass panic, and for good reason. Nine out of ten people who contract the virus would likely perish.  This is a very serious situation.
     But equally serious is the instability of the world's economy and global peace.  China is jockeying to become the next Economic Superpower, while Russia is flexing its military muscles and setting its sights on the Baltic countries, Finland, and even making its presence known in Cuba and South America.  (More on this tomorrow).  It feels as if the ground is literally and figuratively shifting under my feet.
     You see, I know the prophetic message that the Lord has given all of us through His Word.  There will come a time when He's had enough of man's cruel and brutal behavior towards each other; and when our offenses towards Him have reached the limit.  He will then intervene in the world's affairs and will cause these kinds of earthly disturbances.  He will send plagues and deadly diseases upon mankind.  He will manipulate nations, saying "I will turn you around and put hooks in your jaws to lead you out with your whole army--your horses and charioteers in full armor and a great horde armed with shields and swords."  In short, He will break His silence and allow His judgments to be manifest upon the earth and all mankind.
     Why now, you might ask.  These occurrences are no different than nature's prior disasters in history; or the Black Plague in the Middle Ages; or the changing of the political landscape and the rise and fall of nations that have transpired for centuries... technology just allows us to be more conscious of these events.
     True, God's creation of man and planet have suffered similar periods of devastation, evil and chaos since the dawn of time.  But He clearly tells us that there will be a limit to His patience, and He will demand our allegiance and obedience.  There will be millions who will suffer during these times; yet they will continue to mock Him and refuse to acknowledge Him.  But He will allow the destruction and ruin to happen, while giving mankind one last chance to accept His gift of salvation.
     So, are these the "birth pangs" that the Bible speaks about?  Are these the signs that we are to take our eyes off the distractions of our selfish lives, turn, and look up?  I feel a strong urging that time is short for those who do not know Him.  Please try to help someone by telling them about God.  At the rate things are happening, each day could be the last chance they get to save their soul.  Listen to our Savior ....

Matthew 24:7-8     "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, diseases and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows."

March 31, 2014

Is The TSA Pre-Check Another Information Grab? And Is It Safe?

     I recently had a good friend fly in from Arizona for a long weekend visit.  As she traversed airports, she was surprised to be told by a TSA agent that she could skip the long, slow security line because she had a Pre-Check board pass.  What was that, she asked.  He explained that she did not have to remove her shoes, her belt, her jacket, her laptop from its bag, or show her bag of liquid containers.  That's great, she thought, but how did I come to be eligible for this program?  I don't remember signing up for anything.
     We figured that because she is a member of a Frequent Flyers program for US Airways, she was automatically enrolled in the program.  But our first thoughts were, how safe is that?  Aren't all those items the exact things that we've been warned about that could be used to conceal methods of terrorism?  So we decided to figure out how one enrolls in this unfamiliar program.
     The official TSA website describes this program as "an expedited screening program that allows travelers to leave on their shoes, light outerwear and belt, keep their laptop in its case and their 3-1-1 compliant liquids/gels bag in a carry-on, in select screening lanes. To date, passengers have only been eligible through existing programs such as U.S. Custom and Border Protection’s Global Entry program and frequent flier programs with certain airlines, but this announcement will allow travelers to apply directly for the expedited screening program. Since its introduction, more than 25 million passengers have already used TSA Pre✓™ nationwide."
     So, for me, there's an obvious concern ... of those 25 million passengers, how many are like my friend, who didn't even know they had been signed up?  She underwent no special evaluation, other than she has enough points on her credit card to use toward airline miles.  How quick before someone with nefarious plans takes advantage of that?  Does it seem like a loophole to anyone other than me?  Am I not understanding this program?
    On further investigation, I discovered that, according to the TSA website, the way to enroll in the program is as follows:  "The TSA Pre✓™ application process allows U.S. citizens to go through a pre-enrollment process online and visit an application center to provide biographic information (e.g. name, date of birth, address, etc.), fingerprints, payment and valid required identity and citizenship/immigration documentation.  All TSA Pre✓™ program applicants must visit an application center in-person to verify their identity and citizenship/immigration status as well as to provide fingerprints."
     That's all well and good; they have to be a U.S. citizen to apply.  But what about the issue of home-grown terrorists?  How many times have we heard about people who have no history of association with terrorist groups; no criminal record, and then we find out they are at the center of a sinister plot?  And are there any exceptions to applying, such as individuals on student visas, or those who could hide behind medical complications?
     It seems to me that this program affords someone seeking to harm that plane greater probability of achieving his mission.  And that possibility far outweighs the advantages of boarding the plane quicker and easier.  But that's just me.
     Could it be that this is just another information grab and data collection service?  Why does it seem so contradictory to me?  On the one hand, the program gathers uniquely personal information about you, and then on the other hand, you are allowed to bypass all the security measures we were told are necessary to keep us safe.  Granted, if it was a perfect world, then the data they are collecting on each of the participants should go a long way towards keeping the bad guys off the planes.  But it seems to me that all that data would be helpful in identifying them after the crime.  Plus let's not forget that there is an $85/5-year membership fee that must be paid to stay current in the program.  To date, that's a tidy little sum of over $2 trillion every 5 years for the TSA; and the program is expected to grow exponentially as the application sites open nationwide.
     So, here's what I'm thinking:  Perhaps the TSA is tired of hearing the grumbling from passengers about the long security lines, and their invasive screening techniques.  So now they have initiated a new program that will supposedly result in happier passengers; but will they be safer passengers?  You can't really have it both ways!  And I just can't help myself; when it comes to a government agency, I'm always skeptical... aren't you?

1 Timothy 4:16    "Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers."

March 30, 2014

Psalm 139:8-10

If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
 If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me.

     In my Ladies Bible Study class, we have been studying A. W. Tozer, an American Christian pastor, preacher, author, magazine editor, and spiritual mentor.  Although he had no formal theological training, he received two honorary doctorates due to his lifelong work in convincing Christians that not only was there the possibility, but a necessity for a deeper relationship with God.
     In the mid-1950's, he vigorously warned Believers that the church was on a dangerous course toward compromising with "worldly" concerns.  He wrote,  "It will cost something to walk slow in the parade of the ages, while excited men of time rush about confusing motion with progress. But it will pay in the long run and the true Christian is not much interested in anything short of that."  As you can see, he was ahead of his time.  The decline of the Church has proven him right.
     But I loved the verse for today, because it is one Tozer used to celebrate God's divine immanence.  Immanence is a character of God; one in which He permanently pervades and sustains the universe and everything in it.  I think it is something we Christians forget as we face insurmountable odds; or as we flirt with the temptations of the world.... God is everywhere, at all times, in all places.  Wherever we are, and whatever we are going through, He is there!
     So why aren't we at all times aware of that, and celebrating it?  I fear it is because, as a society, we have busied ourselves with worldly pursuits that take our attention away from Him.  We are too busy making a living; too busy entertaining ourselves; too busy with the distractions that occupy our minds.  There is no time to give thought or consideration to receiving the Holy Spirit's prompting.  We have made no room for Him in our busy lives!
     But, as Tozer points out, and I have realized, it takes practice and commitment to build a long-term response to the Holy Spirit and deeper relationship with God.  But we cannot do it on our own.  As with everything we receive in this life, it is a gift of God, who has purposed it not only for our benefit, but to glorify Him.  But we must put some effort into it, too.  We must recognize and cultivate our desire to grow this relationship; and it can only be strengthened and deepened by exercising our spiritual muscles.
     So we must wean ourselves off the "instant gratification" turnstile, and realize that knowing and feeling and experiencing the immanent Presence of God is more than a computer click away.  He is there!  And you can find Him in the Word of His Holy Bible.  That's where you will find your answers to whatever ails you or any problem that you have.  But it is the joy and the comfort and the reassurance of finding Him and experiencing Him that is worth all the time and effort it will take.  He will reward that effort with ever-increasing knowledge of Himself and your life will never be the same.

March 29, 2014

Why Is "God's Not Dead" Such A Surprise?

     I find it amusing that the Entertainment Industry continues to be flummoxed over the success of faith-based movies.  The latest to mystify and bewilder the Hollywood crowd is a small Indie film titled, "God's Not Dead."  The plot of the movie is one that is being played out on college campuses across the breadth of our land.
     The official synopsis lays out the looming test that every Christian will soon face ... Present-day college freshman and devout Christian, Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper), finds his faith challenged on his first day of Philosophy class by the dogmatic and argumentative Professor Radisson (Kevin Sorbo).
     Radisson begins class by informing students that they will need to disavow, in writing, the existence of God on that first day, or face a failing grade. As other students in the class begin scribbling the words “God Is Dead” on pieces of paper as instructed, Josh find himself at a crossroads, having to choose between his faith and his future.
     Josh offers a nervous refusal, provoking an irate reaction from his smug professor. Radisson assigns him a daunting task: if Josh will not admit that “God Is Dead,” he must prove God’s existence by presenting well-researched, intellectual arguments and evidence over the course of the semester, and engage Radisson in a head-to-head debate in front of the class. If Josh fails to convince his classmates of God’s existence, he will fail the course and hinder his lofty academic goals.
     With almost no one in his corner, Josh wonders if he can really fight for what he believes. Can he actually prove the existence of God? Wouldn’t it just be easier just to write “God Is Dead” and put the whole incident behind him?
     GOD’S NOT DEAD weaves together multiple stories of faith, doubt and disbelief, culminating in a dramatic call to action. The film will educate, entertain, and inspire moviegoers to explore what they really believe about God, igniting important conversations and life-changing decisions. The movie asks each of us to answer the question, "How far would you go to defend your faith?" 
     I watched the trailer of this movie and I have to say it got me so excited that I wanted to drive the 2 hours to the closest theatre that was showing it.  If you live in a larger city, then it's more likely that you were one of the only 784 theatres chosen to open the film last weekend.  This low-budget faith-filled movie came in at #4 at the box office, making $8.5 million, far surpassing its budget.  And it did it without all the hype for the #1 movie, Divergent, with its $85 million budget and grossing $56 million on the first weekend.  It will be interesting to see how things shake out this weekend.
      While these numbers are all impressive, it is still the reaction of the Hollywood money-makers that astounds me.  It's just another example of how little they know the Christian audience.  They don't bother to take our tastes and preferences into account, let alone our buying power when it comes to ticket sales.  And we know "genuine" when we see it.  I am anxious to see how the big-budget Noah fares next weekend.  I can almost guarantee that if Hollywood tries to cram anything but the truth down our throats, the Christian audience will not go for it.  We just might see David slay Goliath again!
     As The Blaze reported, one of the stars of the film, Kevin Sorbo, plays the non-believing Professor Radisson. A Christian, Sorbo is quoted as saying he hopes the film shows skeptics that “there might be something greater out there.”  He is hopeful that the film will appeal to those who might question the existence of God and serve as a catalyst for the discovery of faith.  As for atheist activists who sometimes react negatively to projects like “God’s Not Dead,” Sorbo believes their responses are often times driven by fear. “I think they’re fearful and [believe] that there must be something out there,” he said of vocal activists. “I don’t think I’ve ever gotten angry over something I don’t believe in. It’s almost weird to me.”
     It certainly appears to be creating a lot of dialogue, as evidenced by the over 3000 comments on the news that this movie was such an unexpected success.  Most of them were faith-abiding Christians that applauded the makers of this movie.  And as usual, there were the God-haters who can't conceive that there is any other god than themselves.  They spew their denunciation of the Lord in vile rants and abuse their own Maker.
     I'm always interested in discovering the tone of the conversation, and I very rarely feel the desire to respond to any of these comments.  But there was one remark that was presented in civil language that I would like to counter.  It read, I have no problem with the possibility that some type of advanced intelligence may have been the cause of the universe coming into existence. It is thinking that a book written by bronze-age men who knew absolutely nothing about the world has any validity at all that baffles me. Just answer one question and don't use the phrase "the bible says" to answer it. Why do you believe the bible is true?
     Here's what I would say to that confused person .... "I believe the Bible is true because I have received confirmation through experiences in my life that I was pursued and purposed by a Force that calls me His own.  That Force is Jesus Christ who has revealed my need for a Savior from the sins of my flesh.  He is in the process of cutting away the prideful and selfish portions of my heart so that I might dwell with Him in His future, eternal Kingdom.  I believe the Bible is true because I don't believe in the temptations of this world or the Power that rules it.  I believe in the God of the Bible because He has revealed Himself to me through His Son, Jesus Christ, and I believe every word in "that book" to be true.  I would like to invite you to consider searching for Him yourself."
     In closing, wouldn't it be just like our God to use this little independent film to start a spark of faith that sweeps the land like a prairie fire?  Go see the movie and kindle the flame.

Psalm 34:3    "O magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together."

March 28, 2014

Rural vs Urban: The Divide Grows; and Who Is Responsible?

     I was interested in reading an article in the Wall Street Journal, titled "City vs. Country: How Where We Live Deepens the Nation's Political Divide" .... that is, until I read the subtle bias in how the reporters portrayed each demographic.
     It was a compelling concept; take a poll and contrast a small rural town in Missouri with the big metropolis of Kansas City, just a couple hours away.  You would expect to find that the poll showed differences in cultural values, shopping preferences, and job opportunities, for example.  But it was the way in which the poll results seemed to imply that city dwellers were more enlightened and more sophisticated than their country cousins that rubbed me the wrong way.  And, of course, according to the article, that narrative would also seem to represent the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
     Let me illustrate just how each group was depicted.  The citizens of El Dorado Springs, Missouri were described as older, nearly 100% white and overwhelmingly Republican; typical of small-town America.  The owner of the nicest restaurant in town doesn't serve alcohol, because he doesn't want to offend his pastor.  Public schools don't schedule events on Wednesday evenings, so as not to conflict with the town churches' Bible Study times.
     Those who lived in Kansas City were more ethnically diverse and religion was not as important.  That seems to be a fair statement.  But, the stereotype for the rural community seemed a little exaggerated.  (I wonder how long it took them to find a town that exhibited the characteristics they hate so much?)
     I also found it a little transparent that one pollster decided to compare how Democratic presidential candidates fared in counties with the upscale Whole Foods organic grocery chain, versus those counties that included a Cracker Barrel, which he made sure to point out, served "chicken and dumplings."  Subtle, but conspicuous, don't you think?  But I know for a fact that big cities that have Whole Foods stores also have Cracker Barrel restaurants.  And rural citizens eat a whole lot more organically than many of their city counterparts;  they eat straight from their gardens and aren't tempted by all the high calories and processed content of fast food chains.
     Of course, social issues like abortion, school prayer, and same-sex marriage were seen in a negative light, and characteristic of rural voters who supported Republican candidates.  The small-town church pastor in El Dorado Springs who advocates the Biblical view on these issues is portrayed as narrow-minded even though he states that "We're a church that does embrace people and we love people regardless of their circumstances."  On the other hand, at the Country Club Congregational United Church of Christ (that's its real name!) in Kansas City, there is a rainbow flag that welcomes and affirms all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, and sees these issues as "social justice" matters that need to be addressed politically.
     This same church resides in a neighborhood with boutique shops; an Italian market that sells imported coffee beans and pasta; and a toy store that sells a kit to conduct solar experiments.  The article reveals that El Dorado Springs has a BBQ restaurant called the Rusty Jug that is decorated like an old-West saloon and serves deep-fried ribs and deep-fried potato salad.  Starting to get the picture?  Anything in small-town America is quaint, provincial or unfashionable; everything in Urban areas is advanced, contemporary and clearly more preferable.
     And according to the WSJ, the various polls indicate that small town America is forced to shop at Dollar General, while their counterparts in Big City USA have options such as Apple stores, J. Crew and Williams-Sonoma.  There are more job opportunities, more conveniences, and more entertainment options in urban areas.  And I would agree with that.  There is less tolerance, less diversity, and less progress in rural communities.  Translation:  These people vote conservatively and the culture suffers.
     Maybe I'm reading too much into the research outlined in this article.  But I couldn't help but feel that all those poll results were meant to convey that socially progressive urbanites that voted Democratic lived better lives than Republican voters who suffered from their backwards, prejudiced, and deprived lifestyles.  I resent the simplification, generalization, and stereotyping.
     Having lived in both demographics, I will concur that we, who live in rural areas, lack certain amenities.  Yes, I have to drive 45 minutes to go to the movies or to find a Starbucks, and there's not a good bookstore within 100 miles.  But I get better and more personal medical care; I love that Church and Faith take priority over the latest social trend; and I love that I am surrounded by "real" people instead of the shallow, superficial folks that I endured for years.  And you know what?  Party politics doesn't really play a role.   Here, in the sticks, we may not be "cool", and we most definitely love "our God and our guns" -- but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else... even if the Wall Street Journal and all its polls, surveys and market research indicates otherwise.  Besides, I thought diversity and tolerance was the name of the game, right?
     Didn't God make us all different; yet we are all made in His image?  Aren't we supposed to accept our differences, instead of encouraged to regard each other with contempt?  What's the real purpose of publishing poll results like these (which can easily be manipulated and distorted)?  Who gains by continuing the divide in morals, values, lifestyles and opinions?  It isn't the individuals in the city or the people in the rural communities!  As usual, it all comes down to power, arrogance, and selfishness. If only we, as individuals, could love each other as we were designed to, then the ones pulling the puppet strings could not win.  Please, Father God, help us to see each other as you see us.  It's so simple!

Hebrews 12:14    "Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord."

March 27, 2014

Why The Justina Pelletier Case Should Concern All Parents

     It was the decision that I thought could never be justifiably made.  But earlier this week, Judge Joseph Johnston, the Massachusetts juvenile court judge overseeing the custody battle between the parents of Justina Pelletier and the State of Massachusetts, awarded permanent custody to the state's Department of Children and Families (DCF).
     First of all, Justina is not even a resident of Massachusetts!  Until a year ago, she lived with her parents in Connecticut.  But one fateful night, the teen who suffers from mitochondrial disease, went to the ER at Boston Children's Hospital with flu symptoms and never came home.  The disease is caused by dysfunctional mitochondria, the sub-units within a cell that generate energy for the cell.  Symptoms cover a wide range of disorders, including poor growth, loss of muscle coordination, muscle weakness, visual problems, hearing problems, learning disabilities, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory disorders, neurological problems, autonomic dysfunction and dementia.  Seems like a difficult disease to not only diagnose, but to treat.
     But now it seems that on the word of an ER doctor, unfamiliar with Justina's medical history, a diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder called Somatic System Disorder can be made; and charges alleged against the parents for medical abuse can be grounds for Justina to be permanently removed from her family.  This is such a travesty of justice and a very frightening sign of out-of-control power by the State!
    A somatoform disorder is a mental disorder characterized by symptoms that suggest physical illness or injury – and other symptoms include anxiety and depression.  Symptoms are sometimes similar to those of other illnesses and may last for several years.  From what I've read, this is a psychiatric disorder, which means the original doctor at Boston Children's was either ignorant of the physical effects of mitochondrial disease, or did not believe the parents' report of her medical history.  He seems to have determined that she was "a head case".
    Now, Justina will more than likely have to remain in State custody until her 18th birthday while her parents appeal the ruling, and try to prove that they are fit parents.  In addition to the frightening implications of this case, the judge's reasoning for reaching his decision should strike fear in all our hearts.  As The Boston Globe reported, there were four key factors that he cited for taking Justina away from her family.  Here they are, in reverse order:
4.  The judge argues that “credible psychiatric and medical evidence” suggests that Justina Pelletier suffers from a “persistent and severe Somatic Symptom Disorder,” not mitochondrial disease as she was diagnosed with previously.  The facts of the case seem to prove otherwise.  The court heard testimony from four doctors during the hearing; Dr. Mark Korson, of Tufts Medical Center, who is Justina's primary doctor and diagnosed her with mitochondrial disease.  He stood by his diagnosis.  The other three doctors were all psychiatrists; two from Boston Children's and one was a psychiatrist who has been seeing Justina since 2006, and testified that she suffered from depression due to her mitochondrial disease.  The two psychiatrists from Boston Children's Hospital were the original doctor who diagnosed her with Somatic System Disorder, and stuck by his opinion, and a second psychiatrist who disagreed.
     So the only doctor who testified that she didn't have mitochondrial disease was the doctor who made the original claim.  How likely was he to change his story?
3.   Justina’s parents “significantly hampered” DCF’s efforts to find a “suitable placement” for the girl, according to the ruling.  “While Justina was at Children’s Hospital, the parents were verbally abusive to Justina’s hospital providers. Family members of other patients complained that Justina’s parents stated their children were being kidnapped by Children’s Hospital,” the ruling says. “They threatened to call the F.B.I. They called hospital personnel “Nazis” and claimed the hospital was punishing and killing Justina.”  The court also accuses the parents of using “profanity” directed at DCF personnel.  Are you kidding me?  If I took a sick child to the hospital, knowing she had a pre-existing condition, and the hospital misdiagnosed her, took my child away from me and threatened to take custody of her; I'm pretty darn sure that I would heap abuse upon their heads, too!  I would do anything to get her back, and would not be worried about presenting the hospital staff in a good light.
2.  The judge has determined “placement of Justina in the conditional custody of her parents is not in her best interests at this time.”  What is not in Justina's best interests is to rip her away from her family and medically treat her in a manner that has only resulted in a steady decline in her health.  Her parents have stated many times that if they don't get her out of the hands of the State, they fear she will die.
1.  Psychological and clinical evaluations of Justina’s parents, Lou and Linda Pelletier, are “necessary.”  It is horrifying to see how easily the State can cast aspersions on the competence of parents.  Do you really think the Pelletier family is any different than your own?
     According to the family's spokesperson, Rev. Patrick Mahoney, the parents of Justina are being punished for not going along with DCF's analysis of their daughter's medical condition.  “DCF, the courts, and everyone else involved is sending a message,” Mahoney said. That message, he said, is if you question these entities, they’re going to say, “‘Guess what? We’re going to take your child and not give them back to you.’
     Although the Pelletiers can file a motion in court again in May to regain custody, they plan on appealing later this week.  Wouldn't you turn over every stone to find a way to rescue your child from State custody?  This case represents the intrusion of an over-reaching government into our families' lives and, I fear, is just the beginning of relegating parents to a subordinate role.  We must pray that the Pelletiers stay strong and in the fight.  They represent all of us.

Ezekiel 34:4   "The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them."  

March 26, 2014

Hobby Lobby In The Lion's Den

     Whether you are a Christian or not, everyone is anxiously watching the Government (via Kathleen Sebelius) v. Hobby Lobby case that is before the Supreme Court.  It's really interesting to read all the views of the news sites on the proceedings and contrast it with the "culture" websites, and you wonder if these people are living in parallel, yet contradictive, universes.
     For instance, Breitbart.com says it is all about Choice .. the choice to embrace our First Amendment Constitutional rights, which say in part, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ...".  And that's where the main conflict arises.
     There are those on one side who say that the owners of a company -- in this case Hobby Lobby -- should, according to the Constitution, have the right to determine how to run their business.  At issue for CEO David Green is the Department of Health and Human Services mandate requiring almost all large employers that offer insurance to include coverage for several forms of birth control that can cause abortion by destroying early-stage human embryos.  That's where the First Amendment comes in.  If a government mandate is at odds with the owner's religious faith or beliefs, they should not be forced to comply.  That would be prohibiting them the free exercise of their faith's commandments.
      But the opposition says that right is given to individuals, not corporations.  For the writers at Salon.com, it is not David Green and his family who have to pay for the health care coverage; it's their privately-held corporation.  For Salon, the question is whether the company itself can have sincerely held religious beliefs, and — if the court is willing to recognize "corporate religion" — how can the contraception mandate place an “undue burden” on the beliefs of a corporation?
     But Paul Clement—arguing for the plaintiffs—noted that another federal law at the center of this case—the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)—was explicitly enacted to protect “any exercise” of a person’s religion. Federal law generally includes corporations in its definition of “person.”
     Then there are those who look at the case from a different angle.  They feel that employees of such a company as Hobby Lobby should not be discriminated against, and prohibited from receiving benefits of the government provision, simply because of their employers religious beliefs.  It is likely that the argument for this position will be stated from the viewpoint of this student and pro-choice activist:  "I’m really just hoping that the justices see that access to birth control and reproductive health care is a fundamental human right.  Bosses shouldn’t be able to make a decision based on their personal beliefs to dictate what people have access to."
     May I suggest otherwise?  No one is stopping this young woman from taking any form of birth control she desires.  She is free to conduct her reproductive health care anyway she likes.  All she has to do is pay for it.  I simply do not understand how she can arrive at the conclusion that someone who pays her a salary has to give her the benefits she wants.  By definition, a benefit is a bonus; a perk; part of her salary package; and determined by the one who pays her salary!
     Perhaps this young woman, and those on this side of the argument, should read the following from the Employment Benefit Research Institute:  The U.S. employee benefit system is a partnership among businesses, individuals, and the government. Most employment-based benefits, such as pensions and health insurance, are provided voluntarily by businesses. The government supports these voluntary employment-based benefits by granting them favorable tax treatment. Certain other benefits, including Social Security, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, and family and medical leave, are mandatory. The government also supports individual financial security programs through individual retirement accounts, favor- able taxation of life insurance contracts, and tax-free death benefits.
     Actually, maybe Kathleen Sebilius should read it!  But these arguments really go to the heart of this most important case.  And while The Washington Examiner is reporting that the Supreme Court Justices appear divided on this case, I wouldn't count on any of the early reports.  Remember how we got blind-sided the first time on the Affordable Care Act?  Remember how Justice John Roberts delivered a decision that came out of left field?  So when you hear that Chief Justice Roberts seems to indicate that he feels Hobby Lobby has a sincere belief that some of the birth control methods in the mandate are tantamount to abortion, don't think he is signaling his agreement.  Or when it is reported that Justice Scalia has expressed his opinion that the mandates will be a significant financial burden to Hobby Lobby -- don't be fooled.
    And when you hear that Justice Elena Kagan suggested the business can decide not to provide health care coverage for its employees if they pay a $2,000 per-employee penalty -- a scenario she said would save the companies money. Then, if the companies wanted to ensure their employees had health care, they could raise their salaries so employees can buy private coverage.... well, I don't know what to tell you to think of that ridiculous motion!  She's obviously never owned a company or balanced a budget!
    In the end, I don't have much hope that this case will be decided in favor of the Constitution.  After all, don't we see and feel the winds of change?  While it is true that in 2010, the Justices granted corporations the same free speech rights as individuals; and Hobby Lobby is certainly praying that this case will follow suit and we will see a favorable vote for the free exercise of religion, we have slid a long ways from adhering to the Constitution in the last three-odd years.
     Do not be deceived.  If Hobby Lobby loses this case, then the highest Court in our Land is asking us to sacrifice our sacred beliefs for the sake of the State and to bow down to an earthly government.  If we are forced to renounce our faith in favor of someone's mistaken belief that birth control is a "human right", then I fear for our future.
      And before you quote Romans 13 to me, be very sure you understand the big picture, and how we are to respond to ruling authorities.  We are to submit to earthly authorities in regard to earthly matters.  But when that authority demands that we commit an act that is against our God's mandates, then we are to follow our Divine Authority.
     Did Daniel stop praying to His God when ordered by Darius?  It got him thrown into the lion's den, but he remained faithful.  Did Peter or Paul stop preaching about Jesus when the authorities ordered them to?  It cost them many beatings and nights in jail.  Just as these faithful believers answered to a Higher Authority, so do the owners of Hobby Lobby.  If this Christian company offers 16 of the mandated 20 birth control methods, but feels that the morning-after pill and certain intrauterine devices  are designed to destroy a life, then our Constitution and God's sovereignty give them the right to hold fast to their faith.
     Now, the question is whether or not the Justices will follow God's laws or man's law.

Acts 5:29   But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: "We ought to obey God rather than men."

March 25, 2014

Suffer Me The Little Ones

     I am still reeling from the headline on The Drudge Report yesterday:  "Aborted Babies Incinerated to Heat UK Hospitals."  Has the world lost all sense of mercy and compassion?  This sounds like a headline straight from hell!
     You will remember that when the healthcare debate was raging over Obamacare, there were enough concerns about the Government-run Healthcare System in the United Kingdom to cause more than a few of us to issue warnings.  We were told to ignore the horror stories that had begun emerging from across the ocean; after all, "In Britain, the government itself runs the hospitals and employs the doctors."  And that's supposed to reassure us, how?  I mean, c'mon, look at the beautiful show they put on at the Olympics -- all the children were safely tucked into their beds by caring National Health Services (NHS) nurses.  No need to worry!
     Except that the scary stories kept coming:  patients so dehydrated that they were drinking water from flower pots; guidelines put in place to limit care to the very young and the very old;  starving, thirsty patients in soiled bedclothes; and errors made in more than 1 in 10 cases, leading to 5.2% of deaths, which was the equivalent of nearly 12,000 preventable deaths in hospitals in England every year.
     And the unthinkable has been revealed.  The Telegraph writes that the remains of more than 15,000 aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as 'clinical waste' by hospitals in Britain, with some used in 'waste to energy' plants.  
     According to Wikipedia, Waste to Energy, or its more sophisticated name, WtE, is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the incineration of waste.  It is touted as a form of energy recovery.  Most WtE processes produce electricity and/or heat directly through combustion, or produce a combustible fuel commodity, such as methane, methanol, ethanol or synthetic fuels.  
     Except in this case, the"waste" was one of God's creations who was either thrown in with all the other trash, or incinerated for the purpose of generating energy in the form of heat for hospital sites.  I cannot even fathom how the heart of our Father in Heaven must be breaking.  Only soulless people without the ability to feel or care could be a part of this tragedy.  And they can't even claim ignorance!
     One of the country’s leading hospitals, Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge, incinerated 797 babies below 13 weeks gestation at their own ‘waste to energy’ plant. The mothers were told the remains had been ‘cremated.’  Another ‘waste to energy’ facility at Ipswich Hospital, operated by a private contractor, incinerated 1,101 fetal remains between 2011 and 2013.  Apparently, this hospital's budget could not cover their heating bill, so they borrowed bodies from another hospital to meet their energy needs.
     Not only is this practice disgusting, immoral and monstrous, but the article doesn't seem to indicate that hospital Boards or Trusts felt they were doing anything outside the norm of human empathy.  Unfortunately, I suspect that this incident is just a symptom of the decay in our human spirit.  It is not unlike the apostasy of the Israelites when they abandoned God to follow false religions.
    As a race of human beings, we have pretty much spit in His eye; we have renounced His statutes and declared ourselves outside His jurisdiction.  And now we have relegated the sacred status of His unborn to the incinerator.  We would do well to remember His judgment that came upon the Israelites in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom.  They burned their sons and daughters in the fire pits to a false idol, and God passed His judgment on them:  He would tread on the wicked and the dead bodies would pile up until there was no room to bury them all.  This reprehensible practice is no different.  Our time of judgment is coming.

Ezekiel 28:18    "By the multitude of your iniquities, in the unrighteousness of your trade you profaned your sanctuaries. Therefore I have brought fire from the midst of you; It has consumed you, and I have turned you to ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who see you."

March 24, 2014

Making Sense of Crimea

     To be honest, I don't have anything but the most elementary understanding of what is going on in Crimea. But maybe that's where most of the truth lies; because I don't believe that the Kremlin, the White House, or the Media is presenting an unbiased or accurate report of what is unfolding.  That seems pretty obvious when the back and forth between the Super Powers only creates a murky image wrought by political machinations.  Thanks to the BBC Europe offices, I will attempt to provide a very basic view of why Crimea is such an important news story.
     On a purely historic level, one can get a pretty good picture of an underlying source of conflict.  Crimea is a region in the far south of Ukraine, and is situated as a peninsula on Ukraine's Black Sea coast.  The country of Ukraine came into existence in 1991, with the breakup of the old Soviet Union.  Within, Ukraine's population of 44.6 million people, Crimea is home to somewhere around 2.3 million people; a majority of whom identify themselves as ethnic Russians and speak Russian.  This region voted heavily for the recently deposed President Viktor Yanukovych, and in fact, many of them believe he was the victim of a coup (probably fostered by the West) after he refused to sign an association agreement with the European Union.  They think that this event gave the separatists in the Crimean parliament the opportunity to engender a vote for joining the Russian Federation and a referendum on secession from Ukraine.
     The demographics of the Ukrainian population lends some credence to this theory.  Ethnic Ukrainians make up 24% of the population in Crimea according to the 2001 census, compared with 58% Russians and 12% Tatars, who are Muslim and were once the majority before being deported in large numbers by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in 1944 for alleged collaboration with Nazi invaders in World War Two.  (The irony of that fact is that Stalin was, himself, the biggest collaborator with Nazi Germany and rivaled Hitler with his extermination of "undesirables" -- but that's rarely admitted in today's revisionist history lessons and an entirely different subject matter).
     Crimea's attachment to Russia goes back over 200 years, when it was annexed by the Mother Country in 1783.  Moscow held the dominant power over Crimea until they ceded it to Ukraine - then part of the Soviet Union - in 1954.  That has been a serious point of contention for the ethnic Russians in the region.  So, as you can see, there is certainly some evidence and an emerging picture of a region whose population is primarily Russian, speaks Russian, and considers themselves Russian; therefore viewing annexation by Russia as a good thing.
     What is not being made clear to the general population in the West, through their media outlets, is that Crimea is an autonomous republic within Ukraine, electing its own parliament, with a prime minister appointed with approval from Kiev.  So now those members of the Crimean parliament have appointed a pro-Moscow leader, Sergei Aksyonov, who wants Crimea to unite with Russia, and called for a referendum to be put before the voters.  They were asked to vote between two choices:  1) Are you in favor of re-uniting Crimea with Russia as a constituent part of the Russian Federation?  2)  Are you in favor of restoring the Constitution of the (autonomous) Republic of Crimea of 1992 and retaining the status of Crimea as part of Ukraine?  The results of the March 16th referendum were reported by election officials:  97% of voters had voted in favor of joining the Russian Federation; local media alleged voter fraud, while some feared that Russia was orchestrating violence in Eastern Ukraine as a pretext to invading those regions.
     The heads of government in Ukraine's capital of Kiev declared this referendum to be illegal (although in the Ukrainian constitution, Crimea is allowed local referendums).  The UN's Security Council attempt to pass a resolution that would make the referendum null and void was vetoed by Russia.  And now the West has declared that they will not recognize the results of the referendum.
     But does the West really have the right to condemn or control this turn of political events (especially if they had a hand in orchestrating it)?  Would the citizens of Wisconsin want Germany, for instance, telling them that their contested election of Scott Walker was invalid?  We experienced the same political battles between segments of the population as Crimea.
     I know that this is a rather simplistic view, and Wisconsin did not have troops amassed on their border, but it's never a good idea when we stick our noses in the business of other countries.  As for Russia's interpretation of the situation, their defence laws allow military action overseas to "protect Russian citizens" -- just as ours do.  Furthermore, President Vladimir Putin has defended Crimea's decision to stage the referendum as "based on international law".
     But here's the other side of the coin:  Through a series of Declarations and Agreements in the 1990s, Russia clearly recognized the existing borders of Ukraine (which includes Crimea).  But now Russia has multiplied its military forces in Crimea without the consent of Ukraine. It has allegedly deployed them outside of agreed military infrastructure; taking control over key installations, such as airports, and have even gone as far as surrounding Ukrainian units.  Looks an awful lot like an act of aggression to me!
    So who is right?  Aren't the citizens of Crimea legally citizens of Ukraine, regardless of their Russian proclivities?  So isn't it Ukraine's responsibility to protect its citizens, and thereby making Russia's claim that it is "protecting Russian citizens" a reach?  Yes, Moscow claims that former President Yanukovych requested armed intervention during the recent riots in Kiev.  But since he was deposed by Ukraine's Parliament, he no longer legally represents the Ukrainian people and his request is invalid.  Conversely, the new Crimean regional authority, whose request for intervention was also cited by Russia, lacks the legal power to take such a step, since it is still a part of Ukraine.
     This is why the situation in Crimea is so dangerous.  Who is going to blink first?  If Russia can somehow instigate the government of Ukraine into making a move in response to Russian troops on their border, then they can use the excuse of defending their troops and ethnic kin as a reason to escalate.  Does anyone think that Ukraine can stand up against the might of the Russian military?  And do we want to take that same gamble by interfering in this regional and ethnic conflict?  Isn't this conflict essentially a civil war between Ukraine and Russia?  Look how well we have managed to engineer these kinds of struggles in Syria and Egypt!
     I guess my concern is that so many who know more than I do, are warning that we are sitting on the brink of another World War.  Will cooler heads prevail?  Or is this the hook that God puts into Gog's jaw that draws the world into Ezekiel's End Times prophecy?  We do not know the timing, but far be it from me to refute the possibility.  I only know that, ultimately, God is in control.  All I can do is pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done!"

Ezekiel 38:4   "and say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal. I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army..."

March 23, 2014

Leviticus 6:37

There is one law of them [the offerings];
the priest who shall make atonement with it, his shall it be.

       To begin with, you might find it difficult to locate this passage using the Scriptural address I am using.  As I have told you, I have recently begun a deep, deep study of Scripture; starting in Genesis, with the intention of reading my Bible through again for about the 4th time -- but this time, not skimming over those difficult passages, or those that seemed monotonous and (I'm ashamed to say) meaningless to me, the modern-day Christian.
     I am using my Strong's Hebrew/Greek Concordance to look up the precise, historic meaning of words and not rely on my 21st-century Study Bible commentaries to explain what God wants me to know.  To that end, I have begun reading the Bible from the Greek translation, from what I consider to be trusted sources:  the Septuagint (for the OT), and Kenneth Wuest's expanded translation of the New Testament.  Wuest was a noted Christian New Testament Greek (Κοινή) scholar of the mid-Twentieth century.  
     So .... needless to say, it has taken me quite a few months to make my way through Genesis and Exodus to what (in my less ardent days) I considered the burdensome Leviticus.  I had always thought, "What did all these laws and commandments have to do with me?"  But this time I was determined to discover what God would have me know about these various offerings and sacrifices that He commanded His chosen people to follow -- and included in His Holy Bible for all the world to read. 
     It has been laborious, but I really wanted to know the significance of each offering and why it was important to God that the Jews obey them.  So, after weeks of flipping back and forth from my Strong's to the Septuagint, and comparing what I have found, while asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten me, this is what I have determined; this is my conjecture, so please do not take it as dogma -- do your own research.  But I am coming to believe that this is what God wants us to take away from each of the different sacrificial offerings:

SIN OFFERING:  It was made in acknowledgement of sins; admitting guilt.
BURNT OFFERING:  It was made in dedication to God and to His service.
MEAT (GRAIN) OFFERING:  It was offered in worship and acknowledgement of God's provision and the Jews' "daily bread".  The use of Frankincense was mandatory - it was expensive, and therefore a costly sacrifice to the person, and pleasing to God.  This offering pointed to a dependence on God and personal sacrifice.
PEACE OFFERING: This offering was made in acknowledgment of being made whole through the peace of knowing and experiencing God's forgiveness; signifies the peace that the sacrifice brings.
TRESPASS OFFERING:  This was a specialized Sin offering, made when someone had been denied what was due him; it required repayment and restitution of 20% more than the original loss.  

     It is important to note that each of these offerings required a Priest of the people to offer a blood sacrifice upon the altar dedicated to God.  It was ONLY through the blood that the people could expect forgiveness and reconciliation with God.  But why did God institute and require these elaborate ceremonies?  What was the purpose of centuries of obedience to these ancient customs?  Why does the Bible repeat the information on these offerings multiple times?
     Then it dawned on me [solely through the Holy Spirit, of course]!  All these ceremonies and offerings point to Christ!  Through these offerings, the Jews, through their centuries of repetition and practice; and we, Christians, through the repetitions of them in the Bible, should recognize our High Priest and His blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins.  
     Look back over the significance I have provided of each of the offerings -- do you see Him and our need to reconcile with God through Him?  He came because we have admittedly sinned.  He dedicated His earthly life to God and to His Father's service.  He is our "daily bread" and the costly, personal sacrifice that was pleasing to God.  We are made whole through accepting Him as the sacrifice for our sins, which brings peace to our souls.  And finally, He paid the 120% compensation that was due our Sovereign God on our behalf; for our depravity, sins, and the breaking of God's laws.
     Once I realized that these sacrificial offerings actually had value and meaning for me, I delighted in looking for Jesus in the verses ... and discovering Him!  Over and over again, at the end of each of these Biblical sacrificial ceremonies, I found the verse "and the priest shall make an atonement for his sin that he has committed, and it shall be forgiven him."  THESE OFFERINGS ALL POINTED TO JESUS'S WORK ON THE CROSS!  God gave these sacrificial ceremonies to the Jews so that they could recognize Jesus and His message when He came to them.  Sadly, they did not discern that He mirrored their own sacrifices, and in truth, came to be their Sacrifice, once and for all.  
     And by revealing these sacrifices to us Christians through Scripture, we should be reminded of all that His sacrifice requires: admission of our sins; dedication to serving God; costly, personal sacrifice in following Him --- and all that it offers: we can begin our journey towards wholeness in Him; and gratitude that He paid the price on our behalf, so that we might be reconciled with God.
     That brings me back to the verse I have chosen for today's post.  You will most likely find it listed as Leviticus 7:7 in your Bible.  I don't know why later Bible translations broke Chapter 6 where they did, but I prefer to consider this verse as a continuation of the purpose of Chapter 6, just as the Septuagint reads. 
     So, now, it is my hope that this verse will have a deeper, more personal message for you.... the priest that shall make atonement with it; his it shall be.... Just like all the rest of the Scripture in Leviticus, this points to Christ!  As our High Priest, who has made atonement for us, we belong to Him!  Does that bring you as much comfort as it does me?
     I challenge you to go back and read Leviticus.  Read it with new eyes and a new heart.  Look for Him in all those verses that used to bore you; let the Holy Spirit reveal Him in all His glory, and I promise you that you will begin to connect the dots and see what an awesome God we have!