A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

September 24, 2015

What Is The Purpose Of The Pope's Visit?

     I need to begin this blog by making it clear that it is not my intention to offend or wound those of the Catholic faith.  Indeed, I am not questioning your faith or belief in God... that is something that we share.  But if you read this blog with any amount of regularity, then you know that I am disparaged of the shape that Jesus's Church is in ... and that includes all churches, including the Catholic Church.  And not being a Catholic, I do not invest allegiance or loyalty to the Pope as my intercessor.  I do not judge those who do; I simply follow a different path.  I choose to adhere to the commands and voice of my Lord through His Holy Word in the Bible.
     Now, that I've made my position clear, I want to address my initial opinion of this Pope's historic visit to the U.S.  Pope Francis, perhaps far more than any of his predecessors, is seen as "the people's Pope".  He seems to have a foot in both worlds; gently admonishing the Church to not be silent in the face of humanity's issues, such as hunger, poverty, terrorism, abortion, and the immigrants that he refers to as "pilgrims".  In fact, he has made economic justice and social equality a hallmark of his Papacy, as well as climate change.  He has also stood strong for the institutions of family and marriage, along with calls for tolerance and non-discrimination.
     But here is what concerns me... Those throughout our cultural and social fabric are looking to him to help solidify their political agendas.  Forgive me for being so bold but, to me, it cheapens one's declared faith in God.  While announcing that Francis's visit is calling attention to, and unifying the faithful throughout this nation and the world, from what I've seen so far, the Elite are using the Pope's visit to further their own political and social motives.
    It was quite obvious in the President's welcoming address; he correctly lavished praise on the Pope for the excitement that 70 million Catholics in this nation are experiencing due to his visit.  But if you read the transcript of his speech, you can see religious homilies like mercy, grace and compassion used to subtly inject his political agenda on immigration; racial discrimination; diplomacy versus war; Christians versus Muslims; saving our planet; and of course, his ever-present campaign slogan of hope.
     The Pope, himself, did not shy away from interjecting his own worldly motives for this trip; among them "building a just and vastly ordered society" and "sustainable and integrated development".  He also found it encouraging that the President is proposing an initiative for reducing air pollution.  Isn't this a rather odd testimony for a Pope?  Does anyone else think that the Pope sounds like a representative for the United Nations and Agenda 21?
     But perhaps it was the political pundits on the news outlets that were the most astonishing, among them, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who best exemplified the real and underlying message from this historic visit.  RFK was particularly proud that he shares the name of Francis with the Pope (as did his father), because the historic Saint Francis broke with the Church hierarchy over their fixation on orthodoxy and ideology.  He was quick to point out that this resulted in a creed that "all of us have access to God, particularly the poor".
     He went on to say, "This Pope has taken the focus away from the orthodoxy and ideology, and from the narrow concern of personal morality, and opened it up to say the Church must become more concerned with these larger issues -- war and peace, poverty, inequalities in our economic order and above all, with pollution -- and that is the sin that we need to focus on today."
     WOW!  Did you get that?  Pollution is now a sin?!? Have you read that anywhere in the Bible?  Oh, I forgot ... It is quite obvious to me that it is the "orthodoxy and ideology" of the Bible that RFK wishes this Francis to break.  But to me and millions of Christians worldwide, that "orthodoxy" is God's Truth.
      It is also apparent that the Elite find those who look to the "orthodoxy" of the Bible for their moral views to be narrow-minded and intolerant.  All I can think of is Jesus's admonition in Matthew 7:13-14:  Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it.
     So, now personal morality is to be seen as narrow-minded and of less concern than climate change?  Apparently so, if you consider RFK's next statement:  "I hope that the Pope will emphasize global climate change as a moral issue; as a sin.  It is our obligation to future generations, and to put moral parameters on our behavior [regarding how we treat the planet]".  Excuse me?!?  Climate change as a moral issue?  Moral parameters on how we treat the planet?  How about abortion and transgenderism and pedophilia among the priesthood as moral issues; and shouldn't we be setting moral parameters on that behavior???
     It is obvious from comments by Kennedy and others that there is hope the Pope will influence public policy in our country during his visit.  Here's one statement to prove this point:  "Should the Pope influence policy -- after all, he speaks for 70 million Catholics in this country -- he will be a good role model.  The U.S. is the most powerful nation in the world, and we have a special obligation to the rest of the world to treat people fairly and model behaviors that are moral behaviors, like forcing the economy to serve humanity."  (Oops! There's re-distribution of wealth!) Once again I'd like to point out that our behavior regarding abortion, the destruction of the Biblical family, the criticism of Biblical marriage, and the promotion of transgenderism have been far from moral, although these Elite have championed them all.
     I heard statements such as this, regarding the Pope's visit and his address to Congress: that we should "focus on global warming to the welfare of all human beings on the planet."  What about the welfare of the 55 million babies we are responsible for aborting?  Shouldn't we address that issue before tackling global warming?  And, then there is the controversial decision by the Pope to give priests the discretion to grant absolution to women who have had an abortion.   I realize that this is an issue that will naturally put me at odds with Catholics... but I believe that a woman will have to go to God to receive forgiveness for the murder of God's creation; no man can do that in His place.  So I sincerely believe that any attempt to connect this Papal decision to God's Jubilee Year and the forgiveness of debts is misguided; and me and my faithful Catholic friends will just have to agree to disagree.
    Finally, I think it was Robert F. Kennedy's final words that struck me as so paradoxical.  He said we should "quit looking at those things that divide us and look at what unifies us".  I suspect that he was suggesting that we should just compromise on the moral issues that are dividing the Church and society in America --- issues like same-sex marriage; and the ability to choose your own sexual identity; and even the issue of whether radical Islam is a threat to humanity -- give up the narrow way and get on the bandwagon with a global and ecumenical movement.  Except, this is how I see it:  it is precisely because we did quit looking at these things [that divided us and separated us from God] that we are in the mess we're in.
       I'm sorry, but I am not looking to any man -- and that includes the Pope -- to give me counsel or hope in my eternal future.  And when I see religious world leaders aligning themselves with political world leaders and organizations, it only confirms what the Holy Spirit reveals to me [in my spirit] and through the Bible... the time is nearing when men's hearts will fail them because false prophets and leaders have deceived them and led the world astray.  Now is the time to know what you believe and in Whom you believe.  Be careful to choose your path wisely ... do not enter the wide gate of worldly tolerance and compromise.  Yes, it's true that the narrow path and gate are more difficult to enter -- and the world will condemn you for the stand you take -- but your eternal rewards will surpass any and all benefits that the New World Order promises from unity with their "ordered society".  It will be interesting to see what transpires from this historic Papal visit, and how it aligns with a Biblical worldview.  May God continue to stand with the faithful and give us courage and strength to endure!

1 John 5:4    "For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith."



  1. Here is my thoughts. I personally do not feel that the Pope should be involved in politics and I don't think the politicians should be using him either. I respect the man, but he is just that, a man. I'm sure that he has done wonderful things and has been a help to some, but it has always been in my mind that the way people look at the Pope as some kind of god and it's up to him to make some peace between that person and God. I don't see anywhere in the Bible that says we are to go to man and ask him to ask God for us to forgive our sins. Again, are we not responsible to our Father in Heaven for asking for forgiveness and letting Him know of our thankfulness in everything? Jesus was the only person on this earth that was sinless. Period. God has a plan for the time we're all living in and it will be interesting to look at the prophetic things that have happened and will happen and those involved. If we would all take time to read our Bibles more we'll know who the main players are and what to look out for and be aware of. I have said this before......There are a lot of people out there all over the world that have eyes that work, but they are blind and that goes for their hearing, but they are deaf, as well as their hearts are not where they should be. But, they do have a choice, now don't they? As you said, I do not wish to offend anyone, but truth is truth and you can't change that. When the NWO is obvious, then we shall see who is content. It'll be very interesting and very frightening at the same time.

    1. You always speak what my heart is saying, Lisa. And, yes, now is the time to begin reading your Bible, if you haven't done so. It is time to hear and see what it is telling us.

  2. Good title to your blog! I actually found your blog by googling "pope's message to congress sounds like Agenda 21"...my husband's family, who I adore, are all Catholic so can't have this conversation with them but the more I read about the pope's "advisors", the more disturbing his agenda becomes...thanks for posting :)

    1. Yes, Stephanie, all one has to do is study history, and you will see how Pope's are fallible people, just like all of us. As we get closer to the End times, everyone in power should become suspect to our discerning spirit, and we should turn to our Bible and Savior for answers.

  3. In the pope's address to congress, he never mentioned Jesus Christ once......

    1. And millions are deluded by the Office, thinking he is their connection to God. Holy Spirit, please open eyes, minds, ears, and hearts!

  4. He is a worldly figure ... A person of this world....If you believe in Jesus have faith in Jesus we are not to be conformed to this world... Jesus is our lord and saviour... Our god he is our true god only in him will you be saved written in the book of life... Not a pope... Not a priest... Not a budda... Not a Inman not a Jehovah witness not a Mormon not any false religion rituals or practices or being part of any off Satan's false faiths and religions... As you are heading for hell... How do go to heaven... Truely call out on the lord Jesus Christ with all your soul heart and you shall be saved if genuine then thgthge lord will send the holy spirit into your life... And the best of best amazing amazing journey happens... A new you... Not physical but spiritually... Holy spirit residing in your soul.... Changing the inner you... Then once saved king James bible read daily... Pray each day put your trust and faith in the lord Jesus and you shall be saved renewed a child of god... Then baptism... Then continual life change in gods word through prayers through the holy spirit... All glory to the lord Jesus Christ and only through his blood are we redeemed cleansed from our past life our sins saved and our place written in the book of life... Eternal life with Jesus in heaven amen amen ... Salvation... Are you off to heaven or you off to hell you decide ...... Except Jesus into your soul and be saved or face the eternal punishment eternal separation from god ... And eternal damnation in hell...Jesus is the only way... Heaven and hell are real... Read in the bible scriptures and see for your self... God bless I pray you will be saved truely amen love in Christ Jesus

    1. Wow! That's a lot of the Gospel Message in one reply. The only thing I would say is that there are other versions of the Bible that God doesn't mind if you read. While I value the King James, I also like reading the ESV, the Amplified, the Septuagint, and the Greek New Testament. You can hear God's voice in all of them. Thank you for taking the time to speak the Truth about Jesus!
