A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

July 19, 2020

The Cost of Discipleship

      If you have followed this blog for any length of time, then you know the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. If not, then I hope you will find the courage and wisdom of this Pastor to be a beacon of hope and encouragement during this season of our nation's history. Let me share a little bit about him...
      I know we are not to have idols in this world, or lift any man above another.  But there are times when we must look to the example of righteous men, in order to know the path we are to follow. My friends, that time is now.  Our culture and nation are rapidly disintegrating into immoral chaos. Destruction begets more destruction; death begets more death. We see the moral fabric of this nation being stretched in so many directions that we wonder how long before it's ripped to shreds? People are listening to false prophets and teachers who promote lawlessness in the name of justice. How far are the citizens of this nation willing to go to achieve their idea of "social equality"? Do we, as a nation, still revere our individual freedoms, or will we blindly follow the voices of deception? Are we, as Christians, willing to stand for uncompromising Christian principles?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
     Eighty years ago, a pastor in Nazi Germany asked himself those same questions and took his stand. Dietrich Bonhoeffer acted responsibly in his faith during one of the most evil times in history. He was a deeply religious Lutheran pastor and he found himself in a dilemma ... when informed of the evil that was Adolph Hitler, and the plan to exterminate the Jews, he had to make a decision ... how far is "too far" in order to stop that evil?  When confronted with something so offensive to God, is there ever an excuse for Christians to compromise, capitulate, or raise the white flag?
     Bonhoeffer didn't think so, and it cost him his life.  At the beginning of the Nazi regime, many members of the [Protestant] churches did not reject National Socialism on principle.  Suffering from the effects of their loss in WWI, many Germans were drawn to the German National People's Party and their idealization of the past.
     But a small group of pastors, including Bonhoeffer, became unified in what would be called "the Confessing Church" and arose in opposition to government-sponsored efforts to nazify the German Protestant church. They objected to the Nazis on moral and theological principles: they could not reconcile the Nazi state's claim to total control over the person with the ultimate sovereignty that, in Christian orthodoxy, must belong only to God.  It was their stated objective to resist state manipulation of religious affairs. They tried to stay out of the political fray, and hoped to convince the Church to recognize the contradictions of being a Christian and a Nazi.
     But as the evil that was Hitler and his regime grew, pastors could no longer stay on the sidelines.  They had to choose between inaction, which was, in essence, condoning the atrocities towards the Jews; or becoming involved with plots to stop the madness -- even if it meant being part of assassination attempts on the Evil Mastermind, himself.  Many chose the safe route that included tolerance and turning a blind eye. A few did not; with some being sent to concentration camps, where they survived the war -- or in the case of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, whose fate was to be hanged for his opposition to Hitler and his obedience to his faith.
     I can only imagine the spiritual struggle involved in making that kind of decision. As a Christian, willingly killing someone is never something that we want to consider. But as our Second Amendment rights are threatened, and as the soaring gun sales across this nation exhibit, people are sensing that evil is on the rise and there may come a time when they must make a decision to defend their own life by taking the life of another. God forbid! Dietrich Bonhoeffer faced that decision on behalf of his entire nation. 
     Therefore, I have not been surprised at the efforts of the anti-Christ spirit in unbelievers to tear down the memory of martyrs like Bonhoeffer.  They must not let us see or hear the writings of such a man who struggled with how to respond within his religious principles (and God's will) to a rapidly deteriorating national culture -- and who was not only unafraid to live for what he believed in, but was not afraid to die for it.
     I can only imagine the struggle within his spirit as he confronted the likely consequences of his actions. One day he would have to stand before God and explain how, as a Christian, he could be complicit in murdering Hitler.  He finally decided that he would have to rely on God's mercy to understand that he had to stop Evil at any cost, even if it meant he lost his soul. But it wasn't just his own soul he was concerned about.  Writing to his co-conspirators in 1943, he said,  "The ultimate question for a responsible person to ask is not how he is to extricate himself heroically from the affair, but how the coming generation is to live."
     In his masterful book, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, author Eric Metaxas tells us of the challenges Bonhoeffer faced in reconciling his faith, his moral ethics, and the politics of the day, which were quite diabolical in Nazi Germany. How does a committed Christian deal with the prospect of conflict with the Enemy on the battlefield? 
Desmond Doss
     In comparison to Bonhoeffer's story, I'd like to present Desmond Doss, an Army Medic and real-life hero of WWII, who vowed to serve both his country and his God, no matter the cost.  As he told a military tribunal who tried to court martial him for his refusal to carry a weapon, "With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it don't [sic] seem like such a bad thing to me to put a little bit of it back together." Doss determined that he would serve his fellow man by putting him first; willing to endanger, and even sacrifice, his own life in order to save another's.  He would save lives, rather than take them, choosing to live out, Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
     Bonhoeffer, however, was faced with how to stop the demonic actions of Adolph Hitler, the anti-Christ of his times. Like Doss, Dietrich knew the 6th Commandment, Thou shalt not kill.  But he faced the moral dilemma of doing nothing to stop the murder of 6,000,000 Jews.  He finally came to the conclusion that he trusted God to understand his motives in becoming involved in an assassination attempt on Hitler. To Bonhoeffer, it had come down to God's admonition to Hate evil, love good, And establish justice in the gate! Both men exercised their freedom of conscience, and they took their accountability to God not only seriously, but solemnly.
     So, are we all capable of being as heroic as Doss or Bonhoeffer?  We have yet to find ourselves in the midst of a gruesome battlefield, although our streets are rapidly becoming a war zone. One thing is clear -- as Christians, we are all in a battle with our culture, and the increasingly compromising positions of our Churches and governmental officials. And like Doss and Bonhoeffer, we must decide how we are to act, as we find ourselves inside the collective drama.  While we are in this world, we are not of it. So, we cannot, and must not, separate ourselves from the world. But it is going to take courage to be and maintain the image of Christ, while all around us, the darkest impulses of the human will try to overwhelm and defeat us.
     If we are true to our faith, we know where our citizenship lies. We are the sons and daughters of the King and citizens of the Kingdom of God. In fact, we are already there with Jesus, in spirit.  We just have to conform our mind, emotions, will, and these temporary bodies to the heavenly conviction of our spirit, and then let our actions show who we are.  It is not enough to pray... although we should not abandon sending our petitions heavenward.  We must be totally committed to our Biblical morals and completely loyal to God; acting on our faith, not just believing.
     And it will cost us. Discipleship in the Name of Jesus will not be a road easily traveled.  We can look at the lives of all the Apostles and see what it cost them. And in the cases of Doss and Bonhoeffer, we can see how loyalty to their God resulted in very different outcomes -- one's actions led to a hero's medal; the other to execution by hanging. I know that there will be those who say that Bonhoeffer's path was wrong and can never be accepted nor forgiven by God.  But my thoughts turn to King David, and his actions in having Uriah killed so that he could lie with Bathsheba.
     As theologian and Hebrew scholar, Michael Heiser, so eloquently writes in his fantastic book, The Unseen Realm, "King David was guilty of the worst of crimes against humanity in the incident with Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite.  He was clearly in violation of the law and deserving of death.  Nevertheless, his belief in who Yahweh was among all the gods never wavered.  God was merciful to him, sparing him from death, though his sin had consequences the rest of his life."  The lesson here, is that personal failure, even the worst kind, as exhibited by Bonhoeffer, will not separate you from God's mercy. Although Bonhoeffer was not spared from death [as King David was], he never disavowed his loyalty to God, nor doubted YHWH's loyalty to him.
     In the final minutes of his life, before being led to the gallows, he led a short service for fellow prisoners, praying, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By His great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." Then he asked that a message be delivered to Bishop Bell [a supporter of the German resistance to Nazism) in London; the message reading that "this was the end, but for him also the beginning of life, and that the ultimate victory of their cause – a universal Christian brotherhood rising above all national interest – was certain".
     The prison doctor, who witnessed the execution recorded this impression: "Through the half-open door in one room of the huts I saw Pastor Bonhoeffer, before taking off his prison garb, kneeling on the floor praying fervently to his God. I was most deeply moved by the way this lovable man prayed, so devout and so certain that God heard his prayer. At the place of execution, he again said a short prayer and then climbed the steps to the gallows, brave and composed. His death ensued after a few seconds. In almost fifty years that I worked as a doctor, I have hardly ever seen a man die so entirely submissive to the will of God".
     Again, I look to Bonhoeffer's story for signs of what might be coming to our land. Dietrich Bonhoeffer and a handful of pastors stood alone in the German Church. He came to America in 1939, hoping to escape the fall of his Church, gain strength from the American Church, and return to Germany to rebuild the Church from the ashes of war.  But he soon became disillusioned with the American Church, writing:  "I now wonder whether it is true that America is the country without a reformation? ... There hardly ever seem to be "encounters" [with God] in this great country.  But where there is no encounter, where liberty is the only unifying factor, one naturally knows nothing of the community which is created through encounter."
     While attending an American church in June of 1939, Bonhoeffer wrote of the sermon, "Lively and original, but too much analysis and too little Gospel."  What would he say today??  And again in June of 1939, he wrote about America:  "The separation of church and state does not result in the church continuing to apply itself to its own task; it is no guarantee against secularism.  Nowhere is the church more secularized than where it is separated in principle, as it does here.  This very separation can create an opposition, so that the church engages much more strongly in political and secular things."
     Sad to say, I find many Churches and fellow Christians looking to politics and elections to solve our issues. They look to bring their Christianity into the political arena in order to influence it. Do we really think changing our politicians or passing legislation will accomplish our commission from the Lord? Do we really think the ballot box will provide us with an escape from what the Bible tells us is coming?
     So, how will we, as modern day Christians, exhibit our loyalty and discipleship to our Lord?  We have seen in the examples of Desmond Doss and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the very picture of heroism -- two entirely different men, but both committed to acting out their faith. Neither set out to become a hero, and I wage that neither welcomed the mantle.
     Ultimately, what does Dietrich Bonhoeffer's story have to tell us? Consider what he had to say in his own words ... "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”  All Christians, whether in leadership roles or not, should take heed of Bonhoeffer's words and pay attention to history. The German Church ignored the growing persecution of Jews across Europe.  They turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to it, and they did it at their own peril.  In the end, the German Church was taken over by Nazi ideology and the blood of millions of Jews was upon their hands. The American Church is flirting with following the same path.  Pastors must throw off the chains of government and speak out about the wave of persecution streaming towards Christianity.
     We must open our eyes and see that the tide of torment in the streets is beginning to turn its attention to our faith. First it was the tearing down of statues that honored the history of our nation's Civil War. Now, I'm beginning to see the defacement of Christian statues and cries to tear dow Jesus. Evil is growing into a tsunami and history has shown us what can happen when such evil is allowed to foment unchecked.
       In the words of Spanish philosopher George Santayana (1863-1952), Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. In the end, we are responsible for our faith and our actions. I pray for hearts that are set on being obedient to the will of God. That's not a simple thing to do in this world. I pray that we all will have the courage of Desmond Doss and Dietrich Bonhoeffer... to be a bright light in the midst of this dark time in our nation's history; to be that unwilling hero to someone in need of the image of Christ in their life. And I know in my spirit that God will honor our actions on His behalf. He's just looking for willing participants.

I have written a series of posts on Dietrich Bonhoeffer from 2012-2016. This post is a compilation, along with added and relevant insight to current events.

Isaiah 50:7-8:  "But the Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame. He who vindicates me is near..."

July 16, 2020

Why We Have Tolerated The Weeds


     Once again, as I've studied familiar Scripture, the Lord has shined His light upon the Word to give me a new and fresh revelation. We are studying Matthew in our Home Church and, specifically, Matthew 13, best known for the richness of the parables Jesus shared with His disciples.
     If you've spent any time at all reading your Bible, then these parables are familiar to you. And if you are like me, my initial understanding of them was that Jesus spoke in terms of simple stories, in order to teach a moral or spiritual lesson. Theses "lessons" were to be applicable down through the centuries to His followers. And I thought I'd done a pretty good job of comprehending what He was trying to teach me. That is, until I discovered His message of the Kingdom. That changed everything!
     It began with the recognition that the Kingdom of God was the central point of the parables, and that the Parable of the Sower is the foundation for understanding all the parables. Jesus confirms this in Mark 4:13 when He asks His disciples, "If you don’t understand this parable [of the Sower], how will you understand any parable?"
     So, Jesus proceeds to explain the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13:18-23. How many of you, like me, missed verse 19 completely? How many, like me, were stunned when the Lord shined His Light on this fundamental truth in His Word? He says, The hard path where some of the seeds fell represents the heart of a person who hears the Good News about the Kingdom and doesn’t understand it; then Satan comes and snatches away the seeds from his heart. As we've all been taught by the Church, the "Gospel" is the "Good News" of Jesus Christ. He couldn't make it any clearer in this parable ... He is the Sower bringing the Gospel of the Kingdom into the hearts of men who will receive it! It is important that we distinguish which Gospel Jesus is sowing into the hearts of men in this parable! Check out the various translations in the Bible.... almost all of them identify "the seed" as the "word of the Kingdom".
     As I've written in previous posts (here and here), I am not downplaying or discrediting the Gospel of Salvation, but that wasn't His primary message to the crowds or to His disciples. Salvation is the necessary and mandatory entry point into the Kingdom of God. Jesus explains that quite well in John 3:1-5. Please read that, if you are confused about the difference between the two Gospels. Because, today, I want to show you why this confusion even exists today. And believe me, the Body of Christ needs to understand this truth in this critical hour.
     All you have to do is query the internet about the meaning of the parable of the Sower and you will find such vague and misleading answers as these .... The man represents God and the seed is His message. But what Message? Salvation or Kingdom?.... The moral of the Parable of the Sower is that not everyone who hears the Christian gospel will understand and believe. But which Gospel? Salvation or the Kingdom?
     So, why is it so difficult for the Body of Christ to grasp this important and crucial message about the Kingdom? Jesus made it clear that the Kingdom message was of primary importance to Him. In Luke 4:43, He says, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose. Why does the Church stay focused on the good news of Salvation, instead of taking the next step and sharing that once a person is Saved, they are to see and understand the Kingdom and enter into it? That's why they are here on earth!
     It's taken me a long time to get to the central point of this blog, but here it is .... In Matthew, after presenting the most important parable of the Sower, Jesus then shares the Parable of the Wheat and Tares [or Weeds]. Do you think that is a coincidence? If you believe as I do, that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, then join me in understanding what our Lord is telling us in this pivotal parable.
     In Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus has this exchange with His Disciples, "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”
     We know from the previous parable of the Sower that the man is Jesus, the good seed is the Gospel of the Kingdom, and the field is the world which Jesus created. So how did weeds get in this field and what does it mean for us? This time, Jesus is more succinct in explaining the meaning of His parable. He says, "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil."
     I want you to focus on this small portion of the parable ...  that Jesus sowed the good seed of the Gospel of the Kingdom, but while "his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also". Are you able to discern that Jesus accomplished His mission of sowing the Gospel of the Kingdom into the world, which means the Gospel was received by the sons of the kingdom [the Disciples] and the Body of Christ, or the Church, was born. But after that first generation of Disciples died [were sleeping], others came into the Church and sowed seeds from the Enemy. These seeds represent men who began to alter Jesus's Gospel of the Kingdom, to focus primarily on the Gospel of Salvation. While this Gospel is not wrong and is most important, it stops short of Jesus's full mission for us ... receive Salvation and then enter the Kingdom to bring the government of Heaven down to earth.
     And here is an expanded meaning of what the weeds represent: In the King James Bible, “weeds” is called “tares”, and this is how the Concordance describes them: “A kind of darnel (Eurasian ryegrass) that grows as tall as wheat and barley, and resembles wheat in appearance, except the seeds are black. It is seen by the Jews as degenerate wheat (it has lost the qualities of wheat). The seeds are poisonous to man, producing sleepiness, nausea, convulsions and even death. The plants can be separated out, but the custom, as in the parable, is to leave the cleaning out till near the time of harvest”.
      If as true Christians, we desire to righteously represent our Lord, why have we tolerated these "weeds" in our midst? It's because these “weeds” have grown up alongside the men of the Kingdom since the inception of the Early Church, poisoning its teachings. They introduced denominationalism with all its varied doctrines and traditions, and hid the Gospel of the Kingdom from the Body of Christ. They promoted Salvation as the be-all, end-all of our Christian experience, and these teachings have continued until today. That’s why the Church follows so many wrong man-made doctrine.
     We were unable to recognize the poisonous seeds because they resembled the seeds first sown by Jesus. We did not see what grew from the seeds; we ignored the blackness of the seeds which was a poison that produced apathy and passivity in the Church. We, as the Body of Christ, did not guard against imposters, but welcomed anyone whom we thought resembled us, without doing our due diligence.
     And now, the Body as a whole, cannot be trusted to recognize the pure wheat from the impure (or degenerate) wheat. Centuries of assimilation and accommodation have produced a crop within the Church that includes lethargy, sickness of soul and spirit, upheaval in the Kingdom on earth, and yes, even death. These conditions are the weeds grown from the seeds of Christ's enemy. And Jesus will come and gather them out of His true Church at the end of this age. He will be the One who separates the wheat from the weeds at His harvest. And I believe the Body of Christ will be shocked at what is revealed amongst them.
     But, I also believe this is the season before the harvest, when the Remnant can rise and boldly declare the full Gospel of the Lord ... He came bringing the government of His Father's Kingdom in Heaven; to show us why we were created -- to rule the earth [as images of our Creator] in the same way He rules Heaven. The first and crucial step is to recognize our unrighteous sin, and receive Christ as our Savior, and pledging to be obedient in all His ways. Then we have the credentials to enter into the Kingdom, where we are to spend the rest of our lives as ambassadors of the Kingdom and continuing Jesus's work to bring the heavenly model of God's Kingdom to earth. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven is not to just be spoken in reverent prayer, but is to be walked out and lived daily! 
     It is not too difficult to recognize that the wheat is ripening and the harvest is near. And I clearly distinguish the wheat from the weeds. The Good News that Jesus came proclaiming includes both Salvation and Kingdom! In this crucial hour, let us not rest on an incomplete Gospel. Let us bring Salvation to the nations and then encourage them to enter the Kingdom, where we might yet save more wheat from being destroyed by the weeds. I praise my Lord for calling my attention to His Word and revealing His truth where I have missed it. Let me be one of the righteous that shine like the sun in my Father's kingdom! Let me be an instrument to grow His harvest! Let's no longer tolerate the destruction that comes with the weeds!

Acts 20:29-30      I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.

July 13, 2020

The Lord Is My Banner

     I'm in a contemplative mood today. And as insignificant as it may seem, I have been struggling over whether to change the name of this blog. Salvation and Survival certainly had a specific meaning when I wrote my first post on December 5, 2011. I began writing to encourage women who were fearful; to inspire them to walk in their identity in Christ; to strengthen their faith in times of dread and panic. At that time, I was focused on the confusion and calamity I saw occurring in my beloved home country, the United States, and around the world.
     We were still striving to recover from the fallout of the financial crash in 2008, along with civil unrest caused by the Occupy Wall Street movement. Our economic fortunes took another turn for the worse as the U.S. credit rating was downgraded for the first time, and unemployment soared. The world experienced the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Arab Spring, and increased terror attacks, including the killing of 77 at a youth leadership camp in Oslo, Norway.
      I knew from my conversations with friends and family that women were feeling that their security was in jeopardy. I wanted to share ways in which they could begin preparing for "hard times", while ultimately pointing them to Jesus. I wanted to show them that their security was in Jesus and their salvation was a stalwart  anchor in the midst of the coming storm. I wanted them to know that both Salvation and Survival were possible as we watched our world careening out of our control.
     There have been times throughout the last nine years that I wasn't sure I had anything more to say, and I would ask the Lord if it was time to quit writing this blog. But you know what? This blog has never been about me expressing what I had to say; it's always been about what God wanted to say through me. And He has a lot to say that He wants imparted to those with "ears to hear". So, I keep writing. After all, it was in 2008 that a man I met [only once] made a profound impact on my life. He told me that he had a word from the Lord for me ... Be the pen, not the blank piece of paper. And I know part of my assignment in this world is to write for my Lord.
     But wanting to do it to the best of my abilities, I now find myself questioning if the title of this blog reflects the growth of my assignment. I know it sounds like a mundane consideration, but I never want to misrepresent the Lord. I have completed my task of alerting people to think about food storage, and sustainable living, and self-protection --which fulfilled the Survival purpose of this blog. And the Lord showed me that while my Salvation message should always be a priority, He wanted me to expand it to point to the Gospel of the Kingdom, which was Jesus's priority (Luke 4:43 and Matthew 24:14). Shouldn't my blog title reflect this enlargement of my assignment?
     After doing some initial research and discovering that changing the url of this site could mean that all the previous posts could be lost and anyone looking for me under the original name might not be re-directed or able to locate the new site, I felt I would just have to live with what I felt was an obscure and ambiguous title. That is, until I expressed my concern to my insightful husband.
     Mark said, first of all, it wasn't worth losing all that I've written over the last nine years, but more importantly, he felt Salvation and Survival was still applicable to the new territory we are plowing. In fact, what we face in the world today makes 2011 look like a walk in the park! A weaponized virus is affecting the entire world and has transformed this nation into something I hardly recognize. Fear is more rampant than I've seen it since 2001. The Enemy has blinded people with deception and lies, and just as Jesus said, "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12). Notice that He said most, not many!
     And I'd like to address another point ... there are days when I'm writing what the Holy Spirit has put on my heart, that my soul worries my message is too often negative. By that I mean that like many of my fellow Christians, I am not expecting a worldwide revival. Instead, I see the remnant stepping into position to be able to speak into Believers who will lose heart (and even their faith!) when the AntiChrist unleashes his plans upon the unsuspecting. I try to infuse my posts with the encouragement to persevere and endure as we abide in Christ. That is what He is telling me, and it is what the Word says will happen! I identify with a good friend of mine, whose spirit hears clearly and undeniably from the Lord, that we know how the prophet Jeremiah felt. I don't want to be delivering gloom and doom, but I also cannot dismiss or misrepresent the Lord's exhortation. I write, not in defeatism, but to embolden you to walk in the power and love of Christ!
     So, Mark has helped to show me that the banner for this blog is still appropriately called Salvation and Survival -- Salvation is the entry point into the Kingdom according to John 3:5, and we will need to rely on our Kingdom citizenship; our power; and our authority for Survival during this time and the coming persecution. In fact, entering into the Kingdom of God is the only way we will survive.
     God never changes and neither has His purpose for this blog. We are in a battle, Christians! And the Lord is our banner! In ancient times, a banner was not a flag, as we consider it today, but was often a pole with a bright, shining ornament or standard on it that the warriors could focus on. We are to be valiant warriors and put on the full armor of God and serve on the battlefront! The Enemy is bringing the battle to us, whether we want it or not! But under the Lord's banner, our victory is assured. And I must tell you, that apart from it, defeat will be a certainty.
     This may be a new position for some of you, if not most of you. But, you need to understand that we are all in a new position. We are not going back to our comfortable, safe lives. Is it scary to find yourself being moved into a new position? You bet it is!  But you have two choices. You can either retreat into the false cocoon of your safe system (whether it be your national identity, your church, your family, or the recesses of your mind) and fail to get on the battlefield; OR you can accept your place in God's army, under the protection of His banner, and get in the fight to defeat Satan's kingdom of darkness and re-establish God's Kingdom on earth. Do not be afraid! Focus on His banner and we will be victorious!

Psalm 20:5-6     We will sing joyously over your victory, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners. May the Lord fulfill all your petitions.  Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand.

July 9, 2020

Covid and the The Court In Heaven

     Have you considered that we have access to the Courts of Heaven, and can ask for a judgment against this Corona virus that has this nation in bondage to spirits of Fear and Constraint? Perhaps the first question I should ask is Did you know the Courts of Heaven even exist?  Perhaps I should address that first... I would venture to guess that a majority of modern Christians would answer "No" to that question.  Yet the Jews returning to Jerusalem from their Babylonian exile knew well the teachings of the prophet Zechariah, among which was this idea of a Heavenly Court.
     In Zechariah, Chapter 3, the prophet receives a vision from a guiding angel of the High Priest, Joshua, standing before God, and Satan stands to his right, as his accuser.  The High Priest Joshua represents disobedient and sinful Israel, who has been brought to the Court of Heaven to receive what Satan thinks will be justified punishment for their sins.  (Remember: He is known as the Accuser). But that isn't what happens!  God rebukes Satan and replaces Joshua's filthy rags with the clean white robes of forgiveness.
     Then it gets even more exciting!  God counsels Joshua, telling him that if he will be faithful and walk in the ways of the Lord, he will be given greater authority to govern God's house and have charge of His earthly courts; and most importantly, Joshua will have free access to the Court in Heaven and to God's presence.  I want you to read that last comment again ... Joshua was promised privileged access into the presence of God. This isn’t a surprising promise for a High Priest, but we have the same promise: Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16). And this pandemic of Covid-19 has certainly ushered in a time of great need in our country! So let's consider how we can enter into the presence of God to ask for rulership over it!
     So here is where we start ... when we examine Scripture, there are many references to legal terms in God's relationship with men: judgment, appeals, law, contract, evidence, witnesses, indictment, jurisdiction, debt and debtors, redemption, punishment, condemn, testimony, and verdict.  Starting to get the idea? And we must always keep in mind the admonition of our Lord: Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  The judicial system of the ancient Israelites, as well as our own court system, are modeled upon the Courts in Heaven.  Furthermore, the Courts are part of the judicial government of the Kingdom of Heaven, and guess what?  We have access to them as part of His Kingdom here on earth!
     And I want to address, for a moment, the etiquette of entering into our Father's Court. We are to be responsible about entering and maintaining the proper atmosphere of respect, order, authority, and awe. It is an honor to be received into the Father's Court and we should follow protocol. We should be prepared and ready to petition the Court and present our case. We should be dressed appropriately. We stand in respect when The Holy Judge enters the Courtroom. We sit in silence until given permission to speak. We ask for a verdict in our favor, and then we abide by what the Judge rules. So, by now, I hope you are seeing [in the spirit] as we prepare to enter the Court and ask for a judgment regarding this demonic virus.
     But before we can even think about asking for a verdict, we must take note of what the angel spoke to Joshua ... "Thus says the Lord of hosts: If you will walk in My ways and keep My charge, then you shall rule My house and have charge of My courts, and I will give you the right of access among those who are standing here." Based on that requirement, my spirit is grieved; this nation has certainly abandoned many of God's ways, and not kept His laws. And like ancient Israel, I'm sure Satan believes he has a justified argument for punishment with the Corona virus.
     Before we can even consider entering the Court of Heaven, we must repent for all the ungodly activities of this nation -- the abortion industry; sex trafficking; removing God from our schools and the public square; our greed and arrogance; and any area in which we have personally sinned.
     We must approach the Throne of God with reverence and request that we be added to the docket of the Court. We can then ask God to intervene as we seek to present our petition.  Satan believes he has a pretty good case against us; and based on the ungodly sins mentioned above, I can see why he feels justified in bringing the punishment of Corona virus against us. But I like the way the noted theologian Charles Spurgeon voices his interpretation of this scenario: "When Satan accuses, Christ pleads (our case). He does not wait till the case has gone against us and then express His regret, but He is always a very present help in time of trouble. He knows the heart of Satan, (being omniscient God), and long before Satan can accuse, He puts in the demurrer, the blessed plea on our behalf, and stays the action till He gives an answer which silences forever, [the Accuser's] every accusation." I find it interesting that the definition of the word demurrer is "[in Law], an objection that an opponent's point is irrelevant or invalid, while granting the factual basis of the point".  So, the result is that Satan [rightfully] accuses us of greed, abortion, child sex trade, abandoning God, etc. and Jesus never denies our sin, but instead acts as our Mediator. He receives our judgment and His sacrifice on our behalf makes the case against us invalid, and the case is thrown out of the Court of Heaven. We are innocent by the Blood of the Lamb!
     BUT, I also wonder if Jesus isn't waiting for us to stand up in our Power and Authority as Kingdom citizens and make use of our access to the Father's presence and present our own case! Do we want to be like Job? We know that Satan was allowed to appear before the Court of Heaven, and accuse Job before God, The Judge. But in the first 12 chapters, Job does nothing to defend himself!  He laments the attacks against him, but does nothing to defend himself --- until Chapter 13!  Finally, in this chapter he says, NOW I have prepared my case (verse 18).  So, do you think Job might have saved himself and his family a lot of harm and suffering if he had prepared his case earlier? Have we been humbled enough to repent for our national sins and suffered enough losses of our freedoms to now earnestly prepare our case before the Court? If I may, I would like to suggest the following prayer; that all the Body of Christ come together, following the protocols for appearing before our Judge, and join in presenting the following petition before the Court:

In the Name of Jesus, we ask our Savior to forgive this nation for all the ways we have been disobedient. We acknowledge our rebellion against You and ask to be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus and Your Living Water. We have sought righteousness in Your ways, and lament the actions of those who have offended You. We ask corporately, and individually, that our Savior show us any areas in which we have been ungodly so that we might repent of them before joining together to appear before Christ and entering the Holy Court of Heaven….

(IN THE SPIRIT)  Father, we come before Your throne today, in awe and reverence, asking for Your compassion and mercy, and we request that You convene a session of the Heavenly Court. 


Father, the Holy Spirit has shown us that the Adversary has been lying about this Corona Virus, and as the righteous Body of Christ, we ask that Jesus and the Holy Spirit intercede on our behalf before the Court.  As Isaiah 43:26 says, “Let us argue the matter together; state the case for [our] innocence.” So, as the Body of Christ and Kingdom citizens, we are here to state the case for our innocence; the reinstatement of our freedoms; and the release from this demonic virus called Corona. We ask for Your Light and Truth to come into this situation.

We come seeking Your intervention, God, as Judge, and ask that You hear our petition before the Court, and we request a verdict from this Heavenly Court.

Here is our petition: Father, we recognize that the Enemy is lying about Corona having such power over our bodies. We recognize the agreement of powerful men, who are in association with the Enemy to bind and control this nation. Father, we appear before You as righteous citizens of Your Kingdom on earth. And as members of the Ekklesia, we ask that You hear our argument against the deceitful lies and manipulation of the Enemy that would keep us in bondage to this virus. We appear before Your Court in our power and authority as Sons and Daughters of the King and ask for full restoration of all that has been stolen from us, including health, wealth, self-government, and freedom of choice.  

Father, we are asking the Heavenly Court to force the Adversary to reveal his lies about Corona; that it is a lowly virus, subject to the Authority of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. It will bow at the feet of Jesus Christ! It will not keep this nation and its righteous citizens from receiving their inheritance as children of God. We will receive Your Truth as we present the Gospel of the Kingdom – we will receive all that is due us, including Salvation and the Kingdom, so that we might go forth together as a family of God – equally yoked -- in righteous battle to defeat our Enemy.  We petition the Court to bring these lies about Corona under the blood of Jesus and to establish this nation under the rule and reign of Christ.

So, Father God, as You bring the Court into session, we see the books or scrolls being opened, and as the Ancient of Days, God, we know that You see all days and can render judgment to deliver this nation from the consequences of this demonic virus.

Father, on behalf of all people of this nation, we ask that You, as Judge, review the scrolls of every earthly citizen's “Book of Life”—including past generations -- and annul covenants with Plagues and Sickness and any spirits of Pestilence that have given access to demonic powers holding them captive. And we ask that You render a verdict in their favor. Just as in the case of the widow seeking justice from the unjust judge, Father, we ask that you defend this nation and set us free from this virus so that we might worship and praise You.

So, Father, as we rest our case for justice for this nation, we bow in reverence and seek Your face, acknowledging with honor and gratitude our faith in Your vindication, and asking blessings upon this nation, every man, woman, and child.  We thank You, Father, and we will abide by the decision of You and the Court.


NOTE:  I decided to share this prayer with you after receiving a request from a Brother in Christ to show him how to go to the Court for his wife and small son, who are struggling with the symptoms of the Corona virus. My spirit recognized that it is time for us ALL to go to the Court on behalf of this nation. The Enemy has been accusing us for too long. We must present our case, or watch our beloved nation continue to suffer his attacks. Please join me in going to the Court!

Job 13:1-3     "Behold, my eye has seen all this, my ear has heard and understood it. What you know, I also know; I am not inferior to you. But I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to argue my case with God."

July 6, 2020

Joseph and Jesus: Their Non-Canonical Connection and What Do We Do With That?

     I wanted to take a break from the chaos and events of the world for a day or so, and dive into the examination of Scripture. So, I hope you're willing to take this little journey with me. The first question you should be asking is, "Why would we consider anything non-canonical when it comes to Jesus?" Here is my answer, which may differ from yours, and that is okay. I believe that everything in the Bible is about Jesus. But I don't think that everything there is to know about Jesus is in the Bible. And I give you John 21:25 as evidence ... Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would [have to] be written. I'm not sure we could lift the immense and massive book our Bible would be if everything about Jesus was contained within its pages. Therefore, I surmise that we if we believe that God loves it when we search for His truth (Proverbs 25:2), then I am permitted to use the discernment I receive from the Holy Spirit to examine and consider if other texts align with our Holy Scripture. So, I simply ask for a few minutes of your time to consider some interesting aspects of Scripture that I have come across. 
     I am now on my third serious analysis of the Bible; this time from a Kingdom perspective. I am currently in the 37th Chapter of Genesis, which begins the saga of Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob, and the first-born of Rachel, Jacob's great love. The story of Joseph begins 3600 to 3700 years ago, in the land of Canaan, which is modern day Palestine, Syria, and Israel. We see in the Bible that Joseph was an arrogant and prideful 17-year-old when he has dreams that predict his preeminence over his older brothers, and even his father and mother. The result is that his brothers sell him into slavery, where he eventually ends up in Egypt. We are familiar with the tradition of his coat of many colors and the jealousy of his brothers that drives them to throw him into a pit, sell him, and report to their father that he has been killed by wild animals. This portion of Joseph's story is covered in a mere 36 verses in the Bible.
     But there is a non-canonical history book that sheds much more light on this segment of Joseph's life, and which has some interesting connections to words spoken by our Lord and recorded in the Bible. It is called the Book of Jasher. It is thought to have been written over 3500 years ago, and much of its writings were the basis for the Talmud and Mishna in the Jewish religion. There have been many forgeries throughout the centuries, and corrupt versions have tarnished its relevance. But many acknowledged first century historians and theologians quoted from it, and its mention in the Bible gives it credibility, in my opinion. Through careful analysis, I have chosen a book titled Ancient Book of Jasher by author Ken Johnson, a Doctor of Theology, who writes and lectures on a variety of issues related to Bible prophecy, ancient history, and the coming apostasy.
     And before anyone thinks that I am calling Jasher equal to the Bible, I assure you that I am not. I do not consider it to be inspired by God. But I do think it is a reliable history source for understanding more of what the Bible reveals to us. Couple that with the fact that the Bible, itself, references the Book of Jasher three times, and I believe God intends for us to pursue more revelation from it as long as it confirms Scripture. (NOTE: these references include Joshua 10:12-14; 2nd Samuel 1:17-18; and 2 Timothy 3:8, where the names of Jannes and Jambres are mentioned. These men were among the magicians who challenged Moses and Aaron in Pharaohs's court, and are referenced in Exodus 1:15 and 7:10-12. But they are not named. It is only in Jasher 79:27 that we find out who and why Timothy mentions them in the Bible).
     I will add one more testimony to my reasons for at least considering Jasher in my study of the Bible. The acclaimed Jewish historian Josephus, who was born shortly after Christ's crucifixion and was present during that first century when Christianity lit the world on fire, wrote this about the Book of Jasher (which was in wide use that first century)... by this book are to be understood certain records kept in some safe place on purpose, giving an account of what happened among the Hebrews from year to year, and called Jasher, or the Upright, on account of the fidelity of the annals".
     Finally, now I'm about to reveal what has fascinated me in regards to the story of Joseph and his connection to the recorded words of Jesus.... In Genesis 37:24, the Bible says, "And they (Joseph's brothers) took him and threw him into a pit. The pit was empty; there was not water in it". My spirit comprehends that this pit was a region of captivity for Joseph, and it was dry and without the Living Water of God. But Jasher reveals more to this simple sentence. Jasher 41:28 reads, "And they took him and cast him into a pit, and in the pit there was no water, but serpents and scorpions. And Joseph was afraid of the serpents and scorpions in the pit. And Joseph cried out with a loud voice, and the Lord hid the serpents and scorpions in the sides of the pit, and they did no harm unto Joseph.
    Immediately, my spirit highlights Luke 10:19, in which Jesus says to His disciples, Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. To me, this is evidence of God's sovereignty in a life. He is showing us that He has been preparing for the glory of Christ and His coming Kingdom throughout redemptive history. In Joseph's case, it is the Lord's authority that rules over the serpents and scorpions in the pit. But when Jesus is our Savior and we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we have been given His authority to rule against the power of the Enemy (serpents and scorpions) in our own personal pits and regions of captivity.
     Within that same passage, in Jasher 41:30-31, Joseph calls out to his brothers from the pit, "If I have sinned against you, are you not the sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? If they saw an orphan, they had compassion over him, or one that was thirsty, they gave him water to drink, or one that was naked, they covered him with garments? And how then will you uphold your pity from your brother, for I am of your flesh and blood, and if I have sinned unto you, surely you will do this on account of my father!" Sound familiar? In Matthew 25:31-40, Jesus has just finished speaking to His disciples about the Parable of the Talents, and pronounces what the Final Judgment will entail: When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
     Are you as amazed as I am that Jesus quotes the words of Joseph, who lived 1600-1700 years before Him? And this account was recorded in a Book written 1500 years before His crucifixion? In Matthew, Jesus is identifying the actions of a righteous man -- who is blessed by His Father -- with the same actions Joseph credits to those who are authentic sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! Jesus states that those who are righteous and feed the hungry, give water to those who are thirsty (for the Living Water), welcome the stranger, and clothe the naked will inherit the Kingdom. Again, the Book of Jasher provides us with more historical information than the Book of Genesis, but it is all in the character and sovereignty of the Lord to deliver His Kingdom to those He has chosen since the foundation of the world.
     Joseph was chosen to provide and protect the nation of Israel during the 7-year famine. He went from being a prisoner in a region of captivity (Egypt; representative of Sin) to becoming a Prince within that kingdom he was sold into. Jesus delivers us from our own prisons of sin in the kingdom of darkness into our inheritance as Princes and Princesses in His Kingdom on earth. Joseph received the blessings and benefits of God's authority in the midst of his fear in the pit. As sons and daughters of the King, Jesus bestows our own authority [upon us] to battle the Enemy, where we experience no fear because we know who and whose we are.
     The Book of Jasher is not inspired. But its references in the Bible do not preclude me (or you) from gleaning deeper revelation of the magnificence of God's glory and His profound involvement in the history of the world. I am overwhelmed when I find these jewels that support Scripture and help broaden my vision of how big our God is. Does this make the Bible less relevant or somehow devalue Holy Scripture? Absolutely not! I simply believe my Father is pleased when I glorify Him by searching for more of Him. Proverbs 25:2 makes that perfectly clear ... It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. Whether you read the Book of Jasher or not is certainly your choice. Listen to your spirit; seek the Holy Spirit's guidance, and honor His counsel. Pray that the Father will reveal His desire in the matter. And then be blessed by what you hear. And I thank you for allowing me to share a little bit of my journey in seeing how God is revealing the Kingdom throughout the entire Bible. I'm only on Genesis 37 in my third pilgrimage through Scripture. I can't wait to share more of what I discover!

Isaiah 30:21     And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.


July 3, 2020

Kingdom Ambassadors and Ministers of Reconciliation

     In yesterday's post I made the statement that I believe God will draw forth a Remnant in these days as individuals respond to the move of the Holy Spirit in their lives -- even in the midst of the chaos. Furthermore, people will be drawn to their message and souls will be won for the Kingdom. And I also asked the question, "So where can we go?" and answered it -- anywhere the Lord sends us. So, today, I want to share the testimony of Dr. Charles Karuku and his wife, Pastor Lindsey Karuku. They personify the Remnant and its willingness to obey the voice of God.  Here is their testimony:
     As Dr. Karuku was ending a 40-day fast in late May, he heard the Lord tell him that on the day of Pentecost, He would do a great thing. His wife, Pastor Lindsey, woke up that same morning of May 30th and confirmed that she had received the same message. The day their fast ended is when the riots broke out in Minneapolis over the death of George Floyd. They knew that the next day was the Day of Pentecost, and they needed to be on that ground where George Floyd died, and they needed to go and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ, bringing a message of unity. They were to start a movement of unity amidst the racial division that was so prevalent.
     When they arrived and walked the area, praying over it, buildings were still burning; there was smoke everywhere; the National Guard had been called up; and businesses were boarded up and shut down. The protests and riots were in full swing.
     But NOW, the spot where Mr. Floyd died is a memorial in his honor and has been declared sacred and holy ground; a place of true reconciliation between people of all different colors. It is a place where praise and worship exist; baptisms and healings abound; and peace is in the atmosphere. A military veteran, who had been deaf for 15 years, had his deaf ear opened instantly by God. People are being delivered, baptized in water, receiving salvation, and giving their hearts to Christ.
     Dr. Charles Karuku says the Body of Christ is coming together for the Kingdom of God; crying on each others' shoulders and bringing interracial healing and reconciliation. Over 50 ministries and churches have set aside their denominational and doctrinal differences to come together to bring the Light of Jesus Christ into the city of Minneapolis; and they so desperately need it.
     Pastor Lindsey Karuku added that it is not just churches; it is individuals who are stepping up as Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God and riding the waves of the people who have been praying and sowing seeds into this area for generations. The goal and the significance of this movement is to see racial reconciliation in this generation. Praise God that it would be so! What an amazing testimony and an illustration of what the Ekklesia should look like! I bless these two Ambassadors and pray that this movement of individuals responding to the voice of the Lord sweeps this land.
     If we hope to achieve their goal in this generation, the Body of Christ must become Kingdom Ambassadors and Ministers of Reconciliation. But can we as a society, agree on what that reconciliation should look like? Webster's Dictionary defines reconciliation as "the restoration of friendly relations; the action of making one view or belief compatible with another". Simple enough to understand, but I doubt that is going to appease the generations of prejudice, discrimination, and antagonism that exist between the races. Secular society would probably define reconciliation as the urgent need for social justice.
     But how does God define reconciliation? I would tell you that it involves more than forgiveness between the races. It takes two people to reconcile; only one to forgive. In the Old Testament, reconciliation was the covering over of sin with rituals of sacrifice, called atonement. In the New Testament, reconciliation is the restoration to the Divine favor of God when sinners repent and put their trust in the substitutionary death of Christ. Man changes -- is purged of sin -- and reconciliation removes God's displeasure towards us and our alienation from God. It purges our hostility towards each other, and it changes our enmity towards our fellow man to friendship.
     Social justice alone won't achieve the goal of racial reconciliation. We must recognize our need to be reconciled back to God before we can be reconciled to each other. So how do we get there? By doing exactly what the Karukus did ... they fasted and prayed and were obedient to do what they heard the Lord tell them. I can assure you that God is waiting for people with hearts willing to be His Ambassadors and Ministers of Reconciliation. He is looking for Believers with the compassionate and merciful heart of the Good Samaritan who tended to the wounds of the Jewish man he found robbed and beaten on the road. Although the Samaritans and the Jews despised each other, the Samaritan was deeply moved by the Jew's afflictions and cared tenderly for him, paying for him to stay at the inn and recuperate while he resumed his journey. He rose to a higher level of compassion and mercy rather than the dictates of social justice that demand equality.
     We, too, must appeal to the higher power of God who is longing to whisper to us in the middle of the night and tell us His plans for reconciliation between the human beings that He has created. This testimony coming from Minneapolis is evidence that God is in the midst of the chaos that Satan is instigating. It is evidence that He is moving among His Remnant. And it is evidence that we Christians can truly have an impact on the lost and the hurting. You won't hear this reported in the mainstream media, but I can guarantee the angels in Heaven are shouting with joy and praising the Name of the Lord! And I thank our Father in Heaven for this ray of Light in all the darkness. Hope is rising from the smoke and ashes of Minneapolis. May we reconcile with each other as we continue to be witnesses of the Kingdom and our reconciliation with God Almighty. Hallelujah!

2 Corinthians 5:19    That is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.