A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label End Times Judgment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label End Times Judgment. Show all posts

April 14, 2024

Remember God's Promises In The Midst of World Chaos

As I finish writing this post, Iranian drones are flying over Israel, and the sense of impending war is heavy. Are these the birth pangs Jesus talked about? Is God determining to shake the world to bring about judgment and [hopefully] repentance? At the same time, as the season of Passover approaches, I am detecting a heightened sense of anticipation in my spirit; different than other years. I don't know how to explain it, other than I'm discerning the upcoming Feast Days unlike I have in years past. The picture God is painting for me is still not in total view, but I want to share what seems to be making sense to me at the moment. And I need to begin with how the Feast days tie into our current world events.

If you are familiar with the timeline of God's Holy Feast days then you are aware that the Spring Feasts align with Jesus's Crucifixion and death, His burial, and His Resurrection. To be more specific, He died as the sacrificial lamb [delivering us from the consequences of sin] on the Feast of Passover; was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread [born without sin, He is our Bread of Life]; He rose on the Feast of First Fruits [as the first fruit of the harvest of souls]. Then, 50 days later, on Pentecost, [which is when the Jews believe Moses received the written Law], He sent the Holy Spirit to write God's laws on the hearts of Believers.   

Knowing the spiritual and historical significance of these Holy Days, I am drawn back to that critical moment in time when the first Passover occurred, and God chose to step in and deliver His chosen people from their bondage. Israel had suffered in slavery for 400 years in Egypt and God had heard their cries and sent Moses to try and convince Pharaoh to set them free. Because Pharaoh hardened his heart and rebelled against the Most High God, YHWH interceded to set His plan in motion.

Ultimately, He sent the Angel of Death to judge the nation that had enslaved His people, telling Pharaoh, "Israel is My son, my firstborn. So, I said to you, 'Let My son go that He may serve Me; but you have refused to let him go. Behold, I will kill your son; your first born' " (Exodus 4:22-23). This is a prime example of what it can look like when God shows up to defeat Satan's wickedness and evil. He shows Creation (Satan and his fallen angels) just who is in charge. How it must have enraged Satan to see that God had provided a way for death to "pass over" the homes [and sons] of the Israelites!

God instructed His people how He wished them to memorialize this day of their deliverance by sacrificing an "unblemished" lamb to make peace with Him. This was to remind them that although they were His chosen people, they were not without guilt. Pharaoh paid a price with the shedding of his son's blood. The Israelites would have had their sons killed, too, without the substitutionary sacrifice of the lamb... Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). 

The ancient sacrifice of the first Passover lamb occurred on the 14th day of Nisan and this day has been commemorated ever since. It should be of great significance to all Believers to understand that nearly 1500 years later, Jesus would become the sacrifice for us, that we might make peace with God. Once again, God chose to step into the world because something had to change if His plan to reconcile mankind was to move forward. So, Jesus chose to die for us on a long ago Passover; to shed His blood so that we could be forgiven for our sins and our relationship with our Creator could be purified and made holy.

Mankind has now had over 2000 years since that historic Passover to make their peace with God and receive that much-needed forgiveness by coming to faith in the One who provided the way to reconciliation. But does it look like we want to restore our relationship with Him? Does the world look like it seeks to honor His sacrifice by perpetuating His message of loving the Lord God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and loving your neighbor as much as you love yourself? The violence that threatens to engulf the world surely does not honor the upcoming Holy Days. 

We must not forget that while our God is a God of grace and mercy, He does not accept our sin and disobedience without chastising us. Over and over the Israelites of the Bible did not fulfill their obligations to YHWH for delivering them out of bondage. Not only did they continue to sin, but they rejected Jesus [whom YHWH sent to deliver them once more]; they refused to listen to His messengers, the prophets; and they forgot His word. And let's not forget the horrific harm to children through their idol worship of child sacrifice. I think nothing grieves God more! And the nation of Israel ended up in bondage. 

I dare to say that the world closely resembles that level of sin today. We certainly deserve the judgment of our Holy and Righteous God. And I believe that every day is an act of His mercy and love for us, giving us a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness; to end the impending wars and violence, the murder of innocent babies, and the sexual perversion that threatens to entrap millions of children in sexual slavery. And it gives Believers one more day to share the Good News of deliverance from our bondage to sin and God's glory of a coming Kingdom on earth.

So, as I contemplate these upcoming Spring Feasts, I am reminded that the Fall Feasts are not that far away. And remember, they point to Jesus's return when God sends Him, once again, to reconcile the world and defeat Evil and Wickedness; this time for good. And what I keep hearing in my spirit is God's promise in Hebrews 12:26-28 that He will "shake the earth and the heavens" in judgment in order to give us His Kingdom that cannot be shaken. 

We know that when Jesus died on the Cross, there was a great earthquake; the earth shook and the veil in the temple was torn in two, representing that the separation between man and God was torn asunder and we now have access to restore our relationship with our Father in Heaven. That shaking 2000 years ago is a foreshadowing of increasing shakings to come, unless we turn from our wicked ways and seek His face.

We do not know when the future Return of Christ will occur, but we do know that it will happen during the Fall Feasts. And when Jesus warns in Matthew of false prophets, false Christs, wars and rumors of wars, famine and pestilence, and great earthquakes that will shake the world, it may look like He's coming soon ... perhaps even during the 2024 Fall Feasts? Many are beginning to tremble with fear of God's judgments, but for us Believers, it is a time for rejoicing, because we know of God's promises when Jesus returns -- even in the midst of world chaos. It is a time of hope, not despair.

We know that no matter what evil Satan instigates in the world, we have an eternal life that awaits us. We know that while we are in this world, it is not our true home. We are a citizen of Heaven, and God promises we have a Savior who will take us Home with Him. Not only that, but He has promised us a home in His mansion; one that He is preparing for us even now. Furthermore, we have the promise that we get to exchange this mortal body [that is subject to pain and disease] for a glorious body, just like Christ's!  

Even in the midst of all the chaos, evil, and corruption of God's laws, I think the promise I am most excited about is the intimacy with Christ that I will experience -- to have personal access to Him as He receives me into His adopted family is something that I hang on to as I witness the increasing darkness. That promise transcends anything the kingdom of darkness can bring against us in this season. And who does not look forward to the promise of having authority in the Millennial Kingdom as we rule and reign with our Lord? 

But while we are still here on the earth, there are still promises that sustain us! Jesus will never leave us or abandon us. We have a precious inheritance that awaits us in heaven; an inheritance that will not perish, spoil or fade, as God, Himself guards it for us. The old corrupted order of things will be abolished and a new order will find us engaged in eternal worship and rejoicing in the presence of God. And don't forget the Heavenly celebration that awaits us at the Wedding Banquet! We will be given fine linen robes of white to wear. What a day that will be!

But even in the midst of all this reflection on the promises of God, we must face the reality of the tragic events that must take place at the end of time. Scripture tells us that wars, earthquakes, famine etc. will come to pass -- and we can certainly see the "shaking" that is coming into view. But the final promise will help us endure these troubling times because we know that God will judge the Enemy and the Enemy will be defeated! And then God comes to dwell with us!! And how I anticipate walking and talking with Him just like Adam and Eve did! 

So, as the world takes another step towards chaos and world war, I wonder if this is another critical moment in time when God will intervene for His people. Will He show up to demonstrate to Satan just who is in charge? While we wait for that answer, I will focus on the Spring Feasts in the next week, and I will be mindful of the sacrifice and pain Jesus suffered for us, and what it must have been like to experience the loss of hope in the days following His death. But I will praise Him for giving me the opportunity to come to faith and believe in His promises. And then I will look forward to that future season of the Fall Feasts when Evil is defeated and all the above promises become our new reality... and it may be coming sooner than we think!

2 Corinthians 7:1     Therefore, since we have [great and wonderful] promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, completing holiness [living a consecrated life -- a life set apart for God's purpose] in the fear of God.           


February 15, 2024

What Does the Bible Have To Say About God's Great White Throne Judgment?

As I explained in the last post, I am walking in a new season of study in God's Word... not reading something new, but rather, understanding what I've read before in a new light and revelation. What the Lord is asking of me is to understand the Judgments of God and to share what the Bible reveals about His judgments and who they affect. And, so today my focus is on one of the most misunderstood judgments of the End Times...

The Great White Throne Judgment.  Here is what Scripture says about this judgment, found in Revelation 20:11-15 -- And I saw a great white throne and the One sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from His presence, but they found no place to hide. I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God's throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. The sea gave up its dead, and death and Hades (the grave) gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire. 

The first thing we need to understand about this passage is that this judgment was prophesied in the Old Testament by Daniel 12:2: And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And it is evident, by the language, that this is referring to awakening from death [sleep], i.e., resurrection; and that there are two different resurrections being mentioned -- one to everlasting life, and one to everlasting contempt [death]. So, it looks like all the dead will be resurrected at some time or other, but not everyone will receive the same fate. Jesus confirms this in John 5:29, when He says, "and come out, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment".    

So, what does the Bible say about these two resurrections and what are the fates of those resurrected? Let's take a look at the first resurrection ... Revelation 20:4-6 describes it: Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such, the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with Him for a thousand years.  The first resurrection will see the martyrs, the Old Testament saints, and those who rise to meet Christ at His return. These are all believers and they will rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years, or in other words, during the Millennium. 

It is also important to realize that this first resurrection "age", if you will, takes place in different stages. Jesus begins the age with His own resurrection, as the "first fruits" of God's redemptive plan for all mankind (1 Corinthians 15:20). There will then be the resurrection of  "the dead in Christ" at His return (1 Thessalonians 4:16). These stages are then followed, at the end of the tribulation, with the resurrection of the martyrs and the Old Testament saints (Revelation 20:4). They are all part of the first resurrection.

NOTE: I want to interject that sometime during this age between the first and second resurrections, the Bema Seat Judgment takes place. (See my post on this judgment of believers and their inheritance/rewards here). There is no definitive time given in the Bible [that I can find] that narrows the timeline. The options are:  immediately after a believer dies; after the Rapture [depending on when you believe that takes place]; after Jesus's Second Coming; sometime during the Millennium Kingdom; or before the Great White Throne Judgment, which some believe happens at the end of the Millennium Kingdom, [or thousand year reign of Christ on earth] and preceding the coming of the new heavens and the new earth. That's why it is important for us all to spend time knowing what we believe and why.   

Now, let's look at the second resurrection. From the Revelation 20 passage, it can be surmised that those who comprise the second resurrection are the wicked who are judged by God at the Great White Throne Judgment. Their judgment will take place prior to being thrown into the Lake of Fire. So, this is the raising of all unbelievers, who will be judged for their evil and/or unbelief. Various versions of John 5:29 describe it as "the resurrection of judgment" (ESV); judgment that is to be sentenced (AMP); the "resurrection of condemnation" (1599 Geneva Bible); and the "resurrection of damnation" (KJV).  

We have now expanded on the events that happen before the Great White Throne Judgment, i.e., the Bema Seat Judgment and the first and second resurrections of all the dead on earth. But what actually happens at this critical judgment of the unbelieving world? First of all, we should be in awe of the picture that the Apostle John paints ... Satan is released from the Abyss and God's presence on this throne of judgment is presented. It is so powerful and profound that both the earth and the sky [first heaven] "fled away". I believe this is referencing other descriptions in the Bible that describe earthquakes, mountains and islands being displaced, and the darkening of the sun and moon and stars -- in other words, man's sin cursed the earth, and God is now going to make way for a new creation; the new heavens and earth. That will begin to be revealed at the Great White Throne judgment.

Also, it is clear that this judgment is coming against all the unbelieving from every age of human history. The Lamb's Book of Life will be opened and if your name is not written in that book, you will not escape the Lake of Fire. I think we can consider this as a "spiritual death"; the eternal and everlasting separation from the presence of God. Thankfully, those of us who are believers and found in the Book of Life, need have no fear of suffering this second death. It has no power over those of us who have experienced the first resurrection and stood before the Bema Seat of Judgment.

The final thing I would like us to consider about the Great White Throne Judgment is its underlying message to us, the Believer. At times, when we see the lawlessness, cruelty, and wickedness of the world, we may wonder where God's justice is. Will the evil-doers ever be punished? The Great White Throne Judgment assures us that God is just, and He will repay the wicked for their crimes. "Vengeance is mine", says the Lord. Also, the picture of a future Great White Throne judgment reminds us that we are in a period of God's patience, as 2 Peter 3:9 tells us: The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise [to repay the wicked], as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance". We are to make hay while the sun shines, so to speak, and reach as many as we can for Christ during this time in which God is exercising His patience, before releasing the Son to hold judgment. This is doing the will of God.  

In summary, the Great White Throne judgment is where unbelievers will be resurrected from the dead to stand before Christ and be judged for their works. Every thought, word and act has been documented in the Books in Heaven, and each will receive what they deserve, depending on the severity of their disobedience, and based on the amount of revelation they received about God and what they did with it. And here's an unexpected turn of events --- because Believers are co-heirs with Christ, they will participate in the judgment! "Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world"? (1 Corinthians 6:2).

So, while we know that our great God is a God of love, mercy and grace, we must know Him in the fullness of His character, and understand that He is also a righteous God of justice, and judgment belongs to Him. Thank you, Lord, for revealing Your complete nature! I want to know all about You!

Acts 10:42.  And He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead.

May 11, 2023

Trust God To Move!


I know, without a doubt, that millions of people in this nation are praying 2 Chronicles 7:14 ... Then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. Yet things just seem to be going from bad to worse, don't they? You may be asking, "Does God hear our prayers and the millions of voices crying out to Him"? And I can hear you thinking, "Things are getting pretty desperate down here in the good 'ol USA, Father. We could use Your intervention and a move on Your part to restore this nation to its greatness". So, I want to ask you a question ... do you trust God to move in the midst of the crises we are facing?

I know how extremely serious and grim it looks. We will soon see thousands of people storming our southern border to enter "this land of milk and honey". And with them come the threats of overwhelming every system that exists to ensure our health, safety, and economic welfare. Our government officials [at the highest level] are serving themselves, instead of the people they've been given the authority [by God] to serve. Our success and future as a nation have been mismanaged to the point that we are in extreme danger of losing who we are. The principles that we have held dear -- the right to free speech; the right to determine the degree of our prosperity and well-being; the promise of law and order that guarantees safe and secure communities; the right to defend ourselves; and the freedom to live and let live in peace and comfort -- all this seems but a moment away from disappearing.

But, I will ask you again ... Do you trust God to move in the midst of these crises? I ask because I want to share a concept expressed in a sermon by Pastor Marty Strait, of Pathway Church in Longview. TX.  The good Pastor said, "It's not a question of IF God wants to move. The question is WHO is He going to move through"? Ponder that for a moment ... I know that there will be people who will say that God no longer makes big Biblical moves in the world today. They will say He doesn't show up in the pillars of cloud and fire like He did for the Israelites in the Exodus; He doesn't divinely guide us, appearing in a miraculous way to lead us out of this quagmire we have built for ourselves. The Bible makes it clear that it pleased God to appear to His people who cried out in the midst of their bondage in Egypt. Perhaps it appears to some today that God is not likewise pleased to answer our cries and groanings for deliverance. Why is He silent? Why does He not move in our land?

Those are some serious questions that deserve some serious attention. First, I would like to state that I believe it always pleases God to move in the affairs of men, and He desires to lead and guide us in miraculous ways. He is our never-changing Immutable God! We were created for relationship with Him from the beginning in the Garden, and He has moved, is moving, and will always move through those who are uncompromised. So, when we ask where He is during this, our moment of need -- or why hasn't He responded to our prayers to rescue us -- perhaps we need to ask how many of us are compromised? Which of us are unquestioningly and consistently "turning from our wicked ways", which is a prerequisite to God hearing and responding to our prayers and restoring our land?

It's not enough to just pray and worship our Righteous and Holy God. We have to change and turn from our wicked ways. Sadly, I think too many of us have compromised with our culture -- exchanging our "works" for the Lord and our "worship" of His Majesty for self-proclaimed righteousness. Have any of us accepted standards for our society that are lower than God has commanded? Be honest! Have any of us modified God's commandments in order to strike "a bargain" or make concession with the rest of society? Have we been agreeable to take the middle ground in moral issues rather than the high ground, in order to avoid conflict? 

If we've answered "yes" to any of these questions, or even have doubts as to how we should answer, then we have not fully turned from what God considers "wicked ways". And because we have not been attentive to changing our ways -- by compromising and making concessions -- perhaps we also haven't understood the consequences of breaking relationship with God and how it leads to disharmony, and ultimately the breaking up of what is good and desirable [in God's eyes] for man and society. 

When I did a deep dive on the meaning and understanding of the word "wicked" in Strong's Concordance, I found a most interesting exegesis... "As absolute Sovereign, the Lord creates a universe governed by a moral order. Calamity and misfortune will surely ensue from the wickedness of ungodly men. When He purposely withdraws His powerful hand, resorting to providence and sovereignty, and leaves the situation to ungodly men, He has created a situation wherein peace and wholesomeness will not stand. The ungodly men will wreck the peace and establish that which is poor, less than His reflection, and hurtful to all considered". In other words, a nation, a society -- and yes, even a Church -- that has been willing to accept  compromise, lower standards, and concessions that do not represent God, can expect ungodly men to rule the day. 

That is unacceptable to our righteous God! He will not honor anything but our complete and full repentance. We cannot rightly serve Him if we are not "all in". Make no mistake, I believe He wants to work through us and display a Mighty, Miraculous Move in this nation! But let's take seriously the conditions our God lays before us ... humble ourselves; pray; seek His face; and turn from our wicked ways -- REPENT WITH A CLEAN HEART. He makes it clear: IF we will do these things, THEN He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and wicked ways, and restore our land! There is no compromise, no doing it half-way! Be bold in admitting the mistakes we've made and how we've taken Him for granted! And then trust that HE WILL MOVE in a mighty way and restore our nation. This is no time to doubt or fear; it's time to commit, submit, and trust that God is who He says He is, and will do what He says He will do! 

2 Chronicles 6:30-31    ... then hear from heaven Your dwelling place and forgive and render to each whose heart You know, according to all his ways, for You, You only, know the hearts of the children of mankind, that they may fear You and walk in Your ways all the days that they live in the land that You gave to our fathers.

December 16, 2022

From a Lamb to a Lion

What I'm going to talk about today comes from personal experience. Lately, I've been discerning an awakening among the family of God. It's not explosive and certainly not widespread, but still, it is undeniable. There is a remnant in the Body of Christ that is realizing that the religious normalcy bias we've been operating in, is not our reality. We've come to know that Scripture speaks plainly that judgment is coming on the nation that continues to rebel against God. In Amos, Chapter 4, God reminds His nation of Israel that He sent famine; drought; plagues of insects to kill their crops and plagues of sickness to kill their people. He also overthrew and destroyed the depraved [as a warning to all], "Yet you have not returned to Me in repentance". And his last statement in Chapter 4 is chilling ... "Prepare to meet your God [in judgment], O Israel"!

That is what happens to an idolatrous and corrupt nation who turns away from YHWH. We should take note. It doesn't matter whether we were founded as a Christian nation or not. Our actions throughout the two-and-a-half centuries of our existence speak louder. And over the last half century, this nation has shown flagrant contempt and scorn for God. He is absent from the halls of Congress, our schools, our entertainment industry, from corporate America, and from many families. It is not enough to say that He is still alive in the churches of America when the churches are run like businesses, the leadership approves of ungodly lifestyles, and Jezebel controls the congregation. 

I know this sounds harsh. And I know there are Godly pockets of the Remnant that seek to establish His Kingdom in this nation. And God will honor that and give us favor! But stop for just a moment and look at the big picture this nation presents to God as He sits on His throne. The corruption, the greed, the immorality, the perversion and depravity, the murders, the disdain for law and order ... all of this threatens to overcome the standards of goodness and decency that were once the hallmarks of our society.

I have been ruminating on these thoughts for awhile, and asking the Lord to show me that what I am discerning is wrong. I desperately want to be wrong! I would love to bask in the belief that we will somehow escape the ramifications of the falling away from God. But the Holy Spirit spoke to me in the early hours before dawn and showed me that unlike the Jews, who rejected Jesus as the Lamb of compassion and mercy because they wanted a Warrior King, the Church of Jesus in the 21st Century wants to reject the idea of Him as the returning Warrior King, in favor of keeping Him as the Lamb of Grace! The Church wants to keep Jesus as the Lamb and keep Him stuck in His role as peacemaker and pacifist. 

As I've said so often, it is difficult when your discernment and Biblical worldview doesn't match the normalcy bias of most modern-day Christians. We are so comfortable with our view of Jesus as our Savior when He's the Lamb. But when He becomes the Warrior King dispensing righteous judgment, that image threatens to destroy the joy in the Lord. You can point out that the Bible, itself, shows us a deteriorating world that will lead Him to return as a conquering Warrior King with His robe dipped in the blood of the wicked for the judgment of mankind [Revelation 19:13]. And you can show them that there will be a sword coming out of His mouth with which to strike the nations [Revelation 19:15], and He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty [Revelation 14:17-20]. Still they cannot accept Him in this role. Anything but the image of the loving Lamb of God brings offense, and I surmise a good amount of fear.

But I take great comfort in knowing that He will finally go to war as the Commander of the Heavenly Host against Satan and his army of fallen angels. I recognize that my Lord is full of compassion and grace and mercy, but when the cup of God's wrath against Evil is full, I know Him to be the Warrior King, who from Genesis 3:15 forward, is the Defender of His bloodline and His people. He appears throughout the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord, with sword in hand, ready to fight to defend those who belong to Him [Joshua 5:13; 2 Kings 19:35; Psalm 35:5-6]. And as Exodus 23:20-33 shows us, when YHWH sent the Israelites into the Promised Land, where lived the Nephilim giants, He sent an Angel [the pre-incarnate Jesus] before them, to "keep them and guard them on the way and to bring them to the place He had prepared". Jesus was a Giant-killer! And since He is the same today as He was then, we have nothing to fear about the Judgment that is coming. 

And don't you think God is going to keep and guard on us on our way to the Millennium Kingdom and eternal life in the new Heaven and Earth? He is sending Jesus, the Warrior King to go before us, defeating Evil once and for all and bringing us to the place God has prepared for us. So, it is my prayer and my hope that the Body of Christ comes to embrace the truth and knowledge that Jesus is coming to judge the world in righteousness and wage war against Evil. Our faith and hope in a glorious future in Heaven must overcome all fear about what might happen in this world. It will be our privilege to do spiritual battle (and physical, if necessary) alongside our Savior. He will be a formidable Captain of the Angelic Army and our Defender! We will see the Lamb of God become the Lion of Judah and Righteousness and Justice will rule the world!

#endtimeswar #endtimesjudgment #jesuswarriorking #endtimesprophecies #dayofthelord

Revelation 19:11   And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who was riding it is called Faithful and True (trustworthy, loyal, incorruptible, steady), and in righteousness He judges and wages war [on the rebellious nations].


December 12, 2022

Judgment Is Prophesied: Even The Stones Will Cry Out and Accuse


I recently read a fascinating article by Coach Dave Daubenmire, titled Are The Rocks Crying Out. Known for his fearless and outspoken commentary on the state of our culture and the faith of Americans, Coach didn't disappoint when he called out the condition of the Church. As he said, himself, "Are  you sitting down? America already has enough cookie-cutter Christians". This statement was made in support of his supposition that instead of the lukewarm Church leadership leading the way, perhaps God has chosen Elon Musk and Kanye West (as different as they are) to be the useful instruments of His revelation in this corrupted world.  

Are these the men who we would expect to be spokesmen for God? I'm pretty sure most of us would say "no". Obviously, their words and their methods don't look like they come from God either. In fact, I'm conflicted as to where Elon Musk stands in God's redemptive plan for humanity. While I applaud him pulling back the veil on Big Tech's censorship and violation of our First Amendment rights, I'm suspicious of his work in the area of artificial intelligence and brain chip interfaces in the name of "medical science". I've never heard nor seen evidence that he has a relationship with God. And then what is there to say about Kanye? His inflammatory rhetoric is stirring the conscience of the culture, to be sure. And his declaration of faith is certainly passionate. Yet his justification for both his faith and his rhetoric is causing an uproar in the national dialogue. How can either of these men be representatives for God and his plan for mankind?

But as Coach Daubenmire points out, "God's ways are not our ways". There are many examples in the Bible where God used ungodly men and ways to change the course of history in accordance with His will. Think Nebuchadnezzar, Darius the Mede, King Cyrus, the false prophets of Baal, and the lying spirit sent to King Ahab. Remember, when God's offers for repentance and forgiveness are rejected time and again, His cup of wrath becomes full. And God is not restricted as to who or how He will see His holy purposes fulfilled. He is Sovereign and can use both good and evil men to accomplish His plans and bring glory to His Name. Are Musk and West divine instruments of God? I can't say for sure, but this I know ... they are revealing the ugly underbelly of our culture and pulling the curtain aside to uncover the corruption in all our ways. 

And that's when the Coach calls our attention to Jesus's comment to the Pharisees in Luke 19:40: “I tell you, if these [disciples] were silent, the very stones would cry out.” NOTE: Daubenmire uses this quote to call out the silent leaders in the Church, who have not "led the charge" in summoning attention to the unrighteousness and immorality in this nation. It's been left to God to use unorthodox men like Elon Musk and Kanye West to shake us out of our tepid response to evil. Therefore, he makes this challenge: with the continued silence from the pulpits, will it be left to the rocks to cry out for justice?

But I want to take a look at the context in which Jesus's statement to the Pharisees is made. Jesus has entered the city of Jerusalem on His way to the Cross. The crowds receive Him as a King and the multitudes of Disciples greeted Him with shouts of praise, adoration, and joy. But the Pharisees wanted them rebuked for their boisterous adulation. But in this moment, Jesus exults in His true identity as the Messiah. I love the following commentary provided in the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible regarding this occasion: Hitherto the Lord had discouraged all demonstrations in His favor; latterly He had begun an opposite course; on this one occasion He seems to yield His whole soul to the wide and deep acclaim with a mysterious satisfaction, regarding it as so necessary a part of the regal dignity in which as Messiah He [for this last time] entered the city, that if not offered by the vast multitude, it would have been wrung out of the stones rather than be withheld [my emphasis]

What's interesting is that Luke 19:40 is a direct reference to Habakkuk 2:11. And to understand the context in which the Lord speaks in verse 11, we need to back up to verse 9:
“Woe (judgment is coming) to him who obtains wicked gain for his house [and thinks by so doing] to set his nest on high, that he may be rescued from the hand of evil. Verse 10: You have devised a shameful thing for your house by cutting off and putting an end to many peoples; So you are sinning against your own life and forfeiting it. And now, verse 11: For the stone will cry out from the wall [to accuse you—built in sin!] And the rafter will answer it out of the woodwork". 

Read those three short verses again carefully. To how many in the halls of our government and our churches, do these verses apply? How many men charged with the physical and spiritual welfare of peoples have accumulated unclean gain for their own house at the expense of the health, happiness and fortunes of those who have trusted them? Little do they know that their sins do not go unrecognized by the Sovereign God of the Universe, and the wicked gain [profit] they possess will be forfeited [along with their inheritance] in the life to come. And then comes the culmination of the warning: they will not be able to escape the consequences of their sin; the stones of their house -- their enterprise, venture, operation --  will declare that they were built in sin and will cry out in accusation. And the rafters of their house will answer in agreement. 

And this is where I'm afraid we are, my friends. I have to agree with Coach Dave Daubenmire who reminds us that God has promised that "there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed". I think we all feel it ... God is doing something. We must give up our "normalcy bias" and expect that whatever He is doing will look like we think it should look. So, for now, we must not discount the unconventional, the unusual, or the nontraditional as being from God. Judgment is coming and we must not let it catch us unaware. And make no mistake ... should the Disciples of Jesus remain quiet, then God will use other means -- an Elon Musk or a Kanye West; even the stones will cry out! But He will not be silenced!

#endtimesjudgment #thestoneswillcryout #thesilentchurch 

Proverbs 1:18-19  But [when these people set a trap for others] they lie in wait for their own blood; They set an ambush for their own lives [and rush to their destruction]. So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain; Greed takes away the lives of its possessors.



December 6, 2022

Give to Caesar and Come Out of the World


There is an ongoing debate in our house (as I suspect there is in many homes in the country) as to how we are going to solve the ailments of our nation. Both my husband and I agree that America suffers from spiritual issues, and that politics will never be the answer to a spiritual problem. That being said, we are conflicted over the following scenario: how do we reconcile "Render unto Caesar, what is Caesar's" with "Come out of her, my people"?

Let me break this quandary down from our perspective ... In this world, we are subject to the laws of this nation and a constitution that was written to define the powers of government, while at the same time, protecting the rights and liberties of us, the citizens. In Matthew 22, the Pharisees seek to trap Jesus in a question that had the potential to expose Him as a fraud, depending on His answer. They asked Him, “Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” The question was designed to accuse Jesus of either disloyalty to the government of Rome, or disloyalty to the Jewish people and YHWH. Jesus asked to see a denarius, the coin used to pay taxes to the Roman government. He asked, "Whose image is on the coin"? The Pharisees answered, "Caesar's". Jesus's answer was quick, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” 

This answer is anything but simple. You see, the Caesar's of Rome were considered "divine" gods, and the coins that bore their images were, in all respects, a form of idolatry. They violated the Second Commandment, Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Jesus understood that men on earth are caught in a battle between two governments -- the government of this world, and the government of Heaven. His statement to give to Caesar what is due him, and to give to God what is His due, is challenging us to know the difference. 

So, I acknowledge that being a citizen of the world, and specifically of the United States, I have certain obligations to its government, which necessarily means that politics will play a part in what those obligations will look like. I also recognize that the state of my nation, in many ways, is in spiritual decline. The unrighteous decisions and laws of my government have led to this downfall and as long as politicians continue to act unrighteously, politics will never correct our spiritual deterioration. That doesn't mean that I can't hope and pray for God to raise up righteous men and women to change the direction of our country.

And I am well aware of the warnings that God gives us in the Bible if we continue to go down the road we're on. Jeremiah lived in idolatrous Babylon and the Lord used him to warn the inhabitants of the vengeance that was His if they did not turn from their wicked ways. God used Jeremiah to issue warnings regarding the idols that Babylon worshiped; that they were false, worthless, and a work of delusion... and a time of punishment was coming in which they would be destroyed. The Word of the Lord, through Jeremiah, was "Therefore, behold, the days are coming when I will punish the images of Babylon; her whole land shall be put to shame, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her". Then comes the plea of the Most High God: Come out of her my people! Let every one save their life from the fierce anger of the Lord!

The Lord is saying have nothing to do with the worldly Babylon and her idolatrous ways. And He tells us to do the same thing in these End Times, as stated in Revelation 18! An angel is prophesied to come down from Heaven and declare:

Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’
    She has become a dwelling for demons
and a haunt for every impure spirit,
    a haunt for every unclean bird,
    a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal. 

For all the nations have drunk
    the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,
    and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.

Come out of her, my people! 

Scripture goes on to say that Babylon's sins are piled up to Heaven, and God has remembered all her crimes. She will pay double for all she has done, and she will receive as much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. Obviously, we as righteous Christians, will want to separate ourselves from that Babylonian system. I suggest you read all of Revelation 18 and see if you do not recognize this End Times Babylon as our own nation. And if you do, then you will recognize the tenets of the aforementioned debate in my house and among our family and friends.

If we are to come out of the destructive and anti-Christ Babylonian system, [which is of the kingdom of this world], and separate ourselves by committing our lives to the Kingdom of God, "rendering unto God what is His" [as Jesus suggested to the Pharisees], then can/should we do both? If politics is not the answer to a spiritual breakdown in this country, do we forsake politics all together for the sake of fighting the spiritual battle for the Kingdom of God? If we discern that there are righteous men among the worldly government who want to legislate for Godly justice and morality, should we not stand with them, trusting God to lift them up for His purposes? 

Of course, we must also consider that the Enemy is not going to just lay down and abdicate his throne among the halls of Congress. So have the crimes and injustice perpetrated by his minions been heaped so high that God has determined [as is stated in Revelation 18:8, that in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her? Maybe it is to be our time of judgment and it is time we "come out of her". What does that look like? Let me propose this to you: we recognize that without the intervention of God who appoints righteous men to civil service, politics will never be the answer to restore our nation. So we continue to do what Jesus commanded, giving Caesar what is Caesar's -- we vote, we follow the laws, and we pay our taxes as mandated. 

Yes, we are citizens of the world in these fleshly bodies, but our citizenship in God's Kingdom is our greater commission. So we come out of the world's system as much as we can, and transfer to the spiritual kingdom of God on earth; living our lives following His statutes and committed to not sharing in the sins of this world nor receiving any of its plagues. That calls for understanding "the big picture" ... what we are to give to Caesar, even as we come out of Caesar's system. It's just the reality of our existence here on earth. We are in the world, but not of the world. Once we understand that, we do not need to become embroiled in the political arena, but enter the Kingdom of God, yoking ourselves to His righteous government. It is possible to fulfill our responsibilities as citizens of both the world and Heaven, knowing to whom our highest allegiance belongs. It is then that we can join together, declaring "Rejoice, you people of God"!

#givetocaesarwhatiscaesars #comeoutofhermypeople #endtimesjudgment #endtimesbabylon

Jeremiah 51:45-46   Go out of the midst of her, my people! Let every one save his life from the fierce anger of the Lord! Let not your heart faint, and be not fearful at the report heard in the land,