A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Prophetic Word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophetic Word. Show all posts

February 4, 2024

The Importance of Prophecy for Advancing The Kingdom of God

I recently had a conversation with a beloved Sister in Christ regarding "the prophetic". From some of my comments about "false prophets", she thought I might be expressing doubt in the gift of prophecy being viable for today. I assured her that I absolutely believe that prophecy is important in the Body of Christ today. I just struggle with the amount of men and women that I discern are prophesying from their soul [and from pride] and not out of their spirit. 

In other words, I believe what 1 Corinthians 12 says ... God, as the Holy Spirit, distributes the spiritual gifts [word of wisdom and word of knowledge; along with faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning between spirits, speaking in tongues, and the interpretation of tongues]. Jesus, as God, ordains the ministries of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. And the the Father, who is the same God as Jesus and Holy Spirit, empowers them [for His will to be done] through their gifts and ministries, as He energizes and activates them.   

And, of course, Jesus can use His ordained men and women to help grow and mature others until we are called to step into those ministries. But I'm very careful to discern who is a REAL and LEGITIMATE prophet, ordained by God, and not simply men giving each other that title, through a Church committee, or by self-proclamation. Furthermore, the fact that I believe God still ordains prophets today, is evidence that I believe God still speaks prophetically to His "called out ones", just as He did to Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel, Zechariah, etc. 

These prophets all foresaw the coming Messiah, and spoke of what Almighty God told them, teaching ancient Israel about the laws and statutes of the One True God and how to live in them. When instructed by God, the prophets of old called the people to repentance when they strayed from those laws and the holy lifestyle they were meant to protect. And although they would not see Him, it was their assignment to bear witness that the Lord YHWH would send them a Redeemer; the Messiah. And, miraculously, all the prophesies in the Old Testament concerning the First Coming of Jesus were literally fulfilled -- among them, His divine conception and His place of Birth; the Holiness of His character; that He would be David's seed; that He would be crushed for our iniquities; and that His body would not be allowed to decay (prophesying His resurrection on the third day, before decay began to set in on the fourth day).  

These reasons that God sent prophets in the Old Testament are the same reasons He sent His Son, Yeshua Ha Mashiach -- to stress a return to the moral laws and statutes of God; to call the people to repentance (Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand!); to instruct them on how to live a holy lifestyle; and to bear witness of Himself, sent by God  And for the record, these same reasons are why I do believe that the spiritual gift of Prophecy is for the Believer today, and it did not cease after the Apostles died. 

My spirit clearly discerns that this gift [along with all the other spiritual gifts] was given to the early Church to advance the Kingdom of God that Jesus brought to the earth, and all the gifts are just as needed today! I don't understand why anyone in the Body of Christ would think that God revoked those gifts in the First Century. The Gospel of the Kingdom certainly had not spread throughout the world, and there was still so much work and progress that needed to happen to restore the earth and the Kingdom to God's original plan -- we're still far short of that goal! So, let me share with you a few reasons that the particular gift of Prophecy is so important for strengthening and cultivating a Kingdom culture.

First of all, God did not design us to be completely mature in our faith the moment we received our Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. It is a process of growing up into the image of Christ, and that will take practice and commitment.  Also, the point of Salvation is not to give us a "get out of jail free" card so we can live out our lives, simply waiting on the promises of God -- His strength; His rest; His provision; the answers to our prayers; His protection; His freedom from temptation to sin; and most importantly, everlasting life. Additionally, "the prophetic" is more than what is predicted to happen in the future. If understood correctly, Prophecy gives us a spiritual foundation upon which to build a Kingdom lifestyle -- it instructs us how to live and gives us goals for spiritual growth.

NOTE: It is important for Christians to grow into the mature understanding that the Kingdom of God on earth is a spiritual kingdom -- NOT a physical kingdom. That's why Jesus responds to Pilate in this way when asked about His Kingdom: My kingdom is not of this world, if it were, My servants would fight to prevent My arrest by the Jews. But now My kingdom is not of this realm". But the influence of His spiritual kingdom can now [and will in the future] manifest changes in the earth and in nations and in peoples.

For example, Jesus gives many prophetic pronouncements to the Disciples before His Death on the Cross. He foretells the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD; and warns of false christs and prophets, wars, tribulation, persecution, lawlessness, and most importantly, the Coming of the Son of Man. All these prophecies will be fulfilled, just as the prophecies of the Old Testament were, and they will serve to validate that Jesus was who He [and the Bible] says He was! 

The state of this world is evidence that humankind has strayed far from the moral laws of God. If we only looked at the news and the events around us, it would be easy to lose hope and give up on this life and the reasons we are living. But prophecy serves to give us that hope and to inspire us to live a holy life, awaiting in patience and endurance for the return of the Lord. Now, if we lived only in the prophecies of Jesus in Matthew 24 [of wars, tribulation, persecution, and lawlessness], it would be  easy to become discouraged. But God provides those glimpses of the future so that we might not become too lax, but that we might become strengthened and prepared [in our faith] for the Enemy's strategies. As Amos 3:7 says, "The Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets". 

So, Jesus gave those prophecies for His Disciples [in their time] and for us, in our time, so that we might begin to understand and correctly identify the season we are in. Remember, we are not to know the hour or the day, but we are to watch and remain sober, because we are children of the Light. We can see and discern correctly, because we recognize the signs the prophets have given us, and begin to look forward to our Lord's return. 

I am thankful that God still sends us Prophets and Watchmen! I praise Him for continuing to validate Scripture and our faith through the words of those He appoints as prophets. I am thankful for the discernment He gives us, so that we might hear correctly from these men and women of God, and not be deceived by those who seek to validate themselves. God is still speaking to this generation, and Prophecy is still good for educating, encouraging, and comforting the Body of Christ. Let the true prophets of God share what they're hearing from the Lord!

#thegiftofprophecy #false prophets #GodstillspeaksthroughHisprophets #biblicalprophecy #isthepropheticfortoday

2 Peter 1:19    And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts   

October 25, 2022

The Importance of Heeding Biblical Prophecy


If like me and my husband, you are a Christian who is discerning the current season that the world is experiencing, then you are tuned in to the warning signs that Jesus and the Bible give us about what the world will look like before His return. To be honest, it amazes me that there might be Christians who, out of fear or unwillingness, are unable to consider the Bible's prophecies about the "End Times". Many are concentrating on looking at the Victory that will be ours as this Age comes to an end. And believe me, my hope lies in that glorious event, too! But I also believe it is important to take the whole counsel of God if we are to live out our lives with a Biblical worldview. And the Bible tells us mankind will have to endure some hard times before the King of the Universe appears on the scene. 

That brings me to the premise of this blog post. I do not want any follower of Jesus to live in fear about what may be coming upon us in the near future. Neither do I want them to live in ignorance and be unprepared for the days of darkness that the Bible prophecies. So before we broach the events that we might expect to experience, and why it's important to know what's coming, I would like to establish the importance of prophecy in the Bible. 

The minor prophet, Amos, recorded this from the Lord ... "For the Lord God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets". Amos establishes that God uses hand-picked men to deliver His message of warnings of judgment , as well as the message of the hope of victory -- and He does nothing without instructing His prophets to share the news. The words they spoke were inspired by God, therefore we should listen. By warning of God's judgment upon sinful people and their ways, God's goal is that "all should come to repentance", be forgiven, and step into their purpose for His Kingdom on earth. 

Prophecy also gives us the clear message that God always wins in the end. As we contemplate the results of the sin that engulfed the world "in the days of Noah", as well as the defeat of the nations of Israel and Judah, it might not look like those events scored in the win column. But with each prophecy of judgment that God inspired, He also included a message of hope; an encouraging word that pointed to His ultimate victory, according to His plan. And when the will of God changes the direction of a person or a nation [and even the world] from utter destruction, [and the people repent], it is an expression of His love. By paying attention to the Biblical prophecies, we can see the "big picture" of God's heart, and what might be a scary scenario can be seen in a perspective to help us endure and persevere. If God's Judgment results in repentance, which is changing the way we think from our own selfish desires to God's perspective, we have the opportunity to see His love for us through the entire course of events.

So, now that we have a better understanding of why prophecy is important and its purpose, I want to return to the significance of the prophecies of the End Times in the Bible. Jesus, Himself, tells us in Matthew 24:37-39 that the people were living their lives as normal before God sent the Flood in judgment of their evil ways... "they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man". We know that God promised He would not judge the world with another Flood, but Jesus prophecies that another judgment will come when the world is in the same condition "as it was in the days of Noah", and this will happen at the time of His Return. 

How will we know when the times we live in meet that criteria? According to Genesis 6, in the days of Noah, "The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually". The earth was covered with widespread violence. Now, that might seem like too general and vague a statement to compare Noah's day with ours ... but is it? None of us can deny the violence we have seen in the streets for the past couple of years, and it's gone from mob violence to personal brutality and savagery... and it's spreading. But it's not just the violence that matches what the prophets warned about.

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the Apostle Paul says, "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power". I know that you might think that is too vague, as well, but there is not one of those attributes that doesn't fit our culture today! So, we cannot dismiss it as an authentic warning. 

And there are the many, many prophecies that foretell the End Times season throughout the Bible. Here are just a few that should have our spirits sitting up and taking notice: 1) "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short" (Matthew 24:21-22). Because of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, and biological weapons, mankind is capable of wiping out everyone on the face of the earth ... no human being would survive. Those abilities make our generation a candidate for the End Times.

2) "But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase" (Daniel 12:4). Up until about 100 years ago or so, few people traveled beyond their own communities, but now with the advent of automobiles, trains, airplanes, and spacecraft, man can literally travel across the world and even into the universe. And the internet has made the exponential increase of knowledge beyond anything we could have imagined just 50 years ago. 

3) "And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth" (Revelation 6:8). Who can deny that the last two-and-a-half years have seen unprecedented Death? War and conflict are evident not only in Ukraine and Russia, but threaten to spill over into another World War. Famine is being predicted across the globe as food shortages are our new reality. Pestilence ... do I need to say more? ... with new strains being predicted for this winter. And the wild beasts of the earth are certainly characterized by the random and brutal acts of men who are clearly devoid of any human empathy. Their consciences are seared, making them no different than a beast of the earth.

4) "Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor she brought forth her children" (Isaiah 66:8). Israel became a nation on May, 14, 1948, and Jews, who have been dispersed across the world for over 1500 years, have been regathering in their homeland.   

5) "Thus says the Lord: Behold, I will restore the fortunes of the tents of Jacob and have compassion on his dwellings; the city shall be rebuilt on its mound, and the palace shall stand where it used to be" (Jeremiah 30:18). Since 1948, the ancient city of Jerusalem, and the holy dwelling place of YHWH, has been rebuilt on the old ruins, exactly as foretold. 

6) "... nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts" (Revelation 9:21). Murders, sexual immorality, and theft are readily seen in the crime wave we are experiencing; the transgender movement; and the loss of the value of our dollar through inflation. The word "sorceries" is English for the Greek word "pharmakeia ", and the deaths from the fentanyl crisis in this nation alone is astronomical.

7) "Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons..." (1 Timothy 4:1). It is quite apparent that witchcraft and the occult have taken a hold on the cultures of the world. Renewed worship of pagan gods has increased, and people reject the sound doctrine of God in search of ways that satisfy their own lusts. 

By now, you can see that it is not just wishful thinking that we are closing in on the triumphant return of Jesus. And that's how I choose to see the End Times, rather than stay focused on the destructive events that precede His Second Coming. But that doesn't mean I ignore them, or the prophetic word that warns us to be awake and vigilant. It is a tough path to walk... many Christians would prefer we don't talk about the "negative", and only focus on the "positive". But the Bible tells us that we have to go through the unsettling days before we get to the joyous days of God's glory. And I do not want anyone to fall away from their faith because these days come upon them unexpectedly!

I know that many, if not all, of these few prophecies I have cited have been happening for centuries. But, I think if you will consider them carefully, we are the only generation that has seen these events come together at the same time. And there are so many more prophecies throughout the Bible [from Genesis to Revelation] that seem to point to our generation. Please don't look upon them with fear, but rather with joy, hope, and expectation. We may be about to be reunited with our Heavenly Father, who ordained us for a time "such as this". If you haven't yet, repent of your sins, and place all your trust in the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! God will never leave us, and we have an eternal home awaiting us. Let the prophecies of the Bible enrich your prayer life and hear the voice of God as He warns you and encourages you!

#endtimes #endtimesprophecy  #bibleprophecy  #comeslikeathief

1 Thessalonians 5:2-6   For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.

July 26, 2022

What Was Prophesied Is Now Upon Us! (Part Two)

I have enjoyed my reflections on how God has brought me through seasons of sharing His thoughts on different subjects. During the 11 years of this blog, He has instructed me to warn readers about what was coming against our nation in the physical, while always pointing back to Him. Then He transitioned me to showing what was happening in the spiritual realms against us, and why we need to understand and participate in spiritual warfare. Then He moved me into revealing why we need to see and enter the Kingdom of God and how our status as Kingdom ambassadors interfaces with what is going on in the world, and how we are to impact lives for Him. Now, it is like He is bringing me full circle; bringing me back to warning that the things He first pointed out to me are coming to fruition, and we need to employ everything He has revealed up to this moment to make sure we are seeing His will done on earth. So, let me take us back to a couple of posts that were forewarnings of our current existence ...

God Made A Farmer (February 8, 2013) ... (This post was written over 9 years ago, but it could as easily be about current events). This is what I wrote then: "If you are not aware of the plight of our farmers in this nation, then you've probably had your head buried in your iPad too long. According to an article from The Guardian, we are faced with a significant problem: our grain reserves are at an all-time historic low, due to the drought of 2012 and its continuation into this year. So what effect will that have on our food production and world famine? 

Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Centre in Washington, D.C., and one of the world's "leading environmentalists", says that extreme heat and drought in the U.S. will have consequences for the world's hungry.  "We are entering a new era of rising food prices and spreading hunger. Food supplies are tightening everywhere and land is becoming the most sought-after commodity as the world shifts from an age of food abundance to one of scarcity," says Brown. "The geopolitics of food is fast overshadowing the geopolitics of oil."  He warns that the global food supply system could collapse at any point, leaving hundreds of millions more people hungry, sparking widespread riots and bringing down governments.  According to Brown, the Middle East and Africa are especially vulnerable.  

But here's the caveat to this report:  it is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, known economic globalists, as well as climate theorists.  Furthermore, Gates believes one of the solutions to world hunger is through the genetic modification of foods (think of his unpalatable "impossible meat" in 2022), and he has invested not only in companies such as Monsanto, who have engineered genetically modified (GM) foods, but also invested in agriculture in Africa.  Whether true humanitarianism or something more dangerous is behind his interest and his money, you can guarantee that the world's agriculture will be affected.  These kinds of reports and the genetically modified food technology do not bode well for the American farmer OR the American consumer. 

Neither does the sale of domestic farmland to institutional and foreign investors.  Farmland is an attractive "hedge" for investors looking to put their money into commodities that are safer than the stock market.  And countries such as China, with its exploding population and economy are eying the U.S. exports of corn, soybeans, and wheat.  And according to writer Steve Shenk, "the United States, like a short-sighted trust fund baby, is selling off their financial future along with their source of food for a quick grab of cash today."  Shenk goes on to report, "Foreign ownership of farmland is almost double what it was twenty years ago. In fact since 2004, foreign ownership of American soil has grown by almost thirty percent."  Kind of makes me a little nervous about who is protecting our domestic food supply!"

That was then ... this is now: China's American agricultural land holdings have increased over tenfold in the last decade, and at the beginning of 2020, investments from China held $2 billion of American agricultural land. Add to that the massive drought in this country and the sentiment amongst the current Administration that paying farmers to leave their land fallow is a solution to the "climate crisis", and you have the perfect storm for famine in this country and the world, since we are a major exporter of food to the world.

I ended that 2013 post with this comment: "There will be many who say this is a lot of fuss about nothing.  But are you willing to trust your food supply to the likes of Bill Gates or China? Do you have plans if the price of food suddenly sky-rockets? What about Heirloom seeds to grow your own food? This is something to think about, people! Drought and weather conditions are unpredictable, and so apparently is the world's food supply. Don't take your "daily bread" for granted!"

God is once again highlighting this situation and it is much more dire than it was 9 years ago. I pray that you have prepared accordingly, and that God provides for you and your family.

The U.S. Economy & The Price of Oil: Could The Fix Be In? (November 29, 2014) ... At the time, America was enjoying low gas prices and our supply was growing faster than the demand for gasoline. U.S. car manufacturers were building more fuel-efficient cars, which created less demand for gas, which directly effected the bottom line of oil companies. Although foreign markets, like China and India, were developing a market for increased supplies of gas and oil, there was not a huge desire for exporting our oil.

In my post, I went on to discuss the purpose of OPEC to monitor the oil market and decide collectively to raise or lower oil production in order to maintain stable prices and supply. I had questions about who was lurking in the background, influencing the decision-making.  At the time, OPEC members were primarily from the oil-rich Middle East, with Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia being among the founding members. 

Today, Russia is part of what is known as Opec Plus (Opec +), an informal alliance of non-Opec nations exporting oil. My understanding is that they are producing far less than they pledged. And since there is a huge push in our government for climate control by ending America's use of conventional energy (coal, oil, and natural gas), our oil production has plummeted, while our gas prices have risen astronomically, and we are begging oil from Middle Eastern potentates.

I find it fascinating that God showed me this in 2014, and here is what He prompted me to write: "The American economy is nosediving, and we may not have an oil industry to continue the masquerade. And who would love to see that scenario take place more than Russia? Through our sanctions, we have attempted to compromise their economy.  So, through their alliance with oil-rich Iran, this would be an opportunity to reciprocate. What better way to ensure their leadership in the world's oil supply, while striking a blow to our own status, and more importantly, our economy?"

The rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the NATO fiasco, and the rapidly diminishing reputation of the US are all contributing to the effects of oil shortages in our nation which has enough oil in the ground to fuel our economy for decades -- nearly 2.2 trillion barrels of known oil shale deposits -- the largest in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management. Yet our store shelves lie bare because of the cost of fuel to truck food and supplies across the country.

The statement I made in 2014 still stands ... "I am no expert on the petroleum industry. And I know these are all fractured thoughts and ideas, but when my spider senses are tingling like they are now, I have to give voice to what my instincts are telling me. Things are not as they seem, and something tells me that the puppet masters are  working their strings and the game is rigged. Is our house of cards about to come tumbling down?"

These issues that I have revisited are still at the forefront of our issues as a nation, and will have great influence on the future of our beloved nation. God revealed them over a decade ago, and yet we seem to have gone further down the rabbit hole. But our answers don't lie in government policies. They are spiritual in nature, and if we don't wake up to that fact and begin battling on that level, well .... all the kings horses and all the kings men won't be able to put us back together again. 

Psalm 2:1    "Why do the nations assemble with commotion [uproar and confusion of voices], and why do the people imagine (meditate upon and devise) an empty scheme?"

July 21, 2022

What Was Prophesied Is Now Upon Us! (Part One)

There are days when the Lord tells me to reflect upon how far we've come; to take a look at what the Holy Spirit was prompting me to write in the recent past, in the hope that I can see what He is showing me now. This December will mark the 11th year that I have been obedient to write this blog because He asked me to encourage people who were beginning to discern that this country was going down a different path than the one we assumed would always be there.

There were many times that I didn't want to share what I received, because the conscience of the American people was not ready to accept it. I knew I would be labeled a "conspiracy nut", a heretic, or worse. But God was showing me through His Spirit, and what I instinctively discerned [in my spirit] from world events, that I needed to alert those with "ears to hear, and eyes to see." 

It's been 11 long years of trying to do that through this blog. There were seasons of great numbers of people from all over the world who responded to what God revealed through my words. I was amazed that someone in China or Ukraine was hearing from God as I was, and that we were united in our desire to share God's promptings so that more people could come to the Saving Grace of Christ. I was blessed to be in community with some very wise men who had the ear of Americans who were "waking up", and through their blogs, podcasts, and books, were getting God's message out. 

So, all of this to say that I listened to God and have gone back to those early posts (many of which I had forgotten I even wrote) to see what He wants to show me in this day. Here are just some of the admonitions He highlighted then...

Facing The Monster (December 22, 2011) ... This post appeared just 11 days after I launched this website, and included short reviews of two books that were brought to my attention. They weren't for the weak-hearted, and helped me grasp the severity of our national situation, and gave me an opportunity to see what the future might look like.  Enemies, Foreign and Domestic shares a possible scenario in which the Government sets up a down-and-out war veteran as a sniper responsible for a mass shooting in a football stadium --- creating a smokescreen for the purpose of eliminating the Second Amendment gun rights of the citizenry. After reading this book I realized how quickly our rights and freedoms could be seized by a tyrannical government, and how important it is to develop a mindset that clearly sees the fallout from that scenario. And the most surprising element of the book? The hero is a WOMAN! 

One Second After is a sobering account of what it looks like if a rogue nation detonated an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) over the continental U.S.  Anything electronic would be instantly rendered useless.  Think about it.....what would society be like without computers, phones, cars, medical equipment, refrigeration?  Answer---in a single moment, we would be thrown into the Dark Ages.  And how many people would be able to navigate that scenario?  How do you think the entitlement crowd will react?  They have been told they deserve all that's been given them, so do you think it's realistic to expect them to not just take it now?  And what about the evil elements of society?  How would you maintain law and order?  And what if you, or a loved one, needed medication to survive?  What does that scenario look like when life-saving medicines are no longer available, or there is no way to store them?

Both of those books are still very relevant for today's world. I ended that post with a challenge to face the monster; just as I would challenge anyone today ... both of these frightening scenarios offer us a chance to be prepared, primed and ready to guide our families and others to safe ground. In 2011, the plots of these books only existed in the imaginations of the authors. Still think so?

The Devil At Work: Human Sex Trafficking (May 10, 2013) ... I used this post to reveal the ugly truth of Sex Trafficking in America. At the time, it was not at the forefront of our national dialogue, although it was a billion dollar, international business hidden in plain sight and covered up by those in power. I wrote of "the long record of this kind of abuse by members of the diplomatic corps and employees of international organizations in Washington... but is it a monstrous problem right here at home. And what every parent needs to know is this: the computer and social media are valuable tools for those looking to exploit your children." 

This sounds like such a simple and benign description these days, knowing how prevalent this problem is in our nation today. I stand by the questions I posed in that 9-year-old post: "I struggle to make sense of this shameful and brutal treatment of our fellow human beings.  Have we lost all sense of our moral compass?  What has happened to our integrity?  Are we no longer able to determine what is right or wrong?  And what about our responsibility to respect other people?  And finally, those who traffic in the human sex trade cannot possibly have any compassion for their victims. This amounts to nothing less than slavery .... an institution that has been abhorred in this country for over a century and a half.  Yet, even in this supposedly enlightened generation, there are people who willingly contribute to this degradation of the human race; and worst of all, their consciences don't seem to bother them as they exploit their prey for the almighty dollar." Sadly, we have only gone further down this road to hell. My questions are still relevant, but the powers-that-be don't even give them a second thought. And God's heart continues to break, as His anger grows.

The Southern Border: What You're Not Hearing (September 10, 2014)... In this post, I shared an up-close and personal view of just how bad it was on the Texas border 8 years ago.  Never mind what you might have heard the talking heads or the White House Press Corps say at the time ... listen to the first-hand account of someone who was living the reality: Rusty is a lifelong rancher along the border of Texas and Mexico. He describes how the Mexican drug cartels are using death threats, assault, and attempted murder to drive ranchers and their families off of their land... "The only thing we [the American public] hear about is women and kids… and when they make huge drug busts, that’s what we hear about.  We don’t hear about the gang-bangers coming across, we don’t hear about the terrorists coming across.  We don’t hear about the violence going down on the border.  I had a rancher call me last week, and begging for help on 15,000 acres.  He had been moved off his ranch because he doesn’t feel safe with his family there.  He’s been shot at and threatened.  We don’t hear that [on the news]."

Perhaps the most frightening information coming from this interview was Rusty's account of the child abductions, sex-slave, and prostitution threats:  "They steal kids. Literally, they steal kids. Depending on how good looking they are, they’re gonna start at $35,000 to $45,000 dollars per kid. Blond haired, blue eyed little boy, little girl, is anywhere from $50,000 to $75,000 dollars, depending on how old they are. The older they are, particularly for girls, the more the price goes up. There’s been some girls that have been missing here, for five years from Brownsville, they were stolen when they were thirteen. One of them was found in a whorehouse in Mexico City. Her parents bought her out [from the cartels]– they bought her out for a million-five."

That was then! Multiply that by 100 and you might get a hint at what is happening today on the border! When God showed me this in 2014, I did not believe that it could get any worse. But the media still is not covering it adequately and so much of the country does not believe it is happening. I was challenged by an old college friend who refused to believe this was nothing but political propaganda, and asked me how did I know any of this was real. My answer: Me and my neighbors are living it!

These are just a few of the stories that God brought to light and prompted me to write about nearly a decade ago. At the time, I was castigated by many commenters for false witness, but I clearly heard in my spirit to warn Christians [who might find my blog and actually read it] to stand up and be counted for! This was a season of writing where God revealed the coming evil in hope that knowledge would bring power to the spirits of His children to resist evil forces that were rising up in our country. As you can clearly discern, the evil has only grown. I invite you to tune in for the next post that will show you where God took me next and what He requested be made known. I pray that we pay attention to revelations of the past while we still have time to repent and be redeemed in our present. 

Jeremiah 11:18   Then the Lord gave me knowledge [of their plot], and I knew it; So, You [O Lord] revealed their deeds to me.