A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

April 11, 2014

The Meaning of "Asparagus" and The Demand for Accountability

     By now you have heard of the rancorous exchange between the Attorney General of the United States and a sitting member of Congress.  During a House Judiciary Committee Hearing, Texas Representative Louie Gohmert dared to point out that Attorney General Eric Holder seemed not to take his "held in contempt" status very seriously.  “I realize that contempt is not a big deal to our Attorney General, but it is important that we have proper oversight."
     In case you've forgotten, considerable time has elapsed since Eric Holder was held in contempt of court for not complying with the House's request for documents concerning the Fast and Furious gun debacle --- two years to be exact.  So Gohmert's assertion is not without merit.
     You could almost see the sparks fly from Holders eyes!  “You don’t want to go there, buddy!” Holder responded. “You don’t want to go there, OK?”  Now, I ask you, does this remark sound appropriate coming from the chief law enforcement officer, and chief lawyer, of the United States government?  Or does it sound like someone who views himself above reproach?
     Because I would like to remind Mr. Holder, that while he serves at the discretion of the President, he  is also under the purview of Congress, and subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." In other words, he ultimately answers to Mr. Gohmert, and the Representative is due his respect.
     Instead, Holder chided Gohmert for his opinion regarding his lack of attentiveness to the Fast and Furious scandal.  He then proceeded to let Louie know that he thought the contempt charge was both inappropriate and unjust; it was indeed a big deal to him.  (But I think we should consider the reason he thought it was a big deal.  Was it because he held a high opinion of Congress and their oversight?  Or was it because it offended his ego?)
     Gohmert was undeterred.  He reminded the Attorney General that his comment was justified in that the Justice Department has still not produced the documents related to that specific contempt charge.  “I’m just looking for evidence, and normally we [Congress] are known by our fruits and there’s been no indications that it was a big deal because your department still has not been forthcoming in producing the documents that were the subject of the contempt."
     Shortly after, Representative Gohmert's time was up in the hearing, but Holder managed to slide in one more derogatory comment:  "Good luck with your asparagus."  Now, many in the media were only too happy to point out this reference to what they thought was Gohmert's verbal stumble back during the 2013 conflict with Holder, in which he said,  "The attorney general will not cast aspersions on my asparagus!"  That comment got lots of attention on the late night comedy shows and across the MSM.  But the joke is on them ... and the Attorney General.
     Gohmert has since explained that he was quoting a formidable Texas criminal defense attorney, by the name of Percy Foreman.  “Percy was a very, very liberal criminal defense attorney, but he was incredible in the courtroom,” Gohmert said. “When somebody started attacking his integrity, he stood up and said, ‘I object, he’s casting aspersions on my asparagus!’ And people would scratch their heads, but it brought down the level of the rancor.  I was using a Percy Foreman line from criminal trials back probably 50 years ago.”
     In other words, Representative Gohmert was showing that he would not be intimidated or ridiculed; nor would he allow anyone to goad him into an argument that would disgrace or cheapen a Congressional oversight committee hearing.  In effect, he was defusing a potentially explosive situation, and above all, doing his job --- the job that we, here in Texas, sent him to Washington to do.  Yet, AG Holder held on to that comment for a year, waiting to throw it back at the Representative!
      I think it is evident that the AG's response was not only way off the mark, but a sign of his character; his level of anger and desire for revenge; and his lack of respect for anyone but himself.  Appointed officials of the government must be held accountable for their actions.  Yet, in a speech following his dust-up with Gohmert, Holder remained adamant that congressional critics had launched “unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly and divisive” attacks on him and the Obama administration.
     But here is what he doesn't get ... the members of the various committees he has appeared before, and the American people, simply want the truth.  Why won't he provide the documents?  What are they afraid of?  There have been some serious allegations about complicity with known terrorist affiliated groups, and Representative Gohmert and the Judicial Oversight Committee are acting on our behalf in trying to get the answers.
     So the AG can rail about the pressure and the frustration he feels, but that does not excuse him from maintaining his stall tactics and refusing to answer the questions.  He is required and expected to justify his actions as Attorney General!  Yet he has not done that.
     In fact, testifying on the Hill about his prosecutorial duties in upholding the law, Holder said, "There is a vast amount of discretion that a president has - and, more specifically, that an attorney general has."  I would hate to assume that he means he can do whatever he wants, regardless of Congress or the law.
     I applaud Representative Louie Gohmert for his fearlessness and his respect for the American people.  He boldly proclaims that the Executive Branch of the Government must be held accountable, because we are at a "tipping point" in this country. Will we able to keep the republic, as Benjamin Franklin warned us?  When told by Glenn Beck, during a radio interview, that the country is praying for him, he humbly replied, "If anyone is tempted to pray for me ... I don't need courage. My problem is Wisdom.  Pray that I will have wisdom, and know when to fight and when to back off."  Mr. Gohmert, you keep on fighting, and we will keep on praying for you.  Thank you for standing up for us!

Ephesians 5:15-17    "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."


April 10, 2014

They Deserved More


     I am sitting here watching the Memorial ceremony to the three Fort Hood soldiers killed and the 16 who were wounded last week.  The President is delivering his speech and I am underwhelmed to say the least.  I have heard him speak with more passion when talking about his golf game than he displayed when giving his "love speech".  I'm sorry to say that it lacked emotion, warmth, and conviction.
     Yes, the families of those lost will love them for eternity and their memories will never be forgotten.  It was a speech that might have been appropriate for a chaplain to deliver.  But is that what the members of the Army needed to hear from their Commander-in-Chief?  In fact the Chaplain's speech was more forceful and encouraging; gave those who memorialized the fallen with a purpose to move forward.
     The President opened his speech by saying, "In our lives, our joys, and in our sorrows, we have learned that there is a time for every matter under heaven.  We laugh and we weep; we celebrate and we mourn. We serve in war and we pray for peace.  But Scripture also teaches that alongside the temporal, one thing is eternal.  Love bears all things; believes all things; hopes all things; endures all things.  Love never ends ... It is love, tested by tragedy, that brings us together again."
     That's a nice sentiment.  But where is his comfort to the families that their loved ones' lives meant something?  Where is his pride in his Army?  Where is his solemn pledge that such a senseless tragedy need never happen again, because as the Commander-in-Chief, he will make sure that our warriors are able to protect themselves?  Instead, he tells them that we draw strength from them, the families, because we see that eternal truth, "love never ends."  He acknowledges that they gave their sons to America, in service, and they will always honor them.  So, too, he says, will the nation that they served.  How about him, their Commander-in-Chief?  Does he honor them and their service?  He finishes by saying that they will never stand alone, "because this Army, and this nation stands with you, for all the days to come."  Again, I ask ... but do you, Mr. President?
     He finished by addressing "the men and women of Fort Hood.  Part of what makes this so painful, is that we've been here before.  Soldiers were struck down here at home, where they are supposed to be safe.  We still do not exactly know why, but we do know this.... we must honor their lives, not in word or talk, but in deed, and in truth.  We must honor these men with a renewed commitment to keep our troops safe -- not just in battle, but on the home front, as well..... We can never eliminate every risk, but as a nation, we can do more to counsel those with mental illness; to keep firearms out of the hands of those experiencing such deep difficulties."  Really?!?  How about, we make a renewed commitment to not leave them like sitting ducks for anyone who wants to cause them harm?
     He continued with the "mental illness" excuse for this tragedy, instead of declaring what I'm sure everyone of the 3,000 people in attendance were at least thinking.  "If only we could defend ourselves...".  And as if to drive home his refusal to address this possible solution, he finished his speech with, "As Commander-in-Chief, I am determined that we will continue to step up our efforts to reach our veterans who are hurting; to deliver to them the care that they need; and to make sure that we never stigmatize those who have the courage to seek help.  He ended his speech by repeating his "love endures all things" theme, which left me cold and hurting for the families.
    They deserved so much more.  Their loved ones deserved more.  Our military deserves more.  They are entitled to be able to protect themselves.  They put their lives on the line for us each day they put on the uniform.  We ask them to put themselves between us and the enemy, and they accept that they may make the ultimate sacrifice.  But they should not be left defenseless within a confined area that leaves them vulnerable, exposed and unprotected from attack.  That defies reason!
     It is hard to sit here and watch the families suffer as Roll Call is carried out, and there is no answer from Sgt. First Class Daniel M. Ferguson, Staff Sgt. Carlos A. Lazaney-Rodriguez or Sgt. Timothy W. Owens.  It is hard to see the anguished faces of their children, and the sobs of their fiances, wives and mothers.  It is harder still to think that their deaths will see no change in the ability of their fellow soldiers to protect themselves, or that those who command them refuse to consider the obvious solution.  How many more times will we view such memorial ceremonies?  How many more families will suffer such a tragedy?  We owe them a debt that can never be paid.  It's time to stop the madness and allow those who protect us to protect themselves.  God Bless them and their families.

Psalm 18:39  "For you equipped me with strength for the battle; you made those who rise against me sink under me."

April 9, 2014

SCOTUS Leaves Christians Defenseless

     By refusing to hear the case of a New Mexico photographer who declined a job to commemorate the same-sex union of two lesbians, the Supreme Court of the United States, in effect, is forcing Christians to go against their religious convictions, and to do it against their will.
     The photographer was accused of violating New Mexico's "sexual orientation" law which mandates that there can be no denial of service based on discrimination by those offering their services to the public. Here are the facts, as reported by World Net Daily:  In 2006, Elaine Huguenin received an email from a woman, Vanessa Willock, asking if she would be “open to helping us celebrate our day,” a “commitment ceremony” between her and her same-sex partner.  When Elaine and her husband, Jonathan, politely declined because the ceremony was at odds with their beliefs, Willock found another photographer, for less money.  But that did not stop her from filing a complaint with the New Mexico Human Rights Commission, demanding the Huguenins be punished.  And that is the primary objective ... to punish.
    The Huguenins said they would “gladly serve gays and lesbians” by taking portraits. But photographing same-sex marriages or commitment ceremonies would “require them to create expression conveying messages that conflict with their religious beliefs,” according to their petition to the Supreme Court.
     OK, I feel like a broken record whenever I try to discuss my convictions on this subject.  It's really very simple for me.  While my religious beliefs do not condone the redefinition of the word "marriage" to become anything other than the Biblical meaning, I would not tell another person how to conduct their lives.  It is their choice.  But it is equally my choice to not be coerced into approving their choice.  Doesn't it seem as if the New Mexico law is doing just that?
     Let me just put it into terms that apply to me.  I am a writer.  I am also a Christian who honors my God's commandments to the best of my abilities.  There are certain actions that He has made clear to me that He does not approve of, and of which He would not want me to write in an approving manner.  I am guilty of some of them; therefore I am not comfortable passing judgment on others who may commit different acts that offend Him.  I can only change me and my heart, with His help.
     But my religious beliefs and consciousness regarding an issue like same-sex marriage are the same beliefs that would not permit me to write and glorify someone's actions who is a murderer, an adulterer, a gossiper, a slanderer, an abuser of his/her parents, a God-hater, a greedy embezzler, a liar, and so forth.  Before those of you who disagree with me, go all Duck Dynasty on me .... I am not equating same-sex marriage with the act of murder.  I am just trying to make the point that the Bible is my standard for a broad spectrum of activities.  That doesn't mean that I think no one should be allowed to write about them; I simply choose to let someone else do that honor, should they so desire.
     But forcing me, as a Christian, to say that I approve of what Jeffrey Dahmer or Bernie Madoff did is no different than forcing a Christian photographer or baker to use their artistic expression in approval of same-sex marriage.  No one is saying that you can't have your wedding cake or your commitment photographs; in fact, in every single case brought before the courts, the couples have been able to find someone who is happy to supply the service.  Just don't force someone who chooses to abide by their religious convictions to do something against their faith and their will.
     Yet by declining to even consider the case, the Supreme Court of our land is, in effect, condoning the decisions of the lower courts.  And it doesn't stop there!  I could hardly believe it when I read that one of the New Mexico State Supreme Court justices said that being ordered to compromise one’s beliefs is simply the “price of citizenship.”  As a group, the New Mexico justices released this statement, in part:  At its heart, this case teaches that at some point in our lives all of us must compromise, if only a little, to accommodate the contrasting values of others. A multicultural, pluralistic society, one of our nation’s strengths, demands no less. The Huguenins are free to think, to say, to believe, as they wish; they may pray to the God of their choice and follow those commandments in their personal lives wherever they lead... In the smaller, more focused world of the marketplace, of commerce, of public accommodation, the Huguenins have to channel their conduct, not their beliefs, so as to leave space for other Americans who believe something different. That compromise is part of the glue that holds us together as a nation, the tolerance that lubricates the varied moving parts of us as a people. That sense of respect we owe others, whether or not we believe as they do, illuminates this country, setting it apart from the discord that afflicts much of the rest of the world. In short, I would say to the Huguenins, with the utmost respect: it is the price of citizenship."
     In short, Elaine and Jonathan Huguenin must compromise, show tolerance and respect for others who are different than they.  But because they are Christians, they cannot expect the same treatment.  They, apparently are not worthy of tolerance or respect; and anyone who disagrees with their religious beliefs does not have to compromise.  And exactly why doesn't Vanessa Willock have to compromise to accommodate the contrasting values of Elaine and Jonathan?  Where is Vanessa's respect for someone who believes differently than she does?  Where is the outrage over the "social injustice" perpetrated against the Huguenins?  But remember, it is not about justice; it is all about punishing.
     I am afraid this is just the beginning of the legal persecution of Christians.  When Judge Tim L. Garcia of the New Mexico Court of Appeals says that states can require Christians to violate their faith to do business; and the United States Supreme Court does nothing to protect our rights to practice our faith as commanded, then where does it all lead?  If we are Bible-believing Christians, we know good and well where we're headed.  It's not going to get any easier from here on out.  We must make up our minds to continue and persevere in our faith.  As our Lord told us, there's a price to be paid to follow Him.  You have a choice ... compromise or stand firm.  What will you do?

Revelation 14:12     "Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus."

April 8, 2014

Behold A Pale Horse: America Aflame

     It's been over a year and a half since I reviewed an outstanding DVD entitled Behold A Pale Horse, America's Last Chancewhich presented an accurate picture of the dangerous path America was on; a path that veered far from her original course, and one that threatened to be her undoing.
     Nothing has changed in the direction of that course.  If anything, the speed towards destruction has accelerated.  So Heartland Pictures and producer Chuck Untersee have upped the ante, so to speak, and re-edited the original version of this fine movie, adding new and powerful testimonies in the hopes of being able to distribute the new film in nationwide theaters.  
     I was privileged to receive a copy of Behold A Pale Horse, America Aflame to review.  Like its predecessor, America Aflame is hard-hitting and often-times a bitter pill to swallow.  This intense new film opens with a riveting interview with Randy Weaver, who was caught in the deadly confrontation with U.S. federal agents at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992, in which his 14-year-old son and wife were killed.  It sets the pace for the rest of the film, which chronicles just how much our government is at odds with its citizens.
     Like the first film, I was greatly impressed with the appearance of retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin.  As one of the original members of Delta Force, Boykin served as the Commanding officer during Black Hawk Down and as Commander of the Green Berets.  He also served in the CIA and Deputy Under-Secretary of the Department of Intelligence.  The man has some bragging rights.  But he simply describes himself as "not a Republican or Democrat; but a Conservative and a Christian."  
     So when he speaks, I take notice.  And he certainly got my attention when he said, "America is under judgment.  The Republic is in distress; listen to her cry.  What we are witnessing is spiritual warfare."  He went on to say that what we are seeing is patterns consistent with countries that move towards Marxism.  He then gave the example of nationalizing sectors of the economy; which is what we did with the bailouts of the banking industry.  Then you see a commitment to redistribute the wealth, which is in a nutshell, what the Affordable Care Act is.  This is followed by a discrediting of the opposition and those who would stand up against such policies.
     Lt. General Boykin pointed out that this attempt to harm the reputation of those who disagree has already begun.  "The Department of Homeland Security issued a proclamation to all law enforcement -- federal, state and local -- that future threats to America would come from right-wing Christian groups, Second Amendment groups, pro-life groups, and returning veterans."  He then looks the camera square in the eye, and proclaims, "I'm all four!"  
     Boykin then points out that the next step in the Marxist model is to censor the Pastors.  We've seen a wave of hate crimes legislation that is designed to make it more difficult for pastors to stand up in the pulpit and talk about moral social issues.  And we have already seen efforts to control gun ownership, through the UN Small Arms Treaty.  "They will say it is designed to focus on military weapons.  Do you trust that assessment?", he asks.  As if to underscore his argument, the film presents silent statistics that tell the real story:  

20th Century Gun Control
Soviet Union (1929) - 20 Million Dissidents Exterminated
Turkey (1915) - 1.5 Million Armenians Exterminated
Germany (1938) - 13 Million Jews/Others Exterminated
China (1935) - 20 Million Dissidents Exterminated
Uganda (1970) - 300,000 Christians Exterminated
Cambodia (1975) - 1 million Dissidents Exterminated

     Add it up.  That is 56 million people murdered after their guns were confiscated by tyrannical governments.  I don't need to say more ... but the film does.  It goes on to introduce such Patriots as Dan Fisher, the leader of the modern-day Black Robe Regiment.  Citing the American Revolution's group of the same name, Dan Fisher saw a present need and filled it.  "Today the church is silent; we have lost sight of our spiritual heritage." Through corrupt politicians like LBJ, we the people, have allowed our government to pass legislation in order to silence the church; to slip into the tax code a restriction that any non-profit organization could not speak out in favor of, or against a candidate.
     Likewise the 1960 secularists twisted Thomas Jefferson's words into the popular "separation of church and state" mantra -- which appears in neither the Bible or the Constitution!  What he did say is as follows:  in a private letter written to a group of Baptists, Jefferson stated there was a wall between government and religion to keep the State from interfering with the affairs of the Church.  The implication was exactly the opposite of what the secularists claim ... the Church is to be protected from an overbearing State -- not the other way around!
     Indeed, the Russian dictator Lenin knew that religion was the opium of the people, and Joseph Stalin once stated, "America is like a healthy body; it's resistance 3-fold:  Patriotism, Morality and its Spiritual Life.  If we can undermine these areas, she will collapse from within."  It would appear as if the objectives of Mr. Stalin have been met; the last two have been successfully impaired, and the first is hanging on by a thread.
     As radio host and pastor, Chuck Baldwin says in the film, "The Church must stand in righteous indignation for the Truth or America is finished."  His thoughts are echoed by famed rock guitarist and Patriot, Ted Nugent:  "Our life is a gift from God and we have the right to defend it.  It is our moral, intellectual and spiritual responsibility to defend it from evil-doers."  
     This fine film goes on to touch on all the issues that contributed to our national decline:  Agenda 21, NAFTA, the Federal Reserve System, Globalization, reducing world population, medical control, National ID and RFID technology, secret societies, the One World Government, False Flags, and the de-evaluation of the Dollar.  This film covers it all and backs it all up with the opinions of knowledgeable experts that aren't afraid to state the truth.  
     And the truth is that we have gone from a nation of merchants, craftsman, entrepreneurs, inventors, manufacturers, and skilled workers to a nation of sales clerks, cashiers, stock persons, and home health aides.  The truth is that America was exceptional because we were built on the foundation of the Law of Nature and Nature's God; but we have now made government our God.  The truth is that there are now one-half the number of ranches that existed in this country 20 years ago; and it is the design of Agenda 21 that every county and state boundary will be extinguished.
     So, I can't say enough about this film.  The only suggestion that I could offer is that the run-time might be a tad too long to keep the full interest of a theater audience.  But the information and motivating commentary provided by the host of authors, legislators, constitutional scholars, military leaders, and pastors will inspire and encourage you to fight for our country, as she deserves. 
     I think that we all can identify with Randy Weaver's simple observation:  "I've always loved this country and still do; but we're in deep, deep trouble."  We may not have experienced the devastation that the Weaver family has sustained; but his dedication to his country, even now, should inspire each of us to do our part.  I hope that this film finds its way into theaters and informs and excites the American people to fight for our future.

Pslm 94:16    "Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"

April 7, 2014

New Armenian Genocide Is A Sign of Times To Come

     I have a very good friend who is proud of her Armenian ancestry.  Although she is the second generation born and raised in America, she grew up knowing of her grandparents and extended family's struggle during what is known as the "Great Crime" by those who experienced the genocide of the Armenian people in their native homeland, now known as Turkey.
    Although denied by successive regimes in Turkey, the Armenian genocide has been documented by eyewitnesses, photographic evidence, and survivors.  Just Google "Armenian Genocide" and click on Images; does that look like it didn't exist?  Most historians agree that it was a deliberate and calculated genocide:

Christian Armenian girls crucified in 1916
More than one million Armenians perished as the result of execution, starvation, disease, the harsh environment, and physical abuse.  A people who lived in eastern Turkey for nearly 3,000 years [more than double the amount of time the invading Islamic Turks had occupied Anatolia, now known as “Turkey”] lost its homeland and was profoundly decimated in the first large-scale genocide of the twentieth century.  At the beginning of 1915 there were some two million Armenians within Turkey; today there are fewer than 60,000….  Despite the vast amount of evidence that points to the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide --- eyewitness accounts, official archives, photographic evidence, the reports of diplomats, and the testimony of survivors --- denial of the Armenian Genocide by successive regimes in Turkey has gone on from 1915 to the present.

     Now, according to The Christian Post, under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan, Turkey is once again aiding and abetting the displacement and death of Armenian Christians.  Just a few weeks ago, as reported by Raymond Ibrahim, "In the early morning hours of March 21st, al-Qaeda linked Islamic jihadis crossed into Syrian territory from the Turkish border and launched a jihad on the Christian/Armenian town of Kessab. Among other things, "Snipers targeted the civilian population and launched mortar attacks on the town and the surrounding villages." Reportedly eighty people were killed.  Eyewitnesses say the jihadis crossed the Turkish border into Syria, "openly passing through Turkish military barracks. According to Turkish media reports, the attackers carried their injured back to Turkey for treatment in the town of Yayladagi."
     The jihadis later made a video touring the devastated town. No translation is needed, as the main phrase shouted throughout is Islam's triumphant war cry, "Allahu Akbar" (or, according to Sen. John McCain's translation, "thank God").
     The significance of this latest transgression against the Armenian people, and the role Turkey plays in it, should not be lost on the world.  In a written statement, the International branch of the Armenian National Committee had this to say:

Armenian Christian in the village of Kessab
For months, we have warned the international community of the imminent threat posed by extremist foreign fighters against the Christian minority population in Syria. These vicious and unprompted attacks against the Armenian-populated town and villages of Kessab are the latest examples of this violence, actively encouraged by neighboring Turkey. We call upon all states with any influence in the Syrian conflict to use all available means to stop these attacks against the peaceful civilian population of Kessab, to allow them to return to their homes in safety and security. In the last one hundred years, this is the third time that the Armenians are being forced to leave Kessab and in all three cases, Turkey is the aggressor or on the side of the aggressors.

     While the Armenian population is at the center of this massacre, it should not be ignored that Christians are the focal point of these attacks as well.  This is not only a Turkish-Armenian campaign of death, but a Muslim-Christian.  Decades and centuries may pass by, but the battle remains the same.  In the 1915-1918 Genocide, Armenians were crucified along with Assyrians and Greeks -- their Christian faith being the common denominator.
     Just as then, Christian persecution is reaching alarming rates.  Ibrahim reports that Turks taunt their crucified Armenian victims by saying things like “Now let your Christ come and help you.”  Just last January, an 85-year-old Christian Armenian woman was repeatedly stabbed to death in her apartment, and a crucifix carved onto her naked corpse.   Another elderly Armenian woman was punched in the head and, after collapsing to the floor, repeatedly kicked by a masked man.   According to the report, “the attack marks the fifth in the past two months against elderly Armenian women,” one of whom lost an eye.  Elsewhere, pastors of church congregations with as little as 20 people are targeted for killing and spat upon in the streets.  A 12-year-old Christian boy was beaten by his teacher and harassed by students for wearing a cross around his neck, and three Christians were “satanically tortured” before having their throats slit for publishing Bibles.
     Yet the world remains silent, and denial is the mantra.  From Indonesia in the east to Morocco in the west, from Central Asia in the north, to sub-Sahara Africa—Christians are being persecuted, killed, raped, enslaved, tortured and dislocated.  It's only a matter of time, my friends.  It's a battle as old as Isaac and Ishmael, and it's been raging since that very day.
     If you think that the fate of these Christians has no bearing upon you; that somehow you are safe and protected here in the "Land of Opportunity", I would caution you to not be so naive.  We are the plum; the prize.  No other Christians on the face of the earth are as despised as we are by the Enemy.  I would urge you "to put on the complete armor of God" (His Truth, His Righteousness, His Peace, Your Salvation, Your Faith, and the Power of God's Word); to pray earnestly; to be alert on behalf of your fellow Christians, and to be fearless and confident in your defense of our faith.  The Storm is gaining momentum around the world, and I feel that it is approaching us.  Stand firm and hold your ground ... for His Sake!

Matthew 5:11-12      "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

April 6, 2014

Matthew 9:17

"Neither do they put just-made wine into worn-out wineskins.
Otherwise, the wineskins burst and the wine is poured out and the wineskins are ruined.  But they put just-made wine into wineskins new in quality, and both are preserved from perishing."

     In Matthew, Chapter 9, verses 14-17, Jesus is asked by John the Baptist's disciples why He does not require His disciples to fast as they and the Pharisees do.  In the case of this particular verse, Jesus is trying to explain that the priority for His disciples are the new understandings that He is teaching them.  Jesus is not denying that they have the understanding of fasting according to the Jewish laws, as do the Pharisees; nor that they have not been schooled in the purpose of fasting to get closer to God, as the disciples of John have been taught.  Fasting was just not their highest calling at the moment.
     Indeed, Jesus's Disciples were being taught a new understanding of man's relationship to God by the very Son of God, Himself!  Furthermore, Jesus knew he had precious little time to teach them all they would need to know to carry on His work after He was gone.  In fact, He tells John's Disciples that there is no time for fasting for the companions of the Bridegroom, while the Bridegroom was still with them.  There would be a time for such religious practices after He had been taken away from them.
     Jesus knows that His Disciples need to be strengthened for the Great Commission He would soon entrust them with.  As the great theologian, Matthew Henry, states:  "There were among the Jews not only sects of the Pharisees and Essenes, who led an austere life, but also schools of the prophets, who frequently lived in mountains and deserts, and were many of them Nazarites; they had also private academies to train men up in a strict discipline; and possibly from these many of John’s disciples might come, and many of the Pharisees; whereas Christ’s disciples, being taken immediately from their callings, had not been used to such religious austerities, and were unfit for them, and would by them be rather unfitted for their other work."
     Jesus's Disciples, not too many months prior, had been simple fishermen; they were not yet equipped for the religious intensity required of deliberate and committed fasting.  They were still in a state of infancy as to their readiness to follow Christ.  He gives the excellent example of pouring new wine into old wineskins ... An old dried wineskin cannot take the rapid expansion of new wine, it will split.  
     How does this apply to the Church today?  The old dried wineskin represents the Church and its centuries of doctrines and religious exercises.  When the Modern Church tries to push, or "pour" a new Christian too quickly into the age-old framework of religious practices and exercises, they "split", just like the wineskins.  New Christians, like new wine being poured into new wineskins, need to be encouraged within a new experience that is uniquely their own, while remaining true to God's Word.
     Tell me you have not seen the following scenario repeated too many times ... we take a new Believer and baptize them before they even know what baptism means, and then quickly try to get them into Church work, while browbeating them about attending Church every time the doors are open.  How often do you see those "baby Christians" break under the burden of too much, too soon?  Their profession of faith is not allowed to grow and mature into a rock solid and true relationship with the Father and the Son.  The sudden conversion and title of "Christian" is labeled "work done"; meanwhile, they flounder in misunderstanding, misdirection and neglect ... fertile ground for Satan to unplow that precious kernel of faith.  
     Jesus understood that He needed to teach and lead His disciples in the practices that they were able to cope with; over-burdening them at this stage would not serve them (or His kingdom).  He was teaching them at their own pace, and at the rate they were able to grasp the understanding and practice of His Divine teachings.  There would be time for the rigors of fasting --- it was not now.  We must be as considerate and careful in leading new Christians; we must not push their growth faster than they are able to fully comprehend.  Like, Christ, we are to gently and steadily guide them to new levels of understanding, new growth, and new heights of Faith.  In this manner, we strengthen them for a lifetime of service and devotion to our God.

April 5, 2014

Would You Like A Tall or Grande Cup of Satanic Symbols?

     I've long disliked our culture's fixation with "trendy" things, yet I applaud the entrepreneurship that created success from a simple idea.  Take for example, Whole Foods.  I am one of the few that I know who can remember the very first Whole Foods store on Lamar Avenue in Austin, TX.  At the time, it was known as a "hippie" store that catered to a largely unwashed caste of people who loved sprouts and strange-smelling vitamin powders.  It was also known for selling the best smoothies in town; a relatively new invention at the time.  And it has been fun to watch this quaint, neighborhood store grow into the mainstream, mega-success that it is today.  I give it enormous credit for giving "healthy" foods such a huge "cool factor."
     The same goes for Starbucks... to a point.  How brilliant to take the simple idea of a cup of coffee and turn it into the addiction that it has become for millions.  But I'm not as enamored with the "underbelly", so to speak, of this national pastime.  For starters, I just want to enjoy your product, and not be subject to your consumer bias or political views.  Stating what kind of customers you prefer not to serve to (those with religious convictions about certain social issues), while spouting a company mission statement that says "we embrace diversity to create a place where each of us can be ourselves. We always treat each other with respect and dignity. And we hold each other to that standard" -- well, it just doesn't ring true.  Apparently that motto is only applied towards customers who agree with your agenda.  But this post is not really about Starbucks political or ethical motives.  It's about their underlying culture.
     A woman was served a cup of coffee at a mall in Louisiana, and found something quite distasteful displayed with caramel and whipped cream .... Satanic symbols.  First of all, let me just say that it's enough for me that the coffee chain has chosen a mythological woman who stands for obsession, addiction and death as their corporate logo.  But the fact that a Starbucks employee felt it was okay to draw "666" and a pentagram in caramel, and then hand it to the customer, may speak to a deeper problem in this corporation's culture.
     I applaud the customer's genius in posting the photo and her experience on Starbuck's Facebook page, where it could not be ignored and swept under the rug.  And she was absolutely correct in pointing out the obvious:  "I am in no way judging his [the server's] beliefs or dis-meriting his beautiful artwork, I am however judging his lack of professionalism and respect for others. I am a teacher in the public school system and if I were to present a child of atheist or pagan believers with a Christian art project I could be sued in a heartbeat,” the woman concluded. “I am of Catholic faith and would love to share in my beliefs daily. Fortunately I have enough common sense to present myself with professionalism and follow an ethics code. Perhaps that could be suggested to this particular [Starbucks] location."
     Whether the employee thought he was being funny, or was expressing a sincere opinion with his presentation, I find it disturbing that occult images were not taken more seriously by Starbucks' management.  Their simple apology doesn't carry the same weight as the evil-intentioned insult.
     Besides, there is such a thing as taking "diversity" too far; and if creating "a place where each of us can be ourselves" includes the acceptance of Satanists, then I choose to frequent a less popular coffee shop.   I am actually tired and bored by the Starbucks atmosphere ... and here's the irony! ... countless people, like zombies, sit through long lines at the drive-through, or file in each day; seduced by the lure of overpriced coffee, and trying to look important (or at least fashionable) with their Apple laptops; crowded around those tiny, little tables.  Although they are buying into Starbucks' celebration of diversity, they all look exactly alike!
     I can't help but think that this is another example of how our culture has lost its way.  We just follow in lock-step with the rest of society.  We become addicted to our conveniences and our pleasures and we never question the character, integrity or reputation of who we associate with.  We will even accept an overt display of Satanic symbols, if there is a way we can somehow justify our obsession with that cup of java.
     Hey, maybe Satan oughta consider incorporating the Mark of the Beast with some new fad or trend that everyone's addicted to!  Wait .... I have a feeling he's already thought of that.  Our culture will be led like sheep to the slaughter.  Beware!

Colossians 2:8     "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ."


April 4, 2014

Under The Red Blood Moon

     All you astronomy buffs are likely aware that we will experience a unique show in the sky during the next year, beginning in the middle of this month.  To be exact, there will be a total lunar eclipse in which the moon enters the shadow of the earth, and all the rays of the sun are blocked from its surface.  What makes this event so spectacular is that all of the sunsets and sunrises in the world will be experienced at once, refracted onto the surface of the moon, resulting in what is called a "blood moon."
     But what makes this occurrence even more astounding is that it will occur FOUR TIMES in the next year.  And if that is not enough to knock your socks off, each time it happens it is on one of the Lord's Feast Days!  Even if you are not a Believer, can you really attribute this phenomenon to coincidence?
     What is fascinating to me is the dual significance of the moon.  By that, I mean that it is a scientific fact that the cyclical nature of the moon is related to the rhythms of life.  How many of us have heard of the effects of the moon on our reproductive cycles; the planting of crops; and the rise and fall of crime statistics.  I, for one, always have a hard time sleeping during a full moon phase.
    The moon has also been significant in many religions, dating back centuries.  In Christianity and Judaism, the relevance of the moon is stated in Genesis 1:14:  And God said, Let there be light in the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.  In Islam the moon is considered to be one of the two signs of Allah, along with the sun. An eclipse of either, is taken as a reminder of the “Day of Judgement,” and is hence dedicated to prayer, and remembering Allah.  So through their Holy Books and writings, all three of the major world religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) recognize that the sun and moon are meant to be signs to them by their God.
     Therefore, it is not hard to see that this tetrad of four Red Blood Moons occurring in succession is a pretty big deal.  But here is an absolutely astounding piece of information... there have been tetrads throughout history, yet every time the Blood Moons have fallen on a Feast Day of the Lord, as proclaimed in the Torah/Bible, something prophetical has happened to the nation of Israel.
     You might think that could be contributed to chance, but let me inform you of some facts that are pretty convincing.  In 1492, the Jews were expelled from Spain, as a pet project of the Spanish Inquisition.  In fact, Columbus's diary begins with, "In the same month in which their Majesties [Ferdinand and Isabella] issued the edict that all Jews should be driven out of the kingdom and its territories, in the same month they gave me the order to undertake with sufficient men my expedition of discovery to the Indies."  Four blood moons are associated with the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles during that time period (1493-94), and when the Jews were also expelled from Portugal.  The date that this edict took place was the Jewish holiday known as the 9th of Av on the Jewish calendar, a day of mourning to commemorate the many tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people.
     If you need more proof that dates are important in our religious history, consider all these events that occurred on the 9th of Av:  The First Temple was destroyed on the 9th of Av, 423 BC;  the second Temple was destroyed on the 9th of Av, 70 AD; the Jews were expelled from England on the 9th of Av, 1290 AD; Germany declared war on Russia on the 9th of Av, 1914, beginning WW I.  Historians believe that WW II and the Holocaust were direct results of unresolved matters from the first war.

     But this is all based on a Jewish calendar, you say.  We adhere to the Gregorian/Julian calendar.  But remember that Biblical quote from Genesis 1:14?  God is telling us that He created the sun and the moon as signals to us; and He clearly commanded that His Feast Days be ordained on (and followed according to) certain patterns.  He gave the Jews a calendar based on the lunar cycles.  And it makes perfect sense ...  the days of the moon (month) and the days of the week line up perfectly, week-to-week and moon-to-moon. This makes the Jewish 13 Moon/28-day calendar a perpetual calendar.
     The Egyptians, Druids, Incas, Polynesians (etc.) and even the Mayans (which had the most complex and correct calendar in history) used the 13 Moons (Months) calendar. In fact, almost every single indigenous tribe on Earth used the 13 Moon Calendar, including Native Americans.  But now, we follow the Gregorian (Sun/30-day) calendar, which essentially puts us out of sync with God's perfectly aligned Universe!  When you realize that the Moon is a very important part of God's framework, then these tetrad moons we're about to experience take on even more importance.
     Let's go back to the historical messages of the tetrad.  So, we had 4 blood moons associated with the period when the Jews were expelled from Spain and Portugal.  Although, there were 7 tetrad blood moons in the 1500's, none of them fell on a Feast Day or holiday.  There were no blood moons in the 1600s, 1700s, or 1800s.  But wouldn't you know it, the tetrad event only occurred twice in the last century: in 1949 & 1950, then in 1967 & 1968. In each case, the 4 total Lunar eclipses occurred in succession on the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles two years in a row. The dates were April 13th and October 7th, 1948 and April 2nd and  September 16th, 1950. The second tetrad occurred on April 24th & October 18th, 1967; then April 13th & October 6th, 1968. It is interesting that the first tetrad of Lunar eclipses in the 20th century occurred immediately after Israel became a nation on the 14th of May, 1948, and the second tetrad surrounded the return of the Old City of Jerusalem to Jewish control on the 7th of June, 1967. It was the first time in 1800 years the Jews had stepped on the Temple Mount.  Both events were prophetical.
     So do you want to guess on what days the upcoming tetrad takes place?  If you guessed the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles, you would be correct!  To be exact, they occur on April 15th (Passover) and October 8th, 2014 (Tabernacles); and then April 4th (Passover) and September 28th, 2015. (Tabernacles).  So, for me it does not take a huge leap of faith to realize that these Feast Days were established by the Lord as a pattern for us to look to and recognize.
     Consider these additional facts:  Jesus's First Coming occurred on the Spring Feasts (He died on Passover, was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and resurrected on the Feast of Firstfruits), and it is widely believed by many Bible scholars and the faithful that His Second Coming will occur during the Fall Feasts.  The Feast of Trumpets celebrates the coronation of the coming King; the Day of Atonement represents a day of forgiveness of sins; and the Feast of Tabernacles celebrates deliverance and God residing with us.  Now, the fact that there are blood moons on these upcoming Feast Days, and historically, something prophetic has happened to the nation of Israel when this phenomenon occurs, it should make all of us sit up and take notice.
     Unlike the skeptics who attribute this event to "unusual atmospheric conditions", to most religious and spiritually-inclined people it will be a time for worship, prayer, wonder, and undoubtedly a sight to behold.  I don't know about you, but I will be excited to witness the first of the four blood moons in two weeks.  And I do not doubt that God is saying, "Here, I have given you this knowledge.  It is in plain sight.  Is anybody paying attention?!"  We can only guess what prophetic event will take place and how it will affect Israel.  But God and history have shown us that we can expect it to be extraordinary!

Joel 2:31    "The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and awe–inspiring Day of the Lord comes."

Revelation 6:12    "Then I saw Him open the sixth seal. A violent earthquake occurred; the sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair; the entire moon became like blood;"

April 3, 2014

They Deserve Better!

     It's hard to describe my feelings about yesterday's shootings at Fort Hood.  Once again this Army Post will come under heavy scrutiny, and families will be suffering.  So many questions to be answered ... was PTSD a contributing factor?  Is it terrorism?  Isn't it time to change the Army's "gun free" policy, which leaves our service members defenseless in incidents such as this?  How many innocent victims have to die before the Military Brass see the absurdity of such a stance?
     I actually heard the Commander of Fort Hood, Lt. General Mark Milley, say that he would not consider letting Army personnel carry weapons on Post because, as in this instance, they had excellent military police and law enforcement that responded within 10-15 minutes.  I don't have any stars on my chest, but even I know that a lot of lives can be lost in 10-15 minutes, and even one well-trained soldier at the scene can take out an active shooter in seconds.
     To my mind, we have once again shown the world (and anyone wishing to harm our military) that we are vulnerable; we appear weak; and we aren't even capable of protecting our soldiers on their home turf.  When does this madness stop?
     Then we have to face the issue of the psychological profile of the shooter.  He was an active-duty soldier who was being treated for "behavioral problems, anxiety and depression."  He was undergoing testing for PTSD, and although not officially diagnosed to date, one has to wonder if multiple deployments and wars that have lasted over a decade played a part in this incident and will contribute to more tragedies such as this.
     And then there is the Commander-in-Chief's response.  He issued a statement which said, ""We're heartbroken something like this might have happened again.  We're following it closely. ... I want to just assure all of us we are going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened."  These comments were part of a brief statement he made while on the way to a fund-raising event for the 2014 election cycle, in which some tickets were going for $32,400 apiece.  After all, we must keep out priorities straight, right?  I just find it curious which shooting tragedies are on his radar (such as Sandy Hook) and warrant countless press conferences, and which ones receive the least attention with just an issued statement (any shooting which involves the military).
     The nation is reeling from this latest domestic attack upon our service men and women, and as the days go by, I hope we will receive answers to the gut-wrenching questions.  But for those of us who care deeply about the soldiers that put their lives on the line for us, it is difficult to think that they are so susceptible to attack without any means to protect themselves.  They deserve better than this and the top of the military chain of command should be ashamed and embarrassed that our brave Soldiers, Sailors, Marines,  and Airmen are still defenseless sitting ducks!  The nation is waking up to the fact that we must consider armed teachers to protect our children; why not allow armed soldiers to protect themselves?  Enough of this foolish insanity!  May God protect and bless those who protect us; and may He heal and comfort all those who have been affected by this tragic event.

Psalm 34:18      "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."

April 2, 2014

Putin, Russia & the Ukraine: It's Complicated

     I admit that I have enjoyed trying to figure out just what is behind all the political schemes between the West and Russia; because you know we are not being told the truth.  And I certainly cannot decipher all the politico-speak that comes out of Washington and Moscow.  But I can give you some interesting history and some fascinating quotes by the principles in this global drama, and perhaps you can view it all with a little more insight to the significance of recent events.
     The Ukraine and Crimea have captivated the news cycles for weeks now.  We've been fed a steady diet of "it's all about democracy", when in reality, it appears that the Ukraine has been a a toy bandied about by both Russia and the West.  True, the Ukraine, as in independent nation, isn't happy that its state of Crimea is arbitrarily being declared Russian by none other than the Russian President himself, Vladimir Putin.
     Consider the following statements made by Putin in his address to the Russian Parliament:  "Crimea is our common historical legacy and a very important factor in regional stability. And this strategic territory should be part of a strong and stable sovereignty, which today can only be Russian."  While he applauds the patriotic spirit of the Crimean people, and the referendum to rejoin Russia, he also makes it very clear that he doesn't appreciate interference from the West and Europe:  "Now this is a matter for Russia’s own political decision, and any decision here can be based only on the people’s will, because the people is the ultimate source of all authority."  (Kind of curious coming from a former top KGB agent, don't you think?"
     And speaking of Putin's history, did you know that, according to Wikipedia, the ancestry of Vladimir Putin has been described as a mystery with no records surviving of any ancestors of any people with the surname "Putin" beyond his grandfather Spiridon Ivanovich.  (Why do our world leaders seem to appear these days out of thin air, with no discernible background?)
     But while his personal heritage may not be clear, his support of the old Soviet Union and a desire to return to its glory days is very evident.  He sincerely regrets the collapse of the Soviet Union, as observed in this statement:  "Unfortunately, what seemed impossible became a reality. The USSR fell apart. Things developed so swiftly that few people realised how truly dramatic those events and their consequences would be. Many people both in Russia and in Ukraine, as well as in other republics hoped that the Commonwealth of Independent States that was created at the time would become the new common form of statehood. They were told that there would be a single currency, a single economic space, joint armed forces; however, all this remained empty promises, while the big country was gone. It was only when Crimea ended up as part of a different country that Russia realised that it was not simply robbed, it was plundered."
     And now LibertyVoice.com reports that "While speaking to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet,  former Putin economic advisor, Andrej Illarionov, made it clear that Putin sees any territories that were formerly Russian or Soviet as territories that Russia ought to expand into.... Illarionov argues that Putin’s world view has him set to retake areas of the Baltic States, Georgia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Illarionov highlighted these states alongside Finland as territories that Russia’s president hopes to claim in the near future."
     In case you doubt the veracity of this claim, a Finnish website called Finnbay, has reported that "The Russian military base near Karelian border started an air force drill this morning pulling several Russian jets to the region. The Finnish Karelian brigade is alarmed... The Finnish army has started a ’24/7 live-monitoring’ operation to watch the developments closely. The Finnish defence sources declined to comment further on this issue."
     It is most certainly an interesting fact that none of the aforementioned nations that are allegedly in Putin's sights are NATO members.  So, if the rumors are true, who will come to their defense?  Will the world sit and watch as he accomplishes a Hitler-esque style acquisition of these sovereign nations?  Or is this just posturing against the West, who is not blameless in poking the bear, while knowing exactly how sensitive this issue of the Ukraine is to the Russians.
     The Guardian reports the following:  "Washington knows that Ukraine has always been a delicate issue for Moscow. The ultra-nationalists who fought with the Third Reich during the second world war killed 30,000 Russian soldiers and communists. They were still conducting a covert war with CIA backing as late as 1951. Pavel Sudoplatov, a Soviet intelligence chief, wrote in 1994: 'The origins of the cold war are closely interwoven with western support for nationalist unrest in the Baltic areas and western Ukraine.' "
      When Russia's Gorbachev agreed to the reunification of East and West Germany, and that the new Germany could remain in NATO, he was promised by the West that there would be no further expansion of NATO in their region.  And now, several decades later, the West most likely was a covert influence in the Ukraine uprising which centered around its membership in NATO.  This would explain the reason Gorbachev has publicly supported Putin on the Crimea issue; his trust in the West was plainly betrayed.
     As long as Russia played along with Washington and the West, we weren't inclined to interfere.  In fact, during Chechnya's bid for independence, the wholesale assaults on Chechnya by then-President Yeltsin, and then by Putin, were treated as a little local problem with support from George Bush and Tony Blair.  They, in effect, supported Russia's bid to enforce control as they saw fit.
     So why do we and our European allies see the Ukraine/Crimean situation so differently than Chechnya?  Aren't they both instances of Russia exhibiting its sovereign power?  But, you see, I don't really think it has anything to do with "the will of the people" or "democracy", which has become a convenient excuse for the West to engage in their behind-the-scenes shenanigans.
     It really has more to do with the fact that Putin, unlike Yeltsin, is refusing to play ball any more on the things that matter such as NATO expansion, sanctions on Iran, Syria etc.  Russia has wielded its UN Security Council vote with extreme effectiveness and advantageous results.
     Don't get me wrong, Putin is no angel, and it remains to be seen if his aggressive posturing goes beyond striking a belligerent pose and talking smack.  In fact, the Christian Science Monitor reports that in a speech to Russia's top military brass, President Putin urged them to make a "drastic upgrade" to Russia's armed forces within the next five years to counter a series of emerging external threats, and what he described as "systematic attempts to undermine the balance of power" by the United States.
     Couple that with Putin's vigorous courting of anti-West government leaders in Nicaragua, Argentina, Venezuela, El Salvador, and the most alarming of all -- Cuba -- then it's not hard to see the implied warning in this statement before the Russian Parliament:  "They (the West, led by the U.S.) are constantly trying to sweep us into a corner because we have an independent position, because we maintain it, and because we call things like they are and do not engage in hypocrisy. But there is a limit to everything. And with Ukraine, our western partners have crossed the line, playing the bear and acting irresponsibly and unprofessionally... They must have really lacked political instinct and common sense not to foresee all the consequences of their actions. Russia found itself in a position it could not retreat from. If you compress the spring all the way to its limit, it will snap back hard. You must always remember this."
     So where do we go from here?  Are we on the brink of WW III, as some observers think?  There is far too much deviousness and treachery for the average person to discern the real objective.  Whether it is Satan pulling the actual strings, or his evil influence upon Godless men remains to be seen.  But I truly believe this; that if this scenario advances to its possible course of events, it could very well usher in the most devastating period in human existence.  We are looking at tyranny, economic destruction, and the deaths of millions.  If you don't think we're staring the End Times square in the face, then continue in your normalcy bias.  I'll be on my knees.

Ezekiel 7:14   "They have blown the trumpet and made everything ready, but none goes to battle, for My wrath is upon all their multitude."