A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

June 13, 2016

In Their Own Words: War Has Been Declared!

     This is a very difficult post to write.  My heartbreak over the terrorist attack in Florida comes from the depth of my human faculties.  And I will admit that my flesh and my spirit discern this tragedy from different perspectives.  I want to try to describe to you what is going through my mind, as well as what is being revealed to my spirit.  This is a convoluted and divisive situation, and my opinion is full of twists and turns.  I fully expect that my viewpoint will not be universally accepted, whether one is secular or Christian.  But this is an exercise of trying to figure out exactly where I stand on multiple issues, and I hope it will give you pause to think about your own faith and our shared humanity.
     I had a heartfelt discussion this weekend with a very dear friend who happens to be gay, and who came to this country from Israel as a teenager.  He told me that "it was the Constitution and Bill of Rights that inspired him to become a US citizen."  His maternal grandparents survived the Holocaust camps, and his father fought in the Israeli War for Independence in 1948.  Both his parents served in the Israeli military, fighting in the Six Day War in 1967 and the 1973 Yom Kippur War.  The spiritual war against God's chosen people has been imprinted on his DNA.
     My friend told me that his grandparents' experiences in the camps, along with their survival and the tenacity and sacrifice of his parents (to give him a better life) has given him both strength and conviction regarding his faith and our freedoms.  He told me that having survived Hitler's murderous regime, his grandfather "continuously warned that what happened with the policy of appeasement by governments, and that [the] hatred of Jews and Christians would happen again during my lifetime."  And now, we see evidence of that in Orlando, Florida.
     Coincidentally, you may have easily dismissed the killing of singer Christina Grimme in Orlando just one day prior to the travesty at the Pulse Club.  Allegedly, police now suspect that her murderer traveled from St. Petersburg to Orlando, a distance of some 107 miles, with the specific intent to kill the contestant from NBC's 'The Voice" -- possibly because of her outspoken Christian views.  Here is an excerpt from her webpage:   In the western world, especially American civilization, when asking for a person's religious standing, the most common response you will encounter is simply "I'm a Christian." Most people subtly just think to themselves "Oh, okay good. I was worried for second." But as I have traveled to Israel recently, fervently prayed and studied Scripture, and examined the culture around me, I have found that when someone says "I'm a Christian," I should be more worried for their soul than if they said "I'm an atheist."
     Before you stone me to death with your subconscious judgment, let me explain. If you will, come explore with me what it should look like when a person claims Christianity. Come with me, and let's take a look at the most overused word in the English language. What is this "Christian" stuff all about anyway? 
     Here was a young woman who obviously took her faith seriously, and was beginning to ask serious questions about what it means to be a Christian.  I suspect that she was becoming outspoken and challenging her generation to start recognizing their position in the Kingdom of God.  And the Enemy needed her silenced.  So can her untimely death be associated in anyway with a jihadist terrorist who slaughtered so many of the gay community in Orlando?  I think it can, and here is why.  It is time that we Christians understand the reality of a single Bible verse.  It is Revelation 12:7 and here is what it says:  Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back.  

     We must see the events of the past few days for what they are ... part of the devil's strategy in the ongoing spiritual war.  And this war is being conducted on multiple levels.  If we try to limit the scope of Christina's murder and the murders at the Pulse Club  by calling them hate crimes or a terrorist attack; or by calling for more gun control, then we fail to see the "bigger picture", if you will.  They must be seen from the viewpoint of the war being waged in heaven.  The men who committed these atrocities -- one who hated a young woman's Christian faith, and one who pledged allegiance to ISIS -- are both soldiers in that war, infected with the ideology of a false god, doing that god's will.
     I have heard news commentators saying that the nightclub murderer was "inspired by a foreign terrorist organization".  The truth is that he was inspired by a spirit commanded by the devil -- one of the ranks of the Enemy's army that Paul refers to in Ephesians, Chapter 6.  And being the Father of Lies, satan can use his influence to convince our leaders that this is a hate crime; or because of the easy availability of guns.  There are those who will say that we are losing this war because of political correctness.  That is only partially true.  We are losing this war because of our spiritual ignorance!
     As a nation, we are failing to connect the dots.  We need to see that these active shooters -- the one who attacked at the Gay Center in Tel Aviv, Israel; or the two in Orlando; or the one who attempted to attack the Gay Pride Parade in Los Angeles yesterday -- are soldiers in the army of satan.  They are demonized followers of a false god.  To get sidetracked with how to accurately "label" the atrocity is a distraction and part of the devil's strategy to keep us chasing our tails.  When a shooter shouts "Allahu Akbar" before beginning his deadly rampage, then it is crystal clear that he is glorifying his satanic master, and worshipping a false god in his holy war.
     As I said earlier, this spiritual war is attacking our faith on different levels.  I would be insincere if I did not address the facts that these attacks are coming against the gay community.  I'm sure there are those Christians who will determine that this is an act of God's judgment against the LGBTQ community.  That is a verdict that I, personally, cannot make.  God loves His creation, and desires that no one be lost. He "is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).  I have no doubt that He is grieved over the loss of those men and women in Florida.  And, as a Christian who has gay friends whom I love with a heart like Jesus's, I mourn those who have died because a false god is promoting "a month of conquest and jihad".
     That being said, hear me clearly ... I am not saying that I approve of a sinful lifestyle -- anymore than I excuse the sinful lifestyle choices that I have made in my past.  There is a common saying:  Love the sinner; hate the sin.  I know that the Bible does not say that in those precise words.  But it does say: And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.  I know that whoever does not love, does not know God, and I believe cannot show God to others.  So it is my belief that I am to show mercy for the sinner, while maintaining a healthy hatred of sin and its effects on a person.
     God, on the other hand, can perfectly love and hate a person at the same time. This means He can love him as someone He created and can redeem, as well as hate him for his unbelief and sinful lifestyle.  Therefore, I leave it up to Him to work that out, while I try to continue to show others the benefit of my salvation and redemption.
     But because our actions in this physical world (and the battles in the spiritual world) affect and influence each other, I am left wondering just how the flagrant defiance of those involved in the Gay Pride parade in LA will effect satan's allies in this world.  Make no mistake!  I do not believe God approves this rebellion against Him.  But I also believe that this month of Ramadan has special significance for those wishing to sacrifice their lives to their false god.  And demonic orders are being given in the spiritual realm to those responsible for carrying them out on the earth. Homosexuality is "illegal" in sharia law and according to Islamic law, homosexuals are subject to being thrown off the top of a building, then stoned.  It has been reported that anti-gay messages, attributed to ISIS followers, are now appearing on Twitter and other social media sites.
     So, as a final summation, my thoughts and emotions are still in turmoil.  I deplore the loss of human life, and I believe God grieves for all His creation.  But I see this heinous act from my spiritual consciousness.  This is part of something much bigger than what we see before our eyes.  It stretches beyond a single gunman in a nightclub in Florida.  It extends all the way to the heavenly realms where a war is being waged between God's angels and satan's demonic followers.  Jesus has defeated the devil, but the conquered enemy hates the presence of God, and will use his influence to command his generals and his soldiers to kill and destroy.  In history, Christian warriors used their weapons of faith in God's Truth, and perseverance in battle to overcome the power of pagan idolatry. We must do the same today.  But we must realize that we have access to the power that raised Jesus from the dead; and the Enemy's demonized soldiers are no match.  There is a war being waged -- and we better recognize the purpose and goals of our enemy; those both in this physical world and in the spiritual realm!  The war in heaven is being manifested on earth.  Our enemy has declared his intentions and, as Christians, we can no longer ignore him or neglect our responsibilities in God's Kingdom on earth.  Be courageous and stalwart!

Revelation 13:7     "The beast was permitted to go to war against the saints and conquer them.  He was given ruling authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation,"

June 12, 2016

1 John 2:12-14

I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven because of Jesus’ name.  I am writing to you, fathers, because you have come to know the One who is from the beginning.  I am writing to you, young men, because you have had victory over the evil one.
I have written to you, children, because you have come to know the Father.  I have written to you, fathers, because you have come to know 
the One who is from the beginning.  I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, God’s word remains in you, 
and you have had victory over the evil one.

     This may seem to be both a simple verse to understand, and a complex one.  But, here, John is writing a comprehensive letter to all believers, no matter their physical age, their status in the Church, or their position of authority in God's Kingdom.  In the previous chapter and verses, he is reminding his readers to be on guard against the deceptive ideas of false teachers.  Even at this early stage in the Church, the Enemy was infiltrating the Church with his messengers who brought lies and distortion of the Gospel message.
     John is reminding his ancient readers, and us, that if we belong to God, then we know Him.  He is writing to assure Christians down through the centuries to stay strong in their faith and acknowledge their spiritual journey, readying themselves to defend the Faith.  And in writing to them, he addresses particular groups of believers:  Little Children, Children, Fathers, and Young Men.  
     The first thing we need to understand is why he chose to address these groups in his letter.  I believe that they represent the various ranks, if you will, within the Body of Christ.  In order for the Body to be edified in the knowledge of God, it must be recognized by pastors and fellow Christians, alike, exactly where they stand in their spiritual relationship with the Father.  And by addressing the groups individually, yet simultaneously, it is good for all to hear the foundation of our Faith.
     Scholars usually agree that Little Children refers to a little child; an infant; a new convert; baby Christians.  These are people who are novices in their faith.  But notice that John reminds them of the primary, yet essential, truth of faith in Christ ... that their sins are forgiven for His name's sake.  But what does that mean?  We read "for His name's sake" throughout Scripture, but do we really grasp the full consequences of that phrase.  It means that the act of forgiving our sins rests on God's reputation; on the revelation of His full character; the forgiveness of our sins reflects the glory of God and His Name.  As little children in the faith, this must be what we stand on; and knowing that this act of forgiving our sins displays God's reputation, character, and glory are not to be taken lightly.
     John then addresses the most advanced in the faith, or the fathers.  This is understood to be those Christians advanced in years; the senior members; and presumably, the most spiritually mature believers.  The historical theologian Matthew Henry refers to them as "the old disciples".   Even though they might be the most spiritually mature, they are still in need of further advice and instruction.  They still need to be addressed, preached to, and are never too old to learn.  Although they have knowledge and experience in their faith, they, too, must be admonished to never give in to the lies and deception propagated by the devil and this world.
     Next John addresses the young men in the Church, those spiritually maturing individuals who have the strength of their maturing faith, have good sense, and having the ability to discern between good and evil, have experienced victory over the evil one.  This verse also tells us that they have been in battle with the devil.  Keeping to the sense that John is addressing the Church to be on guard against false teachers and apostasy, I think he is telling these vigorous young Christians that the same strength they exerted in battling (and defeating) the evil one, must be exerted in overcoming the world and its influence within the Church through false teachings and distortion of the Gospel. 
     John then continues his letter by reiterating to each of these groups of Christians -- children, fathers, and young men -- that they know the Father and His Word remains in them.  John is saying whether you a new Christian, still sipping on milk, or a mature Christian, able to chew on the meat of the Word, it is going to take everyone to defend against the attacks that are going to come against God's Church.  
     The devil is the god of this world, and the Body of Christ, who make up Jesus's Church, must be reminded who we are -- sinners who have been pardoned and released from spiritual debt through His name because we have confessed His name, believing in Him as Savior.  We know our Father and have experienced His presence in our lives, and we have experienced victory over the enemy.  Our knowledge of our Savior, whether we are young or old in our faith journey, must come to bear as the enemy mounts an attack against those who stand in his way of conquering this world.
     John's letter may have been written to First Century Christians, but it is just as applicable to Twenty-First Century believers! Just as the Church was weak and vulnerable in John's Day, I believe we can describe it the same way today.  False teachers, or messengers from satan, have invaded God's sanctuary and successfully pulled us off track.  They have distorted God's Truth and are preaching blasphemy and profaning His Name.  John was admonishing the believers of his day to strengthen and protect their love of God because the love of this world was being preached by representatives of the evil one.  Is it no less true today?

June 10, 2016

The Devil's Game Plan: Conflicting and Contradictory Messages

     No wonder the Church is so ineffective today, and Christians cannot seem to "unite with one mind".  We no longer seem to be "of one heart and soul".  Those terms are how the Early Church was described in Acts, Chapter Four.  And when I say "early" Church, that's exactly what I mean.  These terms were used to describe the body of believers shortly after the Day of Pentecost when the Church was born.  In the midst of their tumultuous beginning, the new believers were unified in their faith and commitment to the teachings and deity of Christ.
     The Sanhedrin were agitated and frustrated at the preaching of Peter and John about this man Jesus, whom they had recently crucified.  They thought they had quelled His grassroots movement and silenced His influence, and here were these men continuing to spread His seditious message.  So the Book of Acts tells us that the ruling class delivers their own message to the followers of Christ:  "We have the power. If you are allowed to preach, as you have been preaching, it is because we have permitted you to do it.  Anytime we want, we can arrest you and carry you off to jail.  We demand that you be silent about your disruptive faith"!
      Kind of feels like we're headed towards that same scenario ourselves, doesn't it?  When we cast a discerning eye upon our culture it is easy to see the discrimination and growing persecution of our faith.  And it is not always blatant. The Enemy is very crafty and subtle ... it begins with the suggestion that we should become more tolerant towards the sins that the Bible renounces and condemns, while slowly and gradually, we end up with the month of June being declared as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month -- by Presidential proclamation, no less.
     But that doesn't sow near enough confusion among the faithful.  We also have an Episcopal priest writing articles for a liberal-leaning website in which she argues for the power of “queer virtue” to combat “heteronormativity” and revitalize a Christianity that is too wedded to traditional ideas of human sexuality and marriage.  In her article, the Reverend Elizabeth M. Edman asserts that "Pride" is central to the LGBT movement and integral to an authentically Christian life. 
     Excuse me, I'm no theologian and have never been trained by a certified School of Divinity.  In fact, my only instruction has come strictly from the Bible and the Holy Spirit, but if I recall correctly, Pride in the Bible always seems to be about self-worship.  God abhors pride because it hinders an individual from seeking Him.  In fact, it seems to be that those who hang their hat on Pride are so consumed with themselves that their thoughts are far from God and they think they have no need of Him or, worse, that God should accept them as they are because they deserve His acceptance. After all, it was pride that captivated Lucifer, who is the picture of self-worship, seeking to become like God.  And can you see the confusion and contradictory message he is spreading in this denomination of the Church?
     Edman goes on to extol Pride as a virtue, claiming that it should be redeemed and embraced (regardless of what the Bible says) and that "Christians must become aware of and resist the impulse, conscious or subconscious, to deny the existence of LGBTQ people".  I don't believe that there is anyone I know in the Christian Church who wishes to deny the existence of LGBTQ people.  We just wish to stand by the commandments of God on how a Christian is to live their life.  Everyone must make their own life choices, and certainly has the free will to do so.  But, as a Christian, I cannot abandon the dictates of my Savior.  Edman makes it clear that her objective is "to proclaim a more authentic gospel" and to dismantle (within Church doctrine) what she calls "heteronormative impulses", and what I call disobedience and rebellion against God.  She wants to "strip the Bible of its “heteronormativity” and remake Christianity in the image of a society that glorifies gender fluidity and pansexualism."  With that philosophical doctrine, I would say she has successfully embraced Pride.  And I'm going to be bold enough to declare it a lie from the devil.  Pride is not a Biblical virtue, nor will God exalt it.
     But that is not the only misguided notion and deception being perpetrated by the Enemy upon the Church.  The leading mega-Pastor in the country, Joel Osteen, is also spreading a misleading message.  In one of his latest sermons, he is quoted as saying, "God will fight your battles if you'll stay at rest. If you'll quit worrying about the medical report, if you'll quit being upset over the contract you didn't get, if you'll quit being stressed by those people who are talking about you. If you'll remain at rest, God will fight your battles."  This is akin to what Osteen and fellow evangelist Joyce Meyers say is the key to peace in our lives ... keeping a positive attitude.  But I do not believe that is enough to ward off the attacks of our Adversary.
     And that philosophy goes against the Bible telling us to put on the full armor of God.  If He is going to fight all our battles for us, why do we need any armor?  We must get in the fight and we can do that in a number of ways: by sending our prayers directly to the throne room of God; and declaring our testimonies to the spiritual realm; by binding and rebuking, in the Holy Name of Jesus, those demons and spirits that come against us; and participating in the healing powers of the Holy Spirit to set people free -- that is the way you defeat the spirits of worry, anger, stress and depression.  Because that is what Pastor Osteen fails to tell you; those are very real spirits that are attacking you and causing all those emotional reactions.  Your real rest comes when you stand steadfast, confident in your authority and the power of Christ to work with you in victory.  That's when you find real rest and peace in your spirit.
     But the devil is doing a darn good job of tossing grenades behind our lines.... deceiving us with messages [from within the Church] that Pride is a virtue; and that we just have to stay positive and wait for God to deliver us from our troubles.  And there is a false message that is becoming increasingly louder, in both the Church and our culture:  we must reduce or diminish the Gospel of Jesus Christ because it might offend others.  The whisper has grown into a shout: that we must become more inclusive and less intolerant; that there is more than one way to Heaven and we can get there through faith in more than one god.
     I say that it is imperative that we recognize this message as heresy and unacceptable.  We have already allowed God's enemy to infiltrate His Church and gain too much ground.  Just reading back over these various viewpoints produces so many emotions:  sadness, anger, exasperation, and a heavy spirit.  How have we fallen so far, so fast?  Where are the warriors for the faith; those who are willing to stand and declare God's Truth against this apostasy?  Where will the Church be in another decade?  And will those of us who declare the truth of God's Word even be allowed to speak in defense of our faith?  Yes, the devil has done a good job; Christianity is under clear and organized assault.  It's time to fight back for ourselves and the generations to come.  It's time to glorify God, His Word, His Character, and His Church.

2 Corinthians 10:5    "We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ,"    

June 8, 2016

The Portals Are Opening

     The boldness with which satan is showing himself on the world stage is blatant and unrestrained.  By now, you may have heard about the bizarre and strange "celebration" commemorating the opening of the Gotthard Train Tunnel, which is billed as the longest and deepest train tunnel in the world.  It is a feat of engineering, stretching beneath the Swiss Alps, and its completion is being hailed by world leaders this past week as unifying Europe.  This feat was observed at a ceremony that has been characterized as nothing less than a satanic ritual.  I have to agree.
     You can view it for yourself by clicking  here, but I want to warn you it is a disturbing video, and you will be left with no doubt that the godless of the world are summoning Lucifer from the abyss.  In an avant-garde, theatrical production world leaders, dignitaries, and common people are introduced to what Russia Today called a spectacle of "naked torsos and horned beasts".  The production begins with a military formation of "zombie-fied" miners, marching towards a large screen featuring the rocky formation of the Swiss Alps.  As the miners perform a near tribalistic act of breaking through the rock, they simulate climbing and falling off the mountain as the hole in the mountain is dug.
     It's not long before you get the sense that the workers are getting more and more animated, soon disrobing  and engaging in orgiastic and riotous movements.  Incorporated within this display of digging the tunnel is the Swiss folktale about the Devil's Bridge.  According to historian Meinrad Lienert, the tale tells how the people of Uri, Switzerland recruited the Devil for the difficult task of building a bridge across the pass of the Schöllenen gorge, a critical point above the Gotthard Train Tunnel route.  The devil requested to receive the soul of the first thing to pass the bridge in exchange for his help.  To trick the devil, who expected to receive the soul of the first man to pass the bridge, the people of Uri sent across a goat by throwing a piece of bread, and the goat was promptly torn to pieces by the devil.
     Enraged at having been tricked, the devil went to fetch a large rock to smash the bridge. While taking a break from exhaustion from the task of carrying the rock back to the bridge, a Christian woman secretly marked the rock with a cross. The devil was then unable to pick up the rock, and was forced to abandon it and flee. This 12 metres tall, 220 ton rock was named “The Devil’s Stone”,  and in 1972, the stone was moved 127 metres and is now situated at the entrance of Gotthard Road Tunnel.  The folktale represents a defeat for the devil.
     But the ceremonial celebration on stage this past week was obviously meant to represent a victory for satan.  As the actors portraying miners continue with digging the tunnel, an image of the devil appears on the screen, as if coming out of a portal (the tunnel) with fire surrounding him, and an actor takes to the stage as a goat with rams horns.  Simultaneously, Egyptian scarab beetles were suspended in front of the screen upon which satan had appeared.  The symbolism of these scarab beetles was obvious:  It seemed to the ancient Egyptians that young scarab beetles emerged spontaneously from the burrow where they were born. Therefore they were worshipped as "Khepera", which means "he was brought forth."  At this point in the ceremonial production, the devil has been summoned out of the abyss; and dances on stage with trumpets blowing.  The message is clear ... Lucifer is coming out of the abyss.  The orgy of dancing and debauchery tells us that people are proclaiming him and inviting him to come out of the tunnel.
     This is spiritual warfare front and center!  This is an in-your-face satanic ritual, with powerful leaders of the Western World in attendance and endorsing his appearance.  Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Switzerland’s President Johann Schneider-Ammann, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and France’s President Francois Hollande stood and applauded the ceremony which showed satan's involvement in this world throughout history ... from ancient paganism and druidism, to the Industrial and Technology Ages, as the dancers portrayed bestiality, trangenderism, and transhumanism.
     A ticking clock appeared on the giant screen, as the dancers groveled before the goat-ram devil, bringing him offerings and bowing down at his feet.  This was not so much a dedication to the opening of the historic tunnel, as it was a worship service for the devil.  It's not being disguised or hidden.  As I said, world leaders were openly applauding the opening of the tunnel to the abyss and the appearance of the devil.  It was a ritualistic ceremony in which they took part; it was a summoning of the devil.
     Where is God's Church, and are we expending as much time, energy, and initiative to call forth our Savior?  This event in Switzerland may seem like bizarre, crazy European-style performance art, but I guarantee it has satan's hand all over it!  I believe he is instructing his followers to come out into the open because he is nearly ready to make his appearance.  So we see the Satanic Temple getting bolder in performing their rituals in public.  We see the unveiling of a Baphomet statue with people cheering "Hail Satan," as they rush up to pose with the scultpture of a winged Baphomet with a human body and a goat’s head, and a little boy and girl gazing upon it with devotion.  We see the "nation's first state-sanctioned Satanic Ceremony in history" being carried out on the steps of the Michigan state capitol.  We see TV shows glorifying a suave and debonair character named Lucifer, and we are seeing increased satanic performances at the Super Bowl, Grammy's and even Country Music awards shows!
     If all this has not come up on your radar, it should!  We need to start paying attention to the rise of satanic rituals in our entertainment venues, in world events, and in our public squares.  We need to be preparing ourselves for the spiritual battle of our lives.  I believe that the deception in the Church [that there will be a Pre-Tribulation rapture of the saints] will leave many Christians vulnerable and victims of the devil's evil plans.  We must become as diligent and tireless as our enemy in this spiritual battle.  We need to be on our knees asking Jesus to come quickly with His heavenly host to defeat satan and his army of demonic soldiers.  As evidenced by the satanic worship ceremony in Switzerland this past week, the sounds of the battle are within earshot, and the spectacle of the war between Jesus and Lucifer is in view.  The devil's troops are openly preparing and shouting for his appearance.  Are you raising your voice to the heavens for Christ's return?  Are you seeing the approaching battle, and are you readying for it?  Pray for endurance, strength, and wisdom to stand on that day ... it's not far away.

John 14:30   "I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no claim on me..."


June 6, 2016

The Battle Is Right Before Our Eyes

     For those who think spiritual warfare is simply a theological concept, with no real-world application, then I invite you to open your eyes and ears to what is going on around us; it's in the headlines nearly every day.  Have we become so blinded that we merely blow off or ignore the implications of what is being reported?
     Take today for instance.  It is June 6th ... or 6-6-16, if you will ... and the day that Satanists have claimed as a day of celebration to their god.  Simply put, it is a sacred day to them for worshipping satan.  And it is a salvo in their spiritual battle plan; an aggressive act in satan's campaign to win the spiritual war here on earth.
     But how many of our countrymen -- or fellow Christians, for that matter -- will even take notice?  Who will understand what this means and act appropriately to defend against this vigorous attempt to defame and defeat YHWH?  In case you don't know the details, here they are:  The religious sect which calls itself The Satanic Temple plans on placing the five points of a Pentagram star around the city of Lancaster, California, located in northern Los Angeles County.  Spokesmen for the group claim that "drawing this symbol around the city represents a solemn promise from the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles to stand with the good people of the City of Lancaster and struggle for their constitutional right to individual liberty, freedom of expression and the separation of church and state in the community".
     Here's what we all need to understand ... this display of rebellion against God is no different than the Enemy's plans that have been revealed and recorded in the Bible.  I just finished reading the Book of Jeremiah, and I could not help but identify with the ancient prophet's frustration over the blatant disobedience and defiance of God's commandments to those who professed to follow Him.  Just like in the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, the people of our nation have followed after, and are worshipping, false gods.  But do we understand that these gods are not just names of "things" we idolize like celebrities, houses, and cars, or carnal pursuits such as wealth, fame and power?  Do we realize that behind these idols are spiritual entities that are very real and their desire is to influence and control you to win the war?
Bel, aka Marduk
     In Jeremiah, the prophet records numerous warnings from YHWH about the destruction coming against nations and the gods they worship; the spiritual entities that satan has placed over them in governing positions.  Jeremiah 48:42 says, Moab will be destroyed as a people because he has exalted himself against the Lord.  Jeremiah 50:2 records these words from YHWH: Announce to the nations; proclaim and raise up a signal flag; proclaim and hide nothing.  Say: Babylon is captured; Bel is put to shame; Marduk is devastated; her idols are put to shame; her false gods, devastated.  Again, Jeremiah 51:44 says, I will punish Bel in Babylon.  I will make him vomit what he has swallowed.  The nations will no longer stream to him; even Babylon's wail will fail. 
     It is important that we get this!  Bel and Marduk are not just some wooden statues that the nations bow down to.  And Babylon is more than a city and a nation. They are real spiritual entities -- gods, although false -- who involve themselves in the lives of real people and in the existence and actions of nations.   They were able to influence God's chosen people and induce them to rebel against God and turn aside from their covenant with Him.  It is no different today.
     As noted prophecy expert Paul McGuire tells us, "Currently in America there is intense competition among various belief systems, religions, philosophies, and ideologies. This competition is expressed openly as different groups and faiths seek to promote their belief systems and win converts to their religion or cause."  That is what happened as the Israelites entered the Land of Canaan and became exposed to the Moabites, the Ammonites, the Edomites; and later when they were taken into captivity in Assyria and Babylon.  They were introduced to the gods of these other nations, who are every bit as real as YHWH.  But they are not the One True God and they are under the guidance and supervision of Lucifer, the fallen angel who proclaimed himself the god called Satan.
     So, now in 21st Century America we find ourselves inundated with all kinds of false gods vying for our attention and our worship -- Islam, Mormonism, Scientology, Hinduism, Buddhism, Satanism, Wicca, and Paganism to name just a few.   As Mr. McGuire points out, "Wicca, along with witchcraft and paganism, is currently the fastest growing religion in America. Islam is also a fast growing religion. Christianity, and specifically Evangelical Christianity, is declining faster than most people realize."  Do you get that?  Can you see that the battle lines have been drawn and these other gods have their troops engaged in battle plans like encompassing entire cities within a Pentagram and dedicating the people and land to the devil?
     What are God's people doing?  What is our battle plan?  Are we actively praying against the influence of these other gods?  Are we asking YHWH how He wants us to execute against His enemies?  Do we know how to defend against the enemy's attacks?  This generation of Christ-followers have been lulled into "Christianity Light" for too long, and are woefully unprepared, as the Body of Christ, to take on the Enemy forces who have centuries of plans and victories under their belts.  Our world is going to be shaken like we've never seen, and the self-centered gospel that has been the center of the Modern Church will offer little defense.
     It is time we fight back, putting on the full armor of God, and seek the help of His heavenly host as we stand our ground against the onslaught of evil coming our way.  Take a moment to pray against the Satanists around this nation who will be performing their evil rituals today.  Ask God to send an army of angels to surround any areas claimed for this false god.  Picture the battle in the spiritual realm, and know that it is real!  We must start seeing with spiritual eyes and get in the fight!  We need to recognize when the Enemy is advancing, call on the Lord, and engage in the battle with Him!  Are you willing to join me in this mission?

Isaiah 54:17   "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me,” says the Lord." 

June 5, 2016

1 John 4:18

 There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love].


     How many of us live in fear?  Or live in dread, knowing that our Christian walk is not what it should be?  If you are like me, I suffer from times where I feel my passion for Christ has grown luke-warm, and I long to regain that burning desire for Him, and to feel His presence so close that I know He is just beyond the veil that separates this world from the spiritual realm.  And I am fearful about feeling separated from Him.  
     What does our Scripture tell us is the antidote to this poisonous fear? If we are experiencing fear, how does the Word tell us to conquer that emotion?  It's the word most closely associated with our Savior ... LOVE!  But, I must admit that I can't always wrap my head around that solution.  God Is Love has become nearly a cliché in Church doctrine, and I'm not sure that we Christians know how to apply it or how it works; or even what it means.  Just as the last words of this verse say ... "the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love]" ... we don't truly understand God's love, or how to express our love towards Him.
     Jesus clearly tells us that love is at the heart of being a disciple for Him ... it is our mission, our ministry, and our purpose.  He makes it obvious by telling us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind; and to love others as we love ourselves.  Those are the commandments we are to obey, and they result in godly living! Combined with obedience to the Truth in Scripture, we should find unity with God, Jesus, and our fellow brethren in the Body of Christ.
     That is the oneness that Jesus desired for His Church -- to be able to share in the love and obedience to the Father that He had experienced.  But what I think we tend to dismiss is the "obedience" part of that statement.  The Church has been very good at disseminating the message that "we love because God first loved us", and that by loving others, we are imitating the pattern and example that Jesus exemplified by laying down His life for us.
     But what of the instances of His obedience that showed the power of God?  For instance in John 9:1-6, Jesus healed a man who had been blind since birth.  Did He do this out of strict compassion and love for this man?  Scripture tells us that Jesus revealed to His disciples that the blind man must be healed in obedience to the Father in order to show the power of God to do such work.  Yes, it is out of the love of God for us that He wants us to know He has the power to heal.  There are many other examples in the Bible of Christ's obedience through the miracles and signs He performed at the Father's request.  He did not do them of His own volition, but because it was His Father's will.
     And clearly, Christ's ultimate act of obedience was to go to the Cross so that the lost of the world could be saved from God's justified wrath.  Again, God's love for us is the reason that Christ was obedient.  I think we Christians have an elementary understanding of what that love is and how we are to show it to others.  But do we know that we are to show it to our Father in Heaven by obeying Him, which means to seek His will in all instances, just as Jesus did?  Our Savior trusted the commandments of His Father and never doubted; He unquestioningly obeyed.  
     I honestly think we fear because we do not trust that God will fulfill His end of the bargain.  "What if I decide to believe the Bible [that we have the authority and power of Jesus to heal as He did] and step out to lay hands on my sister to heal her migraine headache?  What if it doesn't work"?  Could it possibly be that you are not loving [confidently trusting] the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind?  Remember, our Scripture today tells us that perfect love -- that which is complete and full-grown --  is what drives out fear.  We cannot expect to jump to the head of the class and become like Jesus on our first step outside the box.
     But we can be obedient, and trust that God's love never finds Him enacting divine punishment when we step out in obedience.   In fact, could it be that our obedience is in response to the knowledge of God's love for us; that knowledge that comes from a heart and mind and soul that seeks Him?  We have all heard the familiar Scripture "perfect love casts out fear", and may have understood that the perfect love belonged to God or Jesus.  That is certainly one way to interpret this passage.  But what if that perfect love was the growth and maturation of our love for God, so that we come to a full and thorough understanding of Him and the realization that through continued obedience we have nothing to fear -- that like Jesus, obedience to the Authority and Power of God, the Father, drives out all fear... no fear of God's divine punishment; no fear that we can disappoint Him; no fear that the Enemy can defeat us or enslave us.  Through the interactive relationship between us and God and Jesus, there is no room for fear... but there is the freedom to grow and nurture a life founded on love and obedience.  And that's a life that fulfills our mission and purpose as a Christian.   

June 3, 2016

Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

     If you are still sticking with me on this new direction of my blog, then I'm assuming that you agree with me that we are engaged in spiritual warfare.  I also figure that you believe we are battling unseen, spiritual enemies that seek to rob us of our peace in this world and our eternal security in the next --- both of which are found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
     I assure you that if you identify with me on these points, we are among the minority of those who share our Christian faith.  But knowing these principles doesn't make us exempt from attacks or necessarily free of bondage.  We know that ultimate victory will be ours when Jesus returns, but we still have to learn battle strategies to defeat the enemy in the conflicts and assaults we will find ourselves in on this side of Glory.  I'd like to take the time to talk about one of these strategies today.
     As I have shared with you in the past, my husband and I, through Divine inspiration, have been introduced to a ministry concept that involves us partnering with Jesus to help accomplish deliverance from spiritual wounds.  That word, "Deliverance", is not a widely understood or accepted idea in the Modern Church, and I find that rather peculiar, to be honest with you.  First of all, the prophets of the Old Testament declared that the Lord was their Deliverer (from slavery and bondage in Egypt) and foretold of a Deliverer who would come forth from Zion to set them free for all time.  All four Gospels of the Bible were written with different audiences in mind, and give slightly different details about geography and people.  But all four are vital to the New Testament's purpose of proving that Jesus is the Messiah, is the Savior, is the Redeemer God who came to save His people from their sins ... He is the Divine Deliverer for all who seek Him.
     But remember, Jesus is all about relationship, and He needs us to partner with Him; to learn how to interact with Him on a spiritual level (since He is no longer present on the earth).  He isn't interested in waving a magic wand and handling all our problems for us, while we sit like robots, waiting for the hurt to go away... not that He couldn't do that if He so desired.  But He's all about relationship!  If we are to defeat the attacks launched against us, we must work with Him and incorporate Him into our strategy.  So how do we learn to do that?  One of the techniques that I have learned to help myself (and others), in our spiritual battles, has its roots deep in Scripture.
     How many times throughout the Bible does Jesus refer to "eyes that see" and "ears that hear"?  In fact, He often extends an invitation ... "He who has ears to hear, let him hear"!  "He who has eyes to see, let him see"!  On one level, Jesus is definitely talking to those who had the opportunity to discern who He was because He stood before them in the flesh, declaring the words of the prophets who had described the Deliverer who was to come.  He was challenging them to put their knowledge and their faith to work and to recognize that their Deliverer was present.
    As often as not, Jesus also referred to unseeing eyes and unhearing ears to give warning of the spiritual blindness of those who could not -- or would not -- recognize Him.  They refused to see His miracles as evidence of the Father who had sent Him; or to see that He fit the description of the Messiah, the Deliverer that had been prophesied.  Additionally, they rejected His message from God; would not hear Him, and their hearts were hardened and they could not understand who He was.   These are valid and true interpretations of Scripture and Jesus warns that those who have "eyes to see but do not see, and ears to hear but do not hear, dwell in the midst of a rebellious house" (Ezekiel 12:2).  Is it possible that, like the rebellious House of Israel, the modern Church has eyes, but refuses to see; and ears, but refuses to hear?
     This simple supposition -- that God made us with eyes to see Him, and ears to hear Him -- lies at the heart of what He wants to accomplish as our Deliverer ... to set us free from satan's bondage, and to heal us.  And, as the Holy Spirit has shown me, it is our ability to see Him and hear Him in that invisible, spiritual realm that can effectively deliver us out of the clutches of the enemy.   You see, His ability to deliver us is not confined to a single event at our conversion, or His return at the End of Days.  And it is most certainly not confined to this physical realm.  As Christians, we believe that He is with us at all times.  He said so ... "I will never leave you, nor forsake you".  That means He won't ever abandon us, or leave us stranded or alone to deal with the enemy's attacks.  That means He is available to us, in the here and now, to help us wage war in the invisible realm, and against the invisible spirits satan sends against us.
     You see, I have experienced and seen the power of Jesus to Deliver and Heal when Christians are able to surrender to Him, and see Him and hear Him.  I have witnessed Christians who recognize they are under spiritual attack, and who are able to suspend the doubt and unbelief fostered by the Church.  They are willing to invite Jesus and the Holy Spirit to be present, and to allow their own spirit to interact with the Divine.  They are able to "see" Jesus in the events of their lives that have generated fertile ground upon which the Enemy can wage war and enslave them.  I have witnessed a person being able to "see" that Jesus was present during physical abuse, or an abandonment, or any act that wounded their spirit.  And they have been able to "hear" Him say that He not only took the abuse with them, but washed them clean by the power of His blood, and hear Him say He loves them.  It all happens in the spiritual realm, where our spirit communes with Jesus and the Holy Spirit -- our spirit can actually "picture" or "see" Jesus and hear Him as He heals us.  It's no different than the experiences the writers in the Bible describe.  Jesus is the same today as He was then, and He can be seen and heard the same today as He was then --- all it takes is for us to believe!
     Now, I understand that many in the Church cannot accept that this concept is Scriptural.  But He clearly says in Matthew 13:15:  For the hearts of this people have grown dull.  Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them.  Doesn't that describe a "rebellious house"; a Church and Body of Christ who have dulled their hearts and minds and spirits to the possibility of a supernatural and invisible spiritual realm in which Jesus can commune with our spirits and heal us?
     He asks us to "understand" and "turn" to Him so He can heal us.  We Christians talk about "turning" to Him, but I think we have limited ourselves to reaching for Him in our minds and our hearts, and how we live our lives in the physical world.  Why do we restrict ourselves from reaching for Him in the spiritual realm?  Isn't that where He resides?  Why are we limiting ourselves?
     All I can tell you is that I have seen lives changed ... when a person who has been in bondage since childhood is able to experience the presence of Jesus and hear Him set her free from all the lies and deception the devil has heaped upon her; when the Holy Spirit serves as Guide and Comforter and shows that person how Jesus sees her -- washed white and in His embrace.  There is a weight lifted off souls and spirits that can only come from interacting with our Deliverer; through seeing Him and hearing Him in our spirits.   I truly believe that this is another dimension of what the Word is telling us; another example of the immensity and magnitude of Jesus's ability to deliver us and heal us.  It is not to be dismissed lightly or carelessly, and He and His Power to deliver are not to be restricted by our limited understanding.

Ephesians 3:20-21    "Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen."


June 1, 2016

The Lure Of The Supernatural: Where The Church Has Failed Our Youth

     I'm going to make a little detour in today's post and write about something that my spirit is just screaming about.  I remarked in an earlier post that we, in the modern Body of Christ, who are called "The Church", have a difficult time admitting the existence of the unseen world.  What goes on in the spiritual realm is largely unknown to us, and frankly, is considered both borderline heresy and scary -- if we allow ourselves to consider it at all.
     But here's what that blindness has accomplished... it has given satan the opportunity to lure our kids (both Christian and secular) into that invisible realm without any sound Scriptural discernment to avoid the perils.  Through the fantastically rapid advancement of technology and the entertainment industry, our kids have been inundated with videos, movies, and computer games that invite them to interact with the spirit world.  They are enticed with the offers of secret powers, unabashed freedom, and out-of-this world (literally) adventure -- all without the rules and control that they are told are part of Christianity.
     Kids raised in the Church are kept innocent (and ignorant) of the truth about the supernatural and spiritual realm and how it is interwoven throughout the Bible.  The world shows them creative images of magic, spiritual powers, and the ability to interact with cosmic creatures, but the Church says nary a word of Paul and Isaiah being taken out of their bodies and visiting the spiritual realms as a spirit being.  They are also not taught that Jesus was tempted by satan, just as they are, and was shown "other worlds" where He was promised power, fame, and riches.  But with each temptation, Jesus knew how to fight back ... with the Word of God.  And seeing that he could not defeat Jesus, the devil left him.  We, and our kids, have that same ability to defeat the enemy by speaking the Word and calling on the Name of Jesus.  But, sadly, this generation of youth are unaware that they are opening themselves to satanic attacks by seeking these diversions, and they haven't a clue how to fight back.
     In effect, modern Christianity is largely seen as impotent and "boring" by our youth, while the spiritual realm is portrayed as daring, heroic and superhuman.  With this diminishment of the Authority and Power of Jesus and God, our kids begin to question and compare their perception of one-dimensional Bible characters with the larger-than-life, multi-dimensional, heroic figures they see every day on their computer and movie screens.  And they are opening themselves up to the dangers of the dark side and "spiritual forces of wickedness" that Paul tells us are very real.
     Case in point:  A dear friend's discerning son came home from the movie theater this past weekend and said, "Mom, you have to see the trailer for the new movie, Dr. Strange".  After watching it, she called my husband and me, and we were astonished at what this movie is showing our kids --- but not at all surprised.
     Here is a synopsis of the movie plot:  The movie is a spin-off of the Marvel Comics character, Dr. Strange.  It is the 14th movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, (MCU) and distributed by Walt Disney Studios (that should be your first clue that it is not an "innocent" family movie).  I also found it disconcerting that MCU was referred to as an American movie franchise and shared fictional universe that is centered on a series of superhero films.  So, keep in mind that not only is Dr. Strange going to be presented as a superhero (meaning, "good guy"), but the movie promotes the idea of a "fictional universe" with events, and often elements, that differ from the real world.  It can also be indistinguishable from the world in which we live, thereby suggesting that there is nothing to fear in this invisible universe, and it is interchangeable with our world, and accessible.
     But back to the plot:  Doctor Strange was an egotistical but very brilliant surgeon. After a car accident destroys his hands and hinders his ability to perform surgery, he searches the globe for a way to repair them and encounters the Ancient One. After becoming one of the old Sorcerer Supreme's students, he becomes a practitioner of both the mystical arts as well as martial arts. Along with knowing many powerful spells, he has a costume with two mystical objects - the Cloak of Levitation (gives its wearer the ability to levitate and fly) and Eye of Agamotto that gives him added powers (inspired by the All Seeing Eye of the false god Buddha). Strange is aided along the way by his friend and servant to the Sorcerer Supreme, Wong, and a large assortment of mystical objects. He takes up residence in a mansion called the Sanctum Sanctorum, located in New York City. Later, Strange takes the title of Sorcerer Supreme.
     I could write volumes about the personification of Dr. Strange by the creator of his comic book character, Steve Ditko, but I think you get the picture.  What was alarming to me was the rather casual way Ditko referred to the character as being involved in black magic, as having become the host to a dangerous demon in New Avengers, and as the leader of the Black Priests.  Ditko's Dr. Strange is also described as the right-hand man of Doctor Doom, who has become the ruler and god of this world.  And did you get it that Ditko even has the audacity to call the New York townhouse where Strange lives, Sanctum Santorum, which is the name for the Holy of Holies in the Jewish Temple.  Another part of the Dr. Strange legend involves a plot line where, as the Ancient One's disciple, Strange encounters the entity Nightmare, and other mystical foes before meeting Dormammu, a warlord from an alternate dimension called the "Dark Dimension". Are you getting the picture?  And do you see the mockery being made of the Bible?  This guy is bad news, yet he is portrayed as a super hero, and our kids are eating it up because they do not have the spiritual eyes to see the deception.
     This movie is only the tip of the iceberg in regards to the deception being spoon-fed to our kids.   Dr. Strange openly, and enthusiastically, encourages the "hidden world of magic," and includes alternate dimensions like the Astral Plane.  What is that, you might be asking?  The Astral Plane is the "realm of minds" that only telepaths and magic users are able to visit.  Since the Dr. Strange character was created in 1963, Strange has used astral projection to travel outside his body and engage enemies in this strange dimension.  And I can assure you that kids in your community are seeking to do the same thing!
     Do not think they are "unchurched" or "lost" kids, either.  Our kids who grew up in Sunday School  are just as fascinated with astral projection and black magic; and they are engaging in it.  But what horrifies me is that they haven't a clue what force is behind these exciting new adventures.  They don't know what is waiting for them out in "the parallel universe".  These entities are powerful and they are real -- and they are very, very dark.
     If all this scares you, it should.  We have a generation of youth that is actively seeking to engage with the dark side, but they do not see that it endangers their immortal souls.  It is not make-believe, nor mere fantasy.  It is waiting to seduce them and attract them with promises of excitement; the potential for expanding their minds and consciousness; and the suggestion of obtaining greater knowledge than that of the Christian God.  Is it too late to save them from this false message of enlightenment?  I pray not, but right now, the Enemy's box office hype is drawing them like sheep to the slaughter.  If only they were as excited to flock to supernatural Scripture like the following ....

2 Corinthians 12:3-4     "And I know that such a man—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, [only] God knows— was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words which man is not permitted to speak [words too sacred to tell]."

May 30, 2016

Memorializing Spiritual Warriors

     Today is the day that our nation honors the warriors who have fought and sacrificed their lives for our freedom.  They answered the call and put their own lives aside in order to serve others and something greater than themselves.  It is an act and a life choice worth honoring, and I pay tribute to all those, in the history of our country, who have given me the opportunity to live in liberty, without being enslaved to a tyrant or oppressive ruler.  We have been fortunate in this country to have experienced such unparalleled freedom.
     But today I would also like to honor those spiritual warriors of the Bible, who long ago made those same sacrifices and answered a call that benefitted each and every one of us.  Just like our modern soldiers who are well trained and equipped in the art of waging war, these spiritual warriors were trained by God to identify the enemy and his tactics.
     If you really think about it, in the Bible, our faith is often compared to warfare. Indeed, it is a very real aspect of the way that those who follow Christ must live. Those who desire to live this way will face many battlefield and battles that MUST BE WON if we are to make it into the kingdom of God, and defeat the enemy. There is effort involved—energy must be expended in the day-to-day life of a true Christian -- fighting the attempts of Self, Society and Satan to disrupt our relationship and eternity with Christ.  Yes, Christ's sacrifice on the Cross and our belief in Him gives us an entry into the Kingdom via trusting Him and having confidence in what He has done on our behalf (faith).  Our decision binds our spirits with Him, but once that decision is made, we must face the fact that the rest of our lives will find us in battles for our souls (our minds, will, and emotions).
     Just as our forefathers had to recognize and identify our nation's enemies in order to keep us free, we must realize that our Spiritual war is a war between the forces of God (including angels) and saved humanity versus Satan and his fallen angels.   Just as on the battlefields of the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the continuing wars in the Middle East, the Spiritual war is being fought in heavenly realms on the battlefield of the minds of humanity.  This physical world is merely a byproduct of the events taking place spiritually.  When souls come to salvation, territory is taken away from Satan.  It is a battle of strategy and ultimate power.
      And fortunately, we have some great role models of men in this physical world who battled the enemy successfully and won vital territory for mankind.  Each one of the apostles answered the call to advance the campaign against the enemy and claimed new territory for God's Kingdom.  And each of them paid the price with his own life.  At least two were crucified (Peter and Andrew), and eight of them died martyr's deaths (James, son of Alpheus, was thrown down from the temple by the scribes and Pharisees; he was then stoned, and his brains dashed out with a club).
     Perhaps one of the most extraordinary examples was the Prophet Elijah.  I agree with one website, that says, "Elijah stands out in the Old Testament as [one of] the great Spiritual warriors.  He was the prophet to Israel during the Baal counterattack when only 7,000 believers were left in the Northern Kingdom.  He opposed the Evil King Ahab and Jezebel, his wife, the foremost example of the Prostitute of Babylon.  Elijah and Moses are believed, by some, to be the two witnesses who will be called back to serve in the Tribulation in Israel's darkest hour.  And Elijah's prophecy of no rain for 3.5 years will become the standard for the division of the seven years of the Tribulation (in half) to mark the beginning of the Great Tribulation."
     Elijah's service to God and Israel was costly and difficult, and he was tested in his battles and fought his own weariness and reluctance.  But God always provided shelter and sustenance, and fortified him in his moments of doubting.  And just like us in our spiritual warfare, Elijah had to learn some important lessons in surrendering to the power of Christ in order to fight the devil.  He had to learn that he had his eyes on himself and his problem, and not on the Divine solution; that (at times) his normal methods of fighting off the attacks of the enemy were not working.  That's when the Lord humbled him and demonstrated His power in three Judgments: a storm, an earthquake, and fire. (1 Kings, Chapter 19).  The three Judgments were followed by "the sound (whisper) of a gentle breeze", which symbolized a paradigm shift in Elijah's warfare tactics and he became aware that he could become more effective by partnering with Christ.  With this new strategic objective, Elijah moved into spiritual maturity, and he was instrumental in defeating Ahab and Jezebel, satan's instruments.
     It is not lost on me that the continual wars that the world faces are spiritual in nature.  I believe that satan has placed his partners in strategic geographical areas of the world in order to further his cause and promote conflicts, campaigns, and bombardments (all with spiritual implications).  Just as our modern soldiers form "bonds of brotherhood" in their theaters of war, we, too, must form partnerships with our fellow warriors.  And, together, we must work with Jesus and the Holy Spirit to carry out their commands, being equipped with the Authority and Power mandated to us.
     Like Elijah, we are not born spiritually mature, but by answering the call of our Lord, we can discern that we are each born for a purpose -- to confront the greatest evil in the history of mankind.  We can be effective spiritual warriors by recognizing that we have the Law of the Lord written on our hearts, and we live by His Grace through our faith and obedience.
     Today, we honor and memorialize those military warriors who have died for the perpetuation of our earthly freedom.  Let us not forget those Biblical warriors who perished for our spiritual freedom. Every warrior's death is important in the eyes of God.  He chooses the time, place, and manner of death.  War is a horrible part of our human existence, and we must never forget that it is not God's desire.  But, even in the midst of such battles, God can be glorified.  As we approach the enemy's endgame, we can rejoice that our Victory has already been won.  In the meantime, we must ask for more of His Spirit, His help and His protection—along with the strength, desire and determination needed to fight each and every battle, each and every day. So, I continually pray for all of our warriors, past and present, and God’s people and the ministry of effective spiritual warfare.

2 Timothy 2:3-4   "Take with me your share of hardship [passing through the difficulties which you are called to endure], like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.  No soldier in active service gets entangled in the [ordinary business] affairs of civilian life; [he avoids them] so that he may please the one who enlisted him to serve."

May 29, 2016

Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation—
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the refuge and fortress of my life—
Whom shall I dread?

     I love this image of a lighthouse being pounded by the waves!  It gives me a picture of the Lord as my Light and my refuge and my fortress as the circumstances of this world, and the forces in the spiritual realm, batter me in their attempt to separate me from the presence of my Lord.
     Notice the person standing in the doorway of the lighthouse, seeming impervious to the powerful force surrounding them.  That's how we can feel when we stand firm in our faith and the power and protection of God.  Whom shall we fear, and whom shall we dread?  No one and nothing!
     As we continue educating ourselves on what the Word says about trusting in the authority of Jesus and our access to His power, we will learn that He is our stronghold; a strong tower in which we can weather the storms, and from which we can stand our ground during attacks.  We can seek Him and find Him there, where He is battling for us and with us.  
     Remember, the Enemy seeks to handicap you and separate you from your presence with God by taking you into bondages of fear, dread, anger, unforgiveness, idolatry, lust, or whatever weakness he can find to exploit.  But if we make God our stronghold and our fortress, we can partner with Him so that we are carried to victory in any situation.  Remember, we never find freedom from bondage in our independence.  We must willingly enter His refuge and bind ourselves to Him.  He is our protection and the rock upon which we stand.  
     Whenever we venture out of His haven and partake of the world, we can expect to encounter opposition, temptations, and lies.  We must come to the realization that we are not strong enough to resist any of these on our own.  And the Enemy knows this!  So, if he can convince you not to immediately run back into that strong tower, you just might find that a barrier has been erected, one brick at a time; one that is a stronghold of sin (pride, fear, arrogance, doubt, etc.) that will keep you isolated and blocked from re-entering God's protective shelter.  
     That will be a painful lesson to learn.  We may find ourselves unable to fight off the spirits who feed that pride, or that fear.  We will find that our own strength is incapable of winning that battle, and the spiritual enemy has actually gained in strength to further imprison us.  It is imperative that we know that our victory is conditional.  We don't become victors by conquering the enemy on our own.  We become victors through surrender to Christ, and His victory becomes ours.  
     We must also remember that the longer we stay away from, or out of our towers of refuge, the more time the enemy has to add one more brick to that concrete barrier between you and the safety of God's fortress.  Pretty soon, you realize that you are in a fortress alright, but it's one that the devil has constructed around you.  It might be one that you think offers you comfort and familiarity; you've become used to it and it's not too threatening.  But the enemy will not be content to leave you in that state of serenity.  You will soon find that this fortress built on prolonged sin has become a prison.  Your human effort is useless in demolishing your strongholds.  Prayer can be effective in destroying such strongholds, but it will take the supernatural power of God to set you free.
     I think we can all agree that fear and dread can be powerful forces in our day-to-day living.  But notice that the Lord is the answer to both.  His Divine Power is a weapon we can call upon whenever we feel attacked.  We are not to go into battle alone or without His Authority.  When we remain under His protection, we are never to doubt that He will go to battle with us, and that it is Him leading the charge!  We can confidently and trustingly stand in the midst of the roaring waves, never fearing that we will be overpowered and swept away.  His strength will become our strength, and the enemy cannot defeat us.