A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

December 30, 2021

If The Lord Is Sifting You, Count It All Joy


I daresay the last two years have been challenging for all of us. We have battled pestilence, uncertainty about the future, and loss of freedoms. Many of us have experienced the deaths of loved ones, sacrificed our jobs, and experienced a level of change that has left us unbalanced and out of alignment with our Lord. And I'm afraid that the forecast for 2022 appears to be no less challenging. 

We can liken it to the "sifting" that the Bible tells us is God's prerogative. It is His right and privilege [as Sovereign Creator] to evaluate our faithfulness through tests and trials. But I believe it is all part of His plan to separate us from the things, ways, and idols of this world which threaten our purpose in being. There is potential [in our sifting] to produce opportunities to mature into becoming more Christlike. And our spirits should receive that with joy!

It is hard when we are in the midst of such life-altering chaos to see it from God's perspective. I understand that it might be difficult to see Him among all the political upheaval, economic fear, and societal divisiveness, because we tend to be focused on how it all affects us. But if we are to call ourselves "the Church" (and truly faithful followers of Christ), then our minds, souls, and spirits should be discerning just how all this offends our Father in Heaven! It is time we see the need to be judging ourselves! And if we are incapable of turning our hearts from idolatry and adultery with the world, then we should expect nothing less than a sifting to shake us up and separate us from that which seeks to make us comfortable in the world. 

What does God need to sift from your life? Is your identity tied up in your possessions, your titles, and how you are perceived by others? Does your security lie in your job, your money, or a guaranteed future? Do you think your affiliation with a denomination, or your religion will insulate you from any form of sifting or shaking from our righteous God? If it is difficult to think about any of this, or thoughts of any further turmoil in your life, then I want to ask you this question: Are you determined to serve the Lord -- no matter what happens -- or are you more preoccupied with preserving and protecting your own well-being? That's a tough question, and one that I have asked myself.

You see, God has divinely ordained plans for our lives, and they involve His Kingdom purposes. We are not here, in this time and this place, for our own benefit! We are here to see His will done as Satan brings everything to bear on his plan to maintain his kingdom of darkness and overcome us. Even as so many of us face the loss of our jobs, homes, and yes, even our lives, we must remain steadfast in our purpose -- to glorify the Most High God, the King of Kings, and the Holy Spirit! If we truly desire to mature into Christ's image, then we must be willing to sacrifice [as He was willing to do] all the comforts and certainties of this world to serve God. And that means everything -- even up to and including our lives! 

I believe that the difficult times we have already suffered -- and those to come -- are a sifting of our motives and allegiance. God wants to sift out all that robs us of faithfully and intentionally serving Him, as we pursue our assignments for His Kingdom. And Satan wants to sift that same loyalty and covenant relationship, purging us of our fidelity and devotion to the One whose Grace and Love sustain us. But we must not let the devil steal our witness of being Overcomers! 

We don't know what this next year, or the next decade, will bring. I believe there is a powerful remnant of the faithful that are storming the Heavens with their prayers and their spiritual strategies to defeat the Enemy's encroachment on the freedoms Christ died to give us. I believe we will see glorious victories. And I believe those victories may well be accompanied by pain and sorrow, just as Christ experienced in His spiritual battles. Just as Jesus experienced, I believe God's called-out ones will become more deliberate targets of the Enemy and his cohorts. There is a flood of deception and lies swirling around us in the world, and we must establish our footing on the solid ground of God's Word and His faithfulness to His promises. Even though we may get tossed around by the winds and currents of deceit, we must stay focused on God's Truth, and the power of Jesus's intercession for us. We can trust Him to fight for us! 

So, let us not be frightened by the efforts of the Enemy to attack our health, steal our carnal security, or destroy our relationship with our Father. Instead, let us see these trials as means to develop and strengthen our spiritual muscles -- producing stamina, endurance, perseverance, and a means to expunge us of our spiritual shortcomings. Through this process, the Bible says we will be made "perfect". And, let us see these trials as a way to walk in true freedom -- letting go of the ties that bind us to this world, and seeking [with like-minded family and friends] only to serve the Lord and trusting Him to accomplish His purpose in our lives! We can count it joy because, through the process, we will be able to walk in true holiness. And that is worth more than any reputation, job, house, dollar amount, or worldly enticement! That is true freedom and my spirit shouts for joy!

James 1:2-4      My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up in you the power of endurance. And then as your endurance grows even stronger, it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

December 27, 2021

"Mary Kept All These Things In Her Heart..."

The anticipation, joy, and busy experience of Christmas Day is now over. For those of us who are believers in Christ, our souls and spirits have rejoiced that Jesus, the Son of God, chose to be born as a human baby; bringing the Light of God into the darkness of this world. For a few short weeks of the year, we look forward to this celebration, and are filled with an inner peace and happiness that obscures [for a moment in time] the reality of just how dark the world has become. But how many of us are now experiencing an emotional letdown or disappointment as we once again face coming to terms with what might be the harsh realities of our lives?  

It's an age-old dilemma. How can we go from one day, feeling jubilation over our spiritual victory in the Christ child, to the next day feeling as if the bottom has dropped out of that hope? Well, let me suggest a new way to deal with the doldrums of the holiday. Think of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Contemplate her excitement and anticipation of miraculously conceiving the Son of God; of hearing the angel Gabriel tell her, "He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!” In the Old Testament, the prophets foretold that the Messiah would be the "Son of God", but He is also referred to as  "the Son of David". So, as young and confusing as it might have been for this young woman, she received Gabriel's proclamation that "the baby to be born will be holy, and He will be called the Son of God." And the Bible finishes Gabriel's declaration with these words: "For the word of God will never fail". Some manuscripts translate this to say, "For nothing is impossible with God". 

So, the Bible then shares Mary's words of praise for YHWH, thanking Him for finding her worthy of such favor and declaring all "the great things" He has done for her and His servant Israel, "For he made this promise to our ancestors, to Abraham and His children forever". Imagine how hopeful she must have been that the long wait for the Messiah was over and how her personal circumstances and those of her people would soon change! I believe we share in that same hope and joy as we celebrate that long ago birth and what it means to us. We share in the amazement and wonderment of the shepherds and the Wise Men from the East, to whom it was also revealed that the perfect Shepherd of Israel was to be born in Bethlehem. Even the heavens declared His royal birth, as a star guided them to the manger.

Yet, within a few days of the birth of that holy child, it must have become apparent to Mary that the world was not going to receive her baby with open arms. Both the Wise Men and Joseph received dreams from God that the child was in danger. So Joseph bundled up his young wife and baby and they escaped to Egypt as King Herod, the vassal of the Roman Empire, sought to kill Jesus because He threatened Herod's power and Rome's control of Judah. Having escaped Herod's purge of newborn baby boys, it would be two years before Joseph heard from God that it was safe for his family to return to their homeland. 

What must Mary have been thinking? It was obvious that the life of her child -- the Son of the Most High God -- was in danger! It is clear that she would have been fearful. But did she also have doubts about the message she received from Gabriel? Did she question what the future was going to look like? How long was she able to hang on to the hope that she would yet see her child take his rightful place as King of the Jews? We know that she was never able to see her son sit on the earthly throne of David, and had to witness the Roman Empire not only crucify her son, but continue to rule Israel throughout her lifetime. But for modern Christians who are experiencing the too-common letdown after the highs of Christmas, perhaps we can contemplate Mary's experience and learn from how she responded to the fears, disappointments and devastation in her world.

From the beginning, Mary knew the path that God called her to was not going to be an easy one. She would become pregnant before she was married, and she was forced to leave her homeland, only to return to the backwaters of the land of Israel; to Nazareth, a hamlet in Galilee -- certainly not the center of the powerful Jerusalem where it was expected the Messiah would return and rule from His earthly throne. She had very real fears about the state of the world, and rightfully so. So do we! But like Mary, despite our fears, we can rely on the promises of God for our purpose here on earth. Our desire to serve God and His kingdom on earth must become greater than our fears of this world. Like Mary, we must keep moving forward, trusting that God will lead us and deliver on His promises for us -- no matter what the world may look like.

I can only imagine the shock Mary must have felt after the angel Gabriel told her the power of the Most High would overshadow her and she would conceive the Son of God! All the doubts and fears of that reality must have swept over her, but what was her response? She praised God for His faithfulness in her life, and that is something that I fervently believe is the answer to our post-Christmas blues! Read Mary's "Song of Praise" in Luke 1:46-55. "He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear Him." There is power in our praise! So, if you are experiencing any kind of despair or depression, I urge you to encourage and strengthen your spirit, as Mary did, and let your words of praise sustain you through whatever we may experience in the coming weeks, months, or years.

Mary's purpose in the life of Jesus carried a huge weight and responsibility. It was also a source of what must have been intolerable pain and suffering. She watched her son be ridiculed, face religious persecution, and ultimately die on the Cross, a most undignified and excruciating death for a Messiah. The agony she must have felt watching her son suffer! She knew the promises of God and still believed them to be true; but it was quite obvious she would not personally witness them. Each Christmas season, we celebrate that same hope in the victory of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Yet we are seeing the world surrender to the Evil that once tried to defeat Him. We continue to believe in the promise that He is seated on His throne in Heaven, and will one day return to secure His Kingdom here on earth. But we, too, face the reality that we may see more suffering and death before that reality happens, and there is no guarantee that it will be in our lifetime. So, like Mary, in our suffering [whether physical or spiritual], we must learn to fully depend and lean on God. He is our way through the morass of evil that threatens to surround us. We must not let our personal suffering consume us, but rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us, and carry us through the sorrows and suffering. I believe God was a consistent presence in Mary's life, and He must be so in ours.

Once Mary realized that the part she played in God's plan was not going to come as easily as she might have imagined, it was necessary for her to trust God in her path of the unknown. It goes without saying that we, too, are in uncharted territory at this time in history. We've never faced uncertainties and fears such as what we are seeing on the horizon. It is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate the world and find "safe harbor" in anything but God, the Father; Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit. Mary had limited information and control over how God would use her. She just simply trusted Him with all her heart, and was willing to follow the path He set before her. We can do that, too, as we emerge from the warmth of the Christmas cocoon into the cold reality of a threatening world. Trust in Him, fully and completely!

Finally, Mary made a decision to surrender her life and the life of her child to God's will. We can make the decision that even though every day cannot be like Christmas, we can surrender the day to God's will for us, not trying to control our purpose, but letting Him, in His sovereignty, direct us to what will please and serve Him. We need to have the courage to admit that He knows what's best for us and His plan, and then surrender every aspect of our lives to Him. It won't be easy, as Mary discovered, but I pray that we each step into her example of greater trust and surrender, as we play our part in God's restoration of the world.

So, in finishing, I just want to encourage everyone to rest in the hope that Christmas offers. Do not let the uncertainty and fears of this crazy world divert you from the purpose God has for you. Let us rise above the post-holiday melancholy and enter a time of renewed hope in the trustworthy, faithful, consistent, and never-ending will of God to lead us and direct us to victory. I believe in Him, and I believe in our capacity to surrender to Him, rather than our fears and despondency. Praise Him, now and forever more!

Deuteronomy 31:8     Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you.    

December 24, 2021

A Christmas Message of Hope and Renewal

Throughout the ten years I have written this blog, I have expressed the progression in my opinion and understanding of this Christian holiday -- moving from reverence of our American traditions; to discovering the pagan roots of the holiday; and in the last couple of years to the decision to make my recognition of Christmas all about honoring the birth of our Savior. It seems as if each year, the Lord brings me new understanding of the significance of His birth. This understanding of His birth transcends the way the world has [rightly or wrongly] chosen to celebrate it throughout history, and it always outshines whatever our current state of affairs might be. This year is no different. 

I remember the profound sadness I experienced when learning that December 25th was not the actual day Jesus was born. Although I had always loved the "magic" of Christmas as a child, with the tree and lights and the excitement of giving and receiving gifts, I was glad [after coming to Christ] to move beyond the commercialization of the holiday to worshipping His glorious birth and the real "reason for the season". And then the Lord led me to the truth that He wasn't actually born on December 25th. In fact, God never commanded that we celebrate a particular day of Jesus's birth. I became more aware that Christianity has its roots in the faith of the Hebrews, and God commanded certain customs and rites to be observed for all generations as "holy days", or Feasts. The "holy day" of Christmas is not among these Feast Days, and it wasn't hard to see that God's holy days were replaced with man-made traditions.

It all began when Emperor Constantine perverted the Church and its holy days into pagan-impacted holidays.  His extreme hatred of the Jews resulted in their exclusion from the Early Church, and their subsequent contempt of our festivities. The pagan holidays of "Saturnalia" and "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti" (which means "birthday of the unconquered Sun"), both of which were celebrated on December 25th, when the Romans thought the Winter Solstice took place, made it easy for Constantine to merge facets of the Christian faith with accepted pagan practices, and keep the hated Jews separate and isolated. The history of the origins of associating Christ's birth with December 25th haunted my soul and I found myself becoming "religious" about my disdain for the inauthenticity of Christmas. And my spirit was dissatisfied with remaining there.

So, I made up my mind [and heart] to return to honoring the beautiful stories in Matthew and Luke of the details of His conception and birth. I acknowledged that gifts were brought to Him, but as tokens of His Kingship, His Priesthood, and His role as Savior. Although the Bible doesn't record a God-mandated date for celebration of His miraculous birth, we as Believers need the hope that the records in Matthew and Luke afford us. This reminds me of a post I wrote on Christmas Day, 2012. It relates a story about the American poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who on Christmas Day, 1864, wrote the words to a poem he titled, I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day. When Longfellow penned the words to his poem, America was still months away from Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9th, 1865; and, his poem reflected all the years of the war's despair, while ending with a confident hope of triumphant peace.

Longfellow's poem was written from the same despair and grief that our nation is currently experiencing from the pandemic.  He wrote the poem after suffering through the tragic death of his wife, Frances, and the crippling injuries of his son, Charles, from war wounds. In 1861, his wife was burned to death after melted wax from a candle ignited her dress.  She ran to Henry's study, where he frantically tried to smother the flames by throwing his arms around Frances-- severely burning his face, arms, and hands. Fanny Longfellow died the next morning. Too ill from his burns and grief, Henry did not attend her funeral. (Incidentally, the trademark full beard of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow arose from his inability to shave after this tragedy.)  The first Christmas after Fanny's death in 1861, Longfellow wrote, "How inexpressibly sad are all holidays." In 1862, a year after the incident, he wrote on Christmas Day, "I can make no record of these days. Better leave them wrapped in silence. Perhaps someday God will give me peace." But that next year brought more tragedy, when his son was paralyzed in the Civil War.  His journal entry for the Christmas of 1863 is silent.  How many families today are experiencing that same grief, despair, hopelessness, and disheartenment during this Christmas season? 

But in the spirit of hope that Christmas symbolizes, Longfellow would rise from his abject misery to compose one of the most inspirational poems of any era.  Longfellow's Christmas Bells loudly proclaimed, "God is not dead!"  Even more, the bells announced, "Nor doth He sleep."  It is a message that needs to be heard in the hearts and minds and souls of all mankind today, and particularly in America. Here are the last two stanzas of that beautiful poem: And in despair, I bowed my head; "There is no peace on earth", I said; "For hate is strong, and mocks the song of Peace on earth, Good-Will to men!". Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: "God is not dead; nor doth He sleep! The Wrong shall fail, the Right prevail, with Peace on earth, Good-Will to men!".

That was my Christmas message in 2012. Today, I want to leave you with a new Biblical understanding of the birth of Christ; one that was shared with me by a Godly woman of faith. It comes from a teaching by Dr. Jim Garlow, titled The Migdal Eder, Really Understanding Christmas. I hope you will listen to it in its entirety, but I wanted to give you a new picture of just how prophetic and significant Christ's birth was. While acknowledging that Jesus was not born on December 25th, Dr. Garlow is able to shine new light on just how intentional God planned this divine birth. 

Now, if you are like me, the term Migdal-eder was new to me. But it is actually mentioned in Genesis 35:19-21 in reference to Jacob, after he buried his wife, Rachel, on his way to Bethlehem: So Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem). Jacob set up a stone monument over Rachel’s grave, and it can be seen there to this day. Then Jacob traveled on and camped beyond Migdal-eder. Now, that term, Migdal-eder, means "[Watch] Tower of the flock", and refers to the exact place where the sheep, who were to be used as sacrificial lambs in the Temple, were raised. The shepherds assigned to watch over these flocks were highly trained to identify lambs worthy of the sacrifice -- they were to be unblemished, perfect, and wrapped in swaddling cloths to protect them from injury. These cloths came from the priestly garments of the priests who carried the blood of the sacrificial lambs into the Holy of Holies to be sprinkled on the Mercy Seat for the forgiveness of the sins of Israel. They were washed and shredded, in order to swaddle [wrap] the perfect lambs who were picked by the shepherds. It is conjecture [and not confirmed by Scripture], but it is possible that the swaddling cloths that Mary wrapped the baby Jesus in came from her cousin, Elizabeth [the mother of John the Baptist], whose husband, Zechariah, was a priest who served in the Temple. 

I hope you will see that it is no coincidence that Mary gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem in that particular manger, and that the angel of the Lord came to those particular shepherds to announce His birth. Approximately 700 years before Jesus's birth, the prophet Micah wrote: And you, O Tower of the Flock (Migdal-eder), hill of the daughter of Zion, to you shall it come, the former dominion shall come, kingship for the daughter of Jerusalem (Micah 4:8). The "former dominion" of Jerusalem refers to the zenith of Israel's rulership, under the reign of King David. Remember, Jesus comes from the line of David. So, Micah prophesies that at the future "Tower of the Flock", the kingship of David will be re-established. 

And it is no coincidence that the angel of the Lord announced to these particular shepherds, Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth [swaddled], lying in a manger. [NOTE: the word "manger" in Greek is the word phat-ne, and means "birthing stall"].  This explains why the angel appeared to these particular shepherds, because first of all, these shepherd knew where to go ... they knew the ancient prophesies of Micah that the Messiah would come from the line of David and would come to Migdal-eder. They knew Micah had also written that from Bethlehem, would come one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days (Micah 5:2). Also, they were the ones hired to find the perfect sacrificial lambs (unblemished and perfect; without spots), and to keep them swaddled until the day they were to be sacrificed for the forgiveness of sins. They knew where the manger/birthing stall was for the lambs, so they knew where they were going and to whom they were going to! The Messiah would be born in a birthing stall at the Tower of the Flock, and He would be swaddled. They were being called to the birth of the Perfect Sacrificial Lamb!     

I am so thankful to have received this expanded teaching on Scripture and to share it with you on this Christmas Day. It is significant to me that the understanding of this concept does not rely on December 25th being the designated day of Christ's birth. In fact, it it is not the day that is important, but the miracle of His birth and the reason that He came into the world the way He did -- magnifying Himself as the sacrificial lamb that takes away the sins of the world. I don't know about you, but I love seeing the connections between the Tower of the flock, the shepherds, the swaddling cloths, and the manger. It deepens my relationship with the story, and shows me once again the Sovereignty of our God and His will. 

So, I pray that this Christmas Day, you are able to see the magnificence of our Lord's birth in a new light, and that whether you are experiencing this day with joy, or pain and sorrow, you can receive the confident hope and inexplicable, triumphant peace that the angel of the Lord promised 2000 years ago. It doesn't matter the exact day that Christ was born ... it only matters that He was born! I wish you all a day of joy with your families, and if like Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, you are struggling with pain, sorrow, and tragedy, remember that he could not deny that the Living God exists. Celebrate that baby, wrapped in swaddling cloths, in a birthing stall meant for sacrificial lambs. He is with you today, and brings His peace, joy, and comfort. Merry Christmas!

Luke 2:14    Glory to God in the highest [heaven], and on earth, peace among men with whom He is well-pleased.

December 21, 2021

The Gift of the Atonement


This is the Christmas season ... the time when gifts are freely given and received. We don't do anything to earn them and for most of us, we do it because we want to please those we love. God gave us the gift of His Son, and His ultimate purpose was to atone for the sins of man to bring us back into relationship with our Heavenly Father. He did that by becoming the Lamb of God; the One whose sacrifice took away the sins of the world. His Atonement [for us] is the greatest act [and gift] in all of history, and a testament to the all-consuming love of God.

I know that sometimes we 21st Century Christians still struggle with believing we have to do something to earn God's love. In the materialistic, self-centered, narcissistic world we live in, even those of us who profess our faith in Jesus may find ourselves bargaining with God to make sure we are still in covenant with Him. It's like it's too difficult to believe that Jesus's death on the Cross -- the final Atonement -- is enough to secure our state of being "At One With God". We get hyper-focused on our needs and begin to question if there might be something else we could be doing to assure the promise of the Atonement. 

And what is that promise? How are we to understand the Atonement? The answer to that question is, at once, both a simple and deep one. The central message of the Atonement is that man's sin has separated him from the original relationship between man and God. God is a Holy God and He demands holiness, but there is nothing that sinful man can do to repair the breach. In other words, we can't be "holy enough". So God has provided a way for all men to come back into a harmonious relationship with our Creator. It is an act done by God because of His infinite and incalculable love for us. It was done by God for us and there is nothing we can do to add to it that makes us more worthy. 

But what about all the animal sacrifices that the Israelites did in following God's commandments? It is important that we understand that from the beginning of man's sin in the Garden, God inaugurated a blood sacrifice to "cover" the sin. God, Himself, sacrificed animals on behalf of Adam and Eve to provide garments to cover their nakedness. He also provided a ram as a sacrificial substitute for Isaac in response to Abraham's faith. And He ultimately sent His own Son as a final sacrifice for all sins [for all time] for those who have received faith in Jesus [by His Grace]. These sacrifices involved the spilling of blood, and this is at the heart of the Atonement ... Leviticus 17:11 makes the significance of blood quite clear in the sacrificial system: For the life of the body is in its blood. I have given you the blood on the altar to purify you; to make you right with the Lord. It is the blood, given in exchange for a life, that makes purification possible. "Making atonement for you" is what "making you right with the Lord" means. You are "at one" with Him; forgiven, reconciled and ransomed [rescued and redeemed from sin]. 

The sacrificial system in the Old Testament exemplified the need for a blood sacrifice, but it was only temporary. Each year, on the Day of Atonement,  the priests would carry the blood from the animal sacrifices into the Holy of Holies to atone for the sins of the people during the year. But it would have to be repeated each year because it was not enough to adequately make amends for the sins against God and His Holy Character. The atonement of the sacrificial system was not only temporary, it was insufficient and inadequate. But God had another plan... Jesus, Himself, the Son of God, "went once for all into the Holy Place [the Holy of Holies of Heaven, into the presence of God], and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, having obtained and secured eternal redemption [that is, the salvation of all who personally believe in Him as Savior]" Hebrews 9:12..

Go back and read the second paragraph again ... The Atonement is an act done by God! Yet somehow, we humans sometimes doubt that it is enough. And that, my friends, is called unbelief! We believe the lie of the Enemy that maybe we don't deserve the Atonement because we haven't done enough -- haven't prayed enough or in the right way; haven't served in the Church enough; haven't been perfect enough; haven't tithed enough; haven't been "Christian" enough! 

Even Abraham struggled with this notion. God's covenant with Abraham included the promises that are still affecting the world today... that God would show Abraham a land and make him a great nation and the father of many [the nation of Israel was the fulfillment]; that Abraham would receive personal blessings [a great name, and a son in his old age, both of which were fulfilled]; and in Abraham's "seed", all the families of the earth would be blessed [fulfilled through Jesus Christ, by whom we have been blessed with Salvation]. Yet, there were times Abraham struggled with waiting on the Lord and took matters into his own hands, thinking his own deeds might be enough of a subtle attempt to manipulate God into following through on His promises. Abraham was beginning to doubt God's promise of a son, so he listened to his wife's suggestion of arranging [themselves] for a son to be born to Abraham. And we know where that got them! 

The truth is, we often question God's promise of the Atonement for those who believe in faith in His Son. Shouldn't we be doing something to prove we are worthy of God saving us? Shouldn't we be trying harder to forgive everyone who has hurt us? Isn't there something else I need to confess and repent for? But we must discern when our "doing" becomes more about focusing on ourselves and our "works", rather than a genuine response of love towards the One who has done the sacrificial work of reconciliation.

I can explain it in these simple terms, as it applies to me. God has given me a gift to write. And I write for Him, just to please Him, with no expectation of fame, wealth, power, status or "extra points in Heaven". I know He gave me this gift and I use it in response to His love in giving it to me. That should be how we approach the Atonement of Jesus. Here is the heart of the matter: We can do nothing to enhance the gift His Atonement has brought us. Repentance, forgiveness, holiness and righteousness on our part can only be "done" [or accomplished] by the grace of God, which is HIS POWER IN US, to do what we can't do on our own! We can't do anything to add to what Jesus accomplished by His sacrificial death on the Cross! There is nothing we can do to add one iota to the all-sufficiency of the sacrifice He made to purify us from our sins. 

As we contemplate the birth of the Christ child this week, let us see the "big picture" of just what that gift of love has given us. God, Himself, came to redeem us in the form of an innocent baby to the backwaters of the Roman Empire. Yet, He was willing to pay the exorbitant price demanded by our Holy God to deliver us from eternal death into Eternal Life, and it cost Him dearly. He suffered a brutal death and shed His own blood so that we who believe in Him would not have to pay the price we owed. So, let us never doubt that what He paid was enough; let us never think that anything we can offer is needed or warranted. By His blood we are all healed of our sins! Let us praise Him because He is worthy of praise for His great love for us. The Atonement is the greatest gift we will ever receive!

Colossians 1:20      And by the blood of His cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to Himself—back to its original intent, restored to innocence again!

December 18, 2021

How To Receive Your Power In Prayer -- It's All About Relationship!

I've got a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head and they're coming fast and strong, so I hope I'm able to adequately share what Holy Spirit is counseling me. The Bible tells us to "Pray without ceasing", and "The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working". And Jesus gave us a very specific prayer to pray ... "Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your name.Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil". Obviously, prayer is something that is valuable [and consequential] in the life of a Christian.

But there is an aspect to the practice of Prayer that I want to address today. Actually, it has become more evident to me since the Lord brought the ministry of Inner Healing to my husband and me. Let me begin by saying that it is always such a blessing to partner with Jesus and Holy Spirit to assist someone to receive Freedom from the bondage of sin in their lives -- whether the bondage originated from their sin, or the sins of others against them. It is more than I could ever express to witness the moment of realization when a Beloved understands [and sometimes for the very first time] just how much Jesus loves them; enough that He suffered the most brutal of deaths to free them from their wounds so that they could fulfill the purpose for which He sent their spirit to earth. When they are able to hear Him speak in the spirit [to their spirit] and know that they can have a real relationship with Him -- one greater than any they've ever experienced -- it's like watching the wonder that a newborn baby experiences when he or she recognizes the voice of their father for the first time! It's an emotional and spiritual connection and association that is unmatched by any other.

That relationship is at the core of our Father in Heaven's desire for us. Through a healthy and intimate relationship with Jesus, we can know the Father, and also build a relationship with the Holy Spirit who teaches us and guides us in all Their ways. And when we finish an Inner Healing Session, we always tell the Beloved that the freedom they have received has become their responsibility to maintain and continue. In other words, Jesus has shown them the truth of why they were in bondage and led them through the ways He wanted to set them free [such as forgiveness, healing in the memories, battling in the spirit, and many other spiritual tools He has shown us]. We encourage them to become proficient in those ways because they will most likely encounter the snares and traps of the Enemy again; the methods of bondage that brought them to our ministry in the first place. But they must now recognize those fiery darts and learn to not only break the habits that ensnared them, but how to bind, rebuke and renounce the lies that Jesus has revealed so that those doors are never opened again. Their freedom must not be taken for granted -- as if they can now live the rest of their lives in a magic bubble, impervious and unaffected by Satan, whom Jesus calls "the dark ruler of this world". 

In fact, we encourage each and every person who comes for Freedom to take the opportunity to expand that experience of hearing and seeing Jesus in the spirit to grow their relationship with Him. The event of their session is not meant to be a one-time, get-out-of-jail-free card. We invited Jesus and Holy Spirit to be present, not only to break the bonds of sin in their life, but for the purpose of beginning to build a powerful relationship that will bless their earthly lives on into their eternal life. That involves what I call "intentional participation" on the part of the Beloved. And the building process must include maintaining the divine connection initiated in the session; continuous interaction with Jesus to discover their purpose on earth and to hear [and see] how to overcome any obstacles; absolute trust in Jesus for all things in their journey; and finally, collaboration with Jesus, which is when the relationship is so strong that they can act without fear as they hear His voice and carry out their assignment for His Kingdom. It is at that point that the Beloved truly understands the Grace of Christ as being more than unmerited favor; it is the power of Jesus in them to do what they cannot do on their own -- which is a collaboration that can defeat any strategy of the Enemy!

And prayer is a very important part of that process. Prayer, in its simplest and most genuine form, is simply having a conversation with Jesus and our Father. And good communication is the best way to develop a healthy and productive relationship. So prayer is always encouraged as a method to continue the freedom that is received. That is the instruction that we leave with the newly freed disciple of Jesus, along with written tools they can rely on as they begin their journey to wholeness and maturity in Christ. But here is where I want to give a word of caution. The journey really is all about consistency and intentionality. We always make ourselves available whenever anyone has a question or needs further guidance or assistance. But, too often, when I receive a phone call that someone feels like the attacks are returning, they usually express something along the lines of, "I feel like I'm losing my freedom". With just a little bit of investigation, invariably they have not made a consistent effort to maintain their relationship with Jesus. It's easy to get caught up in the world again, as one is released from the chains of bondage to past sin. But that is on them! Jesus did the work on the Cross to set them free and then brought His presence into an Inner Healing Session to show them the ways the Enemy tried to block their purpose, and then gives them words of affirmation for how He sees them and resets the clock, so to speak, so they can move forward in a new identity.

Further investigation into the loss of freedom very often reveals what I believe is at the heart of many Christians becoming stalled in their journey. When I ask, "What have you done about it? Have you incorporated [and been consistent] in using the spiritual tools Jesus gave you"?, the answer I often get is, "Well, I have prayed and asked Jesus to a) help me, b) take it away, or c) show me what I'm supposed to do". Or I will get an email or text asking me to pray for deliverance from a specific attack. Once again, I want to stress that prayer is necessary and an effective tool. BUT when prayer becomes the convenient fallback plan, rather than consistent and intentional collaboration with Jesus to become an overcomer, then prayer has become a substitution for stepping into the power of a relationship with Jesus. It is not stepping into that new identity of our freedom in Christ and declaring the power of the Throne of God in our lives! 

Too often we ask others to intercede for us, when Jesus might want to see us use the power and authority He gave us to establish His Kingdom here on earth. There is nothing wrong with joining together in powerful prayer with an intercessor to see the Enemy defeated, but if we do it because we doubt Jesus will answer us, or we think we don't have the right level of faith, then there is something lacking in our relationship with Him. Prayer is not something that is to be done separate from our relationship with Father, Son, or Holy Spirit. It is the intimate communication IN those relationships, and carries the power that comes with that intimacy. We must be careful -- and intentional -- to not let Prayer become a diversion to doing the work of seeking real relationship with the One who set us free. We have been taught since children to pray to God for help in our time of need, but what would it look like if we understood that our prayers are actually extensions of the power we have been given to collaborate with Heaven to bring God's government to our lives and to the earth? That can only happen when there is a heart connection, continuity in purpose, trust, and cooperative efforts between us and our Rock, our Savior, our Deliverer. Prayer is a vital element in our relationship with Jesus. It needs to be more than methodical, routine, and lacking in the power of real communication. Prayer is all about the relationship of your heart with Jesus. It should exemplify your spiritual union with Him, and be evidence of the spiritual relationship you share. So continue to pray without ceasing, building on the continued communication between your hearts, and reaping all the benefits of that divine and powerful connection. You will not only maintain your freedom, but walk in spiritual power to overcome the world!

I Chronicles 16:11    Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually!

December 15, 2021

Are You Positioned In The Cleft of the Rock?

One of the most powerful images in the Bible is that of Moses meeting with God on Mount Sinai. Exodus 33:11 says that God met with Moses "face to face, as a man speaks to his friend". What favor! That is the most intimate kind of relationship! We also read that Moses desired  to see the glorious presence of the Lord, and to know the ways of YHWH so he could understand Him more fully. God promised to go personally with Moses, but could not allow him to see His face, for the glory of God was so powerful, that no man could look upon him and survive. But God invited Moses to stand near Him "on the Rock". He promised that He would call out His Name as He passed by, hiding Moses in the cleft of the Rock, and covering him with His hand until He had passed by, therefore protecting Moses from the power of His glory. And so we see the safety and deliverance that the cleft of the Rock provides. In essence, this cleft represents a covenant between YHWH and Moses
I am currently reading an amazing book, written by Anne Hamilton, titled Hidden in the Cleft: True and False Refuges. This book is one of a series of books in which the author's goal is to share how to reach new thresholds in our relationship with God. This is particularly interesting to me, because I know this life is a journey of growing into the image of Christ, which means reaching new levels of identity and harmony with the Lord as we mature into our "Oneness" with Him. So, I wanted to share some new insights I have received and expand on them as my spirit responds in excitement. 

First, let's consider the fact that this cleft in the Rock on Mount Sinai provided Moses with a refuge or shelter from the power of God's glory as He passed by. That concept of both the Father and Christ being "our refuge" runs throughout the Bible. The Psalms give us so many powerful verses that encourage our souls and spirits as we face some anxious and worrisome days ahead. Psalm 62:8 says, Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Psalm 27:5 says, For He will hide me in His shelter in the day of trouble; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent; He will lift me high upon a rock. And then there's Psalm 91:4, which declares, He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and buckler. Finally, consider Psalm 18:30: This God -- His way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.
The Hebrew word for "refuge" is machceh. It means a shelter; hope; trust; [the place of] shelter, which will have further significance as I show you a bigger picture of the Cleft in the Rock. It comes from the root word chacah, meaning to flee for protection; to confide in; to make a refuge; to have hope. And it's important to understand that it was the cleft in the rock that was Moses's refuge. That might mean seem obvious and you may be wondering why I keep reinforcing it.

To begin with, the concept of being hidden in the cleft of the Rock is repeated over and over. Moses was not the only one! As Anne Hamilton points out in her book, the prophet Elijah not only hides from Ahab in the cleft of Cherith, but later hides from Jezebel in the cleft of Horeb, [which is Mount Sinai, where Moses experienced covenant with YHWH]. But let's see who else was hidden in clefts ... Samson hid from the Philistines in a cleft in the rock of Etam (Judges 15:8). Jeremiah hid a linen belt in a cleft in the rock at Perath (Jeremiah 13:7) as a demonstration that the people of Judah would be ruined wherever they hid, because they had covenanted with idols. Yet he later exhorts the people of Moab to flee from their cities and, like the dove, make a nest in the clefts of the rock (Jeremiah 48:28). We also see Solomon speaking of his betrothed as a dove hiding in the cleft of a rock (Song of Solomon 2:14). 
Notice all the references to clefts in the Rock and doves. It's a picture not only of the Holy Spirit abiding within the Rock, which is Jesus, but a beautiful image of the Bride of Christ. Before I continue, I want you to understand that the Hebrew word for "cleft" is n'qarah, which means "a fissure", which is a long, narrow opening or line of breakage, as in a rock. The root of n'qarah is naqar meaning "penetrate, pierce, thrust out". Because Christ is our refuge, it's not difficult to see that, like Moses, we are invited to be hidden from the Enemy in the cleft, the cut in His side! But how is it possible to hide in this cleft/cut in the Rock?
For that understanding, let us consider Nicodemus's conversation with Jesus in John 3. Jesus tells this member of the Sanhedrin that No one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Our natural birth comes with the breaking of water and the coming of blood. Since Nicodemus was present at Jesus's crucifixion, did he realize the significance of those words as he watched the Roman soldier's spear thrust and penetrate Jesus's side, causing a cut where blood and water gushed forth? Did he realize that he was now witnessing a parallel to a natural birth, and it was a spiritual birth?
Do we see that Jesus died to bring about a new birth from Heaven? That this cut in the side of the crucified Christ is "the cleft in the Rock", and when we enter by faith into that wound, we are not only born again but we are hidden from the power of the Enemy. Just like Moses, we have access to the cleft in the Rock, where we find refuge and a hiding place; where we covenant with our God and can shelter beneath the shadow of His wings. And it is the position of covenant in that cleft that determines if we are abiding in true refuge; if we are truly hidden in Christ. 
Because, my friends, I believe the Lord is telling me to speak to His followers and encourage all of you to make sure that you have abandoned the world and its false refuges and securities and what it means to make God your refuge and hiding place, your shepherd, your counselor, your friend, your Redeemer, your Savior, and your guide. In the words of Thomas of Kempen, a medieval religious leader, Let all your thoughts be with the Most High, and direct your humble prayers unceasingly to Christ. If you cannot contemplate high and heavenly things, take refuge in the Passion of Christ, and love to dwell with His Sacred Wounds. For if you devoutly seek the Wounds of Jesus and the precious marks of His Passion, you will find great strength in all troubles. And troubles are certainly threatening us in the coming days, months, and even years ahead. Find your refuge in Christ, and enter the place of hiding He has provided. And like Moses, you will behold His Glory!
Psalm 34:8-9   Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him! Fear the Lord, you His godly people, for those who fear Him will have all they need.

December 12, 2021

How Much Longer, Lord?

I am prompted to write this today after receiving a comment on a post I wrote in 2014. It has reminded me just how much we are living in days that are eerily similar to the days of Noah. At the time, I wrote, "There are days I wake up and wonder, 'How much longer can this world survive?' And, what will our lives be like when everything is torn asunder?" That was seven years ago, and can anyone say we've earned a reprieve? Today, I would add, "God, how much longer until You remove the Restrainer's hand"? We know, according to 2 Thessalonians 2:6, that the Antichrist is being held in check until the time of his revealing (although at times, it feels as if he is unimpeded) .

Certainly, the political corruption has accelerated; and it looks as if the Enemy has been handed the reins of government. At the very least, it is more evident that our government is not "of the people" -- the divide between those who govern and the governed has become quite obvious. And speaking of "divided" ... the devil has done a pretty good job of employing division as one of his weapons to control the world. He began by dividing the angels in Heaven against God, and then was able to tempt Eve, then Adam, to an act that separated them from God and severed their relationship. Blessedly, Jesus has reconciled us to our Father, but the world still suffers division between nations, peoples, races, sexes, religions, classes of people, forms of government, and in regards to the abominable act of termination of life in the womb.

Wars and rumors of war have pretty much been a continuous state of affairs for the last 100+ years. From WWI, we have essentially seen war bleeding into war, and here we are in 2021, with the possibility of another World War staring us in the face. In 2014, I wrote, "But I'm also aware that the lust for oil is at the heart of many [of these] conflicts.  If you dig deep enough under the propaganda, you will usually find a trail that links you directly to a massive oil reserve.  This includes all the pseudo-scientific data on global warming (or is it cooling these days?); there is always someone, or a group of "someones", who have become millionaires by peddling their brand of "caring for the globe".  In the meantime, nations send thousands of their young men to die -- not really for patriotic and sovereign reasons, but as a strategic move on the chess board of oil consumption". And here, we find ourselves again discussing Russia and Ukraine, and now let's add NATO to the conversation [which can really be thought of as the UN]. Once again, it's all about the oil. Ukraine is rich in oil and Russia doesn't want NATO/UN controlling this important resource. 

I'm also pondering how much longer will the world survive when I look at the turmoil happening in the earth. From the La Palma volcano off the coast of Africa to the earthquake zone known as "the ring of fire" in the Pacific Ocean, it seems as if the world is ready to erupt. The monstrous storm that saw 24 tornadoes form in our heartland this past weekend  -- one of them was 200 miles wide! -- seem to forecast implosion and violent collapse. In addition, we have been subjected to a virus for two years that has disrupted our economy, our ability to grow crops and feed the nation, and cost millions their lives. This is not the plan God wants for mankind. I've said it before, and I will say it again ... Satan has known God's plan from the beginning: to dwell among His creation in personal relationship.  And it has been the Devil's desire to disrupt that relationship at all costs.  He knew God would eventually have to send His Son to redeem us from the ways that he, Satan, would introduce.  If he could disrupt the genealogy and eventual birth of God's perfect Offspring with his own corrupt line, then the world and its inhabitants would worship him, Satan. And it grieves my soul and spirit to clearly see those who have chosen to bow down in reverence to God's enemy. 

The days of Noah are here! Men have used their knowledge to partner with Satan to corrupt God's design and purpose for men. In Genesis 6, we saw the hybridization of fallen angels and human women. Today Artificial Intelligence has resulted in an agenda to create a hybrid man/computer. In both cases, it results in a form of mankind that will not be recognized by the Lord on Judgment Day. Once again, I fear we have given God reason to declare, "It [deeply] grieves Me [to see mankind’s sin] and I regret that I have made them." I fear we are nearing that day sooner than we think.

As I watched the latest space flight of Jeff Bezo's Blue Origin rocket blast off into space, all I could think of was that this was a modern-day version of the efforts of men to build a Tower of Babel. Two of the passengers onboard this "spaceship" each paid a reported $28 million [each] to power into the heavens in a bid to shatter the boundaries between Heaven and Earth. It is the arrogance of men who seek to be "God-like" that delivers them into the hands of the devil. We must ask ourselves, "Are Christians ready for the deception that is coming on the earth? After all, Adam and Eve knew God intimately; they walked in the Garden with Him --- and they still fell for the lies!  

I know what the Bible says ... that judgment will begin in the House of the Lord. So I pray that the Church will awaken to the fact that God has put a mark on the foreheads of those of us who belong to Him in Spirit and Truth. There are some hard questions we need to consider ... Have we adequately sighed and groaned over the abominations that have happened on our watch? And have we done everything we could to stop them? Have we recognized our land is filled with the blood of innocent babies, and that injustice has been spreading like a fire out of control? Are we cognizant that the Lord sees it all, and He says the Day of the Lord will come when He will bring our deeds upon our heads? I am so grateful that the Prophets of old have declared that a remnant will be trained up for the Last Days to represent the holiness of God and proclaim His supremacy and glory! Although the gate is wide, the path is narrow, and we must guard the Lord's Truth in these Last Days so that as many as possible know the way into His Kingdom! 

So, yes, I see that the devil has sowed his wickedness in the world and men have succumbed to his temptations of power, influence and wealth. But I also know the promises of the One True God, my Lord and Savior, and the Creator of all things. Satan has built a highway to hell for those who seek their own glory, but Isaiah 35:8 tells us there will be a Highway of Holiness and only those who walk in the Way will travel it. The number may be small, but we will be mighty in the Lord's strength and power! So, while I look upon the world and it seems clothed in increasing darkness, I am able to perceive the Light of Heaven, which will soon shatter the darkness. Count your blessings that God has placed you here to be a part of His victory!

Psalm 14:2   The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand [or act wisely], who seek after God.

December 9, 2021

Is The Body of Christ Suffering From Spiritual Inflation? Keep In Mind What God Weighs and Measures!

Inflation is on the minds of Americans these days because we are faced with the declining value of the dollar as the world's currency. And so we are all clear on the economic definition of Inflation, here is a simple definition that I think we can all agree on: Inflation is a general increase in prices; it is a fall in the purchasing value of our money, and resulting in a crippling rise in the cost of living for everyone.

  All of us are experiencing inflation in the world today. What we paid for a loaf of bread, a gallon of gasoline, or a new car last year has increased by 6.2% [according to the NY Times], the fastest rise in 31 years. And just try shopping for toys for Christmas this year! Approximately 80% of all toys worldwide are made in China, and because the value of the dollar is decreasing, it now takes $24 to purchase a toy that cost $15 last year. I am not schooled in economics, but this much I know ... as long as our government prints new money [to cover their deficit spending], and floods the market with worthless paper notes, the value of that paper is going to drop, and it is going to take more of those paper dollars to buy products than it has before.

Here's a bit of history you will find interesting; from 1878 until June 4, 1963, our money had "Silver Certificate" printed above the image of George Washington. That meant you could take a dollar bill into your local bank and exchange it for a silver dollar. That dollar bill was backed by a silver dollar which had real value. That coin was approximately one ounce of silver, at a value equal to the Silver Certificate. But the price of silver was on the rise, beginning in 1961 and soon an ounce of silver was worth more than that $1 dollar bill, so the government began to regulate the price of silver and discontinued the use of Silver Certificates. Our dollar bills now say, "Federal Reserve Note", and sad to say, the redemption of silver certificates into real coins of value was replaced with the issuance of paper money, which has steadily decreased in worth, with nothing to back up its value. For a far more educated discourse on how our money has lost its value, please read this informative article on CoinWorld.com. 

So, while today we might have more money, because workers demand higher wages to pay for the higher prices, the money we have buys less. Consider this: the dollars we earn for hard work have real value - something is exchanged for the monetary note deposited in your bank account. But mixed in with these dollar bills in our economy is all the money simply created by printing presses; the government pushes a button and no value is exchanged for these bills that flood the market. So how does economic understanding of inflation relate to Religious/Spiritual inflation? 

Within our Churches and the Body of Christ, there are millions of Believers who use terms like "born again", Spirit-filled"; "Revival"; "Kingdom". Now, I'm sure you will agree with me that these words and terms have real value; especially if you have a sincere and covenant relationship with the Lord and know the value His Word assigns to each. But what happens when those words become a "catch-phrase" or "buzz-word" and are over-used to describe Christian attributes in a vague or ambivalent fashion by millions of Christians with no real understanding to back their words? Let's say you are in a group of 15 Believers and the question is posed, "What does it mean to be born again"? If ten of that group stand up as mature Christians and give a substantial answer that reflects God's Word and His understanding of that term, then being "born again" has great value to the group. But if you have ten people who each give answers that are different, and which rely on their human interpretation without reference to God's Word, then what value can you assign that term? 

Can we say that the majority of the Body of Christ is Biblically sound in their understanding of Born Again? Yet nearly everyone will declare that they are. What about Justification and Sanctification? What does Redeemed mean? How would they describe Glory? And does the Body understand how, what, and where the Kingdom of God exists today? I agree that it's nice to hear these words in sermons and podcasts, but are they spoken of in terms of God's Truth with Biblical accuracy? Or have they become slogans with nothing of real value backing them? It is the Holy Spirit of God which backs up the true Biblical value of those words and phrases, giving them real worth because we have received the revelation of what it cost to pay for their existence and usage.

Among the warnings that Timothy gives us in the New Testament is the perilous times that will occur in the Last Days... He says [among the various translations] that people will become "lovers of themselves, boastful, proud, swollen with conceit, heady, high-minded, arrogant, puffed up with pride, and scoffers of God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly" (1 Timothy 3:1-5). In other words, they will value themselves and their ways more than understanding and acting in God's ways. They will weigh their self-worth in the Body and not find themselves wanting; they will be satisfied with measuring themselves by their own standards of faith and knowledge. 

But the Bible has a lot to say about weights and measures ... A just balance and scales are the Lord's; all the weights in the bag are His work (Proverbs 16:11) ... A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is His delight (Proverbs 11:1) ... Can I forget the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and the scant measure that is accursed? Can I tolerate wicked scales and a bag of dishonest weights? (Micah 6:10-11). In other words, I do not believe that God will tolerate an increase in unhealthy, unsound, or flawed representation of His holy precepts. He's not interested in flooding Christianity with a baseless currency of words. It is incumbent upon us as reliable witnesses of His Holiness that we not tolerate the degradation or dilution of His standards and principles. A minimal or barely sufficient understanding of God's commandments will not be adequate. In other words, it will be found scant and cursed, as it says in MicahLet us not flood the Body of Christ with deficient and weakened teachings that do not give the full and immeasurable quality of God, Himself. Let us be wary of the false prophets and teachers who do not demand full accountability of what it means to call ourselves a follower of Christ. 

So, just like the inflation we are facing in our monetary economy, we must be diligent to prevent inflation in our Churches and religious/spiritual organizations. We must back our faith with an understanding that is Biblical; real and tangible; worthy and of substance. The mere use of Biblical terminology does not mean one represents God accurately, just as saying a dollar bill is really worth a dollar. Biblical vocabulary does not guarantee Biblical value. Instead, let us demand more of ourselves and set standards for Biblical understanding, teaching, and leadership that pleases our Father. Let us show the world the true value of faith in Jesus Christ. Let us follow Paul's admonition to the Church at Corinth:  If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know ( I Corinthians 8:2). And Paul addresses the inflated Believer in Galatians 6:3, For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. We have far too much inflationary deception in our world as it is ... in regards to our economy, our government, the media, our educational system, the military, the entertainment industry, and our families. We don't need it in our Christianity! Let's guard against spiritual inflation and keep our faith free of inflated influences.

Thanks to Middletown Bible Church for their teaching on Inflation as one of the "Crises of Our Day".  

Romans 12:3    For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.  


December 5, 2021

America's Greatness As Defined By Her History - Part One

Today, I find myself immersed in one of my great loves ... the study of early American history. When I was a child, as soon as I could read books with any depth, I devoured everything I could lay my hands on regarding the founding of our nation and the American Revolution. In fact, I was so inspired by the bravery and fearlessness of the early colonists and patriots, that I often wished I had lived during that promising period of our history. The challenges they faced in determining our national identity, form of government, and fabric of society were monumental by history's standards. Yet, what we ended up with has been a beacon of hope and potential for the entire world.

And so, in a desire to revisit the founding character of America, I am taking a free online course from Hillsdale College, called "The Great American Story: A Land of Hope". For those unfamiliar with Hillsdale, it is a private conservative liberal arts college in Hillsdale, Michigan. Founded in 1844 by abolitionists known as Free Will Baptists, it has a liberal arts curriculum that is based on the Western heritage as a product of both the Greco-Roman culture and the Judeo-Christian tradition. It operates independently of government funding and prides itself on instilling the timeless truths of Learning, Character, Faith and Freedom in its students.

The Great American Story: A Land of Hope is taught by Professor William M. McClay, and I yearn for this course to rekindle my soul with the spark of pride and enthusiasm for my country; to once again discern God's divine intervention that my childish mind and heart were convinced were present at the founding. Dr. McClay is the Victor Davis Hanson Chair in Classical History and Western Civilization at Hillsdale College. He received his Ph.D. in history from Johns Hopkins University, and is therefore quite qualified to teach on this subject. I am only two lessons into the 25-lesson course and am already reinvigorated with how the distinguished American DNA was created, and I will be writing on the rediscovered principles of how unique the American experience has been. I see God's hand on our history and pray that He has not yet removed it!

As excited as I am about recognizing the providence of our existence, I am also greatly saddened at seeing how it has deteriorated. But first, I want you to clearly discern the meaning of that word providence. It was a word that George Washington often ascribed to the good fortunes of the new nation: "Glorious indeed has been our Contest: glorious, if we consider the Prize for which we have contended, and glorious in its Issue; but in the midst of our Joys, I hope we shall not forget that, to divine Providence is to be ascribed the Glory and the Praise." The word providence means the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power; it is God's will, His divine intervention, and His predetermination. As I hope to share in coming blog posts, we have received incredible favor from the God of the Universe in our short history. We are unique, and even through our mistakes and errors, we have, for the most part, remained great. 

Just consider the ways in which America defied the conventional methods by which countries and nations had come into existence. American history is significant and consequential. If, as many history and Biblical scholars contend, the Roman Empire was the human political entity that God used to prepare the world for the birth of the Messiah and for the spread of the Salvation gospel, then the founding of America may be just as equally significant. The founding of America was intended to be something new and an improvement on older nation empires because it began with an amazing mixture of radical ideas that encompassed things humans had hoped for for centuries; and there was the incredible opportunity to make it happen.

Among that mixture of ideologies was a faith in a Biblical God (for most of them); a knowledge of the Classics; and an acquaintance with the different forms of government that were available. Or, as Dr. McClay says, "They brought the whole meaning of a civilization with them to a new place and then they started over. They brought everything but the aristocracy". And that made a fundamental difference in the structure of America. The underlying theme of America is that it is an innovative idea; a land of hope; a land of refuge; a land of opportunity for everyone; it represents a second chance. And above all else, the hope of America is a spiritual concept.

I plan on sharing other concepts of what America means to the existence of the world in future posts as I progress through the course and as the Lord leads during our current experience. But for now, I want to take a hard look at a quote credited to French political philosopher and historian Alexis de Tocqueville after a visit to pre-Civil War America. [NOTE: Presidents of the U.S. down through the years have used this quote and attributed it to de Tocqueville, although there is no evidence he is the legitimate author]. Nevertheless, the following quote has often been used to describe the uplifting and poetic hope of America: I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her fertile fields and boundless forests, and it was not there. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her public school system and her institutions of learning, and it was not there. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution, and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good America will cease to be great.

I totally believe in the premise of that last line -- America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great! For me, it is impossible to consider this quote without taking a look at how well we are preserving those lofty attributes. Is the greatness and genius of America still evident in the fertileness of our fields and in our rich mines? Or have we handed over the production of our resources to demagogues? [By the way, the definition of a demagogue is "a political leader in a democracy who gains popularity by arousing the common people against elites, especially through oratory that whips up the passions of crowds, appealing to emotion by scapegoating out-groups, exaggerating dangers to stoke fears, lying for emotional effect, or other rhetoric that tends to drown out reasoned deliberation and encourage fanatical popularity]. 

And what can we say about our world commerce/trade? Are we still great and exemplifying genius, or have we outsourced all that to foreign nations? What about our public school system or higher institutions of learning? Seems to me that ever since we removed God and His providence/protection from our education system, we are less great and certainly don't look like geniuses. And can we honestly say we still honor the democratic process of government or the supremacy of the Constitution in carrying out our rule of law? The last few years have seen a rapid decline in the original intent of both. Finally, do our pulpits flame with righteousness, or have we substituted preaching the justice, mercy, and love of a righteous God for compromising with the world and our 50l(c)3 overlords? We need to return to the thoughts of those who saw the original vision for this country -- they met situations as dire and serious as our own [including threats from foreign powers, plagues, and domestic division] to make their hopes prevail. We need to know how they did it! There is value in preserving and studying our history. And revising history for the sake of cerebral conflicts with changing modern standards not only modifies truth, but threatens our greatness.

So, as I draw to a close in this beginning dialogue about the greatness of America, I want to leave you with two quotes. The first is by Dr. McClay, himself: In times of change and danger when there is a quicksand of fear under men's reasoning, a sense of continuity with generations gone before can stretch like a lifeline across the scary present and get us past that idiot delusion of the exceptional NOW that blocks good thinking. The second quote is by John Dos Passos, an American writer, and one of the major novelists of the post-World War I “lost generation,” who gained a reputation as a social historian and as a radical critic of the quality of American life: That is why, in times like ours, when old institutions are caving in and being replaced by new institutions not necessarily in accord with most men's preconceived hopes, political thought has to look backwards as well as forwards.

Can America retain her Goodness, and therefore her Greatness? It is evident that forces, both spiritual and in the physical world, are desirous of ending her prominence on the world stage. Can we re-ignite that flame of individualism and God-given rights and purpose that were the origin of our founding? Can we look back and embrace what was good about the original vision of America; that we honor the God whose protection allowed for the creation of a nation that believed in the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Can we learn from the eradication of evils we allowed to stain our history; how to conquer slavery of men and establish self-rule and independence, while remaining in union with each other? And can we agree that Governments exist solely for the purpose of protecting our God-given rights; that they derive their powers from the consent of the governed, not from the self-declared rights of self-appointed Kings? 

We are at a crossroads in our national history. We can still see and remember the origins of our founding. But the forces that would erase those memories are actively engaged in changing our history and instituting new principles. I am so happy to have this course as a reminder of who we used to be, and who I believe we can still be. Join me in praying for God's continued protection of this great nation that was clearly founded on His principles and with His approval. Ask Him to forgive us our trespasses and restore our righteousness, as we walk in our purpose for this nation and the world!

Jeremiah 29:11    For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

December 1, 2021

God Is Watching!

God is taking particular interest in the affairs of our nation this week. Today, the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in regards to a Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks and is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade. Furthermore, America awaits the Court's ruling on Texas Senate Bill 8, which bans abortion at the first sign of cardiac activity in a fetus, which is typically around six weeks. Both rulings will have significant impact on the future of this nation, as well as the spiritual consequences of these momentous decisions.

We are moving in the right direction, legally, but I'm not sure that is enough for our righteous God. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there is an abortion in the United States every 37 seconds. But based on the statistics we have received over the last two years from this federal agency during the Covid crisis, I'm not sure that is an accurate number, but I digress. Anywhere near that frequency is an abomination to the Creator of each of those babies! 

Frankly, it amazes me just how much the landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 has become lionized. It's only been 48 years since that iniquitous decision, yet it is seen as a bedrock verdict for the right of every woman "to choose an abortion before viability". And the real question centers around when does fetal viability begin? The clinical definition of viability is "the ability of a fetus to survive outside the uterus. Fetal viability is generally considered to begin at 24 weeks gestational age, since at this point in the pregnancy, most infants survive a preterm birth." If my calculations are correct, that is around the 6-month mark, which is right before the third trimester. A nation that would make it legal to end the life of a 6-month-old fetus has no claim to righteousness!

Anyone who has seen 3-D images of a fetus in utero knows that they are witnessing a human being on that ultrasound. And for those of us who believe in the sanctity of life, we know that from the moment of conception, the spirit of Life is present in those cells. And it is a great offense to the Creator of Life to suggest that life does not exist at that stage! Sadly, our fixation with a mother's right to murder her child has become "a right"; an entitlement, a privilege. Furthermore, it is a form of child sacrifice that has been practiced throughout the ages of the ancient world. There are those who would argue that the sacrifice of children was part of an act of worshiping pagan deities such as Molech and Baal, and belongs to the very distant past. They would also contend that that practice has no connection with the choices made by modern 21st Century women. 

But it is as much a ritual today as it was thousands of years ago. The Canaanites may have been paying tribute to fertility gods, or seeking favor from gods of the harvest, or even obtaining a blessing from a vow made in the name of a god -- but it was ultimately for the benefit of the adult's life; it was done to bring advantage to their existence. Nothing has changed. Abortion in today's world accomplishes the same thing. It benefits the life of the mother; whether it is done for convenience sake, to avoid poverty, or to eliminate the consequences of a horrendous sexual sin against the woman. I believe it is never an easy decision. And it shouldn't be. Life is a gift from the One who created each of us -- no matter the circumstances under which that divine light results in conception. 

But there is another aspect of abortion that my spirit grieves. I understand that we were created as spirit beings in the image of God, and I know that we were "chosen in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him" (Ephesians 1:4). I believe that each of us is sent to this earth to represent His righteousness in the world, bringing the knowledge of Him and His character and nature to those who don't know who they were created to be... all for the glory of the One who created us. So, I think of the millions of spirits that were knit into wombs and never got the chance to discover and accept their identity, and instead were sacrificed to the lies that they were mere cells, and disposable and expendable.

So, the fact that it has only taken 48 years for this egregious act to become normalized in our society is the reason that the decisions made by the Supreme Court carry so much weight this week. It shows how far off track we are from God's will for humanity and for our nation. It is possible that these decisions will tell us if we survive the near future. We would do well to discern that the kingdoms of Israel and Judah's fall into idolatrous child sacrifice eventually became part of the reason God sent them into the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. King Solomon turned his heart to the pagan gods of his foreign wives; King Manasseh offered his own son as a sacrifice and so did King Ahaz. The bottom line is this: God hates the shedding of innocent blood. It is clear in Proverbs 6:17 ... There are six things that the Lord hates ... and among them is "hands that shed innocent blood". 

We are no different than the Israelites described in Psalms 106:38 ... They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters. By sacrificing them to the idols of Canaan, they polluted the land with murder. It is a fact that our land is polluted with the blood of innocent babies. And God is not only grieved, but filled with righteous anger. We have been a blessed nation for 245 years, and we are naive if we do not think God is watching how the Supreme Judges of our land rule, beginning today. I cannot stress enough how important it is that we all be praying today and that God hears our petitions to change the hearts and minds of the nine men and women who sit on the highest Court in the Land. Father, we fervently repent for the murder of millions of your children! We bow before You, humbly asking for forgiveness, and seeking Your guidance and wisdom to help turn this nation back to You. Do not forsake us, nor turn Your back on us! We hear the blood of these innocents crying out for justice, and we join our prayers with their righteous appeals! Deliver this nation from the abomination of abortion, in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

So, please join me and the millions of Christians who understand exactly how important today's oral arguments are, and that what this nation decides to do in the coming days to safeguard the lives of the unborn will have everything to do with whether America exists in the near future. But it is not for our safety that we pray; it is for the sacredness of Life and the right of every unborn child to live his or her divine destiny in the world. Please, Father, we pray for sanctified wisdom in our judicial branch of the government and that Your will be done today! Amen!

Ezekiel 20:31    For when you offer gifts to them and give your little children to be burned as sacrifices, you continue to pollute yourselves with idols to this day. Should I allow you to ask for a message from me, O people of Israel? As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, I will tell you nothing.