A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

August 15, 2013

A Glimmer Of Hope

     This last weekend, PLW and myself accompanied his parents to a benefit for a men's ministerial group in South Texas.  The guest speakers were none other than Miss Kay, Willie and Phil from the wildly popular Duck Dynasty family, the Robertsons.
     Now, before you decide to write this post off as fluff and unimportant, let me tell you why I left the event that night feeling uplifted and inspired.  And in case you don't know who the Robertsons are, they are down-to-earth, God-fearing, plain and simple folk .... who just happen to be millionaire rednecks from Louisiana.
     They are honest and candid about their family history; the years that the patriarch, Phil, slid into a life of alcohol, drugs and debauchery.  He left his family for a spell, and through the sheer perseverance and faith of his wife, Miss Kay, the family was held together until Phil hit rock bottom and turned to the Lord.  During her portion of the program, Miss Kay, in her own inimitable style, told us that she took to heart her grandmother's admonition that she should always "fight for her marriage."  She admitted that she didn't know what that meant when she fell in love, at the age of 16, with the handsome high school quarterback.
     It wasn't long after their "rushed marriage", as she puts it, that she would learn just what her grandmother alluded to.  Phil's wandering ways nearly destroyed their family, their marriage, and himself.  But Miss Kay never stopped praying for him or fighting for him, and one day Phil answered that knock at the door and let Jesus in.  He began his own hand-made duck call business, garnered a good amount of success, and then handed over the business to his middle son, Willie, who took it to the moon.  Willie figured out how to market not only their duck call business to the world, but their family's faith, and that's a remarkable accomplishment in these days of "Jersey Shores" and "Housewives of Hollywood."
     In case you doubt this claim, during his warmup for his father's speech, Willie thanked our gathering of 1,000 or so for supporting the show.  "Because you have spoken and supported our show, Duck Dynasty is now the Number One show on all of cable.  Isn't it nice to sit down and watch a TV show with your family?"  The crowd roared its approval.  He went on.  "And don't think that the TV executives aren't paying attention.  I can personally tell you that the execs on both the East and West Coast are seeing our success and planning more shows that follow our model of faith and family.  They are seeing what America wants, and although it's about the almighty dollar for them, I want you to know that we are beginning to change the culture!  We CAN change the culture!"
     What a beacon of hope!  As just one person in the sea of humanity, I know that I am drawn to those vehicles that glorify my Lord, and therefore Duck Dynasty is one of the few TV programs that I watch religiously (sorry for the pun).  But to realize that I, along with millions like me, are making a difference by a simple choice of embracing this family is mind-bending.  It just goes to show that God can use anything and anyone to achieve His purpose.... even a bearded, ex-reprobate redneck like Phil Robertson.
     And to say that I was blown away by the elder Robertson's speech doesn't do him justice.  I guess the closest adjective to describe his delivery would be to say it was "a good, ol' timey, Come to Jesus" talk.  He didn't pull any punches and he's the furthest thing from "politically correct" that you'll find in the entertainment industry.  He began by asking us if we thought our elected officials "loved us".  Did we think they were up there in Washington D.C. acting on our behalf because they "loved us"?   Why would Americans put more faith in the Elite than themselves, or a Savior that truly loved them?  He went on to denounce the Elite who have lost touch with the people who elected them.  And he decried the popular maxim that our Founding Fathers were not Godly men.  He stood on the stage and delivered quote after quote from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and James Madison that credited "God and Divine Providence" for the existence of this country.
     "We don't know our history!" he thundered.  Then he went on to outline the influences that have shaped and altered our history, and have drawn this nation away from the Lord's authority.  He counted them off on the fingers of one hand ... Shintoism, Nazism, Communism, Beatniks, Hippies.  And what do they all have in common?  NO GOD!  Then he asked an illuminating question.  "So I ask you, what happened to that last influence?  They are in our universities teaching your children, people!"  
     Waving his Bible in one hand, and pointing to the crowd with the other, he went on to admonish us.  The consequence of our failure to safeguard God's position in our land has resulted in the easy decision to rip 60,000,000 babies from their mother's womb.  And their blood is crying out!  But it's not only the unborn whose blood is being spilled by godless influences.  Phil related how, in his lifetime, he has seen the black community turn to self-annilihation.  "I have worked in the cotton fields of Louisiana and Mississippi with good, God-fearing black family men.  They were my friends!  I have seen their families deteriorate through the welfare system until they are in the streets killing each other!  That is not who they were!  But when you take Jesus as the Savior of your family, and replace Him with the Government, this is what you get!"  I told you --- he is plain-spoken and frank; he speaks his mind; openly and with blunt force.
     And to say that Phil Robertson takes his family's opportunity to witness for the Lord seriously, is a huge understatement.  He and his clan have demonstrated that they will not compromise for the sake of TV ratings or studio executives that want them to tone down their message.  Each of the show's episodes ends with the family gathered around the dinner table in prayer.  "We're trying to infuse a little good into the American culture," he said. "Love God, love your neighbor, hunt ducks.  Raise your kids, make them behave, love them.  I don't see the down side to that."  And that's my kind of entertainment!

Acts 2:39     "For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself."


July 8, 2013

Our Youth and Their Loss of Faith

     Researchers from The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga recently conducted a study in which they examined the characteristics of atheists and agnostics.  Among their findings was the interesting fact that many of the faithless find some sort of benefit from participating in the "rituals" of church attendance.
     According to the report on this study at ChristianPost.com, those who fall into this category, are nonbelievers who may have a philosophical appreciation for certain religious teachings, who like being part of a community, who want to stay in touch with their ethnic identity or who simply find beauty in certain religious traditions, symbols or rituals.  In fact, one participant in the study participates in church services and sings in the church choir, but doesn't believe in God.
     Another interesting finding from the study was that college was often a turning point in the lives of those who would become nonbelievers.  "We heard time and time again that, for many of the folks who identified themselves as nonbelievers, college seemed to be a milestone in their life's story. College seemed to be a transition point."
    Now, what Christian parent hasn't worried about this exact scenario?  You send your children off to college to get a higher education, only to find out that they've lost their faith along the way.  Bestselling author Eric Metaxas tackled this dilemma in a recent article, also for ChristianPost.com.  He writes that, apparently, there exists such an organization as Secular Students Association on college campuses across the country.  And it is into this vacuum that Fixed Point Foundation steps in to question students on the changes to their faith.  (Fixed Point Foundation sponsors highly publicized events at universities, schools, and churches around the world. Fixed Point is an expression of the Church speaking into the culture, challenging the unbelief of skeptics and restoring the Christian’s confidence that the Bible is precisely what it claims to be—True.)
     At similar events across the country, the Fixed Point Foundation asked members of the Secular Students Association to tell them about their "journey to unbelief."  What they found was surprising.  They expected to hear from activist atheists, and instead the typical respondent was like Phil, who had grown up in church; he had even been the president of his youth group. What drove Phil away wasn't the lure of secular materialism or even the restrictions placed on him by Christian moral teaching.  It seems that his turning point came when his church changed youth pastors.
     Phil's loss of faith coincided with his church's attempt to ingratiate itself to him instead of challenging him.  It seems that the church traded a youth pastor who "knew the Bible" for one that pandered to the culture; who taught less of the Bible while showing how "cool" he could be.
      Phil was like many of his contemporaries who professed to have lost their faith; they were kids who had attended church but "the mission and message of their churches was vague," and manifested itself in offering "superficial answers to life's difficult questions." The ministers they respected were those "who took the Bible seriously," not those who sought to entertain them or be their "buddy."
     And that, I'm afraid, is the rabbit hole that the modern Church is in danger of leading all Believers down --- not just the college-aged. The competition to fill seats has fed into a morbid fear that church attendees might become bored; hence, the need to entertain them and astound them with the latest technological wizardry, or at least a hip coffee bar.  The rest of the time is spent worrying about if the "Christian message" will turn the kids/adults off.   What they don't realize is that if a Believer is truly seeking the truth, and he receives "Christian lite", then his disappointment turns to disrespect and he begins shutting down to the message altogether.  Playing down the truth of the Christian faith results in apathy, which makes it easier to abandon the faith in the face of a diluted and less convicting teaching.
     As one of the students remarked, ""Christianity is something that if you really believed it, it would change your life and you would want to change [the lives] of others. I haven't seen too much of that."  So if they aren't seeing it in their home churches, what makes us think that they will see it on a college campus?  If we cannot equip our children with an unshakeable faith and commitment to their Lord by the time they leave home for the hallowed halls of intellectual elitism that serve as our institutions of higher learning, then what chance do they have of standing against the spiritual darkness that pervades such academic systems?  Listen to Phil again .... he did not want vague and superficial sermons; he wanted serious Bible study from leaders who "knew" the lessons to be learned.  Bottom line?  He wanted to know the truth about God; not some "feel good" line. Isn't it time we turned back to the basics, teach the truth of the Word, and live out our belief?  We can't afford to see another generation abandon their faith.

Luke 8:13    "And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away."


April 29, 2013

Duck Calls and Jesus!

     I know this is going to sound completely off the wall and undeserving of consideration, but please give me a chance to explain.  When the stresses of this crazy world and the unfolding of evil events seems ready to overwhelm me, I take a break, turn on the TV and enter into 30 minutes of pure, simple, godly entertainment.  Judge me if you must, but how am I able to give my mind a break and nourish my soul?  It's simple, really ..... it's called Duck Dynasty!

     Yep!  The redneck millionaire family from the woods of Louisiana have totally charmed me.  They represent the rags-to-riches American story.  The show's promo calls them the "close-knit family who has made a fortune on duck calls by turning a backyard business into a multi-million dollar sporting empire."  But they are so much more!
     The premise of the show is that we tune in each week to watch the antics of a Louisiana bayou family living the American dream as they operate a thriving duck call and decoy business while staying true to their family values.  But here's the real attraction .... For the Robertsons, those values relate to the grace and salvation found in Jesus Christ.  And that has put them right up against the unholy boardrooms of Hollywood.
     It seems that it is the Robertsons vs. the Editing Room.  “They pretty much cut out most of the spiritual things,” says Phil Robertson, the Patriarch and one-time honky-tonk operator who gave up his heathen lifestyle in the 1970s, “We say them, but they just don’t run them on the show.  Hollywood has run upon the kingdom of God, and there’s a rub there,” said the Duck Commander.  Phil is a tenacious personal evangelist who has baptized hundreds of souls to new life in the Ouachita River. “Well, we have to be as harmless as a dove and as shrewd as a snake in the way we deal with them.”
     Despite the spiritual material cut out of the show, the Matriarch, Miss Kay, says “We’re so blessed for what we can get in there. That’s really unknown in today’s TV on a regular, big TV network like that.”
     And this family is serious about their faith.  By taking advantage of an opportunity to be “salt and light” in the entertainment media, the Robertsons gain a voice and a presence in a culture-shaping industry.  And in so doing, they have learned to compromise; the opportunity to influence a segment of culture in very broad ways as TV personalities outweighs the disappointment they may feel when the producers cut out ‘in Jesus’ name’ at the end of every televised prayer.  In a recent comment before his church, Jase Robertson said, "“It’s a slippery slope when you’re holding Hollywood’s hand and you’re trying to accomplish something; when deep down all you want to do is proclaim that Jesus is Lord.”  Yet, somehow they manage to get their message past the program executives, and let us see who they really are.
      Maybe it's their irreverence for the trappings of this world; or their obvious love of family and the affectionate teasing that can't quite disguise their sincere attachment to each other.  Maybe it's that the grandkids are respectful of their elders.  It's refreshing to see "yes, sir" and "no, ma'am" roll effortlessly off their tongues. And it's nice to see a family that prospered through hard work and isn't afraid to take pride in their efforts.  I love the old-fashioned, down home values and the humor is honest, clean and really funny.
     Camo, guns and simple living are the norm for every show.  There is nowhere the men of the Robertson clan would rather be than in full-blown camo, face paint on, and seeing the sun rise from a duck blind. They're proud to be rednecks!
    What's more, they have no desire to become enmeshed in the empty standards of today's culture.  In fact, PLW's favorite aspect of the show is when Grandpa Phil teaches the grandkids the old ways; he's not afraid to take away the cell phones and video games and give them a taste of hard physical labor.  Other times he shows them the joys of a lazy afternoon in his pirogue; fishing out of the small, flat-bottomed boat typically used by Cajuns of the Louisiana marsh shows his grandkids that they don't need the distractions of modern society.  He instructs them that fresh air and the outdoors are still good for what ails ya.  The grandkids always receive a thinly-disguised lesson on how to live a godly life.
     I love the respect and commitment on display; not only between the Patriarch Phil and his devoted wife, Miss Kay, but between the siblings and their wives.  Every show involves an admonition to the third generation; the grandkids see the value of choosing your spouse wisely.  Then there's Miss Kay's famous cooking.  It is the honey that keeps the family buzzing around her kitchen.  And every single show ends with the extended family gathered around a long table and a mound of home-cooked Southern food, while Phil thanks God for their blessings.
     This show makes me feel good; just like The Waltons and Little House on the Prairie used to ---- except that I always end up clutching my sides in laughter.  And there is nothing like laughter to erase the frown lines brought on by the day's headlines.  So I know there will be those of you who will only see the long beards, scraggly hair and endless displays of camo.  But please don't dismiss the Robertson family so quickly!  I know I resisted it for far too long, and am busy catching up on the previous seasons.  In fact, PLW and I end each day with a 30-minute episode and they always leave us smiling and praising their faith in family and God.  What better way to cope with all the negativity in the world!

Psalm 126:2      Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”


December 13, 2012

I'm Ready To Secede .... From the Culture

     As the Conservatives and Libertarians lick their wounds from this last election, there is the inevitable talk of secession.  Many proponents of this idea think it is a simple matter of a state declaring its intent to secede, and if they can get enough votes from the constituents, it's a done deal.  But I would remind them that the last time a state and section of the country attempted to remove itself from the Union, it resulted in four long, bloody years of national upheaval and war.  We do not want to go down that road again.
     However, there is a way to withdraw or separate ourselves within our national structure.  And if adopted by the majority who think likewise, it could actually benefit the nation.  Let me explain.  For awhile now, PLW and I have made an exerted effort to avoid all the traps and negative aspects of our society that we dislike or disapprove of.  For instance:  We don't watch TV shows or go to movies that offend our sense of morals and faith, or watch one-sided documentaries that present a slanted version of history.  We don't read books like 50 Shades of Grey just because they're the latest rage.  We don't tweet or facebook our every insignificant thought, and we don't line up for the latest version of iphone, ipad, or whatever the latest "must-have" technological advance might be.  By now, you should be getting the picture.   We have never been, nor will we ever be, a robot that mindlessly follows the dictates of the culture.  If that makes us old-fashioned, or out of step, so be it.  At least we maintain as much of an independent style of life as possible.
     And maybe that is the direction that we faith-based/conservatives/libertarians need to consider.  Let me expound on this idea .... it's pretty much a given that the Leftist Progressives are winning the culture war.  As I wrote yesterday, they have succeeded in revising, if not completely rewriting our history, so that our kids no longer know what it means to be an American.  They have completely captured the youth through social media and entertainment.  We've lost that battle.  But is there a way to regain ground?  I think so.
     I read an interesting article the other day, and it got me to thinking.  It pointed out that both the Amish and Orthodox Jewish communities have been successful in maintaining their identities, their histories and their cultures.   Perhaps those of us with "traditional" values should stop trying to mimic the tactics of the Progressives, and take some tips from these two groups.  They have been largely successful at insulating their youth from the negative aspects of a culture that increasingly disparages the family unit.  How have they done it?
     They have created their own alternative education and entertainment, and they have grouped themselves into communities that act as a support structure for their traditional values. I'm not suggesting that we all form a commune and "live off the land", but we can form alliances with people who share our values and desires for our families.  You see it in home-schooling cooperatives, where families share education duties and offer alternative entertainment venues for their children.  Who says your kids can't enjoy their childhoods without ever having seen a "Twilight" movie?
     We must realize that the Progressive, and oftentimes, Godless movement is well aware that they move their agenda forward through the influence they have on our children through the educational system and the entertainment industry.  If they can pollute your childrens' minds through the schools, and through movies and music, then they control the future.  Remember, the elitist Left aren't really repopulating the world at an astounding rate .... so it's your kids they need to gain control of.  (And of course, that's one reason why they court the immigration issue -- lots of future voters there).
     Daniel Greenfield, who I think is one of the most impressive writers of today, said it best:  "The progressive agenda is to destroy the family, to undermine it, ridicule it, economically disadvantage it and burden it until it falls apart and is replaced by the Big Brother of the State. The "traditional" agenda is to maintain the family and pass along traditional values across the generations. That is what this cultural war is really about; whether the family or the state will be the defining unit of human experience .... Progressives want every child to grow up to be a slave of the state, thinking the same empty thoughts, laughing at the same things and trotting tamely along to the slaughterhouse. What they fear most is a future where the majority of children do not worship the state, do not accept their premises or parrot their propaganda."
     It is up to us to promote this idea of cultural secession.  We don't need to leave the Union; we need to build communities that preserve our values, teach our children our traditions and history, and protect them from the indoctrination of the State.  Their future as independent thinkers and self-sufficient citizens depends on it.

Proverbs 22:5-6    "In the paths of the wicked are snares and pitfalls, but those who would preserve their life stay far from them. Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."



November 22, 2012

A Show Of Thanksgiving

     Today, of all days, I wanted to give everyone a gift of the true meaning of Thanksgiving.  Those of us who are more mature in age remember what it was like to hear the story of the Pilgrims and Squanto, the Native American who helped them survive a brutal winter.  He taught them how to grow maize and catch fish from the local waters.  He was a vital part of Plymouth Colony's success, and the first Thanksgiving in our country was held to celebrate the bountiful harvest.
     Flash forward a couple of centuries plus a few decades, and what sentiments have we, as a nation, kept from that first Thanksgiving?   It seems to me, we give voice to the idea of giving Thanks for our many blessings, but do we really do anything to express our gratitude?  For most people, this family holiday simply centers around food.
     So how could I combine the ideas of Food and giving Thanks, while helping us to focus on what that really means?  On Monday, a good friend sent me an email and I knew I had found my analogy.  You may have seen this before, but I think we can all benefit from visiting this story.  Enjoy!

     I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought. 
     Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me.  'Petawawa. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Afghanistan.’ 
     After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars... It would be several hours before we reached the east, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time... As I reached for my wallet, I overheard a soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch.  'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks.  I'll wait till we get to base.'  His friend agreed. 
     I looked around at the other soldiers. None were buying lunch. I walked to the back of the plane and handed the flight attendant a fifty dollar bill. 'Take a lunch to all those soldiers.' She grabbed my arms and squeezed tightly. Her eyes wet with tears, she thanked me. 'My son was a soldier in Iraq ; it's almost like you are doing it for him.'
     Picking up ten sacks, she headed up the aisle to where the soldiers were seated. She stopped at my seat and asked, 'Which do you like best - beef or chicken?' 'Chicken,' I replied, wondering why she asked. She turned and went to the front of the plane, returning a minute later with a dinner plate from first class. 'This is your thanks.' 
     After we finished eating, I went again to the back of the plane, heading for the rest room.  A man stopped me. 'I saw what you did. I want to be part of it... Here, take this.' He handed me twenty-five dollars. 
     Soon after I returned to my seat, I saw the Flight Captain coming down the aisle, looking at the aisle numbers as he walked, I hoped he was not looking for me, but noticed he was looking at the numbers only on my side of the plane. When he got to my row he stopped, smiled, held out his hand and said, 'I want to shake your hand.' Quickly unfastening my seatbelt I stood and took the Captain's hand. With a booming voice he said, 'I was a soldier and I was a military pilot. Once, someone bought me a lunch. It was an act of kindness I never forgot.' I was embarrassed when applause was heard from all of the passengers. 
     Later I walked to the front of the plane so I could stretch my legs. A man who was seated about six rows in front of me reached out his hand, wanting to shake mine. He left another twenty-five dollars in my palm. 
     When we landed I gathered my belongings and started to deplane... Waiting just inside the airplane door was a man who stopped me, put something in my shirt pocket, turned, and walked away without saying a word. Another twenty-five dollars! 
     Upon entering the terminal, I saw the soldiers gathering for their trip to the base.  I walked over to them and handed them seventy-five dollars. 'It will take you some time to reach the base.  It will be about time for a sandwich. God Bless You.' 
     Ten young men left that flight feeling the love and respect of their fellow travelers. As I walked briskly to my car, I whispered a prayer for their safe return. These soldiers were giving their all for our country. I could only give them a couple of meals. It seemed so little... A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' 

That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.' 

     Sack lunches may seem an insignificant way to give back our "Thanks" to those who are a huge part of our success as a nation.  But once again, the simple act of offering food to another human being can feed more than their stomachs.  The souls of those soldiers were fed by the generosity of one man.  And that one gesture led to more displays of thanks from grateful countrymen.
     So my prayer for you today, is that you will find meaningful ways to express your "Thanksgiving"; ways to show your gratitude for all the blessings that have been bestowed upon your life.  This is a beautiful holiday ..... let's celebrate its' true Spirit!

Philippians 4:5-7      "Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

November 19, 2012

Warning To Parents: Kids Without God

     As I often do, I have background "noise" while I write.  For some odd reason, it helps me to focus; silence seems to invade my thoughts and I start wandering.  But the other day, something caught my ear and I had to turn up the TV.  The commentator was speaking about an organization that sent chills down my spine, and then angered me.  It's one that you need to know about.
     It is called Kids Without God, and it's stated purpose is to be a "site for the millions of young people around the world who have embraced science, rejected superstition, and are dedicated to being Good Without A God!"  At first you might think this is not too offensive, but let me take you further into their site.  Their official statement says, "Kids Without God was created and maintained by the American Humanist Association (AHA) in order to provide a digital resource for children, teenagers and parents who are interested in learning more about humanism and non-theism."  
     OK, just what is humanism?  Basically, it is a philosophy that values the individual thought and evidence of human beings over established doctrine or faith.  In other words, humans don't need God.  They can do it all by themselves.  And to entice young children to the site (and we all know that children can navigate the internet and computer as well or better than adults), they introduce a cute little dog, named Darwin, to teach the kiddos about right or wrong.  Here are some of the 7 things that Darwin has promised to do:  (Darwin knows that doing all of these things is the best way to have lots of friends, and feel happy and satisfied every day.)
1.   I promise to be nice to other people, just because it's the right thing to do.
2.   I promise to help take care of the Earth, because this is our home and we need it to stay healthy and safe.
3.   I promise that before I say something or do something to another person, I will stop to think about how I would feel if somebody else said that or did that to me.
4.   I promise that I will help those who are sad or angry by being a good friend to them.
     You get the idea .... nothing really harmful here.  These are good lessons for kids.  But it's when you get to the Teens section of the site, it gets a lot more scary.  Teens are encouraged to "learn about celebrities that are Good without a God, and to find resources on how to "come out as an atheist."  On this latter topic, I was horrified when I read the site's advice to a teen who asked how to talk to his parents who were, in his words, "very religious."  Their answer?  In an ideal world, you would be able to talk to your parents about anything, but that doesn’t work very well when your parents are locked into a narrow religiosity. Depending on how religious they are, their response could cause you problems while you are living at home.
     Consider that you may not need to talk with them about what you think. It is actually none of their business. No one can control what you do in your own head. You may have to bite your tongue a lot, but it may be worth it if it saves you a lot of grief. When you get out of your parents’ house, you will be much freer to express yourself. For now, you can share your ideas with other freethinking friends at school or other places where it is safer to be yourself.
     But that's not all!  They not only demonize the parents, but they go further, even suggesting that the teen might not be safe in his own home!  Here is more of their corrupting influence:  Religion thrives on thought control. By expressing an idea in an unsafe environment, you give your parents an opportunity to try and control what you think. If you keep your thoughts and ideas to yourself, you can still maintain a relationship without harming yourself.  Only talk to one parent at a time. Fearful religious parents will feed off of one another’s fear and soon you will be overwhelmed and feel like they are ganging up on you. Choose the parent you want to talk to, then make a date with them. Ask them to meet you at a coffee shop or in the Student Union. Semipublic places often help everyone keep control of their emotions.  The main thing to keep in mind is that you are a growing and independent person with a mind of your own. You have a right to develop your own view of the world. 
     I find this deplorable!  Do they really believe that coming between young children, or teens, and their parents is the right thing to do?  Somehow, I don't think this would pass Darwin, the dog's, smell test.  
     Then to win over any parent who might want to check into their organization, the site offers four personal stories; one each from a Mom, a Dad, a Grandparent, plus a Kid, on the joys of becoming a Humanist.  If that isn't enough to sway them, there is a section titled "Helping Our Kids Become Humanists", where they instruct parents on helping their kids with the processes of learning; helping them to come up with their own answers. If we teach the processes properly, the kids can be pretty much responsible for their own acquisition of the content. They will become humanists, using and developing their own skills, rather than being indoctrinated.
     There's so much more!  The site offers ways for kids to fight for their rights (legally, so they don't get arrested!), tells kids that Christian holidays are really pagan celebrations, and how .... this is unbelievable .... that Texas was almost a Communistic utopia!  Unbelievable!  As you dig deeper into the site, it becomes more outrageous and subversive.  I invite you to peruse the site for yourself.
     So, I ask you .... does anyone else find this organization to be disturbing?  And dangerous to the framework of the Family?  It is one thing to offer an alternative to faith, but to encourage children to be fearful of their parents, just because they do have faith crosses the line.  And then to say that it is none of their parents' business what they think, is just one step away from indoctrination .... supposedly, the very thing they are against.  They seem to be saying kids don't need any guidance, counsel or direction as they mature; they're perfectly able to make all the right decisions.  I shudder when I think of some of the things I was thinking in my teen years.
     I bring this information to you because we all  need to be aware of the stealthy ways that these kinds of organizations are attempting to reach our children.  They endorse deception and division between children and their parents, not to mention an anti-God agenda.  And they do it all openly on the internet.  It is just one more way that Satan tempts us; begin when they're young and tell them they own the world.  They don't have to listen to their parents, and they know as much as any god;  in fact, they are their own god.  Does Eve and the Serpent come to mind?  "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from Evil."

Postscript:  This should also be a message to us to respect all faiths; to avoid discrimination and indoctrination between us.  Faith, if it honors the Lord, serves all mankind.

Isaiah 30:9-10     For these are rebellious people, deceitful children; children unwilling to listen to the Lord’s instruction. They say to the seers, “See no more visions!" and to the prophets, “Give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions."