A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth
January 18, 2017
The Court of Heaven (Part 1): Do You Know You Have Access To It?
And when we examine Scripture, there are many references to legal terms in God's relationship with men: judgment, appeals, law, contract, evidence, witnesses, indictment, jurisdiction, debt and debtors, redemption, punishment, condemn, testimony, and verdict. Starting to get the idea? And we must always keep in mind the admonition of our Lord: Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven. The judicial system of the ancient Israelites, as well as our own court system, are modeled upon the Court in Heaven. Furthermore, the Court is part of the judicial government of the Kingdom of Heaven, and guess what? We have access to it as part of His Kingdom here on earth!
First, I want us to understand that there are really two aspects of the Court of Heaven for Believers: 1) Jesus as our legal defender, and 2) our ability to prepare a case for our own defense. In both instances, we can be present and have access to God in this heavenly Courtroom.
Let me see if I can paint a picture for you from Scripture... In Zechariah, Chapter 3, the prophet receives a vision from a guiding angel of the High Priest, Joshua, standing before God, and Satan stands to his right, as his accuser. The High Priest Joshua represents disobedient and sinful Israel, who has been brought to the Court of Heaven to receive what Satan thinks will be justified punishment for their sins. (Remember: He is known as the Accuser). But that isn't what happens! God rebukes Satan and replaces Joshua's filthy rags with the clean white robes of forgiveness.
Then it gets even more exciting! God counsels Joshua, telling him that if he will be faithful and walk in the ways of the Lord, he will be given greater authority to govern His house and have charge of His earthly courts, and most importantly, Joshua will have free access to the Court in Heaven and to God's presence. I want you to read that last comment again ... God promised Joshua privileged access into the presence of God. This isn’t a surprising promise for a High Priest, but we have the same promise: Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16).
NOTE: I am currently seeking revelation from God about whether the Court of Heaven takes place in the Throne Room of God. At this time, I am seeing Daniel 7:9-10 as confirming this, but I have asked some notable Bible scholars for their opinion, and I will give you their feedback as I receive it. But for your own discernment and determination, here is the passage in Daniel: As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat; His clothing was white as snow, and the hair of His head like pure wool; His throne was fiery flames; its wheels were burning fire. A stream of fire issued and came out from before Him; a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him; the court sat in judgment, and the books were opened. I see both the Throne Room and the Court of Judgment pictured in this Scripture, but as to whether they always coincide together, I am not prepared to say. And perhaps the Court appears in the Throne Room only when God (The Judge) calls the Court into session. What do you think?
But back to the High Priest Joshua ... as Christians, we, too, can appear before God's Throne and the Court of Heaven. And I really like the way the noted theologian Charles Spurgeon voices his interpretation of this scenario: "When Satan accuses, Christ pleads (our case). He does not wait till the case has gone against us and then express His regret, but He is always a very present help in time of trouble. He knows the heart of Satan, (being omniscient God), and long before Satan can accuse He puts in the demurrer, the blessed plea on our behalf, and stays the action till He gives an answer which silences forever, [the Accuser's] every accusation." I found it interesting that the definition of the word demurrer is "[in Law], an objection that an opponent's point is irrelevant or invalid, while granting the factual basis of the point". So, the result is that Satan accuses us, and Jesus never denies our sin, but instead acts as our Mediator. His sacrifice on our behalf makes the case against us invalid, and the case is thrown out of the Court of Heaven. We are innocent by the Blood of the Lamb!
But I don't want us to skip over another very important fact ... God's promise wasn’t just that we can go to the Court of Heaven to petition, making a formal request for a Judicial decision, but if we will follow God's commandments and live in obedience, then we can oversee the affairs of the Judge (God), and make the decisions!! That is a realm of authority in the Kingdom Government on earth that is available to all of us! So it’s not just about us being able to appear in Court to plead our case, (it starts there, of course), but we are given the authority to rule and reign and be part of God's justice system in His earthly Kingdom. In that particular responsibility, there is a significant aspect of our position in the Kingdom of God that I'm afraid most Christians don't fully understand... We are Kings and priests of our God, and He intends for us to participate as the government of heaven will increasingly invade the earth.
There are other obvious views of the Court of Heaven in the Bible. Perhaps the most familiar one is in the story of Job ... One day when the angels came to report to God, Satan who was his designated Accuser came along with him. We also see that the Court in Heaven is where Satan got permission to curse Job and strike him with severe sores and other misfortune. It is important for us to understand, as in this case with Job, God does allow Satan to attack and harass His people, but He always strictly regulates what Satan is allowed to do. And whether we realize it or not, Satan has been going to the Heavenly Courtroom, (just like he did with Job), to get permission to steal from all of our lives. And because we Christians haven't known that we can go into Court and say, "NO, I want to present my case and oppose what the Accuser is saying", we have experienced defeat after defeat! How often have Believers perished for lack of this knowledge?!?
And I don't want to leave this topic without pointing out one of the strongest visions of the Court of Heaven, which takes place in Revelation 12:10: Then I heard a strong (loud) voice in heaven, saying, Now it has come—the salvation and the power and the kingdom (the dominion, the reign) of our God, and the power (and the authority) of His Christ (the Messiah); for the Accuser of our brethren, he who keeps bringing before our God charges against them day and night, has been cast out.
But here's the good news! We have an Advocate in the Heavenly Courtroom! This is a legal term describing someone who has received some legal training which allows him or her to represent another in a courtroom; an Advocate is someone who speaks on behalf of someone else. So we should see a picture of Jesus as our Advocate in 1 John 2:1, “My little children, I write you these things so that you may not violate God’s law and sin. But if anyone should sin, we have an Advocate (One Who will intercede for us) with the Father—[it is] Jesus Christ [the all] righteous [upright and just, Who conforms to the Father’s will in every purpose, thought, and action].” We know, from this Scripture, that Jesus is legally trained and knows how to represent us in the Court of Heaven!
But here's something we must also consider ... in the instance of Job, we know that Satan was allowed to appear before the Court of Heaven, and accuse Job before God, The Judge. But in the first 12 chapters, Job does nothing to defend himself. He laments the attacks against him, but does nothing to defend himself --- until Chapter 13! Finally, in this chapter he says, NOW I have prepared my case (verse 18). So, do you think Job might have saved himself and his family a lot of harm and suffering if he had prepared his case earlier? Would he have been able to block Satan's attempt to destroy him and his family in the Court? No one can say for sure, but Job makes it quite evident that now that he's prepared his case, he knows he will be vindicated!
Can we perhaps learn a lesson from Job and be prepared to make our own cases in the Court of Heaven against our Accuser? Stay tuned for the next post as I present how the whole Heavenly Court system is rigged on our behalf, and how we can go to the Court on behalf of ourselves and our families, with the knowledge that Jesus stands with us. It's time we begin to prepare our own defense against the lies and accusations of our Adversary!
Thank you to the notes of Steven McKie, David Herzog, and Terry Spencer of New Horizon Community Church for their helpful insight on this topic. They pointed me to Scripture on the Court of Heaven, which contributed to my understanding of this Biblical concept.
Psalm 35:1 "Plead my cause, O Lord, with those who strive with me; Fight against those who fight against me".
January 20, 2017
The Court of Heaven (Part 2): Do You Know Your Authority In The Court?

Who says that your spirit can't appear before the Court in Heaven with a list of what the devil has stolen from you and demand restoration? The King of Kings, and LORD of Lords, will acknowledge your list and make restoration for you, with life abundant ... The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10) . We need to stop being passive and letting the devil steal from us! Remember, Satan is a spirit, and it is our spirits that must appear in the spiritual Court of Heaven to make our case. I know some of you may be wondering how that can even be possible. But, remember ... Scripture tells us in Ephesians 2 that by God's grace, we are saved, and we are raised up with Christ and seated with Him in the Heavenly realms. We were once far away and now we have been brought near. The Bible is talking about our spirits! Made in the image of God, we are spirits in physical bodies. And through the gift of salvation, our spirits are able to commune with Jesus in the heavenly realms and we are not limited by time, distance, or space.
And here is what we all need to understand... to be seated with Christ is a clear picture of our Authority! And by faith, we need to see ourselves in that Courtroom, and see the verdict of our innocence in Jesus being announced. It really is a matter of our physical senses catching up to our spirits. Our spirits are already there... just let your spirit (which is in heaven) speak to you through the images in your mind and show you what appearing in the Court of Heaven looks like. Ask the Holy Spirit (which resides in your heart) to help your mind receive what your spirit wants to share.

Then, just like Job, you prepare your case and present it. Whether your Accuser brings charges of sickness, poverty, sexual immorality, or any other region of captivity that you need to be set free from, you present your evidence from Scripture ... "By Jesus's stripes I am healed"; "Blessed am I because I am poor, for mine is the Kingdom of God"; "I have confessed my sin (of sexual immorality) and He is faithful and just to forgive me my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness"; "Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free". There is not a charge or sin that the Accuser can bring forth that cannot be disputed with Scripture. Simply build your case and present it to the Judge.
And don't expect that this will be your last appearance before the Court. As you display your Authority in this heavenly Courtroom, the Accuser will become more determined to beat you the next time. But now you are building a history and a reputation in the Heavenly Courtroom. The Judge sees that you are using your Authority well in representing yourself and His Kingdom, and will (just like with the High Priest Joshua we referenced yesterday) give you greater authority to conduct His government on earth.
And here's the really cool thing! Your actions in the Court of Heaven can have very real consequences and effect change here on earth. You can go to the Court of Heaven on behalf of a loved one! If you see someone's life spiraling out of control, you can appeal to the Court on their behalf. You can go to the Court as a witness and for the benefit of another, declaring Scripture in their defense, and seeing the Accuser's case against them crumble. While Satan brings accusations against us stating that we all deserve punishment, we can present our case before the Judge, countering with the argument that the Blood of Jesus [and repentance] brings “legal” forgiveness or justification.
Too many times we argue with ourselves and others, trying to prove our innocence, when we can just go straight to the Judge of heaven and earth to plead our case. We need to realize that the Court of Heaven is heavily stacked in our favor -- especially when we know the Authority we have in the Courtroom. And it is imperative that we understand that the "Accuser of the Brethren" is always there to accuse us before the Judge; accusing us day and night. All we have to do is show up covered in the Blood, having already repented, and present our case. If the Enemy tries to bring up our past, or any past sins in our life that have already been repented of and forgiven, the Judge will overrule him and won’t allow them to be used against us as evidence.
Here's a thought for you to consider ... Most Christians lose battles in their lives simply because they do not discern that the battles are spiritual, and that they can appear before the Court of Heaven to present their case. The devil is a legalist and tries to find a loophole to win his case. When you don't show up in Court, he wins by default, and lives to accuse you [on that matter] for another day. But when He hears that gavel pound, and the final verdict of "Not Guilty", the Accuser is convinced of your Authority in the Court of Heaven. The powers of darkness know they have no more legal authority to attack you, and all heaven has witnessed it and will back it up.
And here are a couple of final thoughts I want you to take away from this discussion: First, when we bring God’s Word as part of our defense and cry out to God in the Courtroom of Heaven, bringing again and again before Him the Truth of what He says in Scripture, victory will come. God cannot deny His Word, and Satan cannot defeat it. Scripture is our legal evidence in the Court of Heaven, and with Jesus as our Advocate, and our Authority as our credentials, we are assured acquittal every time!
But here is my final thought and one that has profound implications ... Remember in Part 1, when I pointed out that God gave the High Priest Joshua access to His Presence in the Court of Heaven PLUS told him that he would be given greater authority to handle God's affairs in His earthly Kingdom? And remember that I wrote that this was a promise for all of us? Now, apply that concept to what Paul wrote to the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 6: Do you not know that the saints (God’s people) will [one day] judge the world? If the world is to be judged by you, are you not competent to try trivial (insignificant, petty) cases? Do you not know that we [believers] will judge angels? How much more then [as to] matters of this life?
Did you get that? One day, we will be administering God's justice upon the whole world, and as Believers in Heaven, we will judge the fallen angels! But those who will be entrusted with that awesome responsibility must be spiritually mature, and I believe that means we must begin to start representing ourselves in the Court of Heaven now; to practice trying the "trivial cases in the matters of this life" that the Accuser brings against us today... i.e., those cases where he accuses us of being unlovable, rejected, abandoned, sexually immoral, and any number of lies that he says points to our unworthiness in Jesus's eyes. But that requires us to administrate His Kingdom here on earth from our seats of authority in Heaven. As Job discovered, no one can present our case like we can! And the only way to get the practice and to mature our skills is to experience it firsthand. The Heavenly Court is open and in session ... Jesus and God are waiting for your first Court appearance!
Job 13:3 “But I desire to speak to the Almighty and to argue my case with God.”
October 16, 2020
God, Judges and The Court
This past week, we in America have been treated to what is supposed to be a respectful meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee, conducting oversight and consideration of nominations to the Supreme Court. I'm not going to comment on the obvious political bias exhibited among the Senate members. That is not my purpose for today's blog post. What I want to discuss is the role of Judges, our Courts, and how they correlate with the Book of Judges and God's Court(s) in Heaven.
It goes without saying that God is the Righteous Judge of all the Earth (Genesis 18:25). And as Believers in Jesus Christ, we have the right and privilege to enter into the courts in Heaven through prayer and spiritual warfare. And before I continue, I want to make the comment that our legal system on earth is modeled after the court system in Heaven. Just as we are entitled to have legal representation in our earthly courts, Jesus is our Advocate and Legal Representative in the Courts of Heaven.
And just as we have different levels and classifications of courts, there are different courts in Heaven, as well. We declare that the Cross of Christ is our justification before God, but there are times that we need to gain access to the justice system of Heaven in order to receive righteous judgment. We are able to operate in that system because of our intimate relationship with Jesus. Let's consider for a moment the different types of courts to which we have access. To begin, there is the Court of Mediation (or Reconciliation). This is in character with "settling out of court" in our earthly justice system. Just like here on earth, this should always be our preference and the first step we take. When we encounter a dispute with anyone, our legal position should be to reconcile.... But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him] -- 2 Corinthians 5:18.
Then there is the Court of Petition. Bringing our prayers before the Father, and presenting our petitions to Him, is in reality entering the Court of Petition... do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God -- Philippians 4:6. And notice, we should appear in this heavenly court with thankfulness, no matter the circumstances.
Next, we have access to God's Throne of Grace. God holds Court while sitting on His Throne, which is where we approach Him with our prayers, and in intimacy with Him. And we must approach Him with grace and mercy -- for others, as well as ourselves. God's justice finds its origins in His love; and so should ours... Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need -- Hebrews 4:16.
At the center of God's court system is The Court of Mount Zion. Throughout the Bible, we read of Mount Zion as God's place of justice and judgment. His Throne of Grace and the Court of Petitions are based here, and the heart of Heaven's court system is found here ... But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel -- Hebrews 12:22-24.
The Court of the Accuser is where Satan appears to lay his case before God for his legal authority to attack us. We should not engage with this court, but rather take our case to the Court of Reconciliation or Court of Petition, where Jesus serves as our Advocate and defense lawyer, if you will. There He can testify that we have come in a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation ... For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down -- Revelation 12:10.
Finally, we have The Court of The Ancient Of Days (Heaven's Supreme Court). This is the highest court in Heaven, and we cannot enter except by admission through dreams and visions. Just like our Supreme Court, it is the last court a case may be heard; there are lower courts where all legal matters should be attempted to be settled first... As I looked, “thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. … The court was seated, and the books were opened -- Daniel 7:9-10.
NOTE: These are the courts that are readily acknowledged in the Bible, but I have been shown, in my spirit, that there are lesser courts that we have access to in times of specific need. But we must always ask for permission before opening a case or entering that specific court. Our first stop in heaven's court system should always be to achieve reconciliation. I have actually heard the Father reprimand mankind; He said, "Stop clogging up My Courts with needless petitions. So many of your problems can be resolved with forgiveness and applying the grace and love I have given each of you."
So, now I want to approach the Book of Judges in the Bible in light of the purpose of our Supreme Court and what we witnessed this last week. We can surmise from the Book of Judges that the Lord, who is Creator God, is the Judge and King of all the world; no one else holds that title. [NOTE: I approach this truth from the understanding that Jesus and the Father are One (John 10:30)]. And the plan from Genesis to Revelation is to restore man to his original purpose -- to rule the world as God's righteous representative on earth. We also recognize that God rules through His human leaders; but He is the ultimate Judge and King, and those who serve Him do so at His discretion and are supposed to rule as He would rule -- [on earth as it is in Heaven].
If man assumed his original purpose for being created, righteousness would reign upon the earth. But as we have seen throughout history, and most certainly today, that is not reality. Christ embodies perfect human ruling and through His crucifixion and resurrection, He sits upon His Throne in Heaven and rules and judges in perfect righteousness. And one day, He will climb down from that Throne and return to render His judgment against all the Evil in this world that has come against His creation. Until then, the idea was that our courts here on earth would be administered by sons and daughters who would share in His righteous rule and judge accordingly. That was the plan in the Book of Judges and nothing has changed [from God's perspective] in the centuries since.
Sadly, we have not experienced that in our nation. True, there have been judges who sat on the highest court in our land who took their assignment seriously. But in the decades of my life, I have seen the nomination of Supreme Court Justices made in the spirit of partisan politics and immoral agendas. This nation under God is in great need of godly leadership, in both our civic institutions and in our courts. Because we seem to have lost our way [and our purpose], Roe v. Wade is the law of our land. Same sex marriage is the law of our land. Our courts are clogged with grievances involving racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and once-guaranteed constitutional tights. Where is the desire for righteousness and reconciliation? Why do we not see the power of our intimate prayers and petitions before God?
The Book of Judges is a history of the rebelliousness of Israel, who demanded a human king, rather than submitting their allegiance to the King of the World. Despite the sinful decisions of Israel throughout their history, the Bible promises redemption through King Jesus who will one day be our righteous Judge. We must pray that in and through [and in spite of] the sinful judges who have seemingly destroyed God's redemptive plan, that God can and will heal our land from the rebellious and destructive decisions that our legal "leadership" have imposed upon us.
My prayer is that Judge Amy Coney Barrett will prove to be a catalyst for that redemption. But we have been fooled in the past. I ask that you join me in prayer and petition before the righteous and rightful Courts of Heaven to deliver us once again into a nation that represents King Jesus's original design for human rule. Lord Jesus, return our nation to a land You can be proud of; one that will uphold the rule and laws of Heaven! And let it start today! Amen!
1 John 2:1 My little children, I write you these things so that you may not violate God’s law and sin. But if anyone should sin, we have an Advocate (One Who will intercede for us) with the Father—[it is] Jesus Christ [the all] righteous [upright, just, Who conforms to the Father’s will in every purpose, thought, and action].
July 9, 2020
Covid and the The Court In Heaven
Then it gets even more exciting! God counsels Joshua, telling him that if he will be faithful and walk in the ways of the Lord, he will be given greater authority to govern God's house and have charge of His earthly courts; and most importantly, Joshua will have free access to the Court in Heaven and to God's presence. I want you to read that last comment again ... Joshua was promised privileged access into the presence of God. This isn’t a surprising promise for a High Priest, but we have the same promise: Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16). And this pandemic of Covid-19 has certainly ushered in a time of great need in our country! So let's consider how we can enter into the presence of God to ask for rulership over it!
In the Name of Jesus, we ask our Savior to forgive this nation for all the ways we have been disobedient. We acknowledge our rebellion against You and ask to be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus and Your Living Water. We have sought righteousness in Your ways, and lament the actions of those who have offended You. We ask corporately, and individually, that our Savior show us any areas in which we have been ungodly so that we might repent of them before joining together to appear before Christ and entering the Holy Court of Heaven….
(IN THE SPIRIT) Father, we come before Your throne today, in awe and reverence, asking for Your compassion and mercy, and we request that You convene a session of the Heavenly Court.
Father, the Holy Spirit has shown us that the Adversary has been lying about this Corona Virus, and as the righteous Body of Christ, we ask that Jesus and the Holy Spirit intercede on our behalf before the Court. As Isaiah 43:26 says, “Let us argue the matter together; state the case for [our] innocence.” So, as the Body of Christ and Kingdom citizens, we are here to state the case for our innocence; the reinstatement of our freedoms; and the release from this demonic virus called Corona. We ask for Your Light and Truth to come into this situation.
We come seeking Your intervention, God, as Judge, and ask that You hear our petition before the Court, and we request a verdict from this Heavenly Court.
Here is our petition: Father, we recognize that the Enemy is lying
about Corona having such power over our bodies. We recognize the agreement of powerful men, who are in association with the Enemy to bind and control this nation. Father, we appear before You as righteous citizens
of Your Kingdom on earth. And as members of the Ekklesia, we ask that You hear our argument against the deceitful lies and manipulation of the Enemy that would keep us in bondage to this virus. We appear before
Your Court in our power and authority as Sons and Daughters of the King and ask for full
restoration of all that has been stolen from us, including health, wealth, self-government, and freedom of choice.
Father, we are asking the Heavenly Court to force the Adversary to
reveal his lies about Corona; that it is a lowly virus, subject to the
Authority of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. It will bow at the feet of Jesus
Christ! It will not keep this nation and its righteous citizens from receiving their inheritance as children
of God. We will receive Your Truth as we present the Gospel of the Kingdom – we
will receive all that is due us, including Salvation and the Kingdom, so that we might go
forth together as a family of God – equally yoked -- in righteous battle to defeat our
Enemy. We petition the Court to bring
these lies about Corona under the blood of Jesus and to establish this nation under the rule and reign of Christ.
So, Father God, as You bring the Court into session, we see the books or scrolls being opened, and as the Ancient of Days, God, we know that You see all days and can render judgment to deliver this nation from the consequences of this demonic virus.
Father, on behalf of all people of this nation, we ask that You, as Judge, review the scrolls of every earthly citizen's “Book of Life”—including past generations -- and annul covenants with Plagues and Sickness and any spirits of Pestilence that have given access to demonic powers holding them captive. And we ask that You render a verdict in their favor. Just as in the case of the widow seeking justice from the unjust judge, Father, we ask that you defend this nation and set us free from this virus so that we might worship and praise You.
So, Father, as we rest our case for justice for this nation, we bow in reverence and seek Your face, acknowledging with honor and gratitude our faith in Your vindication, and asking blessings upon this nation, every man, woman, and child. We thank You, Father, and we will abide by the
decision of You and the Court.
October 18, 2018
Matthew 16:19
September 26, 2015
The Lord's Feasts: Feast of Tabernacles
Five days after the Day of Atonement, and for seven days, the Israelites celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles, as established in Leviticus 23:33-36. For ancient Israel, it was a time of rejoicing at the end of the fall harvest. We are commanded to rejoice and celebrate during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) for the blessing of God’s provision and care in our lives. For the ancient Israelites, it was one of the three Feasts in which they were commanded to come to the Temple in Jerusalem, so they traveled from near and far, living in tents (or booths) during the seven days of the Feast. We will see that the commandment to come up to Jerusalem has prophetic significance for us, as well. Today, modern Jews still erect temporary shelters and reside in them for seven days, as they look forward to the appearance of their Messiah.
The Old Testament significance is that God wanted the Israelites to celebrate the fact that He was in their presence. He had dwelt among them in the tabernacle in the wilderness, and He had been their shelter, their refuge for them in the wilderness. For us Christians, the New Testament significance is that the Feast of Tabernacles represents the Lord’s shelter in the world to come, when He will dwell with us during His Millennial Reign.
I just love the history and tradition of the Lord's Feasts, and the Feast of Tabernacles is full of spiritual import. It was a time of great rejoicing following the mourning and repenting of The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). The Rabbis of old referred to it as “the holiday”. It was one of the three holidays in which all Jewish males were required to go to Jerusalem and appear before the Temple of God; therefore streams of people would come from surrounding cities and foreign countries to celebrate. The goal was to arrive by the afternoon of Tishri 14 (according to the Hebrew calendar), allowing enough time to build a booth to celebrate the feast. During Tabernacles the people brought their tithes and offerings to the Temple because you were not to appear empty-handed. Three ceremonies marked the next seven days of joy and celebration, and they all point to Jesus as the Messiah and our Savior.
The first ceremony was called the Water Libation Ceremony. Remember that Israel was an agricultural community and depended heavily on their harvests to survive. Therefore, rainfall was extremely important. The rainfall in Israel and Jerusalem is about 20 inches per year, with most of it falling in November – March. (On average, we get about 38 inches per year in my part of Texas). Without a sufficient amount of rain, the crops would not survive and the nation of Israel would be in dire straits.
And here is where the spiritual aspect begins to overlay the physical reality ... The people were very much aware of their dependence on God for the rains (and water) that were so vital for the preservation of life. Each morning of the Feast, the High Priest would take a golden pitcher and exit the Water-Gate, making his way to the Pool of Siloam and fill up the pitcher. There would be a great procession of music and worshippers that accompanied him. He would return, via the Water-gate, to the Court of Priests where the Altar was located. As he entered, three blasts of the silver trumpets sounded from the Temple. The priest would then say, “Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3).
Keeping in mind that water represented life, in terms of an abundant harvest, consider the meaning of what Jesus said, when after his entry into Jerusalem, He taught in the Temple: “Now on the final and most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water” (John 7:37-38). Here is the continual pouring out of Living Water that was so important to Israel’s survival … physically and spiritually!

There is so much history, tradition, and spiritual significance to this Holy Feast Day, that it is impossible to contain it all in one blog posting. But I hope this has given you enough insight that you will want to research it yourself, and gain the blessings that come from celebrating the Lord's Feasts.
John 1:14 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt [tabernacled] among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
October 11, 2024
Jesus Is The Way ... Understanding the Ancient Belief System That Led To This Truth.
I am always blown away by how much the Bible opens up to me when I make the effort to study the origins of man and the ancient civilizations that have influenced us. That information is essential to understanding our Biblical ancestors and our comprehension of Scripture, as it was written. Unfortunately, we 21st Century Believers can get so caught up in our own self-importance [and condescending attitudes] that we can invalidate, [or even remove all traces of], what ancient cultures believed about a Creator and man's access to him. What's more, we can even develop a contempt for that belief system; beliefs that might actually benefit us with a more truthful interpretation of what the Creator intended. Just because we think man has advanced in intelligence, expertise, and achievements doesn't mean our theological belief system is any closer to our God's objective and desire.
Of course, we must take into account all the efforts of the Rebellious One [and his followers] to sow deception, misdirection and untruths into our historical relationship with the One who created us for His purpose. But I think we need to be careful not to carelessly dismiss what the cultures of our forefathers-in-faith understood. Although their belief system might seem antiquated or simplistic to us -- and maybe even heretical to some Christians -- it just might provide some incredible insight to a deeper view of the Gospel.
I'm going to say, right off the bat, that what I'm going to try to explain is better suited to an academic paper, and indeed, could be expanded to a book on its own merit -- but I'm going to try to condense it to a reasonable length in this post that will, hopefully, incite enough interest that you will take it to the Lord and ask for more information. So, let's take for instance, the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden, and how I see that it is a representative allegory of our way to the Father. That might seem contrary to our understanding of Genesis, but keep reading ...
I would say that most Christians today conceive of the Garden as an actual physical place that once existed on the earth. After all, the Bible gives us a limited description of Eden in Genesis 2:8-14 ... a garden ["a hedge of protection and defense", according to the Hebrew meaning], was established in the east, and called Eden [which means "delight"]. In the midst of this garden God planted the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Bible tells us that a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers, of which only the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are still known.
Our modern, and simplified, version of the Garden of Eden is symbolized by the notion of innocence, temptation, and of "Paradise Lost". The desire to return to the Creator's gift of Paradise - where we resided in intimate relationship with God -- is an embedded part of our divinely created DNA; it cannot be destroyed or removed. Would it surprise you to know that all the religions of the historical cultures of the world all share a theme of a divine connection between gardens and their gods? Furthermore, they share narratives of the gods/angels descending from Heaven to earth on the summit of a mountain, in the midst of a lush garden.
NOTE: At this time, I want to address the arguments that our Faith is founded on the mythological stories of these other religions because they were in existence long before the Bible was written [therefore making our faith just a replica of these primitive belief systems]. But what if these other cultures/civilizations were shown the Creator's truth but did not experience His Presence [as we have], and therefore represented His Truth in different ways? What if the fallen Angel, Lucifer, was able to tempt these early civilizations to worship him and his fallen angels as false gods and creators, teaching them that they could have access to the heavenly realms through other garden-like access points? The fact that there are similarities between the ancient belief systems does not negate that the Word of God reveals the True Creator's Truth for all men through Time! It just means that humanity from the antediluvian period of history [pre-Flood] did not understand what God began to reveal to our forefathers in the faith, and therefore, has revealed to us.
Now, back to the narratives of the gods/angels descending from Heaven to earth to land on the summit of a high mountain, and in the midst of a lush garden ... Nebuchadnezzar's famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon were his attempt at building a ziggurat (a step pyramid with a series of platform levels that ascends to form a temple or shrine] as a means of establishing an artificial mountain where the gods could come down and hold court on its summit. The Word, in Ezekiel 28, tells a very accurate depiction of this concept of a divine mountain theory that explains the defection of Lucifer and the Fallen Angels ... You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God ... You were an anointed guardian cherub. I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God...
There is so much more about the corruption of Lucifer [and the subsequent end of Satan] in that chapter, but I must remain focused on the point of this post; connecting the Garden of Eden to our Way to the Father, through Jesus. So I hope you can begin to see that throughout the history of man [from the ancient and first civilizations in Sumer and Akkad up to today] there have been belief systems that accepted the thought that the gods [or in our case, God and His Son and the angels] dwell in heaven, but they can also dwell on the earth, and there have been specific points of contact that provide access to the heavenly realms where the Divine reside.
In the context of our faith, Mount Hermon has great significance, and has certainly been a "point of contact" for several important events in our Biblical history. Mount Hermon is a very real place and the root of its name, charam, signifies that it has been devoted for the purpose of both destruction and a sacred use. Our ancient ancestors believed that the gods dwelt in heaven, and that certain locations were somehow supernaturally joined to earth at these specific places. In other words, from the dawn of various civilizations, man has been aware of "gates" or "portals" that provide access from the earthly realm to the heavenly realms. Again, it has simply made sense to seek the highest points of elevation in this realm to try and find those "access points"; sacred places that serve as the connection point, linking heaven and earth, and allowing passage from one realm to the other.
Biblically, Mount Hermon serves as both a place dedicated to destruction and a sacred site. According to an article about Mount Hermon, there were over 20 temples on the slopes of this Mount, which corroborated biblical accounts that the mountain was considered sacred to the worshipers of the Canaanite god Baal. And Chapter 6 in the apocryphal book of Enoch tells us, "And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children' [which aligns with Genesis 6:1-4] ... Then they swore all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations [spoken curses] upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended [in the days] of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations [spoken curses] upon it". Here, we can see that "Hermon" means a dedication to the destruction of Jesus's pure birth by the contamination of our bloodline.
NOTE: For those who will question my use of Enoch as a reference, I will simply say this: The Lord uses specific passages of this apocryphal book in the Bible as well, which, to me, affirms that [although not inspired], the Book of Enoch holds clues that God has concealed, hoping that we will search them out [see Proverbs 25:2].
We see this idea of specific sites on earth serving as "gates" that lie between the earthly realm and the heavenly realms when we consider Matthew 16:13-19. Caesarea Philippi was known as a "gate to Hades" [the realm of the dead; the underworld]. Jesus takes His Disciples there to challenge them to see that it was not only an access point/gate for all the people who went there to worship the gods of the underworld, but to recognize that He was the Son of the Living God who was also a gate to the Kingdom of God, and He had the keys to defeat the gates of God's Enemies.
And again, Mount Hermon may have been a gate that was meant to give Satan and his rebellious angels an access point that would lead to the destruction of the redemptive plan of God through the birth of His Perfect Son, but it was also a sacred gate that Jesus shared with Peter, John and James when they witnessed His transfiguration. On the summit of Mount Hermon, which is the highest mountain in ancient Israel, the three Disciples witnessed a meeting between Jesus and Moses and Elijah, which is a clear picture that this sacred gate was an access point that existed between Heaven and Earth. For Biblical support of this premise, read Matthew 17:1-8 and 2 Peter 1:16-18.
NOTE: I would be remiss if I did not mention that the Bible clearly [and often] makes note of the "high places" in the Old Testament. These were places of worship (usually mountaintops) where the people would offer sacrifices to their gods, in the hopes of calling these gods to intercede for them. These high places were earthly access points or gates into the heavenly realm. It is important to realize that there were generations of Israelites who spent years of building pagan high places when they would fall into the temptation of worshiping and sacrificing to the false gods of other nations. When they returned to following the Most High God [YHWH] they would dedicate themselves to destroying these high places. The verse of 2 Kings 23:5 speaks to this truth: He [King Josiah] did away with the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had appointed to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah and in the surrounding area of Jerusalem, also those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun and to the moon and to the constellations and to all the host of heaven.
So, hopefully, we can begin to see the universal principle shared by the peoples of the world throughout history: there are connection points, or "gates", that conjoin all realms with "paradise", the place where Earth and Heaven intersect. And that place of intersection -- that access point -- is perfectly [and allegorically] represented by the Garden of Eden. Rather than an actual physical garden, Eden is representative of that spiritual gate where earthly man once had physical access to the God of Heaven.
And here is my final premise that I hope you will consider ... From the days of the peoples of ancient Mesopotamia to modern-day Christians and Jews, mankind has preserved the memory of our access to paradise; that place where we can commune with God. The "gates" on earth are the access points; "the way" to our reunion with our Creator. The Garden of Eden in the Bible is not meant to give us the address to a specific location on the map of Earth. Rather, it is to show us the representation of a point of access, a gate, a way to be in relationship with Him -- and after the fall of man, a way to be reconciled to that spiritual relationship.
I hope you will read this passage in John 14 with renewed spiritual insight ... "In My Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also. Where I am going you know, and the way you know. Thomas said to him, Lord, we do not know where You are going. How can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, " I am the way [to God], and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me."
So, in summary, I know I have presented a lot of information and, in all humility, I hope I have been able to show you that the ancient belief systems that speak of Gardens like Eden serve to lead us to the Truth that Jesus is our gate; our way to that Paradise that was lost to us. I believe that our longing to return to that Paradise is truly written on our DNA and our spirits yearn to return to that idyllic place. The Biblical Garden of Eden was intended to show us a picture of the access point between man and God, where Adam could receive divine instruction on how best to steward his realm on earth; a picture of how the perfection of Heaven could be replicated on Earth. Adam's directive to "subdue" the earth was not just a commandment to bring Earth under God's design, but to expand God's rule and reality of Paradise throughout his [Adam's] domain.
It speaks of the Grace of God that He gave men free will and the choice whether to follow His standard of Eden or give in to the temptation of God's Enemy. Because of Adam and Eve's failure to be faithful to their Creator, the gate to Eden has been closed. But because of God's everlasting faithfulness to His creation, the Cross has provided a "gate" and a "way" [through our faith in Jesus] that will culminate in the gate being opened again when we receive our resurrected bodies and once again enter into Paradise, our original Heavenly Home. Until then, we rejoice in the hope and the belief that Jesus is the way, and that the gate will be opened. And as we receive our instructions through our access point of Jesus, we persist in our spiritual war to expand the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.
Genesis 3:24 So God drove the man out; and at the east of the Garden of Eden He [permanently] stationed the cherubim [ministering angels who avenge assaults on God's holiness] and the sword with the flashing blade which turned round and round [in every direction] to protect and guard the way [entrance, access] to the tree of life.
November 14, 2018
The Power Of The Spoken Word To Bring Inner Healing
Mark and I were blessed to be invited to speak before a small group of Evangelical Millennials who were interested in learning more about our Inner Healing and Deliverance Ministry. All I knew was that they were involved in something similar to "Street Ministry" in which they canvassed their neighborhoods and apartment buildings, sharing the Gospel Message. I assumed they wanted to know how to incorporate Deliverance into that short amount of time they would have the opportunity to speak to people on the street.
So, as in our more formal sessions of Deliverance, we always begin with the issue of Forgiveness. We explained to the group that unforgiveness is the single most powerful weapon the Enemy has to keep us in bondage. In fact, when people come to our Table of Healing, we often find they can't explain the feelings of depression or heaviness that keeps them from feeling the joy of the Lord. The first question we ask is, "Who are you angry at", followed by "What do you need to forgive them for"?
We then employ an exercise that has profound effects on breaking those chains of bondage that keep people tied up in anger and unforgiveness. We have them recite [out loud] the following: Father God, I forgive ________ for _________. It made me feel _________. Father, I release him/her/them to You, covered by the blood of the Lamb. It may sound too simple but we explain that the act of saying this out loud and releasing the person(s) who have wounded their soul and/or spirit has a profound effect in the spiritual realms. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that words have the power to give death or life, and the person who speaks will bear the fruit of those words, whether good or bad. When we are able to forgive someone who has deeply wounded us, and state the act and how it affected us, the power of that wound is mitigated because it is no longer held in secret for the Enemy to use against us. Both the Beloved and the Enemy sees the persecutor released to God [covered by the blood of Jesus]. Then the wound can no longer fester in darkness, but has been exposed to the Light of Jesus, which heals all things.
So I introduced that simple exercise as a "quick and easy" way to bring healing to someone they were evangelizing to, at the same time stressing that it is extremely effective and profitable for the Beloved. I soon realized that this group wanted and needed more information on the whole process of Deliverance and its Biblical foundation. So Mark and I expanded our testimony and training to the group. What we didn't know was that one of the young people had quietly got up and left the room. The spiritual leader of the group got up to minister to him, and actually used the Forgiveness exercise. When they rejoined the group, they gave their own testimony of what happened... At first, the young person didn't want to say the words out loud. The wound was so deep that they just wanted to write the name of the person and the hurtful acts -- not speak them out loud. But the leader encouraged the spoken word and it was truly liberating! He testified [with a face that beamed pure joy] that Jesus had truly set him free!
And that's really the point I want to make with this blog post. Being able to confess the name of someone who has hurt you, what happened to you, and how it made you feel takes away the power of the Enemy to continue to lie to you about who you are. Releasing all that pain to the Lord cuts those bonds to sins of anger and unforgiveness, and Jesus takes it all away and covers it with His blood.
As I meditated upon the grace of Jesus to allow this group to witness the power of forgiveness in their midst, the Lord broadened my understanding of why the spoken words of Forgiveness are so important. He showed me that when we are able to speak Forgiveness out loud, it is recorded in our Book of Life in Heaven. So when the Accuser comes before the Court of Heaven to accuse us of unrighteousness and unforgiveness (which we walked in [in silence] all the years we harbored it), there is evidence before the Lord that our Accuser is giving false witness.
Now, I may not be able to show you Chapter and Verse where the Bible states this concept in precise terms, but I can tell you that I see enough of the shadow of this theory in Scripture to call it real. In Daniel 7:9-10, the prophet is given a vision and he tells us that he saw thrones put in place in Heaven, and the Ancient One sat down to judge. Millions of angels ministered to Him, and millions stood to attend to Him. Then the court began its session, and the books were opened. There is little in Scripture to tell us exactly what was written in those books, but perhaps we can see a parallel "on earth as it is in heaven". Consider the books of I and II Kings, and I and II Chronicles. There we find the acts and deeds recorded [both good and bad] of the Kings of Judah and Israel. In fact, 1 Kings 11:41 says, "The rest of the events in Solomon’s reign, including all his deeds and his wisdom, are recorded in The Book of the Acts of Solomon".
But there is a particular verse in Malachi that I discern gives credence to what the Lord recently showed me. Verse 3:16 reads, "Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another. The Lord paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed His name". When we participate with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a Deliverance/Inner Healing session, we are most certainly people who fear the Lord and we are speaking with one another, confessing forgiveness and reconciliation, and being healed in the process. And I know that the Lord pays attention and hears us, because I have witnessed the consequences of those actions, and it is called spiritual freedom! And I do believe that our faith and reverence for the power of Jesus "to forgive our trespasses and to forgive those who trespass against us" is recorded in Heaven as witness to our esteem for His name, and as a challenge to Satan's charges against us.
Our obedience to forgive, and then announce it so that the spirit realm hears, causes our testimony to be recorded and preserved in the books of heaven, whether it be the Book of Remembrance in Malachi or the Lamb's Book of Life in Revelation. In the end, I cannot really explain the spiritual mechanics of why it works ... I just know it does!
2 Corinthians 4:13 Yet we have the same spirit of faith as he had, who wrote in Scripture, “I believed, therefore I spoke.” We also believe, therefore we also speak.."