A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

September 27, 2015

Psalm 78: What We Need To Learn

Listen, O my people, to my law [teaching];
Incline your ears to the words of my mouth [and be willing to learn]... tell to the generation to come the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, And [tell of] His great might and power and the wonderful works that He has done... 
And not be like their fathers—A stubborn and rebellious generation, A generation that did not prepare its heart to know and follow God, And whose spirit was not faithful to God...
Nevertheless they flattered Him with their mouths
And lied to Him with their tongues...
For they provoked Him to [righteous] anger with their high places [devoted to idol worship]
And moved Him to jealousy with their carved images [by denying Him the love, worship, and obedience that is rightfully and uniquely His]... 

     A couple Sundays ago, my husband and I attended a new Sunday School class at a new church a few miles from our home.  We weren't interested in joining a church or necessarily wanting to hear a sermon, but we are always interested in meeting with new groups of Christians who are desiring to gain more knowledge about the God we serve through deep dives into the Bible.  So, we thought we'd see if we could add another group to our growing circle of committed Christians.  
     This group was beginning a new year-long commitment to studying the entire Bible in depth and were just beginning Exodus, so we thought maybe we could integrate easily into the discussion.  The first week went great; there were members of the class who, like us, are interested in knowing more about the Hebrew roots of our faith, and were open to new and diverse opinions on Scripture, as long as we all stayed aligned with God's Truth.  
     I say everything went fine until the second week we attended.  The teacher brought in Jonathan Cahn's presentation on The Harbingers: Isaiah 9:10, admitting that it might be controversial to some in the class, but he felt it was worthy of discussion.  The class was attentive, and when the film finished, we began our discussion.  Naturally, coincidences were noted between what the prophet Isaiah foretold about the decline/judgment of ancient Israel [due to their arrogance] and what has befallen this country after 9/11 and our leaders speaking the very same arrogant words.  
     One class member boldly and angrily denounced not only the film, but our interest in anything that had to do with Israel.  He exclaimed, "We are not Israel!  The Church and Israel have nothing in common, and we should not be concerned with Israel or the Old Testament!"  Of course, being a Peace-Loving Warrior (which is the literal meaning of his name), my husband gently, but firmly, disagreed with the gentleman.  He pointed out that we are not only grafted into Israel, but our futures are inextricably tied together, as anyone who has read Romans, Chapters 9-11 will understand.  
    But the gentleman refused to listen, becoming ever more angry.  I recount this incident to you because it came to mind as I began reading the next section of my own walk through the Bible.  I am now in the middle of Psalms, and as I read Psalm 78, my heart was saddened to realize that this man from the Sunday School class would probably never read this prophetic Scripture: and therefore never consider how it speaks to us, the Church, and the nation today.
     I have chosen just a few verses out of the 72 verses of Psalm 78, and I would highly recommend that you read the entire rendition of this important psalm.  In it, you will see the heart and character of God.  It is both a historic depiction of Israel's relationship with YHWH, but also a great testimony of God's continued guidance in spite of unbelief --- something that gives me hope in the midst of our own national sins.  
    It speaks of the works of God:  His protection during the crossing of the Red Sea; His leadership in the wilderness by cloud and pillar of fire; His provision of life-saving water and the giving of manna, the bread of life; He cast out the pagans before them in the Promised Land and gave them the land as their inheritance; His choice of the tribe of Judah to be pre-eminent, and Jerusalem as His Holy city and sanctuary.  
     But Psalm 78 also speaks of the disobedience and unbelief of His chosen people and the consequences of their sins:  they were stubborn and rebellious, and their spirits were not steadfast with God; they forgot His works and the wonders He had shown them; they did not forsake their lust for foreign idols and gods; they were unfaithful to the God of their fathers and built altars to these foreign gods.  So God delivered His people into captivity, and yielded His glory into the enemy's hand. 
     But the Psalm does not record the destruction of Israel.  It also speaks of God's integrity and character, and how He always provides a path for His people to return.  How I pray He will show us the path back to Him!
     So, I have to ask ... how can anyone read this entire Psalm and not see that it speaks to both ancient Israel and to us today?  How can anyone discount the Old Testament, which is God's covenant with the roots of our faith?  Besides, Jesus appears on every page of the first half of the Bible -- not just in the New Testament!
     Psalm 78 speaks of so many things:  God's mercy and the unfaithfulness of Israel; God's provision and the Israelite's ungratefulness; God's anger and Israel's redemption; God's Sovereignty and His discipline.  In 72 short verses we see His wonders and miracles on behalf of His people; His strength and glory; His ability to send them into captivity, and His power to deliver them from the hand's of the enemy.  We see His ultimate redemption through the tribe of Judah and the establishment of His sanctuary on Mount Zion, in Jerusalem.  And like I said, the presence of Yeshua, the Messiah, runs throughout this amazing Psalm!
    So, I would say this to the angry gentleman in the Sunday School class:  I think it is important for us to study ancient Israel and to acknowledge their importance to our Christian faith.  It is through their history, and how God deals with them, that we get a real good picture of who He is --- His character; His righteousness; His Sovereignty; and His Truth.  He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  So don't you think we can learn something from how God and Israel [with whom we are grafted in] interacted?  
     Because, you see, I sorrow over how my nation has followed the same path as Israel, and forgotten the ways of the Lord.  He has every right to discipline us as He did His chosen people.  But I trust in Him, and have hope that we may yet turn from our wicked ways and embrace Him once more.  Oh, how I pray that He will have mercy on us, and yet deliver us, and redeem us!

September 26, 2015

The Lord's Feasts: Feast of Tabernacles

     Monday evening at sundown will begin the Lord's Feast of Tabernacles.  This is the final Fall Feast of the Lord's prophetic appointed times, and it designates the Lord's appearance when He tabernacles with us in the Millennial Kingdom.  To begin, let's take a look at how God instituted this Feast.
     Five days after the Day of Atonement, and for seven days, the Israelites celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles, as established in Leviticus 23:33-36.  For ancient Israel, it was a time of rejoicing at the end of the fall harvest.  We are commanded to rejoice and celebrate during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) for the blessing of God’s provision and care in our lives.  For the ancient Israelites, it was one of the three Feasts in which they were commanded to come to the Temple in Jerusalem, so they traveled from near and far, living in tents (or booths) during the seven days of the Feast.  We will see that the commandment to come up to Jerusalem has prophetic significance for us, as well.  Today, modern Jews still erect temporary shelters and reside in them for seven days, as they look forward to the appearance of their Messiah.
    The Old Testament significance is that God wanted the Israelites to celebrate the fact that He was in their presence.  He had dwelt among them in the tabernacle in the wilderness, and He had been their shelter, their refuge for them in the wilderness. For us Christians, the New Testament significance is that the Feast of Tabernacles represents the Lord’s shelter in the world to come, when He will dwell with us during His Millennial Reign.
    I just love the history and tradition of the Lord's Feasts, and the Feast of Tabernacles is full of spiritual import.  It was a time of great rejoicing following the mourning and repenting of The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). The Rabbis of old referred to it as “the holiday”. It was one of the three holidays in which all Jewish males were required to go to Jerusalem and appear before the Temple of God; therefore streams of people would come from surrounding cities and foreign countries to celebrate. The goal was to arrive by the afternoon of Tishri 14 (according to the Hebrew calendar), allowing enough time to build a booth to celebrate the feast. During Tabernacles the people brought their tithes and offerings to the Temple because you were not to appear empty-handed.  Three ceremonies marked the next seven days of joy and celebration, and they all point to Jesus as the Messiah and our Savior.
     The first ceremony was called the Water Libation Ceremony.  Remember that Israel was an agricultural community and depended heavily on their harvests to survive.  Therefore, rainfall was extremely important.  The rainfall in Israel and Jerusalem is about 20 inches per year, with most of it falling in November – March.  (On average, we get about 38 inches per year in my part of Texas).  Without a sufficient amount of rain, the crops would not survive and the nation of Israel would be in dire straits.
     And here is where the spiritual aspect begins to overlay the physical reality ... The people were very much aware of their dependence on God for the rains (and water) that were so vital for the preservation of life.  Each morning of the Feast, the High Priest would take a golden pitcher and exit the Water-Gate, making his way to the Pool of Siloam and fill up the pitcher.  There would be a great procession of music and worshippers that accompanied him.  He would return, via the Water-gate, to the Court of Priests where the Altar was located.  As he entered, three blasts of the silver trumpets sounded from the Temple.  The priest would then say, “Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3).
     Keeping in mind that water represented life, in terms of an abundant harvest, consider the meaning of what Jesus said, when after his entry into Jerusalem, He taught in the Temple:  “Now on the final and most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water” (John 7:37-38).  Here is the continual pouring out of Living Water that was so important to Israel’s survival … physically and spiritually!
    The next ceremony that was celebrated is the Temple Lighting Ceremony.  This ceremony was held on the evening of the first day of the Feast, when the people would crowd into the Court of Women; a barrier separating men from women being raised. In the center of the Court of Women stood four huge menorahs to light the courtyard.  The wicks for these menorahs were old priestly garments.  (It would be a Holy Fire!) Young men would climb ladders 50 feet tall to light the bowls filled with olive oil.  This celebration was repeated each night for the next six nights, as the lighting of the Temple reminded people of how God's Shekinah glory had once filled His Temple. 
     On the last night of the Fire Ceremony in the Temple, the people recall the manifestation of God's physical presence with them as He led them in the Pillar of Fire through the wilderness.   They also remembered the promise that He would send the "Anointed One", the Messiah, who will be a "Light" to His people, and who will lead them to be a "light" to the nations of the world.
     And here's what the Israelites did not understand (and where God is so amazing in His revelations):  Jesus was in Jerusalem, celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles, and teaching in the Temple.  The people did not understand that, in the person of Jesus, God's glory was once again present in that Temple! And Jesus used this celebration to announce that very fact. 
     He was teaching in the Court of Women just after the Feast of Tabernacles, perhaps standing right next to those magnificent candelabras when He declared to all who were gathered there, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12).
     The final ceremony of the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles is called the Hoshanah Rabbah Ceremony; also known as "The Great Salvation".  This ceremony occurred on the seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles.  It represented the final day of the Fall harvest for the Israelites.  Today, the significance for the Jews is that it will represent the time when Israel, as a nation, has repented and Yeshua returns to the earth.  They will have declared, “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!”  For the world, it is also a picture of the celebration of the gathering in of the final harvest of souls in God’s Plan.  
     If the Feast of Tabernacles represents the Millennial Reign of Christ (when He dwells on earth for 1,000 years), then this final day of the Feast is the end of that reign -- when the final harvest of souls is celebrated, and final judgment will be delivered at the Great White Throne.  There is much rejoicing on this last day, as the harvest of souls is completed.
     As our home church gathers together to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, I am in awe of God as He reveals His Sovereignty throughout the ages.  He established external and physical significance to this Feast for the ancient Israelites, and offers internal and spiritual meaning and hope for all those looking for the presence of the Messiah in their lives. 
      We will come together for a joyous meal and review both the historical and eschatological implications of the Feast of Trumpets.  We will read Scripture, and recite a prayer, honoring God's Feasts, His Holy Days:  Blessed art You, LORD our God, Master of the universe, who has given to us holidays, customs, and seasons of happiness for the glory of our Lord Yeshua, the Messiah, the Light of the world. 
      We will hold up a glass of wine, reciting together:  Blessed art You, LORD our God, Master of the universe, Creator of the true fruit of the vine.  You have prepared a table for me in the midst of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.   We will then eat of the unleavened bread, declaring together:  Blessed art You, LORD our God, Master of the universe, who gives us the Living Bread from Heaven.
     We will then eat, rejoice, and commune together as we celebrate the time when the Lord returns, and the survivors from all the nations will go up, year after year, to worship the King, the LORD Almighty, and to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles and God dwelling with us (Zechariah 14:16).  My spirit is telling me that this day is in the not so distant future.  Until then, let us declare together, Next Year in Jerusalem!

There is so much history, tradition, and spiritual significance to this Holy Feast Day, that it is impossible to contain it all in one blog posting.  But I hope this has given you enough insight that you will want to research it yourself, and gain the blessings that come from celebrating the Lord's Feasts.

John 1:14    "And the Word became flesh and dwelt [tabernacled] among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

September 25, 2015

#ShoutYourAbortion Campaign

     Twitter's latest social media craze has been launched in protest of the US House of Representatives vote to cut funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest women's health care services provider.  Apparently there are tens of thousands of women who wish to publicly disclaim the stigma and shame that is associated with abortion.
     They cite various reasons -- convenience, immaturity, being too young, not being in a "good place", no support system -- as to why they have no regrets over ending the lives of the babies growing inside them.  They want those of us who are Pro-Life and view abortion as a sin and murder to know that they are comfortable with their decisions and feel it is a woman's right to choose what she does to her body.  But is it her right to take that choice away from her unborn child?
     Obviously, the Planned Parenthood videos have sparked a controversy that finds women taking sides on this emotional issue.  For perhaps the first time since Roe v. Wade, the facade of the abortion industry (and that's what it is -- a lucrative business) have been unveiled.  The Gosnell trial revealed the horror behind late-term abortions and nightmarish "abortion mills", but that was looked upon as an anomaly.  Organizations like Planned Parenthood were still seen as providing necessary "services" to the modern woman.  Until those videos, that is.  All of a sudden, it became clear that it wasn't just tissue being vacuumed out of 55 million wombs, it was babies!
      The tide of public opinion was beginning to affect the national dialogue about abortion, and some women decided they needed to encourage women to reclaim that conversation.  Amelia Bonow shared her own story on Facebook along with the hashtag, ShoutYourAbortion, and since then, thousands of women across the globe have detailed their experience(s).   Another of the organizers of this campaign, Lindy West, stated that she was tired of whispering about her abortion; that she realised that, even among her pro-choice friends, she never, ever talked about her abortion. She joined Bonow in launching the #ShoutYourAbortion campaign because, "We need to chip away at stigma, at lies, at the climate of shame."
     Apparently others felt the same, as the campaign's Twitter and Facebook pages went viral.  Comments included the following:  "Honestly, my abortion at 20 was one of the first responsible, non-self-destructive, grown-a** choices I ever made" ... "I was 20, in school and my birth control failed. I did not want a child. It was the right choice and I've never regretted it" ... "To say choosing to have an abortion was the hardest decision I've made would be to lie. It was easy. Tears but no regrets" ...  and what I think is the most narcissistic comment I've ever read:  "I've had 2 abortions. I don't have to justify or explain them to anybody. My life is more valuable than a potential life."  Some commenters even remarked that they were sobbing over being shed of the guilt and shame, and were so grateful that they could "come out of the closet", so to speak, and were so happy that they could finally "shout about their abortions".
     It's all summed up in this evil comment from an article in an alleged medical ethics journal:  "… Although fetuses and newborns are not persons, they are potential persons … If a potential person, like a fetus or a newborn, does not become an actual person, like you and us, then … there is no harm at all … The alleged right of (fetuses and newborns) to develop their potentiality … is over-ridden by the interests of actual people (parents, family, society) to pursue their own well-being."

     But, as always, there are two sides to every conversation, and there is some sobbing going on among those women who have a different view of the abortions they experienced.  #ShoutYourAbortion-Regret gave women who mourned their abortions the opportunity to tell their side of the issue.  They, too, have spent many years in silence, not even daring to whisper of the physical pain and emotional trauma that abortion heaped upon them.
      Their stories are eerily similar;  the screaming of their consciences that the procedure was wrong, but they listened to the lies of the nurses and doctors that told them they would soon be rid of "it" and back to their old selves.  It makes me wonder how many of the 55 million moms who aborted their babies share the feelings of this woman:  February 19th, 1994 will be a day I will never forget … the day I had my abortion and selfishly took my child’s life. I was not ready to be a mother and I thought I would disappoint my family, so I chose to end my child's life.
     This was the day that chained me to silence, and began a LONG and PAINFUL road of emotional roller-coasters, ‪self-destruction‬, alcohol use to numb the emotional pain, shame, guilt, and anger, just to mention a few of the “side-effects” of my abortion. The abortion clinic workers never warned me about the certain destruction of ‪Post-Abortive‬ ‪Trauma‬.
     I remember being emotionally numb, stuffing my fears and doubts as far away in my mind as I could, so I could get through the “procedure”.
     The workers at the clinic told me: “It’s just a mass of tissue, nothing to worry about” (LIE #1); “This will be a fairly quick procedure, you will feel a little bit of discomfort, but when it’s done, you won’t have to worry about “IT” anymore” (LIE #2); “It’s OK! You’re almost all back to normal now” (LIE #3). A decision made, based all on a woman’s right to choose and masked by a series of LIES! I left the clinic that day with a sense of relief “it” was done, not knowing the pain that lie ahead.
     There you have it --- For the first time since I can remember, the issue of abortion is being put under a glaring spotlight.  The layers are being peeled away and the mask has come off.  It is so much more that the "right" of a woman.  It is destroying a life, and just because there are women that want to shout it from the rooftops so they can develop a sisterhood and feel vindicated, it doesn't wash away the sin and its effects.  This #ShoutYourAbortion campaign has only served to spotlight the self-absorbed, egocentric personalities of women who are celebrating killing their child as a false sense of emancipation.  There will come a day when they must face the truth about what they've done, and I pray that they will repent and seek forgiveness from the One who Created them.  But to flaunt their deed as if it was some sort of badge of self-empowerment is to diminish the eternal consequences of their actions.

Deuteronomy 27:25      Cursed be anyone who takes a bribe to shed innocent blood.  And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

September 24, 2015

What Is The Purpose Of The Pope's Visit?

     I need to begin this blog by making it clear that it is not my intention to offend or wound those of the Catholic faith.  Indeed, I am not questioning your faith or belief in God... that is something that we share.  But if you read this blog with any amount of regularity, then you know that I am disparaged of the shape that Jesus's Church is in ... and that includes all churches, including the Catholic Church.  And not being a Catholic, I do not invest allegiance or loyalty to the Pope as my intercessor.  I do not judge those who do; I simply follow a different path.  I choose to adhere to the commands and voice of my Lord through His Holy Word in the Bible.
     Now, that I've made my position clear, I want to address my initial opinion of this Pope's historic visit to the U.S.  Pope Francis, perhaps far more than any of his predecessors, is seen as "the people's Pope".  He seems to have a foot in both worlds; gently admonishing the Church to not be silent in the face of humanity's issues, such as hunger, poverty, terrorism, abortion, and the immigrants that he refers to as "pilgrims".  In fact, he has made economic justice and social equality a hallmark of his Papacy, as well as climate change.  He has also stood strong for the institutions of family and marriage, along with calls for tolerance and non-discrimination.
     But here is what concerns me... Those throughout our cultural and social fabric are looking to him to help solidify their political agendas.  Forgive me for being so bold but, to me, it cheapens one's declared faith in God.  While announcing that Francis's visit is calling attention to, and unifying the faithful throughout this nation and the world, from what I've seen so far, the Elite are using the Pope's visit to further their own political and social motives.
    It was quite obvious in the President's welcoming address; he correctly lavished praise on the Pope for the excitement that 70 million Catholics in this nation are experiencing due to his visit.  But if you read the transcript of his speech, you can see religious homilies like mercy, grace and compassion used to subtly inject his political agenda on immigration; racial discrimination; diplomacy versus war; Christians versus Muslims; saving our planet; and of course, his ever-present campaign slogan of hope.
     The Pope, himself, did not shy away from interjecting his own worldly motives for this trip; among them "building a just and vastly ordered society" and "sustainable and integrated development".  He also found it encouraging that the President is proposing an initiative for reducing air pollution.  Isn't this a rather odd testimony for a Pope?  Does anyone else think that the Pope sounds like a representative for the United Nations and Agenda 21?
     But perhaps it was the political pundits on the news outlets that were the most astonishing, among them, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who best exemplified the real and underlying message from this historic visit.  RFK was particularly proud that he shares the name of Francis with the Pope (as did his father), because the historic Saint Francis broke with the Church hierarchy over their fixation on orthodoxy and ideology.  He was quick to point out that this resulted in a creed that "all of us have access to God, particularly the poor".
     He went on to say, "This Pope has taken the focus away from the orthodoxy and ideology, and from the narrow concern of personal morality, and opened it up to say the Church must become more concerned with these larger issues -- war and peace, poverty, inequalities in our economic order and above all, with pollution -- and that is the sin that we need to focus on today."
     WOW!  Did you get that?  Pollution is now a sin?!? Have you read that anywhere in the Bible?  Oh, I forgot ... It is quite obvious to me that it is the "orthodoxy and ideology" of the Bible that RFK wishes this Francis to break.  But to me and millions of Christians worldwide, that "orthodoxy" is God's Truth.
      It is also apparent that the Elite find those who look to the "orthodoxy" of the Bible for their moral views to be narrow-minded and intolerant.  All I can think of is Jesus's admonition in Matthew 7:13-14:  Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it.
     So, now personal morality is to be seen as narrow-minded and of less concern than climate change?  Apparently so, if you consider RFK's next statement:  "I hope that the Pope will emphasize global climate change as a moral issue; as a sin.  It is our obligation to future generations, and to put moral parameters on our behavior [regarding how we treat the planet]".  Excuse me?!?  Climate change as a moral issue?  Moral parameters on how we treat the planet?  How about abortion and transgenderism and pedophilia among the priesthood as moral issues; and shouldn't we be setting moral parameters on that behavior???
     It is obvious from comments by Kennedy and others that there is hope the Pope will influence public policy in our country during his visit.  Here's one statement to prove this point:  "Should the Pope influence policy -- after all, he speaks for 70 million Catholics in this country -- he will be a good role model.  The U.S. is the most powerful nation in the world, and we have a special obligation to the rest of the world to treat people fairly and model behaviors that are moral behaviors, like forcing the economy to serve humanity."  (Oops! There's re-distribution of wealth!) Once again I'd like to point out that our behavior regarding abortion, the destruction of the Biblical family, the criticism of Biblical marriage, and the promotion of transgenderism have been far from moral, although these Elite have championed them all.
     I heard statements such as this, regarding the Pope's visit and his address to Congress: that we should "focus on global warming to the welfare of all human beings on the planet."  What about the welfare of the 55 million babies we are responsible for aborting?  Shouldn't we address that issue before tackling global warming?  And, then there is the controversial decision by the Pope to give priests the discretion to grant absolution to women who have had an abortion.   I realize that this is an issue that will naturally put me at odds with Catholics... but I believe that a woman will have to go to God to receive forgiveness for the murder of God's creation; no man can do that in His place.  So I sincerely believe that any attempt to connect this Papal decision to God's Jubilee Year and the forgiveness of debts is misguided; and me and my faithful Catholic friends will just have to agree to disagree.
    Finally, I think it was Robert F. Kennedy's final words that struck me as so paradoxical.  He said we should "quit looking at those things that divide us and look at what unifies us".  I suspect that he was suggesting that we should just compromise on the moral issues that are dividing the Church and society in America --- issues like same-sex marriage; and the ability to choose your own sexual identity; and even the issue of whether radical Islam is a threat to humanity -- give up the narrow way and get on the bandwagon with a global and ecumenical movement.  Except, this is how I see it:  it is precisely because we did quit looking at these things [that divided us and separated us from God] that we are in the mess we're in.
       I'm sorry, but I am not looking to any man -- and that includes the Pope -- to give me counsel or hope in my eternal future.  And when I see religious world leaders aligning themselves with political world leaders and organizations, it only confirms what the Holy Spirit reveals to me [in my spirit] and through the Bible... the time is nearing when men's hearts will fail them because false prophets and leaders have deceived them and led the world astray.  Now is the time to know what you believe and in Whom you believe.  Be careful to choose your path wisely ... do not enter the wide gate of worldly tolerance and compromise.  Yes, it's true that the narrow path and gate are more difficult to enter -- and the world will condemn you for the stand you take -- but your eternal rewards will surpass any and all benefits that the New World Order promises from unity with their "ordered society".  It will be interesting to see what transpires from this historic Papal visit, and how it aligns with a Biblical worldview.  May God continue to stand with the faithful and give us courage and strength to endure!

1 John 5:4    "For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith."


September 23, 2015

The Slender Man Trial: What We're Missing

     It may not be the media's Top Story, but the trial of Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, two 12-year-olds from Waukesha, Wisconsin, should be a warning for every parent.  If you will remember, they are the two adolescent girls accused of luring their friend into the woods and stabbing her 19 times, in their admitted attempts to please Slender Man, the latest dark entity to take possession of the imaginations (and deeds) of our youth.  The victim, thankfully, survived and crawled out of those dark woods to be rescued by a passing bicyclist.
     The reason this trial has received attention from the press is not because it is a question of innocence or guilt -- the girls have admitted doing the crime, and show no remorse.  The attention comes from an appeal to have the case tried in juvenile court, where the girls could receive a maximum sentence of 5 years for the crime; or in adult court, where the trial is currently scheduled, and the girls could receive a maximum sentence of 65 years.
    Of course, the question of a plea of insanity seems the natural path for the defense attorneys, although apparently the evidence points to a "well planned-out and thought-out crime."  But here's what I think everyone is missing ... the primary focus should not be on the trial and the change of venue or court.  Why is no one taking a good, hard look at who these girls were trying to please, and why?  I think the Police Chief of Waukesha got it right when he said, "This should be a wake-up call for all parents.  The Internet has changed the way we live. It is full of information and wonderful sites that teach and entertain. The Internet can also be full of dark and wicked things."  And that brings us to Slender Man.
    Who is he?  Slender Man appears to have been introduced to the internet world on an online forum contest asking for "fake" supernatural photographs—images so convincing that they would pass as the real thing in other online paranormal forums. Eric Knudsen submitted two black-and-white photos of an impossibly tall, thin and faceless creature stalking children.  
     The legend of Slender Man morphed and grew as people contributed to his story, writing fan fiction and creating their own forged photos in a kind of modern-day, tech-fueled folklore. Dressed in a black suit, Slender Man has black tentacles protruding from his back. He can stretch his arms to inhuman lengths and is often pictured lurking in leafless forests or behind unsuspecting children. Legend says he can cause memory loss, coughing fits (referred to as “slendersickness) and a litany of paranoid behaviors. He can remove your organs, impale you on a tree or stalk you slowly and drive you to madness. Slender Man is now a facsimile of the Puritan devil: He is everywhere, every day, a specter of our anxieties about raising children in a world where technology reigns and the lines between reality and fantasy grow dimmer.
     But is he fantasy?  News sources such as ABC News, The Christian Science Monitor, and legal experts on Fox News, all refer to him as "a fictional character".  In fact, the Fox News TV host suggested that Geyser and Weier were hypnotized by this "strange fictional character that we know has produced this strange weird following (among young adults)."  She then went on to report that one doctor who examined them said one of the girls had a very early form of schizophrenia.  And as I have studied spiritual warfare over the last year, I have come to understand that as being a demonic spirit of "double-mindedness".  
    People who suffer from schizophrenia, or double-mindedness, will be unstable in nearly every area of their lives, never having any peace about who they are or what they can (or have to) accomplish.  For those who say that Christians need not be worried about this, let me remind you that James said that a double-minded person is unstable in all his ways -- and he was speaking to the saints (James 1:8)! 
     So what does this have to do with two 12-year-old girls in Wisconsin and their abnormal obsession with Slender Man?  Apparently the girls found him on the internet and believed he was real, offering themselves as "proxies", or representatives, thereby proving to skeptics their dedication to him and his existence.  They wanted to prove themselves worthy to him, and to do that, they would have to kill someone.  Naturally, this makes everyone from the news media, to the legal profession, to the average citizen question the mental state of these girls.  It should!
     But why is no one willing to accept the possibility that Slender Man could be a clever innovation of the devil to invite our impressionable young people into a world of delusion, mind control, and absolute evil?  Do you doubt that the Enemy can infiltrate our technology, or that the internet is a viable and practical tool for him?  When these young girls -- or anyone, for that matter -- open themselves to the suggestions of evil entities, they invite the devil in.  And that's exactly where I think Slender Man gained his foothold.  Remember the online forum contest that invited people to submit their creepy paranormal inventions?  That was an open door invitation for Satan to enter the internet sphere and begin to lure young and impressionable minds.  
     But he doesn't just send a spirit of double-mindedness on its own.  He couples it with spirits of rejection and rebellion to attract young people who are misfits or particularly subject to such emotions.  At the core of the rebellious personality is the root of bitterness and repressed anger and stubbornness. 
     Still doubt that the girls could have invited demonic spirits into their subconscious?  When questioned by police, the girls expressed regret mixed with cold-blooded intent. “I believe it’s ending a life, and I regret it,” Weier said about the attack. “The bad part of me wanted her to die; the good part of me wanted her to live.”  Sounds like double-mindedness to me.  
     When Geyser was asked what she was trying to do when she stabbed [the victim] Geyser stated, ‘I may as well just say it. Kill her.’”  She then told police she was sorry, adding, “It was weird that I didn’t feel remorse.”  When you are controlled by the devil, remorse isn't exactly a character trait.  Unfortunately, I'm afraid that our inability to identify this crime, and many others, as the result of demonic influence will cripple our understanding of who and what we are fighting.  To prove my point, here is a statement by Frank Ochberg, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Michigan State University and leading expert on violence and trauma:  “We are intrigued by the oddity, the horror, the irony of little girls doing terrible things. It doesn’t go with the age or gender."  That's because it is not of this world, or anything that our human brains can comprehend!  Trying to understand demonic oppression and influence through the lens of childhood and adolescent development will never help us deter these kinds of wicked events.
     Until we wake up to the overwhelming opportunities we have given the devil to insinuate himself into our lives --- to pervade, penetrate, and permeate our minds and emotions, if you will -- then we will never recognize the truth of the threat we are placing ourselves and our children under.  You may think Slender Man doesn't exist; that he's not flesh and bone, and that he is simply make-believe.  But he may very well be the manifestation of a demonic force from the spiritual realm, and when your child stumbles upon him on the internet, you better pray that they don't click that mouse and invite him in.

Thanks to a Newsweek article that provided the concise and explicit facts of this crime.

1 John 4:1   "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

September 22, 2015

The Lord's Feasts: The Day of Atonement

    We are now approaching the holiest day of the Jewish New Year, the Day of Atonement.  Known as "Yom Kippur" in Hebrew, it offers great prophetic insight into the Second Coming of the Messiah, the national restoration of Israel, and the final judgment of the world.  Beginning at sundown this Wednesday, September 23rd and continuing through sundown on Thursday, we have the opportunity to glorify God for His grace and mercy in forgiving our sins.
     The Day of Atonement is a holy day; it's a Day of Mercy for the forgiveness of our sins and is to be a day of fasting and rest.  We are to call to mind the two great atonements given by the LORD:  1) for those among the nations who turn to Jesus (Yeshua) for cleansing and forgiveness, and 2) for the purification of ethnic Israel at the Great Day of the Lord when the Messiah, their King, returns at the end of ages to execute His Judgment and Justice, and Judah shall be saved.
     Historically, both the Torah and the Bible state that Yom Kippur was the only time when the High Priest could enter the Temple's Holy of Holies and call upon the Name of YHVH to offer a blood animal sacrifice for the sins of the people. This "life for a life" principle is the foundation of the sacrificial system and marked the great day of intercession made by the High Priest on behalf of Israel.
     We should be able to see that these ancient ceremonies are God's rehearsal for when He sent His Son as a blood sacrifice for us.  As modern-day Christians we are to celebrate the fact that Jesus is our High Priest who interceded on our behalf and paid the debt we owe God for our sins against Him.   So, as I have stated so often, these are not the Jews' Feasts, these are the Lord's Feasts and the appointed "signs, times and seasons" that He tells us to be watching for.
     Yes, Scripture tells us that we do not know the day or the hour, but we are to be aware of the times so that we are not surprised, like when a thief in the night approaches.  Jesus, Himself, tells the Church at Sardis (in Revelation 3:1-3), that He will be as a thief in the night to those who are not watching for Him.  If we know God's appointed times and can understand their prophetic meanings and what they are rehearsing, we will not be caught unaware.
    In traditional Judaism, the day of Yom Kippur marks the climax of the ten day period of repentance called the "Days of Awe."  According to the sages of Jewish tradition, on the Feast of Trumpets, the destiny of the righteous, are written in the Book of Life, and the destiny of the wicked are written in the Book of Death.   Revelation 20:12 tells us And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the Book of Life; and the dead were judged according to what they had done as written in the books [that is, everything done while on earth].  
     From the time of the Feast of Trumpets, most people will not be inscribed in either book, but have ten days -- until Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) -- to repent before sealing their fate.  Those of us who are saved and risen to be with the Lord are already written in the Book of Life.  The unsaved (both dead and living) will take part in the Ten Days of Repentance. On Yom Kippur, then, every soul's name will be sealed in one of the two books.  That should be a sobering fact for every soul ever created!
     The significance of this day (Day of Atonement) for us New Testament believers is that God loves us SO much that He has even given us the day we should fast, pray and seek His face before we have to stand in front of Him, face-to-face.   Yet, like the ancient Israelites, if we belong to Him, we can rest in the knowledge that Christ is the Sacrificial Lamb that paid the price for our sins, and we will be pardoned.
     The rituals and traditions of this day are both historical and symbolic for the Jews.  They are interesting and have been part of the Jewish life experience for centuries.  For a full understanding from that perspective, you can read the full exposition on the Day of Atonement at the Hebrew4Christians website.
      For now, I would like to be perfectly clear -- I do not pretend to be an authority on how God wishes us Christians to observe this Holy Day.  I can only say that for me, I honor the Jewish traditions and history, and celebrate the common ground that we share through the Torah and Bible.  Personally, I am cognizant of the rehearsal that this day represents for the prophetic future, and I want to follow my God's commandment to observe these Feast days for all generations.  But my husband and I are careful to avoid the "legalistic" or "ritualistic" tenor of the Hebrew Roots movement.  We want to avoid the "man-made" rituals and aspects of the Jewish faith, just as we wish to refrain from those in the Christian faith.  Whether it is the ceremonial law and legends of the Talmud and Mishna, or the denominational doctrines and theologies of the Church, man has done a pretty good job of convoluting God's message.  We simply want to honor His original intent as spoken in His Word.
     So, we will observe God's Day of Mercy by fasting, resting and reading our Bible, reminding ourselves that those who trust in God's salvation understand that our ultimate "rest" is provided to us by Yeshua, our great High Priest.  He presented His own blood as a sacrifice for our souls at the cross; simultaneously presenting his sacrifice before the Father in the Holy of Holies in the Heavenly Temple.  We rejoice in the sealing of our souls with the Holy Spirit, and our names in the Book of Life.  And we look forward to the return of our Lord and Savior on some future Feast of Tabernacles, and we will celebrate the "rehearsal" of that event in just five days.  I can honestly say that the turbulence, violence, and uncertainty of these days in which we live seem insignificant in light of these holy Feast days.  I thank God for  revealing to me that His Feasts are worthy of my attention, and for opening my eyes to their prophetic meanings.  What an awesome God we serve!

Isaiah 53:6    "All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way; But the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him."

September 21, 2015

Our Returning Veterans: Their Soul Wounds Are Killing Them!

     I wear it on the index finger of my left hand; next to my mother's simple gold wedding band on my middle finger, and my own wedding ring on my ring finger.  It's not a fashion ring; there's nothing flashy or even fancy about it.  It's not even expensive; and actually it's a little clunky looking ... awkwardly solid and heavy, to be exact.  But when I put it on, it is a blatant and glaring reminder of a fact that I must not dismiss or ignore ... the staggering statistic that an average of 22 veterans are killed by suicide every day (VA 2012).
     This heavy black ring is normally worn on the right index finger to signify "the trigger finger", and all the issues that drive so many veterans to take their own lives.  I choose to wear it on my left hand because I do not feel that I deserve to indicate that I can know what it is go to war or to suffer from the debilitating condition so often referred to as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
     I was introduced to this ring as the symbol of the #22Kill movement at this year's Chris Kyle Memorial Benefit.  Honor, Courage, Commitment, Inc. uses #22KILL as a platform to raise awareness not just towards veteran suicide, but also all of the issues that veterans face that can ultimately lead them to suicide; these issues include mental health, unemployment, and the challenges of transitioning out of the military.
     Here is my concern ... our government, the Veterans Administration, and our nation is not adequately serving or helping our veterans because I think, first of all, they don't fully understand PTSD.  Granted, over the last 14 years we have learned a lot about how war affects our soldiers.  We know that these wars have also caused three major invisible wounds to service people at epidemic levels. These so-called "signature wounds" of our modern high-tech wars are (PTSD), military sexual trauma (MST) and traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Please forgive me -- I do not intend to offend anyone, but would I be correct in saying that sexual trauma or a brain injury are likely to leave physical wounds (along with psychological and emotional), and therefore establishing a healing protocol might be somewhat more straightforward?  But the origins of PTSD is hard to diagnose.  Every person reacts differently to the traumas of war; the wounds are not visible, and I fear that we may be missing the spiritual perspective.
     The New York Times recently ran an excellent article about a returned Marine unit who was devastated by a disproportionate number of suicides.  It was one of the hardest hit military units in Afghanistan:  the Second Battalion, Seventh Marine Regiment. In 2008, the 2/7 deployed to a wild swath of Helmand Province.  Well beyond reliable supply lines, the battalion regularly ran low on water and ammunition while coming under fire almost daily. During eight months of combat, the unit killed hundreds of enemy fighters and suffered more casualties than any other Marine battalion that year.
     When its members returned, most left the military and melted back into the civilian landscape. They had families and played softball, taught high school and attended Ivy League universities. But many also struggled, unable to find solace. And for some, the agonies of war never ended.
     Almost seven years after the deployment, suicide is spreading through the old unit like a virus. Of about 1,200 Marines who deployed with the 2/7 in 2008, at least 13 have killed themselves; two while on active duty, the rest after they left the military. The resulting suicide rate for the group is nearly four times the rate for young male veterans as a whole and 14 times that for all Americans.
     So why are we unable to stop the suicides?  Is it because we try to treat it as a psychological problem and the easy solution is to treat it with massive amounts of pharmaceuticals?  I can tell you from my interaction with Wounded Warriors at Fort Sam Houston, that appears to be the automatic first step for every veteran who displays symptoms of any form of psychological trauma.  They have told me themselves!
     I was quite interested when I ran across an article by Edward Tick, Ph.D., Executive Director and Co-founder of Soldier’s Heart. In full disclosure, I have not fully researched Dr. Tick's organization, (and some of his discourse sounds too "new age-y" for me), so I would recommend you do your own investigation before endorsing it to others.  That being said, I find it extremely interesting that he is willing to say that there is a spiritual component to healing from PTSD, and that we must recognize that far too many of our returning veterans are suffering from "soul wounds".
     Just read some of the following comments that were stated in the NY Times article by the returning veterans of the 2/7 Marine unit, and you can see that this perspective might be closer to the truth:  "Something happens over there; you wake up a primal part of your brain you are not supposed to listen to, and it becomes a part of you... You come back and try to be a normal kid, but there is always a shadow on you, a dark shadow you can never take away...  Now, when I meet someone, I already know what they look like dead. I can’t help but think that way. And I ask myself, ‘Do I want to live with this feeling for the rest of my life, or is it better to just finish it off?...  The death of my brothers consumes me; It gives me this dark energy... We all have our demons. Some more than others."
     There it is.  Veterans are saying it themselves and identifying what I believe is at the root of their despondency; and it's a darkness that encompasses them, a sinister energy that lies to them, sometimes even seeming to speak to their wounded souls.
     I can't prove it.  And I have no evidence.  But my spirit and soul are telling me that our returning veterans are fighting a dark force in the spiritual realm; one that all those long waits at the VA hospitals, ineffective therapists (who don't understand the spiritual component), and doctors' over-reliance on drugs will never cure.  Our veterans don't need psychological counseling and a bag full of pills.  They are combat veterans and someone needs to show them how to do what they do best -- but in the spiritual realm.  They need to recognize Jesus as the Commander of their spiritual army and to know that they are not waging this soul-wounding battle on their own!  I know it may sound overly simplistic, but they need to know that although they are battle-tested warriors, they need a new kind of training.  Satan is waging a war that they don't know how to fight, and the weapons that the VA is offering are not only ineffective, but the drugs are aiding and abetting the Enemy!
     The epidemic of veteran suicides is a painful disgrace upon this nation.  But until we recognize that these soldiers need to be equipped to fight in the spiritual realm, healing will only be superficial.  True restorative healing must come from knowing Jesus Christ as their Savior and from recognizing who they are still fighting in the spiritual realm.  Healing will come when their wounded souls are healed with the knowledge that there is a battle being waged for their minds and it's from an Enemy they cannot see.  They will heal when they follow their new Commander-in-Chief and recognize that their battle belongs to the Lord and He has already won it!

 Isaiah 1:6   "From the sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness in it, but bruises and sores and raw wounds; they are not pressed out or bound up or softened with oil."

September 20, 2015

James 4:10 It's Time To Fast!

Humble yourselves [with an attitude of repentance and insignificance] in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you [He will lift you up, He will give you purpose].

     Throughout the Bible, God requires His people to humble themselves before Him.  But do we really know what that means, or how we are to accomplish this mandate?  In the sense of this Scripture, "humble" is a verb; it is an action we are to take.  But if you look in your online dictionary, you won't get a satisfactory answer to our question.  You will get definitions like humiliate, abase, demean, lower, degrade, debase; mortify, shame.  I think we can all agree that our God does not intend for us become defeated in the action of humbling ourselves.
     Notice also, that our Scripture tells us we are to humble ourselves "in the presence of the Lord."  How can we possibly do that?  Well, with a little bit of digging, I have determined that one of the primary ways that God's people (throughout the Bible) humbled themselves was by fasting.  King David is very specific when he says in Psalm 35, "I humbled my soul with fasting".
     We Christians in the Western Church are not very familiar with the concept of fasting; and if we are it is usually not for spiritual purposes.  After all, I have known many non-believers who fast; but they do it for weight loss or to detox their bodies from the Western diet of processed foods.  So why would God request that we fast in order to humble ourselves and be obedient to Him?  
     Here is a basic understanding on my part:  God asks us to voluntarily abstain from eating food for spiritual purposes; so that rather on relying on ourselves to feed our bodies when that inevitable hunger arises, we must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to oppose our fleshly desire to eat.  In other words we must bring our carnal nature into submission to the Holy Spirit.  When our body is in control, we eat whenever we desire... we live a life dictated by "I want", "I think", "I feel" ... or in this case, "I hunger". 
     When we fast, we deny the body (our flesh) what it wants, and we accept that we are not the master of our domain, so to speak.  In this light, we must all ask ourselves this question: which is the master and which is the servant in each of us?  Do we make our carnal nature the master and the Holy Spirit the slave to our desires?  Or by submitting to the Holy Spirit during a fast, do we place the proper emphasis on the desire of God for our lives?  
     Do we bow down to our God during this testing of our flesh, or do we give in to the urge and do what would please our carnal flesh (like a cheeseburger and fries about 10 hours into a fast)?  Can you see that the experience of fasting and hungering can bring us to a reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit to do something we cannot do in our own strength?  Ultimately, isn't that the key to successful Christian living  -- knowing that what makes us able to live the Christian life at all, is the power of the Holy Spirit?  It is imperative that we understand that fulfilling God's purpose in our life can only be done through dependence on the Holy Spirit.  We cannot do it by our own will or through our own strength.  Fasting is a persuasive reminder and a powerful portrait of righteous living.  
     And fasting can change history!  When we bring our fleshly nature into subjection, the Holy Spirit is free to to enable us to do what God desires us to accomplish for His kingdom.  Look at what fasting did for the city of Ninevah -- because they listened to Jonah's warning about God's plan to destroy the city because of their sins, the king declared a fast, and the entire city turned to God in repentance, in fasting, and in mourning.  And God tells us in Jonah 3:10:  When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, He had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction He had threatened.
     We also see the power of prayer and fasting in the Book of Esther, when the entire Jewish population was threatened with extinction at the evil hand of Haman of the Persian Empire.  But because they sought the Lord through prayer and fasting, this action brought forth Divine intervention on behalf of the Jewish people, and their history was radically and permanently changed.  Just think how we could change the future in our homes; our towns and cities; our nation if we would humble ourselves through fasting and praying, and like our Scripture says today, with an attitude of repentance and insignificance!
     Remember that God has promised an outpouring of His Holy Spirit in the Last Days.  It will be a supernatural, Divine ability to do things we are unable to do in our own strength; read Joel 2 and you will see what God has in store for us ... but it requires that a condition be met and it's right there in Joel 2:12:  “Even now,” says the Lord, "Turn and come to Me with all your heart [in genuine repentance], With fasting and weeping and mourning [until every barrier is removed and the broken fellowship is restored];".
      For the first time in my Christian life, I am following this Divine dictate, and fasting.  And it is for all the right reasons.  I want to dethrone my carnal self, and realize the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish God's will for me.  My stomach is telling me it's hungry, but my spirit is hungering to overcome my desires, and to become strong and effective in the power of the Holy Spirit.  I am believing in the promise of today's Scripture ... by humbling myself, through prayer and fasting, I will be lifted up out of my selfish ambitions, and God's purpose for my life will be fulfilled.

September 19, 2015

A Saturday Morning Celebration!

This is a small, short story that will most likely be here today and gone tomorrow.  But I thought I would share it with you and shine a light into this dark world.  We have reason to hope!   

     Texas City, Texas will never be known for its beauty or its cosmopolitan flair.  It is largely an oil refinery town and an important component in our Gulf Coast shipping industry.  Historically, it played a huge part in supplying our nation's war effort in WWII after enemy submarines had almost completely stopped the shipment of petroleum products to friendly countries from the Middle East, South America and Southeast Asia.   And on a trivial, but personal note, Texas City was the place where I first tasted fresh ocean shrimp for the first time; it was such a revelation that shrimp could taste that good, after my Midwestern diet of frozen shrimp from a box.
     But, now I want to celebrate Texas City for a special moment that occurred this last week.  It's a small encounter that I hope will bring a tear to your eye, and hope to your heart.  Sal Chapa is a Texas City police officer.  I'm sure he is like most policemen -- especially those that I know -- he goes to work each day, committed to doing his job the best he can; to protect and serve the public without any expectation of acknowledgment or appreciation.
     Sometimes in the performance of his job, it results in arrests of those who just can't seem to get their life in order, and incarceration becomes the punishment.  Such was the case with Edward "Doc" Amey.  He had been in and out of prison three times, and he had a rap sheet that was several pages long, including six felonies and a number of misdemeanors.  In fact, Mr. Amey had a history with Officer Chapa.  “I arrested him several years ago on a gun charge,” Chapa said. “And due to that, he ended up doing some time.”
     So you can imagine the surprise Officer Chapa experienced when Amey approached him at a local chili cook off.  This Amey was a different man. While serving a five-year sentence on the gun charge, Amey had a conversation with God.  While in prison he said, “God if you are real. turn my life around”.  He was released from prison after serving a year and half, graduated Bible College with perfect attendance, and is now strong in his church.
     “I have not always been a friend to the police,” Amey said.  “I grew up selling drugs. I've been to prison three times ... [and] the last week-and-a-half God has really been giving me the urge to pray for police officers.”  So that's exactly what he did when he spotted Officer Chapa.  He approached him, asked if he could pray for him, and this photo was snapped by a friend of Chapa's.  “I pray that You continue to watch over him,” Amey prayed, hand-in-hand with Chapa. “Continue to guide him and lead him in the way that You may have him go, Lord.”
     Such a simple prayer, but when spoken out loud, it can have such profound ramifications.  After the photo went viral on the Texas City Police Department's Facebook page, Amey had this comment: “They’re used to seeing cops getting killed by young black men, or young black men getting killed by cops.  [People] are not used to seeing an ex-con and a cop praying with each other.”
     The unlikely duo hopes the simple act of praying together will inspire more run-ins with the law like theirs.  “I love you,” Amey said at the end of his prayer.  “I love you, too, brother,” Chapa said. “Thank you very much for praying for us.”
     What a picture of grace, mercy, redemption, and forgiveness!  It is the perfect story to present to you as we approach the Day of Atonement on the 23rd.  And it is further evidence that God is still at work in this world and the devil will not win!

Colossians 1:20-22    "And through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of His cross. And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, He has now reconciled in His body of flesh by His death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before Him..."

September 18, 2015

Where Are Your "High Places"?

     As I watched the Republican Debate on CNN Wednesday night, I wondered how many Americans  were hoping that a clear winner would emerge; the one man (or woman) who could lead us out of this  morass of degeneration and degradation that has become America?  Although I do not want this to become about my own political opinions, I must say that I was shocked to find that an overwhelming majority of Americans thought Trump championed this country's values and aspirations better than any of the other candidates.  It is now clear to me that the ability to execute verbal judo counts more than substance.  I get it ... the voters in this nation are tired of "business as usual" and are excited to see a non-conformist take it to the D.C. Establishment.  But are we looking in the wrong places for our redemption and recovery?
     The Libertarians look to the Constitution as the appointed document of this nation; it is the standard by which they think this nation should be ruled.  Most Americans are going to place their bet on a specific human leader to guide us toward a better future.  And nearly all Christians will find their security and hope in Jesus Christ through regular and uniform worship at their local church.  I contend that we may all, in one form or another, be in danger of refusing to abandon our "high places".
       What am I talking about?  In order to understand where I'm going with this line of thought, you must consider the Biblical history of the kings of Israel.  We are all familiar with God's First Commandment: "Thou shall have no other gods before Me".  This was especially important to the success and blessings of the nation of Israel, because as they entered the Promised Land it was inhabited by the Canaanites, a people who were exceedingly wicked; and the essence of their wickedness was their worship of idols.  Their abominable idol worship (including the sacrifice of infant children in ovens to a god named Molech) was carried out at what they called "high places".  Before anyone thinks I am accusing them of worshipping idols or evil gods, let me explain why this subject of "high places" has caught my attention.
     The core purpose of a high place was to be a location for worshipping deities, or idols, other than Jehovah God.  God had clearly told the Israelites that they were to 1) worship only Him, and 2) He was establishing the manner in which He wanted to be worshipped, as well as the specific place (Jerusalem).  Idolatry is associated throughout the Old Testament and the history of the nation of Israel with "high places", where idolatrous worship was carried out "on the high mountains and the hills and under every green tree." (Deuteronomy 12:2).  Furthermore, He instructed all the kings of Israel, both the Northern and Southern kingdoms to "utterly destroy" all the places where these false idols were worshipped.
     Even King David's own son, Solomon, who we are told loved the Lord and followed in the statutes of his father, was tempted to sacrifice and burn incense at the high places (1 Kings 3:3).  This began a tragic pattern, which most assuredly led to the division of the nation of Israel.  All the kings of the Northern Kingdom offered sacrifices on the high places and appointed false priests.  Although the Bible tells us there were righteous kings, such as Asa, who attempted to make reforms and establish Jerusalem as the center of worship, he could not bring himself to destroy the high places.  The result:  the Northern Kingdom was taken into captivity by Assyria and the tribes scattered across the globe.
     The Southern Kingdom did not fare much better.  There were only a handful who got rid of the high places and idols, but they did not get rid of the false basis for worshipping them.  Only two, Hezekiah and Josiah, "utterly destroyed" the high places, and the tribe of Judah eventually was taken into Babylonian captivity for 70 years.  So you see that the leadership of this divided nation was a mixture of what was true and false.  The lesson is clear:  When you begin to depart a little from God's path, you will get farther and farther away from His ways the longer you go in that direction.
     And that brings me back to our current state of affairs in this nation.  Are we examining ourselves to see if we are worshipping idols and setting up "high places" as sacred places or positions?  Has the Constitution become a "high place"?  What about the White House, Congress, or the office of the Presidency?  What about our church buildings, or our doctrine, or our denomination?  Even if we are committed to worshipping the True God, have we made our attendance at the church building every Sunday a "high place"?
     For sure, neither the Constitution or a man called "The President" can deliver us from our idolatrous ways, but for those Americans who do not know YHWH, you can see how easy it would be for them to put their faith in these false idols.  But what about us Christians?
     Every Christian knows Matthew 18:20 by heart:  For where two or more are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them.  But here's what many don't know ... the Greek word translated "gathered together" is sunago, and its literal meaning is "to be led together".  So a better translation of Scripture would be For where two or more have been led together.... but led by Whom?  The Church has done a pretty good job of teaching us what it means to be born again.  But how many know that their worship is to be led by the Holy Spirit -- not the Sunday school teacher, not the choir, not the Pastor.
     I believe that the true spiritual essence of Matthew 18:20 is Jesus saying His appearance in our midst is not dependent on where two or more are gathered (the church building), but who is leading the gathering (the Holy Spirit)... wherever it may be.  It is not my intention to condemn all church buildings and their inhabitants.  I certainly believe that there are Holy Spirit-led worship services being conducted in church buildings across this nation.  But the emphasis should be on the presence of the Holy Spirit among the gathering, not the gathering being in the presence of a church building.
     When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Ephesus, the Church at Corinth, the Church at Ephesus, etc., he was writing to a gathering of people meeting together in someone's home, being led simultaneously by the Holy Spirit in worship of their Lord and Savior -- not to a congregation in a building conducting an organized service of 20 minutes of singing, a 20-minute sermon, and the passing of the collection plate.  So could it be that some Christians have made our modern church building a "high place"; a destination at which they are comfortable with its rituals and sets of rules?  Are we cognizant that God does not authorize any other basis for Christians to come together but the basis of being led by the Holy Spirit into the name of Jesus?  Any other place -- any other basis -- is a "high place".
     Just like the ancient nation of Israel, the United States is in need of serious reformation.  As invested as we may be in the next Presidential election, I do not think that we should be focusing our worship at the "high place" of the Presidency.  But neither will God restore this nation by the simple act of attendance every Sunday at a church building.  The key issue for us, as Christians, is this:  Where has God chosen to put His Name?  The answer is not in a building, nor in a nationality, nor in a denomination, nor in a particular human leader.  God has placed His name in one Person.  That Person is Jesus Christ.
     Where are we authorized to meet?  "Into" the name of Jesus. We are to gather around the invisible Person of Jesus, who meets us when we are led together by the Holy Spirit into His name.  When we, as a nation and individuals, repent of worshipping "high places" of our own choosing, we will remove barriers that have been holding us back from fulfilling our calling as God's people in the world.

Many thanks to the teachings and Biblical commentaries of Derek Prince (1915-2003).  After reading his book, "Pulling Down Strongholds", I found myself applying it to our political process and the modern-day Church.

Leviticus 26:30      "I will destroy your high places [devoted to idolatrous worship], and cut down your incense altars, and heap your dead bodies upon the [crushed] bodies of your idols, and My soul will detest you [with deep and unutterable loathing]."