A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

October 17, 2015

Advice For The Daughter In All Of Us

It's not often that I run across an article that says something that I feel should be shared in its entirety.  But in this day, when raising children is beset with all kinds of misinformation through social media and our education system, it is refreshing to see a father give some sensible advice to his daughter.  There are a few things that I would like to add to his recommendations, and I will do that at the conclusion of his commentary.  But, to begin, I would like to introduce John LeFevre, a former Wall Street banker, who left the industry to become a writer for, among others, Business Insider and the Huffington Post.  If I am correct, I believe Mr. LeFevre writes from a secular perspective, yet this article, written for his daughter, offers some logical and well-grounded council.  

     When it comes to our kids, we seem totally lost. It’s not just that millennials tend to be these narcissistic, overly sensitive, entitled kids who are unable to cope with the realities of life, it’s that we’re the ones enabling this dreary, flaccid, cultural malaise.
     So far this year on college campuses, we’ve seen the banning of phrases like “land of opportunity” because they might be offensive; the removal of the American flag from “safe zones” because it endorses American superiority; and the canceling of screenings of “American Sniper” for fear of offending Muslim students. Teachers are even afraid to give low grades because of their students’ emotional fragility.
     What kind of adults are we raising them to be? Look no further than the advice the New York Times recently prescribed for being a modern man, which included such absurdities as owning a melon baller and a shoe horn, while sanctimoniously dismissing guns. And the advice that young woman are getting from a media enamored by social justice warriors is even worse – politically correct, unrealistic and even dangerous.
     Since I wrote a book about deviance and debauchery on Wall Street that included anecdotes about the celebrated misogyny and objectification of women in the workplace, I get snidely asked all the time, “What are you going to say to your daughter?”  So, now that I have a daughter, [and] here’s my advice for her:
1.     Stand up straight.
2.     Know how to change a tire, but whenever possible, let a man to do it for you.
3.     Your physical appearance matters. That’s the world we live in, and it’s also how we’re wired.
4.      Inner beauty — intelligence, personality, confidence and a sense of humor — becomes more important as you get older. Wit never sags.
5.     You are more beautiful than you will ever give yourself credit for.
6.     It’s my job to keep you safe. That’s why it’s also my job to teach you how to use a gun.
7.     Take good care of your skin.
8.     Don’t worry about dieting. Eat healthy, exercise, drink in moderation and everything will fall into place.
9.     Gender is not a social construct. Embrace the differences between men and women.
10.   Read more. It allows you to borrow someone else’s brain.
11.   It’s safe to assume that almost every guy you meet wants to sleep with you.
12.   If anyone says it’s OK to be fat, they’re lying to you.
13.   Let him pay for dinner most of the time.
14.   Just because you can fit into that tiny dress doesn’t mean you should wear it.
15.   Don’t sleep around.
16.   Play sports. You’ll probably run, throw and fight like a girl, but that’s magnificent.
17.   Money is important. It won’t make you happy, but it solves many of the problems that will make you unhappy.
18.   You will regret getting a tattoo.
19.   If you are blessed with the gift of being able to create and shape a life — embrace it. You’ll probably find it more rewarding than any career.
20.   You have all the power over boys. Let them cherish and revere you.
21.   Ignore the boos; they usually come from the cheap seats.
22.   Don’t try to party like one of the guys. You don’t metabolize alcohol at the same rate, and that’s how bad things can happen.
23.   Success is doing whatever it is that you love, and doing it well. But… (see No. 17.)
25.   Just because your brother might go on spring break with his friends doesn’t mean you can. (See Nos. 6, 9, 11, 22.)
24.   Finally, remember that rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of a smart, strong woman.

     I would only add a couple of suggestions of my own, and they concern the spiritual life of Mr. LeFevre's daughter.  I would advise her to look beyond what this world tells her defines her as a woman.  I would hope that she sees a comparison between her relationship with her earthly father and her Heavenly one... that she seek to please Her Father in Heaven and to respect and submit to His commands, as much as she does her daddy here on earth.
     I would also tell her that there is a purpose for her life greater than the treasures that youth, beauty, and fame can bring; that God wants to work through her life to project His grace and mercy through serving others --- it is not all about her.  
     And finally, I would recommend that she seek the counsel of older, wiser women who can share their testimonies of hope and faith in a God who has protected them, strengthened them, and grown them through the ups and downs of life.  We all have stories to tell, and our experiences in our salvation process are immeasurable.  Think about it... what advice would you give?

Psalm 31:28-29:    Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:  “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”

October 16, 2015

Want To Know How Easy It's Been To Implement The "Beast System"?

     This may seem like old news, but I think that's only because we've become so comfortable with the progress of this agenda, that we don't see it for what it is.  Even if you're not a Christian, our culture is aware of the prophetic warnings in the Bible's Book of Revelation that a Mark of the Beast will be forced upon mankind at the end of this world.
     I would say that secularists and nonbelievers are well aware of the imagery of Good and Evil, and would suggest that the Book of Revelation has been applied throughout history as a political tract, so to speak, to resist tyranny (beginning with the tyranny of Rome as experienced by the Apostle John when he wrote the Book).   Articles on the PBS website suggest that when the end did not come in John's time, the central message of the Book has been applied down throughout the ages to all tyrants, without the end coming.  In fact, I have read various theses that suggest John was predicting events, basically down to the time of Constantine and nothing beyond, except for an expectation of the end of the world.  And again, those who give no Divine perspective to the Bible or the Book of Revelation will say that it's primary message is that the powers of this world, no matter how terrifying they may be, are passing away and that in the end righteousness and justice will prevail.
     But those of us whose spirits know God's Truth discern that the Book of Revelation, and the "Beast System" it forecasts, are very real and will certainly come to pass.  We inherently know that the technological age is moving us in that direction, and I'd like to show you just how easily we've been led down that path.  An excellent article on the website PatriotTruther.com spells it out rather concisely.
     The first step was Cash Alternatives.  How many of you are old relics, like me, who prefer to still pay their bills by paper checks?  How many Americans now use only credit cards or debit cards for their purchases?  Although various charge cards have been around since the 1920s, it wasn't until 1958 that Bank of America launched the first successful recognizably modern credit card.  And by the 1970s debit cards were in use, providing the cardholder electronic access to their bank account(s) at a financial institution.  The use of cash was declining.
     Step two was the Digital Payroll.  I don't know about you, but I remember being very uncomfortable with not being able to physically see my compensation for a week's work.  I instinctively did not like having that control being taken away from me, and intuitively sensed that we had lost a modicum of our freedom.
     That move has taken us to the current step, a Reduction in Cash Usage.  People just don't transact business in cash like they used to.  In fact, it is discouraged.  We store our credit card info online and buy directly from the seller with a just a few keystrokes.  And merchants want you to sign up for "paperless" payments, while devices like Square have made it possible for people to process payments on their smartphone, PC, or tablet.  And some banks are even offering their customers the ability to transfer cash to other customers at the same bank.  How many of you have experienced the displeasure of a store clerk when you want to write a check, or (Gasp!) actually pay in Cash, rather than use a credit or debit cards?  You would think the few extra minutes it takes them to process your payment-for-goods was the most painful experience they've ever had!
     This will all lead to the next-to-last step of Phasing Out Cash.  We're already starting to see that happen.  The current monetary system is in imminent collapse, and the powers-that-be are spreading all kinds of information about identity theft and fraud... all for the purpose of introducing the new nationwide shift to  EMV chip technology in our credit cards.  EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa, and it is a global standard for cards equipped with computer chips and the technology used to authenticate chip-card transactions.
     Are you starting to see where this is headed in relation to the Book of Revelation?  I know I don't need to tell those of you who are awake where this step is taking us.  Although the EMV card has been touted as a way to avoid theft and fraud, the truth is that cards are still being stolen and duplicated.  And we are told that they are a convenient way to compile all our information in one place; our I.D., medical records, and personal information will be under the protective umbrella of this new technology. Riiiiight! 
     So what is the next logical step?  Of course, we must Eliminate Fraud.  There will soon be a narrative released that theft, fraud, and duplication are not being reduced with the EMV chip in the card, so it only makes sense to implant the chip in us!  And you want to hear something interesting?  The April 27, 1998, edition of Time Magazine ran a story, The Big Bank Theory And What It Says About The Future OF Money, in which they opined "Your daughter can store the money any way she wants--on her laptop, on a debit card, even (in the not too distant future) on a chip implanted under her skin."  And I have read numerous articles that suggested that the most convenient place for the implant would be either the “right” hand, or the forehead.  Think that's a coincidence?
     Now, we know that we cannot change what is coming right?  But we certainly have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of individuals.  We must talk to our kids and grandkids, and make them listen to us.  This "Beast System" might be inevitable, but it does not mean that we must succumb to it.  Please warn others within your sphere of influence that there will soon come a point at which they must make a very important decision; one that will effect their lives for eternity.  Currently, that choice seems to be a foregone conclusion, and definitely one of convenience.  But we always have a choice...  we don't have to be like sheep being led to the slaughter.

Revelation 14:11    "And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name."

October 15, 2015

The Righteousness of Hunting

     OK, the subject matter of today's blog may seem a little off-topic for me, but hang in there, because I have something I want to say.  Last night, I overhead a conversation between my husband and our good friend, Chris, who lives in Montana.  For years, these two renaissance men have shared many conversations about their love of traditional bow-hunting and their respect for the animals they have hunted.  Neither are "trophy hunters", and enjoy the rich heritage that hunting with a bow affords them.
     But their latest discussion centered around their distaste for what the "sport" of hunting has become.  In years past, Chris and his wife, Darcy, have enjoyed hunting deer and elk during the Montana winters, and are bringing up my Godson, Hunter, in the traditional ways to harvest meat.  But just as our culture has abandoned established and time-honored traditions, we are seeing the same thing in hunting, too.
     It seems that the bane of traditional hunters has been the move by social media and "star quality" hunting shows to brand themselves as superstar hunting experts.  The drive to sell products, develop a product line, and create a following is ruining the art of hunting.  Just like social media and the internet has contributed to the downfall of our culture and our kids, it has also taken its toll on the intimacy and spiritual side of hunting.  What was once a sacred and solo endeavor in the woods, has now become a product-driven, success-driven, and trophy-driven business.
     Both my husband and Chris lament how difficult it is to hunt these days; especially for Chris who has much more access to big game in Montana, than we do here in Texas.  Not only do we have the ridiculous chatter of PETA degrading the practice of hunting, but this has led to an onslaught of "photo" hunters tromping through the woods and spoiling the natural environment that is necessary for a successful hunt.  Add to that film crews for the latest "hunting show", and the original purpose for hunting is out the window.  GoPros and selfies don't belong in the woods!  The use of them to announce to the Facebook crowd that you're a "big-time hunter" is not only undignified, but demeans the legitimate killing of an animal.
     I say "legitimate" because God actually condones hunting animals in the Bible.  First of all, in Genesis, the very first book of the Bible, God gives man dominion over animals, birds, and fish.  All live in harmony on the earth, until Adam and Eve are disobedient and cast out of the Garden.  But guess what God did?  Applying His grace to their naked state, He sacrificed an animal for its hide and clothed them.  Until you get to Chapter 9 in Genesis, both man and animals were vegetarians, with God providing plants to feed them both.  Then after the Flood, God gives Noah and his family permission to eat of the animals that survived on the ark.  And who doesn't recall the Patriarch Isaac requesting that his son Esau "go out to the field and hunt game for me, and prepare for me delicious food, such as I love, and bring it to me so that I may eat".
     So, it is very clear to me that hunting is a righteous and honorable tradition among men.  But, I am also aware that man can corrupt anything he lays his hands on.  I have read far too many articles, and heard too many stories, of unprincipled and immoral men "hunting" animals in despicable ways.  There is the story of a Guide and Outfitter in Maine who ran across a group of men "bragging about how they had chased a moose with their truck. There to hunt deer or bear, they had just happened onto the bull. They laughed, describing how close they had gotten to the animal and how wildly he had run."
     There are always the stories of men who just want the glory of a mount to hang on their wall, and disrespect the animals that gave their lives to provide bragging rights for that hunter.  God even has something to say about those hunters who waste the meat:  The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, but diligence [effort, persistence, dedication] is man’s precious possession.   And, of course, I don't need to tell you that far too many of these kinds of "hunters" are reckless with their weapons, and gun safety is low on their priority list.  These men do a disservice to all the hunters who, like Chris and my husband, respect and honor not only their heritage of hunting, but the animals, themselves.
     I don't know what it is about our culture, but it seems that everything that was once good for the harmony of the land, which includes man's role and responsibilities regarding his place in creation, has become corrupted.  It's as if his legal authority is being diminished and traditional values are perishing.  The dominion we were given by God over the earth is being usurped by Satan and technology, and is ruining God's intentions for man as hunter.  We also see it in the family unit; in the sanctity of life; in our disrespect towards our fellow man; and now in the ways that even hunting is changing.
     For those lucky enough to experience it, hunting has been a time-honored custom in which fathers can spend time with their sons (and daughters), and teach them to honor and respect all animals, which are under our dominion.  True, it is not necessary to hunt for food at this moment in time... meat is still readily available in your local grocery store.  But there is nothing like taking the responsibility for harvesting your own food to teach you not to take it for granted.
     It is a sad thing for me to hear both my husband and our friend say that it is getting more difficult for them to enjoy hunting.  And it is a sad day when the callousness and selfishness of our culture invades the art of hunting.... one more good and decent tradition goes by the wayside.

Genesis 21:20    "And God was with the boy, and he grew up. He lived in the wilderness and became an expert with the bow."


October 14, 2015

For A Time Such As This

     I am sure there are many people like me; folks who are well aware that the chaos and confusion that we see in the world is not only increasing, but actually must happen in order to usher in the return of our Lord.  By this confession, I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't know.  But I also know that feeling the intensity of escalating events can lead to some sleepless nights.
     Just today, I woke up in the early hours of the morning -- a little past 4:00 -- and could not go back to sleep.  I felt such a heaviness and oppression, and was aware of a sense of impending doom; like world events are cascading in upon each other and will soon erupt into a worldwide conflagration.  I know, I know ... that is not exhibiting the hope and peace that I should have in knowing God is in control of all events, and my eternal future is secure.  But when these sleepless periods come, it's not so much fears over my personal safety that keep me awake, but I can't keep my mind from being concerned about all my loved ones, or being aware of the horrendous persecution of people of faith around the world.
     How is it possible to escape the headlines each day?  They are not to be ignored ... Russia and Syria forming a strong alliance; Chinese warplanes joining the battle against ISIS; Iran declaring hatred and annihilation of America and Israel; Oil reserves discovered in the Golan Heights (which could certainly be the "hook" that draws the nations into the Gog-Magog war ... and on and on.  It all seems to be aligning with Biblical prophecy.
     As I laid in bed, binding those destructive thoughts and taking them captive, I was reminded of a dream that I had nearly 6 or 7 years ago.  It was so intense and so real, that I knew it was spiritual in purpose.  In this dream, I was on a beautiful beach with nearly pure white sand, and situated in a cove.  On one side of this cove, the land formed a peninsula that jutted out into the ocean, but I was protected from the roaring sea in this quiet cove.   Then I became aware of a strange object in the water of this coastal inlet, and as only seems logical in dreams, I recognized it as a ferris wheel.
     At this point, I must tell you that I am not really comfortable in deep water, so it is understandable that I approached the ferris wheel in my dream with some trepidation.  But I finally climbed into one of the buckets and it began its climb towards the sky, where I could see the beauty of the calm water before me.  But as it descended, I knew I was going to have to brace for an entrance into the deep water of the cove, before the rotation of the ferris wheel continued its circular motion.  So, I experienced several rounds of relaxed enjoyment, followed by the anticipation and fear of going underwater.  Looking back at this dream,  I believe this was representative of what I have faced over the last years as God has awakened me to the knowledge that we are in the Last Days... periods of calm, serenity, and confidence, followed by times of fear, anticipation and dread as He revealed more of how He wants me to spiritually prepare.
     But then the dream took a different turn.  I exited the ferris wheel, and ventured to walk from the cove and around to the other side of the peninsula.  I felt drawn to the open sea, even though the sheer size and mass of the ocean frightened me.  I stood looking at the ocean, mesmerized by its power, and then I noticed far-off in the distance, a small wave approaching.  I stood there, almost hypnotized, watching this wave growing as it approached me until, shaken from my stupor, I realized that the swelling waves were going to swamp the shore on which I stood.
     Despite being fearful of the ocean and deep water, I knew that I had to try to escape and swim to safety.  The next thing I became aware of in my dream was swimming as hard as I could and looking back over my shoulder to see that wave coming ever closer with such speed and height.  At last it reached me and came crashing down on top of me, tumbling me over and over, and dragging me into the depths of the ocean.  I was so scared, and fought to hold my breath, finally resigning myself to the fact that I was going to drown.
     Even in my dream state, I could feel my heart beating wildly and could sense my acceptance of death.  Then I felt strong arms scooping me up in those deep waters, and of being cradled.  I heard a voice say, "It's all right.  There's no need to be afraid. I have you."  Then I had a fleeting moment of such profound peace, freedom from fear, and of being completely loved before waking up.  I know, without a doubt, that this dream was confirming that, yes, there is a wave building across the globe, and it will come crashing down upon the world.  There will be moments of panic and terror, but I am to rest in the knowledge that this fear will be fleeting.  I will be secure in the arms of my Lord, who will literally save me from drowning in the chaos and evil of these days.
     Nothing has changed in the intervening years, since I had the dream, to give me a different insight into the prophetic meaning of it.  Before our very eyes we are witnessing upheaval in our monetary systems, the erosion of independent sovereign nation states; and our social institutions and international relations are decaying.  The institution of marriage, that began in the Garden of Eden, has been redefined.  And the sanctity of life is sold for corporate profit.  As Paul McGuire, a prophecy expert, describes the world, "It’s as if the world has been set on fire by chaos or crisis of every kind; financial crisis, terrorist crisis, racial crisis, moral crisis, religious crisis and even a crisis in our weather patterns."
     So I know that many of you are feeling the effects of what we are witnessing in world events.  But I'm here to tell you we don't have to succumb to fear or paranoia.  The love that I felt in that dream is real, and there is power and deliverance in it!  We have been called by God, before the creation of the world, for a time such as this.  He will see us through whatever is coming, and He has promised that the gates of Hell will not overcome us!  Just remember this:  that wave may have come crashing down on me, but I landed in the strong arms of my Savior and He assured me that He would not let go.  If you belong to Him, His promise is the same for you!

Psalm 118:16-17     The Lord’s right hand is raised. The Lord’s right hand performs valiantly!  I will not die, but I will live and proclaim what the Lord has done.

October 13, 2015

What Is Bill Gates Up To Now?

     As if we didn't have enough to worry about concerning the younger generation, it looks as if a new form of propagandizing has captured the impressionable minds and hearts of our youth.  We're all aware of the issues surrounding Agenda 21 -- climate change, sustainable living, global equality, etc. -- and how through social media and the internet, our kids are being convinced that we, of the older generations, are just not keeping up with the times.  In other words, they are being subtly convinced that they know more than their parents, and that they are so much more enlightened and compassionate.  In fact, the world would be a better place if everyone just conformed to a one-world standard and got rid of any individual expression of liberty or self-determination.
     So, the latest cause to turn your kids and grandkids heads is an offshoot of the many Agenda 21 programs called Global Citizen Nights.  As reported by Dave Hodges, Bill and Melinda Gates have designed Global Citizen Nights to lure in children and young adults by having them engage in some kind of community service with regard to the globalist agenda (e.g. biking vs driving, water conservation, etc.). In exchange for their good deeds, the participating teens will earn points and then be able to exchange their “globalist points” for high valued items such as concert tickets. 
     The kids are told that “Bill Gates recognizes that individuals have diverse passions and offers the Global Citizen network as one where, ‘some people…will pick women’s reproductive rights, some will pick agriculture. And then there are NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in each of those areas that you can volunteer for, give money to, and feel connected.”  But here's the deal, this kind of disinformation makes kids think they are making a free-will choice to "help the planet", yet in reality, they are being conditioned to give personal servitude to causes managed and directed by the government.
     To see just how cunning and pervasive this propaganda is, kids are sent tweets, emails and Facebook messages encouraging them to get involved in these UN mandated programs. The targeted teens are given choices to be involved in such “worthy” endeavors as Sustainability, Food and Hunger, Water and Sanitation, Health (i.e. vaccines), Women and Girls (i.e. reproduction issues and negative population growth), Education (i.e. Common Core), and Ebola Action Center  (Hodges makes this sardonic point: And you thought we were done with Ebola).
     As an example of the emotional appeal for this initiative, just consider how the organization describes itself on its website:  "Global Citizen is a community of people like you. People who want to learn about and take action on the world’s biggest challenges—and use their power to get other people involved too.  We bring you stories and actions that make a difference ... That help fight extreme poverty and inequality around the world, and support approaches that will make life more sustainable for people and the planet.  Unlock your power. Join the movement!  Become a Global Citizen."  
     Then they follow up with a "I Am A Global Citizen" oath:  I believe that 1 billion people living in extreme poverty is unfair and unjust.  For the first time in history, we have the power to end this.  Everyone, everywhere should be able to survive and thrive, 
and I will play my part to make this happen.  
     But that's not all!  They offer a pledge of real power and impact:  In 2015 we stand at the turning point for the future of people and the planet.  World leaders are setting the global goals that will be the roadmap for how we’ll tackle poverty, inequality and climate change.  Standing together with partners from across the Action/2015 coalition, we can make sure these are good goals, and that our leaders follow through on their promises.  More than a million global citizens have already unlocked their power. Will you join us?

      Can you see how this might galvanize our naive, idealistic youth into thinking they are making a difference in the world, while building a coalition of youth who are indoctrinated into the New World Order's political strategy?  In his article, Hodges likens them to the Nazi's Hitler Youth organization.  He may be closer to the truth, than not.
     But let's be honest, here.  What kid isn't going to fall for earning points and free concert tickets, while believing that they are contributing to a higher cause?  And these concerts, by the way, feature such globalist advocates as Beyoncé, Coldplay, Pearl Jam, Ed Sheeran, Leonardo DiCaprio, Salma Hayek; with videotaped appearances by Bono of U2, UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, Bill and Melinda Gates (of course); along with dignitaries and heads of state from around the world .... attendees are fully immersed in the globalist rhetoric and garbage.  I have to give it to them; it's a clever and intoxicating way to hook the kids.
     But here's perhaps the biggest (and scariest) tactic of all.  They preach to the kids that they should not be a generation of bystanders; the message is to take action.  And one of the central themes of the Global Citizen Nights is the deliberate denigration of national sovereignty (e.g. “sovereignty is so 20th century").  As an offshoot of Agenda 21, Global Citizen Nights combines nicely with a UN program called the Global Biodiversity Assessment (GBA) of the State of the Earth.  This 1140-page document armed UN leaders with "the ecological basis and moral authority" they needed to validate their global management system.  The crux of their assessment was that too many nations and societies "denied sacred attributes to nature" -- that's code language for blaming Judeo-Christian religious traditions for usurping the worship of nature and Mother Earth.  In other words, we Christians are to blame for the sorry state of the world because our faith does not include worshiping "sacred and venerated Nature.”
     You probably have not heard about Global Citizen Nights or the Global Citizen Festivals.  Why would you?  It is not aimed at you.  It is specifically directed towards changing the mindset and hearts of our youth away from individualized thinking and the sovereignty of our nation, while denigrating Christianity as a false religion that is harmful to the planet.  Sounds crazy and illogical, doesn't it?  But their strategy is working, and now they are building an army of youth that believe every word of it.  Please engage with your children and grandchildren.  Make sure they know God's Truth and the importance of our American values.  They are being urged to take deliberate action --- but make sure they are not impassioned lemmings, rushing headlong to their own destruction.

Mark 8:36    "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?"

October 12, 2015

A Clear Misunderstanding Of Biblical Charity

     You know that I don't like to engage in partisan politics, and prefer to look at our current political situation through the larger lens of Biblical significance.  But when a particular candidate chooses to misuse the Bible and its teachings to further his political agenda, then I feel warranted to point out where he is mistaken.
     Such is the case of Republican candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich.   I'm not here to debate his conservative credentials, but to point out that he is wrong in equating Government entitlement programs to Biblical charity, or caring for the poor.
     In recent weeks, Kasich has been coming under fire for defending the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare in his state.  Here's how that works:  Medicaid was originally enacted as a safety net to provide health coverage for poor mothers and children.  But the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Obamacare allowing individual states -- at their discretion -- to expand that coverage to cover able-bodied, working-age adults.  Federal funds will cover the costs of new enrollees, but that funding will start scaling back in 2017.  Moreover, states are on the hook for administrative costs for signing up the new enrollees, whose numbers have far exceeded estimates.  And that's not taking into account all the illegal immigrants we are expecting in the coming months and years!  So, just where do you think these federal funds and administrative costs are going to come from?  You guessed it!  We, the working American people, will be taxed into forced charity!
     But here is how Kasich personally justifies that it is our Biblical duty to accept the expansion of Medicaid and other entitlement programs for the poor (and the not-so-poor that take advantage of the system):  “When I get to the pearly gates, I’m going to have an answer for what I’ve done for the poor.”  And he wants you to be forced  to do your charitable part.
    But is that the way the Bible tells us to take care of the poor?  I submit to you that it is not.  The Greek word in the Bible for charity, or alms-giving, is eleémosuné, and it means "compassion, as exercised towards the poor; beneficence."  Jesus is referring to this form of charity in His parable of the sheep and goats (in Matthew 25), where He teaches us that when we see someone hungry, and we give food to that person; or see someone thirsty, and we offer them water, then we are doing the will of God, and caring for the poor and needy as God desires us to do.
     Also, the Apostle John asks what good is it if a man claims to have faith, but has no deeds.  The way in which we care for the needy is a reflection of our love for Christ and is evidence of our salvation and the presence of the Holy Spirit within us.
     But John Kasich says we have it all wrong!  In fact, he offered to buy Bibles for those of us who might disagree with his position that expanding Medicaid is how we should care for the poor.  He seems to intimate that being a Christian means that you should support the government forcibly confiscating the tax money of other people to help the poor.  I would like to ask Mr. Kasich to consider that perhaps he is the one who misunderstands the teachings of the Bible.
     Doesn't the Good Book tell us that it is the individual person’s responsibility to help the poor?  Aren't we encouraged to give, not only out of our own pocket, put as our hearts lead us -- not as the government mandates? As Jesus noted in Matthew 25, it is one of the Christian’s highest responsibilities to give freely and voluntarily out of our own means -- and spirits -- to help the poor.
     I mean, for goodness's sake, if Mr. Kasich would take the time to really read his Bible, he would see that Paul gave Timothy detailed instructions for caring for widows in the church, complete with what type of women should be included on the list and warnings about what could happen if charity was given improperly (1 Timothy 5:3-16).  Paul warns against those widows who would take advantage of charity by being self-indulgent and undeserving.  If they had family that could help support them, then the church was not obligated to automatically supply charity; or if they were under 60 years of age, they weren't necessarily entitled to receiving charity because younger widows could easily "learn to be idlers" under an indiscriminate charity program.
     Before I go any further, I want to make it clear that, if we are to call ourselves Christian, we are called to help the poor, the widows, and the orphans.  My disagreement with Kasich's definition of charity in no way is to be taken as an excuse for abdicating our responsibilities as followers of Christ.  We are to give to those who are truly in need of our assistance, according to our means; and that is something that you need to discern with the help of the Holy Spirit.
     But for politicians to be condescending towards us, and have the audacity to lecture us on our Christian duties, is nothing less than insulting.  To try to shame us into accepting un-Biblical political positions is offensive.  They are no less guilty of being like the Pharisees, who twisted the Scriptures to propagate their political party, to promote a social movement, and to disseminate a particular school of thought in order to rule the people.
     In that vein, John Kasich tells us he wants to buy Bibles for his critics in order to silence them.  Perhaps he should read just what the Bible says about the Pharisees in Matthew 23:1-4:  Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat; so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice.  They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger."  Enough said!

2 Timothy 2:15    "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth."

October 11, 2015

2 Timothy 2:3-4

You therefore must endure hardship 
as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  
No one engaged in warfare entangles himself 
with the affairs of this life, [so] that he may please Him 
who enlisted him as a soldier.     

In the vein of previous blogs on Spiritual Warfare, I would like to present you with a sample of correspondence between a Christian soldier and his Commander-in-Chief.  Whenever you think you are too weak, or not equipped to be in the battle, or are unproductive, read this.  There are none of us too small in God's army to take the fight to the Enemy!  And when the battle becomes heated and we are exhausted and ready to fall, remember that we serve a King with inexhaustible power to sustain us.  

TO:  Jesus Christ, Commander-in-Chief, Spiritual Armed Forces
RE:  Request for Transfer

Dear Lord:

I am writing this to You to request a transfer to a desk job. I herewith present my reasons:

I began my career as a private, but because of the intensity of the battle, You have quickly moved me up in the ranks. You have made me an officer and given me a tremendous amount of responsibility. 
There are many soldiers and recruits under my charge. I am constantly being called upon to dispense wisdom, make judgments, and find solutions to complex problems. You have placed me in a position to function as an officer, when in my heart I know I have only the skills of a private. I realize that you have promised to supply all I would need for the battle. But Sir, I must present You a realistic picture of my equipment.

My uniform, once so crisp and starched, is now stained with the tears and blood of those I have tried to assist. The soles of my boots are cracked and worn from the miles I have walked trying to enlist and encourage the instructed troops. My weapons are marred, tarnished and chipped from constant battle against the enemy. Even the Book of Regulations I was issued has been torn and tattered from endlessuse. The words are now smeared.

You have promised You would be with me throughout, but when the noise of the battle is so loud and the confusion is so great, I can neither see nor hear You. I feel so alone. I'm tired. I'm discouraged. I have Battle Fatigue. I would never ask you for a discharge. I love being in Your service. But I humbly request a demotion and transfer. I'll file papers or clean latrines.

Just get me out of the battle -- please, Sir.

Your Faithful, but tired soldier.

Shortly thereafter, the soldier received this letter from his High Command:

TO:                  Faithful, but Tired Soldier, Spiritual Armed Forces
LOCATION:  The Battlefield
RE:                  The Transfer

Dear Soldier:

Your request for transfer has been denied. I herewith present My reasons:

You are needed in this battle. I have selected you, and I will keep My Word to supply your need. You do not need a demotion and transfer. (You'd never cut it on latrine duty.) You need a period of "R and R" -- Renewal and Rekindling. I am setting aside a place on the battlefield that is insulated from all sound and fully protected from the enemy. I will meet you there and I will give you rest. I will remove your old equipment and "make all things new."

You have been wounded in the battle, My soldier. Your wounds are not visible, but you have received grave internal injuries. You need to be healed. I will heal you. You have been weakened in the battle. You need to be strengthened. I will strengthen you and be your strength. I will instill in you confidence and ability. My Words will rekindle within you a renewed love, zeal and enthusiasm. Report to Me tattered and empty. I will refill you.


Your Commander-in-Chief,

Jesus Christ

October 10, 2015

'My People Perish For Lack of Knowledge'

     There has certainly been enough news across the airwaves lately to keep us all excited and stimulated ... Russian airstrikes in Syria; the Russian/Iran/China partnership; upheaval in our political process; warnings of a global economic collapse, just to name a few.
     Yet, the conversations I am hearing from people around me, and through this blog, are not as concerned about these admittedly frightening prospects.  Instead of concentrating on praying for our nation and world leaders, I am receiving requests to pray for individuals who are being overwhelmed with confusing and distressing spiritual attacks.  Let me rephrase that ... Christians are in much need of spiritual knowledge because they have been ineffective in fighting the Enemy.  In fact, they often don't recognize the true nature of their burdens and why they feel under siege.
     So, what comes to my mind, is a word that the Lord spoke to the prophet Hosea... My people perish for lack of knowledge.  For a long time, I felt that this Scripture referred to the absence of genuine Bible study among avowed Christians; that we lacked understanding and comprehension of the Bible as a whole.  But I now think that this verse is directing us to a specific knowledge that we lack, and therefore it is contributing to our perishing.
     So what is this particular, or specific, knowledge that we don't have, but desperately need to possess?  Does it have anything to do with the countless number of Christians who are suffering psychologically and emotionally?  Is there something lacking in our understanding of how the Kingdom of God works, and how we are to practice our faith?
     First, let's start with this question:  what is your understanding of the Kingdom of God?  Christians have a hard time expressing the meaning of this important theological term.  One of the best explanations I have seen is the following:  The Kingdom of God embraces all created intelligence, both in heaven and earth that are willingly subject to the Lord and are in fellowship with Him. The Kingdom of God is, therefore, universal in that it includes created angels and men. It is eternal, as God is eternal, and it is spiritual—found within all born-again believers. We enter the Kingdom of God when we are born again, and we are then part of that kingdom for eternity. It is a relationship "born of the spirit" (John 3:5), and we have confident assurance that it is so because the Spirit bears witness with our spirits (Romans 8:16).
     Now, consider the Scripture where Jesus is opposed by the Pharisees because He has cast out demons from a blind and mute man (Matthew 12).  The Lord is accused of using the power of Satan to deliver the man of his demons.  And what does Jesus say?  "If I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God is come unto you."  It was by the power of the Holy Spirit that the demons were defeated!  And if we, as born-again Believers, are part of that same Kingdom of God, and are co-heirs with Christ, then we, too, can call on the power of the Holy Spirit to defeat the Enemy.
     But we are perishing because we do not possess, nor act, on that knowledge!  Instead, we fall victim to the demons, who are servants in Satan's kingdom here on earth.  The devil has given them his authority over our human activities; over cities, places and territories; over social organizations and groups; and they influence sinful behavior -- even in Christians.  But the faithful followers of Christ have no knowledge that by invoking the Name of Jesus, they've been given a greater authority in the Kingdom of God (by Jesus, Himself); and that they have the power of the Holy Spirit to command Satan's demons to leave them alone.
     I can't tell you how many young women I know who are suffering from long-ago and unspoken child molestation, which opened the door for Satan to assign a demon to harass them.  Through years of being silent and unaware of the authority and power they have in Jesus's Name, they have succumbed to Satan's temptations and attacks involving lustful activity, addictions to alcohol and drugs, attraction to the occult, and harmful self-inflicted wounds.... all to mask the pain and chaos that keeps them under the authority of Satan's demons.
     Other people have experienced bewildering bouts of depression and anxiety, or are subjected to debilitating attacks of worry and unfounded fear.  Still others have actually undergone physical attacks by nameless, faceless entities who keep them from operating in their full capacity as Christians.  If these Christians only possessed the knowledge that there is a war between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan -- and that we are participants, living in enemy territory --   they might seek ways to equip themselves for the fight.
     Jesus said, "As the Father sent me, so I send you" (John 20:21).  He then enlisted those of us who follow Him to join in His commitment to "proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed" (Luke 4:18).   Did you get that?  I am proclaiming that Christians DO NOT have to be held captive by Satanic attacks!  Just like Jesus did when He walked the earth, we need to fight Satan's kingdom, in the power of the Holy Spirit.  He has given us His Authority ("I send you"), and we are to fight, in obedience to Him and our Father.
     If all the afflicted persons I have mentioned had this knowledge, they would not be perishing.  That is why I feel it is so important for Christians to become educated on this topic.  Of course, one must be careful to seek out educational tools and ministers who practice deliverance in a Biblical manner.  There are always false teachers ready to lead us down an unScriptural path.
     Books by Derek Prince, John Eckhardt and Charles Kraft are all superior in their teachings on spiritual deliverance.  Those who are suffering intense attacks should seek out a minister who is well-versed in Biblical deliverance ministry.  Pastor Jimmy Low of Harvest Church in Temple, TX; Pastor William Lau of the Elijah Challenge Ministry; and Dr. Erica Shepherd of the Integrated Healing Prayer Ministry come to mind.  I am sure there are other competent ministers, but I am hesitant to recommend anyone that I am not familiar with.
     But, for me, the bottom line is this, and the reason I wrote this blog today.... It is unnecessary for Christians to be living their lives in defeat.  Look around you.  How many Believers do you know who are suffering?  Maybe you are one of them.  Please educate yourself!  Learn what you need to know so that you can stop perishing, and become a vital, active part of the Kingdom of God.  I read a quote once, and it makes so much sense... "The fight is real.  The victory of Christ on the Cross and His resurrection is final, but not yet fully realized.  Evil continues to exercise its limited, yet significant power until Christ returns in His glory."  And so we must stay in the fight, freeing people from the Enemy's attacks, in the power of Jesus.  We are Christians.  We have been chosen and blessed to be on the winning side.  It's time to fight back!

Luke 10:17     The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”


October 9, 2015

A House Divided

     I recently ran across an archived article from Hillsdale College, written by its President, Larry P. Arnn.  Hillsdale is a Liberal Arts College, founded on two principles: academic excellence and institutional independence. The College does not accept federal or state taxpayer subsidies for any of its operations.
     Hillsdale is an exceptional institution of learning as one can attest by reading its mission statement:  Founded in 1844 by men and women “grateful to God for the inestimable blessings” resulting from civil and religious liberty and “believing that the diffusion of learning is essential to the perpetuity of these blessings", it pursues the stated object of the founders: “to furnish all persons who wish, irrespective of nation, color, or sex, a literary and scientific education” [that is] outstanding among American colleges “and to combine with this such moral and social instruction as will best develop the minds and improve the hearts of its pupils.”
     The College considers itself a trustee of modern man’s intellectual and spiritual inheritance from the Judeo-Christian faith and Greco-Roman culture, a heritage finding its clearest expression in the American experiment of self-government under law.  Hillsdale College prepares students to become leaders worthy of that legacy, and by publicly defending that legacy, it enlists the aid of other friends of free civilization and thus secures the conditions of its own survival and independence.
     As you can see, this College seeks to teach this nation's founding principles of freedom, self-government, and the pursuit of virtuous leadership -- without relying on partisan funding.  Needless to say, its goals are not shared by too many other college across the land.
     But it was the December 2012 interview with Hillsdale's President Arnn that sparked some interesting historical comparisons of our nation's history.  The title of the article was Time To Give Up, Or Time To Fight On?  It was written right as the nation was coming to terms with the results of the 2012 Presidential election.  At the time, it was quite clear that the nation was becoming divided; especially in terms of political ideologies.  The gap between Conservative and Liberal, Right and Left, Socialist and Capitalist, Big-Government entitlement programs and Small-Government policies  never seemed greater.  The ensuing years have done nothing to alleviate that chasm.  (And now the latest news is that there seems to be a real fight within the Republican party to determine if the House of Representatives is going to really represent the people of America, or continue with "business as usual".)  Is it possible that we might actually be seeing the dawn of a new era, and a return to our true national roots as a republic?
     Yet the warning that President Arnn issued back in 2012 against those who might be looking to retreat from the political arena still holds true today.  He cautioned against those who might think we have passed the point of no return.  He pointed out then -- and it is ever more vital today -- "that the cost of [retreating] is overwhelming. If you don’t live under good laws, life becomes shortened and less happy, injustice becomes customary, civilization is compromised. And one cannot acquiesce to that. One has to be involved. And since politics is natural to us—man is essentially political, as Aristotle says—and since we do live in the greatest modern country—founded that way at least—we owe it a lot. And many of the people who have seen the republic through to where we are today have gone through things that are worse than this."
     Of course, we in modern Babylon -- we spoiled, soft, and selfish Americans in the 21st Century -- are likely to think that no one has had it as tough as us.  But if we could quit thinking about ourselves for just a moment and focus on the future of our nation, we might realize that we need to stay in the fight.
     Because it was what he said just a few short paragraphs later that has got me to thinking:  "The country is still a house divided against itself, and that’s dangerous. But it doesn’t mean that there’s been a resolution. It means, in fact, the opposite: there is not a resolution. That resolution still has to be made, and the making of it lies ahead of us, and not behind us."  He said that in 2012!  How much more relevant is it today, just three short years later?  We have seen new divisions that were merely hinted at when the last election was decided... division between the races; a division between the faithful and the secular; between Christians and Muslims; between the rich and poor; and a widening gap between the middle class and the elites.  But does it spell the end of the republic?  Are we past the point of no return?
     Surely, at the founding of this nation, the division between the independence-minded colonists and the ruling class in Britain spelled sure defeat for the growing American spirit.  And as Dr. Arnn points out, the crisis that President Lincoln faced definitely threatened to divide the nation and destroy it.  The nation had to decide between two polar opposite philosophies ... either slavery was the right direction to take the nation, or complete freedom for all men was the right path.  Lincoln clearly understood the Bible's warning that a house divided against itself, will be unable to stand.  So, which of these conflicting ideologies was violating America's principles?  A devastating war was fought to resolve that issue.  As Dr. Arnn writes, "There’s almost an exact parallel today, because the people who founded our country believed and wrote—and established a Constitution to provide—that there must never be unlimited rule by any man or group of men over other men. And our government is getting to a place where it threatens to become limitless."  Remember, that was written three years ago.
     So, I guess the question becomes this: will this generation of Americans [who face this century's threat against our inherent belief in individual rights and limited government], be up to the challenge or not?  Will we retreat and submit to what looks like an insurmountable opponent, or will we remember that this nation has survived other attempts by enemies, both physical and spiritual, to conquer and divide us?  And, perhaps an equally relevant question is, will our leadership rise to the occasion and the growing demand for change and accountability?  Will they even give us a reason to vote?
     I think we would do well to consider what Dr. Arnn proffers as a valuable historic lesson from Winston Churchill.  When Great Britain appeared to stand alone against the onslaught of Hitler's evil Nazi regime, Prime Minister Churchill still believed he could win.  In fact, he believed free men were morally obliged to believe they could defeat evil, and to go down fighting, if necessary.  Do we still "hold that truth to be self-evident" within our American DNA?  They did at Bunker Hill and Concord; and on the battlefields at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Shiloh, and Antietam.  Those Americans felt this republic was worth fighting for.  Now, we find ourselves on the world stage in our hour of crisis.  What will it be?  Retreat and let this nation further divide -- or fight to maintain our original purpose, and rely on the Providence of Almighty God to bring forth a worthy leader to keep this land a little longer for His Glory?  It's time to make your decision.

Psalm 77:11   "But then I recall all you have done, O LORD;  I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago."

October 8, 2015

Global Government Headed Your Way

     How many of you have heard of the "Strong Cities Network"?  Have any idea what it might be?  It sounds like something rather benign, doesn't it -- like a supportive group of interconnected towns for the greater benefit of all?  Well, let's step away from our normalcy bias and take a look at this program and how it might possibly lead to further loss of our God-given freedoms.
     As an excellent article on World Net Daily discloses, this signature program of the Obama administrative was unveiled at the United Nations at the end of last month.  The implied target of the Strong Cities Network is "violent extremism".
     Just one day before the mass murder in Roseburg, Oregon, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced to world leaders at the UN that the time has come for a more globalized and comprehensive effort to combat violent extremism. She said: “Until now, we have lacked that mechanism. We haven’t had the benefit of sustained or coordinated cooperation among the growing number of cities and municipalities that are confronting this ongoing challenge. Communities have too often been left isolated and alone. But through the Strong Cities Network that we have unveiled today, we are making the first systematic effort in history to bring together cities around the world to share experiences, to pool resources and to forge partnerships in order to build local cohesion and resilience on a global scale. Today we tell every city, every town and every community that has lost the flower of its youth to a sea of hatred – you are not alone. We stand together and we stand with you.”
     With New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio by Lynch's side, the pair were careful to stress that such "a global coalition of cities seeking to combat extremism and terrorism in all of its many forms would not profile Muslims."  But as the WND article pointed out, then who do they have in mind?  Shadram Hadian, a former Muslim and now a Christian Pastor, says it’s no coincidence that the project was launched at the United Nations.  "So who are they going to target when they talk about violent extremism?" asked Hadian, who grew up in Iran and now travels nationwide teaching churches and law enforcement about the dangers of Shariah law. “Well, if you look at their track record, it always seems to be that your violent extremists are your Christians, your veterans and your Second Amendment advocates.”  Wow!  That's a bold and courageous statement!
     Yet, the lack of media coverage in the U.S., and the obvious choice of the UN to unveil this program, certainly calls into question the explicit and precise motives of this global policing initiative.  As Paul McGuire, (a minister, author, and World News & End Times events expert) pointedly asks, "The question is Why?  This is massive because it’s such a contradiction to the Constitution, and there was no consultation with Congress, and they did a complete end-run around everything that our Constitution stands for."
     So we have to ask ourselves... are we seeing any signs of an agenda that seeks to identify other groups (besides Islamic jihadists) as extremists?  Both Hadian and McGuire suggest that the use of the term "violent extremism" is intended to "draw a moral equivalency among all religions, even though 99 percent of all religious-based violence in the world today involves Muslims killing non-Muslims."
     What concerns them (and should concern everyone of us) is the apparent attempt to 1)  negate Muslim radicals with violence in the U.S. and world;  2)  paint conservative, religious people as perpetrators of discriminatory violence,  and 3) at the same time ignore (or at least whitewash) the fact that Christians are increasingly becoming the targets of such violence.  We see any or all of these efforts in the "official" narratives of Roseburg, Oregon; Garland, Texas; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Oklahoma City; Fort Hood, Texas; and the Boston Marathon.  In each of those attacks, Muslims or Muslim sympathizers were identified as the attackers, with their targets being innocent Christians, civilians or the military.  And we mustn't forget that it was black Christians who were the targets of the racist, anti-Christian Dylan Roof in Charleston, South Carolina.
      So, why push the narrative that "violent extremism" covers a broad spectrum of people?  According to John Whitehead, a constitutional lawyer, it serves a purpose .... global government.  Now, with the Strong Cities Network, U.S. cities will be cooperating and “sharing resources” with foreign governments around the world. Local police are already training with FBI, DHS and even the military.  This administration's new program lays the groundwork for them to train with foreign police units under the banner of the U.N.
     Among the first steps taken will be to merge some of the law-enforcement capacities within regions, with U.S. cops cooperating more closely with those of Mexico and Canada, Whitehead said. He warns, “They’re working to fuse them together, so local autonomy, local authority, will be diluted and eventually eliminated.  They’re already globalizing; technology demands it."
     And what should be a lightbulb moment for every American is the use of the terminology "U.S. and international standards".  McGuire points out that the U.N. will always pick a “politically correct” situation in which to intervene.  It will not intervene to stop the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East, but it will intervene to protect transgenders, Islam or perceived racial bias by police, as when U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for the protection of civil rights during the Ferguson uprising in August 2014 even as rioters were looting, turning over police cars and burning buildings.
     But it is McGuire's next words that should be the lightbulb moment for every Christian in America:  “I believe we are now reaching a tipping point that is going to happen very soon,” he said. “It could happen overnight and most likely after a crisis event. The U.N. is already in control of a great deal, but we are going to see the U.N. come out of the shadows and openly exercise its authority over the United States. They will still have some kind of illusion of the United States for the masses, but I believe the elites are ready to bring global government out of the closet, and we’re going to see a very radical, aggressive change. They want to do this by 2030, and in Paris they’re going to announce another round of sweeping changes (in November) and then you look at all the trigger points, the Syrian war, the international debt crisis, etcetera.”  To underscore this point, the WND article revealed that two dozen cities have signed up including Paris, London, Mumbai, Montreal, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Denver, Tunis, Oslo, Beirut and Palermo, among others.
     So, is McGuire alluding to the opening of the beginning Seals in Revelation 6?  It certainly seems as if he is describing a Conqueror, conflict on the earth, and crises that could cause massive famine and death.  And all we have to do is look at the chaos in Europe from the mass immigration and refugee crisis.  World leaders, along with the Pope, seem to be taking us to that tipping point that McGuire warns about.
     Perhaps you think that my concern regarding the Strong Cities Network is overblown and mischaracterized.  In response, I would like you to consider these words by global elitist Henry Kissinger in an address at a Bilderberg meeting in Evian, France, May 21, 1991, (as transcribed from a tape-recording made by one of the Swiss delegates):  “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”
     In my Biblical worldview, this statement certainly seems to suggest what we are told in Revelation Chapters 6-11 --- that the disasters and wars and civil unrest described in this portentous Book of the Bible will be so devastating, and create such a monumental global crisis, that people will embrace anything and anyone who promises to give them relief.  Once entrenched in power, the beast (Antichrist) and the power behind him (Satan) will move to establish absolute control over all peoples of the earth to accomplish their true end, the worship Satan has been seeking ever since being thrown out of heaven.  And as national and world events are showing us, the devil knows his time is short.
     But this is not the time for us to give in to fear and despair.  We have a part to play in this End Times scenario ... and that is to endure and spread the Word that there is power in the saving blood of Christ; and to use our Authority in His Name to cast down Satan's evil plans.  Our natural state is to live in the freedom that was bought by our Savior's sacrifice.  Let us reveal our true identity to the world and point the path to deliverance from this chaotic world... the path to Jesus!

Revelation 13:7    "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."