A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

April 26, 2013

The Weather Underground Outsmarted America

     If you don't know who Larry Grathwohl is, I suggest you Google him and read his story.  After returning from Vietnam, where he served as a paratrooper, Mr. Grathwohl was a student at the University of Cincinnati when he was recruited by the FBI to become an undercover infiltrator in the violent 1960's terrorist group, the Weather Underground.
     Unlike the current ethnically diverse U.S. terrorists who are labeled as "home-grown", this group embodied the true sense of that term.  Most of them were affluent white kids who embraced an idealistic, totalitarian, communist vision of America, and were committed to bringing down the constitutional republic of the United States.  Mr. Grathwohl related his truly frightening experiences with these terrorists in a compelling book, titled Bringing Down America, which was published in 1976.
     In the book, Larry portrays the leftist radical leaders of the movement as full-fledged followers of the morally bankrupt communist philosophy, which included "a world of hatred, drugs and free sex."  The insider information that Grathwohl provided to the FBI helped slow down the movement's momentum and disrupt the leaders' impact.  Notice that I said "slow down", because it is Mr. Grathwohl's [and my] contention that the influence of those leaders is still very much alive in this country; they just changed their tactics and their modus operandi and have managed to accomplish their goals in a much more surreptitious manner.
     You see, those radical communist student leaders morphed into mainstream roles and have achieved their original goal: warp the minds of our youth and turn them against free enterprise, capitalism, individualism, and most importantly, American exceptionalism.  They haven't changed their names and you know who they are.... Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin.  They changed their former methods of terrorism (bombs and guns) for more subtle and invasive ones (openly teaching leftist/liberal/communist ideology while under the protection of Ivy League professorships).  And that is why Larry Grothwohl has re-released his 1976 best-seller, at his own expense.  He strongly feels that America needs to be reminded that terrorists have not changed their stripes.
     They have managed to hide their extremism under a cloak of respectability and peddle it as academia.  The philosophy of the Communist Collective has been re-packaged as "Re-distribution of Wealth".  These leftist radicals now carry the prestige and honor that come with their credentials;  how could an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University's School of Social Work (Kathy Boudin) possibly be a terrorist?  And could an Associate Professor of Law at Northwestern University School of Law (Bernadine Dohrn) ever have been involved in the bombing of the United States Capitol?  And surely Bill Ayers, that retired professor of the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, (formerly holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar), saw the error of his ways as co-founder of the Weather Underground.  After all, he may have once been the primary leader of the self-described communist revolutionary group, (who, by the way conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings), but now he is simply an American elementary education theorist .... r-i-i-i-g-h-t!
     And if you want proof of just how successful these radicals (note I did not use the adjective "former") have been, just consider what we are seeing in our current education system.  See if you agree with this statement, recently discovered in a Tennessee high school textbook titled The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography.  The textbook asked the question, “If a Palestinian suicide bomber kills several dozen Israeli teenagers in a Jerusalem restaurant, is that an act of terrorism or wartime retaliation against Israeli government policies and army actions?” Hmmm, seems kind of anti-Semite, wouldn't you say?  The book went on to suggest that terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah and the PLO are nothing more than political parties. 
     Here's another example of how the landscape has changed in American education:  A professor of Islamic Studies at University of Massachusetts–Dartmouth has admitted to mentoring Boston terrorist  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev via email.  Apparently the good professor felt it his duty to inform Dzhokhar of the history of Chechnya and its fight against Russia.  "First of all,  the Chechens I have met, including the members of the small tight knit community here in Boston, tend to be rather Sovietized, secularized, moderate Muslims,” he stated.  They "tend to emulate George Washington for freeing the 13 colonies from British oppression."  But given Chechnya’s long history of terrorism and human rights abuses, the professor seems to be confused about the reasons that Washington took up arms.  His remarks assert that Chechnya’s struggle against Russia is solely nationalistic, but he fails to mention that the rebels' goals (at least in part) include the establishment of a unified Islamic theocracy, which rebel fighters have admitted to seeking.  How can you call this "education" when students don't get the whole truth?
     And finally, you have been hearing a lot about C-Scope in regards to American education.  And if you haven't, then I'm warning you .... look into it!  Here is another fine example of how our educational system is being co-opted by radical forces:

World History CSCOPE Shari'a Law
Example of C-Scope curriculum

     So, I ask you, is this what you want the focus of your children's education to be?  Why are we teaching Shari'a law in our schools?  As a self-proclaimed activist and "education reformer", Bill Ayers has edited and written many books and articles on education theory, policy and practice, and has appeared on many panels and symposia.  Sol Stern, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, has also written extensively on education reform.  But he's not so quick to praise Mr. Ayers's value as an education authority.  "Calling Bill Ayers a school reformer is a bit like calling Joseph Stalin an agricultural reformer.  The media mainstreaming of a figure like Mr. Ayers could have terrible consequences for the country's politics and public schools." 
     I think we are seeing those consequences today.  I'm afraid if we don't take back our public schools and remove the socialist and communist influences in our universities, then we have lost this country.  What Ayers and his radical friends could not accomplish with violence and bombs 45 years ago, they have very nearly succeeded in pulling off through their covert domination of academia.  We must become activists ourselves and root out this Evil!

If you would like to read the up-close and personal encounter with America's radicals of the 1960's, you can purchase Larry Grathwohl's republished book, Bringing Down America: An FBI Informer With The Weathermen.

Ephesians 6:4     "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."

February 27, 2013

Home Schoolers: Threat On The Horizon

     This is the story of Uwe and Hannelore Romeike and their five children.  The Romeike's were the first family to ever be granted asylum in the U.S. for the protection of their homeschooling rights.  Both parents were music teachers in their native Germany, as well as devout Evangelical Christians.  Like many parents in this country, Uwe and Hannelore became concerned that education in Germany's public school system was not consistent with the teachings of their Christian faith.  It's not that they demanded the Bible become part of the curriculum, but they sensed that their children were not receiving the moral instruction and lessons in integrity, virtue and righteous principles that a more faith-based program of study might provide.
     According to a Washington Times article, they withdrew their children from German public schools in 2006, and their objection to the educational system in Germany resulted in close to $10,000 in fines.  It also prompted visits by police and the forced removal of their children from the family home.  It is hard to fathom that this took place just a few short years ago.  It reeks of totalitarian conduct, reminiscent of Stalin or Hitler's Youth program!  So the Romeikes fled their native land and sought refuge; where else but the United States of America?
     In January of 2010, Memphis federal immigration judge Lawrence Burman granted them political asylum, on the basis that they feared persecution for their beliefs if they returned to Germany.  They were assisted in their case by the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), which believed in their cause and their right to raise their children as they saw fit.  But the victory was short-lived.
     The United States government, under the auspices of Attorney General Eric Holder is trying to revoke their asylum and force them to return to Germany.  And this is where the case could have long-reaching effects on American home-schoolers.  According to the brief filed in Romeike v. Holder, the Attorney General puts forth the heinous argument that "parents have no fundamental right to home-educate their children."  What?!?  Exactly how does he come up with this ridiculous and despicable rationalization?
     Well according to HSLDA founder Mike Farris, AG Holder's argument rests on this premise:  a nation violates no one's rights if it bans homeschooling entirely.  Farris further explains this egregious hypothesis: There are two major portions of constitutional rights of citizens – fundamental liberties and equal protection. The U.S. Attorney General has said this about homeschooling. There is no fundamental liberty to homeschool. So long as a government bans homeschooling broadly and equally, there is no violation of your rights.” (Read the HSLDA position on this case here.)
     Got that?  All the government has to do is ban an activity, and as long as they haven't singled out any individual, but banned the activity across the board, your individual rights have not been denied.  The essence of Holder's argument against the Romeike's was that they failed to show that there was any discrimination based on religion; the Romeikes did not prove that all homeschoolers were religious, so therefore not all Christians believed they had to homeschool.  Their claim that their religious freedom was denied did not apply to the group of home-schoolers as a whole, therefore their individual claim was not valid.  Can you believe that?
     The Romeike's case is currently before the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and should AG Holder lose, I have no doubt that this case will go all the way to the Supreme Court.  And let's not fool ourselves!  This case has ramifications far beyond this innocent family who just wants to educate their children as they see fit.  It even goes beyond the rights of American home-schoolers.  This case is about the fundamental misunderstanding by our Government that religious freedom is an individual right.  You cannot legislate it away by declaring that a whole group must all follow a standard.  And if this case is not upheld in favor of the Romeikes, you can rest assured that it will be used to assault the cause of liberty, both individual and religious, for all Americans.  Follow this case closely!

1 John 4:4-5       "But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.  Those people belong to this world, so they speak from the world’s viewpoint, and the world listens to them."


February 12, 2013

CSCOPE: Know What Your Children Are Being Taught!

     Texas has often set the standard for what is included in public school textbooks, and it could be argued, "as goes the Texas Educational Curriculum, so goes the nation."  Well, Texas is in a battle to save the soul of American education.  According to its own definition, CSCOPE is "a customizable, online curriculum management system; a K-12 educational curriculum support system to aid teachers in raising the level of public education in Texas schools."
     But listen to the teachers who have participated in this "curriculum", and you will hear a very different and quite disturbing story.  Brave teachers stepped up and exposed the truth behind the duplicitous program and the mask has been removed.   The program was purchased by local school boards after being given a glorified promise by CSCOPE of a transformed educational system.  The promoters of this curriculum boasted that it was developed through the best research practices, even though the listed experts (all liberal or radical) on which this program is based are either dead or haven’t been in the classroom for years.
      After school systems purchased this curriculum, teachers were forced to accept the mandated programs of study without review, and demonized if they asked questions.  Teachers were forced to sign a gag order, preventing them from disclosing the contents of the curriculum to parents, while constantly being intimidated with unannounced three-minute classroom walk-throughs and hints of impending unemployment if they were not “team players”.
     The plan was to circumvent scrutiny by the Texas Legislature, the State Board of Education, The Texas Governor’s office, or the Commissioner of Education "because this product and service built around Agenda 21 ideas are guaranteed to be the best thing out there and competitors would want it if they saw all of it."  
     So what is behind the lesson plans of CSCOPE?  And why would its promoters glorify it, and teachers feel compelled to condemn it?  To understand the high level of concern, you must realize that most of the state’s classrooms, some 80 percent, are using the CSCOPE program.  Then when you add in the fact that students were being taught that the Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism; Christians were cannibals;  and students were forced to draw a socialist flag while imagining a new socialist country .... well, you can imagine that it didn't set well with many patriotic teachers.  
     That is just the beginning.  Consider these controversies that revolved around the curriculum's presentation of Islam:
•  CSCOPE Version: Non-Muslims in conquerored territory are allowed religious freedom (for an additional tax).  TRUTH:  In fact, many non-Muslims are killed in Islamic countries for exercising their faith. Almost one million Christians fled Iraq in the wake of the Iraq War because of the genocide there. Iran imprisons and executes Christians for sharing their faith.  Just consider the story of Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who is being tortured in an Iranian prison for refusing to renounce his Christian conversion.
•  CSCOPE Version:  “Zakat" is merely the act of almsgiving (tithing); the duty to give away alms and to help the needy.  TRUTH:  Numerous publications have exposed the “zakat” as a means of laundering money to terrorist organizations, with charities being fronts.  (The Holy Land Foundation is a good example).
•  CSCOPE Version:  “Allah is the Almighty God…Allah alone is the Creator, He alone deserves our devout love and worship.”  This came from a section under the heading, “Who is Allah?”.  There is no such heading, "Who is God?"  TRUTH:  Jesus Christ is the Only way to God the Father.  Teaching of other world religions is not the issue here.  It is the promotion that Islam and Christianity worship the same God.
     I wrote in a July 12th blog post that the Common Core State Standard Initiatives was the latest effort by the Federal Government and the Department of Education (DOE) to dictate the content of our public school curriculums.  World Net Daily recently reported that "Texas is one of the few states still resisting implementation of Common Core, Obama’s national standards initiative, which many feel is a transparent attempt to nationalize education and progressively control classroom content with minimal parental oversight. A source in the Texas education system reported that Common Core operatives in the DOE are actively pursuing CSCOPE as a way around the Texas legislative process."
     So it is with great pride that I can tell you that at the end of January, 2013 a Texas State Senate hearing brought CSCOPE out of the shadows and into the light of scrutiny.  Donna Garner, of Education News, covered the hearings and was instrumental in bringing the teachings of the curriculum system to the attention of legislators.  Read from her minutes of the hearing:
     When classroom teachers, parents, or the general public testified — the ones closest to the classroom students — they told a completely different story [from the "education establishment"].  One of the most poignant moments in the hearing occurred when a veteran Algebra teacher almost broke down in tears as he told of having to quit his teaching job recently because he was required to teach CSCOPE.  He said he could not look his students in the eyes, knowing that he was “aiding and abetting ignorance…and giving them an allusion of an education.”
     A well-credentialed education researcher, who works with many Texas school districts and who intensely dislikes CSCOPE, said she had had doors slammed in her face when she sought to uncover the ideology behind CSCOPE.  She said teachers are afraid to speak out about the content of the CSCOPE lessons and the links that students are directed to investigate.  Several of these links take students to sites where Wiccans are said to be similar to Christians and where Islam and Christianity are harmonized as being similar.
     A current classroom teacher of 30 years’ experience told about being offended with the lesson in which students were required to make a Communist/Socialist  flag.  She said her father had proudly fought in World War II to keep our nation free and that our students should be taught American exceptionalism.  She also said that CSCOPE content teaches none of the great novels and does not teach the young readers a systematic approach to reading using phonics.  She complained that CSCOPE instead teaches whole language and that there is no formal instruction of grammar, usage, and correct writing.  No wonder our kids can't read or write or spell!
     Then Senators Ken Paxton and Larry Taylor expressed deep concern about the lesson plans; such plans as "teaching the 5 Pillars of Islam; a lesson in which students role-play a trek to Mecca; a lesson that teaches Allah is the same as Almighty God;  a lesson on Christopher Columbus that cherry-picks his diary to take out any of his references to his belief in God."  The Senators cautioned that teaching children to role-play and sympathize with a particular cause is indoctrination of the mind.  Of course, the CSCOPE administrators came up with lame excuses, such as  "that was part of the OLD lesson plan", or that "CSCOPE staffers are the ones who are in charge of the content."
     According to Ms. Garner's report, "One of the Senators responded, “Oh, you mean the same group that has the closed door board meetings…We have already talked about several egregious lessons today.  How many more are there that are buried in the rest of the CSCOPE lessons that we have not located yet?”  Bravo, Senator!
     The bottom line is that the Texas Senate Education Committee ruled that extensive changes will be made to the CSCOPE program, eliminating the secretive aspect of the curriculum.  Parents must have access to what their children are being taught.  It's an important victory for parents and teachers, as the state of Texas takes the lead in declaring that our children belong to us --- NOT THE STATE!  They made it clear that we must protect our most valuable resource from indoctrination and manipulation.   As one teacher stated, so eloquently, "“We are Texans, and we don’t cotton to hurting children…or being lied to.”  Don't mess with Texas!

Psalm 32:8     "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you."

January 17, 2013

Persecution In The Classroom

     You may have seen the news story earlier this week about Joelle Silver, the New York high school teacher who has been threatened with loss of employment unless she removes Christian messages and items from her classroom.  Ms. Silver had been employed as a Science teacher for seven years when she received a letter from her school superintendent.
     The letter, besides being condescending by implying that Ms. Silver was familiar with the First Amendment, at least to some degree, then goes on to give a weighty argument that a 1947 Supreme Court decision (Everson v. Board of Education) actually held that the First Amendment applies to the States, and that the Establishment Clause forbids not only practices that "aid one religion" or "prefer one religion over another", but as well those that "aid all religions".  The letter then goes on to declare that the Establishment Clause requires that the government pursue a course of "complete neutrality towards religion", and not promote religion or entangle itself in religious matters.
     Furthermore, the letter stated that, as a public employee, the First Amendment rights accorded to every citizen, do not apply to her.  The School Superintendent even went so far as to say, "When a citizen enters government service, the citizen, by necessity, must accept certain limitations on his or her freedoms." Excuse me?  I don't think a citizens place of employment is stipulated in the Constitution.
     I find all this high falutin' and patronizing speech quite curious since, according to an article on the  Knowledge is Power website, the U.S. public school system is being strongly urged by the Administration to adopt the Common Core State Standards. (At this time 45 states have adopted it).  This article and many more that I ran across warn that the course curriculum includes the study of Islam as a world religion, and all the wonderful benefits it brings to society. So where's the "complete neutrality towards religion"?  Why would this be agreeable, yet Ms. Silver is not allowed to present any remnant of her religion?
     And just what did this teacher do that was so objectionable?  Again, within the letter, the Board of Education was only too kind to supply "examples of her personal religious expression", including posters, with Biblical verses, placed around her classroom.  Some of them read:

Wash me thoroughly [and repeatedly] from my iniquity and guilt 
and cleanse me and make me wholly pure from my sin! - Psalm 51:2

The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer; my God, my keen and firm Strength in Whom I will trust and take refuge, my Shield, and the Horn of my salvation, my High Tower. - Psalm 18:2

 The heavens declare the glory of God; 
and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork. - Psalm 19:1 

Let them praise and exalt the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted and supreme! His glory and majesty are above earth and heaven! - Psalm 148:13

     Personally, I think that today's students would be well-served to have the influence of these Bible verses in their lives.  Biblical inspiration was good enough for nearly nine generations of Americans, and with its removal, I think we can see the steady decline of our culture.  But this wasn't her only transgression.  Oh, no!  She even went so far as to superimpose another Bible verse over computer-generated images of the American flag. (Gasp!)  The Bible verse?  

Be alert and on your guard; stand firm in your faith. Act like men and be courageous; grow in strength!  Let everything you do be done in love.  1 Corinthians 16:13-14

     But Ms. Silver further aggravated the School Board with images of the cross in her classroom, a "Prayer Request" box on her desk, and by sponsoring a Bible Study Club.  And to add to her list of offenses, she actually had the nerve to post a quote on her classroom wall by President Ronald Reagan: "Without God there is no virtue because there is no prompting of the conscience ... without God there is a coarsening of the society; without God democracy cannot and will not long endure .... if ever we forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under."  
     As we should expect, it was an atheist group who complained about Ms. Silver's expression of her faith and prompted the "counseling" letter.  The long and short of it is that Ms. Silver must stop her actions or face being fired.  But the School Superintendent and Board of Education didn't foresee just how much fight this teacher had in her.  She sued, claiming her First Amendment rights were violated.  “As a Christian and as an American I feel it’s incredibly important to fight to protect the rights that people have died to give me.”  I can think of no more noble cause.
      By this time, it should be very clear that not only our religious freedom, but the Constitution, itself, is under attack.  Here, we have the First Amendment under fire, and this week, we have seen the Second Amendment come under extreme attack.  Do not think that these will be the last.  These rights were inspired by the Bible and if the Devil can convince civil authorities to dismantle them one by one, he will not only impugn the Constitution, but God Himself.  It is inherent upon each of us to do battle for our God and our Republic.  The very nature of our survival, both physically and spiritually, depends on it.   I believe that Ms. Silver and her posters are a good start towards reintroducing God into our culture.

Tune in tomorrow for my initial thoughts on the Executive Orders issued on gun legislation.  I couldn't help reading between the lines and will share my observations, simple though they may be.

Deuteronomy 12:28    "Be watchful and obey all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you and with your children after you forever, when you do what is good and right in the sight of the Lord your God."

December 13, 2012

I'm Ready To Secede .... From the Culture

     As the Conservatives and Libertarians lick their wounds from this last election, there is the inevitable talk of secession.  Many proponents of this idea think it is a simple matter of a state declaring its intent to secede, and if they can get enough votes from the constituents, it's a done deal.  But I would remind them that the last time a state and section of the country attempted to remove itself from the Union, it resulted in four long, bloody years of national upheaval and war.  We do not want to go down that road again.
     However, there is a way to withdraw or separate ourselves within our national structure.  And if adopted by the majority who think likewise, it could actually benefit the nation.  Let me explain.  For awhile now, PLW and I have made an exerted effort to avoid all the traps and negative aspects of our society that we dislike or disapprove of.  For instance:  We don't watch TV shows or go to movies that offend our sense of morals and faith, or watch one-sided documentaries that present a slanted version of history.  We don't read books like 50 Shades of Grey just because they're the latest rage.  We don't tweet or facebook our every insignificant thought, and we don't line up for the latest version of iphone, ipad, or whatever the latest "must-have" technological advance might be.  By now, you should be getting the picture.   We have never been, nor will we ever be, a robot that mindlessly follows the dictates of the culture.  If that makes us old-fashioned, or out of step, so be it.  At least we maintain as much of an independent style of life as possible.
     And maybe that is the direction that we faith-based/conservatives/libertarians need to consider.  Let me expound on this idea .... it's pretty much a given that the Leftist Progressives are winning the culture war.  As I wrote yesterday, they have succeeded in revising, if not completely rewriting our history, so that our kids no longer know what it means to be an American.  They have completely captured the youth through social media and entertainment.  We've lost that battle.  But is there a way to regain ground?  I think so.
     I read an interesting article the other day, and it got me to thinking.  It pointed out that both the Amish and Orthodox Jewish communities have been successful in maintaining their identities, their histories and their cultures.   Perhaps those of us with "traditional" values should stop trying to mimic the tactics of the Progressives, and take some tips from these two groups.  They have been largely successful at insulating their youth from the negative aspects of a culture that increasingly disparages the family unit.  How have they done it?
     They have created their own alternative education and entertainment, and they have grouped themselves into communities that act as a support structure for their traditional values. I'm not suggesting that we all form a commune and "live off the land", but we can form alliances with people who share our values and desires for our families.  You see it in home-schooling cooperatives, where families share education duties and offer alternative entertainment venues for their children.  Who says your kids can't enjoy their childhoods without ever having seen a "Twilight" movie?
     We must realize that the Progressive, and oftentimes, Godless movement is well aware that they move their agenda forward through the influence they have on our children through the educational system and the entertainment industry.  If they can pollute your childrens' minds through the schools, and through movies and music, then they control the future.  Remember, the elitist Left aren't really repopulating the world at an astounding rate .... so it's your kids they need to gain control of.  (And of course, that's one reason why they court the immigration issue -- lots of future voters there).
     Daniel Greenfield, who I think is one of the most impressive writers of today, said it best:  "The progressive agenda is to destroy the family, to undermine it, ridicule it, economically disadvantage it and burden it until it falls apart and is replaced by the Big Brother of the State. The "traditional" agenda is to maintain the family and pass along traditional values across the generations. That is what this cultural war is really about; whether the family or the state will be the defining unit of human experience .... Progressives want every child to grow up to be a slave of the state, thinking the same empty thoughts, laughing at the same things and trotting tamely along to the slaughterhouse. What they fear most is a future where the majority of children do not worship the state, do not accept their premises or parrot their propaganda."
     It is up to us to promote this idea of cultural secession.  We don't need to leave the Union; we need to build communities that preserve our values, teach our children our traditions and history, and protect them from the indoctrination of the State.  Their future as independent thinkers and self-sufficient citizens depends on it.

Proverbs 22:5-6    "In the paths of the wicked are snares and pitfalls, but those who would preserve their life stay far from them. Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."



December 12, 2012

How Important Is Our History?

     This past weekend, a very dear friend and her husband came to visit for the weekend.  As usual, we enjoyed sitting out on our deck, and because it's been unusually warm this December, we spent the afternoon enjoying the balmy weather and good conversation.
     But one item of information she shared really shocked, and then disturbed me.  She, herself, had been part of a conversation with someone else who was a teacher.  And of course the problems with our education system were a central theme of their discussion.  The teacher bemoaned the lack of funding for education, and then dropped the bombshell .... when forced to make cuts, the school mandated the elimination of American history classes from the curriculum.  My response was, "Of course they did!"
     For how else can they manipulate and turn our children into zombies who embrace the relevancy of "a global narrative"?  At first, I thought this might be an exaggeration, or at the least an anomaly; one school board making a very bad decision.  I decided to see if I could find other reports that corroborated this hard-to-believe ruling.  Unfortunately, I found it.
     Under the title of A New Blueprint for History Education, The American Historical Association, reports this on their website:  "History education is being sidelined throughout the country, especially at the K–12 level. The recurrent standards controversy over what part of our national history should be taught and when (as in the cases of Texas and North Carolina) should not overshadow a larger cause for concern. Over the past few years, counties, districts, and schools have begun to implement plans to reduce or eliminate history courses in the lower grades. When districts decide to drop history from their curriculum, administrators assert that they must do so because their students read and write far below grade level. To address and remedy this lack of proficiency, districts direct teachers to focus exclusively on English-Language Arts instruction, a focus that will almost surely intensify with the near national adoption of the Common Core State Standards."  (For more information on these bureaucratic standards, see my post of July 12th, 2012.)
      Follow this reasoning to its conclusion, and it all comes down to money.  The federal 2001 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation tied student performance to federal funding.   Many states evaluate schools through similar federal/state accountability systems. In general, these scores focus on two NCLB measures: reading and mathematics.  It is a fact that the literacy rate is dropping in our school systems due to a variety of reasons (over-crowded classrooms, non-English speaking students, and lack of parental involvement).  Schools with student test scores that do not meet goals established under these systems risk losing funds and autonomy. To improve school ranking, schools therefore focus heavily on reading and math, with the result that administrators often eliminate history from the curriculum entirely, or reduce it to as little as 30 minutes per week.
     This is all in an attempt to standardize curriculum, but the results are devastating.  Because the history of colonial America, the Revolutionary War, the expansion and industrialization of the 19th century, and the Civil War are usually taught in elementary and middle schools, these subjects would be eliminated under the new curriculum guidelines (no history courses in the lower grades).  That means that they will only receive any kind of comprehensive history lessons in junior high and high school, where they concentrate on 20th century history.  Is this perhaps the real agenda?
     Before you think I am just jousting with windmills, let me tell you something one of my History professors at the University of Texas told our class over 35 years ago --- I have never forgotten it.  He told our class of impressionable college freshmen that he could not, in good conscious, teach anything about American History before 1945 because America was "imperialistic" and "greedy".  I remember thinking, "But I love American history; especially early American history."  And I found anything in the 20th century boring.  My naive and inexperienced mind couldn't recognize what I can now see as the Progressive mindset of that professor.  I can also recall other pronouncements from his position of influence that broadcast his hatred for capitalism and American greatness.  The seeds were planted all those years ago in fertile minds, and I'm sure some of those students are now serving on Education Boards that are promoting this curriculum as the way forward.
     Although my years of living and experience have taught me that America is far from perfect, and there have always been dishonest and unprincipled men throughout our history, I also believe in the goodness of America and am proud of our ingenuity and our compassion for those around the world.  I agree with the American Historical Association, who says, "Taking away history instruction costs students more than their past. It hinders the development of critical thinking, and the analytical abilities to evaluate evidence, understand historical perspectives, and other discipline-specific skills that enable students to become proficient in their state's standards. These are precisely the high-level skills adults need to make informed decisions about such matters as ballot propositions, candidates, grassroots campaigns, or employment opportunities."
     For me, the real question is this ..... is there more to this movement than securing educational funding at the expense of a particular subject?  Should we not consider that at least some part of this plan might be to control and influence our children in the exact decisions listed above?  If we deny them the historical perspective of how our country dealt with the ratification of the Constitution (ballot propositions); the contentious Presidential election of 1860 (candidates); the Boston Tea Party (grassroots campaigns); or the fur trade (employment opportunities) that swept the country and Europe, then we can persuade them to think and act along socialist and progressive lines.  If they don't learn about the self-determination, enterprise and inventiveness that was so prized in the first two centuries of our nation's history, then they will fall right in line and become robots for a global agenda.
     So I urge you to check into your local and state school systems.  Are they sacrificing our history; perhaps even re-writing it, in return for more federal dollars?  This is a trade we can ill afford to make.

Deuteronomy 4:9    "Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them." 

October 19, 2012

Book Review: Joe Nobody's "The Home-Schooled Shootist"

     Many of you will be familiar with Joe Nobody, but just in case you're unacquainted with this Everyman, he expresses all those thoughts and "politically incorrect" questions you have about Big Brother.  He also has a collection of informative and "How To" books that should be in every preppers library.  Joe has asked me to review his book, The Home Schooled Shootist: Training to Fight With a Carbine.  This latest book is an instruction guide for intermediate to advanced shooters, and since I don't feel adequately qualified to give my opinion on such a subject, I thought I would invite my very first guest writer to offer his insight on the book.  
     I have asked my husband, Peace-Loving Warrior, (who is incidentally, quite a shooter, himself) to give an honest review from an experienced shooter.  Here is PLW's critique:

     Before giving you my unbiased opinion on this book, I feel I should give you some credentials, and tell you why Belle felt I was qualified to give you my assessment.
     I just wrapped up a 3-day Advanced Carbine Course with Travis Haley, formally the front man for Magpul Industries, the premiere firearms designer.  He now runs his own gig, called Haley Strategic Partners.  I spent three mentally and physically challenging days learning how to manipulate my carbine under every stress situation imaginable.
     Along with the other handgun and carbine training classes I've taken, I think I'm a pretty good judge as to whether an instruction guide is legitimate and useful for the reader.  So in keeping with an outlaw theme, I'm going to present my opinion as The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.

     The Good.  There is a lot to like about Joe's book.  The reader can tell that Joe has poured out his fountain of knowledge and experience in a sincere effort to get those who are awake up to speed on their skills and training.  Joe starts off this guide with a powerful statement, which if taken to heart, may be the most important mission statement in the entire book:  "This book is about dominating in a gunfight."  
     Joe gets to the point and tells the truth.  His book is really about setting a baseline from which untrained shooters can assess where they are on a scale of skill levels.  This is done through a series of various drills.  After all, how can you improve, if you don't know where your baseline is?
     This book is very comprehensive and informative.  To go into detail about all the drills would be exhaustive, but they are all helpful and instructive.  So let's just talk about generalities, OK?  If you purchase this book, here's what you will learn on your way to becoming a formidable gunfighter:
1.    The OODA Loop - if this is new lingo to you, purchase this book!
2.    Natural Point of Aim
3.    Weak and Strong Hand Shooting
4.    Mag reloads and "immediate action drills" (Joe teaches some fantastic drills in Chapter 3.  If you don't know how to run your gun, then get this book!
5.    Equipment Checklist
6.    Stance - Grip - Sight Picture and Trigger
7.    Zeroing and Dry Firing
8.    Barriers & Corners
9.    Ballistics of the 5.56
10.  Reloading the 5.56

     This is just a taste of what you will learn.  Will it make you a better gunfighter?  Well, my friend, that's up to you.  Will you be willing to find the time to train, and improve, and commit his drills and actions to muscle memory?  If the answer is "yes", then get this book.  In all honesty, this isn't a book to read and leave stored in your hard drive.  To really learn from it, this book will take effort and training on your part.

The Bad.   I've read other reviews of this book, and they see it as a replacement for real training.  But I strongly disagree.  This opinion doesn't reflect on Joe or his book, but when a gunfight starts, you will only be as good as your training.  If that training is not committed to muscle memory, and you are stuck in your adversary's OODA loop; then you, my friend, are in trouble.  So get some qualified, professional training, and add Joe's drills to your routines and range sessions.  This book is a great addendum to your training regimen.

The Ugly.  OK, this may be unimportant to most people, but I'm not wild about the cover of this book.  As a prepper, I can appreciate Joe's target audience.  But this book is a legitimate guide and cross-over book --- both preppers and shooters have much to gain from Joe's base of knowledge.  For me, the cartoonish aspect of the cover minimizes the important information within.  But, hey, maybe it's just me.
     So, all in all, I give Joe five stars on content, and three on the cover art.  To sum it up .... Get this book!

Proverbs 15:31-32       "If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise.  If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding. "

September 20, 2012

Book Review: Brushfire Plague

     I take it as an extreme compliment when I am asked to review a book.  And being a writer myself, I approach each book with a critical eye.  I know the discipline it takes to finish a novel (having done so myself) and the heart and passion that each author puts into their work.
     So it is my pleasure to recommend Brushfire Plague by R.P. Ruggiero.  Frankly, this book is a refreshing departure from the spate of "survivalist" books on the market.  Don't get me wrong, I applaud and encourage all the new novelists who have taken up the cause of Liberty and the protection of American values.  We need all the books we can get to spread the word among our uninformed countrymen.  Authors such as James Rawles, Matthew Bracken and William Forstchen have set the bar high.  Through their exceptional books we have explored what will happen to our country in the event of a breakdown of our republican-style government, foreign troops on U.S. soil, and the devastation of an EMP attack.  With Brushfire Plague, we examine what would happen when a deadly virus sweeps the land.
     The book is written in a very engaging style, drawing us into the relationship between our hero Cooper Adams and his young son, Jake.  A devastating plague has swept the globe and Cooper swings into action, determined to save his family, his neighborhood and his country.   The plot is conceivable, and the characters are credible.  Mr. Ruggiero captures both the flaws and perfection of our human nature.  Just imagine a plague sweeping the globe and how it would quickly reveal the best and the worst of society.  While reading the story, I could easily see how this scenario would play out in my own community and among my connections.
     You will recognize those who become the natural leaders, and those whose egos must be stroked to maintain harmony.  You will identify the skills that will be necessary and those who are capable of implementing them.  There will be "takers" and there will be "givers".  The interplay between characters is natural and logical; neither false nor forced.  In short, it is a well-written story.
     But it is more than that.  I believe it is a plausible situation.  The whole time I was reading it, I couldn't help thinking, "This is going to happen."  So I am especially appreciative of the preparations and instruction that the author so deftly works into his plot.  Hidden in the midst of the gripping story of survival amid fast-spreading illness, societal decay, and violence are many suggestions for how to prepare and protect your family and your neighborhood.  If you have friends and family that need a wake-up call, this book will open their eyes.
     It's all there --- how to organize your neighbors; how to defend against looters and organized gangs; how to combat a government who exploits the situation; and how to just survive day-to-day.  If you are a dedicated survivalist, you know all the steps to take.  But this book presents a well-reasoned timeline with which you can compare your plans.
     And we even get a look at how the Bill Gates/Eugenisist movement might instigate their plan to de-populate the world.  Believe it or not, it is in their plans and what better way than to develop a virus?  Brushfire Plague examines how, and if, the world could recover from such a diabolical plot. 
     The book is available through Amazon or PrepperPress.   It was a thoroughly enjoyable read, although I must admit, as a writer, that the occasional typo, or words left out, make me flinch.  But in this new genre of "survival" and "prepper" books, it is a foible that I can overlook.  These books are providing a valuable service to those who are willing to take advantage of what they have to offer.  And what better way to take our medicine than in an absorbing, riveting story?  I can't wait for the sequel!

P.S.  The book is available both in Paperback and on Nook at Barnes & Noble.  Get it anyway you can!

Psalm 107:2       "Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe ...." 

August 22, 2012

The Next Generation of American Workers: Are They Strong Enough To Endure?

     I'm really worried.  I have had the occasion to observe, as well as talk to, many young people who have just graduated from college, or are about to enter the halls of academia in the next couple of years. They all seem so unaware of how quickly their reality could change. 
     Those that spent tens of thousands of dollars on a college education now find themselves unable to find employment; facing the very real possibility that they may not be able to afford to move out of mom and dad's basement in the foreseeable future.  With astronomical school loan debt, they are forced to take a part-time job, (or two) at an hourly rate far less than the lofty salary they thought went hand-in-hand with a college degree.  Their resumés and applications go unanswered, the job offers never materialize, and they appear stunned that no one warned them this might happen.  And many of them think the solution is to pile on more debt and go to Graduate School!  They think, "Surely, someone will want to hire me, then."
     Which is what concerns me about those in the final stages of their high school education.  They blindly follow the same game plan of their parents; twelve years of primary and secondary education, with the expectation that they will follow this with four years of undergraduate schooling, and then proceed right into a six-figure salary.  What are their parents thinking?  Where have they been the last four years?  
     The recent college graduates are suffering from anxiety and depression.  I know, because I'm seeing it in my own family.  They are almost shell-shocked.  "This is not how it was supposed to be." And the saddest part of this new reality?  Many of them can't see that it probably won't get better for awhile.  They still think that a college degree equals a job.  They've been told their whole lives that this is the natural progression towards prosperity; that without a college degree you don't stand a chance.  Now that they are faced with a new reality, will they be able to regroup?  Reinvent themselves and forge a new path to success?  And will their parents be able to accept this new paradigm?
     But, let's go back to the high-schoolers.  It's not too late for them.  I can't imagine, in this economic environment, that any parent would be willing to saddle their child with mountains of college loan debt.    Yet I know many who just can't visualize their child taking another route to a fulfilling occupation or profession.  I've talked about it before .... there are some jobs where an academic education is necessary.  The medical profession is one.  But there are many in which a young person could intern or train, while earning a respectable salary and gaining valuable hands-on experience.  Within a few short years, they can achieve certification and begin their own company or organization; all without compiling a sizable debt.
     I guess here's where I'm going with this:  I am seriously worried about the state of mind of millions of twenty-somethings who could become disillusioned with America and her vast opportunities.  When hope and possibilities vanish, I'm scared that they will become prime targets for socialist propaganda.  They will listen to anyone who promises them a home of their own and food on the table --- even if it comes in the form of a handout.  They've already been bombarded with messages of "social justice" and "collective conscience" while receiving that expensive college education.  Thoughts of "American exceptionalism" and "ingenuity" have all but been erased from their impressionable minds. 
     So how do we remedy this and change the course of the next generation of American workers?   I'm afraid I don't have the answers.  But I DO KNOW it doesn't lie in a worthless diploma and a degree in political science or african studies.  We need manufacturers and tradespeople in this country!  We need to learn skills, not how to earn money for a non-profit organization!  Until we can redirect our goals and aspirations, and teach our young adults how to work for themselves, instead of waiting for someone to give them a paycheck, I'm not sure they have the fortitude to weather this season in America.  And I'm not sure they will secure this great country for a future generation.  
     Those of us who have learned the value of inventing ourselves, (instead of letting the State and Educators tell us what we should be) need to mentor and advise.  We need to train up this generation who are disappointed and discouraged; we need to point the way to a reinvigorated American dream.  And that means talking to them about their political choices --- they make a difference!  Talk to them about career choices; if you have a marketable skill such as electrician, welder, or mechanic, you will always have a job.  Those occupations may not sound as sexy as an Artistic Director or Digital Media Manager, but I guarantee you this:  you won't ever have to live in your parents' basement!  Let's do what we can to help this floundering generation see the light and put America back on the path to unparalleled excellence.

1 Corinthians 10:13    "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

August 6, 2012

DVD Recommendation: "Behold A Pale Horse"

     Rarely do I come across a presentation of any kind that I recommend as highly as this DVD.  Behold A Pale Horse: America's Last Chance unveils the stealth with which the sovereignty of this country has been eroded, and it does it in a bold, captivating manner.  This movie/documentary is the first of a planned three-part series, and it combines historical perspective, Biblical principles, and an outspoken disclosure of the forces aligning themselves against America; the last stronghold of individual freedom and liberty.
     You will hear the voices of retired military experts, noted economists, political commentators, Privacy experts, best-selling authors, medical experts, grassroots activists and one plain-spoken country western performer named Charlie Daniels ---- all sounding the alarm against the organized and intentional takeover of America.
     What you hear goes beyond the watered down warnings we've received from other news outlets.  These people know what they are talking about, know what is at risk, and know that the wolf is at the door.
     You will learn that what has occurred in our country over the last couple of decades has been a systematic eradication of the American Constitution, and that it has followed the classic pattern of Marxism.  The steps toward Marxism are clearly delineated:  1)  The Leadership nationalizes major sectors of the economy (they accomplished that with the 2008 Bailouts of the auto and banking industries)  2)  Redistribution of Wealth (accomplished through multiple - and as yet unrevealed to the public - segments of Obamacare legislation)  3)  Discredit the Opposition - they can't let the Tea Party gain any traction; only the elites know what is best for the common man  4)  Censor the Pastors -  Keep the pastors from talking about moral and social issues through threats of pulling their 501(c)3 status and the passing of Hate Crimes legislation  5)  UN Small Arms Treaty is just one of the backdoor methods to erode our Second Amendment rights.  We are the last nation on earth who has not surrendered our arms.  Do you really trust our government not to try to take away that right by means of the UN?  And last but not least, 6)  The Leadership establishes a constabulary force, designed to control the people.  Does anyone remember our President stating that he is establishing a "civilian national security force" that reports directly to him during times of national emergency?  Can you honestly look at these hallmarks of Marxism and not see the writing on the wall?
     This DVD goes on to bring expert after expert to educate us about the disastrous effects of "Sustainable Development", the chief goal of the UN and its Agenda 21 program.  Bottom line?  It is a program to restructure the world .... countries and boundaries will be abolished, private property confiscated, and the population of the world will be dramatically limited.  Did you know that it is part of the Agenda 21 plan to restrict the world's population by 85%!?!?  And how will they do that?  It would be easy through war, diseases and famine.  Just read Revelation 6:8 .... it's all there.
     But this DVD doesn't just point a spotlight on all the underhanded schemes of the forces against America.  It also calls on each and every American to return to our heritage.  The movie showcases a credible and heartfelt performance by Mark Collins as General George Washington, who exhorts us to defend the country he gave us.  He tells us to put on "the full armor of God" as we fight this spiritual battle for the the soul of America.
     How did we go from a nation of craftsmen, entrepreneurs, manufacturers and inventors to a country of clerks, cashiers and home health aid workers?  I agree wholeheartedly with Charlie Daniels, who challenges all Patriots .... "Let's ride, boys!.... We need a thousand Paul Reveres."  Spread the word about this DVD! And it won't just be this country that will be saved.  It will be the world!  Because you see, the rest of the world needs America to stand up against this Evil.   Our freedom depends on it.... and so does the world's.  We are the last chance.
     I have given you just a small portion of the valuable information that is within this presentation.  I consider myself pretty informed on what the country is up against, but I have never seen such a scholarly, knowledgeable and significant production.  So I would urge not only Americans, but freedom lovers throughout the world to buy this DVD.  The curtain has been pulled back and you will clearly see what is at hand.  And if Parts 2 and 3 of this series are as good as Part 1, this film series should sweep the land!

Ephesians 6:13     "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."

July 31, 2012

Community and Knowledge Elevates Us All

     I have expressed my opinion in the past that I see a widening gap between those who want to broaden their knowledge about the state of our world, and those who want to escape the mounting tension by pretending that everything is business as usual.  The latter continues to occupy the majority of their time with shopping, eating out, Facebook, texting, watching reality TV shows, the mall, and any activity that will avoid taking steps to alter their state of preparedness.  The former are no longer satisfied with these mundane pastimes that our culture promotes.  Their reality is so markedly different from their fellow Americans, that they sometimes feel they reside in a parallel universe.
     Because of this growing contrast, I see a budding subculture within temporal America; one that is hungry to learn new skills and explore unfamiliar territory.  Take for instance a class that I and Peace-Loving Warrior will be attending in August.  Trained medics are going to conduct a one-day class for those interested in knowing how to treat acute trauma.  The methods they will teach us are used on the battlefield, but in today's world, our everyday experience can turn in to a battlefield.  For instance, when we do our self-defense training at our local range, we are surrounded by people with guns and live ammunition.  Although we are trained by highly professional people and have never encountered an accidental discharge, that doesn't mean that it can't or won't happen.  In cases of gunshot wounds, or knife wounds, or a slip of the ax when chopping firewood, most injuries fall into one of three leading preventable causes of death:   hemorrhaging of an extremity, tension pneumothorax (collapsed lung), or airway obstruction.   It is possible that you will encounter all three in the event of a natural disaster, civil unrest or terrorist activity.  Would you be able to successfully treat such an injury?
      I am part of a community that recognizes we will not be able to count on anyone coming to our rescue, should any of the above scenarios occur.  We don't want to take the chance that a loved one suffers due to our lack of knowledge.  So we took the initiative and decided we would learn what we could effectively do to give proper medical care within our limited scope.  We contacted professional EMTs who were also trained as medics in the military, and set up our own Continuing Education course.  After this training, the medical experts will recommend a "blowout kit" that we can keep on hand should we ever face any of these situations.  This is a medical kit designed to treat life threatening wounds in the field until a higher echelon of medical care can be attained.  Bottom line?  After this training, we might be able to save a life within our community.  Without it, the chances decline sharply for anyone severely injured.  But the point I want to make is this .... we decided what we needed to know and we set about gaining that knowledge.
     And I have another friend who signed herself and her two sons up for an extensive course in recognizing and harvesting native plants for both medicinal and food supplies.   She homeschools her children and saw this as an opportunity to enhance their education.  But she also realizes that any number of crisis scenarios will greatly limit our access to medicines.  Therefore recognizing that the agarita bush in our part of the Southwest is effective as an anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-protozoal is valuable knowledge.  It's berries are also edible, and make a delicious jelly.
     She has also learned that the berries of the much-maligned cedar tree are an effective diuretic, and useful in treatment of urinary tract infections as a urinary antiseptic. They must be taken in small doses, and caution must be used, as they are very potent and can become toxic over time.  Juniper berries are also used as a flavoring for meat marinade in some recipes, and contain vitamin C.  The needles can be used in steam-inhalation therapy as part of an herbal formula that helps open upper respiratory tract and clear mucous during a chest or head cold, or flu.  Learning to recognize wild persimmons, onions and desert yaupon as food sources could soon be useful information.
     I point out these two educational classes as prime examples of a new "awareness" among a certain segment of Americans.  We instinctively realize that the existence we've taken for granted may soon change --- and we must be able to adapt and adjust.  By expanding our areas of expertise, we not only give ourselves, but the communities we may find ourselves a part of, a chance to survive and flourish.  We are enlarging our "territory", so to speak --- not limiting ourselves to a subservient role in society, but making ourselves responsible for our own care and protection.  When society breaks down, we don't intend to sit idly by, waiting for some outside agency to come to our aid.  We want to be as mentally and practically knowledgable and prepared as possible.
     So if there is an area of preparedness that you feel you are lacking in, what are you waiting for?  Contact an expert, set up a day for training, invite others and expand your knowledge.  God gave us a brain and an instinct for survival.  How did both of these become so stagnant in this generation of Americans?
Proverbs 1:5     "let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance—"

July 17, 2012

A Day Without Water ....

     I know we've all imagined what it could be like when TEOTWAWKI becomes our "new reality".  We've planned, in our heads, how we would get along without all the modern conveniences and trappings of society.  Well, a few days ago, PLW and I got the chance to experience a small slice of what that new existence might be like.
     As many of you know, when you live in the country, you can be assailed by all kinds of pests and plagues.  Our foremost nemesis are gophers!  Just like Carl Spackler in "Caddyshack",  PLW can be found setting his traps and sneaking up on them in his best Bill Murray imitation.  But this time, the gopher won!
     When we moved onto our little piece of property four years ago, we were blessed to receive the land and improvements.  Apparently, there had been a temporary home on the property at one time, so with minor upgrades, we were set to go.  We trenched new electric lines from the pole to the house we built, but since the water well was functional, we didn't have to make any changes there.
     And that's where the gopher outwitted us.  The previous owners of the property, as so many landowners do, just dug the trench from the meter loop at the pole, to the electrical box on the water pump, and just laid the electrical wire in the ground and buried it without conduit .... nothing inherently wrong with this method; it can last up to 20 years like that.  Unless Mr. Gopher decides he's going to chew through the insulation on the wire.  
     Who knows how long it's been like that?  We've been so dry and subject to a drought; but as soon as we started getting our tropical rain this week, the wire shorted out.  One minute we had water.  The next, we didn't.
     I have to admit that with my current mindset, I didn't panic as I might have several years ago.  I guess I've been a "survivor-in-waiting".  And I say "I", because everyone knows that women don't usually respond to these kinds of situations as calmly as men do.  PLW reacted as he always does; he's a man, and men fix things.  But this was a little present from God to me.  It was another of His teaching moments.  And this is how I responded:  I immediately started assessing how this was going to effect us.  The first thought was .... the toilets.  I could manage without water for the dishwasher or washing machine for a few days, and we had bottled water to brush our teeth.  I was immediately thankful that we had purchased our hand pump!  I knew that all we had to do was pump buckets of water for all of our needs.
     We could pour buckets of water through our AquaRain water filter and have drinking water; we could pour a bucket of water into the toilet tank and have bathroom facilities; we could heat water on the stove for baths, washing dishes and even clothes, if we had to.  Bottom line:  with our hand pump, we were only slightly inconvenienced.  And I have to tell you a few years ago, I would have been overcome with a sense of panic.  I would have been fully ensconced in my "normalcy bias", unable to comprehend how to get through any kind of breakdown or collapse of my modern lifestyle.
     I was surprised at how quickly I shifted into "prepper" mode, and started evaluating our living situation in a different light.  In the past, I would have dreaded dealing with all the consequences of such a failure of services.  But I found it stimulating to figure out how to adapt familiar practices, and I actually felt grateful for the opportunity to evaluate if we are properly prepared, and where we still lack solutions.
     We were fortunate.  It only cost us the price of a spool of 12-guage electrical wire to get us up and running.  This next week, after the ground dries out, PLW will trench a new line, encapsulate the wire in conduit (to better confound Mr. Gopher!), and bury it anew.
     Granted, if it had been the water pump itself, we would have suffered a greater financial loss.  But we still would have gained much more than it cost us.  Because I realized that even without the water pump, we would still have access to water with our hand pump.
     The only way we will ever be without water is if the water level drops below our simple pump, and more tubing will solve that problem.  While the drought is far from over, receiving over 6 inches of rain this week, has been a further blessing.
     So now I think God gave us this little trial, so we could test ourselves and see, not only how we would respond, but where we are on our scale of "preparedness".  I am happy to know that we passed this "easy" test, and instead of bemoaning the inconvenience and the disruption to my orderly life, I accepted the challenge and saw the situation as a learning experience.  I know that this is just a dress rehearsal, and the future that awaits us will demand more of me.  But I think I'm up to the challenge; because I no longer have any expectation of "normal" in its old terms.  I've taken one more step towards acceptance of the inevitable.

James 1:3-5      ".... because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."

July 12, 2012

American Education Held to Standards of Mediocrity

     For the last forty-plus years, the role of the Federal Government in Education has been growing.  The latest offer of reforms appears under the vague name of Common Core State Standards Initiative.  So what is the objective of this latest Federal Program?  Nothing less than to nationalize the content taught in every public school across America!
     I don't think anyone would disagree that the quality of education in this country is declining.  Just consider how we have fallen in the rankings.  According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (an international organization to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world), the 2011 statistics show the U.S. ranks 17th in Reading, 23rd in Science, and 31st in Math.  This should come as no surprise, considering a report generated by the National Commission on Excellence in Education, way back in 1982.
     This report determined that the system of education in the United States was failing to meet the needs of the competitive workforce, citing tanking SAT results, poor test scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (considered the nation's report card) and sliding graduation rates. It most famously said that a “rising tide of mediocrity” was threatening our nation.
     It seems that nothing has changed since this report was issued.  And judging by the failure to implement some of the suggestions of the Commission, I think we can understand why.  These were some of the recommendations:
---  The Commission stated that grades should be the indicator of academic achievement.  Failure to implement.  (This reflects the "everybody gets a ribbon" mentality).
---  Standardized testing should be done at major transition points from one level of schooling to another.  Failure to implement.  (Thanks to No Child Left Behind).
---  Children should attend school for 7 hours a day, 200 to 220 days per year.  Failure to implement.  Policymakers balked at the expense, and industries who employ teenagers during the summer opposed it.
---  The Commission recommended that salaries for teachers be "professionally competitive, market-sensitive, and performance-based.”  Failure to implement.  So instead, we get "mediocre" teachers who continue to turn out "mediocre" students.
     So for the last 30 years, our Education Policy has seen the control taken from local school districts and parents, and replaced by centralized control administered by Washington.   The Common Core effort is the latest attempt to offer a "carrot-and-stick" option to state leaders.  And, as always, money is at the center of this deception.  The Department of Education offered $4.35 billion to states in "Race to the Top" grants, conditioned in part on adoption of “standards common to a significant number of states.” Translation:  Adopt the Common Core State Standards Initiative and Washington will line your pockets.
     So why am I so upset by this Federal encroachment?  The constitutional authority for education rests with states and localities, and ultimately with parents—not the federal government. The federal government has crossed this line in the past, but dictating curriculum content is a major new breach that represents a critical level of centralization and a major setback for parental rights.  And I'm sure you can imagine just what this curriculum will entail .... more socialism, less freedom.
     But the bottom line for me is this:  National standards will only increase the fundamental problems in our education system by giving more control to the bureaucratic Department of Education; forcing schools to comply with Washington's demands; and offering less accountability to parents and taxpayers.  In simple terms, the type of information provided by national standards will be more useful to bureaucrats in Washington who need to make decisions about funding formulas than it will be to parents interested in their children’s educational progress.
     And that doesn't even take into account the cost!  Estimates exceed $1.6 billion in California and $3 billion in Texas.  According to the National Governors Association and the National Association of State Budget Officers, 17 states project some $40 billion in budget gaps for FY 2013. And guess who will be making up the difference?
     So let me get this straight.... over the past 4 decades we have given more and more control of the education of our children to Washington; the results being rising costs to the taxpayer and lower scores for our students.  Now the Administration wants to go even further by letting Washington control a standardized education system.  Does this make any sense to anyone?  No wonder home-schooling has grown by nearly 43% in the last decade!
     So here we go again, flouting the Constitution.  Just like Obamacare, which twisted the Constitution to allow the Federal Government to control healthcare, we now see that although the Constitution does not  empower the Government with the responsibility of public education (instead leaving it with state and local government), Government has ignored this restriction and proceeded unhindered.
     It is going to be up to the States to stand up against this overreach of power.  Will they be able to resist the lure of federal funds?  Will anyone have the courage to stand up against the Department of Education?  Nothing less than the future of our children depends on it.

Exodus 33:13      "If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people."