A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

May 13, 2015

Now THIS Is Profitable For Teaching!

     Every once in awhile there is a bright spot in our culture; a moment that lets us know that God's remnant is still living and active in speaking Him into the world.  And, occasionally, that voice comes from the heart of a generally godless segment of our society -- and it is like rain falling on parched ground.
     Such was the case when Academy-Award winning actor Denzel Washington gave the commencement address to the graduates of Dillard University, a private, historically black liberal arts college in New Orleans.  He promised a short speech, with three very simple recommendations.  His first words of advice were succinct and to the point:  "Number one," he said slowly and resolutely.  "Put. God. First!"  No better counsel was ever given to a college graduate.
     “Put God first in everything you do,” Washington continued to loud cheers. “Everything I have is by the grace of God. Understand that. It’s a gift.”  Bravo!  That's exactly what this entitlement generation needs to here.  Furthermore, he shared that he got off to a rocky start in his college career, nearly flunking out, until one day a woman in his mother's beauty parlor prophesied that God had a plan for him, and he would one day "travel the world and speak to millions of people."  He went on to state that throughout his long and successful career,  “the most important thing that stayed with me [since that moment] is that I’ve been protected, I’ve been directed, I’ve been corrected. I’ve kept God in my life and it’s kept me humble.”
     Hopefully those graduating seniors heard the subtle message ... It's not all about YOU!  If God is at the center of their lives, then they will reap both the challenges and the rewards of a life lived according to His purpose and will.  It won't be easy, but if they heard one thing from the accomplished actor, I hope it was this:  "I didn’t always stick with Him, but He’s always stuck with me.”
     Advice Number Two: Washington encouraged the students to take chances: "fail big and dream big".  He continued:  "Dreams without goals are just dreams, and if one doesn't have goals, then those dreams just ultimately fuel disappointment.  In order to achieve these goals, you must apply discipline and consistency.  Working hard is what successful people do."
     "In this text, tweet, twerk world you've grown up in, remember this ... just because you're doing a lot more (and here he imitated the motions of furious texting), it doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done.  Don't confuse movement with progress."  He cautioned that it is a big world out there; a mean world, and it can be scary.  But they should pursue what they are passionate about.  "Don't be afraid to go outside the box, or think outside the box... and continue to strive for your goals."
     Advice Number Three:  "You'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse.  You can't take it with you... and it's not how much you have.  It's what you do with what you have.  We all have different gifts that we can utilize to achieve success.  But the most selfish thing in this world you can do is help someone else.  Why is that selfish?  Because of the gratification and goodness that comes to you ... there's nothing better than that.  That's where the joy is!  That's where the success is!"  At the end of their lives, it's how they lived that counts, not what things they amassed.
     As he concluded his short speech (only 10 minutes long), he closed with this advice:  “I pray that you put your slippers way under your bed tonight, so that when you wake up in the morning you have to get on your knees to reach them ... And while you’re down there, say thank you. Thank you for grace, thank you for mercy, thank you for understanding, thank you for wisdom, thank you for parents, thank you for love, thank you for kindness, thank you for humility, thank you for peace, thank you for prosperity. Say thank you in advance for what’s already yours.  True desire in the heart for anything good is God’s proof to you, sent beforehand, to indicate that it’s yours already."  He repeated that last statement to get across his point ... whatever itch or desire they had to do something good was God's proof that He had put it in their heart, and it was their's to claim.  He further admonished them to work hard to get it, and "when you get it, reach back and pull someone else up ... each one, teach one."
     Wow!  This man gets it!  He just combined several Scriptural passages of hope all into one simple address ... and finished it up with the advice to say, "Thank You!"  In his wise words, we hear familiar teachings from the Bible ...  God knows the plans He has for your future, and the hope He wants to give you; if you trust in the Lord with all your heart, He will direct your path; those who love God will find that all things work together for good and God's purpose [which He knows beforehand]; Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
     With a simple testimony of the role God has played in his life, and the admonition to be grateful for the gifts they've received, Denzel Washington managed to give those graduating seniors a recipe for success.  “Don’t just aspire to make a living,” he concluded -- emphasizing each word with emotion -- “aspire to make a difference.”  If they follow that advice, they will be prosperous in the things that matter in this world, while at the same time, storing up great treasures in heaven.  I can't think of any better words of wisdom for this generation.

Deuteronomy 32:2-3     "My message shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the light rain upon the tender grass, and as the showers upon the herb. For I will proclaim the name [and presence] of the Lord. Concede and ascribe greatness to our God."

May 12, 2015

The Effects of Lawlessness

Slain Police Officers (left to right) Liquori Tate, Benjamin Deen, and Brian Moore  
     A few days ago, New York City Police Officer Brian Moore was laid to rest, with thousands attending his funeral.  Officer Moore, who was only 25, was shot in the head while on patrol.  A couple of nights ago, Police Officers Benjamin Deen, 34, and Liquori Tate, 24, of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, were shot and killed during a routine traffic stop.  And last Friday, the Attorney General of the United States announced that the Justice Department will be investigating the methods of the Baltimore Police Department.
     Citing police/community relations as "one of the most challenging issues of our time," Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that if it is determined that violations are found, the investigation will result in a "court-enforceable agreement" to change the practices of the Baltimore Police Department.  In addition to investigating any possible violations of duty by police officers, why doesn't the Attorney General consider investigating what makes people commit the crimes that result in murdered cops?  The Justice Department says it wants to look into any patterns of unconstitutional actions by police departments across the country.  But I have real concerns about the Feds swooping in every time there is a high profile case and the public demands it.  Is that how we fix the problem?  And is there even an attempt to identify what is at the core of these problems? If there is a crisis in relations between the police and the community, why are we only looking at the police part of that equation?
     I will agree that if the police are over-reaching their authority, then they must be reined in.  We cannot tolerate law enforcement that oppresses or represses our constitutional rights.  But can we go too far in restraining them, and end up impeding law and order?  It is my real fear that there is a movement to vilify the police (with prejudice), as well as unspoken permission given by politicians and community leaders to attack them in retaliation for perceived injustices.  We must remember that Police hold a special place in the criminal justice system. Not only do the activities of law enforcement officers affect the operations of the entire criminal justice system, but police are said to be the “gate keepers” of the system and a lawful society.  They are the guardians of a civilized society; and they are what stands between us and the consequences of lawlessness.
     There is already talk that police officers may become less willing or slower to serve their communities and uphold the law.  Can you really blame them?  Every thug or criminal sees the trend ... there's a crackdown on cops and they [the criminals] are not being held responsible or accountable for their actions.  And it's all playing into Satan's hand.  If we hamstring the cops -- if they hold back and don't feel confident in doing their job, then you can count on more crime and chaos in the world.  Satan is licking his chops at the prospects!
     I have three nephews -- all brothers -- who are law enforcement officers.  And I can tell you that their motives are pure.  They do it out of a sense of serving the public, as do the majority of those who keep the peace, and protect lives and property.  They know that there is good and evil in this world, and they choose to confront evil, so we don't have to.
     What happened to respect for law enforcement and authority?  And don't tell me that all the fault lies with the police.  Without question, the crime in our society is unprecedented.  Men refuse to follow God's laws or the government God has put in place.  They want to make their own laws and follow their own rules.  The law exists because there are bad people; and so there is a need for those who will uphold the law to keep our communities from falling into disorder, anarchy, and frankly... from going straight to hell.
     We are on a very slippery slope in this nation.  Will we uphold the rule of law and support those who provide a protective wall between us and evil?  Or will we tip the scales towards Satan and allow the Lawless One to score a victory for those who follow him?

1 Timothy 1:9    "We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers,"

May 11, 2015

70 Years Later & It's The Same Game Plan

     This past Friday marked the celebration of Victory in Europe (V.E.) Day; the day that marked the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces.  In effect, it marked the end of World War II in Europe.  Massive celebrations took place in Europe and the United States, as well as Russia.  It marked an end to the evil that permeated the Nazi regime; a Satanically-influenced ideology that few recognized until it was too late.
     There are very few military veterans who remember that day 70 years ago, and I fear that through our lack of knowledge about Satan's game plan, we are experiencing a reoccurrence of his strategy.  As I read the history of that time period and how quickly Satan, through Adolph Hitler, was able to corrupt the culture and the church, I am amazed at the similarities with the world events of today.
     In 1933, the spirit of National Socialism and nationalistic pride saw Germans participating in a "purge" of un-German thoughts of authors such as Helen Keller, Jack London, H.G. Wells, and Albert Einstein.  Hundreds of thousands of books were burned in a bonfire, symbolizing that the "age of arrogant Jewish intellectualism" was now at an end.  The vampire-like Minister of Propaganda for the  Nazi Party, Joseph Goebbels, ranted, "[We are] consigning to the flames the unclean spirit of the past.  This is a great, powerful, and symbolic act ... Out of these ashes the phoenix of a new age will arise!"
     Many of you will recognize the symbology of that statement.  Hitler, whom I believe embodied the spirit of the Anti-Christ, knew that to promote his ideology and plan, he must marginalize the Christian Church.  Albert Speer, who was one of Hitler's chief architects, quotes the Fuhrer as saying, "It's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion.  Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good?  The Mohammedan religion, too, would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity.  Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"  (Apparently, Satan agrees with Hitler -- Who can argue that the radical Islamic jihadists are not compatible with Satan's plan to control the world?)
     Furthermore, Hitler disdained members of the clergy, with their "child-like faith" and lack of trust in science.  It was his opinion that "A church that does not keep step with modern scientific knowledge is doomed. It may take quite a while, but it is bound finally to happen."  Such a church was not useful to the National Socialist ideology, which preached "ruthlessness and strength".  The Church would have to change to fit both Hitler's and Satan's diabolical plans.
     Satan's plan involved increasing the pressure against Christianity, which fit in well with the goals of the Third Reich, who wanted to replace it with a religion of their own invention.  The plan was to "eventually destroy Christianity, if it [the Reich] could, and substitute the old paganism of the early tribal Germanic gods and the new paganism of the Nazi extremists."  In the end, Nazism eventually became a religion unto itself, and their leaders were its priesthood.  This "new religion" relied heavily on the occult and astronomy, and would go so far as to force the removal of the Christian Cross from the cultural foundations of the nation.  Christian Scripture would be twisted and bent, and the doctrines of the church altered to fit the Nazi/Satan agenda.  Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
     And what was the German Church's response?  For the most part ... compromise and appeasement.  And so it is today .... Satan is simply running the same old game plan.  As my wise husband commented on the anniversary of V.E. Day, "It has only taken 70 years for Satan's minions to re-establish his agenda."  Just consider the following:  Today, there is virtually no response by the Church to radical jihadist rhetoric declaring their intent to wipe out Christianity and Judaism.  Furthermore, the attempts to remove the Cross as an expression of our religion and faith are becoming far too commonplace.  And the validity of Scripture is now being amended to fit the unbiblical standards of society, if not outright denied!
     Far too many American churches have abandoned pure Christianity for a conciliatory approach that embraces the culture.  Our youth are abandoning their Christian roots for Middle Eastern mysticism, pagan-inspired rituals, and participation in the occult.
     In 1933, Hitler released a statement that promoted "the friendly relations existing between the Holy See and the German Reich", which succeeded in mollifying a skeptical and suspicious world.  Today, we see Pope Francis inviting representatives of the Islamic faith to the Vatican, and openly instituting Islamic prayer in the Catholic palace.
     Satan and those he inspires know that to move forward with their anti-God schemes and strategies, they must destroy the Church and Christianity.  If they can transform or redefine the intentions of Christ's Body, then Satan thinks he can defeat his enemy.  We see that happening as Biblical "social justice" is redefined to fit Satan's motives to divide and conquer us by making such justice political and sociocultural.  It's all about moving us away from individual obedience to the principles of the Bible and Jesus's teachings, and towards a "collective" and compliant mindset.  It's about subtly removing the line of distinction between the Church and the State, and allowing the State to exercise control over the Church. Isn't that exactly what Hitler and the Nazi party tried to accomplish?  Haven't we seen that as the Supreme Court decides whether we Christians must legally accept abortion and same-sex marriage?
     So, while it has literally been a lifetime of 70 years since Satan's most egregious plan of the last century was defeated, the embers of hate towards Christianity have never really been extinguished.  There are just new names and faces, but the tactics remain the same ... manipulate and exploit an accommodating Church in order to dominate the people and force them down Satan's path.  Unless the Church rediscovers who it is in Christ Jesus, then I fear that the next round of Evil will bring unfathomable desolation and anguish upon mankind.  It is at the door this moment ... what will be our response?

Thank you to the writings and research of author Eric Metaxas for the details on Hitler and Third Reich.

2 Corinthians 11:15    "So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds."


May 10, 2015

1 Peter 1:22

Since by your obedience to the Truth 
through the [Holy] Spirit, you have purified your hearts
 for the sincere affection of the brethren, 
[see that you] love one another fervently from a pure heart.

     We are all familiar with the two great commandants given by Jesus ... to love the Lord our God, with all our heart, soul, strength and mind; and to love one another as we love ourselves (Luke 10:27).  In the featured Scripture today, the Apostle Peter is encouraging the believers in the midst of persecution.  He not only tells them to conduct themselves courageously, so that their character and actions should mimic that of their Savior Jesus Christ, but to continue in their love for another.  
     He is talking to those who are bonded in the faith of Christ -- whether they are fellow apostles, or those who have witnessed the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord; or those who experienced the miraculous indwelling of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, or even those who have accepted Christ as their Savior as a result of their witness.  These men would have shared the effects of hearing the Gospel message, and their souls would have been purified by the Holy Spirit with a sincere affection for their brethren in Christ.  And now, Peter is calling them to a higher degree of affection; to love one another fervently -- which can only be done if the Holy Spirit resides in a man's soul.  Our natural, fleshly inclination is to put ourselves first.  That's why we must be purified and sanctified by God through the Holy Spirit.
     But I would like to point out to you a dangerous deception that has permeated the Church through our culture.  Depending on which version of the Bible one reads, you may be left with a decidedly weaker message.  The version I have chosen for today is the Amplified Version, which corresponds to the King James and the New King James versions.  But other versions, such as the New International Version (NIV) and the English Standard Version (ESV) present Scripture in an altered format.  Those versions read as follows:  Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart. (NIV) -- or, Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, (ESV).  
     Notice the difference?  See anything missing?  How about the fact that they omit "Through the [Holy] Spirit" from the passage?  Do you see that by omitting the Spirit, what it is saying is that ANY truth can be obeyed, and you will be able to love one another.  Do you see how this plays into the moral relevancy of today's culture?  It has been so easy to convince sinful man in today's world that the truth of Buddha, or the truth of Gaia, or the truth of any number of false gods or belief systems is all you need to be able to love with "a pure heart".
     It also has allowed the Modern Church to meet a lesser standard.  By omitting the Holy Spirit, the congregants are not called to seek His counsel or guidance in loving one another.  The meat of the Scripture is lost without the Holy Spirit!  How can you purify yourself; and can Christians reveal what truth they are obeying without the presence of the Holy Spirit?  Do you see how this is such a disservice to modern believers?  It's like giving them half the tools to a task that effects their eternal life! 
     So here is what we really need to understand ... Many may hear a similar truth, but are never purified by it, because they are unable to submit to it or obey it without the help of the Holy Spirit, who is God's agent.  There are such lusts and biases in man’s nature that without Divine Grace we can neither love God, nor one another, as we ought to. 
     It is very important to consider the role that the Holy Spirit plays in our ability to rise to the calling that Peter exhorts.  And because that role has been ignored, the culture is allowed to diminish Jehovah God to the level of lesser false gods ... it then doesn't matter who you worship, as long as you attempt to love one another.  It makes us all equal and all able to achieve that worthy goal.  But those of us whose faith lies in Jesus Christ know that all our attempts our futile without the aid of the Holy Spirit.  Only through Him are our souls pressed to be better than our selfish human nature, and are we able to be successful in loving purely and fervently.  We must guard our faith from such insupportable omissions, and stand for the supremacy of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

May 9, 2015

Courageous or Irresponsible?

     Whether you agree with her methods or not, one must certainly give Pamela Geller credit for making Sharia law in America come out of the shadows.  The outspoken and controversial political activist has been known for her opinions on radical Islam and the politicization of Islam.  She has become a tireless spokeswoman against "creeping Sharia" in our country, which has resulted in her being labeled anti-Islamic and Islamophobic by the media and pundits on both sides of the political spectrum.  Geller is a Jewish American, and her pro-Israel stance has also made her a target of anti-semitic critics.
     All that being said, she is not averse to public and heated disagreement when it comes to getting her message across: Sharia law is dangerous, and has no place in the American judicial system.  She asserts that Shariah law is different from the theological constructs governing other faiths, claiming that canon law only applies to Catholics and Jewish law only governs Jewish people; she said that Shariah law differs in that it “asserts its authority over non-Muslims” as well.  Her continued campaign to shine a spotlight on the dangers of making concessions to Sharia in the name of "tolerance" and "inclusivity" in order to appease radical Muslims, has kept her message on the fringes ... no media pundits or outlets would take her seriously or give her air time to present her views.
     To be honest, it is tough to applaud her decision to hold a contest mocking the prophet Muhammad.  There is no one who would say she didn't expect a violent outcome.  And I have heard others remark that there were other ways to achieve her goals.  But can you suggest another way that would have forced all the news corporations to cover the fallout of her decision; or that would have forced a discussion of the full ramifications of Sharia Law into the public forum?  Is anyone focusing on the fact that two men were compelled to try to kill her, or others, in the name of jihad?
     Who has not seen or heard radical cleric Anjem Choudary's call for Ms. Geller to be put before a Sharia court and receive the full penalty for facilitating such offensive cartoons, “and if found guilty, of course, she would face capital punishment.”  Did you get that?  In the United States of America, you have a religious cleric promoting a sentence of death for exercising the right of free speech that this country prizes so much!  What a gross misrepresentation of what our justice system is all about!
     You might think that her methods were crude and in poor taste, but ultimately, she accomplished her goal: pointing out that Islamic Sharia law goes against everything this country stands for.  What's more, the mask has been pulled off, and the public has a clear view of how Sharia restricts and obstructs freedom.
     I want to be clear; I don't agree with everything that Pam Geller stands for.  She is "socially liberal" in her support of abortion legalization and same-sex marriages.  She is a theist who defends the Judeo-Christian ethical tradition, but I can find no evidence of a declared faith.  But she is a stalwart defender of free speech as a protection against tyranny, and is unafraid to provoke or offend in order to prove a point.  In response to critics who disapprove of her event in Garland, Texas this last week, her response is unapologetic:  “There is no automatic or unavoidable response to being insulted. No one is forced to kill for being insulted,” she said. “Those who choose to do so are responsible for their actions. No one else is.”
     Then there are those who find her methods too offensive and controversial.  And I would dare say that many of our church leaders would shy away from confronting the religion of Islam and Sharia law because they don't want to offend.  But by avoiding the subject, do they then lack any credibility and/or influence?  Think about Jesus and how He made his point in the public arena!
     People either loved Him, or loved to hate Him.  He wasn't afraid to offend the religious leaders of His day, the Pharisees; nor stand up to the political rule of the Romans.  The crowds flocked to Him because of the things He said and did; yet, they also loved to argue with Him and accuse Him of blasphemy and consorting with the Devil.  His methods were certainly controversial for the day, and He was a threat to the accepted practices of His time.  But He was willing to draw attention to Himself in order to shine a light on truths that needed to be revealed.
     Now, Pamela Geller is no Savior of the world, but she understands that if you want to be heard, you sometimes have to be willing to be bold, be criticized, and be willing to be misunderstood -- all in order to draw attention to your cause and make people think for themselves.  Whether she was courageous or irresponsible, the debate that her event has engendered may well wake up America to the danger that lies within.  May God use it for His glory!

Jeremiah 17:10    “I, the Lord, search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”


May 8, 2015

Why Has It Taken This Long?

     I viewed a decision by our nation's prominent religious leaders to openly declare that they are ready to enact "Civil Disobedience" with a bit of consternation.  On the one hand, I applaud their bold move to stand in opposition to the Supreme Court, should that august body decide to make same-sex marriage legal across the land.  On the other hand, I am left wondering why now, and why this issue?
     A veritable Who's Who of religious notoriety and distinction signed a pledge, which states in part, "While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross."
     Everyone from newly announced Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, to Reverend Franklin Graham, Pastor John Hagee, U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, James Dobson, and the founder of Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver, have signed on.  Their stated purpose is to send a strong message to the Supreme Court (or any court in the country) that they will oppose elevating same-sex marriage to a protected legal stance, engaging in "peaceful resistance against unjust laws and unjust rulings."
     They want it known that they fear the legalization of same-sex marriage will transform the face of society and will result in the “beginning of the end of Western Civilization.”  Furthermore, “We have no choice,” Staver is quoted as saying. “We cannot compromise our clear biblical convictions, our religious convictions."  Supposedly, they have stated that they are willing "to resist [the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage] as much as Martin Luther King, Jr. resisted unjust laws in his time."  Now, that's a pretty big commitment.
     So here's my concern ... why hasn't this stand been taken for the issue of abortion?  Why haven't we heard their outcry over late-term abortions, or of the issue of abortion, itself?  Hasn't abortion transformed the face of society, and I think a good argument could be made that it is leading us to the end of Western Civilization.
     I want to believe that their motives are pure ... I really do!  But, as an article on the website News With Views, pointed out, these are all very wealthy and comfortable men who have had the means and the positions to fight for their "convictions" for a very long time.  They have boldly declared WE WILL NOT OBEY ... but are they willing to follow through?  And why has it taken them this long to come to that conclusion?
     Are they willing to go to jail as Dr. King did?  Are they willing to face harassment and persecution and loss of income and status for their cause?  Can they see themselves following in the footsteps of John the Baptist, or Peter or Paul?  Or is it as German Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer noted during his pre-WW II visit that the American Church lacked leadership which had any knowledge of true suffering.  Our nation's prosperity has spawned mega-churches and million dollar corporations, all clothed in 501(c)3 protective raiment.
     Are these men willing to forego their soft and comfortable positions to get down in the trenches of real Biblical battle?  Are they willing to contemplate Jesus's words in Matthew 11:7-8?  Scripture says, "Then as these men went their way, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John: What did you go out in the wilderness (desert) to see? A reed swayed by the wind?  What did you go out to see then? A man clothed in soft garments? Behold, those who wear soft clothing are in the houses of kings."
     Was He intimating that John the Baptist's coarse and rough clothing showed that he was dead to all the pageantry of the world and the pleasures of the senses; that his clothing agreed with the wilderness he lived in?  Could we say that his appearance was consistent with his character and how he viewed his position and how he was to conduct his ministry?  If so, what does that say about how today's religious leaders have conducted their commission to spread the Gospel?  Have they relied too heavily on their connections with political figures, and cast their lot and organizations' funds on campaign contributions in the hopes of influencing the culture through political means?  Or are we going to find that they are simply too comfortable in their soft and plush clothes, and in the company of the kings of our day?
     Forgive me for being so cynical, but to my mind, there have been far too many years, and millions of aborted babies, that deserved such a call for "civil disobedience".  Perhaps if this approach had been considered in the 1970s, we wouldn't even be talking about same-sex marriage.  So, I guess I can accept "better late than never", but my natural skepticism tells me not to get too excited.  Are these wealthy pastors and religious leaders really willing to get dirty in a fight that may ask them to sacrifice all they own and are?  What will be the fruit of their actions?  Are they willing to go as far as  John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, or Martin Luther King?  I guess we will see ....

May 7, 2015

Hands Off The Alamo!

     For several years now, officials in San Antonio, Texas have been working with representatives from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to get the San Antonio Spanish Missions declared as "World Heritage Sites", and they feel victory is near.  This designation would also include the most famous and beloved of all the missions, the Alamo, which sits in the heart of downtown San Antonio.

     For those of you who are unfamiliar with the history of the Texas Republic, the Alamo is sacred ground.  The Alamo itself consists of the Alamo Chapel and the surrounding Plaza, where most of the fighting occurred during the 1836 Battle of the Alamo; and where 189 defenders sacrificed their lives for liberty instead of surrendering to the tyrannical Mexican president Antonio López de Santa Anna. The site has since become a shrine, representing those who were willing to fight for individual freedom in the face of collective evil.  Every Texas school child knows the history of the Alamo and millions of Texans pay homage to the site year-round.
     Those who favor making the Alamo a UNESCO World Heritage Site, point to the expected $100 million influx from world tourism, and the chance to become part of UNESCO's mission to "ensure the protection of the natural and cultural heritage of nations"; and to "encourage international cooperation in the conservation of our world's cultural and natural heritage".
     But here is my concern (along with others who are a little concerned about giving the United Nations any form of control over our national heritage sites):  when a country allows a historical site to be declared a World Heritage Site they must agree to sign on to the international treaty, known as the World Heritage Convention, and to agree to "establish management plans and set up reporting systems on the state of conservation of their World Heritage sites."
     As expected, when a site becomes part of the UN's World Heritage organization, there is a manual to follow.  The manual states that it is “the duty of the international community as a whole to cooperate” in managing World Heritage Sites, meaning that bureaucrats from foreign countries could well sit on a Board and determine the Alamo’s operation.  One of the “protection obligations” of a World Heritage Site is the requirement to “use the World Heritage logo,” meaning that the Alamo Plaza would be adorned with UN symbols.  And to me, the most disturbing facet of this whole idea is that the UN flag would fly over the Alamo, among the most hallowed ground in all of Texas, and a symbol of the rugged individualism and love of liberty that personifies the history of our great state.
     I'm sure it won't surprise those of you who are familiar with the UN's Agenda 21 policies to find that the manual also suggests strategies for restricting public access to heritage sites due to “environmental concerns” under the guise of “sustainable” tourism, both familiar buzz words reflecting Agenda 21 goals.
     But once again, I was flabbergasted to find that this attempt is nothing new; and in fact, there are already quite a few of our most treasured historical sites that are now flying the UN flag.  For instance, did you know that the Statue of Liberty, Independence Hall, and the Grand Canyon are UN World Heritage sites; or that Mount Vernon, George Washington's home in northern Virginia is vying for a nomination, and both the Edmund Pettis Bridge in Selma and Martin Luther King's Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery Alabama, have both been placed up for nomination jointly as 'Civil Rights Era Landmarks'?  At this rate, our sovereignty and national identity will be subjugated to a collective heritage belonging to the world.  Is anybody else thinking "One World Heritage"?
     I just think it is incredibly tragic that 179 years after our Texas heroes fought to the death to defend liberty, freedom and sovereignty, that their descendants would so willingly allow another flag to fly over the compound.  Perhaps they need to reconsider the last words from the commander of the Alamo, Lt. Colonel William Barrett Travis, and to rethink their own surrender of the Alamo to the United Nations.

To the People of Texas & All Americans in the World—

Fellow Citizens & compatriots—

     I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna — I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man — The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken — I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls — I shall never surrender or retreat.  Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch — The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days.  If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country — Victory or Death.

William Barrett Travis.

Lt.  Col. comdt.

P. S.  The Lord is on our side — When the enemy appeared in sight we had not three bushels of corn — We have since found in deserted houses 80 or 90 bushels and got into the walls 20 or 30 head of Beeves.

Proverbs 19:21    "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand."




May 6, 2015

"It's About Being An American!"

     Believe me, I am not one to repost videos or remarks from Facebook.  But today is the exception.  If you have been reading my blog since its inception, then you know that I have been fortunate enough to train under Travis Haley, a veteran Force Reconnaissance Marine.  I have written about the ways in which he has made me a better person, as well as a better shooter.  I respect his military service, his creativity, his innovativeness, and his code of honor, morals and behavior.
     So, it was with a good bit of interest that I noticed he posted a "selfie" video, so to speak, on his Facebook page, titled "Don't Ask Me Again! Make A Difference."  As soon as I clicked on the video I knew it was not coming from his professional side.  This one was personal!
     He had received a Facebook message asking him his opinion on what our "course of action" should be regarding the incidents in Baltimore and around the country; on racism, to be exact.  The ridiculous charge by the messenger was that men like Travis could "grab their guns and go there, make a huge difference, and stop this."  To say that Travis was taken aback, is putting it mildly.  Anyone who knows him could gauge his reaction by the steely glare into the camera and the set of his jaw.  His response?  "You're ignorant, and a racist a--hole for asking those kinds of questions and making those kinds of statements."
     His anger stemmed from the fact that the person who contacted him insinuated that as a celebrated American soldier, who had fought Evil and terrorists who were trying to take away our freedoms, he would be the perfect candidate to put a stop to what was happening in Baltimore.  But Travis's response was unequivocal ... "These are Americans; we are ALL Americans at the end of the day.  If you are a legal citizen of America, whether you are black, white; whether you are Hispanic, Asian ... it doesn't matter what your race or culture or ethnic background is.  If you are here legally, you are an American citizen."
     As you listen to him explain his theory about anyone who would dare to suggest that it is the role of the military to stop citizen protests, you know where he is coming from.  Those who try to use race or "the color card" to divide, do so to destroy us as fellow Americans.  He pointed out that this tactic clouds the more important point that "American" should be the description by which we all identify ourselves.  As he says, "American ... that's a pretty important word!"  That is what he and his fellow Marines (of all colors and ethnic backgrounds) have fought for.  He charges that Race and Racism is wrongfully becoming the priority -- the focal point -- rather than who we are ... Americans!
     He's tired of people asking him what his stance is on Baltimore, or Ferguson, or the like.  Instead, he challenges us all to stop focusing on the distraction of racism, and to "be significant; get some substance in your life and make a difference."  Basically, he is drawing attention to the fact that every social media site and news outlet is making racism the predominant story!  We should not buy into that narrative!
     As Travis concludes, he points out that we are not born racist; we learn racism.  Instead of waking up each day and embracing this negative persona; drinking the "racist koolaid", so to speak, we should get some substance in our lives, stop making racism the primary issue of your existence, and stop making excuses.
     Believe me, his statement was a bit more colorful than I have expressed here today, but I think you get the drift.  Racism is being used to divide and conquer this country, and we need to do our part to stop the tide and eliminate it from our consciousness and vocabulary.  Our lives should stand for something more important than something so worthless and divisive as racism.
     As a Christian, I couldn't agree more!  And as much as I respect and honor Travis Haley and his bold statement on this issue, there is another man whom I try to model my life after, and His words are even more courageous and indomitable.  He saw us all as only one race ... the human race.  And He made us all in the same image; in the likeness of Him and God, the Father.
     In the end, this human race has been plagued with racism, prejudice and antagonism for thousands of years.  But we don't have to accept that!  We can repent of our discrimination and forgive those who discriminate against us.  Above all else, we can love and respect each other, just as He loves each one of us.  At the end of the day, as Travis said, it really is all about who we are as people; and as my Savior commanded us, we should be kind and compassionate to each other; forgiving each other.  We were made to be better than this, and we can be better than we are!

Ephesians 2:14    "For He Himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in His flesh the dividing wall of hostility."

May 5, 2015

Mending Broken Bonds

     I had the opportunity last week to serve as a volunteer at the Second Annual Chris Kyle Memorial Benefit and Auction.  That's a long name for an event whose purpose was to raise funds to serve those who serve us.  Whenever I have been involved with events such as this -- those which are committed to a worthy cause -- there is always a fair amount of drama and egos.  This one was no different.
     But all the hard work and long hours culminated in a dinner and auction that re-focused everyone back on the reason we were all there.  Yes, the weekend was in memory and honor of Chris Kyle (along with Chad Littlefield), but it was the veterans who were in attendance, and who spoke that night, who now resonate in my thoughts and my prayers.  They have given me a new perspective on the relationship between our military and the citizens of this country.
    As the audience listened to the struggles that these men and their wives and families have endured, I began to see a pattern that I was aware of, but had never fully comprehended.  The veterans spoke of their physical scars and injuries, and it was apparent that the struggle to regain some kind of normalcy has been long and tough.  And we're all aware that PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and TBI (Traumatic Brain Disorder) have greatly affected the lives of our soldiers.
     One veteran was there on behalf of 22Kill.com, a campaign sponsored by the  organization HHC (Honor Courage Commitment, Inc), which was founded by a Marine veteran who wanted to make a difference in the lives of returning vets. With the astounding statistic that an average of 22 veterans per day are committing suicide, HHC and 22Kill are committed to changing the negative stereotypes of veterans, and to 1) honor those who serve(d); 2) raise veteran suicide awareness; 3) recruit veteran advocates, aka "Battle Buddies"; 4) educate the public on current veteran topics; and 5) to empower veterans through HHC, Inc. and their programs.
     But with all the emotion and the enthusiasm by the audience to honor and help our returning veterans, I became aware of a gulf, or chasm, between them and us, the average American citizen.  The veterans' speeches just restated a paradigm that I already knew existed.  As they told their stories, it was obvious that they had problems relating to anyone other than their "brotherhood" of fellow veterans.  That is understandable ... no one but a person who has faced combat alongside them could ever fully relate to the aftermath of severe injuries and/or PTSD.
     Yet that does not negate the sincere desire by the average American citizen to express the respect, honor and high regard that we maintain for the country's veterans.  But there always seems to be a disconnect between what we are trying to communicate and how they receive it.  To be honest, more than one has told me that they don't really "need" us to thank them for their service, or view them as heroes.  I perceive that what we think doesn't really matter to them.  We are on different sides of a huge abyss and the separation is too wide.  So, why is there such a divide and such distance between today's veterans and citizens?  Why does this phenomenon seem to have been less during other wars our country has endured?
     As I try to make sense of what I instinctively know is true, a couple of facts boil to the surface.  First of all, our collective memory, as a nation, spans WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Afghanistan/Iraq wars.  As far as the American psyche is concerned, those wars lasted for the following durations:  WW II - 6 years (1939-1945); the Korean War - 3 years (1950-1953); the Vietnam war - 9 years for the direct war (1964-1973); and the Middle East wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - nearly 14 years (2001-present).
     As you can see, our military has been at continuous war for nearly 14 years!  And who is to say how many more years they will be in Iraq and Afghanistan, or what other "hot spot" will require their presence?  Multiple deployments have left our troops constantly on the battlefield.  Unlike WWII, Korea, or even Vietnam (with all its negative connotations), our troops have been gone so long and divorced from their civilian lives and interaction with the homeland for such a long stretch of time, that our common experiences as Americans is disappearing.  It has become an almost "us" versus "them" kind of relationship.
     The sad thing is that, while these veterans are having a difficult time transitioning back into their families and society, we citizens are struggling with how to break through the divide that separates us.  We truly respect their service, and like the veterans from past wars, we want to honor what they have sacrificed.  Yet it has also become apparent that, for many, their service was not done on behalf of "God and Country", as I idealistically hope for; but for the "brother" next to them -- for the ones with whom they identify the most.
     Because of the duration of this ongoing global war, the original reason has become blurred (if not nonexistent); and our veterans identify with the brotherhood of soldiers more than the American population.  The longer we remain at war, the wider the division and the disconnect will become.  In the end, our cohesiveness as a nation will suffer, and the struggle to re-establish an alliance of solidarity will be more difficult to achieve.  We must reconnect the bonds that have been broken!  We can help each other heal the scars of war and reclaim our shared identity as proud Americans.

1 Peter 3:8    "Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind."


May 4, 2015

The Mark of the Beast Is Closer Than We Think

     I know that there are those out there in the blogosphere who reject the idea that technology is bad for us.  They will point to the added convenience and "instant" communication aspects of all of our technological gadgets.  And I realize that I will be called a dinosaur and "out of touch" for not embracing every new app or innovation that comes down the pike.
     I may not be the most savvy techie or eager to be the first in my crowd to own the latest version of anything that begins with an "i", but there's a very good reason.  You see, I can tell where this is all headed, and it's a place I don't want to go.  And you don't even have to be a "conspiracy nut" to get a pretty good picture of what our future holds.
     Great Britain's The Telegraph recently printed a news story by Sophie Curtis about the direction that PayPal wants to take us.  Ever heard of "Natural Body Identification"?  Apparently, it is "a new generation of embeddable, injectable and ingestible devices that could replace passwords as a means of identification."  If you believe the tech giants, there is a massive problem of compromised passwords; with naive and unsophisticated tech users still employing easily hacked passwords such as "123456", or "letmein".
Slide taken from Jonathan LeBlanc's presentation, "Kill All Passwords"
     But Paypal's global head of developer evangelism (that's rather strange terminology, don't you think?), Jonathan LeBlanc, thinks monitoring internal body functions like heartbeat, glucose levels and vein recognition can eliminate the need for people to come up with the perfect unhackable password.  It's just the way he wants to do it, that has me creeped out.
     He wants to consider developing devices such as brain implants, wafer-thin silicon chips that can be embedded into the skin, and ingestible devices with batteries that are powered by stomach acid.  Now, he's quick to point out that by talking about new biometric verification technologies, PayPal is not necessarily signaling that it’s thinking about adopting them.  Rather, it hopes to position itself as a "thought leader".  Is that supposed to comfort us?
     They want us to think that it is all about the "evolution" of the password;  that concept will be changing, and all PayPal wants to do is be at the forefront of the developments for that change.  After all, PayPal was a founding member of the FIDO (Fast Identity Online) Alliance, which is an industry consortium launched in February 2013 to address the lack of interoperability among strong authentication devices and the problems users face creating and remembering multiple usernames and passwords.
     PayPal also wants you to know that they were the first to implement fingerprint payments with Samsung ... it's all about removing "the friction" from shopping and making it easier and safer for consumers.   If you believe that, I've got the proverbial beachfront property in Arizona that you might be interested in.
     By now, it should be quite clear that we are edging closer and closer to being controlled as to how we buy and sell.  And if that doesn't ring a bell, then please rush to your nearest Bible and read Revelation 13:16-17.
     Furthermore, there are tech users that are far more savvy than me and they point out the obvious flaw in biometric security devices, namely "there is no advantage whatsoever to using a biometric signal. In fact, it's easier to make a secure key from a series of random numbers and letters because those can be changed. Biometrics CANNOT BE CHANGED - once compromised, they are forever useless. It's like having one password for everything that is the same --- how does that increase security? It doesn't --- it lessens the security."
     Another person showed the flaw in PayPal's argument with this comment:  "This is about tagging you with a tracking device so that the powers that be can better analyze your movement and behavior. It has nothing to do with security or verifying your identity when it actually counts, as in a financial transaction."
     Even I can see the logic in these two arguments against so-called "natural body identification" and biometric verification technologies.  Not that I think it will slow down the "evolution" of ID Security devices.  The time is coming for "the Mark", folks, whether we like it or not.  Just stay alert and aware of the latest innovations, and resist the temptation to bow down at the altar of technology.

Revelation 13:16-17   "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark,"